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Dear John,
I got your letter yesterday and I was so excited to read it! It's been forever since we last wrote to each other. I have so much to tell you about everything that's been happening.
First of all, let me tell you about school. We just started a new semester and I got placed in Mrs. Walker's class this year. She seems really nice so far, but also kind of strict. We already have a ton of homework and projects due! I'm definitely going to need your help staying on top of everything.
Speaking of projects, we had to do this really cool one for science class last month. We had to build these little cars powered by balloons and race them across the classroom. My team's car didn't go very far at first because the wheels kept falling off. But after a bunch of tries, we finally got it to work by using way more tape. Our car ended up going the second farthest, which was pretty awesome!
In English class, we're reading this book called "Where the Red Fern Grows." Have you read that one before? It's about these two dogs named Old Dan and Little Ann. So far it's been a little sad, but I'm really liking it. We have to write a whole report on the book when we finish, which I'm not looking forward to. You know how much I hate writing essays and reports! I'm probably going to beg you for ideas when I start that project.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you the big news! My parents finally said I can get a puppy! Can you believe it? I've been asking them for a dog for years and they always said no. But I guess I wore them down because for my birthday last month, they surprised me with the cutest little golden retriever puppy! I named her Daisy. She's so fun and playful, but alsoA LOT of work.
I have to take her outside like eight times a day to go potty. And she chews on everything - my mom's shoes, the furniture, even my homework sometimes! But I love her so much already. I'll have to show you pictures next time I see you.
Speaking of my birthday, thank you so much for the Lego set you got me! Those new space shuttle pieces were so cool. I spent like three whole days building the shuttle and display stand for it. It's easily the best model I've made so far. You know me too well!
What else has been going on around here? Oh yeah, we got a new playground at the park down the street finally! The old one was getting kind of broken down and rusty. But this new one is massive - it has like four different slides, a rock climbing wall, swings, monkey bars, the whole nine yards. My friends and I have been going there every day after school to check it out. We've been having competitions to see who can climb the rock wall the fastest and stuff like that. So far I'm in second place behind Tommy, but I'm getting closer to beating his time each day.
Oh man, I just realized how long this letter is getting. I really don't mean to ramble on forever like this. I just got so excited catching you up on everything! Let me know if you can even follow half of what I'm saying. You know how I can jump around a lot when I get talking.
Anyway, enough about me. How have you been doing? What's the new middle school like so far? Are you making a bunch of new friends or still hanging out with the same crew? Have you joined any sports teams or clubs yet? You've got to tell me all about it in your next letter!
Well, I should probably wrap this up. My mom is calling me for dinner and you know how she gets if I'm even a little bit late to the table. I'll let you go for now, but I can't wait to hear back
from you soon, okay? Don't leave me hanging too long this time! Maybe I'll start writing you every week from now on so you have to respond quicker.
Your friend,
[Your name]
P.S. I almost forgot - our school is having a big Fall Festival coming up in a couple weeks. There's going to be games, a dunk tank, food trucks, and even a costume contest! You've got to come up and check it out if you can. It's going to be a blast!
Dear John,
Hi! It was so great to get your letter. I was really excited when I saw the envelope in the mail. I love getting letters from my friends!
School has been keeping me super busy lately. We just started a new unit on dinosaurs and it's been really cool learning all about them. Did you know that Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the biggest meat-eating dinosaurs that ever lived? Their skulls were over 5 feet long andthey had teeth as big as bananas! We got to make models of different dinosaur skulls out of clay. I
made a Triceratops and tried to get all the horns and bony plates just right.
In science, we've been learning about the water cycle too. Last week, we did an experiment to model evaporation and condensation. We put some water in a cup, covered it with plastic wrap, and set it out in the sun. After a little while, you could see water droplets forming on the underside of the plastic! It was so cool to see it happening right there. My teacher said those water droplets were condensation, which is what happens when water vapor in the air cools down and turns back into liquid water. I can't wait to learn about the other steps in the cycle.
