
I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2014, 02, 22-28Published Online January 2014 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2014.02.03Design of an Automated Secure Garage System Using License Plate Recognition Technique Afaz Uddin Ahmed , Taufiq Mahmud Masum , Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Chittagong,BangladeshE-mail: afazbd@;masum_liby@;mahbub.rahman336@Abstract—Modern technologies have reached our garage to secure the cars and entrance to the residences for the demand of high security and automated infrastructure. The concept of intelligent secure garage systems in modern transport management system is a remarkable example of the computer interfaced controlling devices. License Plate Recognition (LPR) process is one of the key elements of modern intelligent garage security setups. This paper presents a design of an automated secure garage system featuring LPR process. A study of templates matching approach by using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is implemented to carry out the LPR method. We also developed a prototype design of the secured garage system to verify the application for local use. The system allows only a predefined enlisted cars or vehicles to enter the garage while blocking the others along with a central-alarm feature. Moreover, the system maintains an update database of the cars that has left and entered into the garage within a particular duration. The vehicle is distinguished by the system mainly based on their registration number in the license plates. The tactics are tried on several samples of license plate’s image in both indoor and outdoor setting. Index Terms— Automatic Secure Garage, LPR, Matlab Interfacing, Matlab Image Processing, OCR, Template Matching TechniqueI.IntroductionAll the essential daily equipment in our life is becoming automatic. This saves a lot of time and energy as well. Garage doors are also becoming automatic. The security system of garage-doors is one of the important issue in our offices and residences. The security problem of a garage has been investigated for the last decade [1]. Many researchers have proposed various methods of security systems [2, 3]. Each of these systems has its own advantages and disadvantages [4]. Most of the modern garages have security systems, which detect vehicles authentication while entering and exiting [5]. However, these security systems often prevent accommodating equipment and some are unattractive solution for the existing system. It is clear that efficient garage security system today involves interdisciplinary research areas. In modern security system, the image processing, microcontroller and sensor technologies play an important role [6]. Considering the fact, the objective of the work was to develop a security system for an automatic garage door. The security system has a way of identifying a car and, if the car is authorized to enter the area, the door opens and lets the car to move in. The garage door automatically closes as the car passes through. The door also operates automatically when car moves out-off the garage. This mechanism is done by using LPR Technique. There are many LPR applications in recent days, such as- automatic highway toll collection, vehicle theft prevention, enforcement of traffic rules and so on. In this paper, we focused on LPR method interfacing with an automated garage system. A prototype design is also provided with performance evaluation. Rest of the paper is arranged as follows, Methodology in section II, Overview of the mechanical part in section III, Image sensing and matching in section IV, Design of the interfacing circuit in section V, Performance analysis in section VI, Features and applications in section VII and Conclusion in VIII.II.MethodologyNow a days, we see intelligent garage systems with car-maneuvers operated with sensor-fuzzy logic controls and spring layer lifted intelligent garage [7, 8]. Automatic parking control system with lifting and transferring stereo garage by using IPC and PLC are being implemented in some parts of the first world countries. [9]. Some of these stereo garage devices are linked up with network to share information over a fair distance to control the mechanism and secure the operation remotely [10]. Some intelligent parking design and transport management system has been proposed in [11-13]. In this paper, we focused on the car’s LPR technique to operate an automated secure garage system. Generally, the LPR system consists of four major modules: image sensing, LPR, segmentation and recognition of specific characters (LPR). A local server contains the list of the cars that are allowed to get in the garage. This database can be edit by any of the house owners or the authority in charge. As soon as thecar appears in the front gate, it will activate a sensor which will be liked with a central control system (here we used a pc with MATLAB). The system grabs a picture of the license plate and analyses the reference cars ’ license plate number. After a successful match, the garage opens automatically allowing the car to get in. While passing the garage, the car again activates a sensor that executes the closing process of the garage doors. The system informs the car owner about the entrance of the car in the garage. The same process repeats when the car wants to get out of the garage. The LPR process is done by gray-image templates matching using optical character recognition process (OCR). The interfacing with the automated garage system is done by simple control circuits with stepper motor that gives flexibility to rotate both ways by just changing thephases.Fig. 1: Systematically process of the systemStep1 The car approaches in front of the garage and the wheel touches a plate. In addition, a signal passes from the plate through the parallel port of a computer. Step2 Sensing this signal, MATLAB starts the camera and grabs a picture of the car’s license plate. The picture is then stored.Step3 The stored picture is then processed through Optical Character Recognition and then the number and letters are saved in a text document.Step4 Image form references are taken and then converted into text. Then the both texts are compared. If the image matches, it gives logic 1 to step 5.Step5 If step 4 gives logic 1, then the motor interfaced by PC rotates and the sliding and cross bar gates open.Step6 When the car passes the gate, it touches another plate twice (for the front wheel and the back wheel). This sends two simultaneous signals to the PC. Step7 Then the motor rotates back to close both the doors.III. Overview of the Mechanical PartThe mechanical part is a miniature of a gate that is shown in Fig. 2. This gate model is similar to the gate model that we proposed for practical application. The sturcture is made of wood to get the flexibility of shapes and modification in the workshop. The frame of the gate is constructed on a wooden driveway. The driveway has two sensors at two different places, one before approaching the gate and another just after the gate. As these plates act like weight sensors, springs are attached to the plates to ensure the proper operation of the circuit. The gate has two parts. One crossing bar which is in front of the gate a horizontally siding doors that are next to the crossing bar. With the crossing bar, there is a camera attached for the graphical input of the license plate. The sliding doors have rack attached with it on the top. This rack meshes with a pinion that i s coupled with two stepper motors. The crossing bar also has a motor coupled, which is used to move the crossing bar up and down. A box with wheels attached is used asa car.Fig. 2: Wooden model of the gate and the drivewayWhen a car approaches the first plate, it touches the weight sensor, which closes the input circuit and sends a signal to the computer. The computer turns on the camera and takes the photograph of the license plate of the car. The photo is then filtered and matched with the photos saved in the database (the data is sent electronically), if it matches with any of the cars number in the list, the arrangement of opening the gates executes. Frist the stepper motor for the bar is switched on with a particular number of rotations and the bar moves up. As soon as the moving bar stops, the gate motor gets the signal for opening. The two sliding door moves in the opposite direction making a route for the cars to pass through it. When the car crosses the sliding door, it again touches a weight sensor and closes the circuit (usually the last plate operates after twoconsecutive contacts because of the front tire and the back tire). Than all the gates close by rotating in the opposite direction and gets in the original position. IV.Image Sensing and MatchingThe image processing and gray level template matching part is the heart of this process. The image is first converted to gray level. Than it is converted to binary format to match with individual characters of the reference picture. Each character is compared with a set of templates that are stored as a reference model. After that the character is been recognized and stored in a text document. Here in this system we used English alphabets and numerical numbers: 36 templates (A-Z= 26, 0-9=10) [14]. Changing the set of references, we can change the language of the system. We can also use multiple languages by using more than one set of alphabets and numerical numbers.Following are the steps how actually the image sensing works-First, a library for templates is created. This library contains images of different characters in gray format that can appear on the license plate. This is done before any image capturing or processing is done [15].When an image of the license plate is taken, the image is into grayscale. The digital image is then converted to binary image. The white part corresponds to 1 and the black part to 0.The image contains two parts, one with vast black area and other with white numbers on the black background. The number part is separated and appeared in a black area with white background. The number part itself has parts equal to the number of characters. These characters in the license plate are compared with reference templates. The matched template indicates particular alphabets and numerical numbers and it is stored in a specific text document (Cars.txt). Now, as all the license plate nu mbers of the allowed cars, which are in the library folder, are checked one by one and matched them with the previous file (Cars.txt). If any of the name matches with the car.txt, the logic will show 1 and the gate will open systematically. Then email notification will be sent to the owners of the car to make inform about the cars status. If none of the reference files matches, the output will be a red light. These processes are done by MATLAB. We have also made a database record for the cars that goes in and gets out with in last 6 hours. We have used a computer with video input device (webcam) and MATLAB programming to detect the optical characters template matching technique. Template matching in digital image processing for recognizing characters is very effective method. It can be used to detect edges in images. Here we used Grey-level template matching.In matching process, the templates’ images are moved to all possible points/scale in the source image to compute the numerical indication on success rate of the template matching in that image. This matching is done in pixel-by-pixel.4.1Optical Character RecognitionThe aim of optical character recognition (OCR) is to identify optical patterns like numerical numbers or letters or symbols in any picture. There are several steps in OCR that includes segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. Each of these steps is a field unto itself [14]. Figure 3 shows different stages of thi sprocess.Fig. 3: Different stages of Optical Character RecognitionFig. 4: Comparison and storage of the converted binary image First, the desired image is converted into grayscale. Then it will be converted in threshold binary. The image will be then compared with a set of alphabet and number image that we stored as templates. The conversion and matching will make an output of successful matching in a text document. Fig. 4 shows the process of storing matched image into a text document.The algorithm that was followed during the process is briefly described below-4.2 The Classification ProcessClassification is common for any kind of classifier. There are two main steps in developing classifier training and testing. These steps can be split into more sub-steps [6, 16]. Fig. 5 shows the block diagram representation of the sub-steps of this classificationprocess.Fig. 5: The pattern classification process of OCR (Pre-processing)a) Training• Pre-processing – Processes the collected data so it is in a suitable form for later processes.• Feature abstraction – Minimizes the total amount of data by extracting related information, usually results in a vector of scalar values.• Model Estimation – for each class of the training data, the finite set of feature vectors needs to estimate as a model. b) Testing• Pre-processing – (same as above) • Feature extraction – (same as above)• Classification – Differentiate the feature vectors to several models and extract the highest possible match.These steps are performed in OCR [17].1. Binarization – It is converting an image of up to 256 gray levels to a black and white image.2. Morphological Operators – Removes holes and isolated specks from the characters.3. Segmentation – Confirms connectivity of outlines labels and separate. Using the bwlabel’ and ‘regionprops’ functions of MATLAB, it can done easily [16]. Segmentation is the most important stage of the pre-processing method. It assists the recognizer to extract features from individual character. In the case of handwritten text, which is more complex, it becomes more difficult as characters are tending to be linked to each other. The overall process of OCRin this project is shown in Figure 6.Fig. 6: Block diagram of the programV. Design of the Interfacing CircuitTo design the control setup, we used eight relays, two ULN2003 IC and a 12V power supply. The circuit is connected as shown in Fig.7 below. When a signal comes to first pin of the ULN2003, it amplifies the current and relay is switched on. As the relay is closed, the motor gets a pulse to rotate one-step of 1.8 degrees. The next comes to the second pin, and the second relay causes another step rotation. As the ULN pin keeps getting sequential signal, the motor keep rotating [18]. The number of signal required is set by the program and the motors are controlled. The same thing is done for other motors. We used three motors. Two for the sliding gates and one for the crossing bar.A unipolar stepper motor has two windings per phase, one for each direction of magnetic field. Since in this arrangement a magnetic pole can be reversed without switching the direction of current, the commutation circuit can be made very simple (eg. a single transistor) for each winding. Typically, given a phase, one end of each winding is made common: giving three leads per phase and six leads for a typical two phase motor. Often, these two-phase commons are internally joined, so the motor has only five leads.Phase shifting of the stepper motor:Fig. 7: Clockwise RotationFig. 8: Connection diagram of the motor with the interfacing circuitTable 1: Functional TableAfter the character recognition process, the text isstored. We do the same thing to all the reference imageplates one by one and store them in other textdocuments. When a car arrives at the garage gate, wecompare two texts, one stored immediately after the carhas approached and another, which was stored in thelibrary previously. Block diagram of this process isdepicted in Figure 9.After comparing the two texts in MATLAB, wedefined a variable, which will get logic 1, and we willrun a loop in the three motors to open the garage doorsand pulley using smart controlling features [18, 19].Fig. 9: Comparison of the license plate of an incoming vehicle toauthorize the entrance in the garageVI.Performance AnalysisWe have taken two pictures as a reference and storedin the library&Observation 1:When we bring a car having a number plate of CTG253, it senses the number and passes the car by openingthe gate. After it passes the second plate, the gates getclosed.The same result happens after we change the numberplate to DHK 253.Fig. 10: Gate opens after recognizing the number plateObservation 2:Now we bring a car having a number plate of CTG253It senses the number and glows a red light on the top of the cross barThe same result happens after we change the number plate to DHK617Fig. 11: Red light shows when the number plate is not recognizedVII. Features and ApplicationsThis is a very simple device to operate in any location with a cheaper cost. All the materials are available locally. As of the security purpose, it can be customized or modified to make the security level higher. As there is a weight sensor to activate the proceedings, the system does not work when only a license plate is shown to the camera. The system works even when the license plate is tilted a little bit. The practical application of the project is very wide. Some places where our project can be put to use, where specific cars are allowed to enter. For future work, we would like to improve recognition pattern in the physical dimension of the car. As such, the shape of the car can also be taken in the account for matching.LVDT and IR sensor can be used instead of weight sensors to feel the presence of a vehicle. Furthermore, the gate can be made shutter type rather sliding one. This will save space and will be more suitable for domestic purposes. In addition, this system can also be used to keep records for the entire housing area of days and months so that the security purpose gets full filled.VIII. ConclusionThe main aim of this project is to implement the LPR method to establish a secure garage system. Though we used gray-scale templates matching, hybrid method has a better performance in LPR. However, as the vehicle will have no motion during the snapshot. Thus, it is quite reliable. We can easily make a database of the cars that goes in and out in the garage. Furthermore, we can create a center alert system easily by using system. The pulley and the siding doors can be replaced by shuttle door that are used in personal garages. We can easily change the language of the LPR by just changing templates set. Alternatively, can use more than one language by just adding more language templates set in the templates archive. Considering our limitations, the purpose to design and analysis of an automated secure garage system with LPR can contribute in local garage system with affordable price and adjustable features. It can also contain a social security value.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Prof. Anil Kanti Dhar for his esteemed supervision. Also, express gratitude to the stuffs of CUET Workshop to assists in building the prototype. References[1] S. 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Currnetly he is workingin Robi A xiata Limited as an systemspecialist. Previously he has workedfor Ericsson Bangladesh. His fieldof interest is frequency and radio planning and resource allocation in heterogeneous network.Mohammad Mahbubur Rahmanhad completed his BSc is inElectrical and ElectronicEngineering from CUET,Bangladesh in 2010. He has beenworking as a Research assi stant atthe Department of ElectricalEngineering in University of Malaya, Malaysia since 2012. He also worked in Ericsson Bangladesh Ltd. His research interest includes OFDM, Electronic Communication, and Optical Fiber.How to cite this paper:Afaz Uddin Ahmed , Taufiq Mahmud Masum , Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman,"Design of an Automated Secure Garage System Using License Plate Recognition Technique", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications(IJISA), vol.6, no.2, pp.22-28, 2014.DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2014.02.03。
基于Labview Vision的车牌识别方案的研究

