8.尺寸:长*宽*高= 175*40*25 mm
带荧光灯管TC-L&T8&3H 36W一支
产品产地:广ຫໍສະໝຸດ 省珠海市窗体顶端认证信息:
4、功率因数:≥ 0.97
6、认证标准:GB17743 , GB17625.1, GB19510.1 ,GB19510.4
高压钠灯智能调光型电子镇流器安装使用说明书 大明(FITBRIGHT )公司HPS 系列高压钠灯智能调光型电子镇流器,具有高功率因数,低谐波,恒功率输出,提高光效,性能稳定,以及具有防潮、异常状态保护功能等特点。
二、安装方法1、“输入”连接220V/50Hz 输入电源(棕色接火线,蓝色接零线,黄绿色接地),“输出”蓝色线接灯管脚外壁金属圈,棕色线接灯管脚中心点,若接反将会降低启动电压,有可能不能启动灯管。
3、安装接线示意图:三、产品使用注意事项 1、镇流器应与标称功率的高压钠灯配套使用;2、镇流器工作时输出端(到灯端)瞬时电压有可能达到3kV ,在安装维护及更换灯泡时请切断电源;3、本镇流器可在指定的电压范围内长时间稳定工作,请勿尝试在超出此电压范围工作;4、本镇流器使用环境温度﹣25~55℃,在超出此范围的环境温度下工作可能对产品寿命造成损害,外壳最高工作温度TC 为80℃;5、因配套高压钠灯特性所致,点燃的灯泡在关闭或熄灭后,必须等灯泡足够冷却才能再次点亮,视不同功率的灯泡,可能需等待1~2分钟,镇流器将自动完成此过程的控制;6、为了不影响灯泡的正常工作,输出端应使用耐压大于600V 且符合安规的电源线,且长度不超过18米(线电容≤2nF );7、为避免触电,输入端地线应可靠接地。
合肥大明节能科技有限公司 白/棕黑/蓝n。
●使用电压请勿超过180V~250V 50/60Hz范围。
根据公式 :
RT 8 =6 0kQ 。
I2 l 也是 I F 司生产 的一 款半 桥 转换 器驱 R 1l R公 动芯片 , 从前 面所提到的半桥转换器驱动芯片 I2 5 R 13 的 R 脚 引 出一 条导 线 ( 图 3 线 ) 入 I 2 i 的 T 见 粗 接 R 1l I 脚 , 样 I 2 l 所构 成半 桥 的_ 作 频率 由 1 2 5 N 这 R 1l T = R 13 的频率决定 , 两个半桥 的工 作频率是 完全一致 的, 因 此它们构成 了全桥转换器。
解物 的混合物放 电而 发光的放电灯 ,日前 由于其光效
高 , 色性好 , 寿命 艮等优点越来越 受到人们的青睐。
HD I 灯具有 非线性的 电气特 性 , 的很 多物理性质和 它
灯芯 的材料 , 尺寸 等有关 系 , 冈而 H D灯是一个 非线 I 性负载 。
图 1 电路总的结构示意图
发展史 卜 的一项 重大创新 。 国对 高频 交流电子镇流 我
端上, 逆变器 的另一个输 出端通过一个升 压变压器 :0 因此在 金 卤灯上 产生 40 1, 0 0V的瞬时脉 冲 电压 ,
器 fT ) H D 的研 制 始于 8 年 代 中期 。由于 美 欧 国家率 0 先开展 的绿色 照明 事业 的蓬勃 发展推 进 了电子镇 流 器 的广泛应片 。电子镇流器不但可 以做 到很高 的功率 = j
亮 了。 三级是 由 U 34 控 制的 B C 第 C 82 U K电路 , 作为功 率可 调的恒流源。本文主要介绍 前两级 , 简单介绍 并 金 卤灯的运 行原理及其 电路结构 。 如图 1 所示 。
高强 度气体 放 电灯 包括 汞灯 、 压钠 灯和 金属 高
可调光式电子镇流器 使用说明
附调光时间设定对照表:工作模式SW1、SW2 定时时间1 2 3 4 开关档位↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 不设定时间↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ 1h↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ 1.5h↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ 2h↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ 2.5h↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ 3h↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ 3.5h↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ 4h↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ 4.5h↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ 5h↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ 5.5h↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ 6h↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ 6.5h↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ 7h↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ 7.5h↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 8h 备注:调光前需保持开关档位的数字正立,所有型号镇流器的调光方式均相同。
SPECIFICATION FOR DIMMABLE BALLAST1.The output power is rated at the begining of working.The power of 30% have been reduced at the 1st dimming,and 50% decrease at the 2nd dimming.2. Timer:The dimming time can be seted from 0-8h.The 1st dimming is in red,and the2nd is in bule.3. Following is the dimming setting:4. The 1st dimming time after light working,and the 2nd time after the 1st time end.5. The dimming time and power can be seted as per customer’s requirement.6. Once the setting is be done,the electronic ballast will working as it.Time table for dimming setting:Working methodSW1、SW2 Timer1 2 3 4 Switchgear↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ No↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ 1h↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ 1.5h↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ 2h↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ 2.5h↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ 3h↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ 3.5h↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ 4h↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ 4.5h↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ 5h↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ 5.5h↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ 6h↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ 6.5h↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ 7h↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ 7.5h↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 8h Remark:Pls keep the number in right position before dimming,and the dimming method are same for all dimmable electronic ballast.。
电子镇流器分析仪操作规程一、重要安全说明1 警告-镇流器中的高压危险!在打开之前,将电子镇流器从电源断开(拔出电线插头).当从电源断开电子镇流器的时候,用力拉插头,请勿用力拉接线电缆.任何修理或更换电线插头的工作都必须经过专业技术人员或售后服务机构进行.2 在将电子镇流器与电源连接之前,确保插座的接线正确.除非采用了隔离变压器或接地保护自动断路器,否则请勿在没有充分接地的情况下使用设备.3 在安装或更换镝灯之前,必须将镝灯灯头从电子镇流器断开,或者将电子镇流器电源断开.4 在连接或断开镝灯灯头或镝灯连接电缆之前,必须切断电源.请务必使用具有容许截面导线的连接器..环境工作温度必须位于-20℃和+50℃之间.不得覆盖或掩蔽用于通风的背面和侧面散热器及进气孔.电子镇流器必须放置在坚固,平坦和干燥的地面上.地面温度应低于50℃.如果电子镇流器可能在地面上滑动,必须固定电子镇流器.保护电子镇流器免受阳光的直接照射.当雨滴在风力的推动下可能直接落入电子镇流器的进气孔时,需要采用防雨装置。
