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暑期将近,我与阿莲的故事也戛然而止了。 As the summer vacation approached, the story of a Lian and I ended abruptly. 火车隆隆驶过,窗外风光流淌。想起阿莲,我的心软软地疼。 老天开了怎样的玩笑?给过她完好的眼睛,却又收回,从光明到 黑暗,真的只是一步之遥。而那位淡如莲的女子,又何其淡然, 她微笑着给我背:假设生活欺瞒了,不要哀痛,不要悲观……
Hidden behind the window, she seems to be an old monk who has never moved for a long time. The sunshine outlines her thin shoulders and covers her face. I can only judge from her slightly leaning posture. What she watches is the lotus under the window.
莲莲,知为谁生?我看到她,笑靥如花。 Lotus, who lives for? I saw her with a smile.
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这是苏州巷子里常见的院落起先,是那院里的两缸莲叶吸引了我,此后, 是那静静注视莲叶的女子吸引了我。
This is a common courtyard in Suzhou alley. It has a patio, several families, three or five big trees and is peaceful. At first, I was attracted by the two jars of lotus
便是这样一个午后,我坐在院角的树阴里,静静窥视对面窗内的 女子。
Green willow and weeping stream, high cicadas are neighing, and Suzhou in midsummer is a little less gentle in Wunong"s soft words. It was such an afternoon that I sat in the shade of the tree in the corner of the courtyard and peeped at the woman in the opposite window.
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The train rumbled by and the view outside the window flowed. Thinking of a Lian, my heart aches softly. What kind of joke did God make? Give her good eyes, but take them back, from the light to the dark, it"s really just a step away. And that pale woman, how indifferent, she smiled back to me: if life deceived, don"t be sad, don"t be disappointed
缄默,然后,她歉然一笑,对不起,我的眼睛不便利。 Silence, then, she smiled apologetically, sorry, my eyes are not convenient. 于是,我相识了这个叫阿莲的女子。 So I met this woman named a Lian. 她喜爱坐在窗下,微微倾身,靠近那两缸莲。有时,也会当 心翼翼地深出手,渐渐抚上莲叶,惊喜地告知我,你看,它们要 开花了! She likes to sit under the window, leaning slightly, close to the two jars of lotus. Occasionally, I will carefully and deeply touch the lotus leaves and tell me in surprise that they are going to bloom! 是啊,莲花要开了。等了一个星期,莲花最终要开了。 Yes, the lotus is about to open. After waiting for a week, the lotus is finally going to open.
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看到了她那精致的脸,也看到那双眼睛,漆黑如半夜,却无半点 星华,突然之间(),我明白了什么。
Hello, I said softly. She turned around in a daze and fumbled carefully. I saw her delicate face and her eyes. They were as dark as midnight, but there was no star. Suddenly, I understood something.
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leaves in the courtyard, and then by the woman who gazed at the lotus leaves quietly.
隐在窗后的她仿佛入定的老僧,久久不曾挪动,阳光勾画出 她纤薄的肩膀,也影蔽了她的脸,我只能从她微倾的身姿判定, 她守望的是窗下的莲。
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那一天,我们很早就起床了。潮湿的空气里渗着淡淡芳香, 丝丝缕缕,沁人心脾。一抹翠绿中,充溢出星星点点的白,娇嫩 柔润有如婴儿,但那层层花瓣之间几丝细蕊,却又妩媚清丽,温 柔似梦。
On that day, we got up early. The moist air is permeated with a light fragrance, which is refreshing. A touch of green, full of little white, delicate and soft as a baby, but the layers of petals between a few thin core, but also charming and beautiful, soft like a dream.
很美,对不对?阿莲轻问,唇畔噙着一抹满意的笑容,仿佛 也亲眼见到了这水中白莲的盛放……
It"s beautiful, isn"t it? A Lian asked gently, with a satisfied smile on her lips, as if she had seen the blooming of white lotus in the water
我打江南走过,你绽放的容颜如莲花的开落。 I beat Jiangnan to walk by, your blooming face is like
the opening and falling of lotus. ——题记 -- inscription 青柳垂溪,高蝉嘶鸣,盛夏的苏州少了几分吴侬软语的温婉。
算是我与她的初次邂逅吧,留下的,是她淡淡的侧影。 It"s my first encounter with her. What I left behind is her subtle silhouette. 某个早晨,我见到了她。 One morning, I saw her. 粉衣白裙,亭亭玉立,犹如一支出水的莲花,略显苍白的脸, 淡淡的眉,淡淡的笑,她出神地看着那一水莲叶。 Pink dress, white skirt, slim, just like a lotus out of the water, pale face, light eyebrows, light smile, she looked at the water lotus leaves. 你好,我轻轻地说。她茫然地转回身,当心翼翼地摸索。我
假设生活欺瞒了我,我要遗忘命运的谎话。想起了那个以 4/4 拍铡草的老人,想起了那个香消玉殒的女钢琴家。生活给过我们 苦痛,但痛确是自己情愿。珍惜不是对美妙的回忆,而是选择用 美妙的回忆来对抗命运的不公,即使在淤泥中,也要开出纯白的 花来。
If life deceives me, I will forget the lies of fate. I think of the old man who cut grass by 4 / 4 and the pianist who died. Life gives us pain, but pain is what we want. Treasure is not a good memory, but a choice to use good memories to fight against the unfairness of fate, even in the mud, but also out of pure white flowers.
