
外研版九年级英语上册M9单元整体教学设计设计者(Teacher)张三课题(Topic)M9Great inventions教材分析(Analysis of the teachingmaterials) 单元整体分析(Unit integral analysis):Three units are included in this module,which aims to tell the great inventions,whether the computer will be used more than books and whether will be books be replaces by the internet.Unit1is a conversation between Tony and his father,who talk about the current situation of the use computer and the past situation of the use of the letter,books and camera.In Unit2,the development and changes of forms of reading are described, from which we can see the reasons and problems during the development,as well as the possibilities to put forward some new ways of reading.The key language points of this module,namely future passive voice is contained in Unit3,which shows the great inventions in the past,nowadays and in the future,a text about the advantages of the computer and internet,a short text about origin and the development of the internet,and a listening material about the development of the internet.学情分析(Analysis of the students)Knew:Students have already learned something about passive voice,thus it’s not so difficult for them to recognize and master the future passive voice in this module.They have got some basic information about the development of the form of reading in their history course,so they are familiar with the topic of this module.Want:Students may want to know whether the books will be replaced by i-books,especially the new forms of reading in the future.What’s more, they are eager to talk about their thought s and inventions since curiosity is the character of students in such ages.Learn:Students are going to learn future passive voice,development of the forms of reading and the logical thinking of“survey-analysis-debate”.教学目标(Teachingaims)By the end of this module,students are able to:1.recognize,understand and use the future passive voice,and describe the development of the forms of the survey and find out the ways in which people choose to read and their opinions about whether the books will be replaced by i-books and analyze the reasons why they think so.3.develop new ways to read and write a draft about whether the books will be replaced by together prepare for the debate and assess groups’works based on the evaluation scale as well as giving some suggestions.5.arouse their curiosity towards inventions and develop the critical thinking.教学重、难点(Key points anddifficulties)Debate about whether the books will be replaced by i-books●Lesson1:do the survey and find out the ways in which people chooseto read and their opinions about whether the books will be replaced by i-books●Lesson2:analyze the reasons and illustrate the mind map applying“survey-analysis”thinking●Lesson3:develop new ways to read with the future passive voice5.Lesson4:write a draft about whether the books will be replaced by i-books and debate on the topic第一单元(Unit1)听说实践(Listening& speaking practice)I.课题(Topic)Unit1Will computers be used more than books in the future?II.教学目标(Teaching aims)By the end of this lesson,students are able to:1.obtain the topic and specific information from the conversation, particularly theinfluence the computer and the internet have,and tease out whether the computer will be used more than the survey and find out the ways in which people tend to read.3.draw a graph of the survey and describe it.III.教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties)Key points:1.Obtain the topic and specific information from the conversation,particularly thechanges because of the internet and computer.2.Describe the graph about survey,and draw a conclusion from the graph. Difficult point:Draw a graph of the ways in which people tend to read and describe it.第二单元(Unit2)阅读思考(Reading&thinking)I.课题(Topic)Unit2Will books be replaced by the Internet?II.教学目标(Teaching aims)By the end of this lesson,students are able to:1.obtain the specific information of the cause and effect as well as the reason and result of the development of the forms of reading,2.describ e and analyze the reason why people hold the view whether books will be replaced by the computer.III.教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties)Key points:Obtain the specific information of the cause and effect as well as the reason and result of the development of the forms of reading.Difficult point:Analyze the reason why people hold the view.第三单元(Unit3)语言运用(Language in use)I.课题(Topic)Unit3Language in useII.教学目标(Teaching aims)By the end of this lesson,students are able to:1.develop more ways of the form of reading.2.get to know the development of the internet and analyze the the meaning and the use of passive voice in the passage.3.master the meaning,form and use of the future passive voice.III.教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties)Key points:Master the meaning,form and use of the future passive voice.Difficult points:Develop more ways of the form of reading.第四单元(Unit4)提升评价(Promotion& assessment)课题(Topic)Debate教学目标(Teaching aims)By the end of this lesson,students are able to:1.assess their own and partner’s writing and give some useful suggestions.2.make the draft in groups and present their own work as well as assess other groups’ about the development of the reading forms in a new perspective.教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties)Key points:1.Assess their own and partner’s writing and give some useful suggestions2.Make the proposal in groups and present their own work as well as assessother groups’workDifficult pointTalk about the development of the reading forms in a new perspective.教学过程:(Teaching procedures)(第一单元Unit1)听说实践(Listening&speaking practice)环节/时间(Step&Time)教学目标(Objectives)学习活动(Activities)评价(Assessment)Step1-2(5min) 1.Obtain the topic andspecific informationfrom the guessing game2.Arouse the analysisof the influence of theinventions.1.Students guess theinventions according tothe clues.2.Students think aboutmore modern inventionsand decide whichinfluences us the most.1.Observe if studentscan use the clues toguess the inventionsproperly.2.Observe students’understanding theinfluence ofmodern inventionsby listening to theiropinions.设计意图(Purpose):1.Focus on the topic and arouse students’interest,as well as lead into the modern inventions.2.Cultivate their abilities of thinking and talking about the modern inventions and the influence of them.环节/时间(Step&Time)教学目标(Objectives)学习活动(Activities)评价(Assessment)Step3-6(15min)3-6Listen and main ideaand specificinformation of the textand talk about theanalysis ofdevelopment and theinfluence of the internetand computer.3.Students listen andchoose to get the mainidea of the text.4.think and say the basicfunction of the internet.5.listen and answer toget the benefits of theInternet and then thinkabout more specificbenefits of the internet.6.listen and compare thechanged in the past andnowadays because of theinternet.3.Observe if studentscan get the inventionsmentioned correctly.4.Observe if studentscan think of thebenefits of the internet,give some tips ifnecessary.5.Observe if studentscan get the benefits ofthe internet anddescribe the functionsof the internet.6.Observe if studentscan fill in the blankscorrectly to check ifthey get the changes oflife.设计意图(Purpose):Help students to obtain the main idea and specific information of the text and cultivate their competences of obtaining and thinking.环节/时间(Step&Time)教学目标(Objectives)学习活动(Activities)评价(Assessment)Step7-10(20min)7-10.Do a survey onpeople’s opinions onwhether ill computersbe used more thanbooks in the future anddraw a conclusion fromthe survey.7.Students work in groups,think and discuss howour life is influencedbecause of thedevelopment of internetand computer.8.Students summarized theaspects the internet andcomputer have greatinfluence on and then leadto the question whetherwill computers be usedmore than books in thefuture.9.Students discuss ingroups to brainstorm thequestions to design asurvey on whether bookswill be replaced byi-books.7.Observe students’behaviors in groupdiscussion and ifthey can describetheir thoughtscorrectly.8.Observe if theycan think about thequestions for thesurvey and thenmake thequestionnaire.9.Observe if theycan assess other’swork and givesuggestions.10.Analyze theefficiency of thequestionnaire andthe if the way to10.Students collect and analyze the data and then write a report or draw a graph of the survey.present the data is proper.设计意图(Purpose):Lead students to do the activity related to their daily life and beyond the text. Students can use the language to do things in reality.At the same time,it cultivates students’ability of designing questionnaire,collecting the data,analyzing the data and presenting the results.Board Plan:Module9Great inventionsUnit1Will computers be used more than books in the future教学过程:(Teaching procedures)(第二单元Unit2)阅读思考(Reading&thinking)环节/时间(Step&Time)教学目标(Objectives)学习活动(Activities)评价(Assessment)Step1-2(5min) 1.Review the modernand ancient inventions,and lead into the topic-Do you prefer readingbooks on screen,or onpaper?And why?2.Read around theworld and get theadvantages anddisadvantages of thei-book to get ready forthe final debate.1.Students review andget the topic of the unit.2.Students read aroundthe world and get theadvantages anddisadvantages of thei-book to get moreopinions for the finaldebate.1.Observe if studentscan review the modernand ancient inventionsinventions,and givesome clues to helpclassify them to leadinto the topic.2.Observe if studentscan express theiropinions with the keywords so as to decidehow to get them readyfor the debate.设计意图(Purpose):1.Arouse students’interest and motivate them to relate the topic with their daily life.2.Help students to get the topic the passage lead then into thinking in superficial layer.