不允许在高湿度(结露)的环境下或者有侵蚀性和爆炸性气体/空气的混合物中使用电子镇流器.二、注意事项:1. 如果出现明显的损坏,不要再对镇流器进行操作.● 为了确保安全的运行,只能依据上述中规定的要求使用电子镇流器.● 在出现故障的情况下,将电子镇流器从电源断开(拔出电线插头).● 修理电子镇流器以及更换备件的操作都必须由经过培训的专业技术人员或专门售后服务机构进行.● 电子镇流器出现故障应立刻拔出电源插头使电子镇流器退出工作状态.然后再对电子镇流器进行妥善的处理.● 确保儿童不要操作电子镇流器.● 在进行清理或维修工作之前,要确保始终断开电子镇流器并且拔出电线插头.● 只能使用干布或湿布清洁电子镇流器.不要把电子镇流器浸入水中.● 不要将电子镇流器的接线电缆用于承载.不要把电缆拉到锋利的边缘上,夹到门下或以任何其他方式夹紧.● 当不需要使用的时候,请断开电子镇流器.三、. 启动程序操作步骤.所有操纵装置和电缆接头都分布在前面板上:3.1 系统通电● 检查ON/OFF开关是否处于"OFF"位置.● 将无故障的镝灯照明器的电缆接头与电子镇流器相连接.● 将电子镇流器与电源相连接.● 确保主断路器处于"ON"位置.● 检查接地:如果接地正确,位于前面板上的绿色LED"PE"指示灯将点亮.如果接地不正确,从电源断开电子镇流器(拔出电线插头),然后检查电源和插座● 将ON/OFF开关设定为"ON",在电子镇流器和镝灯灯头上.大约5秒钟之后,电灯将点亮.● 当点火成功的时候,位于前面板上的黄色LED"LAMP"指示灯将点亮.四、.故障检修指南4.1 电源电压是否与镇流器所需的电压一致双重电压管理的镇流器采用了自动切换的形式.4.2 确保镇流器的瓦数符合镝灯功率!4.3 确保安装了正确的镝灯!4.4 将镇流器与电源连接,然后测试保护地(LED"PE"指示灯应处于开启的状态).4.5 重新启动系统:确保ON/OFF开关处于"OFF"的位置.. 将ON/OFF开关设为"ON",开关灯应点亮.等待大约5秒钟之后镝灯启动4.6 如果镝灯没有点亮,则安全回路可能断开-检查灯头前面的透镜门是否关闭以及安全开关是否损坏.4.7 镇流器的电源是否处于良好的状态4.8 镇流器的主断路器是否处于ON的位置4.9 如果镇流器/镝灯电缆接头/镝灯灯头无法工作,那么所有的三个装置都应视为出现故障. 不要试图使用另一个镇流器去点亮一个可能损坏的镝灯灯头-最终可能会使两个镇流器都出现故障! 检查镇流器是否处于良好的状态,采用已知的无故障的镝灯灯头和无故障的电缆接头运行镇流器.4.10 如果镇流器在运行了几分钟之后停止工作,那么可能发生了下列故障:● 镝灯自身可能出现了故障或者超过了使用寿命.● 在盛夏的条件下,可能由于过高的环境温度或者直接的阳光照射而触发了镇流器中的热断路器.● 在通风可能受到了限制情况下,在镇流器冷却下来并且导致过热的条件消除之后,镇流器可以继续使用.● 是否由于电源超过规定的极限或出现峰值或发生回落,因而镇流器断开而对自己进行保护.如果在一个发电机上运行,输出电压应分别在95-120V和195-245V之间进行调节.● 如果镇流器因为瞬时供电回落而断开,将镇流器转换到"OFF",然后再次切换到"ON".镇流器应正常启动.● 镝灯灯头的接地或镇流器电缆接头漏电也将导致保护电路的启动.采用已知的无故障镝灯灯头对镇流器进行测试.如果对电缆产生怀疑,应采用已知的无故障电缆进行更换.检查供电电源电子镇流器575/ 1200 EB的容许电源(电压)范围分别是有效电压90V至125V和190V至250V.在电子镇流器运行前或运行过程中均不得超出以上极限,否则可能引起电子镇流器发生故障或受损.此外,该电压极限90V/180V和125V/250V仅适用于短时间运行(最多0.5小时).可用普通的万用表对电源进行检查.在电源有几个半周期损耗或降低到90V以下时,电子镇流器将切换到待用状态,这时必须重新启动电子镇流器(切换开关到OFF关闭然后ON开始).仅在保持上述极限值,并且已经排除电源故障的情况下才可以运行电子镇流器.预先检查在开启电子镇流器检查前,针对镇流器的运行条件进行一定的说明.开展下列测试时,设备必须在无负载的条件下运行.第一项测试——启动程序:(电子镇流器内部接触器/继电器,保险丝测试).第二项测试——输出电压:(对电子镇流器灯连接器输出电压进行测量).根据以上两项测试的结果即可大致找出发生故障的位置以及原因.警告:电子镇流器不能离开电源单独运行.因此测量仪表必须始终保持不接地连接.电子镇流器的灯连接器插座触点可能存在线电压.必须遵守此类操作的安全规则.否则可能危及生命.第一项测试——启动程序检查启动程序时,设备应在无负载条件下运行.将电子镇流器的灯连接器上的触点A和触点B 接通以模拟灯头上的安全回路开关.把电子镇流器连接至220V的电源,如果电子镇流器正常运行,以下情况将依次出现:接通后约0.5秒时,你将听到BUCK功率控制板(EB2604)上接触器K4的微小闭合声. 约3秒钟之后,主接触器K2和K3闭合(卡嗒声),K4释放(无声). 再过1秒钟后,逆变板(EB2603)上点火接触器K1将通电约0.7秒(卡嗒声)。
BERSN铂胜 高品质电子镇流器 说明书
BERSN铂胜 高品质电子镇流器使用说明书一、产品描述:1、用途本产品是与相应功率的气体放电灯(包括金卤灯和高压钠灯及低压钠灯等)配套使用电子镇流器,可以广泛应用于道路、广场、商场,车站、码头、工厂等场所。
电子镇流器安装使用说明书及注意事项B ERSN铂胜电子镇流器的安装与使用必须由具有相应资质的技术人员按相应标准进行操作,并请于安装前详细阅读《使用说明书》以及镇流器外壳上的安装示例。
□ 交流供电系列电子镇流器接线不分极性,输入端两根线接电源,输出端两根线接灯管,并将地线可靠接地,可使用0.5~0.75平方毫米塑料绞线(应同时满足安装规范要求)□ 直流供电系列电子镇流器接线请注意正负极性,输入端红线接正极,黑线接负极(如有接反请即更换保险丝),输出端两根接灯管,并将地线可靠接地。
200W电子镇流器说明书PowerPack 200W UHP-Driver Specification EUC 200P/00Features:For use with Philips UHP 200 1.3 mm lamps (short arc application)High power outputFlatter reduction by patented pulse operationStable light output over lamp life timePhilips Lighting Electronics and GearSpecification subject to change without Prior noticeContents1. GENERAL (3)2. QUICK REFERENCE DATE (3)3. ELECTRICAL (4)3.1. GENERAL (4)3.2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION (5)3.3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS (8)3.4 TIMING DIAGRAM FOR IGNITION (9)4. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS (10)5. MECHANICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RELIABILITY TESTS (11)6. SYNCHRONISE OPTION (12)6.1 GENERAL (12)6.2 TIMING DIAGRAM (12)6.3. TIMING SPECIFICATION (13)7. MARKING AND PACKING (14)7.1. MARKING (14)7.2. PACKING (14)8. INSTRUCTION FOR USE (14)Appendix 1: Mechanical drawing of the connector (15)1. GENERALThe lamp driver is capable to drive a short-arc 200W Philips UHP- lamp and controls the lamp power within narrow margins. The lamp driver in combination with the lamp will guarantee a stable light output over the specified lamp lifetime. The lamp driver itself has no mains isolation so the lamp connections are not mains isolated. The lamp driver can be driven by (isolated) input signals. An (isolated) output signal (“Flag”) indicates if the lamp operates correctly.The lamp circuit has no cover.The driver features a built-in option for synchronisation of the lamp current transitions, for which the SCI input can be used as described in chapter 6Note that when this option is NOT used, care must be taken never to apply any pulsating or block-shaped signals on this input; only DC levels (low or high) are allowed!Unless otherwise stated the specified values are valid under nominal operating conditions and measured according fig 1. Thelamp has reached a nominal condition or is warm after it has been burning for at least 10 minutes. A lamp is cold after it is turned off for at least 1 hour.WARNING: Driver is only allowed to operate when lamp socket is inserted into driver socket!2. QUICK REFERENCE DATEOutput (lamp) Power200WLamp current frequency (free running)88 Hz.Lamp Ignition voltage25kV peak.Input voltage280-400V DC operating; 160-400V DC standby.EMC standards*EN 55022; DENTORI; FCC CFR 47 part 18.Safety standards*(c-)UL1492, (c-) UL1950, EN/IEC60065 (6th ed. / 7-’98) and EN/IEC60950 (3rd ed. / 4-‘99).Markings CSA, CE, ENECMax. ambient temp.55°C with forced airflow 1.5ms-1.Dimensions (l*b*h)150*60*32 mm* The lampdriver is designed to meet these standards in the application. It is not designed to meet the requirements for ‘limited current’.Manufactured in an ISO 9001 approved factoryAll values are measured with a circuit according fig 3.1This specification is valid for all the following drivers:Driver type Cable length130mm Cable length160mmCable length190mmCable length230mmCable length280mmCable length340mmEUC 200 P/009137 001 570*9137 001 571*9137 001 541*9137 001 532*9137 001 572*9137 001 565* * indicates a 2-digit brandname; default 05 (no brand).3. ELECTRICAL3.1. GENERALAll values are measured with a circuit connected as shown in fig 3.1.Fig 3.1: Driver connections to supply, control signals and lamp.3.2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONThe lampdriver is tested with a circuit according fig 3.1The values as listed below are valid for all driver types except when indicated otherwise.Description Symbol value CommentMin typ max Unit1INPUTS1Power input1.1Inputvoltage, operating Vpi280350400V DC, or DC with ripple 100 or120Hz1.2Inputvoltage, non-operating Vpi,no160-400V1.4Min. voltage for driver tostart-upVpi,su280--V Non-operating to operating.1.5Voltage dip time to restartimmediately Tlow--1Sec.