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医学信息 2019 年 7 月第 32 卷第 14 期
Medical Information Jul. 2019 Vol. 32 No.14
Tei 指数评估先天性心脏病胎儿左心室功能的应用价值
陈禹舒袁姜 凡袁谭 捷袁顾莉莉袁罗 平袁梁 婧袁徐晓薇
渊安徽医科大学第二附属医院超声诊断科袁安徽 合肥 230601冤
率渊LVFS冤尧左室射血分数渊LVEF冤袁二尖瓣口 E/A 值及左心室的 Tei 指数渊LVTei冤遥 结果 病例组胎儿 LVEF 低于正常对照组胎
儿袁LVTei 高于正常对照组胎儿袁差异有统计学意义渊 约0.05冤曰两组胎儿 LVFS尧E/A 比较袁差异无统计学意义渊 跃0.05冤遥 病例组
中心胸比正常胎儿 LVTei 高于正常对照组袁差异有统计学意义渊 约0.05冤曰病例组中心胸比正常胎儿与正常对照组 LVEF尧LVFS
及 E/A 比较袁差异无统计学意义渊 跃0.05冤遥 病例组中心胸比增大胎儿 LVTei 高于心胸比正常及正常对照组胎儿袁LVEF对照组胎儿袁差异有统计学意义渊 约0.05冤遥 结论 Tei 指数测量方法简单袁可重复性强袁可作为评
估 CHD 胎儿左心功能的指标袁为早期评估患儿预后提供可靠依据袁并指导患儿围产期的治疗遥
摘要院目的 探讨 Tei 指数评估先天性心脏病渊CHD冤胎儿左心室功能的应用价值遥 方法 收集 2017 年 6 月~2018 年 10 月于我
院经胎儿超声心动图诊断为 CHD 胎儿 44 例作为病例组袁根据心胸面积比值大小分为心胸比正常渊 =29冤和心胸比增大渊 =
15冤曰另选取同期同孕龄正常妊娠胎儿 60 例作为正常对照组遥 利用 M 型超声心动图和脉冲多普勒观察所有胎儿左室短轴缩短
关键词院Tei 指数曰先天性心脏病曰心胸面积比值曰胎儿心功能
Application Value of Tei Index in Evaluating Fetal Left Ventricular Function in
Congenital Heart Disease
CHEN Yu-shu,JIANG Fan,TAN Jie,GU Li-li,LUO Ping,LIANG Jing,XU Xiao-wei (Department of Ultrasound,the Second Affiliated Hospital,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230601,Anhui,China) Abstract:Objective To investigate the application value of Tei index in evaluating left ventricular function in congenital heart disease (CHD). Methods From June 2017 to October 2018, 44 cases of CHD fetus were diagnosed as fetal cases by fetal echocardiography. According to the ratio of cardiothoracic area, the cardiothoracic ratio was normal ( =29) and the ratio of cardiothoracic ratio was increased( =15); 60 cases of normal pregnancy with the same gestational age were selected as the normal control group. All fetal left ventricular short axis shortening rate (LVFS), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), mitral valve E/A value, and left ventricular Tei index (LVTei) were observed using M-mode echocardiography and pulsed Doppler.Results The fetal LVEF in the case group was lower than that in the normal control group, and the LVTei was higher than that in the normal control group,the difference was statistically significant ( <0.05). There was no significant difference in the LVFS and E/A between the two groups ( > 0.05). In the case group, the central chest was higher than the normal fetus LVTei than the normal control group,the difference was statistically significant ( <0.05). There was no significant difference between the normal group and the normal control group LVEF, LVFS and E/A ( >0.05). In the case group, the chest height ratio of the fetus was higher than that of the normal and normal control group. The LVEF, LVFS and E/A were lower than those of the normal and normal control group,the difference was statistically significant ( <0.05).Conclusion The Tei index measurement method is simple and reproducible. It can be used as an index to evaluate the left ventricular function of CHD, provide a reliable basis for early assessment of the prognosis of children, and guide the treatment of perinatal period. Key words:Tei index;Congenital heart disease;Ratio of cardiothoracic area;Fetal heart function
