二管轮英文面试问题及参考答案考官对二管轮的面试主要集中在服从意识、对分管的机器和设备的维护保养方面的知识、对一些常见机械故障的判断能力、对一些常见机械的工作原理的认识、对《国际安全管理规则》(ISM CODE)和《公司安全管理手册》(SMS)的认识情况等等。
1. What are the responsibilities of the Second Engineer on board a ship?The responsibilities of the Second Engineer include the following.(1) Sea watch from 1200~1600 hours and from 0000~0400 hours every day except for UMS operation.(2) Port watch as designated by the Chief Engineer.(3) Maintenance and repair of the following machines and spare parts: generator engine, generator, fuel oil purifier, emergency generator,fuel oil control and other machines designated by the Chief Engineer.(4) Maintenance records of the generator engine, purifier, boilerand other equipments.(5) Sounding the fuel and lube oil tanks and making records of the daily consumption rate.(6) Requisition for spare parts of the machines and equipment under his charge.(7) Any other duties designated by the Chief Engineer.尽管二管轮和三管轮在不同的公司的职责有所区别,但是,基本工作内容还是很相似的。
二副面试问题How do you do,I’m liangchao very glad to meet you ,sir!1.can you tell me about your education background and working experience?Morning sir! My name is Liangchao . I am from a seaside city Yantai in Shandong province. I was born in 1975 and I am nearly 30 years old now. I am married , now I have one son..In 1999, after studing four years, I graduated from Dalian maritime university with a bachelor degree in ocean-going navigation.From 1999 till now, I have worked on about 4 vessels. and I have worked as a second officer for 2 ships,2 years .with experience of such types of vessel as bulk carriers and container vessel. I have worked for not only Chinese shipping companies including international Yantai marine shipping company, but also some foreign companies from HK OOCL, and Taiwan WANHAI. Most of the vessels I have worked on ,are nearly 10,000 tons in gross tonnage. Now I have all the necessary certificates for bulk carriers and general cargo carrier .this is all for my introduction. Thank you!2. Can you tell me your last vessel?3. What are your responsibilities as a second officer?the second officer is the navigational officer and sometimes also medical officer on board .besides, the second officer shall assist the chief officer. His duties may include the following:(1)navigation watch keeping from 1200 to 1600 and from 0000 to 0400(2)chart and navigational publication corrections(3)passage plan making(4)usually working as the designated communications officer(5)maintenance of communication equipment , instruments and spare parts on board this ship(6)Take care of all the basic navigational equipment and instruments including magneticcompass, gyrocompass ,gyro repeaters, time changes, depth sounders ,course recorder, GPS receivers, and so on.(7)Maintenance of inventories of the stationery(8)Medical duties.(9)Some other works designated by master or chief officer.4. Please briefly describe the procedure of dealing with navigational warnings.Firstly I shall register the navigational warnings in the register book and record the warning number in the card.Secondly I shall select the charts that are affected by the warnings. Then I shall use pens, scissors and glues to fix permanent notice. I shall also use pencils to fix temporary and preliminary notices. The charts are to be corrected according to all the concerned warnings. WhenI correct the chart ,I shall frequently consult the geographical index.5. can you describe the charts correction procedures ?firstly, the second officer has to make sure that he has received the latest notice to mariner and that he has to write the notice request on time. The master shall make emergency request if the lasted is not received.Secondly, the second officer has to record the notice to mariner on the correction logs on time according to the chronological order.Thirdly, when correcting the chart, he has to make sure that the last small correction has beenmade on the chart.Erasure should never be made when deleting information crossed through .instead ,seryes of short double strokes should be used while correction fluid should not be used. And allways insert information before you delete any information.6. Who should draft the passage plan on board? What are included in passage plan? When you make the passage plan, what information do you need?Usually, the passage plan should be prepared by the second officer and approved by the master. during passage ,when an error or mistake is found about the passage plan, it should be report to the master first and corrected afterwards by the second officer .but during voyage the passage plan cannot be changed without the master’s approval.The passage plan should include such information as way points, the distance between way points, courses, current, tide, weather conditions and means of communications, means of fixing position and interval and so on.Besides, the following information and publications are necessary in making the passage plan: sailing directions, pilot book, port entry guidance, tide table, local area warning, warning from the NA V AREA areas, list of light and radio signals, admiralty notice to mariner, sea chart and catalogue of admiralty charts and other publications.7. What is the scope the passage plan cover? If you miss one or two big or small scale charts for next voyage, can the ship give sea going or not?The passage plan should cover the sailing route from berth to berth. Lack of information for some areas may lead to some serious accidents. The ship cans not departure if one or two charts are not available.8. if the signal of three red lights vertically aligned is found on board a ship during night voyage,what do you think is wrong with the ship? If a motor ship is moving under the way ,but not under command ,what kind of signals should she use ?on what occasion do you display two black balls during the day?The vessel is constrained by her draught ,it is very hard for her to maneuver. Our vessel should give a wide berth and take actions to keep away from her.The motor ship should use not-under-command lights,i.e. two red lights vertically aligned during night time,and two black balls vertically aligned during day time.We shall display two black balls when our vessel cannot get out the way for others.9.please describe how do you take care of the magnetic compass?The liquid magnetic compass should be regulary checked for air bubbles and it should always be covered when it is not in use .the deviation of the compass should be checked and observed during every watch.10.how do you set and adjust gyro compass?The second officer should frequently check the gyrocompass’error. Actually,gyrocompass accuracy should be checked at least once a day at sea and at anchor, and for each course steered. During the watch, the simultaneous check should be made at least hourly. If there is any significant deviation error, the second officer should report it to the master and record in the compass record book and deck logbook. The electronic devices should be kept away from the compass in a reasonable distance. The chief officer or other designated officers should test the error in the morning or evening.11.what are your responsibilities as the second officer while the vessel is in port?My responsibilities are to keep good watch,to ensure the safety of life,the ship and the cargo and to maintain good working orders on the vessel.During my watch I should be aware of the draft, under keel clearance, the state of ship,the moring conditions so as to avoid dangerous listing,trim or hull stress during cargo operation. I should also make sure that de-ballasting causes no marine pollution. I should watch and supervise the loading process and report any incident or accident to the chief officer.12.please tell me the difference between the great circle line and rhomb line?In theory, the great circle line is the shortest distance between two places,while the rhomb line is longer than the great circle line .however ,it is very hard for a vessel just to take the great circle line or rhomb line.13.during cargo loading , if you find cargo damages in holds, what should you do?I shall record them in writing or even photograph the damages and report the situation to the chief officer immediately. The chief officer should report it to the tallyman and ask them to replace the cargo , if possible. At the same time, the officer on duty should make the on-the-spot record.If the damages are really very serious, we should report to the master and ask for his instructions.14.when you usually do the chart work? When you are keeping watch, can you do the chart work? Whenever I receive the notice to mariner, I will do the correction and drawing as soon as possible.Generally ,I should not do the chart work when am keeping watch. Doing chart work during watch keeping can give rise to some potential danger to the maneuvering of the vessel.15.what is the maximum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rate on board?According to the STCW95 Code ,the maximum blood alcohol concentration shall not be more than 0.08% by weight at any time when being tested. But the code of federal regulations requires the blood alcohol concentration to be no more than 0.04%. watch keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage 4 hours before their watch . besides ,when bunkering ,loading and unloading, moring and unmoring,4 hours before and after port all, the sailor on board cannot have any alcoholic drinks.16.pls tell me your duties as the medical officer.I am responsible for maintaining the medical inventory. I should keep a good record of the use of different medicines and make sure that the aide bags are at proper locations. I should also be careful with the madicine locker. The expired medicines should be replaced on time. When some important medicines are out of stock, I should report to the master and make requisition for supply.17.when do you call the master to the bridge?In the following situations , according to the SMS manual, I will have to call the master to the bridge:(1)when the visibility is lower than the one mentioned in the master’s standing order.