(Note : Vpi during dip must be >100V)1.6Input voltage ripple Vrip--30Vpp for frequencies < 10kHz 1.7Input current IinLF rms input Current IinrmsFor frequencies < 10kHz-0.65-AHF rms input current Iinhf10kHz ≤frequencies<150kHz-300-mA1.10Input impedance for largecurrent (inrush current)Zin For currents > 10AR1-0.5-Ohm orientation valueL1-0.1-mH orientation valueC2-47-μF orientation value1.11Input power operating Pin220225235W1.12Input power in standby Pin,sta- 1.8-W@ Uin = 350V, Ta = 25°.2Control inputs (mains isolated)*/**By means of optocouplers acc. to VDE 0884.2.1Input current.*Id--20mA 2.2Forward voltage of LED Vf-1.1-V2.3Rise/fall time of inputcurrent -10-us Note; influences synchronisationdelays.2.4Time the input current mustbe applied to start operating Tsih300--ms Must also be applied beforesynchronisation signal.* Note: To provide optimum flexibility for application of control-voltages, the series resistors used at the inputs of the optocouplers are limited to 100 Ohm. The setmaker has to design the output resistance of their control signals in such a way that min. and max. values of input- (Id) and output (Ice,flag) current are not exceeded.** Note: It is allowed to operate the control input ONLY when the power input voltage is within thespecified operating range.Description Symbol Value CommentMin Typ max Unit2OUTPUTS1.1Lamp power Pla190200210W Over input voltage range, withstabilised lamp.1.2Peak voltage during ignition VoutpkBetween terminals--25kVBetween terminals andGND--14kV1.3Voltage during lampoperation After more than 3 sec in operatingBetween lamp terminals Vlamp--275VBetween lamp terminalsand neg. DC-input terminal(CB1)Voutter--275V2Control output*By means of optocouplers acc. toVDE 0884.2.1Output current*Ice,flagtransistor conducting-1-mA Lamp burning; Vce < 0.5Vtransistor open--100nA Lamp is off; Vce > 2 V2.2Output voltage Vce,flag--50V Note: power dissipation must bebelow 50 mW.2.3Time the signal must staystable for right indicationTflag0.5--SecDescription Symbol.Value CommentMin Typ max Unit3GENERAL1Description lamp start1.1Restart time Tstart-15 +-Sec.time between two startattempts1.2Hot restrike time Thot--60Sec.Time after the lamp isextinguished1.3Ignition time (HV present atlamp terminals)--3sec.For a cold and hot lamp.1.4If, as result of a voltage dip, the lamp extinguished, the lampdriver will do one start attempt as soonas the input voltage becomes Vin> 250Vdc and the SCI are still high.2Lampdriver losses Ploss-23-W3Weight Mdriver-260-gr.4Acoustical noise level-35dBa5Mean time to failure MTTFfirst 300h---FITs after 300h-3100-FITs When applied with specified airflow at 40°C.6Environment operational6.1Ambient temperature Tamb02555°C With airflow. *)6.2Airflow Qair- 1.5-m s-16.3Relative humidity Hop10-90%non condensing6.4Air pressure Pair600--HPa7Environment storage7.1Ambient temperature Tstore-25-85°C7.2Relative humidity Hst5-95%non condensing7.3Air pressure Pair290--HPaNote *) T o apply the driver in the final application, the following temperatures must be checked and should not be exceeded in worst-case application:Component Max. applicationtemp.Measuring point background Elcap C185 °C Safety vent LifetimeCoil L5110 °C Top / middle of windin gs UL-rec. of coilformer material.Igniter L790 °C Top of housing UL-rec. of coilformer material.Heatsink85° C Back side of heatsink undermiddle transistor.Thermal shutdown of driver4EMI & SAFETY ? The lampdriver is designed to meet these standards when mounted in the setSpecial care should be taken during ignition of the lamp in order to prevent the set electronics in the total application from malfunction.? The final approbation approval must be done in the application ? The driver must be fused (4AF) to meet the mentioned standards.1Radiation1.1EN 55022/CISPR22, FCC CFR 47 part 18.Radiation1.2EN 50082-1generic immunity standard2Safety standards 2.1EN/IEC 60950Information technology EU.2.2EN/IEC 60065Consumer application EU2.3(c-)UL 1492 / UL 6500Consumer application US (Canada)2.4(c-)UL 1410 / 1950Information technology US (Canada)3.3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSName connectionCon-nector name Connector typepin configurationConnection to lampCBSMK high voltage connector SOCKET HOUSING101 CCT 093 01 (see appendix 1)(in application : checkproper fixing)pin 1pin 3Lamp LampPower input CB1JST: B 2P3-VH pin 1pin 3DC Input voltage GNDSCI & FlagCB2JST: SM05B-SRSS-TBpin 1pin 2pin 3pin 4pin 5Flag/TxD (coll.)Flag/TxD (emitter)Common+ (anodes)SCI/Sync (cath.)RxD (cath.)Remarks :The following connection diagram is advised for use when interfacing with the customer projector set:optocouplers (see item 1.2.1.and 1.2.2 on page 4) or receiving the signal from the optocoupler transistor output (see item 2.2.1 on page 5)Pin 5 will be used for future communication options; at this moment the connection to the customer interface can be omitted.3.4 TIMING DIAGRAM FOR IGNITIONSCI1mAFLAGYIGN. VOLT.NYLAMP