Cognitive LinguisticsPPT课件

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• Construal is the ability to conceive and portray the same situation in alternate ways through specificity, different mental scanning, directionality, vantage point, fCigounrset-rguarol Ounpderasteigonresgaaretioconn, ceetpct.ualizing processes used it language process by human beings. That is, they are the underlying psychological processes and resources employed in the interpretation of linguistic expressions.
• Human categories appear to be fuzzy with some members of the category appearing to be more central (i.e. more prototypical) and others more peripheral (i.e. less prototypical). There is a degree of centrality.
It is an approach to language that is based on our experience of the world and the way we perceive and conceptualize it.
Construal & Construal Operations
• It is a process of abstraction and perception, by which distinct entities are
Or we can say Categorization brings structure to the “ gvargouuep,esdhatpoegleetshs emr aasns”dotfrethatoeudghatsand sound.
1) CL subsumes or includes a variety of concerns.
CL is NOT a single theory. It is a collection of approaches to the study of language which includes a number of specific concerns and theories.
• The study of language is not simply a matter of what people say; instead, it is
2) Language reflects the human mind
• Figure-ground distinction
• The cat is on the chair.
图形—背景 (by Langacker)
Langacker 根据感知突显的程度对图形 和背景做了如下的论述:“从印象来看,一个情 境中的图形是一个次结构,它在感知上比其余部 分(背景)要‘显著’些,并且作为一个中心实 体具有特殊的突显,情景围绕它组织起来,并为 它提供一个环境”
How to select figure and ground?
Image Schema (意象图式)
• An image-schema is a “skeletal” mental representation of a recurrent pattern of embodied (especially spatial or kinesthetic) experience.
Examples of IS: PATH
Examples of IS: FORCE
Containment Schema
• Bodily experience: human bodies as containers.
• Structural elements: interior, boundar y, exterior
2) The approaches have a common basic outlook: an integral facet of human cognition.
Language is a matter of the mind. It is a cognitive activity and it’s related to or integrated with other cognitive facilities that we have: thinking, reasoning, perception and so on.
Language and cognition
1) Language is a cognitive phenomenon. 2) Language reflects the human mind 3) Language is a matter of
conceptualization 4) Meaning arises from embodied
2. Superordinate level 上位范畴
3. Subordinate level 下属范畴
• Categorization is a cognitive phenomenon which is reflected in language.
• Categorization is one of the most fundamental and pervasive cognitive activities.
Three types of Construal Operations
• 1. Attention/Salience It has to do with our direction of attention towards something that is salient to us.
The face/vase illusion
• They are highly schematic representations of perceptually grounded experience
• They emerge from our embodied interactions with the world.
• The figure is a moving or conceptually movable object whose site, path, or orientation is conceived as a variable the particular value of which is the salient issue.
3) Language is a matter of conceptualization
4) Meaning arises from embodied experience
•The cat jumped over the wall.
5) Language conveys meanings which are structured by conceptualization. Linguistic expressions (symbols) are merely prompts.
Not very common Figure/ground reversal
How to select figure and ground?
The common situation Figure/ground segregation
The principle of prägnanz
• The procesCs aotfecglaosrsiizfyaitnigono范ur畴ex化periences into
different categories based commonalities and differences.
• Three levels:
1. Basic level
• The ship is coming into view. • She’s deep in thought. • We stood in silence.
• A figure of speech which involves an implied comparison between two relatively unlike things using a form of be. The comparison is not announced by like or as.
• The chair is under the cat.
• The cat draws your attention (cognitive phenomenon) and hence it is put at the subject position in the sentence (linguistic phenomenon).
The road was a ribbon wrapped through the dessert.
• From the traditional point of view, metaphor is a rhetorical tool characterized by the schematic form A is B. It is an implicit comparison of two entities.
通常是具有完形特征的物体(不可分 割的整体)、小的物体、容易移动或
运动的物体作为 图形
• How would you define DOG?
• Categorization is not criterial (i.e. not an “all-or-nothing” affair).
Figure? ground?
Figure? ground?
form structured front
formless unstructured behind
not proniment
Figure/ground (by Talmy)
• There are many more thoughts than language. • Thoughts are infinite whereas language is finite (i.e.
merely prompts of what we CAN think of)
What is Cognitive Linguistics?
experience. 5) Language conveys meanings which
1) Language is a mental phenomenon
• Language exists in the minds of its speakers, it reflects what the speakers know about the world.
• The ground is a reference object (itself having a stationary setting within a reference frame) with respect to which the figure's site, path, or orientation