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Aa - [ei] Bb - [bi:] Cc - [si:] Dd - [di:] Ee - [i:] Ff - [ef] Gg - [d✞i:] Hh - [eit☞] Ii - [ ai ] Jj - [d✞ei] Kk - [kei]
Ll - [el] Mm - [em] Nn - [en] Oo - [☯◆] Pp - [pi:] Qq - [kju:] Rr - [a:] Ss - [es] Tt - [ti:] Uu - [ju:]
Vv - [vi:] W w - [dQblju:] Xx - [eks] Yy - [wai] Zz - [zi:]/[zed]
1. 要会划分音节,先要找出单词中的元音字母,一个单词中有几个不相连的元音字母,就有几个音节,相连的元音字母,不管有多少个元音字母,只能算一个音节单位; 以不发音的e 结尾的, e 不能算音节单位。
1).英语中的元音字母为:a e i o u y, 其中y 为半个元音字母,半个辅音字母。
y 在词首时发辅音音素[ j ],为辅音字母;y 在词中,词尾,发元音[ ai ] 或[ i ],为元音字母。
yes yet yum yummy yelp yesterday
my by sky shy sly spy type twenty easy
happy bicycle
字母 e 在单词结尾时,如单词中还有其他的元音字母,e 不发音;如单词中没有其他的元音字母,e 要发音。
take tape like pipe site gate note rate hide nose late type use me she he be we
3.) 相连的元音字母不管有多少个,相连的部分只能算一个音节单位。
如:beautiful great beat sheet book took boat soup
4) 以le, re 结尾的词,le, re 要作为一个音节单位,构成一个音节。
如:little middle kettle cattle centre fibre metre theatre
2. 看辅音字母划分音节
Chi/na pa/per la/ter ea/sy Ro/man beau/ti/ful o/pen o/ver
2) 两音节单位之间有两个相同的辅音字母,一前一后划分,前一个辅音字母不发音,后一个辅音字母发音。
dif/fi/cult pep/per pup/pet let/ter rub/ber rob/ber hur/ry
car/ry hap/py lor/ry hel/lo
3) 两音节单位之间有两个不同的辅音字母的,一前一后划分,两个辅音字母都要发音。
pan/da bas/ket pen/cil nim/ble hum/ble num/ber hun/ter
4) 辅音字母为ck, ch, ph, sh, 不能分开划分,应划到后一个音节,ck 前面的音节虽然是绝对开音节,一般按闭音节发音。
ti/cket bu/cket lu/cky tea/cher ri/cher rea/ching te/le/phone fla/shing fi/shing
1)相对开音节:以一个元音字母+ 一个辅音字母+ 不发音的e 结尾的音节叫相对开音节。
gate [geit] late [leit] hate [ ] fade[ ] tape[ ] rate[ ]
these [ ] theme[ ] like [laik] side[ said] hide [haid] kite[ ] site [ ] size [ ] nose[ ] note[ ] code[ koud] rope [roup] robe [ ] hope [ ] use [ ] cute[ ] huge[ hju:d3]
re/fuse[ ] com/pute[ ] type [ ]
2) 绝对开音节
pa/per la/ter me [mi:] she be he we
hi die tie pie [pai] lie no so
go blue Sue[su:] glue clue my by
fly [flai] sky [skai] spy bye shy sly[slai] re/ly
3) 元音字母在重读开音节中发字母音,u 在相对开音节中发[ju:], 在绝对开音节中多发[u:],y 按字母i 发音。
a [ei] e [i:] i [ai] o [ou] u[ju:/u:] y [ai]
a [✌] e [e] i [i] o[ ] u [✈] y[i]
如:[✌] map man gap sat tap land hand pan
[e] get net vet fed pet vest rest let
[i] pit lip hip lid kid pin hint rid
[ ] not hot pot rod hop lot `gos/sip pop
[✈] cut hut bud such rust must `hus/band nut
[i] sys/tem hym
a e i o u y
[ ✌ ] [♏] [i] [ ] [✈ ] [ i ]
以le, re 结尾的词,这些词中的le, re 为音节单位,可以构成音节,这种音节叫成音节。
le 发含混音[ ● ] , re 发[ ☯ ]
`mid/dle `ap/ple hum/ble lit/tle `ma/ple a/ble sad/dle puz/zle
me/tre `fi/bre cen/tre
1. 单音节词:只有一个音节的词叫单音节词,单音节词要重读,但没有重读符号,因此单音节词直接判断为重读开音节或重读闭音节。
tap gap fat gate tape take shade these theme get fed
let net pet vet me we he she be sit pit lit fit lid kid lip hi kite side site pipe ripe hide glide no so go note code hope rope pot hot rod not pop god dog cute use blue flu sue clue / cut pub rub bud nut such gut my why by sky shy
