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非英语专业 A 组笔译预赛试题选手姓名:参赛编号:
I.Each of the following Chinese phrases is provided with three English translations, marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (20%)
[ ] 1. 武汉园博会
A. Wuhan International Garden Exhibition
B. Wuhan Garden Exhibition
C. Wuhan International Garden Expo
[ ] 2. 跳槽
A. job-hopping
B. job-jumping
C. job-skipping
[ ] 3. 口水战
A. a mouth and water war
B. a war of words
C. a mouth-water war
[ ] 4. 自然保护区
A. natural conservations
B. natural preservations
C. natural conserves
[ ] 5. 火药
B. fire power B. fire medicine
C. gunpowder
[ ] 6. 文房四宝
A. the Four Precious of the Studio
B. the Four Treasures of the Study
C. the Four Jewelries of Scholars
[ ] 7. ft寨货
A. false goods
B. mountain village goods
C. counterfeit goods
[ ] 8. 磁悬浮列车
A.Suspension Train
B. High-speed Rail
C. Mag-lev train
[ ] 9. 战国
A.the War States
B. the Warring States
C. the States in War
[ ] 10. 儒教
B. Confucianism
C. Confucianist
[ ] 11. 公务员考试
A.National Exam for Civil Servants
B. National Entrance Exam for Civil Servants
C. National Civil Service Exam
[ ] 12. 分期付款
A. payment in installments
B. payment in one installment
C. down payment [ ] 13. 隐形眼镜
A. invisible glasses
B. contact lenses
C. unseen lenses
[ ] 14. 农民工
A. rural workers
B. country workers
C. migrant workers
[ ] 15. 植入广告
A. product placement
B. commercial inserts
C. built-in ads
[ ] 16. 节能减排
A. energy control and emission declining
B. energy cutting and pollution decrease
C. energy saving and emission reduction
[ ] 17. 一带一路
A. The Belt and the Road
B. the Belt and Road
C. the Belts and Roads [ ] 18. 统筹兼顾
A. to adopt a holistic approach
B. to adopt a whole view
C. to take everything into consideration
[ ] 19. 端午节
A. the Dragon Boat Day
B. the Zongzi Festival
C. the Dragon Boat Festival [ ] 20. 黄鹤楼
A. the Yellow Crane Tower
B. the Yellow Tower of Birds
C. the Yellow Tower of Larks
II.Each of the following English phrases is followed by three Chinese versions marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (20%)
[ ] 1. a bolt from the blue
C. 一鸣惊人
[ ] 2. white day
B. 黄道吉日
C. 灯火通明的日子[ ] 3. International Nuclear Security Architecture
B. 全球核安全建设
C. 全球核安全体系[ ] 4. tailored taxi service
C. 专车服务
[ ] 5. virtual mobbing
B. 虚拟围攻
C. 虚拟群众
[ ] 6. Yellow Pages
B. 电话黄页
[ ] 7. mortality rate
B. 存活率
C. 死亡率
[ ] 8. drug smuggling
B. 毒品走私
C. 药品走私
[ ] 9. a guard of honor
B. 荣誉士兵
[ ] 10.deportation order
B. 驱逐令
[ ] 11.financial intelligence exchanges
B. 金融高管交流
C. 金融智能交流[ ] 12. as tough as old boots
B. 重蹈覆辙
C. 老马识途
[ ] 13. advertising endorser
A. 广告代理商
B. 广告代言人
C. 发表广告的客户[ ] 14. to carry coals to Newcastle
A. 不辞辛苦
B. 兢兢业业
C. 多此一举[ ] 15. a fair-weather friend
A. 不能共患难的朋友
B. 同甘共苦的朋友
C. 非常风光的朋友[ ] 16. the salt of the earth
A. 平民百姓
B. 社会中坚
C. 官僚贵族[ ] 17.vulgar interests
A. 大众爱好
B. 低档趣味
C. 大众利益[ ] 18.ticket scalping
A. 暗箱操作选票
B. 拉票
C. 倒票
[ ] 19. the Apple of Discord
A. 禁果
B. 争斗之源
C. 心爱之物[ ] 20. social security system
A. 社会保障体系
B. 社会保护体系
C. 社会保险体系III.Each of the following Chinese sentences is followed by three English versions marked A,B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (20%)
[ ] 1. 这艘船容易翻,由于它造型不合理。
A.The boat is easy to overturn because of its unreasonable shape.
B.The boat is apt to overturn because it is unreasonably shaped.
C.The boat is probable to be overturned because its shape is unreasonable.
[ ] 2. 要把中国 13 亿人的饭碗牢牢端在自己手中。
A.We will hold the bowls of China’s 1.3 billion people in our hands.
B.We will provide job opportunities for China’s 1.3 billion people.
