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1. Project profile
Project name:
拟建工程概况:拟建厂房一间,南北长154.11m,东西宽105.28m,局部宽136.77 m,为1层钢结构,局部2~3层,拟采用独立柱基础,柱间距约10m,厂房内设有8吨吊车,基底压力约



Proposed project introduction: One-story Production hall(PH) is steel structure, some area has mezzanine floor. The length of PH from north to south is 154.11m, and the width from east to west is 105.28m, partly the width is 136.77m. The column distance is about 10m with proposed independent foundation.
Among the PH, there are 8-ton cranes in some area, and the subgrade reaction is about 50kpa. In the middle of PH, the subgrade reaction of the two high rack storage is about 120kpa. In the pressure area, the bottom elevation of the basement is about EL -5.000m.

Stage: detailed investigation stage

Degree: Degree of importance for the proposed project is Class 3, and that of complexity of the site and the foundation is also Class 2, according to the Code for Geotechnical Engineering Investigation
GB50021-2001(3.1.1~3.1.4), we define this geotechnical engineering investigation as Class B.
Task and requirement of the investigation
Identify composition, distribution rules, depth and engineering geologic features of the foundation soils within the exploration depth at the proposed site. To provide detail comprehensive physical & mechanical parameters of each stratum, design parameters of ground bearing capacity and pile foundation bearing capacity, and geotechnical parameters required for foundation settlement calculation.
2. Identify embedment status, type, water table and evolution of underground water, and evaluate the corrosiveness degree of site soil and groundwater to building materials. Provide the standard frozen depth of
the soil at proposed site.
3. Specify site classification and zoning of the site into sections.
To identify distribution status of saturated silty soil and sandy soil and assess its liquefaction potential and liquefaction degree.
4. Give a brief evaluation about the stability, uniformity and bearing
capacity of the soil foundation.
5. Identify the cause, distribution range, development trend and extend of damage of defective geological environment on site. Also provide the evaluation and related treatment scheme.

6. Recommend and select suitable type and depth of the foundation. Select the best load bearing stratum and provide the pile parameters if pile foundation be adopted on the project.
布孔原则及实施:根据甲方提供的建筑总平面图,依据《岩土工程勘察规范》GB50021-2001第4.1.11条~第4.1.20条之规定,本次勘察在建筑物边线、角点共布设36个勘探点,其中生产车间荷载较小,按天然地基考虑,勘探孔深度10.0 m~15.0m;高货架部位荷载较大,按复合地基考虑,勘探孔深度20.0 m~25.0m。


Work scope and rules:
Basing on the architectural layout from the client, and according to the Code for Geotechnical Engineering Investigation
GB50021-2001(4.1.11~4.1.20), we arranged totally 36 holes on site. The depth of boring hole in most area of PH is 10~15m, belong to natural soil foundation with normal load.
But for the high rack storage area, the depth of boring hole increased to 20~25m, belong to composite soil foundation with relatively large load. Detail information PLS see “boring hole layout” and “boring hole sheet”.
Investigation methods: Adopts a combination of borehole sampling, in-situ test (SPT and CPT).


1. Boring: Using drilling truck (DPP100-3E), Rotary screw drill , drilling at circulation break above the underground level, footage<1m. Sample the soil on Static pressure method by Piston type soil sampler. The holes need to be cleaned, and the length of remained capping mass
on the hole bottom should less than the redundant soil length on the top of
the sampler.
Casing hole-boring method can be adopted to drill through the sand layer, and slurry wall can be used under the groundwater. The diameter of the beginning hole is 150mm, and the final diameter should be no less than 110mm.

2. CPT: Cone penetration test is done by single-bridge sensor. T he data is collected and recorded automatically with the period of every per 0.1m by microprocessor.

