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How to Deal When You're Feeling Down
Being a student can be really tough sometimes. There's so much pressure to perform well academically, while also trying to have a social life, extracurriculars, maybe a part-time job, and just general stresses of growing up. It's no wonder that every student feels down in the dumps occasionally. When I'm having one of those days or weeks where nothing seems to be going right and I'm struggling with low mood, here are some of the methods I use to try to lift my spirits.
One of the first things I do is take a step back and try to pinpoint what exactly is bringing me down. Is it something specific like a bad grade, fight with a friend, or rejection from a club I really wanted to join? Or is it that nagging generalized feeling of being overwhelmed and burnt out? Once I identify the root causes, I can start addressing them piece by piece rather than feeling hopelessly swallowed up by my unhappiness.
If there are particular situations or tasks stressing me out, I make a plan to handle them systematically. For example, if I bombed a test, I'll email the professor explaining that I struggled with certain concepts and asking if I can stop by office hours or get tutoring assistance. Having a action plan makes the issue feel more manageable. If I'm just feeling overworked in general, I'll make a list prioritizing my most important tasks and obligations, and give myself permission to temporarily drop or reschedule less crucial items until I've recovered my equilibrium.
One of the biggest risks of unhappiness is isolating yourself socially, which can turn into a vicious cycle of loneliness breeding more sadness. That's why I try to schedule times to connect with friends and loved ones, even if I don't feel like being around people in the moment. Making plans to grab lunch with a friend, seeing a comedy show with my roommates, or even just FaceTiming my parents for a hour can really boost my mood. Having a solid support system to lean on is so important.
I also make sure to practice self-care during difficult periods, like getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and eating nutritious meals. It's easy to let healthy habits fall by the wayside when you're blue, but taking care of your basic needs tends to improve your mindset too. Light exercise like going for a walk or
doing gentle yoga can work wonders as well. And while the old "treat yourself" advice gets thrown around a lot, there's truth to occasionally indulging in little ways that bring you joy, whether that's watching your favorite TV show, buying yourself flowers, or getting takeout from your go-to comfort food spot.
Getting outside definitely revives my spirits. There's something about fresh air and a change of scenery that clears my head. If I'm really struggling, I'll plan a full day trip to go hiking or just explore a new part of town. But even just sitting outside reading for an hour can shift my perspective. Time in nature is proven to reduce stress and anxiety, and being outside gives me a sense of looking beyond my current disappointing situation.
I'm also a big believer in the power of creative outlets as therapy. When I'm upset, activities that engage my hands or minds like drawing, writing, playing music, or working on a craft project can transport me into a kind of meditative flow state. Even if the end products aren't masterpieces, the simple acts of making something are inherently rewarding and centering. Getting your emotions out on the page through journaling or poetry can be very cathartic too.
Speaking of therapy, sometimes talking to a counselor can be enormously helpful for working through persistent sadness or
anxiety. At my university, students have access to low-cost psychologists and counselors, and many people find it useful to have a neutral third party to vent concerns to, get coping strategies from, and gain new perspectives. Group counseling sessions revolving around common issues like perfectionism, impostor syndrome, procrastination, and more can be incredibly validating when you realize you're not alone in your struggles.
Spiritual beliefs and practices also help some people find meaning and inner peace during tough times. If you're religious, actions like praying, attending services, or speaking with a faith leader may provide comfort and guidance. For the more spiritually-inclined, meditation apps, mindfulness exercises, or reading philosophical texts could be grounding. Personally, I find it helpful to consciously cultivate gratitude, even for small joys and comforts. Making a daily list of things I'm grateful for reminds me how many good things I have in my life beyond my current worries and disappointments.
The main thing is to be proactive in combating sadness rather than letting it fester. Find healthy coping mechanisms that work for you, and keep exploring new methods. Build a toolbox of techniques to turn to, because one perspective or activity alone usually isn't enough to totally lift your mood. Most
importantly, don't beat yourself up if you're feeling down - that's just part of the human experience. Have compassion for yourself. This too shall pass. Better days are coming.
