B3U8 课文翻译及课后练习答案
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Unit 8 Nature and Nuture
In-class reading
1 遗传与环境究竟哪一个影响更大呢?在相当大的程度上,一个人生来具有的潜力将决定她一生的作为。
2 遗传与环境的相对影响在同卵双胞胎中最易观察到。
3 对分开抚养的同卵双胞胎已进行了许多研究。
4 在对从一出生就分离的19对双胞胎的研究中,研究者发现,其中约三分之二的双胞胎之间的差异与一起长大的双胞胎之间的差异一样不明显。
5 格莱迪丝与海伦出生于俄亥俄州的一个小镇,在大约18个月时被分开抚养。
6 格莱迪丝被加拿大的一个列车乘务员及其妻子领养。
7 海伦在儿童与成年时期都一直比格莱迪丝健康,但除了这一点以及各自所受的教育不同之外,她们的生活环境十分相似。
8 海伦自信、举止得体、充分利用了她外表的优势,在社交中也显得很从容,有修养。
9 考虑到她们环境方面的经历的本质不同,海伦与格莱迪丝之间的差异也就不足为怪了。
After-class reading
1 如果您对双胞胎感兴趣的话,那么双胞胎镇会使您着迷。
2 从1976年起的每个夏天,这个位于俄亥俄州克里夫兰郊外的小镇都会挤满众多的双胞胎。
3 您要就是去过那儿的话,您可能会注意到有很多科学家也参加了这个盛会。
4 为什么我们有些人精通数学或擅长写作,而另外一些人则在艺术或篮球上出类拔萃?就是什么造成了我们在智力、才能与品味上的差异?这些主要就是由我们从父母那里继承来的基因(先天遗传)决定的不?同我们的生活经历(后天培养),也就就是我们成长的社会环境又有多大关系呢?
5 如果您就是一个对这个问题感兴趣的科学家,您难道不想研究一下同卵双胞胎不?想一想:从同一受精卵发育出来了两个人。
6 不一定吧。
7 在过去的10年间,由心理学家小托马斯·J·布沙尔带领的一组科学家研究了大约65对分开抚养的同卵双胞胎。
8 科学家们把每对双胞胎带到明尼苏达大学进行为期一周、深入细致的检测。
9 同时,心理学家们还对双胞胎进行了智商与性格测试。
10 布沙尔小组对分开抚养的双胞胎之间的相似之处感到非常吃惊。
11 “吉姆兄弟”就是布沙尔研究的第一对同卵双胞胎,她们出生四周后就被不同的家庭领养。
12 在吉姆兄弟之间所发现的相同点在明尼苏达小组研究的双胞胎身上都普遍存在。
13 但就是除了巧合之外,明尼苏达的科学家们收集并分析了有关双胞胎的健康、智力与个性方面的大量数据。
14 明尼苏达小组报告说智力似乎也更受基因的影响而不就是环境。
15 但就是最令人吃惊的就是,明尼苏达小组发现基因对于个性的形成起着重要作用,例如,会决定我们就是否尊重传统、循规蹈矩,还就是会成为坚定的离经叛道者。
16 另一些科学家不同意这个说法。
17 布沙尔本人表示了这样的观点,即使就是她所研究过的最相似的双胞胎也就是彼此不同的。
18 您知道这意味着什么:为了考试,您还得学习!
Part One Preparation
1、Talking about Twins
1) I knew a set of twins in my class in the middle school、They looked alike and usually dressed alike so we often got them mixed up、They were very close to each other and could exchange their ideas quickly、But they had quite different personalities: one was shy, quiet, and self-conscious while the other was self-confident and optimistic、
2) I think it’s because there aren’t many twins around us、People are always curious about things that they rarely see、Another reason for their curiosity is probably that twins resemble each other, which is very unusual among other people、
3) — They must be proud because they are different from others、
— They may feel happy because they can enjoy each other’s company at home、
— They may feel lonely because it may be more difficult to make friends with other people、— They may feel bored and discouraged because every day they will see the mirror image of themselves、
— They may often feel jealous of each other since they are competing for their parents’ love and
2、Nature, Nurture or Both
1) Nature and nurture: A person can have natural talents, but mastery always takes some effort、
You have to try to succeed、
2) Nature: No matter what the hairdo (hair style) is, their hairlines stay the same、This trait is due
to the genes that the mother passed on to her son、
3) Nature: There’s nothing wrong with Julie’s nose、Some people have the genes to smell freesia,
others don’t、
4) Nurture: Are you wild about mysteries, adventures, or biographies? Your tastes may be
determined by the books that are available in your home or school、
5) Nurture: Somebody’s favorite clothes and color can change as quickly as the cover of a style
magazine、You might say it’s due t o the JEANS, not the GENES、
6) Nature: Genes determine whether a person’s earlobes are attached or detached、
7) Nature and nurture: Your personality isn’t determined only by genes、There are a lot of other
factors that make you who you are, such as where you live and the people you meet、
8) Nature and nurture: Practice makes perfect! Melissa earned her position as a star player because
she uses her athletic ability and works so hard、
3、An intelligent mother makes an intelligent kid?
-- Yes, I agree、I can give a lot of evidence to support this view、Take my best friend in high school for example、His mother is very intelligent, excelling all the other students in her class since her primary school days、She graduated from Qinghua University and is now working in a research institute, involved in many high-tech projects, and has won many honors、Like his mother, my friend is also very intelligent、He was very quick-minded and was always the first one to raise his hand when the teacher asked some tough questions、He was the one I would turn to when I had questions and I was never disappointed、And like his mother, he is now studying in Qinghua University as well, majoring in electronic engineering、My mother is reasonably intelligent, so am I、And in choosing a girlfriend, my No、1 criterion is INTELLIGENCE!
-- No, I don’t agree with that、Everyone agrees that “g”, which refers to general intelligence, tends to run in families、Lots of studies have shown it and most people can see it when they look at their own families, friends and acquaintances、Yet, so far no single gene has been conclusively linked to intelligence、Rather it appears to be a case of complex interactions on many levels between many different genes – something known as polygenic inheritance、So my view is that, for one thing, the intelligence of both parents would influence the intelligence of a kid, and, for another, the environment that a kid grows up in would also influence the intelligence of the kid、
4、What makes us who we are?
1) expected 2) conclude 3) account 4) nurture 5) argues
6) myth 7) predetermine 8) react 9) consequences 10) revolution 11) between 12) creature
Part Two Reading-Centered Activities
In-Class Reading
The conclusion is not justified because the sets of twins studied shared not only the same genes but also the same environment、Numerous studies have shown that both nature and nurture play a part in personal development、The similarities between the sets of twins are not due entirely to genes since environment also plays a role、
Reading Comprehension
1、Understanding the Organization of the Text
1) Introduction (Para、1)
No characteristic is caused exclusively by either environment or genes、
2) Research on the relative effects of heredity and environment (Para、2-8)、
A、Studies on identical twins raised together (Para、2)
Findings: They are remarkably alike in both appearance and behavior、
Implication: Individuals with the same genes, when raised in the same environment, will respond to it in much the same way、
B、Studies on identical twins raised apart in similar environments (Para、3~4)
Findings: They exhibited great psychological and physical likenesses、
Implication: This does not inform us of the power of genes and the limitation of the effect of the environment、
C、Studies on identical twins raised apart in contrasting environments (Para、5~8)
Findings of a case study on Gladys and Helen:
Their similarities: Their weight, height, hair color, and teeth were very similar、
Their differences in personality: Helen was confident, graceful, made the most of her personal appearance, and showed considerable polish and ease in social relationships;
while Gladys was shy, self-conscious, quiet and without charming or graceful manners、Implication: Genes alone are never absolutely responsible for any trait、
3) Conclusion (Para、9)
What we can do is set by the genes, but what we actually do is largely determined by the
2、Understanding Specific Information
1) F 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) T
Vocabulary Practice
1、1) C 2) A 3) C 4) C 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) B
2、1) resemble 2) alike 3) Like 4) similar
5) same 6) Identical, same, alike
3、1) absolutely 2) eventually 3) obviously 4) Similarly
5) remarkably 6) approximately 7) exclusively 8) actually
After-Class Reading
Part Three Further Development
1、Enriching Your Word Power
1) B 2) A 3) A 4) A 5) B 6) B 7) B 8) C 9) B 10) A 11) B 12) C
2、What do you know?
Step One
1) C
DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid (de-oxy-ri-bo-nu-cle-ic acid)、DNA is a chemical in every cell of your body、It is shaped like a long, twisted ladder、This shape is called a double helix、
2) C
DNA is found in all living things, including you! This amazing chemical tells each cell what to do and determines what an organism will look like、
3) C
Scientists are still debating how nature and nurture work together to make you who you are, but most agree that both play a role、
4) B
Scientists used to think that humans had about 100,000 genes、Recently, it was discovered that
we have about 10,000 to 20,000、We carry two copies of every gene, one copy from each parent、
5) C
Many things, such as what you eat, can affect how tall you’ll grow、Even if you have talent, making art takes practice、But eye color is a trait passed on through genes、
6) B
Before Dolly, scientists used different techniques to clone animals、Dolly was the first animal to be cloned from a cell of an adult mammal、
7) C
Believe it or not, humans and chimps have a lot of DNA in common! But as you can see, even small differences in genetic codes can make big differences in what an organism looks like、8) B
You can’t tell by looking at a fruit fly and a human, but they have a lot o f similar DNA、In fact, scientists study the fruit fly genes to help advance medical knowledge、
9) B
The human genome has a lot of DNA that carries no information and is not active genetically、It’s still a mystery to scientists why this DNA is there and w hat it does、
10) C
Although they can have very different personalities, identical twins are often difficult to tell apart physically、But the fingerprints of each are unique、
Step Two
What Do You Know about DNA?
