
40⾸适合学习英语的经典英⽂歌曲1. 《Seasons In The Sun》阳光季节2. 《god is a girl(Album Version)》上帝是个⼥孩3. 《Big Big World》⼤世界4. 《Just One Last Dance》最后⼀只舞5. 《Angel》天使6. 《Yesterday Once More》昨⽇重现7. 《You Are Not Alone》你并不孤单8. 《Take Me To Your Heart》让我靠近你的⼼9. 《Fly Me To The Moon》带我飞向⽉球10. 《Love Fo My Life》我的挚爱11. 《My Love》我的爱12. 《Apologize》抱歉13. 《Hello》你好14. 《You Are My Everything》你是我的⼀切15. 《She》她16. 《My Heart Will Go On》我⼼永恒17. 《Only You》只有你18. 《Let It Go》随⼼⽽⾏19. 《Glad You Came》20. 《Lemon Tree》柠檬树21. 《Dream It Possible》梦想成真22. 《A Little Love》⼀点爱23. 《Pretty Boy》漂亮的男孩24. 《Rhythm Of The Rain》⾬韵25. 《As Long As You Love Me 》只要你爱我26. 《Everytime》每⼀次27. 《Anyone of Us》我们都会犯错28. 《Because Of You 》因为你29. 《I am with you》和你⼀起30. 《if I Were A Boy》如果我是⼀个男孩31. 《Cry On My Shoulder》在我的肩上哭泣32. 《More Than I Can Say》爱你在⼼⼝难开33. 《Yellow River》黄鸟⼉34. 《Stop Stop Stop》停留35. 《My Hometown》我的家乡36. 《Hand In Hand》⼿牵⼿37. 《What A Wonderful World》多么美丽的世界38. 《Winter Things》冬天做的事39. 《Last Christmas》上⼀个圣诞节40. 《Try To Remember》追忆。

1. don’t cry–guns n’ roses这首歌曾唱哭了千万人。
总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋…2. fade to black–METAllic金属乐队也有很经典歌曲,相信国内有好多人都是听了这首歌的前奏才去学吉他的!METALLICA经典中的经典,也是METALLICA饱受争议的作品,因为当时有乐迷自杀就是出于这首歌,胆小别听哦~3. dreaming my dream–cranberries有着王菲一样变幻倚俪的唱腔,高雅离开了原本浩渺的苍穹来到人间,它带着冷漠的美艳,但又说着人身上的变动和永恒,爱尔兰的卡百利乐队就这样汲取了精灵与传说的浩渺气质,沟通了人间和天空的美,把人的故事,爱情,历史,死亡,社会都融进那飘忽而真切的女声中…(卡百利,本是蔓声浆果的藤蔓)4. dying in the sun–cranberries不断地重复着放这首歌,简短迂回的旋律,简短迂回的歌词。
平躺在这样的歌里,晕乎乎的,渴望在阳光下睡死…5. never grow old–cranberries 最近常听朋友们说时间过得好快~! 感觉自己在一天一天的虚度光阴! 不由得想起了这支歌~!6. far away from home–groove coverage德国新晋乐队,这首歌已被众多知名DJ誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作,听了不下几百遍了,旋律好的很,女声好的很…7、knocking on heaven’s door–guns n’ roses(“野蛮师姐”主题曲)艾薇儿翻唱的和枪花版的都给人一种爽歪的感觉,当然女生版的更加恬静,睡觉之前是要听的奥。
8. imagine–john lennon约翰列侬是全世界最成功的摇滚乐队“甲壳虫”(或叫披头士)(beatles)的灵魂人物,死于1980年12月8日,是被一名狂热的歌迷****打死的,他的死震惊了世界,他在六十年代吸毒,目无宗教和governme-nt,在七十年代致力研究东方宗教和宣扬童话般的爱(有一颗小星星是以他的名字命名的),这声音听来象预言者的祈祷,而歌词依然是固执的理想,或许列侬所要求的泰国绝对,太过纯洁,但作为梦,难道你我就不曾有过吗?9、yesterday–beatles这么经典的还说什么呢,电台点播率已经超过一亿次了,没听过的太逊了10. let it be–beatles昔日创下了榜史纪录,也是Beatles解散时成员们的心态写照。

1 far away from home ——Groove Coverage,德国的一个DJ组合
2 my heart will go on (我心依旧)——电影《泰坦尼克号》主题曲,由席琳·迪翁演唱
3 take me to your heart——Michael Learns To Rock 乐队,这首歌是《吻别》的英文版
4 yesterday once more (昨日重现)——Carpenters演唱,曲风婉转,是游戏《火之创造》插曲
5 cry on my shoulder——由lexander Klaws、Juliette Schoppmann 和Daniel K üblbck演唱
6 you raise me up——是《布朗夫人的儿子们》电影版插曲,由挪威音乐节享有盛誉的罗尔夫·拉夫兰作曲,Westlife(西城男孩)组合演唱,该曲曾获得第五届hito流行音乐奖
7 itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polkadot bikini——Brian Hyland演唱,曲风清新、动感,有点小情调,美国达人秀有一期用过这个歌谱
8 big big world——Emilia演唱,这首歌就不介绍了,青春的回忆,每次听到这首歌都能想到高中时代的暗恋对象
9 when you believe——Whitney Houston 和Mariah Carey 演唱,曲风抒情,是电影《埃及王子》的主题曲,曾获得第42届格莱美奖、第71届奥斯卡金像奖
10 just one last dance——Sarah Connor演唱,布鲁斯风。

经典的英语歌曲十首经典的英语歌曲十首如下:1、Scarborough Fair斯卡布罗集市说《斯卡布罗集市》是民谣中的最经典,一点都不过分。
2、Auld Lang Syne友谊地久天长《Auld Lang Syne》是一首广为人知的民歌,在全球多个国家都有当地语言的版本。
3、My Heart Will Go On我心永恒这首全世界最为熟悉的一首电影歌曲,它缱绻情浓,凄婉动听,配合电影《泰坦尼克号》“活在爱中,直至永恒”的主题,把缓缓流淌的无限爱意融入每一位听众的心里,得到了所有听众的共鸣。
5、Unchained melody奔放的旋律《Unchained melody》是电影《Ghost》(人鬼情未了)主题曲。
6、Yesterday Once More昨日重现《Yesterday Once More》是卡朋特乐队(The Carpenters)的代表作歌曲,是二十世纪七十年代欧美经典的英文歌曲之一。

For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial useFor personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use【让你忍不住收藏的十首超好听的英文歌曲!】1.《Realize》2.《Amarantine》3.《I See You》4.《Day Too Soon》5.《Need You Now》6.《Stupid In Love》7.《When You are Mad》8.《The Climb》9.《YouBelong With Me》10.《Welcome To My Life》/SUThIV【十首英文电影插曲,很温柔的歌,适合安静的时候听】1.《Hello》2. 《Fallin out》3.《Better in time》4.《Fallin》5.《We are one》6.《Show me love》7.《Because you live》8.《What a wonderful world》9.《You are my everything》10.《Sound Of My【舒缓减压系音乐推荐】1.曲婉婷《Everything In the World》2.Jason Mraz《I’m Yours 》3.Adele《Chasing Pavements》4.Olivia Ong《where is the love》5.孙燕姿《直来直往》6.梁静茹《美丽人生》7.邓福如《如果有如果》8.王菲《南海姑娘》9.王若琳《I Love You》/zWgfS0B【♪你MP3里不可缺少的,十首欧美歌曲!】1《Hey jude》2《Yesterday》3《Vindicated》4《Beyond thd game》5《I like it I love it》6《Should It Matter》7《Are you the one》8《Traveling Light》9《Resta In Ascolto》10《I Finally Found Someone》/zW11ahd【十首英文歌曲,一个人寂寞时听】1. 《forgotten》2.《only love》3.《Breakaway》4.《Life for rent》5.《traveling light》6.《FireFly》7.《lay my love on you》8.《Are You The One》9.《Breathe again》10.《Truly Madly Deeply》/zWuLeGK【十首清纯英文歌曲】1.《kiss it》2.《it's okay》3.《T-SHIRT》4.《single girl》5.《i miss you》6.《Whatever You Like》7.《thisi promise you》8.《you are not alone》9.《We Will Rock You》10.《if you come back my life》/SIqX2d《遇见》《知足》《突然好想你》《蒲公英的约定》纯音乐钢琴版很唯美~~【十首英文,很温柔的歌,适合安静的时候听】1.《Hello》2. 《Fallin out》3.《Better in time》4.《Fallin》5.《We are one》6.《Show me love》7.《Because you live》8.《What a wonderful world》9.《You are my everything》10.《Sound Of My Dre》/bTdUy【世界著名钢琴曲排行榜】没听过的赶紧收藏了!NO.1 《梦中的婚礼》NO.2 《秋日私语》NO.3 《水边的阿狄丽娜》NO.4 《蓝色多瑙河》NO.5 《致爱丽斯》NO.6 《悲怆奏鸣曲》NO.7 《蓝色的爱》NO.8 《雨的印记》NO.9 《杜鹃圆舞曲》NO.10 《爱的纪念》。

