



目录第1章概要 (1)1.1功能概要说明 (1)1.1.1AM100变频器型号及规范 (2)1.1.2控制方式 (4)1.1.3功能 (4)1.2 各部件名称 (7)1.2.1AM100变频器的各部件名称 (7)1.2.2键盘的各部分名称 (8)第2章使用方法 (9)2.1产品确认 (9)2.2 外形尺寸和安装尺寸 (10)2.3 安装场所要求和管理 (11)2.3.1安装现场 (11)2.3.2环境温度 (12)2.3.3防范措施 (12)2.4 安装方向和空间 (12)2.5 键盘和端子的安装及拆卸 (12)第3章接线 (14)3.1 外围设备的连接 (16)3.2 连接图 (17)13.2.1AM100变频器连接图 (17)3.3 端子排组成 (18)3.4 主回路端子接线 (19)3.4.1主回路电缆尺寸和压线端子 (19)3.4.2主回路端子功能 (19)3.4.3主回路接线方法 (20)3.5 控制回路端子接线 (26)3.5.1控制回路电缆尺寸和压线端子 (26)3.5.2控制回路端子功能 (26)3.5.3控制回路接线 (28)3.5.4控制回路接线注意事项 (29)3.6 接线检查 (29)第4章键盘操作 (30)4.1 键盘功能 (30)4.2 键盘操作方式 (32)4.2.1参数设定方式 (33)第5章功能代码参数说明 (35)5.1 功能参数简表 (35)5.2 功能参数详细介绍 (48)5.2.1F0组基本功能组 (48)5.2.2F1组输入端子组 (53)25.2.3F2组输出端子组 (59)5.2.4F3组启停控制组 (60)5.2.5F4组电机参数组 (63)5.2.6F5组V/F控制参数 (65)5.2.7F6组矢量控制参数 (67)5.2.8F7组人机界面组 (68)5.2.9F8组辅助功能组 (71)5.2.10F9组PID控制组 (75)5.2.11FA组多段速控制组 (78)5.2.12Fb组保护参数组 (79)5.2.13FC组串行通讯组 (81)5.2.14Fd组补充功能组 (83)5.2.15FE组厂家功能组 (85)第6章试运行 (86)6.1 试运行的顺序 (87)6.2 试运行的操作 (87)6.2.1闭合电源 (87)6.2.2通电状态确认 (88)6.2.3空载运行 (88)6.2.4负载运行 (89)第7章故障对策 (90)7.1故障内容 (90)7.2故障分析 (92)7.2.1参数不能设定 (92)37.2.2电机旋转异常 (92)7.2.3电机加速时间太长 (93)7.2.4电机减速时间太长 (93)7.2.5变频器过热 (94)7.2.6电磁干扰和射频干扰 (94)7.2.7漏电断路器动作 (94)7.2.8机械振动 (95)第8章保养和维护 (96)8.1保养和维护 (97)8.1.1日常维护 (97)8.1.2定期维护 (97)8.1.3定期保养 (98)8.1.4变频器的保修 (98)第9章选配件 (99)9.1制动部件 (99)9.1.1制动单元 (99)9.1.2制动电阻型号 (99)9.1.3制动电阻选用(表9-1仅供参考) (99)9.1.4制动电阻连接 (100)9.2键盘及延长电缆 (101)9.2.1键盘 (101)9.2.2延长电缆 (101)9.3通讯协议及监控软件 (101)49.3.1通讯协议及监控软件 (101)5第1章概要本章概要地介绍了AM100变频器的功能及各部件名称。



3.1 机床行程范围
3.2 工作台参数
3.3 移动速度
3.4 主轴参数
3.5 刀库参数
3.6 各部位电机功率
3.7 机床总体参数
3.8 其它工作参数
4.1 床身
4.2 立柱
4.3 滑板
4.4 工作台
4.5 刀库
5.3 冷却及排屑系统
5.4 润滑要求
5.5 主轴测头及刀具测头系统
5.6 数控转台
5.7 闭环控制系统
5 12
5.8 主轴中心出水系统
5 13
6.1 起重和运输
6.2 整机安装
SK/T73-02/01 BV75,BV85,BV100 使用说明书(机械部分)-2004.2 1 1
SK/T73-02/01 BV75,BV85,BV100 使用说明书(机械部分)-2004.2 1 2
1.2.8 通电时应顺序接通车间电源开关、机床主电路空气开关、控制台上的机床启动开关。 1.2.9 机床电气柜、变压器柜、键盘锁上的钥匙必须单机专用,不准代用,不准多台机床之间混用,以免 对锁造成损伤,影响使用。
1.1 安全总则
1.2 开机前的安全
1.3 启动时的安全检查


Ordering Examples: FTB-101, 1⁄2 NPT turbine meter with standard NIST calibration for 1 cSt viscosity.
FTB-106, 1 NPT turbine meter with NIST calibration for 5 cSt viscosity liquid. † Complete systems with signal conditioner available, consult sales.
62 (2.45)
6.62 to 61 (1.75 to 16)
70 (2.75)
9.5 to 110 (2.5 to 29)
83 (3.25)
15 to 227 (4 to 60)
Complete The System
SIGNAL CONDITIONERS 4 to 20 mA, amplified pulse, or 0 to 5 Vdc.
CONTROL DPF60 Pulse output and voltage or current output.
ߜ Ball Bearing Design for Economy
ߜ Non-Metallic Bearing Retainers for Long Life
ߜ Replacement Bearings Field Installable Without Loss of Calibration

人民电器 煤矿用阻燃橡套电缆 产品说明书

人民电器 煤矿用阻燃橡套电缆 产品说明书

电力电缆113煤矿用阻燃橡套电缆工作条件1、额定电压Uo/U 分别为0.38/0.66kV 、0.66/1.14kV 和1.9/3.3kV 。



额定电压1.9/3.3kV 及以下采煤机软电缆电缆型号、名称、用途 型 号 名 称 用 途 MC -0.38/0.66MCP -0.38/0.66MCP -0.66/1.14MCP -1.9/3.3采煤机橡套软电缆采煤机屏蔽橡套软电缆采煤机屏蔽橡套软电缆采煤机屏蔽橡套软电缆额定电压为0.38/0.66kV 采煤机及类似设备的电源连接额定电压为0.38/0.66kV 采煤机及类似设备的电源连接额定电压为0.66/1.14kV 采煤机及类似设备的电源连接额定电压为1.39/3.3kV 采煤机及类似设备的电源连接MC -0.38/0.66 2芯数×导体标称截面 mm 标称厚度mm 电缆外径mm 地线芯动力线芯绝缘护套MC -0.66/1.14MCP -0.66/1.14动力线芯3×163×253×353×501×41×61×61×芯数×导体标称截面 mm 电缆外径mm 标称厚度mm 动力线芯地线芯(A )动力线芯绝缘3×353×503×703×952.×16/33×25/33×25/地线芯(B )护套(A 型)护套(B 型)A 型B 型47.8-51.053.5-58.958.9-63.064.9-71.41×61×101×161×25114煤矿用阻燃橡套电缆MCP-1.9/3.32芯数×导体标称截面 mm 电缆外径mm 标称厚度mm 动力线芯地线芯(A )动力线芯绝缘地线芯(B )护套(A 型)护套(B 型)A 型B 型3×353×503×703×956.×16/33×25/33×25/×16/31×161×251×351×502.工作条件1、额定电压Uo/U 分别为0.66/1.14kV 。




目录一.概述----------------------------------------------------------------------------3二.工作原理----------------------------------------------------------------------3三.主要技术指标---------------------------------------------------------------- 4四.面板表示----------------------------------------------------------------------51.面板图----------------------------------------------------------------------- 52.面板说明-------------------------------------------------------------------- 6⑴.显示器--------------------------------------------------------------6⑵.L E D指示灯------------------------------------------------------- 6⑶.按键操作----------------------------------------------------------- 6五.安装使用-----------------------------------------------------------------------7 1.外形安装尺寸------------------------------------------------------------7 2.接线端子图---------------------------------------------------------------8 3.接线端子说明------------------------------------------------------------8六.操作使用步骤-----------------------------------------------------------------------9 1.使用准备------------------------------------------------------------------9 2.操作流程------------------------------------------------------------------10⑴.上电操作流程---------------------------------------------------- 10⑵.正常操作流程---------------------------------------------------- 10⑶.参数显示流程--------------------------------------------------- 12 3.应用指导----------------------------------------------------------------- 13七.仪表保管与维修------------------------------------------------------------ 14八.订货说明--------------------------------------------------------------------- 14一.概述XTMA/C/D/F-100系列智能数字显示调节仪是采用新一代专用电路组成的多功能智能化仪表。



