Explanation of EU RoHS 2 and EU REACH 欧盟 RoHS 2 和REACH法规解读-最新资料_修正版_可正常打开




1.RoHS 欧洲法规简介
2.RoHS 法规的主要内容
3.RoHS 对中国电子产业的影响
4.中国对RoHS 的应对措施
5.企业应对RoHS 法规的建议
RoHS 欧洲法规,全称为“Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment”,即在电子电气设备中限制使用有害物质的法规。

该法规于2003 年由欧盟正式颁布,2006 年7 月1 日开始实施,旨在减少电子电气产品对环境和人体健康的影响。

RoHS 法规的主要内容包括:限制使用铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚等六种有害物质。


例如,铅的含量不得超过0.1%,镉的含量不得超过0.01% 等。

RoHS 法规对我国电子产业的影响是显著的。

一方面,我国许多电子产品出口到欧洲,RoHS 法规的实施使得这些产品必须符合欧洲的标准,否则将无法进入欧洲市场。

另一方面,RoHS 法规的实施也推动了我国电子产业的技术进步和环保意识的提高。

我国政府对RoHS 的应对措施包括:制定和实施类似的国家标准,如我国的国家标准GB/T 26572-2011《电子电气产品中限用物质的限量要求》等;
推动企业进行RoHS 检测和认证,以符合国际市场的要求;加强对电子电气产品中有害物质的监管等。



第一章 ROHS基本知識一﹑ROHS基本知識﹕1. RoHS是Restriction of use of certain Hazardous Substancesin EEE 的英文缩写,所谓RoHS指令,即2003年由欧洲议会和理事会通过的《欧盟关于在电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令》。

2. ROHS 指令頒布及修改過程﹕欧洲議会于2002.10通过后﹐于2003年2月13日公布于官方雜志﹐2004年8月13日轉成各成員國的國家法令﹐當時還未規定限制物質允許含量﹐2005年8月18日對六種限制物質定出最大允許的含量標准﹐指令于2006年7月1日正式生效。

3. 適用范圍﹕適用于2006年7月1日后投放市場的新的電子電氣設備﹔4. 六種限制物質名稱及允許的最大含量標准﹕鉛﹑鎘﹑汞﹑六價鉻﹑PBB及PBDE﹐除鎘為100PPM外﹐其它五項為1000PPM.注﹕以上含量標准為均質物質(單一物質)的標准﹐所謂均質物質就是用機械的方法不能把某一物質再分拆的最小單元。


二﹑限用物質種類(Sony SS-00259)﹕三﹑華碩GA 標准(除符合Sony 要求外﹐還增加了以下鎳物質)四﹑帛漢原材料要求﹕1.五金類(含帶Pin 底座、端子、金屬外殼、料片等等)﹕300PPM 以下﹔2.包材類:含鉛量﹤30PPM ﹔3.PCB 板類(鍍金):含鉛量﹤100PPM ﹔4.膠料類:含鉛量﹤100PPM ﹔5.無鉛錫類:含鉛量﹤300PPM ﹔6.電子類﹕含鉛量﹤1000PPM ﹔此標準只針對用於本司外PIN 無鉛之材料﹐其他可按上述法規之標準。

五﹑帛漢成品要求﹕Pb (鉛) <1000PPM Hg (汞) <1000PPMCr6+ (六價鉻) <1000PPM (金屬材料類不可含有) PBB (多溴聯苯) <1000PPM PBDE (多溴二苯醚) <1000PPM Cd (鎘) <100PPM類型 鉛 Pb 鎘 Cd 汞 Hg 六價鉻 Cr 6+ 多溴聯苯 PBB 多溴聯苯醚PBDE 包材類 <30PPM <5PPM <5PPM <5PPM <5PPM <5PPM 五金類 <300PPM <5PPM <5PPM Negative <5PPM <5PPM PCB 板類 <100PPM <5PPM <5PPM <5PPM <5PPM <5PPM 膠料類 <100PPM <5PPM <5PPM <5PPM <5PPM <5PPM 錫材類 <300PPM <5PPM <5PPM Negative <5PPM <5PPM 電子類<1000PPM<5PPM<5PPM<5PPM<5PPM<5PPM第二章鹵素知識一﹑鹵族元素﹕氟﹑氯﹑溴﹑碘﹑砹五種元素。



Substance → Product
Dossier evaluation
Substance evaluation
对于物品中化学物质,若在正常使用和 可合理预见的条件下该物质存在有意释 放且在欧盟的制造量或销售到欧盟境内 的吨位数≥1吨/年,则须对该物质进行 注册。
Any producer or importer of articles shall submit a registration to the Agency for any substance contained in those articles, if both the following conditions are met: (a) the substance is present in those articles in
对于独立存在的化学物质或配制品中的 化学物质,若其在欧盟的制造量或销售 到欧盟境内的吨位数≥1吨/年,则须对 该物质进行注册。
Save where this Regulation provides otherwise, any manufacturer or importer of a substance, either on its own or in one or more preparation(s), in quantities of one tonne or more per year shall submit a registration to the Agency.



ROHS(Restriction of Hazardous Substances):





REACH(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals):