科菽.傕济•市杨技术平台基于Labview Vision的车牌识别方案的研究管宇(南京交通职业技术学院电子信息工程学院,江苏南京211188)摘要:随着智能交通业的发展和5G时代车联网的普及,对车辆车牌的识别显得尤为重要。
采用Labview Vision软件和PC机对车牌识别方案进行了研究,自行设计了车牌识别的虚拟仪器,并验证了方案的可行性。
本文提出了一种基于Labview Vision的车牌识别方案,自行开发了车牌识别虚拟仪器。
1开发环境与函数库Labview Vision软件中有视觉助手,方便辅助进行样本文本的建立和图片处理。
电子教案《基于LabVIEW的应用程序设计》(李晴 钱声强)ppt KC10122002-c01-简易停车场管理系统硬件设计

停车场 管理
• 波特率19200bps,8位数据位,1位起始位,1位停止位,无校验。 • 命令帧格式:
• //(第一字节10代表帧头) • //(第二字节代表机器地址) • //(第三字节发送时是命令;返回时是数据长度)
停车场 管理
• 读机器地址(GetMacNo)
发送命令: 10 FF
46 61 69 6C (‘Fail’)
With UID
发送命令: 10 FF 72 (‘r’) UID (8byte)
正确返回: 10 FF 05
加锁状态 (1byte)
错误返回: 10 FF 04
46 61 69 6C (‘Fail’)
block number (1byte) BlockData (4byte)
停车场 管理
• 读取一个Block (Read a block) Without UID
发送命令: 10 FF 正确返回: 10 FF 错误返回: 10 FF
52 (‘R’) block number (1byte)
加锁状态 (1byte) BlockData (4byte)
Without UID
发送命令: 10 FF 4C (‘L’) block number (1byte)
正确返回: 10 FF 04
44 6F 6E 65 (‘Done’)
错误返回: 10 FF 04
46 61 69 6C (‘Fail’)
With UID
发送命令: 10 FF 正确返回: 10 FF 错误返回: 10 FF
6C (‘l’) 04 04

基于LabVIEW图像法车牌智能识别系统王党树;王新霞【摘要】车辆牌照自动识别是实现交通管理智能化的重要环节,设计中利用图像采集卡对经过的车辆车牌进行图像采集并传送至计算机,采用美国NI公司LabVIEW 软件,实现图像预处理、图像去噪以及图像增强等功能;然后根据车牌颜色特征对其准确定位,采用阈值法分割车牌字符;最后由OCR函数来识别字符,识别结果保存至相应数据中,可以进行相应的违章、违规智能交通管理,经实验该系统成功实现车牌识别识别率达99%.【期刊名称】《计算机测量与控制》【年(卷),期】2015(023)008【总页数】4页(P2871-2874)【关键词】车牌识别;LabVIEW;视觉开发模块【作者】王党树;王新霞【作者单位】西安科技大学电气与控制工程学院,西安710054;西安科技大学理学院,西安710054【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM206智能化交通系统(intelligent transportation system,ITS)是一种准确、高效并且实时性很强的交通运输管理系统,该系统的搭建需要综合运用通讯、信息、控制、传感、计算机等各个方面的技术[1]。
其中汽车牌照识别技术[2](license plate recognition system,IPRS)是智能交通系统研究较为重要的领域,也是当今社会的热门研究课题,其主要的应用场所有:停车场、公路自动收费站、居民小区等。

本科生毕业设计(论文)车牌识别系统设计与实现Design and Implementation of License Plate Recognition System总计:30页表格:1个插图:19幅南阳理工学院本科毕业设计(论文)车牌识别系统设计与实现Design and Implementation of License Plate Recognition System学院:电子与电气工程学院专业:电气工程及其自动化学生姓名:学号:指导教师(职称):评阅教师:完成日期:南阳理工学院Nanyang Institute of Technology毕业论文(设计)原创性声明本人所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是我在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。

