Toungue Twister 1 Consonants-Stops

【语音课教案】英语语音课教学设计Teaching Plan for English Pronunciation Practice 《英语语音》课程教学教案Unit 1 Basic Concepts: Syllables, Stress Rhythm Unit 2 Consonants: Stops Unit 3 Consonants: Fricatives and Affricates Unit 4 Consonants: Nasals, Approximants Literal(s) Unit 5 Vowels: Front Vowels Central Vowels Unit 6 Vowels: Back Vowels Unit 7 Vowels: Diphthongs Unit8 Stressed Syllables Unstressed Syllables Unit 9 Stressed Words Unstressed Words in a Sentence Unit 10 Strong Forms and Weak Forms Unit 11 Linking Unit 12 Rhythm of English Speech Unit 13 Types of Intonation in English Unit 14 Intonation Units of English Unit 15 Functions Uses of English Intonation 概论English Phonemes Study 英语音素学习1. Some concepts about phonology: 几个语音学的概念1)letters: words spelling symbols. 字母:词语的拼写符号。
2) phonetic elements (phoneme1): voice elements inspeaking.音素:语音的要素。

梯度洗脱程序的英文表述Gradient Elution Program in Chromatography: Principles and Applications.Gradient elution, a key technique in chromatography, refers to the systematic change in the composition of the mobile phase during the separation process. This technique is widely used in various chromatographic methods,including liquid chromatography (LC), gas chromatography (GC), and thin-layer chromatography (TLC), among others. Gradient elution offers several advantages over traditional isocratic elution, such as improved separation efficiency, increased peak capacity, and better peak shape.The fundamental principle behind gradient elution is the modulation of the interactions between the analytes and the stationary phase by altering the properties of the mobile phase. By gradually changing the composition of the mobile phase, it is possible to adjust the elution strength and thereby control the retention time of analytes. Thisallows for the separation of analytes with widely varying polarities, molecular weights, and chemical properties.In liquid chromatography, gradient elution is typically achieved by pumping two or more solvents with different polarities and elution strengths through a mixing device. The relative proportions of these solvents aresystematically varied over time, creating a gradient intheir composition. This gradient can be linear, exponential, or of any other desired shape, depending on the separation requirements.The choice of solvents and their gradients is crucialin gradient elution. The solvents should be compatible with the stationary phase and have sufficient elution strengthto elute the analytes. Common solvents used in gradient elution include water, organic solvents like methanol, acetonitrile, and ethyl acetate, and buffers to control pH. The selection of these solvents and their gradients isbased on the properties of the analytes, such as polarity, solubility, and stability.Gradient elution finds applications in various fieldsof chromatography, including analytical, preparative, and industrial separations. In analytical chromatography, gradient elution is often used to separate complex mixtures of analytes, such as peptides, proteins, and metabolites.It is particularly useful in bioanalytical methods, whereit helps in the separation and quantitation of biological molecules.In preparative chromatography, gradient elution is employed to purify and isolate specific analytes from complex mixtures. This technique is often used in the purification of natural products, pharmaceuticals, and synthetic compounds. Gradient elution can significantly improve the purity and yield of the target analyte by allowing for more selective elution conditions.In industrial separations, gradient elution is commonly used in large-scale chromatography systems to purify and concentrate products from complex feedstreams. This technique is essential in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and fine chemical industries, where it plays a crucial rolein the downstream processing of biological and chemical products.Advancements in chromatography technology have further enhanced the capabilities of gradient elution. Modern chromatography systems are equipped with advanced pumps, detectors, and software that allow for precise control of gradients. These systems can generate complex gradients with high precision and reproducibility, further improving separation efficiency and analyte recovery.In conclusion, gradient elution is a powerful technique in chromatography that offers significant advantages in terms of separation efficiency, peak capacity, and analyte recovery. Its widespread application in various fields, including analytical, preparative, and industrial separations, underscores its importance in modern chromatography. With continuous technological advancements, gradient elution is expected to play an even more crucial role in future separations science.。
Toungue Twister 6 Vowels-Diphthongs英语语音绕口令

Tongue Twister 6[iə]1.Shed no tears, my dear. 亲爱的,别哭泣。
2.She’s all ears and can hear you clearly. 她全神贯注,能清楚地听到你。
3. A deer appeared curiously and cheerfully here. 一只鹿好奇而又欢快地出现在这里。
4. A bearded peer appeared on the pier to peer in the pier glass. 一个长胡子的贵族出现在码头上凝视着穿衣镜。
[eə]5.Where are the chairs? 椅子在哪里?6.The airplane is taking off from the square. 飞机从广场上起飞。
7.Wherever there is a square, there is a trade fair. 哪里有广场,哪里就有集市。
8.The man with fair hair dare not repair their chairs there because there is a bear there. 那个金黄头发的人不敢去那里修理他们的椅子,因为那里有一只熊。
[uə]9.It’s out of pure curiosity. 完全是出于好奇。
10.Are you sure you can endure the long tour? 你确定能经受这趟长途旅行吗?11.He’s very curious about the jewel’s quality. 他对珠宝的质量感兴趣。
12.The tourist bought a lot of pure silk back to Europe. 那个游客买了许多真丝回欧洲。
[ei]13.Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。
14.No pains, no gains. 不劳无获。

