jack london ppt


杰克 伦敦ppt课件

杰克 伦敦ppt课件

那时正是美国大萧条的1904年,他参加了从旧金山到华盛 顿去请愿的失业者队伍,向东海岸进发。他途中因故脱离 了队伍,便偷乘火车在北美大陆流浪,跟车警、乘务员捉 迷藏,周游全国,以此为乐。他曾经被捕,罚作了三十天 苦役,亲眼见到了美国监狱里骇人听闻的现实。出狱后他 偷乘西去的列车到了加拿大西海岸,再从那做水手南下, 回到旧金山。这次特别形式的旅游给了他丰富的人生体验, 尤其是贫困的流浪汉的体验。他明白了一个道理:最能够 关心穷苦人的往往是穷苦人。他对读书一直就有兴趣,就 连在做蚝贼时也在他的小艇上读过许多书。流浪归来他开 始大量阅读。他读过圣西门、傅立叶、蒲鲁东的作品,明 白了私有财产的罪恶;他甚至读马克思的《共产主义宣 言》,大体懂得了共产主义是怎么回事。为了读书他十九 岁时进了奥克兰中学,准备考大学,同时加入了社会党。 他参加工人集会,发表激烈的演说,主张破坏现有的社会 秩序,并曾经因此被捕。在奥克兰中学读书时他在学校的 报纸上发表了小说《小笠原群岛》,连载了两个月,这样, 他从事文学的兴趣更浓厚了。

列宁认为他的文章富有激情,带者原始的活力,并在临终 前对《热爱生命》《墨西哥人》作出高度评价。同时这两 篇小说被认为是世界上最杰出的短篇小说之一,杰克 伦敦 也由于《铁蹄》一书授予”美国无产阶级之父“的光荣荣 誉。 美国传记小说家伊尔文·斯通在他的《马背上的水手》里 称他是美国无产阶级文学之父。
逆境给人宝贵的磨炼机会,只有经得起环境考验的人,才能算 是真正的强者。自古以来的伟人,大多是抱着不屈不挠的精神, 从逆境中挣扎奋斗过来的。 ——松下幸之助 逆境展示奇才,顺境隐没英才。——霍勒斯 人的生命似洪水在奔流,不遇着岛屿、暗礁,难以激起美 丽的浪花。——奥斯特洛夫斯基

Jack London

Jack London

Philosophy of Chinese (Ah Cho):
– .Believe the superior has power to suppress the inferior—fix the sense of superior of European, who look down upon Chinago’s life(p. 843, L 18-21), (p.846, L 19-21), Schemmer threaten the dying Ah Cho and treats him inhuman (p. 847, L 19-21, 26-7) – Self-defensive and selfish—Ah Cho shows no mercy to Ah Chow(p. 839, L32-8), no one dare to prove that Ah Cho is innocent (p. 845, L2-4)
• • • • • Chinago/French Devils/White devil Arrows/belts Five hundred coolie Ah Cho’s dream Guillotine
International Financial background of The Chinago
• Flourishing period of Capitalism
– – The feature of capitalism The attitude to labors in capitalism
• An opponent power—Marxism
Social Level
• Chief Justice/ English Company/ French Government-the upper class • Schemmer/ Eruchot-the middle class • Chinago coolies/ Tahitian-the lower class • The capitalist system enriched only the upper class at the expense of the lower class • The conflict about Jack London advocated in his point of view.



Literary Style and Influences
• His vigorous stories of men and animals against the environment, and survival against hardships were drawn mainly from his own experience in the Yukon.
• The Sea Wolf, a novel which was very popular when it was first published, was based upቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱn his experiences at sea.
• After returning home to California, he began writing full-time and made lots of money.
o Power of nature o Struggle for survival o Finding your natural instincts
Call of the Wild (1903)
• Most famous and widely-read book by London. • Follows the transformation of a dog named Buck from being a
• London was also an avid supporter of socialist principles and admired strong work a ethic.
Literary Themes
• Unconfined individualism • Social and physical maturation • Man making peace with nature and visa-versa • Darwinism in its exploration of the laws of

美国文学史课件9 Jack London

美国文学史课件9 Jack London

Before Adam 幻想小说 《亚当以前》 Jerry of the Islands 《群岛猎犬杰瑞》 The House of Mapuhi 《马普希的房子》 The White Silence 《沉寂的雪原》 Lost Face 《丢脸》
An Odyssey of the North 北方的奥德赛
Martin Eden Call Of the Wild The Sea lf
Naturalism (1890s)
The historical background of Naturalism a. the spread of industrialization created extremes of wealth and poverty. slum
Crane’s Maggie: A Girl of the Streets is the first American naturalistic work. Norris’s McTeague is the manifesto of American naturalism. Dreiser’s Sister Carrie is the work in which naturalism attained maturity. These writers’ detailed description of the lives of the downtrodden and the abnormal, their frank treatment of human passion and sexuality, and their portrayal of men and women over-whelmed by blind forces of nature still exert a powerful influence on modern writers.

