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2019-2020 年八年级下册英语期末检测试题及答案

I. Listening (共 15 分, A 题每小题 2 分, B 题每小题 1 分 )

(A) Listen to the dialogue and choose the right picture. (10分)




2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

(B) Listen and choose the best response. 分(5)

( ) 1. A. I am doing my homework. B. The movie is great!

C. Can ’ t I sleep a little longer?

( ) 2. A. Yeah, try looking for it in your bookshelf.

B. I haven ’ t seen you for ages

C.. I lost my schoolbag too.

( ) 3. A. The snow is falling. B. I know. I left my gloves at home.

C. I would like to go skating.

( ) 4. A. I don ’ t know What’ s on at the cinema?B. I ’ m home.

C. Where are my glasses?

( ) 5. A. It ’ s going to rain. B. Go and wash your hands.

C. Why don ’ t you sitover there, next to Andrew?

II. Communication (共 15 分, A 题每小题 1 分, B 题每小题 2 分)

(A) Choose the best responsefrom A to F in the box according to the sentence given. Each choice should be used only once.

( ( ( ( ( )1. Do you mind if I smoke here?

)2. I ’m going to take an exam.

)3. Dad, there’s something wrong with your computer. )4. Could you lend me some books?

)5. What about having a bottle of orange juice?

A. I ’m afraid not. I haven’tany here.

B. Of course not.

C. Good idea.

D. Good luck.

E. What a pity!

F. Never mind. Your uncle can fix it.

(B)Complete the dialogue with the sentences in the box.

Kate: Mom, Saturday is my birthday. 1. _______

Mom: Of course! 2. _________

Kate: I want you to give me some money.

Mom: OK. But why?

Kate: 3. ________

Mom: Well, I ’ m going shopping tomorrow, and I can buy some drinks and snacks for you.

Kate: Oh, good. Thanks, Mom.

Mom: You’ re welcome. Oh, could you clean your room?

Kate: 4. _______

Mom: You need to clean it again for your party.

Kate: OK, but I need to do my homework first.

Mom: That ’ s right. After you finish your homework, please clean the room.

I the floor and do the dishes. 5. _________

Kate: Yes, sure.

A. What can I do for you?

B. I cleaned it yesterday.

C. What are you going to do?

D. I need to buy some drinks and snacks.

E. Could you take out the rubbish at the moment?

F. Could I invite my friends to my party on that day?

G. What should we do now?

二、运用部分(共计35 分)

I. Multiple choice (共20 分,每小题 1 分)

( ( ) 1. Glass can be made ______ drinking glasses.

A. into

B. of

C. from ) 2. —Which is more useful, English or Chinese?

—I think ______ them are useful.


A. either of

B. none of

C. both of ) 3. Would you mind ______ he attends the meeting? A. that B. if C. how
