2023 Soybean Seed Guide

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N a m e
S t r e n g t h s a n d M a n a g e m e n t
R e l a t i v e M a t u r i t y
G r o w t h H a b i t
F l o w e r C o l o r
P u b e s c e n c e C o l o r
P o d C o l o r
H i l u m C o l o r
P l a n t H e i g h t
E m e r g e n c e
S t a n d a b i l i t y
S o y b e a n C y s t N e m a t o d e
P R R G e n e
P R R F i e l d T o l e r a n c e
I r o n D e fi c i e n c y C h l o r o s i s T o l e r a n c e
W h i t e M o l d T o l e r a n c e
B r o w n S t e m R o t T o l e r a n c e
C h a r c o a l R o t T o l e r a n c e
S o u r c e o f S o y b e a n C y s t N e m a t o d e R e s i s t a n c e
H e r b i c i d e - T o l e r a n t T r a i t
S u d d e n D e a t h S y n d r o m e T o l e r a n c e
C h l o r i d e S e n s i t i v i t y
S o u t h e r n S t e m C a n k e r T o l e r a n c e
F r o g e y e L e a f S p o t T o l e r a n c e
S o u t h e r n R o o t - K n o t N e m a t o d e (M . i n c o g n i t a )
CT0323E 1) 0.3 RM Enlist E3® soybean with good performance potential, especially in the Red River Valley 2) Rps1a/3a Phytophthora Root Rot gene with good field tolerance 0.3Indeterminate P GR BR BF MT 25Susc Rps1a/3a 45564-Enlist E3-----CT0623E 1) Broad-acre 0.6 RM Enlist E3® soybean with excellent yield potential 2) Good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance 3) Excellent Phytophthora Root Rot tolerance package 0.6Indeterminate P GR BR BF M 24Res Rps3a 44535PI 88788Enlist E35----CT0723E 1) 0.7 RM Enlist E3® soybean with excellent yield potential across a broad geography 2) Good Phytophthora Root Rot and Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance 0.7Indeterminate P GR BR IB M 25Res Rps1c/3a 44665PI 88788Enlist E3-----CT0923E 1) 0.9 RM Enlist E3® soybean with Peking Soybean Cyst Nematode resistance 2) Good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance
0.9Indeterminate P GR TN BF M 25Res Rps3a 44635Peking Enlist E35----CT1023E 1) 1.0 RM Enlist E3® soybean with excellent yield potential across a broad geography 2) Good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis and Brown Stem Rot tolerance
1Indeterminate P GR TN IB M 24Res Susc 54534PI 88788Enlist E35----CT1223E 1) 1.2 RM Enlist E3® soybean for the tougher acre 2) Good tolerances to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis and Sudden Death Syndrome
1.2Indeterminate P GR TN IB MT 24Res Rps1c 44664PI 88788Enlist E34Exc ---CT1523E 1) 1.5 RM Enlist E3® soybean with good performance potential and eastern movement 2) Excellent Phytophthora Root Rot tolerance 3) Good Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance
1.5Indeterminate P GR TN BF M 23Res Rps3a 35535PI 88788Enlist E34----CT1723E 1) 1.7 RM Enlist E3® soybean with good eastern performance potential 2) Good Sudden Death Syndrome and Sclerotinia White Mold tolerance
1.7Indeterminate W GR TN BF M 23Res Susc 55435PI 88788Enlist E34----CT1923E 1) 1.9 RM Enlist E3® soybean with good Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance 2) Broad-acre product with excellent yield potential in low-yield environments 1.9Indeterminate P LT TW BR BL MT 25Res Rps1k 4556-PI 88788Enlist E34----CT2123E 1)