先击入15cm不计击数,再记录后30cm中的每10cm 的锤击数.
3. In SPT, a 63.5kg heavy hammer is used, and the dropping distance is 76cm. At the beginning, 15cm distance is prepared. The hammer is automatically unhooked and falling freely. No blow count is logged for the first 15cm penetration. Blow counts are recorded in subsequent 10cm interval in the 30cm.
1、《岩土工程勘察规范》GB50021-2001( 2009年版)
Code for Geotechnical Engineering Investigation GB50021-2001 Edition 2009 National standards of PRC
Code for Building Foundation Design GB50007-2011 National standards of PRC
Code for Seismic Design of Buildings GB50011-2010 National standards of PRC
Seismic ground motion parameter zonation map of China GB18306-2001
Technical Standard for Cone Penetration CECS 04:88 Industry standard
Standard for Soil investigation and sampling, JGJ/T87-2012 Industry standard
Standard for Soil Test Method GB/T 50123-1999 National standards of PRC
Standard for foundation treatment technology, JGJ79-2002
Standard for Classification of Seismic Protection of Building Constructions GB 50223-2008
Code for anticorrosion on design of industrial construction, GB50046-2008
Technical code for building foundation bearing capacity in hebei province DB13(J)/T48-2005
Depth survey and documentation regulations of Housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects

Field operation: All the operation work finished On the whole day of 2013/4/3.
标高依据:本次勘察采用北京54坐标系和相对高程,以甲方提供的场地红线西北角A1(X=4377948.110,Y=480122.536)与西南角A2(X=4377740.922,Y=480165.755)作为两个控制点,测放各孔位的固定坐标,以场地西南角爱民东道路中心一点为假定高程0.00 m,据此实测各孔口相对标高。

Elevation system: Adopt the Beijing 54 coordinate system and relative elevation. All the exploration points of the boring hole are set out basing upon the two control points which provided by the client. They are A1, on the north-west corner (X=4377948.110,Y=480122.536), A2 on the south-west corner(X=4377740.922,Y=480165.755). The relative elevation system is adopted for the height survey. One base point in the middle of East Aimin Road(South-west to the site) is taken as benchmark for height survey, and its elevation is assumed as 0.00mm.
Engineering Geological Conditional of the site 一、地形、地貌


Features of the Geomorphology and Landform
The site is located in river flat area. Its terrain is relatively flat and its landform is single type. Elevation of natural ground surface where all exploratory holes are concerned ranges from -0.33m to 0.52m (relative elevation, the same below), altitude difference is 0.85m.
Features of foundation soils


The investigation showed that the surface layer of the planned construction site is classified as Q4 in the river flat area, which is composed of clay, silt and clay sand, topsoil is arable soil. Within the investigation depth, the soil layers of planned construction site could be divided into eight engineering geologic layers, two sub-layers, which are described in details as follows:
Layer 1 Topsoil: this layer mainly consists of yellowish silt, mixed up thin layers of silty clay, uneven properties with a thickness ranging from

承载力特征值fak=110kPa;Layer 2 Silt: mixed thin layers of silty clay. yellow, slight wet-wet, middle dense, swing reaction is rapid, no gloss in cutting, low in dry strength and low in toughness, The load feature fak=110kpa.

承载力特征值fak=90kPa;Layer 3.1 clay: mixed thin layers of silt. Y ellow-yellow gray, soft plasticity, high compressibility, no swing reaction, cutting glossily, high
in dry strength and high in toughness, The load feature fak=90kpa.

Layer 3 silty clay: mixed thin layers of silt and ginger nut. Yellow
gray-gray, plasticity, middle-high compressibility, no swing reaction, cutting rather glossily, middle in dry strength and middle in toughness, The load feature fak=110kpa.

Layer 4 fine silty sand: mixed thin layers of silt. Y ellow gray-gray, saturation, middle compressibility-dense, mainly consists of quartz and feldspar, containing mica, The load feature fak=160kpa.


Layer 5 silty clay: mixed thin layers of silt. gray-yellow, plasticity, middle compressibility, no swing reaction, cutting rather glossily, middle in dry strength and middle in toughness, The load feature fak=120kpa.

Layer 6 silt +silty sand: mixed thin layers of silty clay. yellow, wet, dense, swing reaction is rapid, no gloss in cutting, low in dry strength and middle in toughness, The load feature fak=150kpa.


