



Oscar-winning Swedish director Malik Bendjelloul has died at the age of 36.奥斯卡获奖瑞士籍导演马利克·本德耶卢辞世,终年36岁。

Malik Bendjelloul was a child actor before finding success as a documentaryfilmmakerHis body was found late on Tuesday in the Stockholm area, police say. They could not confirm the cause of death but said no crime was suspected.He was best known for Searching for Sugar Man which won the Oscar and Bafta prizes for best documentary in 2013.The low-budget film told the story of two South Africans searching for their music hero, 1970s American singer Sixto Rodriguez.Bootleg copies of the singer's album Cold Fact had been an unofficial soundtrack to youth protests against apartheid in the 70s and 80s, but it was believed he had died in a bizarre onstage accident.He was eventually found in Detroit, working on a building site, and persuaded to play a series of triumphant gigs in South Africa, where he was treated like a hero.Speaking to the BBC in 2012, Bendjelloul said the reaction to his film was "beautiful"."People stand up screaming and crying and it's so, so overwhelming. It's hard to find words actually."But the documentary was almost abandoned mid-production, when Bendjelloul ran out of funds.He persevered and pieced the film together over five years, even shooting some sequences on an iPhone."It was an extremely primitive production," he said. "It was done on my kitchen table in my apartment in Stockholm without any money at all."He was determined to complete the project, he added, because "it is the best story I have ever heard in my life, and I think I ever will hear".The film went on to make $3.6m at the US box office.相关英语:商务英语/study-business.html。

























纪录片《寻找小糖人》的叙事结构分析14130336 广编晏舒曼《寻找小糖人》是瑞典导演是瑞典导演Malik Bendjelloul的作品,讲述了美国底特律民谣唱作人Rodriguez的传奇故事。








1.以歌曲《Sugar man》切入,引出外号“Sugar”的唱片行老板,也是寻找Rodriguez的关键人物。

2.专辑制作人的讲述评价Rodriguez的专业程度,以及对专辑不能在美国热销的困惑3.Suger和南非的一些音乐人回忆当年专辑流传入南非的盛况,以Rodriguez的音乐,展开了激烈的反种族隔离运动4.在美国,Rodriguez退出乐坛,做一些体力活养家5.Rodriguez 的专辑在南非发行,“Sugar”“小糖人”6.音乐记者和Sugar的努力寻找,几乎放弃时发现歌词里的线索7.网站上Rodriguez的女儿Eva的留言——找到“小糖人”8.和Rodriguez的通话,从家人和同事的角度展现他是一个什么样的人,退出乐坛后的生活9.演唱会的邀约,导向结局:人们找到了“小糖人”,而他正如同他的歌一样,贴近大地,平静面对生活的一切,沉默行走,从未停歇。



寻找小糖人:小糖人的平行世界作者:潘萌来源:《新东方英语》2013年第08期小糖人的平行世界2013年2月,在第85届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,影片《寻找小糖人》(Searching for Sugar Man)夺得最佳纪录长片殊荣。



“小糖人”本名为Sixto Rodriguez,是美国上世纪70年代一位墨西哥裔的创作型歌手。

“小糖人”只是他的昵称,取自他的第一张创作专辑Cold Fact里一首歌曲(“Sugar Man”)的名字。





“小糖人”有位铁杆粉丝叫Stephen Segerman,在南非开普敦经营一家音像店,江湖人称“老糖”。

据“老糖”说,一个来南非探望男朋友的美国姑娘随身携带了一张Cold Fact的唱片,在与朋友的聚会中随意播放了几曲,不料这一不经意的举动在南非引发了狂热的“小糖人”热潮。

Segerman:It’s still a bit of a mystery how the first copy of Cold Fact actually came to South Africa. But one of the stories I’ve heard is th at there was an American girl and she came to South Africa to visit her boyfriend and brought a copy of the record with her. And her and him and all their friends really liked it and went out to try and buy it but you couldn’t buy it. So they started tapin g copies and passing copies along. However it got here, however it germinated here, once it got here, it spread very quickly.南非人也许从未听过这样的音乐,歌词是如此的大胆、坦率,写满底层人士的生活情境和对现有体制的反抗。



影评《Searching for Sugar Man》————————《寻找小糖人》学院:化学与生物技术学院专业:化工与制药班级:10级化工与制药班姓名:木子亠乂学号:201013408112内容摘要:这是一个才华被埋没、运气不佳、错失机会的天才的真实故事,20世纪60年代末,一个创作歌手罗德里格斯在底特律出了两张专辑,但几乎没卖出去过,之后就销声匿迹。


对于在南非的辉煌成绩,罗德里格斯其实并不知情,他在美国过着截然不同的生活,没有知名度,专辑销量不佳,被唱片公司抛弃,曾经一度做着装修屋顶的体力活…… 南非开普敦一家唱片店老板斯蒂芬与音乐记者克雷格听到罗德里格斯的传闻后展开调查,寻找小糖人之路就此开始,一段神秘的传奇故事就此展开……关键字:音乐﹑歌手﹑销声匿迹﹑小糖人﹑罗德里格斯﹑纪录片﹑音乐人物传记﹑Sugar Man, won't you hurry小糖人,请快一点Cos I'm tired of these scenes因为这一切已让我疲惫For a blue coin,给你一枚蓝色的硬币won't you bring back你能不能帮我带回All those colours to my dreams?我五彩斑斓的梦境Sugar man,met a false friend小糖人,我遇到了不真心的朋友On a lonely dusty road在孤独的尘土飞扬的路上Lost my heart when I found it我丢失了我的心,当我找到它的时候It had turned to dead black coal它已经死气沉沉,像炭一样黑Sugar man, you're the answer小糖人,你就是答案That makes my questions disappear你令我所有的问题都消失不见Sugar man, cos I'm weary小糖人,我早已厌倦Of those double games I hear周围的那些两面三刀的游戏Sugar man,Sugar man,Sugar man这部音乐传记在这首有点疲惫有点无奈的曲调中开始了。



与传统 的纪 录片 的拍 摄视觉 相 比, 《 寻找小 糖人 》显得 与众不 同。该 片 以寻找为 主题 ,按时间 的顺序展 开 ,以美 国 和南非开 普敦两地 的拍摄进行 故事 的叙述 。该 片一开始 的画 面与音乐 的完美配合就把 观众 的耳朵与 眼睛牢牢锁定住 。在 南非 开普 敦秀丽 的风景 和罗德里格斯 的 《 小糖人 》里把该 片 的主要 人物 之一 一 开普 敦 的唱片 店老 板斯 蒂芬 ・ 萨格 曼 引 出。观众看 到 的这 位 唱片店 的老 板 ,不是 纪 录片的主人 公 , 也不 是 以全 知视 觉的 角色出现 。他是完全 参与 了整个 事件 , 因此 他 的讲 述就 更加具 有真实性 。首先 他介绍 了他 “ 老糖 ” 外号 的来历 ,在他看来 罗德里格斯在演 唱会 上 自 杀可 以算是 摇滚史 上最诡异 的一种 自 杀 了。 之后从影 片的第二分钟开始 , 音 乐开始 变得诡 异 ,镜 头转换 到 了美 国密歇根 的底特 律市 , 闪电雷鸣下 的底特律 的夜晚安静得令人 害怕 ,然后导演运 用 了特效 把时 间定格 在 了 1 9 6 8年 ,由 《 冷事 实 》的联 合制 片 人 回忆 当时见 到罗德里格斯 的场景 ,模 糊 、昏暗 的情 景再 现 让 人对罗德里格 斯充满 了好奇 ,这 也正是导演在叙事 过程中 的故意安排 ,这样 才能使影片具有 很强 的娱乐效果 ,让观众 对 这个歌手充满 了好奇和猜测 。从 采访人 口中我们得 知他是 个充满音乐 才华的天生 的艺 术家 ,加上高水平 的专 辑制作 团队 , 让业界人士认为他 能在美 国音乐排行榜上有一席之地 , 对他充满 了期 待 ,但现实却让 人大跌眼镜 。在发 行完第二张 专辑后 , 因为销量不佳 在圣诞 节的前两周他被 唱片公 司解 约。 影片从 十七 分钟开始 ,镜 头回到了开普敦 ,让 观众了解到上 个世 纪 7 O年代 的南非是 一个充 满种族 歧视 、受 到政府 压制 的类似 于德 国纳粹的 国家 , 那里 的年轻人不 了解外 面的世界 , 而一个 偶然 的机会 让罗德 里格斯 的 《 冷事 实 》来 到 了南 非 , 这张专辑 里的歌词 、旋律 让他们 明白原来人 民有权可 以反对 社会 、可以反对政府 ,被 压迫 的人 民在 内心得到了启迪和解 放 。而 且最重要 的是他 的歌让南非 的白人圈内部第一次传 出 了反对 种族歧视 的声 音。身在美 国的罗德里格斯并没有 意识 到在地 球的另一端他 的专辑创造 了一个 国家音乐史上 的一个 奇 迹 ,不仅 创下 了 5 0万的销 售记 录 ,更成 为早期南 非音乐 个重 要的影响人物之一 。



追叙《寻找小糖人》导演故事:手机拍出奥斯卡奖天才导演的生与死——追叙奥斯卡获奖片《寻找小糖人》导演本德让劳尔的故事搜狐文化讯 2013年奥斯卡最佳纪录片《寻找小糖人》导演本德让劳尔,5月中旬在瑞典去世,年仅36岁。




故事里的事“修装工人”的传奇“小糖人,请快一点,因为这一切一让我疲惫,给你这枚蓝色硬币,你能不能帮我带回我五彩斑斓的梦境” 导演本德让劳尔唯一举世皆知的作品《寻找小糖人》,以及音乐人罗德里格斯昵称“小糖人”,皆源自这首美国诞生、南非走红的民谣。


” 在这部由故人回忆、老照片及旧报纸构成的纪录片里,“小糖人”罗德里格斯的朋友如此描述他:“他就是这城市游走的孤魂,跟无家可归的人没什么两样。













如果你有一对翅膀带你飞翔If you had wings to lift you还能有开阳双星中的伴星为你指路and the Second Star your guide,你就会发现一处四季同时存在的繁茂仙境you'd find a place where all the seasons flourish side by side.穿过它夏天的牧场越过那秋天的丛林Yet past the Summer Meadow and beyond the Autumn Wood,有一处被世界的忽略的秘密冰地lies an icy land of secrets, a world misunderstood.你若是游目骋怀你的心自然会发觉But if your mind is open and your heart just has to know,那翅膀能带你飞去你从未幻想过的地方your wings can take you farther than you ever thought you'd go. 奇妙仙子与羽翼之谜闻到早春的气息我们就会来到We'll be there at the first breath of spring鸟儿开始歌♥唱草儿开始生长When the birds start to sing and the grass starts growing.我们出现在酷暑的夏日We'll be there in the still summer heat.金色的草地闪耀在漫山遍野With the meadow's gleaming gold.轻快的秋日我们来了We'll be there on the crisp autumn days.凉爽的微风里树叶哗哗得落下With the leaves all ablaze in the cool breeze blowing.每一年我们都来到这里We'll be there for it all every year就像旧日里那样As we've been since days of old.如果世界比我们知道的更加宽广怎么办For what if the world is wider than we ever knew?所有的季节都过去我们难道没有梦想过更遥远的未来And through all the seasons didn't we dream of something more? 我们能勇敢面对未知的世界吗What if we brave the great unknown?我们若不是形单影只那会怎样What if we're not so all alone?我所找寻的那个人会不会就是你What if it's you I'm searching for?注意啦各位Look sharp, everyone!雪鸮就快来了The snowy owls will soon be arriving它们要把雪花篮子带到冬日之林去to take the snowflake baskets to the Winter Woods.露辛达别做面条了快去修篮子Lucinda, stop noodling and start tinkering.这是最后一拨了吗Is that the last load?多谢了绮思Thanks, Cheese.编织篮子是我最爱做的事了波波Basket weaving is my favorite thing, Bobble.是吗我更喜欢编流苏花边Really? I'm partial to macramé.早安柯兰科早安波波Morning, Clank. Morning, Bobble.早安呀Morning!这些应该足够编完雪花篮啦That should be enough to finish the snowflake baskets. 是呀肯定的Aye, that will do her.谢谢啦Thanks!-柯兰科 -噢抱歉-Clanky. -Oh! Sorry.真不敢相信我们编好了篮子I can't believe we make the baskets,却不能亲手把它们送给冬岛仙子but don't get to take them to the Winter Fairies.哎你们就不想去冬日之林见见世面I mean, wouldn't you want to go into the Winter Woods? 拜托那么冷的气温我们一天都待不下去Oh, we wouldn't last a day in that cold.而且我很害怕冰川Besides, I'm afraid of glaciers.冰川Glaciers?据说冰川都是悄悄移♥动♥的They're known for their stealth.他从没亲眼见过He's never actually seen one.你也没见过You never do!雪鸮来啦The snowy owls!大家各就各位Places, everyone!柯兰科和波波把篮子吊起来Clank, Bobble, get that basket up.好的明白了玛丽仙子Right! Got it, Fairy Mary!启动传送车Start the pulley!噢有一只新来的Ooh! Newcomer.哇Wow.最后一批取货订单The final shipment order.天哪他们明天还要再多订20个篮子Oh, goodness! They need 20 more baskets for tomorrow's pickup. 那边是个完全不同的世界There's a whole other world over there.干得好同志们第一批货物已经发向冬岛啦Well done, everyone! The first shipment is headed for Winter.不过为了明天的交货还有更多要准备But there's much more to do for tomorrow's pickup,没时间给你们休息啦so this is no time to rest on your laurels.露辛达从月桂树上下来赶紧去工作Lucinda, get off your laurel and get to work.小心Look out!走开啊兔兔Runaway bunny!不No!-抓到你啦 -谢了小叮当-Got you! -Thanks, Tink.不客气福恩No problem, Fawn.嘿小家伙距冬日之林还有好远呢Come on, little guy. It's still a long way to the Winter Woods. 你把动物们今天就带过去Oh, you're taking the animals today?正在努力呢Trying to.它们是时候该穿越边境了It's time for them to cross the border,但这个小家伙太棘手了but this little guy is a handful.嘿我来帮忙怎么样Hey, uh, how about if I help?慢一点慢一点Slow down! Slow down!-需要帮忙吗 -不用啦还应付得来-Need some help? -Nope. Doing fine.这小东西还真敏捷That lost thing really is handy.是呀Yeah.我可怜的脚后跟啊跳跳兔慢一点Heel, hoppy, heel! Slow down!哇Wow.别害怕小家伙Oh, don't be scared, little fellow.让鼬鼠们先过去We'll let the weasels go first.好啦快点来吧Come on. Come on. Come on!我们要带着动物进去走多远So, how far do we take the animals in?-小叮当我们是不能越界的 -什么-Uh, Tink, we don't cross the border. -Huh?我们只是帮助动物们过去We just help the animals cross.我以为动物仙子会和动物们一起过去呢But I thought Animal Fairies got to cross with the animals. 叮当那边会冻死人的Tink, it's freezing over there.而且热岛仙子是不允许进入冬日之林的Besides, no Warm Fairies are allowed in the Winter Woods. 就像冬岛仙子也不许过来一样Just like Winter Fairies aren't allowed over here.谁立的这条规矩Who made up that rule?我觉得应该是冬岛国王吧I think it was the Lord of Winter.冬岛还有国王Winter has a lord?好了小可爱们准备好了没All right, guys. You ready?-哇 -真赞是吧-Wow. -Pretty great, huh?太不可思议了It's incredible.它们穿上了冬衣来御寒They get their winter coats to protect them from the cold. 该你们了去吧Your turn. Go on.快去呀跟着你的兄弟们Go on, now. Follow your brothers.再见咯Bye-bye!好了该大家伙了All right, big guy.噢不是吧Oh, no.现在可别冬眠呀No hibernating yet.你要到冬岛里才能冬眠You do that in Winter!起来吧拜托Come on. Come on!醒醒醒醒呀Wake up. Wake up.咦Oh...快起来Come on.醒醒呀Wake up.太阳晒屁♥股♥咯Rise and shine.呀Ooh!哦Ooh!哇塞Oh...喂叮当Tink!小叮当Tink!-小叮当 -怎么了-Tinker Bell! -What?嘿叮当我告诉过你我们不能过去的Oh, Tink! I told you, we're not allowed to cross.你的翅膀Your wings.我知道I know!我的翅膀在闪闪发光They were sparkling.它们冻住了They're freezing!我们最好带你去治愈仙子那看看We'd better get you to a Healing Talent Fairy.-可是 -快走-But... -Come on.有什么可以效劳的吗May I help you?还要等多久啊How much longer?我已经说过撞倒彩虹不算急诊I told you, a rainbow collision is not an emergency. 但是紫色部分已经开始发痒了But the purple's starting to itch.坐那等会Take a seat.噢被金鱼草盖住了吧Oh! Snapdragon, right?是的Mmm... hmm.不算急诊把草种到那儿去吧Not an emergency. Plant it over there. 谢谢Thank you.快点吧姑娘们去晚了怎么办Hurry, girls. What if we're too late? -嘿抱歉你知不知道 -来窗口-Oh! Sorry. Do you know... -Window. 够了停停停Uh, uh, uh, uh!病患姓名Patient's name?小叮当Tinker Bell.嗯越界的人她Oh, yes. The border crosser. She's...被冰冻结了吗Frozen solid?-2号♥诊室 -天哪-Room two. -Oh, my.-谢谢你 -恩哼-Thank you. -Mmm... hmm.-这边 -快点姑娘们快点-This way! -Come on, girls. Hurry.她就在那边 2号♥诊室She's right over here. Room two.-她在那 -嘿小叮当-There she is. -Tink!我们尽快赶来了We got here as quick as we could.只在接待处耽误了一小下We did have to stop at reception.你真的过界了Did you really cross?是不是Well, did you?嘘Shh!-嗯 -哇-Hmm... -Whoa.嘘Shh!嗯好吧Mmm... hmm.好了你暖和起来了我们来测试下你的翅膀吧Okay. You're all warmed up. Let's test your wings.嗯好的Oh! Sure.张开翅膀Open.嗯合上吧Mmm. Close.拍几下And try a little flap.飘起来拍拍A flutter.能飞起来拍打翅膀吗Can you give me a flitter?好了没发现什么问题你的翅膀好着呢Okay. Well, I don't see anything unusual. Your wings appear to be fine. 但为什么闪闪发光呢But what about the sparkling?肯定是雪的反光所致It must have been the light reflecting off the snow.-可是 -你实在不该-But... -You should have never越过界的crossed the border.冬岛对热岛仙子的翅膀来说太冷了Winter is too cold for our Warm Fairy wings.保险起见我给你拿两颗向日葵种子Now, to be safe, I want you to take two sunflower seeds如果有问题你再过来and come back if there is any problem.-谢谢 -不客气-Thank you. -Mmm... hmm.我们很担心你小叮当We were worried, Tink.嗯翅膀没出问题算你走运Oh! You are so lucky nothing happened to your wings.真要出事怎么办Can you imagine?真的有事发生哟我的翅膀闪闪发光来着But something did happen. They sparkled!你也听她说了只是雪的光线反射而已But you heard her. It was just the light reflecting off the snow. 不是的它们确实亮了No, it wasn't. They actually lit up.比一千只萤火虫都要亮It was brighter than a thousand fireflies.你看见了是吧福恩You saw it. Didn't you, Fawn?没有No.你们不相信我You don't believe me?谁呃Who... Um...呃不是不信Uh... No?听着伙伴们这是真的感觉就像Look, you guys, it happened. It felt like...-像 -像什么-Like... -Like What?就像冬日之林在召唤我Like the Winter Woods was calling me.你们明白吗You know?不太明白快去叫医生来Not really. Get the doctor.动物仙子书籍记载着精灵仙尘的101种用法Animal Fairy Books, 101 Uses for Pixie Dust,美人和蜜蜂Beauty and the Bees...这里肯定能有讲翅膀的书There's got to be a wing book here somewhere.驾驭彩虹的规定不不是那个Rules for Rainbow Riding. No, not that.哎嘿Huh? Hey.有人吃书了Someone's been eating the books!是书虫Bookworms.咦这是什么Oh. What's this?啊Ah!光学阅读Light reading.仙尘学风学Dustology, windology...哎呀A-ha!翅膀学这正是我要找的Wingology. That's got to have it.站住Oh!抓到你啦Got you!喂Ahem.抱歉Sorry.没事Mmm...hmm.好了看看吧Okay, let's see.翅膀护理翅膀清洗翅膀小提示Wing care. Wing washing. Wing tips."不要把翅膀弄湿"地球人都知道"Don't get them wet." Everybody knows that. 尺寸形状拍打舞动Sizes, shapes, flapping, fluttering.闪光我就知道会有Sparkling! I knew it!噢Oh!抱歉找到了Sorry. Found it!什么Huh?噢不Oh, no.多谢了Thanks a lot.嗯Hmm.好吧Okay."闪光的翅膀当最不可置信的"Sparkling wings. When a most incredible...就会闪光有两个"that the sparkle... There were two."