五首超燃英文战歌1. 《Soldiers of the One》——Imagine Dragons:这是一首极富力量的歌曲,其歌词鼓动人心,激发斗志。
2. 《Fight as One》——Dua Lipa:这首歌以激昂的旋律和歌词为特色,呼吁团结一致,共同战斗。
3. 《Taking the World on Your Shoulders》——OK Go:这首歌以其令人振奋的旋律和歌词而闻名,表达了勇往直前、无所畏惧的精神。
You're feeling like a walking contradiction疑惑中矛盾Losing your footing脚跟不稳But you're still trying to hold on你还在努力坚持To the things that you're reaching for你还在努力追求You're feeling like you're on the outside你感觉被排除在外Watching the world go by看着世界在流逝But you're still trying to find a way你还在努力寻找方法To make your mark in this world在这个世界上留下你的印记(Chorus)合唱:You're taking the world on your shoulders 你肩负着整个世界And you're ready to carry it你准备承担它You're taking the world on your shoulders 你肩负着整个世界And you're ready to break it你准备去打破它(Verse 2)第2节You're feeling like you're all alone你感觉孤单无助In this game of life在这场人生的游戏里But you're still here, still breathing但你还在这里,还在呼吸And your heart's still beating strong你的心还在强烈跳动(Chorus)合唱:You're taking the world on your shoulders你肩负着整个世界And you're ready to carry it你准备承担它You're taking the world on your shoulders你肩负着整个世界And you're ready to break it你准备去打破它(Bridge)4. 《We Will Rock You》——Queen:这是一首经典的摇滚歌曲,以其简单的歌词和强大的节奏而闻名,能够激发人们的热情和斗志。