Part 4 Jack London (2) 杰克伦敦

Part 4 Jack London (2) 杰克伦敦

"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time"
The Coming of American Naturalism: Industrialism produced financial giants, but at the same time created an industrial proletariat entirely at the mercy of external forces beyond their control. Slums appeared in great numbers where conditions became steadily worse. 美国文学自然主义的到来 工业的发展带来来了财富上的成功,与此同时,任由外在 的,人们无法控制的力量的摆布,工人无产阶级也出现了。 城市里出现了大量的贫民窟。
自然主义是19世纪末新的,更严厉的自然主义。它驳斥了道 德法则的安慰作用,尝试着去实现一种客观和直白,把社会 底层角色任由他们的环境和出身摆布的命运呈现出来。

Jack London杰克伦敦简介

Jack London杰克伦敦简介

London had always explored the true meaning of his life. His exploration spirit and his faith of never yielding to any pressure have been praised by many people
Jack London
Presented BY Jasmine
London was part of the radical literary group “The Crowd” in San Francisco and a passionate advocate of unionization(工会), socialism, and the rights of workers. He wrote several powerful works dealing with these topics.
我宁愿是燃烧过后的灰烬也不愿为地上的灰尘! 我宁愿让点点星火猛烈燃烧殆尽也不愿任其干腐. 我宁愿做一闪而过的流星,让每一点碎片都擦出火光,也不愿做死寂的恒星. 人的职责是生活,而不是存在. 我不会浪费时间试图延长寿命. 但,我会用尽生命中的每一秒.
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Jack London.ppt

Jack London.ppt
Jack London
六年级六班 韩宁芙
• 杰克·伦敦不同时期的照片 • 初识杰克·伦敦 • 写作风格 • 最著名的作品 • 《热爱生命》节选·赏析 • 无与伦比的人生——走进杰克·伦敦 • 杰克·伦敦之死 • 总结
“斯拿克” 号上的
• 整个故事以阿拉斯加淘金热为背景,讲述了在北方险恶的 环境下,巴克为了生存,如何从一条驯化的南方狗发展到 似狗非狗、似狼非狼的野蛮状态的过程。巴克是一条硕大 无比的杂交狗,它被人从南方主人家偷出来并卖掉,几经 周折后开始踏上淘金的道路,成为一条拉雪橇的苦役犬。 在残酷的驯服过程中,它意识到了公正与自然的法则;恶 劣的生存环境让它懂得了狡猾与欺诈,后来它自己将狡猾 与欺诈发挥到了让人望尘莫及的地步。经过残酷的、你死 我活的斗争,它最后终于确立了领头狗的地位。在艰辛的 拉雪橇途中,主人几经调换,巴克与最后的一位主人桑顿 结下了难分难舍的深情厚谊。这位主人曾将他从极端繁重 的苦役中解救出来,而它又多次营救了它的主人。最后, 在它热爱的主人惨遭不幸后,它便走向了荒野,响应它这 一路上多次聆听到的、非常向往的那种野性的呼唤,并且 成为了狼群之首。
• 个人主义反抗权威以及所有试图控制个人 的行动——尤其是那些由国家或“社会” 施加的强迫力量上。因此个人主义直接的 反抗将个人地位置于社会或共同体之下的 集体主义。个人主义经常被人与利己主义 相混淆,但事实上个人主义与利己主义是 不相同的。
“魔鬼”号船长“海狼”拉森,一个完全的利 己主义、达尔文主义者,有强壮的身体和灵活的 头脑,以野蛮人的方式与野蛮人殴斗,又以文明 人的方式与文明人交谈。他的头脑中满是野蛮的 思想,他读书只是为了从中找出可以支持自己观 点的论据:人为什么要活着?“按“海狼”的说 法:“生命像是酵母。酶母,一种活动的东 西……大的吞小的才可以维持他们的活动,弱肉 强食才能保持他们的力量。 水手为了要吃要喝而 活动,因为可以继续活动,就是这个样。他们为 吃饱肚子而生活,为生活而吃饱肚子,这是一个 循环。”

9 Jack London

9 Jack London
20th centuries ❖ applies the principles of scientific determinism
(决定论) to fiction and drama
❖ Naturalistic writers were influenced by the evolution theory of Charles Darwin.
cold, godless, indifferent and hostile
❖ 2. Determinism:
the notion of anti-free-will Human beings have no free will, or very little
❖because heredity and environment are so powerful in determining the course of human action
❖ 1. Darwin’s evolutionary theory ❖ 2. Social Darwinism
Spencer “struggle of the fittest” (适者生存)
❖ 3. Marx’s economic determinism ❖ 4. French Naturalism
❖ VI. The distinction between Realism and Naturalism
❖ VII. American Naturalist writers
I. Definition
❖ an extreme form of realism ❖ developed in France in the 19th Century ❖ brought to America in the late 19th and early

Jack London

Jack London

• Naturalist themes
– Learned from Darwin, Marx
Stories of Survival and Struggle
• The Call of the Wild (1903) • The Sea Wolf (1904) • The War of Classes (1905)
• Exposing bestial instincts of human beings • Determinism:
– individuals are controlled by natural and social circumstances / laws
Wolf Totem (狼图腾)
• English translation • Man Asian Literary Prize (2007) • The Call of Mongolian wilderness • The wolf as a fine example of naturalist heroes
“The Law of Life”
Jack London(1876 – 1916)
• Son of a fortune-teller • Joined Klondike Gold Rush
Jack London (1876 – 1916)
• Socialist Vision
– Joined Socialist Labor Party (1896) – “How I became a Socialist”
• Alaska frontier, winter • Eskimo tribe • Custom: leave an elderly to die with a fire

