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8. It’s impossible to get everybody together at the same time. ( 同时 )
Ⅰ. 文本整体理解: 理清文章架构
character and plot
Grandfather and father are seated at the table and 1. _p_l_a_y_in_g__c_h_e_ss_
1. 文章提到了三个人物:
本文是话剧, 阅读 时要注意时间、 地点、人物和发 生的事件
the son, the father and the grandfather
2. 注意文章的情节: 文章主要围绕着 孩子和家长的意见有分歧, 并提出了
解决的办法。家长提出建议, 让孩子
1. approach v. 走近; 靠近 *(2018·北京高考) As I approached mile 23, I could see my wife waving a sign. 当我接近23英里的时候, 我看到我的妻子正挥舞着一个 牌子。
4. Calm down for a minute and listen to me. ( 镇静 )
5. In the end she will understand his feelings. ( 最后 ) 6. We are proud of our achievements. ( 自豪 )
7. Before you jump in with both feet find out more. ( 直接参加 )
Ⅱ. 根据语境写出黑体部分的词义 1. She can play tennis as well as basketball. ( 既……又 ) 2. Please turn to me when you’re speaking. ( 转向 )
3. Let’s focus on some of the valuable points. ( 聚焦, 集中 )
3. 课文语法填空 The son decided not to go to university and was
determined to focus (1)_o_n_ his band and have a career in music when he left school. However, his father advised him to be a lawyer, (2)_w__h_ic_h_ is respected by people and has a good income. The father wanted his son to work in a court not in a band. He thought (3)_p_l_a_y_in_g_ (play) in
*The passage serves as an approach to the studio. 这条走廊通往演播室。词汇复现
【语块积累】 approach approach to
n. 方法; 途径 ……的方法
What’s the best way of approaching this problem? 处理这个问题的最佳方式是什么? ( vt. 着手处理 )
Son: He decided not to go to university and wanted to focus on his 2. _b_a_n_d_ Father: He wanted his son to be a 3. _la_w__y_er_
Grandfather: He advised his grandson to 4. _g_o_t_o__u_n_iv_e_r_s_it_y_and play music at the
(2)Do you think your parents understand you? How do you deal with the disagreements between you and your parents?
_S_o_m__et_i_m_e_s_, _I__th_i_n_k__m_y__p_a_r_e_n_t_s _d_o_n_’_t _u_n_d_e_r_s_ta_n__d_m__e_. _In__t_h_o_s_e_s_it_u_a_t_io_n_s__I’_l_l _ta_k__e_t_h_e_f_o_ll_o_w_i_n_g_s_t_e_p_s_. _F_ir_s_t_, _k_e_e_p_c_a_l_m__a_n_d__th__in_k__c_a_r_ef_u_l_ly_._S_e_c_o_n_d_,_l_e_a_r_n_t_o_t_a_l_k_t_o_ _m_y__p_a_r_e_n_t_s._T__h_ir_d_,_f_i_n_d_s_o_l_u_ti_o_n_s_t_o_d__is_a_g_r_e_e_m_e_n_t_s_. _F_o_u_r_t_h_, _p_u_t_m__y_s_e_lf_i_n_m__y__p_a_r_e_n_ts_’_s_h_o_e_s_.
Unit 3 Family matters Starting out & Understanding ideas
Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词 1. dialogue between _ch__a_ra_c_t_e_r_s(人物) 2. nervously _a_p_p_r_o_a_c_h_(走近) the table 3. turn to your dad for a _c_h_a_t(闲谈) 4. future _c_a_r_ee_r_(职业) as a _la_w__y_e_r(律师)
5. _a_s_su__m_e_(假定) that it is true 6. _r_e_sp__ec_t_(尊重)lawyers 7. work in a _s_tu_d__io_(演播室) not a _c_o_u_r_t (法庭) 8. _ig_n_o_r_e_(不理睬) one’s words 9. a _p_r_o_fe_s_s_io_n__a_l (职业的) soccer player
same time.
Ⅱ. 文章细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息
1. What did the son want to be?
A. A lawyer.
B. A musician.
C. A soccer player D. An engineer.
2. What does the father think of a career of a lawyer? A. Famous but tiring. B. Important but boring. C. Respectable and well paid. D. Demanding and challenging.
4. What did the grandfather advise his grandson to do? A. To go to university and play music. B. To be a professional musician. C. To have three opinions. D. To ignore adults’ advice.
3. What can be learned from the experience of the father? A. He wanted to be an engineer. B. He was advised to think carefully. C. He became a professional player. D. A career of lawyer wasn’t suitable for him.