5.1.2 防爆电机 EExe 热过载保护(tE 时间保护) ..............................................................................33 5.1.3 断相保护 ....................................................................................................................................34 5.1.4 三相电流不平衡保护 ..................................................................................................................35 5.1.5 堵转保护 ....................................................................................................................................35 5.1.6 起动时间过长保护......................................................................................................................36 5.1.7 零序过流保护 .............................................................................................................................37 5.1.8 自动重起动.................................................................................................................................37 5.1.9 欠电流保护.................................................................................................................................38 5.1.10 低电压保护.................................................................................................................................39 5.1.11 过压保护 ....................................................................................................................................39 5.1.12 漏电保护 ....................................................................................................................................40 5.1.13 工艺联锁分闸 .............................................................................................................................41 5.1.14 工艺联锁合闸 .............................................................................................................................41 5.1.15 速断保护 ....................................................................................................................................42 5.1.16 溢出分断 ....................................................................................................................................42



Form No. ANN Page 1 of 1BIF Doc #202312-17-98SB98107Rev. ACatalog Symbol:ANN Very Fast-ActingAmpere Rating: 10 to 800 Amperes Voltage Rating: 125 Volts AC (or less)80 Volts DC (or less)Interrupting Rating:2,500 Amperes AC,2,700 Amperes DCAgency Approvals: U.L. Recognized, 35-400 Amps Guide JFHR2, File E56412The only controlled copy of this BIF document is the electronic read-only version located on the Bussmann Network Drive. All other copies of this document are by definition uncontrolled. This bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Bussmann reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Bussmann also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information con-tained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.Dimensional Data10,000101001,000CURRENT IN AMPERES100101.1.01T I M E I N S E C O N D SAMPERE RATING35506080100125150200300400500250600800Electrical Ratings (Catalog Symbol and Amperes)125 Volts AC, IR 2500A @ 125V ANN-10ANN-90ANN-225ANN-400 ANN-35ANN-100ANN-250ANN-500 ANN-40ANN-125ANN-275ANN-600 ANN-50ANN-150ANN-300ANN-700ANN-60ANN-175ANN-325ANN-800ANN-80ANN-200ANN-350—Time-Current Characteristic Curves–Average MeltGeneral Information:•Very fast-acting (high speed of responses to short-circuit currents).•An open link element is visible through a mica window.•Stud mounts in Buss fuseblock 4164.Fuse Block No. 4164。


7.1 F0 组基本功能组......................................................................................................................................... 67 7.2 F1 组启停控制............................................................................................................................................. 72 7.3 F2 组 V/F 控制参数..................................................................................................................................... 74 7.4 F3 组矢量控制参数..................................................................................................................................... 77 7.5 F4 组电机参数............................................................................................................................................. 79 7.6 F5 组输入端子............................................................................................................................................. 80 7.7 F6 组输出端子............................................................................................................................................. 85 7.8 F7 组辅助功能及人机界面功能 ................................................................................................................. 86 7.9 F8 组通信功能............................................................................................................................................. 95 7.10 F9 组故障与保护....................................................................................................................................... 96 7.11 FA 组(保留) .......................................................................................................................................... 98 7.12 FB 组(保留).......................................................................................................................................... 98 7.13 FC 组多段速功能及简易 PLC 功能 ......................................................................................................... 99 7.14 FD 组转矩控制........................................................................................................................................ 103 7.15 FE 组增强组 ............................................................................................................................................ 106 7.16 FF 组厂家参数组 .................................................................................................................................... 107 7.17 L5 辅助控制参数组................................................................................................................................. 107



BDM100系列使用操作指南书写者:安朝日版权归本人所有目录1. 产品型号-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------第1页2. 产品型号说明------------------------------------------------------------------------------------第1页3. 电流互感器选型---------------------------------------------------------------------------------第1页4. 产品功能对照表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------第2页5. 产品建议开孔尺寸------------------------------------------------------------------------------第2页6. 产品功能详细说明及参考定值设定---------------------------------------------------------第3页6.1起动时间过长保护------------------------------------------------第3页6.2断相保护--------------------------------------------------------第3页6.3堵转保护--------------------------------------------------------第3页6.4防爆电机EExe热过载保护(t E时间保护)---------------------------第4页6.5 零序过流保护----------------------------------------------------------------------------第4页6.6 三相电流不平衡保护---------------------------------------------------------------------第5页6.7 热过载-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------第5页6.8自动重起动----------------------------------------------------------------------------------第6页6.9 欠电流保护---------------------------------------------------------------------------------第7页6.10工艺联锁跳闸-----------------------------------------------------------------------------第8页6.11工艺联锁合闸-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --第8页6.12低电压保护--------------------------------------------------------------------------------第8页6.13过电压保护--------------------------------------------------------------------------------第9页6.14欠电流保护--------------------------------------------------------------------------------第9页7.电流输入方式---------------------------------------------------------------------------------第10页8. 外置互感器尺寸----------------------------------------------------------------------------第11页9. 使用操作-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------第12页10. 装置接线端子示意图及其端子定义描述-------------------------------第14页11. LED数码管显示故障代码以及定值代码--------------------------------第22页12. 现场故障案例分析与解决-------------------------------------------第24页13. 4-20mA说明文件---------------------------------------------------第28页14.BDM100-M+工艺连锁分合闸调试方法-----------------------------------第28页15.自动重起动说明----------------------------------------------------第28页1.产品型号BDM100系列共分为:BDM100-B、BDM100-S、BDM100-C、BDM100-C+、BDM100-M、BDM100-M+、BDM100-L共计7种型号。