什么意思Huh?"闪光有两个""That the sparkle... There were two."两支翅膀两只脚到底两个什么Two wings? Two feet? Two what?-喂 -噢-Psst. -Oh!-什么事 -嘿-Yes? -Hey.你了解闪光的翅膀吗Do you know anything about sparkling wings?不了解书虫吃了那一页No. The bookworm ate that page.是呀我知道Yeah, I know.但是管♥理♥员♥知道But the Keeper does.管♥理♥员♥ 谁是管♥理♥员♥ The Keeper? Who's the Keeper?就是写书的人咯他知道有关精灵的所有知识He writes the books. He is the keeper of all fairy knowledge.太棒了他在这吗我要找他谈谈That's perfect. Is he here? I have to talk to him.若能他谈谈我愿付出一切不过不行I would give anything to talk to him. But you can't.为什么不行Why not?因为他是冬岛仙子Because he's a Winter Fairy.要是想和他聊天你就必须要去冬日之林In order to talk to him, you would have to go to the Winter Woods. 这是不可能的翅膀被冻住还会And that's impossible. Your wings will freeze and...第16章写着呢Chapter 16.哎呦在冬日之林呀Hmm. The Winter Woods.翅膀学作者图书管♥理♥员♥嗯Hmm.飞不起来了Can't fly.快点快点赶快完工滑车准备Hurry, now, hurry! Let's finish up. Stand by with the pulley.好了这是这季度最后一次收♥货♥ 大家尽最大努力啊All right! It's this season's final pickup, so let's make it our best.露辛达把面包给烘焙仙子做吧Lucinda, let's leave the loafing for the Baking Fairies.-好的柯兰科 -好了-Okay, Clanky. -Right!哎呦Ouch!雪花释放系统开始运行Snowflake release system working!也许你们该多测试雪花一会Maybe you should be the test snowflake for a while.-小叮当 -怎么了-Tink? -Huh?我们已经检查过那个篮子了We already checked that basket.好吧只是Right. Uh...你为啥穿的这么暖和Why are you dressed all cozy?我准备去冬日之林I'm going to the Winter Woods.去冬日之林The Winter Woods?小点声Shh!去冬日之林The Winter Woods?就位了各位Places, everyone!雪鸮来了The snowy owls. They're here!启动传送车Start the pulley!拜拜Bye!小叮当等等Tink! Wait!你不能越界的叮当小姐你的翅膀You can't cross the border, Miss Bell. Your wings!别担心翅膀在大衣里Don't worry. They're in my coat.你这么做是因为Does this have to do with the...-闪光的事吗 -是的-The sparkling? -Yes.冬岛里有人能告诉我闪光的原因There's somebody in Winter who can tell me what it means. 柯兰科波波那只篮子有问题吗Clank! Bobble! Is something wrong with that basket?什么哦What? Oh!-你看 -没事-You see... -No!怎么办小叮当Tink?我必须这么做I just have to do this.不不一切都很好No, no. Everything is fine.我们只是舍不得篮子离开这么漂亮的篮子We're just sad to see it go. Pretty basket.晕说真的快放手吧Oh! Honestly. Let it go!是那只新来的That's the new one.-新来的 -嗯好吧-Uh, new one? -Mmm... hmm.大家都做得很好它们去享受冬天的寒冷了Excellent work, everyone. They're off to the cold of winter. 直到明年才再来Well, that's that until next year.哇我成功了Wow. I made it.欢迎回来Welcome back.冬岛仙子A Winter Fairy.准备好降落了吗You ready for the drop-off?来吧你昨天就做到了没问题的Come on. You did it yesterday. You'll be fine.好了去吧All right then. Here we go.啊Ah!小心Look out!真抱歉Sorry about that.哦糟了Oh, no.米罗利国王Lord Milori.发生什么事了And what happened here?降落不太稳呀这才是它第二次降落A bit of a bumpy landing. It's only his second drop-off.只要篮子没事它做的还是不错的As long as the basket made it, I'd say he did just fine.动物过界情况怎样How was the crossing?四只兔子两只鼬鼠和一只土拨鼠Four bunnies, two weasels, and a marmot.都安全过来了And they all crossed safely.是呀我在北边遇到它们了Yes. I met up with them on the north side.这些雪花真漂亮The snowflakes are looking quite beautiful.各不相同呢No two alike.不要啊No, no, no.值得炫耀Ambitious.哎Hmm.真奇了怪了Now that is odd.噢Oh!这肯定是不小心落在篮子里的It must have been left in the basket by accident.把这个还给管♥理♥员♥Return this to the Keeper.管♥理♥员♥The Keeper.下次运货他能送回暖岛去He can send it back to the Warm Side with his next delivery. 这肯定是从暖岛那边过来装在某个篮子里的It must have come from the Warm Side. In one of the baskets. 谢了Thanks.哇Whoa!到了这章的结尾That's the end of that chapter.故事可真美Boy, that's a beauty.精灵界的芙罗拉和芳娜Flora and Fauna of the Fairies.在这画上句号♥ 我们就完工咯Put a period there, then we are pretty much done.等等我忘了标页码Wait. I forgot to number the pages.哎我又得全部重头再整理这本巨书了Oh! I'm going to have to start all over on this large book.-管♥理♥员♥ 管♥理♥员♥ -在呢怎么-Keeper. Keeper! -Yes, what...最不可思议的事发生了你绝对不会相信The most amazing thing happened. You'll never believe it.好了我马上出来来了Okay, I'm coming. I'm coming.我从来没有这种感觉I've never felt anything like it!我的朋友都不信他们怎么就不信呢这真是My friends didn't believe me, but how could they because it's so...慢点说说太快我跟不上Slow down. I can only listen so fast.昨天就在边界那里我的翅膀Yesterday, at the border, my wings.它们它们突然亮了起来They actually... They lit up.又亮了It's happening again!哇Oh...天哪真是不可思议Well, I'll be a yeti's uncle.我有生之年第一次看到In all my years.你的翅膀它们在闪光Your wings. They're sparkling.跟你的翅膀一样Like yours.我写过闪光翅膀的书I've written about the sparkling,但我自己从没亲眼见过闪光but I've never seen the sparkling with my own peepers!哦对跟我来Oh, uh, follow me.现在用脚踩在雪花上面Now, step the footsies on the snowflake.把你们的翅膀放进光里Just put your wings into the light.是大♥陆♥The mainland.噢不Oh, no.你好Hello?你好Hello.你好Hello?两个仙子生有相同的笑容Two fairies born of the same laugh.这意味着So that means...你是我的You're my...所以我们是So we're孪生姐妹sisters.是的你们的翅膀就是证明Yes! And your wings are identical.这就是她们会发光的原因That is why they sparkle.叮当Jingles!啊天呐或许你们不该那么做Ah... Oh, boy. Maybe you shouldn't do that. 我叫小叮当Um, I'm Tinker Bell.我叫佩里温可I'm Periwinkle.你一定去过边界吧So you must have been at the border.是啊我想去看看动物穿越边界的样子Yeah. I was hoping to see the animals cross. 我好像没能看见你I guess I didn't see you.我也是Me either.怎么了What?通常我只在家才戴上I usually just wear them at home.-哇哦 -有人吗-Wow. -Hello.管♥理♥员♥ 你在吗Keeper, are you in?我的天呐米罗利陛下来了Yumping yetis, Lord Milori!如果他看到你他会把你送回去的If he sees you, he'll send you back.管♥理♥员♥ 你在吗Keeper? Are you here?别担心我来搞定Don't worry. I'm going to take care of this.你在哪Where are you?马上就来Ah. Come back later!管♥理♥员♥ Keeper?天呐被他发现了Whoa, boy. Can't get that one back.我得跟你谈谈I need to speak with you.很重要It's important.马上回来I'll be right back.我在这米罗利陛下I'm right here, Lord Milori.你收到那本翅膀书了么Did you receive that wing book?一直以来呢You know, once upon a time,您都是先打个招呼再进来的you'd stop by just to say hello and howdy-do. 不好意思你好I'm sorry. Hello.你好Howdy-dg?你好Howdy-do.那本书让我很担心万一是暖岛仙子带来的怎么办This book has me worried. What if a Warm Fairy brought it here? 那正好啊快见见暖岛仙子Well, that might be nice, then, meeting a Warm Fairy.特别是读书这么有品位的暖岛仙子Especially one with such good taste in books.这里太冷了It's too cold.他们可以穿个外套Maybe if they were wearing a coat,或者套件毛背心or one of them little sweater vests.-他们人很好 -我得提醒你-They're nice. -I'll remind you.穿越边界是被禁止的Crossing the border is forbidden.从前就没这规矩There was a time when it wasn't.这条规矩是用来保护仙子们的安全不会改变The rule is there to keep the fairies safe. That will never change. 但我But I...如果有暖岛仙子来这你要送他们回去If a Warm Fairy comes here, you will send them back.当然Of course.谢谢Thank you.米罗利陛下说的话你都听到了Well, you heard the Lord Milori.他说你必须回家去He said you must go back home.当然他没说什么时候Of course, he didn't say when.你俩现在听好了天黑之后会变得更冷Now, listen, you two, it gets colder after the dark,所以最好在月亮升起之前带着小叮当回家so it's best to get Tinker Bell home before the first moonlight.谢谢你杜威Thank you, Dewey.杜威Dewey?这是他的真名That's his real name.我的朋友们就这么叫我It's what my friends call me.谢谢你Thank you.叫我杜威吧Dewey.杜威Dewey.呃我是个冰霜仙子我能把东西冻结住So, um, I'm a Frost Fairy. I frost things.-哦我是个修补匠我 -修补东西-Oh. I'm a Tinker. I... -Tinker things?是啊衣服都是我自己做的Yep. I even made this coat.-哇哦我喜欢 -谢谢-Oh, I like it. -Thanks.不客气You're welcome.双胞胎Sisters.真是不可思议那仙尘千里迢迢从仙尘之树来到这It's amazing. The dust travels all the way from the Pixie Dust Tree. 和你来这差不多元Kind of like you did.特伦斯和我差点就从海盗船逃出来了Terence and I barely escaped the pirate ship!-他是你男朋友吗 -额-Is he your boyfriend? -Uh...所以莉兹喜欢小仙子So Lizzy loves fairies?是啊她还造了个仙子小屋Yeah. She even built a fairy house.我就是这么遇到她的我和维迪雅That's how I met her. You see, me and Vidia...你也喜欢收集别人丢掉的小东西You collect lost things, too?我管这叫做寻宝I call them found things.找到你前我从未意识到自己曾失去你I never knew I lost you till I found you.你无法想象你对我来说是有多亲密And you'd never guess how close you are to me.此刻我想拥你入怀Now I want to throw my arms around you.诉说一千个让你惊奇的故事Tell a thousand tales that will astound you.你的一切让我了解什么是命中注定Everything about you tells me this was meant to be. 看到了吗我就在你的身旁Don't you see? I'm on your side.让我们一起前行Let's take this ride.一起面对这世界And together we're facing the world.做前所未有的事Doing things nobody's done before.再高大的分界线And the great divide.也不再那样分明Doesn't seem so wide.无法将你我阻挡Anymore.这里就是冰霜森林This is the Frost Forest.哇哦Wow.那是格里斯That's Gliss.来呀斯派克练习下Come on, Spike. Practice.好好练着呢Okay, okay. Practicing.那是斯派克她有点And that's Spike. She's a bit...哇Whoa!-嗨 -孪生姐妹-Hi. -Sisters?哇这真是酷毙了Well, I think it's fantastic!你俩看起来一模一样Wow, you two look exactly alike!我是说除了衣服发型还有佩里更白一些之外I mean, except for your clothes and your hair and Peri's a bit more pale. 你俩的鼻子简直一样But your noses are very similar.先别说鼻子她可是暖仙子在冬岛啊Forget their noses. She's a Warm Fairy. In Winter!没错我们得带她转转You're right. We got to show her around!哦对了Oh, oh, oh!咱们带她滑雪去走啊斯派克Let's take her ice sliding! Come on, Spike!你绝对会喜欢的You are going to love this!听起来很有趣It sounds fun.真是好主意把暖精灵从雪山上推下去Yeah. Great idea. Push the Warm Fairy down a hill of ice.倒是等等我呀你们Okay, well, wait for me, you guys.若我步履蹒跚时能有你的搀扶And if you'll be there beside me when I falter.我们便能泰然面对一切Then whatever comes I know we'll take it all in stride.预备滑Ready, set, slide!我会在你身旁I'm on your side.让我们一起前行Let's take this ride.共同面对这世界And together we're facing the world.做前所未有的事Doing things nobody's done before.再高大的分界线And the great divide.也不再那么分明Doesn't seem so wide.再无法将你我分离Anymore嗯我来问你最喜欢的星星是哪颗Um... I know. Favorite star?开阳双星中的伴星Second star-是右边那颗 -是右边那颗-to the right. -To the right.最喜欢喝的饮料呢Okay. Favorite drink?我爱热菊花茶Hot chamomile tea.我爱冰菊花茶Iced chamomile tea!哦Oh!到我了你最喜欢的昆虫Okay, my turn. How about favorite bug?虫子这里太冷没有昆虫Bug? It's too cold for bugs over here,但是在杜威的书里我见过蝴蝶but in one of Dewey's books, I read about butterflies. 在蝴蝶谷有成千上万只蝴蝶Oh, in Butterfly Cove, there's hundreds of them.它们在夏天出现就在It's in summer. It's right over...呃嗯Um... Hmm.看来从这你看不到I guess you can't see it from here.是啊看不到No. You can't.那里是什么样的呢What's it like over there?温暖Warm.颜色声音And the colors? The sounds?所有的动物还有鱼All the animals. And the fish.他们都在融化的冰里游泳对吗They swim in melted ice, right?是水里Water.我希望I wish...我希望我能去那看看I wish I could go there.-佩里 -怎么-Peri? -Yeah?既然我们能把这里变暖或许我们也能把那里变冷I made it warmer over here. Maybe I could make it colder over there. 你是Are you...你是说让我越过边界Are you saying I could cross?-是的 -噢小叮当-Yeah! -Oh, Tink.你可以带我去看看你的世界You could show me your world.我还能见见你的朋友I could meet your friends.你觉得我有机会见到蝴蝶吗Do you think I could see a butterfly?很有可能There's a pretty good chance.哦Oh!怎么回事小叮当Uh, Tink?-我不能飞 -小叮当-I can't fly! -Tink!坚持住坚持住Hold on. Hold on!我在往下滑I'm slipping!干得好菲奥娜干得好That's it, Fiona. That's it.姑娘们你们没事吧Are you girls all right?-没事 -没事-Yeah. -Yeah.你确定没摔到没蹭到Are you sure? Nothing broken? Nothing bruised?是的我们都好No. We're okay.这次This time.米罗那陛下是对的Lord Milori was right.穿越边界太危险Crossing the border is just too dangerous.你的意思是What are you saying?对不起姑娘们I'm sorry, girls,我恐怕不能如你们所愿了but I'm afraid this isn't going to work out like you hoped.我们得送小叮当回家We have to take Tinker Bell home.走吧菲奥娜Let's go, Fiona.这It's...这是为你好It's for your own good.我不忍♥心看了菲奥娜I can't watch, Fiona.我保证我不会再这么做了I promised myself I wasn't going to do this.计划是这样的明天在这里见Okay. Here's the plan. Meet me here tomorrow.谢天谢地我以为真的再也见不到了Oh, thank goodness. I thought you were really saying goodbye. 怎么会我才遇见自己素未谋面的妹妹No! I just met my sister I never knew I had就要道永别开什么玩笑and I'm going to say goodbye forever? Are you kidding?所以So...柯兰科波波Clank? Bobble?人呢Guys?哎哟Oopsie.小叮当你回来了Tink! You're back!-是呀 -不好意思-Yes. -Sorry!我们以为你是猎物We thought you were a troll.猎物A troll?我知道我们不该用渔网I knew we shouldn't have used the troll stopper.万一真是猎物呢What if it was a troll?你就不这么说了对吧You'd be saying something different, wouldn't you?伙伴们没关系的Guys. It doesn't matter.哦你还在这Oh, right.-我需要你们的帮助 -是跟冰川有关吗-I need your help. -Is it about a glacier?不但这算是一个秘密No. But it's kind of a secret.我不想让所有人都知道I don't want everybody to know.我确定这个纽扣会管用不过我们还缺几个I'm pretty sure these buttons will work, but we're going to need more of them. 我们可以用橡树果壳代替Aye, unless we use a couple of acorn caps.不错好主意Right! Good idea.哇柯兰科在哪Whoo! Now where is that Clanky?哦我在这呢Oh, yes, I'm right here.哦Oh!我没告诉所有人哦I didn't tell everybody.除了福恩罗希尔黛丝还有维迪雅Just Fawn, Ro, Sil, Dess, and Vidia.你有个仙子跟你一模一样So, there's another you.-维迪雅 -是的-Vidia! -Yeah.我有个孪生妹妹I've got a sister.我说的吧I told you!太牛了Bust my bonnet.-好神奇 -太不可思议了-Amazing! -It's fantastic!真不敢相信这是真的I can't believe this is happening.你怎么知道的But how?她们生来就带着相同的笑模样They were born of the same laugh!把你跟我和波波说的告诉她们小叮当Tell them, Tink, what you told me and Bobble.她叫佩里温可Her name's Periwinkle.她是霜冻仙子她真是好厉害She's a Frost Fairy, and she's just amazing.我在制♥作♥这个机器能让她来这儿见你们I'm making this machine so she can come here and meet you all,然后我们就去克莱瑞恩女王那and after that we'll go straight to Queen Clarion!哦Oh...你想过吗Um, have you thought this through?"克拉瑞恩女王好见见这个我偷越边界遇见的冬岛仙子""Hi, Queen Clarion. Meet the Winter Fairy I smuggled over the border." 维迪雅Vidia!克莱瑞恩女王要是知道我们怎么找到彼此When Queen Clarion hears how we found each other,而且我们是孪生姐妹and that we're sisters,她会改变米罗利国王的规矩的she will change Lord Milori's rule.她当然会Oh, of course she will.她不会把你跟亲生妹妹分开She'd never want you to be apart.这就像你心爱的东西失而复得一样It's like you found the perfect lost thing.我绝不会失去她And I'm never going to lose her.好了开始干活吧Well, then, let's get to work!告诉我们该干什么Just tell us what to do.好的Great!我们需要把轮子放在这Okay. We need to place that wheel right here. 明白小叮当Got you, Tink.来把那个撑起来And let's get that propped up over there.我好有修补的天赋I feel so tinkery.-柯兰科波波 -等等-Clank, Bobble... -Wait, wait.底座完成了Finish up the chassis?当然Exactly.-快来柯兰科 -波波-Come on, Clanky! -Bobble!说不定咱俩是兄弟很有可能Perhaps you and I are brothers! It's possible. 我们看起来这么像We look almost exactly alike.没人发现你吧Anyone see you?没No.。