Every day you hear people talking about DNA, but do you know what is DNA and how it is related to our life? Let me tell you briefly、
DNA is the short form of deoxyribonucleic acid、It is a chemical in every cell of our body, in the shape of a double helix、DNA is found in all living things, including you and me! This amazing chemical tells each cell what to do and determines what an organism will look like、Scientists used to think that humans had about 100,000 genes、Recently, it was discovered that we have between 10,000 to 20,000 human protein-coding genes、We carry two copies of every gene, one copy from
each parent、Living beings depend on genes, as they specify all proteins and functional RNA chains、Genes hold the information to build and maintain an organism’s cells and pass genetic traits to offspring、All organisms have many genes corresponding to various biological traits, some of which are immediately visible, such as eye color, or number of limbs, and some of which are not, such as blood type or increased risk for specific diseases, or the thousands of basic biological processes that comprise life、Genes, to a large extent, decide who we are, what we look like, and what we can do, but, of course, the environment we live in also plays a part、Believe it or not, humans and chimps, the closest living relatives to humans, have a lot of DNA in common (about 98%)! But as you can see, even small differences in genetic codes can make big differences in what an organism looks like、You don’t actually act or look like a chimp, right?
Presently, only the function of a few percent of the DNA is known, the rest has been believed
to be useless garbage, commonly called “Junk DNA” by molecular biologists、There is now i ncreasing evidence indicating that this DNA is not “junk” at all、It has been found to have various regulatory roles, which means that this so-called “non-coding DNA” influences the behavior of the genes, the “coding DNA”, in important ways、However, the knowledge is still incomplete about this DNA、And there is little knowledge about the relationship between non-coding DNA and the DNA of genes、I believe scientists will tell us more with the furthering of their research、
For Teachers:
Strategies for Giving a speech
Part One
Throughout history people have used public speaking as a vital means of communication、Pericles, the Greek leader, said more than 2,500 years ago, “One who forms a judgment on any point but cannot explain it clearly might as well never have thought at all on the subject、” The same is true today、 The ability to clearly and effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas is important in both your personal and professional life、 Personally, it can help you develop deeper and more fulfilling relationships of all types、 Professionally, it can help you stand out among your colleagues and attain positions of leadership and influence、
Following are some basic concepts of a speech:
Supporting evidence:
Presenting the speech:
Part Two
Find two sample speeches, one to inform and the other to persuade, and 1) analyze the scripts together with the students in terms of the organization and the supporting evidence used; 2) watch the speeches to see how the speakers present the speeches、
Part Three
Ask the students to work in groups, with each group preparing a speech, either an informative speech or a persuasive speech、Each group chooses one representative to deliver it to the whole class、Then invite comments from the whole class, using the concepts presented in Step One、
3、Relating Your Own Experience
1) Both my parents were occupied with working so I was raised by my grandparents、They were kind to me、They talked to me a lot, especially my grandmother、They told me about their personal experiences, and what it was like when they were young and when my parents were children、
2) My parents told me many stories and most of them were famous legends、The story that
impressed me most was about a courageous orphan、Every day, he would go out to cultivate his land、One day when he came home, he found a delicious meal on the table、This happened several times、In order to find out who was cooking for him, the young man hid behind the door、He discovered that it was the oyster fairy who had been sent to take care of him、From then on, the good fairy and the orphan lived happily together、
3) Yes, but I also enjoyed doing things with them、While doing things with them, we not only talked a lot, I also learned a lot of practical skills、
4) I think it helped to cultivate my morality、I am honest and hardworking、I think they made me strong and courageous、
1) Yes, my parents talked to me a lot, especially my father、They believed that boys should be with their fathers more to be manly、As you can imagine, my father often taught me how to behave like a man、He also told me stories about brave men, about the universe, and about his college life、When we were together, he often treated me as his equal, rather than a kid、I really enjoyed that、
2) My father graduated from an army institute so he told me a lot of stories about his college life, quite different from what we’re having now、There is one story that really impressed me, and every time I recall it, I can’t help laughing、Students in an army institute have to wear uniforms and army caps、Boys have to keep their hair short and those with long hair will be punished、And before the military review that year, the students were asked to have their hair cut, and all the boys in my father’s class had their heads shaved、During the military review, at the drill command “Dress right, DRESS!”(口令“向右瞧齐”)from the commanding officer, all the students raised their left arms parallel to the ground and locked their heads to the far right, and now happened the most funny thing: all their caps didn’t turn, keeping in the same position when they turned their heads since all the boys were “bald”、The girls in the class couldn’t help laughing, and neither could the commanding officer、You can imagine what they all looked like at that time…