The Chinese and English mnemonics for skill base foreamina are different in their language and cultural background, but they share the same purpose of helping people remember the names and locations of the foreamina
Classification and
characteristics of Chinese
and English origin
formulas for the skill base
A mnemonic for the forest of the enemy criminal fossa
Definition and characteristics
The skull base foramina is the foramina on the base of the skull, which are the openings for nerves and blood vessels to pass through Mnemonics are a set of memory aids used to help people remember information
Future prospects
With the continuous advancement of medical science, it is expected that the Chinese and English mnemonics for skill base will continue to evolve, further improving medical education and clinical practice

Fibers from nasal 1/2 of each retina cross in optic chiasm
第二节 眼 副 器
眼睑 结膜 泪器 眼球外肌 眶内结缔组织脂体
占外膜的前1/6,无色透 明,无血管,曲度大, 有屈光作用,有丰富神
经末梢。 (2)巩膜:
占外膜的后5/6,瓷白 色,不透明,后方有 视 神经穿过。
(一) 眼球壁
虹膜iris 冠状位呈园盘 状,中央有圆孔---瞳孔、
瞳孔括约肌 瞳孔开大肌
巩膜静脉窦 venous sinus of sclera 巩膜sclera
睫状体ciliary body
虹膜角膜角 angulus iridocornealis
角膜 cornea
晶状体 lens
•Avascular 无血管和神经分布
位于虹膜和玻璃体之间 “近视眼” “老花眼”“白内障”
睫状小带松弛,晶状体变厚,折光能力 增强。
Light from far away object
睫状小带紧张,晶状体变薄,折光能力 降低。
Visual fields
Left occipital lobe receives visual images from right side of an object through impulses from nasal 1/2 of the right eye and temporal 1/2 of the left eye
CP and T Violation in Neutrino Oscillations and Invariance of Jarlskog's Determinant to Mat

CP and T Violation in Neutrino Oscillations and Invariance of Jarlskog’s Determinant to r Effects
arXiv:hep-ph/9912435v1 21 Dec 1999
trix, Mν is in general, an arbitrary 3x3 matrix. The Hermitian square of the neutrino † mass matrix, Mν Mν , may be diagonalised to find its eigenvalues, and its eigenvectors form the columns of the lepton mixing matrix, U. It is well-known that under these circumstances, neutrinos propagating in vacuum undergo flavour oscillations, and furthermore, in general, these result in CP - and T -violating asymmetries. The CP - and T -violating asymmetries in the transition probabilities are given (for arbitrary mixing matrix) by the universal function P (να → νβ ) − P (ν α → νβ ) = P (να → νβ ) − P (νβ → να ) = 16J sin (∆12 L/2) sin (∆23 L/2) sin (∆31 L/2)

胸膜活检术是利用 特殊的胸膜活检针通过胸膜穿刺的方法或经过剖胸手术的方法获取病变胸膜组织进行病理 学检查的方法。
通过对胸腔积液或胸膜组织的化验能够使大部分胸膜疾病得到明确诊断,尚 能对胸腔积液、积气进行治疗,临床应用甚为广泛。
一.胸腔穿刺术(Thoracentesis )1 .适应证:胸腔穿刺术几乎适用于所有胸腔积液的病例。
具体适应证包括:(1) .诊断性穿刺,以确定胸腔积液的性质;(2) .穿刺抽液、抽气以减轻其对肺脏的压迫;(3) .抽吸脓液治疗脓胸;(4) .胸腔内注射药物治疗(抗癌药、抗感染药、抗结核药等);(5) .人工气胸(虽然现在已经不使用人工气胸治疗结核病,但近几年来兴起的 可曲式胸腔镜术在操作之前有些病例需要进行人工气胸)。
2 .禁忌证:(1) .凝血机能障碍:对于接受抗凝治疗(特别是应用溶栓剂的患者)进行胸腔 穿刺应慎重。
是否决定胸穿应权衡于患者当时的情况,如果必须行此操作,应在严密观 察下,使用较细的针头(22号)进行。
有作者认为凝血酶原时间及部分凝血酶原时间 如果延长至正常值2倍以内,或血小板计数>25,000/mm 3均不增加出血的机会。
对于轻 度的凝血功能障碍,且临床上没有发现有出血的患者,这些作者不建议预防性使用血液 制品。
另外,有作者认为,血肌酐超过6mg/dl ,应注意会增加出血的风险,大概是因 为尿毒症导致血小板机能下降所致;(2) .局部皮肤感染或带状疱疹:应待感染控制后再行胸穿;(3) .机械通气的患者:一般认为对于接受机械通气的患者,胸腔穿刺术必须在 严密监测下进行,因为正压通气会使接近胸腔穿刺针因此从理论上增加了出现张力性气 胸的风险。
胸腔穿刺术对于有严重血流动力学障碍合并肺脏疾病的患者在病变稳定前应 延迟进行。