2.1 RM Enlist E3® soybean with Peking Soybean Cyst Nematode resistance 2) Good Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance
2.1Indeterminate P GR TN IB MT 25Res Rps1c 56664Peking Enlist E34----CT2323E 1) 2.3 RM Enlist E3® soybean with broad-acre performance potential 2) Good Phytophthora Root Rot tolerance
2.3Indeterminate W GR TN BF M 24Res Rps1c/Seg3a
45565PI 88788Enlist E35----CT2623E 1) 2.6 RM Enlist E3® soybean that brings excellent yield potential to Illinois and Iowa 2) Good standability
2.6Indeterminate P GR TN IB M 24Res Rps1k 45534PI 88788Enlist E35----CT2723E 1) 2.7 RM Enlist E3® soybean with excellent broad-acre potential 2) Good standability 2.7Indeterminate P GR BR BF M 14Res Rps1c 4553-PI 88788Enlist E35----CT2823E 1) 2.8 RM Enlist E3® soybean that brings excellent yield potential across a broad geography 2) Good standability
2.8Indeterminate P GR BR IB M 24Res Rps1k 45-65PI 88788Enlist E35----CT2923E 1) 2.9 RM Enlist E3® soybean with excellent yield potential 2) Good standability 2.9Indeterminate P GR BR IB M 24Res Rps1k 455--PI 88788Enlist E35----CT3023E 1) Medium tall
3.0 RM Enlist E3® soybean that fits a wide variety of acres 2) Sulfonylurea (SR) herbicide resistance
3Indeterminate P GR BR IB MT 14Res Rps1c 45-3-PI 88788Enlist E35Inc 35-CT3223E 1) 3.2 RM Enlist E3® soybean with broad-acre yield potential and excellent Southern Stem Canker tolerance 2) Sulfonylurea (SR) herbicide resistance
3.2Indeterminate W GR BR BF MT 14Res Rps1c 45535PI 88788Enlist E35Exc 35-CT3423E 1) 3.4 RM Enlist E3® soybean with good Sudden Death Syndrome resistance 2) Sulfonylurea (SR) herbicide resistance
3.4Indeterminate P LT TW BR BL MT 35Res Rps1k 45534PI 88788Enlist E34Exc 35-CT3623E 1) 3.6 RM Enlist E3® soybean with excellent yield potential 2) Sulfonylurea (SR) herbicide resistance
3.6Indeterminate P GR TN IB MT 25Res Rps1k 45534PI 88788Enlist E34Inc 35-CT3923E 1) 3.9 RM Enlist E3® soybean with broad performance potential 2) Excellent Southern Stem Canker and Frogeye Leaf Spot tolerance
3.9Indeterminate W LT TW TN BR M 23Res Rps1k 44--5PI 88788Enlist E36Inc 34-CT4123E 1)
4.1 RM Enlist E3® soybean with excellent yield potential 2) Good fit for tough and clay soils
4.1Indeterminate W LT TW BR BR MT 14Res Susc 5----PI 88788Enlist E35Inc 34Susc CT4423E 1) 4.4 RM Enlist E3® soybean with good performance potential in high-yield environments 2) Sulfonylurea (SR) herbicide resistance
4.4Indeterminate W LT TW BR BL M 23Res Susc 5----PI 88788Enlist E34Inc 34Susc CT4823E
1) 4.8 RM Enlist E3® soybean with good yield potential 2) Moves well across soil types
PI 88788
Enlist E3
New for the 2023 planting season, Connect™ soybean seed with Enlist E3® technology will provide farmers tolerance to Liberty® herbicide, 2,4-D
choline and glyphosate, enabling multiple modes of action against difficult weeds. Connect soybean seed offers a broad portfolio to fit every field. It is owned by MS Technologies™ and is exclusively distributed by Bayer.
NUMERIC RATING SCALE [Excellent] 1 - 9 [Poor][ - ] Current Data Not Available RM Relative Maturity Susc Susceptible Res Resistant
IB Imperfect Black GR Gray
Tall MT
Medium Tall M
Medium MS
Medium Short S Short
Gray LT TW Light Tawny
Tan BR
White P Purple SALT
Inc Includer Exc