(2)Breakdown of the main engine , steering gear ,gyrocompass or any other critical equipmentrelated to the safety of the vessel.(3)When the ship’s possition and sounding are unusual or strange(4)When the navigational marks or sounding do not appear as expected(5)When heavy weather is encountered(6)When the ship is behaving in an unusual way(7)When marine pollution is seen or suspected(8)When distress message is received or accident observed(9)Any other situation when the officer are in doubt(10)W henever the ship is in danger18.when radar and arpar are in use, do they relieve your duty of lookout as a watch-keeperNo, these apparatuses do not relieve the watch officer of his duty to maintain a proper lookout at all times . this is very important to the maneuvering of the vessel . accidents often arise because of the officers’complete dependence on the RADAR,ARPAR,GPS and other equipment, especially in hazardous areas, such as the coast and port areas,low visibility area,restricted areas and heavy weather regions. All in all, the rules and regulation of the COLREG 1972 must be strictly obeyed.19.what do you know about EC and ECDIS?EC means electronic chart, and ECDIS means electronic chart and information system.. this system uses the computer technology to provide chart details on a visual display unit, combined with an automatic indication of ship’s position , and possibly a radar image, and a navigation aide.this kind of chart needs basic computer operation skills and automation knowledge.20.can you tell me the main contents of a typical admiralty notice to mariner? How did you get the notice to mariner on your last vessel?The admiralty notice to mariner is a maritime publication issued by the hydrographic department of the unitec kingdom . they include admiralty notices, australian and new zealand notices. They are published on a weekly basis .there is also an annual summary version.The admiralty notice to mariner includes 6 sections . section one, explanatory notes and indexes to section two .section two , admiralty notices to mariners-corrections to charts. Section three , reprints of radio navigational warnings.section four , corrections to admiralty sailing derections.section five,corrections to admiralty list of lights and fog signals .section six , corrections to admiralty list of radio signals.On my last ship, the ship owner provided us with the notice to mariner in every major port .if they failed to give us the notice . we will send them a reqrest for this by e-mail.21.it is very important to get rid of the outdated charts and other SMS documents on board . why? It is very important to keep the lasted revised charts also some other ISM documents on board in the deck ang engine room . and keep away those out-of-dated charts because after a period of time, you will not be able to know what documents are the newest ones. The mixture of the old and new documents on board can easily give rise to some problems for the safety of the vessel . so it is very important to do away with the obsolete documents as soon as possible.22.how do you maintain the clocks?I am responsible for the vessel clocks expect for those in the engine room. Before getting underway , clocks shall be compared and synchronized , and the synchronization record shall be entered into the deck logbook.23.under what situations do you call the engine room when you are on duty?(1)whenever it is necessary to make sure that engine room and bridge clocks are synchronized(2)at least one hour before starting or endding a sea passage(3)as soon as it appears that engine operation maneuvers may be required, with one hour’snotice if possible(4)whenever the ship machinery operation may be affected by weather or other conditionchanges , such as shallow water approach, concentration of marine life or seaweed, ice in water ,or change of trim or draft due to ballasting shifting.(5)One hour before inert gas system operation is required (for tanker)(6)One hour before steam is required on deck(7)Whenever the temperature fall to 2 degree centigrade to prevent damage to equipment(8)At least one hour before the standby generator is required(9)Whenever the cargo pumps are used(10)O ne hour prior to getting underway24.what should you do first after you jion a vessel?Firstly, I shall familiarize myself with the familisrization booklet, the muster lists and emergency card in my cabin.Secondly , I shall report to the master and get familiar with other officers and crew on board the vessel .Thirdly , with accompaniment of the relieved second officer , I shall have an inspection of those items he was responsible for . I shall discuss immediately with the master on any unsatisfactory conditions, including equipment malfunctions. I shall also take over all the documents the second officer should take care of . a good handover with the relieved second officer is the most important job for me.25.when do you have to change from the automatic steering to manual steering?The steering mode should be changed from automatic to manual mode under the following circumstances:(1)in any emergency situation(2)in diminishing and restricted visibility, as defined by the master(3)when the ship’s steering in shallow water(4)when the master or duty officer think it is necessarywhen the steering mode is changed , the watch officers shall supervise the process.26.if ship collision happens when you are on duty , what procedure should you follow?I shall carry out the emergency checklistFirstly, I will sound the alarm for emergency. Secondly, I will inform the master immediately. Thirdly, I will inform the engine room and prepare engine standby; after ship collision , all the tanks should be sounded and the ship owner, manager should be informed of the accident. The accident report should also be sent to the all concerned parties and the coast country. And all the above actions, ship’s position, times,etc . should be recorded properly.27.before the ship sails to a new port , if you do not have one or two necessary charts, what should you possibly do?If possible , I will ask for help from the master . if the master cannot help, I may ask for help from the vessels sailing in the same area. Anyway I will try to solve the problem before the vessel sails to the port.28.what is safety speed during sailing?What factors should you consider in deciding the speed of a vessel during sailing in the sea?The safe speed is the speed at which the vessel can take proper and effective actions to be stopped in a safe distance. The following factors should be taken into account to achieve safe speed : visibility,number of ships in the area, the ship’s maneuverability ,wind force, sea tide and current , background lights, draught and available depth of water, proximity of navugationalhazards, standard and operation of technical equipment on board, ice condition and so on.29.when navigating in a crossing situation , as master or duty officer ,what anti-collision measures should be taken? When the vessels are proceed on head-on condition,what anti-collision rule should be observed? When a power-driven ship and sailing meet in the sea, what anti-collision rule should be observed?When two power-driven ships are crossing , the ship which has the other ship on her own starboard side shall keep out of way. To do this ,this ship can either alter course to starboard side or slow down her speed in order to avoid collision.When two power –driven ships are meeting head-on situation or near head-on situation , each ship shall alter course to starboard so that they can jpsaa on the port side of each other at a safe distance.When a ship sails at a higher speed overtakes another ship , the ship shall sails at higher speed or shall alter its course to avoid collision.A power-driven ship shall out of the way of a sailing ship,this can be done either altering its course or speed up to avoid collision.30.you are the watch officer at anchor on an 8000-tons ship which is about 400 feet long, if the weather becomes foggy and foggy , what jprecautions should you take?I would station a man forward with orders to ring the ship’s bell rapidly for 5 seconds every minutes and another man aft to sound the gong likewise. Ship’s whistle or siren would be ready for use in case of necessity to give warning of my position to a vessel approaching. The signals for this warning shall be 3 blasts in succession31.when should a turnover (handover) of watch be deferred or postponed?Usually , under the following situations , the turnover can be deferred or even postponed: (1)if the officer on watch has reason to believe that the relieving officer is obviously not ableto carry out his duties effectively(2)when bridge maneuver is taking place, turnover of watch must be deferred until the actionis completed and the ship is in a safe condition for the relief of the watch to take place. 32.under what conditions should you as officer on watch change the ship’s speed?The officer on watch should not hesitate to use engine to reduce the speed for safety . some examples are :(1)when the ship meets testricted visibility(2)when the ship is in heavy traffic area(3)when the ship is in a close quarter situation33.what actions should be taken when restricted visibility is encountered or expected?(1)call or notify the master (2) switch on the navigational lights (3) switch on and sound fogsignals (4) switch on ARPAR and RADAR (5) shift to manual steering for maneuver (6) post additional lookout (7) inform and advise engine room for any emergency maneuvers 34.what precautionary measures are to be done 12 hours before arrival at or departure from any port?I shall test the following before entering or getting underway:(1)primary and secondary steering gear(2)internal control communications and control alarm(3)standby and emergency generator(4)storage batteries for emergency lighting(5)main propulsion ahead and astern35.what should you do in case of steering failure?When there is a steering failure , I shall report to the master immediately, so that he may take whatever actions are required . at the same time , provided no further incidents occur , hoist the signals for a vessel not under command .at the same time , inform the engine room and ditermine the time necessary for repairs , if possible , so that the necessary preparations can be made on the bridge.36.when is great circle sailing most advantageous? Pls explain briefly ?the shortest distance between two meridians is the arc of the great circle contained between these two points . the advantges of using the great circle sailing are most obvious in high latitudes, where there is a large difference of longitude between the points of departure and destination. 