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按照困难程度对工作进行了分类。 •She is currently the highest ranked player in the world.
她是目前居全球榜首的运动员。 •top-ranked players 一流的选手
At the height of her career she ranked second in the world.
•realistic/ˌriːəˈlɪstɪk / adj.现实的;逼真的 •realism /ˈriːəlɪzəm / n.逼真;现实主义;务实作风 •realist /ˈriːəlɪst/ n. 现实主义画家(或作家等);现实主义者
As an adult, you can assess the situation realistically.
in town / as one of the finest (ones) in town.
rank/be ranked first/second/third/number one(in...)
名列第一/二/三… rank high/low 具有重要、不重要的地位 rank with/alongside sb/sth 与...同样重要、品质相当
•rank /ræŋk/ n.地位;级别;行列 vt. &vi.把……分等级;使排成行 •rank...as... 把……评为……
The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher r_a__n_k_s_(rank) of
现实地; 务 实地;实际地
•primitive/ˈprɪmətɪv/ adj.发展水平低的;原始的;远古的 n.文艺复兴前的艺术家(或作品)
The conditions are primitive by any standards. 这些条件以任何标准衡量都是简陋的。
precise details/instructions/measurements 确切的细节/明确 的指令/精确的尺寸 1)The shelf is about 1 meter long--- well 98cm, to be precise. 2)They look precisely the same to me. 3)It is precisely because I care about you and I don’t like you staying out late.
purchase vt. 购买;采购 (=buy) [U & C] 购买;购买的东西
purchase sth from...
=make a purchase of sth (from...) = buy sth from...从……购买 purchase ... with...用……购买 make two purchases from...从购买两样东西 purchaser [C] 购买者 purchasable adj.可购买的 ➢The statement listed all the purchases _m__a_d_e_ (make) with your card.
purchase vt.购买;采购 n.购买;购买的东西
•purchase sth. (from sb.) •(向某人)购买某物 •make a purchase 采购
Exercise She likes comparing prices before she__m__a_k__e_s_a__p__u_r_c_h__a_s_e__.
➢ a painter/painting of the first rank 一流画家、画作
➢join the ranks of the employed 加入失业者行列
rank/be ranked among/as… 名列其中之一、名列… ➢ The restaurant ranks/is ranked among the finest (ones)
在我物理老师的影响下,我对物理越来越感兴趣。换句话说,我的 物理老师是我的榜样,他对我的影响极大。因此,他是我最尊敬的 人。 (2020·全国Ⅰ,书面表达) ___U_n_d__er__m_y__p_h_y_s_i_cs__te_a_c_h_e_r_’_s_in__fl_u_e_n_c_e____,I have grown increasingly interested in physics. In other words,my physics teacher is my role model,_w_h_o__h_a_s_a__g_re_a_t_i_n_f_lu__en__ce__o_n_m__e__. So he is the person I respect most.
作为一个特别喜欢旅游的中国人,我想介绍我最喜欢的城 市——北京。 As a Chinese _w__h_o_i_s_i_n_te_r_e_s_t_ed__i_n_t_r_a_v_e_ll_in_g__in__p_a_r_t_ic_u_l_a_r_/ _w_h_o__is__p_a_r_ti_c_u_la_rly _i_n_t_er_e_s_t_e_d_i_n_t_r_a_v_e_ll_in__g___________I would like to introduce my favourite city—Beijing.
她不习惯和社会地位很高的人搅和在一起。 •He rose through the ranks to become managing director.
他级级攀升,当上了常务董事。 [ V] ~ (sb) (as sth) to give sb/sth a particular position on a scale according to q uality, importance, success, etc.; to have a position of this kind 把…分等级;属 于某等级 [ VN]•The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty.
Unit 1
precise/prɪˈsaɪs/ adj. 准确的;精确的 precisely/prɪˈsaɪsli/ adv.准确地;精确地;的确如此
We are talking about her when, at that precise moment, she walked in. 我们正谈论着她,恰好tion
•reputation /ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn/ n.名誉;名声 •have a good reputation for... 以……闻名 •earn/ establish/ build a reputation 赢得/确立/树立声誉
Located in the middle of the Yangtze River, the Three George Dam
➢people of high/low rank 上流、底层社会人士
➢officers of senior/junior rank 高级、低级军、警官
➢rise/be promoted to/attain the rank of (captain/ major/general) 晋升/被提拔到/达到 (上尉/少校/将军)军衔
__F_r_o_m__ this, Impressionism emerged in France. emerge vi. (from, into, as)
(从暗处/隐蔽处)出现,浮现(appear, come out); (事实/真相/现象等)出现,暴露,显露(come out, become known); (人/机构/行业/组织等)初露头角, 形成, 兴起; (从困境中)摆脱出来,出头 emergence [U] 出现,显露;形成,兴起(of, from as) emerging adj. 新兴的 It emerged that...(主从) ...真相大白; 事实已清楚, ... =It came out/became out that...(主从)
全球变暖对世界各地数百种动植物产生了巨大的影响。 Global warming
hundreds of plant and animal species around the world.
•noble /ˈnəʊbl/ n.贵族成员;出身高贵的人 adj.崇高的;宏伟的;高贵的 •nobly adv. 崇高地;高贵地;华丽地;豪爽地
• influential adj.有很大影响力的;有支配力的 •influence n.& vt. 影响 •be influenced by... 被……所影响 •have an influence on 对……有影响
He had a major influence on the development of modern painting.
•breakthrough/ˈbreɪkθruː/ n.重大进展;突破 •make/achieve a breakthrough 取得突破
This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough.
in particular 尤其,特别
•particular adj.特定的;特别的;挑剔的 •be particular about/over 对……很讲究/挑剔 •particularly adv. 特别;尤其
He loves science fiction in particular. 他特别喜爱科幻小说。
influential adj.有很大影响力的;有支配力的 influential figures 1) As a humble person,my words are not influential , so I would rather keep silent. 2) To tell the truth,what the teacher said has a permanent influence on /upon me. have an influence/influence/impact on/upon... 对……有影响 under the influence of sb. 在某人的影响下
the medical profession, women are in the minority. 大多数护士是妇女,但在医疗行业的高级职位中,妇女占少数。
[ UC] the position, especially a high position, that sb has in a particular organiz ation, society, etc. (尤指较高的)地位,级别 •She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank.