
会计学原理测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 会计的基本职能是什么?A. 监督和核算B. 预测和决策C. 计划和控制D. 组织和管理答案:A2. 资产负债表反映的是企业的:A. 经营成果B. 财务状况C. 现金流量D. 利润分配答案:B3. 会计要素中的“负债”是指:A. 企业拥有的资源B. 企业欠下的债务C. 企业的收入D. 企业的支出答案:B4. 会计的基本假设包括:A. 会计分期、货币计量、持续经营B. 会计主体、会计分期、货币计量C. 会计主体、持续经营、货币计量D. 持续经营、会计分期、会计政策答案:C5. 会计信息的质量要求中,要求会计信息应当具有:A. 及时性B. 相关性C. 可靠性D. 可比性答案:C6. 会计核算的基本前提包括:A. 会计主体、会计分期、货币计量、权责发生制B. 会计主体、会计分期、持续经营、权责发生制C. 会计主体、会计分期、货币计量、历史成本D. 会计主体、持续经营、货币计量、历史成本答案:B7. 会计政策变更的会计处理方法包括:A. 追溯调整法和未来适用法B. 直接调整法和追溯调整法C. 未来适用法和直接调整法D. 历史成本法和公允价值法答案:A8. 会计估计变更的会计处理方法通常是:A. 追溯调整法B. 未来适用法C. 直接调整法D. 历史成本法答案:B9. 会计报表的编制原则包括:A. 真实性、合法性、完整性B. 真实性、合法性、及时性C. 真实性、准确性、完整性D. 真实性、准确性、及时性答案:C10. 会计核算的基本原则包括:A. 权责发生制原则、历史成本原则、配比原则B. 权责发生制原则、公允价值原则、配比原则C. 历史成本原则、公允价值原则、配比原则D. 权责发生制原则、历史成本原则、持续经营原则答案:A二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 会计的基本职能是监督和核算。
(对)2. 会计信息的质量要求不包括可靠性。
(错)3. 会计要素中的“负债”是指企业拥有的资源。

会计学原理五套习题及答案题型:单选、多选、判断、名词解释、简答、计算、分录会计学原理第一套一、单选题(8)1、会计的基本职能是( D )A.服务和监督B.核算和控制C.核算和反映D.核算和监督2、某日,新华公司的资产总计为 4200 万元,流动负债合计 1200 万元,所有者权益合计为 1600 万元,则当日新华公司的非流动负债应当为( B )A.2700 万元 B.1400 万元C.2300 万元D.1900 万元3、法定盈余公积的计提比例为税后净利润的( C )A. 7%B. 5%C. 10%D. 16&4、企业利润分配中以下项目的分配顺序为( B )①提取任意盈余公积②弥补亏损③提取法定盈余公积④向投资者分配利润A. ①→②→③→④B.②→③→①→④C. ③→①→②→④D.②→①→③→④5、从外形特征看,总分类账应采用( C )A.活页式B.卡片式C.订本式D.备查式6、资产负债表是反映企业( A )财务状况的财务报表。
A. 某一特定日期B. 一定时期内C. 某一年份内D. 某一月份内7、银行存款的清查一般采用( C )法。
A.实地盘点B.技术推算C.核对账目D.抽查盘点8、银行将短期借款 600 万元转为对本公司的投资,这项经济业务将引起( C )A.公司资产的减少,所有者权益的增加B.公司负债的增加,所有者权益的减少C.公司负债的减少,所有者权益的增加D.公司负债的减少,资产的增加二、多选题(4)1、复式记账法包括(ABD )A. 借贷记账法B. 增减记账法C.单式记账法D.收付记账法2、工业企业下列项目记入营业外支出的有(ABCE )A 罚款支出B 固定资产盘亏C 公益性捐赠D 租入固定资产租金E 非常损失3、账簿扉页上的内容包括。
(ABD )A.启用日期B.账簿起止页数C.账户目录D.账簿交接时间4、以下按原始凭证填制手续不同划分的有(ABD )A.累计凭证B.一次原始凭证C. 自制原始凭证D.汇总原始凭证三、判断题(6)1、记账凭证账务处理程序的特点是直接根据记账凭证逐笔登记总分类账,是最基本的账务处理程序。

会计学原理试题含答案会计学原理试题含答案会计学原理(含答案)一、单项选择题1、会计的基本职能是( B )A、控制与监督B、反映与监督C、反映与核算D、与分析2、会计的对象是指( C )A、资金的投入与退出B、企业的各项经济活动C、社会再生产过程中发生的、能用货币表现的经济活动D、预算资金运动3、下列不属于会计核算方法的是( B )A、成本计算与复式记账B、错账更正与评估预测C、设置账户与填制审核会计凭证D、编制报表与登记账簿4、划分会计期间的前提是( B )A、会计主体B、持续经营C、会计分期D、货币计量5、将一个会计期间的收入和与其相关的成本费用配合进行比较的原则是( D )A、可比性原则B、可靠性原则C、可理解性原则D、配比原则6、企业对于融资租入的固定资产一方面作为企业的自有固定资产加以核算,另一方面作为企业的一项长期负债加以,这符合(C )原则。
A、可靠性B、相关性C、实质重于形式D、重要性7、各企业单位处理会计业务的方法和程序在不同会计期间要保持前后一致,不得随意变更,这符合( B )原则。
A、相关性B、可比性C、可理解性D、重要性8、复式记账法的问世,标志着( B )A、现代会计的开端B、近代会计的形成C、会计成为一种独立的职能D、会计学科的不断完善9、在权责发生制下,下列货款中应列作本期收入的是( A )A、本月销售商品,货款尚未收到B、本月预收下月货款,存入银行C、本月收到上月应收账款,存入银行D、本月收到上月多付给供货单位的预付货款,存入银行10、企业充分预计损失,不得多计收益的做法,遵循的是( A )A、谨慎原则的要求B、权责发生制原则的要求C、重要性原则的要求D、实质重于形式原则的要求11、导致产生本期与非本期概念的会计核算基本前提是( C )A、会计主体B、持续经营C、会计分期D、货币计量12、由过去的交易或事项形成并由企业拥有或者控制的资源,该资源预期会给企业带来经济利益是指( A )A、资产B、负债C、所有者权益D、收入13、下列选项中符合资产定义的是( C )A、经营租赁的设备B、计划购买的材料C、购入的某项设备D、现金短缺14、企业从净利润中提取盈余公积,会引起( D )A、资产内部的变化B、资产与所有者权益同时增加C、负债增加,所有者权益减少D、所有者权益内部的变化15、下列交易事项中,会使会计等式的资产和权益两方同时增加的是( A )A、收到投资人的投资款存入银行B、购买原材料一批,以银行存款支付C、以现金偿付欠人的款项D、以现金支付购入固定资产的运杂费用16、下列选项中会引起收入增加是( A )A、销售原材料B、销售生产用固定资产C、出售无形资产D、罚款净收入17、权责发生制所强调的是( D )A、财务状况的真实性B、会计信息的有用性C、提供信息的及时性D、经营成果计算的正确性18、权责发生制和收付实现制等不同的记账基础是建立在一个基本前提基础上的,这个基本前提是( A )A、会计分期假设B、会计主体假设C、货币计量假设D、持续经营假设19、在会计年度内,如把收益性支出当作资本性支出处理了,则会( D )A、本年度虚增资产、收益B、本年度虚减资产、虚增收益C、本年度虚增资产、虚减收益D、本年度虚减资产、虚减收益20、我国企业会计准则规定,企业在对会计要素进行计量时,一般应当采用( C )计量属性A、公允价值B、重围价值C、历史成本D、可变现净值21、借贷记账法试算平衡所依据的基本原理是( C )A、平行登记B、会计基本前提C、会计等式D、一贯性原则22、复式记账法与单式记账法相比较,下列说法中正确的是(B )A、两者都有利于检查账户记录的正确性B、复式记账法能清晰地反映经济业务的过程和结果C、两者都有一套完整的账户体系D、两者的账户都有相互对应关系23、下列账户中,期末无余额的是( B )A、生产成本B、营业外收入C、应付职工薪酬D、盈余公积24、下列业务中,引起一项资产增加,另一项资产减少的是(A )A、用银行存款归还长期借款B、收到所有者投入的设备C、企业以固定资产向外单位投资D、用盈余公积金弥补职工福利费25、下列费用中,应计入产品成本的是( A )A、提取的车间管理人员福利费B、医务和福利人员的工资C、职工劳动保险费D、广告费26、通过“累计折旧”账户对“固定资产”账户进行调整,反映固定资产的( A )A、净值B、增加价值C、减少价值D、原始价值27、ABC公司用盈余公积弥补亏损时,正确的处理的是( C )A、借记“本年利润”科目,贷记“利润分配——未分配利润”科目B、借记“利润分配——未分配利润”科目,贷记“本年利润”科目C、借记“盈余公积”科目,贷记“利润分配——盈余公积补亏”科目D、无需会计处理28、下列固定资产中只需在备查簿中进行登记的固定资产是(B )A、融资租入的固定资产B、经营租入的固定资产C、赊购的固定资产D、正在安装的固定资产29、导致权责发生制假设的产生,以及预提、摊销等会计处理方法运用的会计基本前提或原则的是( C )A、谨慎性原则B、历史成本原则C、会计分期假设D、货币计量假设30、企业发生某年度可供投资者分配的利润是指( D )A、本年净利润B、本年净利润减提取的盈余公积C、年初未分配利润加本年净利润D、年初未分配利润加本年净利润减提取的盈余公积31、债权债务结算账户的借方余额或贷方余额表示( B )A、债权的实际余额B、债权和债务增减变动后的差额C、债务的实际余额D、债权和债务的实际余额之和32、“制造费用”按用途和结构分类属于( D )A、成本计算账户B、收入账户C、财务成果账户D、集合分配账户33、企业在生产经营过程中发生的费用,有些是需要由几个会计期间共同承担的,为了正确计算各个会计期间的损益,需要按照权责发生制的要求,即要按照受益的原则严格划分费用的归属期,为此需要设置( B )A、成本计算账户B、跨期摊提账户C、财务成果账户D、集合分配账户34、不单独设置“预收账款”账户的企业,发生预收货款业务应记入的账户是( A )A、应收账款B、应付账款C、其他应收款D、其他应付款35、关于调整账户,下列说法错误的是( B )A、调整账户与被调整账户反映的经济内容相同B、调整账户与被调整账户的用途和结构相同C、被调整账户反映会计要素的原始数据,调整账户反映的是同一要素的调整数字D、调整方式取决于被调整账户与调整账户的余额是在同一方向还是在相反方向36、企业年初所有者权益总额为2000万元,年内接受投资160万元,本年实现利润总额500万元,所得税税率25%,按10%提取公积金,决定向投资人分配利润100万元。

