


( 2) 《月夜》 的英译研究 吴欣 ( 2005 ) 对 比 分 析 了 《月 夜 》 路易·艾黎和许渊冲的两种译文,他认为 路易·艾黎的译文有其可取之处,基本做 到忠实于原诗内容,做到了意美,但却未 能达到 形 美 和 音 美, 且 有 凭 空 添 加 两 句 诗,全诗增加的行数过多等不足, “而且 原诗固有的由平仄和尾韵构成的很强的音 乐感荡然无存”。许渊冲先生的译文相比 更加贴近于原诗, “更好地传达了原诗的 ‘意美’、 ‘音美’、 ‘形美’”。在意美方 面,许译 三 处 优 于 路 易 · 艾 黎 的 译 文, 即: 称谓 ( 合理选择译作第二人称) 、情 景 ( 用 would 表明是诗人的幻想) 、遣词 ( 推敲选择增加 full) ; 在音美方面,许译 “第一、二句的 tonight ,bright,第三、四 句的 dear,here,第 五、 六 句 的 seems, moonbeams,第七、八句的 side,dried 符 合英语诗句的韵脚,且大部分节奏为抑扬 格,读起来铮铮有韵、朗朗上口,因而产 生了译诗讲求的 ‘音美’”; 形美上,许
二、杜甫诗歌英译研究现状 20 世纪 70 年代以来,国内学者对杜 甫诗歌 的 英 译 研 究 一 直 保 持 着 浓 厚 的 兴 趣,发表和出版了有关杜甫诗歌英译研究 的相关论文。 为了尽可能全面地了解杜甫作品英译 研究现状,我们以 “杜甫” 为题名、关键 词和主题 ( 并含 “翻译” 和 “英译”) 在 中国知网 ( CNKI) 上对 1978 - 2010 年的 学术论文进行了检索,剔除与杜甫英译研 究无关的论文,共得到论文 82 篇; 同时我 们也在万方数据知识服务平台以 “杜甫翻 译”和 “杜甫英译” 进行了检索,剔除无 关论文后,共得到论文 57 篇,排除重复论 文,两者总计 103 篇。此外,我们还在北 京航空航天大学外国语学院资料中心查到 硕士论文 1 篇,论文集论文 8 篇。总计 112





















[ C C X I 】 一诗 中,我们 的诗人 回忆 到 当他在 东边 快 意八九年之 后 ,回到京 兆, 当时有名 的丈人 们
纷纷 称颂他 的文才 ,有 位 贤王 ( “ 许 与必词伯 ,
生给 出 了相 当精 彩的论 述,驳斥 了包括 仇兆鳌 的
赏游 实 贤王 ” )也很喜 欢杜 甫作伴 。这里 的词 伯 应 该指岑 参、孔 巢父等人 ,而 贤王 无疑 就是 汝 阳
很 难 确 切 判 断杜 甫何 时 写作 此 诗 。但 它 一
定 写 于 汝 阳王 去世 的 7 5 0 年 之 前 。 在 壮 游 ) )
洪 业 先 生 不仅 擅 长 细读 诗 歌 从 中挖 掘 系年 的
线索 ,他 还注 意将 杜诗与唐 史对 照 ,从 而提 出了 些 关于杜诗 系年 的独到见 解。比如 ,就 冬 日 洛城 北谒 玄元皇 帝庙》 一诗 于何时 写成 ,洪业先
前。【 5 1
斑 。如, 《 赠 特 进 汝 阳王 二 十二 韵 》 作 于 何 年 ?一 般 注 家 认为此 诗作于7 4 5 至7 4 6 年 杜 甫 刚 回 到 长 安 时 ,连 陈 贻掀 先 生 也 认 为 如此 。 洪 业 先 生 却 判 断 此诗 作 于 7 4 7 年至7 5 0 年 之 间,他说到:
洪 业 先 生 紧 接 着 又 就 与 此 诗 有 联 系 的 杜 甫 另 一 首 诗 《 去矣 行 》 的 系年 给 出 了 自己独 到 的见 解 。他 认 为 :
课程就 是 “ 杜诗 与历史 ”,他 应学 生和 同事之请 将 自己的
讲 稿 与心 得 撰 写 成 书 ,于 是 有 了 《 杜 甫 : 中 国 最 伟 大 的 诗 人》 ( 以下 简 称 《 杜 甫 》 )一 书 的 问世 。 有 学 者 曾 经 把 洪 业 的 杜 诗 研 究 与 钱 谦 益 做 比较 , 认 为 二 者 都 重 在 诗 史 互 证 。『 1 洪 业 作 为 一个 史 学 大 家 , 在 《 杜 甫 》 一 书 中 贯 穿 的 正 是 诗 文 和 历 史 互 为 佐 证 的研 究 方 法 。 他 的这 种 研 究 无 疑 得 益 于 早 年 对 杜 诗 版 本 的 详 加 考 订 和 他 对 于 杜 甫 诗 歌 的 熟 练掌 握 。虽 然 《 杜 甫 》 一 书 长 期 没 有 得 到 国 内 学 界 的 重 视 , 但 在 欧 美 汉 学 界 此 书 却 是 研 究 杜 甫 者 不 可 不 读 的经 典 之作 。 《 杜 甫 》一 书 对 杜 诗 学 界 的 主 要 贡 献 有 几 点 : 首 先 是 对 于 杜 甫 诗 歌 编 年 的 重 新 考 订 ;其 次 是 对 于 杜 甫 生平 事 迹 的 考 订 ;最 后 , 洪 业 先 生 在 书 中提 出 了一 些 可 以补 唐 代 史 实 之 缺 的 杜 诗 , 用 杜 甫 诗 歌 中 的 事 迹 印证 了 当 时 的历 史 事件 。




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Sujie Li School of English, BISU 2017-12-15
Prominent Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty. Along
with Li Bai (Li Po), he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese poets. To Western readers, he was introduced as “the Chinese Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Shakespeare, Milton, Burns, Wordsworth, Hugo or Baudelaire” More than 1400 of his poems are extant.
Life experiences in FOUR stages: 1. 读书游历时期(before age 35)
结识李白、高适等,豪放浪漫,意气风发,乐观自信 “会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”;“放荡齐赵间,裘马颇清狂”
2. 困守长安时期(aged 35-44)
“致君尧舜上,再使风俗淳”政治理想受挫,生活穷困潦倒,发现社 会矛盾:“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”的社会现实,作诗一百多首, 《兵车行》、《丽人行》 一个忧国忧民的诗人形象的成熟,诗风转向客观写实、沉郁苍凉。
Realism represents the deepest and oldest tradition
within Chinese poetry. In the Tang Dynasty, Du Fu breathed a whole new life into the genre; his close observations, gloomy yet sincere feelings, were a prism through which most major social and political events from the late Tianbao Period of the Tang Dynasty to the Dali Period could be viewed. Of particular concern to him was the immense disruption to people’s livelihood caused by these turbulent times; his indignation was unequivocal.