环节/时间(Step&Time)教学目标(Objectives)学习活动(Activities)评价(Assessment)Step3-7(20min) the use of theChinese ancientinventions and thenread the heading topredict which two ofthe ancient inventionsthe passage and match to getthe main idea of thepassage quickly andthen check if theprediction is right5.scan the text to getthe the development offorms ofreading,especially thepaper and print thenlead into thequestion-Why areand-written books werereplaced by printedbooks.6.Read and choose toget the specificinformation about thereason and result of thedevelopment of thereading forms anddo the extensivereading to get moreinformation about print.7.Read and find out theadjectives that describethe advantages ofthe reading forms withan Internet connection.3.Students predict whichtwo of the ancientinventions the passagemention.4.Students read andmatch to get the mainidea of the passagequickly and then check iftheir predictions areright.3.Students scan the textto get the thedevelopment of forms ofreading,especially thepaper and print thenthink about thequestion-Why areand-written books werereplaced by printedbooks.6.Students read andchoose to get the specificinformation about thereason and result of thedevelopment of thereading forms and thendo the extensive readingto know more aboutprint.7.Students read and findout the adjectives thatdescribe the advantagesofthe reading forms withan Internet connection.3.Observe if they canguess the main ideajust by looking at thepictures and reviewingthe ancient inventions.4.Observe students’behavior when theyread and match to seeif they master thereading tips.5.Observe students’behavior when theyscan to see if theymaster the reading tipsto get the key words.6.Observe if theycould choose thestatements correctlyand organize thedevelopment ofreading formslogically.7.Observe if studentscan find out the keywords and if theirclassifications areproper.设计意图(Purpose):3.Lead students to predict which two of the ancient inventions the passage mention,and get the connection of inventions and the development of the reading form.4.Cultivate students’reading strategy to get main ideas quickly.5.Cultivate students’reading strategy to get specific information quickly.6.Cultivate students’logical thinking ability and set foundation for their critical thinking ability.7.Lead students to find out the key words in different classifications and set foundation for their logical thinking.环节/时间(Step&Time)教学目标(Objectives)学习活动(Activities)评价(Assessment)Step8-10(20min)8.Think and discuss theadvantages anddisadvantages of thebook and the machinewith the connection ofthe internet and chooseone chart to write downreasons and share themwith the partner.9.Do the extensivereading to lead studentsto think further aboutthe topic will books bereplaced by thecomputer.and finish themind map to analyzethe reasons why theythink so and polish theexamples for theopinions.10.Review andsummarize whatstudents have learnt andthen do the assessment.8.Students think anddiscuss the advantages and disadvantages of the bookand the machine with theconnection of the internetand choose one chart towrite down reasons andshare them with thepartner.9.Students do the extensivereading to think furtherabout the topic will booksbe replaced by thecomputer.and finish themind map to analyze thereasons why they think soand polish the examplesfor the opinions.10.After assessinggroups’work,studentsshare their ideas and thenadd or delete something.8.Focus on students’behavior and thecontent when theydiscuss and talk,give somesuggestions ifnecessary.9.Focus onstudents’behaviorand the logicaldemonstration whenthey discuss andfinish the mind map,give somesuggestions ifnecessary.10.Focus onstudents’reflectionwhen they do theassessment,andencourage them tocommunicate theiropinions with eachother.设计意图(Purpose ):8.Guide students to use the chart to do the choice and then give their pinions,as well as cultivate their competence of analyzing.9.Guide students to use the mind map to show their pinions,as well as further cultivate their logical thinking.10.Guide students to express their ideas freely and get some useful information from each other,as well as further cultivate their competence of team-working.Board Plan:Module 9Great inventionsUnit 2Will books be replaced by the Internet?教学过程:(Teaching procedures)(第三单元Unit 3)语言运用(Language in use)环节/时间(Step &Time )教学目标(Objectives )学习活动(Activities )评价(Assessment )Step1-4(20min)1-4Talk about the inventions in the past,nowadays and in the future to let students master the meaning and form of the passive voice in different tenses.1.Students are supposed to work in pairs to talk about the western inventions in the past according to the basic information in the text.2.Students need to review the four great inventions of ancient China,including paper and print,then do a listening about how the forms of the book developed.3.Students talk about the great inventions nowadays including mobile phone,drone and LCD-TV compared with telephone,plane and TV in the past,printer,i-book,GPS1.Observe if students can talk about the western inventions in the past according to the basic information in the text and give some help if students need.2.Observe if students can get the reason why the development of reading form is changed little by little.3.Observe what students can feel about the development of technology and guide them say the usage of these inventions in passive voice.4.Observe if students can get the informationand missile compared with the print,paper,compass and powder in the past.4.Students summarize that they all need the support of the Internet and the WWB,and then students read and complete the development of the WWB and find out the sentences in future passive voice.about the development of the internet and identify the sentences in passive voice.设计意图(Purpose):1.Help students get familiar with the form and use of the passive voice by working in pairs to talk about the western inventions.2.Review the Chinese inventions and do the listening to let students get the reason why the development of reading form is changed little by little.3.Help students clarify the development of the technology.4.Lead students to get to know the meaning and the form of the passive voice.环节/时间(Step&Time)教学目标(Objectives)学习活动(Activities)评价(Assessment)Step5-7(20min)5-7.Summarize the useof the passive voice andtry to use it in differentcontexts.5.Students summarizethe usage of passivevoice and then use it inthe past tense,simpletense and future tenseabout the developmentof the ways we learn.6.Students review andsummarize the structureabout how to introducean invention,whichincludesfunctions,changes itcould bring andcomments of theinvention.7.Students think anddevelop new forms of5.Observe if studentscan get the informationabout thedevelopment of theinternet and identifythe sentences inpassive voice.6.Observe if studentsget the meaning andform of the passivevoice.Explain again ifnecessary.7.Observe if studentsget the use of thepassive voice.Helpthem if necessary.reading in group and dothe presentation.设计意图(Purpose):5.Lead students to summarize the use of the passive voice and clarify the differences among the passive voice in the past tense,simple tense and future tense.6.Lead students to get familiar with the meaning and form of the passive voice.7.Check if students master the passive voice and could apply it into practice properly.Board Plan:Module9Great inventionsUnit3Language in use教学过程:(Teaching procedures)(第四单元Unit4)提升评价(Promotion&assessment)环节/时间(Step&Time)教学目标(Objectives)学习活动(Activities)评价(Assessment)Step1-4(30min) 1.Prepare the firstdraft which shouldinclude the point,thesupporting examplesand the emphasis ofyour opinion.2.Prepare the seconddraft which shouldcontain all the productsin the three lessonssuch as the graph,mind map,writing andpictures.3.Polish the seconddraft and get the third 1.Students need toprepare the first draftwhich should include thepoint,the supportingexamples and theemphasis of youropinion.2.Students need toprepare the second draftwhich should contain allthe products in the threelessons such as thegraph,mind map,writing and pictures.3.Students assess their1.Observe if students’first drafts areincluding the point,thesupporting examplesand the emphasis oftheir opinions.2.Observe if studentscan combine theproducts in three unitsreasonably and givesome suggestions ifnecessary.3.Pay attention to theirevaluation sheet andsee if they can assessdraft which should be corrected according to the evaluation sheet.own writing and thenassess their partner’swriting and give somesuggestions.Then,students modify theirown draft based on theevaluation sheet andtheir partner’ssuggestions.well,then invite someof them to show.Listen to studentsassessment and see ifthey have their ownopinions besides theevaluation scale.设计意图(Purpose):Lead students to assess writing work and cultivate their abilities of assessing and taking other’s suggestions.环节/时间(Step&Time)教学目标(Objectives)学习活动(Activities)评价(Assessment)4.Present their draft in debate as well as assess other groups’work.4.Students present theirdraft in debate as well asassess other groups’work.4.Observe what theymodify and if they cantake their partner’ssuggestions andobserve if everyonehave something to doin their groups andhow they assessothers’works together.Observe their debate tosee if their opinion andassessment arereasonable.设计意图(Purpose):4.Encourage students to work together and use what have learned to show their ideas.Cultivate their ability of assessing.环节/时间(Step&Time)教学目标(Objectives)学习活动(Activities)评价(Assessment)Step5(10min) 5.Work in the group,actas four inventors to sitat the round-table andthen talk about thedevelopment of theform of reading.5.Students could work inthe group,act as fourinventors to sit at theround-table and then talkabout the developmentof the form of reading.5.Observe studentsanswers to see if theycan use the knowledgewhich have learned inthis module to solvethese problems.设计意图(Purpose):Lead students to talk about the development of the reading forms in a new perspective.Board Plan:Module9Great inventionsLesson4Debate and assessment。

英语基础模块上册unit9cultivation全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: CultivationUnit 9 in the English Basic Module focuses on cultivation, which is the process of preparing the soil, planting seeds, and caring for plants in order to promote growth and development. Cultivation is essential for agriculture, horticulture, and gardening, as well as for fostering personal growth and development.The Importance of Cultivation:Cultivation plays a vital role in food production, as well as in the beautification of landscapes. Without cultivation, crops would not grow properly, and gardens would not flourish. In addition to providing sustenance and aesthetic value, cultivation has numerous benefits for individuals and communities. It promotes physical activity, mental well-being, and a sense of accomplishment. Cultivation also fosters environmental stewardship, as it encourages responsible land management and sustainable practices.The Process of Cultivation:The process of cultivation involves several key steps, including preparing the soil, selecting seeds or plants, planting them, watering and feeding them, and protecting them from pests and diseases. Each step is important for ensuring the success of the cultivation process. Proper soil preparation, for example, helps plants establish strong roots, while regular watering and feeding supply them with essential nutrients. Pesticides and fungicides can be used to control pests and diseases that may threaten the health of plants.Cultivating Personal Growth:Cultivation is not only important for plants but also for individuals. Cultivating personal growth involves nurturing one's talents, skills, and potential in order to reach one's full potential. This process requires dedication, patience, and hard work, just like cultivating plants. By setting goals, developing new habits, and seeking out opportunities for growth, individuals can cultivate their personal development and achieve success in various areas of their lives.Cultivation in Education:Cultivation is also a key concept in education, where it refers to the process of nurturing students' intellect, skills, and character. Educators cultivate their students by providing them with the knowledge, resources, and support they need to succeed. By creating a positive learning environment, setting high expectations, and fostering a growth mindset, teachers can cultivate their students' academic and personal growth. Cultivation in education also involves promoting moral values, social skills, and emotional intelligence in students.In conclusion, cultivation is a fundamental process that plays a crucial role in agriculture, horticulture, gardening, and personal development. By understanding the importance of cultivation, mastering the process, and applying it to various aspects of life, individuals can grow and thrive in both their personal and professional endeavors. Cultivation is a journey of growth, transformation, and self-discovery that requires patience, dedication, and resilience. As we cultivate our gardens and ourselves, we become more connected to nature, to others, and to ourselves. Let us embrace the process of cultivation as a pathway to growth, fulfillment, and success.篇2Unit 9 CultivationIn Unit 9 of the English basic module, students will learn about cultivation, which is the process of preparing and tending to the soil in order to grow crops or plants. Cultivation is an essential part of agriculture and is crucial for providing food for the world's population. In this unit, students will learn about different cultivation techniques, tools, and practices.1. Types of Cultivation:- Traditional Cultivation: This method involves manually preparing the soil using tools such as hoes and shovels. Traditional cultivation is labor-intensive but is still widely practiced in many developing countries.- Mechanized Cultivation: This method uses machines such as tractors and plows to prepare the soil. Mechanized cultivation is more efficient and allows for larger areas of land to be cultivated in a shorter amount of time.- Organic Cultivation: This method involves growing crops without the use of synthetic chemicals or pesticides. Organic cultivation is becoming increasingly popular due to its environmental benefits and health benefits for consumers.2. Cultivation Tools:- Plow: A plow is a farming tool used to break up and turn over soil in preparation for planting. There are different types of plows, including the moldboard plow and the disc plow.- Hoe: A hoe is a gardening tool used to remove weeds and cultivate the soil. There are different types of hoes, including the Dutch hoe and the draw hoe.- Tractor: A tractor is a farming vehicle used to pull heavy machinery such as plows and seeders. Tractors are essential for mechanized cultivation.3. Cultivation Practices:- Crop Rotation: Crop rotation is the practice of planting different crops in the same field in succession. This helps to maintain soil fertility and prevent soil erosion.- Mulching: Mulching is the practice of covering the soil with materials such as straw or bark to retain moisture and suppress weeds. Mulching also helps to improve soil structure.- Irrigation: Irrigation is the process of supplying water to crops to ensure proper growth and yield. There are different irrigation methods, including drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation.In conclusion, cultivation is a fundamental aspect of agriculture and plays a crucial role in feeding the world's population. By learning about different cultivation techniques, tools, and practices in Unit 9, students will gain a deeper understanding of how food is produced and the importance of sustainable farming practices.篇3Unit 9 Cultivation in the Basic English module focuses on various aspects of cultivation, including agriculture, gardening, and the development of skills and knowledge. In this unit, students will learn key vocabulary related to cultivation, practice their listening and speaking skills through discussions androle-plays, and engage in reading and writing activities to deepen their understanding of the topic.One of the key topics covered in this unit is agriculture. Agriculture is the practice of cultivating crops and raising animals for food, fiber, and other products. Students will learn about different types of agriculture, such as subsistence farming, commercial farming, and organic farming. They will also learn about the importance of sustainable agriculture practices in preserving the environment and ensuring food security for future generations.Another important topic covered in this unit is gardening. Gardening is the practice of cultivating plants, such as flowers, fruits, vegetables, and herbs, for aesthetic purposes or for consumption. Students will learn about the tools and techniques used in gardening, as well as the different types of gardens, such as flower gardens, vegetable gardens, and herb gardens. They will also learn about the benefits of gardening, such as physical exercise, stress relief, and connecting with nature.In addition to agriculture and gardening, students will also explore the development of skills and knowledge related to cultivation. This includes learning about the history of agriculture, the science of plant growth, and the role of technology in modern farming practices. Students will also learn about the importance of lifelong learning and continuous improvement in cultivating their skills and knowledge in this field.Overall, Unit 9 Cultivation in the Basic English module is designed to help students develop a deeper understanding of the practices, principles, and benefits of cultivation. By learning about agriculture, gardening, and the development of skills and knowledge in this field, students will be better equipped to engage with the world around them and make informed decisions about their own cultivation practices.。
外研版九年级英语上册教案 Module9 Unit1 (3)