2023 年第 9 卷第 8 期Vol.9, No.8, 2023中西医结合护理Chinese Journal of Integrative Nursing壮医药熨联合壮医敷贴治疗在前交叉韧带重建术后患者早期功能康复中的应用效果黄碧秋, 蓝阳露, 赵香越, 莫理璐(广西国际壮医医院 骨关节与运动医学科, 广西南宁, 530201)摘要: 目的 观察壮医药熨联合壮医敷贴治疗在前交叉韧带重建术后患者早期康复中的应用效果。
方法 选取2022年1月—12月行关节镜下前交叉韧带重建术患者100例为研究对象,分为观察组和对照组,各50例,对照组患者给予常规的训练联合壮医药熨方法;观察组在对照组的基础上联合壮医敷贴治疗。
结果 术后第7天,观察组VAS 评分低于对照组,膝关节肿胀度小于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);术后第7天,观察组膝关节主动屈曲范围及膝关节伸展范围改善幅度优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.01)。
结论 关节镜下前交叉韧带重建术后患者早期功能康复中应用壮医药熨联合壮医敷贴治疗,能有效缓解膝关节疼痛,减轻肿胀,改善膝关节活动度,有利于膝关节功能的恢复。
关键词: 前交叉韧带重建; 功能康复; 壮医药熨; 疼痛; 肿胀中图分类号: R 247.9 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 2709-1961(2023)08-0011-05Application of Zhuang medicine ironing therapy andexternal application in early functional rehabilitation of patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstructionHUANG Biqiu ,LAN Yanglu ,ZHAO Xiangyue ,MO Lilu(Department of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine , Guangxi InternationalZhuang Medical Hospital , Nanning , Guangxi , 530201)ABSTRACT : Objective To explore the effect of Zhuang medicine ironing therapy combinedwith Zhuang medicine external application in the early rehabilitation of patients after anterior cruci⁃ate ligament reconstruction.Methods Totally 100 patients who underwent arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction were selected as the study subjects. All patients underwent ar⁃throscopic single -bundle reconstruction with autogenous semitendinosus tendon and gracilis ten⁃don. They were randomly divided into observation group and control group , with 50 cases in each group. The patients in the control group were given routine training combined with Zhuang medi⁃cine ironing therapy ; On the basis of the control group , the observation group was treated with Zhuang medicine external application. The pain , knee joint swelling and range of motion were ob⁃served from the 2nd , 5th and 7th day after operation , and effect of treatment was evaluated and compared between two groups.Results At the 7th day after operation , the score of Visual Ana⁃DOI : 10.55111/j.issn 2709-1961.202303105· 中医壮瑶医特色护理专栏 ·收稿日期:2023 - 03 - 15基金项目:广西国际壮医医院院级课题(GZ 2021019)第一作者简介:黄碧秋,本科学历,副主任护师,广西中医药大学附属国际壮医医院骨科护士长,兼任广西中医药大学护理学院护理教师。
Toungue Twister 5 Vowels-Back英语语音绕口令

Tongue Twister 5[u:]1.I’m not in the mood for going to school. 我不想去学校。
2.The rumor was eventually proved to be true. 这个谣言最后被证实是真的。
3.The broom blooms when the bluebells bloom. 野风信子开花时金雀花也开花了。
4. A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. 一个吹笛子的教员试图教两个吹喇叭的人吹喇叭。
[u]5.That woman took a very good book. 那个女人拿了一本很好的书。
6.You should and could cook the food. 你应该也能够煮这一道菜。
7.How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 如果一只美洲旱獭会扔木头,那么会扔多少木头呢?8.Mr. Cook said to a cook, “Look at this cookbook. It’s very good.” So the cook took the adviceof Mr. Cook and bought the book. 库克先生对一名厨师说:“看这本烹饪书。
[ɔ:]9.The horse riding was boring. 这样骑马很枯燥。
10.The lord’s daughter was a lawyer. 那个贵族的女儿是一名律师。
11.The poor pauper paused on purpose to pawn a porpoise. 贫穷的乞丐有意停下来典当一只海豚。

na Syllable 3 (short)
sentence stress
N., V. adj. adv. numerals, interjections. Demonstrative, interrogative pronouns and the absolute form of the possessive pronoun.
communicate more effectively with good pronunciation and intonation.
A. 咽喉 (pharynx cavity) 1. 气管 (windpipe) 2. 声带 (vocal cords) B. 口腔 (mouth cavity) 4.舌 a. the blade /the tip of the tongue b. the front of the tongue c. the back of the tongue 5.硬腭 (hard palate) 6.软腭 (soft palate) 7.齿龈 (alveolar ridge) 8.齿 (上/下齿upper/lower teeth) 9.唇 (上/下唇upper/lower lip) 10.小舌(uvula) C. 鼻腔 ( nasal cavity)
▲ Rhythm: rhythm in English speech is based
on stress. A rhythm unit is formed by a stressed syllable, together with unstressed syllables which may come before the stress and after it.
Faith English Reading Skills and Imitation