37.how do you do the chart work?The chart work must be so detailed that the master or relieving officer can easily and quickly find out the ship’s last known position and from that they can determine its present position.detailed chart work includes course line ,DR position marked with time and distance,observed position with time and distance plus the position fixing method.Special notes like when the master should be informed and when to slow down .etc. are also needed in some dangerous areas.38.if a man is overboard , what actions should you take immediately?I should throw him a lifebuoy and follow the emergency procedure .that is to say I should to sound the alarm, inform the master and the engine room ,make williamson turn and keep constant lookout.39.what is confine water ? what factor should you take into account when you make passage plan in the confined waters?Confined waters means an area of the sea where the width of the safely navigable waterway is not more than about 2 miles, such as a strait , considering the draft of the vessel and water depth .For navigation in confined waters, I shall consider the following matters in planning a passage.(1)presence/absence of special navigational rules and items to report.(2)In formation on the sailing directions , coast pilot , and so on.(3)The draft of the vessel and the navigable area of the sea.(4)The effect of sinkage of the hull (squat) and keeping enough under keel clearance.(5)Tides , and a tidal current.(6)Weather conditions and counter-measures against restricted visibility.(7)Use of navigation aids to give a sign, and setting of parallel index (line for avoiding danger)(8)Passing time of danger points(daylight/night-time)(9)The degree of congested water-traffic, crowed area with fishing boats , and counter-measuresfor the above mentioned.(10)T he vessel’s maneuvering ability.(11)N ecessity/lack of necessity for adjustment of the vessel’s speed.40.what is ISM Code? How many chapters are there in ISM Code now? what is DOC and SMC ? ISM means international management code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention.it is made by the IMO.The ISM code includes 16 chapters falling into two parts: the part one is implementation , the part two is verification and certification. The 16 chapters are : general, safety and environmentprotection policy, company responsibilities and authority , designated person , master’s responsibilities and authority , resources and personnel , development of plans for shipboard operation , emergency preparedness , reports and analysis of non-conformity , accidents and hazardous occurrences , maintenance of the ship and equipment , documentation , company verification and periodical verification , verification , interim certification , and forms of cercificates .the last four chapters are newly added in the new version of ISM Code.SMS means safety management system , and this system is made based on the 16 elements of ISM code , which is a compulsory part SOLAS 74. the ship-owner or manager cannot get document of compliance (DOC) and SMC without audited safety management certificate (SMC) by class designate by the flag registry country administration.41.in case of loss of bridge control , what immediate actions do you take?In case of the vessel fall into loss of bridge control result from trouble in the main engine , steering gear, etc. the officer on duty shall immediately take the following measures:(1)stopping engine in case trouble of steering engine(2)alerting other vessels sailing nearby by means of lights for not under command ,whistle orVHF(3)reporting to the master /chief engineer(4)confirming the vessel position(5)estimating the drifting direction and speed.42.can you name some publications on board the ship?Thank you very much for your kindness in taking time to interview me ,I am realy very interested in the jobs and your good company. I wish I could meet your satisfication, thank you sir!Expanation 说明Gnomonic chart大圆海图macro circle chart1.can you tell me about your education background and working experience?2.can you tell me your last vessl ?3.what are your responsibilities as a second officer ?4.please briefly describe the procedure of dealing with navigational warnings.5.can you describe the charts correction procedures ?6.who should draft the passage plan on board? What are included in passage plan? When you make the passage plan ,what information do you need?7.what is the scope the passage plan cover?if you miss one or two big or small scale charts for next voyage, can the ship give sea going or not?8.if the signal of three red lights vertically aligned is found on board a ship during night voyage,what do you think is wrong with the ship? If a motor ship is moving under the way ,but not under command ,what kind of signals should she use ?on what occasion do you display two black balls during the day?9.please describe how do you take care of the magnetic compass?10.how do you set and adjust gyrocompass?11.what are your responsibilities as the second officer while the vessel is in port?12.please tell me the difference between the great circle line and rhomb line?13.during cargo loading , if you find cargo damages in holds, what should you do?14.when you usually do the chart work? When you are keeping watch, can you do the chart work?15.what is the maximum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rate on board?16.pls tell me your duties as the medical officer.17.when do you call the maste r to the bridge?18.when radar and arpar are in use, do they relieve your duty of lookout as a watch-keeper19.what do you know about EC and ECDIS?20.can you tell me the main contents of a typical admiralty notice to mariner? How did you get the notice to mariner on your last vessel?21.it is very important to get rid of the outdated charts and other SMS documents on board . why?22.how do you maintain the clocks?23.under what situations do you call the engine room when you are on duty?24.what should you do first after you jion a vessel?25.when do you have to change from the automatic steering to manual steering?26.if ship collision happens when you are on duty , what procedure should you follow?27.before the ship sails to a new port , if you do not have one or two necessary charts, what should you possibly do?28.what is safety speed during sailing?What factors should you consider in deciding the speed of a vessel during sailing in the sea?29.when navigating in a crossing situation , as master or duty officer ,what anti-collision measures should be taken? When the vessels are proceed on head-on condition,what anti-collision rule should be observed? When a power-driven ship and sailing meet in the sea, what anti-collision rule should be observed?30.you are the watch officer at anchor on an 8000-tons ship which is about 400 feet long, if the weather becomes foggy and foggy , what jprecautions should you take?31.when should a turnover (handover) of watch be deferred or postponed?32.under what conditions should you as officer on watch change the ship’s speed?33.what actions should be taken when restricted visibility is encountered or expected?34.what precautionary measures are to be done 12 hours before arrival at or departure from any port?35.what should you do in case of steering failure?36.when is great circle sailing most advantageous? Pls explain briefly ?37.how do you do the chart work?38.if a man is overboard , what actions should you take immediately?39.what is confine water ? what factor should you take into account when you make passage plan in the confined waters?40.what is ISM Code? How many chapters are there in ISM Code now? what is DOC and SMC ?41.in case of loss of bridge control , what immediate actions do you take?42.can you name some publications on board the ship?船长面试问题2.what is a classification society? What is the purpose of classification survey? Please list some famous classification societies in the world.A classification society is usually an independent organization that carries out classification surveys, statutory surveys ,surveys related to notarial matters for ship , offshore installations ,marine freight containers, materials and marine equipment . it also provides safety management certification services to shipping companies and their ships . the purpose of classification survey is to evaluate the situation of a ship and the management of a company and its ship.Some of the famous classification societies are:NK(japanese 日本海事协会) ,CCS(chinese),ABS(american),DNV(norwegian),SL(british lloyd 英国劳氏),GL(german llord 德国劳氏),KR(korean),RINA(意大利船级社)。
专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译1. Behavior modeling 行为模拟2. Employee leasing 员工租借3. Factor comparison system 因素比较法4. Graphic rating-scale method 图式评估法5. Panel interview 小组面试6. Replacement charts 替换表7. Selection 甄选8. Vesting 既得利益9. Team leader training 团队领导培训10. Profit sharing 利润分享11. Psychological support 心理支持12. Skill-based pay 技能工资13. Web-based training 网上培训14. Key jobs 关键工作15. Job enlargement 工作扩大化二、单项选择1. mentors 导师2. change the person, not the behavior 改变人的行为3. cultural trends 文化趋势4. job analysis 工作分析5. designed to help terminated employees find a job elsewhere 旨在帮助终止雇员到别处找工作6. effective delegatory skills 有效的delegatory技能7. behavior method 行为方法8. skill-based pay plans 技能工资方案9. use a classroom-oriented approach so employees learn by lectures 使用方法让员工学习课堂讲座10. They are free of most biases that other rating sources may have他们是自由最偏见,其他来源的评价可能有三、阅读理解1.Performance management for knowledge workers知识型员工绩效管理2.Is reluctant to share knowledge with colleagues不愿与同事分享知识3. At Bain, partners are eager to share knowledge with colleagues. 贝恩的合作伙伴,渴望分享知识与同事。