Medical Information Jul. 2019 Vol. 32 No.14
Tei 指数评估先天性心脏病胎儿左心室功能的应用价值
陈禹舒袁姜 凡袁谭 捷袁顾莉莉袁罗 平袁梁 婧袁徐晓薇
渊安徽医科大学第二附属医院超声诊断科袁安徽 合肥 230601冤
率渊LVFS冤尧左室射血分数渊LVEF冤袁二尖瓣口 E/A 值及左心室的 Tei 指数渊LVTei冤遥 结果 病例组胎儿 LVEF 低于正常对照组胎
儿袁LVTei 高于正常对照组胎儿袁差异有统计学意义渊 约0.05冤曰两组胎儿 LVFS尧E/A 比较袁差异无统计学意义渊 跃0.05冤遥 病例组
中心胸比正常胎儿 LVTei 高于正常对照组袁差异有统计学意义渊 约0.05冤曰病例组中心胸比正常胎儿与正常对照组 LVEF尧LVFS
及 E/A 比较袁差异无统计学意义渊 跃0.05冤遥 病例组中心胸比增大胎儿 LVTei 高于心胸比正常及正常对照组胎儿袁LVEF对照组胎儿袁差异有统计学意义渊 约0.05冤遥 结论 Tei 指数测量方法简单袁可重复性强袁可作为评
估 CHD 胎儿左心功能的指标袁为早期评估患儿预后提供可靠依据袁并指导患儿围产期的治疗遥
摘要院目的 探讨 Tei 指数评估先天性心脏病渊CHD冤胎儿左心室功能的应用价值遥 方法 收集 2017 年 6 月~2018 年 10 月于我
院经胎儿超声心动图诊断为 CHD 胎儿 44 例作为病例组袁根据心胸面积比值大小分为心胸比正常渊 =29冤和心胸比增大渊 =
15冤曰另选取同期同孕龄正常妊娠胎儿 60 例作为正常对照组遥 利用 M 型超声心动图和脉冲多普勒观察所有胎儿左室短轴缩短
关键词院Tei 指数曰先天性心脏病曰心胸面积比值曰胎儿心功能
Application Value of Tei Index in Evaluating Fetal Left Ventricular Function in
Congenital Heart Disease
CHEN Yu-shu,JIANG Fan,TAN Jie,GU Li-li,LUO Ping,LIANG Jing,XU Xiao-wei (Department of Ultrasound,the Second Affiliated Hospital,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230601,Anhui,China) Abstract:Objective To investigate the application value of Tei index in evaluating left ventricular function in congenital heart disease (CHD). Methods From June 2017 to October 2018, 44 cases of CHD fetus were diagnosed as fetal cases by fetal echocardiography. According to the ratio of cardiothoracic area, the cardiothoracic ratio was normal ( =29) and the ratio of cardiothoracic ratio was increased( =15); 60 cases of normal pregnancy with the same gestational age were selected as the normal control group. All fetal left ventricular short axis shortening rate (LVFS), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), mitral valve E/A value, and left ventricular Tei index (LVTei) were observed using M-mode echocardiography and pulsed Doppler.Results The fetal LVEF in the case group was lower than that in the normal control group, and the LVTei was higher than that in the normal control group,the difference was statistically significant ( <0.05). There was no significant difference in the LVFS and E/A between the two groups ( > 0.05). In the case group, the central chest was higher than the normal fetus LVTei than the normal control group,the difference was statistically significant ( <0.05). There was no significant difference between the normal group and the normal control group LVEF, LVFS and E/A ( >0.05). In the case group, the chest height ratio of the fetus was higher than that of the normal and normal control group. The LVEF, LVFS and E/A were lower than those of the normal and normal control group,the difference was statistically significant ( <0.05).Conclusion The Tei index measurement method is simple and reproducible. It can be used as an index to evaluate the left ventricular function of CHD, provide a reliable basis for early assessment of the prognosis of children, and guide the treatment of perinatal period. Key words:Tei index;Congenital heart disease;Ratio of cardiothoracic area;Fetal heart function