Layer 7 silty clay: mixed thin layers of silt. yellow, plasticity, middle compressibility, no swing reaction, cutting rather glossily, middle in dry strength and middle in toughness, The load feature fak=130kpa.
Layer 7.1 silt: yellow, wet, dense, swing reaction is rapid, no gloss in cutting, low in dry strength and middle in toughness, rust spot, The load feature fak=140kpa.

承载力特征值fak=180kPa;Layer 8 silty sand+silty: mixed thin layers of silty clay. Y ellow, saturation, middle compressibility, mainly consists of quartz and feldspar, containing mica, The load feature fak=180kpa.

The detailed distribution of soil layers refer “the section drawing”, and the thickness and bottom elevation of every layer refer “soil layer index sheet”
Analysis and Assessment of Foundation Soils 此次勘察采集了大量土样,依据《土工试验方法标准》GB/T50123-1999规范进行室内试验,根据土工试验结果,各层土的物理力学指标,经可靠性和适用性分析进行数理统计,提供平均值、标准差等参数,见“物理力学指标统计表”。

根据三轴剪切试验及直剪试验结果,并结合工程经验给出基底下,一倍基础宽度范围内土层φk、C k标准值的建议值,见下表:
According to the Standard for Soil Test Method GB/T 50123-1999, a lot of the soil samples from the proposed site are tested in laboratory. Analysis and statistics of physical & mechanical properties of the foundation soils are obtained, including arithmetic mean, standard deviation and other parameters refer …Physical and mechanical index
sheet‟. φk、C k under the foundation base at the range of foundation are suggested upon the triaxial shear test results and construction experience, which values are shown as following:
不固结不排水三轴剪切试验φk、C k建议值unconsolidated-undrained triaxial shear test φk、C k suggested value
注:括号内数值为经验数值Note: the data in bracket is experience data 此次勘察压缩试验,按建筑物的荷载情况及土层的不同深度进行不同压力段的压缩试验,并绘制e~p曲线,计算每层土的自重应力至自重应力加附加应力段的压缩模量,其E S值见下表:The soil compression test according to
地基土分段压缩模量成果表E S(MPa)
Subsection modulus of compressibility of foundation soil Es list
注:括号内数值为经验数值Note: the data in bracket is experience data
f ak建议值依据静力触探曲线,用标准贯入试验和钻探取样试验资料并结合邻近工程经验综合确定。

f ak value are obtained basin
g on the CPT curve, the test results of the SPT and boring hole sample, and the construction experience of adjacent projects.
各土层f ak一览表(kPa)
场区浅层地下水属第四系松散层孔隙潜水,勘察期间实测稳定水位埋深5.4m~6.3m, 高程-6.21m~-4.97m,水位受季节、降水等因素影响会有所升降。


Shallow groundwater of the planned construction site is the pore phreatic water of the Quaternary period. The reading of static water level is 5.4m-6.3m, the water elevation is EL-6.21m—4.97m. Phreatic water level varies with factors such as season and climate change. The annual variation range of natural groundwater level is about 2.0m. Max depth to groundwater level can take 3.0m recently.


We test a group sample of water and soil which are collected at the planned site and refer …water, soil analysis report‟ of Plum Biotechnical Group, eastern to the site to analyze the corrosion status. According to Code for Geotechnical Engineering Investigation GB50021-2001 Edition (2009 revised), No.12.2.1and 12.2.4, we can conclude that, the environment type is II. The groundwater of the site is mildly corrosive to concrete structure, groundwater is mildly corrosive to rebar in RC structure under long-term submersion, and weakly corrosive to rebar in RC structure under alternating dry and wet conditions.
Anti-corrosion measure of the construction material should meet requirements of the Code for anticorrosion on design of industrial construction, GB50046-2008.
Seismic effects of the site foundation

According to Code for Building Seismic Design(GB50011-2010), and Seismic ground motion parameter zonation map of China GB18306-2001, seismic fortification intensity of the site is 8 degree; the design value of basic earthquake acceleration is 0.20g. The design earthquake grouping is Group 2.

According to Code for Building Seismic Design (GB50011-2010) no.4.3.3-4.3.5, ②layer silt layer is above the groundwater level, which is preliminarily identified as non-liquefiable stratum. ④layer fine silty sand and ⑥layer silt+silty sand are concluded as non-liquefiable stratum based on the results of SPT, CPT. Hence, the planned site is concluded as
non-liquefiable stratum. Detailed information ref to ‘liquefaction assessment sheet by SPT’.
The type of the site



According to Code for Building Seismic Design(GB50011-2001) No.4.1.3-4.1.5, the type of natural soil stratum (within 20 m) is classified as medium soft soil. Equivalent shear wave velocity is calculated for soil
strata as 170.0m/s. According to regional geologic data, thickness of the overburden layer is above 50m. Therefore the site shall be classified as Type III, the eigenperiod is 0.45s.

According to Code for Building Seismic Design(GB50011-2001) No.4.1.1, The site is general for building earthquake defense.
Standard frozen depth on site

The standard frozen depth is 0.7m according to China's seasonal frozen soil frost depth curve.
Conclusion and suggestion
1, On the planned site, the distribution of major soil strata is stable and uniform. No Collapse of the phenomenon during the investigation. The site is relatively stable, and suitable for building erection.

2. According to Code for Seismic Design of Buildings GB50011-2010 and Seismic ground motion parameter zonation map of China GB18306-2001, the Seismic fortification intensity of the site is 8 degree; the design value of basic earthquake acceleration is 0.20g. The design earthquake grouping is Group 2. The site is not subject to sand liquefaction.

3. For proposed production hall(PH), natural foundation and independent foundation are suggested with Stratum ②silt as its load sustaining layer with the depth about 1.5m. We advise that properly strengthen the strength and rigidity of the superstructure if their foundation on Stratum ③1 clay with low load capacity and up and down the bottom.



4. For proposed basement of PH, the depth will be about EL-
5.000m, and the base on Stratum ③silty clay. The natural slope excavation can be adopted with the suitable depth-width ratio which can be decided by the calculation of the slope stability and construction experience. The parameters of slope can refer …Physical and mechanical index sheet‟. Pay
attention to the sequence of foundation construction, on which deep first, then shallow follow is suggested.


其桩基设计参数见下表(CFG 桩参数参照干作业钻孔桩):
5. For proposed high rack storage with the foundation stress about 200kpa, the natural load capacity of soil can not meet the requirement, so we suggest CFP pile foundation with load bearing on Stratum ④ fine silty sand or deeper Stratum. The soil capacity should be tested to meet the design requirement after the soil treatment, and then continue the next construction work. The parameter of pile foundation can refer to the following sheet:
桩的极限侧阻力标准值q sik(kPa)和极限端阻力标准值q pk(kPa)
The standard values of ultimate resistant stress on the side q sik and bottom q pk of piles
6、场地地下水位埋深5.4m~6.3m, 高程-6.21m~-4.97m,现阶段基础施工可不采取降水措施;
6. For the depth of site groundwater is 5.4m-6.3m, and it elevation is -6.21m~-4.97m, dewater measures is not necessarily adopted on the current foundation construction.

7. The groundwater of the site is mildly corrosive to concrete structure, groundwater is mildly corrosive to rebar in RC structure under long-term submersion, and weakly corrosive to rebar in RC structure under alternating dry and wet conditions. Anti-corrosion measure of the construction material should meet requirements of the Code for anticorrosion on design of industrial construction, GB50046-2008.
8. The standard frozen depth of soil is 0.7m on the site
9. According to Standard for Classification of Seismic Protection
of Building Constructions GB 50223-2008, the proposed project is
classified as standard seismic protection type.
10. General Drilling out and detailed pit inspection should be fulfilled after the pit excavation. If any question appears during the excavation period, coordination and discussion with related department should be necessary.

11. The above conclusion and suggestion are only applied to the proposed site and buildings.
第21 页共21 页。
