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Unit 1
1) Burn the midnight oil
熬夜读书,开夜车T o study or work until late at night.
2) Hit the books
用功读书,与熬夜无关T o study, especially with particular intensity
3) Do back-breaking work
劳累至极腰酸背痛的工作T o do some physically difficult work and makes you very tired.
4) Work like a dog
拼命工作T o work very hard.
5) Fall down on the job
敷衍了事,没做好工作Be incapable for a work.
6) Work one’s fingers to the bone
非常努力的工作T o work very hard.
Unit 2
1) Be a breeze
像一缕清风一样很容易做 A thing that is easy to do.
2) Have a green thumb
擅长园艺T o be good at gardening.
3) Be easy as pie
小菜一碟,小事一桩T o be very easy.
4) Have a golden touch
点石成金,无所不能It means that you can do anything that you want to do.
5) Have two left feet
笨手笨脚T o be very awk ward in your movements, especially when you are dancing or playing a sport.
6) Have a nose for something
善于发现某物,有洞察力T o be perspective and good at discovering.
Unit 3
1) Down to earth
脚踏实地,实事求是T o do something with no illusions or pretensions, sensible and practical. 2) Think one is god’s gift to mankind
自以为了不起,自负T o think oneself is really something in some areas; conceited.
3) Show off
炫耀T o show one’s ability with pride to anyone.
4) Put someone in someone’s place
安分守己T o make someone do his own duty and abide by the law.
5) Put on airs
摆架子,摆谱It means someone is conceited in order to show his identity.
6) Blow one’s own horn
自吹自擂,自我吹嘘T o brag about oneself.
Unit 4
言归于好,和解,摒弃前嫌T o stop being unfriendly and become friends again.
2) Button one’s lips
一言不发,守口如瓶T o refuse to talk and be silenced.
3) Flow with the tide
跟风,紧随潮流T o keep following someone or the trend.
4) Hold one’s tongue
保持沉默,不开口T o say nothing about something and stay silent.
5) Let sleeping dogs lie
别无事生非,招惹麻烦To avoid mentioning a subject or something that happened in the past, in order to avoid any problems or arguments.
6) Mind one’s own business
少管闲事,管好自己To concern oneself only with what is of interest to oneself and not interfere in the affairs of others.
7) Rock the boat
捣乱T o do something that upsets a situation and causes problems.
8) See eye to eye
看法完全一致,完全同意T o share the same views as somebody about something.
Unit 5
1) Face up to something
勇敢的面对T o accept and deal with something that is difficult or unpleasant.
2) Point one’s finger at someone
指责某人T o accuse somebody .
3) Leave someone high and dry
使某人很无助To leave someone unsupported and unable to maneuver; to leave someone helpless.
4) Shoulder the responsibility
能够承担责任T o take responsibility.
5) Pass the buck
推卸责任T o shirk the responsibility.
6) Worm out of something
推卸摆脱某事T o get rid of something
Unit 6
1) All or nothing
孤注一掷的,没有商量余地 A situation which will end either in complete success or complete failure
Having no middle position or compromise available
2) Meet someone halfway
向某人妥协T o compromise to somebody
3) Give-and-take
妥协,互让,互相迁就T o have an exchange of views on some topic in order to make mutual concessions 4) Middle-of-the-road
折中的办法,折中之计 A compromising solution that can be accepted by most people
5) Stick to one’s guns
固执己见T o maintain one’s position or viewpoint when faced with opposition
6) Find middle ground
寻求找到一个中间立场 A set of opinions and deci s ions that t w o or more groups w ho oppose each other can agree on
1) Go through with
经历困难而完成,把事情坚持到底To do something even though it may be very unpleasant or difficult for you
2) Hang in there
坚持,不气馁,不畏困难T o maintain a course of action despite negati v e outlook; to persist; to subsi s t while keeping high spirits 3) Give up
放弃T o stop trying to do something
4) Stick with
坚持做某事T o continue or persist; to stick to
5) Sweat out
努力的忍耐以达到某个目的T o work very hard to achieve something
Unit 8
1) Be a copycat
模仿别人T o imitate or copy others
2) Cut the apron strings
摆脱依赖,独立生活T o be or become impossible to manage or to control
3) Be a yes-man
唯唯诺诺的人To be a person who always agrees with people in authority in order to gain their approval.
4) Have a mind of one’s own
自有主见,能够独立思考T o have one’s own idea and think independently
5) Be on one’s own
独立自主,不依靠他人T o be independent
6) Lead someone by the nose
牵着别人的鼻子走,完全控制别人To have a full control of somebody
7) Stand on one’s own two feet
独立自主,自力更生T o be independent
Unit 9
1) Be as cool as a cucumber
T o be very calm and controlled, especially in a difficult situation
2) Go to pieces
崩溃,心碎 A person who is so upset or afraid that you cannot manage to live or work normally 3) Be as tough as nails
2、坚定不移Very strong and able to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations
Not feeling or showing any emotion
4) Hold one’s head up
高傲,昂头,扬眉吐气. T o be proud of or not feel ashamed about something that you have done
5) Keep one’s chin up
不灰心,不气馁,不屈服To tell somebody to try to stay cheerful even though they are in a difficult or unpleasant situation 6) Fall apart
崩溃瓦解破碎T o be in very bad condition so that parts are breaking off.
7) Pull oneself together
振作起来T o become mentally focused after a period of being unfocused
1) Be hot-headed
急躁,容易发怒的T o be a person who often acts too quickly, without thinking of what might happen.
2) Blow up
爆炸,大怒,大发脾气T o get angry with somebody
3) Count to ten
控制情绪使自己冷静T o keep one’s emotions under control
4) Grit one’s teeth
咬牙切齿T o clench one's teeth together tightly because of pain or anger or frustration 5) Reach the boiling point
受够了,达到忍耐的极限后大怒The point at which anger or excitement breaks out into violent expression.
6) Hold one’s temper
捺住性子T o control one’s tempt
Unit 11
1) Be cool toward someone
对某人漠视无情T o leave somebody in the cold
2) Icy stare
3) Give someone the cold shoulder
对人冷漠,冷待某人T o treat somebody in an unfriendly way
4) Turn one’s back on someone
不愿意帮助某人,不提供帮助给某人Be unwilling to help somebody
5) Turn one’s nose up at someone
拒绝某人T o refuse somebody or someone’s suggestions
6) Welcome someone with open arms
非常欢迎某人T o welcome someone warmly and happily
Unit 12
1) Be a loner
字面意识为成为孤家寡人,寓意为不合作T o prefer to be alone rather than with a group of people
2) Brainstorm
集体研讨,集思广益A spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of solving problems 3) Join forces
联合力量T o work together in order to achieve a shared aim
4) Pool one’s resources
集资,集合资源T o collect
5) Go it alone
独立的,单边的,不听别人意见T o do something without help from anyone
6) Put heads together
一起讨论问题T o think about or discuss something as a group
7) Lend a hand
帮忙,助一臂之力T o help somebody
8) T wo heads are better than one。