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8 说是老问题,是因为几十年一直在努力,但是一直 没有解决;大问题,是因为它关系到一代人的健康成 长和中华民族的未来;难问题,是因为它不仅涉及到 教育工作的方方面面,更涉及到文化传统、经济发展、 社会结构用人制度等方方面面。 It can be called a chronic problem because it has never been thoroughly resolved despite decades of continuous efforts; it‟s a big one because it determines the healthy growth of a whole generation and the future of the Chinese people; it‟s a thorny one because it not merely involves every aspects of education but also involves such aspects as cultural tradition, economic development, social architecture, and appointment of government officials. (介词短语)
Part three adjustment of adverbials 状语的调整
汉语:主语-状语-谓语-宾语 时序律,范围律,因果律,主客律(表示事物固有特征的形容词离中心 词较近) 英语:状语的位置灵活。 1 她住在近郊的风景区,一座设备较好的旅馆的一套两室加梳洗室灶间 的房子。 2 我们今天下午三点开会。 3 山顶终年积雪。 4 当天的比赛因大雾推迟了将近三个小时。 5 在党中央和国务院的领导下,在全国人民的大力支持和帮助下,德阳 人民一定能度过难关,重建美好家园。 6 他总是早上不吃饭就来上课。 7 很久很久以前,在河边的一个小房子里,住着一对老夫妻,其下有一 对儿女。
The use of attributive clauses 定语从句的使用
11 那些多年来喜欢运动生活方式的人,非常了解来自体育运动的身心 裨益。 Those who have embraced an active lifestyle for years are familial with the sort of physical and psychological benefits that comes from exercises. 12 从长远来看,随着我国城镇化的推进, 一些基于城乡二元结构而长期存 在的问题将成为改革的核心,如户籍制度、教育、劳动就业、医疗保险、 住房以及社会养老保险等,最终实现城市原有市民和新进入的劳动力 “同城待遇”。 In the long run/haul, with the advance of china‟s urbanization, some problems that arose from the long-standing presence of the ruralurban (dual) structure, like household registration, education, labor, and employment, medicare and social securities system, will become the core of the reform which will ultimately allow the original citydwellers and the new –comers to enjoy “equal rights as city residents”
9 据考证,人类对化妆品的依赖可以追溯到至少四万年前,说明修饰和 美化自己的冲动并不源自现代文明的压力,而是出于人性的需要。 According to research, human reliance on cosmetics/makeup dates back to at least 40,000 years ago, which suggests that man‟s urge to ornament and embellish himself stems/originates not from the pressure of modern civilization but the need of human nature. 10 随着中国太空人的上天,一个有汉语和英语拼合成的新词已开始在西方 主流媒体上流行: taikonaut(即太空人,把汉字的“太空”与英文的航 天员astronaut的后缀拼合而成)。 With the launch of China‟s astronauts, a coinage, taikonaut composed of Chinese and English (a Chinese English hybrid), came on stream in the western media. The coinage, which means „astronaut‟ ,combines the Chinese character „ taikong‟ for „space‟ with the suffix of the English word astronaut‟.
Part four the Adjustment of word order among sentences 句间语序的调整
1 因果律 2 时序律 3 范围律
Adjustment of word order within sentences 句内语序的调整
Part one the adjustment of chief sentence components
Topic +comment structure 汉语的话题加评 论性特点 subject + verb英语的主谓结构特点 Actor, receiver of action动作的施事着,受事 着和话题
Part two adjustment of attributives
Position of words, phrases and sentences which are used as attributives 1臭名昭著的政客 2手里拿着本书、站在门口的那位中年男子 3 具有相同资历的申请人 4 大大小小形状各异的水果 5 我最难忘的一天 6 声称看到过美洲豹的人所提供的描述及其相似。 The description given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar. 7 中国政府今年上半年采取的刺激消费的措施已初见成效。 The measures taken by the Chinese government during the first half of the year to spur consumption have yielded initial results.
Байду номын сангаас Exercises
1 贫穷与饥饿不仅威胁着世界上10亿多人的生存,也是社会动荡、 人道主义危机、艾滋病和恐怖主义蔓延等问题的重要根源之一。 2 为了加强联合国所有成员国之间的团结,建议先在各地区或国 家集团召开闭门会议。 3 人类无法停止进一步改造世界和和改造自身的脚步,因为人类 天生的征服欲、 探索欲和种种现实需要,决定了人类扩张自身 的能力将是一个永恒的过程。 4 多年来,世界各国对全球气候变暖都有近似的体会,地震水灾 水荒能源短缺粮食危机等直接或间接造成的危机,一再地困扰着 人们的生活。 5我国一个大国,又是一个发展中的国家,在经济高速发展的同 时,承担着巨大的人口负荷,面临着人均资源相对不足,生态环 境恶化的严峻问题,我们承受的人口、资源和环境压力比任何国 家都要大。