Module 9Great inventionsUnit 1Will computers be used more than books in the future?Ⅰ.Teaching modelListening and speakingⅡ.Teaching aims1.To know something about the important inventions in our life2.To get information about some inventions from the conversation3.To talk about the advantages of some inventionsⅢ.Teaching aidsTape recorder,OHP,videoⅣ.Teaching Steps第一课时(Activity 1-Activity 3)Step 1:Warming up and lead in1.Talk about some great inventions;recall the words of inventions:TV,computer,watch,radios,camera,digital camera,photo,mobile phone,internet,etc.2.Recall what we have learned in the last module.Step 2:Ask and answer1.Show some pictures in Activity 1(a computer,a camera,a cellphone).2.Work in pairs.Look at the pictures and answer the questions.(1)How have these inventions changed people's lives?(2)Which one do you think is the most important?(3)What other important inventions can you think of?Step 3:Listening1.Let the students look through the sentences in Activity 2 carefully.2.Play the tape.Listen and complete the sentences.(1)Lingling loves her mobile phone because she can________.(2)All of Daming's friends' numbers are ________in his phone.(3)Today's cameras are better than old cameras because they do not ________and the photos can________.(4)Lingling thinks everything ________by computers to some degree,so the computer is ________invention.3.Let students read the sentences aloud.4.Then play the tape again,and check the answers.Step 4:Listening and reading1.Play the tape.Let the students listen to the conversation in Activity 3 and answer the following questions:(1)What does Tony want to borrow from his father?(2)How do people get information now according to the conversation?(3)How many inventions are mentioned in the conversation?2.Read it and underline all the points which are important to the class.3.Show the points to the class,and explain some difficulties to them.4.Read the summary of the conversation.Underline the wrong information and correct it.Then share it with the class.5.Ask the students to work in pairs,and act out the conversation.Step 5:Everyday EnglishI wonder…Perhaps.Here it is.Promise!Step 6:Homework1.Learn the new words by heart.2.Act out the conversation in groups.3.Finish off the workbook exercises.Blackboard DesignUnit 1Will computers be used more than books in the future? 1.invent/invention/inventor2.borrow/lend3.will be used4.can be seen on the Internet5.hear from6.take good care of it。