1.Sound of Silence 毕业生主题曲《寂静之声》(Simon & Garfunkel)∙ La Love On My Mind《拉拉爱》你是我一生所爱(Ann Winsborn)∙ 3.Angel《天使》感动世界的天使(Sarah Mclachlan)∙ 4.Casablanca《卡萨布兰卡》任时光流转我的爱永不变(Bertie Higgins)∙ 5.Love Story《爱情故事》主题曲-奥斯卡金曲(Andy Williams)∙ 6.When You Believe《当你相信》埃及王子主题曲(Mariah Carey)∙7.May It Be《指环王》插曲:信仰指引你方向(Enya)∙8.There You Will Be 珍珠港主题曲《有你相依》(Faith Hill)∙9.The Touch《触动》变形金刚动画电影激情插曲(Stan Bush)∙10.A Whole New World《阿拉丁》主题曲(Peabo Bryso,Regina Belle)∙11.Edelweiss《雪绒花》音乐之声(冯·比托普)∙12.I Believe I Can Fly《我相信我能飞翔》1998格莱美(R.Kelly) ∙13.Only Love《唯一的爱》真情马克迪士尼三维动画大片《恐龙》主题曲(Trademark) ∙14.My Heart Will Go On《我心永恒》泰坦尼克号(Celine Dion)∙15.Shape Of My Heart《心之形》这个杀手不太冷主题曲(Sting)∙16.It Is You《就是你》怪物史莱克插曲(Dana Glover)∙17.Kong Fu Fighting 《功夫熊猫》主题曲(Carl Douglas )∙18.Beautiful Soul《美丽灵魂》不要别人只要你!(Jesse Mccartney)∙19.Valder fields很亲切的乡村节奏(Tamas wells)∙20.Scarborough Fair 《毕业生》经典英文歌曲(Simon & Carfunkel) ∙21.someone's watching over me 黑暗中依然坚信《有人在注视着我》- 绝不放弃(Hilary Duff) ∙22.San Francisco 《阿甘正传》主题曲(Scott McKenzie)∙23.When There Was Me and You 《歌舞青春》原声(Vanessa Anne Hudgens)∙24.Uptown Girl 高攀《富家女(窈窕淑女)》(Westlife)∙25.You Can't Say 你不能说不再爱我- 韩剧《爱上女主播》主题曲(辛晓琪)∙26.under the sea《小美人鱼》插曲在海底(samuel)∙27.Everyday《每一天》歌舞青春2原声碟(Troy&Gabriella)∙28.Maria《玛利亚》韩剧美女也烦恼翻唱(blondie)∙29.my story--蓝莓之夜主题曲(Norah Jones)∙30.The wolf whistling song 可爱《狼的哨子歌》- 我是一只小狼吹着口哨环游世界(ROCKY CHACK ) ∙31.Don't Cry for Me, Argentina 阿根廷别为我哭泣(Madonna)∙32.The Rose 爱是一朵春天绽放的《玫瑰》(Bette Midler)∙33.No Matter What《无论如何》我的生命从你开始(Boyzone)∙34.Somewhere Over the Rainbow《我叫金三顺》里那首歌(Judy Carland) ∙35.Against the odds《再看我一眼吧(冲破禁忌)》西城男孩(Mariah Carey/Westlife)∙36.All For Love《一切为爱》三个火枪手插曲(Bryan Adam)∙37.Let the River Run 永不放弃希望-61届奥斯卡最佳(Carly Simon)∙38.Falling Slowly 80届奥斯卡最佳原创电影歌曲(Glen Hansard)∙39.Bet On it 放手一搏歌舞青春2插曲- 罗志祥必杀技英文版(Troy)∙40.Love Fool 《爱情傻瓜》奥斯卡新罗密欧与茱丽叶插曲(cardigans) ∙41.Way Back Into Love K歌情人主题曲梁静茹品冠翻唱(hugh grant and drew barrymore)∙42.Close To You《靠近你》(Carpenter卡朋特)∙43.Edelweiss 雪绒花(奥斯卡)∙44.You Belong To Me《怪物史莱克》插曲(Jason Wade)∙45.Somewhere Out There 两只小老鼠的情歌- 动画电影《美国鼠潭》插曲- 童声(两只小老鼠) ∙46.A Love That Will Never Grow Old《断背山》(Emmylou Harris)∙47.What I`ve been looking for歌舞青春原声(Ryan and Sharpay)∙48.Stay《留下》爱我就别走(tonya mitchell)∙49.I Just Called To Say I Love You 打电话说爱你(Stevie Wonder)∙50.I Have Nothing《我一无所有》电影《保镖》主题曲(Whitney Houston)∙51.The Galway girl (PS: I LOVE YOU)插曲(PS: I LOVE YOU)∙52.Take My Breath Away《壮志凌云》电影歌曲(Berlin)∙53.straw hat 草帽歌- 被妈妈遗弃的孩子- 越听越心痛-《人证》主题曲(乔乔) ∙54.Things Have Changed《一切都已改变》73届奥斯卡最佳(Bob Dylan)∙55.My Way电影《燕尾蝶》插曲(Chara)∙56.When Christmas Comes To Town电影《极地特快》插曲(Matthew Hall & Meagan Moore)∙57.In The End林肯公园(linkin park)∙58.so close 电影魔法奇缘插曲- 音乐为我们奏响我与你紧紧相拥(jon mclaughlin)∙59.The Last Unicorn(如银铃般清脆的嗓音!) (Declan Galbraith) ∙60.California Dreaming《加州梦想》电影《重庆森林》插曲(The Mamas/The Papas)∙61.Eye Of The Tiger《虎视眈眈》洛基川插曲(Survivor)∙62.Breaking free《歌舞青春》插曲(Troy&Gabriella )∙63.It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp 78届奥斯卡最佳(Djay)∙64.Reality电影《初吻》主题曲- 我的《现实》就是想能爱你(Richard Sandersion)∙ La Love On My Mind (冰河时代)∙66.Eyes On Me《注视我的目光》王菲- 最终幻想(主题歌) (王菲)∙67.Sunny《长江七号》插曲(Boney M)∙68.you light up my life 你照亮我的生命(westlife)∙69.Start of Something New (Troy & Gabriella)∙70.IRIS《天使之城》原声~对爱情永不放弃- 即便万物毁灭我只要你知道我是谁(Goo Goo Dolls) ∙71.One day when we were young 别忘了那个五月的早晨你爱过我- 云水谣主题曲(卡拉) ∙72.Unbreak My Heart 收回那声再见《别让我伤心》(Toni Braxton)∙73.I believe I Can Fly 我相信我能飞翔(R kelly)∙74.The Time of My Life 60届奥斯卡获奖歌曲(bill midley & jennifer warnes)∙75.Before It's Too Late 电影《变形金刚》主题曲(Goo Goo Dolls)∙76.Mondo Bongo 电影《史密斯夫妇》开场插曲- 华美浪漫到极致的MV (Joe Strummer & TheMescaleros )∙77.Swinging On A Star 给不想上学的孩子听(Bing Crosby)∙78.Life Is A Highway 《奔腾的生命》《汽车总动员》插曲(rascal flatts) ∙79.give it up to me 电影Step Up插曲- 幻想的情人来到现实中把你给我(sean paul)∙80.Elevation 《高飞》古墓丽影主题曲(U2)∙81.my love will get you home我的爱将带你回家(christine glass)∙82.To be by your side 回到你身边(nick cave)∙83.Can't Fight The Moonlight《无法抗拒那月光》爱的诱惑(LeAnn Rimes)∙84.Mad World###绝望的疯狂世界(Jules Gary )∙85.Unbreak My Heart 《勿伤我心》《致命恋人》插曲(Braxton Toni)∙86.There You Will Be 珍珠港主题曲《有你相依》(Faith Hill)∙87.New Divide 变形金刚2复仇之战主题曲(Linkin Park)∙88.Le papillon 蝴蝶为什么会有魔鬼又会有上帝? (Unkown)∙89.she《她》是天使也是魔鬼诺丁山(elvis costello)∙90.Get what I want 电影《舞梦成真》插曲(Bitter:Sweet )∙91.Forever friends《烟花》插曲(Remedios)∙92.Light Of My Life《生命之光》王力宏雷霆战警插曲(Lara Fabian(with lee hong wang) ∙93.Another Way to Die--007大片主题歌(Alicia Keys and Jack White)∙94.Into The West 航向西方《指环王之王者归来》(Annie Lennox)∙95.Streets Of Philadelphia 《费城故事》(Bruce Springsteen)∙96.Don't Write Me Off《请不要丢弃我》遇见你我的生命全然改变- K歌情人(Hugh Grant) ∙97.Amazing grace《奇异恩典》新西兰天籁国宝海莉-薇思特拉版本(Hayley Westenra) ∙98.How Can I Not Love You《如何才能不爱你》《安娜与国王》主题曲(Joy Enriquez)∙99.no ceiling 这样的爱无止境(eddie Vedder )∙100.Breathless《燃烧激情》The Corrs可儿家族(The Corrs)∙101.Crash《憨豆先生的假期》插曲(Matt Willis)∙102.Sooner or Later 亲爱的,你早晚是我的(madonna)∙103.I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing《世界末日》主题曲(Aerosmith)∙104.You Know My Name 007之皇家赌场主题曲(Chris Cornell)∙105.i can't smile without you (Barry Manilow)∙106.To Be By Your Side 回到你身边《鸟的迁徙》(Nick Cave)∙107.Into The Fire法国电影《空中决战》插曲(Thirteen senses)∙108.You'll Never Know 你不知道我有多想你(小野丽莎)∙109.It Goes Like It Goes 平平淡淡才是真(Dusty Springfield)∙110.A man for all seasons 电影《憨豆特派员》片头曲- 孤胆英雄注定孤单(Robbie Williams) ∙111.if you want me感动人心的声音(Marketa Irglova and Glen Hansa) ∙112.Eversleeping 《长眠不醒》吸血惊情四百年此爱漫漫无绝期(Xandria)∙113.Mondo Bongo史密斯夫妇主题曲(JoeStrummer)∙114.blowing in the wind 一个人要多少次仰头才能看到天空?答案在风中(Bob Dylan) ∙115.i will always love you 我永远爱你(whitney houston)∙116.gotta go my own way (Troy & Gabriella )∙117.Way Back Into Love 《重坠爱河》(hugh grant and drew barrymore )∙118.It is you (I Have Loved)怪物史莱克插曲(dana glover)∙119.You'll Be In My Heart 你会永远在我心中(Phil Collins)∙120.Ultimate 你是我的真命天子(Lindsay Lohan)∙121.Sweet Leilani 电影《威基基婚礼》甜美的蕾拉妮(Bing Crosby)∙122.Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Elton John)∙123.Mona Lisa 你的微笑可是为了掩盖破碎的心?(Nat King Cole)∙124.ICO主题曲~《You Were There》(Steven Geraghty)∙125.Before I Fall In Love《坠入爱河以前》李玟(CoCo)∙126.Love will show you everything爱将表达一切(Jennifer Love Hewitt)∙127.I Finally Found Someone我终于找到那个人(barbra & bryan)∙128.Bother 《烦恼》蜘蛛侠主题曲(Corey Taylor Slipknot乐队)∙129.Graduation (Friends Forever) (Vitamin C)∙130.colors of the winds-风之彩( Vanessa Williams)∙131.The One You Love (Glenn Frey)∙132.I WannaBe With You《我要和你相守》美国四小天后之一(Mandy moore)∙133.Auld Lang Syne (twins)∙134.Bad Boys《绝地战警》插曲(Inner circle)∙135.The Last Rose of Summer_凋谢盛艳的幸福(chloe)∙136.Gotta Go My Own Way (troy&gabriella)∙137.Flashdance What a Feeling 闪舞多棒的感觉(Irene Cara)∙138.The Call——纳尼亚传奇2 凯斯宾王子(Regina Spektor)∙139.Who will I be【我的青春我做主】(Demi Lovato 1《雨天是放声哭泣的时间》(旋律一开始就被迷住了,走过忧伤告别快乐留下美丽的心碎记忆)2《放弃》(有句话很经典:我们可以转身但不必回头..声音很清新明净,赞!)3《you ll just never know》(婉转的调调很好听丶舒服...)4吐血推荐《negative things 》(ray推荐,绝对好听~~ )5《天亮前说晚安》(站在陌生城市的街头,若我微笑,是我,想起你。

10首经典英文歌曲以下是十首经典英文歌曲,以供参考:1.Yesterday - The Beatles这首歌是全球最知名的英文歌曲之一,以其优美的旋律和歌词赢得了无数人的喜爱。
2.Imagine - John Lennon这首歌以其富有哲理的歌词和舒缓的旋律成为了许多人心中的经典。
3.Hotel California - The Eagles这首歌以独特的旋律和神秘的歌词赢得了广大听众的喜爱,成为了摇滚乐的代表作之一。
4.We Are the World - Michael Jackson & Lionel Richie这首歌由迈克尔·杰克逊和莱昂内尔·里奇共同创作,是一首呼吁世界和平与团结的歌曲,深受全球听众的喜爱。
5.My Heart Will Go On - Will Jennings & Will Willcox这首歌是电影《泰坦尼克号》的主题曲,以其感人的歌词和优美的旋律赢得了无数人的喜爱。
6.I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston这首歌以其深情的歌词和动人的旋律成为了流行音乐的经典之作,深受全球听众的喜爱。
7.Say You Say Me - Lionel Richie这首歌以其简洁明了的歌词和欢快的旋律赢得了广大听众的喜爱,成为了流行音乐的代表作之一。
8.Hey Jude - The Beatles这首歌以其积极向上的歌词和充满活力的旋律赢得了无数人的喜爱,成为了许多人心中的经典。
9.Don't Cry for Me Argentina - Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice这首歌是音乐剧《艾薇塔》的选曲,以其充满激情的歌词和宏大的旋律深受全球听众的喜爱。
10.The Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel这首歌以其独特的旋律和富有哲理的歌词赢得了广大听众的喜爱,成为了民谣摇滚的代表作之一。

