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【摘要】Water hyacinth (Eichhorniacrassipes) is a noxious weed that has attracted worldwide attention due to its fast spread and congested growth, which lead to serious problems in water way transportation, irrigation, and power generation. On the other hand, it can be a valuable resource with several unique properties. Water hyacinth contains more than 95% water but due to its fibrous tissue and a high energy and protein content, it can be used for a variety of useful applications. In order to achieve theoretical basis for large-scale treatment and disposal project that have overall solution of low cost and high efficiency with water hyacinth, a comparative study of different engineering pretreatment before dehydration and analysis of the processing cost were studied as the test platform of pilot demonstration project of water hyacinth. In this paper, the process of instant smash instant dehydration was used, and two kinds of water hyacinth salvage and water transportation (the water hyacinth loaded directly into the cabin, and the water hyacinth after coarse crushing for salvage ship loaded into 1 m3 nylon bags and transported to the shore by ship), two modes of shore transfer (tower crane airlines and shore based crane) and three methods of crushing (coarse crushing of salvage ship,
smash again by turning the machine two times, and smash again after coarse grinding on salvage ship)were designed and experimented in this study. The results showed that the pretreatment method of two times after the salvage of coarse powder was helpful to reduce the energy consumption of processing dehydration of water hyacinth. The treatment of per tons for water hyacinth needed about 2.5 kW·h. Through analysis of energy consumption of different crushing methods, the results showed that the method of two times after the salvage of coarse powder reduced the transportation cost, along with the need for shore crushing. It improved the grinding and dehydration treatment ability, reduced operation cost and the volume by 70.61%, and increased the transport capacity by 3.4 times for the method of salvage ship coarse powder. After the separation of water hyacinth, the content of N and P were the main nutrients in the extrusion residue, while the K value was the main factor in the extrusion juice. With the increase of the degree of grinding for water hyacinth, the N, P, K nutrient in the extrusion residue was gradually transferred to the juice. The solid-liquid separation effect of water hyacinth after anaerobic fermentation was better than that of water hyacinth direct solid-liquid separation in terms of residue water content reduction and nutrient recovery, and the moisture content of the dewatering residue was reduce to 62.89%, and it was only about 0.06 hours and about 0.7 kW·h after dehydration of per tons with water hyacinth. The results of this study have laid a solid foundation for the final design of the water hyacinth treatment and disposal, which is the treatment scheme of"rough grinding
of salvage-transfer-twice crushing-dehydration".%该文以建成的水葫芦中试示范工程为试验平台,通过对脱水前不同的工程预处理方案进行比较研究,并分析各处理环节的成本构成,以期为水葫芦规模化处理处置工程获得低本高效的整体解决方案提供理论依据.结果表明,从不同粉碎处理方式的能耗角度考虑,采用打捞船粗粉后二次粉碎的预处理方式有利于降低水葫芦脱水环节的能耗,粉碎和脱水处理1 t水葫芦需2.5 kW·h;通过对不同的打捞处置方案分析发现,采用打捞船粗粉处理上岸方式,可大大降低其转驳成本,减少岸上粉碎环节,从而提高粉碎和脱水处理能力,降低作业环节成本,并且打捞船粗粉方式的减容率达70.61%,使转驳运输能力提高3.4倍;水葫芦经厌氧发酵后的固液分离效果明显优于水葫芦直接固液分离,其脱水残渣含水率为62.89%,脱水1 t经厌氧发酵处理后的水葫芦仅需0.06 h和0.7 kW·h.该研究结果为最终形成"打捞船粗粉碎-转驳-二次粉碎-脱水"的水葫芦处理处置工程方案奠定了坚实基础.
【作者单位】江苏省农业科学院循环农业研究中心;江苏省农业废弃物资源化工程技术研究中心,南京 210014;江苏省农业科学院循环农业研究中心;江苏省农业废弃物资源化工程技术研究中心,南京 210014;江苏省农业科学院循环农业研究中心;江苏省农业废弃物资源化工程技术研究中心,南京 210014;江苏省农业科学院循环农业研究中心;江苏省农业废弃物资源化工程技术研究中心,南京 210014;江苏省农业科学院循环农业研究中心;江苏省农业废弃物资源化工程技术研究中心,南京210014;江苏省农业科学院循环农业研究中心;江苏省农业废弃物资源化工程技术研究中心,南京 210014
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2.水葫芦粉碎程度对脱水效果影响的中试 [J], 杜静;常志州;叶小梅;徐跃定;张建英
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5.红泥塑料沼气工程在水葫芦治理上的中试研究——古田县水口镇朝天桥红泥塑料水葫芦处理示范沼气工程 [J], 韩志刚;陈贤文;张冲;王敦煌;杨树洪