Chapter 23 Jack London 杰克

Chapter 23  Jack London 杰克

Chapter 23 Jack London 杰克·伦敦Jack London, (1876-1916), American writer, whose work combined powerful realism and humanitarian人道主义sentiment.Call of the Wild《荒野的呼唤》, His best known work, A story about a dog named BuckBuck used to be a gentle dog in a Southern plantation种植园, but Gold Rush淘金热changes his fate. Buck was trained to be such a sledge dog雪橇犬What Buck has learned is the Law of Club and FangBy this detail Jack London revealed thought: the survival of the fittest 适者生存Buck runs together with a wolf, into the wildnessBuck recalled his ancestry祖先The thoughts revealed in the story:⏹The hint暗示of American social circumstance.⏹The survival of the fittest.⏹Also the philosophy of superman超人哲学. Buck is Jack London’s superman.⏹The time’s American thought: Transcendentalism超越论.生平:In fact, London’s own life was as stormy as his novels.He grew up in poverty⏹Jack London was born on Dec. 12th, 1876⏹in San FranciscoHe tried his luck as an oyster牡蛎pirate, hoodlum, and seaman.Study:⏹Finally he got his grades.Alaska Gold Rush阿拉斯加淘金热, 1890s⏹He then went to Alaska as a gold digger淘金者.He became a novelistUpon his return to the San Francisco area, he began to write about his experiences in the Alaska gold rush.His early collection⏹A collection of his short stories, The Son of the Wolf, was published in 1900.He was taken prisoner俘虏in the Russian-Japanese war(1904-1905), where he was a war correspondent战地记者.Jack London and Charmian夏米安(妻子)But he committed suicide自杀身亡⏹On Nov. 22nd, 1916 on his farm he put an end to his life ruled by alcohol酒精andextravaganza狂妄的言行.Continue -⏹ 1. A study of his style⏹ 2. the influence of Jack London’s early life on his literature style.⏹ 3. Martin Eden《马丁·伊登》1. A study of his styleA lone wolf, suggests the style of Jack London’s most novels.The style is embodied chiefly主要呈现in The Call of the Wild《荒野的呼唤》London's style— brutal残忍的、野蛮的, vivid, and exciting —made him enormously popular Reading: The Call of The Wild《荒野的呼唤》II The Law of Club and FangBuck's first day on the Dyea beach was like a nightmare噩梦. Every hour was filled with shock and surprise. He had been suddenly jerked抽搐from the heart of civilization and flung into the heart of things primordial. No lazy, sun-kissed life was this, with nothing to do but loaf and be bored. Here was neither peace, nor rest, nor a moment's safety.⏹All was confusion and action, and every moment life and limb生命were in peril处于危险之中. There was imperative必要的need to be constantly alert; for these dogs and men were not town dogs and men. They were savages野蛮人, all of them, who knew no lawbut the law of club and fang.His style: The seaman on horse back⏹The severe natural circumstance,⏹The tough characters,⏹the survival of the fittestLove of Life《热爱生命》⏹The novel tells the story of an extremely sick gold seeker who struggles through thesnow-covered Alaska wildness.Reading: from Love of Life:⏹He was very weary疲倦的and often wished to rest - to lie down and sleep; but he wascontinually driven on - not so much by his desire to gain the land of little sticks as by his hunger. He searched little ponds池塘for frogs青蛙and dug up the earth with his nails for worms蠕虫, though he knew in spite that neither frogs nor worms existed so far north. The tough characters:Reading: from Love of Life⏹He did not hear the breath, and he slipped slowly from some dream to the feel of thetongue along his hand. He waited. The fangs pressed softly; the pressure increased; the wolf was exerting its last strength in an effort to sink teeth吃in the food for which it had waited so long.But the man had waited long, and the lacerated受伤的hand closed on the jaw下巴. Slowly, while the wolf struggled feebly无力地and the hand clutched feebly, the other hand crept匍匐across toa grip.⏹Five minutes later the whole weight of the man's body was on top of the wolf. The handshad not sufficient strength to choke the wolf, but the face of the man was pressed close to the throat of the wolf and the mouth of the man was full of hair. At the end of half an hour the man was aware of a warm trickle in his throat.