3. Could I ask if you've mentioned this to her? 我能问问你跟她说过这事吗? mention sth. to sb. 的意思是“向某人说起某 事”。 例如: I mentioned this idea to my mum, and she seemed to like it. 我把这个想法跟妈妈说了,她好像挺 喜欢的。
孤独的;寂寞的 adj.
懊悔;遗憾 v.
Words and expressions
有耐心的;能忍耐的 adj.
介绍;引见 v. 鼓励;激励 v.
introduce encourage
Unit 1 Could I ask if you’ve mentioned this to hear?
Do you have any friends? Who is your best friend? Where is you best friend from? What does he / she like? Do you often make a telephone call with your friend? …
2. So could you explain what happened then? 那你能解释一下后来发生了什么事吗? explain v. 解释;说明 explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事 例如: Can you explain the rules of the game? 你能说明一下游戏规则吗? I’ll explain the problem to you. 我会向你解释这个问题。
外研版英语九年级上册(教学设计)Module 9 Unit 1

Module 9Great inventions Unit 1Will computers be used more than books in the future?教材分析This is the first lesson in this module. The listening material is information about inventions. It’s a good text to help the students improve their listening strategies, such as getting information from the listening material.教学目标【知识目标】1. Key words:borrow, website, mail, textbook, mainly, page, electronic, powerful, memory, full, fix, instructions, lend, properly2. Key phrases:put up, thousands of, think of, take photos, wait for, lend sb., take good care of, hear from sb.3. Key sentences:(1) They’ll be put up on the school website.(2) Will computers be used more than books in the future?【能力目标】1. To be able to understand dialogues about inventions.2. To talk about changes inventions have brought to people.【情感目标】To talk about Ss’ own opinions about inventions and communicate with classmats.教学重难点【教学重点】1. Key words:borrow, website, mail, textbook, mainly, page, electronic, powerful, memory, full, fix, instructions,lend, properly2. Key phrases:put up, thousands of, think of, take photos, wait for, lend sb., take good care of, hear from sb.3. Key sentences:(1) They’ll be put up on the school website.(2) Will computers be used more than books in the future?【教学难点】To improve listening and speaking abilities.课前准备Multimedia教学过程Step I Warming up and leading in(I) Warm up(A) T introduces four great inventions in ancient China: compass, paper-making gunpowder and printing.(B) T: With the electronic technology, we have more electronic inventions.Ss name more electronic inventions and talk about them.(II) IntroductionWork in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.(III) PracticeListen and complete the sentences.【设计意图】通过对图片的直观观察和讨论以及对问题的答复,使学生熟悉相关词汇,熟悉本单元话题,并导入新课。
模块九Unit1Project 单词扩充

模块九Unit 1 Project 单词扩充pint n.品脱(0.473升)grill n.烤架, 铁格子, 烤肉v.烧, 烤, 严加盘问grillroom n.炙肉房[馆]put sb. on the grill [美]严刑审讯He was grilled until he confessed. 他被严加拷问, 直到他承认为止。
league n.同盟, 联盟, 盟约, 联合会, 社团v.组联盟, (使)加盟content n.内容, 容量, 目录, 满足adj.满足的, 满意的, 愿意vt.使满足be content to do sth. 乐于做某事be content with沉迷[满足]于to one's heart's content 心满意足,尽情地content oneself with满足于,对...感到满足He contented himself with one piece of cake.(他)吃了一块蛋糕非常地满足live in peace and content 生活在安宁和满意之中He is content with such a small success. 他对这样一个小小的成功就感到满足。
Nothing will ever content him. 什么也不会使他满足。
Simple praise is enough to content him. 几句好话就足以使他满意了。
I am well content to remain here. 我很愿意留在这里。
unfit adj. (~for) 不适宜的, 不适当的v.不适合unfitly adv. unfitness n.a house unfit to live in 不适于居住的房屋be unfit to do sth. 不能胜任[无能力]做某事(unfitted; unfitting)使不合适; 使不能胜任; 使无资格unfit sb. for 使某人不适于..., 使某人不胜任..owe vt. 欠(债等), 受到...的思想, 感激, 把...归功于v.欠,应感激,应该把…归功于(to) vi.欠钱He owes me five dollars. 他欠我五美元I owe them an apology. 我应向他们道个歉They owe their riches to oil; 有了石油才有他们的财富She owes her good health to diet and exercise. 她的健康归功于饮食和锻炼She still owes for the car. 她仍然没付清这辆车的钱He owes his success to his hard work. 他认为自己取得成功是辛勤劳动的结果。
外研版九年级英语上册Moudle9 Unit2课件