2. 双音节词:有两个音节的词叫双音节词,双音节词的重读音节在第一个音节上,重音符号打在音节的左上角。
非重音节不分开音节和闭音节,元音字母在非重读音节中 a o u 发[☯]; e i y 发[i]
`hap/py `cat/ty `win/dy `pa/per `lad/der `sad/dle `rid/dle `red/der
`pe/ter `fid/dle `pup/pet `lo/cust `fo/cus `sys/tem [`sist☯m]
s+[t]/[p]/[k]/[tr] [d]/[b]/[g]/[dr]
stage stay stand stool space spare spend spike skirt
[sk☯♦] skate sky score school[sku:l] street stripe strive stray
`chi/na `parrot `carry `lettus `carrot minus `sil/ly holy
3. 多音节词:有三个或三个以上音节的词叫多音节词,多音节词的重读音节在倒数第三个音节,重读音节前的第二个音节为次重读音节,次重读符号打在左下角。
`dif/fi/cult ag/ri/`cul/tu/ral `pos/si/ble
4. 以tion, sion 结尾的词,tion 和sion 之前的第一个音节为重读音节
1)tion 一般发[☞☯⏹ ] 在s之后发[t☞☯⏹] nation
suggestion question digestion direction into`nation
`fiction ro'tation dictation section recitation education
2.) sion 一般发[☯⏹] 在s 之后发[✞☯⏹],sion 之前的字母i 虽然在重读开
In`vision pre'vision ex'pression im'pression in'vasion
3) eer 结尾的词, 本身为重读音节.eer 发[♓☯] engineer volunteer pioneer
e 在次重读音节中发[e]
5. 以下列前缀开始的词,重读音节在这些前缀之后的第一个音节上。
a-, be-, re-, de-, pre- to-, ex-, tele-, micro-, pro-, in-, im, e- , en-, sur-
1.) a-:[☯] alike ago awake asleep along alone away
2.) be-:[bi] beside behind be`tray between[tw] belong be`fore
3.) re-:[ri] rely relay reply recite reform retain repay
4.) de-:[di] decide deny defend defence delay deliver detect
5.) pre-:[pri] previse prepare pretend prefer
6.) to-:[t☯] today tomato tomorrow tonight tobacco
7.) ex-: 在元音字母之前ex发[igz], 在辅音字母之前发[iks].
exam [ig`z✌m] example exist [ig`zist]
extend [ik`stend] expensive [ik`spensiv] explain [ik`splein] express [ik`spres]
8.) tele [teli]: tele`vise tele`phone tele`scope tele`com television
9.) micro [maikr☯u]: micro`wave micro`phone micro`scope
10.) pro-:[pr☯] pro`vide profound promote pro/nounce
11.) in-:[in] inside inform include
12.) im-:[im] important im`port imply impossible
13.) e-[i] e`lect e`lection e`vade e`vent e`nable
14.) en-:[in] en`close enjoy engage enrich enlarge enwide
15.) sur [s☯] surpass surround [au] sur`prise
16.) per [p☯] perhaps percent perfect
a e i o u y
在重读开音节中[ei] [i:] [ai] [ou] [ju:/u:] [ai]
在重读闭音节中[✌] [ ♏ ] [✋] [ ] [✈] [✋]
在非重读音节中[☯] [✋] [✋] [☯] [☯] [✋]
1. [i:] Ee Bb Cc Dd Tt Vv Gg
1)e 在重读开音节中
me she be these theme
2) ee 组合
meet teeth keep feet need sheet
3) ea 组合
beat meat bead reach teach lead read heat
2. [i]
1) i,y 在重读闭音节中
sit lid kid hit rid lip pit `system hym
2) e, i, y 在非重读音节中
`puppet be`side re`cite de`fend pre`vise
reci`tation `difficult inform important inside
`easy `Billy `silly `twenty `windy `happy
3) ay, ey 组合在非重读音节中
`sunday `fri day `holiday `Saturday `money `monkey
`donkey `honey `chimney
4) age在词尾不重读时,a 发[i].