⏹It was not pleasant. It was like molten lead being forced into his stomach, and it wasforced by his will alone. Later the man rolled over on his back and slept.The stronger survives:⏹His characters: superman. Like Wolf Larson in The Sea Wolf《海狼》The Sea Wolf (1904), based on the author's experiences on a seal hunting shipIt is the vivid story of a gentleman scholar, Humphrey Van Weydenexploring powerful themes of ambition, courage, and the innate固有will to surviveThe hero is Wolf Larsen拉尔森the schooner's brutal captain船长, who ruthlessly crushes anyone standing in his way.Wolf Larsen is a hero of Nietzsche’ philosophy尼采哲学In his captain cabin he kept many books of new theory, including those of Nietzsche’.The ending of the novel, in which Wolf Larsen died lonely, suggests Jack London’s negation否定to Nietzsche’ philosophy of superman尼采的超人哲学.Another side of his thought⏹The People in the Abyss⏹His socialist thoughts.3.His representative: Martin Eden《马丁·伊登》an autobiographical自传体的novel about a writer's lifethe conflicts矛盾, philosophy of superman and the socialist thoughts.The story of Martin Eden:⏹Martin Eden concerns a sailor水手and laborer who educates himself so that he mightbecome a part of the wealthy bourgeoisie. He aspires to渴求a high-thinking life, inspired by the college-educated society girl Ruth露丝Morse.Reading: Martin met Ruth露丝for the first time⏹…steadily, forgetful of where he was, his face glowi ng. Twice he closed the book on hisforefinger to look at the name of the author. Swinburne! he would remember that name.That fellow had eyes, and he had certainly seen color and flashing light. But who wasSwinburne? Was he dead a hundred years or so, like most of the poets? Or was he alive still, and writing? He turned to the title-page . . . yes, he had written other books; well, he would go to the free library the first thing in the morning and try to get hold of some of Swinburne's stuff. He went back to the text and lost himself. He did not notice that a young woman had entered the room. The first he knew was when he heard Arthur's voice saying:-⏹"Ruth, this is Mr. Eden."⏹The book was closed on his forefinger, and before he turned he was thrilling to the firstnew impression, which was not of the girl, but of her brother's words.Under that muscled body of his he was a mass of quivering sensibilities.He becomes a writerOur hero becomes a writer and expresses in his works the views upon life he has learnt from his reading of Spencer斯宾塞. However, only Russ Brissenden - a leftist左派poet - sees the value of his work.His fiancée未婚妻RuthHis fiancée Ruth sees him as a failure because magazines will not publish his writing and because he has become notorious声名狼藉for being a socialist社会主义者.The story sees Martin achieve fame at last.But the fact that it is only as he is recognized by others that Ruth wants him back sickens使厌倦him.He then realizes that he has lost touch with his own class.A comparison: Martin Eden and Raskolnikov拉斯科尔尼科夫《罪与罚》:⏹A real superman and a self-encouraged自我鼓舞的superman, but neither could be happy.⏹Now, for you to think: why?。



The Call of the Wild: Background Certain purebred dogs are commonly used as sled dogs.
Siberian huskies
Alaskan malamutes Samoyeds
The Call of the Wild
As an assiduous and prolific writer ,Jack London Kept writing at lest 1000words everyday .Though his writing career was less than 20 years ,he produced a large amount of literary works;
• Before 1900 :To the Man on Trail 《为赶 路的人干杯》 The Odyssey of the North 《北方的奥德赛》1899 • 1900—1910 :“ North Story” The Son of the Wolf 《狼之子》1900 etc. The Iron Heel《铁蹄》1908 The Sea-wolf《海狼》1904 Marti Eden《马丁 .伊登》1909 Burning Daylight 《天大亮》1910(turning point)
Novelettes 19 Short Stories 150 Plays 3 Reportages ,Essays and Thesis 47 Total :9million words
• Of which ,the 150 short stories cut a new epoch for American short story .They can be roughly divided into “North story ”,“Pacific short story ”and“ Social problem novel”