欧盟REACH SCHV 86项清单中英文對照REACH 指令是“化学品注册、评估、许可和限制”的英文简称。

REACH 指令是欧盟对进入其市场的所有化学品进行预防性管理的法规,于2007 年6 月1 日实施。

欧盟委员会于2001 年2 月提出的化学白皮书REACH,并于2007 年第一季度正式出台有关规定,在各成员国中生效执行。

REACH 第一批15 项1、二氯化钴(Cobalt dichloride)2、重铬酸钠(Sodium dichromate)3、五氧化二砷(Diarsenic pentaoxide)4、三氧化二砷(Diarsenic trioxide)5、砷酸氢铅(Lead hydrogen arsenate)6、三乙基砷酸酯(Triethyl arsenate)7、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯 Dibutyl phthalate)8、邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己)酯(Bis (2-ethyl(hexyl)phthalate)9、邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯(Benzyl butyl phthalate)10、蒽(Anthracene)11、氧化双三丁基锡(Bis(tributyltin)oxide)12、二甲苯麝香(Musk xylene)13、六溴环十二烷(HBCDD)14、短链氯化石蜡(SCCP)15、4'4-二氨基二苯甲烷(4,4'- Diaminodiphenylmethane)REACH 第二批15 项1、硅酸铝,耐火陶瓷纤维(RCF)(Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres)2、氧化锆硅酸铝,耐火陶瓷纤维(RCF)(Zirconia Aluminosilicate, Refractory Ceramic Fibres)3、铬酸铅(Lead chromate)4、钼铬红(C.I.颜料红104)(Lead chromate molybdate sulphate red (C.I. Pigment Red 104))5、铅铬黄(C.I.颜料黄34)(Lead sulfochromate yellow (C.I. Pigment Yellow 34))6、磷酸三(2-氯乙基)酯(tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate)7、蒽油(Anthracene oil)8、蒽油,蒽糊,轻油(Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, distn. Lights)9、蒽油,蒽糊,蒽馏分(Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, anthracene fraction)10、蒽油,低含蒽量(Anthracene oil, anthracene-low)11、蒽油,蒽糊(Anthracene oil, anthracene paste)12、沥青,煤焦油,高温(Pitch, coal tar, high temp)13、2,4-二硝基甲苯(2,4-Dinitrotoluene)14、邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯(Diisobutyl phthalate)15、丙烯酰胺(Acrylamide)REACH 第三批8 项1、硼酸(Boric acid)2、无水四硼酸钠(Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous)3、七水合四硼酸钠(Tetraboron disodium heptaoxide, hydrate)4、铬酸钠(Sodium chromate)5、铬酸钾(Potassium chromate)6、重铬酸铵(Ammonium dichromate)7、重铬酸钾(Potassium dichromate)8、三氯乙烯(Trichloroethylene)REACH 第四批8 项1、硫酸钴(Cobalt(II) sulphate)2、硝酸钴(Cobalt(II) dinitrate)3、碳酸钴(Cobalt(II) carbonate)4、乙酸钴(Cobalt(II) diacetate)5、三氧化铬(Chromium trioxide)6、铬酸, 重铬酸, 铬酸及重铬酸低聚物(Chromic acid, Dichromic acid, Oligomers of chromic acid and dichromic acid)7、2-甲氧基乙醇(2-Methoxyethanol)8、2-乙氧基乙醇(2-Ethoxyethanol)REACH 第五批7 项1、铬酸锶(strontium chromate)2、联氨(Hydrazine; Hydrazine base; Diamine; Hydrazine anhydrous)3、1-甲基-2-吡咯烷酮(1-Methyl-2- pyrrolidinone)4、1,2-苯二酸-二(C7- 11 支链与直链)烷基(醇)酯(1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,di-(C7-11)-branched and linearalkyl esters)5、乙二醇乙醚醋酸酯(Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate(CAC), Cellusolve acetate)6、1,2,3-三氯丙烷(1,2,3-trichloropropane)7、1,2-苯二酸-二(C6-8 支链)烷基酯(富C7)(1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-(C7-11)-branched and linear alkyl esters)REACH 第六批20 项1、铬酸铬(Dichromium tris(chromate) )2、氢氧化铬酸锌钾(Potassium hydroxyoctaoxodizincatedi-chromate)3、锌黄(C.I.颜料黄36)(Pentazinc chromate octahydroxide)4、硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维(Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres (RCF) )5、氧化锆硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维(Zr-RCF(Zirconia Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres)6、甲醛苯胺共聚物(Formaldehyde, oligomeric reaction products with aniline)7、邻苯二甲酸二甲氧乙酯(Bis(2-methoxyethyl) phthalate)8、邻氨基苯甲醚(2-Methoxyaniline; o-Anisidine)9、对特辛基苯酚(4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol, (4-tert-Octylphenol) )10、1,2-二氯乙烷(1,2-Dichloroethane)11、二乙二醇二甲醚(Bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether)12、砷酸(Arsenic acid)13、砷酸钙(Calcium arsenate)14、砷酸铅(Trilead diarsenate)15、N,N-二甲基乙酰胺(N,N-dimethylacetamide)16、酚酞(Phenolphthalein)17、4,4’-亚甲基双-2-氯苯胺(2,2'-dichloro-4,4'-methylenedianiline (MOCA) )18、叠氮化铅(Lead azide Lead diazide)19、2,4,6-三硝基苯二酚铅(Lead styphnate)20、苦味酸铅(Lead dipicrate)REACH 第七批13 项1、1,2-bis(2-methoxyethoxy)ethane (TEGDME; triglyme)三甘醇二甲醚2、2-dimethoxyethane;ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME)1,2-二甲氧基乙烷3、Diboron trioxide 三氧化二硼4、Formamide 甲酰胺5、Lead(II)bis(methanesulfonate)甲磺酸铅(II)溶液6、TGIC(1,3,5-tris(oxiranylmethyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trione)异氰尿酸三缩水甘油酯7、β-TGIC(1,3,5-tris[(2S and2R)-2,3-epoxypropyl]-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-(1H,3H,5H)-trione)替罗昔隆8、4,4'-bis(dimethylamino)benzophenone(Michler's ketone)4,4'-四甲基二氨二苯酮9、N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-4,4'-methylenedianiline (Michler's base)4,4'-亚甲基双(N,N-二甲基苯胺)10、4-[4,4'-bis(dimethylamino)benzhydrylidene]cyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-ylidene]dimethylammonium chloride (C.I. Basic Violet 3)结晶紫11 、[4-[[4-anilino-1-naphthyl][4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]methylene]cyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-ylidene]dimethylammonium chloride (C.I. Basic Blue 26)碱性蓝2612、α,α-Bis[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-4 (phenylamino)naphthalene-1-methanol (C.I. Solvent Blue 4)溶剂蓝413、4,4'-bis(dimethylamino)-4''-(methylamino)trityl alcoholα,α-二[(二甲氨基)苯基]-4-甲氨基苯甲醇。


反新RoHS指令仍可供应欧盟市场 article 2(2):……EEE that was outside the scope of Directive 2002/95/EC, but which would not comply with this Directive, may nevertheless continue to be made available on the market until 22 July 2019.
▪ “撤回”指任何旨在预防供应链中产品向市场供应的 措施;
▪ “均质材料”指通体具有一致组成的材料,或由多种 材料组合而成、无法机械拆分成不同材料,即不能通 过机械活动如拧、切割、挤压、研磨和摩擦过程分开 的材料;
▪ “替代物质供应”指与制造和供应列于附件II的物质的时间相比, 能够在合理的时间期限内制造和供应替代物质;
▪ 铅:Pb,0.1%(1000ppm),任何物理态和化学态 ▪ 镉:Cd, 任何物理态和化学态 ▪ 汞:Hg, 0.1%(1000ppm), 任何物理态和化学态 ▪ 六价铬:Cr6+, Cr VI, 0.1%(1000ppm),只限制六价
▪ “although it is difficult to estimate the share of non-compliant products on the market, first market surveillance campaigns for RoHS show that up to 44% of EEE were found in a Member States not to be fully compliant; the loss of industry due to noncompliant products have been estimated to range between 4-25%”



深圳市三诺电子有限公司关于在电气和电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质的欧洲议会和理事会指令提案(改写){SEC(2008)2930}{SEC(2008)2931}本提案的背景●本提案的依据和目的第2002/95/EC 号指令(RoHS 指令)目的是在电子和电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质,有助于保护人类健康和环保安全回收以及废弃电子和电气设备的处置。





2.RoHS 指令要求委员会对本指令中规定的措施进行审查,特别是关于在范围中另外纳入两类设备(第8 类和第9 类:医疗器械及控制和监视仪器)以及禁用物质列表的改编。


●总体背景范围的不确定性、法律规定和定义缺乏透明度,以及各成员国为使产品合格所采用方法的差异性,和与REACH 等其他欧盟立法可能存在重复性,造成了不必要的行政管理成本。

如果不对RoHS 指令进行评审,从该立法中得到的环保效益就达不到最理想的程度;各制造商之间对证实符合RoHS 指令法定要求以及在27 个成员国中强制执行方法的不确定性将持续下去、仍然存在或增加行政管理成本。

●本提案领域内的现有规定涉及本提案的法案只有RoHS 指令。

●与欧盟其它政策和目标保持一致RoHS 审查将提升其与其他相关共同体立法的补充性和一致性,如立法“产品行销一揽子方案”1(有关定义和强制执行)、REACH2(有关物质的使用)、EuP 指令3(有关电气和电子设备(EEE)的设计)和有关电气和电子设备产生废弃物管理的立法。



二、欧盟RoHS 2.0 修订进展

2019年2月13日 :欧盟官方公报发布2019/95/EC 2019年8月19日 :发布六大有害物质限值2019/618/EC 2019年10月15日:豁免条款2019/717/EC 2019年10月25日:豁免条款2019/747/EC 2019年7月1日 :开始执行限制措施(2019/95/EC) 2019年4月28日 :2019/310/EC 2019年10月14日:2019/690/EC;2019/691/EC; 2019/692/EC 2019年3月20日 :2019/35/EC 2019年5月24日 :2019/385/EC 2009年6月11日 : 2009/443/EC 2019年2月26日 : 2019/122/EU 2019年7月1日,欧盟议会和理事会在欧盟官方公报上发布指令 2019/65/EU(RoHS 2.0)以取代2019/95/EC, 新指令于20天后 (即2019年7月21日)生效。 2019年1月3日起指令2019/95/EC 将会被废除,盟国必须于2019年1月2日前将指令2019/65/EU更 新到当地法律。

一、RoHS 的名词解释

The Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment

《电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令》 简写“RoHS指令”
欧盟RoHS 2.0及 REACH简介
--化验课 黄世斌 2019.10.19修订



RoHS 回顾•电子及电器设备有害物质之限用(RoHS指令)Directive 2002/95/EC : The Restriction of the use of certainRoHS) Hazardous Substances in Electrial and Electronic Equipment (RoHS •电子电器(EEE)产品:装置必须依靠电流或者电磁,以电为主要的能源。


‘Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE)’: not exceeding 1000 volts for alternating current and 1500 volts for direct current.•修改指令:13个修改指令Amendments directives: 2005/618/EC, 2005/717/EC, 2005/747/EC, 2006/310/EC, 2006/690/EC, 2006/691/EC, 2006/692/EC,2008/385/EC, 2008/35/EC, 2009/428/EC, 2009/443/EC,2010/122/EU,2010/571/EU2008/0240(COD) 提案•颁布日期(Issue Date):COM(2008) 809 final 2008/0240 (COD): 2008年12月3日& 2009年2月10日The proposal was published on Dec 3, 2008, and the final version of the proposal (COM(2008) 809 final 2008/0240 (COD) ) was published on Feb 10, 2009.COM(2008) 0809-C6-0471/2008-2008/0240 (COD): 2009年10月22日The draft report of the proposal (COM(2008) 0809-C6-0471/2008-2008/0240(COD) ) was published on Oct 22, 2009.•24 Nov 2010,vote confirms the first reading agreement with the一读投票通过。

美国RoHS、无卤化介绍及EU REACH最新动态

美国RoHS、无卤化介绍及EU REACH最新动态

电连接器,扣件的防腐镀层,紧急照明设备、电磁干扰屏蔽和非电流 传输电气设施中的金属
ROHS中针对吸收式冰箱作为碳钢冷却系统防腐剂的六价铬有所豁免。 而EDEE现有六价铬豁免在ROHS中已于07.7.1终止
I. 一般用途的直管荧光灯,但在盐磷酸盐中不超过10 毫克/每支,正常 使用寿命的三磷酸盐荧光灯中不超过5 毫克/每支,长效使用寿命的不 超过8 毫克/每支; (此项与ROHS豁免第2项相同) II.特殊用途的直管荧光灯; III.大于或等于9 英寸的紧湊型荧光灯; IV.小于25 瓦的紧湊型荧光灯,不超过5 毫克/每支; IV.大于或等于25 瓦的紧湊型荧光灯,不超过6 毫克/每 支; V. 直径大于32 mm 的高输出或极高输出的线型荧光灯; VI.预热式线型荧光灯;或 VII.[ (f)(3)(E)(i)―(vii)节]中列明的包含添加汞的灯管的照明设备。
VI. 光控制协议和建筑管理协议之间的通道硬件; VII.出口标示所使用的红墨水中,每灯含铅不超过0.005 毫克; VIII.荧光灯; IX. 电连接器镀层,或 X. 铅-青铜轴承壳和衬套。
I.电触点,镉电镀和开关触点,包括电灯镇流器中的热保 护器 和含有此类镇流器的照明器具中所使用的;或 II.导线所使用的镉铜合金。
有毒有害物质或元素 部件名称
铅 (Pb) 汞 (Hg) 镉 (Cd) 六价铬 (Cr6+) 多溴联苯 (PBB) 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE)


• AZO是一个强制性的检测,凡是进入德国的皮革、纺织品
一 什么是LFGB?
2005 年9 月,德国新食品和饮食用品法 LFGB 取代了食品和日用品法LMBG 。 , 它又称《食品、烟草制品化妆品和其它日 用品管理法》,是德国食品卫生管理方面 最重要的基本法律文件,是其它专项食品 卫生法律、法规制定的准则和核心。
• 产品回收系统的建立: 经销商应于零售商店 (卖场面积大于 400 m2) 或其邻近的区域,提供尺寸小于25公 分的小型废电子电气产品的免费回收。
收集率: 要求各会员国确保实施“生产者责任”, 并设定每年最低收集率。达标率为2016年 的最低收集率为45%,而自2019年起,每 年要达到的最低收集率应达65%。
RoHS2 2011/65/EU
• RoHS 2.0 重要变化
• 纳入CE标志要求,成为欧盟CE标志指令之 一除上述电子电气产品必须符合(LVD)、 电磁兼容(EMC)、能源相关产品(ErP) 和RoHS 2.0的指令要求,才能粘贴CE标志, 出具符合性声明外,RoHS 2.0同时还要求 制造商出具支撑性技术文档,并保留十年。
RoHS基础知识 食品卫生级知识简介
1、RoHS定义:是关于在电子电气设备中 限制使用某些有害物质指令。
2、RoHS的目的:使各成员国关于在电子电 气设备中限制使用有害物质的法律趋于一 致,并通过妥善回收及处理废弃电子电气 产品达到保护人类健康的目的。
Hale Waihona Puke 2019/12/28QC检验基础知识
• RoHS指令的函盖范围为AC1000V、DC1500V以下的由 目录所列出的电子、电气产品: 1、大型家用电器:冰箱、洗衣机、微波炉、空调等 2、小型家用电器:吸尘器、电熨斗、电吹风、烤箱、钟 表等 3、IT及通讯仪器:计算机、传真机、电话机、手机等 4、民用装置:收音机、电视机、录象机、乐器等 5、照明器具:除家庭用照明外的荧光灯等,照明控制装 置 6、电动工具:电钻、车床、焊接、喷雾器等(需安装的 大型产业工具除外) 7、玩具/娱乐、体育器械:电动车、电视游戏机、自动 赌博机等 8、医疗器械:放射线治疗仪、心电图测试仪、分析仪器 等 9、监视/控制装置:烟雾探测器、恒温箱、工厂用监视 控制机等 10、自动售货机


