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My Workaholic Dad
My dad is the hardest working person I know. He's always busy with his work, even on weekends and holidays. Sometimes I wish he could slow down and spend more time with our family, but I also understand why he works so hard.
Dad has an important job at a big company downtown. He's always dressed up in a suit and tie, carrying his briefcase and laptop wherever he goes. I hear him talking on the phone a lot, even at home, discussing things like "quarterly reports" and "profit margins." It all sounds very grown-up and serious.
In the mornings, Dad is usually the first one up. He's already showered, shaved, and drinking his coffee by the time I stumble into the kitchen in my pajamas. "Morning, champ," he'll say, ruffling my hair. "Big day ahead." Then he's out the door, kissing Mom goodbye and reminding her about his late meeting or business trip.
After school, I'll find Dad holed up in his home office, typing away on his computer or poring over stacks of papers and folders. "Hey buddy," he'll say when I peek in. "Just grinding away on this big project. Why don't you go play for a bit?"
I know Dad works a ton, but he always makes time for my big events - my baseball games, school plays, or award ceremonies. He'll be there in the crowd, cheering me on. And no matter how busy he is, Dad insists we have family dinner together every night. We'll all sit around the table, talking and laughing, while he asks Mom and me about our days.
On the rare night or weekend when Dad isn't working, he really cuts loose and has fun with us. We'll go to the park and he'll push me super high on the swings. Or we'll have an epic game of hide-and-seek around the house, where Dad is a master hider. Sometimes we'll grab a couple of fishing poles and spend a lazy afternoon at the lake, just the two of us guys enjoying the peace and quiet.
I'll always remember the times when Dad took me to work with him for "Take Your Child to Work Day." His office seemed like a magical, mysterious place full of busy people in nice clothes, walking quickly and talking importantly into phones and headsets. Dad would introduce me to his coworkers and bosses,
proudly telling them, "This is my son." We'd explore the huge building top to bottom, and Dad would explain what he did all day in his own important-sounding language. At lunch we'd grab a hot dog from a street vendor, just a couple of fellas out on the town. Those were some of the coolest days ever.
Why does Dad work such crazy, long hours? I asked him that once. He got a far-away look in his eyes and said, "Well, son, providing for your family is one of the most important jobs a dad has. This work pays for our home, your education, and all the things we need to live a good life. But it's about more than just money. I truly believe in what our company does - we make products that improve people's lives around the world. And I want to set a good example for you about working hard, being dedicated, and taking pride in what you do."
"Mom and I didn't have much growing up," Dad continued. "We came from humble backgrounds. But through hard work, perseverance, and a little luck, we've been blessed with opportunity. I'll never take that for granted, champ. This work ethic, this drive to build something meaningful - it's my way of showing gratitude and giving back."
I could tell Dad's work meant a lot to him beyond just earning a paycheck. It was almost like a higher calling or life
mission. Part of me felt proud that my dad has such an influential job and works with so much purpose. But another part of me still wishes he didn't have to work quite so dang much.
As I get older though, I'm starting to understand that things aren't always black and white. Dad does work incredibly long hours, sure. But he also never misses my big moments and always makes family time a priority when he can. He's giving his all to provide for us, but he's not some cold, absent workaholic dad. He's engaged, loving, and trying his honest best to balance pursuing his career dreams with being a devoted husband and father.
I know Dad respects and encourages my own ambitions and interests too, whatever they may be. He's always telling me, "You can be anything you want in this world, son, as long as you work hard at it." Those words motivate me to keep exploring new hobbies, setting goals, and chasing my own dreams and passions, just like Dad does.
So while I can't deny there have been plenty of lonely nights when I wished Dad was home hanging
My Dad the Workaholic
My dad is always working, working, working! I call him the "Work Machine" because he never stops. Even on weekends and holidays, he's glued to his laptop or talking on the phone about some work thing. It's kinda crazy if you ask me!
I totally get that my dad has an important job and all. He's the big boss at his company and has to make sure everything runs smoothly. But still, I wish he could take a break once in a while and spend more time with our family.
Some days I barely even see him except for maybe 10 minutes at breakfast before he rushes out the door. By the time he gets home from the office, my brother and I are usually getting ready for bed. He'll poke his head into our rooms to say a quick goodnight, but that's about it.