2006年2月15日,财政部发布了( )。
A、《小企业会计准则》B、《事业单位会计准则》C、《行政单位会计准则》D、《企业会计准则》正确答案:D2.企业发生因债权人撤销而无法支付的应付账款时,应将其计入( )。
A、资本公积B、其他应付款C、营业外收入D、营业外支出正确答案:C3.可以不附原始凭证的记账凭证是( )。
A、以现金发放工资的记账凭证B、从银行提取现金的记账凭证C、更正错误的记账凭证D、职工临时性借款的记账凭证正确答案:C4.“预付账款”科目所属明细科目如有贷方余额,应在资产负债表( )项目中反映。
A、资产的增加额B、资产的减少额C、费用的增加额D、所有者权益的减少额正确答案:B6.盘亏的固定资产应该通过( )科目核算。
A、生产费用B、制造费用C、财务费用D、营业成本正确答案:C9.某公司2014年初资产总额5 000 000元,负债总额2 000 000元,当年接受投资者投资500 000元,从银行借款1 000 000元。
该公司2014年末所有者权益应为( )元。
A、5年B、10年C、3年D、1年正确答案:D11.下列不通过制造费用核算的是( )。



1. 下列说法中,不属于会计学原理的是:A. 会计等式原理。
B. 货币计量原则。
C. 成本原则。
D. 重要性原则。
2. 会计等式是指:A. 资产=负债+所有者权益。
B. 负债=资产-所有者权益。
C. 所有者权益=资产-负债。
D. 负债+所有者权益=资产。
3. 货币计量原则是指:A. 会计要以货币为计量单位。
B. 资产要按成本计量。
C. 负债要按市场价值计量。
D. 所有者权益要按折旧后价值计量。
4. 成本原则是指:A. 资产和费用应当按其成本计量。
B. 资产和费用应当按其市场价值计量。
C. 资产和费用应当按其折旧后价值计量。
D. 资产和费用应当按其摊销后价值计量。
5. 重要性原则是指:A. 会计处理事项时,应当考虑其重要性。
B. 会计处理事项时,不需要考虑其重要性。
C. 会计处理事项时,只需要考虑其数量。
D. 会计处理事项时,只需要考虑其时间。

会计学原理试题及答案一、选择题1.会计学的基本任务是什么?– A. 经济决策 B. 资产管理 C. 资产评估 D. 数据分析–正确答案:A. 经济决策2.以下哪个不是会计核算的基本假设?– A. 主体独立性 B. 会计期间 C. 财务复杂性 D. 持续经营–正确答案:C. 财务复杂性3.账户的基本要素包括三个方面,分别是什么?– A. 借方、贷方、余额 B. 资产、负债、所有者权益 C. 现金、存货、应收账款 D. 支出、收入、利润–正确答案:B. 资产、负债、所有者权益4.以下哪个科目属于资产类科目?– A. 负债 B. 罚款支出 C. 应付账款 D. 现金–正确答案:D. 现金二、填空题1.会计等式是指资产等于_____________减进项减增项。
A 实物量度B 劳动量度C 钱币量度D 实物量度和钱币量度2.会计的基本职能是(C)。
A 核算和管理B 控制和监察C 核算和监察D 核算和剖析3.会计的一般对象能够归纳为B)(。
A 经济活动B 重生产过程中的资本运动C 生产活动D 管理活动4.以下业务不属于会计核算范围的事项是(D)。
A 用银行存款购置资料B 生产产品领用资料C 公司自制资料入库D 与外公司签订购料合同5.会计主体假定规定了会计核算的B )。
(A 时间范围B 空间范围C 期间花费范围D 成本开销范围6.以下属于利润性支出的有( C )。
A 建筑房子的各项支出B 长久股票投资支出C 生产工人薪资D 为获得专利权发生的支出.以下各项中合用于区分各会计期间收入和花费的原则7是(C)。
A 实质成本计价原则B 一致性原则C 权责发生制原则D 慎重性原则.以下各项中合用于财富计价的原则是8(D)。
A 权责发生制原则B 配比原则C 收付实现制原则D 实质成根源则.以下原则中不属于信息质量要求的原则是9(C)。
A 清晰性原则B 可比性原则C 配比原则D 有关性原则10. 2001年9月20日采纳赊销方式销售产品50000元,12月25日收到货款存入银行。
A2001年 9月B2001年10月C2001 年 11月D2001年12月11. 2002年3月20日采纳赊销方式销售产品60000元,6月20日收到货款存入银行。
A2002年 3 月B2002 年 4月C2002年 5 月D2002年 6月12.某公司 2002年 7 月支付厂部管理人员薪资12000元,预付厂部半年(含本月)维修费1800元.生产车间保险)费4000 元。
按权责发生制核算时,该公司2001年 7 月管理花费发生额为(D。

A 资产
B 收入
C 费用
D 利润
第一章 绪 论
一、 单项选择题
A 实物量度 B 劳动量度
C 货币量度 D 实物量度和货币量度
2.会计的基本职能是( )。
A 核算和管理 B 控制和监督
C 核算和监督 D 核算和分析
3.会计的一般对象可以概括为( )。
C 少计费用
D 多计费用
E 多计净收益入
C 费用
D 负债
E 所有者权益
A 资产
B 收入
C 费用
D 利润
E 所有者权益
8.反映企业财务状况的会计要素有( )
A 资产
B 收入
C 费用
D 负债
E 所有者权益
9.反映企业经营成果的会计要素有( )
A 建造房屋的各项支出
B 长期股票投资支出
C 生产工人工资
D 为取得专利权发生的支出
7.下列各项中适用于划分各会计期间收入和费用的原则是( )。
A 实际成本计价原则
B 一致性原则
C 权责发生制原则
D 谨慎性原则
8.下列各项中适用于财产计价的原则是( )。
A 权责发生制原则
B 配比原则
C 收付实现制原则
12.某企业 2002 年 7 月支付厂部管理人员工资 12 000 元,预支厂部半年(含本
月)修理费 1800 元.生产车间保险费 4000 元。按权责发生制核算时,该企业
2001 年 7 月管理费用发生额为( )。
A 12 000 元
B 13 800 元
C 16 300 元


A、货币计量B、持续经营C、会计分期D、会计主体正确答案:B3、利润表中的“本期金额”栏内各项数字一般应根据损益类科目的( )填列。
A、期初余额B、期末余额C、累计发生额D、本期发生额正确答案:D4、用银行存款支付销售商品广告费500元,该业务的正确会计分录为( )。
A、借:管理费用贷:银行存款 500B、借:销售费用贷:银行存款 500C、借:银行存款贷:财务费用 500D、借:财务费用贷:银行存款 500正确答案:B5、在借贷记账法下,资产类账户的期末余额一般在( )。
A、在借方,也可以在贷方B、借方C、贷方D、无余额正确答案:B6、下列资产项目中,属于非流动资产项目的是( )。
A、交易性金融资产B、长期待摊费用C、存货D、应收票据正确答案:B7、下列不属于财务会计报告基本要求的是( )。
A、按正确的会计基础编制B、已持续经营为基础编制各项目之间的金额不得相互抵销C、至少应当提供所有列报项目上一个可比会计期间的比较数据D、严格审核会计账簿的记录和有关资料正确答案:D8、资产、负债、所有者权益三要素是企业资金运动的( )。


会计学原理试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 会计的三大基本要素不包括:A. 资产B. 负债C. 所有者权益D. 成本2. 以下哪项不是财务会计的目的之一:A. 记录和报告经济业务B. 提供决策依据C. 维护财务稳定D. 促进资本流动3. 根据货币计量原则,会计记录应使用:A. 港币B. 人民币C. 美元D. 日元4. 以下哪个不属于会计核算的基本假设:A. 业务实体假设B. 持续经营假设C. 期末假设D. 归属性原则5. 财务会计信息的主要用户群体不包括:A. 员工B. 管理者C. 投资者D. 债权人6. 公司按照现金收支的时间顺序记录经济业务属于以下原则之一:A. 会计实体假设B. 货币计量原则C. 会计持续经营假设D. 会计成本原则7. 按照会计实体假设,业务主体和:A. 自身的所有者是划分B. 结账日期是划分C. 采购日期是划分D. 销售日期是划分8. 公司A向公司B购买了一批商品,应在以下哪个账户上记录:A. 库存账户B. 贷方账户C. 供应商账户D. 收入账户9. 关于会计方程式,以下哪个表达式是正确的:A. 资产 = 负债 - 所有者权益B. 负债 = 资产 - 所有者权益C. 所有者权益 = 负债 - 资产D. 资产 = 所有者权益 - 负债10. 财务报表中的资产按照以下哪个顺序排列:A. 流动资产 - 固定资产 - 长期投资B. 固定资产 - 流动资产 - 长期投资C. 长期投资 - 固定资产 - 流动资产D. 长期投资 - 流动资产 - 固定资产二、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 解释会计的三要素是什么,它们之间的关系是什么?会计的三要素包括资产、负债和所有者权益。
它们之间的关系可以用以下公式表示:资产 = 负债 + 所有者权益。

会计学原理考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 会计的基本职能是()。
A. 监督和核算B. 预测和决策C. 记录和报告D. 分析和评价答案:A2. 下列哪项不属于会计信息质量要求的谨慎性原则?()。
A. 高估资产B. 低估负债C. 不预计任何可能的收入D. 不高估收益答案:A3. 会计主体假设的目的是()。
A. 确定会计核算的时间范围B. 确定会计核算的空间范围C. 确定会计核算的主体D. 确定会计核算的目的答案:B4. 会计分期假设是为了满足()。
A. 会计主体的经营需要B. 会计信息的及时性要求C. 会计主体的法律要求D. 会计主体的税务要求答案:B5. 下列哪项不是会计核算的基本原则?()。
A. 历史成本原则B. 权责发生制原则C. 收支两条线原则D. 配比原则答案:C6. 会计要素中的资产是指()。
A. 企业拥有或控制的资源B. 企业需要支付的债务C. 企业的收入D. 企业的费用答案:A7. 会计分录的基本原则是()。
A. 借贷平衡B. 金额相等C. 科目准确D. 日期正确答案:A8. 会计凭证按其填制程序和用途不同,可以分为()。
A. 原始凭证和记账凭证B. 收款凭证和付款凭证C. 单式凭证和复式凭证D. 通用凭证和专用凭证答案:A9. 企业销售产品收到款项,该项业务的会计分录是()。