注:EC (European Commission):欧洲委员会 1994年——2009年的文件文件名字中用EC, EU(European Union):欧洲联盟,简称欧盟 ,2010年起的文件文件名字中用EU。
1.2006年 8月,索尼销往荷兰的家电产品因检测出铅含量超标被处以6亿欧 元(约合人民币61.6亿元)的罚款。所有货物也在阿姆斯特丹销毁,并且 在4-6个月内不允许重返当地销售。 2.2007年8月11日,由于在轰动全球的美泰玩具召回事件中“身败名裂”, 佛山利达玩具厂老板张树鸿,在自己的厂房一角上吊自杀。由于所产玩 具在美国检出含铅超标而被召回,他的公司遭受损失达3000万美元(约 合人民币2.2亿元)。
管理的方法 1. 供应商管理 2. 进料管理 3. 生产过程管理 4. 产品的检测 5. 出货管理 6. 不合格品管理
1.REACH是欧盟规章《化学品注册、评估、许可和限制》 (REGULATION concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals)的简称,是欧盟建立的,并于2007年6月1日起实施的化学品监管体 系。 2.为何推出REACH 2.1增进对人类健康和环境的保护; 2.2同时加强欧盟化学工业的竞争力。 3.REACH法规要求极其复杂,但对于中国的生产制造商或欧洲进口商来说(包括 我司),影响较大的是其对高度关注物质(SVHC)的要求。 4. 根据REACH法规,有下列特性之一的物质,可以被视为高度关注物质 (SVHC): 4.1 CMR-致癌,致基因突变或致生殖毒性的; 4.2PBT-具有持久性,生物累积的和有毒的; 4.3 vPvBs-非常持久和生物累积的; 4.4其他严重影响健康和环境的物质。



欧盟环保标准:ROHS、REACH欧盟环保标准:ROHS、REACHRoHS指令简介RoHS指令是《电气、电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令》(the Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment)的英文缩写。


REACH指令简介《关于化学品注册、评估、许可和限制法案》( 简称REACH法规) 现在提出15种高度关注物质:CAS NO. 物质名称英文名称规格常见应用1、101-77-9 4,4''-二氨基二苯甲烷Bis-(4-aminophenyl)methane 250mg 偶氮染料,橡胶的环氧树脂固化剂2、85-68-7 邻苯二甲酸甲苯基丁酯(BBP) Phthalic acid, benzylbutyl ester 250mg 乙烯基泡沫,耐火砖和合成皮革的增塑剂3、117-81-7 邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)Phthalic acid, bis-2-ethylhexyl ester 500mgPVC增塑剂,液压液体和电容器里的绝缘体4、84-74-2 邻苯二甲酸二丁基酯(DBP) Phthalic acid, bis-butyl ester 500mg 增塑剂,粘合剂和印刷油墨的添加剂5、120-12-7 蒽Anthracene 50mg 染料中间体,杀虫剂,木材防腐剂25637-99-46、3194-55-6 六溴环十二烷(HBCDD) 1,2,5,6,9,10-Hexabromocyclododecane 250mg 阻燃剂134237-51-7 α-六溴环十二烷,50ug/ml于甲苯α-HBCDD 1.2ml134237-50-6 β-六溴环十二烷,50ug/ml于甲苯β-HBCDD 1.2ml134237-52-8 γ-六溴环十二烷,50ug/ml于甲苯γ-HBCDD 1.2ml7789-12-07、10588-01-9 重铬酸钠:原子吸收法检测,铬酸盐标准溶液1000mg/l Sodium dichromate dihydrate 500ml 金属表面精整,皮革制作,纺织品染色,木材防腐剂8、81-15-2 二甲苯麝香(MX) Musk xylene 100mg 香水,化妆品9、85535-84-8 短链氯化石蜡(C10-C13)(SCCP) 金属加工过程的润滑剂,橡胶和皮革衣料,胶水氯化石蜡,C10-C13混标,51.5% Cl,100ppm溶于环己烷Chloroparaffin C10-C13, 51,5% Cl 10ml氯化石蜡,C10-C13混标,55.5% Cl,100ppm溶于环己烷Chloroparaffin, C10-C13, 55,5% Cl 10ml氯化石蜡,C10-C13混标,63% Cl,100ppml溶于环己烷ChloroparaffinC10-C13, 63% Cl 10ml10、56-35-9 氧化双三丁基锡TBTO 250mg 木材防腐剂11、15606-95-8 三乙基砷酸酯Arsenic acid triethyl ester 5g 木材防腐剂12、1303-28-2 五氧化二砷:原子吸收法检测,砷标准溶液arsenic oxide 100ml 杀菌剂,除草剂13、1327-53-3 三氧化二砷:原子吸收法检测,砷标准溶液arsenic trioxide 100ml 除草剂,杀虫剂14、7784-40-9 砷酸铅:原子吸收法检测,铅标准溶液lead arsenate 100ml 杀虫剂15、7646-79-9 二氯化钴Cobaltous Chloride 1g 干燥剂,例如硅胶。




EU 2015/863是对ROHS2.0指令的最新修订版本,对限制物质范围进行了扩大。

主要修改内容EU 2015/863修订版本在ROHS2.0指令的基础上进行了以下主要修改:1. 新增四种限制物质:该修订规定将四种物质列入限制物质范围,包括:四溴联苯醚(BDE-209)、十溴二苯醚(BDDP)、二(2-乙基己基)酞菁钴(CoEFT)和苯并(1,2-c:3,4-c')二吡啶(BBP)。