大脑结构名词中英文对照(2009-10-02 16:04:05)转载标签:杂谈安蒙氏角Ammoms horn白质white matter背内侧丘脑dorsalmedial thalamus背外侧通路dorsallateral pathway背外侧膝状核dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus 被盖tegmentum被盖背束dorsal tegmental bundle被盖腹区ventral tegmental area边缘皮质limbic cortex边缘系统limbic system布洛卡区Broca%26;s area苍白球globus pallidus侧脑室lateral ventricle齿状回dentate gyrus穿质通路perforant path传出纤维efferent fibers传入纤维afferent fibers大脑半球cerebral hemisphere大脑导水管cerebral aqueduct导水管四周灰质periaqueductal grey matter第三脑室third ventricle第四脑室fourth ventricles顶盖tectum顶盖脊髓束tectospinal tract顶盖枕核系统tectopulvinar system顶叶parietal lobes豆状核lentiform nucleus端脑telecephalon额眶皮质orbital frontal cortex额叶frontal lobe额叶岛盖frontal operculum耳蜗核cochlear nucleus二级投射区sencondary projection area非特异性投射系统nonspecific projecting system 缝际核raphe nucleus伏核nucleus accumbens腹内侧通路ventraomedial pathway腹内侧下丘脑ventromedial hypothalamus隔区septal area弓状核arcuate nucleus弓状束arcuate fasciculus沟sulcus钩束uncinate faciculus孤束核solitary nucleus海马hippocampus海马结构hippocampus formation海马伞fimbria黑质substantia nigra黑质纹状体束nigrotriatal bundles红核red nucleus红核束rubrospinal tract后脑metencephalon灰质gray substance基底神经节basal ganglia基底外侧核群basolateral nuclear group间脑diencephalon交叉decussation角回angular gyrus旧纹状体(苍白球)paleostriatum距状裂calcarine fissure壳核putamen扣带cingulum扣带回cingulate gyrus扣带回皮质cingulate cortex蓝斑locus coeruleus连合commissure联络皮质associative cortex裂fissure菱脑rhombencephalon漏斗infundibulum颅腔endocast脉络丛choroid plexus梅纳特基底核(无名质)basal nucleus of Meynert 末脑myelencephalon内侧前脑束medial forebrain bundle内侧膝状体medial geniculate nucleus内囊internal capsule内嗅皮质entorhinal cortex脑干brain stem脑干网状结构brainstem reticular formation脑化encephalization脑化指数encephalization index脑回gyrus脑脊膜meninges脑脊液cerebrospinal fluid脑桥pons脑室ventricles颞平台planum temporale颞叶temporal lobe旁臂核parabranchial nucleus旁室核paraventricular nucleus皮质脊髓侧束lateral corticospinal tract皮质脊髓前束ventral corticospinal tract皮质脊髓束corticospinal system皮质脊髓通路cortcospinal pathway皮质内侧核群corticomedial nuclear group皮质下subcortex皮质延髓束corticobulbar tract胼胝体corpus callosum前额皮质prefrontal cortex前脑proseucephalon前脑基底大细胞核magnocellular nucleus of the basal forebrain 前下托presubiculum穹窿fornix穹窿下器官subfornical organ丘colliculus丘脑thalamus丘脑腹后核ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus丘脑腹外侧核ventrolateral nucleus of thalamus丘脑前核anterior nucleus thalamus丘系系统lemniscal system躯体感觉皮质somatosensory cortex躯体感觉区somatosensory area乳头丘脑束mammillothalamic tract乳头体mammillary body软脑膜pia matter塞尔维氏裂Sylvian fissure三级投射区tertiary projection area上橄榄核群superior olivary complex上丘superior colliculus上丘脑epithalamus神经核nucleus视顶盖optic tectum视放核optical radiation视交叉上核suprachiasmatic nucleus视觉背侧系统dorsal system of visual function 视觉腹侧系统ventral system of visual function 视觉皮质(枕极)visual cortex视前内侧区medial preoptic area视前区preoptic area视上核supraoptic nucleus室周器官circumventricular organ松果体corpus pineale髓板medullary lamina髓质medullary substances or medulla特异性投射系统specific projecting system听觉皮质auditory cortex听觉皮质auditory cortex外侧丘系lateral lemniscus外侧膝状体lateral geniculate nucleus外侧膝状体纹皮质系统geniculostriate system 外侧下丘脑lateral hypothalamus area外囊external capsuale网状脊髓束reticulospinal tract网状结构reticular formation维尔尼克区Wernicke area尾状核caudate nucleus纹前皮质prestriate cortex纹状皮质striate cortex纹状区striate area下颞皮质inferior temporal cortex下丘inferior colliculus下丘脑hypothalamus下托subiculum小脑cerebellum小脑上脚superior cerebella peduncle小脑小叶cerebellar folia小细胞神经分泌系统parvocellular neurosecretory system 新纹状体neostriatum杏仁核amygdala杏仁核腹侧传出通路ventral amygdalofugal pathway性二型核sexually dimorphic nucleus嗅脑rhinencephalon嗅球olfactory bulb延脑medulla oblongata眼优势柱ocular dominance columns一级感觉皮质=第一感觉区primary sensory cortex一级视觉皮质primary visual cortex一级投射皮质primary projection area一级运动皮质primary motor cortex硬脑膜dura matter运动控制系统motor control system运动皮质motor cortex枕骨大孔occipital foramen枕核pulvinar枕极occipital pole枕角occipital horns枕叶occipital lobe中缝大核nucleus raphe magnus中间块massa intermedia中间皮质mesocortex中脑mesencephalon中心被盖束central tegmental tract中心沟central sulcus中心管central canal中心后回postcentral cortex中心前回precentral gyrus终纹stria terminalis蛛网膜arachnoid蛛网膜下腔subarachnoid锥体区pyramidalis area锥体外运动系统extrapyramidal motor system 锥体运动系统pyramidal motor system。

Scalp acupuncture 头针
Add worry area for emotional anxiety. 情绪焦虑者则加忧虑区。
将磁珠用胶布贴敷于耳穴上,嘱患儿自行按压,每日 不少于3 次。每次贴压单耳,隔日交替贴压双耳,以 10 次为一疗程。
Jin's 3-Needle Therapy靳三针
Therapy: the Four Spirit Points, the Stabilizing the Shen Points, the 3-Point in the Temporal Area, the 3Point in the Upper Temporal Area,The 3-Occipital Points, The 3-Point for Intelligence, the Resuscitate the Shen Points, the 3-Intellect Points on the Hand, the 3-Intellect Points on the Foot, the 3-Tongue Points.
自闭症 焦虑症 抑郁症 老年痴呆 失眠 儿童多动症
Acupuncture Treatment For Infantile Autism 关于儿童自闭症的针灸治疗
Scalp acupuncture 头针
principal points: shenting(GV24),qianding(GV21), baihui(GV 20) ,Intelligence emotional area,Double feeling district of 1/5, Double listen to understand area, Cerebellar vermis area。