预处理流程为:先选取一张图片,然后进行读取操作, 重新定义图像大小然后进行灰度化,提取绿色分量,然后 输出到下一帧。这一步骤可以大幅度地改进和完善车辆图 像,尤其是车牌区域的图像清晰度,能够更好的识别图像 。 灰度化:彩色图像包含着大量的颜色信息,不但在存储 上开销很大,而且在 处理上也会降低系统的执行速度。由 预处理流程为:先选取一张图片,然后进行读取操作,重新定义图像大小 然后进行灰度化,提取绿色分量,然后输出到下一帧。这一步骤可以大幅 于图 像的每 个 象素都具有三个 不同的颜 色分t,存在许 多 度地改进和完善车辆图像,尤其是车牌区域的图像清晰度,能够更好的识 与识别无关 的信息,不便于进一步的识别工作,因此在对 别图像。 图像进行识别等处理中 经常将彩色图像转变为灰度 图像,以加快处理速度。
目前用于车牌字符识别(OCR)中的算法主要有:基于模 板匹配的OCR算法和基于人工神经网络的OCR算法。 基于模板匹配的OCR的基本过程是:首先对待识别字符进 行二值化并将其尺寸大小缩放为字符数据库中模板的大小 , 然后与所有的模板进行匹配,最后选最佳匹配作为结果 用人工神经网络OCR进行字符识别主要有两种方法: 一种 方法是先对待识别字符进行特征提取, 然后用所获得的特 征来训练神经网络分类器;另一种方法则充分利用神经网 络的特点, 直接把待处理图像输入网络,由网络自动实现 特征提取直至识别。 模板匹配的主要特点是实现简单,当字符较规整时对字符 图像的缺损、污迹干扰适应力强且识别率相当高,是车牌 字符识别的主要方法。

如右图图GUI所示,系统 界面主要分为四大部分。 最左为所选车牌原图像, 右上为车牌定位后的图像, 右中为车牌分割后的车牌 图像,右下为系统识别的 车牌号码。
1. 识别率
预处理流程为:先选取一张图片,然后进行读取操作, 重新定义图像大小然后进行灰度化,提取绿色分量,然后 输出到下一帧。这一步骤可以大幅度地改进和完善车辆图 像,尤其是车牌区域的图像清晰度,能够更好的识别图像 。 灰度化:彩色图像包含着大量的颜色信息,不但在存储 上开销很大,而且在 处理上也会降低系统的执行速度。由 预处理流程为:先选取一张图片,然后进行读取操作,重新定义图像大小 然后进行灰度化,提取绿色分量,然后输出到下一帧。这一步骤可以大幅 于图 像的每 个 象素都具有三个 不同的颜 色分t,存在许 多 度地改进和完善车辆图像,尤其是车牌区域的图像清晰度,能够更好的识 与识别无关 的信息,不便于进一步的识别工作,因此在对 别图像。 图像进行识别等处理中 经常将彩色图像转变为灰度 图像,以加快处理速度。
图像经过二值化后,就可以进行车牌定位。通过对比原始 图片,我们可以发现二值化后的图像已经很接近正确的车 牌位置了,因此后期处理将通过这张图来找出车牌位置。 LabVIEW集成了大量图形界面的模板,自身功能强大,在 测试与测量、过程控制与处理、科学研究和分析等方面有 广泛的应用。但是,在实际应用中,对于一些需要进行大量数 据运算处理的复杂应用,LabVIEW并不能很好的满足系统 对运算速度等方面的要求。 Matlab是一种功能强、效率高、简单易学的数学软件,有 可靠的数值计算和符号计算功能、强大的绘图功能、简单 易学的语言体系以及为数众多的应用工具。用LabVIEW 与Matlab之间的混合编程,在功能上互补,具有实用价值。

长宽比为 3.14。设 粒 子 的 长 宽 之 比 为 F,则 F∈ 候,图像的处理效果较好。
[2.5,4],利 用 F值 将 车 牌 提 取 出 来。 同 时 将 图
c. 在 经 过 上 述 的 处 理 后 ,当 图 片 拍 摄 的 效 果
不 是 很 好 时,用 LabVIEW 工 具 包 中 的 IMAQ
图 1 车牌识别系统处理过程 2 车 牌 定 位 算 法 验 证
车牌定位是指根据车牌的特征来对车牌的位 置进行有效的定位。车牌定位的准确性直接影响 到后续的处理过程。由于车牌最明显的特征是车 牌的颜色,所 以 基 于 颜 色 的 定 位 是 最 简 单 的。 在 NIVisionDevelopmentModule中,有 RGB、HSV、 HSB及 HSI等色彩 空 间。 由 于 HSI空 间 中 色 调、 饱和度和灰度三 者 互 相 独 立,而 RGB空 间 由 于 3 个分量之间相 互 联 系,其 中 任 何 一 个 的 改 变 都 会 导致 另 外 两 个 需 要 跟 着 改 变,所 以 采 用 HSI作 为 提取车 牌 的 颜 色 空 间。 RGB颜 色 空 间 转 到 HSI
随 着 汽 车 年 销 售 量 的 快 速 增 长,智 能 交 通 系 统显现出越来越重要的作 用。车 牌 识 别 系 统 (Li censePlateRecognition,LPR)作 为 智 能 交 通 系 统 的首个环节,广 泛 应 用 于 封 闭 小 区 车 辆 出 入 的 管 理、高速公路车 辆 实 时 监 控 及 智 能 化 停 车 库 等 方 面 。 [1]
a.将含有车牌的图片从 RGB颜色空间转到
当对车牌进行 完 定 位 之 后,为 了 提 高 车 牌 识

1.采用DSP结构,设备稳定性高 2.极强的抗环境干扰能力, 3.相对于应用系统的独立性
稳定性 抗干扰性 识别器特点
1.采用视频检测技术,无需破路 埋线圈,施工方便 2.具有远程维护、升级的功能
施工 维护
1. 10/100M网络口的高带宽输 出口,能够适应大车流的识 别结果的输出 2.开放底层协议,支持快速的 二次开发和集成
1.3 与同类产品比较
OCR/字型拓扑结构识别算法,对车牌不清晰的识别率很低 地感线圈触发,容易出现多次触发、不触发、触发错误等故 障 只有RS-232串口方式,传输速度慢,误码率高、安全性差
采用了专用的DSP处理芯片作为运算核心,独立于计算机 软件识别的车牌识别系统,在系统工作时,容易受到其它程 识别速度和 系统,避免了软件识别时其它程序运行占内存等的干扰, 序和计算机系统本身稳定性的干扰,影响车牌识别速度和识 提高了运算速度,并且不受计算机系统稳定性的干扰,因 准确率 别率 而很大程度上提高了车牌的识别速度和识别准确率 对相似字符 识别能力 如0、D、Q、O;B、8识别正确率几乎为100% 如0、D、Q、O;B、8很容易识别错误
可靠性、稳 高速 DSP 嵌入式硬件平台和专用的操作系统内核,以此作 为算法的硬件基础,同时核心函数采用手工汇编,非常适 定性 宜于户外全天侯运行,具有极高的系统稳定性和环境适应 性 对车辆速度 速度达到时,整牌识别率仍然不低于93%
采用软件方式识别车牌号码的传统结构显然占用CPU资源和 内存,特别是同时识别多路车道车牌号码,因计算机大量的 运算极易造成死机、系统不稳定甚至系统崩溃等情况的发生 速度高于一定值时,识别率急剧下降

基于LabVIEW的车位管理系统实训设计方案李福新;白勇民;李灵【摘要】本文基于NI-cRIPO 9025可编程控制器,通过反射式红外光电传感器和触发按钮模拟停车场车辆的出入和泊位信息,利用LabVIEW可视化程序对整个过程进行数据采集和状态监控.整体设计简洁明了,可作为传感器和电子技术课程的综合实验实训项目应用于高职专业课程的实践教学.%In this paper,NI-cRIPO 9025.Programmable controller based on,through the reflection type infrared photoelectric sensor and a trigger button simulation parking field vehicle access and parking information using LabVIEW which is a visual program data acquisition and monitoring of the entire process. The whole design is concise and clear,and it can be applied to the practical teaching of the comprehensive experiment and training project of the sensor and the electronic technology course.【期刊名称】《电子测试》【年(卷),期】2016(000)006【总页数】2页(P9-10)【关键词】智能停车场;LabVIEW;可编程控制器;红外传感器【作者】李福新;白勇民;李灵【作者单位】天津中德应用技术大学,天津,300350;天津中德应用技术大学,天津,300350;天津中德应用技术大学,天津,300350【正文语种】中文随着城市车辆保有量的不断增大,停车问题日益突出,无论是公共场所停车场还是小区停车泊位越来越紧张。

计算机测量与控制!"#""!$#!%""!!"#$%&'()'*+%('#',&-!",&(".!!#"#$!#收稿日期 "#""#*"'$!修回日期 "#""#-"*%基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目!(%*'$"%("$陕西省自然科学基础研究计划资助项目!"#"#,Y+*)&"$陕西省重点研发计划项目!"#"%>a+#(("%作者简介 袁子阳!%&&("&男&陕西西安人&硕士研究生&主要从事智能优化方向的研究%熊福力!%&'*"&男&黑龙江肇东人&博士&副教授&硕士生导师&主要从事人工智能与系统优化方向的研究%引用格式 袁子阳&熊福力!基于单片机与D?U b0^<的自动泊车系统设计与实现(,)!计算机测量与控制&"#""&$#!%""*"#$"%#!文章编号 %('%*-&) "#"" %"#"#$#)!!./0 %#!%(-"( 1!2345!%%6*'(" 78!"#""!%"!#$%!!中图分类号 9:"'$!!文献标识码 ;基于单片机与=*?L H R T的自动泊车系统设计与实现袁子阳 熊福力!西安建筑科技大学信息与控制工程学院&西安!'%##--"摘要 为解决狭小空间内的停车问题&采用与实际车辆运动规律类似的汽车模型作为研究对象&设计了一种基于F9R)&R-"单片机与D?U b0^<的自动泊车系统$依据车身大小以及车辆运动规律计算满足泊车条件的最小区域$通过]R<D+%(#%超声波传感器以及霍尔编码器测量车辆与侧方障碍物的距离以及车辆行驶距离&从而搜索满足泊车条件的车位$利用舵机控制车辆前轮转向并通过直流减速电机提供后轮驱动&通过预先设定的程序指令控制车辆完成自动泊车入位$车辆行驶数据经无线<0\0模块发送至上位机&并利用D?U b0^<软件实现车位轮廓'倒车轨迹以及车速实时显示$实验结果表明&该系统可搜索到符合条件的停车区域&并完成车辆的自动泊车入位&具有较强的稳定性和可靠性%关键词 自动泊车$F9R)&R-"单片机$]R<D+%(#%超声波传感器$D?U b0^<<'+16,*,5H#$.'#',&*&1","3>%&"#*&18P*(91,6I@+&'#;*+'5",I1,6.'!:1$)18("8"#$%&'(*,5=*?L H R Ta O;=A5M?3@&c0/=>\S G5!F2B C C G C H03H C I J?75C3g R C37I C G^3@53K K I53@&c5f?3O35P K I Q57M C H;I2B57K27S I K?3L9K2B3C G C@M&c5f?3!'%##--&R B53?">?+&(*8&*03C I L K I7C Q C G P K7B K8I C U G K JC H8?I453@53?3?I I C TQ8?2K&7B K2?IJ C L K G7B?75Q Q5J5G?I7C7B K?27S?G P K B52G KJ C P K J K37 G?T5Q7?4K3?Q7B K I K Q K?I2BC U1K27&?3L?3?S7C J?7528?I453@Q M Q7K JU?Q K L C3F9R)&R-"Q53@G K2B58J52I C2C J8S7K I?3LD?U b0^<5Q L K Q5@3K L!;22C I L53@7C7B K Q5W K C H2?I U C L M?3L7B K G?TC H P K B52G KJ C P K J K37&7B KJ535J S J?I K?5Q2?G2S G?7K L7CJ K K77B K8?I453@2C3+ L575C3Q!]R<D+%(#%S G7I?Q C352Q K3Q C I Q?3LE?G G K32C L K I?I KS Q K L7CJ K?Q S I K7B K L5Q7?32KU K7T K K37B K P K B52G K?3L7B K Q5L KC U Q7?2G K Q QT K G G?Q7B K L I5P53@L5Q7?32K C H7B K P K B52G K&Q C7B K8?I453@Q8?2K5Q Q K?I2B K L7CJ K K77B K Q5W K C H7B K8?I453@?I K?!9B K Q7K K I53@@K?I 5Q S Q K L7C2C37I C G7B K H I C37T B K K G Q7K K I53@C H P K B52G K?3L7B K I K?IT B K K G L I5P K5Q8I C P5L K LU M7B K L5I K272S I I K37!.R"I K L S275C3J C7C I!9B K?S7C J?7528?I453@5Q2C J8G K7K LU M7B K8I K+Q K78I C@I?J53Q7I S275C3!9B K P K B52G K L I5P53@L?7?5Q Q K377C7B K7C82C J8S7K I7B I C S@B 7B KT5I K G K Q Q<0\0J C L S G K&?3L7B KD?U b0^<Q C H7T?I K5Q S Q K L7C I K?G5W K7B K I K?G+75J K L5Q8G?M Q C H8?I453@2C37C S I&I K P K I Q53@7I?24?3L Q8K K LC H P K B52G K!9B KK V8K I5J K37?G I K Q S G7QQ B C T7B?77B KQ M Q7K J2?3Q K?I2B7B K`S?G5H5K L8?I453@?I K??3L2C J8G K7K7B K?S7C J?752 8?I453@&T B52BB?Q7B K Q7I C3@Q7?U5G57M?3L I K G5?U5G57M!4'@2"(5+*?S7C J?7528?I453@$F9R)&R-"Q53@G K2B582C J8S7K I$]R<D+%(#%S G7I?Q C352Q K3Q C I$D?U b0^<A!引言在我国交通事业逐渐兴起的背景下&人们对汽车的功能需求逐渐提高&如何促进自动泊车系统的高效发展&促进其向智能化方向进行推进&变得尤为重要(%)%一方面&由于我国基础设施建设水平与汽车数量增长速度之间不匹配&汽车数量的爆炸性增长使得公路'街道'停车场变得拥挤不堪$另一方面&越来越多的新手司机上路&加剧了这一状况&增加了交通事故发生的概率(")%复杂的停车环境和狭小的停车泊位&为新手驾驶员的安全停车带来了困扰&增加了停车过程中的风险&而自动泊车系统在汽车中的实际应用很好地解决了这一难题($)%自动泊车系统是一种通过探测车辆周围环境信息来找到合适的泊车位&从而控制车辆的转向'速度&使得车辆能够自主驶入泊车位的系统%相比于人工泊车事故率高'传统倒车雷达智能度低&自动泊车系统提高了车辆的智能化水平和安全性&进一步降低了新手司机驾驶车辆的难度&也为将来实现车辆的自动驾驶打下基础(*)%国外汽车行业发展早&技术成熟&对自动泊车的研究开展的较早(-)%R?5等人(()提出了一种在狭窄垂直停车位中停车的路径规划方法&根据环境感知空间和停车位大小%F B??U?3等人(')使用灰度图像识别停车位&通过实时监控停!投稿网址 T T T!1Q12G M4W!2C JCopyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.!!计算机测量与控制!第$#""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""卷#"#*!#车位是否可用从而引导司机将车停入车位%E C 3@U C 等人())提出了一种基于轨迹规划的自动泊车方案&对车辆的力学模型进行分析&建立车辆转向模型和泊车模型%:K 7I C P 等人(&)为实现对车辆转向的快速控制&提出了两种饱和控制&能够实现在不同大小的车位泊车操作%许多外国车企&如大众'福特和别克等多种车型都纷纷搭配了自动泊车系统&且技术愈发成熟(%#)%在国内&朱鹏飞等人(%%)提出了一种基于多传感器融合的自动泊车框架&运用:I K F 2?3和Y ?7G ?U 3F 5J S G 534联合仿真&对建立的虚拟场景进行车位检测从而实现自动泊车%邢玲玲等人(%")通过程序控制硬件模块对周围环境信息的采集'计算&模拟出泊车路线&最终实现了自动泊车控制系统%叶林铨等人(%$)结合了车辆运动学和避障的约束&建立最优控制模型&采用了伪谱法来解决泊车过程中时间最优的控制问题%李红等人(%*)以汽车的运动学模型为基础&研究了自动泊车的自适应控制&提出以实时坐标作为车身航向角补偿的目标%在Y ?7G ?U 下进行了仿真实验&证明了其可行性%学者对自动泊车系统的设计展开了较多研究&但大多数研究都基于仿真实验&且与实际车辆泊车过程存在一定偏差&因此本文设计了一种基于单片机与D ?U b 0^<的自动泊车系统%采用与实际车辆运动规律类似的汽车模型作为研究对象&利用超声波传感器以及霍尔编码器测量泊车区域大小信息&依据车辆大小以及车辆运动规模搜索符合泊车条件的车位&通过预先设定的程序指令控制车辆自动泊车入位&并将车辆状态信息通过<0\0传输至上位机&通过上位机界面对泊车过程进行实时显示&确保车辆在安全的前提下完成整个自动泊车过程%B !自动泊车系统方案自动泊车系统结构如图%所示%系统由两大部分组成&即下位机!汽车模型"部分和上位机!:R 机"部分&两部分之间采用<0\0进行无线通信%下位机部分主要包括一些控制模块如电机驱动模块'舵机驱动模块&同时还包括数据采集模块如超声波测距模块'红外避障模块以及测速模块%此外还包括与上位机之间进行数据传输的无线<0\0通信模块%上位机部分主要包括:R 机&通过D ?U b 0^<对下位机传输过来的数据进行处理计算从而实现车位轮廓显示'倒车轨迹绘制'障碍物报警以及车速实时显示功能%图%!自动泊车系统结构框图C !系统硬件结构设计C D B !硬件总体方案设计本系统所采用的四轮汽车模型如图"所示%通过舵机控制车辆前轮转向&利用直流减速电机提供后轮驱动&同时电机自带霍尔编码器&可以用来测量车辆行驶距离以及车速%车辆侧面安装的超声波传感器用来测量车辆与侧方障碍物之间的距离&红外传感器用来避免车辆与前后方物体发生碰撞&无线<0\0模块用来发送或接收数据%图"!汽车模型C D C !硬件电路设计"["[%!硬件选型及总体电路设计本系统采用F 9R )&R -"单片机(%-)作为汽车模型的主控芯片&其具有性价比高'体积小'控制能力强'低功耗以及易扩展等优点%超声波传感器采用]R <D +%(#%&其测量周期为-#J Q &相较于E R +F ]#*更短&同时对于棉质及不规则物体的测量精度也优于E R +F ]#*(%()%由于超声波传感器在测距的过程中需要关闭单片机中的系统中断&以减小测量结果与实际距离之间的误差%而在利用霍尔编码器测量车辆行驶距离时&需要利用单片机的外部中断&若关闭中断&则会丢失关闭中断期间霍尔编码器所产生的脉冲信号&从而导致测量结果产生较大误差&进而影响到自动泊车过程%针对该问题&本系统所采用的解决方案为*使用第二个单片机作为从单片机&专门测量霍尔编码器所产生的外部中断信号&并将数据通过%'根信号线发送至主单片机%电机选择-"#编码器直流减速电机&其具有寿命长&动力强劲&力矩大等优点(%')%同时电机自带;Z 双向霍尔编码器&电机每转动一圈&编码器输出$&#个脉冲&方便测量车速与车辆行驶距离%舵机所采用的型号为Y >&&-&其工作扭矩为%$4@32J &最大转动角度为%)#j &可以实现汽车前轮的转向%无线<0\0通信模块采用^F :)"((&其具有串口透传功能&传输可靠性好&最大传输速率为*(#)##U 8Q %红外检测模块通过红外线的发射与接收来检测障碍物&其测量距离为"!$#2J &可通过电位器旋钮进行调节%系统总体硬件电路设计如图$所示%"["["!电机驱动模块电路设计本系统所采用的电机为-"#编码器减速电机&其额定电压为%"b &因此电源使用%"b 充电电池组&电机驱动模!投稿网址 T T T!1Q 12G M4W !2C J Copyright ©博看网. 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All Rights Reserved.!!计算机测量与控制!第$#""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""卷#"#(!#E !系统软件结构设计E D B !软件总体设计系统软件总体流程如图*所示&首先单片机上电后系统初始化%初始化完成之后电脑端连接系统中<0\0模块所发出的<0\0信号&连接成功之后运行上位机程序&与下位机建立连接%当上位机向下位机发送自动泊车命令后&车辆开始执行自动泊车过程&同时每隔一段时间发送车速数据至上位机进行显示%自动泊车过程开始时首先需要搜索合适的停车区域即车位&当搜索到合适的车位之后&系统开始控制车辆自动泊车入位&与此同时发送车位大小数据!长和宽"并每隔一段时间发送车辆相对车位的位置数据&上位机通过计算实时绘制车辆运动轨迹%在自动泊车过程中若车辆前后方有障碍物距离过近&则车辆停止并将提示信息发送至上位机&待障碍物消失后继续完成自动泊车过程%图*!系统软件总体流程图E D C !数据采集$["[%!超声波传感器测距超声波测距的原理是利用超声波在空气中的传播速度为已知&测量声波在发射后遇到障碍物反射回来的时间&根据发射和接收的时间差计算出发射点到障碍物的实际距离(%&)%]R <D +%(#%超声波传感器工作原理如下*%"给引脚9I 5@输入一个长为%#!"#'Q 的高电平方波$""引脚^2B C 端的电平会由#变为%&此时启动定时器计时$$"当超声波返回被模块接收到时&回波引脚端的电平会由%变为#$此时停止定时器计数&定时器记下的这个时间即为超声波由发射到返回的总时长&结果除以"即超声波单程传播时间$*"根据声音传播速度为$*#J 3Q &即可计算出所测的距离%$["["!车辆行驶距离及车速测量本系统所采用的直流减速电机自带霍尔编码器&电机每转动一圈&编码器输出$&#个脉冲%当需要测量车辆水平位移距离时&主单片机将与从单片机所连接的一根数据线先置为低电平&以便重新开始测量%之后延迟"J Q 作为从单片机反应时间%接着再将数据线置为高电平&再延迟"J Q&此时便可以计算车辆水平位移距离%当从单片机检测到高电平&便将外部中断计数器清零&然后重新开始计数外部中断&车辆位移距离等于外部中断数除以$&#再乘以车轮的周长&从单片机将位移距离值通过)位信号线实时发送至主单片机%E D E !数据发送与接收系统初始化完成并与上位机建立连接之后&主单片机每隔%##J Q 向上位机发送一次数据&包括车速'泊车时车辆状态'搜索的车位大小以及其他相关信息&之后上位机向单片机返回一个字节的数据&具体过程如下*第一步&单片机向上位机发送数据%在单片机通过<0\0向电脑发送数据之前&每次需要发送一条;9指令即*-;9_R 0:F ^=.d #&%"B I B 3.&%"表示一次性发送的字节数&接着再发送真正有用的数据$第二步&上位机接收并处理数据%上位机接收的是字符串&通过D ?U b 0^<中的字符串转无符号字节数组b 0将其转换为数组&并通过数组索引b 0&将每个数据索引出来再进行相应处理$第三步&上位机向单片机发送数据%当上位机接收到单片机发送来的数据并进行相应处理之后&上位机向单片机发送一个字节的数据&不同的值代表了上位机向单片机发送的不同命令$第四步&单片机接收上位机发送来的数据%由于单片机通过<0\0接收到的数据格式为*-_0:.&#&%*#.&其中#代表客户的索引&%代表收到数据的字节数&而冒号后才是收到的有效数据&因此需要对其有效数据进行提取%通过以上*步便完成了单片机!下位机"与上位机之间一次完整的相互通信%E D F !自动泊车过程设计$[*[%!最小泊车区域分析如图-!?"所示&当车辆从;点开始拐弯并倒车&其右后车轮运动轨迹为半径为:的圆的一部分&圆心在后轮车轴延长线上%前轮转弯幅度越大&转弯半径:就越小%当车辆到达Z 点时&运动轨迹为圆的四分之一&此时车身恰好与初始位置车身垂直%最小泊车区域是指满足自动泊车所需的最小区域&只有存在此区域&才能完成自动泊车过程%其大小与车辆大小以及车辆最小转弯半径有关%如图-!U"所示&当汽车从U 处开始进行自动泊车时&图中灰色区域!将其分为F %和F "两个区域"为满足停车条件的最小泊车区域&只有存在大于等于该区域面积且形状类似的区域才能完成自动泊车过程%为方便研究&依据图(定义最小泊车区域相关参数如表*%!投稿网址 T T T!1Q 12G M4W !2C J Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.第%"期袁子阳&等*基于单片机与D ?U b 0^<""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""的自动泊车系统设计与实现#"#'!#图-!?"车辆倒车轨迹图-!U"车辆泊车轨迹图(!最小泊车区域参数分析表*!最小泊车区域相关参数"汽车右侧与车库底部的最小距离S 车库最小宽度!若实际车库宽比S 大&则停车原则为靠左停"O 汽车右侧与车库边缘的最小距离N 汽车后侧与车库左侧应保持的水平距离G 汽车内轮的最小转弯圆周的四分之一E 车位长度B车辆在停入车位后与两侧物体需保持的安全距离最小泊车区域相关参数与汽车本身的属性有关&对于同一辆车&这些参数固定不变%本设计所采用的汽车模型与实际车辆运动规律类似&经过测量&车长R 为"%2J &车宽为^为%)2J &最小转弯半径:为"*2J &安全距离设定B 为-2J &因此其最小泊车区域各参数计算如下!单位*2J "*"+R ,:,B +"%,"*,-+-#S +^,B ,B +%),-,-+")O +:+"*N +:,^,B +"*,%),-+*'G +"H .H :3*+"H $Y %*H "*a *+$'E +R ,B +"%,-+"(以上是理论计算结果&但部分参数与实际情况有所偏差&例如汽车后轮与汽车后边沿还有一定距离&汽车车轮中心与汽车两侧边缘也有一定距离&因此需要通过多次试验对最小泊车区域相关参数进行修正%经过反复实验&最终参数O 修正为%-&参数"修正为*-&参数N 修正为$#%$[*["!泊车区域测量与判断当上位机发送自动泊车命令后&将有关自动泊车的变量进行初始化&随后开始进行自动泊车%首先需要搜索符合条件的停车位%将实际泊车区域分为两个区域F %和F "依次进行测量和判断&当两个区域的大小都满足时&才能进行下一步的倒车入库操作&否则需要重新搜索满足条件的车位%首先测量并判断第一个区域F %&超声波模块安装在车辆右侧&当开始执行自动泊车过程时&车辆开始前进&在单片机中每隔(#J Q 测量一次车辆右侧与右方障碍物的距离%当超声波测量的距离大于"&即汽车右侧与车库底部应保持的最小距离时&表明到达了车位边缘&此时开始记录车辆水平位移&并且实时判断超声波测量距离是否大于"且车辆水平位移小于S %当其中一个值不满足条件时&即超声波测量距离小于"或汽车水平位移大于S &此时判断超声波测量距离是否大于"并且汽车水平位移大于S &即F %区域是否满足要求&若满足要求则进行下一步测量与判断&否则重新测量下一个车位的第一个边缘%当第一个区域F %满足时&同理&进行下一个区域F "的测量与判断%此时实时判断超声波测量距离是否大于O 并且车辆水平位移小于N &当其中一个值超出设定值时&即当超声波测量距离小于O 或汽车水平位移大于N &此时判断超声波测量距离是否大于O 并且汽车水平位移大于N &若成立&则表明区域F "满足要求&此时便完成了车库测量与判断&并且车辆已行驶到设定位置并准备下一步的倒车入库%否则重新开始测量并判断区域F %与F "&其流程如图'所示%图'!泊车区域测量与判断$[*[$!泊车入位当搜索到符合条件的停车区域时&车辆已行驶到指定位!投稿网址 T T T!1Q 12G M4W !2C J Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.!!计算机测量与控制!第$#""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""卷#"#)!#置&接下来便执行泊车入位%首先打开继电器&然后前轮转动相应角度&开始倒车%与此同时开始记录车辆右后轮转弯弧长%当其长度为G 时停车&接着前轮回正并开始向后倒车&倒车距离为E X B %至此&便完成了自动泊车过程%$[*[*!障碍物检测与响应车辆前后方的障碍物通过红外避障模块来检测&该模块测量速度快&测量结果实时性高&可以有效避免车辆与周围物体发生碰撞%当车辆前进时&若前方有障碍物过近时&车辆会自动停止&直到障碍物消失后继续完成自动泊车%同理&当车辆倒车时&若后方有障碍物过近时&车辆也会自动停止&直到障碍物消失后继续完成自动泊车%系统每"#J Q 检测一次车辆前后方的障碍物信息%E D G !车位及车辆倒车轨迹显示在搜索到满足最小泊车区域的停车位后&主单片机向电脑发送车位大小以及车辆与车位的距离&包括车位长和宽以及车辆与车位的水平距离与垂直距离%接着通过D ?U +b 0^<("#)图形控件显示车位与车辆&其效果如图)!?"所示%图)!?"中&矩形左上角为坐标起点!#&#"&向下为)轴正方向&向右为&轴正方向%设U 点的坐标为!&#&)#"&则@J A G D 五个点的绝对坐标计算如下!其中@J d N 6S _R 3""*@*!R 3"&)#6O "J *!R 3"_@J &)#6O "A *!R 3"_@J &)#6O 6E "G *!R 3"_@J _S &)#6O 6E "D *!R 3"_@J _S &)#6O "F *!R 3"_@J _S _@J &)#6O "完成车位显示接下来是车辆倒车过程的实时动态显示&其在D ?U b 0^<中的显示效果如图)!U"所示%通过图&车辆坐标计算示意图对0*9P 四个点的坐标进行分析计算%图)!车辆位置显示示意图图&!车辆坐标计算示意图在图&中&设U 点坐标为!&#&)#"&则*d (p !"m $[%*m :"m $(#&(为汽车右后轮转弯弧长&通过单片机实时发送给上位机&0*9P 四个点的&轴和)轴绝对坐标计算如下*0&+&#,:H Q53!*"-R H 2C Q !*"0)+)#-:,:H 2C Q !*",R H Q 53!*"*&+0&,^H Q 53!*"*)+0),^H 2C Q !*"9&+*&,R H 2C Q !*"9)+*)-R H Q 53!*"P &+9&-^H Q 53!*"P )+9)-^H 2C Q !*"将以上公式通过D ?U b 0^<进行编程&从而实现车辆位置坐标的实时计算&D ?U b 0^<车辆位置坐标计算程序如图%#所示%图%#!D ?U b 0^<车辆位置坐标计算程序在D ?U b 0^<中绘制车辆的同时还需要绘制车辆倒车轨迹&其效果如图%%!?"所示%图%%!?"中"%和""的绘制方式如下*图%%!倒车轨迹显示示意图根据D ?U b 0^<中绘制弧b 0的使用方法&对于"%的显示&需要计算图%%!U"中@点横坐标'J 点纵坐标'A 点横坐标以及G 点纵坐标%设G 点坐标为!&#&)#"&则@点横坐标为!:"&J 点纵坐标为!)#6"m :"&A 点横坐标为!&#_:"&G 点纵坐标为)#&且弧"%的起始角为&#j &大小为&#j &根据以上信息便可绘制出指定圆弧&同时还可以设置线条的颜色和类型等%弧""的绘制方法与"%相同&此处不再叙述%图%"为D ?U b 0^<总程序%F !实验结果按照系统硬件电路图对实物进行连接并调试&其目的是排除在接线的过程中可能发生的各种错误&确保硬件连接正确&确保每个接口都是正确可靠的("%)%接着与上位机进行联合测试&确保数据发送和接收正常并同步%系统硬!投稿网址 T T T!1Q 12G M4W !2C J Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。