2. 增加限制阈值:对某些限制物质的含量限制进行了调整。


3. 更新标注要求:修订规定要求供应商在产品上提供特定标注,以指明产品中是否含有限制物质,以及限制物质的含量是否超过规定的限制阈值。

4. 扩大适用范围:修订规定将限制物质范围扩展到了所有电子和电气设备,而不仅限于之前的类别。

影响与建议EU 2015/863的修订对于相关行业和供应商意味着需要进行相应的调整和变动:1. 供应链管理:供应商需要对自己所提供的产品进行审查,以确保符合新修订规定的要求。


2. 产品设计和研发:对于产品设计和研发部门,他们需要考虑新修订规定所涉及的限制物质,并在产品设计阶段避免使用这些物质。


3. 标注要求:供应商需要在产品上提供相应的标注,以满足新修订规定中的要求。


4. 法规合规:供应商和相关行业需要密切关注和遵守EU2015/863修订版的要求,确保自己的产品符合相关的法规。



3.1 ROHS:是指在电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令


杀菌剂、汽油阻凝剂等。高纯蒽用于制取单晶 蒽,用在闪烁计数器上。
• 4,4'-二氨基二苯基甲烷 (4,4'Diaminodiphenylmethane)202-974-410177-9从水中析出者为白色片状或针状结晶, 从苯中析出者为片状结晶。微溶于冷水,易 溶于乙醇、乙醚和苯。染料原料,生产偶氮 染料;硫化剂及硫化促进剂,用于聚氨基甲 酸酯橡胶及其他合成橡胶;树脂固化剂,用 于环氧树脂,其性能与间苯二胺相似;耐热 聚合物及多异氰酸酯的单体;有机合成中间 体,生产缓蚀剂、聚酰胺;钨的检测试剂等。 在空气中易氧化,颜色变深,本品有毒,对 肝脏有毒害作用。
一、什么是CE标志? 近年来,在欧洲经济区(欧洲联盟、欧洲自由贸易协会成员国,瑞士除
外)市场上销售的商品中,CE标志的使用越来越多,加贴CE标志的商品表示 其符合安全、卫生、环保和消费者保护等一系列欧洲指令所要表达的要求。

在过去,欧共体国家对进口和销售的产品要求各异,根据一 国标准制造的商品到别国极可能不能上CE认证的logo市,作 为消除贸易壁垒之努力的一部分,CE认证应运而生。因此, CE认证代表欧洲统一(CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE)。 事实上,CE认证还是欧共体许多国家语种中的"欧共体"这一 词组的缩写,原来用英语词组EUROPEAN COMMUNITY 缩写为EC,后因欧共体在法文是COMMUNATE EUROPEIA,意大利文为COMUNITA EUROPEA,葡萄牙 文为COMUNIDADE EUROPEIA,西班牙文为 COMUNIDADE EUROPE等,故改EC为CE。当然,也不妨 把CE认证视为CONFORMITY WITH EUROPEAN •



2019年8月8日,欧盟委员会通过了两个Pack 14授权的指令,这些指令对欧盟指令2011/65/EU的附件III进行了修订,该指令涉及“限制在电气和电子设备中使用某些有害物质”。


欧盟ROHS指令2011/65/EU(即RoHS 2.0)限制在电气和电子设备中使用有害物质。


RoHS 2.0的附件III和IV包含了用于电气和电子设备(EEE)的材料和组件,这些材料和组件适用于不受该指令的物质限制的特定应用。

通过这两项指令,欧洲委员会修订了关于使用铅和邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)的RoHS 2的附件III。








Network Video RecorderQuick Start GuideTABLE OF CONTENTSChapter1 Panels Description (8)1.1 Front Panel (8)1.2 Rear Panel (9)NVR-100H-D and NVR-100MH-D Series (9)NVR-100H-D/P and NVR-100MH-D/P Series (10)Chapter 2 Installation and Connections (11)2.1 NVR Installation (11)2.2 Hard Disk Installation (11)2.3 HDD Storage Calculation Chart (13)Chapter 3 Menu Operation (14)3.1 Startup and Shutdown (14)3.2 Activate Your Device (14)3.3 Set the Unlock Pattern for Login (15)3.4 User Login (16)3.5 Network Settings (16)3.6 Add IP Cameras (17)3.7 Live View (18)3.8 Recording Settings (18)3.9 Playback (19)Chapter 4 Accessing by Web Browser (21)Quick Start GuideCOPYRIGHT ©2019 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Any and all information, including, among others, wordings, pictures, graphs are the properties of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. or its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to be “Hikvision”). This user manual (hereinafter referred to be “the Manual”) cannot be reproduced, changed, translated, or distributed, partially or wholly, by any means, without the prior written permission of Hikvision. Unless otherwise stipulated, Hikvision does not make any warranties, guarantees or representations, express or implied, regarding to the Manual.About this ManualThis Manual is applicable to Network Video Recorder (NVR).The Manual includes instructions for using and managing the product. Pictures, charts, images and all other information hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version in the company website (/en/).Please use this user manual under the guidance of professionals.Trademarks Acknowledgementand other Hikvision’s trademarks and logos are the properties of Hikvision in various jurisdictions. Other trademarks and logos mentioned below are the properties of their respective owners.The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logoare trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. in the United States and other countries.Legal DisclaimerTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITH ITS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE, IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS, AND HIKVISION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKVISION, ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA OR DOCUMENTATION, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.REGARDING TO THE PRODUCT WITH INTERNET ACCESS, THE USE OF PRODUCT SHALL BE WHOLLY AT YOUR OWN RISKS. HIKVISION SHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INSPECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS; HOWEVER, HIKVISION WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED.SURVEILLANCE LAWS VARY BY JURISDICTION. PLEASE CHECK ALL RELEVANT LAWS IN YOUR JURISDICTION BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT YOUR USE CONFORMSTHE APPLICABLE LAW. HIKVISION SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN THE EVENT THAT THIS PRODUCT IS USED WITH ILLEGITIMATE PURPOSES.IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATER PREVAILS.Regulatory InformationFCC InformationPlease take attention that changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC compliance: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.FCC ConditionsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference.2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.EU Conformity StatementThis product and - if applicable - the supplied accessories too are marked with "CE" and comply therefore with the applicable harmonized European standards listed under the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, the LVD Directive 2014/35/EU, the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.2012/19/EU (WEEE directive): Products marked with this symbol cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. For proper recycling, return this product to your local supplier upon the purchase of equivalent new equipment, or dispose of it at designated collection points. For more information see: 2006/66/EC (battery directive): This product contains a battery that cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. See the product documentation for specific battery information. The battery is marked with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling, return the battery to your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information see: Industry Canada ICES-003 ComplianceThis device meets the CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB-3(A) standards requirements.Applicable ModelsThis manual is applicable to the models listed in the following table.Series ModelNVR-100H-D NVR-104H-D NVR-108H-DNVR-100H-D/P NVR-104H-D/4P NVR-108H-D/8PNVR-100MH-D NVR-104MH-D NVR-108MH-DNVR-100MH-D/P NVR-104MH-D/4P NVR-108MH-D/8PSymbol ConventionsThe symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.Symbol DescriptionProvides additional information to emphasize or supplementimportant points of the main text.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided,could result in equipment damage, data loss, performancedegradation, or unexpected results.Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not avoided, willresult in death or serious injury.Safety Instructions●Proper configuration of all passwords and other security settings is the responsibility of theinstaller and/or end-user.●In the use of the product, you must be in strict compliance with the electrical safetyregulations of the nation and region. Please refer to technical specifications for detailedinformation.●Input voltage should meet both the SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) and the Limited PowerSource with 100~240 VAC, 48 VDC or 12 VDC according to the IEC60950-1 standard. Please refer to technical specifications for detailed information.●Do not connect several devices to one power adapter as adapter overload may causeover-heating or a fire hazard.●Please make sure that the plug is firmly connected to the power socket.●If smoke, odor or noise rise from the device, turn off the power at once and unplug the powercable, and then please contact the service center.●If the POE ports of device do not comply with Limited Power Source, the additional equipmentconnected to POE ports shall have fire enclosure.●The USB interface of the /P devices can be connected with the mouse and U-flash disk storagedevice only.Preventive and Cautionary TipsBefore connecting and operating your device, please be advised of the following tips:●Ensure unit is installed in a well-ventilated, dust-free environment.●Unit is designed for indoor use only.●Keep all liquids away from the device.●Ensure environmental conditions meet factory specifications.●Ensure unit is properly secured to a rack or shelf. Major shocks or jolts to the unit as a result ofdropping it may cause damage to the sensitive electronics within the unit.●Use the device in conjunction with an UPS if possible.●Power down the unit before connecting and disconnecting accessories and peripherals.● A factory recommended HDD should be used for this device.●Improper use or replacement of the battery may result in hazard of explosion. Replace withthe same or equivalent type only. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructionsprovided by the battery manufacturer.Power Supply InstructionsUse only power supplies listed in the user instructions.NVR Models Standard Power Supply Models ManufacturerNVR-104H-D NVR-108H-D NVR-104MH-D NVR-108MH-D EuropeanMSA-C1500IC12.0-18P-DE MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., LtdADS-26FSG-12 12018EPG Shenzhen HONOR Electronic Co., LtdKL-AD3060VA Xiamen Keli Electronics Co., LtdKPD-018-VI Channel Well Technology Co., Ltd BritishADS-25FSG-12 12018GPB Shenzhen HONOR Electronic Co., LtdMSA-C1500IC12.0-18P-GB MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., LtdADS-26FSG-12 12018EPB Shenzhen HONOR Electronic Co., LtdNVR-104H-D/4PNVR-108H-D/8P NVR-104MH-D/4P NVR-108MH-D/8P UniversalMSP-Z1360IC48.0-65W MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., LtdMSA-Z1040IS48.0-65W-Q MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., LtdMSA-Z1360IS48.0-65W-QMOSO Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd●The power supplies list above is for EU countries only.●The power supplies list is subject to change without prior notice.Chapter1 Panels Description 1.1 Front PanelFigure 1-1NVR-100H-D (/P) SeriesFigure 1-2NVR-100MH-D (/P) SeriesTable 1-1Description of Front Panel No. Icon Description1 Indicator turns red when NVR is powered up.2 Indicator lights in red when data is being read from or written to HDD.3 Indicator blinks blue when network connection is functioning properly.1.2 Rear PanelNVR-100H-D and NVR-100MH-D SeriesFigure 1-3NVR-100H-D Rear PanelFigure 1-4NVR-100MH-D Rear PanelNo. Item Description1 Power Supply 12 VDC power supply.2 VGA Interface DB9 connector for VGA output. Display local videooutput and menu.3 HDMI Interface HDMI video output connector.4 USB Interface Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports for additional devicessuch as USB mouse and USB Hard Disk Drive (HDD).5 LAN Network Interface 10/100 Mbps self-adaptive Ethernet interface.6 Ground Ground (needs to be connected when NVR starts up).NVR-100H-D/P and NVR-100MH-D/P SeriesFigure 1-5NVR-100H-D/P Rear PanelFigure 1-6NVR-100MH-D/P Rear PanelTable 1-3Description of Rear Panel No. Item Description1 Power Supply 12 VDC power supply.2 VGA Interface DB9 connector for VGA output. Display local videooutput and menu.3 HDMI Interface HDMI video output connector.4 USB Interface Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports for additional devicessuch as USB mouse and USB Hard Disk Drive (HDD).5 LAN Network Interface 10/100 Mbps self-adaptive Ethernet interface.6 Ground Ground (needs to be connected when NVR starts up).7 Network Interfaces withPoE functionNetwork interfaces for the cameras and to providepower over Ethernet.4 interfaces for /4P models and 8 interfaces for /8Pmodels.Chapter 2 Installation and Connections2.1 NVR InstallationDuring installation of the NVR:●Use brackets for rack mounting.