神经系统(解剖)—英语复习整理神经系统(解剖)整理一、名解1.Circle of Willis(Circulus Arteriosus)*Is formed by the posterior cerebral, posterior communicating, internal carotid, anterior cerebral and anterior communicating arteries.(由前交通动脉、大脑前动脉、颈内动脉末端、后交通动脉和大脑后动脉吻合而成)*Forms an important means of collateral circulation in the event of obstruction. (如若颈内动脉阻塞,则会建立侧支循环)2.Cavernous sinus(海绵窦)*Surrounds the sella turicica and the body of the sphenoid bone.(位于蝶鞍点和蝶骨体周围)*Contains, within the sinus, the internal carotid artery, its periarterial plexus, and the abducent nerve (CN VI)(窦内有颈内动脉、周围动脉从和展神经通过)*Contains, within the lateral wall of the sinus, the oculomotor nerve(CN III), the trochlear nerve(CN IV), the ophthalmic nerve(CN V-1) and the maxillary branches(CN V-2) of the trigeminal nerve(CN V).(窦外侧壁自上而下有动眼神经、滑车神经、眼神经和上颌神经通过)*Receives blood from the superior and the inferior ophthalmic veins of the orbit. (静脉血供与上、下眶的眼静脉吻合)*related disease:cavernous sinus thrombosis and thousand-year-eye(相关疾病:海绵窦血栓与“千年眼”)3.Cranial epidural space(硬膜外间隙)*A potential space between the dura mater and the bones of the cranial vault. (位于硬脑膜和颅穹隆骨之间的潜在裂隙)*Contains the meningeal arteries and veins(内含脑膜中动脉及其静脉)*Epidural hemorrhage (hematoma)Typically result from the rupture of the middle meningeal artery that lies between the dura mater and the inner table of the skull.(出血:位于颅骨和硬膜之间的脑膜中动脉破裂)4.Subdural space(硬膜下间隙)*A potential space between the dura mater and the arachnoid.(位于硬脑膜和蛛网膜之间的潜在裂隙)*Subdural hemorrhage (hematoma)Results from rupture of the superior cerebral veins, the “bridging”veins that drain into the superior sagittal sinus.(出血:由于大脑上静脉【进入上矢状窦的桥静脉】破裂引起)5.Subatachnoid space(蛛网膜下隙)*Located between the pia mater and the arachnoid.(位于软脑膜和蛛网膜之间)*Contains CSF.(内含脑脊液)*Subarachnoid hemorrhageDue to rupture of cerebral arteries and veins that cross the subarachnoid space,the circle of Willis.(出血:由于穿过蛛网膜下隙的一些脑动静脉破裂引起,一般是Willis环)6.Cervical enlargement (颈膨大)*From C5-T1(由第5颈节到第1胸节)*The source of brachial plexus(臂丛的来源)7.Lumbosacral enlargement(腰骶膨大)*From L1-S3(由第1腰节到第3骶节)*The source of lumbar plexus and sacral plexus(腰丛和骶丛的来源)8.Conus medullaris(脊髓圆锥)*The tapered, conical portion of the spinal cord inferior to the lumbar enlargement.(脊髓在腰膨大前的圆锥形的一部分)*Below the S2 or S3(在骶2或3以下)9.Cauda equina(马尾)*The spinal nerve root at the lumbar part, sacral part and tail part.(是腰、骶、尾部的脊神经根)*Is located in the intervertebral foramina.(在椎管里面)*Usually founded from L2-S5.(一般位于腰2到骶5段)10.Brain stem(脑干)*A small part located between the spinal cord and diencephalon.(是位于脊髓和间脑之间的较小部分)*Consist of medulla, pons and midbrain, from inferior to superior part.(自下而上由延髓、脑桥和中脑3部分组成)11.Decussation of pyramid(锥体交叉)*Located at the spinomedullary junction.(位于延髓和脊髓的交界处)*Consists of crossing corticospinal fibers.(由皮质脊髓束的大部分纤维交叉而形成)12.Trapezoid body(斜方体)*Formed by decussating fibers of the ventral cochlear nuclei.(由腹侧的蜗核发出的交叉纤维组成)*Contains the acoustic striae, medial lemnisci, exiting abducent (CN VI) fibers, and aberrant corticobulbar fibers.(包括听纹、内测丘系、传出的展神经纤维和传出的皮质延髓纤维)13.Medial lemniscus(内侧丘系)*Consists of the arcuate fibers from gracile nucleus and cuneate nucleus. (由薄束核和楔束核发出的弓状纤维组成)*Mediates contralateral posterior column modalities to the ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus.(传导对侧躯干以及上下肢的意识性本体感觉和精细触觉于背侧丘脑的腹后外侧核)14.Decussation of the medial lemniscus(内侧丘系交叉)*Formed by decussating internal arcuate fibers.(由内侧交叉的弓状纤维组成)*Decussating location:Between the midline and inferior olivary nucleus—medulla The ventral edge of tegmentum—ponsThe lateral side of red nucleus—midbrain(交叉位置:在延髓,位于中线和下橄榄核之间;在脑桥,位于被盖腹侧边缘;在中脑,移行于红核的外侧。

