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DataMan® 260
Quick Reference Guide
10/9/2015 Version 5.6.0
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Perl 模块安装及cpan 初始设置2009-11-13 08:30:33标签:perl关于Perl 模块Authen::SASL 的安装方法。
Perl 中的正则表达式Perl(格式和字符串处理)在Apache服务器上运行mod_perl...perl 文件读写详细说明简单笔记一下关于Apache支持perl 以及m...关于perl学习的2个函数的问题!Perl 应用举例(PDF电子书下载)用perl调用系统命令来实现IPC$远程猜解...Perl 动态网页CGI入门1- HelloWorld ...用Perl语句来代替常用的操作系统命令前段时间研究Perl 通过smtp 发送邮件。
其中smtp验证的时候需要Authen::SASL 模块。
以下转载安装的方式:安装Perl模块Authen::SASL (optional Perl module for SVN::Notify)# wget/CPAN/authors/id/G/GB/GBARR/Authen-SASL-2.12.tar.gz# chmod a+x Authen-SASL-2.10.tar.gz# tar zxvf Authen-SASL-2.10.tar.gz# cd Authen-SASL-2.10# perl> Auto-install the 1 optional module(s) from CPAN? [n] y // 首次执行的时候,需要CPAN 初始化设置。
==> Auto-install the 1 optional module(s) from CPAN? [n] y //之后一路按回车# make test# make install //安装完成#############################################CPAN 初始设置Posted in perl by wanguan2000 on the 02月13th, 2009在安装Koha的时候,需要提前安装perl的相关模块,这里用到了CPAN,刚开始不知道是什么东东,现把Google来的东西整理在此,以作备份。
$lastchar=chop(str)截去最后一个字符,无论是什么字符。 $result=chomp(str)截去末尾的行分隔符(\n),行分隔符可由$/定 义。
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Copyright © 2008, Boobooke. All rights reserved.
一、变量 简单变量以$打头,可以用${var}表示。 二、数值变量 • 整型变量:普通格式,e表示的科学记数法,数字以_分隔的 表示。 • 八进制以0开头,十六进制以0x开头 • 浮点数0的省略表示 .3=0.3 3.=3.0 三、字符串变量 • 双引号:变量替换,转义,用前置\表示$,’,”,\,\nnn八进 制,\xnn十六进制表示ASCII码。 • 单引号:不替换,不转义,前置\只用于’ \
1 - 27
Copyright © 2008, Boobooke. All rights reserved.
‘ 单引号
不进行变量替换 print ‘this is $var’ 不进行转义 print ‘this is $var\n’ 字符串可以跨行 print ‘this is first line this is second line’
Perl的变量 2. Perl变量的组成
简单变量以$开头,+字母或下划线 字母,数字,下划线 区分大小写 $VAR $Var $var 变量长度不限
没有关键字,但是不要和内置变量重复 $if可以 $_重复
1 - 32
Copyright © 2008, Boobooke. All rights reserved.
Perl Reference Card
Perl Reference CardThis is version 2 of the perl reference card.(cl) 2008 Michael Goerz <>. taken liberally from the perl documentation and various other sources.You may freely distribute this document.1 Variable Types1.1 Scalars and Stringschomp($str);discard trailing \n$v = chop($str);$v becomes trailing char eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, cmp string comparison$str = “0” x 4;$str is now “0000”$v = index($str, $x); $v = rindex($str, $x);find index of $x in $str, starting from left or right$v = substr($str, $strt, $len);extract substring$cnt = $sky =~ tr/0-9//;count the digits in $sky $str =~ tr/a-zA-Z/ /cs;change non-alphas to space $v = sprintf(“%10s %08d”,$s,$n);format stringFormat String: %[flags][0][width][.precision][mod]type types:c characterd(i)signed decimal inte(E)scientific notationf decimal floating pointg, G shorter %e or %f / %E or %fo signed octals string of charsu, x, X unsigned decimal int / hex int / hex int in capsp address pointern nothing printedmodifiers: h,l,L arg is short int / long int, double/ long doubleMore: chr, crypt, hex, lc, lcfirst, length, oct, ord, pack, q/STRING/, qq/STRING/, reverse, uc, ucfirst1.2 Arrays and Lists@a = (1..5);array initialization$i = @a;number of elements in @a ($a, $b) = ($b, $a);swap $a and $b$x = $a[1];access to index 1$i = $#a;last index in @apush(@a, $s);appends $s to @a$a = pop(@a);removes last elementchop(@a);remove last char (per el.) $a = shift(@a);removes first element reverse(@a);reverse @a@a = sort{$ela <=> $elb}(@a);sort numerically@a = split(/-/,$s);split string into @a$s = join(“, ” @c);join @a elements into string @a2 = @a[1,2,6..9];array slice@a2 = grep(!/^#/, @a);remove comments from @a 1.3 Hashes%h=(k1 => “val1”,k2 => 3);hash initialization$val = $map{k1};recall value@a = %h;array of keys and values%h = @a;create hash from arrayforeach $k (keys(%h)){..}iterate over list of keysforeach $v (vals(%h)){..}iterate over list of valueswhile (($k,$v)=each %h){..}iterate over key-value-pairsdelete $h{k1};delete keyexists $h{k1}does key exist?defined $h{k1}is key defined?2 Basic Syntax($a, $b) = shift(@ARGV);read command line paramssub p{my $var = shift; ...