●Ensure ample room for audio and video cables.●When routing cables, ensure that the bend radius of the cables are no less than five times thanits diameter.●Connect the alarm cable.●Allow at least 2cm (≈0.75-inch) of space between racks mounted devices.●Ensure the NVR is grounded.●Environmental temperature should be within the range of -10 to +55º C, +14 to +131º F.●Environmental humidity should be within the range of 10% to 90%.2.2 Hard Disk InstallationBefore you start:Disconnect the power from the NVR before installing a hard disk drive (HDD). A factory recommended HDD should be used for this installation.Tools Required: Screwdriver.Step 1Remove the cover from the device by unfastening the screws on the bottom.Figure 2-1Remove the CoverStep 2Place the HDD on the bottom of the device and then fasten the screws on the bottom to fix the HDD.Figure 2-2Fix the HDDStep 3Connect one end of the data cable to the motherboard of NVR and the other end to the HDD.Step 4Connect the power cable to the HDD.Figure 2-3Connect CablesStep 5Re-install the cover of the NVR and fasten screws.2.3 HDD Storage Calculation ChartThe following chart shows an estimation of storage space used based on recording at one channel for an hour at a fixed bit rate.Bit Rate Storage Used96K42M128K56M160K70M192K84M224K98M256K112M320K140M384K168M448K196M512K225M640K281M768K337M896K393M1024K450M1280K562M1536K675M1792K787M2048K900M4096K 1.8G8192K 3.6G16384K 7.2GPlease note that supplied values for storage space used is just for reference. The storage values in the chart are estimated by formulas and may have some deviation from actual value.Chapter 3 Menu Operation3.1 Startup and ShutdownProper startup and shutdown procedures are crucial to expanding the life of the NVR.To start your NVR:Step 1Check the power supply is plugged into an electrical outlet. It is HIGHLY recommended that an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) be used in conjunction with the device. The Powerbutton) on the front panel should be red, indicating the device is receiving the power.Step 2Press the power switch on the panel. The Power LED should turn blue. The unit will begin to start.After the device starts up, the wizard will guide you through the initial settings, including modifying password, date and time settings, network settings, HDD initializing, and recording.To shut down the NVR:Step 1Go to Menu > Shutdown.Figure 3-1ShutdownStep 2Select Shutdown.Step 3Click Yes.3.2 Activate Your DevicePurpose:For the first-time access, you need to activate the device by setting an admin password. No operation is allowed before activation. You can also activate the device via Web Browser, SADP or client software.Step 1Input the same password in Create New Password and Confirm New Password.Step 2(Optional) Use customized password to activate and add network camera(s) connected to the device.1)Uncheck Use Channel Default Password.2)Enter a password in IP Camera Activation.Figure 3-2Set Admin PasswordSTRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED–We highly recommend you create a strong password of your own choosing (Using a minimum of 8 characters, including at least three of the following categories: upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.) in order to increase the security of your product. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.Step 3Click OK.3.3 Set the Unlock Pattern for LoginAdmin can use the unlock pattern for device login.For devices with PoE function, you can draw the device unlock pattern after activation. For other devices, the unlock pattern interface will show after the first-time login.Step 1Use the mouse to draw a pattern among the 9 dots on the screen. Release the mouse when the pattern is done.Figure 3-3Draw the Pattern●Connect at least 4 dots to draw the pattern.●Each dot can be connected for once only.Step 2Draw the same pattern again to confirm it. When the two patterns match, the pattern is configured successfully.3.4 User LoginPurpose:If NVR has logged out, you must login the device before operating the menu and other functions. Step 1Select the User Name in the dropdown list.Figure 3-4LoginStep 2Input Password.Step 3Click OK.In the Login dialog box, if you enter the wrong password 7 times, the current user account will be locked for 60 seconds.3.5 Network SettingsPurpose:Network settings must be properly configured before you operate NVR over network.Step 1Enter the general network settings interface.Menu > Configuration > Network > GeneralFigure 3-5Network SettingsStep 2Configure the following settings: NIC Type, IPv4 Address, IPv4 Gateway, MTU and DNS Server.Step 3If the DHCP server is available, you can check the checkbox of DHCP to automatically obtain an IP address and other network settings from that server.Step 4Click Apply.3.6 Add IP CamerasPurpose:Before you can get live video or record the video files, you should add the network cameras to the connection list of the device.Before you start:Ensure the network connection is valid and correct, and the IP camera to add has already been activated. Please refer to the User Manual for activating the inactive IP camera.You can select one of the following three options to add the IP camera.OPTION 1:Step 1Click to select an idle window in the live view mode.Step 2Click in the center of the window to pop up the Add IP Camera interface.Figure 3-6Add IP CameraStep 3Select the detected IP camera and click Add to add it directly, and you can click Search to refresh the online IP camera manually.Or you can choose to custom add the IP camera by editing the parameters in thecorresponding text field and then click Add to add it.3.7 Live ViewIcons are provided on screen in Live View mode to indicate camera status. These icons include: Live View IconsIn the live view mode, there are icons at the upper-right corner of the screen for each channel, showing the status of the record and alarm in the channel for quick reference.Alarm (video loss, tampering, motion detection, VCA or sensor alarm)Record (manual record, continuous record, motion detection, VCA or alarm triggered record)Alarm and RecordEvent/Exception (event and exception information, appears at the lower-left corner of the screen.)3.8 Recording SettingsBefore you start:Make sure that the disk has already been installed. If not, please install a disk and initialize it. You may refer to the user manual for detailed information.Purpose:Two kinds of record types are introduced in the following section, including Instant Record andAll-day Record. And for other record types, you may refer to the user manual for detailed information.After rebooting all the manual records enabled are canceled.Step 1On the live view window, right lick the window and move the cursor to the Start Recording option, and select Continuous Record or Motion Detection Record on your demand.Figure 3-7Start Recording from Right-click MenuStep 2Click Yes in the pop-up Attention message box to confirm the settings. All the channels will start to record in the selected mode.3.9 PlaybackThe recorded video files on the hard disk can be played back in the following modes: instant playback, all-day playback for the specified channel, and playback bynormal/event/smart/tag/sub-periods/external file search.Step 1Enter playback interface.Click Menu > Playback or from the right-click menuStep 2Check the checkbox of channel(s) in the channel list and then double-click to select a date on the calendar.Step 3You can use the toolbar in the bottom part of Playback interface to control playing progress.Figure 3-8 Playback InterfaceStep 4 Select the channel(s) to or execute simultaneous playback of multiple channels.Chapter 4 Accessing by Web BrowserYou shall acknowledge that the use of the product with Internet access might be under network security risks. For avoidance of any network attacks and information leakage, please strengthen your own protection. If the product does not work properly, please contact with your dealer or the nearest service center.Purpose:You can get access to the device via web browser. You may use one of the following listed web browsers: Internet Explorer 6.0, Internet Explorer 7.0, Internet Explorer 8.0, Internet Explorer 9.0, Internet Explorer 10.0, Internet Explorer 11.0, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. The supported resolutions include 1024*768 and above.Step 1Open web browser, input the IP address of the device and then press Enter.Step 2Login to the device.If the device has not been activated, you need to activate the device first before login.Figure 4-1Set Admin Password1)Set the password for the admin user account.2)Click OK.STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED–We highly recommend you create a strong password of your own choosing (using a minimum of 8 characters, including upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters) in order to increase the security of your product. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.If the device is already activated, enter the user name and password in the login interface, and click Login.Figure 4-2LoginStep 3Install the plug-in before viewing the live video and managing the camera. Please follow the installation prompts to install the plug-in.You may have to close the web browser to finish the installation of the plug-in.After login, you can perform the operation and configuration of the device, including the live view, playback, log search, configuration, etc.03041041090702。


Authorized Signatory:

注:以上合同中产品的任何成分均未发生变化。授ຫໍສະໝຸດ 签字人:签字:职务:
Declaration of EU RoHS Conformity
We,Ltd., hereby declare that our products indicated below are in full conformity with EU Directive 2002/95/EC、2005/618/EC、2005/717/EC、2005/747/EC、2006/310/EC,with respect to the following substances: Lead (Pb)、Mercury (Hg)、Cadmium (Cd)、Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+)、Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB)、Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE):

Name of the Product:

欧盟新版RoHS 2 指令(ROHS 2.2011.65.EU

欧盟新版RoHS 2 指令(ROHS 2.2011.65.EU

Latvia Lithuania
Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom
Iceland Liechtenstein Norway
12 ver2.1
18 ver2.1
“大型固定工业工具”指大尺寸机械、设备、以及/或原件组合,为某一 应用共同运行,由专业人员长期安装在确定的场所或拆除,并且在工 业制造场所或研发场所由专业人员使用和维护;
注塑机 加工中心
19 ver2.1
“大型固定设施”指几种类型仪器(适用时 )及其他设备的大尺寸组合体,由专业人 员组装、安装,预期在预先确定及专用地 点长期使用,由专业人员拆除;
“经销售”指供应链中除制造商或进口商外、将电子电气 设备投放欧盟市场的任何自然人或法人; “进口商”指欧盟境内任何将第三国电子电气设备投放欧 盟市场的自然人或法人; “经济从业者”指制造商、授权代表、进口商和经销商;
22 ver2.1
“向市场提供”指在商业活动中任何向欧盟市场供应电子 电气设备用于经销、消费或使用的活动,无论是收费 还是免费的; “投放市场”指首次向欧盟市场供应电子电气设备;
2002/95/EC, but which would not comply with this Directive, may nevertheless continue to be made available on the market until 22 July 2019.
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Evaluation of RSL 受限物质清单评估
HBCDD:used as flame retardant, proposed maximum concentration in homogeneous material is 0.005%. 作为阻燃剂,建议限值为均质材料 中含量不超过0.005% DEHP: used as plasticizer, proposed maximum concentration in homogeneous material is 0.1%. 作为增塑剂,建议限值为均质材料中含 量不超过0.1% DBP: used as plasticizer, proposed maximum concentration in homogeneous material is 0.1%.作为增塑剂,建议限值为均质材料中含 量不超过0.1% BBP: used as plasticizer, proposed maximum concentration in homogeneous material is 0.1%.作为增塑剂,建议限值为均质材料中含 量不超过0.1%
ÓÉ Foxit PDF Editor ±à¼°æȨËùÓÐ (c) by Foxit Software Company, 2004 ½öÓÃÓÚÆÀ¹À¡£
Explanation of EU RoHS 2 and EU REACH
欧盟RoHS 2和REACH法规解读
Presented by: Mr. Pascal SHI May 13, 2014
Registration 注册
REACH法规解读 Explanation of REACH
REACH法规的应对方案 Solutions regarding REACH
RoHS1 2002/95/EC
Eight product categories 产品范围是八类
No编号 Category 类别 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Large household appliances 大型家用电器 Small household appliances 小型家用电器 IT and telecommunications equipment IT和通讯设备 Consumer equipment 消费类设备 Lighting equipment 照明设备 Electrical and electronic tools 电气和电子工具 Toys, leisure and sports equipment 玩具,休闲和运动设备 Automatic dispensers 自动售货机
6 7 8.1
Lighting equipment
Electrical and electronic tools Toys, leisure and sports equipment Medical devices
Jan 3, 2013
Jan 3, 2013 Jan 3, 2013 July 22, 2014
July 22, 2014 July 22, 2017 Jan 3, 2013
Other EEE not covered by any of the categories above
July 22, 2019
Evaluation of RSL 受限物质清单评估
According to the study performed by Environment Agency of Austria, the final report was submitted in January 2014, in which: 依照欧盟委员会委托奥地利环保局做的研究,于2014年1月提交的研究报告中提及的 研究结果: There are six batches of prioritized substances so far 目前共有六个优先等级的物质评估 There are eight substances in the highest priority, they are: 目前处在第一优先等级中有八种物质,他们分别是: - phthalates四种邻苯类:BBP,DEHP,DBP和DiBP - chlorinated flame retardant 氯化阻燃剂:TCEP - brominated flame retardant两种溴化阻燃剂:HBCDD和2,3-dibromo-1-propanol - 2,2-bis(bromomethyl)-1,3-propanediol 二溴新戊二醇 According to Recital 10 of RoHS, following four substances had been evaluated 依据RoHS法规详述第十部分,如下四种物质作为最优先评估 - HBCDD - DEHP,DBP和BBP
Effective date: after 18 months of transition, January 3, 2013 18个月的过渡期后,于2013年1月3日正式实施
RoHS 2 管控范围及强制时间点
No 1 2 3 4 Category Large household appliances Small household appliances IT and telecommunications equipment Consumer equipment Be in force Jan 3, 2013 Jan 3, 2013 Jan 3, 2013 Jan 3, 2013
Tel:Miss Wang 131 2955 0811 Miss Wang 13129550811
RoHS 1回顾 Review of RoHS1 RoHS 2解读 Explanation of RoHS 2 RoHS 2应对 Solutions regarding RoHS 2
Solutions regarding RoHS 2 RoHS 2应对
Services for RoHS 2 compliance RoHS 2符合性的服务
help to build up technical documentation 帮助建立技术文档 —— product compliance evaluation 产品的符合性评估 a) High risk analysis for special materials 针对RoHS的管控物 质进行物料的高风险性分析 b) evaluation of the test report 针对现有的测试报告的评审 c) necessary testings to be performed 执行必要的分析测试 or 或d) completed RoHS compliance test report 完整的符合性 测试报告(replace b) and c) 取代b)和c)) —— regroup of other documents 其他相关文档的整合 exploded diagram, assembly diagram, BOM etc. 产品的爆炸图,组装图,材料清单,产品说明书,标准及技术 规范清单,材料、部件及组件的文档等 Issue a CoC 出具产品CE符合性证书
Explanation of RoHS 2 RoHS 2解读
RoHS 2 Key times 重要时间点
RoHS 2 publication date on OJ: July 01, 2011 RoHS 2指令于2011年7月1日在欧洲官方公报OJ上发布
The date of entry into force: 20 days after, July 21, 2011 20天后,于2011年7月21日正式生效
DoC and CE-marking 符合性声明和CE标识
In order to obtain a CE certificate, the manufacture is required to make technical documentation, also issue a DoC for the product. 制造商除了具有组织技术文档的责任,还 要出具一份符合性声明,从而获得一份CE符合性证书,产品可以加贴CE标识
Explanation of REACH REACH法规解读
Have I the obligations for REACH? 对于REACH,与我有关系吗?
REACH affects the entire supply chain: REACH影响了整个供应链: - substance manufacturers 原料制造商 - preparation formulators 配制品配方商 - article producers 物品生产商 - importers of articles into the EU 欧盟物品进口商 - distributors, retailers 分销商,零售商 And each actor along the supply chain, including those outside EU, has obligations. So if you export to the EU, you may be affected in some ways. 供应链的每个参与者,包括欧盟以外的都有义务。所以如果你出口到 欧盟国家,你就有可能以某种方式受到影响。
9.1 9.2 10
In vitro diagnostic medical devices
Monitoring and control instruments Industrial monitoring and control instruments Automatic dispensers
July 22, 2016