On weekends, he almost always has to go into the office for at least a few hours. Or he's camped out on the couch with his laptop and cellphone, putting out "fires" as he calls them. I've learned that's code for dealing with some crisis or problem at work.
My friends' dads are nothing like mine. Their dads actually get to do fun stuff with them like go to their baseball games, take them camping, or just hang out watching movies together.
Not my dad though. He's always just a billion miles away, stuck in work mode.
I remember once for Take Your Child to Work Day, I went to his office expecting it to be kind of cool. But it ended up being pretty boring. He had me sit in his assistant's office coloring or reading books almost the whole day while he rushed around to different meetings. So much for quality dad-son time!
Some of my friends say I'm lucky that my dad is so successful and makes lots of money. But I'd honestly trade all his money and fancy job for just being able to spend more time together as a family. All those material things don't really matter if you don't have someone to enjoy them with, you know?
The saddest part is, I don't even think my dad really loves his job that much! He's always complaining about how stressed he is and how his boss and co-workers drive him crazy. But for some reason, he just keeps killing himself at this job he seems to hate.
My mom says it's because he's a workaholic and that it's like an addiction for him. He's so obsessed with work that even when we finally do get him home, his mind is still somewhere else at the office. It's like no matter what we do, he can't ever fully be present with us.
That's why holidays are always kind of a bummer. You'd think those would be the times when Dad could unplug and just relax with us. But no, he Still somehow manages to spend half the time on conference calls or checking emails. My mom gets really mad, but it doesn't do any good.
I've tried talking to my dad about how I wish he didn't work so much. But he just ruffles my hair and says something like, "Don't worry champ, it's just a busy time right now. Things will settle down soon." Except they never really do because there's always another "busy time" around the corner.
Sometimes I just want to yell at him, "Things will never settle down until you MAKE them settle down! You're choosing to let work control your life!"
But I don't because I'm afraid it might hurt his feelings or start a fight. My dad's actually a really loving, caring guy deep down. I know he's just doing what he thinks is best for our family. He's big on providing us with a nice house, fancy vacations, and lots of comforts. But what me and my brother want most is just to spend quality time with him.
I wonder if things will be different once I'm older and my dad finally retires? Maybe then he'll be able to relax more and we can make up for all those lost years. Part of me is doubtful though.
From what I've seen, workaholics like my dad never fully quit that addiction to work, even after they stop working!
All I know is, when I grow up and become a dad someday, I'm going to do things way differently. Don't get me wrong, I'll still work hard to take care of my family. But I'll make sure to set boundaries so work doesn't consume my entire life. There's no way I want to miss out on actually being present for all my kids' big moments and everyday small ones too.
Those are the type of memories and special family times that I cherish the most right now. Not the expensive toys my dad's income buys me or the big house we live in. What really matters is making wonderful memories together. That's something all the money and success in the world can't replace once it's gone.
So yeah, I really hope my dad wizens up soon and starts putting family first before it's too late. I'm proud of his career accomplishments and all, but I'd be even prouder if he could be a CEO who still made time for his most important job of all - being a dad. Maybe I'll write him a letter saying exactly that. It's at least worth a shot, right?
My Dad the Workaholic
My dad works all the time. He leaves for the office before I wake up in the morning and often doesn't come home until after I've gone to bed. On the weekends, he's always hunched over his laptop, typing away furiously. He says he has to answer emails and work on presentations and reports. I don't really understand what all that means, but I know it has something to do with his job.
Don't get me wrong, I love my dad. When he's not working, he's the best dad ever! He takes me to the park and we play catch or he pushes me really high on the swings. He helps me with my homework and we read stories together at bedtime. He makes me laugh by doing silly voices and telling corny jokes. But those fun times seem fewer and farther between lately.
I overhear my mom sometimes, talking to my grandma or her friends about how my dad is a "workaholic" and "married to his job." I'm not totally sure what that means, but it doesn't sound very good. Mom says he needs to find more balance and be home with us more often. When I ask Dad about it, he explains that his work is really important and he has big responsibilities at his company. He says he's doing it to provide for our family and give us opportunities he never had as a kid.
I try to understand, but it's still hard sometimes. Like when it's my birthday or a holiday and Dad promises he'll be home early to celebrate, but then he calls last minute to say he got stuck at work again. Or when he misses my soccer games or School concerts because of a meeting or business trip. I feel sad and disappointed, even though I know he feels bad about it too.