Y轴(Y axis):
蝶鞍中心与 颏顶点之连
1)SNA角:蝶鞍点鼻根点-上齿槽座 点
• 此角反应上颌相 对于颅部的前后 位置关系。
• 过大:上颌前突 • 过小:上颌后缩
2)SNB角:蝶鞍 点-鼻根点-下 齿槽座点
下切牙点 (Li.lower incisor):
颏前点(P.pogonion): 颏部之最突点
颏顶点(Gn.gnathion):颏前点与颏下点之中 点
(2)头影测量平 面
用作重叠头影图的基准的连线。 常作为面部结构与颅底关系 的定位平面。
眼耳平面 (FH.Frankfort horizontal plane):
由耳点与眶点连线组成 , 用于构建“理想水平 面”。大部分个体在正 常头位时,眼耳平面与 地平面平行。
(PNS. ): 硬腭后部骨棘之尖
翼上颌裂点(Ptm.): 翼上颌裂轮廓之最下点
上齿槽座点 (A.subspinale):
前鼻棘与上齿槽缘点间 之骨部最凹点
上齿槽缘点 (SPr.superior prosthion):
上中切牙点 (UI.upper incisor): 上中切牙切缘之最前点
• 下齿槽缘点(Id.infradentale):下齿槽突之最前上点 • 下切牙点(Li.lower incisor):下中切牙切缘之最前点 • 颏前点(P.pogonion):颏部之最突点 • 颏下点(Me.menton):颏部之最下点 • 颏顶点(Gn.gnathion):颏前点与颏下点之中点 部最凹点

内旋衰减征 :患者将手置于下背部,屈肘90°,手心向 后,检查者将手及前臂抬离后背部达到最大肩内旋度数, 然后放松嘱患者保持这个姿势,患者无力保持该位置者 为阳性,提示肩胛下肌受损,该试验对肩胛下肌损伤及 部分损伤者阳性率高。
Lift-off Test:
患者将手背置于下背 部,手心向后。然后 嘱患者将手抬离背部, 必要时可以适当给予 阻力。阳性者为不能 完成动作。阳性提示 肩胛下肌损伤。
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
搭肩试验 Dugas sign 落臂试验 Drop arm sign 肱二头肌长腱阻抗试验 Speeds征和Yergason征 直尺试验 Hamilton sign 撞击试验 Neer Test/ Impingement sign 肩周径测量 Callaway Test 疼痛弧试验 冈上肌腱断裂试验 抽屉试验 恐惧试验与复位试验 Apprehension Test Jobe试验/倒罐头试验(Empty Can Test ) 加载-移位试验 Load and Shift Test 外旋衰减征 The external rotation lag sign 内旋衰减征 The internal rotation lag sign Lift-off Test 拿破仑试验 Napoleon Test
Napoleon Test :
拿破仑试验:患者将手置于腹部,手背向前,屈肘90度,注意 肘关节不要贴近身体。检查者手向前拉,嘱患者抗阻力做压 腹部动作,可能因姿势类似拿破仑的典型姿态而得名。两侧 对比,阳性者力量减弱。阳性提示肩胛下肌(肩关节内旋肌)损 伤。
Piano Key Sign 琴键征