BURNSNA B C D ESit. A-C : Driver behaviour without lamp (or lamp fails to ignite)Sit. A:On current transition (0 -> 10mA) on SCI-input. Driver starts one ignition cycle (1.0on -0.3off -1.7on sec). In case lamp does not burn, Flag-output stay non-conducting. No ignition attempts until nextcurrent transition (0 -> 10mA) on SCI-input. Remark: before any current transition (0 -> 10 mA) theSCI signal must be absent (0 mA) for at least 100ms.Sit. B:On current transition (0 -> 10mA) on SCI-input. Whenthis signal is given within 15 sec. of the last ignition cycle, the driver will wait 15 sec before starting a new ignition cycle, to prevent overheating of the ignitor circuit. (SCI signal (10mA) must be present for the ignition cycle to take place).Sit. C:Current transition (0 ->10mA) on SCI-input, SCI input signal has been absent for at least 15 sec.Driver starts an ignition cycle immediately.Sit. D,E : Driver behaviour with igniting/burning lampSit. D.Current transition (0 -> 10mA) on SCI-input, SCI input signal has been absent for at least 15 sec.Driver starts an ignition cycle immediately, lamp ignites (2x) and starts burning.. After approx. 1 sec.Flag output transistor starts conducting (1mA). Remark: when this signal is given within 15 sec. of the last ignition cycle, the driver will wait until 15 sec. before starting the ignition cycle, to preventoverheating of the ignitor circuit.Sit. E:When lamp burns an SCI current transition (10 -> 0 mA) transition causes the lamp to extinguish.Flag output transistor becomes non-conducting.Notes:For specification of “Flag” and “SCI” signal see items 1.2 (page 4) and 2.1 (page 5).This timing diagram is valid when DC-input voltage on CB1 stays within specified limits (280...400Vdc).?After power-dip the driver immediately stops, and must be re-ignited by applying the SCI-transition ?When during ignition the SCI-input becomes Low, the driver will finish the ignition cycle.If the lamp extinguishes due to internal protection circuitry (lower/upper limit of input- and/or lampvoltage exceeded,temperature of the driver too high) the Flag output becomes non-conducting.4. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONSAirflowDirection5. MECHANICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RELIABILITY TESTSType test Description Requirement1Mechanical Non-operating?The PCB must be mounted according the mountingprescription.After the tests the samples must conform to themeasured spec points.1Vibrations Number of directions 3 (XYZ)IEC60068-2-6Fc Frequency range10-55-10 HzNumber of sweeps 6 per axisAcceleration/ amplitude0.35 mmSweep 1 octave/min (Approx. 6 min per sweep) 2Shock Number of directions 6 (XYZ)IEC60068-2-27Ea Number of shocks 3 per directionPulse duration18 ms / half-sinusoidal shaped.Peak acceleration290 m/s23Drop Test Number of drops on 3 side and (inpacking) one angular point IEC60068-2-31Drop height810 mm2Environmental?The PCB must be mounted according to the mounting prescription.Nominal input voltage, during and after the tests.After the tests the samples must conform to themeasured spec points.1Operational Load 150W or 200W UHP lamp1.1Low air Air pressure 2 hours 600hPaIEC60068-2-13M Temperature5° to 35° C1.2Temp. cycling.Test time1000 hoursIEC60068-2-14 6 hours Cycle as follows:1h -10 to+60 °C Lampdriver operating1h at +60 °C Lampdriver operating1h at +60 °C Lampdriver off1h +60 to -10 °C Lampdriver off2h at -10 °C Lampdriver off1.3Damp heat cyclic Test time21 daysIEC60068-2-30Db24 hours Cycle as follows:12h at 40 C / RH 95%Lampdriver off1 h at 25 C / RH 95%Lampdriver operating11h at 25 C / RH 95%Lampdriver off 2Non-operational2.1Cold storage Temp-25 °CIEC60068-2-1Time240hRecondition time2h at 25 °C5 cycles2.2Temperature-shockIEC60068-2-14Na Cycle as follows Stabilisation 1 h at -20 °C => 1 h at 100 °C => 1h at -20°C =>...Temperature rise or fall within 30 sec to nexttemperatureTemp. change.Recondition time2h at 25 °C2.3Low air Air pressure 2 hours 250hPaIEC 68-2-13M Temperature5° to 35 °C6. SYNCHRONISE OPTION6.1 GENERALApplying a pulse signal to the SCI – input of the optocouplerwhen the lamp is burning, provides the possibility to control the lamp current transitions. The driver will synchronise the lamp current to the rising transitions of the SCI-input current (see “timing diagram”).Attention: This makes it possible that the half-period time Ta is not equal to the half period time Tb (see timing diagram).If Ta ≠ Tb the average DC current in the lamp can shorten the lamp-life dramatically.The average DC current in the lamp must be less than 1% measured over maximum 3 current periods. Lampcurrent synchronisation is optional. When no synchronisation signal is applied the driver will operate ata fixed frequency of 88Hz6.2 TIMING DIAGRAMSCI sync signalLED-6.3. TIMING SPECIFICATIONDescription Symbol Value Commentmin typ Max Unit1SCI Vinsci Start/Sync Control Input Input current Iinsciinput low--0.1mA lamp offinput high4-15mA Lamp on** Note: It is allowed to operate the SCI input ONLY when the power input voltage is within thespecified operating range.Description Symbol Value Comment2Lamp start / stop control Min Typ Max Unit1SCI control behaviour Scfrom low to high2--V/μs*from high to low2--V/μs*2Time the SCI signal must staystable to start / stopTsciinput low Tsil100--msec Lamp will extinguishinput high Tsih300--msec Lamp start cycle begins(signal must be applied beforesynchronisation)3Synchronisation signal on SCI With burning lamp. ** 1Repetition time T s 3.8-7.1msec Determines driver frequencySee Ch. 6: 4.1.2 ***2Time the signal must bepresent to let the lampdriversync.Tsync-4-TimesTsAfter ignition of the lamp***3Time SCI low T sil200--μsec4Time SCI high T sih200--μsec4Lampcurrent1Lamp current frequency1.1Free running Flc-88-Hz With DC signal on SCI.1.2Synchronised Flc70-132Hz With symmetrical input signal2DC lamp current Ta1+Ta2+Ta3Tb1+Tb2+Tb30.991 1.01Measured over 3 successivelamp current periods5Pulse signal on lampcurrent With burning lamp.1Pulse height Ip- 4.1-A at lampvoltages > 65V 2Pulse width Tp6--%Of half-period time Ta.3Rise time of the pulse Trp50-100μsec Time from nom. Ila to Ipulse.(measured at flc = 90 Hz.) 4Rise / Fall time Tf50-100μsec5Delay time SCI-signal to pulse T del-35-μsec Measured with slope:Ch. 6: 2.1 ** To comply with delay time: Chapter 6: 5.5** With DC-signal the driver will go to free running frequency: Chapter 6: 4.1.1***Depends on required lamp current frequency: Chapter 6: 4.1.27. MARKING AND PACKING7.1. MARKINGManufacturer type number, production date and serial nr. –identification.7.2. PACKING12 drivers in cardboard box.8. INSTRUCTION FOR USESafety distances-All components, except for the SELV control in-/outputs, are directly connected to primary power. This means that precautions for mounting and insulation of the driver must be taken. Note that during ignition voltages up to 1000V may occur on the PCB (with respect to “-“ terminal of power input connector CB1). -It is advised to use plastic mounting devices for fixing the driver.Conditions for use:-Supply voltage of 400 Vdc max. is floating at max. 250 Vrms with respect to earth reference.- A disconnect device has to be provided in the end-use equipment.- A suitable Electrical and Fire enclosure shall be provided in the end product. Creepage and clearance distances to high voltage parts and traces shall be evaluated in the end product. Special consideration shall be given to the distances from earthed mounting screws to hazard voltage traces on the lamp driver PWB.-These component have been evaluated for use in a 55°C ambient with a forced air cooling as follows: During the temperature test the lamp drivers were mounted in a wind tunnel with a forced air cooling witha mean air velocity of 1,5 m/s. The air flow was in the lengthdirection of the driver with the igniter coil atdownstream side-The model shall only be used with manufacturer specified lamp, Philips Type UHP 200W rated 200W, 85 V ± 15V.-During the ignition cycle the re-strike pulses are superimposed on a max. 800 Vpeak voltage between output leads and earth reference. In the end-use this value shall be taken into account when determining creepage and clearance distances.-In the end-use equipment the lamp supply leads and connector shall be routed, supported, clamped or secured in a manner that it is:* relieved from any strain on wire and connections.* prevented from loosening of wire connections and damage of conductor insulation.Warnings-Do not touch heatsink. Heatsink is connected to primary power.-Not for limited current use-SCI operation ONLY allowed when power input voltage is within specified range-Ignition/ lamp operation ONLY allowed when connector is properly connected to lamp-No safety implemented for wrong polarity of input connectorAppendix 1: Mechanical drawing of the connector.。
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PowerPack 200W UHP-Driver Specification EUC 200P/00Features:•For use with Philips UHP 200 1.3 mm lamps (short arc application)•High power output•Flatter reduction by patented pulse operation•Stable light output over lamp life timePhilips Lighting Electronics and GearSpecification subject to change without Prior noticeContents1. GENERAL (3)2. QUICK REFERENCE DATE (3)3. ELECTRICAL (4)3.1. GENERAL (4)3.2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION (5)3.3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS (8)3.4 TIMING DIAGRAM FOR IGNITION (9)4. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS (10)5. MECHANICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RELIABILITY TESTS (11)6. SYNCHRONISE OPTION (12)6.1 GENERAL (12)6.2 TIMING DIAGRAM (12)6.3. TIMING SPECIFICATION (13)7. MARKING AND PACKING (14)7.1. MARKING (14)7.2. PACKING (14)8. INSTRUCTION FOR USE (14)Appendix 1: Mechanical drawing of the connector (15)1. GENERALThe lamp driver is capable to drive a short-arc 200W Philips UHP- lamp and controls the lamp power within narrow margins. The lamp driver in combination with the lamp will guarantee a stable light output over the specified lamp lifetime. The lamp driver itself has no mains isolation so the lamp connections are not mains isolated. The lamp driver can be driven by (isolated) input signals. An (isolated) output signal (“Flag”) indicates if the lamp operates correctly.The lamp circuit has no cover.The driver features a built-in option for synchronisation of the lamp current transitions, for which the SCI input can be used as described in chapter 6Note that when this option is NOT used, care must be taken never to apply any pulsating or block-shaped