A. 借:银行存款贷:主营业务收入B. 借:库存现金贷:其他业务收入C. 借:应收账款贷:主营业务成本D. 借:其他应收款贷:库存商品答案:A10. 会计报表中,资产负债表反映的是()。
A. 利润情况B. 现金流量情况C. 财务状况D. 成本控制情况答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 下列哪些属于会计核算的具体内容?()。
A. 资本的增减B. 收入、支出、费用、成本的计算C. 财务成果的计算和处理D. 财产的清查答案:A, B, C, D12. 会计信息的质量要求包括()。
A 实物量度B 劳动量度C 货币量度D 实物量度和货币量度2.会计的基本职能是(C)。
A 核算和管理B 控制和监督C 核算和监督 D核算和分析3.会计的一般对象可以概括为( B)。
A 经济活动B 再生产过程中的资金运动C 生产活动D 管理活动4.下列业务不属于会计核算范围的事项是(D)。
A 用银行存款购买材料B 生产产品领用材料C 企业自制材料入库D 与外企业签定购料合同5.会计主体假设规定了会计核算的( B )。
A时间范围 B空间范围C期间费用范围 D成本开支范围6.下列属于收益性支出的有( C )。
A建造房屋的各项支出 B长期股票投资支出C生产工人工资 D为取得专利权发生的支出7.下列各项中适用于划分各会计期间收入和费用的原则是( C )。
A实际成本计价原则 B一致性原则C权责发生制原则 D谨慎性原则8.下列各项中适用于财产计价的原则是( D )。
A权责发生制原则 B配比原则C收付实现制原则 D实际成本原则9.下列原则中不属于信息质量要求的原则是( C )。
A明晰性原则 B可比性原则C配比原则 D相关性原则10. 9月20日采用赊销方式销售产品50 000元,12月25日收到货款存入银行。
按收付实现制核算时,该项收入应属于( D )。
A 9月B 10月C 11月D 12月11. 3月20日采用赊销方式销售产品60 000元,6月20日收到货款存入银行。
按权责发生制核算时,该项收入应属于( A )。
A 3月B 4月C 5月D 6月12.某企业 7月支付厂部管理人员工资12 000元,预支厂部半年(含本月)修理费1800元.生产车间保险费4000元。
按权责发生制核算时,该企业 7月管理费用发生额为( D )。
A 12 000元B 13 800元C 16 300元D 12 300元13.固定资产采用加速折旧法,主要是体现会计原则中的(C )。

A、美元B、人民币或美元C、人民币D、欧元正确答案:A3、银行存款日记账与银行对账单之间的核对属于( )。
A、静态表现B、动态表现C、综合表现D、ABC均正确正确答案:B5、某企业2014年2月1日销售商品一批,售价为20 000元,销售过程中发生运费200元、装卸费1 200元。
A、20 000B、23 400C、19 600D、22 932正确答案:A6、增值税一般纳税人购进生产用机器设备所支付的增值税款应记入( )。
A、静态表现B、动态表现C、综合表现D、ABC均正确正确答案:A9、关于会计账簿的登记要求,错误的是( )。
A、账簿记录中的日期,应该填写原始凭证上的日期B、在登记各种账簿时,应按页次顺序连续登记,不得隔页、跳行C、在不设借贷等栏的多栏式账页中,登记减少数可以使用红色墨水D、对于没有余额的账户,应在“借或贷”栏内写“平”字,并在“余额”栏用“θ”表示正确答案:A10、公司支付银行存款30 000元购入不需安装的生产用设备一台(不考虑相关税费),应编制会计分录为( )。
A、借:在建工程贷:银行存款 30 000B、借:银行存款贷:原材料 30 000C、借:固定资产贷:银行存款 30 000D、借:银行存款贷:固定资产 30 000正确答案:C11、按清查时间划分,单位发生贪污盗窃、营私舞弊等事件时所进行的清查属于( )。

第一章总论一、单项选择题1、会计从本质上说是一种( C )。
A、信息系统B、工作方法C、管理活动D、计算工具2、在商品经济条件下,会计的对象是社会再生产过程中的( ).A、资金运动B、物资流通C、经济业务D、经济活动3、会计的任务是由( )的客观要求所决定的。
A、会计主体B、继续经营C、会计分期D、货币计量5、保证不同会计主体之间会计指标口径一致的会计核算一般原则是( )。
A、收付实现制B、现金制C、权责发生制D、历史成本7、( )是对会计内容进行分类核算和监督的一种专门方法。
A、复式记账B、登记账簿C、财产清查D、设置账户8、( )是记录经济业务、明确经济责任,作为记账依据的书面证明。
A、会计账户B、会计账簿C、会计凭证D、会计报表二、多项选择题1、会计的基本职能是( AE )。
A、会计主体B、历史成本C、会计分期D、继续经营E、货币计量5、会计核算的一般原则中,属于总体性要求的原则包括().A、真实性原则B、可比性原则C、及时性原则D、一致性原则E、谨慎性原则6、会计核算的一般原则中,( )属于对会计要素确认、计量要求的原则.A、权责发生制原则B、配比原则C、划分收益性支出与资本性支出原则D、重要性原则E、实际成本原则7、配比原则要求将企业的收入与其相关的()相互配比.A、利润B、成本C、费用D、资产E、负债三、判断题1、会计的对象总的来说是社会再生产过程中的经济活动。
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True / False Questions1. Accounting records are also referred to as the books. TRUE3. Preparation of a trial balance is the first step in the analyzing and recording process. FALSE4. Source documents provide evidence of business transactions and are the basis for accounting entries. TRUE5. Items such as sales tickets, bank statements, checks, and purchase orders are source documents. TRUE6. An account is a record of increases and decreases in a specific asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense item. TRUE7. A customer's promise to pay is called an account payable to the seller. FALSE9. As prepaid expenses are used, the expired costs of the assets become expenses. TRUE10. Land and buildings are generally recorded in the same ledger account. FALSe13. Cash withdrawn by the owner of a proprietorship should be treated as an expense of the business. FALSE15. The chart of accounts is a list of all the accounts used by a company and includes an identification number assigned to each account. TRUE16. An account balance is the difference between the debits and credits for an account including any beginning balance. TRUE18. In a double-entry accounting system, the total amount debited must always equal the total amount credited. TRUE19. Increases in liability accounts are recorded as debits. FALSE20. Debits increase asset and expense accounts. TRUE21. Credits always increase account balances. FALS23. Double entry accounting requires that each transaction affect, and be recorded in, at least two accounts. TRUE24. A revenue account normally has a debit balance. FALSE25. Accounts are normally decreased by debits. FALSE26. The owner's withdrawal account normally has a credit balance since it is an equity account.FALSE28. An owner's capital account normally has a debit balance. FALSE29. A debit entry is always favorable. FALSE30. A transaction that decreases an asset account and increases a liability account must also affect one or more other accounts. TRUE31. A transaction that increases an asset and decreases a liability must also affect one or more other accounts. TRUE34. If a company purchases land paying cash, the journal entry to record this transaction