从宇文所安《杜甫诗》英译本看中国古典诗歌的翻译度□牛倩摘要:美国著名汉学家宇文所安(Stephen Owen)翻译的英文版《杜甫诗》全集,被视为中国古典诗歌译介领域的里程碑。



关键词:宇文所安杜甫诗翻译度叙事性翻译策略中图分类号:1222.7doi:10.19326/ki.2095-9257.2019.04.015美国著名汉学家宇文所安历时八年,以崭新的异域视角与叙述方式翻译的《杜甫诗》(Me Poetry of Du Fu)全集于2016年出版,引起了海内外汉学界的极大关注。







一、将杜诗全貌首次学术性地呈现于英语世界此前杜诗在英语世界的传播主要靠选集译著,尤以英国著名汉学家霍克斯(David Hawkes, 1923—2009)选译的《杜诗初阶》(A Little Primer ofTuFu,1967)最具影响力。





















英译唐诗三百首-杜甫 古风经典PPT模板

英译唐诗三百首-杜甫 古风经典PPT模板

中文 <赠李白> 秋来相顾尚飘蓬,未就丹砂愧葛洪。 痛饮狂歌空度日,飞扬跋扈为谁雄?
When autumn comes, you're drifting still like thistledown;You try to find the way to heaven, but you fail.In singing mad and drinking dead your days you drown.For whom will fly the roc? For whom will leap the whale?
<自京赴奉先县咏怀(节选)> 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨。 荣枯咫尺异,惆怅难再述。
The mansions burst with wine and meat; The poor die frozen on the street. Woe stands within an inch of weal. Distressed, can I tell what I feel?
中文 <望岳> 岱宗夫如何?齐鲁青未了。 造化钟神秀,阴阳割分晓。 荡胸生层云,决眦入飞鸟。 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小.
GAZING ON MOUNT TAI O peak of peaks, how high it stands!One boundless green o'erspreads two States.A marvel done by Nature's hands,O'er light and shade it dominates.Clouds rise therefrom and lave my breast;My eyes are strained to see birds fleet.Try to ascend the mountain's crest:It dwarfs all peaks under our feet.



