2.1 湿地分类
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4. swamp (木本植物沼泽) A swamp is either a mineral wetland or a peatland characterized by an open tree cover of Balsam fir, Black Spruce, Red Maple and Larch, as well as numerous shrubs, herbs and some mosses. The waters are rich in nutrients, due to seepage slopes or springs supplying water from the surrounding higher ground. There is usually a drainage outlet.
Bloomingdale Bog, NY
Depressional Wetland with Cypress Dome in background
Vernal Pool Waters at risk
Pretty Pond Bay Robeson County
3.1平坦式矿养泥炭沼泽(flat fen)
3.2倾斜式矿养泥炭沼泽(sloped fen)
3.3棱纹式矿养泥炭沼泽(ribbed fen)
寡植物矿养泥炭沼泽(poor fen) Poor fens are low in indicator species. Poor fens are acid (pH 4.5-5.5), poor in base cations and have no or little alkalinity. They are dominated by Sphagnum. 中丰度植物矿养泥炭沼泽(moderate fen) Moderate-rich fens have slightly acid to neutral pH (5.57.0) and have low to moderate alkalinity with a ground layer of brown mosses. 富植物矿养泥炭沼泽(rich fen) Extreme-rich fens have basic pH (above 7.0), high concentrations of base cations, and high alkalinity. They are characterized by species of Drepanocladus, Scorpidium, and Campylium.
4.3 红树林沼泽(mangrove swamp) Substropical and tropical coastal ecosystem dominated by halophytic trees, shrubs, and other plants growing in brackish to saline tidal waters.
木本植物沼泽是指相对较为稀疏的树木覆盖 的,并生长灌木、草本和藓类植物的矿质湿 地或泥炭地。
4.1灌木沼泽(shrub swamp)
Shrub swamps are dominated by shrub vegetation and is either permanently or seasonally flooded. The sedge, Carex species is often the primary ground cover beneath the shrubs.
5.1终端盆地草本沼泽(terminal basin marsh)
5.2洪泛草本沼泽(fluvial marsh)
5.3湖岸草本沼泽 (shore marsh)
5.4海滨草本沼泽(saline marsh)
6. 开阔浅水湿地(open shallow water)
7. 其他术语
Moor = Lowmoor = Highmoor = Moss = Muskeg = Oligotrophic Mesotrophic Eutrophic Ombrotrophic Minerotrophic mire 石楠地 fen+blanket bog+flat bog? raised bog mire mire 贫营养的 中营养的 富营养的 雨养的 矿养的
2.4披盖式雨养泥炭沼泽(blanket bog)
Fens are ecosystems that are affected by mineral soil waters (ground and/or surface) that may be relatively rich in mineral elements. Fens can be open and dominated by Carex, Scirpus, and Eriophorum; shrubby and dominated by Betula and Salix; or wooded to forested dominated by some combination of Picea mariana, Larix laricina, Betula, and Salix. 矿养泥炭沼泽是主要由地表或地下矿质水分补 给,养分状况高于雨养泥炭沼泽的泥炭沼泽。
4.2 乔木沼泽(wooded swamp) Wooded swamps are characterized by coniferous or deciduoous trees and is only seasonally flooded. Trees and numerous shrubs grow on well-develooped withthrow mounds, while herbaceous plants occupy the temporary pools.
2. bog (雨养泥炭沼泽) 水位接近地表,物种较为单一,有稀疏乔木或 无乔木生长,并以泥炭藓为优势地被植物,主 要靠大气降水实现水分和养分补给,有养分贫 瘠并呈酸性泥炭积累的土地或生态系统。
2.1隆起式雨养泥炭沼泽(raised bog)
2.2平坦式雨养泥炭沼泽(flat bog)
2.3倾斜式雨养泥炭沼泽(sloped bog)
第二章 湿地分类 Chapter 2 Classification of Wetlands
第一节 湿地的类型与有关术语 Types and terms of wetland
二、术语 1. Mire & peatland
泥炭沼泽(mire)应是指地表经常过湿或有薄层积水,生长湿生 或沼生植物,有泥炭积累的自然的或轻度人为干扰的地理综合体。 泥炭地(peatland)应指曾经或目前地表经常过湿或有薄层积 水,生长湿生或沼生植物,目前尚有一定厚度泥炭积累的地理综 合体。 在区别泥炭沼泽和泥炭地两概念时,应强调泥炭沼泽的自然性和 泥炭地的资源性。在定义泥炭沼泽时,应强调其缺乏人为干扰并 具有活性,即正处于自然发育中。而定义泥炭地时,应强调其泥 炭厚度。
5.挺水植物沼泽(marsh) A frequently or continually inundated wetland characterized by emergent herbaceous vegetation adapted to saturated soil conditions. In Europe, a marsh has a mineral soil substrate and does not accumulate peat. 是指以适应土壤水饱和条件挺水植被为特征的 频繁或连续受水淹没的湿地类型。