will include a debit to Cash. FALSEIf a company provides services to a customer on credit the selling company should credit Accounts Receivable. FALSEWhen a company bills a customer for $600 for services rendered, the journal entry to record this transaction will include a $600 debit to Services Revenue. FALSE37. The debt ratio helps to assess the risk a company has of failing to pay its debts and is helpful to both its owners and creditors. TRUE38.38. The higher a company's debt ratio is, the higher the risk of a company not being able to meet its obligations.TRUEThe debt ratio is calculated by dividing total assets by total liabilities.FALSE40. A company that finances a relatively large portion of its assets with liabilities is said to have a high degree of financial leverage. TRUE41. If a company is highly leveraged, this means that it has relatively low risk of not being able to repay its debt.FALSE42. Hamilton Industries has liabilities of $105 million and total assets of $350 million. Its debt ratio is 40.0%.FALSE$105 million/$350 million = 30.0%43. High financial leverage is always bad for a company's owners.FALSE44. A compound journal entry affects no more than two accounts.FALSE45. Posting is the transfer of journal entry information to the ledger.TRUE46. Transactions are first recorded in the ledger.FALSE47. The journal is known as a book of original entry.TRUE48. A journal gives a complete record of each transaction in one place, and shows the debits and credits for each transaction.TRUEAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C149. The journal is known as the book of final entry because financial statements are prepared from it.FALSEAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: C150. A trial balance that balances is not proof of complete accuracy in recording transactions. TRUEAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: P251. The trial balance is a list of all accounts and their balances at a point in time taken from the ledger.TRUEAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: P252. Generally, the ordering of accounts in a trial balance typically follows their identification number from the chart of accounts, that is, assets first, then liabilities, then owner's capital and withdrawals, followed by revenues and expenses.TRUEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P253. The trial balance can serve as a replacement for the balance sheet, since debits must equal with credits.FALSEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P254. A trial balance that is in balance is proof that no errors were made in journalizing the transactions, posting to the ledger, and preparing the trial balance.FALSEAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P255. If cash was incorrectly debited for $100 instead of correctly credited for $100, the cash account is out of balance by $100.FALSEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P256. The balance sheet provides a link between beginning and ending income statements. FALSEAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P357. The heading on each financial statement lists the three W's – Who (the name of the organization), What (the name of the statement), and Where (the organization's address) FALSEDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P358. An income statement reports the revenues earned less expenses incurred by a business overa period of time.TRUEDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P359. The balance sheet reports the financial position of a company at a point in time.TRUEDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P3Multiple Choice Questions60. The accounting process begins with:A. Analysis of business transactions and source documents.B. Preparing financial statements and other reports.C. Summarizing the recorded effect of business transactions.D. Presentation of financial information to decision-makers.E. Preparation of the trial balance.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C161. A sales invoice:A. Is a type of source document.B. Is used by sellers to record the sale.C. Is used by buyers to record purchases.D. Gives rise to an entry in the accounting process.E. All of these.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C262.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C263. Source documents:A. Include the ledger.B. Are the sources of accounting information.C. Must be in electronic form.D. Are based on accounting entries.E. Include the chart of accounts.