十大经典英文歌曲排行榜1、《heaven can wait》经典,抒情杰克逊不多的抒情歌曲之一,值得一听,看看这位天王柔情的一面2、《Earphones耶耶耶》经典,节奏,DJ,快速经典的歌曲.很多的舞曲里都有这个版本的歌曲的翻版.网上搜索下.关于演唱者的资料实在太少了.只觉得这个版本很少所以就传上来送给大家!3、《我的名字叫伊莲》推荐,经典,流传其实这首歌的全名叫:《我的名字叫伊莲娜》,此歌一经发布就风靡全球,和《God is A Girl》一样是经典中的经典4、《bad day》渊源,悠扬加拿大的Daniel Powter,是外表与内在兼备的全能歌手。
整张专辑呈现了多元化的风貌,除了Bad Day曲风较具POP气味以外。
其他的歌试听下来,让我觉得某种程度上和Five for fighting有些神似,除了稍带灵魂乐风之外,又适当加入了放克等音乐元素.值得一提的是,Daniel Powter驾驭自如的真假音切换,使每首歌曲跌宕起伏而不沦于单调,尤其是在描述谎言爱情的Lie To Me中,更是得以淋漓尽致的发挥。
首支主打Bad Day连续十周占据瑞士单曲榜冠军,歌曲背地里折射出来现代人的生活观,则是可以使之意味悠长的原因所在.而FreeLoop却又是首另类柔情的歌曲,很喜欢里边的钢琴,有一小段钢琴伴奏很不错.......5、《蓝色多瑙河》经典,流传,清新《蓝色的多瑙河》圆舞曲(第314号)是小约翰·施特劳斯最著名的作品,作于1866年。

以下是一些很好听的英文歌,供您参考:1. Shape of My Heart - Sting这首歌以吉他的清新弹奏开始,带有一种神秘感,歌词也很有趣。
2. Imagine - John Lennon这首歌是一首经典的和平之歌,歌词简单易懂,旋律优美动听。
3. Hey Jude - The Beatles这首歌是一首激励人心的歌曲,歌词富有力量感,旋律欢快动听。
4. Yesterday - The Beatles这首歌是一首经典的慢歌,歌词简单易懂,旋律优美动听,让人回味无穷。
5. Hotel California - Eagles这首歌以吉他弹奏开始,带有一种神秘感,歌词也很有趣,是一首非常经典的歌曲。
6. We Are the World - Michael Jackson & Lionel Richie这首歌是一首慈善之歌,由众多明星共同演唱,歌词富有感染力,旋律动听。
7. My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion这首歌是电影《泰坦尼克号》的主题曲,歌词感人至深,旋律优美动听。
8. I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston这首歌是电影《保镖》的主题曲,以高昂的激情和感人至深的歌词赢得了无数人的喜爱。
9. See You Again - Wiz Khalifa & Charlie Puth这首歌以简单的吉他和钢琴开始,带有一种温暖的感觉,歌词也很感人。
10. Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran这首歌以吉他的清新弹奏和优美的旋律为特色,歌词也很动人。

英文歌最好听的十首歌1、《my heart will go on》原唱:席琳·迪翁(celine dion)发行时间:1997年这首歌曲自发行以来就一直是属于经久不衰的,经典的影片配上经典的歌曲成为了很多人的泪点,在表达坚贞不渝的爱情的同时震撼的旋律也是相当的震撼心灵,即使是从来不听英文歌曲的人在试听后也会被它动人的旋律所折服,是值得单曲循环的45首歌之一。
2、《yesterday once more》发行时间:1973年这首英文歌曲可以说是卡朋特乐队(the carpenters)的代表作,自发行以来它也被很多人翻唱过,但是其中韵味始终是不如原唱,略带伤感的旋律让许多人都是身临其境,在一生必听的10首经典英文歌曲它一定是一首不可错过的欧美十大经典歌曲之一。
3、《dont cry》原唱:guns n roses发行时间:1991年这首歌曲相信在很多人的歌单都是无限循环的经典英文歌,名为不要哭的它却唱哭了不少人,淡淡的忧伤感总是能让人迅速的进入其中,即使在强大的内心经不起这首经典英文歌的“触碰”。
4、《right here waiting》原唱:richard marx发行时间:1989年这首歌是很多人歌单中必备的一首经典情歌,这首歌的创作主要是因为理查德要于他的爱妻分开三个月而在不足三十分钟的时间中创作出来的,扣人心弦的歌词道出了很多人在分别是的忧伤。
5、《big big world》原唱:艾密莉亚·怀得堡(lasse anderson)发行时间:1998年这首经典的英文歌曲可以说是很多人在熟悉不过的一首英文歌了,唯美有略带忧伤的旋律唱出了很多人的心声,它也自发行以来就成为了风靡至今的歌曲。
6、《see you again》原唱:维兹·卡利法,查理·普斯发行时间:2015年了解《速度与激情》这个系列电影的人对于这首英文歌肯定都不陌生,它的创作主要就是为了纪念保罗,它已经发行就连续十二周登上了歌曲荣誉的榜单,独特的旋律和真切的歌词深深的打动了不少的人。

1. Take me to your heart《吻别》的英文版,一度红遍大街小巷的不可多得的好歌,把它作为首推相信大家没有意见。
2. All rise Blue这支乐队可是很多友的偶像呢,他们的实力自然没得说,这首歌曾经被台湾的BAD翻唱哦。
3. Try to remember 黎明的《玻璃之城》还记得吗?那么它的主题曲相信你也不会陌生。
4. Say you, say me.红遍世界的一首歌,应该是很多英语专业友的最初挚爱哦!5. Edelweiss《雪绒花》,好好感受世界名曲的魅力吧!最经典的英文歌曲6. Losing grip发现现在很多友对艾薇儿相当感冒,那么这首歌相信喜欢她的人不会拒绝了。
7. On my way home 恩雅的声音永远那么淡定和舒服,也许风格的保持未必是坏事。
8. Let me show you the way Lacoste香水的广告歌曲,真的很好听啊!发现用英文歌来做广告背景音乐真得很有感觉,例如,德芙广告主题歌:White flag;潘婷广告背景音乐:Unwritten;芝华士广告的主题歌;全智贤奥林巴斯广告歌: To be with you 等等。
9. By my side 电影《向左走,向右走》的插曲,孙燕姿演唱的《遇见》英文版。
10. Firefly 小编不知道该用什么语言来形容这首歌,这不是仅仅“好听”两个字能代替得了的,听听看吧,相信绝对不会让你失望。
11. Curtain falls,Stand up和 It’s alright 依旧是Blue 的演唱曲目,依旧经典。
12. Soledad也许光看名字你并不会对它感兴趣,但是如果说它是S.H.E《紫藤花》英文版的话相信你就不会拒绝了。

1、Right Here Waiting 此情可待《此情可待》,电影《终有一天感动你》(Bed of Roses)主题曲。
我都将会在这里等你!等待你!2、Casablanca卡萨布兰卡经典英文歌曲《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca)并不是电影《卡萨布兰卡》(又名《北非谋影》)里的插曲,而是上世纪70年代由Bertie Higgins(贝特希金斯)在看完这部电影后有感而写出的,用的是电影的名字。
我坠入了爱河与你一起看《卡萨布兰卡》沉浸在露天汽车影院后排摇曳的灯光中在星空下可乐与玉米花仿佛香槟和鱼子酱漫长炎热的夏季里爱意情长3、Careless Whisper无心快语George Michael是Wham!(咸猛)乐队的创始人之一,在1984年的夏天,George Michael发行了他的经典之作"Careless Whisper",这是他在Wham!(咸嚣)乐队发行的首张个人单曲,而这首歌也成为了80年代最具特色的歌曲之一,因而也是播放率最高的歌曲之一。
虽然牵着你的手带你步入旋转的舞池一曲终了虽然看得见你眼中闪现的温柔只有伤感地说声再见我们本该让这舞会永远但是今夜谁陪我一起跳舞你离去了你离去了是不是我做错了什么让你离我而去4、Yesterday Once More 昨日重现《昨日重现》(Yesterday Once More)是卡朋特乐队演唱的歌曲,始创于1973年。

1.only loveTwo a m and the rain is fallingHere we are at the crossroads once againYou're telling me you're so confusedYou can't make up your mindIs this meant to beYou're asking meBut only love can sayTry again or walk awayBut I believe for you and meThe sun will shine one daySo I just play my partPray you'll have a change of heartBut I can make you see it throughThat's something only love can doIn your arms as the dawn is breakingFace to face and a thousand miles apartI've tried my best to make you seeThere's hope beyond the painIf we give enoughIf we learn to trustBut only love can sayTry again or walk awayBut I believe for you and meThe sun will shine one daySo I just play my partPray you'll have a change of heartBut I can make you see it throughThat's something only love can doI know if I could find the wordsTo touch you deep insideYou'll give my dreams just one more chance To let this be our last goodbyeBut only love can sayTry again or walk awayBut I believe for you and meThe sun will shine one daySo I just play my partPray you'll have a change of heartBut I can make you see it throughThat's something only love can doThat's something only love can do2. Far Away From HomeI am loving living every single day but sometimes I feel soI hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know And who can heal those tiny broken hearts and what are we to beWhere is home on the Milky way of stars I dry my eyes againIn my dreams I am not so far away from homeWhat am I in a world so far away from homeAll my life all the time so far away from homeWithout you I will be so far away from homeIf we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter dayThe world I see beyond your pretty eyesmakes me want to stayAnd who can heal those tiny broken heartsand what are we to beWhere is home on the Milky way of starsI dry my eyes againIn my dreams I am not so far away from homeWhat am I in a world so far away from homeAll my life all the time so far away from homeWithout you I will be so far away from homeI count on you no matter what they say cause love can find it timeI hope to be a part of you againbaby let us shineAnd who can heal those tiny broken hearts and what are we to beWhere is home on the Milky way of starsI dry my eyes againIn my dreams I am not so far away from home What am I in a world so far away from home All my life all the time so far away from home Without you I will be so far away from home In my dreams I am not so far away from home What am I in a world so far away from home All my life all the time so far away from home Without you I will be so far away from home3. I Need Youjust when i think that i've got it all together right when i've traced down the rest of my life back on the track of my dreams of grander you let me, slave on the wrong and thereforeand i found what i've been missing is u'r sweet and grace i need you , every moment, i need you, everydayi need you , in the good timeswhen i'm torn and rushed awayi need you,traveling lightly i lay on my worriesdown and torn feel dreck up oh easy ohwalk and live you i find lying my burdenwalking and staying i close to your sidejesus you temper me bring me your wayi need you , every moment, i need you, everydayi need you, in the good timeswhen i'm torn and rushed awayi need yourunning and laughing i dream of foreverand how we must be just my saviour and meand thousand of others who made different journeyand dream through jesus the way truths lyeoh saint hallelujah, hallelujahi need you , every momenti need you, every momenti need you lord, everydayi need you, in the good timeswhen i'm torn and rushed awaywhen i'm torn and rushed awaywhen i'm torn and rushed awayi need you4.Slow DownNow that I have captured your attentionI want to steal you for a rhythm intervention Mr.T say I'm ready for inspectionShow me how you make a first impressionOh ohCan we take it nice and slow slowBreak it down and drop it low lowCause I just wanna party all night in the neon lightstil you can't let me goI just wanna feel your body right next to mineAll night longBaby slow down the songAnd when it's coming closer to the end hit rewind All night longBaby slow down the songIf you want me I'm accepting applicationsSo long as we keep this record on rotationYou know I'm good with mouth to mouth recitation Breathe me in breathe me outSo amazingOh ohCan we take it nice and slow slowBreak it down and drop it low lowCause I just wanna party all night in the neon lightstil you can't let me goI just wanna feel your body right next to mineAll night longBaby slow down the songAnd when it's coming closer to the end hit rewind All night longBaby slow down the songBreathe me in, breathe me outThe music's got me goingBreathe me in breathe me outNo stop until the morningBreathe me in breathe me outYou know I'm ready for itFor it for itYeahBreathe me in breathe me outThe music's got me goingBreathe me in, breathe me outNo stop until the morningBreathe me in, breathe me outYou know I'm ready for itFor it for itYeahI just wanna feel your body right next to mineAll night longBaby slow down the songAnd when it's coming closer to the end hit rewind All night longBaby slow down the song ...5. Trouble Is A FriendTroubling will find youno matter where you go oh ohno matter if you're fastno matter if you're slow oh oh the eye of the stormand the cry in the morn oh oh your fine for a whilebut you start to loose controlhe's there in the darkhe's there in my hearthe waits in the windshe's gotta play a parttrouble is a friendyeah trouble is a friend of mine oh oh!trouble is a friendbut trouble is a foe oh ohand no matter what i feed him he always seems to grow oh oh he sees what i seeand he knows what i know oh oh so don't forget as youease on down the roadhe's there in the darkhe's there in my hearthe waits in the windshe's gotta play a parttrouble is a friendyeah trouble is a friend of mineoh oh!so don't be alarmedif he takes you by the armi won't let him winbut im a sucker for his charmtrouble is a friendyeah trouble is a friend of mine oh oh! oh how i hate the way he makes me feel and how i try to make him leave i try oh oh i try!but he's there in the darkhe's there in my hearthe waits in the windshe's gotta play a parttrouble is a friendyeah trouble is a friend of mineoh oh!作者边成博so don't be alarmedif he takes you by the armi won't let him winbut im a sucker for his charm trouble is a friendyeah trouble is a friend of mineoh oh!第11 页共11 页。

1. don't cry--guns n' roses我所认真听完的第一首摇滚,这首歌曾唱哭了千万人。
总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋...2. fade to black--metallic金属乐队也有很经典歌曲,我相信国内有好多人都是听了这首歌的前奏才去学吉他的!METALLICA经典中的经典,也是METALLICA饱受争议的作品,因为当时有乐迷自杀就是出于这首歌,胆小别听哦~3. dreaming my dream--cranberries有着王菲一样变幻倚俪的唱腔,高雅离开了原本浩渺的苍穹来到人间,它带着冷漠的美艳,但又说着人身上的变动和永恒,爱尔兰的卡百利乐队就这样汲取了精灵与传说的浩渺气质,沟通了人间和天空的美,把人的故事,爱情,历史,死亡,社会都融进那飘忽而真切的女声中...(卡百利,本是蔓声浆果的藤蔓)4. dying in the sun--cranberries不断地重复着放这首歌,简短迂回的旋律,简短迂回的歌词。
我就平躺在这样的歌里,晕乎乎的,渴望在阳光下睡死...5. never grow old--cranberries 最近常听朋友们说时间过得好快~! 感觉自己在一天一天的虚度光阴! 不由得想起了这支歌~!6. far away from home--groove coverage德国新晋乐队,这首歌已被众多知名DJ誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作,听了不下几百遍了,旋律好的很,女声好的很...7. knocking on heaven's door--guns n' roses(“野蛮师姐”主题曲)艾薇儿翻唱的和枪花版的都给人一种爽歪的感觉,当然女生版的更加恬静,睡觉之前我都要听的。
8. imagine--john lennon约翰列侬是全世界最成功的摇滚乐队“甲壳虫”(beatles)的灵魂人物,死于1980年12月8日,是被一名狂热的歌迷开枪打死的,他的死震惊了世界,他在六十年代吸毒,目无宗教和go-vern-ment,在七十年代致力研究东方宗教和宣扬童话般的爱(有一颗小星星是以他的名字命名的),这声音听来象预言者的祈祷,而歌词依然是固执的理想,或许列侬所要求的泰国绝对,太过纯洁,但作为梦,难道你我就不曾有过吗?9. yesterday--beatles这么经典的还说什么呢,电台点播率已经超过一亿次了,没听过的太逊了。

1. Yesterday Once More:由卡朋特乐队演唱,是一首经典的英文歌曲,
2. My Heart Will Go On:由席琳·迪翁演唱,是电影《泰坦尼克号》的主
3. I Will Always Love You:由惠特妮·休斯顿演唱,是电影《保镖》的插曲,具有浓郁的情感和深情的表达。
4. Bohemian Rhapsody:由皇后乐队演唱,是一首经典的摇滚歌曲,以其独特的音乐风格和令人难忘的旋律而著名。
5. Don't Stop Believin':由街声合唱团演唱,是一首充满激情和力量的摇
6. Hey Jude:由披头士乐队演唱,是一首充满温馨和感动的歌曲,以其优
7. Imagine:由约翰·列侬演唱,是一首充满理想和希望的经典歌曲,以其
8. Hotel California:由老鹰乐队演唱,是一首经典的摇滚歌曲,以其独特
9. Bridge Over Troubled Water:由阿黛尔演唱,是一首充满关爱和温暖的经典歌曲,以其优美的旋律和感人的歌词而著名。
10. We Are the Champions:由皇后乐队演唱,是一首充满激情和力量的经典歌曲,也是一首广受欢迎的英文歌曲。

