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【摘要】[AbstraCt] ObjeCtive To observe the efficacy of medicated thread moxibustion combined with acupuncture of Zhuang medicine in patients with sciatica. Methods A total of sixty patients with sciatica according to the diagnostic criteria were chosen in the Fourth Peopleˊs Hospital of Huizhou City from October 2012 to February 2014 and then were randomly divided into trial group and control group with thirty cases in each group. The trial group were received the therapy of medicated thread moxibustion combined with acupuncture of Zhuang medicine while the control group with the therapy of oral available sciatica pills,for 10 d as a course with 2 courses totally. Pain score,Pittsburghh sleep quality
index(PSQI)score,tiredness score,depression index and AngⅡ level were all recorded before and after the treatment and the effectiveness of the patients was evaluated by the Diagnosis and Curing Criteria of Clinical Diseases. Results After treatment,compared with those in the control group,the pain score, PSQI score,depression index and Ang Ⅱ level in the trial group were reduced while the fatigue scale was increased,with significant difference(p < 0. 05). Before treatment,the pain score,PSQI score,fatigue scale,depression index and AngⅡlevel were not statistically
different between trial group and control group(P > 0. 05);after treatment,the scores of buttock pain and posterolateral pain in thigh and leg,PSQI score and tiredness score had significant differences between trial group and control group(p < 0. 05). The effectiveness between the trial group and the control group was also significant(p < 0. 05). <br> ConClusion Both the two therapies could improve the symptoms of sciatica,but the medicated thread moxibustion combined with acupuncture of Zhuang medicine may have a better efficacy than the oral available sciatica pills.%目的:了解壮医药线点灸联合针挑疗法治疗坐骨神经痛的临床疗效。
试验组采用壮医药线点灸联合针挑疗法进行治疗,对照组采用口服速效坐骨神经痛丸方法进行治疗,10 d 为一个疗程,均连续治疗2个疗程。
录两组患者治疗前后的疼痛程度评分、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(pittsburgh sleep quality index,PSQI)评分、疲乏评分、抑郁指数及血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)水平,采用《临床疾病诊断依据治愈好转标准》对两组患者的临床疗效进行评价。
结果与治疗前比较,治疗后两组患者的疼痛评分、PSQI 评分、抑郁指数及AngⅡ水平均降低,疲乏评分升高,差异有统计学意义(p <0.05)。
治疗前,两组患者的疼痛评分、PSQI 评分、疲乏评分、抑郁指数及AngⅡ水平比较,差异无统计学意义(p >0.05);治疗后,试验组和对照组的臀部疼痛评分、小腿后外侧疼痛评分、PSQI 评分及疲乏评分比较,差异有统计学意义(p <0.05)。
效比较,差异有统计学意义(p <0.05)。
【作者单位】533000 广西壮族自治区百色市,右江民族医学院基础医学
院;533000 广西壮族自治区百色市,右江民族医学院基础医学院;533000 广西壮族自治区百色市,右江民族医学院基础医学院;533000 广西壮族自治区百色市,右江民族医学院基础医学院;533000 广西壮族自治区百色市,右江民族医学院基础医学院;惠州市第四人民医院呼吸内科;533000 广西壮族自治区百色市,右江民族医学院基础医学院
1.壮医药线点灸联合针挑疗法治疗坐骨神经痛疗效观察 [J], 唐汉庆;郑建宇;李克明;李晓华;窦锡彬;卢兰
2.壮医药线点灸联合针挑疗法对大鼠抗氧化损伤与衰老的影响 [J], 唐汉庆;郑建宇;窦锡彬;李克明;赵玉峰;李晓华;舒方义;廉春容;杨园园
3.壮医药线点灸联合针挑疗法对大鼠坐骨神经痛相关神经元和递质的影响 [J], 李克明;唐汉庆;黄岑汉;郑建宇;李晓华;窦锡彬;黄春传;赵玉峰;赵秋华
4.针挑疗法治疗坐骨神经痛 [J], 盖荣荣;李曼庭
5.早期针刺治疗腰椎间盘突出坐骨神经痛的临床疗效研究 [J], 张浩琳; 和岚; 郭佳; 霍则军