jack london ppt全面版

jack london ppt全面版

Martin Eden
Social class - and Eden's perceptions of it - is a very important theme in the novel. Eden is a sailor from a working class background, who feels uncomfortable but inspired when he first meets the bourgeois Morse family. Spurred on by his love for Ruth Morse, he embarks on a program of self-education, with the aim of becoming a renowned writer and winning Ruth's hand in marriage. As his education progresses, Eden finds himself increasingly distanced from his working class background and surroundings. Eventually, when Eden finds that his education has far surpassed that of the bourgeoisie he looked up to, he finds himself more isolated than ever.
bourgeois family, a union Novelist, journalist, short story writer and essayist
Theme : Civilization vs.


• At 17, he confessed to the bar's owner, John Heinold, his desire to attend university and pursue a career as a writer. Heinold lent London tuition money to attend cwas born in San Francisco of an unmarried mother of wealthy background, Flora Wellman. His father may have been William Chaney , a journalist, lawyer, and major figure in the development of American astrology(占星术). Because Flora was ill, Jack was raised at an early age by an ex-slave, Virginia Prentiss, who had a great influence on the boy while he grew up.
In the process, he got to know some ideas about socialism and was known as the Boy Socialist of Oakland for his street corner speech. He would run unsuccessfully several times on the socialist ticket as mayor. He read a lot of books, and consciously chose to become a writer to escape from the terrible life as a factory worker. He studied other writers and began to submit stories, jokes and poems to various publications, mostly without success.

jack london生平介绍PPT课件

jack london生平介绍PPT课件
Life and career Major works
The Call of the wild The Martin Eden
Writing style Notable saying
Life and career
Born out of wedlock(非婚生子) on January 12, 1876 deserted by his father,raised by his mother and stepfather John London
• Forceful, and colorful; Subjectivity and enthusiasm
• His characterizations were often stiff and his dialogue stereotyped.
• Themes: primitive violence, Anglo-Saxon supremacy, biological evolution, class warfare, and mechanistic [mekə'nɪstɪk] determinism
• considered as “Father of American Proletarian Literature”.
Youth is always young and elderly will only grow old. 青年总是年青的,只有老年才会变老。
The only way to get smart is to buy with the youth . 得到智慧的惟一办法,就是用青春去买。


In 1889, London began working 12 to 18 hours a day at Hickmott's Cannery.

In 1893, he joined Kelly's Army and began his career as a tramp. In 1894, he spent 30 days for vagrancy.
Thank You
• London desperately wanted to attend the University of California, Berkeley. In 1896 after a summer of intense studying to pass certification exams, he was admitted. Financial circumstances forced him to leave in 1897 and he never graduated.
• be taken into consideration that the above postulate is itself a product of Western race-egotism, urged by our belief in our own righteousness and fostered by a faith in ourselves which may be as erroneous as are most fond race fancies."
Works & Three Periods
•Before 1900 : To the Man on Trail 《为赶路的人干杯》 The Odyssey of the North 《北方的奥德赛》1899 •1900—1910 : The Son of the Wolf 《狼之子》1900 etc. The Iron Heel《铁蹄》1908 The Sea-wolf《海狼》1904 Marti Eden《马丁 .伊登》1909 Burning Daylight 《天大亮》1910(turning point) •After 1910 : The House of Mapuhi 《 马普希的房子》1911 The Mexican《墨西哥人》1913



暗示了题旨与结局。 经历艰苦患难以保全生命,放弃了黄 金与外在的物质羁绊,体现了生命的 无价和伟大的价值观。
如微微泛红的鹿骨头、在苔藓、岩石上留下的血迹、 病狼的喘息声与粗糙的舌头摩擦两腮的感觉等,从极 细微处着笔,极有质感地渲染人物困窘、残酷的处境。 最传神的是对疲倦的描写──他的疲倦就像大海的涨 潮,“一涨再涨,一点一点地淹没他的意志。但是他 还用无力的双手划着,凭着一种奇怪的心灵作用”, 出色地让我们深刻领会到人物体力飘散而心灵执著的 情态。它揭示了主人公战胜病狼的主观原因,就是对 生命的执著热爱。
主人公意志坚强、富有毅力、不畏困 难,同大自然勇敢斗争;主人公具有 一种超常的意志和“超人”的品质, 他的顽强意志和勇敢精神几乎超越了 生命的极限。
——这就是他的“生命意志”,一种 原始的生命的本能力量。
坚韧顽强 不畏艰难 惊人的意志力
❖借用某种具体的形象的事物暗示特 定的人物或事理,以表达真挚的感 情和深刻的寓意,这种以物征事的 艺术表现手法叫象征。
❖ 象征着人类社会和文明,主人公获救上船, 表明了他重回人类社会。
❖ 在“捕鲸船”成员眼中,刚刚获救的主人公完全 是一个动物。“很难把它称作人。它已经吓了, 失去了知觉。它就像一条大虫子在地上蠕动 着”。
❖ 拼命收集食物,储藏在他的房间。 ❖ 后来他就正常了。