C o n s o n a n t s-E n g l i s hP r o n u n c i a t i o n a n dI n t o n a t i o n f o rC o m m u n i c a t i o n英语语音练习(总13页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--PlosivesIncomplete plosivesPlosives + Plosivesa ct ive / bla ckb oard / boo kc ase / po st-c ard / Se pt ember / pu t d own / we t g round / nex td oor / sto p t alking / kee p q uiet / ta ke c are / no t b ad / grea tc oncern / hard t imes / qui ted ifferent / was te t ime / a grea t d ealPlosives + FricativesFriendshi p f irst / ol d f riends / ste p f orward / re d f lags / a brigh t f uture / swee t f lowers /ri pe f ruit / a comple te f ailure / a dv ance / a dv ice / a kin d v oice / a one-side d v iew / firs tv isit / secon d v olume / constan t v igilance / a comple te v ictoryJus t th ink / a thousan d th anks / ge t th rough / ta ke th ree / brigh t th ought / the righ t th ingabstrac t th eory / bla ck th read / ge t th ere / jus t th en / ta ke th is / as k th emre d s tars / brigh t s ky / firs t s tep / kee p s ilent /shor t s tories / fol k s ongs /dee p s now / a grea t s uccess / a goo d s eason / a bi g z oo / a goo d z ipperboo ksh elves / firs t sh ift / don’t sh out / loo k sh arp / ma ke s ure / a goo d sh ot /a smar t sh irt / a publi c sh owPlosives + Affricateswhi te ch alk / grea t ch anges / lou d ch eers / a goo d tr y / a goo d ch ild / the firs tch apter /a bi t dr y / a secon d ch oice / a goo d j ob / a bla ck j acket / a bi g tr ee / a bi g j ar / a har dj ourney / excellen t j udgment / a fas t tr ain / a swee t dr eam / a col d dr inkNasal Plosion/ p b / / t d / / k g /o pen cot ton ba conhap pen but ton bro kensu bm it moun tainthickenca bm an sud den si gn alsu bn ormal hid den i gn orant ri pe n uts mi dn ight fra gm ent sto p n ow no t m ine ta ke m ine sto p m oaning goo d m orning dar k n ightkee p m arching atten d m eetings a qui ck m overo b m oney don’t kn ow a bi g m an so b n oisily a t n oon a bi g n ose gli b m anners no t n ow a ra gm erchantLateral Plosion/ p b / / t d / / k g /sim ple lit tleta cklepeo ple bot tle un cle ap ple hospi taltwin klecou ple capi talmedi caltri ple den tal surgi caltrou ble mid dle ea gleta ble han dle an glesym bol can dle strug glestum ble noo dle wrig gle u p l ate a t l ast tal k l essste p l ively a t l east a sic k l eave ru b l ightly the secon d l ongest a bi g l adBo b l ied a goo d l eader a fro g l egDeaspiration1) after / s /spell star schoolsport strong scarcespring stand skinexpensive extensiveexcuseexperience extreme exclusive2) after accented syllableshappy cityluckypaper letter ticketsupper afterworker3)before accented syllablespolice todaycollect4) in word linkinglook at it pick it up first of all best of alla lot ofput it up not at all take it away think of itback in a minuteNasals1)/n/ — /ŋ/sin — sing thin — thing win — wingban — bang kin — king ton — tonguepin — ping sinner — singer banning — banging2) /ŋ /-linkingsinging / singer / longing / hanging / bringing / hanging up / bring it / reading out /sing us a song / sitting on the rock / a long essay / among others / wrong againA song: Ten Green BottlesTen green bottles are hanging on the wall.Ten green bottles are hanging on the wall.And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,There’d be nine green bottles hanging on the wall.3) / ŋg/longer / longest / stronger / strongest / younger / youngest / finger / anger / hunger4) / ŋk/bank / sank / drank / thank / rank / link / sink / drink / wink / ink / sunk / monk /drunk / monkey / ankle / uncle / anchor5) /nʤ/strange / stranger / range / arrange / lounge / manger / danger / ginger / longitudeLateral1) clear [l]leave / live / let / like / lamp / large / lock / lose / look / love / learn / line2) dark [ɫ]mid position: cold / field / help / milk / build / elbow / child / mild / spoilt / vulgarfinal position: feel / fill / dull / pool / oil / well / bell / full / pale / coal / hall / boil3)/l/ — /n/low — no light — night let — net life — knifelot — not lice — nice line — nine lap — naplead — need lest — nest lumber — number labor — neighborlight — night — light night — light — nightlot — not — lot not — lot — notlow — no — low no — low — nolumber — number — lumber number — lumber — number4)/l/ — /r/leap — reap lid —rid lent —rent lack — rackloot —root late — rate light — write loyal — royallate —rate alive — arrive collect —correct sterling —stirringFricatives1) /f/ — /v/leaf — leave safe — save proof — prove calf — carve life — live fast — vast feel —veal ferry — veryfan — van few — view fail —veil ferry — veryTry to save the safe first.Few have seen such a view.The leaf of this vine is very fine.Being well versed in learning, he received a first.For five weeks, he feared to walk into his father’s farm.Fricatives2) /θ/ — /ð/breath — breathe worth — worthy south — southernbath —bathe loath —loathe teeth —teetheI don’t think this thick thread will go through the eye of this thin needle.Thirty-three and a third plus thirty-three and a third equals sixty-six and two–thirds.Though you think you have thoroughly thought through these problems, I think you shouldthink them through again.Fricatives3) /z/ — /s/prize—price pays — pace trays—tracerays—race falls—false disease—deceaselose—loose use (v.)—use (n.) house (v.)—house (n.)4) /s/ — /θ/ (initially)sin—thin sing—thing sank—thanksick—thick seem—theme sort—thought/s/ — /θ/ (finally)miss—myth mouse—mouth face—faithmoss—moth force—fourth worse—worthFricatives5)/s/ — /ʃ/ (initially)so—show sock—shock sort—short sell—shell sign—shine seat—sheet /s/ — /ʃ/ (finally)ass—ash mass—mash puss —push bass—bash person—Persian listen—nationAn English tongue twisterShe sells seashells on the seashore,The shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure.For if she sells seashells on the seashore,Then I’m sure she sells seashore shells.6) /ʃ/ — /ʒ/dilution—delusion garish—garage diversion—divisionfission—vision precious—treasure vacation—occasion7)/h/he / her / has /have / had / how / heat / hand / help / half / hard / hot / hotelAffricates1) / tʃ/ — /dʒ /cheep—jeep chain—Jane chin—gin cherry—Jerrylarch—large H —age choice—joys chest—jestto catch Jane / a strange match / choose orange juice / change to geography / choose a large jewel / good-natured major / change another jar / a cheerfuljourney / check the magic / which garageApproximants1)/v/ — /w/vest—west veil—whale vain—wane vine—wineveal—wheel vent—went verse—worse vies—wisevile—while vend—wend vary—wary visor—wiserwave / waver / wavy / we’ve / wives / weave / wove / woven / very wellWalter voted wisely and then waited to visit the winner whose visage he’d viewed displayed on the wall.2) /j/ —/ dʒ /yours—jaws you —Jew yoke —joke year—jeeryet—jet use—juice Yale—jail yaw—jawApproximant /r/1) Frictionless Continuant [r]rain / road / roses / wrote / rice / right / rain / room / rare / wrong / roundbroke / brown / brave / grow / green / grass/ grain / price / profit / practiceA tongue twister:Robert Rolly rolled a round roll around.If Robert Rolly rolled a round roll around,Where is the round roll Robert Rolly rolled around?2) Flap [r]very / cherry / story / sorrow / hearing / berry / sorry / worry tomorrow / terriblethere is / there are / far away / four or five / for ever / for example / for instance / our own /more over / after all / remember it / later on / clear enough / father and mother / more orless / the fear of that / here it is / here and there / better and better / for a moment / for anhour / a pair of shoes / a pair of trousers / far and wide / a matter of fact。

