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何凯丽°2,杨运云4,徐 舸1**,向章敏4*
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摘 要:建立了一种快速、同时测定复杂生物样品中4种溶血磷脂酰胆碱(LPCs)的傅立叶变换离子回旋共振 质谱(FTICR-MS)分析方法。生物样品以甲醇-氯仿(9: 1,体积比)超声萃取39 mm,离心后取上清液过 0. 22 pn滤膜,进行FTICR -MS分析。质谱分析采用250阿微量进样器直接进样,进样流速为40 ^L/F; 电喷雾(ESI)正离子模式检测,扫描质荷比范围为m/z 50 - 1 000,采用外标法进行定量分析。结果表明,4 种LPCs在0. 3 - 140 pg/F质量浓度范围内呈良好的线性关系,相关系数(^)均不小于0. 293 0。4} LPCs的 检岀限为0.02-0. 03 p/F,定量下限为0. 07-0.6 p/L。在血液和大鼠肝脏样本中,3个加标水平下4} LPCs的平均回收率为77. 3%-95.0% ,相对标准偏差(RSD)为1.2%~9.8%。该方法简单快速,灵敏度高,
HE Kai--/2, YANG Yun-yyn2 , XU Ge1* , XIDNG Zhang-mS2*
(1.DnpnuhmnnhotChnmntnoEn/nnnnunn/, SthooootStnnntn, Shnncnn/UnnonusnhcotTnthnooo/c, Shnncnn/4110470, Chnnn; 2. Guanadona Enaieeerina and Techdolopy Research Cestvo foo Ambies) Mass SpectumeXy, Guanadona Providcial Key LnbounhoucotEmnu/nntcTnshtouDnn/nuousChnmntnos, Gunn/don/CnshnhuhnotAnnocsns, Gunn/ehou4510070, Chnnn)
性 a 性 , ~ 于 杂 样品中 LPCs 快速测定。
关键词:傅立叶变换离子回旋共振质谱仪(FTICR-MS);溶血磷脂酰胆碱(LPCs);生物样品 中图分类号:0657.23; Q946.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-4957(204) 4 - 438 -06
SnmuohnnnousDnhnumnnnhnonotLcsophosphnhndcothoonnnsnnBnooo/ntnoSnmponsbc FouunnuTunnstoum ConCctoohuonRnsonnntnMnsSpnthuomnhuc
Abstract: A FonUao transfoum ion cyclotron resonanco mass spectumetnc( FTICR 一 MS) methoh was dnonoopndtouhhnsnmuohnnnousnndunpnddnhnumnnnhnonottouuocsophosphnhndcothoonnn( LPCs) nn complev biolopicsl oamples. The biolopicsl s—iplv was ultrasonicy/y extracteX with methanol 一 chlaononum( 9:1 , bconoumn) onu30mnn, nndonohnundwnhhn0322 pm onohnum nmbunnnonunnnocsns.FT9 ICR 一 MS deteuiination were perfouieX in direct infusion injection mope, usina a 257 pL micusamponunhnoonwunhnno120 pLFh.MSspnthunwnununtnudndnnnmns9hn9thnudnunhnn( mzz) unndnno 57 -1 006 undec positive ion electrosprayionization ( ESC) mope. Quantitative analysis was conducUp by the oUuh st—duhmethoh. Resulls indicateX thal the fono investigateX LPCs showeX yooh linearito in the concentration ranav of 6. 5 -106 py/F, with correlation coeOicients ( r2 ) nat less than 6. 993 6. The limits of detection and quantitation were in the ranavs of 6. 02 - 6. 68 py/F and 0307-031 pdFL, unspnthnenoc.ThnnenundnuntnenunnsnoonuuLPCsounm ponsmnnadunhonenusnmpies at three spided lxOs ranaed from 77. 5% tv 95. 6% , with relative standarh deviations ( RSD - of 132% -934% .Thndnenonpndmnhhndshnwndhhnndenahn/nsnosnmpontnhc, unpndans, snasnhnenhc, nttuuntcnad/nndunpnnhnbnonhc, nad w ns su nhnb on nuhh nunp nd d nhnum nanhnna nLPCs na tnmp ontb nnon/ntnosnmpons. Key words : Fonrivo transform ion cyclotron resonanco mass spectumetre( FTICR 一 MS - ; lysopposphnhndcothnonans(LPCs); bnnon/ntnosnmpons
! 34" ! 12 # 2019$ 12 %
&'()*+ FENXI CESHC XUEBA0(Jouual cf tnstumental Anal1443
doi: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1004 -4957. 2019.12. 005
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