第23卷第6期燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)Vol.23No.62022年11月Journal of Yanshan University(Philosophy and Social Science)Nov.2022理解与建构:宇文所安的‘杜甫诗“英译研究李 洁(东北大学外国语学院,辽宁沈阳110000)㊀[收稿日期]㊀2021-08-09㊀㊀[基金项目]㊀辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目 中国文学走出去:中西译者翻译思想比较研究 (L14DYY034)㊀[作者简介]㊀李㊀洁(1972 ),女,辽宁沈阳人,博士,东北大学外国语学院副教授㊂[摘㊀要]㊀美国著名汉学家宇文所安(Stephen Owen)的‘杜甫诗“(The Poetry of Du Fu ),是国内外第一部杜甫诗全集的英译本,具有载入中外翻译史册的开创意义㊂这部译作语言考究,注释翔实,考据严谨,结构完整,注重学术性和文献性,兼顾文学性,是宇文所安的诗学思想和翻译思想的践行㊂风格多样的杜甫诗歌㊁完整鲜活的诗人形象,在他的译本中得以再现和传播㊂从宇文所安对杜甫诗歌的解读㊁对杜甫形象的认识㊁对翻译模式和译本结构的考量㊁对翻译策略和方法的选择这四个方面,认识这部译作的特点和价值,理解宇文所安的翻译思想和路径,思考西方汉学家在中国文学走向世界进程中的贡献与局限,对于中国古典诗歌的翻译模式研究㊁翻译路径研究和译者研究都有着积极的意义㊂[关键词]㊀宇文所安;‘杜甫诗“;翻译思想;理解与建构[中图分类号]H315.9㊀[文献标识码]A㊀[文章DOI]10.15883/j.13-1277/c.20220601006引用格式:李洁.理解与建构:宇文所安的‘杜甫诗“英译研究[J].燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2022(6):10-15.㊀㊀哈佛大学教授宇文所安(Stephen Owen,1946 )是享誉世界的美国汉学家㊂他在中国古典文学和诗学的研究㊁批评和翻译领域,成果丰硕,影响巨大㊂他的‘初唐诗“‘盛唐诗“‘晚唐:九世纪中叶的中国诗歌“‘中国传统诗歌与诗学:世界的征象“‘中国文论:英译与评论“‘迷楼:诗与欲望的迷宫“‘追忆:中国古典文学中的往事再现“‘诺顿中国文学选集:初始至1911年“等著作,为中国古典文学和诗学的研究和传播做出了贡献㊂2016年,年近70岁的宇文所安历经8年,以非凡的才华和毅力,完成了杜甫诗全集的翻译,出版The Poetry of Du Fu (以下称‘杜甫诗“),这是国内外杜甫诗歌的首部英文全译本,具有令人瞩目的开创意义㊂这部6卷本的恢弘译著,长3000多页,重4公斤,包含了杜甫的1457首诗和10篇诗体散文(表㊁赋)的英译以及丰富的注释和附录㊂多年来,宇文所安对杜甫的欣赏和研究,对唐诗的热爱和追求,对中国古典诗歌和诗学的研究积累,对中国古典诗词英译的经验和思考,都凝聚在这部译著中㊂跨越中西,跨越千年,在宇文所安的研究㊁解读和翻译中,杜甫和杜甫诗歌的形象在英语世界完整㊁立体㊁鲜活起来㊂本文从宇文所安对杜甫诗歌的解读㊁对杜甫形象的认识㊁对翻译模式和译本结构的考量㊁对翻译策略和方法的选择这四个方面,认识这部英文全译本的特点和价值,分析宇文所安在原文理解和译本建构层面的思考和理路,并进一步认识西方汉学家在中国文学走向世界进程中的贡献㊁价值与局限㊂一㊁对杜甫诗歌的解读宇文所安认为, 杜甫是最伟大的中国诗人 ,在中国诗歌传统中,杜甫几乎超越了评判 , 他第6期李㊀洁㊀理解与建构:宇文所安的‘杜甫诗“英译研究11㊀的文学成就本身已成为文学标准的历史构成的一个重要部分 ㊂[1]对这样一位中国文学史上地位崇高的诗人,宇文所安的研究态度热忱而审慎㊂他对杜甫诗的解读方法,以研究考证和文本细读为特点㊂研究考证,包括对中国古典诗歌的语言特点㊁创作和鉴赏特点的研究,对杜甫的历史文化背景的研究,对杜甫的创作语境和心理情感的研究,对历史上不同版本的杜甫诗集的考证㊁训诂和研究等㊂文本细读是宇文所安研究和解读的出发点,藉此完成对诗歌意义的理解㊁对形式的认识㊁对风格的把握等㊂研究考证使他能够对杜甫诗歌做出比较客观全面的认识和理解;文本细读使他能够不被 成规 和 成见 桎梏,独立思考,提出富有创见性的个人解读㊂通过多年的研究考证和文本细读,宇文所安认为,杜甫诗的重要特点是 复杂多样 [1]214,体现在题材㊁风格㊁语言和情感表达的方方面面㊂㊀㊀从题材上看,杜甫诗中不仅有盛况空前的大唐景象㊁安史之乱后的千疮百孔㊁颠沛流离的民生疾苦,还有采摘种植的欢愉㊁贫病交加的无奈㊁尴尬可笑的窘境㊁日常生活的琐碎㊂王孙贵族㊁仆从侍卫㊁农夫邻里㊁一粥一饭㊁喜怒哀乐都活跃在杜甫的笔端,[2]题材的丰富达到了 地负海涵㊁千汇万状的广度 [3]㊂从风格上看,宇文所安认为, 沉郁顿挫 这一中国读者对杜甫诗风的恒久印象,仅仅是一个方面而已㊂轻松明快㊁幽默讽刺㊁戏谑自嘲等风格,在杜甫的1400多首诗中屡见不鲜㊂即使在一首诗中,杜甫也常常不拘一格,轻松自如地 转换风格 ㊂例如,在‘望岳“一诗中,首联的语言随意松散,中二联曲折精致,尾联直抒胸臆,风格各不相同㊂[1]218模糊多义与清晰简洁㊁繁复修辞与日常口语㊁深奥典故和自由创新,都在杜甫的诗歌风格中有所体现㊂从语言上看,宇文所安认为,杜甫诗歌的语言不仅体现 断片美学㊁距离美学和沉默美学 [4]的中国古典诗歌语言美学特征,而且风格多样,富于变化,体现惯例与传统,但又超越惯例,不屈从于传统㊂从情感表达上看,不仅有悲愤㊁沉重㊁唏嘘㊁怜悯,还有快乐㊁狂放㊁幽默㊁尴尬等丰富的情感㊂宇文所安的解读,既体现 知人论世 的中国诗学观,也体现英美新批评㊁读者批评的方法和视角;既有与中国学者相同的观点,也有自己的新视角㊁新认识㊂他对杜甫诗的研究和解读,决定了他翻译杜甫诗全集的目的和初衷:唯有如此,才能全方位地展现出杜甫诗歌涵括万象的题材㊁变幻多彩的风格㊁不拘绳墨的语言和丰富真挚的情感;唯有如此,诗人杜甫的形象才能鲜活完整㊂二㊁对杜甫形象的认识不同于飘逸不羁㊁飞向山水和明月的 诗仙 李白,杜甫是 诗圣 诗史 , 是稳稳当当站在地面上的一座山 [3]226㊂他念国家安危,叹民生疾苦,因 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨 而悲愤满怀,为 国破山河在,城春草木深 而感怀忧伤,为 出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟 的蜀相扼腕叹息,为 安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜 的理想而大声疾呼㊂杜甫被中国史学家㊁文学家置于文学荣耀的最高殿堂,不仅因其诗歌成就,还因为杜甫 代表了最广大的同情和最高的伦理准则 [5]㊂在一般中国读者的心中,杜甫的形象是 沉郁 沧桑 节制 的㊂然而,在宇文所安的解读中,杜甫 轻松 随便 起来,那是一个 完整的杜甫 (a whole Du Fu),而不是 精选的杜甫 (a selected Du Fu)㊂[2]lvi在‘杜甫诗“的 介绍 部分,宇文所安用了相当的篇幅[2]liv-lxi谈自己对杜甫的认识:杜甫喜欢吃生鱼片,会缠着亲戚讨要香葱,因一罐豆酱对朋友千恩万谢;他体弱多病,饱受糖尿病㊁肺炎㊁哮喘㊁发烧和疼痛的折磨;他30多岁就称自己 老了 ,是一个总觉得自己 衰老 的诗人;他虽穷困,为了方便邻家妇人过来摘枣,不忍在自己的屋舍周围设置篱笆㊂他是那个坐在书案前,面对大堆公文苦热心烦的官员;是那个屋顶被吹飞,被村童欺负,滑稽可笑又无力回击的老人;是那个战乱后拖家带口迁徙赶路的落魄文人;是那个不辞辛苦负重60部诗卷赶往成都㊁夔州的读书人㊂他因朋友离别而难过,为友人升迁而欢喜,为蔬菜的不达标气恼,为粮食没有按时送达而发怒,因竹筒输送山泉进厨房而眉开眼笑㊂他不是一个道德家,不是一个总写 大事件 的人,而是一个在凡俗世界和日常琐碎中,发现道德和伦理的诗人㊂[2]lvi他 是孝子,是慈父,是慷慨的兄长,是忠诚的丈夫,是可信的朋友,是守职的官员,是心系家邦的国民 [5]252㊂‘解闷十二首“中的淡淡幽默㊁‘醉为马坠诸公携酒相看“中酒醉后因炫耀马术而坠马的窘状㊁‘空囊“12㊀燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2022年‘字京赴奉先县咏怀五百字“‘彭衙行“‘北征“中的自我解嘲㊁‘渼陂行“中的奇幻瑰丽的想象等,都展现出杜甫性格的多重维度㊂传统的㊁程式化的杜甫形象,在宇文所安的解读中丰富起来㊂那个 