5. Which column may the passage be taken from?
A. Entertainment.
B. Employment.
C. Family.
D. Sports.
答案: 1~5. BCBAC
Ⅲ. 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用 1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句。
a band is not a job and his son should study something (4)_u_s_e_fu_l_(use) at university. The son told his father that he wasn’t (5)_in_t_e_r_e_s_te_d_ (interest) in law. He thought the music industry was developing fast and making music was a job. The grandfather asked both of them (6) _t_o_c_a_lm__(calm) down. He referred to the
译文: 我记得_当__你__和__他__一__样__大__时__, 你说你想成为一个 专业的足球运动员。
译文: _如__果__你__去__上__大__学__同__时__演__奏__乐__器__, 你的将来就有两 个选择。
2. 结合课文主题回答下列问题 (1)If you want to be a lawyer, but your parents hope that you will become a doctor, what will you do? _F_i_r_st_,_I_c_a_n__te_l_l_m__y_p_a_r_e_n_t_s_m__y_g_o_a_l_a_n_d__m__y_a_d_v_a_n_t_a_g_e_s_. _S_e_c_o_n_d_,__li_st_e_n__to__m_y__p_a_r_e_n_t_s’_a_d__v_ic_e_c_a_r_e_f_u_ll_y_, _a_n_d_ _th__in_k__c_a_r_ef_u_l_ly_._T__h_ir_d_,_I_s_h_o_u_l_d__ta_l_k_t_o__m_y__p_a_r_e_n_ts_ _p_a_t_ie_n_t_l_y._
experience in the past. When the father was young, he (7) _w_a_n_t_e_d_(want)to be a football player. The grandfather wanted his son to be an engineer. In the end, the grandfather advised his son to think carefully and the father found the career that suited (8) _h_i_s(he) talents. The grandfather suggested that the son should
【即学活用】 用approach的适当形式填空 (1)After a long and tiring journey, we were finally _a_p_p_r_o_a_c_h_in_g_ _o_u_r_ _d_e_st_i_n_a_ti_o_n_. 经过了又长又累人的 旅途后, 我们最后终于靠近了目的地。 (2) His approach _to_ _m_a_k__in_g_ _a_n_y_ _d_e_ci_s_io_n_ is to draw a list of pros and cons. 他做任何决定的方法是列出利和弊。
go to university and play music (9) _a_tthe same time, which the son would have two (10) _o_p_t_io_n_s_(option). The son would make more friends.
பைடு நூலகம்
10. _s_u_it_(适合) your _ta_l_e_n_t_s(天分) 11. have two _o_p_t_io_n_s_(选择) for your future 12. the younger _g_e_n_e_r_a_ti_o_n_(一代) 13. draw the _c_u_r_t_a_in_s_(窗帘)
Ⅰ. 文本整体理解: 理清文章架构
character and plot
Grandfather and father are seated at the table and 1. _p_l_a_y_in_g__c_h_e_ss_
1. 文章提到了三个人物:
本文是话剧, 阅读 时要注意时间、 地点、人物和发 生的事件
the son, the father and the grandfather
2. 注意文章的情节: 文章主要围绕着 孩子和家长的意见有分歧, 并提出了
解决的办法。家长提出建议, 让孩子
1. approach v. 走近; 靠近 *(2018·北京高考) As I approached mile 23, I could see my wife waving a sign. 当我接近23英里的时候, 我看到我的妻子正挥舞着一个 牌子。
4. Calm down for a minute and listen to me. ( 镇静 )
5. In the end she will understand his feelings. ( 最后 ) 6. We are proud of our achievements. ( 自豪 )
7. Before you jump in with both feet find out more. ( 直接参加 )
Ⅱ. 根据语境写出黑体部分的词义 1. She can play tennis as well as basketball. ( 既……又 ) 2. Please turn to me when you’re speaking. ( 转向 )
3. Let’s focus on some of the valuable points. ( 聚焦, 集中 )
3. 课文语法填空 The son decided not to go to university and was
determined to focus (1)_o_n_ his band and have a career in music when he left school. However, his father advised him to be a lawyer, (2)_w__h_ic_h_ is respected by people and has a good income. The father wanted his son to work in a court not in a band. He thought (3)_p_l_a_y_in_g_ (play) in
*The passage serves as an approach to the studio. 这条走廊通往演播室。词汇复现
【语块积累】 approach approach to
n. 方法; 途径 ……的方法
What’s the best way of approaching this problem? 处理这个问题的最佳方式是什么? ( vt. 着手处理 )
Son: He decided not to go to university and wanted to focus on his 2. _b_a_n_d_ Father: He wanted his son to be a 3. _la_w__y_er_
Grandfather: He advised his grandson to 4. _g_o_t_o__u_n_iv_e_r_s_it_y_and play music at the
(2)Do you think your parents understand you? How do you deal with the disagreements between you and your parents?