关键词:识别率车牌定位二值化边缘检测AbstractThe subject of the automatic recognition of the most significant subiects that are improved from the connection of computer vision and pattren recognition .In LPSR ,the first step is for locating the license plate in the captured image which is very important for character recognition .The recognition correction rate of license plate is goverment by accurate degree of license plate location .The graduation project first in-depth study on the status of the license plate recognition systems and existing technology, on the basis of the study developed a matlab-based license plate recognition system, a variety of vehicles, image processing, through the preparation of the M-fileanalysis of the proposed license plate pretreatment, the positioning of the coarse license plate positioning Jing. The design is taken based on edge detection, start to extract the license plate characteristics after the vehicle image edge extraction, analysis and processing, which initially identified the license plate area, then use the prior knowledge and distribution characteristics of the license plate plate region binary image processing, resulting in a precise area of the license plate, and has made good positioning results.Key words: Recognition rate Location of the plate binary imageChecked up for the edge目录摘要 (1)前言 (4)第一章绪论 (5)1.1、课题研究背景和意义 (5)1.2、国内外研究概况及发展趋势 (6)1.3车牌定位的意义 (7)第二章MA TLAB简介 (8)2.1.MA TLAB发展历史 (8)2.2MA TLAB的语言特点 (9)第三章车牌定位 (11)3.1 车牌定位的主要方法 (11)3.1.1 基于直线检测的方法 (11)3.1.2 基于阈值化方法 (12)3.1.3 基于灰度边缘检测方法 (12)3.1.4 基于彩色图像的车牌定位方法 (13)3.2研究内容及实验方案 (14)3.2.1研究内容 (14)3.2.2 车牌识别系统研究的方案和方法 (14)3.3 图像的读取 (15)3.4 预处理及边缘提取 (17)3.4.1 图象的采集与转换 (17)3.4.2 图像预处理 (17)3.4.3 图像增强 (18)3.4.4灰度变换 (18)3.4.5 图象平滑的介绍 (20)3.4.6边缘检测 (21)3.4.7图像的腐蚀 (22)3.5 牌照的定位和分割 (23)3.5.1 牌照区域的定位和分割 (24)3.5.2 牌照区域的分割 (24)3.5.3车牌进一步处理 (24)3.6 图像边缘提取及二值化 (25)3.7 形态学滤波 (29)3.8 车牌提取 (31)第四章字符的分割与识别 (32)4.1 字符分割与归一化 (32)4.2 字符的识别 (33)总结和体会 (36)谢辞 (37)前言随着交通问题的日益严重,智能交通系统应运而生。