万里悲秋常作客,百年多病独登台 的诗人,不再那么哀伤㊁沉重,他幽默㊁机智㊁真实㊂他 是律诗的文体大师,社会批评的诗人,自我表现的诗人,幽默随便的智者,帝国秩序的颂扬者,日常生活的诗人,及虚幻想象的诗人 [1]214㊂宇文所安对杜甫形象的认识和理解,体现了西方汉学家的研究传统和探究视域:关注人和人性,关注 那些通过诗歌展示出来的和诗人这个人联系起来的问题:人的希望㊁人的欲望㊁人的精神状况㊁人对自己的认知等 [6]㊂研究先行,是汉学家做翻译的鲜明特点㊂对原文和原文作者的深入理解,是译本建构的前提和基础㊂三㊁对翻译模式和译本结构的考量作为中西文化之间的 摆渡者 [7]148,宇文所安的翻译目的首先是进行文化传播㊂他认为 翻译是把传统文化由国家文化变成共同分享的国际文化的重要途径 [7]148,中国文学应该走上世界舞台,成为世界文学的一部分㊂其次,他希望通过自己的翻译,让英语读者了解和欣赏杜甫这位在中国文学史上举足轻重的伟大诗人㊂他的目标读者是那些懂一点中文,但不足以读懂杜甫的人,可以是一般读者,也可以是专家学者㊂[2]lxxxi第三,宇文所安是汉学家,是中国诗歌诗学的研究者,他的翻译离不开研究的目的㊂他希望更多的学者通过他的翻译,丰富和拓展对杜甫和杜甫诗的研究㊂翻译目的决定翻译模式㊂裔传萍把宇文所安的翻译分为三种不同的文本语境,不同的文本语境有不同的翻译模式:诗歌史建构语境下,宇文所安采用的是语文学翻译模式;诗学建构语境下,宇文所安采用的是考据型翻译模式;文学选集语境下,宇文所安采用的是互文性翻译模式㊂[4]38-80笔者认为,‘杜甫诗“的翻译模式兼顾了以上三种模式的特点和考量:译诗以传达意义为主旨,形式与原诗亦步亦趋,呈现出的是严谨状态下的译文,力图展现杜甫诗的 原貌 ,可以作为杜甫诗歌研究和批评的素材和例证,体现语文学翻译模式的特点;对于诗歌意义的理解㊁诗歌的历史文化背景㊁作者的心理情感等,对于读者难以理解的文化词汇或典故,他寻经据典,求证训诂,在译本中多用注释和附录,体现考据型翻译模式特点;对于反复出现的意象或典故,在每卷后的 典故 附录部分,集中给出寻根溯源的解释,并加注索引,使读者对杜甫诗歌的主题㊁常用典故等有一个系统的认识,体现互文性翻译模式特点㊂翻译模式决定译本结构的安排和建设㊂杜甫诗全译本共6卷,包括1457首诗和10篇诗体散文的英译㊂第一卷包括5部分(books),共198首诗;第二卷4部分,共247首诗;第三卷4部分,共328首诗;第四卷4部分,共254首诗;第五卷4部分,共306首诗;第六卷共3部分,共124首诗和10篇诗体散文㊂以第一卷为例:体例包括 致谢 ㊁中英文对照 目录 介绍 相关知识和译本体例 杜甫诗的英译 典故 简写或缩写 和 补充注释 ㊂在 致谢 部分,宇文所安对学生㊁朋友和赞助人的支持和帮助表示感谢,并简单描述了自己编选㊁校勘和翻译的过程,对这样一个 庞然大物 (massive beast)和 黑洞 (black hole)一样的工作,他付出了异常艰辛的努力㊂ 目录 长达42页,列出了1400多首诗的双语目录㊂ 介绍 部分对杜甫在中国诗歌史上的地位和价值㊁杜诗的主题㊁杜甫的生平㊁以及翻译中运用和参考的各种杜诗版本,一一作了介绍㊂在 相关知识与译本体例 部分,宇文所安细致介绍了翻译困难和解决方法,比如,人名㊁地名㊁职务名㊁典故㊁胡㊁蛮等非汉族名称的翻译困难, 排律 的形式再现困难,以及诗歌的理解和阐释困难等㊂这部分还介绍了译本的排序原则㊁脚注的作用和适用范围㊁卷后附录 典故 和 补充注释 的内容和作用㊂杜甫诗的英译 ,即正文部分,是对杜甫的1457首诗和10篇诗体散文的英译,排序按照仇兆鳌的‘杜诗详注“(1703)中的顺序㊂正文采用中英文对照的形式,很多译诗下面,有 原注 (o-riginal notes)和 脚注 ,前者帮助读者理解诗歌的历史文化背景和创作语境,后者对一些可能给读者带来理解困难的词汇进行了解释㊂正文后的 典故 部分,宇文所安把常出现在杜甫诗中的典故,集中进行了解释,包括历史人物㊁文学经典㊁文化意象㊁神话传说等等,目的是既不在正文中分散读者注意力,又可以拓展读者的第6期李㊀洁㊀理解与建构:宇文所安的‘杜甫诗“英译研究13㊀文化知识,增强读者的理解能力㊂在 补充注释 部分,宇文所安把诗歌出现在其它权威杜诗版本中的诸如卷号㊁页码等来源信息进行了标注,包括‘全唐诗“㊁北宋的‘文苑英华“㊁宋代版本㊁郭知达的‘九家集注杜诗“㊁中华书局重印的仇兆鳌的‘杜诗详注“,以及2014年出版的萧滌非版本等,并且对这些版本中的一些内容和观点做了介绍㊂这部分内容,不适合作脚注,但可以满足专家学者的研究兴趣㊂[2]lxxxv从‘杜甫诗“的译本结构上看,正文(杜甫诗歌的译文)与副文本(各种注释㊁典故介绍㊁知识和体例介绍等)相辅相成㊂透过译文和副文本,读者不仅可以 观诗 ,还可以 观史 观人 ,[4]194 期望译作和原作一样,成为通往意义世界的窗口,只是这里的意义世界既包括原作所指向的意义世界,也包括译者宇文所安另外发现的意义和诗歌史研究㊁诗学研究等主观意图 [4]194㊂作为研究者和译者,宇文所安在翻译中有多重考量,他的翻译模式和译本结构既满足了研究者的身份要求,也完成了翻译家的使命㊂他的译本具有学术性和文献性,也兼顾文学性㊂四㊁对翻译策略和方法的选择㊀㊀‘杜甫诗“的翻译策略和具体方法,体现出 协调 的特点:首先,意义和形式的协调㊂在‘诺顿中国文学选集:初始至1911年“中,宇文所安用英语创造出一套具有差异的形式系统,目的是凸显不同时代㊁不同风格㊁不同诗人的诗歌特点,体现中国古典诗歌形式的多样性㊁差异性和规律性㊂而此次翻译杜甫诗,是专门对一个诗人的诗作进行翻译,对形式的考量和追求就不再那么突出㊂杜甫诗主要以五言和七言为主,宇文所安采取了逐句翻译的形式,没有刻意追求译文的韵律节奏,也没有创造凸显差异的形式,他首先确保的是意义的传达㊂第二,归化和异化的协调㊂从译文的整体语言上看,宇文所安倾向于归化的文化策略,译诗的语言流畅自然,语法规范,很少省略㊁调整词序语序,符合英语的表达习惯和规则,便于读者的理解和接受㊂在处理人名㊁地名㊁典故等文化词汇时,他基本采取异化的文化策略,运用音译㊁直译㊁直译加注释等方法,保留㊁解释和传播原诗中的文化信息㊂第三,翻译方法的协调运用㊂在词汇层面,对于动植物名称㊁人名地名等文化负载词,他一般采用音译或直译,辅以丰富的注释㊂例如,在‘望岳“一诗的翻译中, 岱宗 齐鲁 音译为 DaizongQi Lu ,并在 脚注 中加以解释:岱宗是泰山的山峰,泰山的北面是古代齐国,南面是鲁国,在 原注 中进一步介绍了这首诗所描写的地方和泰山在中国的重要地位[2]3-5; 造化 直译为 Crea-tion , 阴阳 直译为 Dark and Light ,在卷后的 附加注释 中,对 阴阳 荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟 的其它可能的理解,做了介绍: 阴阳 不仅指宇宙的原则,也指山的南坡和北坡; 决眦 ,可以指睁大双目,也可以指眯起眼睛,追踪飞鸟㊂[2]395对于双声词㊁叠韵词㊁叠音词等,宇文所安采用英语中相应的声音词直译,增强译诗的生动性,例如, 车辚辚,马萧萧 译为 Wagons rattling,horses neighing [2]77, 迢迢隔河水 译为 far,far beyond the Yellow River s waters [2]265, 丝管啁啾 译为 the warbling notes of strings [2]133, 声啾啾 译为 their voices moaning [2]81㊂对于原诗中一些描述性词汇,他会根据自己的理解,采用增益等方法,增强译诗的文学性,例如, 恶风白浪 译为 ad-verse winds white-capped waves [2]133, 玉臂 译为 her jade-white arms [2]247㊂在句子层面,为了使诗行形式简洁,他多用独立主格结构㊁前置或后置定语和状语的结构,例如: 荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟 ,译为 Exhilarating the breast,it produces layers of cloud;splitting eye-pupils,it has homing birds entering [2]3㊂在修辞层面,对于比喻㊁拟人等修辞手段,他通常以直译加注释的形式保留,例如, 有泪如金波 ,译为 with tears like those me-tallic waves ,并在注释中对 金波 做解释: refer-ring to the moonbeams ㊂[2]263简言之,直译㊁音译㊁增益㊁注释等方法综合运用,不拘一格,协调运用,使他的译本不仅具有学术性,也兼顾了文学性㊂五㊁结语宇文所安以自己勤奋的工作㊁缜密的考据㊁独立的思考㊁创新的精神,完成了杜甫诗全集的英译,为中国文化的传播做出了贡献㊂他对杜甫诗歌的解读㊁对杜甫形象的认识㊁对翻译模式和译本结构的考量㊁对翻译策略和方法的选择,成就了这部译作的特点和价值:14㊀燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2022年首先,‘杜甫诗“为西方读者提供了总览杜甫诗歌风貌㊁认识中国 诗圣 的途径和媒介㊂通过这部卷帙浩繁的译作,一个完整鲜活的诗人形象得以构建和传播,中国古典诗歌的优秀作品走向世界㊂第二,‘杜甫诗“涵盖1400多首诗的英译,考据审慎,注释详尽,为西方学者的杜甫研究提供了丰富翔实的研究资料㊂第三,翻译模式研究㊁翻译路径研究㊁以及对诗歌中的音韵㊁典故㊁服饰㊁乐器㊁建筑㊁历史等文化词汇的翻译方法研究等等,都是汉诗英译讨论和研究的重点,‘杜甫诗“为翻译研究和译者研究提供了研究素材和译例读本㊂第四,宇文所安的学术认识㊁批评阐释㊁研究成果贯穿‘杜甫诗“中,使它不仅是一部翻译作品,也兼具了一些学术著作的特征㊂宇文所安在译文和副文本中表达出来的一些理解和认识,能够促使我们思考和审视已有的研究成果,知己知彼,互照互识㊂‘杜甫诗“也令我们进一步认识西方汉学家的贡献与价值㊂在原文理解层面,宇文所安对杜甫和杜甫诗的研究方法㊁解读视角和学术观点,让我们听到了 唐诗世界的异乡人 [3]172的声音,看到了不同文化语境下的学者的学术眼光㊂汉学家们从不同的角度观察和研究中国文学,往往能够提出一些我们习而不察的观点㊂有些新观点和新思路可以丰富我们的研究内容,拓展我们的研究视野,使我们能够在更广阔的文化视野中思考中国文学走出去的途径和方式㊂在译本建构层面,汉学家的翻译思想和翻译路径与他们的诗学思想相辅相成,翻译实践为诗学研究服务,是诗学思想的践行和体现㊂宇文所安㊁海陶玮(James Robert Hightower)㊁康达维(Da-vid Knechtges)等西方汉学家在中国古典文学作品翻译中,注重学术性和文献性,兼顾文学性,译文不仅具有文献研究价值和翻译研究价值,也为中国古典文学作品翻译实践提供了方法和启发㊂对于 他山之石 局限和不足,我们也应有清醒的认识㊂在原文理解层面,汉学家对于中国诗人和诗歌文本的理解,往往基于自己的文化传统和思维方式,例如,艾克尔(William Acker)把陶渊明的饮酒理解为酗酒,海陶玮认为陶渊明常常为声名㊁长生和死亡而焦虑不安,戴维斯(A.R.Da-vis)认为陶渊明善于在诗歌中创造个人形象,宇文所安则把陶渊明解读为一个具有 双重自我 的诗人㊂[8]他们的认识和解读有时会存在一定的偏差甚至误解,新观点和新思路也可能疏离了诗人和诗歌的核心精神和意义㊂在译本建构层面,误译㊁误释㊁意象改变㊁意境与原诗不符等现象,都屡见不鲜㊂对于汉学家在原文理解和译本建构中的这些偏差㊁误解㊁疏离㊁误译和误释等等,我们应敏锐洞察,分析其意义和产生原因,这对于中国古典文学作品翻译中的 汉学家模式研究 具有重要的意义㊂[参考文献][1]宇文所安.盛唐诗[M].贾晋华,译.北京:三联书店,2014.[2]STEPHEN Owen.The poetry of Du Fu:Volume1.[M].Boston/ Berlin:Walter de Gruyter Inc.,2016.[3]苏芹.比较诗学视阈下的宇文所安唐诗研究[M].北京:中国文联出版社,2016.[4]裔传萍.宇文所安的翻译诗学[M].南京:江苏人民出版社,2016.[5]洪业.曾祥波译.杜甫:中国最伟大的诗人[M].上海:上海古籍出版社,2014:252.[6]李砾.比较和比较的意义:叶维廉诗学研究[M].广州:中山大学出版社,2016:40.[7]魏家海.宇文所安的文学翻译思想[J].北京理工大学学报,社会科学版,2010(6):146-150.[8]吴伏生.英语世界的陶渊明研究[M].北京:学苑出版社, 2013:236.[责任编辑㊀董明伟]第6期李㊀洁㊀理解与建构:宇文所安的‘杜甫诗“英译研究15㊀Understanding and Construction A Study of Stephen Owen sThe Poetry of Du FuLI JieForeign Studies College Northeastern University Shenyang110004 ChinaAbstract The poetry of Du Fu by Stephen Owen a famous American sinologist is the first English transla-tion version of a complete collection of Du Fu s poems.It has a pioneering significance in the history of translation in China and abroad.The translation is exquisite in language well-annotated rigorous in textual research and complete in structure.It attaches importance to academic and documentary nature of translation and also gives consideration to the literariness.And Stephen Owen s poetic thoughts and translation thoughts are well manifested and practiced in it.Du Fu s vivid and complete image and his poems of various features and styles are presented in the translation and get disseminated.Through the study of Stephen Owen s inter-pretation of Du Fu s poetry his understanding of Du Fu his consideration on the translation mode and the structure of the translated work and his selection of translation strategies and methods we learn about the characteristics and the values of this translated work further understand Stephen Owen s thoughts and paths in translating classical Chinese poetry and understand more objectively and comprehensively the contributions and limitations that western sinologists have had in the process of Chinese literature going to the world.This study is therefore of positive significance to the study of translators and the study of translation modes and paths of classical Chinese poetry.Key words Stephen Owen The Poetry of Du Fu translation thoughts understanding and construction。


