3) I really enjoyed talking and doing things with my father、From him I learned a lot of things that I would not otherwise have learned and with him I also felt being respected、
4) Thanks to my father, now I know what a good father-son relationship is like and, more importantly, I have developed many masculine traits, which make me who I am now, a very popular boy with girls、
4、Case Study
5、Solving Teresa’s Dilemma
1) –Yes、Because the company needs to get the information about its clients so as to charge
accordingly、The major concern of any company is profits and every effort should be made to maximize the profits、
-- No、Because a genetic test is something private and each individual has the right to personal privacy、Even if a client has had the test, he/she has the right not to tell the company the result, especially if it means higher insurance premiums、Just as the company wants to maximize its profits, so individuals should try to minimize their costs、
2) – Yes、Because the company should try to do everything possible to get as much information
about its clients as possible, otherwise the company may suffer great loss、If the client refuses to take the test, it may mean either that he/she has some problem which might bring loss to the company or that he/she is uncooperative、Then the company may refuse to have him/her as its client、
-- No、Because each individual has the right to decide whether he/she wants to take a certain test, especially a genetic test which is often considered something private、There is also the cost of a test、If the insurance company insists that its potential client do a genetic test, the company should pay the cost、
3) – I think Teresa should charge people with the gene more because, due to their predisposition to
alcoholism, the probability for them to have an accident is higher、Fully aware of the accidents involving illegal alcohol levels and as a director of the company, Teresa has to consider the risk that her company is running and she has to try her best to minimize the loss to her company、On the other hand, she shouldn’t charge those without the gene less because a traffic accident doesn’t always have to do with alcohol、So she shouldn’t lower the charge、
4) -- I think Teresa should charge James the normal insurance price because James never drinks、
His predisposition to alcoholism is something genetic and is not his own fault、He didn’t choose the genes and he should not be held responsible for something out of his control、Furthermore, due to his predisposition to alcoholism, he’s more likely to have an accident which might take away his life, so, to some extent, he is a victim of his genes、How can a victim be penalized?
And If James was 25, Teresa should charge him more because the risk for the company is higher since young people have more activities and drive more, and they tend to be more emotional than older people、
6、Which has a stronger influence, heredity or environment?
Part Four Writing and Translation
2、Translation Practice
Sample 1
I both benefit and suffer much from heredity、A short stout figure, an introverted personality, and unimaginative but rational mind: all of these traits come from the genes passed on to me from my parents、But family, schools, and society work together to shape what I am today、
My parents are both sport lovers, which makes me fond of physical exercises and turns my frame into a strong body、My honest parents punish me severely whenever I lie or make empty prom ises, thus I’ve learned the importance of personal integrity、At school I’ve learned to help others, to care for others and also to improve my reasoning and understanding skills、Learning about various positive and negative examples of behavior from the media and other sources of information, I have set my own moral standards regarding what to do and what not to do, what to like and what to dislike、
Environment can change a person completely no matter where he was born and what he genetically inherited from his parents、I always believe that a person can succeed in doing anything he feels interested in、Your environment provides all sorts of opportunities and the things necessary for your personal pursuit and achievement、(202 words)
Sample 2
Which has had more influence on you, heredity or environment? This is a difficult question to answer、
First, let us examine the influence of heredity、All my classmates call me “Fat Yu” because I am fat、My father is also fat, so I can’t help connecting my fatness with his! Although I can’t be absolutely sure that it comes from my father, I do think that I probably have genes which he passed on to me and which determines my body build or shape、
Aside from that gene, my father gave me many excellent qualities、For example, I think I am good at abstract thinking、My father is an engineer and he often tells me that he was very good at Math and Physics at middle school and college、So thanks to these genes of his I got into this university、
However, I have many other characteristics, which may come from the environment I grew up in、For example, my father and mother are conservative and traditional、They lack a spirit of adventure and they have a hard time understanding many of the new things in China today、I, on the contrary, have the desire to explore and try to be a pioneer of reform、I often have many original thoughts and ideas、All changes taking place around me whet my appetite for exploration、
In conclusion, I think both heredity and environment have influenced me greatly、Heredity created me, environment has improved me、(244 words)。