1. 在你自我介绍中有什么特别想强调的?示例回答:首先,感谢面试官给我这个机会。
2. 你为什么选择报考我们学校?示例回答:我非常欣赏贵校的师资力量和办学理念。
3. 你在本科阶段取得的最大成就是什么?示例回答:我认为我在本科阶段最大的成就是参与一个创新项目并获得国家级科研成果。
4. 你对你所选择的专业有什么了解?示例回答:我选择的专业是XXX。
5. 你的未来职业规划是什么?示例回答:我希望能够通过研究生的学习,进一步提升自己的专业能力和综合素质。
船员英文面试题及答案1. What is your experience as a crew member?- I have been working as a crew member for the past five years, gaining experience in various roles on different vessels.2. Can you describe a challenging situation you faced at sea and how you handled it?- During a storm, we had to quickly secure the deck and ensure the safety of all crew members. I coordinated with the team to follow emergency protocols and managed to keep everyone safe.3. How do you maintain safety standards on board?- I strictly adhere to the safety guidelines provided by the ship's management. Regular inspections, drills, and training sessions are conducted to ensure all crew members are up to date with safety procedures.4. What are your responsibilities as a crew member?- My responsibilities include assisting with navigation, maintaining the ship's equipment, and ensuring the overall cleanliness and orderliness of the vessel.5. How do you handle conflicts among crew members?- I address conflicts by mediating a conversation between the parties involved, ensuring that all perspectives are heard and working towards a resolution that is fair to all.6. Describe your understanding of maritime law.- Maritime law governs the rights, responsibilities, and liabilities arising from maritime activities. It includes regulations on navigation, marine pollution, and the carriage of goods and passengers.7. How do you stay updated with the latest maritime regulations and practices?- I regularly attend training sessions and seminars, and I also keep myself informed through industry publications and online resources.8. Can you explain the importance of teamwork on a ship?- Teamwork is crucial on a ship as it ensures smooth operations, safety, and efficiency. Each crew member has a role to play, and working together is essential for the success of the voyage.9. What language skills do you possess that would be beneficial in a multinational crew environment?- I am fluent in English and have a working knowledge of Spanish, which allows me to communicate effectively with crew members from various backgrounds.10. How do you manage your time and tasks effectively duringa long voyage?- I prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, and I use planning tools such as checklists and schedules to keep track of daily activities and ensure all duties are completed on time.11. Describe a time when you had to make a quick decision to ensure the safety of the vessel.- During a sudden engine failure, I quickly assessed the situation and coordinated with the engineering team toinitiate emergency procedures, which included deploying the lifeboats and alerting the coast guard.12. How do you handle stress and pressure during your work?- I manage stress by maintaining a healthy work-life balance, practicing mindfulness techniques, and ensuring I have adequate rest. I also communicate openly with my team about any concerns or pressures I am facing.13. What are your long-term career goals in the maritime industry?- My long-term goal is to advance to a leadership position, such as a Chief Officer or Captain, where I can utilize my experience and skills to lead a crew and ensurethe safe and efficient operation of the vessel.14. Can you tell us about a time when you had to adapt to a new technology or procedure on board?- When our ship was upgraded with a new navigation system, I took the initiative to learn the system thoroughly and trained my fellow crew members, ensuring a smooth transition and optimal use of the technology.15. Why do you want to join our crew?- I am attracted to your company's reputation for safety, innovation, and commitment to crew welfare. I believe myskills and experience align with your values, and I am eager to contribute to your team.。
无限航区船舶二三副英语评估口述题参考答案-精品2020-12-12【关键字】=LEFT(A13668,2)第一章公共用语1. Please say something about your hometown.My hometown is Xiamen, it is a beautiful city in south china .my hometown is good port city. And famous for its tourism. Every year there are thousands of tourists coming from all parts of the country, they will enjoy the beautiful scenery. The fresh air and the blue sky. The people here are very kind and hospitable .they entertain their guests with delicious local seafood .I like my hometown very much.2. Self –introductionMy name is Li Ming. I am twenty years old. My hometown is Xiamen. It is a beautiful city in south china. Igraduated from Xiamen Ocean Collage in 2006. I have been a seaman for two years. I am a third officer. I like the life on board. My hobby is playing basketball and football. I am interested in listening music and reading storybook. Listening music can help me relax and enjoy. In my spare time, Ialways listen music on deck.3. Say something about your family.I am from Xiamen. My family is small. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father is a seaman. He is a captain. He likes navigating and fishing. My mother is a doctor. She work in a big hospital in Xiamen city. She is very busy. I am a student. Now Iam studying at Xiamen Ocean Collage. Iwill graduate next year. I like reading book and playing football. We get along very well. I am very happy with the family.5. Your responsibilities on boardI work as an A.B. on board. My duty on board is keeping watches and doing maintenance work. Before sailing, I test the wheel, check the navigation lights, prepare the signal flags. When entering or leaving the port, I keep the navigation watch. During the voyage, I steer the wheel, and keep lookout. When at sea and traffic density is low, I usually do maintenance work. Such as derusting, painting or splicing work and so on.When berthing or unberthing, I do mooring and unmooring work. My position in these cases is forecastle or poop. When lying alongside, I keep the gangway watch.第三章靠离与锚泊业务1. As an officer on duty, how do you keep watch while the ship is at anchor?When the ship is at anchor, the officer being on duty, I should comply with the captain’s order, keep continuous listening watch on VHF, and check anchor position frequently by GPS fixing and radar fixing. If any ship is coming ,I should keeping watch the coming vessel ,pay attention to her position to prevent the two ships from collision .in case of anchor dragging ,I will inform master, inform the engine room to stand by engine, and inform the harbour control.第四章装卸作业2. Describe the procedures before entering an enclosed space.Before we enter an enclosed space, ventilation should be carried out in advance; the concentration ofoxygen should be checked. We will be prohibited from entering the space if it is low. In that case, we shall wear breathing apparatus .Some crew shall keep watch at the entrance and exit. The interphone shall be carried to contact others in time .electric torch and illuminating device shall be carried. In the event of dangers, we shall call for help and withdraw.4. Describe the actions to be taken in case of an oil spill on board.If an oil spill happens on board, the person on the spot shall report to bridge immediately and take some measures such as shut off the oil pump. The bridge will sound the alarm. On hearing the alarm, all the crew shall carry tools to remove the spilled oil immediately. Before bunkering, precautions must be taken, such as plugging deck scuppers, placing oil removing tools and fire –fighting equipment on the bunkering spot, closely monitoring oil level, ensuring the communication between watchmen and bunkering tanker.第五章航行1. The duties of watch –keeping when underway.When underway, a proper lookout shall be kept continuously .give way to the coming vessel early and give her a wide berth. Keep listening on VHF 16 .take ship’s position frequently to ensure the ship on the planned courses .stand by to proceed in reduced visibility. Check the navigational instruments frequently to see if they are in good working order. Anyway, various means shall be employed to ensure the navigational safety of the ship.2. Describe the bridge shift change.The relieving officer must relieve the watch on time, reporting to the bridge early enough become informed of the situation before taking over the watch. The relieving officer must read and understand the entries in the master’s Night Order Book and sign it to indicate understanding of the master’s order. He must confirm the ship’s present position. Review related charts and publications, discuss the navigational situation with the officer on watch and check the ship’s gyro course recorder. If satisfied that all the above information is correct, in order and understood, the relieving officer will finally relieve the officer on watch. The watch officer must not surrender the watch until assured that the relieving officer is physically capable and fully understand the steaming situation. The watch is not to be relieved during a maneuver.4. Describe advantages of various tools or technologies for proper lookout.Proper lookout includes but is not limited by the following: visual lookout, hearing, Radar, VHF, Telescope, etc... By visual lookout, the prevailing circumstances and conditions in the vicinity o the vessel can be clearly known. By using Radar, the range and bearing of objects can be detected so as determine if risk of collision exist. According to the figures, you can decide when, where and how to avoid the unfavorable situations. It is convenient for navigators to communicate easily with each other through VHF. The purpose of proper lookout is to maintain safety. According to the prevailing circumstances and conditions, various tool and technologies are used, to keep the vessel’s safety.第八章消防与船员自救1. Describe fire precautions on board.Have fire patrols in all spaces regularly. Be careful to extinguish cigarettes completely. Never smoke in bed. Never smoke on deck except in areas labeled as smoking areas. Never throw a cigarette overboard. The naked light and open fire is strictly prohibited. Never use an electric iron in cabin. Carry out fire fighting drill every month. The fire fighting equipment shall be checking at regular intervals .if anything is found ,it shall be solved in time to ensure they are ready for use at any time, the fire fighting drills shall becarried out every month to assimilate every crew member with his own duties. After the fire alarm is sounded, all the crew shall go to the assembly station. the commanded will call the roll and report the number to the bridge .the bridge will take measures according to different situations, the routine fire fighting work is very important. Every person on board shall pay attention to fire precautions to ensure the safety of ship and personnel.3 Describe the measures taken on board if aground.If a ship is aground. Must stop engine. Sound general emergency alarm. Exhibit lights / shapes and make any appropriate sound signals. Check hull for damage. Sound bilge and tanks. Sound around ship to determine which way deep water lies and the nature of the seabed. Obtain information on local currents and tides. Reduce the draft of the ship or wait the rise of the tide for re-floating4 describe the measures taken on board if on fire.If a fire is found on board. We must sound the fire alarm. Call master to the bridge if he is not on the bridge. Muster crew. Each crewmember has to carry out his assigned duty. Determine the class of fire. Use appropriate extinguishers to put the fire off. Close down ventilation fans and all doors to prevent the spread of the fire. Check for missing and injured persons. When the fire is extinguished, post a fire watch and check the fire area to prevent the re-ignition of the fire. Rope off the fire area.第九章救助2 Describe the responses when a person falls overboard.Release lifebuoy with light and smoke signal on the side the crew member has fallen overboard. Take immediate avoiding action so as not to run over the man over the man overboard. Sound three prolonged blasts of the ship’s whistle. Post a lookout to maintain a continuous watch on the man overboar d. Hoist signal flag ‘O’. Commence a recovery maneuver, such as a Williamson turn. Note ship’s position, wind speed and direction and time. Inform engine room. Place engine on stand-by. Must rescue boat’s crew. Rig pilot ladder/nets to assist in the recovery. Broadcast URGENCY message to ships in the vicinity.3. Describe briefly the GMDSS.GMDSS means Global Maritime Distress and Safety system. It will establish communication between ship and shore in time, and avoid and decrease accidents at sea, to ensure the safety of crew and ship. GMDSS consists of INMASAT A, B, C; VHF, MF/HF, DSC, SART, EPIRB, Navtex, SSB, and so on. GMDSS can provide to ships weather forecast, navigation and safety warning, and the accurate position of vessel in distress. In case of emergence, vessels will transmit distress messages to coast station, ant the vessel in distress will be rescued.4. Describe briefly the DSC distress alert.DSC is a part of GMDSS on board. It is used to communications between ship and shore, ship and ship. It is the important equipment to transmit signals when a vessel is in distress. The format of distress alert is as follows: MMSI position, time, nature of distress, and later means of communication, such as telephone or telex. DSC is very important. It is very helpful for assistance in distress, which makes it more possible for ships to be salvaged.第十章遇险1.Send a Mayday message according to the given information.Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is MV Blue Whale, Blue Whale. My call sign is WXCP, Whisky, X-ray,Charlie, Papa. My present position is 47o4’ N, 50o8’ W. there is explosion and fire in the engine room. We have been doing our best in fire fighting but the ship is still in danger. We need fire fighting assistance. Over.2. Send a Mayday message according to the given information.Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is MV South Pacific, South Pacific. My call sign is NOPE, November, Oscar, Papa, Echo. I am aground. My present position is 22o04’ N, 127o 08’ E. We have tried to refloat. But the wind is too strong and the ship is in danger. We need tug assistance. Over.3. Send a Pan Pan message according to the given information.Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan. This is MV White Snow, White Snow. My call sign is ALMI, Alpha, Lima, Mike, India. My main engine has broken down. My present position is 22o04’ N, 127o 08’ E . My ship is rolling and pitching heavily due to strong wind and is in danger. We need tug assistance. Over.4. Send a Pan Pan message according to the given information.Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan. This is MV Blue Sea, BlueSea. My call sign is BERN, Bravo, Echo, Romeo, November. My present position is 22o04’ N, 127o 08’ E . My steering gear has broken down. The vessel is out of control and adrift. I am in danger. I need convoy assistance. Over.第十一章港口国检查2 Please describe the preparatory work or the daily maintenance work to be done by you before a PSC inspection.I am a third officer. I am responsible for the care of the fire-fighting appliances, life-saving appliances, ship’s signaling equipment and signal flags. Before a PSC inspection, I must ensure that all these appliances and equipments are in good condition and available for immediate use. Prepare these appliances inspecting and maintaining plans, Prepare the records of inspection, test and maintenance of all these appliances.第十二章ISPS2 Please describe something about Automatic Identification System.Automatic Identification System is device that transmits information about your ship and receives the same from other ships. An example of information transmitted would be: Call sign, ship’s name, the ship’s speed, course and destination. The AIS is an important tool for coastal states to monitor ship traffic and to detect possible threats. Coast stations can also receive this information.4. please describe something about ship security training and drill.On board ship, trainings and drills of Security are very important. Usually the security training is carried out once a month. And the security drill is carried out once every three months. The ship imagines a security incident during the drill. All the crewmembers must take part in the drill. The security officers is in charge of the training. All personnel except the duty members must join the activity. Imagining a incident, transmitting alert, carrying out different duties by the crew, summarizing the above result and submitting a report to company are the basic procedure of ship security training and drill.。
二副英文面试问题和答案二副英文面试问题和答案1、”What are your goals for the future?” or “Where do you see yourself in five years?”Don’t discuss your goals for returning to school or having a family, they are not relevant and could knock you out of contention for the job. Rather, you want to connect your answer to the job you are applying for.最佳答案:-My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much of value as I can.-I see myself as a top performing employee in a well-established organization, like this one. I plan on enhancing my skills and continuing my involvement in (related) professional associations.-Once I gain additional experience, I would like to move on from a technical position to management.-In the XYZ Corporation, what is a typical career path for someone with my skills and experiences?2、Tell me about yourself/ How would you describe yourself?You walk into the interview room, shake hands with your interviewer and sit down with your best interviewing smile on. Guess what their first question is? “Tell me about yourself.” Your interviewer is not looking for a 10-minute dissertation here. Instead, offer a razor sharp sentence or two that sets the stage for further discussion and sets you apart from your competitors.Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)说出你的卖点Give them “your synopsis about you” answer, specifically your Unique Selling Proposition. Known as a personal branding or a value-added statement, the USP is a succinct, one-sentence description of who you are, your biggest strength and the major benefit that a company will derive from this strength. Here is an example of a Unique Selling Proposition: “I’m a seasoned Retail Manager strong in developing training programs and loss prevention techniques that have resulted in revenue savings of over $2.3Million for (employer’s name) during the past 11 years.”What a difference you’ve made with this stateme nt. Your interviewer is now sitting forward in her chair giving you her full attention. At this point, you might add the following sentence: “I’d like to discuss how I might be able to do something like that for you.” The ball is now back in her court and you have the beginnings of a real discussion and not an interrogation process.“My background to date has been centered around preparing myself to become the very best financial consultant I can become. Let me tell you specifically how I’ve prepared myself. I am an undergraduate student in finance and accounting at _________ University. My past experiences has been in retail and higher education. Both aspects have prepared me well for this career.”首先要明确他们想了解的是哪方面的内容Do they want to know about your career so far, about your hobbies or family life? If in doubt, ASK them to clarify what they wish you to talk about. Then give a short factual answer, ending with “is there anything else you’d like to know about me?”How would you describe yourself?这个问题的答案应该是和他们的.招聘广告上对于雇员的要求的基本一致,所以,看看你有哪些特质满足了他们的要求吧。