`passage `cottage `village `package `luggage `message
3. [e] e 在重读闭音节中Ff Ll Mn Nn Ss
get fed red net set vet pet
4. [✌] a 在重读闭音节中
map land fat cat cap hat pat rad gap flash 5. [✈]
1) u在重读闭音节中
cut bud bus hut huddle puzzle such
2) o 在ther 之前o 发[✈]
brother mother other a`nother
6.[ei] Aa Kk Hh
1) a 在重读开音节中
gate hate fade paper later tape cake rate fate
2) ay, ey 组合在重读音节中
day tray pay say lay gay to`day
grey they prey hey
3) eigh 组合发[ei]
eight sleigh weigh weight freight eighty eighteen
4) aste在词尾时a 发[♏♓]
taste paste haste waste
5) ai 组合发[ ei ]
wait bait fail faith raid laid paid
7. [ai] Ii Hi [hai]
1) i, y 在重读开音节中
hi die tie pie site side hide write spite
my by bye fly sky spy re`ply rely
2) igh 组合发[♋♓]
high light sight fight right slight
3) i 在ld, nd 之前i 发[♋♓]
mild wild child mind find kind blind
8. [☯✞] / [ou] Oo
1) o 在重读开音节中
no go so note code rode nose rope hope
2) oa 组合
coat goat road boat load
3) o 在ld, st 之前,o 发[☯✞]
old hold cold sold mold bold fold
post host ghost
4) ow 在词尾时发[☯✞]。
snow row glow blow show slow
9. [ ]
1) au 组合paul `autumn `august
2) al 组合talk call ball bald halt
3) aw 组合saw law draw paw raw straw
4) ough 组合bought brought fought nought thought
5) augh 组合taught `daughter caught `naughty `slaughter
6) or 在重读音节中sort port fort cord af`ford
7) ore 在词尾时,发[ ] tore core bore be`fore store
10. [ ] o 在重读闭音节中not pot hot rod lot rob
11. [✞] oo 组合在k 之前,oo 发[✞]。
book took cook look hook brook
12. [✞]
1) u 在重读的绝对开音节中发[✞],u 在重读的相对开音节中发字母音[j✞].
[✞] flu blue sue glue clue
[j✞] cute use refuse huge
2) oo 组合发[✞]。
cool noodle poodle boot root roof
3) ew 组合发[j✞] new news dew few jew
13. [au]
1) ou组合发[au]. loud found sound hound round pound
2) ow 在词中时发[au]. howl power flower powder tower
3) our 在词尾重读时发[au☯]. sour flour hour
14. [ ♓]
1) oy 在词尾发[ ♓]。
boy toy soy joy en`joy
2) oi 在词中发[ ♓]。
oil soil toil boil foil noise `toilet 15.[a:]
1) ar 组合重读发[a:]. car part cart party park
2) a 在s 之前发[a:]。
pass class grass basket nasty
3) ast在词尾时,a 发[a: ]。
past last fast vast blast
16. [☯] ir, er, ur 在重读音节中发[☯]。
sir bird girl birth firm first term firm alert prefer refer nurse hurt curl burn fur hurl 17. [☯]
1) re 在词尾的成音节中发[☯]。
centre metre fibre litre
2) er, ur, ar,or, our 在非重读音节中发[☯]。
`leader `teacher `better `Peter `letter
`saturday [`s✌t☯di] `similar[`simil☯] `calendar `k✌l♓nd☯]
in`ventor `traitor `taylor `actor `neighbour
`labour `favour `colour
1) ear 组合发[♓☯]。
hear dear shear near clear rear fear
2) eer 组合发[♓☯]。
eer本身要重读. deer beer sheer engi`neer volunteer pioneer
19. [☪☯] [e☯]
1) are组合发[☪☯]。
[e☯] hare bare care rare stare share fare