Vapamore MR-100 Primo 蒸汽清洁器说明书

Vapamore MR-100 Primo 蒸汽清洁器说明书

SAFETY INFORMATIONSteam cleaner must be level and on the floor during use.listed on the cord.GO TO TO SEE THE MR-100 PRIMO INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO Do not over extend retractable cord past stopping point.around water.Do not leave the steam cleaner on and unattended. Alwaysswitch the steam cleaner off and remove plug from walloutlet when unattended. use only with a grounded outlet.Vapamore in order to prevent a fire hazard. Only use distilled water. Using hard water will void thewarranty and cause failure.Never use additives such as perfumes, stain removers, or other chemicals in the water tank as they will void thewarranty, cause permanent damage, and be dangerous.Make sure the water tank cap is fully tight and secure before use.(See cleaning and storage).Do not over pull or drag steam cleaner using thesteam gun and hose.10.5lbsETECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPARTS LISTThe detail adaptor is required when using all accessories. Attach by aligning the arrow on the accessory with the arrow on the detail adapter and twisting to lock in place. The detail adapter attaches directly to the steam gun and also can be attached to the extension tubes. (Fig. 2 and 3)The MR-100 Primo has an accessory compartment that houses the Detail adapter, Jet nozzle attachment, Clothes / fabric - smooth surface tool,and all brushes. Open the accessory compartment by pulling the accessory cover back - away from the machine. Remove the desired accessory from the accessory compartment and close the accessory cover.(Fig.1)Connect the steam hose to the steam socket on the front of the steam cleaner. To do this flip down the dust cover door and push the connector on the steam hose firmly into the socket until both tabs click into place. To remove the steam hose, press in both release tabs located on the left and right side of the steam hose connector and pull out to release from the socket.(Fig. 4)STEAM CLEANER ASSEMBLY !GO TO TO SEE THE MR-100 PRIMO INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEORed lightOPERATIONVapamoreThe redWARNING: Hot steam may escape when opening the cap if the machine is notgreen lamp turn on.GO TO TO SEE THE MR-100 PRIMO INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOAttach the oor cleaning head to the end of the extension tube (use 1 to 3 tubes as desired). Ensure that the oor cleaning head clicks into place. (Fig.13)The oor cleaning head can be used with or without the micro ber cloth depending on the surface to be cleaned. Place the oor cleaning head on the micro ber cloth and secure the overhanging material under the clips located on left and right side of the oor cleaning head. (Fig.14)The oor cleaning head is ideal for tile, stone, vinyl, and wood oors along with cleaning washable walls and hard surfaces. It can also be used on carpet to sanitize,deodorize, kill allergens, bedbugs and dust mites. (Fig. 15) (Attach the micro ber cover to allow the oor cleaning head to glide when using on carpet).The detail adaptor can be attached directly to the steam gun or to any of the extension tubes. (Fig. 16)ACCESSORIES / DETAIL ADAPTOR The detail adaptor is needed in order to use the brushes, detail scraper clothes / fabric - smooth surface tool, and The steam gun, extension tubes, and oor cleaning head can be stored (as shown on the cover page of this instruction manual) by inserting the tab on the oor cleaning head into the slot located on the side of the Vapamore.ACCESSORIES / BRUSHES There are 4 brushes supplied with the Vapamore MR-100 Primo. The brushes attach to the detail adaptor by aligning the arrows and twisting to lock. Suggested uses (Metal brush), Oven grills, BBQ grates, cement stains, machinery, and metal surfaces. (NylonOPERATION ACCESSORIES / SMOOTH SURFACE TOOL Fig. 23Using the clothes - fabric / smooth surface tool without the cotton cover acts as a squeegee and is great for sanitizing kitchen and bathroom counter tops chemical free along with smooth surfaces such as stone, granite, wood, glass, tile and stainless steel. (Fig.23)GO TO TO SEE THE MR-100 PRIMO INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO (Fig.22)WHY USE STEAM?GO TO TO SEE THE MR-100 PRIMO INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO The Vapamore MR-100 Primo produces steam with an output temperature between 210˚to 220˚ degrees. Pests such as bedbugs, dust mites and other allergens along with their eggs are killed on contact at a temperature of 180˚ degrees. Using steam is an extremely e ective and chemical free way to kill these pest along with E. Coli, Salmonella, H1N1 and other bacteria or viruses without leaving any harmful chemical residue behind. The tools supplied with the Vapamore MR-100 Primo allow you to treat all areas where these pests can hide such as bedding, sofas, furniture, pillows, carpet, cracks and crevices that are ideal hiding places for pests.BEDDING / FURNITURECLEANING / MAINTENANCEIMPORTANT : When storing the Vapamore, turn the machine o and unplug from the wall outlet. After the machine has cooled (aprox. 15 min), hold the steam gun trigger down to release the remaining steam pressure.CLEANING /STORAGE Always ensure before cleaning or maintaining the Vapamore MR-100 Primo that it is switched of and unplugged from the wall outlet. Only clean the outer surface with a slightly, water moistened cloth. Do not use any cleaning agents, abrasives or alcohol since they may damage the housing nish.Lubricate the threads on the water tank cap with light oil or lubricating spray such as WD-40 once every 3 months or when needed.GO TO TO SEE THE MR-100 PRIMO INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO The steam gun, extension tubes, and oor cleaning head can be stored (as shown on the cover page of this instruction manual) by inserting the tab on the oor cleaning head into the slot located on the side of the Vapamore.Parts, extension tubes and accessories can also be stored in the supplied mesh storage bag.Replacement accessories and parts are available to order online at or by calling Vapamore at 480-951-8900.STORAGEThe included micro ber cover and cotton cover can be machine washed using normal detergents and wash cycle.PROBLEM?IMPORTANT : TROUBLESHOOTINGGO TO TO SEE THE MR-100 PRIMO INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOWhat do I do if the machine or an accessory becomes damaged or broken?Visit for a complete list of parts and accessories available for *******************************************************************purchase replacement parts or schedule a repair. WE ARE HERE TO HELP ...TROUBLESHOOTINGOne of the ETL protection devices has been triggered or the power cord has been ******************************************************************.Do not return to the place of purchase for warranty or repairs. Only damaged.The tank could have a build up of lime scale due to the use of hard water.The tank must be de scaled by using a chemical de scaler . All chemicals must beremoved from the water tank before the machine is operated. Anything other than 100% pure water inside the tank during operation could cause permanent failure of damage and can be very unsafe to operate.Vapamore is authorized to facilitate all repairs to keep the highest quality and ETL standards. Repairs or tampering by any other party will void the Warranty.APPLICATION STEAM VOLUME ATTACHMENT TECHNIQUE FLOORS / CHEMICAL FREE CLEANING WITH NO RESIDUE LEFT BEHINDVinyl Tile Or Vinyl Sheet Medium - High Floor Cleaning Head +Micro fiber + ExtensionTubes + Nylon Brush.Sweep or vacuum first. Steam mop withfloor cleaning head and micro fiber cover.Corners and baseboards with nylon brush.Stone Tile, Slate, Ceramic Tile, Grout High Floor Cleaning Head +Micro Fiber + ExtensionTubes + Nylon Brush +Grout Brush + Nylon BrushJet NozzleSweep or vacuum first. Steam mop withfloor cleaning head, heavy stains usewithout micro fiber cover. Corners andbaseboards with nylon brush. Grout linesuse grout brush and / or jet nozzle. Finishwith floor cleaning head / micro fiber cover.Smooth Surface Concrete High Floor Cleaning Head +Micro Fiber + ExtensionTubes + Grout Brush +Nylon Brush + Metal Brush +Jet NozzleSweep or vacuum first. Steam mop withfloor cleaning head, heavy stains usewithout micro fiber cover. Corners andbaseboards with nylon brush. Joint linesuse grout or metal brush and / or jet nozzle.Finish with floor cleaning head / micro fiber.w - Mediumo Ld o owd r aH Floor Cleaning Head +Micro Fiber + ExtensionTubesSweep or vacuum first. Steam mop withfloor cleaning head and micro fiber cover.CARPETS / SPOT TREATMENTWall To Wall, Rugs, Spot Care High Nylon Brush + Jet Nozzle +P aper Or White Cotton TowelVacuum area first then steam using brushor jet. Use towels to blot stain away.Chemical cleaner can be used prior tosteam treatment.WALLS, CEILINGSPainted, Wood Paneling, Wallpaper Low - Medium Painted, wood paneling, wallpaper walls are heat sensitive. Always test small area first and be careful not to over heat finish. Use Floor Cleaning head with micro fiber cover or clothes steamer with cotton cover. Use nylon brush for corners and stains.h g i Hl a v omeRr e p a p l l aWNylon Brush, Jet Nozzle,Extension Tubes + SmoothSurface Tool + ScraperUse at full power to soften glue andremove wallpaper. Wallpaper stripper canbe applied first.h g i H-mu i d eM s t n eVr i A Nylon Brush, Jet Nozzle,Extension Tubes, CottonTowelClean using brush and jet tip. Wipe downwith clean cotton towel.UPHOLSTERY / SPOT TREATMENTVinyl, Synthetic, Cotton Medium - High Nylon Brush, Jet Nozzle,Clothes Steamer, CottonCover, Cotton TowelTest a small area first. Some syntheticmaterials will not handle high heat. Usenylon brush with soft pressure for largerstains and jet tip for small stains. Blot withcotton towel. Use clothes steamer with cottoncloth to go over all surfaces to deoterize.wo Lr e h t a e L Clothes Steamer, CottonCover, Cotton TowelTest a small area first. Steam over stainedarea and then blot with cotton towel. Useclothes steamer with cotton cloth to goover all surfaces to deoterize.CARPETS / DEOTERIZE + KILL BEDBUGS - DUST MITES AND ALLERGENSWall To Wall, Rugs High Floor Cleaning Head +Extension tubes + MicroFiber + Jet NozzleVacuum area first then steam using floorcleaning head with micro fiber cover. Passslowley over area to allow heat to kill pests.Use jet nozzle for corners and cracks.Floor Cleaning Head +Extension tubes + MicroFiber + Nylon Brush +Clothes / Fabric toolwith cotton cover.UPHOLSTERY / KILL BEDBUGS - DUST MITES AND ALLERGENSVinyl, Synthetic, Cotton Medium - High Jet Nozzle, ClothesSteamer, Cotton CoverTest a small area first. Some syntheticmaterials will not handle high heat. Useclothes steamer with cotton cover andslowley pass over area to allow heat tokill pests. Use jet nozzle for cracks andcorners.APPLICATION STEAM VOLUME ATTACHMENT TECHNIQUE WINDOW BLINDSLevolor, Venetian, Horizontal, Vertical Low-Medium Nylon Brush, Jet Nozzle,Detail Nozzle, ExtensionTubes, Cotton TowelDust area first. Thin plastic blinds may notbe able to handle heat from the steam.Test a small area first. Use jet or detailnozzle from 4'' away. Wipe off with cottontowel.GLASSmu i d eMs r o r r i M,swo d n i W Smooth Surface Squeegee,Extension Tubes, NylonBrush, Paper TowelsPre-steam glass from 6'' away to heatglass. Use brush for edges and bases.Finish with window cleaner squeegee. Donot use if temperature is under 32 degreesto prevent cracking.Window Screens, Window Frames Medium -High Detail Nozzle, Nylon Brush,Extension TubesSteam area with detail nozzle. Use brushfor edges and corners.KITCHENSh g i H-mu i d eMs n e vO,s p o Te v o t S Nylon Brush, Brass Brush,Extension Tubes, PapertowelsUse nylon brush over all surfaces andbrass brush for interior oven grates. Wipedown with paper towelsmu i d eMs e c n a i l p pA l l amS Nylon Brush, Detail Nozzle,Paper towelsUse brush over all areas and detail nozzlefor small corners and seems. Wipe downwith paper towels.Sinks, Faucets, Drains Medium - High Nylon Brush, Detail Nozzle,Paper towelsUse brush over all areas and detail nozzlefor small corners and seems. Wipe downwith paper towels.Counter Tops Low- Medium Smooth Surface Sqeegee,Nylon Brush, Detail Nozzle,Paper towelsUse brush over all areas and detail nozzlefor small corners and seems. Use smoothsurace squeege to sanitize counter topsby slowly passing over area then wipe areawith paper towel for chemical free cleaning.BATHROOMh g i H-mu i d eMt u o r G,e l i T Floor Cleaning Head +Micro Fiber + ExtensionTubes + Grout Brush + JetNozzleSweep or vacuum first. Steam mop withfloor cleaning head, heavy stains usewithout cotton cover. Corners andbaseboards with nylon brush. Grout linesuse grout brush and / or jet nozzle .Finishwith floor cleaning head with micro fiber.Porcelain Toilets, Chrome Fixtures Medium - High Nylon Brush, Detail Nozzle,Paper towelsUse brush over all areas and detail nozzlefor small corners, hinges, and seems. Wipedown with paper towels.Shower, Tubs, Doors Medium Nylon Brush, Detail Nozzle,Extension Tubes, PapertowelsUse brush over all areas and detail nozzlefor small corners and seems. Wipe downwith paper towels.AUTO, MOTORCYCLE, MARINEh g i H-mu i d eMs a e r Ar o i r e t n I Nylon Brush, Jet Nozzle,Clothes Steamer, CottonCover, Cotton TowelTest a small area first. Some syntheticmaterials will not handle high heat. Usenylon brush with soft pressure for largerstains and jet tip for small stains. Blot withcotton towel.Detailing, Exterior, Engine Medium - High Nylon Brush, Detail Nozzle,Jet NozzleUse brush over all areas and detail nozzlefor small detail areas.NEED HELP?Visit to see video demonstrations and tips along with full details *********************************************************WE ARE HERE TO HELP...。