How to Deal With Feeling Unhappy
We've all been there - those times when life just seems to get you down and you can't shake off the unhappy feelings no matter what you try. As a student, I've definitely had my fair share of rough patches where I've felt stressed, anxious, sad, or just plain lousy. Whether it's struggles with classes, friendship drama, family issues, or just feeling overwhelmed in general, unhappiness can strike any of us at any time.
The tough thing about being unhappy is that it can be hard to get out of that negative mindset once you're stuck in it. The unhappy feelings can cast a dark cloud over everything and make it difficult to stay positive and motivated. I've learned that it's really important to have some good coping strategies to turn to when I'm feeling down, as ignoring those feelings usually just makes them worse over time.
So what are some good ways for a student to deal with unhappiness? Based on my own experiences, here are some tips that have helped me get through the difficult times:
Talk to Someone You Trust
One of the best things I've found for coping with unhappiness is simply getting it off my chest by talking to someone I trust - whether that's a close friend, family member, teacher, counselor or someone else who will listen without judging me. Sometimes just venting about what's bothering me and getting it out in the open can be an amazing stress relief. The people who care about me have often helped me regain perspective on my problems and not feel so alone.
Write in a Journal
If I'm not comfortable opening up to someone else right away, keeping a journal has been another great outlet. There's something incredibly cathartic about pouring my heart out on the page without holding anything back. Getting all my deepest thoughts and emotions out of my head and onto paper helps clear a Path for more positive thinking. Looking back at entries from tough times once I'm feeling better has helped me realize that unhappiness is only temporary.
Practice Self-Care
When I'm unhappy, it's easy to neglect basic self-care, but that's exactly when I need it most. Making sure I get enough sleep, eating healthy foods, exercising, and doing relaxing activities I enjoy can work wonders for lifting my mood. It reminds me to be kind to myself and that I deserve to feel good, both physically and mentally. Giving myself little pick-me-ups, even if they're small, shows that I'm prioritizing my own needs.
Avoid Dwelling on the Negatives
While it's okay to feel unhappy sometimes, I've learned it's best not to let myself stay in negative thought patterns for too long. Constantly replaying painful situations or scolding myself over and over won't fix anything - it'll only keep me stuck. When I catch myself dwelling on unhappiness, I try to shift my mindset to more positive thinking. Making a conscious effort to look for the bright side, no matter how small, can slowly pull me out of the darkness.
Do Something to Help Others
When I'm feeling down about my own problems, getting out of my head and doing something kind for someone else has an amazing way of providing perspective. Volunteering, helping a
friend with a task, or even just giving someone a compliment gets me out of my negative fixations for a while. It reminds me that I have the power to make a positive impact, no matter how I'm feeling inside. Focusing outward rather than inward for a bit has a way of lifting my spirits.
Take a Break and Distract Myself
Sometimes, I just need to step away from whatever is causing my unhappiness and refresh my mind. Taking a break to watch a favorite movie, read for fun, take a walk outside, play with a pet, or hang out with friends gives me a mental break from my troubles. Allowing myself to get absorbed in an unrelated, enjoyable distraction for a while prevents me from slipping any deeper into sadness and renews my energy to deal with challenges.
Set Manageable Goals
When I'm feeling unhappy, even basic tasks can seem impossible, which only makes me feel worse about myself. That's why I've found it super helpful to set small, reasonable goals that I know I can achieve to regain a sense of control and accomplishment. Whether it's cleaning my room, getting a tricky assignment done, or even just getting out of bed and dressed for
the day - checking off those little goals gives me a refreshed motivational boost.
Be Patient and Ride it Out
As much as unhappiness feels awful in the moment, I have to keep reminding myself that it's only temporary and things will eventually get better. Unhappy periods are part of the human experience, and it's okay to feel that way sometimes without judging myself too harshly. I've learned to be patient, take it one day at a time, and know that the cloud of sadness will eventually start to lift if I keep taking care of myself. Having faith that brighter days are ahead prevents me from sinking even deeper into despair.
No matter what's causing my unhappiness, I know in my heart that this too shall pass and I'll make it through to calmer, happier times - I just have to keep trying different coping methods until I find what works best for me in that moment. Unhappiness may be unavoidable sometimes, but it's how we deal with it that makes all the difference. As long as I'm gentle but proactive with myself during the low points, I know I have the strength and resilience to get myself out of even the darkest of funks.