《小糖人》罗德里格兹Sugar Man by Rodriguez小糖人请快一点Sugar Man, won't you hurry?因为这一切已让我疲惫Cos I'm tired of these scenes给你这枚蓝色硬币你能不能帮我带回For a blue coin, won't you bring back我五彩斑斓的梦境All those colours to my dreams?你带来了银色有魔法的船Silver magic ships, you carry我们跳跃着喝汽水我们还有甜美的玛丽珍Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane南非开普敦小糖人Sugar Man我的外号♥就是从这首歌♥来的I got my nickname from this song.史提芬·西格曼"老糖"唱片行老板过去在军队里他们把西格曼错念成"糖人"When I was in the Army they used to mispronounce Segerman as Sugar Man. 然后他们就开始叫我"老糖"了这就成了我的外号♥And then they just started calling me Sugar and that became my nickname. 罗德里格兹的这张唱片《冷事实》It's 40 years since已经发行了40年了this LP called Cold Fact by Rodriguez was released.在南非这是一张非常受欢迎的专辑And in South Africa it was a very popular album.那是当时最火爆的专辑之一It was one of the biggest albums of the day.但问题是我们都不知道他到底是谁But the thing was, we didn't know who this guy was.其他的摇滚歌♥手我们都对其各种信息了如指掌All our other rock stars, we had all the information we needed.但是他呢一片空白But this guy? There was nothing.然后我们了解到他是自杀了And then we found out that he had committed suicide.他在舞台上把自己点着He set himself alight on stage在众目睽睽之下活活烧死了自己and burnt to death in front of the audience.这简直太不可思议了这已不仅仅是自杀It was the most incredible thing. It wasn't just a suicide.这大概算是摇滚史上最诡异的自杀了It was probably the most grotesque suicide in rock history.寻找小糖人音乐罗德里格兹密歇根 -底特律我记忆中第一次真正♥见♥到他是在The first time that I remember actually recognizing him is麦克·希尔多有天给我打电♥话♥说Mike Theodore called me on the phone one day and said,丹尼斯·科菲罗德里格兹1970年首张专辑《冷事实》的联合制♥作♥人"我这里有位歌♥手引荐给你""I have this artist I want you to come see with me."他叫罗德里格兹""This guy's name is Rodriguez,"他就在底特律河那边上班""he's working down by the Detroit River.他合作过的歌♥手有马文·盖伊史蒂夫·汪达诱惑组合至上女声三重唱格雷迪斯·奈特林格·斯塔四上组合威尔森·皮科特"那边有个酒吧""There's a bar down there,"就在江边码头那边""down by the wharf riverside district."我们今晚去瞧瞧吧""Let's go see him tonight."我觉得你肯定会喜欢的""I think you'll really like him."所以那天晚上我记得我们开着车...So that night, I remember, we pull up...来到底特律这片稍微偏远的地方away in this kinda isolated part of Detroit就在底特律河边上right on the side of the Detroit River,你可以看到河中弥漫上来的雾气and you could see the mist in the air coming off the river.我们可以感受到We could feel it.然后我们就进去了进门的时候And we went inside there, and as we walked in the door,我们可以听到身后传来货轮的声音we could hear behind us the sound of the freighters它们正沿着河开过as they're going down the river,所以这场景就像福尔摩斯小说里的一样and so it's like you're walking out of a Sherlock Holmes novel. 你穿过迷雾走进这里You walk out of the mist and you go into this place,在屋子里也是烟雾缭绕and inside the place, it's all full of smoke,里面也是一样so there's a mist inside there.嘭的一下烟雾就像一面墙Boom, hey, you know, it's a wall of smoke.到处都是啤酒瓶和花生壳乱糟糟的Beer all over the place. Peanut shells. It was just a mess.然后就听到扫弦的声音了And then you hear this strumming sound.麦克·希尔多《冷事实》联合制♥作♥人扫弦敲击吉他的声音Strumming and batting the guitar.然后就听见了他的声音是有些奇怪的And then you hear this voice. Strange voice.终于我们穿过烟雾仔细寻找...Finally, we walked through the smoke, and I looked,我看到在远远的角落里...and there in the far corner I saw...我看见一个人影但看不见脸I could see the shadow of a man and I couldn't see his face.我说"怎么回事"然后接着走近一些...I said, "What's the deal?" So we got a little closer...就能看到这个人是背对着你的And you see this guy with his back to you.你只能看着他的背他就在角落这么唱着So all you see is his back and he's in a corner, singing.画面简直可以说是空灵It was an ethereal scene, if you will.大雾弥漫的夜晚有雾笛声传来Foggy night, foghorns,眼前都是看不♥穿♥的浓雾smoke so thick you couldn't see through it.还有如此的歌♥声And here's this voice.或许这可以迫使别人仔细听歌♥词Maybe it forced you to listen to the lyrics因为你完全看不到他的脸'cause you couldn't see the guy's face.我们就是那时跟他聊了聊决定应该为他制♥作♥一张专辑That's when we talked to him and figured we needed to do an album on him. 那个时代唯一与其媲美的"作家"歌♥手The only writer that I had heard of, of that time period,或许只有鲍勃·迪伦了只有他才能写得这么棒was maybe Bob Dylan, that was writing that well.《你的苦恼》罗德里格兹 1970Crucify Your Mind by Rodriguez到底他是个猎人还是个戏子Was it a huntsman or a player让你如此付出That made you pay the cost他倒轻轻松松That now assumes relaxed positions你却一无所有And prostitutes your loss?你是否被自己的欲望折磨Were you tortured by your own thirst自己寻找的那些欢愉In those pleasures that you seek一会儿是好奇That made you Tom the Curious一会儿是脆弱That makes you James the Weak?你说你手头有事情忙And you claim you got something going你说很特别的事Something you call unique但我看到你自怨自艾But I've seen your self-pity showing就像你脸颊滑过的泪水As the tears roll down your cheeks他就是这城市中游走的孤魂He was this wandering spirit around the city.有时候我能在街道角落里看到他And, uh, sometimes I might catch him in the corner.底特律有很多这样荒凉无人的地方You know, Detroit's got its share of, uh, burned-out, desolate areas 我偶尔见到他and I would occasionally see him, um,丹·迪马吉奥"酒坊"的酒保是在离"酒坊"很远的地方我就想far away from The Brewery, and I wondered,这更增加了他的传奇色彩and it just added to this mythology of him.比如他在干嘛他是干什么的Like, what is he doing? What is he doing? What does he do?我听说他帮人修理屋顶做一些施工的活儿I heard he did a little roofing, some construction work.我觉得那应该就是他当时的经济来源了Um, I think that's how he got his money at the time.他真的...我说这些没有恶意He just was, you know, and I say this with love,我很尊重他的但是...I say this with respect, but,我当时觉得他只是...I thought he was just a...跟无家可归的人没什么两样just not much more than a kind of a homeless person, you know?四处漂泊He just was a drifter. He was just... Um...我都不知道他有个家I didn't know if he had a home, you know?他看上去就像是从一个庇护所去到另一个庇护所那样He'd look like maybe he'd go from shelter to shelter or something. 七十年代的底特律的确生活艰难Detroit in the '70s was a hard place.现在其实还是这样Well, it's still a hard place.很多衰败的毁掉的房♥子城里有很多穷♥人♥ Lot of decay, lots of ruined houses. Real poverty exists in this city. 而那些街道就是罗德里格兹成长起来的地方And those streets were Rodriguez's natural habitat.每次我们跟他见面聊聊工作进度Any time we met him to talk about what we were doing,他总是在他住处附近的街角约我们见面he would always meet us on a corner somewhere in his neighbourhood. 大多数时候他都不愿来我家Most of the time he wasn't coming to my house.他会说"跟我在这条街和那条街的交界口见面吧"He'd say, "Meet me on the corner of this street and that street,"我们就会过去and we would be there.麦克和我把车停好出来Uh, Mike and I would get out of our cars and park our cars,站在街角so we'd be standing on the corner,我们四下观望他就会突然一下子出现and then we'd look round and he'd be there all of a sudden.就这样出现He'd just show up.我们觉得他就是城市里的诗人We thought he was like the inner city poet.把所见所闻写成诗放进音乐里You know? Putting his poems to music of what he saw.他眼里的底特律And it was definitely a very gritty look一定是坚韧不拔的at what he saw on the streets of Detroit.他在街坊里见到的在路上行走的人What he saw in his neighbourhood. Who was walking around the streets. 以及他在歌♥里表达这些的方式And the way he presented it in a song,我觉得都非常有意思I thought was very, very interesting.我们当时在特拉-谢玛录音室录音We were working at Tera-Shirma recording studio.他开口唱以后你真的会觉得"哇他肯定行"When he opened up and sang, you went, "Whoa, this guy's got it."当时的罗德里格兹真的一切装置都就绪了Rodriguez, at that time, had all the machinery in place.身后有大制♥作♥人和投资时机也不错Big names, big money behind it. Circumstances were right.为什么就是没成功呢直到今天这个问题还在困扰着我Why didn't it make it? That's the big question that today still haunts me.宣传力度够吗巡回演出够吗Did he get enough promotion? Did he do enough performances? 还是歌♥太政♥治♥化了Was he too political?到底是因为这个还是那个Was there this or was there that?封面是不是不能用橙色该用绿色Should it have been green instead of orange?是不是应该用小提琴而不是双簧管Should it have been a violin instead of an oboe?这样子的问题还可以一直问下去On and on you can go.但最终如果你现在去听他的歌♥ 你会说But the end of the day is, if you listen to the stuff now, you'd say, "我真不明白他是这么出色""I don't understand it, he's right-on."我只看过他表演一次I only heard him play once,他专辑里面有一首歌♥ 是叫...and one of the songs that he had on his album, it was called... 《小糖人》对吧是叫这个名字对吧The Sugar Man? Was it Sugar Man? Is that the name of the song? 杰瑞米·费瑞迪瓦工我认识那个人的那个"小糖人"Um, I knew that guy, the Sugar Man.他的名字叫"大众车"..."大众车弗兰克"And his name was Volkswagen Cha... Volkswagen Frank!他就住在那个街角And he lived right around the corner大家都经常去弗兰克那里and you used to go over to Volkswagen Frank's.大家去他那儿买♥♥一点"糖"You'd go in and get a little "sugar,"你应该知道我说的是什么吧if you know what I mean.《小糖人》罗德里格兹 1970Sugar Man by Rodriguez小糖人请快一点Sugar Man, won't you hurry?因为这一切已让我疲惫Cos I'm tired of these scenes给你一枚蓝色硬币请给我For a blue coin, won't you bring back色彩斑斓的梦境All those colours to my dreams?你带来银色有魔法的船Silver magic ships, you carry加州棕榈泉跳跃着喝汽水还有甜美的玛丽珍Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane小糖人Sugar Man虚情假意的朋友Meta false friend在这孤独的盖满尘土的路上On a lonely, dusty road失去了我的心Lost my heart我这里有些照片想让你看I got some photos here that I'd like to show you是我当年和罗德里格兹在英国的时候的一直保留下来that I've kept since my days in England with Rodriguez.我找找Let me see.可能在这一本我也不记得在哪里了Possibly it's in this book, I don't know where.这些都是我做演员时候的照片These are all my photos from when I was acting.这个是我这个是詹姆斯·迪恩That's me, and that's Jimmy Dean.是1955年的照片That was in 1955.等等好像找到了在这里面呢Hang on, I think I've found them. Think they're in here.找到了Yeah, here they are.哇天哪原来放在这Wow. Good Lord, here they are.我已经快要35年没有见过这些照片了You know, I haven't seen these pictures in almost 35 years. 他是给我印象最深刻的艺术家He's my most memorable artist.斯蒂夫·罗兰德罗德里格兹1971年第二张专辑《从现实来》制♥作♥人我制♥作♥过很多很棒的专辑但...You know, I've produced a lot of great ones, but...合作过的歌♥手有杰瑞·李·刘易斯治疗乐队彼得·弗兰普顿格洛丽亚·盖诺邦妮演唱组漂亮东西乐队他令我印象最深he's my most memorable.他不仅仅是有才华It's not just a talent.他就像...He's like...就像一位智者一位先知He's like a wise man, a prophet.远远多于一个音乐人的概念He's way beyond just being a musical artist.并且很有可能获得巨大成功的And he probably could have done fantastically well如果他当时继续唱下去if he had have continued.我跟他见面时When I met him,别人介绍说"罗德里格兹这位是斯蒂夫·罗兰德"they said, "Rodriguez, this is Steve Rowland."他很喜欢你的专辑"罗德里格兹说"He really likes your album." And Rodriguez said to me,"你喜欢《冷事实》吗""Well, did you like Cold Facts?"我说"天哪它真是天才作品"I said, "Man, I thought it was absolutely brilliant."完完全全的""Absolutely brilliant."真不敢相信它没有获得任何反响""I can't believe that this album didn't do anything."这是一张非常棒的专辑""It's just a fantastic album."然后他就给我唱了...So he played me...他的下一张专辑是... 当时你会把它们装在盒子里Well, his next album was on... In those days you had cassettes.他随身带着第二张专辑的母带名字叫《从现实来》He had demos of this next album that he was gonna call Coming From Reality.我说"哇这会震惊乐坛的"And I said, "Wow, man, this has got to be a smash."都是很棒的歌♥""These are great songs."有些...跟其他的不一样""Little bit... Little bit different from the others,"我说"但真的很棒"I said, "but great songs."我说"有两首还特别伤感"I said, "And a couple of them were so sad." You know.里面有一首绝对有杀伤力的There's one in there that's absolutely a killer.是我听过最悲伤的歌♥之一...It's one of the saddest songs that...别看我在笑那真的是我听过的最悲伤的歌♥之一了I'm laughing, but it's one of the saddest songs that I've ever heard. 是一首非常简单的歌♥ 等等我来放给你听And it's a very simple song. Hang on, I wanna play this. Hang on. 听他的歌♥词Okay, listen to these words.《因为》罗德里格兹 1971Cause by Rodriguez因为我丢了工作'Cause I lost m y job就在离圣诞两周前Two weeks before Christmas噢天哪Oh, man.我在下水道对耶稣倾诉And I talked to Jesus at The Sewer教皇说这关他屁事And the Pope said it was none of his goddamn business雨水混杂香槟While the rain drank champagne天使也让我喝个烂醉My Estonian Archangel came and got me wasted因为我得到过的最甜蜜的吻'Cause the sweetest kiss I ever got就是我那唯一一个ls the one I've never tasted我真的感到难过因为...And it really makes me sad, because...这是我们录过的最后一曲that was the last song that we recorded.也是罗德里格兹录过的最后一曲And that was the last song that Rodriguez ever recorded.我尤其感到伤心的是And what makes it even sadder专辑是在1971年11月发行的was the album was released in November of 1971,我们有很高的期待但完全没有任何反响and we expected big things. And it did absolutely nothing. 然后就在圣诞节前两周And then, two weeks before Christmas,苏塞克斯(公♥司♥)跟他解约了Sussex dropped him off the label.这首歌♥的第一句话就像一个预言And the very first line in the song, as if premonition,就是"我在圣诞前两周丢了工作"was, "I lost my job two weeks before Christmas."噢天哪我就一直在想这个Oh, man. I just think about that.他理应受到关注This guy deserves recognition.在美国根本没人听说过他Nobody in America had even heard of him.没人...Nobody...甚至没人有兴趣去听他的歌♥Nobody even was interested in listening to him.怎么会这样怎么会这样写这么好听的歌♥的人啊How can that be? How can that be? Guy that writes like this. 我是说...I mean...因为他们告诉我每个人都要付清欠款'Cause they told me everybody's gotta pay their dues我解释说自己已经付过了And I explained that I had overpaid them因为她的香水味道'Cause the smell of her perfume还在我脑海深处回响Echoes in my head still《我在想》罗德里格兹I Wonder by Rodriguez南非开普敦我在想你有过多少对象I wonder how many times you've been had我在想又有多少黄掉了And I wonder how many plans have gone bad我在想你上过多少次床I wonder how many times you had sex我还在想你知不知道下一个会是谁And I wonder, do you know who'll be next?《冷事实》是怎么来到南非的It's still a bit of a mystery how the first copy of Cold Fact现在还是个谜actually came to South Africa.其中一个版本是But one of the stories I've heard有一个美国女孩来到南非is that there was an American girl and she came to South Africa 来看她男朋友随身带了这张唱片to visit her boyfriend and brought a copy of the record with her. 他们还有身边的朋友都非常喜欢And her and him and all their friends really liked it想要买♥♥ 但买♥♥不到and went out to try and buy it but you couldn't buy it.所以他们做了一些复♥制♥唱片自己传阅So they started taping copies and passing copies along.不管它是怎么来的南非怎么在这里发芽的However it got here, however it germinated here,斯蒂芬·西格曼"老糖"唱片行老板它一出现就传播得非常迅速once it got here, it spread very quickly....你有多么现实How much goin' have you got还有你那些不一样的朋友And I wonder about your friends that are not我在想I wonder一直在想Wonder I do我还记得当时我在上高中I remember I was in high school我们听到这首歌♥唱"我在想你做过多少次爱"and we heard this song, "I wonder how many times you've had sex?" 那个时候的南非是非常保守的And at that time South Africa was very conservative.威廉·莫勒音乐人种族隔离严重It was the height of apartheid,也没有电视and there wasn't television here.就真有那么保守因为电视是共♥产♥主义分子的That's how conservative it was, 'cause television was communist.真的是...你都不会相信It was really... You wouldn't believe.一切都被禁制一切都被审查Everything was restricted, everything was censored.一切都...Everything was...然后我们就听到这个人唱这首歌♥And here's this guy singing this song."他是谁""他叫罗德里格兹""Who's that?" Said, "That's Rodriguez."然后他就成了反叛的标志And he became something of a rebel son' of icon.但奇怪的是虽然我们都买♥♥了他的专辑But the strange thing was that we all bought his records.我认识的每个人都有他的专辑《我在想》这首歌♥ Everybody I knew had his records. I Wonder,是最受欢迎的每个人都在唱that was the big song that everybody was singing全部人都买♥♥了专辑and we all bought a record.然后封面上就是他了有点像阴影里的嬉皮士And there he was on the cover, sort of a hippy with shades.但没有人知道他是什么人他就是个谜But nobody knew anything about him. He was a mystery.不像其他美国艺术家你可以在刊物上读到Unlike other artists that you could read about from America,然后对他们进行了解get to know something about them,他什么都没有没人知道他的任何事there was zilch. Nobody knew anything.完全是个谜我们只有他封面上这张照片It was a mystery. We only had his picture on the cover of the record. 《简·S·彼迪》罗德里格兹Jane S. Piddy by Rodriguez你坐在那里想感觉不安全Now you sit there thinking Feeling insecure讽刺的宫廷小丑告诉你没有解药The mocking court jester Claims there is no proven cure回到你的房♥间你盯着墙壁Go back to your chamber Your eyes upon the wall因为没人听你倾诉也没人接你来电Cos you got no one to listen You got no one to call你觉得我会好奇And you think I'm curious这张专辑异常受欢迎The album was exceptionally popular.对很多南非人来说他就是我们生命的背景音乐To many of us South Africans, he was the soundtrack to our lives.在70年代中期你随便走进一间In the mid-'70s, if you walked into a random白人的自♥由♥主义的中产阶级人家white, liberal, middle-class household只要他们家有那么一叠流行音乐that had a turntable and a pile of pop records你只要翻看这些唱片就一直能找到and if you flipped through the records you would always see披头士的《阿比路》Abbey Road by The Beatles.还有《忧郁河上的桥》You would always see Bridge Over Troubled Water西蒙和加芬克尔的by Simon and Garfunkel.然后肯定还有罗德里格兹的《冷事实》And you would always see Cold Fact by Rodriguez.对我们来说那是史上最著名的专辑之一To us, it was one of the most famous records of all time.里面传达的思想是"反体制"The message it had was: "Be anti-establishment. "有一首歌♥就叫《反体制蓝调》One song's called Anti-Establishment Blues.我们都不知道"反体制"是什么意思We didn't know what the word "anti-establishment" was直到罗德里格兹的歌♥里唱到然后我们才发现until it cropped up on a Rodriguez song and then we found out,我们是可以与当下社会持异见的it's OK to protest against your society,我们是有权对这个社会愤怒的to be angry with your society.因为我们所处的这个社会Because we lived in a society所有事情的目的都是保护种族分离制度where every means was used to prevent apartheid from,克雷格·巴索洛缪-斯翠顿音乐记者防止其结束you know, coming to an end,这张专辑里面有着这种...this album somehow had in it...歌♥词把我们这些被压♥迫♥的人给解放了lyrics that almost set us free as oppressed peoples.每一场革命都需要圣歌♥Any revolution needs an anthem在南非《冷事实》就是这样一张专辑and in South Africa Cold Fact was the album允许人们that gave people permission拥有自♥由♥的思想开始有不一样的想法to free their minds and to start thinking differently.《反体制蓝调》罗德里格兹 1970The Establishment Blues by Rodriguez市长掩盖犯罪率理事会的女人犹犹豫豫The mayor hides the crime rate Council woman hesitates公众变得易怒但忘了选举的日子Public gets irate But forgets the vote date体制就要灭亡由愤怒的年轻人推♥翻♥This system's gonna fall soon To an angry young tune这是无法改变的冷冰冰的事实And that's a concrete cold fact可能这看上去有点奇怪It may seem strange that South African record companies南非的唱片公♥司♥没有继续发行罗德里格兹的作品didn't do more to try and track down Rodriguez,但实际上如果你回望过去那段时间but, actually, if you look back at the time我们正经历着种族隔离运动最激烈的时候we were in the middle of apartheid, the height of apartheid.南非当时遭受的制裁是世界级的South Africa was under sanctions from countries from all over the world. 南非音乐家是不允许出国演出的South African musicians were not allowed to play overseas.外国的表演也不能来南非巡回No foreign acts were allowed to visit South Africa.完全闭关锁国It was a closed-door situation南非和世界之间有一道屏障between South Africa and the rest of the world.一早醒来头就很痛Woke up this morning with an ache in my head一跃而起穿上衣服I splashed on my clothes as I spilled out of bed我打开窗户听新闻I opened the window to listen to the news耳边只有体制下的音乐But all I heard was the establishment's blues世界上其他国家都在谴责The countries around the world were saying horrible things南非那个种族隔离的政♥府♥about the apartheid government但我们全然不知因为他们控制了新闻but we didn't know because they controlled the news.大多数的人们The majority of the population had been marginalized都被强制离开商业区域and forced out of the commerce in areas.纳粹德国就是这样It was what had happened in Nazi Germany.这就是纳粹德国的演变体,It was a spin-off from Nazi Germany,倘若有报纸敢报道他们就会被封♥杀♥but if a newspaper published it, they'd get prosecuted.所以就这样So, because of that,南非成为了世界上被遗忘的国家South Africa had achieved a pariah status in the world.有对文化的抵♥制♥ 有对体育的抵♥制♥ There were cultural boycotts. There were sporting boycotts.是一个非常孤立的社会我们完全被隔绝了It was a very isolated society. So we were cut off.我们都知道种族隔离是错误的We all knew apartheid was wrong,但居住在南非but living in South Africa,作为一个白人其实你并不能there wasn't much, as a white person,为此做出什么you could do about it,因为政♥府♥非常严苛'cause the government was very strict.很大范围内都是军事戒♥严♥状态It was a military state, to a large degree.如果你站出来反对种族隔离If you spoke out against apartheid,你可能会因此入狱3年you could be thrown into prison for three years.所以虽然很多白人都参与到运动中So although a lot of whites were part of the struggle,大多数白人还是没有的the majority of whites were not.你被监视着到处都是间谍You were watched. There were spies.非常恐怖人们也害怕得不得了It was scary and people were scared.但南非白人社区有组织起来But out of the Afrikaans community emerged一群音乐家作曲家a group of Afrikaans musicians, songwriters,当他们听到罗德里格兹的歌♥ 就像一个声音对她们说and for them, when they heard Rodriguez, it was like a voice spoke to them "还有出路还有出路"and said, "Guys, there's a way out. There's a way out."你可以写歌♥ 可以绘画""You can write music. You can write imagery."可以演唱可以表演""You can sing, you can perform."那是真正意义上的第一次And that was where, really, the first opposition to apartheid从南非白人圈内部传出了反对种族隔离的声音came from inside the Afrikaans community.这些年轻的南非人It was these young Afrikaans guys and, to a man,他们会告诉你他们是受罗德里格兹影响的they'll tell you they were influenced by Rodriguez.库斯·康布伊斯威廉·莫勒Koos Kombuis. Willem M枚ller.还有已经去世的约翰内斯·科库洛The late Johannes Kerkorrel.这些人都是南非音乐革命的标志人物The guys who were regarded as the icons of the Afrikaans music revolution 他们都会告诉你"罗德里格兹启发了我们"will all tell you, "Rodriguez was our guy."南非语我们叫它"自♥由♥运♥动♥"We call it the Voelvry movement南非的艺术家用唱歌♥来反对种族隔离of Afrikaans artists singing against apartheid.所有人都听过罗德里格兹的歌♥All of us listened to Rodriguez at some point. All of us.威廉·莫勒"自♥由♥运♥动♥"成员这音乐有着巨大的影响力It had an enormous impact.它让你觉得我们还是有出路的It made you just think that there's another way.体制给你的东西并不是全部What's presented to you by the establishment isn't all theirs.点燃点燃吧点燃点燃吧Set if off, set if off Set if off, set if off最流行的一首叫《点燃》The biggest hit was a song called Set It Off当时的总统是PW·波塔which was when PW Botha was the president then.真正的大坏蛋他在电视里讲话都是这个姿势The real bad guy. When he came on TV, he used to talk like that.歌♥里是这么唱的"关掉电视吧关掉它"And this song said, "switch it off, just switch off the TV."审查材料档案室南非约翰内斯堡。