2. 手册内容
本手册的适用范围: 1. 如何安装 BV100,. 2. 如何维护 BV100.
注意事项: • 请注意 BV100 的使用环境要求. • 请不要润滑 BV100,否则会影响 BV100 的运转 • 请不要对光学透镜打磨. • 如果 BV100 被拆开 维护,需要重新效验和重新初始化。
Page 3 of 11
BV100 操作手册 GA717-1
1. 介绍
注意事项: • BV 100 需要与 3A 的保险丝配合使用 • BV 100 与 NV7/8/9/10 完全兼容 BV100 带来了一些新的应用与使用技巧,我们建议您详细阅读本手册,如果您有任何问题,请按照以 下联系方式联络我们
Innovative Technology Ltd. 中国代表处 深圳市福田区福田中路江苏大厦 B 栋 1312 室 Zip: 518026 电话:0755-25310169 传真:0755-25310119 手机: 13609627427 邮件: swang@ 网址:
低电平 0V To +0.5V
0.6V 50mA
表格 3 -接口电平
高电平 +3.7 V +12V 主控板的上拉电平
Page 4 of 11
© Copyright Innovative Technology Limited 2007
BV100 操作手册 GA717-1
4. 简要描述
BV100是新一代的高性价比纸币器 (如 图 1), 可以广泛地应用在多领域. 在串口模式下,BV100可以接 收16个通道的货币
© Copyright Innovative Technology Limited 2007