Last week, I came home from school and heard Mom and Dad arguing loudly in the kitchen. Dad was saying Mom doesn't appreciate how hard he works and all the sacrifices he makes. Mom said she and I hardly get to see him anymore and that money doesn't matter if he's never around. There were some other words I didn't totally understand, but it sounded really serious. I felt scared hearing them yell like that.
Later that night when Dad tucked me into bed, I asked him if they were going to get a divorce like the parents of my friend Joey. Dad gave me a big hug and said "Of course not, buddy. You know Daddy loves you and Mommy more than anything in the whole world. Sometimes grownups just get frustrated, but we'll work it out." He looked really sad and tired. I felt bad for him, but also a little mad that his stupid work made everyone so unhappy sometimes.
I wish I could tell my dad that I don't care about all the money or giving me opportunities. I just want him around more.
I want to make more happy family memories, not just once in a while, but as often as we can. I hate seeing Mom upset or Dad stressed out all the time. Why can't he just get a job where he doesn't have to work quite so many hours? I'm sure we'd be okay with a little less money if it meant having him home more.
I'm probably too young to fully understand the situation with Dad's work. And I know his job is important to him and he's really good at it. But I hope he can figure out a way to spend more time with me and Mom soon. Even if it means taking a little break from work or finding a job that isn't quite as crazy. Because to me, he's more than just my provider or the guy who works all the time. He's my dad, my buddy, my partner for backyard adventures and bedtime stories. And those are the times I'll cherish forever, way more than any toy or opportunity his job could give me. I just want my dad back, the guy I used to know before he became such a workaholic.
My Dad, The Workaholic
My dad works a lot. I mean, A LOT! He's always on his computer or talking on the phone, even at home. Sometimes I feel like his job is way more important than me and my mom.
Don't get me wrong, I know my dad loves us. He gives us hugs and says "I love you" every day. But it still feels like work comes first. Let me give you some examples of what I mean.
Like just the other night, we were having family movie night. This is supposed to be our special time together to relax and have fun. But dad's phone kept ringing and he kept answering it and walking out of the room to take calls from work. He missed half the movie!
Or how about when it's my birthday? You'd think that would be a day just for me, right? But every year, dad is always sneaking off to do conference calls or answer emails. One time he even missed my birthday dinner because of a "very important meeting."
During summer vacation, dad is supposed to take some time off work. But he always finds excuses to work from home instead of doing fun things with us. Last summer, we went to the beach for a week but dad just sat on the porch on his laptop the whole time. What's the point of even going on vacation if you're just going to work?
I try to spend quality time with my dad, but it's hard when he's always distracted by his phone and computer. Like when we play catch in the backyard, he's barely paying attention because he's reading emails on his phone. Or if we go to my soccer games, he's taking business calls instead of watching me play.
The worst is when I just want to tell dad something simple, but he cuts me off because he's on an important call or rushing to an urgent meeting. It makes me feel like whatever I wanted to say doesn't matter as much as his job.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm proud that my dad works hard to provide for our family. And I know his job is really important. My friends' parents work a lot too. But it just seems like my dad takes it too far sometimes. There has to be a better balance between work and family life.
I miss the good old days when dad wasn't a big businessman. When I was little, he worked normal hours at an office. He'd come home by 6pm every night and we'd have dinner together as a family. After dinner, we'd go to the park or he'd play games with me. Or we'd just watch movies and hang out. Those times were great.
On the weekends, we'd go on fun trips and do activities outdoors. Dad was present and focused entirely on me and mom.
Work didn't follow him everywhere back then. He was more relaxed and happy. We did a lot of fun things together as a family.
Nowadays, it feels like dad is always thinking about work. He's stressed out and cranky a lot of the time. He's missing so many of my baseball games, piano recitals, and other things kids want their dads at. And he's not around to help me with my homework or practice my spelling words like he used to.
I know grown-ups have to work hard, but I don't want my dad to be gone all the time. I want him to be present with our family. I want to make memories together and have fun like we used to. Sometimes I worry that if he keeps working like this, he's going to miss my entire childhood.
I wish there was something I could do to get dad to slow down and put family first sometimes. But he's the adult, so I'm not sure how to make him see what he's missing. I've tried talking to him about it, but he says his busy schedule is "just a phase" and that things will calm down soon. But he's been saying that for years.