第7期2023年4月无线互联科技Wireless Internet TechnologyNo.7April,2023基金项目:2022年科研平台(江苏省商业智能应用工程技术研究开发中心)专项;项目名称:基于LabVIEW 和Vision Assistant 的车牌识别技术研究;项目编号:KJXJ22558㊂作者简介:许卫洪(1980 ),女,江苏常熟人,讲师,硕士;研究方向:电气自动化技术应用㊂基于LabVIEW 和Vision Assistant 的车牌识别系统设计许卫洪(无锡商业职业技术学院物联网与人工智能学院,江苏无锡214153)摘要:文章提出了一种基于LabVIEW 和Vision Assistant 的车牌识别方案㊂系统使用Vision Assistant 的颜色阈值㊁高级形态学及光学字符识别等函数,实现了对车牌图像的预处理和车牌区域定位以及车牌字符分割㊁字符训练和识别,使用LabVIEW 程序完成车牌的显示㊂使用数百张车牌图像对该系统进行验证,结果证实该方案是可行的,系统是可靠的,可以快速㊁准确定位和识别车牌㊂关键词:车牌识别;视觉助手;车牌定位;字符分割与识别中图分类号:TP391.41㊀㊀文献标志码:A0㊀引言㊀㊀随着我国经济的快速发展和汽车工业水平的不断提升,汽车的生产成本也大大降低㊂这两方面因素都刺激着我国汽车行业的快速发展以及汽车保有量的急速增长[1]㊂要对如此之多的车辆进行有效的管理,必须进行车辆身份的识别㊂车牌是车辆最明显且唯一的身份证㊂因此,设计一款高效的车牌识别系统有很高的应用价值㊂我国的车牌按照目的和用途分为小型汽车号牌㊁大型汽车号牌㊁新能源汽车号牌及其他类型共27类㊂本文针对已经采集到的蓝底小型汽车号牌图像,提出了一种基于LabVIEW 和Vision Assistant 的车牌识别方案㊂1㊀系统整体结构和软件选择㊀㊀车牌的识别过程主要包括获取车牌图像㊁图像预处理㊁车牌区域定位㊁车牌字符分割㊁车牌字符识别㊁车牌显示等,如图1所示[2]㊂图1㊀车牌识别过程车牌识别系统常用的开发软件包括OpenCV,Matlab,VC,LabVIEW 等[3],本系统选择采用LabVIEW,主要有3个原因:(1)LabVIEW 编程软件可以把计算机作为处理器,因而可以应用计算机强大的处理和存储功能,使采集的车牌图像可以存储在计算机中㊂(2)LabVIEW 属于图形化编程语言,编程效率高,内含多种函数,尤其是视觉与运动模块含有400多个可供直接调用的函数㊂(3)视觉助手VisionAssistant 功能强大,可以实现算法合理性和可靠性的快速验证,可以实现将编写完的程序转化为LabVIEW 的VI 程序,方便LabVIEW 调用㊂2㊀系统的设计与实现2.1㊀获取车牌图像㊀㊀因蓝底小型汽车号牌图像已经完成采集并存储到电脑中,系统在获取车牌图像时只需通过程序将图像读入即可,对应的程序框如图2所示㊂通过使用LabVIEW 中的创建图像IMAQ Creat㊁获取文件信息IMAQGetFileInfo 和读取文件IMAQ ReadFile 这3个函数,只需输入图像保存的文件路径,系统就可以读取车牌图像㊂图2㊀读取车牌图像程序2.2㊀车牌预处理与车牌定位㊀㊀由于读入的不同车牌图像的像素和大小很可能不一致,且在车牌图像中定位车牌时不需要对整个图像进行处理,因此系统只需要在读取的车牌图像中确定一个区域去进行分析即可㊂这个需要确定的区域即为兴趣区域ROI(Region of Interest)㊂在确定兴趣区域时,系统必须确保图像中的车牌号部位在该区域内㊂为实现此目的,系统需利用LabVIEW 的获取图像信息IMAQ GetImageInfo 函数来获得每个车牌图像信息,根据该信息确定ROI㊂确定ROI 后,系统还需利用视觉助手Vision Assistant 来完成车牌号码区域的定位,即系统通过使用Vision Assistant 的阈值化函数将图像中的高亮度区域和其他区域予以区分,使高亮度区域阈值化后的像素值为1,其他区域阈值化后的像素值为0,高亮度区域即为车牌号码的位置㊂为实现阈值化,本系统中采用了颜色阈值Color Threshold 函数,以使彩色图像转换成二值图像㊂颜色阈值函数能将彩色图像在4个颜色平面(RGB㊁HSL㊁HSV 和HSI)上应用阈值并且放置结果到一幅8位的图像中,实际上是1位的二值图像,图像中的值只有0和1㊂为了更好地获取车牌定位,系统需利用3种不同的颜色模型进行二值化㊂除了最为常见的RGB(红绿蓝)颜色模型[4],HSL(色调㊁饱和度㊁亮度)颜色模型是应用比较多的另一种颜色模型,该模型色调(色相)平面抽取的是彩色图像的色调[5]㊂另外,HSV 颜色模型(也称HSB 颜色模型)与HSL 颜色模型相近,区别在于HSV 颜色模型将HSL 的亮度平面换成了Value 值平面㊂HSI 颜色模型与HSL㊁HSV 颜色模型类似,区别在于HSI 颜色模型是Intensity 强度平面㊂本系统中,Vision Assistant 中的Color Threshold1函数利用了HSL 颜色模型,Color Threshold2函数利用了HSI 颜色模型,Color Threshold3函数利用了RGB 颜色模型㊂二值化后,系统再使用高级形态学Adv.Morphology 函数,获取车牌号码位置的图像㊂高级形态学函数通常是有条件的组合基本变换,如二值的腐蚀㊁膨胀㊁开闭运算㊁删除小目标㊁删除大目标㊁删除边界目标㊁填充孔洞㊁凸包㊁骨架㊁分割目标等㊂使用高级形态学操作可以填充粒子㊁去除接触边界的粒子㊁去除不必要的小的或大的粒子㊁分离接触的粒子㊁查找凸包的粒子,可以使用这些变换来准备粒子以用于定量分析㊁观察几何区域㊁提取最简单形式的建模㊁识别目标等㊂本系统使用颜色阈值Color Threshold 函数和高级形态学Adv.Morphology 函数的不同组合配合使用,对每一车牌均获取3个图像,如图3所示㊂Adv.Morphology1函数和Adv.Morphology2函数均采用凸包函数,可以计算每个粒子的凸出包络,可以有效地关闭粒子,以便于粒子测量,甚至当粒子轮廓不连续时也可以通过凸包后进行测量㊂当然,凸包函数也可以填充孔洞㊂图3㊀颜色阈值函数和高级形态学函数的配合使用Adv.Morphology3和Adv.Morphology4函数分别为凸包函数和删除小目标函数㊂删除小目标Remove small objects 函数,其作用就是将图像中的小的目标删除掉,使图像更简洁㊂小的目标的宝岛是通过腐蚀次数Iterations 来定义的,定义的腐蚀次数越大,则过滤删除的小目标面积也就越大㊂腐蚀次数Iterations 控制的是使用3ˑ3的掩模进行腐蚀的次数㊂通过增加腐蚀次数,函数可以删除更大的粒子㊂Adv.Morphology5和Adv.Morphology6函数分别为凸包函数和删除小目标函数㊂完成以上任务后,系统再运用运算函数Operators,将前面获得的3幅图像进行Add 运算,以使3幅图像合并为1幅图像,确保后续能提取到完整的车牌号码部分㊂为了获得较好的车牌图像,系统还需要对合并后的图像进行进一步处理㊂该过程主要分3个步骤进行㊂(1)使用2个高级形态学Adv.Morphology 函数,均为Remove Small Objects 删除小目标函数,把合并后的图像中的细小目标移除掉㊂(2)使用基本形态学Basic Morphology 函数再次二值化㊂基本形态学函数包括腐蚀目标Erode objects㊁膨胀目标Dilate objects㊁开目标Open objects㊁闭目标Close objects㊁Open㊁适当闭Proper Close㊁Gradient In 梯度内㊁Gradient Out 梯度外㊁Auto Median 自动中值㊁Thick 粗化㊁Thin 细化等㊂本系统采用了其中的Auto Median 自动中值函数,通过该函数联合使用开操作和闭操作㊂若I 是原始图像,则Auto Median 自动中值函数提取原始图像的适当开和适当闭的交集[6]㊂Auto Median(I)=AND(OCO(I),COC(I))或者Auto Median (I )=AND (DEEDDE (I ),EDDEED(I))其中I 是原始图像,E 是腐蚀,D 是膨胀,O 是开,C 是闭㊂(3)运用粒子过滤函数Particle Filter,过滤或保留图像中满足过滤条件中指定的粒子㊂因粒子过滤函数Particle Filter 是基于粒子测量函数Particle Measurements 的,因此进行粒子过滤时,系统必须先使用粒子测量函数Particle Measurements 测量出所有的粒子及其相差的数据(如面积㊁质心坐标㊁质心方向等),再根据用户指定的过滤条件,将满足条件的粒子过滤掉或者保留下来㊂粒子过滤函数Particle Filter 运行后,可以显示原始图像和现有图像的比对,如图4(a)和(b)所示㊂由图可见,车牌号码部分已经从读取的图像中分离出来了,车牌号码部分的图像显示为红色,其余部分为黑色,但车牌存在倾斜的角度,会影响后续对车牌的分割和识别㊂本系统使用高级直边函数Adv.Straight Edge 和卡尺函数Caliper 来测量该倾斜角度,并使用最大卡尺函数Max Clamp 分别测量水平和垂直方向的两条边之间的最大距离㊂完成以上步骤后,在LabVIEW 程序中,系统利用视觉助手中测得的车牌倾斜角度及水平与垂直的方向两条边的最大距离信息,使用IMAQ Convert Rectangle to ROI,IMAQ Extract Tetragon,IMAQ Rotate 函数,完成车牌的准确定位,如图4(c)所示㊂图4㊀车牌图片对比2.3㊀字符分割与识别㊀㊀从背景图像中分离每个字符或者说定位字符的过程通常称为字符分割㊂本系统利用视觉助手的光学字符识别OCR函数(Optical Character Recognition)来完成字符分割与字符的识别,最终从图像中读取字符与文本㊂该函数的使用需要区分训练和读取/验证字符两个阶段㊂2.3.1㊀OCR函数的训练㊀㊀OCR函数的训练过程如下:采集图像ң指定ROI ң从背景图像中分离每个字符ң提取每个字符的特征信息ң为每个分段的字符指定一个字符值ң每个字符类分配一个参考字符(可选)ң保存字符集为字符集文件㊂在训练字符前,系统必须设置OCR的参数,分割想要训练的字符㊂阈值(Thresholding)是分割过程中最重要的概念之一㊂基于像素的强度值,阈值可以将图像中的像素分割为前景和背景㊂OCR函数包含1个手动和3个自动计算阈值范围的方法:Uniform均衡㊁Linear线性㊁Non Linear非线性㊂本系统采用了均衡的方法,是一种通过OCR计算单一阈值的方法,并且使用得到的该阈值以部分到整体的方式从ROI中提取像素㊂分割字符的方法有两种,即自动分割和根据字符的大小进行分割㊂本系统选择根据字符的大小进行分割的方法㊂在分割的时候,需选择Size和Spacing 选项,设置Bounding Rect Width边界矩形宽度㊁Bounding Rect Height边界矩形高度㊁Character Size字符尺寸㊁Min Char Spacing最小字符间距㊁Max Element Spacing(X)最大元素间距(X方向)㊁Max Element Spacing(Y)最大元素间距(Y方向)㊁Min Space Distance最小字符间距等参数㊂㊀㊀对分割出来的字符,还需进行字符集的训练㊂这种训练方式方便且直观㊂训练字符的方式有3种: (1)练所有字符(Train All Character)不管ROI中的字符是否已经被识别,全部重新训练㊂(2)训练错误的字符(Train Incorrect Character)只训练ROI中未识别到的字符,已经识别到的字符则不训练㊂(3)训练单一的字符(Train Single Character)可以有针对性地对ROI中的某一个字符进行单独训练㊂系统将训练的结果以∗.abc的形式保存不同字符的特征向量㊂2.3.2㊀OCR函数的读取/验证㊀㊀OCR函数的读取/验证过程如下:打开OCR函数ң加载字符集文件ң采集图像ң指定ROIң从背景图像中分离每个字符ң与特征集比较特征ң返回识别的字符ң校验识别的字符㊂3 结语㊀㊀本文提出了基于LabVIEW和Vision Assistant的车牌识别方案㊂使用数百张车牌图像进行验证,系统能够对车牌进行有效的识别和显示,证实该方案是可行的,系统是可靠的,可以实现快速㊁准确定位和识别车牌的目标㊂参考文献[1]张孟军.基于LabVIEW的车牌识别系统研究[D].南宁:广西大学,2016.[2]朱克佳,郝庆华,李世勇,等.车牌识别综述[J].现代信息科技,2018(5):4-6.[3]覃传妹.基于LabVIEW的车牌识别小区智能门禁系统[D].南宁:广西大学,2019.[4]张杨梅.倒谱域彩色图像水印算法研究[D].西安:西安科技大学,2008.[5]章星晨,孙刘杰.基于Shearlet变换的Retinex去雾算法[J].计算机技术与发展,2019(1):40-46. [6]李德尧,李和平.基于LabVIEWVDM的锁螺丝机器人控制系统设计[J].机床与液压,2018(23): 61-64.(编辑㊀王永超)Design of license plate recognition system based on LabVIEW and Vision AssistantXu WeihongSchool of Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Wuxi College of Commerce and TechnologyWuxi214153 ChinaAbstract This paper presents a license plate recognition scheme based on LabVIEW and Vision Assistant.By using the functions of Vision Assistant such as color threshold advanced morphology and optical character recognition the system realizes the pre-processing of license plate image license plate area positioning license plate character segmentation character training and recognition and then uses the LabVIEW program to complete the license plate display.Hundreds of license plate images were used to verify the system.The results show that the scheme is feasible and the system is reliable which can quickly and accurately locate and recognize license plates.Key words license plate recognition Visual Assistant license plate location character segmentation and recognition。