Hidden behind the window, she seems to be an old monk who has never moved for a long time. The sunshine outlines her thin shoulders and covers her face. I can only judge from her slightly leaning posture. What she watches is the lotus under the window.
莲莲,知为谁生?我看到她,笑靥如花。 Lotus, who lives for? I saw her with a smile.
第5页 共6页
第6页 共6页
这是苏州巷子里常见的院落起先,是那院里的两缸莲叶吸引了我,此后, 是那静静注视莲叶的女子吸引了我。
This is a common courtyard in Suzhou alley. It has a patio, several families, three or five big trees and is peaceful. At first, I was attracted by the two jars of lotus
便是这样一个午后,我坐在院角的树阴里,静静窥视对面窗内的 女子。
Green willow and weeping stream, high cicadas are neighing, and Suzhou in midsummer is a little less gentle in Wunong"s soft words. It was such an afternoon that I sat in the shade of the tree in the corner of the courtyard and peeped at the woman in the opposite window.
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The train rumbled by and the view outside the window flowed. Thinking of a Lian, my heart aches softly. What kind of joke did God make? Give her good eyes, but take them back, from the light to the dark, it"s really just a step away. And that pale woman, how indifferent, she smiled back to me: if life deceived, don"t be sad, don"t be disappointed
缄默,然后,她歉然一笑,对不起,我的眼睛不便利。 Silence, then, she smiled apologetically, sorry, my eyes are not convenient. 于是,我相识了这个叫阿莲的女子。 So I met this woman named a Lian. 她喜爱坐在窗下,微微倾身,靠近那两缸莲。有时,也会当 心翼翼地深出手,渐渐抚上莲叶,惊喜地告知我,你看,它们要 开花了! She likes to sit under the window, leaning slightly, close to the two jars of lotus. Occasionally, I will carefully and deeply touch the lotus leaves and tell me in surprise that they are going to bloom! 是啊,莲花要开了。等了一个星期,莲花最终要开了。 Yes, the lotus is about to open. After waiting for a week, the lotus is finally going to open.
第2页 共6页
看到了她那精致的脸,也看到那双眼睛,漆黑如半夜,却无半点 星华,突然之间(),我明白了什么。
Hello, I said softly. She turned around in a daze and fumbled carefully. I saw her delicate face and her eyes. They were as dark as midnight, but there was no star. Suddenly, I understood something.
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leaves in the courtyard, and then by the woman who gazed at the lotus leaves quietly.
隐在窗后的她仿佛入定的老僧,久久不曾挪动,阳光勾画出 她纤薄的肩膀,也影蔽了她的脸,我只能从她微倾的身姿判定, 她守望的是窗下的莲。
第3页 共6页
那一天,我们很早就起床了。潮湿的空气里渗着淡淡芳香, 丝丝缕缕,沁人心脾。一抹翠绿中,充溢出星星点点的白,娇嫩 柔润有如婴儿,但那层层花瓣之间几丝细蕊,却又妩媚清丽,温 柔似梦。
On that day, we got up early. The moist air is permeated with a light fragrance, which is refreshing. A touch of green, full of little white, delicate and soft as a baby, but the layers of petals between a few thin core, but also charming and beautiful, soft like a dream.
很美,对不对?阿莲轻问,唇畔噙着一抹满意的笑容,仿佛 也亲眼见到了这水中白莲的盛放……
It"s beautiful, isn"t it? A Lian asked gently, with a satisfied smile on her lips, as if she had seen the blooming of white lotus in the water
我打江南走过,你绽放的容颜如莲花的开落。 I beat Jiangnan to walk by, your blooming face is like
the opening and falling of lotus. ——题记 -- inscription 青柳垂溪,高蝉嘶鸣,盛夏的苏州少了几分吴侬软语的温婉。
算是我与她的初次邂逅吧,留下的,是她淡淡的侧影。 It"s my first encounter with her. What I left behind is her subtle silhouette. 某个早晨,我见到了她。 One morning, I saw her. 粉衣白裙,亭亭玉立,犹如一支出水的莲花,略显苍白的脸, 淡淡的眉,淡淡的笑,她出神地看着那一水莲叶。 Pink dress, white skirt, slim, just like a lotus out of the water, pale face, light eyebrows, light smile, she looked at the water lotus leaves. 你好,我轻轻地说。她茫然地转回身,当心翼翼地摸索。我
假设生活欺瞒了我,我要遗忘命运的谎话。想起了那个以 4/4 拍铡草的老人,想起了那个香消玉殒的女钢琴家。生活给过我们 苦痛,但痛确是自己情愿。珍惜不是对美妙的回忆,而是选择用 美妙的回忆来对抗命运的不公,即使在淤泥中,也要开出纯白的 花来。
If life deceives me, I will forget the lies of fate. I think of the old man who cut grass by 4 / 4 and the pianist who died. Life gives us pain, but pain is what we want. Treasure is not a good memory, but a choice to use good memories to fight against the unfairness of fate, even in the mud, but also out of pure white flowers.