Maybe other kids feel the same way about their workaholic parents? I don't know. I just want my dad to be as excited about spending time with me as he is about his job. I want to feel as
important to him as his work is. Maybe I'm being selfish, but isn't family supposed to be the most important thing?
I really love my dad. He's a good man and I know he's working hard to give me opportunities he didn't have. But I also wish he could work a little less. I don't want his entire life to revolve around his job. He should put aside time to actually enjoy the family he works so hard for.
I hope someday, somehow, I can get through to my dad. I want him to see that childhood goes by so fast. Once I'm all grown up, he'll miss these days. And he can't get the time back that he missed because of working too much. I want to make memories together while I still can.
So in a few years, when I'm an adult, I don't want to look back and feel like I barely knew my own dad because he was always at work. I want to look back and remember all the fun times, all the things we did together as a family. I want my dad to be fully present and enjoy every moment while I'm still a kid.
Work is important, but so is family time. I just want my dad to find the right balance. If he could do that, I know we'd all be a lot happier. And years from now, he'd have no regrets about missing out on my childhood. Maybe someday he'll see that I'm right about this. At least, that's what I'm hoping for.
My Dad the Workaholic
My dad works a lot. Like, A LOT! He leaves home before the sun comes up and doesn't come back until way after dinner time. Sometimes I'm already in bed by the time he gets home. Even on weekends, he's usually working. Whether it's answering emails or taking phone calls, there always seems to be something
work-related he has to do.
I know he's just trying to provide for our family and wants to give us a good life. My mom says he works so hard because he loves us. But still, I can't help but wish he was around more often.
I miss him when he's gone all day and night.
It feels like I barely get to see my dad some weeks. When he is home, he looks exhausted from being at the office or running around to meetings all day. He's usually too tired to do much other than eat dinner and watch a little TV before going to bed. We don't get to spend much quality time together.
If I'm being honest, it kind of makes me sad and even a little mad sometimes. Why does he have to be a workaholic? Doesn't he want to actually be present for his family and make memories
with us? I know work is important, but isn't family more important than that?
There are so many things I wish we could do together as a family if dad wasn't always working. It would be awesome if we could go on weekend trips, spend time outdoors, play games, or just hang out without him being glued to his phone or laptop. I want to be able to talk to my dad about my life, not just in a rushed few minutes before bed.
I try to remember that it's not his fault though. He didn't choose to become a workaholic, that's just how our society puts pressure on parents to work crazy hours to make ends meet. Lots of other kids' parents are the same way. It's basically expected that mom and dad will have to sacrifice family time for the sake of their careers and providing financially.
That doesn't make it any easier though. I still find myself wishing we could just have one day, just one day, where dad could totally unplug and be completely present. No emails, no calls, no rushing off to jobs or meetings. Just quality time spent together as a family. Is that too much to ask?
I love my dad, I really do. And I know he loves me and wants what's best. In his mind, working himself to the bone is what's best for giving our family opportunities. He shows his love
through his hard work and sacrifice. I get that. I just wish there was a way for him to find more balance.
At the same time, I don't want to be ungrateful or sound like I'm complaining too much. I'm lucky to have a dad that works so diligently to support us. Maybe I'm being selfish wanting more of his time and attention. A lot of kids don't even have dads around at all. I should appreciate what I do get to have with my dad, even if it's not as much as I'd like.
Still, I can't help but feel a little envious of my friends whose dads get to go to all their games, performances, and events. Or kids whose dads actually get to tuck them in at night and aren't just a vague figure that comes home after they're already asleep.
I want that kind of hands-on, available dad too. Is that too much to ask?
Maybe when I'm older I'll understand better why my dad made the choices he did regarding work and family balance. Perhaps entonces I'll look back and be grateful for the comforts his hard work afforded us, even if it meant less time together. For now though, it just feels like there has to be a better way. A way for parents to provide and be present.
I don't have any brilliant solutions. I'm just a kid, what do I know? I can only share my thoughts and feelings on the matter
from my limited perspective. And my perspective is that workaholic parents,while well-intentioned, inevitably miss out on lots of big and little moments with their kids. Maybe someday that will change though, both for my dad's sake and the sake of future generations of families.
For now, I'll just keep loving my dad despite his long hours. I'll continue making the most of what little time I do get with him. And I'll dream of the day when striking a healthy work-life balance is the norm, not the exception. A kid can dream, can't they?。