BVMS Professional 10.0 商品说明书

BVMS Professional 10.0 商品说明书

uEmbedded resilience - keep operations up andrunning even when multiple system components fail.uReduced total costs of ownership - manage up to 2000 cameras with a single server to reduce installation and operating costs.uBosch video at its best - the best user-experience combining Bosch cameras with BVMS.uIntegration - integrate third-party cameras, storage and further systems into BVMS.uIT environments and data security - benefit from full IT compatibility from installation to day-to-day management in a secure way.BVMS Professional is a unique IP video securitysolution that provides seamless management of digital video, audio, and data across any IP network. It provides the best video management system to go with Bosch video surveillance devices, leveraging the unique capabilities of Bosch cameras and recording solutions. It nevertheless offers interfaces and standards to integrate other systems and manufacturers.The system is equipped with a unique embedded resilience. It keeps operations up and running even when both the management server and recording server(s) fail.Edge Video Content Analysis and the unmatched recording technology, managing up to 2000 cameras with a single recording server, dramatically reduces the total costs of ownership.The software is provided as an e-license via e-mail.Certifications and approvalsGeneral Data Protection RegulationThe General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is enforced on the 25th of May 2018. As a regulation it will be directly applicable to all EU member stateswithout the need for national implementing legislation.As information captured, processed and stored by video surveillance systems is classified as "sensitive"the GDPR will cause significant impact on the video surveillance installations throughout Europe.BVMS includes the required functionality to ensure an organization can be GDPR compliant.Installation/configuration notesThe BVMS system design guide is published on the following web page:Bosch Building Technologies Community.The system design guide summarizes the BVMS design details, and serves as a guide to planning a BVMSsystem with Bosch cameras and storage. It focuses on BVMS combined with the VRM.BVMS EnterpriseMultiple BVMS Lite, Plus, Professional or DIVAR IP systems can be combined into one BVMS Enterprise System.Software assuranceIn addition to the Bosch Security Systems standard terms and conditions of sale, the Bosch SoftwareAssurance is a great option to keep BVMS always up to date. With continuously changing platforms and version compatibility, regular updates are essential.With the Bosch Software Assurance, you can relax knowing you are always entitled to the latest software enhancements. It ensures full technical support and access to hotfixes. The Bosch Software Assurance is available in the product catalog.Technical specificationsThe release notes give a detailed overview on the changes that are implemented, compared to the previous BVMS version.The architects and engineering specifications specify in detail what the system is capable of.Both documents can be found on the following web page: Bosch Building Technologies Community.System limitsNoticeThe system limits are based on the hardware recommendations.NoticeThe logbook size can be increased by upgrading the Microsoft SQL Server Express edition included in the BVMS installation package.LanguagesHardware recommendationsCamerasAll Bosch cameras can be used under the device compatibility concept, which you can find on the Bosch Security & Safety community in the following article:How-to: BVMS - Device compatibility.BVMS is an ONVIF Profile S certified videomanagement system. The list of tested cameras can be found on:/bvms.Management Server and Mobile Video ServiceVideo Recording ManagerOperator ClientNetworkTo achieve the performance listed in the table below, a 1 Gigabit/s network is a minimum requirementbetween the Operator Client and Management Server.NoticeWhen the system does not have enough network resources, or is experiencing a temporary decrease in network performance, the event response time and alarm visibility time mayincrease.NoticeThe list of communication channels and required network ports can be found in the BVMS Configuration manual.Storage devices Array The storage quick selection guide, which also includesnon-Bosch storage devices, can be found on:/bvmsOther hardwareMBV-XSTCH-100 License Stitching channel expansion Expansion license for 1 stitching camera.Order number MBV-XSTCH-100MBV-XAGR-100 License Augmented reality expansion Expansion license for 5 static augmented reality tags. Order number MBV-XAGR-100MBV-XPI-100 License Person ident. channel expan-sionExpansion license for 1 person identification channel. Order the exact number required.Order number MBV-XPI-100MBV-BDEM-100 License DemoDemo license for 3 cameras, 2 workstations, 2 CCTV keyboards, 2 DVRs.Order number MBV-BDEM-100MBV-BENT-100 License Enterprise baseBase license for Enterprise System. 8 camera/decoder expansions, 5 workstation expansions, 8 failover recording channels, 8 dual-recording channels, 5 keyboard expansion, 1 intrusion panel, 1 live and playback site, 2 subsystems, and ATM/ POS, allegiant and OPC functionality.Order number MBV-BENT-100MBV-BPRO-100 License Professional baseBase license for Professional edition. 8 cameras, 5 workstations, 5 CCTV keyboards, 1 DVR, 1 intrusion panel, 8 failover recording channels, 8 dual recording channels and ATM/POS, allegiant and OPC functionality.Order number MBV-BPRO-100MBV-FEUP-100 Upgrade Professional to Enterprise Upgrade license to expand a Professional Edition base license to an Enterprise System base license.Order number MBV-FEUP-100MBV-XCHAN-100 License Camera/decoder expansion Expansion license for 1 encoder/decoder channel. Order the exact number required.Order number MBV-XCHAN-100MBV-XDUR-100 License Camera dual recording ex-pansionExpansion license for 1 encoder channel used for dual recording.Order number MBV-XDUR-100MBV-XDVR-100 License DVR expansionExpansion license for 1 DVR. Order the exact number required.Order number MBV-XDVR-100MBV-XFOV-100 License VRM Failover channel expan-sionExpansion license for 1 encoder channel used with a Failover VRM.Order number MBV-XFOV-100MBV-XINT-100 License Intrusion panel expansion Expansion license to integrate intrusion panels. Order number MBV-XINT-100MBV-XKBD-100 License Keyboard expansion Expansion license for 1 CCTV keyboard. Order the exact number required.Order number MBV-XKBD-100MBV-XMVS-100 License Mobile video service expan-sionExpansion license for 1 Mobile Video Service.Order number MBV-XMVS-100MBV-XSITE-100 License Site expansionExpansion license for 1 site. Order the exact number required.Order number MBV-XSITE-100MBV-XSUB-100 License Enterprise subsystem expan-sionExpansion license for 1 subsystem. Order the exact number required.Order number MBV-XSUB-100MBV-XWST-100 License Workstation expansion Expansion license for 1 workstation (each extra workstation requires 1 license).Order number MBV-XWST-100MBV-100WST-100 License Workstation expansion Expansion license for 100 workstations.Order number MBV-100WST-100Software OptionsMBV-MPRO License for MBV-BPRO-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for the Professional Edition base license.Order number MBV-MPROMBV-MPRO-3YR License for MBV-BPRO-*, 3yrThree years of maintenance cover for the Professional Edition base license.Order number MBV-MPRO-3YRMBV-MCHAN License for MBV-XCHAN-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for the channel expansion license.Order number MBV-MCHANMBV-MCHAN-3YR License for MBV-XCHAN-*, 3yr Three years of maintenance cover for the channel expansion license.Order number MBV-MCHAN-3YRMBV-MWST License for MBV-XWST-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for the Workstation expansion license.Order number MBV-MWSTMBV-MWST-3YR License for MBV-XWST-*, 3yr Three years of maintenance cover for the Workstation expansion license.Order number MBV-MWST-3YRMBV-MDVR License for MBV-XDVR-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for the DVR expansion license.Order number MBV-MDVRMBV-MDVR-3YR License for MBV-XDVR-*, 3yrThree years of maintenance cover for the DVR expansion license.Order number MBV-MDVR-3YRMBV-MKBD License for MBV-XKBD-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for the CCTV keyboard expansion license.Order number MBV-MKBDMBV-MKBD-3YR License for MBV-XKBD-*, 3yrThree years of maintenance cover for the CCTV keyboard expansion license.Order number MBV-MKBD-3YRMBV-MMVS License for MBV-XMVS-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for the Mobile Video Service expansion license.Order number MBV-MMVSMBV-MALG License for MBV-XALG-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for an Allegiant Matrix expansion license.Order number MBV-MALG MBV-MATM License for MBV-FATM-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for an ATM/POS expansion license.Order number MBV-MATMMBV-MOPC License for MBV-FOPC-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for the OPC Server Connection expansion license.Order number MBV-MOPCMBV-MMVS-3YR License for MBV-XMVS-*, 3yrThree years of maintenance cover for the Mobile Video Service expansion license.Order number MBV-MMVS-3YRMBV-MALG-3YR License for MBV-FALG-*, 3yrThree years of maintenance cover for an Allegiant Matrix expansion license.Order number MBV-MALG-3YRMBV-MATM-3YR License for MBV-FATM-*, 3yrThree years of maintenance cover for an ATM/POS expansion license.Order number MBV-MATM-3YRMBV-MOPC-3YR License for MBV-FOPC-*, 3yrThree years of maintenance cover for the OPC Server Connection expansion license.Order number MBV-MOPC-3YRMBV-MENT License for MBV-BENT-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for the Enterprise Edition base license.Order number MBV-MENTMBV-MSUB License for MBV-XSUB-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for an Enterprise Subsystem expansion license.Order number MBV-MSUBMBV-MEUP License for MBV-FEUP-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for the upgrade license from Pro to Enterprise.Order number MBV-MEUPMBV-MINT License for MBV-XINT-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for an intrusion panel expansion license.Order number MBV-MINTMBV-MSITE License for MBV-XSITE-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for the site expansion license.Order number MBV-MSITEMBV-MFOV License for MBV-XFOV-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for a Failover VRM expansion license.Order number MBV-MFOVMBV-MDUR License for MBV-XDUR-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for a Dual Recording VRM expansion license.Order number MBV-MDURMBV-MENT-3YR License for MBV-BENT-*, 3yr Three years of maintenance cover for the Enterprise Edition base license.Order number MBV-MENT-3YRMBV-MEUP-3YR License for MBV-FEUP-*, 3yr Three years of maintenance cover for the upgrade license from Pro to Enterprise.Order number MBV-MEUP-3YRMBV-MSUB-3YR License for MBV-XSUB-*, 3yr Three years of maintenance cover for a Subsystem expansion license.Order number MBV-MSUB-3YRMBV-MINT-3YR License for MBV-XINT-*, 3yrThree years of maintenance cover for an intrusion panel expansion license.Order number MBV-MINT-3YRMBV-MSITE-3YR License for MBV-XSITE-*, 3yr Three years of maintenance cover for the site expansion license.Order number MBV-MSITE-3YRMBV-MFOV-3YR License for MBV-XFOV-*, 3yr Three years of maintenance cover for a Failover VRM expansion license.Order number MBV-MFOV-3YR MBV-MDUR-3YR License for MBV-XDUR-*, 3yrThree years of maintenance cover for a Dual Recording VRM expansion license.Order number MBV-MDUR-3YRMBV-M100WST License for MBV-100WST-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for the Workstation expansion license.Order number MBV-M100WSTMBV-M100WST-3YR License for MBV-100WST-*, 3yr Three years of maintenance cover for the Workstation expansion license.Order number MBV-M100WST-3YRMBV-MPI License for MBV-XPI-*, 1yrOne year of maintenance cover for a BVMS person identification channel expansion license.Order number MBV-MPIMBV-MPI-3YR License for MBV-XPI-*, 3yrThree years of maintenance cover for a BVMS person identification channel expansion license.Order number MBV-MPI-3YRRepresented by:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Germany:North America:Asia-Pacific:Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284****************************** Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbHRobert-Bosch-Ring 585630 GrasbrunnGermanyBosch Security Systems, Inc.130 Perinton ParkwayFairport, New York, 14450, USAPhone: +1 800 289 0096Fax: +1 585 223 9180*******************.comRobert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2019 | Data subject to change without notice 64066448139 | en, V4, 15. Jul 2019。

MBM-100A 电导率作手册

MBM-100A 电导率作手册

MBM-100A 电导率作手册







⑴若使用常数为0.01的电极,将常数旋钮置于1.0 处,测定的结果为显示值×0.01。



(4)若使用常数为10 的电极,则将常数旋钮置于1.0 处,测定的结果为显示值×10。






























PM100 多功能电力表 说明书

PM100 多功能电力表 说明书

直入 55~600 V 無外接 PT=1
則 PT 比值設定 0001.0 倍
電流比值(CT) 設定範圍 0~60000 如:1000/5A CT=1000÷5=200
則 CT 比值設定 00200 倍
4.3 舉例說明
例 1.系統為 3P3W PT:22KV / 110V CT:1000A / 5A 換算 W=38.10MW PT=200 倍 CT=200 倍 顯示:22.00KV 1000A 38.10MW 參數設定 進入選單 DISPLAY 按 Enter 鍵進入以下設定
Enter BAUD
Enter DO1
Enter CH1
Enter CH1
按→鍵切換 KW/MW
按→鍵切換 (注意小數點移位)
參考第 13 頁通信設定說明
參考第 7 頁 PULSE 設定說明
參考第 9 頁 4-20 設定說明
參考第 11 頁繼電器設定說明
按→鍵切換 NO-YES 選擇是否儲存
按↑鍵改數字;按→鍵移位 輸入 0088 密碼 按 Enter 儲存設定 (PS:出廠密碼預設 0088,修改請參考 5 頁說明)
7.1 功能介紹..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

BDM100系列技术说明书 (2)

BDM100系列技术说明书 (2)