面试问题及答案英文版面试问题及答案英文版篇一1. Where do you want to be five years from now?Saying that youd like to be president is unrealistic, yet few employers want people who are content to sit still. You might say, "in five years, Id like to have my bosss job. " If you cant qualify for your bosss job by then, you may not be the fright candidate.2. What are your salary expectations?If you are asked this at the outset, its best to say, "Why dont we discuss salary after you decide whether Im right for the job? "But if the interviewer asks this after showing real interest in you, speak up. She or he will probably try to meet your price. If you need a clue about what to ask for, say, " Can you discuss your salary range with me?"3. What would you do if....?This question is designed to test your reposes. For example: "What would you do if your computer broke down during an audit?" Your answer there isnt nearly so important as your approach to the problem. And a calm approach is best. Start by saying, "One thing I might do is ..." Then give several alternative choices.4. What type of position are you interested in?Job titles and responsibilities vary from firm to firm . So state your skills instead, such as "Im good at figure work," and the positions that require these skills , such as "accounts payable."5. Tell me something about yourself.Say youll be happy to talk about yourself, and ask what the interviewer wants to know. If this point is clarified, respond. If not, tell why you feel your skills will contribute to the job and the organization. This question gives you a great opportunity to sell yourself.6. Do you have any questions about the organization or the job?Employers like a candidate who is interested in the organization. so this is a perfect time to convey your interest and enthusiasm.面试问题及答案英文版篇二Sir or madam,Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ______, ____years old. I come from____________,the capital of ______________Province. I graduated from the ______________ department of __________University in________ ,________.In the past ______ years I have beenprepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching __________in NO.________middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you .I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those about______________.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan foryears.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our countrys team.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to work ____________ in this famous corporation,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ____________.Thank you!面试自我介绍英文版范文1. What is important to you in a job?Mention specific rewards other than a paycheck for example, challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have madea contribution.2. Why do you want to work for this organization?Cite its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions. Stress that you want to work for this organization, not just any organization.3. Why should we employ you?Point to your academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm. Mention your performance in school or previous employment as evidence of your ability to learn and to become productive quickly. If the job involves management responsibilities, refer to past activities as proof of your ability to get along with others and to work as part of a team.4. If we hire you, how long will you stay with us?Answer by saying along these lines: "As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities."5. Can we offer you a career path?Reply: "I believe you could, once I know the normal progression within the organization. Can you tell me about it?" The answer may be revealing.6. What are your greatest strengths?Give a response like one of the following: "I can see what needs to be done and do it", "Im wiling to make decisions", "I work well with others," "I can organize my time efficiently."7. What are you greatest weakness?Identify one or two, such as the following:" I tend to drive myself too hard", " I expect others to perform beyond their capacities", " I like to see a job done quickly, and Im critical if it isnt." Note these weaknesses could also be regarded as desirable qualities. The trick with this question is to describe a weakness so that it could also be considereda virtue.8. What didnt you like about previous jobs youve held?Discuss the things you didnt like, but avoid making slighting reference to any of your former employers.9. How do you spend your leisure time?Mention a cross section of interests-active and quiet, social and solitary -- rather just one.10. Are there any weaknesses in your education or experience?Take stock of your weaknesses before the interview. Practice discussing them in a positive light. Youll find that they are minor when discussed along with all the positive things you have to offer.。
Q: What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?(你对目前或从前的工作单位有何贡献?)A: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.(我已经完成个新项目,我相信能将自己的经验用在这份工作上。
) Q: What do you think you are worth to us?(你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?)A: I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.(我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。
)Q: What make you think you would be a success in this position?(你如何知道你能胜任这份工作?)A: My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful.(我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。
)Q: 1Describe how a sport or hobby taught you a lesson in teamwork?(一项运动或爱好是如何教你一课团队?)A:“When I was at college my basketball coach taught me topass the ball, if it was to my team’s advantage. So now I always look out for my team mates”(当我在我的大学篮球教练教给我传球,如果它是我的团队的优势。
海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)详解海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)1、What is DPA in ISM code?DPA stands for Designated Person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on the behalf of shipowner.2、What is NCR in ISM code?NCR is Non-conformity Report Shipping companies need to establish procedures to ensure the ship fully complies with ISM provisions. If non-conformity is found, NCR should be submitted as soon as possible.3、Where is Good Hope Cape located?It is located in the southeast coast of South Africa. The ship will meet it to transit from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and vice versa.4、Could you list of name equipment component on board?My pleasure, sir! For example: windlass, steering gear, main engine, auxiliary engine, crane, derrick, cargo holds, hatch cover, line, paints, sextant, binocular, pilot ladder, lifebuoy, lifejacket, fire-fight appliance, life signal, navigation light, siren, accommodation ladder, torch, search light, and so on.5、Who takes care of documents on board?Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the captain.6、Who keeps the Master key?The Chief Officer keeps the Master key. In addition, he keeps pass key and accommodation key.大副不仅保存万能钥匙,而且还要保存走廊钥匙、生活区的房间钥匙等等。
托管英语面试试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. Tom is a teacher.B. Tom is a student.C. Tom is a doctor.[听力材料]女:Tom, are you a teacher?男:No, I'm a student.答案:B2. 根据所听短文,回答问题。
Q: What does the woman plan to do after work?A. Go to the gym.B. Go shopping.C. Go home.[听力材料]女:I'm so tired today. I think I'll go straight home after work.男:Why don't you go to the gym to relax?答案:C二、词汇与语法(共30分)1. 选择填空。
A. BecauseB. AlthoughC. SinceThe children were excited ______ they were going to the zoo.答案:A2. 改错。
He doesn't like to play football, and I don't too.答案:He doesn't like to play football, and I don't either.三、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下短文,判断正误。
The article is about the benefits of learning a second language.[短文]Learning a second language can improve cognitive abilities and enhance job prospects.A. TrueB. False答案:A2. 阅读以下短文,回答问题。
托管英语面试试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 他要去图书馆。
B. 他要去超市。
C. 他要去电影院。
[答案] B2. 根据所听短文,回答以下问题:问题:What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of learning English.B. The benefits of traveling abroad.C. The history of the English language.[答案] A二、词汇与语法(共30分)3. 选择正确的词填空。
He is very _______ to his friends.A. strictB. generousC. selfish[答案] B4. 根据所给句子,改写下列句子使其意思相近。
Original: She has never been to Paris.Similar: She has no experience of visiting Paris.[答案] She has no experience of visiting Paris.三、阅读理解(共30分)5. 阅读以下短文,回答下列问题。
The article talks about the importance of learning a second language. It mentions that knowing a second language can open up job opportunities and help in understanding different cultures.问题1:What is the main topic of the article?A. Job opportunitiesB. Understanding culturesC. Learning a second language[答案] C问题2:What benefit does the article mention about learning a second language?A. It can help you travel more.B. It can improve your writing skills.C. It can open up job opportunities.[答案] C四、写作(共20分)6. 根据以下提示写一篇短文,描述你理想中的英语老师。
轮机长英文面试60题(含答案,供参考)1.你能谈谈你的最后一艘船吗?您体验过哪些类型(品牌)的主机?在我的最后一艘船上,我主要关注发动机类型等细节DOOSAN MAN B&W 8K90MC-C,36560 KW,总吨位 39906/净吨位 24504,从印度海航行到欧洲我有使用过几种不同类型的主机的经验,例如苏尔寿、MAN B&W 和 UEC 等。
2. 总工程师应该具备哪些能力?<>n>首先,我认为对于一个总工程师来说,工作中的熟练和熟练是非常重要的。
4. 能否请您详细描述一下加注程序?我应该先按照船东的指示制定加油计划,然后报船长批准。
我的值班工程师应注意油压、温度和油样n 和 u sed 作为未来的证据。
顺便说一句,负责工程师应该注意,需要再取一瓶样品油,这些油样将在容器中储存三年,以满足MARPOL VI 的要求。
1.What are your long range goals?I think I’m a rather practical person, and I don’t waste time daydreaming some tremendous success。
As far as my long range goals, I hope I’ll greatly improve my skills and help the organization at a higher level。
And I will growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much of value as I can.I see myself as a top performing employee in a well-established organization,like this one. I plan on enhancing my skills and continuing my involvement in (related) professional associations.Once I gain additional experience, I would like to move on from a technical position to management。
Tell me about yourself。
why should we hire youI study in Inner Mongolia University as undergraduate and graduate student, therefore,I start doing the experiment in lab very early, the long—term experimental life exercise my ability to ask questions,solve problems,and my circumspection help me complete the experiment efficiently,now,I have the ability to solve problems independently。