new one.
be replaced by
Complete the passage
developments direction introduction
powerful replace spread trade
stored in more varied forms on the Internet than
in books.
a large amount of 大量的, 修饰不可数名词
a great deal of 大量的,修饰不可数名词
a number of 大量的, 修饰可数名词
varied adj. 各种各样的 = all kinds of = a variety of
1. The computer can store a_______________
large amount of
information. (大量信息)
a variety of
2. People change their mind for ____________
reasons. (各种各样的)
3. _____________(许多)
2.What happened after the paper was invented?
3.Why was printing invented?
4. What happened after printing was invented?
5. Why is the Internet more powerful than printing?
Module9 Great inventions

模块9 整合单元作品集
活动 1 组织单元作品集
活动1 组织单元作品集
活动1 组织单元作品集
活动2 完成单元作品集
外研版九年级英语上册课件 Module9 Unit1

changes in communication
In the past: We waited for weeks to hear from our pen friends abroad.
Today: We can send and receive photos and mails on the Internet.
ToHnye promises TDoandy to look after it.
Read and underline the sentences with future simple passive.
一般将来时的被动语态: 主语 + will/be (am/is/are) going to + be + done
4. HThowis book have? 5. WI ohfitcehn wgoebtsoitwe wdow.yyoauhooft.ecnomgowthoewnhIen
ygoeut ogneltinoen.line?
6. CWahmaetrias aisnaenxaemxapmlepolef oefleecltercotnriocnic technology.?
2. All of Daming’s friends’ numbers are _k_e_p_t_ in his phone.
3. Today’s cameras are better than old cameras because they do not _n_e_e_d_f_i_lm__ and the photos can _b_e_s_e_n_t_b_y__e_m__a_il_.
外研社初一英语下册备课Moddule9 Unit1

柳山镇中小学集体备课卡科目English 课时25 年级七课题Module 9Story time Umit 1 Once upon a time教学目标Language Knowledge1 Key vocabulary and phrases: once, hear, begin, decide, ride, golden, little, pick, notice, hurry, knock, nobody, push, open, enter, count, bowl, all, hungry, once upon a time, go for a ride, pick upKey structure: past simple regular verbs(重点)2, Listening skill: To understand the story of Goldilocks told through the pictures and in the conversation. (难点)3.Speaking skill: To tell the story briefly重点难点(一)重点past simple regular verbs (二)难点past simple regular verbs教学方法与手段Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)教学设计课内探究Part I: RevisionTask: Recall what we have learned in the last Module.Directions:Label the pictures with the phrases.(1). Read through the phrases in the box and have the Ss. Repeatthem after you.(2).Ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen. (3).Makesome sentences with the phrases. Ask students to speak out asmany as they can.Talk about some famous people. Eg.When was he born?Where was he born?What was the name of …?Were he …?Y es, he was. / No, he wasn’t.Ask students to speak out as many as they can.修改区朗读本模块的单词,并找出短语审查组组长签字备课教师签名:崔海红使用教师宫世霞课内探究Part II: Lead in:在上一模块中我们学过了 b e动词的过去式_________和________,这一模块我们将学到行为动词的过去式。

套房;公寓 n.
1 Work in pairs. Look at the picture and talk about it. Use the words in the box to help you.
noise people
2 Listen and check the correct answer:
Grammar Focus
(一)数词 Numeral
数词是用来表示事物的数目和顺序的 词。 数词的分类:
2.序数词 3.分数词
1. 复习1—100以内的所有数字。 2. 掌握百、千、万、十万、百万的表达 法。
one two three four five 1 2 3 4 5 six seven eight nine ten 6 7 8 9 10
1,370,000,000 one billion, three hundred and seventy million 2,000,030,000 two billion and thirty thousand
6 Check (√) the statements you agree with.
as too much traffic and noise.
Betty: It’s not only Beijing. Population
increase is a big problem in many countries. Do you know how many babies are born every minute in the world? Tony: No. Can you tell me? Betty: Over 250! That makes over 131.4 million births a year. Lingling: I can’t believe it! Betty: The population of China is about 1.37 billion. That’s almost one fifth of the world’s population, that is, about 7 billion. Tony: Hang on a minute! I will write that down too!

三、Read and answer the following questions
(1)How many babies are born every minute in the world: Over 250 (2)How many babies are born every year in the world: Over 131.4 million (3)What’s the population of China:
2.Population increase is a big problem in many countries. 解析:冠词分为定冠词the,不定冠词a,an Eg: (1)There is ______old bridge near my house. B A a B an C the D \ (2)I want to be ______teacher in the future. A A a B an C the D \ (3)Can you play _____football? D No,but I can play_____piano. A a a B a the C the the D \ the an (4)There are sixty minutes in _____hour. the (5)The father told his son_____moon moves around _____earth. the
经典必背: (a)准备笔记 make note (b)中国的人口the population of China (c)五分之一 one fifth (d)等一下 hang on (e)北京是一个人口众多的大型城市。
Beijing is a huge city with a large population.
外研版英语九上同步教学 Moudle9 Unit 1 同步课件

Pair work
7.Work in pairs. Talk about the advantages of these inventions.
email, mobile phone, TV, washing machine - We can use email to send messages. - Yes, we can use email to send messages quickly and cheaply.
1. How have these inventions changed people’s lives? 2.Which one do you think is the most important? 3.What other important inventions can you think of?
invention in human history?
6. Listen and mark the pauses. 1. They’ll be put up on the school website.
And they can be seen on the Internet by other classes, even people living in other countries. 2.You must promise that you will take good care of it.
主动语态 被动语态
5. Answer the questions.
electronic, fix, instruction, invention, lend, mail, page, website