BDM100系列低压电机综合保护技术说明书北京北斗银河科技有限公司版本号:V2.8G技术不断创新,请随时联系,证实本版资料目录1. 概述 (1)2. 产品选型 (2)2.1功能详表 (2)2.2产品选型表 (3)2.3订货须知 (3)3. 产品系列 (4)3.1BDM100-B+/C+ (6)3.1.1 BDM100-B+/C+操作面板 (6)3.1.2 BDM100-B+/C+外形尺寸 (6)3.1.3 BDM100-B+端子示意 (6)3.1.4 BDM100-B+端子定义 (7)3.1.5 BDM100-C+端子示意 (7)3.1.6 BDM100-C+端子定义 (7)3.2BDM100-M/M+/E/E+/T/T+ (8)3.2.1 BDM100-M/M+/E/E+/T/T+操作面板 (8)3.2.2 BDM100-M/M+/E/E+/T/T+外形尺寸 (8)3.2.3 BDM100-M/M+端子示意 (9)3.2.4 BDM100-M/M+端子定义 (9)3.2.5 BDM100-E/E+端子示意 (10)3.2.6 BDM100-E/E+端子定义 (10)3.2.7 BDM100-T/T+端子示意 (11)3.2.8 BDM100-T/T+端子定义 (11)4. 应用说明 (12)4.1专用外置互感器 (12)4.1.1 BDCT AD-00外置式电流互感器 (12)4.1.2 BDCT AD-01外置式电流电压互感器 (13)4.1.3 BDCTL外置式漏电流互感器 (14)4.2模拟量 (15)4.2.1 电流输入方式 (15)4.2.2 电流输入接线图 (15)4.2.3 零序电流与漏电流 (16)4.2.4 电压输入方式 (16)4.2.5 模拟量输出 (16)4.3开关量 (17)4.3.1 开关量输入 (17)4.3.2 开关量输出 (17)4.4事件记录 (17)4.5通信与系统 (18)4.5.1 监测对象 (18)4.5.2 系统网络构成 (19)4.5.3 系统接口 (19)4.5.4 监测信息 (19)4.5.5 监测功能 (19)4.5.6 监控画面 (19)5. 技术功能 (22)5.1电机保护功能 (22)5.1.1 电机运行状态 (22)5.1.2 速断保护 (23)5.1.3 溢出分断(接触器保护) (23)5.1.4 接触器失灵保护 (24)5.1.5 热过载保护 (25)5.1.6 堵转保护 (26)5.1.7 零序过流保护 (26)5.1.8 断相保护 (27)5.1.9 三相电流不平衡保护 (27)5.1.10 起动时间过长保护 (28)5.1.11 防爆电机EExe热过载保护(t E时间保护) (29)5.1.12 欠电流保护 (31)5.1.13 欠功率保护 (31)5.1.14 过压保护 (32)5.1.15 低电压保护 (32)5.1.16 PT断线检测 (33)5.1.17 漏电保护 (34)5.1.18 自动再起动 (34)5.1.19 工艺联锁分闸 (36)5.1.20 工艺联锁合闸 (36)5.1.21 开关量输入信号控制定义 (37)5.2电机运行监测功能 (39)6. 性能参数 (40)6.1电气参数 (40)6.2环境条件 (41)6.3电磁兼容等级 (41)6.4检验标准 (41)附录: (42)BDM100-B+典型应用图 (42)BDM100-C+典型应用图 (43)BDM100-M典型应用图 (44)BDM100-M+典型应用图 (45)BDM100-E典型应用图 (46)BDM100-E+典型应用图 (47)BDM100-T典型应用图 (48)BDM100-T+典型应用图 (49)BDM100-T正反转控制典型应用图 (50)1. 概述BDM100低压电机综合保护装置(简称低压综保)是基于微处理器技术开发研制的电动机智能管理装置。



北京北斗银河科技有限公司地址:北京市昌平区科技园永安路26号邮编:102200售后电话:0 0传真:0网址:使用说明书产品型号:BDM100-M+产品名称:低压电动机微机保护监控装置北京北斗银河科技有限公司版权所有·本公司保留解释、更改其内容的权利161.装置功能表1 2.技术数据输入/输出2注:CT变比及额定电流输入方法:设置CT变比Rt和额定电流Im(Im是电动机额定电流二次值),举现有电动机一台,额定功率:37KW,额定电压:380VAC,理想状态下,三相对称,功率因数COS=1时,额定电流为56A。





1514通讯环境条件33.安装说明产品的机械尺寸如下图示,尺寸允许误差范围±0.1mm, 建议开孔尺寸(宽*高):*56.5mm(+0.5mm)互感器安装3.2.1电流穿线方式电流穿线方向从带*标志一侧穿入,从对面穿出3.2.2外置互感器安装尺寸4附表:保护功能参数值及顺序表序号参数名称整定范围BDM100-M+系列定值描述1通讯地址AD 1 - 255装置通信地址2额定电流In40﹪-100﹪设置电机的额定电流所占百分比3CT变比Rt 1 - 900CT额定电流4联锁控制设置保护投退投入、退出5允许起动时间Ts 1 - 99S用于起动时间过长保护(对于增安型电动机的起动时间(Ts)设定值应不大于倍电机t E时间)6起动时间过长保护保护投退投入断路器、投入接触器、退出7断相延时Td - 断相保护延时8断相保护保护投退投入断路器、投入接触器、退出9反时限堵转延时t E~增安型电动机堵转倍时允许的堵转时间10反时限堵转保护保护投退投入断路器、投入接触器、退出11零序保护设置–零序过流倍数12零序延时零序保护延时1312 BDCTAD-00(1A~40A)安装尺寸示意图如下(尺寸容差:±0.1mm):BDCTAD-00(80A~160A)安装尺寸示意图如下(尺寸容差:±0.1mm):5BDCTAD-00(300A~600A)安装尺寸示意图如下(尺寸容差:±0.1mm):BDCTAD-01(1A~40A)安装尺寸示意图如下(尺寸容差:±0.1mm):BDCTAD-01(80A~160A)安装尺寸示意图如下(尺寸容差:±0.1mm):6BDM100-M+接线端子示意图C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C10C11C12C13装置异常分断路器动作信号分接触器L/+N/-GNDB1+-4~20mA INCOMIN1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9IN2IN3IN4IN5IN6A3A4InInA5A6A7A8A9A1A11A14485AA13485BILUA UB UCICIBIA正转合闸C9C14C15反转合闸BDM100-M+端子定义端子号描述备注A3IL漏电流输入A4IN模拟量公共端A5A6IA A相电流输入A7IB B相电流输入A8IC C相电流输入A9UA A相电压输入A10UB B相电压输入A11UC C相电压输入11循环显示状态下,按下“增加”持续3秒后进入起动记录查询界面。