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C264. Various types of documents and other papers that companies use when they conduct their business:A. Are called source documents.B. Can include sales tickets.C. Are the source of information for recording accounting entries.D. Can be in electronic form.E. All of these.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C265. A record of the increases and decreases in a specific asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense is a(n):A. Journal.B. Posting.C. Trial balance.D. Account.E. Chart of accounts.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C367. The account used to record the transfers of assets from a business to its owner is:A. A revenue account.B. The owner's withdrawals account.C. The owner's capital account.D. An expense account.E. A liability account.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C369. Unearned revenues are:A. Revenues that have been earned and received in cash.B. Revenues that have been earned but not yet collected in cash.C. Liabilities created when a customer pays in advance for products or services before the revenue is earned.D. Recorded as an asset in the accounting records.E. Increases to owners' capital.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C370. Prepaid expenses are:A. Payments made for products and services that do not ever expire.B. Classified as liabilities on the balance sheet.C. Decreases in equity.D. Assets that represent prepayments of future expenses.E. Promises of payments by customers.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C371. A written promise to pay a definite sum of money on a specified future date is a(n):A. Unearned revenue.B. Prepaid expense.C. Credit account.D. Note payable.E. Account receivable.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C372. A collection of all accounts and their balances used by a business is called a:A. Journal.B. Book of original entry.C. General Journal.D. Balance column journal.E. Ledger.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C373. A ledger is:A. A record containing increases and decreases in a specific asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense item.B. A journal in which transactions are first recorded.C. A collection of documents that describe transactions and events entering the accounting process.D. A list of all accounts with their debit balances at a point in time.E. A record containing all accounts and their balances used by a company.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C474. A list of all accounts and the identification number assigned to each account used by a company is called a:A. Source document.B. Journal.C. Trial balance.D. Chart of accounts.E. General Journal.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C475. The numbering system used in a company's chart of accounts:A. Is the same for all companies.B. Is determined by generally accepted accounting principles.C. Depends on the source documents used in the accounting process.D. Typically begins with balance sheet accounts.E. Typically begins with income statement accounts.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C476. A debit is:A. An increase in an account.B. The right-hand side of a T-account.C. A decrease in an account.D. The left-hand side of a T-account.E. An increase to a liability account.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C577. The right side of a T-account is a(n):A. Debit.B. Increase.C. Credit.D. Decrease.E. Account balance.79. A credit is used to record:A. A decrease in an expense account.B. A decrease in an asset account.C. An increase in an unearned revenue account.D. An increase in a revenue account.E. All of these.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C580. A simple account form widely used in accounting as a tool to understand how debits and credits affect an account balance is called a:A. Withdrawals account.B. Capital account.C. Drawing account.D. T-account.E. Balance column sheet.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C5AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C582.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C583. Of the following accounts, the one that normally has a credit balance is:A. Cash.B. Office Equipment.C. Sales Salaries Payable.D. Owner, Withdrawals.E. Sales Salaries Expense.