季节交替让世界变得奇妙The changing of the seasonsbrings wonder to the world很久以来仙子们施展魔法For ages has the magic of the fairies been unfurled但大自然最伟大的变化是在秋天But nature's greatest changes come beneath the autumn sky 收获的季节就要来到神秘就要揭晓and mysteries reveal themselves as harvest time draws nigh 这一年一颗闪光的蓝月亮会在霜降前升起This year, a shimmering blue moon will rise before the frost "也许它的光芒能照亮寻找迷失的路"Perhaps its rays can light the way to find what has been lost 奇妙仙子与失落的宝藏到了将枫树染成明亮的粉红色的季节Time to turn the maple brilliant crimson到了将白杨树染成闪闪发光的金色的季节Time to turn the Aspen sparkling gold到了苹果从树稍上坠落下来的季节Time to tumble apples from their branches到了告诉微风要吹得清新凉爽的季节Time to tell the breezes crisp and cold一阵清凉的风A chilling吹遍了整个乡村Folds the countryside亲吻了草地上的晨雾Kiss of morning mist upon the meadow空气中旋转着缓缓上升的炊烟Scent of wood smoke swirling in the air种种迹象表明收获的时候到了iSignals that it's high time for the harvest每个南瓜桃子和仙人果Every pumpkin, peach and prickly pear果实都成熟了With ripened fruit to bear若你If you believe坚信自我In who you are坚信自己一直存在的意义Who you were always meant to be若你敞开自己的心扉If you open up your heart那么你的心灵会自♥由♥飞翔Then you set your spirit free此时此刻In this time of the season每棵树上的每片树叶Every leaf on every tree将开始绽放光彩Will start to shine过来看看Come and see牵起我的手Take my hand跟我一起Come with me飞起来And fly对来吧Yeah, okay. There you go!不No, no, no!干得好Good job.此时此刻In this time of the season每棵树上的每片叶子Every leaf on every tree将开始绽放光彩Will start to shine过来看看Come and see牵起我的手Take my hand跟我一起Come with me飞起来And fly-早啊石头 -嗨泰伦斯-Morning, Stone. -Hey, Terence.大家加油扇动翅膀Come on, let's go. Flap your wings!没有仙粉的话陆地上的仙子们就不能飞翔Those fairies on the mainland won't be able to fly without pixie dust! 泰伦斯你把仙粉都分给童子军了吗Terence, have you delivered the pixie-dust rations to the scouts yet? 嗯今天的干完了明天的也干完了一半Yep. Finished today's and half of tomorrow's.记住每人一杯不能多也不能少Remember, one cup each. No more, no less.知道了盖瑞仙子I know, Fairy Gary.我该走了回头见Well, that's my cue. I'll catch you guys later.你要去哪里And where are you off to?有些差事和事情要办Just doing some errands and stuff.-差事 -事情-Errands! -And stuff!你们怎么说话怪怪的Why are you guys talking like that?-没什么 -没什么No reason.-好吧 -跟奇妙仙子问个好好吗-All right. -Say hi to Tinker Bell, would you?什么What?真有趣Very funny.好吧你们说中了我又要去帮奇妙仙子了All right, you got me. I'm gonna help Tink again.-我可以拿上这个吗 -当然-Is it okay if I take this? -Sure.谢谢明天见Thanks. See you tomorrow.锤子Hammer.谢了现在试试芝士Thanks. Okay, try it now, Cheese.没错了继续Yeah, that's it! Keep going. Keep going!嘿芝士这是特别给奇妙仙子的Hey, Cheese. Special delivery for Tinker Bell.嗨泰伦斯Hi, Terence.谁是总给你送东西的最好的朋友Who's your best friend that always delivers?-爱丽德莎 -不对再猜-Iridessa? -Nope. Try again.-芳玟 -是我-Fawn? -Me!我开玩笑的Just kidding.你觉得这"仙粉快车"怎么样So, what do you think of the Pixie Dust Express?仙粉快车哇仓库的人会很喜欢它的The guys are gonna love this back at the depot,它肯定能帮河岸运送的大忙and it sure is going to help out on the river-outpost deliveries. 嘿这是可以伸缩的吗Hey, is that a stretchy thingy?对我想你可以把它用在你的引擎上Yeah, I thought you could use it for your motor.我认为那将会很完美I think it's gonna be perfect.夹好Clip.好了芝士准备出发All right, Cheese, ready to launch.浮起来了It floats!好你准备进行正式测试了吗Okay. Are you ready for the official test run?别但心我就在你旁边Don't worry. I'll be right next to you.-都准备好了 -好了-All set? -Check.开动吧Let her rip.哇Wow现在是水力驱动And now for hydro-drive.抱歉Sorry.哇Wow噢不Oh, no!-你没事吧 -没事谢谢-Are you okay? -Yeah. Thanks.我不敢相信船破了I can't believe the boat broke.我想你们得再等等了I guess your guys are gonna have to wait a little longer.真让我惊讶I'm impressed.通常当你的发明不成功时你反应过度Usually when one of your inventions doesn't work out, you overreact, 但我得说你这次控制得很好but I must say, you're handling this one pretty well.-我把它开到树上了 -别在意了-I drove it into a tree? -Never mind.见鬼Jingles!我造船是来帮你们的泰伦斯它应该能行的I made it to help you, Terence. It should've worked.听着只要做点小改动就好了Come on. Look, it just needs a little tinkering.我认识哪个优秀的工匠呢Let's see. Who do I know who's a good tinker?波波他是个好工匠Bobble. Bobble's a good tinker.要不玛丽仙女她经验丰富Or Fairy Mary, she's got a lot of experience.要不胖子怎么样Or... Hey, what about Clank?-有人有麻烦了 -我最近没闯祸啊-Someone's in trouble. -Hey, I haven't done anything, lately.臭虫事件The stinkbug incident?不会吧Oh, no.奇妙仙子克丽安女王召见你Tinker Bell, Queen Clarion awaits.这都是个误会It's all a big misunderstanding.我肯定女王召见我是因为完全不相干的事情I'm sure the queen wants to see me about something completely unrelated. 稍等One moment.奇妙仙子来了她在外面等着王后Tinker Bell is here. She's waiting outside, my lady.谢谢你凡奥拉Thank you, Viola.-玛丽仙女你确定吗 -你是什么意思呢-Fairy Mary, are you certain? -Whatever do you mean?奇妙仙子自然很有天赋只是Only that Tinker Bell, while undoubtedly talented, also...-性子急躁 -没错-Is a hothead? Flies off the handle? -Well, yes.我想她值得得到一个机会部长I believe she deserves a chance, Minister.毕竟工匠仙子们是在错误中学习的After all, tinker fairies learn from their mistakes.很好Very well.我同意了奇妙仙子Agreed. Tinker Bell!玛丽仙女告诉我她知道Fairy Mary tells me she knows...那不是我的错殿下都是那些臭虫自找的It's not my fault, Your Highness! Those stinkbugs were asking for it.-这跟臭虫无关对吧 -对-This isn't about the stinkbugs, is it? -No.我们可以之后再谈那件事But we can certainly come back to that later.玛丽Mary.你一定认识秋天部长吧You do know the Minister of Autumn.-我的孩子 -嗨-My dear. -Hi.你熟悉秋天狂欢节吗Are you familiar with the great autumn revelry?嗯大家都很激动地谈论着它Well, everyone's talking about it. They're so excited.从远古时候起Since time immemorial,仙子们就在秋天结束时狂欢庆祝fairies have celebrated the end of autumn with a revelry,而今年秋天正好是蓝色收获月and this particular autumn coincides with a blue harvest moon. 我们得打造一条新的节杖来庆祝这个时节A new scepter must be created to celebrate the occasion.看节杖陈列厅Behold, the Hall of Scepters.-真美啊 -每一条节杖都是独一无二的-They're beautiful. -Every scepter is unique.有些是由动物仙子打造Some are the work of animal fairies,有些来自亮光仙子水仙子或者是花♥园♥仙子some of light fairies, or water fairies, or garden fairies.今年轮到工匠仙子了This year, it is the turn of the tinker fairies.玛丽仙女推荐了你And Fairy Mary has recommended you.-我但我是 -一个非常有天赋的工匠-Me? But I'm... I'm... -A very talented tinker.这条节杖的尺寸必须分毫不差The scepter must be built to precise dimensions.你将在节杖顶端放上一颗月光石At the top, you will place a moonstone.当蓝月亮升到最高处时When the blue moon is at its peak,它的光芒将会穿过宝石产生蓝色的仙粉its rays will pass through the gem, creating blue pixie dust.蓝仙粉会让仙粉树重生The blue pixie dust restores the pixie dust tree.正如秋天本身一样它代表着重生和再生Like autumn itself, it signals rebirth and rejuvenation.我们看你的了We are relying on you.孩子到这边来This way, dear.这就是月光石Here is the moonstone.它是世代相传而来It has been handed down from generation to generation. 小心它非常容易打碎Be careful. It is ridiculously fragile.玛丽仙女我我不知道该说什么好Fairy Mary, I... I don't know what to say.-谢谢你 -小心奇妙仙子很容易碎-Thank you! -Careful, Tinker Bell! Fragile!一二三四五六七八九十1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.-你在数什么 -那能让我平静-Why are you counting? -It helps to calm me down.明白了别但心玛丽仙女Got it. Don't worry, Fairy Mary.我会让你们所有人为我而骄傲的I'll make you proud, all of you.奇妙仙子Tink!奇妙仙子Tink?嘿Hey!怎么了So?泰伦斯你一定不会相信的Terence, you're never gonna believe this.猜猜什么事快猜Guess what happened! Go on, guess!嗯我Well, I...他们选了我来打造新的秋天节杖I have been picked to make the new fall scepter!我Me! Me!那就是说他们把月光石给你了Hey, that means they... They gave you the moonstone? 对想看看吗Yeah! Want to see?别太近别对着它吹气很容易碎的Not so close. Don't breathe on it. It's fragile.当然我知道它的一切Yeah, I know. I know all about it.蓝月亮在小精灵谷每八年才升起一次The blue moon only rises in Pixie Hollow every 8 years.月光必须以九十度角The trajectory of the light beam's gotta match the curvature of the moonstone 投射在月光石曲折的表面at a 90-degree angle那样光线就能转化为仙粉so the light can transmute into pixie dust.哇泰伦斯你怎么知道这些的Terence! Now, how'd you know all that?每个仙粉的看守者都得学习仙粉学Well, you know, every dust-keeper's gotta study dustology.嘿你知道我们该怎么庆祝吗Hey! You know what this calls for?-两杯 -甘菊茶-2 cups of... -Chamomile tea.-要放很多蜜糖和 -一些乳草-With extra honey and... -And some milkweed whip.对了你造的桶和滑轮系统Hey, by the way, that new bucket-and-pulley system you made?盖瑞仙子非常喜欢Fairy Gary loves it.-他真可爱 -你说是就是吧-He's so cute. -If you say so.也许我可以帮你造节杖我也算是个专家了You know what? Maybe I can help you. You know, I'm kind of an expert on this. 我可以帮你收集材料提供建议I can collect the supplies and give you advice.真的那真是太好了You will? That's... That's so sweet.嘿我们不是朋友吗Hey, what are friends for?你怎么说我可以当你的助手了So, what do you say? Can I be your wingman?那太好了That would be great.-最棒的仙粉看守仙子 -还有最棒的工匠仙子-The best dust-keeper fairy. -And the best tinker!这一定会是一个令人难忘的狂欢节This is gonna be a revelry to remember.梆梆Knock-knock.-早上好 -嗨-Morning. -Hi.到秋天狂欢节之前还有整整一个月我们开始吧All right, we have one full moon until the autumn revelry. Here we go. 嘿奇妙仙子我从工作的地方给你带来了一些东西Hey, Tink! I brought you some stuff from work.哇Wow哇泰伦斯你怎么Terence, how did you...我太喜欢了I love this thing!你一定能帮我的大忙I can tell you're gonna be a big help.看上去不赖Looks good.记住要想有最多的蓝色仙粉Now, remember, you get the most blue pixie dust你就得把月光石暴露的表面部分最大化if you maximize the moonstone's exposed surface area.明白了Right. Got it.梆梆Knock-knickity-knock!起床了瞌睡虫Out of bed, sleepyhead.你得把这火保持通亮You gotta keep the fire nice and hot.打搅奇妙仙子Excuse me, Tink.你真的得保持工作区的整洁Yeah, you know, you should really keep that workspace clean.让我把那个也收拾了Okay, let me just... Let me get that one right there.还有一个谢谢Just one more. Thank you.-哇 -一二三1, 2, 3...-你为什么数数 -四-Why are you counting? -4...梆梆梆梆Knickity-knickity-knock!小心你的角度Watch your angle there.梆梆有人在家吗Knock-knock! Who's there?梆梆有人在家吗Knock. Knock who? Knock-knock-knickity-knock!梆梆Knickity-knock.拿稳了Steady.你得小心这很容易出错的You gotta be easy. This is the tricky part.我知道I know.现在我们得把光线的轨迹All right, now we gotta match the trajectory of the light beam-跟 -明白了谢谢-with the... -Got it. Thanks.-跟 -好了我知道了-With the... -Okay. Yeah, I know.跟With the...-月光石的弧度吻合起来 -拜托你-The curvature of the moonstone. -Will you please...奇妙仙子看来你需要锋利的东西Tink, it looks like you need some sort of, you know, sharp thingy. 那正是我需要的That's exactly what I need.你可以出去帮我找到锋利的东西吗Could you go out and find me something sharp?当然我就回来You got it. I'll be right back.慢慢找Take your time.胖子那是什么Clank, what is that?这是烟花发射器我来演示一下This is a fireworks launcher. Allow me to demonstrate.爱丽德莎和罗塞塔将把光水晶和花粉颜料混合起来Iridessa and Rosetta will mix light crystals with flower pigment. 然后把混合物放进发射器就橡这样The mixture will go into the launcher, like so.然后我上紧弹簧就橡这样Then I tighten the spring, like so.-天啊胖子 -然后砸向触发器-Oh, dear. Clank... -Then you throw the trigger...-胖子 -烟火就会射向天空-Yes, Clank... -and the fireworks shoot into the air!-胖子 -就橡这样-Clank! -Like so!胖子那真聪明Clanky, that's brilliant!嘿波波你知道我在哪里能找到锋利的东西吗Hey, Bobble. Listen, do you know where I can find a sharp thingy? -锋利的东西 -树枝怎么样-A sharp thingy? -How about a stick?-不要锋利的东西 -树枝也可以很锋利的-No, a sharp thingy-majigy. -A stick can be pretty sharp!不我需要更锋利的东西来帮助奇妙仙子No, I need something sharper to help Tink.奇妙仙子For Tink!-胖子别那样偷偷接近我 -你去过河湾了吗-Clank, don't sneak up on me like that. -Did you try the cove?对啊所有的失落物都在那里Of course! That's where all the lost things wash up.谢谢你波波谢谢你胖子Thanks, Bobble. Thanks, Clank.乐意效劳再见泰伦斯Our pleasure. So long, Terence!我开始有点晕了I'm getting a little dizzy.太好了Perfect.现在只剩最后的工序了镀点银上去And now for the finishing touch, a spattering of silver shavings.平稳点啊我都等不及给她这个了Steady. I can't wait till she sees this.很好There. Perfect.-总算好了 -嘿奇妙仙子我回来了-Finally. -Hey, Tink! I'm back!-这是什么 -你要的锋利的东西啊-What is this? -It's your sharp thingy.我的那不是My... That's not...一二三四1, 2, 3, 4...泰伦斯这不是锋利的这是圆的Terence, this is not sharp. This is round.事实上跟锋利完全相反It is, in fact, the exact opposite of sharp.真的你只要看看里面它Really, look, if you look inside, it's...我需要工作好吗I need to work, okay?现在请你把这东西弄出去好吗Now, would you please get this thing out of here?我的节杖My scepter!奇妙仙子我很抱歉我Tink, I'm so sorry. I...-出去泰伦斯你走吧 -什么-Out, Terence! Just go! -What?你带来这愚蠢的东西你把我的节杖毁了You brought this stupid thing here. You broke the scepter.-都是你的错 -奇妙仙子我-This is your fault! -Tink, I...-我只是想做你的好朋友我 -走吧别烦我了-I was just trying to be a good friend. I... -Go away! Just leave me alone! 好吧这是我最后一次帮你Fine! Last time I try to help you.不会吧No.帮她保持工作区整洁给她带食物给炉子添燃料Kept her workspace clean, brought her food, stoked the fire!"找锋利的东西"到处都找遍了Find a sharp thingy. Searched high and low,她连个"谢"字都没有and she didn't even say thank you!哇Wow我知道有些岩石仙子会很难过的I know some rock fairies that are gonna be pretty upset.什么这里没有岩石仙子What? There are no rock fairies.很难说有可能有You never know. There might be.你没事吧Are you okay?我很好你问来做什么Yeah, I'm great! Why do you ask?我很抱歉我跟奇妙仙子吵了一架I'm... No. I'm sorry. I... I had a fight with Tink.怎么了What happened?发生了一个意外她气炸了There was just an accident, and she just... She just exploded. I... 她爆♥炸♥了She exploded?不我不是那个意思No, no, I don't mean like that.我是说她朝我大声吼还有I mean, she just yelled at me, you know? And...她很生气Did she turn red?当然她很生气她是奇妙仙子Well, of course she turned red! It's Tink!等她消消气就好了Just give her a chance to cool off.也许你是对的Yeah, you're probably right.-你好奇妙仙子 -胖子波波-Hello, Tink! -Clank! Bobble!我们想问你是否想跟我们一起去童话剧院Came to see if you wanted to join us for fairytale theater.我们想你可能需要破除单调的工作规律We figure you could use a real break.破没什么破了你们什么意思Break? Nothing's broken! What do you mean?你们知道什么了What do you know?对不起伙计们我很忙Sorry, fellas. Busy.狂欢节秋天节杖等等You know, the revelry, fall scepter, whatnot.我迫不及待想要看看节杖I can't wait to see that scepter!-还不行 -是不是跟我想象的那样漂亮-Try. -Is it as beautiful as I imagine?-不是 -泰伦斯跟我们说它美极了-No. -Terence told us it's amazing.我们真为你骄傲We're so proud of you.听着伙计们我真的没时间Look, guys, I really don't have time.别但心奇妙仙子Well, not to worry, Tink.我们会跟玛丽仙女说你赶不上的We'll tell Fairy Mary you couldn't make it.-玛丽仙女 -当然-Fairy Mary? -Well, sure!你知道她从来都不会错过童话剧场的You know her. She never misses fairytale theater. 再见Bye-bye!胖子波波等等我Clank! Bobble! Wait for me!玛丽仙女我Fairy Mary, I...奇妙仙子我没想到今晚能见到你Tinker Bell! I wasn't expecting to see you tonight. 你完成节杖了吗Have you finished the scepter?嗯还没Well, not exactly.我我在想我得问你I... I was wondering... I mean, I have to ask you... 嗯Yes?是关于月光石的It's about the moonstone.发生什么事了快跟我说你没把它弄丢What happened to it? You didn't lose it. Tell me you didn't lose it! -我没弄丢 -好-I didn't lose it. -Good.但我在想如果用一颗月光石可以造出蓝色仙粉But I was thinking, if using one moonstone creates blue pixie dust, 用两颗就可以造出更多using 2 would create even more.你还有一颗月光石吗Do you have another moonstone?那是过去100年中发现的唯一一颗月光石That moonstone is the only one found in the last 100 years.谢天谢地我们找到了它And thank goodness we found it.没有蓝色仙粉仙粉树就会变得虚弱Without the blue dust, the pixie dust tree would grow weak,这里的生活也会变得很困难and things would be pretty tough around here, believe you me.你没事吧你看上去有点苍白Are you okay? You look sort of pale.-慢着我知道是怎么回事 -你知道-Wait. I know what's going on. -You do?你工作太辛苦了你需要看场戏You've been working too hard. What you need is a little theater. 我知道你如果你能你也许会重做整个节杖Knowing you, you'd probably redo the whole scepter if you could. -那可以吗 -奇妙仙子-Is that an option? -Tinker Bell!真令人激动啊How exciting!-请安静别出声 -请安静别出声Hush, fairies! Hush, fairies!现在要开始古老的故事'Tis the moment for ancient fairy lore现在要开始古老的故事'Tis the moment for ancient fairy lore奇妙仙子介意我坐这里吗Tinker Bell, do you mind?抱歉训练过臭鼬的Sorry. Skunk training.-请安静别出声 -请安静别出声-Hush, fairies! Hush! -Hush, fairies! Hush!-安静聆听古老的故事童话 -安静聆听古老的故事童话-For a fairytale of yore! -For a fairytale of yore!那是一个遥远的秋天'Twas a distant fall一艘海盗船抵达了梦幻岛when a pirate ship arrived in Neverland.恐怖的海盗们云集在海岸The dreaded pirates swarmed ashore,寻找着最昂贵和最难以捉摸的战利品seeking the greatest and most elusive prize of all.一名仙子A fairy.海盗真吓人Pirates give me the willies!海盗们到处寻找终于找到了一名仙子Far and wide, the pirates searched until they found a fairy. 他们追逐并捉到了她They chased her, captured her强迫她带他们去找最有魔力的宝藏and forced her to lead them to the most magical treasure, 具有魔力的印佳塔魔镜the enchanted Mirror of Incanta.魔镜由很久以前的魔法仙子铸造Forged by fairy magic in ages past,它有魔力来满足三个愿望the mirror had the power to grant 3 wishes,任何对你珍贵的东西anything precious to your heart.-玛丽仙女那是真的吗 -千真万确-Fairy Mary, is this true? -Every word.海盗们使用了两个愿望The pirates used 2 wishes,但在他们用第三个愿望之前but before they could use the third wish,船在梦幻岛北边的岛上撞毁了the ship was wrecked on an island north of Neverland.还能满足一个愿望的印佳塔魔镜The Mirror of Incanta, with its last remaining wish,永远地迷失了was lost forever.据说寻找它的线索藏在这首古老的歌♥谣里Yet it is said that the clues to find it are hidden in this ancient chant. 越过梦幻岛往北Journey due north past Neverland抵达一个遥远的岛屿Till a faraway island is close at hand只身而来却不孤单When you're alone But not alone"得到帮助唯有石拱门"You will find help And an arch of stone石拱门Arch of stone.有一条路可以通过岛的北脊There's one way across the isle's north ridge"但在老怪兽桥你必须得付出代价"But a price must be paid at the old troll bridge她说什么What did she say?我想她在说一座收费桥I think she said something about a toll bridge.-收费桥 -嗯-Toll bridge? -Yeah.但我不知道那得花多少钱But I don't know how much it costs.旅途的最后你得走过船的厚甲板At journey's end You shall walk the plank"船虽触礁但永远不会沉没"Of the ship that sunk But never sank船舱之中还有一个愿And in the hold Amidst gems and gold未许之愿等待实现A wish come true Awaits, we're told你要小心注意线索暗藏玄机But beware and be warned There's a trick to this clue愿良善诚心否则灾祸可预Wish only goodwill Or no good will come you只怕宝藏未得For the treasure you seek"却已悔不当初"You may yet come to rue!太棒了Bravo! Bravo!太棒了Bravo! Bravo!抵达一个遥远的岛屿Faraway island is close at hand"越过梦幻岛往北"Due north past Neverland我们来看看老鼠芝士Let's see. Mouse cheese.锅地图Pan. Chart.换洗衣物Extra clothes.这件不适合旅行This one's not for traveling.我怎样才能带上所有这些东西呢How am I gonna carry all this?不够Not enough.-孩子给你的一杯 -谢谢-There you go. One cup, dear. -Thank you.盖瑞仙子你好Fairy Gary. Hi.你好奇妙仙子你来有什么事吗Hello, Tink. What brings you here?看来我造的桶和滑轮系统运作得很好I see that bucket-and-pulley system I rigged for you is working out. 盖瑞仙子你这里真是井井有条You know, Fairy Gary, you really run a tight ship.虽然这么说有点恭维的意思但我是真心的I know it sounds like I'm just saying it, but you really do. Really.孩子你真会说话That's very sweet, dear.我在想我可以多要一些仙粉吗Anyway, I was wondering, can I have some extra pixie dust?你说什么Pardon?盖瑞仙子就给一小把好吗Come on, Fairy Gary. Please? Just a smidge?奇妙仙子你是知道规定的Now, Tinker Bell, you know the rules,记录显示你已经拿到你那份了and it says here you already got your ration.爱丽德莎罗塞塔Iridessa! Rosetta!-你认为如何 -借一些仙粉给你-What do you think? -Lend you some of our dust?奇妙仙子我们在陆地上可是需要每一颗仙粉的啊Tinker Bell, we need every bit of it on the mainland. 亲爱的要飞很久才能到秋天呢Sweetie, it takes a lot of flying to bring in autumn.抱歉奇妙仙子Sorry, Tink.你知道谁可以帮忙的Say, you know who can help.拉斐尔拉瑞拉托瑞迪那瑞娜Raffaela, Renato, Redina, Rina...-嗨芝士 -嗨泰伦斯-Hi, Cheese! -Hey, Terence!早上好芳玟Morning, Fawn!-瑞娜罗达罗塞塔 -泰伦斯-Rina, Rhoda, Rosetta... -Terence.-奇妙仙子 -你好-Tink? -Hi.没想到能见到你节杖做得怎样了Surprised to see you. How's the scepter?还在做I'm working on it.泰伦斯现在错误已经造成了Look, Terence, things happened, mistakes were made, 我得跟你谈谈and now there's something I need to talk to you about. 我需要一些额外的仙粉I need some extra pixie dust.你要更多的仙粉那就是你来这里的原因You need more pixie dust? That's why you're here? 对Yeah.那可不是我所期望的你为什么需要更多的仙粉It's not exactly what I was expecting. Why do you need more dust? 我不能告诉你I... I can't tell you.你不能告诉我You can't tell me?你需要更多的仙粉还不能告诉我原因You need more pixie dust, and you can't tell me why?一个真正的朋友不需要问为什么A true friend wouldn't need to know why.一个真正的朋友不会让我违反规定A true friend wouldn't ask me to break the rules!那我想我们不是真正的朋友Well, then, I guess we're not true friends!不我No, I...我想我们不是I guess we're not.那我就一个人了I'm on my own, then.怎么了What?再见小精灵谷我很快就回来So long, Pixie Hollow. I'll be back soon.我需要用地平线来测量月亮的角度I just need to angle the moon with the horizon.我好饿I'm starving.我的波森莓卷My boysenberry rolls!我的老鼠芝士我的粗祼麦松糕My mouse cheese! My pumpernickel muffin!出去走开找你的朋友去Out. Out. Shoo. Go find your friends.别跟着我Stop following me.我有一项非常重要的任务I'm on a very important mission.我得在两天内找到魔镜然后许愿让月光石复原I have 2 days to find the magic mirror and wish the moonstone back. 不我不需要帮助No, I don't need any help.对我确定我们来看看Yes, I am sure. Okay. Now, let's see.嘿看着小家伙去捡回来Hey, look! Look, little guy. Fetch!你出去好吗Will you please get out of here?够了出去That does it. Out!好吧你可以留下来All right. You can stay.现在帮我一个忙这样待着别动For now. Just do me a favor, if you could stay right here.如果我的轴承准确的话我们应该很快就能看到陆地了If my bearings are accurate, we should see land soon.我是奇妙仙子你叫什么I'm Tinker Bell. What's your name?好吧眨眼睛Okay. Blinky?亮闪闪亮晶晶光束光芒Flicker? Flash? Beam? Flare?如果你一直这样烈火燃烧一样地怒吼Well, how in the blazing bellows am I supposed to guess your name 我怎能猜到你的名字if you keep...你叫怒吼Your name's Bellows?亮亮Blaze.橡个狠角色的名字你够狠吗Kind of a tough-guy name. You a tough guy?好了别弄伤自己了Okay. Don't hurt yourself.对了芝士让他们继续That's it, Cheese. Keep them coming.下一个Next.下一个Okay. Next.爱丽德莎那些灯笼怎样了Iridessa, how are those lanterns coming?差不多好了玛丽仙女哇干得好芝士Almost done, Fairy Mary. Good shot, Cheese.下面我得给罗塞塔一些光水晶来做烟火Next, I'll get Rosetta some light crystals for the fireworks.我迫不及待地要拿它们跟秋海棠栀子I can't wait to mix them up with my begonias, gardenias and... -还有勿忘我一起混起来 -勿忘我-Forget-me-nots. -Forget-me-nots.我总是忘了它们I keep forgetting those.芳玟给我看看21只蝴蝶的礼赞Fawn, show me how that 21-butterfly salute is coming along. 好了我一吹口哨你们就开始All right, fellas, when I blow the whistle, you guys go.各就各位预备开始On your mark, get set...1只好了还有20只One down and 20 to go.继续保持亲爱的水蜜斯你负责什么工作Keep at it, sweetie. Silvermist, what are you working on?蝌蚪泡泡大家准备好Pollywog bubbles. Okay, guys.-就是这样 -干得好亲爱的-There you go. -Nicely done, dear.下一个Next.烟火准备好了吗Fireworks. Is it ready yet?-好了 -发射吧-Yes! -Let her rip!-好的波波 -亲爱的-Right, Bobble. -Dear.我很好I'm okay.还是很好Still okay.真的Honestly.一二1, 2.我不明白亮亮我们现在应该看到陆地了才对I don't understand, Blaze. We should've seen land by now.你休息一下我来站岗You go ahead and get some rest. I'll take first watch.哇我醒来了在树上I'm awake, I'm awake, I'm... In a tree?这一定是迷失的岛屿This must be the lost island.那是故事中的石拱门There it is. The stone arch from the story!你在这里看着气球You stay here and guard the balloon.我马上回来I'll be right back.噢不Oh, no.应该是一座石拱门而不是弯弯的树枝This is supposed to be a rock arch, not a twisty, branchy, tree arch. 现在不Not now.你怎么了What has gotten into you?亮亮气球呢Blaze, where's the balloon?飞走了It's gone?我的指南针物资和仙粉My compass, my supplies, my pixie dust.我让你负责的你怎么不提醒我I left you in charge. Why didn't you warn me?我你Well, I... You...好吧我们迟点再说我们得找到气球Okay, okay. We'll get back to that later. We gotta find that balloon. 亮亮Blaze!奇妙仙子Tink?-我很抱歉 -泰伦斯你怎么-I'm so sorry... -Terence. Terence. How did you...你带来这个愚蠢的东西你弄坏了节杖You brought this stupid thing here. You broke the scepter.。