轮机长和大管轮面试题目The manuscript was revised on the evening of 2021Interview conducted for C/E&2/E candidate1: What is the plant to ready for manoeuving and departure port?*start the second generator and after all checks, take it on load*The third generator should be kept on standby condition*Essential steps to be noted: Turning engine indicator cocks parameters abnormal noise*Check system FO service and settling tanks diesel oil service tank air system LO system T/C CW system checking the fuel regulating gear & starting system* slow turning the engine*this must be carried out to prevent damage caused by fluid in one of the cylinders and to check the reversing mechanism*Before beginning the slow turning obtain permission from the bridge2 what items to be analysis on lube oil?*Specific gravity viscosity flash point TAN(total acid number)SAN(strong acid number) alkalinity TBN( total base number) water content Conradson carbon ash insoluble3 what cause of exhaust temperature rises in all cylinders?* Increased scavenge air temperature owing to inadequate air cooler function*Fouled air and gas passages*Inadequate fuel oil cleaning or alerted combustion characteristics of fuel*wrong position of camshaft4 what causes of high turbocharger speed?*Fouled air filter(early stage of unloading the compressor)*Fire (early stage) in the exhaust check immediately.5 what causes of cylinder knocking?*Fuel timing too far advanced*fuel injector valve needle sticking at open position*Excessive carbon built up on the crown*Broken exhaust valve*Mechanical damage in the3 cylinder6 what action to be taken of crankcase mist detector alarm (never cut out mist detector potentially dangerous)*Inform bridge and C/E*Stay away from crankcases*slowdown and stop*start turning gear immediately for at least 30 minutes to cool down*Through investigation of mist detector crankcase abnormality and moving parts required7 what caused of scavenge fire and action taken?*Inform bridge and C/E*Do not stand near the relief valves*slow down engine ensure that the auxiliary blowers are off *In case the fire persists stop the engine gradually to prevent risk of piston seizure*Fire should be go off when all deposits burnt out*keep turning the engine with cooling on to prevent seizure of moving parts8 what action taken when crankcase explosion (Most of the cases engine will suddenly stop upon explosion)*Inform bridge and chief engineer*evacuate the E/R*Every safe effort to be made to turn engine by turning gear or slow turning for 30 minutes to prevent seizure of moving parts*Thorough investigation required into the cause of the explosion before re starting9 What will you do when boiler water level was low during normal steaming condition?*Fist start the standby feed water pump*Second check and wash the local water level gauge*Third check any leakage on steam pipes or safety valves10 Turbo charger surging causes and preventive measures* T/C surging can be divided into three main categories* malfunction in the fuel system*Rapid variations in the engine load* Fuel system fuel injection system fuel line components fuel timing*exhaust system valve exhaust passage through turbocharger and gas boiler*scavenge air system*Miscellaneous rapid changes in load and RPM governor*Immediate action temporarily counteracted by blowing off Reduce engine load by taking the T/C away from the surging line*Preventive measures regular maintenance of items mentioned above prevent load fluctuations during ballast voyage and bad weather*Periodical check of M/E bedplate a strength member* Cross girder under the bearing housing*Bolt holes* Holding down bolts of slackening*Chocks (fretting cracks and slackness)11 Turbo blower maintenance during operation and check to be made during maintenanceImportant points for turbo charger maintenance●Gas casing scaling and corrosion●Water treatment is essential●Rotor unbalance due to improper cleaning of the airside as well as turbine side wheels●Air side impeller usually have a film of oil on thealuminum surface●Gas side in service cleaning necessary to preventdeposits from combustion products●Improper cleaning of air side or turbine side couldresult in rotor unbalance and subsequent operationalproblems●Bearings and gear pumps should be repaired atintervals specified by maker12 Daily routine checks required on steering gear system.* Oil quantity in the oil tank within range of level gauge*Oil temperature*Pressures of hydraulic cylinders comparing with normaldata* Abnormal noises and vibration from moving parts andmotor couplings* Oil leakages from tank cylinder valves ram packing andpipe joints* Abnormal overheating of cylinder stuffing box andglands motor ampler13 Immediate action/causes of abnormal related tosteering gear system.* Rudder does not respond* Trouble of auto pilot control* Control the steering gear by the trick wheel in thesteering gear room* Failure in buffer spring levels and pins* Continue the operation by changing to stand by pumpunit after removing the broken part* Trouble with hydraulic pump (including linkmechanism)* Check the link mechanism (coupling) and electricalpower to the pump* Lightly press the pump suction valve and check for oilsuction* Trouble or abnormal operation of valves* Obstacles around the tiller and ramRudder rate of turning speed low●Slow auto pilot ordering●Trouble and abnormal operation of valves●External oil leakage14 If main engine turbocharger out of operation due to rotor blade damage as a chief engineer what will be your plan and advise to all engineer to resume sea passage ASAP?-If main engine one unit out of operation due to fuel pump roller guide damage (no spare part on board) what precaution will you take and your plan to resume passage with one unit cut off.-what do mean by balanced engine ( If peak pressuredifferent ) what will be affect on engine- If one unit peak pressure high compare to other unit what will be your action to balance the engine- How you will adjust fuel pump timing for scroll type fuel pump?- If timing advance or retarded what will be affect on engine exhaust temperature and peak pressure?15 Pilot on board engine can not start from control room. As a chief engineer what will be your first action of plan.- If can not start engine from engine local side what is your plan of action to start engine ASAP?- What are you going to check in engine maneuvering system - Before taking bunker what will your plan as a chief engineer?- How will you maintain main engine fuel system if AL/SL is high and also water content is higher side? Fuel and lube oilpurifier correct operation procedure and as a chief engineer advise to all engineer?- Auxiliary engine running on heavy oil starting difficultieson DO what is your action to resolve starting problem?-Boiler safety and action of plan if boiler tube leakage at sea. advise to all engineer regarding importance of boiler water treatment?-Oily water separator operation and incinerator operation and how you going to fill up oil record book/sulpher record book?- oily water record book and incinerator capacity how will calculate in oil record book?- CMS item preparation as a chief engineer- Earth fault findings what is your plan and how you going to check?- Generator circuit breaker can not close what is your action?- If any machinery merger reading 0 what is the cause?16 How do you understand good house keeping?Answer: - Safe and secure storage of loose items-proper securing of doors etc-Good maintenance of fittings and fixtures-Adequate illumination of work or transit area- Avoidance of over loading electrical circuitespecially in cabins- Clear and legible signs or operational notices- Proper clearance and disposal of garbage or waste materials or waste oil17 who has responsibility for protection of environment?Answer: Every body on board has the responsibility to protect the environment18 What will you do from your engine side when ship gets fire while discharge cargo in port?Answer : - Life saving-Support fire fighting team-Prepare engine for leaving the port19 If you have to work in side of an enclosed space, what is necessary before you commence your work?- Work permit from master or chief engineer to enter enclosed space.20 What will you do to prevent spreading of fire?- shut off ventilator to affected area- Switch off electrical power supply to affected area21 How would you detect the condition of diesel engine during operation?22 How would you keep diesel engine in good operation order?23 How many types of indicator diagram can be obtained from two stroke diesel engine?24 What is the indication that white smoke from M/E exhaust funnel- It is the indication that fuel oil is evaporating in exhaust gas manifold and used to happen during raising engine speed from harbor speed to sea speed- In the other hand it is indication high water contend in fuel oil or there is water leakage in one of combustion space/exhaust valve’25 what is the indication of black smoke from M/E exhaust funnel26 How would you organize engineers and ratings for overhauling of M/E piston piston ring and stuffing box during port stay?27 How would you prepare for M/E X-head survey?28 What do you understand PMS?29 Describe safety shut down and alarms for M/E30 how often will test safety devices in E/R?31 What will you do if M/E remote control was failed duringmaneuvering?32 How may fuel be cut off a cylinder without stopping the engine?33 How would you confirm a exhaust valve of main engine wasleaking?34 How would you check M/E air starting valve was leakage?35 What is the purpose of taking M/E crankshaft deflection?36 If a ship goes aground what precautions must be taken aftervessel is afloat prior to operation M/E?37 What examination carried out before dismantling mainbearing?38 How are main bearing remove from the bearing pocket?39 What would you do if M/E turbocharger surging occurred?40 what is the cause of turbocharger surging?41 How would you known exhaust turbo blower air filter require tobe cleaned?42 what do you understand about ISM code?43 what do you understand about MARPOL?44 What do you understand about SOPEP?45 Explain bunkering procedure.46 What drill will you do within 24 hours before bunkering?47 what are the usual causes of starting air valve leakage?Answer: leakage of start air valve is usually by sluggish /seizes valve action. Preventing fast closure of the valve or the by dirt or foreign particles from lodging on the valve seat and sopreventing the valve from fully closed48 why it is need to keep the main engine to be warm enough to atemperature of 50 to 60 degree