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How to expres s the sincer e attitu de
Firstof all, to concen trate on. Is to be absorb ed in to speakto each other, always with full mental state, devote onesel f heartand soul to looked at each otherin mind, try to put asideotherthings, focuson the otherperson conten t. On the otherside of the conver satio n from time to time, you have said or unders tandagreed sound,action. If you don't have to unders tandwhat the otherperson 's wordsor have questi ons, may wish to use indire ct langua ge propos ed sincer e is not clear, please each otherfurthe r http://www.xiaba www.0768h explan ation, so as to find out the pointand essenc e, can let each otherpsycho logic allyfeel you listen ed attent ively, for his wordsvery much. To confir m the questi ons,http://www.erdong dong.com do not give an irrele vantanswer. To thinkseriou sly abouteach othertalkin g points, when necess ary, you can retell it, such as: " I agreewith you just mentio ned ... ... " Repeat otheremphas is, tend to promot e emotio nal accomm odati on.
Second ly, be patien t. The Britis h Guardi an pantsis to let each otherknow you, trustyou, accept you, but not with the examin ers to compet e. The examin er aboutany topic, you should listen to the patien t, not be http://www.soooxi absent-minded or impati ent way, not by the othernarrat ive plainand pay no heed to, and not to otherpeople don't know, show irrita bilit y or not satisf ied with the look, not in you disagr ee, do not go http://www.chendi to listen and to refute or disput e. To try to let him be in the best of spirit s http://www.banket to finish, not regard lessof the otherideasand play a pass, don't interr upt each other. If you do need to interr upt, should the consen t of the other, with the tone of discus sionto ask: "please wait, let me get a word in " or " I ask you a questi on? " so as to avoideach otherto misund ersta nd you.
Again, be carefu l. Also is to have http://www.longla suffic ientsensit ivity, unders tandi ng each other" overto nes ", namely the good from the other's wordsand find out what he couldnot expres s the underl yingmeanin g. At the same time to pay attent ion to listen to the tone and speakeverydetail.。