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C584. A debit is used to record:A. A decrease in an asset account.B. A decrease in an expense account.C. An increase in a revenue account.D. An increase in the balance of an owner's capital account.E. An increase in the balance of the owner's withdrawals account.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C585. A credit entry:A. Increases asset and expense accounts, and decreases liability, owner's capital, and revenue accounts.B. Is always a decrease in an account.C. Decreases asset and expense accounts, and increases liability, owner's capital, and revenue accounts.D. Is recorded on the left side of a T-account.E. Is always an increase in an account.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C586. Double-entry accounting is an accounting system:A. That records each transaction twice.B. That records the effects of transactions and other events in at least two accounts with equal debits and credits.C. In which each transaction affects and is recorded in two or more accounts but that could include two debits and no credits.D. That may only be used if T-accounts are used.E. That insures that errors never occur.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: C587.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: A188. Management Services, Inc. provides services to clients. On May 1, a client prepaid Management Services $60,000 for 6-months services in advance. Management Services' general journal entry to record this transaction will include aA. Debit to Unearned Management Fees for $60,000.B. Credit to Management Fees Earned for $60,000.C. Credit to Cash for $60,000.D. Credit to Unearned Management Fees for $60,000.E. Debit to Management Fees Earned for $60,000.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: A189. Wisconsin Rentals purchased office supplies on credit. The general journal entry made by Wisconsin Rentals will include a:A. Debit to Accounts Payable.B. Debit to Accounts Receivable.C. Credit to Cash.D. Credit to Accounts Payable.E. Credit to Wisconsin Rentals, Capital.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: A190. An asset created by prepayment of an expense is:A. Recorded as a debit to an unearned revenue account.B. Recorded as a debit to a prepaid expense account.C. Recorded as a credit to an unearned revenue account.D. Recorded as a credit to a prepaid expense account.E. Not recorded in the accounting records until the earnings process is complete.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: A191. Robert Haddon contributed $70,000 in cash and land worth $130,000 to open a new business, RH Consulting. Which of the following general journal entries will RH Consulting make to record this transaction?A.B.C.D.E.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: A192.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A193. On September 30, the Cash account of Value Company had a normal balance of $5,000. During September, the account was debited for a total of $12,200 and credited for a total of $11,500. What was the balance in the Cash account at the beginning of September?A. A $0 balance.B. A $4,300 debit balance.C. A $4,300 credit balance.D. A $5,700 debit balance.E. A $5,700 credit balance.Beg. Bal. + $12,200 - $11,500 = $5,000Beg. Bal. $4,300 debitAACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A194. On April 30, Holden Company had an Accounts Receivable balance of $18,000. During the month of May, total credits to Accounts Receivable were $52,000 from customer payments. The May 31 Accounts Receivable balance was $13,000. What was the amount of credit sales during May?A. $ 5,000.B. $47,000.C. $52,000.D. $57,000.E. $32,000.$18,000 + Credit Sales - $52,000 = $13,000Credit Sales = $47,000AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A195. During the month of February, Hoffer Company had cash receipts of $7,500 and cash disbursements of $8,600. The February 28 cash balance was $1,800. What was the January 31 beginning cash balance?A. $700.B. $1,100.C. $2,900.D. $0.E. $4,300.Beg. Bal. + $7,500 - $8,600 = $1,800Beg. Bal. = $2,900AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A196. The following transactions occurred during July:1. Received $900 cash for services provided to a customer during July.2. Received $2,200 cash investment from Barbara Hanson, the owner of the business.3. Received $750 from a customer in partial payment of his account receivable which arose from sales in June.4. Provided services to a customer on