CelsiusAnswer: To avoid condensation in the crankcase and to be able to get high temperature for the air compressed in the cylinder at the time of maneuvering.49 If the automatic starting air valve should fail duringmaneuvering time. What provision is made so thatmaneuvering can be continued?Answer: Usually designers provide emergency operating handles or hand wheels to open and close the valve manually. Alljoined engineer should observe it.50 Do you think it is necessary to run the cooling water pump andlube oil pump when you are going to check piston .piston rings and cylinder liners through inspection peep holes?Answer: Yes it is a good practice to run cooling water pump and lube oil pump when to check piston, piston rings and cylinder through the inspection peep holes because it can be observed clearly if there is any leakage of water or oil from cylinderliner or piston.51 If you have experience with MAN-B&W MC engines, what willhappen to the fuel injection pump when reversing roller guide for particular injection pump does not move to the requiredposition?Answer: The safety device will activated and fuel pump rack will be remained in zero position and no fuel oil will be injectedfrom that pump52 What are the causes of scavenge fir of a two stroke type main engine?Answer: Accumulation of sludge and fuel oil in scavenge air space and considerable blow out from scavenge air ports of cylinder liner or liners53 What will you prevent occurring of scavenge fire?Answer: a. Ensure scavenges air space drain valve is slightly opened during operation of engine and check the drain is not blockedb. Open the drain valve and blow off momentarily once in every watch to prevent clogging of scavenge drain linec. Cleaned the scavenge air space and drain pipe and valve at regular intervalsd. Maintain fuel injection valves, piston rings and cylinder liners at regular intervals and inspection pistons, piston rings and cylinderliners through inspection holes regularly to d3cide the condition of respective partse. cleaned turbocharger regularly54 How can you know that scavenge fire occurs in your engine?Answer: a. the rise of exhaust gas temperature from the cylinder affected by the fireb. the engine speed dropsc. turbocharger may surged. exhaust gas color from funnel will be blacke. scavenge air temperature rise55 What kind of action will you take immediately when you know that scavenge fire takes place?Answer: a. reduces engine speed to slow, inform bridge and request for stopping of main engineb. if permitted stop engine and stop auxiliary blowerc. check scavenge air temperature with local thermometer and if temperature exceed 80 degree Celsius use scavenge fire extinguish system. If less than 80 degree Celsius can open the window with great precaution and extinguish fire with fire extinguisher for oil fire.56 What effects does afterburning have on an engine?A .Creates high exhaust gas temperature and drop in maximum combustion pressure and damage to exhaust valves and risk of scavenge fires57 What kind of spare parts will you check for main engine after you have taken over the duty from signing off first engineer?Answer: Spare piston, piston rod, cylinder head, cylinder liner, cross head bearing, cylinder head tightening studs, high pressure pipes for fuel injectors, fuel injectors, thrust bearings, connecting rod big end bearings, exhaust valves, cylinder starting air valves, indicator cocks, cylinder head gaskets, piston rings and special tools for overhaul and measure tools main engine etc.58 How will you organize engineers and ratings for overhauling of main engine piston and piston rings and stuffing box during port stay of one dayAnswer: a. Fourth engineer on top parts dismantlingb. Third engineer in crankcasec. Overtime ratings helping fourth engineer and third engineerd. Second engineer supervising fourth and third engineer59 What will you do if one of cylinder starting air valves of main engine was leaking during maneuvering time and bridge could not give you to stop main engine and change the valves with good spare? Answer: Cut out fuel to defective cylinder and carry out maneuvering with great care and infirm chief engineer about the event and follow of there is special instruction60 What is to be very careful when you are maneuvering the vessel from emergency maneuvering stand?Answer: Main engine RPM should be careful watched not torun move than rated RPM because governor is cut-cut and controlled by fuel handle6。
第一章1.How long have you worked on board ?你在船上工作多久了?I have worked on board for 2 years.我在船上工作两年。
2. Which certificate do you have now ?现在你持什么证书?Now I have a second engineer’s certificate.我有机工证书。
3. What is your marital status ? How many departments are there on board ?你的婚姻状况和在船上有多少个部门?I’m married/single. There are two.我已婚/单身。
4. How many people are there in your family? Are you married?你家有几口人?你结婚了吗?There are 3 . Yes, I’m married/single. 有三个人。
我已婚/单身5. How many countries have you ever been to ?你去过多少个国家?2 (countries).两个国家6. When did you begin to work on board ? What kind of ship have you worked on ?你什么时候开始工作?你在什么类型的船上工作过?I began to work in 2009. I have worked on bulk carriers. Container ship我在2009年开始工作。
7. How many important canals are there all over the world ?世界上有多少条重要的运河?There are two. They are Panama Canal and Suez Canal.有两条。
例如:“Hello, my name is Zhang Li.I am 24 years old.”接下来,可以介绍一些个人背景,如:“I graduated from XYZ University with a Bachelor's degree in International Business.”或者“After graduation, I worked as a marketing assistant in a multinational company for two years.”第二,强调自己的强项。
例如:“During my previous job, I gained excellent communication skills and the ability to work well under pressure.”或者“I have a strong problem-solving ability and good leadership skills.”第三,表达你对该岗位的兴趣和动机。
你可以说:“I am enthusiastic about this job opportunity because it aligns perfectly with my skills and interests.”或者“I am looking for a new challenge and believe that this position will allowme to utilize my skills and make a meaningful contribution to the company.”接下来,我们来看另一个常见问题:“你为什么选择学习英语?”在回答这个问题时,我们可以从以下几个方面展开。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Third, Switch off the power source and choose the proper extinguisher and cool down decks and bulkheads with water spray.
Fourth, in case of big fire, switch off all quick closing valves and release safety valves of boiler, air bottles, stop ventilation and secure watertight doors and skylights.
5. Describe the procedure to start a boiler.
Firstly, to check the boiler water-level, and then check the oil tank level to make sure they are in the right level.
8. When should a watch keeping Engineer call the Chief Engineer for help or advice?
In the following situations, I should call the Chief Engineer for help or advice.
2. What is your emergency position on the Muster List?
Basically, my position is to control and operate the auxiliary generator in the engine room.
First, all crew must follow the Muster List and muster in the fire station.
Second, determine the location of the fire and organize emergency party; prepare lifeboat simultaneously.
9. What must be handed over with care to the incoming Engineer Officer when you sign off?
(6) Requisition for spare parts of the machines and equipment under his charge.
(7) Any other duties designated by the Chief Engineer.
Fourthly, close the air valve after the air comes out completely. (If it’s a first time raise steam pressure).
So the procedures can be covered with three words: pre-ventilation, ignition, and combustion.
Secondly, to put the boiler water supply pump to “Auto” position, and at the same time, switch on the boiler control power.
Thirdly, to ignite the boiler either automatically or by hand.
6. Before bunkering, the fuel specifications are usually provided by the fuel supplier, do you remember the details of these fuel specifications?
The details of the fuel specifications include density, viscosity-maximum as applicable to the vessel, temperature as delivered, water content, sulfur content, flash point and so on. All these specifications are very important.
(2) Port watch as designated by the Chief Engineer.
(3) Maintenance and repair of the following machines and spare parts: generator engine, generator, fuel oil purifier, emergency generator, fuel oil control and other machines designated by the Chief Engineer.
(3) And in any emergency, accident, or if in any doubt as to what decision or me
asure to be taken.
Seventh, clear the fire station to prevent recurrence of fore.
Eighth, look into the reasons, make records and report it to the company.
Ninth, notify the port authority ask for shore assistance if in port.
1. What are the responsibilities of the Second Engineer on board a ship?
The responsibilities of the Second Engineer include the following.
(1) Sea watch from 1200~1600 hours and from 0000~0400 hours every day except for UMS operation.
Fifth, perform crew check and evacuate all personnel from engine room and release the CO2 system.
Sixth, protect the accommodation and cargo deck.
7. As the duty engineer, what actions should you take if fire breaks out in the engine room?
I should ring the alarm and report it to the bridge (if at sea). I will put out the fire myself if the situation is not serious. Otherwise I will follow the Muster List of “Fire in Engine Room”. The Muster List covers the following steps.
e, emergency fire pump, fuel oil control, deck machinery and others designed by the Chief Engineer.
Usually, the 2nd Engineer is in charge of such machines, engines and spare parts as generator engine, generator, fuel oil purifier, emergency generator, lifeboat engin
(1) When engine damage or fault occurs which may endanger the safe operation of the ship?
(2) When any fault occurs which may cause damage or break down of propulsion machinery, auxiliary machinery or monitoring and governing system?
(4) Maintenance records of the generator engine, purifier, boiler and other equipments.
(5) Sounding the fuel and lube oil tanks and making records of the daily consumption rate.
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3. What will you do if your hear heavy noise coming from the lubricating oil pump?