Recess has been a lot of fun too. A bunch of us have been playing this new game we made up called "Dino Stomp." Basically, we pretend the playground is an island with a bunch of dinosaurs roaming around. One person is the "dino tracker" and they have to try to sneak around and tag the other "dinosaurs" without getting caught. If you get tagged, you're out and become a fossil watcher until the next round. Jason is ridiculously good at being the dino tracker. He's so sneaky and quiet when he moves around. I don't know how he does it!
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about the awesome field trip we went on last month! We went to the museum of natural history in the city and got to see all their dinosaur exhibits. They had actual real fossil skeletons of a Stegosaurus, Apatosaurus, and even a T-Rex! The T-Rex skeleton was ginormous. Just its head was bigger than my whole body. They even had a room with dinosaur sounds playing that made it feel like you travelled back in time. Some of the roars were seriously scary!
After the dinosaur exhibits, we went to the astronomy section and got to see a show in the planetarium theater. The show was all about stars and galaxies. We got to see the entire night sky projected on this huge domed ceiling above us. The narrator pointed out famous constellations and we learned how stars are born from giant clouds of gas and dust. My favorite part was when they zoomed out and you could see the entire Milky Way galaxy stretching across the ceiling. It was just a crazy feeling to see how tiny and small our solar system is compared to the rest of the galaxy. The whole universe is so unbelievably big! It kind of blows your mind to think about.
So that's what's been going on with me at school lately. How are things with you? What new and exciting has been happening? Write back soon and tell me everything!
Your friend,
[Your name]
Dear John,
I was so excited when I received your letter in the mail last week! It's been a while since we last wrote to each other. I have so much to tell you about what has been happening in my life.
Let me start by telling you about my summer vacation. My family and I went on a big trip to the beach! We drove for hours and hours in our car until we finally arrived. The beach was beautiful with soft golden sand and bright blue water that stretched as far as I could see. I spent hours playing in the waves and building sandcastles. One day, we even went on a boat tour to look for dolphins! We saw a whole pod of them swimming and jumping right next to our boat. It was amazing!
When I wasn't at the beach, I spent a lot of time reading books from the library. I read so many fun stories over the summer. My favorite was a book about a young wizard who goes off to a magical school to learn spells and fight evil wizards. It was full of adventure and excitement on every page. I can't wait
to read the next book in the series. Maybe you've read those books too? We'll have to discuss them when I see you again.
Shortly after we got home from our beach vacation, it was time for me to go back to school. I was nervous on the first day, but I also couldn't wait to see all my friends again. We have a new teacher this year, Mrs. Thompson, and she seems really nice so far. She let us go around the room on the first day to share something special we did over the summer. I told the class all about my beach trip and the dolphins I saw.
In my class this year, we're learning lots of new things already. In math, we're studying multiplication and division with bigger numbers. It's challenging but I'm working really hard to understand it. We also started a fun science unit all about the human body and how it works. Did you know that the heart is a muscle that pumps blood all throughout your body? Amazing! I'm looking forward to doing some cool experiments related to the heart and circulatory system.
For my latest writing assignment, we had to write a short story from the perspective of an animal. I decided to write mine about a clownfish living in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. I described what it's like to be a tiny, bright orange fish darting in and out of the anemones, dodging all the other bigger fish. I
worked really hard on adding lots of descriptive details to make it feel like the reader was really there in the ocean. My teacher said she was very impressed with my creative descriptions! I'll have to send you a copy sometime so you can read it.
In other news, I joined the school's chess club this year. I've always enjoyed playing chess with my dad, so I thought it would be fun to play against other kids my age too. There are a few really good players who have beaten me quite a few times already. But I'm practicing hard and getting better with each game. Maybe I'll be a chess master one day!
Halloween is coming up soon too. My friends and I are still deciding what we want to dress up as this year. Some ideas we've talked about are superheroes, characters from movies or books, or maybe even food items like a slice of pizza or a taco. No matter what we choose, I know we'll have a blast going
trick-or-treating together around the neighborhood. I'll make sure to save you some of my candy to share when I see you next!