而经典的英文歌曲之所以成为经典一定是有让人为之动容的理由!下面是学习啦小编为大家整理的励志歌曲,希望大家喜欢!1、《My Heart Will Go On》原唱:席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion)发行时间:1997年这首歌曲自发行以来就一直是属于经久不衰的,经典的影片配上经典的歌曲成为了很多人的泪点,在表达坚贞不渝的爱情的同时震撼的旋律也是相当的震撼心灵,即使是从来不听英文歌曲的人在试听后也会被它动人的旋律所折服。
2、《Yesterday Once More》原唱:卡朋特乐队发行时间:1973年这首英文歌曲可以说是卡朋特乐队(The Carpenters)的代表作,自发行以来它也被很多人翻唱过,但是其中韵味始终是不如原唱,略带伤感的旋律让许多人都是身临其境,在一生必听的10首经典英文歌曲它一定是一首万万不可错过的英文歌曲。
3、《Don't Cry》原唱:Guns N' Roses发行时间:1991年这首歌曲相信在很多人的歌单都是无限循环的经典英文歌,名为不要哭的它却唱哭了不少人,淡淡的忧伤感总是能让人迅速的进入其中,即使在强大的内心经不起这首经典英文歌的“触碰”。
4、《Right Here Waiting》原唱:Richard Marx发行时间:1989年这首歌是很多人歌单中必备的一首经典情歌,这首歌的创作主要是因为理查德要于他的爱妻分开三个月而在不足三十分钟的时间中创作出来的,扣人心弦的歌词道出了很多人在分别是的忧伤。
5、《Big Big World》原唱:艾密莉亚·怀得堡(Lasse Anderson)发行时间:1998年这首经典的英文歌曲可以说是很多人在熟悉不过的一首英文歌了,唯美有略带忧伤的旋律唱出了很多人的心声,它也自发行以来就成为了风靡至今的歌曲。
6、《See you again》原唱:维兹·卡利法,查理·普斯发行时间:2015年了解《速度与激情》这个系列电影的人对于这首英文歌肯定都不陌生,它的创作主要就是为了纪念保罗,它已经发行就连续十二周登上了歌曲荣誉的榜单,独特的旋律和真切的歌词深深的打动了不少的人。

最好听的英文歌曲推荐最好听的英文歌曲11、just one last dance推荐理由:一首旋律非常优美的英文歌曲。
2、because of you推荐理由:看看这首歌的MV你就知道了,歌手带有磁性的歌声、并且歌曲旋律很好,喜欢听伤感情歌的朋友必听。
3、You raise me up推荐理由:每次听到这首歌脑海中就会出现那些感人的画面,气势恢宏的交响乐和悠扬的苏格兰风笛,加上唱诗班的合声以及Westlife完美的演唱,给人心灵上都能带来震撼。
4、La Isla Bonita推荐理由:法国美女小天后Alizee用热情、奔放的拉丁古典吉他音乐,桑巴鼓点的节奏展现一幅热带岛屿绮丽的风光。
节奏感极强,曲调欢快,(La Isla Bonita为西班牙语,即美丽的海岛)5、One year ago推荐理由:Lene Marlin的声音很纯美,能让人很快就能陷入歌曲的意境中。
6、Long Long Way to Go推荐理由:是一首很好听的摇滚歌曲,喜欢这首歌的原因很简单,因为歌词写得很棒!7、Tomorrow推荐理由:艾薇儿的歌曲总是那么的好听,什么也不用说,听听这吉他的伴奏,听听这略带伤感的声音吧,完美!8、All rise推荐理由:Blue 乐队的经典歌曲,摇摆的快歌风格。
All rise这首歌的和声部分尤其经典。
9、Traveling Light推荐理由:两个乡村歌手带给我们的一首很轻松、很有节奏、听起来很舒服的一首好歌!10、Creepin Up On You推荐理由:野人花园主唱Darren Hayes的作品,节奏感很好的一首好歌,让人忍不住会随着节奏摆动身体.每次一听到就有用不完的好心情,呵呵.就象这首歌的名字一样,相信你也会情不自禁地爱上它.最好听的英文歌曲21、My love2、Just one last dance3、As long as you love me4、Because of you5、God is a girl6、Hero7、Yesterday once more8、Lonely9、All rise10、One love11、Big big world12、My heart will go on最好听的英文歌曲31、沉默之声 The Sound Of Silence2、爱的细语Theres A Kind Of Hush3、阳光季节 Seasons In The Sun4、唱首忧郁的歌 Song Sung Blue5、在老橡树上系黄丝带 Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree6、雨的旋律 Rhythm of The Rain7、七个寂寞的日子 Seven Lonely Days8、超级迷你比基尼 Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini9、波夫Puff10、柠檬树 Lemon Tree11、花落何处 Where Have All The Flowers Gone?12、顺其自然 Let It Be13、昨日重现 Yesterday Once More14、甜心 Dear Heart15、太年轻 Too Young16、低语的松树 Whispering Pines17、世界末日 The End Of The World18、我的家乡 My Hometown19、大江东去 The River Of No Return20、田纳西华尔兹 Tennessee Waltz21、破晓 Morning Has Broken22、恶水上的大桥 Bridge Over Troubled Water23、让它是我 Let It Be Me24、再见,吾爱 Bye Bye, Love25、无法停止爱你 I Cant Stop Loving You26、只有你 Only You27、世事不可强求 Que Sera, Sera28、雨点不断落在我头上 Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head29、某处,吾爱 Somewhere My Love30、在雨中哭泣 Crying In The Rain31、跳舞吧,小女孩 Dance On, Little Girl32、爱你在心口难开 More Than I Can Say33、玫瑰,玫瑰我爱你 Rose, Rose, I Love You34、清晨 In The Morning35、往日情怀 The Way We Were36、北上阿拉斯加 North To Alaska37、老鹰之歌 El Condor Pasa38、乡村路带我回家 Take Me Home Country Roads39、邮差先生 Please Mr、Postman40、黄河镇Yellow River41、放开我 Release Me42、最后华尔兹 The Last Waltz43、孤枕难眠 I Dont Like To Sleep Alone44、想象 Imagine45、不再坠入情网 Ill Never Fall In、Love Again46、轻歌销魂 Killing Me Softly With His Song47、婚礼 The Wedding48、雪鸟 Snowbird49、黛咪 Tammy50、情感 Feelings51、假如 If52、小白鸽 Paloma Blanca53、今日 Today54、无须说爱我 You Dont Have To Say You Love Me55、奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody56、与我吻别Kiss Me Goodbye57、只有寻梦去 All I Have To Do Is Dream58、小白花 Edelweiss59、将头靠在我肩上 Put Your Head On My Shoulder60、黄鸟儿 Yellow Bird61、全为了一个女孩的爱 All For The Love Of A Girl62、轻声细诉,爱人 Speak Softly, Love63、交换舞伴 Changing Partners64、我参加你的婚礼 I Went To Your Wedding65、给约翰的一封信 A Dear John Letter66、月亮河 Moon River67、黛安娜 Diana68、哦,卡罗 Oh! Carol69、试着回忆 Try To Remember70、什锦烩饭 Jambalaya71、时机不再72、唯有孤寂 Only The Lonely73、我明白 I Understand74、全心全意爱我 Love Me With All Of Your Heart75、深夜陌生人 Strangers In The Night76、离家五百里 Five Hundred Miles77、昨日 Yesterday78、走在雨中 Just Walking In The Rain79、阳光在我肩上 Sunshine On My Shoulders80、我希望你要我 Id Love You To Want Me81、你欺骗的心 Your Cheating Heart82、麻萨诸塞州 Massachusetts83、丹尼男孩 Danny Boy84、今晚你寂寞吗Are You Lonesome Tonight85、随风飘荡 Blowing In The Wind86、敲三下 Knock Three Times87、不再 No More88、热爱着你 Devoted To You89、旧金山 San Francisco90、棉花田 Cotton Field91、亲爱的 Sugar, Sugar92、世界之顶 Top Of The World93、你照亮我的生命 You Light Up My Life94、玫瑰花园 Rose Garden95、如果你爱我 If You Love Me96、史东妮 Stoney97、我不知如何爱他 I Dont Know How To Love Him98、温柔地爱我 Love Me Tender99、你偷走巨厦 The Mansion You Stole最好听的英文歌曲41、Because of you这首歌第1次听的时候震撼特别大,高潮过后突然安静的那一会真的太爽了.而且这首歌还很有气势,真正的百听不厌2、Never Had A Dream Come True个人最喜欢的一首...旋律肯定熟悉,但是不知道歌名,现在知道了吧3、Anyone of us这首歌可能不是所有人第1次听就喜欢,但我第1次听它就很感冒,Gareth Gates的声音的确非常好听,节奏和旋律真的没有他的歌声霸道4、She这是在我MP3里呆的最久的一首歌.可能有半年了吧,相当好听,不管是节奏,歌词,还是Groove Coverage的唱功都着实了得 !经常玩劲舞团的对这首歌应该不陌生吧5、I want it that way这首歌是我认为的后街最好听的一首歌第1次听完了下在MP3上,听了半个月直到现在都想不通啊6、Hero-Mariah Carey这首歌不象其他歌一样搞的很大声,但它依然很有气势。