C.We will have full control over the food supply of China’s 1.3 billion people.
[ ] 3. 本书所讲的内容对通讯工程师来说是很有趣的。
A.What this paper discusses is of great interest to communications engineers.
B.The content that this paper talks about is of great interest to communications engineers.
C.The content in this book is of great interest to communication engineers.
[ ] 4.谋事在人,成事在天。
A.Planning is Man and Completion is Heaven.
B.Man proposes and Destiny disposes.
C.Man’s proposal is the cornerstone of success.
[ ] 5.我们现在是万事俱备,只欠东风,只要电以来,立刻投入生产
A.We’ve got all ready except an east wind; production can start at once if only there is power.
power. power. B.We’ve got all ready except the catalyst; production can start at once if only there is
C.We’ve got all ready except a west wind; production can start at once if only there is
[ ] 6. 从前,中国人喜欢大家庭,有的家庭四世同堂。
A.In the old days, Chinese people preferred to live in large families and some even have four generations living under the same roof.
B.he old days, Chinese people preferred extended families with up to four generations under the same roof.
C.In the old days, Chinese people preferred to live in extended families with up to four generations in the same house.
[ ] 7. 世界各国应当主动构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系。
A.All countries should build a new type of international relations based on double-win cooperation.
B.All countries should build a new type of international relations featuring double winning cooperation .
C.All countries should build a new kind of international relations featuring win-win cooperation.
[ ] 8. 中国出境游达近亿人次。
A.The number of going-out Chinese tourists reached close to 100 million.
B.The number of Chinese tourists going overseas reached close to 100 million.
C.The number of Chinese tourists going out reached almost 100 million.
[ ] 9. 抽烟会引发气管炎(bronchitis),使死于气管炎的概率增加 5 倍。
A.oking may cause bronchitis, leading 4 times greater chances of dying from it.
B.oking may cause bronchitis, increasing five times the risk of dying from it.
C.oking may cause bronchitis,increasing six fold the risk of dying from it
[ ]10. 急人之所急,雪中送炭,是中国人崇尚的处世之道。
A.Give timely help to those in need, which is Chinese philosophy of life.
B.To take others’concern as one’s own and offer timely assistance is how the Chinese conduct themselves.
C.It is the philosophy of the Chinese people to put themselves in others’shoes.
IV.Each of the following English sentences is followed by three Chinese versions marked A,B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (20%)
[ ] 1. The report noted proposals that eating less fat and more food with whole grains and fibers can protect against cancer.
[ ] 2.I had experienced oxygen and/or engine trouble.
[ ] 3.According to this law, the pressure of a given mass of gas at constant temperature is in inverse proportion to the volume occupied by the gas.
[ ] 4.Physical comfort does not depend on temperature alone, but on other factors as well. One of the major factors on which comfort depends is humidity. High humidity helps prevent heat loss from the body and makes even high temperature less bearable.
[ ] 5.Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a major source of indoor air pollution. In this dissertation, a semi-real time system for monitoring ETS are proposed and compared with other systems.
本文提出了一种监控ETS 的半实时系统并将该系统与其它系统进行了比较。
在这篇论文中,作者提出了一种掌控 ETS 的半真实系统和其它比较系统。
该论文建议了一种监督 ETS 的半真实系统并将其它系统与该系统加以比较。
[ ] 6. If the government accepts his new proposal, the nation will be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.
[ ] 7. He walked round in a circle, taking tiny, nervous steps. An expressionless smile, frozen on his face, revealed a cemetery of rotten teeth.
[ ] 8. Her head was half bent to watch her shoes stir the circling leaves.
[ ] 9. There was a menu , but it didn’t make any difference , everything tasted the same. Monumental portion. You’d stand up at the end and want to die.
[ ]10. Spurred by the oil price shocks of the 1970s, the United States between1977and 1985 increased efficiency and cut oil consumption 17% and net oil imports 50% while the economy grew 27%.
A.20 世纪 70 年代石油价格飙升的刺激,美国在 1977 年到 1985 年间提高了石油运用效率,石油消耗量减少了 17%,石油进口净额减少了 50%,而经济却增加了 27%。
B.受 20 世纪 70 年代石油价格飙升的刺激,美国在 1977 年到 1985 年间提高了石油运用效率,石油消耗量减少到 17%,石油进口净额减少了 50%,而经济却增加了 27%。
C.受 20 世纪 70 年代石油价格飙升的刺激,美国在 1977 年到 1985 年间提高了石油运用效率,石油消耗量减少了 17%,石油出口净额减少了 50%,而经济却增加了 27% 。
V.Translate the following phrases (20%):
1.regional economic integration
2.aircraft carrier
3.promotional poster
4.trade surplus
5.selfie stick