The Wizard of OZD--Dorothy S--Scarecrow T--Tin man L--LionSense 1D: Follow the yellow brick road?Follow the yellow….跟随者黄砖路….S: Pardon me? That way is a very nice way.抱歉!那条是非常好的路。

D: Who said that? 谁在说话?Don’t be silly, Toto, scarecrow don’t talk.别傻了,Toto,稻草人不会说话S: It’s pleasant down that way too.走那条路也一样让人愉快。

D: That’s funny. Wasn’t he pointing the other way.真好笑,他刚刚不是指着另一条路吗?S: Of course, people do go both ways.当然,这两条路都会有人走的。

D: Why, you did say something ,didn’t you ?嘿,你真的说了些什么,不是吗?Are you doing that on purpose, or can’t you make up your mind?你是故意这么做的,还是你没办法做决定?S: That’s the trouble .I can’t make up my mind. I haven’t got a brain .Only straw. 那就是麻烦所在,我没办法做决定。


D: How can you talk if you haven’t got a brain.你没有大脑,你怎么说话?S: I don’t know .But some people without brains do a lot of talking, don’t they?我不知道,但是有些人不也是不用大脑就能说一些废话,不是吗?D: Yes, I guess you’re right.是的,我想你是对的。



来杯咖啡吧都是荷尔蒙作祟It's hormonal.我遇事一般不退缩的但这是女人的事情I mean, I don't usually fall back on... It's women's issues.她装了什么儿童安全用品防护门什么的吗But child-proofed how? Gates and stuff?伙计她改装了抽屉Dude, she did the drawers.我们甚至还不知道是否能怀上We don't even know if this whole fertility thing's gonna work... 她就鼓捣这些东西she's screwed in these little我现在都打不开抽屉了jobbies where you can't even open the drawers.一点都打不开吗At all?能打开一英寸左右只够把指头塞进去No. They open an inch, then you gotta dig your finger in.-太可怕了 -迟早能用上...- It's a nightmare. -I guess sooner or later..还早着呢她还改装了顶柜Yeah, a lot later. She did the upper cabinets.孩子得到三十岁才够得着Kid will be 30 before he can reach them,前提还得是我们能有孩子assuming we have a kid.保护孩子是母亲的天性It is natural for her to feel protective.别说你懂... 你不懂女人Don't even... You have women's issues.得了吧算你最懂Please. You of all people.那是个凶兆Oh, come on. It's a jinx.它说明我们肯定怀不上It guarantees that we won't get pregnant.我他妈花了二十分钟才拿到瓶啤酒And it takes me about 20 minutes to get a fucking beer.等一下Guys. Guys!斯德哥尔摩失败了Stockholm went south.真的吗我还以为他们状况不错Seriously? I thought they were looking good.出了什么问题What cracked?我还没看录像也才听人说的I haven't seen the footage. Word's just going around. 没有百分百成功的方案Well, that's never been a stable scenario.地球人都知道瑞典人靠不住Everyone knows you can't trust Swedes.那意味着只有日本和我们了That means there's just Japan. Japan and us.不是第一次出现这种情况了It's not the first time it's come down to that.日本一直保持着完美记录Japan has a perfect record.我们排第二得加把劲了We're number two. We try harder.如果我们失败了If we fail, then...拜托从98年来我们就没出过差池Please. We haven't had a glitch since '98.我们知道自己在干什么林We know what we're doing, Lin.至少都记在... 什么地方了Or we have it written down... somewhere.你们最好别搞砸了You guys better not be messing around in there.你意思是说你不打算Does this mean you're not参加今年的赌博了好多钱呢in the betting pool this year? Big money.我意思是说这次的方案很重要I'm just saying, it's a key scenario.你刚才可不是这意思No, I hear what you're saying.98年那次是化学部出的错对吧In '98, it was the chem department's fault, right?你是哪个部门的来着Where do you work, again?不用说了我又想起来了Wait. It's coming back to me, now.每个人都这么难搞这周末可就难熬了It's gonna be a long weekend if everyone's that puckered up. 你周一晚上来我家吧So you wanna come over Monday night?我准备用电钻解放我的顶柜I'm gonna pick up some power drills. Liberate my cabinets. 你到底有没有在听我说话Are you even listening to me?林中小屋不去尝试You never get that taste怎会知道滋味Out of your mouth不入鸡舍You'll never get the paw prints怎会发现爪印Out of the hen house now归途漫漫And you can't go back也不能走来时路Same way you came集齐所有碎片Round all the pieces up也不能破镜重圆But they just don't fit the same极度紧张White knuckles也不算太坏Maybe it's not so bad别再拘束So let your hair down now极度紧张White knuckles猥琐叫兽Professor fuckwad.为什么你不用飞镖Why haven't you stuck射这混♥蛋♥的脸that asshole's picture on the dartboard yet?没那么简单老天啊It's not that simple. Oh, my God!你染头发了还是金色的Your hair. It's blonde.超赞不是吗Very fabulous, no?不敢相信你真染了I can't believe you did it.但是效果很赞对吧But very fabulous, right?快点说美死了Hurry up with the "Very fabulous."不然我要紧张了I'm getting insecure about it now.棒极了科特肯定会神魂颠倒的No, it looks awesome. Curt's gonna lose it.科特要感谢我你也会的Curt's gonna thank me. And so will you...因为我要帮你烧了这幅画while we're burning this picture.现在不行Not ready.说真的这不是他的错Seriously, this isn't his fault.哪一点不是他的错What's not his fault?是睡了自己的学生还是发邮件说分手Fucking his student or breaking up with her by email? 我一开始就知道我们没有未来I knew what I was getting into.得了吧Oh, please.那你知道这周末你该干什么吗You know what you're getting into this weekend?这个This.如果霍顿和科特说的一样帅And if Holden's as cute as Curt says he is..到时候就有人帮你脱了possibly getting out of it.那是我最不想做的事That is the last thing that I want.如果你们觉得这样可以为我疗伤If you treat this like a setup,那我可一点都玩不起来I'm gonna have no fun at all.我不会逼你I'm not pushing,但我们要带上这个but we're packing this!那意味着我们绝对没有地方放Which means we definitely won't have room for.. 我无聊了怎么办What if I get bored?看书就不无聊吗These will help?苏维埃的经济结构什么什么的后果Soviet Economic Structures? Aftermath of the..不我们有湖又有酒No! We have a lake and a keg.-不准学习 -看招- No more learning! -Think fast.太敏捷了Faster than that.抱歉抱歉走吧Sorry. Sorry. Move along.-接的好 -那就是霍顿吗- Nice! -Is that Holden?我们马上下来他刚从州立学校转过来We'll be right down. He just transferred from State. 队里最棒的接球手人也很不错Best hands on the team. He's a sweet guy.而且他手可灵活了And he's good with his hands.我在和一个女孩子交往I'm kinda seeing this girl,但是你头发比她靓多了but you're way blonder than she is.我正想也许这是什么But I was thinking, you know, maybe... What is this? 这是什么你拿着这些做什么What this? What are you doing with these?我知道了我不带书就是了Okay, I get it. I'll leave the books.谁给你的书谁教你的No, who gave you these? Who taught you about these? 你教我的行了吧I learned it from you, okay?我看着你学的I learned it from watching you!说真的班内特教授Seriously, Professor Bennett,他整个课程都在讲这本书he covers this whole book in his lectures.你应该读读这本You should read this.古络斯基这本有趣多了Gurovsky. Now this is way more interesting.而且班内特完全没看过Also, Bennett doesn't know it by heart,他会觉得你见解独到so he'll think you're insightful.然后你没穿裤子And you have no pants.该死Oh, shit!-东西差不多了吧 -他妈的最好是- That pretty much it? - Fucking better be.茱尔丝就去过个周末又不是去避难You know, Jules, it's a weekend, not an evacuation.相信我这箱子里的东西Trust me. When I say there is nothing in those cases, 都是你喜欢的you won't be glad I brought.我这就闭嘴I'm shutting' right up.老天啊Oh, my God.马蒂Marty!你出什么毛病了老兄Fuck is wrong with you, bro?这镇上的人开车都不跟着感觉走People in this town drive in a very counterintuitive manner.这点我不说不行That's what I have to say.你想在监狱里过周末吗Do you wanna spend the weekend in jail?我们可都想去我表哥的乡村小屋We'd all like to check out my cousin's country home.马蒂亲爱的你这样可不行Marty. Honey, that's not okay.据统计Statistical fact,警♥察♥从来不会拦下边开车边吸大♥麻♥的人cops will never pull over a man with a huge bong in his car.为什么Why?他们害怕他们知道那人更有远见They fear this man. They know he sees further than they.而且他会用古逻辑学烦死他们and he will bind them with ancient logics.你把头发染成灰色了Have you gone gray?那东西可不能上我的车You're not bringing that thing in the Rambler.怎么了What?我真会把大烟枪带上你♥爸♥的车吗A giant bong in your father's van?你秀逗了吗What are you, stoned?嗨哥们Hey, man.黛娜你个迷人的骚货Dana, you fetching minx!有吃的吗You have any food?-都准备好了吗 -当然- Everybody ready? - Yeah!-真的吗 -我准备好了- Yeah? - Okay, I'm ready!启程上路Let's get this show on the road!老巢空了时间刚刚好Nest is empty. We're right on time.希望这条路是对的I hope this is the right road.GPS上都没显示It doesn't even show up on the GPS.这个全球定位名不副实It is unworthy of global positioning.摆脱束缚那才是重点不是吗That's the whole point. Get off the grid, right?没有手♥机♥信♥号♥♥ No cell phone reception.没有交通探头no traffic cameras.去他们全球定位都找不到的地方Go someplace for one goddamn weekend where they can't 他妈的好好过个周末globally position my ass, man.这才是重点This is the whole issue.社会瓦解了吗马蒂Is society crumbling, Marty?不社会在凝聚对吧No. Society is binding. Right?他们用水泥填补了裂缝It's filling in the cracks with concrete.所有事都有存档或者写在博客上Everything's filed or recorded or blogged, right?在孩子脑袋里装个芯片以防走丢Chips in our kids' heads so they won't get lost.社会需要瓦解Society needs to crumble.我们都太胆小不敢任其分崩离析We're all just too chicken-shit to let it.我想念你激昂的演说I've missed your rants.总有一天你会和我一样这么想的You will come to see things my way.请验证身份Identification, please.希特森先生Mr. Sitterson.-哈德利先生 -谢谢你- Mr. Hadley. - Thank you.-你叫什么名字 -丹尼尔·杜鲁门长官- What's your name? - Daniel Truman, sir.这里不是军营你可以省掉长官This isn't the military. You can drop the "Sir".但是希特森喜欢被叫做夫人But Sitterson does like to be called "Ma'am."-或者甜心 -叫他甜心他也答应- Or "Honey toes." - He'll also answer to "Honey toes." 你清楚这里要发生的事吗You clear on what's gonna be happening here?我做过功课了很充分的I've been prepped. Extensively.他们没有告诉你Did they tell you that being做过功课和准备好了可大不一样prepped is not the same as being prepared?他们说了我会敬忠职守的哈德利先生They told me. I'll hold my post, Mr. Hadley.不错Good man.系统连上了Okay. System's online.搜寻目标让我们看看现在的情况Acquiring target. Let's see what we got.我想这可刷不了卡I'm thinking this thing doesn't take credit cards.我觉得这里连现金都不认I don't think it knows about money.可能还得以物换油I think it's barter gas.有人吗Hello?霍顿Hey, Holden.-霍顿 -我认为这不像有...- Holden! - I don't think there's gonna be...-谁让你进来的 -操- You come here uninvited? - Fuck!上面写着打烊了Sign says "Closed."我们就是想买♥♥点油Yeah, we were looking to buy some gas.这个油箱出油吗Does this pump work?你知道怎么用就出油If you know how to work it.我们还想问问路We also wanted to get directions.我们在找... 叫什么来着We're looking for... What's it called?蒂勒曼路请问是这个方向吗Tillerman Road. Do you know if it's this way?蒂勒曼路直通到山顶Tillerman Road takes you up the hill, there.尽头是老巴克纳的房♥子Dead-ends at the old Buckner place.我表哥在那买♥♥了套房♥子My cousin bought a house up there.穿过山体隧♥道♥ 有个湖在那You go through a mountain tunnel, there's a lake.-不会那就是... -巴克纳的地方- Would that be the.. - Buckner place.总有人想卖♥♥掉那个地方Always someone looking to sell that plot.你知道之前的主人吗You knew the original owners.见过不过不是最初的Yeah, not the first.许多人来了又去从战后我就待这了I seen plenty come and go. Hell, I been here since the war. -哪场战争 -你♥他♥妈♥明知道是哪场- Which war? - You know damn well which war!指美国内战蓝与灰分别是南部与北部军服的颜色是那场有点蓝又有点灰Would that have been with the blue and some in gray?兄弟相残的那场吗Brother, perhaps, fighting against brother in that war?别和我顶嘴孩子You sassing me, boy?是你先对我朋友凶的You were rude to my friend.那个荡♥妇♥吗That whore?-你说什么 -我觉得我们加足油了- What'd you say? - I think we got enough gas.去的油是够了You got enough to get you there.可回来的Getting back..你们得好好考虑了that's your concern.祝您生意兴隆先生Well, good luck with your business, sir.我知道火车迟早要通到这里I know the railroad's coming through here any day, now. 那可是件大事That's gonna be big.这里会铺上真正的路Streets paved with actual street.混♥蛋♥Fucker.伙计们快看啊Guys, take a look.肯定是这了This must be it.老天啊这里太美了Oh, my God. It's... beautiful.只要看到蜘蛛我就回车里睡One spider and I'm sleeping in the Rambler.我说真的I mean it.来吧给我搭把手Come on. Give me a hand.这里棒极了This is awesome.真酷啊It is kind of cool.你准备宰头浣熊给我们吃吗You gonna kill us a raccoon to eat?我会扒了它的皮做帽子I will use its skin to make a cap.各位换上泳衣Everybody get your suits on.十分钟后去湖边In 10 minutes, we're heading to the lake.没人通知我还有这项热身运动啊I was not informed there would be calisthenics.我可不想看着它Yeah, I don't think so.不是吧No way.见鬼Shit.还真脱了This is happening.等一下Hold up!他妈的这在和我开玩笑吧You've gotta be fucking kidding me.太诡异了That's just creepy.在拓荒时期It was pioneer days.人们在自己家里设置审讯室People had to make their own interrogation rooms.你表哥从谁手里买♥♥的房♥子啊Who did your cousin buy this place from?我们去检查下其他房♥间We should check the rest of the rooms,确定只有这一个make sure this is the only one.你知道马蒂想看我们俩的卖♥♥力演出'Cause you know Marty wants to watch us pounding away. 我听都不想听见I didn't even like hearing that.我们换房♥间吧How about we switch?不是我想...Not that I'd..我会把画挂回去I mean, I'd put the picture back如果我们换房♥间的话你可能觉得舒服点but you might feel better if we switched rooms?确实如此I really would.谢谢你这么正派Thanks. For being decent.既然科特和茱尔丝想撮合我们It's the least I could do这是我起码该做到的since Curt and Jules sold you to me for marriage.他们做得太明显了They're not subtle.我还是很荣幸自己偷着乐Well, I'll just be flattered and keep it to myself.我还没打算找...Yeah, I'm not looking for..但我还是很感激你不是偷♥窥♥狂But, I'm still grateful that you're not a creep.别急着下结论Hey, let's not jump to any conclusions there.我内心斗争了好久要不要看你I had kind of an internal debate about showing you the mirror. 脑子里正反两方激战鲜血横流Shouting on both sides. Blood was spilled.所以你内心正在滴血So, you're bleeding internally?可严重了Pretty bad.茱尔丝在念医学预科你该和她谈谈Well, Jules is pre-med. You should probably talk to her.好的Okay.我可不想看着这个Yeah, I don't think so.全体注意Places everyone.开始直播了We are live.工程部有人换房♥间了Engineering, we got a room change.普克现在在二号♥ 马克瑞在四号♥Polk is now in two, McCrea is in four.运行部收到了吗我们需要调整下方案Operations, do you copy? We need a scenario adjustment.林小姐Miss Lin.劳登的血样报告出来了她情况不错We've got the blood work back on Louden. Her levels are good. 不过我们推荐使用五十毫克But we're recommending a fifty-milligram bump罗西泰斯来增强性♥欲♥of Rhohyptase to increase libido.-没问题 -你想注射还是口服- Sold. - Do we pipe it in, or do you wanna do it orally?再问一遍这次说慢点Ask me that again, only slower.你是头猪You're a pig.猜猜我们怎么降低她的认知能力Guess how we're slowing down cognition.猜不到I don't know.染发剂The hair dye.金发傻妞真精妙Dumb blonde. Very artistic.药性通过头皮渗入血液逐步发挥作用Works its way into the blood, through the scalp. Very gradual. 化学部这次干得不错Chem department keeps their end up.看到效果我才信I'll see it when I believe it.-指挥部 -收到请讲- Control? - Yeah, go ahead.通报员在二号♥线上I have the harbinger on line two.老天啊你能让他留个言吗Oh, Christ. Can you take a message?估计不行他挺急的I don't think so. He's really pushy.老实说他要把我逼疯了To be honest, he's kind of freaking me out.好吧接进来Okay. Put him on.末底改为圣经中人物名末底改出什么事了山上天气怎样Mordecai, baby, what's happening? How's the weather up top? 羔羊已通过大门The lambs have passed through the gate.进入屠宰间They are come to the killing floor.干得不错Well, you're doing a great job out there.一切按计划进行你给我们开了个好头By the numbers, man. You got us started off just right.晚点再联♥系♥你行吗So, we'll talk to you later, okay?他们视若无睹不知恐怖即将袭来Their blind eyes see nothing of the horrors to come.他们的耳朵聋了Their ears are stopped.他们是上帝的玩物They are the gods' fools.本来就该是这样的Well, that's... how it works.净化他们净化他们的无知与罪恶Cleanse them. Cleanse the world of their ignorance and sin. 让他们沐浴在深红的...Bathe them in the crimson of...你是不是开免提了Am I on speakerphone?没当然没有No. Absolutely not.免提不我不会这么做的Speakerphone, no. No, I wouldn't do that.少来我都听到回声了Yes, I am. I can hear the echo.天啊真的是呢等一下我关了Oh, my God. You're right. Hang on one second, I'll take you off. 太没礼貌了我都不知道谁在场That's rude. I don't know who's in the room.好了免提关了Fine. There. You're off.谢谢Thank you.不要小看这件事Don't take this lightly, boy.并非一切都是按计划进行的It wasn't all by your numbers.那个傻瓜太傲慢了差点让我没完成祷文The fool nearly derailed the invocation with his insolence. 旧神洞悉一切The ancient ones see everything.他们不会...And they will not be...你还开着免提是不是I'm still on speakerphone, aren't I?老天啊末底改Oh, my God. Mordecai.不敢相信我又按错了I can't believe it. I did it again!末迪Mordy?然后会怎样What happens next?冻死了Oh! That's cold!有多冷值不值得下去How cold? Is it worth it?快下来吧茱尔丝生活就是冒险Come on, Jules. Life is risk.我还是冒险躺在这晒会日光浴吧Yeah, I might just risk lying out in the sun for a while.-那是什么 -什么- Hey, what is that? - What?在湖里就在那In the lake, right there.-得了吧 -我认真的就在那- Oh, come on. - No you guys, I'm serious. Right there.那里天啊好像是我女朋友There! There! God, looks just like my girlfriend!老天啊Oh, my God!还有个东西在湖里There's something else in the lake!-是个大帅哥 -我要杀了你- It's a gorgeous man! - I'm gonna kill you!别杀了大帅哥会出人命的Don't kill the gorgeous man! We're endangered! 好了最后的机会All right. Last chance.马上出结果了快交钱It's post time. Dig deep,下注窗口马上要关了people. Betting windows are closing. Okay.谁还没下注Okay, who's still out?让我看看这有工程部的Let's see. We got engineering,研究发展部还有电气部we got R & D, and we got electrical.你看到他们选的都是谁吗Did you see who they picked?这不等于白扔钱吗They're practically giving their money away.你还说别人潜水侠You should talk, Aquaman.-你什么意思 -没什么意思- What do you mean? - Ah, nothing.好吧Okay, all right.我都不确定我们真有这东西I'm not even sure we have one of these.动物学部确定我们有Zoology swears we do.走着瞧吧好了伙计们They'd know. Okay. All right, people.你选的什么Hey, what do you got?不行这些都有人选了No, they've already been picked.什么不是吧谁选了What? No. Who took them?维修部Maintenance.维修部他们每年都选一样的Maintenance? They pick the same thing every year.我能说什么What do you want from me?他们如果会创新就不会待在维修部了If they were creative, they wouldn't be in maintenance.如果赢了就得和他们分摊奖金想换换吗You're gonna have to split this if you win. You wanna switch? 我不知道你有什么建议吗I don't know, I don't know. What do you think?我就希望这事快点了结More than anything, I just want this moment to end.不下一注吗Not betting?不了谢谢Not for me. Thanks.看起来挺残忍♥的对吧Seems a little harsh, doesn't it?他们也就是宣泄一下It's just people letting off steam.这工作不容易幸好这些家伙都撑下来了This job isn't easy, however those clowns may behave.主管们知道我们楼下这些事吗Does the director. Do they know about this downstairs?只要楼上没出状况The director doesn't care about this stuff,只要那些孩子照着程序走的话as long as everything goes smoothly upstairs,主管根本不在乎这些as long as the kids do as they're told.但这已经板上钉钉了啊But then it's fixed.不不不No, no, no.结果本来就由你们控制还赌什么How can you wager on this when you control the outcome? 不我们只负责把他们引到地窖里让他们自己选No, we just get 'em in the cellar. They take it from there.选择是完全由他们自己做出的No, they have to make the choice of their own free will.否则整个系统就无法运作Otherwise the system doesn't work.这就好比预兆It's like the harbinger.那种古老可怕的"你快死了"的预兆It's this creepy old fuck, practically wears a sign, "You will die." 为什么要把整个系统布置在那儿Why do we put them there? The system.他们一定会忽视这个系统They have to choose to ignore them,然后在地窖里选择要面对的东西and they have to choose what happens in the cellar.我们只在必要时控制事态Yeah, we rig the game as much as we need to,但最终的结果是不可违背的but in the end, they don't transgress.我们不会主动惩罚他们They can't be punished.杜鲁门来下一注吧快截止了哦So what's it gonna be, Truman? You in? Window's closing.不必了I'm fine.好吧Okay.搞定伙计们That's it, gang!买♥♥定离手了The board is locked!开始狂欢吧Oh, let's get this party started!开始狂欢吧Let's get this party started!给你There you go.好了到我了Okay, my turn.茱尔丝Jules.真心话还是大冒险Truth or dare?大冒险Let's go dare.好的All right.我赌你不敢和...I dare you to make out with...说黛娜吧说黛娜吧Please say "Dana", please say "Dana".那头驼鹿亲热That moose, over there.马蒂Marty.你以前见过驼鹿吗Have you ever seen a moose before?不管它到底是什么吧Whatever that mysterious beast is.那是一个狼头That's a wolf.我大♥麻♥的劲儿还没过当我没说I'm living in a womb of reefer, leave me alone. 茱尔丝Jules.我赌你不敢和那匹狼亲热I dare you to make out with that wolf.没问题No problem.谁Who?我吗Me?没错我是刚搬来Well, yes, I am new in town.你怎么知道How did you know?天啊你嘴真甜Oh, my God. That is so sweet of you to say.这是我才染的I just colored it, in fact.不不不No, no, no.别这么猴急There's no need to huff and puff.我会让你爽翻的I'll let you come in.谢谢Thank you.现在轮到Now then...黛娜Dana.真心话Truth.什么意思What's that supposed to mean?帮你提前说了I'm just skipping ahead.你如果选大冒险的话You're gonna say dare.她就会让你做一些你不愿做的事She's gonna dare you to do something you don't like,然后你就反悔说自己一开始就想选真心话and then you'll puss out and say that you wanted truth all along. 真的吗Really?好吧茱尔丝Okay, Jules.大冒险Dare.那是什么东西What the hell was that?那是地窖的门It's the cellar door.肯定是风吹开的The wind must've blown it open.这算什么推论That makes what kinda sense?你们觉得这下面有什么What do you think is down there?要不下去看看Why don't we find out?黛娜Dana.这是你的大冒险I dare you.我得在这下面待多久How long do I have to stay down here?到明早就行了Oh, you know, just 'til morning.黛娜Dana.你还好吗You okay?我没事Yeah.抱歉自己吓自己而已Sorry, I just scared myself.你呼救了所以大冒险失败Well, you called for help. That voids the dare.罚你把上衣脱了Take your top off.什么What?规则又不是我定的I don't make up the rules.天啊Oh, my God.看看这些玩意Look at all this.伙计们Guys.我觉得下来可不是个好主意I'm not sure it's awesome to be down here.伙计们Guys?老兄说真的你表哥的收藏真诡异啊Dude, seriously, your cousin is into some weird shit. 我敢肯定这都不是他的I'm pretty sure this ain't his.可能是放那个单面镜的人收集的Maybe it was the people who put in that mirror thing. 有些东西看起来有年头了Some of this stuff looks really old.好漂亮It's beautiful.或许我们该上去了Maybe we should go back upstairs.我赌你们不敢上楼I dare you all to go upstairs.伙计们Guys?伙计们听听这个Guys, listen to this.4月4日"April fourth.父亲对我发脾气了说我缺少真正的信仰"Father was cross with me and said I lacked the true faith.我希望能证明我的忠贞"I wish I could prove my devotion.就像犹大和马太对那些旅者证明的那样"As Judah and Matthew proved on those travelers."那是什么What is that?安娜·佩兴斯·伯克纳1903年的日记Diary of Anna Patience Buckner, 1903.妈妈几乎每晚都要尖叫"Mama screamed most of the night.我祈祷她能找到信仰"I prayed that she might find faith.但在爸爸剖开她肚子并填入煤炭时"But she only stopped when Papa cut her belly她才停下来"and stuffed the coals in.犹大托梦告诉我"Judah told me in my dream..马太把他带到小黑屋里我才知道他被杀了"That Matthew took him to the black room, so I know he is killed. 我也想感受马太那样源自痛苦的荣耀"I want to understand the glory of the pain like Matthew.但是切割血肉会让他勃起"But cutting the flesh makes him have a husband's bulge.而我却不会那样兴奋"And I do not get like that."-老天爷别读了行吗 -不继续- Jesus. Can we not? - No. Go on.-为什么 -就是想听听- Why? - I want to know.我在古籍中找到了一种解救我家族的方法"I have found it in the oldest books, the way of saving our family. 我好使的那只手臂被砍掉了"My good arm is hacked up and et,希望你们看得懂我写的字"so I hope this will be readable.会有信徒诵读下文以祭奠我们的灵魂"That a believer will come and speak this to our spirits.我们将重生并带回世间无尽的痛苦"Then we will be restored and the great pain will return."接下来一段是拉丁文And then there's something in Latin.好了适可而止吧Okay, I'm drawing a line in the fucking sand, here.别读那些拉丁文了Do not read the Latin.读下去Read it.搞什么What the fuck?-痛苦[拉丁语] -不不- Dolor... - No, no.-别跟个孩子似的好吗 -科特- Stop being a fucking baby. - Curt!日记而已It's a diary.没什么实际意义It doesn't even mean anything.-黛娜 -痛苦源于肉体- Dana! - "Dolor supervivo caro.痛苦高于肉体"Dolor sublimis caro.痛苦焚毁灵魂"Dolor ignio animas."胜负已定了We have a winner!他们选了伯克纳一家各位It's the Buckners, ladies and gentlemen!赌伯克纳的是赢家The Buckners pull a 'W'.也就是说恭喜维修部的各位All right. That means that congratulations go to Maintenance! 将和实习生罗纳德分享罐子里的奖金Who share the pot with Ronald the intern.太棒了Yeah!这不公平我也赌的僵尸That's not fair. I had zombies, too.是的你是选了僵尸Yes, you did. You had zombies.但这是"乡村虐杀僵尸家族" 看见没But this is "Zombie Redneck Torture Family," See?根本就是两个不同的品种They're entirely separate species.就像大象与海象一样Like the difference between an elephant and an elephant seal. 明年还有机会There's always next year.它们就像从噩梦里走出来的一样They're like something from a nightmare.说反了它们是噩梦的来源No. They're something nightmares are from.我们这里关的东西都源自古老的世界Everything in our stable is remnant of the old world,那些你耳熟能详的噩梦courtesy of you-know-who.怪物精灵鬼神Monsters. Magic. Gods.你会习惯的You'd get used to it.真的会吗Should you?真遗憾伙计Oh, man. I'm sorry.-他都把海螺拿在手上了 -我知道- He had the conch in his hands. - I know.要再等两分钟天知道他们会怎么选A couple more minutes, who knows what might've happened? 我这辈子估计都看不到人鱼了I am never gonna see a merman. Ever.知足吧伙计。



