牛津译林版高中英语模块8 Unit 4 Films and film events Vocabula
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4.背诵经典 You can read broad anecdotes in the biography of the screenwriter who has created many scripts in defence of farm workers. 规范默写
Thank you!
D 组(名词)
1.背诵经典 There was a scar on the forehead of the evil wizard who wanted to conquer the land and become a top-ranking leader. 规范默写
2.背诵经典 The sponsor sincerely financed the organization
/edʒ/ edge /brɔːd/ broad /ˌəʊvə′lʊk/ overlook
/swIft/ swift /meId/ maid /′fɔːml/ formal
/′taIəsəm/ tiresome /skrIpt/ script /ʃuːt/ shoot /′ænIkdəʊt/ anecdote /tens/ tense /′fæntəsI/ fantasy
A 组(兼类词) n.& v.金融;给……提供经费 finance 赞助者;赞助 sponsor 拍摄;幼苗;射击 shoot n.& adj.邪恶;邪恶的 evil
B 组(形容词) 不太贵的;谦虚的 modest 广泛的 broad 最高等级的 top-ranking 迅速的 swift 正式的 formal 令人厌烦的 tiresome 真诚的 sincere 含盐的 salty 令人紧张的 tense 首要的 paramount
抵制 boycott 策划,孵化 hatch 使接触 expose 驳斥 contradict 类似 resemble 忽略,俯视 overlook 积累 accumulate 征服 conquer
C 组(动词)
代表 representative 标准 criterion 约束 restriction 进入,词条 entry 偏爱 preference 失望 disappointment 祝贺 congratulation 抢劫 robbertion
to boycott or make restrictions on tiresome Japanese goods,which didn’t meet our criterion. 规范默写
3.背诵经典 Please help yourself to some salty popcorn to relax your tense nerves when watching a thriller. 规范默写
Unit 4 Films and film events Vocabulary 课件 1
/′faInæns/ finance /′bɔIkɒt/ boycott /hætʃ/ hatch /′mɒdIst/ modest /Ik′spəʊz/ expose /rI′zembl/ resemble