Cloning and characterization of a novel barley gene,HvORG4,induced by Fusarium graminearum infec

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张立平,苏 青,刘建平,单福华,赵昌平
(北京市农林科学院北京杂交小麦工程技术研究中心,北京 100097)
摘 要:通过对冬小麦花培1代至花培5代的品质测试,研究了花培品质育种的品质测试的世代程序和有效性.结果表明,品质性状在花培早代已趋于稳定,高分子量谷蛋白亚基组成从H 1起就稳定遗传,115对H 1与H 2材料和62对H 2与H 3材料的籽粒蛋白质含量、硬度和沉降值具有高度相关性,且籽粒蛋白质含量和SDS 沉降值H 2与H 3世代间差异不显著.对中选的京单00-594的H 4和H 5世代进一步品质测定结果表明,通过花培早代选出的优质材料是可靠的,其优质性状能稳定遗传.提出了花培品质育种各世代品质测试的程序,证明了花药培养结合早代品质测试,是一条快速、有效的小麦品质育种途径.
Clon ing an d character izat ion of a novel bar ley
gene ,HvO R G 4,in duced by Fus a ri um
gra minea r um inf ect ion
MENG Xiang 2bing 1,WANG Fu 2xin 1,YANG Dian 2er 1,L I U H ong 2yu 1,
L U Wei 2zhong 2,Y U Da 2zha o 3,Theo V an 2Der Lee 4,WANG Bin 13
(11Institute of G enetics and Develo pmental Biology ,Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Beijing 100101;21Institute of G enetics and Phys iology ,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences ,Nan jing ,210014;31Instit ute for Plant Protection and Soil Sciences ,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences ,Wuhan ,430064;41Pla nt Research International B 1V 1,Wageningen ,The Net herlands)
Abstract :Barley Fusari um head blight (FHB ),caused by species of t he Fus ari u m fungus ,is a devast at ing di sease t hat is reemergi ng worldwide in recent years 1In t his study ,a novel gene ,HvO R G 4,was cloned from barley by usi ng cDNA library and suppression subt ract ive hybridization (SSH )library st rat egies 1The SSH library and cDNA li brary were const ruct ed from t he Chinese barley cultivar Jing02-461(resi st ance to FHB )i nfected by Fusari um graminearum isolate Huanggang -11For t he SSH anal ysis ,more than 120differentially expressed cDNAs were i dentified and sequenced 1One of t hem showed high homology to t he AtOR G 4gene and was used as a probe to screen t he cDNA library of Jing02-4611Si x posi tive clones were identified and one of t hem cont ained a full -lengt h cDNA ,which was named HvOR G 41Sequence analysis showed t hat HvO RG4encoded a deduced basic prot ein of 197amino acids 1Nort hern blot ting analysi s showed t hat HvO R G 4was constit uti vely expressed i n root and st alk ,not in leaf or spike ,and st rongl y induced i n barley spikelet s in response f F 11I y x f O RG f f ,y y f f F B y 1212湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)2007年8月
to in ection wit h gra minearu m isolate Huanggang -1t s homolog and e pression pro ile suggest t hat the Hv 4might unction as a t ranscription actor pla i ng an import ant role in signal t ransduct ion pat hwa or de ense against H in barle。