I'm going to run a race. I can run very fast. 我要去赛跑。我能跑得非常快。
Come on, Daming!加油,大明! Yes! I'm the winner! I'm the winner!是的!我
What are you going to do here?你来这儿干 什么?
I'm going to make new friends.我要去交新朋 友。
2 Listen, point and find "going to".2 听录音, 指一指并找出“going to”。
It's going to be sports day on Friday.星期五 是运动日。
Hooray!太棒了! I'm going to do the long jump.我要去跳远。 Amy is going to do the high jump.埃米要去
I'm going to run a race. I can run very fast. 我要去赛跑。我能跑得非常快。
I'm going to run a race.我要去赛跑。
I'm going to run a race. I can run very fast. 我要去赛跑。我能跑得非常快。
Come on, Daming!加油,大明! Yes! I'm the winner! I'm the winner!是的!我
模块9unit1 wordlist

Module 9 unit 1 wordlist 预习活动单Class_______________name__________________根据词汇表预习以下内容:1 . BorderA border conflict __________They crossed the French border2.Countless adj speechless selflessSurely it doesn't matter where charities get their money from: what counts is what they do with it. ____________________________________________________________________________ Two children under the age of 10 years count as one person_____________________________ What really counts is not what you are but what you do _______________________________ I can't join you; you'll have to count me out.__________________________________________ Count on ___________Don't count on other people to help you out of trouble.3.freezing adj freeze v 过去式________ 过去分词____________________ point 冰点__________cold 极冷a ________river 结冰的河be ________with fear因害怕而僵住4.Recreation n-----____________vHis recreations include golf, football and shooting. =hobby ,pastimeWhat do you do for recreation? =Entertainment5.RankN.地位,级别people of high social rank ______________________V. 分等级the tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty.____________________Top-ranked players_____________________________N ranking 体育中的排名He has improved his ranking this season from 67th to 30th ._______________________6.Historic adj. A historic war/battel______________Historical adj a historical book ______________ Historian n 历史学家7. Concrete adj. The concrete floor ______________Concrete evidence/measures/analysis _________________8.dynamic adjHe seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.___________________________This is a dynamic world________________________________________9. Frontier n. frontier disputes国境纷争frontiers(知识、学问的)新领域,未开拓的领域the frontiers of medical science____ 10. seek one’s fortunetell one’s fortune_________________发财_______________________幸运的adj. ___________ adv.____________ 不幸的adj. ___________adv.____________ 11. Settlement n v _________settle down____________________ settle the quarrel____________________13.little more than----no more thanmore than_____________________no more…….than ….与……一样不……He is no more a good player than I am._________________________not more…… than….没有……那样…….他没有我那样高兴。
外研版九年级英语上册Module 9 Unit 1(含音频)

3. What does he say to Tony? He says Tony must take care of the camera.
True or false
1. When Tony’s dad was young, he always waited for a long time to hear from his pen
2 Which one do you think is the most important ?
3 What other important inventions can you think of ?
2 Listen and complete the sentences. 1 Lingling loves her mobile phone because she can
4 Lingling thinks everything _w_a_s__c_h_a_n_g_e_d_____ by computers to some degree, so the computer is _t_h_e_m__o_s_t_i_m_p_o_r_t_a_n_t__ invention.
2 WInenhweeenmddatoochyrieonauednoterheIedmitnoesetrrteuascodtmitohenepsirbnoesbtfroluermcetsiIo.unsse?a 3 HI osewndofmteensdsaogyeosubysemndaiml eevsesraygedsabyy. mail?
Dad: Perhaps. In the past, we mainly got

九模块一单元英语作文In the realm of language learning, the journey of acquiring English as a second language is both challenging and rewarding. The process is akin to assembling a complex puzzle, where each piece represents a different aspect of the language: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and cultural nuances. The mastery of English opens doors to global communication and a wealth of knowledge, as it is the lingua franca of the modern world.The initial stages of learning involve building a strong foundation. This is where learners familiarize themselves with basic grammar rules, which act as the framework for constructing sentences. Vocabulary acquisition follows, allowing learners to express a wider range of ideas. Pronunciation practice ensures that learners can be understood by others, and understanding cultural references enhances the ability to use English in its proper context.As learners progress, they encounter various challenges. Advanced grammar concepts require a keen eye for detail and the ability to recognize subtle differences in meaning. Expanding one's vocabulary to include idiomatic expressions brings learners closer to fluency, yet it demands a great deal of memorization and practice. Perfecting pronunciation can be particularly daunting, as it often involves retraining the muscles of the mouth and ears to recognize and produce unfamiliar sounds.Despite these challenges, the pursuit of English proficiency is a fulfilling endeavor. It enables individuals to engage with a vast array of literature, media, and educational resources that are predominantly available in English. It facilitates international travel and business, allowing for smoother interactions and negotiations. Moreover, it serves as a bridge between cultures, promoting understanding and cooperation among people from diverse backgrounds.To achieve fluency, learners must immerse themselves in the language. This can be done through various methods such as reading extensively, watching English media,practicing speaking with native speakers, and writing regularly. Each method reinforces different aspects of the language and contributes to a well-rounded command of English.In conclusion, the path to English fluency is marked by a series of incremental steps, each building upon the last. The process is not linear but rather a spiral, where learners revisit and refine each aspect of the language as they ascend to higher levels of proficiency. The key to success lies in persistence, practice, and a passion for the language. With these elements in place, learners can not only master English but also enjoy the rich experiences and opportunities it brings. 。