(<<望岳>>)I will ascend the mo untain’s crest.It dwarfs all peaks under my feet.(许渊冲译)Someday may I climb up to its highest summit, with one sweeping view see how small all other mountains are.(宇文所安译)望岳这首诗是杜甫早期创作的诗歌作品,怀着少年的凌云壮志,呐喊出“总有一天我要登上山顶,那时周围的群山都将变得低矮渺小”的豪言壮志。



On the Rhythm of Stephen Owen's English Translation of Du Fu's Poems 作者: 谢云开
作者机构: 北京大学中国语言文学系,北京100871
出版物刊名: 山西大同大学学报:社会科学版
页码: 62-65页
年卷期: 2018年 第4期
主题词: 宇文所安;杜诗;英译;格律
摘要:宇文所安翻译的《杜甫诗》 是杜诗英译的首个全译本,本文主要聚焦宇文所安对格律的翻译与归化,从《杜甫诗》中呈现杜诗英译的形式入手,从韵律、平仄、对仗三大角度切入,与英语诗歌韵律特点予以参照,并引入洪业、许渊冲等译者的翻译,试图对宇文所安在杜诗格律翻译上的得失予以评价,并对杜诗格律在翻译维度上的变异予以探讨.。



杜甫绝句英语版The art of poetry has long been revered in Chinese culture, with countless poets and their timeless works leaving an indelible mark on the literary landscape. Among these luminaries stands Du Fu, a towering figure whose poetic genius has transcended the boundaries of time and space. His quatrains, or "jueju" in Chinese, are renowned for their profound depth, intricate imagery, and unwavering emotional resonance.Born in the Tang Dynasty during a tumultuous era of political upheaval and social unrest, Du Fu's life was marked by a constant struggle to navigate the complexities of his time. His poems, however, were not merely a reflection of his personal experiences but rather a profound exploration of the human condition. Through his masterful use of language and poetic devices, he was able to capture the essence of the human experience, from the depths of sorrow to the heights of joy.One of the most striking aspects of Du Fu's quatrains is their ability to evoke a sense of timelessness. While his poems are firmly rootedin the historical context of the Tang Dynasty, their themes and emotions transcend the boundaries of a specific era. Whether he is writing about the plight of the common people, the ravages of war, or the beauty of nature, Du Fu's words possess a universal quality that speaks to the hearts and minds of readers across generations.Perhaps one of the most renowned of Du Fu's quatrains is the one that begins with the line "A lonely bird cries in the dusk-filled marsh." In this deceptively simple verse, the poet masterfully weaves a tapestry of imagery and emotion. The solitary bird's plaintive call echoes the sense of isolation and melancholy that permeates the scene, while the "dusk-filled marsh" conjures a sense of atmospheric depth and melancholy.Yet, within this melancholic landscape, there is a glimmer of hope and resilience. The bird's cry, though tinged with sorrow, is a testament to its enduring spirit, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is a spark of life that refuses to be extinguished. This delicate balance between despair and hope is a hallmark of Du Fu's poetic genius, as he seamlessly navigates the complexities of the human experience.Another renowned quatrain by Du Fu is the one that begins with the line "The moon is bright, the wind is cool, the Milky Way stretches far." In this verse, the poet's keen eye for detail and his ability tocapture the essence of a moment are on full display. The vivid imagery of the bright moon, the cool wind, and the vast expanse of the Milky Way create a sense of tranquility and wonder that is both captivating and deeply moving.Yet, within this serene landscape, there is a subtle undercurrent of melancholy. The final line of the quatrain, "Thoughts of home fill my heart," suggests a longing for a place of belonging, a yearning for the comfort and familiarity of home. This poignant juxtaposition of the external beauty of the natural world and the internal turmoil of the human heart is a testament to Du Fu's profound understanding of the human condition.Throughout his body of work, Du Fu's quatrains are characterized by a remarkable depth of emotion and a keen eye for detail. Whether he is writing about the ravages of war, the beauty of nature, or the complexities of human relationships, his words possess a timeless quality that continues to resonate with readers across the centuries.One of the most striking aspects of Du Fu's poetry is his ability to capture the essence of a moment or a feeling in just a few carefully chosen lines. His quatrains are often described as "windows into the soul," as they offer a glimpse into the innermost thoughts and emotions of the poet himself.In the quatrain that begins with the line "The smoke of the kitchen fire curls up in the distance," Du Fu's mastery of imagery and metaphor is on full display. The simple image of the curling kitchen smoke evokes a sense of domestic tranquility and the comforts of home, yet it also suggests a deeper longing for the familiar and the secure.Similarly, in the quatrain that begins with the line "The autumn wind blows through the empty streets," the poet's use of vivid sensory details creates a powerful sense of atmosphere and emotion. The "empty streets" and the "autumn wind" conjure a melancholic mood, a sense of isolation and melancholy that is both deeply personal and universally resonant.Throughout his quatrains, Du Fu's poetic voice is characterized by a remarkable versatility and range. He is equally adept at capturing the grandeur of the natural world, the horrors of war, and the intimate moments of human connection. His words possess a rare power to move and inspire, to challenge and to comfort, and to leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all who encounter them.In the final analysis, Du Fu's quatrains stand as a testament to the enduring power of poetry to transcend the boundaries of time and space. Through his masterful use of language and his profound understanding of the human experience, he has created a body ofwork that continues to captivate and inspire readers around the world. Whether one is a student of Chinese literature or simply a lover of great poetry, the quatrains of Du Fu offer a window into a world of beauty, emotion, and timeless wisdom.。



1. 《杜甫评传》(陈贻焮著):这是一部全面系统地研究杜甫的学术著作。


2. 《杜甫诗选注》(萧涤非著):这本书选取了杜甫的代表作品,并进行了详细的注释和解读。


3. 《杜甫诗歌讲演录》(莫砺锋著):本书以讲演的形式,对杜甫的诗歌进行了深入浅出的解读。


4. 《杜甫的文化意义》(刘跃进著):本书从文化角度探讨了杜甫的诗歌在中国文化史上的重要地位。


5. 《杜甫诗全译》(屠岸著):这是一本对杜甫诗歌的全译本,包含了杜甫的所有作品。



20 世纪域外杜甫英译专著之文化语境、诠释立场及影响

20 世纪域外杜甫英译专著之文化语境、诠释立场及影响
汉语和中国古典诗歌。 1897 年,这个当时在上海
中国人公认的三大家。 三人之中,关于白居易,已
( Arthur David Waley,1889—1966) 的专门译介珠
白诗。 在李、杜二人之间,尽管西方人一提到中国
“ 学者诗人” ( poet of scholars) , 李 白 则 只 是 一 位
“ 大众诗人” ( people’ s poet) 。 在中国的社会阶层
划分中,“ 学者” ,包括官吏,才处于最受尊敬的上
. All Rights Reserved.
一、 引言
于广 州。 他 的 《 英 译 唐 诗 选 》 ( Gems of Chinese
Verse,1919) 和《 英译唐诗选续集》 ( More Gems from
( 美国圣·彼得大学,新泽西州 泽西市 07306)
[摘 要] 1929 年,杜甫专门英译文本的出现,打破了域外唐诗英译领域长期重李轻杜的状态。