Jack London杰克伦敦

Jack London杰克伦敦
In the process, he got to know some ideas about socialism and was known as the Boy Socialist of Oakland for his street corner speech. He would run unsuccessfully several times on the socialist ticket as mayor. He read a lot of books, and consciously chose to become a writer to escape from the terrible life as a factory worker. He studied other writers and began to submit stories, jokes and poems to various publications, mostly without success.
When he was in his teens, the boy adopted the name of Jack. He worked at various hard labor jobs, pirated for oysters(偷捕牡蛎) on San Francisco Bay, served on a fish patrol(巡逻船)to capture poachers(偷捕者), sailed the Pacific on a sealing ship, joined Kelly’s Army of unemployed working men, hoboed(流浪) around the country, and returned to attend high school at age 19.



Jack London (1876 - 1916)He was one of the most attractive and romantic figures of his time.Prolific American novelist and short story writer, whose works deal romantically with the overwhelming power of nature and the struggle for survival.Strikingly handsome, full of laughter, restless and courageous to a fault, always eager for adventure on land or sea,Jack London was born in San Francisco. He was de ser ted by his father, "Professor" William Henry Chaney, an itinerant astrologer占星家, and raised in Oakland by his mother Flora Wellman, a music teacher and spiritualist唯心论者, 巫师. London's stepfather John London, whose surname he took, was a failed storekeeper. London's youth was marked by poverty.At the age of ten he became an a vid渴求的;贪婪的reader, and borrowed books from the Oakland Public Library, where Ina Coolbirth recommended him the works of Flaubert, Tolstoy托尔斯泰and other major novelist.After leaving school at the age of 14, London worked as a seaman, rode in freight trains as a hobo 流浪汉and adopted socialistic views as a member of the protest armies of the unemployed.In 1894 he was arrested in Niagara Falls and jailed for vagrancy流浪罪.These years made him determined to raise himself out of poverty but they also gave materials for his later works.Jack London fought his way up out of the factories and waterfront dives of West Oakland to become the highest paid, most popular novelist and short story writer of his day.He wrote passionately and prolifically about the great questions of life and death, the struggle to survive with dignity and in te grity 正直, 诚实,He wove these elemental ideas into stories of high adventure based on his own firsthand experiences at sea, or in Alaska, or in the fields and factories of California.As a result, his writing appealed not to the few, but to millions of people all around the world.Titles in Fiction category•Adventure•Before Adam•Burning Daylight•Call of the Wild,《野性的呼唤》•Game,•Iron Heel,•Jerry of the Islands•Martin Eden《马丁伊登》•Mutiny of the Elsinore,•Sea Wolf,《海狼》•Valley of the Moon, 《月谷》•White Fang《白牙》Titles in Non-Fiction category:•John Barleycorn•People of the Abyss, 《深渊的人们》Quick facts about LondonLondon was a severe alcoholic.An adventurer and high achiever, he loved boats and sailing. He sailed his first ship with a crew of 16 men at the age of 17 years. As an adventurer, he traveled shipboard all over the world, and throughout the United States.London fought physically, if necessary, to be the top dog.胜利者;夺魁者2.主要人物. He even ran for Mayor -- twice!He decided to write 1000 words per day.He married twice and was considered a womanizer.1900, the Klondike gold rush , married Bessie Maddern.1905, married his former secretaryLondon was a political radical; a member of Coxey's Army, a socialist movement to protest the hideous骇人听闻的, 可怕的unemployment level of his time.He was a defender of the underdog失败者, 受压迫者, in his writing, he tells tales of dogs and wolves that must fight against all odds不计成败to free themselves.He traveled extensively just so he could write about new experiences. Some of his greatest works, "Call of the Wild", "White Fang," and "To Build a Fire" are based on his travel adventures to the Yukon, Klondike Gold Rush.Jack London's "Credo""I would rather be ashes than dust!I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blazethan it should be stifled by dry rot.I would rather be a superb meteor,every atom of me in magnificent glow,than a sleepy and permanent planet.The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.I shall use my time"Comments on London’s life philosophythe struggle to survive with dignity and integritycombativelove of knowledgelove for the whole humankindRebellious ,individualism, superman ,strong will, freedomHope for human civilization.Father of American proletariate literatureRealist,spokesman of socialismGreat thinkerHis writings inspired later writers like John Steinbeck and Jack Kerouac, ErnestHemingway, and Robert Ruark, SinclairComments on London’s life philosophyhis strong drive toward individualism and capitalist success.an autodidact, his ideas lacked consistency and precision.women's suffrage ,independent and strong female characters ,patriarchal toward his two wives and two daughters.his life and writings: the contradictions in the American characterstrong man ,idea,will wins.description of natural surrounding: risk,man overcomes nature,. Old man---suffering,failure.strugglelove of life, survive,perseverance.socialism, his ‘holy grail.’Organization and development:1.time adverbials2.description of his widening contact with various members of the upper society.3.the truth about the so –called upper society and gradually changes of hisOrganization of the text1. Analysis of the textThe text is an autobiographical descript ion of Jack London’s quest for the meaning of life;the frustration and disillusionment he experienced in the process of finding out the meaning of life; and his ideological transformation.The change in his outlook was drastic, but the path has been long and deviousFor a better understanding of the text, we may trace chronologically the life experiences of J. London and see how he understood the meaning of life at different stages of his life:A naive childAnxious to climb up into the upper society(having enthusiasm, ambition, ideals; cherishing romantic ideas about upper class ) ↓to enterNewsboy (at 10)climbing the first rung of “business ladder”↓Oyster pirate (16)believing in the law of the jungle↓A hard labourer(muscle seller)game of capitalism; the survival of the fittest(cruelly exploited)↓A tramp, beggar (at 18)slipping back the rung of ladder,Be scared into thinkingrealizing the truth of “commodities” in society“muscle seller” vs “brain vendor”↓A knowledge pursuerdetermined to become a brain vendor↓A successful writerdisillusioned with the upper class:- materialism, - hypocrisy callousness (moral paralysis )- intellectually ignorance- corruption(down in the cellar, beneath the point at which had started)determined socialistwith a proletarian outlookresolving to topple over the society he had once been so eager。