外研新标准七下英语第九模块作文讲解Module 9 in the New Standard English textbook for Grade 7 focuses on writing skills. In this module, students are taught how to write different types of compositions, including narratives, descriptions, reports, and explanations. To help students improve their writing abilities, the module provides step-by-step guidance on how to plan, organize, and structure their compositions effectively.One of the key components of Module 9 is the emphasis on developing a strong thesis statement. A thesis statement is a concise and clear statement that outlines the main point or argument of the composition. It helps provide a sense of direction for the writing and ensures that the composition is focused and coherent. Students are taught how to formulate a thesis statement that is specific, debatable, and supported by evidence.Another important aspect of Module 9 is the development of supporting details. Supporting details are specific pieces of information, examples, or evidence that help to strengthen the main argument or point of the composition. Students are encouraged to use a variety of supporting details, such as facts,statistics, anecdotes, and quotations, to provide depth and credibility to their writing.In addition, Module 9 emphasizes the importance of organizing a composition effectively. Students are taught how to use different organizational patterns, such as chronological order, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, and problem-solution, to structure their writing logically. By organizing their ideas in a clear and coherent manner, students can enhance the readability and comprehension of their compositions.Furthermore, Module 9 encourages students to pay attention to language use and style in their writing. Students are taught how to choose appropriate vocabulary, sentence structures, and tone to convey their ideas effectively. By using language creatively and appropriately, students can add depth, nuance, and personality to their writing.Overall, Module 9 in the New Standard English textbook for Grade 7 provides students with a comprehensive and practical guide to improving their writing skills. By focusing on thesis statements, supporting details, organization, and language use, students can develop the ability to write clear, coherent, and engaging compositions. Through practice and guidance,students can enhance their writing abilities and become more confident and proficient writers.。
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千 thousand
英语里没有“万”这一单位,万也用 thousand表示。如:10 000 ten thousand 一万20 000 twenty thousand 两万·· ·· ·
十万的说法是: 100.000 a (one) hundred thousand
two hundred thousand
thirteen fourteen
13 14
seventeen eighteen
17 18
twenty-one 21 twenty-two 22 ……………… 其它的十位数照此类推,如: thirty-one forty-two ninety-six 31 42 96
890 eight hundred and ninety
Now complete the notes.
Babies born every minute in the world: over 250 Babies born every year in the world: over 131.4 million Population of China: about 1.37 billion Population of the world: about 7 billion
as too much traffic and noise.
Betty: It’s not only Beijing. Population
increase is a big problem in many countries. Do you know how many babies are born every minute in the world? Tony: No. Can you tell me? Betty: Over 250! That makes over 131.4 million births a year. Lingling: I can’t believe it! Betty: The population of China is about 1.37 billion. That’s almost one fifth of the world’s population, that is, about 7 billion. Tony: Hang on a minute! I will write that down too!
Unit 1 The population of China is about 1.37 billion.
Do you know how many people are there in the world now?
7 billion
One day, the world will be like this.
Grammar Focus
(一)数词 Numeral
数词是用来表示事物的数目和顺序的 词。 数词的分类:
2.序数词 3.分数词
1. 复习1—100以内的所有数字。 2. 掌握百、千、万、十万、百万的表达 法。
one two three four five 1 2 3 4 5 six seven eight nine ten 6 7 8 9 10
5 Making notes means writing a long passage / a few words. 6 A problem is something easy / difficult. 7 A report is a long piece of writing / a few words. 8 A billion is a hundred / a thousand million.
/'prɔbləm / /'Iŋkri:s / /bə:θ/ /'bIljən / /fIfθ/ hang on /flæt /
麻烦;问题 n. 增大;增长 n. 增大;增长 v
出生 n.
problem increase
birth billion fifth flat
十亿 num.
第五;五分之一 num.
2. Rle to read and understand large numbers.
3. Affection:
we should care more about the population problems of our country.
Words and expressions
How about China?
It’s about 1.37 billion.
China's Population - Overview
Teaching aims
1.Grasp the key words and key structure:
noise, prepare, notes, report, grow, problem, birth, billion, fifth; Beijing is a huge city with a large population. That makes over 131.4 million births a year.
4 Choose the correct answer.
1 Birth happens at the start / at the end of life. 2 Huge means large / small. 3 An increase in population means more / fewer people. 4 Hang on a minute means wait for a short time / a long time.
1 What is the population of Beijing?
a) About 11 million
b) About 13 million
c) √ About 20 million
2 What is the population of Chongqing?
a) About 28 million
套房;公寓 n.
1 Work in pairs. Look at the picture and talk about it. Use the words in the box to help you.
noise people
2 Listen and check the correct answer:
1,370,000,000 one billion, three hundred and seventy million 2,000,030,000 two billion and thirty thousand
6 Check (√) the statements you agree with.
million 百万
a (one) million 1 000 000
two million 8 000 000 2 000 000 eight million
··· ··· ··以此类推 ·· ·· ··
345 1001 three hundred and forty-five one thousand (and) one
1)101~999的三位数由“百位数+and+两位数 组成”。 如:325—three hundred and twenty-five 102 one hundred and two 635 six hundred and thirty-five 389 three hundred and eighty-nine 457 four hundred and fifty-seven
噪声;杂音 n. /nɔIz / 准备;预备 v. /prI'peə / 笔记;随 笔 n.(pl.) /nəuts / 报告;汇报 n. /rI'pɔ:t / /ɡrəu / (grew /ɡru:)增长;增大 v. 巨大的;庞大的 adj. /hju:dʒ/ /kɔ:z / 造成;引起 v.
noise prepare notes report grow huge cause
Pronunciation and speaking 5 Listen and repeat.
8,742 eight thousand, seven hundred and forty-two. 2,463,128 two million, four hundred and sixty-three thousand, one hundred and twenty-eight
eighty ninety
80 90
seventy 70
seventy-five 75
百 hundred 100 one hundred 200 two hundred 以此类推·· · · 1 000 one thousand 2 000 two thousand··· ··· ···
b) √ About 33 million
c) About 36 million
Everyday English
I can’t believe it! Hang on a minute! Great!