Kobold Messring GmbH BVO, RVO 流量计和监测仪操作说明书

Kobold Messring GmbH BVO, RVO 流量计和监测仪操作说明书

Operating Instructionfor Flowmeter and MonitorModel: BVO, RVOBVO; RVO1. Contents1. Contents (2)2. Note (3)3. Regulated usage (3)4. Operating Principle (4)5. Instrument Inspection (4)6. Mechanical connection (5)7. Electrical connection (6)8. Commissioning of the Instruments (7)9. Maintenance (8)10. Technical Specifications (8)11. Dimensions and Pressure Losses (9)12. Recommended Spare Parts (9)13. EU Declaration of Conformance (10)Manufactured and sold by:Kobold Messring GmbHNordring 22-24D-65719 HofheimTel.: +49(0)6192-2990Fax: +49(0)6192-23398E-Mail: ******************Internet: Page 2 BVO, RVO K01/0316BVO, RVOBVO, RVO K01/0316 Page 3 2. NotePlease read and take note of these operating instructions before unpacking andsetting the unit for operation, and follow the instructions precisely as describedherein.The devices are only to be used, maintained and serviced by persons familiarwith these operating instructions and with the prevailing regulation applying toprocedural safety and the prevention of accidents.PED 2014/68/EUIn acc. with Article 4 Paragraph (3), "Sound Engineering Practice", of thePED 2014/68/EU no CE mark.Table 8, Pipe, Group 1 dangerous fluids3. Regulated usageModel BVO and RVO instruments are used for monitoring of fluid flows. Onlyclean, low viscosity and homogenous media may be measured, which do notaffect the materials used in the instrument casing. Large measuring errors willoccur when using high viscosity media. Large dirt particles can lead to blocking ofthe float and therefore large measurement and signal errors. Ferritic particles thatdeposit on the float body (with internal magnet) can also lead to a similar effecttherefore we recommend a magnet filter.The instruments are provided as follows:Flow measurementThe actual flow can be read locally at the instrument.The scale shows the flow rate directly in litres per minute of water.Limit Value ContactsFor the monitoring of the flow rate, the instruments can be fitted with one or twoadjustable limit value contacts.Standard Design: Normally open (with rising flow)Special Design: Changeover switch (SPDT)Special Design: Ex-contact N/O, Ex-contact SPDTThe contact is adjustable over the full measuring range.BVO; RVOPage 4 BVO, RVO K01/0316Standard Material CombinationsModel : BVO-11.. Model : BVO-12..Model : RVO-11..Material: Brass Material: St.St.Material: BrassSlotted nozzel Brass, nickel plated 1.3955Brass, nickel plated ConnectionBrass, nickel plated 1.4301 Brass, nickel plated FloatBrass, nickel plated 1.4301 Brass, nickel plated Measuring Tube Borosilicat BorosilicatBorosilicat O-Rings Perbunan Viton PerbunanTmax 100° C 100° C 100° CPmax 10 bar 10 bar 10 bar4. Operating Principle5. Instrument InspectionThe instruments are inspected before dispatch and sent out in perfect condition.Should damage to the instrument be visible, we recommend close inspection ofthe delivery package. In cases of damage, please immediately inform theshippers as they are liable for any damage in transit.Scope of delivery:All Parts belonging to the standard scope of supply are attached to theinstrument.The model BVO and RVO flow monitors arebased on the principle of the well-known floattype flowmeters except for the conventionalupward tapering measuring tube. Thesepatented instruments are provided insteadwith a cylindrical guidetube with conical slotsalong the periphery. A float is found in thistube which, by means of the flow of themedium, is raised in the tube. Each floatposition corresponds to a certain flow.Permanent magnets are inserted in the floatwhich activates reed switches mountedoutside of the flow throughput. The activationof the contacts is carried out by means ofmagnetic field, ie: the contact is hermeticallyseparated from the flowing medium.BVO, RVOBVO, RVO K01/0316 Page 56. Mechanical connectionBefore installation:∙ Please ascertain whether the allowable maximum operating pressure andoperating temperature of the instruments will not be exceeded (See StandardMaterial Combinations).∙ The instrument should be installed in a vertical position in the pipework. Theflow direction is from bottom to top.∙ Remove all transport packing and ascertain that no packing material is left inthe instrument.∙ Sealing of the connection threads should be carried out with Teflon tape orsimilar.∙ While mounting please check that there is no mechanical stress applied to theprocess connectors. We recommend a fastening of the input and output pipesapprox. 50 mm in front of and behind the connectors.∙ Do not install the instrument within an induction field.Warning: When mounting the meters secure the process connectors bymeans of a suitable wrench. Failure to do so may result in a damage of the measuring glass.∙ Check that the connection thread to pipe is fully sealed immediately aftermechanical installation (See Commissioning of the Instruments).Warning: With outside installation please keep in mind that the measuring glass may be destroyed at low temperatures by freezing of the medium.BVO; RVOPage 6 BVO, RVO K01/03167. Electrical connection∙ Ensure that the power is disconnected during connection of the cable.∙ Loosen the holding screw on the plug cap and remove the cap from the plug.∙ Connect the power cable to the plug cap in accordance with the connectiondiagram below. Wiring for EX-Switches:EX-N/O: brown / blueEX-SPDT: black / blue N/Cblack / brown N/OExamples for Contact Protection MeasuresFor capacitive and inductive loads (long cables and replays) we recommendprotective switching.∙ Connect the plug to the contact connections and secure it with the holding screw. Warning: The given electrical values of the reed contacts may not be exceeded even for short periods. For higher switching values we recommend contact protection relays or other contact protection measures. ∙ Following connection of the external equipment to the output and adjustment of the required switch points, the external power supply to the equipment may be switched on.BVO, RVOBVO, RVO K01/0316 Page 78. Commissioning of the InstrumentsThe use of this meter in machines acc. to directive 89/392/EWG is prohibited untilthe complete machine complies to this directive.Adjustment of the limit values∙ Adjust the switch in this position by means of tightening the fixing screws.∙ Replace the plug cap and the instrument is now ready for operation.∙ If the limit switch is adjusted correctly, a bi-stable switch characteristic isachieved, i.e.: the contact remains closed when the float rises above the setlimit value (PIN 1+2, or alternatively PIN 2+3).HysteresisHysteresis is characterised by the difference between the switching on andswitching off points of the contact. By matching the magnet and reed contactsensitivity (AW Number) a hysteresis of approx. 6-10 mm way of float movementis achieved. At the same time it may be assured that the contacts have a bi-stable switching characteristic.∙ Loosen the two fixing srews on the contact base.∙ Slide the switch housing to the bottom stop.∙ After loosening the holding screw, remove the plugcap from the contact base.∙ Connect a suitable continuity meter to PIN 1+2(changeover switch PIN 2+3).∙ When the instrument is installed , open the inlet lineand introduce the medium slowly until the top edge ofthe float indicates the required minimum flow volume.The reed contact is now closed (electrical continuity). Warning: Sudden opening or closing of the flow linemay result in pressure peeks several times higherthan the system pressure. This may cause the destruction of the measuring glass.∙ When the instrument is not yet installed, the float maybe lifted with a suitable tool.∙ Push the switch housing to the top until the reedcontact opens(no electrical continuity).BVO; RVOExceeding the Measuring Range:Warning: Continuously exceeding the measuring range together withpulsating flow results in the float hitting the upper stop continuously whichcan lead to increased wear in the instrument. When such cases occur,please contact the supplier.The flow range may be exceeded by a large margin with a non-pulsating flow.Only a certain increase in pressure loss is experienced (The permissiblemaximum operating pressure must not be exceeded).9. MaintenanceFor measured media without contamination, the BVO or RVO instrument isalmost maintenance-free. Where contamination or calcium or algae deposits arefound on the internal parts, the instrument should be regularly cleaned.The instrument may be removed from the pipe with a suitable open endedspanner. The internal parts are accessible for cleaning after removing the topconnection. The internal parts may be cleaned with a suitable brush. Aftercleaning, the instrument should be reassembled in the correct manner. Werecommend that the O - rings of the screwed connections are changed10. Technical SpecificationsMeasurement and switch accuracy: ± 10 % of full scale valueMax. Operating Pressure: 10 barMax. Medium Temperature: 100° CProtection acc. to EN 60529: IP 65Approvals: SEV, UL, CSAElectrical Switch ValuesN/O: 240 VAC, 100 VA, 1.5 A (SEV, CSA)SPDT: 240 VAC, 60 VA, 1 A (SEV, CSA)N/O, EEx d IIC T6: 250 VAC, 2 A, 80 VASPDT EEx d IIC T6: 250 VAC, 1 A, 60 VAFor instruments with UL-approval, see switch values on contact housing.Page 8 BVO, RVO K01/0316BVO, RVOBVO, RVO K01/0316 Page 911. Dimensions and Pressure LossesInstrument size SW GL (mm) B (mm) T (mm) D (mm) BVO-..01 to BVO-..10 321/4 (1/2) 135 39 39 --- BVO-..16 32 1/2 (3/4) 164 39 39 ---BVO-..50 41 3/4 (1)163 (174) 45 45 --- RVO-..01 to RVO-..02 32 1/4135 --- --- 43 RVO-..06 to RVO-..10 321/4 (1/2) 135 --- --- 43 RVO-..16 32 1/2 (3/4) 165 --- --- 43RVO-..55 41 3/4 (1) 163 (174) --- --- 48* without switch, with switch add 52,5 mm12. Recommended Spare PartsOnly the parts of the instruments and the materials are listed. Depending on theinstrument model, the parts are available in different sizes (When ordering pleasegive the instrument model).1.1 Float Brass 4.1 Contact (Normally open)1.2 Float Stainless Steel 4.2 Contact (SPDT)2.1 Slotted nozzle Brass 4.3 Ex-contact (Normally open)2.2 Slotted nozzle Stainless Steel 4.4 Ex-contact (SPDT)3.1 O-Ring set Perbunan 5.1 Spare glass with scale3.2 O-Ring set VitonBVO; RVOPage 10 BVO, RVO K01/0316 13. EU Declaration of ConformanceWe, KOBOLD-Messring GmbH, Hofheim-Ts, Germany, declare under our sole responsibility that the product:Flowmeter and switch Model BVO and RVOto which this declaration relates is in conformity with the standards noted below:EN 61010-1:2010Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 1: General requirementsEN 60529:2014Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)Also the following EC guidelines are fulfilled:2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive2011/65/EU RoHSHofheim, 6. April 2016H. Peters M. WenzelGeneral Manager Proxy Holder。

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BVM-100操作使用说明书北京万博振通检测技术有限公司电子邮件:,sendig2003@传真: 010 – 82895319。