超好听经典的英文歌曲1. traveling light (极其适合开车兜风听哦~)2. 7 years and 50 days(失恋歌曲,但节奏不哀痛)3. baby one more time (小甜甜的voice具有诱惑力。
)4. bye bye (Mariah Carey的,奇怪怪,总能让我想到新加坡的街头~)5. I wanted you (Ina的,人很低调,但歌非常好听!也总能让我想到新加坡~)6. lonely (想必大家都听过,爆经典啊,百听不厌!)7. upside down (适合初学街舞时的音乐哦~)8. we will rock you (又一经典!极具震撼力!)9. beautiful girls (个人喜爱jojo版的,好听哦,她90年12月份的,比我小,比我famous)10. beautiful soul (jesse mccartney的!人帅歌又好,没得救啦!)超好听经典的英文歌曲:Because Of Youbecause of you - various artistssong by ne-yowant to but i can"t help it,i love the way it feelsjust got me stuck between my fantasy and what is real i need it when i want it,i want it when i don"ttell myself i"ll stop every day knowing that i won"ti got a problem and i don"t know what to do about it even if i did i don"t know if i would quit but i doubt that i"m taken by the thought of itand i know this much is truebaby you have become my addictioni"m so strung out on you i can barely movebut i like it and it"s all because of you(all because of you)and it"s all because of you(all because of you)and it"s all because of you(all because of you)and it"s all becausenever get enoughshe"s the sweetest drugthink of it every second, i can get nothing doneonly concern is the next time i"m gonna get me someknow i should stay away from cause its no good for mei try and try but my obsession wont let me leavei got a problem and i don"t know what to do about it even if i did i don"t know if i would quit but i doubt it i"m taken by the thought of itand i know this much is truebaby you have become my addictioni"m so strung out on you i can barely movebut i like it and it"s all because of you(all because of you)and all it"s because of you(all because of you)and it"s all because of you(all because of you)and it"s all becausenever get enoughshe"s the sweetest drugain"t no doubt, so strung outain"t no doubt, so strung outover you, over you, over youbecause of youand it"s all because of younever get enoughshe"s the sweetest drugshe"s the sweetest drug超好听经典的英文歌曲:Yeah!YeahOk~Usher~Let"s goYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah yeah YeaahYeah Yeah yeah Yeah yeah Let"s goI"m in the club with my homiestryna get a lil V-Ikeep it down on the low keycause you know how it feelsI said shorty she was checkin up on mefrom the game she was spittinmy ear you"d think that she knew meSo we decided to chillConversation got heavyshe had me feelin like she"s ready to blow! (Watch Out! )Oh!(Watch Out!)She saying come get mecome get meSo I got up and followed her to the floorshe said baby lets goWhen I told her I saidYeah (yeah)Shorty got down to come and get meYeah (yeah)I got so caught up I forgot she told meYeah (yeah)Cause if my girl new it"d be best to hold me Yeah (yeah)Next thing I knew she was all up on me screaming Yeah Yeah yeahYeah yeah YeaahYeah Yeah yeahYeah yeah YeaahShes all up in my head nowgot me thinking thatit might good idea to take her with meCause she"s ready to leaveNow I gotta keep it real nowcause on a one-to-ten she"s a certified twenty and that just aint meHey!Cause I don"t know if I take that chancejust where is it gonna leadBut what I do know is the wayshe dance makes shorty alright with meThe way she getting low!I"m like yeah just work that out for meShe asked for one more dance and I"mLike yeah how the hell am I supposed to leave And I saidYeah (yeah)Shorty got down to come and get meYeah (yeah)I got so caught up I forgot she told meYeah (yeah)Cause if my girl new it"d be best to hold me Yeah (yeah)Next thing I knew she was all up on me screamingYeah Yeah yeah Yeah yeah YeaahYeah Yeah yeah Yeah yeah YeaahLuda!Watch out!My outfit"s ridiculousIn the club lookin" so conspicuousAnd Rowl! These women al on the prowlif you hold the head steady I"m a milk the cowForget about the game I"m a spit the truthI won"t stop till I get em in they birthday suitsSo gimmie the rhythm and it"ll be off with they clothes then bend over to the front and touch your toesI left the jag and I took the rolesif they aint cuttingthen I put em on foot patrolHow you like me now when my pinky"s valuedover three hundred thousandLets drank you the one to pleaseLudacris fill cups like double d"sMe and Ush once more and we leave em deadwe want a lady in the street but a freak in the bed to say Yeah (yeah)Shorty got down to come and get meYeah (yeah)I got so caught up I forgot she told meYeah (yeah)Cause if my girl new it"d be best to hold meYeah (yeah)Next thing I knew she was all up on me screamingYeah Yeah yeah Yeah yeah YeaahYeah Yeah yeah Yeah yeah YeaahTake that and rewind it backLil" Jon got the rhythm make ya booty goTake that and rewind it backUsher got the voice make ya booty goTake that and rewind it backLudacris got the flow make ya booty goTake that and rewind it backLil"Jon got the beat make ya booty go第三篇特别好听的英文歌:特殊好听的英文歌曲值得听的对于一些特殊好听的英文歌曲,那是值得我们多去听的。
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Cut by PlumeI'm not a stranger 我不是局外人No I am yours 不,我是你的一部分With crippled anger 带着极大的悲痛And tears that still drip sore 眼泪一直痛苦的滴落A fragile flame aged 如此脆弱的火焰渐渐熄灭Is misery 是如此痛苦And when our hearts meet 当我们的心灵相遇I know you see 我知道你看到了I do not want to be afraid 我不想只是害怕I do not want to die inside just to breathe in 我不想只是喘息着无力心渐渐死去I'm tired of feeling so numb 我厌倦了麻木的感觉Relief exists I find it when 好像只有当我被生生剖开时才感到了解脱I am cutI may seem crazy 我可能是疯了Or painfully shy 或痛苦的费力的畏缩着And these scars wouldn't be so hidden 这些伤痕不应该这样被隐藏If you would just look me in the eye 如果你愿意注视我的眼睛I feel alone here and cold here 你会感到我如此孤独和寒冷Though I don't want to die 虽然我不想死去But the only anesthetic that makes me feel anything kills inside 但是唯一麻木我的方法是让我觉得我的心已经死去I do not want to be afraid 我不想害怕I do not want to die inside just to breathe in 我不想只是喘息着无力的让心死去I'm tired of feeling so numb 我厌倦了麻木的感觉Relief exists I find it when 好像只有当我被生生剖开时才感到了解脱I am cutPain 痛I am not alone 我不孤独I am not alone 我不孤独I'm not a stranger 我不是局外人No I am yours 我是你的一部分With crippled anger 带着极大的悲痛And tears that still drip sore 眼泪一直悲伤的滴落But I do not want to be afraid 我不想害怕I do not want to die inside just to breathe in 我不想只是喘息着让心死去I'm tired of feeling so numb 我厌倦了麻木的感觉Relief exists I found it when 好像只有当我被生生剖开时才能感到解脱I was cutDownI don't know where I'm at我不知道自己身处何处I'm standing at the back站在了人潮的尾部And I'm tired this waiting而且,我厌倦了这种等待Waiting here in line在队伍中等待Hoping that I'll find只为了能够找到What I' ve been chasing找到自己一直以来所追求的。