}define subroutinep(“bla”);execute subroutineif(expr){} elsif {} else {}conditionalunless (expr){}negative conditionalwhile (expr){}while-loopuntil (expr){}until-loopdo {} until (expr)postcheck until-loopfor($i=1; $i<=10; $i++){}for-loopforeach $i (@list){}foreach-looplast, next, redo end loop, skip to next, jump to topeval {$a=$a/$b; };warn $@ if $@;exception handling3 References and Data Structures$aref = \@a;reference to array$aref = [1,"foo",undef,13];anonymous array$el = $aref->[0];$el = @{$aref}[0];access element of array$aref2 = [@{$aref1}];copy array$href = \%h;reference to hash$href ={APR => 4,AUG => 8};anonymous hash$el = $href->{APR};$el = %{$href}{APR};access element of hash$href2 = {%{$href1}};copy hashif (ref($r) eq "HASH") {}checks if $r points to hash@a = ([1, 2],[3, 4]);2-dim array$i = $a[0][1];access 2-dim array%HoA=(fs=>["f","b"],sp=>["h","m"]);hash of arrays$name = $HoA{sp}[1];access to hash of arrays$fh = \*STDIN globref$coderef = \&fnc;code ref (e.g. callback)$coderef =sub{print "bla"};anon subroutine&$coderef();calling anon subroutinesub createcnt{ my $c=shift;return sub {print "$c++"; }; }closure, $c persists*foo{THING}foo-syntax for creating refs4 System Interactionsystem(“cat $f|sort -u>$f.s”);system call@a = readpipe(“lsmod”);catch output$today = “Today: “.`date`;catch outputchroot(“/home/user/”);change rootwhile (<*.c>) {}operate on all c-filesunlink(“/tmp/file”);delete fileif (-f “file.txt”){...}file testFile Tests:-r, -w readable, writeable-x executable-e exists-f, -d, -l is file, directory, symlink-T, -B text file, binary file-M, -A mod/access age in days@stats = stat(“filename”);13-element list with statusMore: chmod, chown, chroot, fcntl, glob, ioctl, link,lstat, mkdir, opendir, readlink, rename, rmdir,symlink, umask, utime5 Input/Outputopen(INFILE,"in.txt") or die;open file for inputopen(INFILE,"<:utf8","file");open file with encodingopen(TMP, "+>", undef);open anonymous temp fileopen(MEMORY,'>', \$var);open in-memory-fileopen(OUT,">out.txt") or die;open output fileopen(LOG,">>my.log") or die;open file for appendopen(PRC,"caesar <$file |");read from processopen(EXTRACT, "|sort >Tmp$$");write to process$line = <INFILE>;get next line@lines = <INFILE>;slurp infileforeach $line (<STDIN>){...}loop of lines from STDINprint STDERR "Warning 1.\n";print to STDERRclose INFILE;close filehandleMore: binmode, dbmopen, dbmclose, fileno, flock,format, getc, read, readdir, readline, rewinddir,seek, seekdir, select, syscall, sysreed, sysseek,tell, telldir,truncate, pack, unpack, vec6 Regular Expressions($var =~ /re/), ($var !~ /re/)matches / does not matchm/pattern/igmsoxc matching patternqr/pattern/imsox store regex in variables/pattern/replacement/igmsoxe search and replaceModifiers:i case-insensitive o compile onceg global x extendedm multiline c don't reset pos (with g)s as single line (. matches \n)e evaluate replacementSyntax:\escape.any single char^start of line$end of line*, *?0 or more times (greedy / nongreedy)+, +? 1 or more times (greedy / nongreedy)?, ??0 or 1 times (greedy / nongreedy)\b, \B word boundary ( \w - \W) / match except at w.b. \A string start (with /m)\Z string end (before \n)\z absolute string end\G continue from previous m//g[...]character set(...)group, capture to $1, $2(?:...)group without capturing{n,m} , {n,m}?at least n times, at most m times{n,} , {n,}?at least n times{n} , {n}?exactly n times|or\1, \2text from nth group ($1, ...)Escape Sequences:\a alarm (beep)\e escape\f formfeed\n newline\r carriage return\t tab\cx control-x\l lowercase next char\L lowercase until \E\U uppercase until \E\Q diable metachars until \E\E end case modifications Character Classes:[amy]'a', 'm', or 'y'[f-j.-]range f-j, dot, and dash[^f-j]everything except range f-j\d, \D digit [0-9] / non-digit\w, \W word char [a-zA-Z0-9_] / non-wordchar\s, \S whitepace [ \t\n\r\f] / non-space\C match a byte\pP, \PP match p-named unicode / non-p-named-unicode \p{...}, \P{...}match long-named unicode / non-named-unicode \X match extended unicodePosix:[:alnum]alphanumeric[:alpha]alphabetic[:ascii:]any ASCII char[:blank:]whitespace [ \t][:cntrl:]control characters[:digit:]digits[:graph:]alphanum + punctuation[:lower:]lowercase chars[:print:]alphanum, punct, space[:punct:]punctuation[:space:]whitespace [\s\ck][:upper:]uppercase chars[:word:]alphanum + '_'[:xdigit:]hex digit[:^digit:]non-digit Extended Constructs(?#text)comment(?imxs-imsx:...)enable or disable option(?=...), (?!...)positive / negative look-ahead(?<=..), (?<!..)positive / negative look-behind(?>...)prohibit backtracking(?{ code })embedded code(??{ code })dynamic regex(?(cond)yes|no)condition corresponding to captured parentheses(?(cond)yes)condition corresponding to look-aroundVariables$&entire matched string$`everything prior to matched string$'everything after matched string$1, $2 ...n-th captured expression$+last parenthesis pattern match$^N most recently closed capt.$^R result of last (?{...})@-, @+offsets of starts / ends of groups7 Object-Oriented Perl and ModulesDefining a new class:package Person;use strict;sub new { #constructor, any name is finemy $class = shift;my $self = {};$self->{NAME} = undef; # field$self->{"_CENSUS"} = \$Census; # class data++ ${ $self->{"_CENSUS"} };bless ($self, $class);return $self;}sub name { #methodmy $self = shift;if (@_) { $self->{NAME} = shift }return $self->{NAME};}sub DESTROY { #destructormy $self = shift; -- ${$self->{"_CENSUS"} };}1; # so the ‘require’ or ‘use’ succeedsUsing the class:use Person;$him = Person->new();$him->name("Jason");printf "There's someone named %s.\n", $him->name;use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($him); # debugInstalling Modules: perl -MCPAN -e shell;8 One-Liners-0 (zero) specify the input record separator-a split data into an array named @F-F specify pattern for -a to use when splitting-i edit files in place-n run through all the @ARGV arguments as files, using <>-p same as -n, but will also print the contents of $_Interactive Mode: perl -de 42Examples:1. just lines 15 to 17, efficientlyperl -ne 'print if $. >= 15; exit if $. >= 17;'2. just lines NOT between line 10 and 20perl -ne 'print unless 10 .. 20'3. lines between START and ENDperl -ne 'print if /^START$/ .. /^END$/'4. in-place edit of *.c files changing all foo to barperl -pi.bak -e 's/\bfoo\b/bar/g' *.c5. delete first 10 linesperl -i.old -ne 'print unless 1 .. 10' foo.txt6. change all the isolated oldvar occurrences to newvarperl -i.old -pe 's{\boldvar\b}{newvar}g' *.[chy]7. printing each line in reverse orderperl -e 'print reverse <>' file1 file2 file3 ....8. find palindromes in the /usr/dict/words dictionary fileperl -lne '$_ = lc $_; print if $_ eq reverse'/usr/dict/words9. command-line that reverses all the bytes in a fileperl -0777e 'print scalar reverse <>' f1 f2 f310. word wrap between 50 and 72 charsperl -p000e 'tr/ \t\n\r/ /;s/(.{50,72})\s/$1\n/g;$_.="\n"x2'11. strip and remove double spacesperl -pe '$_ = " $_ "; tr/ \t/ /s; $_ =substr($_,1,-1)'12. move '*.txt.out' to '*.out'perl -e '($n = $_) =~ s/\.txt(\.out)$/$1/ and not-e $n and rename $_, $n for @ARGV' *。
A Quick Guide To PERL Regular Expressions This is a Quick reference Guide for PERL regular expressions(also known as regexps or regexes).These tools are used to describe text as “motifs” or “patterns” for matching, quoting, substituting or translitterating. Each programming language (Perl, C, Java, Python...) define its own regular expressions although the syntax might differ from details to extensive changes. In this guide we will concentrate on the Perl regexp syntax, we assume that the reader has some preliminary knowledge of Perl programming.Perl uses a Traditional Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA) match engine. This means that it will compare each element of the motif to the input string, keeping track of the positions. The engine choose the first leftmost match after greedy (i.e., longest possible match) quantifiers have matched.ReferencesFor more information on Perl regexps and other syntaxes you can refer to O’Reilly’s book “Mastering Regular Expressions”.Examples:The following sentence will be used in all our examples:The ID sp:UBP5_RAT is s imilar to the rab i t AC tr:Q12345Motif finding: match operator m//EXPR =~ m/MOTIF/cgimosxEXPR =~ /MOTIF/cgimosxEXPR !~ m/MOTIF/cgimosxEXPR !~ /MOTIF/cgimosxExamples: match any SwissProt ID for a rat proteinif ($ex =~ m/\w{2,5}_RAT/) { print “Rat entry\n”; } will matchThe ID sp:UBP5_RAT is s imilar to the rab i t AC tr:Q12345 and as a result print Rat entry.Optionscg continue after a failure in /gg global matches (matches all occurrences)i case insensitivem multiline, allow “^” and “$” to match with (\n)o compile MOTIF only onces single line, dot “.” matches new-line (\n)x ignore whitespace and allow comments “#” in MOTIF Search&Replace: substitution operator s///EXPR =~ s/MOTIF/REPLACE/egimosxExample: correct typo for the word rabbit$ex =~ s/rabit/rabbit/g;Here is the content of $ex:The ID sp:UBP5_RAT is s imilar to the rabb i t AC tr:Q12345Example: find and tag any TrEMBL AC$ex =~ s/tr:/trembl_ac=/g;Here is the content of $ex:The ID sp:UBP5_RAT is s imilar to the r ab i t AC tremb l_ac=Q12345Optionse evaluate REPLACE as an expressiong global matches (matches all occurrences)i case insensitivem multiline, allow “^” and “$” to match with (\n)o compile MOTIF only onces single line, dot “.” matches new-line (\n)x ignore whitespace and allow comments “#” in MOTIFQuoting: quote and compile operator qr//EXPR =~ qr/MOTIF/imosxExample: reuse of a precompiled regexp$myregexp = qr/\w{2,5}_\w{2,5}/;if ($ex =~ m/$myregexp/) { print “SwissProtID\n”; }will match:The ID sp:UBP5_RAT is s imilar to the rab i t AC tr:Q12345and as a result will print SwissProtID.Optionsi case insensitivem multiline, allow “^” and “$” to match with (\n)o compile MOTIF only onces single line, dot “.” matches new-line (\n)x ignore whitespace and allow comments “#” in MOTIFCharacter classes[...] Match any one character of a class[^...] Match any one character not in the bracket.Match any character (except newline [^\n]) in nonsingle-line mode (/s)\d Any digit. Equivalent to [0..9] or [[:digit:]]\D Any non-digit.\s Any whitespace. [ \t\s\n\r\f\v] or [[:space:]]\S Any non-whitespace.\w Any word character. [a-zA-Z0-9_] or [[:alnum:_]]\W Any non-word character. Warning \w != \SPOSIX Character class[[:class:]] class can be any of:alnum alpha ascii blank cntrl digit graph lowerprint punct space upper xdigitSpecial characters\a alert (bell)\b backspace\e escape\f form feed\n newline\r carriage return\t horizontal tabulation\nnn octal nnn\x nn hexadecimal nn\c X control character XRepetitions? Zero or one occurrence of the previous item.* Zero or more occurrences of the previous item.+ One or more occurrences of the previous item.{n,m} Match at least n times but no more than m times theprevious item.{n,} Match n or more times{n} Match exactly n times{}? Non-greedy match (i.e., match the shortest string)Anchors^ or \A Match beginning of the string/line$ or \Z Match end of the string/line\z End of string in any match mode\b Match word boundary\B Match non-word boundaryCapture & Grouping(...) Group several characters together for later use orcapture as a single unit| Match either subexpressions (equivalent to “OR”)Example: match any database code in the list$ex =~ m/(sp:|tr:|rs:)/g;will match:The ID sp:UBP5_RAT is s imilar to the r ab i t AC tr:Q12345\nBack reference. Match the same as the captured group number n that was previously matched in the same MOTIF.$nSubstring of captured group nExample: match several instances with back reference$ex =~ m/(the).+\1/i;will match:The ID sp:UBP 5_RAT is s imilar to the rab i t AC tr :Q 12345Example: rename any tr:AC to trembl_AC= using a capture$ex =~ s/tr:([[:alnum:]]{6})/trembl_AC=$1/gi;will match:The ID sp:UBP 5_RAT is s imilar to the rab i t AC tremb l_AC=Q 12345Text-span modifiers \Q Quote following metacharacters until \E or end ofmotif (allow the use of scalars in regexp)\u Force next character to uppercase \l Force next character to lowecase \U Force all following characters to uppercase \L Force all following characters to lowercase \E End a span started with \Q , \U or \L Extended Regexp (?#...) Substring “...” is a comment(?=...) Positive lookahead. Match if exists next match(e.g., allow overlapping matches in global mode)(?!...) Negative lookahead. Match if no next match (?<=...) Positive lookahead. Fixed length only.(?<!...) Negative lookahead. Fixed length only.(?imsx) Modify matching optionsTransliteration: translate operator tr///EXPR =~ tr/SEARCHLIST/REPLACELIST/cdsTransliteration is not - and does not use - a regular expression, but it is frequently associated with the regexp in PERL. Thus we decided to include it in this guide.Example: reverse and complement a DNA sequence$DNA = AAATATTTCATCGTACAT;$revcom = reverse $DNA;$revcom =~ tr/A C G T a c g t/T G C A t g c a/;The transliteration will produce the following:print($DNA); AAATATTTCATCGTACAT print($revcom); ATGTACGATGAAATATTTOptionsc complement REPLACELISTd delete non-replaced charactersssingle replace of duplicated charactersUniCode matchesPerl 5.8 supports UniCode 3.2. However it would be too long to describe all the properties in details here. For more information see “Mastering Regular Expressions”.\p{PROP} Matches a UniCode property\P{PROP} Matches anything but a UniCode propertyThis document was written and designed by Laurent Falquet and Vassilios Ioannidis from the Swiss EMBnet node and being distributed by P&PR Publications Committee of EMBnet.EMBnet - European Molecular Biology Network - is a bioinformatics support network of bioinformatics support centers situated primarily in Europe. Most countries have a national node which can provide training courses and other forms of help for users of bioinformatics software.You can find information about your national node from the EMBnet site:http://www /A Quick Guide To PERL Regular ExpressionsFirst edition © 2005。
BC846 series65 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 9 — 25 September 2012Product data sheet 1.Product profile1.1General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in Surface-Mounted Device(SMD) plastic packages.Table 1.Product overviewType number[1]Package PNP complementN experia JEITA JEDECBC846SOT23-TO-236AB BC856BC846W SOT323SC-70-BC856WBC846T SOT416SC-75-BC856T[1]Valid for all available selection groups.1.2Features and benefits⏹General-purpose transistors⏹SMD plastic packages⏹Two different gain selections1.3Applications⏹General-purpose switching and amplification1.4Quick reference dataTable 2.Quick reference dataSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitV CEO collector-emitter voltage open base--65VI C collector current--100mAh FE DC current gain V CE=5V; I C=2mA110-450h FE group A110180220h FE group B2002904502.Pinning information3.Ordering information[1]Valid for all available selection groups.4.Marking[1]* = placeholder for manufacturing site codeTable 3.PinningPin Description Simplified outline Graphic symbolSOT23, SOT323, SOT4161base 2emitter 3collector006aaa144123sym02131Table 4.Ordering informationType number [1]Package NameDescriptionVersion BC846-plastic surface-mounted package; 3leads SOT23BC846W SC-70plastic surface-mounted package; 3leads SOT323BC846TSC-75plastic surface-mounted package; 3leadsSOT416Table 5.Marking codesType numberMarking code [1]BC8461D*BC846A 1A*BC846B 1B*BC846W 1D*BC846AW 1A*BC846BW 1B*BC846T 1M BC846AT 1A BC846BT1B5.Limiting values[1]Device mounted on an FR4Printed-Circuit Board (PCB), single-sided copper, tin-plated and standard footprint.6.Thermal characteristics[1]Device mounted on an FR4PCB, single-sided copper, tin-plated and standard footprint.Table 6.Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Symbol ParameterConditions Min Max Unit V CBO collector-base voltage open emitter -80V V CEO collector-emitter voltage open base -65V V EBO emitter-base voltage open collector -6V I C collector current -100mA I CM peak collector current single pulse; t p ≤1ms -200mA I BM peak base current single pulse; t p ≤1ms -200mAP tottotal power dissipation T amb ≤25︒C[1]SOT23-250mW SOT323-200mW SOT416-150mW T j junction temperature -150︒C T amb ambient temperature -65+150︒C T stgstorage temperature-65+150︒CTable 7.Thermal characteristics Symbol ParameterConditions Min Typ Max UnitR th(j-a)thermal resistance fromjunction to ambient in free air[1]SOT23--500K/W SOT323--625K/W SOT416--833K/W7.Characteristics[1]Pulse test: t p ≤300μs; δ=0.02.[2]V BEsat decreases by approximately 1.7mV/K with increasing temperature.[3]V BE decreases by approximately 2mV/K with increasing temperature.Table 8.CharacteristicsT amb =25︒C unless otherwise specified.Symbol ParameterConditions Min Typ Max Unit I CBOcollector-base cut-off currentV CB =30V;I E =0A --15nA V CB =30V;I E =0A; T j =150︒C --5μA I EBO emitter-base cut-off current V EB =5V; I C =0A --100nAh FEDC current gain V CE =5V; I C =10μAh FE group A -180-h FE group B -290-DC current gain V CE =5V; I C =2mA110-450h FE group A 110180220h FE group B200290450V CEsat collector-emitter saturation voltage I C =10mA;I B =0.5mA -90200mV I C =100mA; I B =5mA [1]-200400mV V BEsat base-emittersaturation voltage I C =10mA;I B =0.5mA [2]-760-mV I C =100mA; I B =5mA [2]-900-mV V BE base-emitter voltage I C =2mA; V CE =5V [3]580660700mV I C =10mA;V CE =5V [3]--770mV f T transition frequency V CE =5V; I C =10mA; f =100MHz100--MHz C c collector capacitance V CB =10V;I E =i e =0A; f =1MHz-23pF C e emitter capacitance V EB =0.5V; I C =i c =0A; f =1MHz-11-pF NFnoise figureI C =200μA; V CE =5V; R S =2k Ω; f =1kHz; B =200Hz-210dB8.Package outline9.Packing information[1]For further information and the availability of packing methods, see Section 13.[2]Valid for all available selection groups.Table 9.Packing methodsThe indicated -xxx are the last three digits of the 12NC ordering code.[1]Typenumber [2]Package DescriptionPacking quantity 100030004000BC846SOT234mm pitch, 8mm tape and reel -215--235BC846W SOT3234mm pitch, 8mm tape and reel -115--135BC846TSOT4164mm pitch, 8mm tape and reel-115--13510.Soldering11.Revision historyTable 10.Revision historyDocument ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice SupersedesBC846_SER v.920120925Product data sheet-BC846_SER v.8 Modifications:•Table 6 “Limiting values”: P tot values correctedBC846_SER v.820120424Product data sheet BC846_BC546_SER v.7 BC846_BC546_SER v.720091117Product data sheet-BC846_BC546_SER v.6 BC846_BC546_SER v.620060207Product data sheet--12.Legal information12.1 Data sheet status[1]Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.[2]The term ‘short data sheet’ is explained in section “Definitions”.[3]The product status of device(s) described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple devices. The latest product statusinformation is available on the Internet at URL .12.2 DefinitionsDraft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. Nexperia does not give anyrepresentations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.Short data sheet — A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s) and title. A short data sheet is intended for quick reference only and should not be relied upon to contain detailed and full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local Nexperia salesoffice. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the full data sheet shall prevail.Product specification — The information and data provided in a Product data sheet shall define the specification of the product as agreed between Nexperia and its customer, unless Nexperia andcustomer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. In no event however, shall an agreement be valid in which the Nexperia product isdeemed to offer functions and qualities beyond those described in the Product data sheet.12.3 DisclaimersLimited warranty and liability — Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Nexperia does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. Nexperia takes noresponsibility for the content in this document if provided by an information source outside of Nexperia.In no event shall Nexperia be liable for any indirect, incidental,punitive, special or consequential damages (including - without limitation - lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory.Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, Nexperia’s aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of Nexperia.Right to make changes — Nexperia reserves the right to makechanges to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.Suitability for use — Nexperia products are not designed,authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of a Nexperia product can reasonably be expectedto result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. Nexperia and its suppliers accept no liability forinclusion and/or use of Nexperia products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk.Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Nexperia makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using Nexperia products, and Nexperiaaccepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the Nexperia product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications andproducts planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products.Nexperia does not accept any liability related to any default,damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using Nexperia products in order to avoid a default of the applications andthe products or of the application or use by customer’s third partycustomer(s). Nexperia does not accept any liability in this respect.Limiting values — Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC60134) will cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and (proper) operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in the Recommended operating conditions section (if present) or the Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect the quality and reliability of the device.Terms and conditions of commercial sale — Nexperiaproducts are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at /profile/terms, unless otherwise agreed in a valid written individual agreement. In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. Nexperia hereby expressly objects toapplying the customer’s general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of Nexperia products by customer.No offer to sell or license — Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights.Document status[1][2]Product status[3]DefinitionObjective [short] data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development. Preliminary [short] data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification.Product [short] data sheet Production This document contains the product specification.Export control — This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities.Quick reference data — The Quick reference data is an extract of the product data given in the Limiting values and Characteristics sections of this document, and as such is not complete, exhaustive or legally binding.Non-automotive qualified products — Unless this data sheet expressly states that this specific Nexperia product is automotive qualified,the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements. Nexperia accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use ofnon-automotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications.In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotive specifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without Nexperia’s warranty of theproduct for such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond Nexperia’s specifications such use shall be solely at customer’sown risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies Nexperia for anyliability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive applications beyond Nexperia’sstandard warranty and Nexperia’s product specifications.12.4 TrademarksNotice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.13.Contact informationFor more information, please visit: For sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@14. Contents1 Product profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 General description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Features and benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4 Quick reference data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Pinning information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Ordering information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Marking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Limiting values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Thermal characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Package outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Packing information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810 Soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911 Revision history. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1212 Legal information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312.1 Data sheet status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312.2 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312.3 Disclaimers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312.4 Trademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413 Contact information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1414 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15© Nexperia B.V. 2017. All rights reserved For more information, please visit: Forsalesofficeaddresses,pleasesendanemailto:*************************** Date of release:Mouser ElectronicsAuthorized DistributorClick to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information:N experia:BC846BW,135BC846B,235BC846A,215BC846,215BC846W,135BC846AW,135BC846AT,115BC846BW,115 BC846T,115BC846A,235BC846W,115BC846BT,115BC846B,215BC846AW,115。
GEM 5000 Quick Reference Resource Guide