_S_o_m__et_i_m_e_s_, _I__th_i_n_k__m_y__p_a_r_e_n_t_s _d_o_n_’_t _u_n_d_e_r_s_ta_n__d_m__e_. _In__t_h_o_s_e_s_it_u_a_t_io_n_s__I’_l_l _ta_k__e_t_h_e_f_o_ll_o_w_i_n_g_s_t_e_p_s_. _F_ir_s_t_, _k_e_e_p_c_a_l_m__a_n_d__th__in_k__c_a_r_ef_u_l_ly_._S_e_c_o_n_d_,_l_e_a_r_n_t_o_t_a_l_k_t_o_ _m_y__p_a_r_e_n_t_s._T__h_ir_d_,_f_i_n_d_s_o_l_u_ti_o_n_s_t_o_d__is_a_g_r_e_e_m_e_n_t_s_. _F_o_u_r_t_h_, _p_u_t_m__y_s_e_lf_i_n_m__y__p_a_r_e_n_ts_’_s_h_o_e_s_.
Unit 3 Family matters Starting out & Understanding ideas
Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词 1. dialogue between _ch__a_ra_c_t_e_r_s(人物) 2. nervously _a_p_p_r_o_a_c_h_(走近) the table 3. turn to your dad for a _c_h_a_t(闲谈) 4. future _c_a_r_ee_r_(职业) as a _la_w__y_e_r(律师)
5. _a_s_su__m_e_(假定) that it is true 6. _r_e_sp__ec_t_(尊重)lawyers 7. work in a _s_tu_d__io_(演播室) not a _c_o_u_r_t (法庭) 8. _ig_n_o_r_e_(不理睬) one’s words 9. a _p_r_o_fe_s_s_io_n__a_l (职业的) soccer player
same time.
Ⅱ. 文章细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息
1. What did the son want to be?
A. A lawyer.
B. A musician.
C. A soccer player D. An engineer.
2. What does the father think of a career of a lawyer? A. Famous but tiring. B. Important but boring. C. Respectable and well paid. D. Demanding and challenging.
4. What did the grandfather advise his grandson to do? A. To go to university and play music. B. To be a professional musician. C. To have three opinions. D. To ignore adults’ advice.
3. What can be learned from the experience of the father? A. He wanted to be an engineer. B. He was advised to think carefully. C. He became a professional player. D. A career of lawyer wasn’t suitable for him.
5. Which column may the passage be taken from?
A. Entertainment.
B. Employment.
C. Family.
D. Sports.
答案: 1~5. BCBAC
Ⅲ. 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用 1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句。
a band is not a job and his son should study something (4)_u_s_e_fu_l_(use) at university. The son told his father that he wasn’t (5)_in_t_e_r_e_s_te_d_ (interest) in law. He thought the music industry was developing fast and making music was a job. The grandfather asked both of them (6) _t_o_c_a_lm__(calm) down. He referred to the
译文: 我记得_当__你__和__他__一__样__大__时__, 你说你想成为一个 专业的足球运动员。
译文: _如__果__你__去__上__大__学__同__时__演__奏__乐__器__, 你的将来就有两 个选择。
2. 结合课文主题回答下列问题 (1)If you want to be a lawyer, but your parents hope that you will become a doctor, what will you do? _F_i_r_st_,_I_c_a_n__te_l_l_m__y_p_a_r_e_n_t_s_m__y_g_o_a_l_a_n_d__m__y_a_d_v_a_n_t_a_g_e_s_. _S_e_c_o_n_d_,__li_st_e_n__to__m_y__p_a_r_e_n_t_s’_a_d__v_ic_e_c_a_r_e_f_u_ll_y_, _a_n_d_ _th__in_k__c_a_r_ef_u_l_ly_._T__h_ir_d_,_I_s_h_o_u_l_d__ta_l_k_t_o__m_y__p_a_r_e_n_ts_ _p_a_t_ie_n_t_l_y._
experience in the past. When the father was young, he (7) _w_a_n_t_e_d_(want)to be a football player. The grandfather wanted his son to be an engineer. In the end, the grandfather advised his son to think carefully and the father found the career that suited (8) _h_i_s(he) talents. The grandfather suggested that the son should
【即学活用】 用approach的适当形式填空 (1)After a long and tiring journey, we were finally _a_p_p_r_o_a_c_h_in_g_ _o_u_r_ _d_e_st_i_n_a_ti_o_n_. 经过了又长又累人的 旅途后, 我们最后终于靠近了目的地。 (2) His approach _to_ _m_a_k__in_g_ _a_n_y_ _d_e_ci_s_io_n_ is to draw a list of pros and cons. 他做任何决定的方法是列出利和弊。
go to university and play music (9) _a_tthe same time, which the son would have two (10) _o_p_t_io_n_s_(option). The son would make more friends.
பைடு நூலகம்
10. _s_u_it_(适合) your _ta_l_e_n_t_s(天分) 11. have two _o_p_t_io_n_s_(选择) for your future 12. the younger _g_e_n_e_r_a_ti_o_n_(一代) 13. draw the _c_u_r_t_a_in_s_(窗帘)