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1、利用人工合成六倍体小麦 Am3 作为供体亲本构建的 BC5F6 回交高代导入系,首次对小麦 野生种的远缘杂交结实性进行了 QTL 分析,获得如下结果:
(1)对于群体 1 的 111 个导入系,在两个环境下共检测到 13 个影响小麦远缘杂交结实性的 QTL,其中在 2008 洛阳环境下共检测到 10 个 QTL 位点,分布在 6 条染色体上;在 2009 焦作环 境下共检测到 10 个 QTL 位点,分布在 5 条染色体上。两个环境下共有 7 个位点重复检测到,分 别分布在 1A、2D、4B、5B 和 6A 染色体上。其中 QCa.caas-2D, QCa.caas-4B 和 QCa.caas-6A 为 未见报道的新的 QTL。
(2) For the population Ⅱ, including 62 ILs, totally, thirteen QTLs were detected in two environments, including nine QTLs on five chromosomes in 2008 Luoyang, and ten QTLs on five chromosomes in 2009 Jiaozuo. Six QTLs were detected repeatedly in two different environments, distributing on chromosome 1A, 2D and 7D. QCa.caas-7D was novel among these QTLs.
2、利用 199 个重组自交系与黑麦杂交,采用单标记分析法和复合区间作图法对小麦的远缘 杂交结实性的 QTL 进行分析。利用单标记分析法,在两个环境下共检测到 53 个影响小麦远缘杂 交结实性的 QTL 位点;用复合区间作图法,在两个环境下共检测到 4 个与小麦远缘杂交结实性 相关的 QTL 位点,其中在 2009 焦作试点检测到 3 个,位于 2B、5D、6B 上,共解释表型变异的 23.32%;在 2009 北京试点检测到 1 个,位于 3A 染色体上,可解释表型变异的 11.42%。
(1) For the population Ⅰ, including 111 ILs, totally, thirteen QTLs were detected in two environments, including ten QTLs on six chromosomes in 2008 Luoyang, and ten QTLs on six chromosomes in 2009 Jiaozuo. Seven QTLs were detected repeatedly in two different environments, distributing on chromosome 1A, 2D, 4B, 5B and 6A. QCa.caas-2D, QCa.caas-4B and QCa.caas-6A were novel among these QTLs.
(2)对于群体 2 的 62 个导入系,在两个环境下共检测到 13 个影响小麦远缘杂交结实性的 QTL,其中在 2008 洛阳环境下共检测到 9 个 QTL 位点,分布在 5 条染色体上;在 2009 焦作环 境下共检测到 10 个 QTL 位点,分布在 5 条染色体上。两个环境下共有 6 个位点重复检测到,分 别分布在 1A、2D 和 7D 染色体上。其中 QCa.caas-7D 为未见报道的新的 QTL。
小麦是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一,驯化与长期的育种选择使得现代栽培小麦品种的遗传 基础越来越狭窄。通过远缘杂交,把小麦亲缘物种的优良特性引入栽培小麦,丰富栽培小麦遗传 基础,是克服和弥补常规育种遗传资源不足的有效途径。杂交不亲和是影响远缘杂交成功率最重 要的因素,借助分子标记技术发掘新的影响小麦远缘杂交的基因位点/ QTL,对小麦远缘杂交育 种具有重要意义。小麦野生种中存在着大量的优异基因,发掘并利用这些基因位点/ QTL,有利 于改良小麦的重要农艺性状。本研究利用重组自交系和导入系群体发掘可交配性基因/QTL,并对 其中的一套导入系的重要农艺性状进行了 QTL 检测,取得结果如下:
2.One way ANOVA analysis and composite interval mapping were used to detect QTL for the crossability between 199 RILs (Triticum aestivum) with rye (Secale cereale), which RILs were gotten from a crossing between two Chinese commercial varieties. Fifty-three QTLs for crossability were detected using one way ANOVA in two different environments. Using composite interval mapping, four putative QTLs for crossability were detected in two environments, including three QTLs on 2B, 5D and 6B chromosomes in 2009 Jiaozuo, which can explained 23.32% of the phenotypic variance in crossability, and one QTL on chromosome 3A in 2009 Beijing, which can explained 11.42% of the phenotypic variance in crossability.
指 导 教 师: 贾继增 研究员
申 请 学 位 门 类 级 别: 理 学 博 士
专 业 名 称: 遗 传 学
研 究 方 向: 植物功能基因组学
所 在 学 院: 生 物 学 院
China Agricultural University Ph.D. Dissertation
Detection of QTLs for crossability and the important agronomic traits in wheat
本人完全了解中国农业大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留 送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复 制手段保存、汇编学位论文。同意中国农业大学可以用不同方式在不同媒体上发表、 传播学位论文的全部或部分内容。
3、利用单因素方差分析对 Am3/L953 BC5F6 导入系的 6 个重要农艺性状进行了 QTL 定位分 析。以 P<0.05 作为 QTL 存在的标准,共检测到 89 个 QTL,分布在 1A、2A、2B、2D、4A、4B、 4D、6A、6B、7B 和 7D 染色体上,其中与株高相关的 QTL 15 个,与有效分蘖相关的 QTL 8 个, 与穗长相关的 QTL 18 个,与小穗数相关的 QTL 12 个,与穗粒数相关的 QTL 17 个,与千粒重相 关的 QTL 18 个。同时,将可交配性位点与所检测的 6 个重要农艺性状的位点结合起来进行分析, 发现控制可交配性的 QTL 附近区段同样存在着影响株高、穗长等重要农艺性状的 QTL。
分类号: 密 级: 公开
单位代码:10019 学 号:B06060358
小麦远缘杂交结实性及重要农艺性状 QTL 分析
Detection of QTLs for crossability and the important agronomic traits in wheat

生: 张莉
Ph.D. Candidate: Zhang Li Advisor: Prof. Jia Jizeng Major: Genetics
June 2011
本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成 果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发 表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得中国农业大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书 而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明 确的说明并表示了谢意。
1.QTL analysis was performed for crossability first using two sets of BC5F6 ILs crossing with rye, which ILs derived from continuous backcrossing between synthetic hexaploid wheat Am3, an donor parent and an elite variety Laizhou 953, an recurrent parent.
Bread wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) is one of the most important crops in the world. During the domestication and long breeding selection process for common wheat, its genetic diversity has been narrowed by bottleneck effect and selection. It’s a powerful way to broaden the genetic base of common wheat and make up the deficiency of the genetic resources of the conventional breeding by using wide cross and making exotic germplasm resources into the common wheat. The incompatibility is an important effection on wide cross. It is significant to detect new genes/QTLs improving wide cross by using the technology of molecular marker for wheat wide cross. Wild species are likely to contain favorable genetic factors , and detecting and using these genes/QTLs that can improve the agronomic traits of wheat. In the present study, we used different map populations (recombinant inbred lines RIL and introgression lines ILs) to detect new crossability genes/QTLs from cultivar and synthetic hexaploid wheat, and detect six important agronomic traits’QTLs of a set of ILs. The results of the present study are described as follows: