conduct a meeting(主导英文会议)

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The following phrases are used to conduct a meeting. These phrases are useful if you are called on to conduct a meeting.
1、Opening 宣布会议开始
Good morning/afternoon everyone.
If we are all here let’s get started / start the meeting / start.
2、Welcoming and Introducing 欢迎和介绍出席人员
Please join me in welcoming (name of participant)
We’re pleased to welcome (name of participant)
I’d like to extend a warm welcome to (name of participant)
It’s a pleasure to welcome (name of participant)
I’d like t o introduce (name of participant)
3、Stating the Principal Objectives 阐明会议主要议题
We’re here today to .
I’d like to make sure that we .
Our main aim today is to .
I’ve called this meeting in order to .
4、Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent 对缺席者表示遗憾
I’m afraid (name of participant) can’t be with us today. She is in.
Unfortunately (name of participant) . will not be with us to day because he .
I have received apologies for absence from (name of participant) who is in (place).
5、Reading the Minutes (notes) of the Last Meeting 宣读上次会议记要
To begin with I’d like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.
First let’s go over the report from the last meeting which was held on (date)
Here are the minutes from our last meeting which was on (date)
6、Dealing with Recent Developments 询问近期动态
Jack can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressing
Jack how is the XYZ project coming along
John have you completed the report on the new accounting package
Has everyone received a copy of the Tate Foundation report on current marketing trends
7、Moving Forward 转向下一个议题
So if there is nothing else we need to discuss let’s move on to today’s agenda.
Shall we get down to business
Is there Any Other Business
If there are no fu rther developments I’d like to move on to today’s topic.
8、Introducing the Agenda 介绍议程
Have you all received a copy of the agenda
There are X items on the agenda. First . second . third . lastly .
Shall we take the points in this order
If you don’t mind I’d like to go in order today.
skip item 1 and move on to item 3
I suggest we take item 2 last.
9、Allocating Roles (secretary participants) 分配秘书和出席者的会议角色
(name of participant) has agreed to take the minutes.
(name of participant) would you mind taking the minutes
(name of participant) has kindly agreed to give us a report on .
(name of participant) will lead point 1 (name of participant) point 2 and (name of participant) point 3. (name of participant) would you mind taking notes today
10、Agreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting (contributions timing decision-making etc.) 就会议程序(发言,时间,决策)达成一致
We will first hear a short report on each point first followed by a discussion of .
I suggest we go round the table first.
Let’s make sure we finish by .
I’d suggest we .
There will be five minutes for each item.
We’ll have to keep each item to 15 minutes. Otherwise we’ll never get through.
11、Introducing the First Item on the Agenda 介绍第一项议题
So let’s start with .
I’d suggest we start with.
Why don’t we start with.
So the first item on the agenda is
Pete would you like to kick off
Shall we start with .
(name of participant) would you like to introduce this item
12、Closing an Item 结束一个议题
I think that takes care of the first item.
Shall we leave that item
Why don’t we move on to.
If nobody has anything else to add lets .
13、Next Item 开始下一个议题
Let’s move onto the next item
Now that we’ve discussed X let’s now .
The next item on today’s agenda is.
Now we come to the question of.
14、Giving Control to the Next Participant 请下一位出席者发言
I’d like to hand over to (name of participant) who is going to lead the next point.
Next (name of participant) is going to take us through .
Now I’d like to introduce (name of participant) who is going to .
15、Summarizing 总结
Before we close today’s meeting let me just summarize the main points.
Let me quickly go over today’s main points.
To sum up
OK why don’t we quickly summarize what we’ve done today.
In brief .
Shall I go over the main points
16、Finishing Up 结束今日议题
Right it looks as though we’ve covered the main items.
If there are no other comments I’d like to wrap this meeting up.
Let’s bring this to a close for today.
Is there Any Other Business
17、Suggesting and Agreeing on Time Date and Place for the Next Meeting 建议和征询下一次会
Can we set the date for the next meeting please
So the next meeting will be on . (day) the . . . (date) of . (month) at .
Let’s next meet on . (day) the . . . (date) of . (month) at . What about the following Wednesday How is that
18、Thanking Participants for Attending 感谢出席人员
I’d like to thank Marianne and Jeremy for coming over from London.
Thank you all for attending.
Thanks for your participation.
19、Closing the Meeting 宣布散会
The meeting is finished we’ll see each other next .
The meeting is closed.
I the meeting closed. 商务英语会议篇:开头语及自我介绍 1.从中华人民共和国驻…大使馆商务

Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in..., we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by a start of some Practical transactions.

We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliances.

Your name has been recommended to us by the Chinese Consul stationed in your city as large exporters of ... goods produced in ....


From ..., we have obtained your name and address and understand that you are experienced importers of .... We have pleasure in offering you ... of which we would appreciate your pushing the sale on your market.

We learn from ... that your firm specializes in ..., and would like to establish business relationship with you.

Through the courtesy of.... we have learned that you are one of the representative importers of ...

Your name and address has been given to us by Messrs. J. Smith & Co., Inc., in New York, who have informed us that your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan.

The.... Bank in your city has been kind enough to inform us that you are one of the leading importers (exporters) of ... and are interested in trading with China in these lines ...

We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese ...,which comes within the frame of our business activities.

Through your trade delegation that recently paid a visit to this country, we learned that you are well-established importers of ... and are writing to you in the hope of receiving your orders from time to time.

We are glad to send you this introductory letter, hoping that it will be the prelude to mutually beneficial relations between us.

We have the Pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension.

We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.

We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively in Light Industrial Goods.

As you may be well aware, we are a state-operated corporation handling such items as .. in both import and export business.

As you are one of the leading importers in ..., we have pleasure in contacting you in the hope of establishing business relations and rendering you assistance in a wide range of your requirements.

We understand that you are interested in both the import and export of ... and it is on this subject that we wish to introduce ourselves in the hope of establishing mutually beneficial business relations between our two corporations.


The high reputation, which you are enjoying as camera importers, has rendered us desirous of entering into business relations with you. Accordingly, we introduce ourselves to you by sending you our catalogs and price-lists.

The commodities we are handling consist of the manufactures of the first-rate paper mills of this country, and so we are in a good position to serve your customers with the most reliable quality of the line you suggest.

Specializing in the export of Chinese Art & Craft Goods we express our desire to trade with you in this line.

Our lines are mainly textiles and handicrafts.

We have been in this line of business for many years.

The purpose of this letter is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you.

We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs.

We wish to establish friendly business relations with you to enjoy a share of mutually profitable business.

We wish to enter into direct negotiation with you with a view to introducing your special lines in our market.
We are interested in the possibility of establishing sources of supply of crude oil from the People’s Republic of China.

We advise you to make use of our experience and special knowledge on trial.

We trust that our experience in foreign trade and intimate knowledge of international market conditions will entitle us to your confidence.

Being closely connected with reliable wholesalers here, we shall be able to do considerable import business with you.

We are able to quote you very advantageous terms.主持会议常用会议是现代商务中的重要一部分。


1. Let's call the meeting to order.
2. Let's get things under way.
3. Let's get things started.
4. Shall we begin?
Order 在此是指"会议的程序与规则";call 有"宣布"的含意,call (a meeting) to order 是开会时的惯用语,是"会议开始"的意思。



Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we should begin. 也可以采用半正式的说法:
Perhaps we'd better get started / down to business.
All right, I think it's about time we get started / going.
Right then, I think we should begin 较口语的说法有:
Let's begin /get going, shall we?
Shall we start?
1. Let me bring your attention to (what I see as) the main issues.
2. Let's focus on the main issues.
3. Let me tell you what I believe to be the main issues.
4. Allow me to set out the main issues for you.
bring one's attention to... 的意思是"让某人注意(听、看)……"。

此句中的bring 可用call代替;main 为"主要的";issue是"争论点;关键;议论"。


1. To address this issue, I'd like to call on...
2. To discuss this matter, I'd like to call on...
3. To shed some light on this, I'd like to call on...
4. To provide us with more detail, I'd like to call on...
Address 为"提及;陈述";call on someone 这个词组的意思是"要求某人(做某事)",on之后的宾语为被要求的人。


由于句首使用To address this issue "谈起这个问题",显示特别强调这位发言者的意见值得采纳、尊重或听取;有时亦暗示主席或高阶人士也同样支持此人的意见。

A. 开会时尽量选择靠老板的位置坐



B. 开会时避免选择靠门的座位





C. 开会时避免选择靠窗的座位