Well, I think that's all my biggest updates for now. Thank you again for your letter. It's always so much fun to catch up with my best friend from back home. I can't wait to hear what's been happening in your life too. Be sure to write back soon, okay? Talk to you later!
Your friend,
[Your name]






























Dear John,
I'm so excited to finally write back to you! I've been looking forward to this ever since your last letter arrived. It was really cool to hear all about your family's trip to the Grand Canyon. I can't even imagine how huge and deep it must have looked in person. The pictures you included were awesome though! That bright red rock looks almost alien compared to the trees and
greenery around here. I'll have to ask my parents if we can go visit someday.
Things have been pretty busy for me lately with school and all my activities. Let me tell you about my typical week. It starts bright and early Monday morning, when my mom comes into my room around 7am to wake me up for school. I'm usually pretty tired still from the weekend, but she gets me up and I get dressed, brush my teeth, and head to the kitchen for breakfast. My favorites are waffles with syrup or a big bowl of Froot Loops.
Once I'm fed, my mom drives me the few blocks to Oakwood Elementary. I'm in 4th grade now, with Mrs. Henderson as my teacher. She's really nice, but also pretty strict about homework and behavior. The morning always starts with the Pledge of Allegiance and then we have reading time. We're studying poetry right now, which I'm not a huge fan of if I'm being honest.
I much prefer reading fiction books about adventures, mysteries, or even scary stories. Maybe you have some good book recommendations for me?
After reading, we'll usually have a math lesson. Math isn't my favorite subject, but I've been getting better at multiplying and dividing larger numbers. We use these cool self-checking workbooks that let you know right away if you get a problem
wrong, instead of having to wait for the teacher to grade it. In the afternoon, we'll cover other subjects like science, social studies, writing, or grammar. Social studies is probably my favorite after reading. I love learning about ancient civilizations and cultures from around the world.
The best part of each day is when the final bell rings at
3:15pm because that means it's time to head home and do my afterschool activities! On Mondays, my mom takes me straight to basketball practice. I'm on a rec league team with a bunch of my friends from school. We practice dribbling, shooting, passing, and then play games against each other. Even though I'm not very tall, I'm a pretty decent shooter from the outside. Our first game of the season is coming up soon.
Tuesdays are a little more chill, with just a one-hour tennis lesson after school. I'm still relatively new to tennis, having just started last year, but I'm really enjoying learning all the different swings and court positioning. My forehand is getting pretty consistent, but I still need to work on my backhand and serves. Who knows, maybe I'll be the next Serena Williams someday!
Wednesdays are my absolute favorite because that's when I have drama club after school. We're currently rehearsing for our spring production of Alice in Wonderland and I was cast as the
White Rabbit! I have quite a few lines to memorize, plus I need to really work on projecting my voice to the audience. The Mad Hatter and Alice are played by two of my best friends, so we have a lot of fun joking around during our downtime. I can't wait for opening night in a couple months.
Thursday is my only day with no afterschool activities, so I'll usually just head home, have a snack, and start on my homework for the night. Sometimes I'll have a decent amount of work, especially if there's a big test or project coming up for one of my classes. Other times, it will just be completing a few worksheets or assignment sheets. Either way, I always try to get it all done before dinner around 6pm. My parents are sticklers about having that family dinner time together each night with no phones, TVs or distractions.
Once I'm done eating, I'll either play outside if it's nice weather or stay inside and read, draw, or play video games if it's rainy or cold. I've been replaying some of the classic Nintendo games lately like Mario and Zelda. There's just something so fun and nostalgic about those old-school games! Sometimes my friends will come over and we'll all play together until around
8pm when they have to go home for their bedtime routines.
Friday is another busy day, but in a fun way! Right after school, I have a standing weekly playdate with my friends Tyler and Emma. We'll either go to one of our houses and play outside, or sometimes our parents will take us somewhere like a trampoline park, mini golf course, or bowling alley. No matter what we do, it's always a blast being able to run around and be crazy after a long week of sitting at school.