2) air 组合发[☪☯] 。
chair hair fair pair
20. [✞☯]
ure组合发[✞☯] 或[j✞☯]. pure sure cure lure
[i:] [si:] [bi:] [ki:] [ti:] [si:t] [bi:d] [fi:t]
[i] [kid] [hit] [sit] [fit]
[e] [led] [get] [set] [fed]
[✌] [k✌t] [h✌t] [b✌d] [h✌d] [p✌t]
[✈] [k✈t] [b✈t] [h✈t] [b✈s] [l✈st]
[a:] [a:sk] [fa:st] [pa:st] [ka:p] [pa:t]
[ ] [n t] [h p] [k t] [l t] [p t] [d g]
[ ] [b t] [k t] [n t] [f t] [t t]
[ ♓] [b ♓] [t ♓] [s ♓] [k ♓]
[u] [buk] [tuk] [kuk] [kud]
[u:][su:] [bu:t] [hu:] [ru:f]
[☯] [b✈t☯] [let☯] [li:d☯] [bet☯]
[☯] [b☯d] [ ☯s] [n☯s] [♐☯st]
[♏♓] [b♏♓♦] [leit] [l♏♓] [☐♏♓♦♦]
[♋♓] [dai] [hait] [haid] [fait]
[ou] [nou] [bout] [soup] [koud]
[au] [kau] [pau] [paund] [raund]
[♓☯]ear/eer [f♓☯]fear [d♓☯] dear/deer [b♓☯] beer [n♓☯] near
[☪☯]air/are [d☪☯]dare [f☪☯]fair/fare [p☪☯]pair [k☪☯]care [b☪☯] bare [✞☯] ure [l✞☯]lure [p✞☯]poor [t✞☯] tour
[t] [teik]take [r✌t]rat [kait]kite [teip] tape
[d] [desk]desk [di:p]deep [daiv]dive [r i:d]read [haid]hide
[b] [baik]bike [roub] robe [bi:t]beat [b☪☯]bare [p✈b] pub
[p] [pei]pay [m✌p] map [di:p] [ki:p] keep [poup] pope
[f] [faiv] five [seif] safe [ru:f] roof [f k] fork [ klif] cliff
[v] [vest] vest [keiv]cave [sleiv] slave [peiv] pave [mu:v]
[w] [waip]wipe [wait]white [weit]wait [weist] waste/waist [wail]while [h] [haus]house [h s]horse [haid] hide [huk]hook [heit]height
[r] [rait]write [reis]race [ru:t] root [ri:d] [raip] ripe
[k] [keit] Kate [a:sk] ask [kik]kick [sneik] snake [ki:p] keep
[g] [g✌p]gap [b✌g]bag [g d]god [l✈g]lug [g✈st]gust
[m] [ma:st]mast [m✈m]mum [mei]may [maik] mike [m p] mop [keim] came [leim] lame [k✈m]cum [pa:m] parm [fa:m] farm
[n] [nais]nice [nek] neck [n♓☯]near [ni:s] neece [nout]note [nouz] nose [fain] fine [kein] cane [pain] pine [rein]rain [lein] lane [sin] sin
[l] [la:st] last [lait]lite [leik]lake [li:d] lead [let] let [laud]loud
[litl]little [midl]middle [ketl]kettle [p✈zl]puzzle [setl]sttle
[✌pl] apple
[kla:s]class [gra:s]grass [pa:st]past [si:t] seat [saiz]size [reis]
[z] [raiz] [nouz] [zoun] [b✈z] [ zip] [klouz]
[d3] [d3i:p] [d3✈st] [peid3] keid3] [p✌sid3]
[tr] [treis] [tru:p] [trai] [trei] [trip] [tr✈k]
[dr] [drai] [draiv] [dres] [dr p] [drouv]
[ts] [raits] [si:ts] [p ts] [geits] [heits]
[dz] [speidz] [reidz] [slaidz] [haidz] [roudz]
[j] [jes] [jet] [jelou] [j✈ mi] [ja:d] [jelp]
1. [t] 1) 字母t 发[t] take hate hat pot cut
2) ed在ch, sh, s, x, p k 之后发[t] reached fished flashed passed mixed fixed stopped hoped worked asked looked cooked
2. [d] 1) 字母d 发[d] desk deep read kid side dare
2) ed 一般发[d] [id],在t, d 之后发[id] 其他情况发[d] wanted counted suspended robbed begged
3. [p] 字母p 发[p] pen pet map deep hope rope