腹内侧系 • 前庭脊髓束 • ① 外侧前庭脊髓束是从Diter’s核、外侧前庭核沿同侧颈髓 ~下部脊髓下行的粗大路径。使同侧伸肌张力增加。前庭 器官在向同侧或对侧倾斜时兴奋。与倾斜无关的兴奋。主 要之哦诶四肢(外侧系)步行中支撑相初期足跟接地离地 时作用强。 • ② 内侧前庭脊髓路 从颈髓至上部脊髓均双侧性支配、时 颈髓兴奋与抑制。双侧支配颈部及背肌群(内侧系)
固有脊髓束 固有脊髓束系统
①分2组 ⅰ下行性运动指令与四肢运动向心性信息予以整合的短轴索 性系统与长轴性系统。 ②C3~C4是在目的指向运动控制中前肢够取运动的模式发生 器。 ③L2~L5短轴索性系统 ⅰ腹内侧系腰髓内短轴索性固有脊髓束系统: 整合躯干内、躯干与四肢的运动 ⅱ背外侧系腰髓内短轴索性固有脊髓束系统: 调整四肢的远端运动
有运动中的注意、才能自我控制· 自主练习。 成为自主学习者
*意识=觉醒+注意 (有主意、才知道干什么。)
· 初级运动区与四肢知觉及四肢位置变化所伴身体图式的
更新有关。初级运动区①接受肌肉活动有关反馈信息 (向心性)②还与四肢活动及位置变化内部表象(身体 图式)形成有关。
· 顶叶与运动要素计划系统,即悬着哪个肌肉向哪个方向
身体图示 • 将立体现实中身体体验予以抽象的内容、通过学习经验形 成结构。部分无意识但同时潜意识、意识化。身体像是明 显无意识的。 • 为掌握环境空间内身体的形态、姿势、大小、位置、运动 等获得身体的表象。 • 不仅上升到意识、也东控制身体运动方面有关。与上升到 意识的身体像不同。
完全无意识、每一瞬间变化点、与身体像及身体概念不同。 身体图示决定某一瞬间肌肉位置及身体部分的相互位置关系。由身体的 方向而变化。混乱后难以协同运动及维持平衡。 • 身体概念 是人据有对自己身体的知识。测身体像后发育、由意识性 学习获得(如:头与鼻与头发的关系。)除了自己身体各部分功能知 识也是身体概念的部分。 • 身体像 某人对自身身体的主观体验 • 即如何感受自己自身身体。(如:感觉高矮。)依赖于经验及人生目 标及社会风气。
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Tongue Twister 1
1.Patty penned a pretty poem. 帕蒂写了一首很美的诗。
2.Is there a pleasant peasant present? 有愉快的农夫在场吗?
3.The Pope was a poor person from Poland. 罗马教皇是从波兰来的一个穷人。
4.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter
Piper picked? 如果彼得帕特挑选了一袋胡椒泡菜,那么彼得帕特挑选的那袋胡椒泡菜在哪里?
5.Buy me a bit of better butter. 给我买一点更好的黄油。
6.Put the blocks back in the block box. 把积木放回积木盒里。
7.Billy has the hobby of building boats. 比利喜欢造船。
8. A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood. 一只大黑臭
9.Take it today. Tomorrow is too late. 今天就买。
10.The tailor’s tactics took twice the time. 裁缝花了两倍的时间才想出办法。
11.Tom and Ted are shorter than their sister. 汤姆和泰德比他们的妹妹矮。
12.A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail. 一只爱干净的老虎将绳子系得更紧来使她
13.Ducks do not dunk doughnuts. 鸭子不泡油炸面包圈饼。
14.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真正朋友。
15.Darrell did not destroy Debbie’s dishes. 德雷尔没有打碎德比的盘子。
16.The deer dined on dough, though the doe dined on dates. 鹿没有吃生面团,尽管母鹿吃了枣
17.Cooper cut Culver’s copper-colored clover. 库柏将考尔伯的铜色车轴草砍了。
18.Can you look after my cat before I come back? 你能在我回来之前帮我照看我的猫吗?
19.The kid looked into the cupboard for some cake. 孩子在食品柜里找蛋糕。
20.The cute cookie cutters cut cute cookies. Where are the cute cookies the cute cookie cutters
cut? 可爱的切饼工切可爱的饼。
21.The glum groom grew glummer. 忧郁的马夫变得更忧郁。
22.Granny Greer greased the gears with green gear grease. 格里尔奶奶用绿色的齿轮油给齿轮
23.Peggy regarded the guarantee of a dog as a good guard. 佩吉认为养狗的好处是它会看门。
24.Gary’s great-grandma grew aghast at Gary’s poor grammar. 加里的曾祖母对加里那糟糕的