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【摘要】目的了解不同阶段孕产妇健康教育需求,探讨妊娠期健康教育的积极作用,促进孕产妇围产期保健水平的提高,实现优生优育.方法采用问卷形式对参加孕妇学校的孕妇做孕产期保健知识教育的需求、施教效果调查,并进行统计学分析.结果妊娠不同时期的孕妇对保健知识的需求有显著性差异,但孕早、中、晚期对新生儿喂养与护理、胎儿监测知识的需求更强,需求率分别为75.56%和72.22%、78.08%和78.46%、80%和78.6%,宣教前后孕期保健、分娩过程及技巧、母乳喂养、新生儿护理等知识水平和技巧的掌握有明显变化,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论孕妇学校围绕不同阶段的孕妇对孕期保健知识的不同需求有的放矢的开展宣教,充分发挥健康教育的促进作用,使孕产妇能够以最佳状态产育健康后代,顺利渡过围产期.%Objective To comprehend needs of health education of pregnant women at different stages,discuss the positive effect of health education during gestation period,improve health care capacity of pregnant women,achieve healthy pregnancy and scientific nurture.Methods Questionnaires were given out to pregnant women studying in the school for pregnant women to investigate their needs of health education during gestation period and the effect of teaching,followed by a statistical analysis on the result.Results There were significant differences in needs of health care knowledge among pregnant women at different stages,their
needs of knowledge about feeding and nursing of new-born babies and fetal monitoring were stronger during early,middle and late stage of pregnancy,with the demand rates of 75.56%,78.08%,80.00%,and
72.22%,78.46%,78.6% respectively.There were marked changes on the acquisition of knowledge and skills about health care during gestation period,delivery process and skills,breast feeding,new-born baby nursing before and after the teaching(P < 0.05).Conclusions The practice of the school for pregnant women in teaching according to the distinctive needs of pregnant women at different stages for heath care knowledge during gestation period gives full play to the positive effect of heath education,which helps pregnant women give birth to and nurse healthy babies in the best condition and get through perinatal period successfully.【总页数】4页(P2248-2251)
【作者单位】521021 潮州市湘桥区妇幼保健院;521021 潮州市湘桥区妇幼保健院;521021 潮州市湘桥区妇幼保健院;521021 潮州市湘桥区妇幼保健院;521021 潮州市湘桥区妇幼保健院;521021 潮州市湘桥区妇幼保健院
1.妊娠期妇女口腔保健知识及健康教育需求调查分析 [J], 杨玮;杨敏;孙婧
2.有陪病房患儿家长健康教育需求及宣教效果的调查分析 [J], 吕华;李忠丽;陈朔辉
3.住院银屑病患者健康教育的需求及效果调查分析 [J], 王广进;冯桂荣;张爱华;初
4.住院患者健康教育需求的调查分析及效果评价 [J], 苏琼
5.儿童家长对儿童保健知识知晓情况及对健康教育需求与行为态度调查分析 [J],因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