jack london

jack london

思考: 思考:小说的主人公 在茫茫荒原上面临着 哪些生死考验? 哪些生死考验?他为什 么能超越极限、 么能超越极限、战胜 病狼而顽强地生存下 来?
他之所以能战胜这些并顽强地生存下来, 他之所以能战胜这些并顽强地生存下来, 是因为他意志坚强 富于毅力、不畏困难, 意志坚强、 是因为他意志坚强、富于毅力、不畏困难, 同大自然勇敢斗争; 同大自然勇敢斗争;主人公具有一种超常的 意志和“超人”的品质,他的顽强意志和勇 意志和“超人”的品质,他的顽强意志和勇 敢精神几乎超越了生命的极限──这就是他的 敢精神几乎超越了生命的极限 这就是他的 生命意志” 一种原始的生命的本能力量; “生命意志”,一种原始的生命的本能力量; 事实上,他早已失去了兴致和热情” “事实上,他早已失去了兴致和热情”,但 内在的生命却逼着他前进” “内在的生命却逼着他前进”。在这场人与 自然、人与自我的至死搏斗中, 自然、人与自我的至死搏斗中,人的伟大与 坚强也最鲜明地体现了出来。 坚强也最鲜明地体现了出来。作品所要弘扬 的正是这样— 硬汉精神。 的正是这样—种硬汉精神。
杰克伦敦: 杰克伦敦:
《热爱生命》就曾受到列宁的赞 热爱生命》 直到逝世的前几天, 赏,直到逝世的前几天,列宁的手里 还捧着它。 还捧着它。 但是到了晚期,他逐渐脱离社 但是到了晚期, 会斗争, 会斗争,为了迎合出版商的需要和满 足个人的物质享受也写了不少粗制滥 造的作品。1916年杰克 年杰克 造的作品。1916年杰克伦敦和他 的代表作中的主人公马丁伊登一样, 的代表作中的主人公马丁伊登一样, 在精神极度空虚和悲观失望中自杀身 亡。
杰克伦敦(1876~1916)美国著名的小说家, 杰克伦敦(1876~1916)美国著名的小说家, (1876 美国著名的小说家 生于加利福尼亚旧金山一个破产农民家庭。 生于加利福尼亚旧金山一个破产农民家庭。他从幼 年起就不得不出卖体力养活自己。他当过牧童、 年起就不得不出卖体力养活自己。他当过牧童、报 童工、工人、水手。他还参加过1893 1893年大恐 童、童工、工人、水手。他还参加过1893年大恐 慌中失业大军组成的抗议队伍,以流浪罪被捕入狱, 慌中失业大军组成的抗议队伍,以流浪罪被捕入狱, 罚做苦工几个月。 出狱后,他一边拼命干活,一 罚做苦工几个月。 出狱后,他一边拼命干活, 边刻苦学习,广泛涉猎达尔文、斯宾塞、 边刻苦学习,广泛涉猎达尔文、斯宾塞、尼采和马 克思等人的著作。他曾考进加利福尼亚大学, 克思等人的著作。他曾考进加利福尼亚大学,一年 后辍学。后来受了阿拉斯加淘金热的影响, 后辍学。后来受了阿拉斯加淘金热的影响,加入了 淘金者的行列,却因病空手而归, 淘金者的行列,却因病空手而归,但带回了北方故 事的丰富素材。从此,他埋头写作,成为“出卖脑 事的丰富素材。从此,他埋头写作,成为“ 力劳动”的职业作家。 力劳动”的职业作家。
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The novel ends with Martin Eden committing suicide by drowning, a detail which undoubtedly contributed to what researcher calls the 'biographical myth' that Jack London's own death was a suicide. While some readers believe there is some resemblance between Jack London and Martin Eden, an important difference between them is that Martin Eden rejects socialism (attacking it as 'slave morality'), and relies on a Nietzschean individualism. In a note to Upton Sinclair, Jack London wrote, "One of my motifs, in this book, was an attack on individualism (in the person of the hero). I must have bungled, for not a single reviewer has discovered it."
Martin Eden Just before the literary establishment discovers Eden’s talents as a writer and lavishes him with the fame and fortune that he had incessantly promised Ruth (for the last two years) would come, she loses her patience and rejects him in a wistful letter: "if only you had settled down…and attempted to make something of yourself." When the publishers and the bourgeois - the very ones who shunned him - are finally at his feet, Martin has already begrudged them and become jaded by unrequited toil and love. Instead of enjoying his success, Eden retreats into a quiet indifference, only interrupted to mentally rail against the genteelness of bourgeois society or to donate his new wealth to working class friends and family.
Martin Eden
Social class - and Eden's perceptions of it - is a very important theme in the novel. Eden is a sailor from a working class background, who feels uncomfortable but inspired when he first meets the bourgeois Morse family. Spurred on by his love for Ruth Morse, he embarks on a program of self-education, with the aim of becoming a renowned writer and winning Ruth's hand in marriage. As his education progresses, Eden finds himself increasingly distanced from his working class background and surroundings. Eventually, when Eden finds that his education has far surpassed that of the bourgeoisie he looked up to, he finds himself more isolated than ever.
Jack London
Jack London
His stories involve the primitive struggle
of strong and weak individuals in the context
of irresistible natural forces such as the wild
The Call of the Wild
Theme : Civilization vs. the Wild The main conflict in The Call of the Wild is the struggle between civilization and the wild. The novel traces Buck's gradual transformation from a domesticated dog to a wild one.Buck has to learn to adapt to an entirely new way of life and code of conduct in order to survive. He must give up his life of leisure and his trusting nature. He learns "the law of the club and fang," meaning that those who have the greatest physical strength are the rulers. The chain of command is comprised of men with clubs.
Martin Eden
The Literature of Realism
Jack London
Jack London
(杰克· 伦敦)(1876 –1916)
Born 1876 San Francisco, California United States
1916 (aged 40) Glen Ellen, California United States Novelist, journalist, short story writer and essayist Realism and Naturalism
sea or the arctic wastes.
Jack London
Notable Novels
The Call of the Wild (1903) 《野性的呼唤》 The Sea-Wolf (1904) 《海狼》 Martin Eden (1909) 《马丁· 伊登》 White Fang (1906) 《白牙》 The Iron Heel (1908) 《铁蹄》
Literary movement
Jack London was an American author, journalist, and social activist. Jack London believed in Herbert Spencer's theory of "survival of the fittest," which means basically that an organism or group that is better suited to an environment will have a better chance for survival than an animal or group that is less suited. He embraces the hopeful socialism of Marx on the one hand anf the rather dark view of Nietzsche and Darwinism on the other.He believes the inevitable triumph of the stronget individuals .
Martin Eden
Plot summary Living in Oakland at the dawn of the 20th century, Martin Eden struggles to rise far above his destitute circumstances through an intense and passionate pursuit of self-education in order to achieve a coveted place among the literary elite. The main driving force behind Martin Eden's efforts is his love for Ruth Morse. Because Eden is a rough, uneducated sailor from a working class background,and the Morses are a bourgeois family, a union between them would be impossible until he reaches their level of wealth and perceived cultural, intellectual refinement.