signals on this input; only DC levels (low or high) are allowed!Unless otherwise stated the specified values are valid under nominal operating conditions and measured according fig 1. The lamp has reached a nominal condition or is warm after it has been burning for at least 10 minutes. A lamp is cold after it is turned off for at least 1 hour.WARNING: Driver is only allowed to operate when lamp socket is inserted into driver socket!2. QUICK REFERENCE DATEOutput (lamp) Power200WLamp current frequency (free running)88 Hz.Lamp Ignition voltage25kV peak.Input voltage280-400V DC operating; 160-400V DC standby.EMC standards*EN 55022; DENTORI; FCC CFR 47 part 18.Safety standards*(c-)UL1492, (c-) UL1950, EN/IEC60065 (6th ed. / 7-’98) and EN/IEC60950 (3rd ed. / 4-‘99).Markings CSA, CE, ENECMax. ambient temp.55°C with forced airflow 1.5ms-1.Dimensions (l*b*h)150*60*32 mm* The lampdriver is designed to meet these standards in the application. It is not designed to meet the requirements for ‘limited current’.Manufactured in an ISO 9001 approved factoryAll values are measured with a circuit according fig 3.1This specification is valid for all the following drivers:Driver type Cable length130mm Cable length160mmCable length190mmCable length230mmCable length280mmCable length340mmEUC 200 P/009137 001 570*9137 001 571*9137 001 541*9137 001 532*9137 001 572*9137 001 565* * indicates a 2-digit brandname; default 05 (no brand).3. ELECTRICAL3.1. GENERALAll values are measured with a circuit connected as shown in fig 3.1.Fig 3.1: Driver connections to supply, control signals and lamp.3.2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONThe lampdriver is tested with a circuit according fig 3.1The values as listed below are valid for all driver types except when indicated otherwise.Description Symbol value CommentMin typ max Unit1INPUTS1Power input1.1Inputvoltage, operating Vpi280350400V DC, or DC with ripple 100 or120Hz1.2Inputvoltage, non-operating Vpi,no160-400V1.4Min. voltage for driver tostart-upVpi,su280--V Non-operating to operating.1.5Voltage dip time to restartimmediately Tlow--1Sec.(Note : Vpi during dip must be >100V)1.6Input voltage ripple Vrip--30Vpp for frequencies < 10kHz 1.7Input current IinLF rms input Current IinrmsFor frequencies < 10kHz-0.65-AHF rms input current Iinhf10kHz ≤frequencies<150kHz-300-mA1.10Input impedance for largecurrent (inrush current)Zin For currents > 10AR1-0.5-Ohm orientation valueL1-0.1-mH orientation valueC2-47-µF orientation value1.11Input power operating Pin220225235W1.12Input power in standby Pin,sta- 1.8-W@ Uin = 350V, Ta = 25°.2Control inputs (mains isolated)*/**By means of optocouplers acc. to VDE 0884.2.1Input current.*Id--20mA 2.2Forward voltage of LED Vf- 1.1-V2.3Rise/fall time of inputcurrent -10-us Note; influences synchronisationdelays.2.4Time the input current mustbe applied to start operating Tsih300--ms Must also be applied beforesynchronisation signal.* Note: To provide optimum flexibility for application of control-voltages, the series resistors used at the inputs of the optocouplers are limited to 100 Ohm. The setmaker has to design the output resistance of their control signals in such a way that min. and max. values of input- (Id) and output (Ice,flag) current are not exceeded.** Note: It is allowed to operate the control input ONLY when the power input voltage is within thespecified operating range.Description Symbol Value CommentMin Typ max Unit2OUTPUTS1.1Lamp power Pla190200210W Over input voltage range, withstabilised lamp.1.2Peak voltage during ignition VoutpkBetween terminals--25kVBetween terminals andGND--14kV1.3Voltage during lampoperation After more than 3 sec in operatingBetween lamp terminals Vlamp--275VBetween lamp terminalsand neg. DC-input terminal(CB1)Voutter--275V2Control output*By means of optocouplers acc. toVDE 0884.2.1Output current*Ice,flagtransistor conducting-1-mA Lamp burning; Vce < 0.5Vtransistor open--100nA Lamp is off; Vce > 2 V2.2Output voltage Vce,flag--50V Note: power dissipation must bebelow 50 mW.2.3Time the signal must staystable for right indicationTflag0.5--SecDescription Symbol.Value CommentMin Typ max Unit3GENERAL1Description lamp start1.1Restart time Tstart-15 +-Sec.time between two startattempts1.2Hot restrike time Thot--60Sec.Time after the lamp isextinguished1.3Ignition time (HV present atlamp terminals)--3sec.For a cold and hot lamp.1.4If, as result of a voltage dip, the lamp extinguished, the lampdriver will do one start attempt as soonas the input voltage becomes Vin> 250Vdc and the SCI are still high.2Lampdriver losses Ploss-23-W3Weight Mdriver-260-gr.4Acoustical noise level-35dBa5Mean time to failure MTTFfirst 300h---FITs after 300h-3100-FITs When applied with specified airflow at 40°C.6Environment operational6.1Ambient temperature Tamb02555°C With airflow. *)6.2Airflow Qair- 1.5-m s-16.3Relative humidity Hop10-90%non condensing6.4Air pressure Pair600--HPa7Environment storage7.1Ambient temperature Tstore-25-85°C7.2Relative humidity Hst5-95%non condensing7.3Air pressure Pair290--HPaNote *) To apply the driver in the final application, the following temperatures must be checked and should not be exceeded in worst-case application:Component Max. applicationtemp.Measuring point background Elcap C185 °C Safety vent LifetimeCoil L5110 °C Top / middle of windings UL-rec. of coilformer material.Igniter L790 °C Top of housing UL-rec. of coilformer material.Heatsink85° C Back side of heatsink undermiddle transistor.Thermal shutdown of driver4EMI & SAFETY • The lampdriver is designed to meet these standards when mounted in the set• Special care should be taken during ignition of the lamp in order to prevent the set electronics in the total application from malfunction.