邓肯Duncan?邓肯Duncan?邓肯你睡着了么Duncan, are you sleeping?没有No.我问你Let me ask you something.满分十分你给自己打几分On a scale of one to ten, what do you think you are? 邓肯我问你给自己打几分Duncan? I'm asking you how you see yourself.满分十分Scale of one to ten.不知道I don't know.我听不见你说什么大点声I can't hear you, bud. You have to speak up.不知道I don't know.你不知道什么不知道给自己打几分么What? What don't you know? How you see yourself? 你对自己没有想法么You don't have any opinion?我就是问问你I'm just asking.打几分都行满分十分Pick any number, scale of one to ten.大声点说个数字出来Just shout it out. Say a number.六A six.什么A what?六A six!我觉得你只能得三分I think you're a three.知道为什么吗You know why I think you're a three?知道我为什么这么说吗Do you know what would make me say that?不知道No.不知道真的不知道You don't know? You have no idea?不No.大点声行么伙计You've got to speak up, buddy.不知道No!自打我和你妈开始约会Since I've been dating your mom,我就没见你怎么出去过I don't see you putting yourself out there, bud.你怎么不和同龄的孩子玩呢Meeting kids your own age.你妈和我说And from what your mom tells me,你就喜欢成天呆在她那you just seem content to hang around her apartment.你觉得这个分数客观吗你对这个分数每意见吗Is that a fair assessment? You're just happy to not do anything? 要是有人给我打三分我肯定受不了Because, damn, to me that is a three.不过我可以跟你说个好消息But, the good news I'm here to tell you,你马上就能见到一堆孩子了since there's going to be plenty of kids今年夏天你在我的海滩小屋过暑假and plenty of opportunities for you能认识新朋友的机会多了去了to take advantage of at my beach house this summer.这个夏天对我们来说都很重要It's a big summer for all of us, really.你你妈我还有史黛芬You, your mom. Me, Steph.也许哪天我们就成一家人了One day, we could become a family.你觉得呢要不要试着提高下自己的分数So, what do you say? Let's try to get that score up. Huh?目标是三分以上Aim higher than a three?听起来不错吧That sound good?准备好了吗小子You up for that, buddy?我们到了This is it.爸把钥匙给我吧Dad, could I get the keys?搞什么鬼Are you kidding me?谢天谢地Thank God!今晚要是再没人陪我喝酒我就想自杀了Another night of drinking alone and I was going to kill myself! 我戒酒又失败了I'm off the wagon again.就这样吧日子还得过呢Accept it and move on.哦天啊快给我抱一个Oh, my God. Press my laundry.-哦特伦特 -你好吗-Oh, Trent. -How're you doing?挺好的我喜欢这样I'm good. I like this.我喜欢这车这老家伙还中用么I love your ride. Does the eight track still work?你说这车这就是当年我爸载我们的那辆啊What this? This is exactly the car my dad used to drive us in. 又老又破Old and crappy.你知道我在这车上花了多少钱么Do you have any idea how much I've spent on this car?这可是新车全新的This is cherry. This is a cherry car.卖♥♥♥车♥的人品味也太差了A car salesman with bad taste.太差了Shocker.-嗨我是贝蒂 -嗨潘-Hi. I'm Betty. -Hi, Pam.特伦特肯定已经说过我坏话了Trent's probably already talked crap about me.没有No.他肯定说了我不会介意的He did, didn't he? It's okay if he has.他怎么说我的What did he say?我喜欢你头上这个I'm loving this.谢谢Oh, thank you.我头发就不能这么弄实在太乱了I couldn't pull it off. My hair seems to hate me.这时你不应该说"你头发可漂亮了"吗That's where you're supposed to say, "Your hair's lovely." 哦是啊可漂亮了Oh, it, is. It is lovely.好吧Okay.我喜欢她I like her.有理由不喜欢吗What's not to like?赶紧过去亲热亲热要是谁这么跟我说话我早投降了Get it where you can. I'd be on my back after a line like that. 苏珊娜特伦特来啦Susanna, Trent's here.这是他的新女友潘This is his new girlfriend, Pam.嗨苏珊娜Hi, Susanna.说"嗨"Say, "Hi."嗨Hi.好了你不用下来了Yeah, but don't come down.就站那摆臭脸好了Just stand there, brooding.呦还给我带了个男人来真体贴啊You've brought me a man. How thoughtful.你好啊水手Hello, sailor.这个正值青春期的小伙子是谁啊Who is this in all his awkward stage glory?这是我儿子邓肯This is my son, Duncan.帮把手Everybody lends a hand.哦天啊我本来打算给小儿子起名叫邓肯的Oh, my God. I was going to name my youngest Duncan,但我前夫说这听着太书呆气了but my ex-husband thought it was too nerdy.所以我们给他起名叫皮特不过我觉得这更傻So, we went with Peter. Which, personally, I think is worse. 但跟我儿子很搭所以But, it suits my son, so...哦别担心你和这名字挺搭的Oh, don't worry, you wear the name well.特伦特史黛芬去哪了Trent, where's Steph?我们在这磨蹭了老半天We've been here all of two minutes,所以我想她应该准备去沙滩玩了so I suppose she's getting ready for the beach.她这点真是和我一模一样谁管什么皮肤癌呢Oh, my God. She's just like me.Screw cancer.我也想把全身都晒成小麦色I want to be an even golden brown. Everywhere.今年大家都回来了盖尔一家和哈彻森一家Everybody's back this year.The Gales. The Hutchisons.坎贝尔一家只有本因为官司的事没回来The Campbells, sans Ben because of the trial.内♥幕♥交易Insider trading.史麦斯一家哦基冈一家我不太想和他们打交道The Smythes. Oh, and the Keegans, who I'm not talking to. 你随意不过我建议你离他们远点You can if you want to, but just know that most of us aren't. 知道了Okay.你觉得呢潘So, do you think you will? Pam?觉得什么Do I think I will, what?你想和基冈家的人说话么Talk to the Keegans.我都不认识他们Oh, I don't know. I don't even know them.如果你想我也不拦着你不过我快被他们气死了Do if you want to but just know that I'm mad at them.别问我为什么I don't even want to get into why.他们管我叫"下周二见"They called me a See-You-Next-Tuesday.指她有大量炮♥友♥当我的面说的To my face.你会喜欢这里的You're going to love it here!我就喝了一杯I've only had one.你冬天过得如何So, how was your winter?我们去年实在倒霉透了Because our year was a challenge.我侄女十月的时候被强♥奸♥了My niece was raped in October.天啊Oh, my God!这年头连小吃街都不安全了I know. Not even food courts are safe还有鲍勃我前夫Oh, and Bob, that's my ex-husband.他终于出柜了不过我早看出来了Finally came out of the closet. Not a shock.这么跟你说吧每回在床上Let's just say that, in bed,他都最爱看我的后脑勺his favorite view was the back of my head.我家老大查理还是成天吸着毒听着迷幻乐My oldest, Charlie, is still into the drugs and psychedelic music. 吸毒就算了但迷幻乐是怎么回事拜托加里·加西亚都死多久了Drugs I get. But, come on, Gary Garcia's dead! Get over it.加里Gary?别碰毒品迪克兰Don't do drugs, Declan.是邓肯Duncan.还有苏珊娜你刚看见她了她成天都郁闷Oh, and Susanna. You saw her. She's a walking mood.正在经历"我讨厌我妈"的阶段She's going through an "I hate my mother" phase.和往常一样站在她爸那边Taking her father's side, as usual.嗨汤普森太太Hi, Mrs. Thompson.哦史黛芬你怎么这么好看呢Oh, Steph, don't you look so cute.当年我也穿成这样然后肚子就被搞大了That's exactly the kind of suit that got me pregnant the first time. 我巴不得呢That's what I'm hoping for.什么Hey.我开玩笑的I'm kidding!哦还有皮特终于去做了矫正弱视的手术Oh, and Peter. Finally got his surgery to fix his lazy eye.结果现在更糟了Now, it's even worse.我建议他戴个眼罩I try to get him to wear an eye patch,这样大家就不会尴尬了还能有什么法子so people don't feel awkward.But, what are you gonna do?我走了I'm outta here.你不带邓肯一起么Oh, why don't you take Duncan with you?没门我才不要整个夏天都当他保姆Screw that. I told you I'm not baby-sitting him all summer.小姐你带邓肯一起去行么You're gonna take Duncan with you, young lady. All right?你为什么不去海滩走走很有意思的Why don't you go to the beach, honey? You'll have fun.我们还得给行李拆包We're just going to be unpacking here.也许还能干点别的事We might be doing some other stuff, too.你懂的走吧小子That's our cue, kids. Come on.听着国♥庆♥日的户外烧烤还是要办的Now, listen, I am still having my annual Fourth of July Clambake. 到时会用到你的后院And it will bleed into your yard.行Okay.不管鲍勃来不来派对都得照办Bob or no Bob, the party must go on.他现在估计正和我们家园丁乱搞呢He's probably sliding off our gardener right now.让咱们好好过个夏天Let's have a fun summer!邓肯你到底来不来Duncan, are you coming or what?玩得开心Have fun.你记得离我远点Just keep your distance.还有别死了我可不想留下心理阴影And, just don't die. I don't need that shit hanging over my head. 派对完全可以在我家办的We can absolutely party at my place.我爸一年才来看我两次My dad only gets to see me, like, twice a year,他肯定是希望我过得开心so he totally just wants me to be happy.我以后当了家长也要这样That's exactly the type of parent I'm going to be.我要和孩子们一块嗑药I'm gonna do drugs with my kids.哦天啊我都忘了威廉和杰西卡分手了Oh, my God. I forgot.Willem broke up with Jessica!不是吧No!挺好的我不喜欢她那张脸Good. I don't get her face.跟压过了似的It's like she fell on it.苏珊娜你今年夏天一定要睡了他Oh, my God! Susanna, you have to get on that this summer. 嗯Yeah.查德Chad!查德Chad!查德Chad!干嘛What?我想下水I want to go in the water!那就下啊Then, go!亲爱的我玩球呢说了别来烦我Baby, I'm right in the middle of tossing.We talked about this. 好吧他今天有点奇怪All right. He's being weird.走吧Let's go.看什么看变♥态♥What are you staring at, perv?这小子哪来的Where is that kid from, anyway?阿尔巴尼Albany.他和她妈一起来的He and his mom.我爸说他们住在一个单居室公♥寓♥里My dad says they live in a one-bedroom apartment.太悲剧了Tragic.就是说啊I know, right?苏珊娜我们要去游泳啦Susanna. We're all swimming!她到底在不爽什么What is her deal?不知道我们来了之后她就一直这样I don't know. She's been like that since we got here.邓肯我们正打算去找你呢Duncan. We were just coming to find you这是皮特This is Peter.嘿邓肯Hey, Duncan.嘿Hey.盯着他鼻梁看就好我就是这样Just stare at the bridge of his nose.That's what I do.妈你又拿我开涮Mom. Are you shitting me?你要是乖乖戴上眼罩If you wore the patch,我还犯得着跟人这么说么I wouldn't have to keep telling people that, would I?邓肯这个夏天你可以多和皮特玩玩Duncan, I thought you and Peter should hang out this summer. 他带了一堆星球大战的娃娃来Lord knows he brought enough of his Star Wars dolls.不是娃娃是手办是经典They're action figures! And they're classics!拜托Please.要是我把他们从盒子里拿出来就失去价值了They lose value if I take them out of the box.不过我们还是可以用他们来做超赞的模拟战斗But we can still have awesome battles with them.他现在急需和人类交流He needs human contact.他和这些娃娃呆在一起的时间太长了He's having far too many conversations with those dolls.我没有No, I'm not!你俩明天约个时间见面吧Should we set up a time for you two to get together tomorrow? 我得先问问我妈I should check with my mom.哦行啊Oh. Okay.别放我们鸽子啊我知道你们住在哪Don't stand us up.We know where you live!我都跟你说了你那眼睛让人感觉不自在I told you.Your eye makes people uncomfortable.有你这么当妈的么You're the worst parent.这不是你♥爸♥常说的么That is your father talking.是不是他教你这么说的Did he tell you to say that?是啊Yeah.他真这么干了He did?是啊Yes.太过分了That's terrible.再也无法抗拒这种感受And I can't fight this feelin' anymore忘记了奋斗的初衷Forgotten what I started fightin' for是时候尘埃落定It's time to bring the ship into the shore抛下那些And throw away...别这样Not doing it.是你把音乐打开的You put it on.我热情如火焰燃烧Fire burns just like me别别别No, no, no, no.饶了我吧Help me. No!来嘛Come on!别No.带着激光打开我的必经之路Carry a laser down the road that I must travel带着激光穿过夜晚的黑暗Carry a laser down the darkness of the night带着激光Carry a laser...你刚才说"带着激光"Whoa! Whoa! Are you saying, "Carry a laser?"歌♥词就这么写的That's what it is.为什么会有人写一首叫"带着激光"的歌♥Why would anybody write a song called, "Carry A Laser?"因为他们喜欢外太空Because they like outer space.陌生人你走错房♥间啦You just walked into the wrong room, stranger.你是谁Who are you?妈Mom.这是邓肯我儿子This is Duncan, my son.他们是特伦特的朋友乔恩和基普These are Trent's friends, Joan and Kip.舰长我是基普就是现在没在蹭你的那个Chief, I'm Kip. I'm the one who's not grinding on you right now. 我没蹭他I'm not grinding on him.这不是蹭是什么Yes, you are.带着激光打开我的必经之路Carry a laser down the road that I must travel我来火上浇油了I'll make it worse.妈别Mom, no.我出门了I'm out of here.等等我做好晚饭了Oh, wait. I made dinner.糟糕我都约好了Oh, shoot. I have plans.史黛芬等等看看他的动作Steph, wait, check out his moves.好好享受治疗Enjoy therapy.-走了爸 -再见-See you, Dad. -See you.行了别跳了All right, we did that.我都快看不下去了Not me. I could barely watch that.伙计你有踩到我车顶上么Buddy, any chance you were on top of my car?没有No.好吧我看到车顶有个凹痕Okay. 'Cause there was a dent in the roof.很大一个Big dent.不知怎么就那样了没事It popped out. It's fine.只是想问问你知不知道怎么回事I was just wondering if you knew anything about that? 我们不是把行李放在车顶上么亲爱的We did have bags up there, honey.是啊确实大概吧That's true. We did. Fair enough.可能就是行李的关系That was probably it. Right?嘿潘需要帮把手么Hey, Pam. You need a hand?哦不用了我们都分配好活了Oh, no. Thank you. We've got a system going on here.是啊我们合作得很好不是么Yeah! We got a good team here. Right?合作愉快Good team.你俩感情真好Adorable.亲爱的能帮我拿点吃的么Can you pass me something to eat, sweetie?不我可以准确地告诉你我当时在哪No, I can tell you exactly where I was.醉倒在沙丘上了Passed out in the dunes.千真万确That's true!对你们把我扔在那了Yes! Because, you left me there!是基普当时说想要回船上No, wait! Kip wanted to go out on his boat.他说把你留在火堆边上不要紧He said you would be fine by the fire.他当时说"呀呼还以为你不打算回来了呢"Here's what he said! "Yoo, hoo! You never came back." 我们可没这么说No, we didn't.我第二天早上才回去找你I came back the next morning.-对 -第一件事- Yes! - First thing.就是拿跟棍子把她捅醒And I had to poke her with a stick to wake her.我去过一个夏威夷派对You know, I once went to this luau-themed party.哦抱歉你先说完I'm sorry. No, please. You were talking...没事你说No, you go.亲爱的说说你的事Tell your story, babe.太傻了No, it's dumb.快跟我们说说Well, now you have to tell us.我去参加这个夏威夷派对然后也醉倒在沙丘上了I went to this luau and I passed out in the dunes, too差不多就是这样That's basically it.太搞笑了That's so funny.就和你的经历差不多No, it's just a similar thing to...一模一样No, totally.顺便说一下我吃第三轮了太好吃了I have to point out by the way I'm loading up for the third time. 谢谢Thank you.好极了Bravo.另外我替着混♥蛋♥向你道歉And I apologize for this asshole到最后一刻才告诉你我们来吃饭的事springing us on you at the last minute.没事我是派对专家我喜欢做饭No, not at all. I'm a caterer.I love cooking for people.你承办派对难怪手艺这么好Oh, you cater? That makes sense.这只是她众多特长之一One of her many talents.事实上她对装♥修♥也很在行Actually, she has some ideas for fixing up the place.是吗你打算翻修这座小屋么Oh, yeah? Are you gonna fix up the Riptide?不我只是说了想重新布置一下No, I just mentioned rearranging.你可以按你的风格来弄我没意见You should. Put your stamp on it. I'm not set in my ways.这得和克里斯汀说Tell that to Christine.好了抱歉我觉得我儿子坐不住了Okay. I'm sorry.I have to put my son out of his misery.走吧You're free to go.嘿把盘子拿上Hey, buddy, take your plate with you.自己的东西自己收拾We clean up after ourselves in this house.好了回到我的故事上Okay, back to my story.特伦特我俩被困在船上是去年的事吧Trent was it last summer that you and I got stuck on our boat? 这混♥蛋♥每次只买♥♥三美元的汽油That is because this bastard buys gas three dollars at a time!苏珊娜把纱门关上Susanna, close the screen door!我的血要被蚊子吸干啦I'm getting eaten alive by mosquitoes!小姐你别这样行么I don't like the way you're acting, young lady!你♥爸♥如果在的话你就不会这样了You wouldn't be this way if your dad was here!嘿Hey.嘿Hey.抱歉我不是Sorry about that. I didn't...我不在意的I don't care.又不是在屋里说话It's not like we were using our inside voices.好吧好吧That's cool. That's cool.你喜欢REO快速马车So, you're a big fan of REO Speedwagon?八十年代一音乐团体什么What?《无可抗拒的感受》Can't Fight This Feeling?哦不是应该是我妈下载的Oh, no. My mom must have put that on there.所以你只是刚好听到心想Oh, and you just got to it and thought,"这什么烂歌♥ 我要大声唱出来"么"What the hell. I'm going to sing the shit out of it, anyway?" 差不多Something like that.这里感觉很糟对吧Sucks here, huh?还好It's okay.糟透了It sucks.是确实是No. Totally.烂透了It blows.太烂了So much.挺难过的这的It's tough, yeah.好吧All right.今年夏天可能会很热It feels like it's going to be a hot summer.哦Oh.我还以为你没话说了呢I thought we were done.哦Oh.我刚刚一直在想这事突然忘了I was just thinking about that earlier.The hot thing.然后又想起来了And it just came to me again.所以就说了So, I said it.好吧Okay.如果你又想起别的什么Well, if anything else comes to you again,来屋里找我I will be inside.搞什么鬼Are you kidding me?他们把啤酒都喝完了They drank all the beer.你看错地方了You're not looking in the right place.别生气啊皮特我又不知道你在看哪个方向Don't get mad at me, Peter. I don't know where you're looking!算了都飞走了Forget it! It's gone!下次你说"快看海鸥"的时候No, next time you say, "Look at the seagull, "记得给别人指下方向you just have to remember to point!"妈快看那边有一只海鸥"There goes one there now."Look at the seagull, Mother."我想让你也看看是不是很好看""I wanna share it with you. Isn't it pretty?"看看栅栏看看我看""Look at the fence. Look at me! Look!"用手指出来Just point.柠檬水Lemonade?你能不能靠边点站Do you mind standing to the side?影子遮住屏幕了I'm getting your reflection in the screen.不好意思Sorry.通常我是不介意的不过现在可是生死关头I wouldn't normally care, but I'm having the game of my life.已经打到樱桃关了I'm on the cherry level.这才第一关啊But that's the first level.但我就剩下一条命了所以才说是生死关头Yeah, and I got one man left. So, like I said, it's the game of my life. 你喜欢玩吃豆人么You like Pac Man?啥What?这可是经典啊It's a classic!我不是很喜欢那些花里胡哨的游戏Not into all the bells and whistles, my man.太伤神了Too much going on.瞧我的错误就在于太贪心了See, my mistake is that I get greedy.不满足于吃掉所有的豆子还想吃掉所有的幽灵和水果Going for all the ghosts and fruits instead of just clearing pellets. 你知道这游戏是有攻略的吧You know, there's a pattern. Right?别跟我说你也是吃那一套的人Oh, don't tell me you're one of those guys.那样做就一点挑战性都没有了攻略谁都能学会Takes all the challenge out of it. Anybody can learn a pattern.欧文我们要走啦Owen, we gotta go!走啦午饭时间结束了Come on. Lunch hour's over.好吧生死攸关的游戏就玩到这儿Well, so much for the game of my life.不过还剩下一条命But you still have one more man left.我还想去第二层看看No, I've yet to see the second board.玩游戏总归要有点期待的东西对吧Gives me something to look forward to.第二层不永远长那样么The board's always the same.好吧多谢提醒现在我可以去死了Well, there's that.Thank you. Now, I can die.拿着过来接着玩Here. Get in here.不我No, I...快点快点Come on, come on.不过这儿还是我的地盘But, listen, it's still my quarter.所以你要是打进了高分榜我不希望看到So, if you end up getting a high score, I don't want to see... 你叫什么What's your name?邓肯Duncan.我不希望在屏幕上看见你的名字I don't want to see that up on the screen.名字只能输入三个字母Oh, they only let you use three letters.你就不能动用下想象力么小子Nothing's left to the imagination with you, huh, kid?哦还有Oh and hey!别靠什么攻略走你自己的路No pattern on my quarter.Cut your own path.你在这啊我们刚想先走There you are.We were just about to leave without you. 你去哪了Where did you go off to?哪也没去Nowhere.下次留张纸条行么Let's leave notes, okay?你妈很担心你Your mom was worried.你得穿上救生衣You need to get your swim trunks on.基普和乔恩邀请我们去他们的船上玩Kip and Joan have invited us out on their boat.我们要迟到了We're gonna be late.接着伙计Head's up, buddy.你得把它穿上You need to wear that.我觉得他不♥穿♥也没事I think he's gonna be all right without that.不行邓肯不会游泳No, Duncan can't swim.特伦特他只是游不习惯而已Trent, he's just not a comfortable swimmer.我真觉得他没必要穿I really think he's gonna be okay without it.快点穿上省得别人总替你担心No, just wear it. So people don't have to worry about you.我俩不请自来啦快让我们上船Yes, we're inviting ourselves. Accept it and move on.不过皮特不能呆在甲板上Peter does have to stay down below though.他没法保持平衡而且他坐什么都晕His eye throws off his equilibrium and he will get sick everywhere. 妈我不会的No, I won't, Mom!这话你跟我们带的桶说去吧Tell that to the bucket we have to bring!妈为什么我要穿这个别人都没穿Mom, why do I have to wear this?Nobody else does.他只是想确保你的安全He just wants you to be safe.这样舒服了吗Is that snug enough?上船前把鞋子脱了吧You know what? We take our shoes off.哦抱歉Oh, God. Sorry.要出发了吧特伦特Tell me this is gonna clear, Trent.准备出发It's gonna clear.我的胸部需要加点颜色My titties need some color.他对我真的是软磨硬泡Basically, he was relentless.别误会我只是在观望而已And don't get me wrong. I was looking.当时我已经离婚一年多了I had been divorced for well over a year.我只是稍微追得费了点劲It just took a little persistence on my end.我当时不清楚你是什么样的人I wasn't sure about you.我是在她承办的一个阿尔巴尼万圣节派对上认识她的I met her when she was catering some Halloween party in Albany. 他装扮成性感警♥察♥的样子He went as a sexy cop.哦天啊Oh, God!明明是七十年代的辣手警探No. I went as a '70s, badass cop.他跟在我后面一整晚Oh, he followed me around all night,说是在"履行职责保护我"saying that he was there to "protect and serve" me.我当时觉得完全不可能That about ended it right there for me.换成我一定开始勾引他了Sadly, I would have been working his bag at that point.但我还记得However, I do remember.那天晚上你确实让我帮你装车了You did let me help you pack your van at the end of the night.-是 -没错-Yes, I did. -Yes, you did.然后我花了三个月才把她约出来Then it took three months to get her to go out with me.三个月Three months?我之前不知道你这么有耐心I did not know you had that kind of stamina.她真没让我少花力气She definitely made me work for it.不过都是值得的But it was worth it.你还是有希望的There may be hope for you yet.最后你为什么改了主意What finally changed your mind?他说我们已经开始一段关系了He said we were already in this together,对我来说应该也是so I might as well.快一年了It's been almost a year.是啊Yeah.邓肯Duncan.你们先聊You guys, help yourselves.你还能更郁闷点吗Could you look a little more miserable?他还能更贱一点吗Could he be even more of a dick?他正在努力呢Hey. He's making an effort.他希望我们能组成一个家He wants this to work.He wants us to be a family.是啊他嘴上这么说倒没见他行动起来Yeah, he says that, but that's not what he does.我知道这不容易但你答应过我的记得吗Look, I know this isn't easy, but you promised, remember?你说你会试试You'd give it a try.为什么今年夏天我不能和老爸在一起过I don't understand why I can't just spend the summer with Dad.因为你跟我了Because you're with me.嘿伙计冰箱可不能自己跑回车上Hey, buddy, the cooler's not going to get to the car by itself.早上好亲爱的Good morning, sweetheart.想吃点早餐么Do you want some breakfast?不了No. I'm good.魔力水世界的游客们请注意Attention Water Wizz patrons.请停车场内挂纽约牌照的米色面包车车主移♥动♥下位置Will the owner of a beige minivan with New York license plates您的车挡住了其它车辆的车道please move your vehicle? You're blocking someone else.魔力水世界又迎来了炎热的一天It's another hot one at Water Wizz.盐犬甜品站内出♥售♥消暑佳品Be sure to cool off at Salty Dog's Sugar Shack自♥制♥冰淇淋亟待您的光临with homemade ice cream.如果您不愿意排队等候And if you're looking to avoid the lines you can upgrade 可以办理我们的"高速前进"通行证进行服务升级with our "Wizz to the Front" Priority Pass.详情请到办公室咨♥询♥Drop by the office for more details.让我们一同享受一个清凉舒适的下午Let's all enjoy a wet and wonderful afternoon.嘿吃豆人男孩Hey, Pac Man kid!成绩如何How'd we do?我希望是个新纪录Nothing less than highest score I hope.得保住自己的名声I've got a reputation to protect.你能不能别穿成这样我们在营业呢Whenever's convenient for you, we are open for business. 凯特琳我想休息一下Hey, Caitlin, I'm going on break.好主意Cool. I got a great idea.你为什么不Why not, I don't know,穿条裤子put on some pants.她有点腼腆She's being coy.不过她暗恋我挺久了But she digs me. Big time.就是说说行了算了Just a thought. You know what? Scratch it.就当作你穿着工作服好了Just like that's professional.看见没See what I did there?我刚刚用雄性魅力征服了她I manipulated her with my sexual charisma.行Yeah.真是太机智了Yeah. It was clever as shit.你为什么不从上面下来Why don't you come down from your apartment好好管管这个地方and actually manage this place?你为什么不从下面上来我们来聊聊政♥治♥ Why don't you come on up here and we'll talk about politics? 车不错Sweet ride.这不是我的Oh, it's not mine.我知道Yeah, I figured.另外你是对的You were right, by the way.今年夏天确实很热It is a hot summer.实话实说Yeah, I just call it like I see it.我在等我爸回电♥话♥I'm just waiting for my dad to call me back.我不太想呆在屋里因为我妈的关系I don't want to be inside because my mom每次我打电♥话♥她都盯着我看just stares at me while I'm on the phone.她已经抓狂了She's all freaked out大概是觉得我想搬去和他住之类的that I'm gonna want to live with him or whatever.我妈也是My mom's the same way.再见See you.如果你对天气还有什么看法So, let me know if you have any other observations记得跟我说一声on weather patterns.会的。