这些“ 渗透力( penetration) ” 足够惊人的诗论去帮
仅从《 松花笺》 的内容来看,选译李诗数量多
达 83 首,高居全书之冠,杜诗只有 13 首,表面上



英语作文介绍杜甫的诗歌Du Fu, the Poet of the Tang Dynasty, is widely regarded as one of the greatest poets in Chinese history. His poetry has been celebrated for its depth, complexity, and enduring relevance, transcending the boundaries of time and culture. Du Fu's works offer a profound and multifaceted exploration of the human experience, reflecting the joys, sorrows, and struggles that have resonated with readers for centuries.At the heart of Du Fu's poetic legacy lies his unwavering commitment to capturing the essence of the human condition. His poems delve into the intricate tapestry of emotions, from the profound anguish of personal loss to the profound contemplation of the human spirit. Du Fu's mastery of language and his keen observational skills allow him to paint vivid and evocative portraits of the world around him, seamlessly weaving together the personal and the universal.One of the hallmarks of Du Fu's poetry is his ability to seamlessly blend the personal and the political. His works often reflect the tumultuous events of his time, such as the An Lushan Rebellion,which devastated the Tang Dynasty and left a lasting impact on the poet's life. In his poem "Autumn Meditations," Du Fu poignantly captures the anguish of the war-torn landscape, lamenting the loss of life and the fragility of human existence. Yet, even in the midst of such turmoil, his poetry remains a beacon of hope, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.Another defining characteristic of Du Fu's poetry is his deep empathy and compassion for the common people. He often gave voice to the struggles and sufferings of the ordinary citizens, elevating their experiences to the realm of high art. In his poem "Ballad of the Army Carts," Du Fu vividly depicts the plight of the soldiers and their families, caught in the grip of war and forced to endure the hardships of military life. His ability to capture the universal human experience, regardless of social status or circumstance, is a testament to his profound understanding of the human condition.Furthermore, Du Fu's poetry is renowned for its remarkable technical virtuosity. His mastery of poetic forms, such as the regulated verse (lüshi) and the quatrain (jueju), is unparalleled, and his use of language is both precise and evocative. His poems often feature intricate rhyme schemes, metrical patterns, and imagery that elevate the art of poetry to new heights. In his work "Autumn Thoughts," for example, Du Fu's use of vivid natural imagery and his skillful manipulation of rhythm and tone create a profound sense ofmelancholy and reflection.One of the most striking aspects of Du Fu's poetry is its timeless relevance. Despite the vast cultural and historical divide that separates us from his era, his works continue to resonate with readers across the globe. His exploration of universal themes, such as the fragility of human existence, the power of love and loss, and the search for meaning in a world fraught with uncertainty, transcends the boundaries of time and place. In this sense, Du Fu's poetry stands as a testament to the enduring power of art to connect us to the shared experiences of the human condition.In conclusion, the poetry of Du Fu is a testament to the enduring power of the written word. His works have captivated readers for centuries, offering a profound and multifaceted exploration of the human experience. From his mastery of poetic form to his unwavering commitment to capturing the essence of the human condition, Du Fu's legacy as one of the greatest poets in Chinese history is firmly cemented. Through his timeless and insightful works, we are invited to reflect on the complexities of our own lives, to find solace in the shared experiences of humanity, and to celebrate the transformative power of art.。

杜甫 Dù Fǔ (712-770 AD)—中国历史人物英文介绍

杜甫 Dù Fǔ (712-770 AD)—中国历史人物英文介绍

杜甫DùFǔ(712-770 AD)Suffering Poetry SaintDu Fu, a distinguished poet of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), has been widely deemed as an undisputed genius of Chinese poetry. As Li Bai,another preeminent poet of the Tang Dynasty, is known as the "God of Poetry," Du is named by many critics as the "Saint of Poem."But unlike Li, who enjoyed a reputation as a star poet during his lifetime, Du was not recognized as an outstanding poet until nearly 130 years after hisdeath.Du was born near Luoyang in today's Henan Province in central China. Du received traditional education in his childhood by reciting Confucian classicsand preparing for the imperial civil service examinations. But he was a very diligent student. He described himself as "having studied ten thousandbooks and being able to write with godly power." He began to write poems when he was only 15. However, he failed twice in his attempt to pass the imperial civil service examination. As a result, hespent a lot of his time traveling around the country and writing poems.In 744 AD, he met Li Bai and the two poets immediately forged a friendship that later found its way into many dramas and literary works. The twopoets also devoted a number of poems to each other.After a long wait in Chang'an, today's capital of Shaanxi Province, Du was eventually offered a minor position in the imperial court. But soon, the AnLushan rebellion broke out and Du was captured by the rebels, but later escaped. Later, he served another short period in the court. After he offendedthe emperor, he was banished. In the fall of 759 AD, he left the capital and spent the following nine years in Sichuan in southwest China.He lived in his famous "Thatched-Cottage" in Chengdu, the provincial capital and led a quiet life there. With the financial aid from Yan Wu, governor ofthe Chengdu area, his time in Sichuan turned out to be the most fruitful period of his poetic career. He wrote more than 400 poems there.However, various ailments began to trouble the poor poet. After his friend Yan Wu died in 765 AD, Du left Chengdu, traveling down the Yangtze River.He was hindered in a number places along the river by his poor health. Eventually, he died ofillness on a boat in the winter of 770 AD.As a poet, Du is known for his creative artistic skill, rich imagination, deep compassion, unfailing wit and humor. Also, he is sometimes called the poetof history for he recorded the turbulent times in his poems.Even today, most people learn about Du's life through his poems, which depict his sufferings, exiles, failures, illness and other personal calamities,though some critics believe the description of his personal experiences and feelings is a bit exaggerated.But, nearly all are convinced that Du suffered periods of extreme personal hardship. He witnessed the heartbreakingplight of common people and thewidespread corruption of the court and officials.In his poems, Du expressed profound compassion for his fellow countrymen. In one of his most famous poems, "My Cottage Unroofed by AutumnGales," the poet writes: "How could I get thousands ofcapacious houses,So I could provide shelter forall the poor under heaven,And let their beam with smiles.In wind and rain, these mansionswould stand unshakable like mountains!Alas, when such houses would appearin front of my eyes,I'd be content if only my cottage collapses,And I myself am frozen to death."。