• The final approbation approval must be done in the application • The driver must be fused (4AF) to meet the mentioned standards.1Radiation1.1EN 55022/CISPR22, FCC CFR 47 part 18.Radiation1.2EN 50082-1generic immunity standard2Safety standards 2.1EN/IEC 60950Information technology EU.2.2EN/IEC 60065Consumer application EU2.3(c-)UL 1492 / UL 6500Consumer application US (Canada)2.4(c-)UL 1410 / 1950Information technology US (Canada)3.3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSName connectionCon-nector name Connector typepin configurationConnection to lampCBSMK high voltage connector SOCKET HOUSING101 CCT 093 01 (see appendix 1)(in application : check proper fixing)pin 1pin 3Lamp LampPower input CB1JST: B 2P3-VH pin 1pin 3DC Input voltage GNDSCI & FlagCB2JST: SM05B-SRSS-TBpin 1pin 2pin 3pin 4pin 5Flag/TxD (coll.)Flag/TxD (emitter)Common+ (anodes)SCI/Sync (cath.)RxD (cath.)Remarks :The following connection diagram is advised for use when interfacing with the customer projector set:optocouplers (see item 1.2.1.and 1.2.2 on page 4) or receiving the signal from the optocoupler transistor output (see item 2.2.1 on page 5)•Pin 5 will be used for future communication options; at this moment the connection to the customer interface can be omitted.3.4 TIMING DIAGRAM FOR IGNITIONSCI1mAFLAGYIGN. VOLT.NYLAMP BURNSNA B C D ESit. A-C : Driver behaviour without lamp (or lamp fails to ignite)Sit. A:On current transition (0 -> 10mA) on SCI-input. Driver starts one ignition cycle (1.0on -0.3off -1.7on sec). In case lamp does not burn, Flag-output stay non-conducting. No ignition attempts until nextcurrent transition (0 -> 10mA) on SCI-input. Remark: before any current transition (0 -> 10 mA) theSCI signal must be absent (0 mA) for at least 100ms.Sit. B:On current transition (0 -> 10mA) on SCI-input. When this signal is given within 15 sec. of the last ignition cycle, the driver will wait 15 sec before starting a new ignition cycle, to prevent overheating of the ignitor circuit. (SCI signal (10mA) must be present for the ignition cycle to take place).Sit. C:Current transition (0 ->10mA) on SCI-input, SCI input signal has been absent for at least 15 sec.Driver starts an ignition cycle immediately.Sit. D,E : Driver behaviour with igniting/burning lampSit. D.Current transition (0 -> 10mA) on SCI-input, SCI input signal has been absent for at least 15 sec.Driver starts an ignition cycle immediately, lamp ignites (2x) and starts burning.. After approx. 1 sec.Flag output transistor starts conducting (1mA). Remark: when this signal is given within 15 sec. of the last ignition cycle, the driver will wait until 15 sec. before starting the ignition cycle, to preventoverheating of the ignitor circuit.Sit. E:When lamp burns an SCI current transition (10 -> 0 mA) transition causes the lamp to extinguish.Flag output transistor becomes non-conducting.Notes:•For specification of “Flag” and “SCI” signal see items 1.2 (page 4) and 2.1 (page 5).•This timing diagram is valid when DC-input voltage on CB1 stays within specified limits (280...400Vdc).•After power-dip the driver immediately stops, and must be re-ignited by applying the SCI-transition •When during ignition the SCI-input becomes Low, the driver will finish the ignition cycle.•If the lamp extinguishes due to internal protection circuitry (lower/upper limit of input- and/or lampvoltage exceeded, temperature of the driver too high) the Flag output becomes non-conducting.4. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONSAirflowDirection5. MECHANICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RELIABILITY TESTSType test Description Requirement1Mechanical Non-operating•The PCB must be mounted according the mountingprescription.•After the tests the samples must conform to themeasured spec points.1Vibrations Number of directions 3 (XYZ)IEC60068-2-6Fc Frequency range10-55-10 HzNumber of sweeps 6 per axisAcceleration/ amplitude0.35 mmSweep 1 octave/min (Approx. 6 min per sweep) 2Shock Number of directions 6 (XYZ)IEC60068-2-27Ea Number of shocks 3 per directionPulse duration18 ms / half-sinusoidal shaped.Peak acceleration290 m/s23Drop Test Number of drops on 3 side and (inpacking) one angular point IEC60068-2-31Drop height810 mm2Environmental•The PCB must be mounted according to themounting prescription.•Nominal input voltage, during and after the tests.