How to Cope When You're Feeling Down
Being a student can be really tough sometimes. There's so much pressure to excel academically, get involved in extracurriculars, make friends, figure out your future plans, and live up to everyone's expectations of you. On top of that, you're going through a ton of changes physically, mentally, and emotionally. It's totally normal to feel overwhelmed, stressed, or just plain unhappy sometimes.
I've definitely been there before – we all have. Like that time I bombed my calculus midterm after studying for weeks. Or when I got rejected from my dream university. Or when I had a huge falling out with my best friend over something stupid. In those moments, it felt like the world was crashing down around me and the sadness was never going to go away.
But I survived those tough times, and looking back, they don't seem quite as earth-shattering now. I've learned some good coping strategies over the years for getting through the lows and not letting sadness consume me completely. Here are some tips that have really helped me when I'm feeling unhappy:
Talk to Someone
This is probably the most important thing you can do when you're struggling with difficult emotions. Don't try to bottle everything up inside – it'll just make you feel worse in the long run. Reach out to someone you trust, whether it's a family member, friend, teacher, counselor, or someone else. Getting feelings and worries off your chest can provide immense relief.
That said, be a little picky about who you vent to. As much as you might want to, try not to unload all your problems on one or two people repeatedly. That can start to feel like a burden for them, even if they care about you. Instead, diversify – talk to different people about different issues so no one feels overwhelmed.
If you're not ready to discuss something out loud yet, writing can be an incredible outlet. Get one of those blank notebooks and fill it up with your thoughts, feelings, worries, dreams –whatever's on your mind. You can rant, vent, sort through problems, and just let it all out without any judgment.
Journaling helps me gain clarity when I'm feeling muddled. It allows me to track my moods and see patterns. And looking back at old entries reminds me that low points are temporary, because I made it through other difficult periods before.
Make a Playlist
Music has amazing power to shift your mindset and lift your spirits when you're down. Make a playlist of songs that make you feel happy, motivated, empowered, or whatever vibe you need in that moment. Pump it up loud and have a dance party for one if you want!
My ultimate cheer-up playlist has a mix of fun, upbeat pop songs and more mellow, meaningful tracks with lyrics that resonate with me. Somehow listening to my favorite artists seems to put things in perspective.
Get Active
When you're feeling crummy mentally, pursuing some sort of physical activity can work wonders. Getting your body moving releases endorphins that naturally improve your mood. And checking exercise off your to-do list gives a nice sense of accomplishment.
You don't have to train for a marathon or anything – just get your body moving in whatever way feels good. Go for a walk or run outside, hit the gym for a workout, take a yoga class, dance around your room, whatever. Raising your heart rate for even 20-30 minutes can boost your outlook.
Treat Yourself
Within reason, give yourself little treats and indulgences to cheer yourself up on a bad day. Bake your favorite dessert. Binge-watch something mindless on Netflix. Buy that new video game you've been wanting. Get takeout from your go-to comfort food spot. Do something purely for fun and enjoyment with no productivity goals attached.
Of course, don't go too overboard here – bingeing on all your vices at once could lead to an even worse slump later. But in moderation, giving yourself little rewards can provide a nice pick-me-up.
Get Out of Your Head
When sadness, anxiety, and negative thoughts are looping endlessly in your mind, it's important to find ways to temporarily distract yourself and take a mental break. Call a friend and get out of the house to grab coffee or see a movie. Pick up a new hobby you've been wanting to try, like knitting, woodworking, or coding. Read an engrossing book that will capture your full attention for a while.
Getting out of your own head, even just for a little bit, can disrupt the cycle of melancholy and give you a much-needed breather.
Be Patient and Forgive Yourself
Most importantly, don't beat yourself up if you're struggling. Feeling unhappy is part of the human experience – it's impossible to be happy and positive 100% of the time. Make peace with the fact that you'll have off days, weeks, or even months sometimes. Cut yourself some slack and don't judge yourself too harshly.
At the same time, don't resign yourself to being stuck in sadness forever. Take it one day at a time, and keep putting one foot in front of the other even when it's hard. Better days are ahead, I promise. With patience, self-compassion, and the right coping strategies, you can get through this.
I'm still figuring out this whole "life" thing myself, but I've found that having。