“suger man”是罗德里格兹的一首曲子,而故事的线索人物斯坦芬·西格曼的名字又与此谐音,《寻找小糖人》这部纪录作品便应运而生。









你是否曾好奇自然界为何能够熠熠生辉Have you ever wondered how nature gets its glow?四季交替是谁赋予她光芒与色彩Who gives it light and color as the seasons come and go?是谁教会了这些或大或小的生命Who helps all creatures, great and small,行走遨游与飞翔to walk, to swim, to fly?是谁创造了这些精细的杰作Who crafts such tiny details?如果你去探寻或许可以找到她们You might see them if you try.这都是精灵们的杰作但她们往往来去无踪For it's all the work of fairies, but they stay well out of sight.当婴儿发出第一次笑声时And the first time that a baby laughs,一个小精灵的故事也就拉开了序幕a fairy's life takes flight.当月亮升起When the moon comes out照亮她的脸庞to shine her face鸟儿们睡得正酣The birds are fast asleep处处张灯结彩小精灵们飞出了她们的家And the lanterns hang from every post. The fairies leave their keep 她们手牵手唱着歌♥They join their hands and sing their songs这歌♥声无人可以听到That nary a soul can hear在春之时节万物复苏In the springtime when the earth is new小精灵们悄悄地飞临To the fairies they draw near小精灵们悄悄地飞临To the fairies they draw near奇妙仙子-你们好 -你好-Hello. -Hello.-你好 -你好-Hello. -Hi.-你好 -你好-Hello. -Hello.怎么了Hello?克丽安女王Queen Clarion.在欢笑中诞生沐浴着愉快与欢乐Born of laughter, clothed in cheer,幸福将你带到了这里happiness has brought you here.欢迎来到精灵谷我相信你没来错地方Welcome to Pixie Hollow. I trust you found your way all right.我想是的I think so.现在我们来看看这些翅膀吧Now, let's see about those wings.这些东西是什么What are these things?它们将帮你找到你的天赋小家伙They will help you find your talent, little one.但我怎么知道哪一个是But how will I know which one is...你会知道的You'll know.嗯Hmm.哇哦Whoa!从没见过这么闪亮的光芒即时薇蒂亚也没有过Never seen one glow that much before, even for Vidia.我相信你说的是对的You know, I do believe you're right.我们的小家伙说不定是个旷世奇才呢Little daisy top might be a very rare talent indeed.上前来吧工匠小精灵们Come forward, tinker fairies,欢迎你们天才团队的新成员工匠小精灵奇妙仙子and welcome the newest member of your talent guild, Tinker Bell. 真庆幸我们今天洗了澡呃阿康Glad we had a bath today, eh, Clank?不好意思借过借过Excuse us! Coming through!-对不起 -给工匠们让让路-Sorry! -Make way for tinkers!你好啊我的奇妙仙子我是阿康Hady-hi, hady-ho, Miss Bell. I'm Clank.笨蛋阿康说话别乱喷口水Splinters, Clank. Say it, don't spray it.我是菲尼斯卡德利士绅愿为您效劳Phineas T. Kettletree, Esquire, at your service.很荣幸认识您Pleased to make your acquaintance.哦蠢货他是波波我是阿康Oh, foo! He's Bobble, I'm Clank.阿康波波阿康波波Clank,Bobble Clank, Bobble.您来这儿我们高兴极了We're pleased as a pile of perfectly polished pots you're here. 啊Uh...彼此彼此Me, too.来吧奇妙仙子有好多东西要带你去看呢Come on, Miss Bell. There's so much to show you.你来的正是这儿最美妙最灿烂的时节You've arrived at a most wondrous and glorious time.真的吗为什么呢Really? Why?这差不多正是季节更替的时候Why, it's almost time for the changing of the seasons.你看在精灵谷里You see, here in Pixie Hollow,不同的区域对应着一年中不同的季节there are different realms for every time of year.头顶上方就有一个Well, there's one up ahead.冬季森林这里总是这么冷Winter Woods. It's always cold here.看那儿雪花与霜之精灵们正往家走Look there! Snowflake and frost fairies returning home for... 去享受她们应得的假期For some well-deserved rest.是她们刚刚完成了将冬天带到人间的任务Aye. They've just finished bringing winter to the world. 现在也是秋之精灵们的假期It's the off-season for the autumn fairies, too.永远在练习刷出那完美的琥珀色对吧Always practicing that perfect shade of amber, eh?同时夏之林中的小精灵们And the fairies of Summer Glade仍有足够的时间做好准备still have plenty of time to get ready.不过时间可没秋之精灵们多But not as much as the autumn fairies,当然这是因为of course, because, well...是的阿康因为现在天赋各异的精灵们Yes, Clanky. Because right now, fairies of every talent 正在为我最喜欢的季节春天做着准备are preparing for my favorite season, springtime!哦Oh!排好队排好队小家伙们开始挖洞Get along. Get along, little sproutlings, and dig.你们好Hello, there!来吧奇妙仙子带你去看我们住的地方Come on, Miss Bell. You've got to see where we live.欢迎来到工匠的世外桃源Welcome to Tinker's Nook.哦哇哦Oh, wow!哦Oh.来吧有好多东西要给你看呢Come on. There's so much to show you.好可爱Cute.只是将一些供给运到Just taking some supplies down...他们正把供给运到工厂里They're taking supplies down to the workshop.松手小心掉落的Watch out for falling...小心掉落的枫树种子Watch out for falling maple seeds!哇哦Wow!这儿就是我们大多数人住的地方这是你的房♥子And over here is where most of us live. There's your house... 这是你的房♥子奇妙仙子There's your house, Tinker Bell.-这是我的吗 -那当然了-It's mine? -Sure is.我们一直希望新来的精灵是我们中的一员We were hoping the new arrival would be one of us,所以我们已经准备好了房♥子so we got the place all ready.我们给你准备了一些工作服We rounded up some work clothes...-我们不知道你的尺码 -是的对不起不过-We didn't know your size. -Yes, our apologies, but...-或许这些太大了 -嗯只是-But they might be too big. -Yeah, well, that's only...只是因为你太袖珍了Cause you're so tiny.这没关系阿康That'll do, Clank.你准备好了之后就请到工厂来吧Please come on down to the workshop when you're ready. 玛丽仙子想要见你Fairy Mary will want to meet you.再见Goodbye.哦Oh.-住手 -怎么了-Stop! -What?用一个五个单位长的树枝作轮轴A five-gauge twig for an axle?阿康我跟你说过要七个单位长的Clank, I told you it took a seven.Oh, you said five.我说的是七哦阿康我说你有时可真I said seven! Oh, Clank, I tell you, sometimes you can be pretty, 真pretty...真美So pretty.-请问你是 -是奇妙仙子你个笨蛋-Who's that, then? -It's Tinker Bell, you snail brain.哇哦每个人看起来都好忙Wow, everyone seems so busy.春天可不是从石头里蹦出来的Well, spring won't spring itself.确实如此我的大块头朋友Indeed, my bellowing buddy.对于春天的来临我们工匠可是功不可没的And we tinkers are a big part of it.让我们来说明一下奇妙仙子Allow us to elucidate, Miss Bell.-我们修补 -我们制♥作♥-We fiddle and fix. -We craft and create.-我们切割橡子的果壳 -来盛装花朵颜料-We carve acorn buckets. -To hold flower paint.-我们编织鞍和背包 -用来给我们的小鸟-Weave saddles and satchels. -For birdies, you see.-我们还制♥作♥篮子和桶 -来盛装种子-Make baskets and bushels. -To carry the seeds!-为春天做准备的时候 -我们要做好所有的这些-When preparing for spring. -We do all this and more!-是的做工匠是永远不会感到乏味的Yes, being a tinker is never a bore!真太棒了That was great.你瞧奇妙仙子So you see, Miss Bell,我们用我们的产品帮助那些天赋各异的精灵们we help fairies of every talent with our creations.不幸的是所有的精灵今年都不走运Unfortunately, all those fairies are out of luck this year.除非我们可以把这些运给她们Unless we can actually deliver these things to them.货车已经修好了是吧The wagon repairs are finished, I trust?是的玛丽仙子Yes, Fairy Mary.-修得一级棒 -绝对没有少轮子-Tip-top shape. -No wheels missing whatsoever!那拿出来看看吧Then let's see it.-嗯那个 -看-Ah, you see... Well... -See,-你亲眼看到 -我说"看见"事实上-with your eyes? -Define "see," actually...-你得见见奇妙仙子 -什么谁-You have to meet Tinker Bell! -What? Who?-她是新来的玛丽仙子 -见到您很高兴-She's new, Fairy Mary. -Nice to meet you.幸会新来的这个小精灵Rapture! A new charge on whom we can lavish有我们工匠精灵所有的智慧与技术all our tinkering wisdom and expertise!让我看看你的手Let me see those hands.天呐好小巧Teetering teapots, so dainty.别担心亲爱的很快就可以锻炼出工匠的肌肉了Don't worry, dear. We'll build up those tinker muscles in no time. 好的Okay.-现在男生们运送任务 -是的我们准备好了-Now, boys, the deliveries? -Aye, we're on it.事实上我们正要出发As a matter of fact, we're heading out right this second.-但我们只有一个轮子 -你说什么-But we've only got one wheel. -What was that?没什么真的阿康只是在问Nothing really, Clank was just asking...在问我是否可以一起去If I can go as well!-是说得对太棒了 -是的我就是想问这个-Yeah! Good one. Very nice. -Yes! I wondered that,-你是否可以跟我们一起去 -他说的就是这个-if you could go with us. Yes. -That's exactly what he was saying. 得了吧那快给我开始行动吧Very well. Get on with it, then.慢点起司我跟不上了Slow down, Cheese, I can't keep up!老鼠的名字叫起司[奶酪]The mouse's name is Cheese?肯定是的我们一说奶酪他就跑来了Must be. He always comes when we yell it.是急速蓟草波波波波Sprinting thistles! Bobble! Bobble!放松好孩子放轻松没事了芬恩来了Easy. Easy, boy. It's all right. Fawn's got you.放松好孩子放轻松没事了希芙蜜丝来了Easy. Easy, girl. It's all right. Silvermist's got you.哦你没事吧小甜心Oh, you all right, sugar cane?小心点罗塞塔她会昏倒的Be careful, Rosetta, she may faint!抬她的腿不等下我说的是她的头Elevate her legs. No, wait. I mean her head.等等等等如果她还有血色就抬她的头Wait, wait, wait. Okay. If she's red, raise the head.如果她面色苍白了就抬腿If she's pale, raise the tail.他看起来是苍白还是红润Does she look pale or red?她被挤扁了She looks squished.对不起Sorry.让我来吧小美女你到底是怎么了Here, let me, raindrop. So, what happened to you, anyway?-呃我 -是那些急速蓟草干的-Well, I... -It was sprinting thistles!那些野草绝对是个威胁Those weeds are an absolute menace.总是惹事在矮牵牛丛里扎人Always trampling things, poking people in the petunia.集♥合♥了女士们Gather round, ladies.我们带来了今春工匠的特产We've brought some selections中的一些精选品from the new spring line of tinker specialties!-好耶 -让我们看看让我们看看-All right! -Show us, show us!-你们带来了什么 -你的彩虹管爱丽德莎-What'd you bring? -Your rainbow tubes, Iridessa.终于拿到了希芙蜜丝你能帮我吗Finally! Silvermist, could you help me?哦Oh.你要用这个做什么What're you gonna do with that?我要把这带到大♥陆♥去I'm gonna take it to the mainland.大♥陆♥是什么What's the mainland?是我们要把冬天转换成春天的地方It's where we're gonna go change winter to spring.那里四季变化分明The seasons change all the time there.我要运用下我的艺术创造力I'll get to apply my artistic sensibilities.我要为所有从冬眠中醒来的小可爱们Yeah. And I'll have breakfast ready for all the wittle fuzzies准备好早餐coming out of hibernation.我们紧紧跟随着第二颗星We just follow the second star...乘微风随海浪Ride the breeze, follow the waves...一路穿越海洋All the way across the sea...然后到达目的地And then, there it is.哇哦大♥陆♥听起来棒极了Wow! The mainland sounds flitterific!是的大♥陆♥的辉煌是由天赋各异的小精灵创造的Yes. The glamorous lives of the nature-talent fairies, eh?我们想留下来聊天但是We'd love to stay and chat, but...但是我们工匠们还有很多事要做对吧But we tinkers have real work to do. Right?不要让你的翅膀粘在一起了下次当心点Don't get your wings in a bunch. Don't be like that. 很高兴见到你们Nice to meet you all!我也是以后和你一起飞去大♥陆♥ You, too! Fly with you later! Fly with you later!停我们到了Right! Here we are.这么多花粉罐应该交给A pretty large order of pollen pots for the...最后一件事是把浆果桶送到峡谷Last thing is berry bushels to deliver to the glen... 你们先走我过会儿再跟上来好吗Is it okay if I just catch up with you later?好吧Oh, I suppose.你能找到回去的路吗Can you find your way back?能能我当然能Yeah, yeah. Sure I can.-那么好吧 -当心点-All right, then. -Just be careful!那个你好Hi, there!对不起Sorry.薇蒂亚是吗Vidia, right?我们还没有正式见过面我是奇妙仙子We didn't officially meet. I'm Tinker Bell.哦对Oh, yes.那个新来的小女孩The new girl.对的那么你的天赋是什么That's right! So, what's your talent?你说我的天赋是什么What do you think it is?你是花粉传播者花粉采集者You're a pollen-izer? Pollen-ator?花粉挑选者花粉分离者Pollen-picker? Pollen-plucker?我是飞行最快的小精灵这是种非常稀有的天赋I am a fast-flying fairy, a true rare talent.这些只是我工作的一小部分And this is but a small part of what I do.夏天的时候我让风来临秋天的时候我让叶子落下I make breezes in the summer, blow down leaves in the fall.我的风甚至把你也带来了亲爱的My winds even brought you here, dear.各种天赋的小精灵都要靠我才行Fairies of every talent depend on me.哈那也是我应该干的Hey, that's just like what I do.什么Excuse me?我是说工匠小精灵也是帮助其他精灵的I mean, tinkers help fairies of every talent, too.所以我们差不多有一样的本领So we're kind of the same, you know?亲爱的我有召唤大自然的力量Sweetie, I make forces of nature.你呢只能做做锅碗瓢盆You make pots and kettles.我在蓝天白云间工作你却在地上I work up in the sky, and you work down in a ditch.嘿Hey!不要弄错了宝贝做为一个工匠精灵确实很好Don't get me wrong, sunshine. Being a tinker is really swell and all, 但是我不会拿它到处炫耀but I wouldn't go around bragging about your talent.春天什么时候到可不是取决于你It's not like spring depends on you.当然是我Of course it does!当我去大♥陆♥的时候我就会证明我有多重要And when I go to the mainland, I'll prove just how important we are.谁去大♥陆♥When who goes to the mainland?当然是我带来了春天Me, of course! For spring!喔是啊你会证明给我看是吧Oh, of course. You'll prove it, huh?当然Yes, I will.好吧我会等着这一天的失陪了Well, I, for one, am looking forward to that. Excuse me.不我失陪了No. Excuse me."我的天赋是很稀有的""Mine is a rare talent."哼Ugh.竟然告诉我工匠精灵无关紧要Try and tell me tinkers don't matter.我会让她看看什么才是真正的稀有天赋等我去I'll show her what a rare talent really is, when I...哦Oh.-嘿奇妙仙子你拿的是什么 -哦你好-Hey, Tink, what you got there? -Oh, hi.我也不知道刚才捡的I don't know. I just found them.人家丢失的东西Lost things.-丢失的东西 -是啊-Lost things. -Aye.这些东西经常飘到梦幻岛岸上的Stuff gets lost and washes up on Neverland from time to time. 你知道是从大♥陆♥飘过来的You know, from the mainland.这些是从大♥陆♥那边飘过来的These come from the mainland?一提到那个地方就充满了神秘感That place sounds more fascinating all the time.篮子花粉罐螺丝钉Berry bushels, check. Pollen pots, check. Lost things, check. 恩Huh?螺丝钉你拿着这个没用的干什么Lost things? Why are you fiddling with that junk?哦恩Oh, um...他们看上去很特别Well, they were just so unusual.不要再玩弄这些没用的东西了You mustn't be wasting your time with that rubbish.我也不会让这些东西塞满我的工作间And I won't have it cluttering up my workshop.至于你们两个And as for you two,不要再吊儿郎当地浪费时间no more dilly-dallying around.还有不要忘记今晚女皇的来访And don't forget about the Queen's review tonight.天啊还有太多事要做Goodness, there's still so much to be done!谢谢Thank you.对不起奇妙仙子Sorry about your trinkets, Miss Bell.好啦另外我们要准备今天晚上女皇的来访Well, we'd best be getting ready for the review, anyway.女皇来访What is the Queen's review?女皇要来查看所有人为春天准备的情况You see, the Queen is going to review all the preparations for spring! 也是仙女们展示才能的好地方对吧Yeah, it's a good time for us tinkers to show what we can do, eh?-哦的确 -真的-Oh, indeed. -Really?像我就能做出一个车轮Like me. I can be a wheel.哼Hmm.太好了这就是我的机会Perfect. That's my chance.好了大家转过来准备另外一边Okay, everybody, turn! Ready for the base coat over here!太好了太好了Splendid, splendid.在女皇到来之前我们有足够的时间了Stack those neatly, plenty of time before the Queen arrives.是女皇It's the Queen!什么她来了现在奏乐What? She's here? Now? Play, music fairies.嘿奏乐Yes, play!女皇陛下欢迎光临Queen Clarion, Your Illustriousness!作为春天的使者我们欢迎你来到春天广场As Minister of Spring, I welcome you to Springtime Square.是吗没有烟火吗使者先生What? No fireworks, Minister?哦可以的我们马上安排光之仙女呢Oh, well, yeah, that could be arranged. Light fairies! Light fairies! 我开玩笑的你总是小题大做I'm teasing. You always make such a fuss,所有的都准备的很完美and everything always turns out wonderfully.我想你会发现我们准备好了一切Well, I think you'll find that we have things well in hand.当长青花盛开[指前面那朵花]When the Everblossom blooms,我们就可以迎接春天光临大地了we'll be ready to bring spring to the mainland!听上去真是天籁之音Music to my ears.我知道你们做了几个月的准备工作I know you've all put in months of practice and preparation,但是再接下来最后的几天里要再接再厉but keep up the good work these last few days,-因为作为一个仙女 -女皇陛下-because just as fairies... -Queen Clarion!恩Huh?女皇陛下Queen Clarion!-我错过了精彩部分吗 -当然没-Did I miss anything? -No, no, no.喔太好了Phew! Good.没事It's all right.我发明了一些很神奇的东西I came up with some fantastic things当仙女们去大♥陆♥的时候能用的上for tinkers to use when we go to the mainland.她在说些什么What's she talking about?让我演示给你们看Let me show you!首先小花栗鼠不能咬碎整个胡桃对吧First, baby chipmunks can't eat the whole nut, right?他们的小牙齿不能咬大家伙Their little teeth can't chew big bites.所以只要压下这根杠杆它就会So you just crank back this lever, and it's...糟糕Whoops.-还有些要改进 -是是是你很聪明-It's kind of a work in progress. -Yes, yes, yes. Very clever. 哦Oh!我还做了这个这是一个花瓣喷雾器And I made this, too. It's a flower-sprayer.-奇妙仙子我 -请允许我在这里演示一下-Tinker Bell, I... -Here, allow me to demonstrate.对不起Sorry.-等等看看最后的秘密武器 -亲爱的奇妙仙子-But wait till you see this last one. -Tinker Bell, sweetheart, 没人跟你说过吗has no one explained?说过什么Explained what?修补仙女们是不能去大♥陆♥的亲爱的Tinker fairies don't go to the mainland, dear.什么What?那些事是由拥有自然天赋的仙女去完成的All of those things are done by the nature-talent fairies.你的工作就是在精灵谷里Your work is here in Pixie Hollow.-但是我想 -对不起奇妙仙子-But I thought that... -I'm sorry, Tinker Bell.哦好吧不不那没关系Oh, okay. No. No, that's good.我的意思是我无论如何都做不好I mean, I really couldn't make it anyway.所以很好其他人都干很不错So, good. Yeah. This actually works out good.我的意思是嗯我得走了I mean, well... So, I'm just gonna... Yeah.这么快就回来了Back so soon?你没去You didn't go?天啊不是的这里还有很多事情要完成Goodness, no. Far too much work to do down here.薇蒂亚是对的做一个修补仙女糟透了Vidia was right. Being a tinker stinks.你说什么呢Excuse me?为什么我们不能去大♥陆♥It's just, why don't we get to go to the mainland?大♥陆♥ 谁又真正去过呢The mainland? Who gives a pile of pebbles about the mainland? 但是玛丽仙子其他仙女都可以去But, Fairy Mary, the other fairies get to go.奇妙仙子你是花♥园♥仙女吗Now, Tinker Bell, are you a garden fairy?嗯不是Well, no.-你是光之仙女吗 -不是-Are you a light fairy? -No.兽之仙女或者水之仙女Animal fairy? Water fairy, perhaps?不是的不是的No and no.是的你都不是No. You're not.你就是一个普通的修补仙女你就是你自己You are a tinker. It's who you are.你要为自己自豪Be proud of it.当你可以用自然的力量让花开放The day you can magically make the flowers grow,或者你可以收集阳光或者水珠的时候你就可以去大♥陆♥了or capture the rays of the sun and whatnot, then you can go.在那之前这里是你工作的地方Until then, your work is here.好主意玛丽仙子Good idea, Fairy Mary.你拿到仙灵粉了吗Get your pixie dust yet?刚拿到Just did.-真是个飞行的好日子 -是啊-Nice day for flying. -Sure is.轮到你了希芙蜜丝Here you go, Silvermist.谢谢你泰伦斯Thank you, Terence.真希望奇妙仙子没事I hope Tinker Bell is okay.我知道真是个可怜的孩子I know. That poor little sapling.昨天晚上她看上去真的很憔悴She looked pretty wilted yesterday.她就是躺在床上不起来我也不会责备她Well, I wouldn't blame her if she stayed in bed all day.早上好姐♥妹♥们♥Morning, girls!奇妙仙子奇妙仙子奇妙仙子奇妙仙子Tinker Bell? Tinker Bell? Tinker Bell? Tinker Bell?猜猜看我决定不再做一个修补仙女了Guess what? I've decided I'm not gonna be a tinker fairy anymore.-什么 -什么-What? -What?哈我一直在想为什么我一定要做一个修补仙女Well, I was thinking. Why do I have to be a tinker?就只会拿个锤子敲东西Just cause some silly hammer glowed?我的意思是谁说那不是个错误呢I mean, who's to say it wasn't some big mistake?也许我可以转变我的天赋Maybe I can just switch my talent.转变你的天赋我不知道奇妙仙子Switch your talent? I don't know, Tinker Bell...如果你们肯教我无论是谁If you could teach me your talents, any of them,也许我就可以展示给女皇陛下看我能用自然之力maybe I could show the Queen I can work with nature, too.那时她就会让我到大♥陆♥去传播春天And then she'd let me go to the mainland for spring.哦奇妙仙子那貌似行不太通Oh, Tinker Bell. That's just not how it works.-哇也许她可以的 -是的她可以的-Well, maybe she could. -She's right. She could.嗯我从没有听说过有谁转变过自己的天赋Well, I've never heard of someone switching talents before.她是对的She's right. Me, neither.你瞧你们做的都是即美丽又神奇而且很重要的事Look. You all do things that are beautiful and magical and important.但是我呢But me, well,在我生命中肯定有比做锅碗更重要的事there's gotta be more to my life than just pots and kettles.所以我希望你们能给我一个机会教教我All I'm asking is that you give me a chance.我会帮助你的奇妙仙子I'll help you, Tinker Bell.谢谢希芙Thank you, Sil.我也是肯定很好玩Me, too. Could be fun.嘿万事开头难但是我们可以试试Well, first time for everything, I guess. What harm can come from trying? 但我还是认为这不是个好主意Well, I still think this is a bad idea.那么第一天是水之仙女的训练So, for your first day of water fairy training,我会告诉你怎么样来让池塘荡起涟漪I could show you how to make ripples in the pond.好的Okay!还有教你怎么样和小溪沟通Or teach you how to talk to the babbling brook.哦听上去很有趣Oh, that sounds fun, too.等等等等我知道我知道Or wait, wait, wait. I got it, I got it, I got it!在蜘蛛网上撒水珠dewdrop on spider webs!来这我来跟你说怎么做Come on. I'll show you how to do it.-祝你好运奇妙仙子 -你能行的-Good luck, Tink! -You can do it!哦嗯Oh, um...去看看Go get on.跟着我做手这样伸进水里然后Just cup your hands like this, reach into the water, and... 好了这样你就拿到水珠了Okay, you've heard of a dewdrop?千万不要掉下来了这就是水之仙女的天赋This is a don't drop. That's water fairy humor.很棒It's good.快过来Come on.好了奇妙仙子接下来就需要一点技巧了Okay, Tink, now, this next part can be a little tricky.它需要一双稳健灵巧的手去It takes a very steady, delicate hand to...你的水珠呢Where's your dewdrop?哦Oh.我忘记拿了Forgot my dewdrop.嘿我Hey! I did做到了it.不要紧张慢慢来你能行的Shake that one off. Shake it off. You can do this!就是这样奇妙仙子你可以的你是That's it. That's it, Tink. You're doing it! You're...现在你要试着Now, Tink, try to...不不亲爱的你要好了也许你该No, no, sweetie, you need to... Well, maybe if you...你得佩服她的意志力Well, you have to admire her persistence.奇妙仙子奇妙仙子Tinker Bell! Tinker Bell!有些时候锤子发光是Although, sometimes hammers glow有一定的原因的for a reason.哇Whoa.你知道吗我总是认为你是光之仙女一类的精灵You know, you always struck me as a light fairy kind of gal. 我们出发去探险Here we go in the treasure...你看到奇妙仙子了吗Have you seen Tink?不谢谢我一点也不渴No, thank you. Not thirsty!不不是"喝"是奇妙仙子No, no. Not "drink," Tink!粉红我还是比较喜欢紫色Pink? I like purple meself!奇妙仙子你看到奇妙仙子了没有Tink! Have you seen Tink?什么What?我一点也不臭也许是你自己吧嗯I do not stink! Maybe it's you, eh?嘿看到了吗奇妙仙子Hey, have you seen Tink?-玛丽仙子过来了 -嗨阿康-Fairy Mary's gonna be cross. -Aye, Clank.我们最好吧奇妙仙子桌上的东西拿一些掉We'd better take some of this off Miss Bell's plate, so...-没问题 -不不不等等阿康All right, then. -No, no, no! Wait, wait, Clank!这是你们两个能不能安分点What are... Will you two stop mucking about?这是阿康做的他把底下的抽走了What Clank did was, he took it off...波波告诉我要拿走一点Bobble told me that I should...我看到奇妙仙子把她的工作都完成了真的I see Tinker Bell has got her work done, mysteriously.那么她人呢Where is she, anyway?嗯你知道她Well, you see, she's...她和起司一起去She went with Cheese to...不不阿康是说她去拿起司了是吧No, no. Clank means she went to get cheese, you see,-吃的东西喂老鼠的 -是的喂老鼠的-the food, for Cheese the mouse... -Yes, the food, for Cheese the mouse. 因为老鼠老是抱怨...because he was whining.是的像个孩子一样Yeah. Like a baby.还是早上刚刚起来的孩子Like a wittle, wee baby, there.好吧我该怎么教你才能不受伤呢Okay, what can I teach you that's gonna do the least amount of damage? 哦好了跟我来奇妙仙子Oh, I know. Follow me, Tinker Bell.一天的最后一缕阳光那是最宝贵的东西The last light of day, it's the richest kind of all!等它出现等它出现Wait for it. Wait for it.好了就现在Okay, and now!噢哇Oh, wow.啊Huh?太不可思议了It's incredible.现在到了最有趣的部分Now for the fun part.-你觉得那很重吗 -不会那是光-Do you think it's heavy? -No. It's light.好了好了Okay, okay.别走Stay.-这样奇妙仙子让我 -不要我快学会了-Here, Tink. Let me... -No! I almost got it.只要我稍微教你If I just get you started...这不可能This is impossible!小心Look out!哦不是吧Oh, no.哇Whoa!不知道怎么样了I wonder how it's going.飞啊奇妙仙子快飞Fly, Tink, fly!呃哦Uh-oh.奇妙仙子我们来救你We'll save you, Tink!跳动着穿行跳动着穿行Bob and weave! Bob and weave!遮住你的屁♥股♥Cover your tushy!-我们调整和修理 -精心制♥作♥和创造-We fiddle and fix. -Craft and create.-切开橡实做成桶 -来盛花的染料。



