关键词:LabVIEW;单片机;车牌识别;车辆引导1 基于LabVIEW识别提取车牌信息1.1LabVIEW编程理论基于LabVIEW的智能车库引导系统的第一步通过LabVIEW车牌识别,而车牌识别的图像是通过照相机进行拍摄的,照相机对于来往车辆进行拍摄,OCRTrainingInterface对字符进行训练,训练中经过阈值分割、指定感兴趣区域、调节字符间距,完成对单个字符的分割。
图1 车辆识别流程图1.2程序演示Step1:插好相机,链接好单片机,打开路径:OCRTEST文件夹下,找到MyTest.exe,双击打开。
图2 操作面板Step2 :选择debug模式还是MCU[2]模式,如果是MCU模式,还会跳出如下选择对话框,选择MCU链接COM口,程式自动发送help给MCU,如果超过20s 没有收到MCU返回的ok,程序就停止。
DEBUG模式无需连接MCU,所以不用选择MCU COM[3]。
Step3:MCU连接上以后跳出选择CCD COM对话框,选择所连接的ccd.(会有20秒的选择时间,超时停止)STEP4:待CCD和MCU都连上之后,CCD和MCU显示灯会亮绿色,如下图。
在原图显示框框选需要检测的区域(下图只是演示,实际上一次只会拍摄到一个车牌),点击start ,如果是MCU模式,程式就会一直等待MCU的拍照信号(MCU要检测时会发送paizhao/r/n。

本科毕业(设计)论文题目基于LABVIEW的车牌识别停车系统设计学院机械工程学院专业测控技术与仪器学生姓名学号年级2012指导教师职称2016年4 月25 日基于LABVIEW的车牌识别停车系统设计摘要:随着停车场的管理系统对网络化、智能化要求越来越高,传统的基于I C卡技术的停车场管理系统已经不再满足要求了。
本系统基于NI VISION视觉开发模块进行车牌识别算法设计,车牌识别算法主要由图像预处理、车牌区域的定位、车牌的识别三大部分组成。
关键词:LABVIEW 车牌识别停车场管理视觉助手LABSQLLicense plate recognition and Parking management systembased on graphics designSpecialty:The measurement and control technology and instrumentStudent Number:201210114112Student:Zeng Xingyu Supervisor:Cheng YueAbstract:As the parking lot management system of network, the software demand is higher and higher, the traditional parking lot management system based on the technology of I C card is no longer meet the requirements.In this background, this paper proposes a design scheme of license plate recognition system based on LABVIEW The design of parking management system is mainly used LABSQL, and cooperate with the development of SQL commands.The vehicle in and out of the door can be automatically identification, registration, billing.Monthly vehicle for temporary parking pricing, on time in case of no charge.This system based on NI VISION development module for license plate recognition algorithm design VISION, license plate recognition algorithm is mainly composed of the positioning of the image preprocessing, license plate area, the license plate recognition of three parts.The images of the need to identify the specific process is divided into: read, size normalization, license plate tilt correction, preliminary localization and shear plate region extraction, size normalization, shear off again to extract the license plate frame, binarization, OCR training, OCR nine steps.Locate license plate area is the most key step of license plate recognition algorithm, this design mainly adopts an HSL color mode threshold and morphological processing.License plate recognition algorithm is used in the template matching method, is through the implementation of the LABVIEW visual aide OCR function.In and out on the further design of parking management system, the main use LABSQL, and cooperate with the development of SQL commands.The vehicle in and out of the door can be automatically identification, registration, billing.Monthly vehicle for temporary parking pricing, on time in case of no charge.To test 150 samples, the license plate localization success 148, totally identified 125 plates, test the recognition rate is 83.3%. Keywords:Vehicle license plate recognition Management of parking lot Vision Assistant LBSQL目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1 研究背景及意义 (1)1.2 涉及热门研究领域现状 (1)1.2.1 车牌识别研究现状 (1)1.2.2 机器视觉研究现状 (2)1.3 主要研究内容 (2)第2章系统总体设计 (3)2.1 车牌识别原理概述 (3)2.2 设计方案 (4)2.2.1 开发平台选择 (4)2.2.2 车牌识别设计方案 (5)2.3 相关软件简介 (6)2.3.1 LABVIEW简介 (6)2.3.2 NI视觉开发模块简介 (7)第3章车牌识别程序设计 (8)3.1 图像读取与简单预处理 (8)3.2 车牌区域定位剪切 (8)3.2.1 车牌的倾斜校正 (9)3.2.2 车牌的初步定位剪切 (11)3.2.3 车牌剪切去掉边框 (13)3.3 车牌二值化处理 (13)3.4 车牌识别 (14)3.4.1 建立字符识别库 (14)3.4.2 车牌识别结果 (15)第4章停车管理系统程序设计 (16)4.1 LABSQL (16)4.1.1 LABSQL简介 (16)4.1.2 LABSQL安装与配置 (16)4.2 SQL(结构化查询语言) (18)4.2.1 SQL简介 (18)4.2.2 SQL基本指令【6】 (18)4.3 停车管理系统主程序 (20)4.3.1主程序流程图 (20)4.3.2主程序前面板 (21)4.4 停车管理系统子程序框图 (25)4.4.1 读取数据库新VI (25)4.4.2 包月信息库VI (26)4.4.3 门禁信息库VI (26)4.4.4 包月车辆进入门禁 (27)4.4.5 非包月车辆进入门禁 (28)4.4.6 车辆离开门禁 (29)第5章测试结果与分析 (32)5.1 车牌识别普遍性测试 (32)5.1.1 反复训练识别的图像的测试: (32)5.1.2 不训练直接识别图像测试: (33)5.2 车牌识别算法测试结果分析: (35)5.2.1车牌定位效果分析 (35)5.2.2 车牌识别效果分析 (35)5.3 车牌识别停车系统测试 (36)第6章总结 (37)6.1 心得与体会 (37)6.2 不足与展望 (37)参考文献 (39)致谢 (40)第1章绪论1.1 研究背景及意义随着停车场的管理系统对网络化、智能化要求越来越高,传统停车场的管理系统已经不再满足要求了。

• 133•基于Labview的无线网智能停车管理系统北京联合大学 刘 旭 李 媛 罗 靖一、引言随着我国经济的快速发展,私家车的拥有量不断增加,所带来的问题就是交通拥堵,在城市商圈、大型文体活动中心或公司集中地,堵车、停车难的问题更加严重。
图1 系统工作流程图1、车位检测系统车位检测采用红外传感器。
STM32F103系列属于中低端的32位ARM 微控制器,该系列芯片是意法半导体(ST )公司出品,其内核是Cortex-M3。
子控制系统采用的STM32F103zet6有144个引脚,包括PA ,PB ,PC ,PD ,PE ,PF 和PG 7个端口,及晶振、电源和地线等,每个端口有16位I/O (某些端口可复用)。
32个车位检测传感器占据了控制器PA 、PB 2个端口,共32位输入,用于接收车位信息;一个Usart 接口与CC2530相连,将采集到的车位信息通过无线方式传输给上位管理计算机。
3、无线传输系统CC2530 是用于2.4-GHz IEEE 802.15.4、ZigBee 和RF4CE 应用的一个真正的片上系统(SoC )解决方案。

2车牌定位2.1预处理及边缘提取图2 预处理及边缘提取流程图2.1.1图象的采集与转换考虑到现有牌照的字符与背景的颜色搭配一般有蓝底白字、黄底黑字、白底红字、绿底白字和黑底白字等几种,利用不同的色彩通道就可以将区域与背景明显地区分出来,例如,对蓝底白字这种最常见的牌照,采用蓝色 B 通道时牌照区域为一亮的矩形,而牌照字符在区域中并不呈现。