credit, $375.5. Borrowed $6,000 from the bank by signing a promissory note.6. Received $1,250 cash from a customer for services to be rendered next year.What was the amount of revenue for July?A. $ 900.B. $ 1,275.C. $ 2,525.D. $ 3,275.E. $11,100.Revenues = $900 (1) + $375 (4) = $1,275AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A197. If Tim Jones, the owner of Jones Hardware proprietorship, uses cash of the business to purchase a family automobile, the business should record this use of cash with an entry to:A. Debit Salary Expense and credit Cash.B. Debit Tim Jones, Salary and credit Cash.C. Debit Cash and credit Tim Jones, Withdrawals.D. Debit Tim Jones, Withdrawals and credit Cash.E. Debit Automobiles and credit Cash.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A198. Zed Bennett opened an art gallery and as a dealer completed these transactions:1. Started the gallery, Artery, by investing $40,000 cash and equipment valued at $18,000.2. Purchased $70 of office supplies on credit.3. Paid $1,200 cash for the receptionist's salary.4. Sold a painting for an artist and collected a $4,500 cash commission on the sale.5. Completed an art appraisal and billed the client $200.What was the balance of the cash account after these transactions were posted?A. $12,230.B. $12,430.C. $43,300.D. $43,430.E. $61,430.$40,000 (1) - $1,200 (3) + $4,500 (4) = $43,300AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A199. At the beginning of January of the current year, Thomas Law Center's ledger reflected a normal balance of $52,000 for accounts receivable. During January, the company collected $14,800 from customers on account and provided additional services to customers on account totaling $12,500. Additionally, during January one customer paid Thomas $5,000 for services to be provided in the future. At the end of January, the balance in the accounts receivable account should be:A. $54,700.B. $49,700.C. $2,300.D. $54,300.E. $49,300.$52,000 beginning balance - $14,800 of collections + $12,500 of additional services on credit = $49,700.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A1100. During the month of March, Cooley Computer Services made purchases on account totaling $43,500. Also during the month of March, Cooley was paid $8,000 by a customer for services to be provided in the future and paid $36,900 of cash on its accounts payable balance. If the balance in the accounts payable account at the beginning of March was $77,300, what is the balance in accounts payable at the end of March?A. $83,900.B. $91,900.C. $6,600.D. $75,900.E. $4,900.Beginning balance of $77,300 + $43,500 of purchases on account - $36,900 of payments on account = $83,900.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A1101. On January 1 of the current year, Bob's Lawn Care Service reported owner's capital totaling $122,500. During the current year, total revenues were $96,000 while total expenses were $85,500. Also, during the current year Bob withdrew $20,000 from the company. No other changes in equity occurred during the year. If, on December 31 of the current year, total assets are $196,000, the change in owner's capital during the year was:A. A decrease of $9,500.B. An increase of $9,500.C. An increase of $30,500.D. A decrease of $30,500E. Impossible to determine from the information provided.During the year, revenues were $96,000 while expenses were $85,500 and withdrawals were $20,000. Since there were no other changes in equity, equity must have decreased by $9,500. AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A1102. Andrea Conaway opened Wonderland Photography on January 1 of the current year. During January, the following transactions occurred and were recorded in the company's books:1. Conaway invested $13,500 cash in the business.2. Conaway contributed $20,000 of photography equipment to the business.3. The company paid $2,100 cash for an insurance policy covering the next 24 months.4. The company received $5,700 cash for services provided during January.5. The company purchased $6,200 of office equipment on credit.6. The company provided $2,750 of services to customers on account.7. The company paid cash of $1,500 for monthly rent.8. The company paid $3,100 on the office equipment purchased in transaction #5 above.9. Paid $275 cash for January utilities.Based on this information, the balance in the cash account at the end of January would be:A. $41,450.B. $12,225C. $18,700.D. $15,250.E. $13,500.