旁白:她是个邪恶的女巫!场景3 (女巫的小屋里)旁白:女巫把汉塞尔锁进了一个鸡笼里。






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《小糖人》罗德里格兹Sugar Man by Rodriguez小糖人请快一点Sugar Man, won't you hurry?因为这一切已让我疲惫Cos I'm tired of these scenes给你这枚蓝色硬币你能不能帮我带回For a blue coin, won't you bring back我五彩斑斓的梦境All those colours to my dreams?你带来了银色有魔法的船Silver magic ships, you carry我们跳跃着喝汽水我们还有甜美的玛丽珍Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane南非开普敦小糖人Sugar Man我的外号♥就是从这首歌♥来的I got my nickname from this song.史提芬·西格曼"老糖"唱片行老板过去在军队里他们把西格曼错念成"糖人"When I was in the Army they used to mispronounce Segerman as Sugar Man. 然后他们就开始叫我"老糖"了这就成了我的外号♥And then they just started calling me Sugar and that became my nickname. 罗德里格兹的这张唱片《冷事实》It's 40 years since已经发行了40年了this LP called Cold Fact by Rodriguez was released.在南非这是一张非常受欢迎的专辑And in South Africa it was a very popular album.那是当时最火爆的专辑之一It was one of the biggest albums of the day.但问题是我们都不知道他到底是谁But the thing was, we didn't know who this guy was.其他的摇滚歌♥手我们都对其各种信息了如指掌All our other rock stars, we had all the information we needed.但是他呢一片空白But this guy? There was nothing.然后我们了解到他是自杀了And then we found out that he had committed suicide.他在舞台上把自己点着He set himself alight on stage在众目睽睽之下活活烧死了自己and burnt to death in front of the audience.这简直太不可思议了这已不仅仅是自杀It was the most incredible thing. It wasn't just a suicide.这大概算是摇滚史上最诡异的自杀了It was probably the most grotesque suicide in rock history.寻找小糖人音乐罗德里格兹密歇根 -底特律我记忆中第一次真正♥见♥到他是在The first time that I remember actually recognizing him is麦克·希尔多有天给我打电♥话♥说Mike Theodore called me on the phone one day and said,丹尼斯·科菲罗德里格兹1970年首张专辑《冷事实》的联合制♥作♥人"我这里有位歌♥手引荐给你""I have this artist I want you to come see with me."他叫罗德里格兹""This guy's name is Rodriguez,"他就在底特律河那边上班""he's working down by the Detroit River.他合作过的歌♥手有马文·盖伊史蒂夫·汪达诱惑组合至上女声三重唱格雷迪斯·奈特林格·斯塔四上组合威尔森·皮科特"那边有个酒吧""There's a bar down there,"就在江边码头那边""down by the wharf riverside district."我们今晚去瞧瞧吧""Let's go see him tonight."我觉得你肯定会喜欢的""I think you'll really like him."所以那天晚上我记得我们开着车...So that night, I remember, we pull up...来到底特律这片稍微偏远的地方away in this kinda isolated part of Detroit就在底特律河边上right on the side of the Detroit River,你可以看到河中弥漫上来的雾气and you could see the mist in the air coming off the river.我们可以感受到We could feel it.然后我们就进去了进门的时候And we went inside there, and as we walked in the door,我们可以听到身后传来货轮的声音we could hear behind us the sound of the freighters它们正沿着河开过as they're going down the river,所以这场景就像福尔摩斯小说里的一样and so it's like you're walking out of a Sherlock Holmes novel. 你穿过迷雾走进这里You walk out of the mist and you go into this place,在屋子里也是烟雾缭绕and inside the place, it's all full of smoke,里面也是一样so there's a mist inside there.嘭的一下烟雾就像一面墙Boom, hey, you know, it's a wall of smoke.到处都是啤酒瓶和花生壳乱糟糟的Beer all over the place. Peanut shells. It was just a mess.然后就听到扫弦的声音了And then you hear this strumming sound.麦克·希尔多《冷事实》联合制♥作♥人扫弦敲击吉他的声音Strumming and batting the guitar.然后就听见了他的声音是有些奇怪的And then you hear this voice. Strange voice.终于我们穿过烟雾仔细寻找...Finally, we walked through the smoke, and I looked,我看到在远远的角落里...and there in the far corner I saw...我看见一个人影但看不见脸I could see the shadow of a man and I couldn't see his face.我说"怎么回事"然后接着走近一些...I said, "What's the deal?" So we got a little closer...就能看到这个人是背对着你的And you see this guy with his back to you.你只能看着他的背他就在角落这么唱着So all you see is his back and he's in a corner, singing.画面简直可以说是空灵It was an ethereal scene, if you will.大雾弥漫的夜晚有雾笛声传来Foggy night, foghorns,眼前都是看不♥穿♥的浓雾smoke so thick you couldn't see through it.还有如此的歌♥声And here's this voice.或许这可以迫使别人仔细听歌♥词Maybe it forced you to listen to the lyrics因为你完全看不到他的脸'cause you couldn't see the guy's face.我们就是那时跟他聊了聊决定应该为他制♥作♥一张专辑That's when we talked to him and figured we needed to do an album on him. 那个时代唯一与其媲美的"作家"歌♥手The only writer that I had heard of, of that time period,或许只有鲍勃·迪伦了只有他才能写得这么棒was maybe Bob Dylan, that was writing that well.《你的苦恼》罗德里格兹 1970Crucify Your Mind by Rodriguez到底他是个猎人还是个戏子Was it a huntsman or a player让你如此付出That made you pay the cost他倒轻轻松松That now assumes relaxed positions你却一无所有And prostitutes your loss?你是否被自己的欲望折磨Were you tortured by your own thirst自己寻找的那些欢愉In those pleasures that you seek一会儿是好奇That made you Tom the Curious一会儿是脆弱That makes you James the Weak?你说你手头有事情忙And you claim you got something going你说很特别的事Something you call unique但我看到你自怨自艾But I've seen your self-pity showing就像你脸颊滑过的泪水As the tears roll down your cheeks他就是这城市中游走的孤魂He was this wandering spirit around the city.有时候我能在街道角落里看到他And, uh, sometimes I might catch him in the corner.底特律有很多这样荒凉无人的地方You know, Detroit's got its share of, uh, burned-out, desolate areas 我偶尔见到他and I would occasionally see him, um,丹·迪马吉奥"酒坊"的酒保是在离"酒坊"很远的地方我就想far away from The Brewery, and I wondered,这更增加了他的传奇色彩and it just added to this mythology of him.比如他在干嘛他是干什么的Like, what is he doing? What is he doing? What does he do?我听说他帮人修理屋顶做一些施工的活儿I heard he did a little roofing, some construction work.我觉得那应该就是他当时的经济来源了Um, I think that's how he got his money at the time.他真的...我说这些没有恶意He just was, you know, and I say this with love,我很尊重他的但是...I say this with respect, but,我当时觉得他只是...I thought he was just a...跟无家可归的人没什么两样just not much more than a kind of a homeless person, you know?四处漂泊He just was a drifter. He was just... Um...我都不知道他有个家I didn't know if he had a home, you know?他看上去就像是从一个庇护所去到另一个庇护所那样He'd look like maybe he'd go from shelter to shelter or something. 七十年代的底特律的确生活艰难Detroit in the '70s was a hard place.现在其实还是这样Well, it's still a hard place.很多衰败的毁掉的房♥子城里有很多穷♥人♥ Lot of decay, lots of ruined houses. Real poverty exists in this city. 而那些街道就是罗德里格兹成长起来的地方And those streets were Rodriguez's natural habitat.每次我们跟他见面聊聊工作进度Any time we met him to talk about what we were doing,他总是在他住处附近的街角约我们见面he would always meet us on a corner somewhere in his neighbourhood. 大多数时候他都不愿来我家Most of the time he wasn't coming to my house.他会说"跟我在这条街和那条街的交界口见面吧"He'd say, "Meet me on the corner of this street and that street,"我们就会过去and we would be there.麦克和我把车停好出来Uh, Mike and I would get out of our cars and park our cars,站在街角so we'd be standing on the corner,我们四下观望他就会突然一下子出现and then we'd look round and he'd be there all of a sudden.就这样出现He'd just show up.我们觉得他就是城市里的诗人We thought he was like the inner city poet.把所见所闻写成诗放进音乐里You know? Putting his poems to music of what he saw.他眼里的底特律And it was definitely a very gritty look一定是坚韧不拔的at what he saw on the streets of Detroit.他在街坊里见到的在路上行走的人What he saw in his neighbourhood. Who was walking around the streets. 以及他在歌♥里表达这些的方式And the way he presented it in a song,我觉得都非常有意思I thought was very, very interesting.我们当时在特拉-谢玛录音室录音We were working at Tera-Shirma recording studio.他开口唱以后你真的会觉得"哇他肯定行"When he opened up and sang, you went, "Whoa, this guy's got it."当时的罗德里格兹真的一切装置都就绪了Rodriguez, at that time, had all the machinery in place.身后有大制♥作♥人和投资时机也不错Big names, big money behind it. Circumstances were right.为什么就是没成功呢直到今天这个问题还在困扰着我Why didn't it make it? That's the big question that today still haunts me.宣传力度够吗巡回演出够吗Did he get enough promotion? Did he do enough performances? 还是歌♥太政♥治♥化了Was he too political?到底是因为这个还是那个Was there this or was there that?封面是不是不能用橙色该用绿色Should it have been green instead of orange?是不是应该用小提琴而不是双簧管Should it have been a violin instead of an oboe?这样子的问题还可以一直问下去On and on you can go.但最终如果你现在去听他的歌♥ 你会说But the end of the day is, if you listen to the stuff now, you'd say, "我真不明白他是这么出色""I don't understand it, he's right-on."我只看过他表演一次I only heard him play once,他专辑里面有一首歌♥ 是叫...and one of the songs that he had on his album, it was called... 《小糖人》对吧是叫这个名字对吧The Sugar Man? Was it Sugar Man? Is that the name of the song? 杰瑞米·费瑞迪瓦工我认识那个人的那个"小糖人"Um, I knew that guy, the Sugar Man.他的名字叫"大众车"..."大众车弗兰克"And his name was Volkswagen Cha... Volkswagen Frank!他就住在那个街角And he lived right around the corner大家都经常去弗兰克那里and you used to go over to Volkswagen Frank's.大家去他那儿买♥♥一点"糖"You'd go in and get a little "sugar,"你应该知道我说的是什么吧if you know what I mean.《小糖人》罗德里格兹 1970Sugar Man by Rodriguez小糖人请快一点Sugar Man, won't you hurry?因为这一切已让我疲惫Cos I'm tired of these scenes给你一枚蓝色硬币请给我For a blue coin, won't you bring back色彩斑斓的梦境All those colours to my dreams?你带来银色有魔法的船Silver magic ships, you carry加州棕榈泉跳跃着喝汽水还有甜美的玛丽珍Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane小糖人Sugar Man虚情假意的朋友Meta false friend在这孤独的盖满尘土的路上On a lonely, dusty road失去了我的心Lost my heart我这里有些照片想让你看I got some photos here that I'd like to show you是我当年和罗德里格兹在英国的时候的一直保留下来that I've kept since my days in England with Rodriguez.我找找Let me see.可能在这一本我也不记得在哪里了Possibly it's in this book, I don't know where.这些都是我做演员时候的照片These are all my photos from when I was acting.这个是我这个是詹姆斯·迪恩That's me, and that's Jimmy Dean.是1955年的照片That was in 1955.等等好像找到了在这里面呢Hang on, I think I've found them. Think they're in here.找到了Yeah, here they are.哇天哪原来放在这Wow. Good Lord, here they are.我已经快要35年没有见过这些照片了You know, I haven't seen these pictures in almost 35 years. 他是给我印象最深刻的艺术家He's my most memorable artist.斯蒂夫·罗兰德罗德里格兹1971年第二张专辑《从现实来》制♥作♥人我制♥作♥过很多很棒的专辑但...You know, I've produced a lot of great ones, but...合作过的歌♥手有杰瑞·李·刘易斯治疗乐队彼得·弗兰普顿格洛丽亚·盖诺邦妮演唱组漂亮东西乐队他令我印象最深he's my most memorable.他不仅仅是有才华It's not just a talent.他就像...He's like...就像一位智者一位先知He's like a wise man, a prophet.远远多于一个音乐人的概念He's way beyond just being a musical artist.并且很有可能获得巨大成功的And he probably could have done fantastically well如果他当时继续唱下去if he had have continued.我跟他见面时When I met him,别人介绍说"罗德里格兹这位是斯蒂夫·罗兰德"they said, "Rodriguez, this is Steve Rowland."他很喜欢你的专辑"罗德里格兹说"He really likes your album." And Rodriguez said to me,"你喜欢《冷事实》吗""Well, did you like Cold Facts?"我说"天哪它真是天才作品"I said, "Man, I thought it was absolutely brilliant."完完全全的""Absolutely brilliant."真不敢相信它没有获得任何反响""I can't believe that this album didn't do anything."这是一张非常棒的专辑""It's just a fantastic album."然后他就给我唱了...So he played me...他的下一张专辑是... 当时你会把它们装在盒子里Well, his next album was on... In those days you had cassettes.他随身带着第二张专辑的母带名字叫《从现实来》He had demos of this next album that he was gonna call Coming From Reality.我说"哇这会震惊乐坛的"And I said, "Wow, man, this has got to be a smash."都是很棒的歌♥""These are great songs."有些...跟其他的不一样""Little bit... Little bit different from the others,"我说"但真的很棒"I said, "but great songs."我说"有两首还特别伤感"I said, "And a couple of them were so sad." You know.里面有一首绝对有杀伤力的There's one in there that's absolutely a killer.是我听过最悲伤的歌♥之一...It's one of the saddest songs that...别看我在笑那真的是我听过的最悲伤的歌♥之一了I'm laughing, but it's one of the saddest songs that I've ever heard. 是一首非常简单的歌♥ 等等我来放给你听And it's a very simple song. Hang on, I wanna play this. Hang on. 听他的歌♥词Okay, listen to these words.《因为》罗德里格兹 1971Cause by Rodriguez因为我丢了工作'Cause I lost m y job就在离圣诞两周前Two weeks before Christmas噢天哪Oh, man.我在下水道对耶稣倾诉And I talked to Jesus at The Sewer教皇说这关他屁事And the Pope said it was none of his goddamn business雨水混杂香槟While the rain drank champagne天使也让我喝个烂醉My Estonian Archangel came and got me wasted因为我得到过的最甜蜜的吻'Cause the sweetest kiss I ever got就是我那唯一一个ls the one I've never tasted我真的感到难过因为...And it really makes me sad, because...这是我们录过的最后一曲that was the last song that we recorded.也是罗德里格兹录过的最后一曲And that was the last song that Rodriguez ever recorded.我尤其感到伤心的是And what makes it even sadder专辑是在1971年11月发行的was the album was released in November of 1971,我们有很高的期待但完全没有任何反响and we expected big things. And it did absolutely nothing. 然后就在圣诞节前两周And then, two weeks before Christmas,苏塞克斯(公♥司♥)跟他解约了Sussex dropped him off the label.这首歌♥的第一句话就像一个预言And the very first line in the song, as if premonition,就是"我在圣诞前两周丢了工作"was, "I lost my job two weeks before Christmas."噢天哪我就一直在想这个Oh, man. I just think about that.他理应受到关注This guy deserves recognition.在美国根本没人听说过他Nobody in America had even heard of him.没人...Nobody...甚至没人有兴趣去听他的歌♥Nobody even was interested in listening to him.怎么会这样怎么会这样写这么好听的歌♥的人啊How can that be? How can that be? Guy that writes like this. 我是说...I mean...因为他们告诉我每个人都要付清欠款'Cause they told me everybody's gotta pay their dues我解释说自己已经付过了And I explained that I had overpaid them因为她的香水味道'Cause the smell of her perfume还在我脑海深处回响Echoes in my head still《我在想》罗德里格兹I Wonder by Rodriguez南非开普敦我在想你有过多少对象I wonder how many times you've been had我在想又有多少黄掉了And I wonder how many plans have gone bad我在想你上过多少次床I wonder how many times you had sex我还在想你知不知道下一个会是谁And I wonder, do you know who'll be next?《冷事实》是怎么来到南非的It's still a bit of a mystery how the first copy of Cold Fact现在还是个谜actually came to South Africa.其中一个版本是But one of the stories I've heard有一个美国女孩来到南非is that there was an American girl and she came to South Africa 来看她男朋友随身带了这张唱片to visit her boyfriend and brought a copy of the record with her. 他们还有身边的朋友都非常喜欢And her and him and all their friends really liked it想要买♥♥ 但买♥♥不到and went out to try and buy it but you couldn't buy it.所以他们做了一些复♥制♥唱片自己传阅So they started taping copies and passing copies along.不管它是怎么来的南非怎么在这里发芽的However it got here, however it germinated here,斯蒂芬·西格曼"老糖"唱片行老板它一出现就传播得非常迅速once it got here, it spread very quickly....你有多么现实How much goin' have you got还有你那些不一样的朋友And I wonder about your friends that are not我在想I wonder一直在想Wonder I do我还记得当时我在上高中I remember I was in high school我们听到这首歌♥唱"我在想你做过多少次爱"and we heard this song, "I wonder how many times you've had sex?" 那个时候的南非是非常保守的And at that time South Africa was very conservative.威廉·莫勒音乐人种族隔离严重It was the height of apartheid,也没有电视and there wasn't television here.就真有那么保守因为电视是共♥产♥主义分子的That's how conservative it was, 'cause television was communist.真的是...你都不会相信It was really... You wouldn't believe.一切都被禁制一切都被审查Everything was restricted, everything was censored.一切都...Everything was...然后我们就听到这个人唱这首歌♥And here's this guy singing this song."他是谁""他叫罗德里格兹""Who's that?" Said, "That's Rodriguez."然后他就成了反叛的标志And he became something of a rebel son' of icon.但奇怪的是虽然我们都买♥♥了他的专辑But the strange thing was that we all bought his records.我认识的每个人都有他的专辑《我在想》这首歌♥ Everybody I knew had his records. I Wonder,是最受欢迎的每个人都在唱that was the big song that everybody was singing全部人都买♥♥了专辑and we all bought a record.然后封面上就是他了有点像阴影里的嬉皮士And there he was on the cover, sort of a hippy with shades.但没有人知道他是什么人他就是个谜But nobody knew anything about him. He was a mystery.不像其他美国艺术家你可以在刊物上读到Unlike other artists that you could read about from America,然后对他们进行了解get to know something about them,他什么都没有没人知道他的任何事there was zilch. Nobody knew anything.完全是个谜我们只有他封面上这张照片It was a mystery. We only had his picture on the cover of the record. 《简·S·彼迪》罗德里格兹Jane S. Piddy by Rodriguez你坐在那里想感觉不安全Now you sit there thinking Feeling insecure讽刺的宫廷小丑告诉你没有解药The mocking court jester Claims there is no proven cure回到你的房♥间你盯着墙壁Go back to your chamber Your eyes upon the wall因为没人听你倾诉也没人接你来电Cos you got no one to listen You got no one to call你觉得我会好奇And you think I'm curious这张专辑异常受欢迎The album was exceptionally popular.对很多南非人来说他就是我们生命的背景音乐To many of us South Africans, he was the soundtrack to our lives.在70年代中期你随便走进一间In the mid-'70s, if you walked into a random白人的自♥由♥主义的中产阶级人家white, liberal, middle-class household只要他们家有那么一叠流行音乐that had a turntable and a pile of pop records你只要翻看这些唱片就一直能找到and if you flipped through the records you would always see披头士的《阿比路》Abbey Road by The Beatles.还有《忧郁河上的桥》You would always see Bridge Over Troubled Water西蒙和加芬克尔的by Simon and Garfunkel.然后肯定还有罗德里格兹的《冷事实》And you would always see Cold Fact by Rodriguez.对我们来说那是史上最著名的专辑之一To us, it was one of the most famous records of all time.里面传达的思想是"反体制"The message it had was: "Be anti-establishment. "有一首歌♥就叫《反体制蓝调》One song's called Anti-Establishment Blues.我们都不知道"反体制"是什么意思We didn't know what the word "anti-establishment" was直到罗德里格兹的歌♥里唱到然后我们才发现until it cropped up on a Rodriguez song and then we found out,我们是可以与当下社会持异见的it's OK to protest against your society,我们是有权对这个社会愤怒的to be angry with your society.因为我们所处的这个社会Because we lived in a society所有事情的目的都是保护种族分离制度where every means was used to prevent apartheid from,克雷格·巴索洛缪-斯翠顿音乐记者防止其结束you know, coming to an end,这张专辑里面有着这种...this album somehow had in it...歌♥词把我们这些被压♥迫♥的人给解放了lyrics that almost set us free as oppressed peoples.每一场革命都需要圣歌♥Any revolution needs an anthem在南非《冷事实》就是这样一张专辑and in South Africa Cold Fact was the album允许人们that gave people permission拥有自♥由♥的思想开始有不一样的想法to free their minds and to start thinking differently.《反体制蓝调》罗德里格兹 1970The Establishment Blues by Rodriguez市长掩盖犯罪率理事会的女人犹犹豫豫The mayor hides the crime rate Council woman hesitates公众变得易怒但忘了选举的日子Public gets irate But forgets the vote date体制就要灭亡由愤怒的年轻人推♥翻♥This system's gonna fall soon To an angry young tune这是无法改变的冷冰冰的事实And that's a concrete cold fact可能这看上去有点奇怪It may seem strange that South African record companies南非的唱片公♥司♥没有继续发行罗德里格兹的作品didn't do more to try and track down Rodriguez,但实际上如果你回望过去那段时间but, actually, if you look back at the time我们正经历着种族隔离运动最激烈的时候we were in the middle of apartheid, the height of apartheid.南非当时遭受的制裁是世界级的South Africa was under sanctions from countries from all over the world. 南非音乐家是不允许出国演出的South African musicians were not allowed to play overseas.外国的表演也不能来南非巡回No foreign acts were allowed to visit South Africa.完全闭关锁国It was a closed-door situation南非和世界之间有一道屏障between South Africa and the rest of the world.一早醒来头就很痛Woke up this morning with an ache in my head一跃而起穿上衣服I splashed on my clothes as I spilled out of bed我打开窗户听新闻I opened the window to listen to the news耳边只有体制下的音乐But all I heard was the establishment's blues世界上其他国家都在谴责The countries around the world were saying horrible things南非那个种族隔离的政♥府♥about the apartheid government但我们全然不知因为他们控制了新闻but we didn't know because they controlled the news.大多数的人们The majority of the population had been marginalized都被强制离开商业区域and forced out of the commerce in areas.纳粹德国就是这样It was what had happened in Nazi Germany.这就是纳粹德国的演变体,It was a spin-off from Nazi Germany,倘若有报纸敢报道他们就会被封♥杀♥but if a newspaper published it, they'd get prosecuted.所以就这样So, because of that,南非成为了世界上被遗忘的国家South Africa had achieved a pariah status in the world.有对文化的抵♥制♥ 有对体育的抵♥制♥ There were cultural boycotts. There were sporting boycotts.是一个非常孤立的社会我们完全被隔绝了It was a very isolated society. So we were cut off.我们都知道种族隔离是错误的We all knew apartheid was wrong,但居住在南非but living in South Africa,作为一个白人其实你并不能there wasn't much, as a white person,为此做出什么you could do about it,因为政♥府♥非常严苛'cause the government was very strict.很大范围内都是军事戒♥严♥状态It was a military state, to a large degree.如果你站出来反对种族隔离If you spoke out against apartheid,你可能会因此入狱3年you could be thrown into prison for three years.所以虽然很多白人都参与到运动中So although a lot of whites were part of the struggle,大多数白人还是没有的the majority of whites were not.你被监视着到处都是间谍You were watched. There were spies.非常恐怖人们也害怕得不得了It was scary and people were scared.但南非白人社区有组织起来But out of the Afrikaans community emerged一群音乐家作曲家a group of Afrikaans musicians, songwriters,当他们听到罗德里格兹的歌♥ 就像一个声音对她们说and for them, when they heard Rodriguez, it was like a voice spoke to them "还有出路还有出路"and said, "Guys, there's a way out. There's a way out."你可以写歌♥ 可以绘画""You can write music. You can write imagery."可以演唱可以表演""You can sing, you can perform."那是真正意义上的第一次And that was where, really, the first opposition to apartheid从南非白人圈内部传出了反对种族隔离的声音came from inside the Afrikaans community.这些年轻的南非人It was these young Afrikaans guys and, to a man,他们会告诉你他们是受罗德里格兹影响的they'll tell you they were influenced by Rodriguez.库斯·康布伊斯威廉·莫勒Koos Kombuis. Willem M枚ller.还有已经去世的约翰内斯·科库洛The late Johannes Kerkorrel.这些人都是南非音乐革命的标志人物The guys who were regarded as the icons of the Afrikaans music revolution 他们都会告诉你"罗德里格兹启发了我们"will all tell you, "Rodriguez was our guy."南非语我们叫它"自♥由♥运♥动♥"We call it the Voelvry movement南非的艺术家用唱歌♥来反对种族隔离of Afrikaans artists singing against apartheid.所有人都听过罗德里格兹的歌♥All of us listened to Rodriguez at some point. All of us.威廉·莫勒"自♥由♥运♥动♥"成员这音乐有着巨大的影响力It had an enormous impact.它让你觉得我们还是有出路的It made you just think that there's another way.体制给你的东西并不是全部What's presented to you by the establishment isn't all theirs.点燃点燃吧点燃点燃吧Set if off, set if off Set if off, set if off最流行的一首叫《点燃》The biggest hit was a song called Set It Off当时的总统是PW·波塔which was when PW Botha was the president then.真正的大坏蛋他在电视里讲话都是这个姿势The real bad guy. When he came on TV, he used to talk like that.歌♥里是这么唱的"关掉电视吧关掉它"And this song said, "switch it off, just switch off the TV."审查材料档案室南非约翰内斯堡。