Finally, the weekends are my time to just kick back and relax. I'll usually sleep in until 9 or 10am, maybe make myself a humongous bowl of cereal, and then relax on the couch watching cartoons or playing video games for a few hours. If the weather is nice, my parents will probably make me go outside and kick the soccer ball around or go on a family bike ride. But I get plenty of downtime too. Sometimes I'll have a friend over and we'll build ridiculous forts and worlds out of our
Dear John,
How are you doing? I hope you're having a great summer so far! I'm writing to tell you all about the fun things I've been up to. Get ready, because this is going to be a super long letter!
First of all, did you hear that the new Avengers movie came out a few weeks ago? My parents took me and my little brother to see it on opening night. It was so awesome! There were a bunch of cool fight scenes with all the superheroes battling the bad guys. My favorite part was when Iron Man blasted the giant robot with his arm cannons. The special effects were incredible. We even got to see it in 3D, which made it feel like the action was happening right in front of us! I jumped a few times because the battles looked so real. After the movie, we went to the comic book store and I got the latest issue of Spider-Man. He's my favorite superhero because he has those cool web-shooting powers.
A couple days later, my cousins came over and we had a big sleepover at my house. We stayed up pretty late playing video games and eating junk food. My mom made us turn everything off at midnight though, because she said we needed our sleep. We set up a fake camping tent in the living room using blankets and pillows, and pretended we were out in the wilderness. We even made s'mores using the microwave! It was tons of fun having a "camp out" but without having to go anywhere. The next morning we had pancakes for breakfast. I ate way too many and got a stomachache, but they were delicious.
After that, we all went outside to ride our bikes around the neighborhood. We raced each other and I actually won a few times! My bike is pretty old though, so my dad said we'll go shopping for a new one soon with my birthday money. I'm hoping to get one of those cool BMX trick bikes. Wouldn't that be sweet? We could find a skate park and try doing gnarly stunts and jumps!
Speaking of my birthday, it's coming up next month and my parents are planning a huge party for me. I got to make a guest list of all my friends to invite over. We're going to have a bouncy castle, a dunk tank, and even a magician doing card tricks and illusions! I'm so stoked. My mom said I can have whatever kind of birthday cake I want, so I'm thinking maybe a gigantic one shaped like a racecar or a spaceship. Or maybe I'll get one that looks like Hulk smashing through it! How epic would that be? Let me know if you have any cool cake ideas.
For now though, I've just been hanging out at home a lot with my friends from school. We've had tons of Nerf gun battles in the backyard. I made this wicked fort out of boxes and lawn chairs to hide behind. A few days ago, we filled up water balloons and had an epic water fight. We all got completely drenched but
it felt so refreshing on such a hot day. After that we just laid out on the grass and worked on our tans. Summer is the best!
Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you - my family went camping up in the mountains last weekend. We drove a few hours to get to this really pretty lake with a campsite right next to it. We pitched our tent and spent the first day just swimming and canoeing around the lake. The water was freezing at first but it felt great after hiking in the warm sun. That night we had a big bonfire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. I tried catching fireflies in a jar too but they kept getting away from me. We saw tons of bright stars since we were far away from the city lights. My dad pointed out constellations to us using his laser pointer. He knows so much about space and planets!
The next day we went on a long hiking trail through the woods. We saw a bunch of cool stuff like deer, raccoons, even a black bear from pretty far away! We made sure to make loud noises so it wouldn't come close to us though. We took a bunch of selfies with the bear in the background. My mom said we'll get those printed out and frame them when we get home. After hiking we were pretty tired, so we just hung out at the campsite and played card games for the rest of the afternoon. I want to go back camping again before summer ends!
Well, that's about all my big news so far. Let me know if you've done anything fun like going on vacation, or if you've just been chillin' at home like me. Can't wait to hear back from you! Say hi to your family for me.
Your friend,
[Your name]。