4. [b] 字母b发[b] bed rub mob best `better
5. [f] 1) 字母f 发[f] five face wife life cliff roof
2) 字母ph 发[f] phone telephone `pho`to
6.[v] 字母v 发[v] save pave slave gave hive arrive
7.[w] 1)字母w 发[w] wise wipe wool wood
2)字母wh在除o之前以外的情况时发[w] when wheat whip which where why
8. [h] 1)字母h发[h]
hat house help hook hope horse hood
2) wh在o之前发[h]
who[u:] whom[u:] whoop [u:]
9.[k] 1)字母k 发[k] like hike look cook book hook kick
2)字母ck组合发[k] back lack jack pack hock lock luck
3) 字母c 在除e, i, y 之前的情况外发[k] coat cut cave car cart
cop class picture second cycle
10. [g] 1) 字母g 发[g] get bag log fog frog big pig dog gave god
2)gu在词首时发[g] guess guest
11. [d3 ]1) 字母j发[d3 ] jeep just jug jack jet
2) ge在词尾page cage age `passage `luggage message cottage village
3) dge在词尾发[d3 ] judge bridge badge
12.[t ] 1)字母ch 发[t ] teach reach peach which
2)ture在词尾发[t ☯] picture nature feature creature
13.[ ] 字母sh组合发[ ] fish flash wish sheet shut she shoot
14. [j] 字母y 在词首发[j] yes yet yellow year yum yelp
15.[ r ] 1) 字母r 音节开始发[ r ] right race rear rope read ripe
2) wr 组合在音节开始发[ r ] wrong write wright wrote wrap 16. [ l ] 1) le 在词尾成音节发含混音. apple middle kettle maple fable little riddle
2) 字母l 在音节开始发舌尖齿背音light like look leave lake let lip `gallop
3) 字母l在音节中,音节尾发含混音。
help mild wild child told tell bell
17. [ m] 1) 字母m 在音节开始发开唇音
make meet may might mess marble main `major
2) 字母m 音节中,音节尾发唇合音
name fame same lame game ham farm slim swim
18. [ n ] 1) 字母n在音节开始发开舌音name near nice neck note nose night
2) 字母n在音节中,音节尾发闭合音
pine kind find blind mind pain main lane
3) kn 在音节开始发开舌音know knife knot knock knit
19. [ ☠] 1) 字母n在[k]之前发[☠] tank pink rank think thank plank sink
2) 字母ng 组合发[☠]thing king ring strong sting string cling 20. [3] s在ion之前发[3], sion 组合发[3☯⏹]
re'vision [ri`vi3☯⏹] tele`vision [teli`vi3☯n]
pre`vision [pri`vi3☯n] in'vasion [in`vei3☯⏹]
21. [s ] 1) 字母s 发[s] pass class glass sit seat sing site
size soap sell sold save kiss
2) 字母c 在e, i, y之前发[s] race pace lace rice slice grace face
recite decide decision [di`si3☯⏹] `cycle `bicycle
22. [z] 1) 字母z 发[z]
puzzle drizzle zip zero
2) s 在元音字母之间rise rose close raise suppose nose 23. [tr] 字母tr 在音节开始try trip troop trice train trace trail
24. [dr] 字母dr 在音节首drive dry drop drain drip drove dress driver
25. [ts] ts, tes 组合在词尾hats gets seats feasts guests pots sports
hates gates rates sites notes
26. [dz] ds, des 组合在词尾reads roads gods nods spades slades hides spides slides
27. [ ] th 在实词中(名词,动词,形容词) math thing think thank thin thick theme
28. [ ] th 在虚词中(介词,代词,冠词,连词,副词) with the they them their then thus there these those this that。