•After the tests the samples must conform to themeasured spec points.1Operational Load 150W or 200W UHP lamp1.1Low air Air pressure 2 hours 600hPaIEC60068-2-13M Temperature5° to 35° C1.2Temp. cycling.Test time1000 hoursIEC60068-2-14 6 hours Cycle as follows:1h -10 to+60 °C Lampdriver operating1h at +60 °C Lampdriver operating1h at +60 °C Lampdriver off1h +60 to -10 °C Lampdriver off2h at -10 °C Lampdriver off1.3Damp heat cyclic Test time21 daysIEC60068-2-30Db24 hours Cycle as follows:12h at 40 C / RH 95%Lampdriver off1 h at 25 C / RH 95%Lampdriver operating11h at 25 C / RH 95%Lampdriver off 2Non-operational2.1Cold storage Temp-25 °CIEC60068-2-1Time240hRecondition time2h at 25 °C5 cycles2.2Temperature-shockIEC60068-2-14Na Cycle as follows Stabilisation 1 h at -20 °C => 1 h at 100 °C => 1h at -20°C =>...Temperature rise or fall within 30 sec to nexttemperatureTemp. change.Recondition time2h at 25 °C2.3Low air Air pressure 2 hours 250hPaIEC 68-2-13M Temperature5° to 35 °C6. SYNCHRONISE OPTION6.1 GENERALApplying a pulse signal to the SCI – input of the optocoupler when the lamp is burning, provides the possibility to control the lamp current transitions. The driver will synchronise the lamp current to the rising transitions of the SCI-input current (see “timing diagram”).Attention: This makes it possible that the half-period time Ta is not equal to the half period time Tb (see timing diagram).If Ta ≠ Tb the average DC current in the lamp can shorten the lamp-life dramatically.The average DC current in the lamp must be less than 1% measured over maximum 3 current periods. Lampcurrent synchronisation is optional. When no synchronisation signal is applied the driver will operate ata fixed frequency of 88Hz6.2 TIMING DIAGRAMSCI sync signalLED-6.3. TIMING SPECIFICATIONDescription Symbol Value Commentmin typ Max Unit1SCI Vinsci Start/Sync Control Input Input current Iinsciinput low--0.1mA lamp offinput high4-15mA Lamp on** Note: It is allowed to operate the SCI input ONLY when the power input voltage is within thespecified operating range.Description Symbol Value Comment2Lamp start / stop control Min Typ Max Unit1SCI control behaviour Scfrom low to high2--V/µs*from high to low2--V/µs*2Time the SCI signal must staystable to start / stopTsciinput low Tsil100--msec Lamp will extinguishinput high Tsih300--msec Lamp start cycle begins(signal must be applied beforesynchronisation)3Synchronisation signal on SCI With burning lamp. ** 1Repetition time T s 3.8-7.1msec Determines driver frequencySee Ch. 6: 4.1.2 ***2Time the signal must bepresent to let the lampdriversync.Tsync-4-TimesTsAfter ignition of the lamp***3Time SCI low T sil200--µsec4Time SCI high T sih200--µsec4Lampcurrent1Lamp current frequency1.1Free running Flc-88-Hz With DC signal on SCI.1.2Synchronised Flc70-132Hz With symmetrical input signal2DC lamp current Ta1+Ta2+Ta3Tb1+Tb2+Tb30.991 1.01Measured over 3 successivelamp current periods5Pulse signal on lampcurrent With burning lamp.1Pulse height Ip- 4.1-A at lampvoltages > 65V 2Pulse width Tp6--%Of half-period time Ta.3Rise time of the pulse Trp50-100µsec Time from nom. Ila to Ipulse.(measured at flc = 90 Hz.) 4Rise / Fall time Tf50-100µsec5Delay time SCI-signal to pulse T del-35-µsec Measured with slope:Ch. 6: 2.1 ** To comply with delay time: Chapter 6: 5.5** With DC-signal the driver will go to free running frequency: Chapter 6: 4.1.1***Depends on required lamp current frequency: Chapter 6: 4.1.27. MARKING AND PACKING7.1. MARKINGManufacturer type number, production date and serial nr. –identification.7.2. PACKING12 drivers in cardboard box.8. INSTRUCTION FOR USESafety distances-All components, except for the SELV control in-/outputs, are directly connected to primary power. This means that precautions for mounting and insulation of the driver must be taken. Note that during ignition voltages up to 1000V may occur on the PCB (with respect to “-“ terminal of power input connector CB1). -It is advised to use plastic mounting devices for fixing the driver.Conditions for use:-Supply voltage of 400 Vdc max. is floating at max. 250 Vrms with respect to earth reference.- A disconnect device has to be provided in the end-use equipment.- A suitable Electrical and Fire enclosure shall be provided in the end product. Creepage and clearance distances to high voltage parts and traces shall be evaluated in the end product. Special consideration shall be given to the distances from earthed mounting screws to hazard voltage traces on the lamp driver PWB.-These component have been evaluated for use in a 55°C ambient with a forced air cooling as follows: During the temperature test the lamp drivers were mounted in a wind tunnel with a forced air cooling witha mean air velocity of 1,5 m/s. The air flow was in the length direction of the driver with the igniter coil atdownstream side-The model shall only be used with manufacturer specified lamp, Philips Type UHP 200W rated 200W, 85 V ± 15V.-During the ignition cycle the re-strike pulses are superimposed on a max. 800 Vpeak voltage between output leads and earth reference. In the end-use this value shall be taken into account when determining creepage and clearance distances.-In the end-use equipment the lamp supply leads and connector shall be routed, supported, clamped or secured in a manner that it is:* relieved from any strain on wire and connections.* prevented from loosening of wire connections and damage of conductor insulation.Warnings-Do not touch heatsink. Heatsink is connected to primary power.-Not for limited current use-SCI operation ONLY allowed when power input voltage is within specified range-Ignition/ lamp operation ONLY allowed when connector is properly connected to lamp-No safety implemented for wrong polarity of input connectorAppendix 1: Mechanical drawing of the connector.。