I shot for the sky我试着冲向天空I'm stuck on the ground却要被困于地面上So why do I try可是为何我还要这么执着I know I'm gonna fall down我知道我快要坠落了I thougt I could fly坚信自己一定能够飞起来So why did I drown可是为何我却堕落了Never know why我不知道这是为什么It's coming down,down,down不断地在坠落,坠落,坠落……not ready to let go我不会放弃Cause then I'd never know因为那样我将无法体会到I could be missing自己的迷失But I'm missing way too much但是我已经弥足深陷了So when do I give up可是我要何时才会放弃呢What i've been wishing for放弃自己一直以来所祈求的I shot for the sky我试着冲向天空I'm stuck on the ground却要被困于地面上So why do I try为何我还要如此执着I know I'm gonna fall down我知道我快要坠落了I thougt I could fly我坚信自己能够飞起来So why did I drown可是为何我却堕落了I'll never know why我不知道这是为什么It's coming down,down,down不断地在坠落,坠落,坠落……Oh I'm going down,down,down噢~我变得越来越抑郁,抑郁,抑郁I can't find another way around找不到生活的出口And I don't wanna hear that soundOf losing what I never found不想承认自己的失败I shot for the sky我试着冲向天空I'm stuck on the ground却要被困于地面上So why do I try可是为何我还要这么执着I know I'm gonna fall down我知道我快要坠落了I thougt I could fly我坚信自己能够飞起来So why did I drown可是为何我却堕落了Never know why我不知道这是为什么It's coming down,down,down不断地在坠落,坠落,坠落……I shot for the sky我试着冲向天空I'm stuck on the ground却要被困于地面上So why do I try可是为何我还要这么执着I know I'm gonna fall down我知道我快要坠落了I thougt I could fly我坚信自己能够飞起来So why did I drown可是为何我却堕落了Never know why我不知道这是为什么It's coming down,down,down不断地在坠落,坠落,坠落……I don’t want to miss a thing by Steven tylerI could stay awake just to hear you breathing我可以一直醒着,只为了听你的呼吸Watch you smile while you are sleeping注视着你睡着时的微笑While you ’re far away dreaming当你在遥远的梦乡I could spend my life in this sweet surrender我可以耗尽一生,在我对你甜蜜的屈服中I could stay lost in this moment forever我可以在此刻永远的迷失Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure与你相处的每一刻,都是我最宝贵的时光Don ’t want to close my eyes不想闭上双眼I don ’t want to fall asleep我不想入眠Cause I ’d miss you baby因为我想念你And I don ’t want to miss a thing我什么都不想错过Cause even when I dream of you因为即使当我梦见你The sweetest dream will never do哪怕是最甜美的梦中I ’d still miss you baby我仍然会想念你And I don ’t want to miss a thing我什么都不想错过Lying close to you feeling your heart beating躺在你身边,感觉你的心跳And I ’m wondering what you ’re dreaming我想知道你正梦见什么Wondering if it ’s me you ’re seeing想知道你看到的是不是我Then I kiss your eyes于是我吻你的眼睛And thank God we ’re together感谢上帝,我们还在一起I just want to stay with you in this moment forever 我想永远与你厮守在此刻Forever and ever永远,永远Don ’t want to close my eyes不想闭上双眼I don ’t want to fall asleep我不想入眠Cause I ’d miss you baby因为我想念你And I don ’t want to miss a thing我什么都不想错过Cause even when I dream of you因为即使当我梦见你The sweetest dream will never do哪怕是最甜美的梦中I ’d still miss you baby我仍然会想念你And I don ’t want to miss a thing我什么都不想错过I don ’t want to miss one smile我不想错过一个微笑I don ’t want to miss one kiss我不想错过一个吻I just want to be with you我只想和你在一起Right here with you, just like this 就在这里,就像这样I just want to hold you close我只想拥紧你Feel your heart so close to mine感觉你我的心跳如此接近And just stay here in this moment 就在此时此地For all the rest of time度过所有剩余的时间Don ’t want to close my eyes不想闭上双眼I don ’t want to fall asleep我不想入眠Cause I ’d miss you baby因为我想念你And I don ’t want to miss a thing我什么都不想错过Cause even when I dream of you因为即使当我梦见你The sweetest dream will never do哪怕是最甜美的梦中I ’d still miss you baby我仍然会想念你A nd I don ’t want to miss a thing我什么都不想错过Don ’t want to close my eyes不想闭上双眼I don ’t want to fall asleep我不想入眠I don ’t want to miss a thing我什么都不想错过I Don't Want To Miss A Thing (我什么都不想错过)I Don't Want To Miss A ThingIn my arms by PlumbYour baby blues 你淡蓝色双眸So full of wonder 满是好奇Your Curly Que’s 你微卷发线Your contagious smile 你灿烂笑颜And as I watch 在我注视着你的时候You start to grow up 你渐长大All I can do is hold you tight 我唯一能做的只是将你抱紧Knowing 请你记得Clouds will rage in 即便有狂风怒吼Storms will race in 风雪残酷But you will be safe in my arms 你也可在我的怀抱里安然Rains will pour down 即便有大雨倾盆Waves will crash all around 浪涛汹涌But you will be safe in my arms 你也可在我的怀抱里安然Story books 故事书中Are full of fairytales 满是童话Of kings and queens 有国王和皇后And the bluest skies 有最最蓝的天空My heart is torn just in knowing 我的心在无声哭泣因为我知道You’ll someday see 终有一天The truth for lies 你会看破这些谎言Clouds will rage in 即便有狂风怒吼Storms will race in 风雪残酷But you will be safe in my arms 你也可在我的怀抱里安然Rains will pour down 即便有大雨倾盆Waves will crash all around 浪涛汹涌But you will be safe in my arms 你也可在我的怀抱里安然Castles they might crumble 城堡或许会破碎崩塌Dreams may not come true 梦想并不一定如愿成真Cause you are never all alone 但你一定不会孤单一人Cause I will always 因为我会一直Always love you 一直的爱着你Hey IHey IWill loveClouds will rage in 即便有狂风怒吼Storms will race in 风雪残酷But you will be safe in my arms 你也可在我的怀抱里安然Rains will pour down 即便有大雨倾盆Waves will crash all around 浪涛汹涌But you will be safe in my arms 你也可在我的怀抱里安然In my armsNo boundaries by Kris AllenSeconds,hours,somanydays/分分秒秒,日复一日You know what you want but how long can you wait/你知道自己的目标,可你还能守候多久Everymoment lasts forever/每一刻都漫长到没有尽头When you feel you've lost your way/当你感到已经迷失方向And what if my chances are already gone/万一我已无获胜的机会,我该怎样I started believing that I could be wrong/我开始怀疑自己可能走错了方向But you gave me one good reason/可你给了我一个充足的理由To fight and never walk away/去奋力拼搏,决不退缩So here I am still holding on!/所以我仍在这里苦苦坚持With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息You'll make it through the pain/你一定能挺过所有痛苦的煎熬Weather the hurricanes/经受住暴风雨的洗礼To get to that one thing/去领取那无上的荣耀Just when you think the road is going nowhere/就在你觉得前方无路可走的时候Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams/就在你觉得梦想行将破灭的时候They take you by the hand/他们却将你手握紧And show you that you can/告诉你要相信自己There are no boundaries/你的潜力无限There are no boundaries/你的潜力无限If ought till the limit to stand on the edge/我拼尽全力才站在悬崖边上What if today is as good as it gets/如果今天是最后的机会Don't know where the future's heading/真不知我的未来该通往何方But nothing's gonna bring me down/可什么也别想将我阻挡I've jumped every bridge/我跨越过每一道障碍And I've run every line/我突破过每一道封锁I've risked being safe/我拿自己的生命冒险But I always knew why/始终明白其义何在I always knew why/始终明白其义何在So here I am still holding on!/所以我仍在这里苦苦坚持With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息You'll make it through the pain/你定能挺过所有痛苦的煎熬Weather the hurricanes/经受住暴风雨的洗礼To get to that one thing/去领取那无上的荣耀Just when you think the road is going nowhere/就在你觉得前方无路可走的时候Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams/就在你觉得梦想行将破灭的时候They take you by the hand/他们却将你手握紧And show you that you can/告诉你要相信自己You can go higher/你可以飞得更高You can go deeper/你可以潜得更深There are noboundaries/无论天上还是地下Above and beneath you/都任由你自由驰骋Break every rule/冲破每一条束缚Cause there's nothing between you and your dreams/因为再没有什么能阻挡你去实现自己的梦想With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息Yeah....There are no boundaries/你的潜力无限There are no boundaries/你的潜力无限With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息You'll make it through the pain/你定能挺过所有痛苦的煎熬Weather the hurricanes/经受住暴风雨的洗礼There are no boundaries/你的潜力无限There are no boundaries/你的潜力无限There are no boundaries/你的潜力无限。