(1) $13,500 - (3) $2,100 + (4) 5,700 - (7) $1,500 - (8) $3,100 - (9) $275 = $12,225AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: A1103. Based on the information included in Question #102, the balance in the Andrea Conaway, Capital account reported on the Statement of Owner's Equity at the end of the month would be:A. $31,400.B. $39,200.C. $31,150.D. $40,175.E. $30,875.(1) $13,500 + (2) $20,000 + (4) $5,700 + (6) $2,750 - (7) $1,500 - (9) $275 = $40,175.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A1104. The debt ratio is used:A. To measure the relation of equity to expenses.B. To reflect the risk associated with a company's debts.C. Only by banks when a business applies for a loan.D. To determine how much debt a firm should pay off.E. All of these.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: A2105. Which of the following is the formula used to calculate the debt ratio?A. Total Equity/Total Liabilities.B. Total Liabilities/Total Equity.C. Total Liabilities/Total Assets.D. Total Assets/Total Liabilities.E. Total Equity/Total Assets.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: A2106. Which of the following statements is incorrect?A. Higher financial leverage involves higher risk.B. Risk is higher if a company has more liabilities.C. Risk is higher if a company has higher assets.D. The debt ratio is one measure of financial risk.E. Lower financial leverage involves lower risk.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: A2107. Stride Rite has total assets of $425 million. Its total liabilities are $110 million. Its equity is $315 million. Calculate the debt ratio.A. 38.6%.B. 13.4%.C. 34.9%.D. 25.9%.E. 14.9%.$110 million/$425 million = 25.9%AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: A2108. Stride Rite has total assets of $385 million. Its total liabilities are $100 million and its equity is $285 million. Calculate its debt ratio.A. 35.1%.B. 26.0%.C. 38.5%.D. 28.5%.E. 58.8%.$100 million/$385 million = 26.0%AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: A2109. Which of the following statements describing the debt ratio is false?A. It is of use to both internal and external users of accounting information.B. A relatively high ratio is always desirable.C. The dividing line for a high and low ratio varies from industry to industry.D. Many factors such as a company's age, stability, profitability and cash flow influence the determination of what would be interpreted as a high versus a low ratio.E. The ratio might be used to help determine if a company is capable of increasing its income by obtaining further debt.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A2110. At the end of the current year, Norman Company reported total liabilities of $300,000 and total equity of $100,000. The company's debt ratio on the last year-end was:A. 300%.B. 33.3%C. 75.0%.D. $400,000.E. Cannot be determined from the information provided.On the last year-end, total liabilities were $300,000 and total equity was $100,000. That means total assets were $400,000. Therefore, the debt to assets ratio was $300,000 / $400,000 or 75.0%.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A2111. At the beginning of the current year, Taunton Company's total assets were $248,000 and its total liabilities were $175,000. During the year, the company reported total revenues of $93,000, total expenses of $76,000 and owner withdrawals of $5,000. There were no other changes in owner's capital during the year and total assets at the end of the year were $260,000. Taunton Company's debt ratio at the end of the current year is:A. 70.6%.B. 67.3%.C. 32.7%.D. 48.6%.E. Cannot be determined from the information provided.If total assets were $248,000 and total liabilities were $175,000, total equity was $73,000 at the beginning of the period. Add to that figure $93,000 of revenues during the year and subtract $76,000 of expenses and $5,000 of withdrawals during the year and equity obviously ended the year at $85,000. If total assets at the end of the year were $260,000 and total equity was $85,000, total liabilities were $175,000. Thus, the debt ratio was $175,000 / $260,000 = 67.3%.AACSB: AnalyticAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A2112. The process of transferring general journal information to the ledger is:A. Double-entry accounting.B. Posting.C. Balancing an account.D. Journalizing.E. Not required unless debits do not equal credits.AICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: P1。