电话: 010 –82895638,82895639地址: 北京市海淀区上地开发区信息路一号创业园1号楼1201室邮编:100085 网址:版本:E 2010年2月2目录1 概述 (3)1.1简要说明 (3)1.2介绍 (4)1.2.1构成 (5)1.2.2 产品特点 (5)1.2.3 (6)1.2.4使用环境条件 (6)1.2.5 工作条件 (6)1.2.6 安全 (6)2 技术规格 (6)3 外形、尺寸 (7)4 使用操作 (7)4.1 振动测试与数据采集分析部分的操作 (8)4.2使用数据采集部分的功能 (10)4.2.1设置 (11)4.2.2测振功能: (17)4.2.3示波功能的操作: (19)4.2.4采集功能: (22)4.2.5分析功能的操作: (25)4.3动平衡功能的操作 (30)4.4双通道轨迹(李萨育图)分析与操作 (49)4.5起停车分析功能与操作 (50)4.6噪声测试的操作 (53)4.7三相感应电机的电气故障诊断: (55)4.8激励响应测试 (57)5故障分析与排除 (58)6保养维修 (58)6.1 充电 (58)6.2保修 (59)6.3 校准 (59)7 运输、贮存 (59)7.1 运输 (59)7.2 贮存 (59)附录1:关于各类有代表性的刚性转子平衡品质等级 (60)附录2:BVM-100功能分类表 (61)31 概述充电插座A 通道电荷输入b B 通道电荷输入A 通道电压输入B 通道电压输入转速信号输入USB 通讯端7个仪器操作键电源开关键手带1.1简要说明A 通道电荷输入端:当用A 通道采集数据时,将两个压电传感器中的任何一个,用所给的专用传感器导线连接到A 通道电荷输入端.B 通道电荷输入端:当用B 通道采集数据时将,两个压电传感器中的另外一个,用所给的专用传感器导线连接到B 通道电荷输入端.A 通道电压输入端:当用A 通道采集电压数据时,将两个电压输出传感器中的任何一个,用所给的专用电压传感器导线将信号连接到A 通道电压输入端.B 通道电压输入端:当用B 通道采集电压数据时,将两个电压输出传感器中的任何一个,用所给的专用电压传感器导线将信号连接到B 通道电压输入端.转速信号输入口: 是要将光电传感器及连接线,接到转速信号输入口,用于测量转速信号和键相位信号..USB 通讯接口:是用于采集器和PC 电脑通讯的接口.将USB 通讯线连接电脑和数采器,4 打开数采器电源,通讯即可工作(需要驱动程序).充电插座:当数采器电池电压底,并数采器屏幕显示不正常时,用仪表充电电源插到220AC 电源上,并于数采器连接好即可充电.注意:数采器后面的镙孔里,有一个小按钮,那是仪表复位钮,当有非正常操作,仪表工作不正常时,按一下表复位钮,仪器即可正常工作.仪表手带:现场测试时将手带套在左手上即可.便于现场携带方便.1.2介绍BVM-100双通道数据采集器/机器分析仪(以下简称BVM-100)是一种多功能仪器,它采用了先进的微电子技术、信号分析技术和故障诊断技术,集设备的状态监测和故障诊断功能于一身,融单双通道仪器为一体。




BVM-100可与微机通讯,通过上位机软件ECM 将记录在BVM-100中的反映机器运转状态的各种信息送入微机中,做精细的设备故障分析和诊断,建立设备状态数据库,预报设备状态发展趋势等,是现代企业设备管理的有力武器。

关键词:1. 设备诊断:在设备运行中或者不拆卸全部设备的情况下掌握设备运行状态,判定产生故障的部位和原因,并预测预报未来的状态。

状态监测和故障诊断的过程如下:52. 动平衡:利用影响系数法解决 转子结构不对称、材质不均匀、制造误差、安装误差、运行中零部件的变形、移位、结垢、破损等原因造成的转子不平衡问题1.2.1构成BVM-100由BVM-100主机、及配件构成。

标准配件包括:压电加速度传感器(包括磁座)两只,低噪声信号线两根,激光传感器(带线)一只,充电器一个,USB 加密狗一只,软件光盘一张,说明书一份,仪表箱一个。

注:BVM-100功能分类表见附录2 1.2.2 产品特点① 自动量程选择。

② 振动加速度、速度、位移以及相应的3种振动波形一次测量完成。

③ 连续测量实时刷新振值和波形,可作为动态信号分析仪使用。

④ 自动节电方式,仪器可超长时间使用(连续使用20个小时以上),存储器断电保护。

⑤ USB 标准串口通讯,与微机通讯。

⑥ 频程可软件设定,也可受动设定。

⑦ 16位AD 采样。

⑧ 可存储500组数据(包括序号,测点名,加速度峰值,速度有效值,位移峰峰值,、400线频谱、工艺参数)和200个1024点的双通道时域波形。使用环境条件⏹ 环境温度-20℃~60℃⏹ 相对湿度 85%⏹ 无腐蚀性气体⏹ 无强电磁场干扰和强振动、冲击源。

1.2.5 工作条件运行设备现场。

1.2.6 安全BVM-100数采器(除传感器外)不能与正在运行的设备直接接触。


2 技术规格1 测量最大量程/最高分辨率当传感器灵敏度为5.00pC/m ·s -2时:加速度峰值:250m/s 2 / 0.001m/s 2高频加速度:20unit / 0.01unit速度有效值:200mm/s / 0.01mm/s位移峰-峰值:5000μm / 0.001μm电压峰-峰值:10V / 0.01 1mV2 分析频率量程100,200,500,1000,2000,5000,10000Hz……直至400KHz(A\B 通道都可)。

3 性能:信号采样频率:双通道同步,每通道最高1MHz动态范围:96+48dB (16位A/D ,250倍放大)信号分析频率:无级设置,最大400kHz振动测量带宽:0Hz-40kHz7加速度传感器(标配):5Hz-40KHz速度传感器: 0.2-1000Hz (每个传感器另加4800元)位移传感器: 0-1000Hz (每个传感器另加4500元)转速测量范围:(标配激光传感器)0.1-400,000 转/分程控增益:0.25~250倍 自动量程4 波形采样频率 分析频率量程的2.56倍5 测量精度:5%。

6 传感器类型剪切式压电加速度传感器(灵敏度可变);可选光电转速传感器、噪声、速度或位移传感器。

7 存储能力500个常规测点(包括序号、测点名、包络有效值、加速度或电压峰值、速度或电压有效值、位移或电压峰-峰值,400线频谱、状态字)和200个1024点的时域波形。

8 抗混淆滤波器八阶椭圆。

9 包络解调15kHz 以上高频加速度经检波和低通滤波处理。


10 频谱图100/400线谱,游标读数谱峰值。

11 液晶屏幕320×240图形点阵真彩色屏幕。

12 微机软件Ecm 中文管理数据分析软件一套,见Ecm 软件使用说明.DOC 。

3 外形、尺寸外形尺寸:200×130×55(mm)重 量:2200克(包括电池)4 使用操作BVM-100数采器分为动平衡仪部分和振动分析部分。

使用动平衡仪部分时,按BVM-100的功能键选择动平衡功能;使用振动分析部分时,BVM-100的功能键包括 “测振”“示波”8“采集”“分析”。

4.1 振动测试与数据采集分析部分的操作振通BVM-100数据采集器的面板采用中文键盘方式,共8个按键。






注意:1. 传感器安装方式对测量精度、频率响应和数据重复性的影响:1)螺钉固定:精度最高,频响最好,重复性好2)磁座固定:精度中等,频响较窄,重复性中等3)手握探针:精度最低,频响窄仅适于低频振动,重复性差2、采集数据与波形时应检查各项设置是否正确,传感器接头是否连接好。




114.2.1设置设置功能同“示波”“测量”“采集”功能里面的“修改”项是一样的,建议使用者在具体操作前,使用“修改”项进行设置设置主页面1.1选择“代码” 进入如下界面:按上下左右 更改代码名称 设置好之后 按 “确定”,返回设置主页面。

通道设置代 码: DJ-1X 传感器: 压电灵敏度: 19.80pC/g 频 率: 2000 触 发: 自由 增 益: 5倍 信 号: 速度 报警值加速度: 20.00 速 度: 20.00 位 移: 20.00代码 传感 系数 频宽 触发 >> 返回通道设置 代码: DJ-1X 传感器:压电 灵敏度:19.80pC/g 频率: 2000 触发: 自由 增益: 5倍 信号: 速度 报警值 加速度:20.00 速度: 20.00 位移: 20.00 确定121.2按“传感”键进入更改传感器类型界面,如下按上下左右更改传感器类型,BVM100标配传感器是压电式,所以这里默认为“压电”,可以选择的类型有“ICP ”;“速度”;“电压”。

选择完毕后按“确定”返回 设置主页面 1.3按“系数”进入更改灵敏度界面,如下按上下左右更改灵敏度,BVM100标配传感器是压电式,每个传感器都有各自的灵敏度,通道设置代码: DJ-1X传感器:压电灵敏度:19.80pC/g 频率: 2000 触发: 自由 增益: 5倍 信号: 速度 报警值 加速度:20.00速度: 20.00 位移: 20.00确定通道设置 代码: DJ-1X 传感器:压电 灵敏度:19.80pC/g 频率: 2000 触发: 自由 增益: 5倍 信号: 速度 报警值 加速度:20.00 速度: 20.00 位移: 20.00 确定13所以根据实际值填写,这里默认灵敏度为“19.80”,选择完毕后按“确定”返回 设置主页面1.4按“频宽”进入更改频率界面,如下按上下左右更改频率,请根据实际被测机械振动频率填写(选择高于被测机械的工作频率 以便分析 ),这里默认频率为“1000”,单位Hz 。