《春望》 —— 杜甫英文版

《春望》 —— 杜甫英文版

《春望》——杜甫英文版Spring Prospect - A Poetic Journey through the Eyes of Du FuIn the vast expanse of the Chinese literary tradition, the poetry of Du Fu stands as a beacon of profound insight and artistic brilliance. His work, "Spring Prospect," is a masterpiece that captures the essence of the human experience, intertwining the beauty of the natural world with the complexities of the human condition. As we delve into this poetic gem, we shall embark on a journey that transcends the boundaries of time and culture, revealing the universal truths that resonate within the human heart.The poem opens with a vivid depiction of the changing seasons, as the poet's eyes gaze upon the transformative power of spring. "The birds have vanished down the river and gone, the last cloud drifts away, alone," he writes, evoking a sense of melancholy and transience that permeates the landscape. Yet, within this fleeting moment, Du Fu finds solace in the enduring presence of nature, observing how "the mountains in the distance are not in the least subdued."This juxtaposition of the ephemeral and the eternal serves as ametaphor for the human experience, reminding us of the fragility of our own existence in the face of the timeless grandeur of the natural world. The poet's keen eye captures the subtle nuances of the changing environment, from the delicate blossoms of the flowers to the gentle flow of the river, creating a sensory tapestry that immerses the reader in the sights and sounds of this vibrant landscape.As the poem progresses, Du Fu's gaze shifts inward, reflecting on the tumultuous times in which he lived. The "ruined city" and "desolate groves" speak to the ravages of war and upheaval that plagued the land, casting a somber shadow over the otherwise verdant scene. Yet, even in the midst of this turmoil, the poet finds solace in the enduring beauty of nature, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.The true power of "Spring Prospect" lies in its ability to transcend the particular and speak to the universal. Through his vivid descriptions and profound insights, Du Fu invites the reader to contemplate the broader themes of life, death, and the human condition. The poem becomes a meditation on the fleeting nature of existence, the cyclical patterns of growth and decay, and the search for meaning amidst the chaos of the world.At the heart of this masterpiece is the poet's deep empathy for theplight of his fellow citizens, their suffering and resilience in the face of adversity. The lines "Alas, the mighty men are all gone, the little ones never return" evoke a sense of profound loss and sadness, yet they also hint at the enduring spirit of the human race, the ability to endure and prevail in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.Through the power of his words, Du Fu transcends the boundaries of his own time and place, speaking to the universal human experience. His "Spring Prospect" becomes a touchstone for generations of readers, a testament to the enduring relevance of poetry in our understanding of the human condition.As we journey through the poetic landscape of "Spring Prospect," we are reminded of the enduring power of art to illuminate the complexities of the human experience. In the hands of a master like Du Fu, the written word becomes a portal to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, a reminder of the profound connections that bind us all together, even across the vast expanse of space and time.。








关键词:杜甫诗歌;西方世界;20世纪前;译介;考论中图分类号:i207文献标识码:a 文章编号:1003—0751(2011)06—0201—05杜甫“民胞物与”的儒家品格和“尽工尽善”的精湛诗艺,彰显出他伤时感怀、忧国忧民的人性光辉,被后世尊为“诗圣”;同时,杜甫诗歌蕴含了丰富的个人生活际遇和情感体悟,敷陈时事,亦诗亦史,又被誉为“诗史”。









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Like the Bard of Avon, Du Fu’s writing is layered and shows immense range. The elusive poet wrote in a wide variety of styles and registers. Inside the green-bound volumes are acclaimed verses such as Moonlit Night and View in Spring, but Owen argues that Du Fu is a lot more fun when you get out of the well-known ones.像埃文河畔的诗人一样,杜甫的作品层次丰富,涉猎广泛。



He’s a quirky poet. When he move s to Chengdu with his family, he has to set up house and writes a poem to people asking for fruit trees and crockery. No one had ever done this kind of poem. He has a poem praising his bondservant Xinxing for repairing a water-piping system in his house. I t’s a wonderful poem about the joy and discoveries of living in the real world instead of living in the rarefied poetic world, Owen said.宇文所安教授说:他是个挺奇怪的诗人。










Gazing on the PeakAnd what then is Daizong like?over Qi and Lu, green unending. Creation compacted spirit splendors here,Dark and Light, riving dusk and dawn.Exhilirating the breast, it produces layers of cloud;splitting eye-pupils, it has homing birds entering.Someday may I climb up to its highest summit,with one sweeping view see how small all other mountains are.【春望】国破山河在,城春草木深。




View in SpringThe state broken, its mountains and rivers remain, the city turns spring, deep with plants and trees. Stirred by the time, flowers, sprinkling tears, hating parting, birds, alarm the heart.Beacon fires stretch through three months,a letter from family worth ten thousand in silver.Ive scratched my white hair even shorter,pretty much to the point where it wont hold a hatpin.首部《杜甫诗》英语全译本出版【兵车行】车辚辚,马萧萧,行人弓箭各在腰,爷娘妻子走相送,尘埃不见咸阳桥。















The Army Wagons: A Ballad Wagons rattling,horses neighing,men walking, each with bow and arrows at the waist.Moms and dads, wives and children rush along seeing them off,the dust is such you cannot see the Xianyang Bridge.Pulling at clothes, stamping feet they block the road weeping, weeping voices rise straight up against the clouds and high wisps. Someone passing by the road asks a man on the march,the man on the march says only: They’re calling up troops often now. Some from the age of fifteen are north guarding the River,then as soon as they reach forty they work military settlements in the west.When they leave, the village headman gives them turbans;coming home, their hair is white, and then back to garrison the frontier. The blood that has flowed on the frontiers could make up an ocean’s waters,and our Warrior Emperor’s plans to extend the frontier are not yet done.Haven’t you heardhow in two hundred prefectures East of the Mountains of the Houseof Hana thousand villages and ten thousand hamlets grow over with thorns and briars?Even though there are sturdy wives to hold the hoe and plow,the grain grows on the field boundary slopes and one can’t tell east from west.Even worse for troops from Qin who endure the bitterest battles,they are driven on, no different from dogs and chickens.Though you sir may pose the question,does a conscript dare declare his resentment?And now in winter this yearthey haven’t stopped taking soldiers from West of the Passes;County officials urgently demand taxes,but where are the taxes to come from?I know well to have a boy is bad,it’s better to have a daughter inst ead.If you have a daughter you can still marry her to your neighbor;if you have a boy he will be buried along with all the plants. Haven’t you seenby Kokonorwhite bones from ancient times that have never been recovered? The new ghosts are tormented by their wrongs, the former ghosts just weep,the skies cloudy, the rain soaks them, their voices moaning.来源:中国日报网。