GEM 5000 Quick Reference Resource GuideLocation: _____________IL Technical Support – 24/71-800-678-0710POCT CoordinatorStella Howard –***********************Office: 628.206.3057 (x63057)POCT Main Phone x63493Fax: 415.206.3045Official policy and procedure at https:///blood-gas-gem-5000/See section Issues with Patient ID, Sample, Specimen Type for questions on trouble samples and what to do if a wrong patient ID or wrong specimen type was used. If Stella is out of the office, contact Matthew Lam******************** at x66215, or Shannon Kastner ************************ x63544Biggest Differences from the Previous GEM 4000sCVP Quality Control is built into cartridge warmup, end users no longer need to run CVPSample type (venous, arterial, etc.) is built into the Quick Start Menu Panels, so be careful of what panel you chose before sampling, ensure the correct sample type is on the bottom of the panel. Example of a Venous sample with sample type Venous.Use Quick Start panels, do not use Manual Selection (except NICU).View Last Result is under Menu → View Last Results; no longeron its own tab on Home screenBarcode scanner is USB wired, does not need to be charged;must be seated to scan automatically, otherwise pick up andpush button to scan.Cartridge warmup time– 60 minutes, 20 minutes more due tobuilt-in CVP QC.Sample Analysis on the GEM 5000Specimen/Sample Stability and StoragePlastic lithium heparin syringe samples should be analyzed within 15 minutes of draw.Capillary samples in the NICU should be analyzed in 5 minutes.Minimum volume is 150 uL for most panels, shows volume requirement on screen. Discard after running.Sample PreparationMix well for 15 seconds after collection (3-5 inversions and roll between palms for 15 seconds) expel any excess air, walk to analyzer, mix well for 15 seconds againCheck for clotting by expelling a small amount of blood on a gauze before sampling.Unacceptable samples: any degree of clotting, insufficient volume, incorrect drawn or samples contaminated with line fluid, incorrect anticoagulant (lithium heparin only). If results on these sample types posted, please contact POCT/Stella to credit and note error.Analyzing Samples on the GEMSelect desired Panel from Quick Start menu only (except for NICU who can use Manual Selection). Sample type (venous, arterial, cord arterial, etc.) is built into the panel (different than GEM 4000’s), so be careful of what panel you chose before samplingScan your barcode or manually type in password – do not share barcodes!Before sampling, notice what panel (a demo “Normal” panel shown here), panel analytes and sample type (Arterial shown here) you have chosen. If it is wrong, hit Cancel. Wait and let it process until it returns to the Quick Start menu and try again, approximately a 1 min wait time.The GEM prompts “Hold Syringe over end of sampler”, insert blood syringe over lighted probe, and hit Start Aspiration.The GEM will aspirate sample displaying a Message on the blue menu bar “Aspirating Sample”Remove the sample when prompted on screen, the light flashes and you hear a beep-beep.The only required field is the CSN/account number , scan in from sample. Demographics should query on screen. See Troubleshooting section below if they do not.Verify the patient’s information using PPID – positive patient ID. MRN, full name, DOB should match label on specimen!Results will auto verify and post into Epic If wrong patient ID/MRN or wrong sample type was used, please contact POCT/Stella after reviewing the Issues with Patient ID, Specimen Type section below.Print results if needed. You can also return to that result if it returned to the home screen by going to Menu → View Last ResultDaily OperationIf screen or probe looks visibly soiled, wipe with a wet gauze or Kim wipe.Same as the GEM 4000’s. Press the tab at the top of the analyzer to release the door. Open door, remove old roll, and place new roll in the compartment so the paper unfurls to the front of the analyzer and up.TroubleshootingPlease contact Stella/POCT to manually enter the valid results.Issues with Patient ID, Sample, Specimen Type。
如何设置模拟量输入模板 SM 431-7KF00的温度补偿? 如何解决 SIMATIC BATCH 的 IL43基本设备上 hotfix 安装的问题? 如果通过 PCS7 V6.1 SP1 DVD 单独安装 SIMATIC BATCH Report 需要注意哪些设置? 为什么冗余模拟量输出模块的每个通道只有一半电流输出? 使用WinCC/Web Navigator V6.1 SP1需要什么样的操作系统和软件? 是否 COM PROFIBUS 可以使用所有版本的 GSD 文件? 如何在 WinCC flexible 中组态与S7 控制器的 Profinet 连接? 如何在操作面板上设定定时器时间, 同时如何输出定时器的剩余时间? 数据块初始值与实际值的含义 如何通过窗口对象滚动条步进调节过程值参数? 使用 SINAUT ST7 向电子邮箱接受方发送文本信息 SMS 需要做何设置? 可以使用CPU317-2PN/DP替代在iMap中组态的CPU315-2PN/DP吗? 什么情况下插入C-PLUG卡或者C-PLUG有什么作用? 通过一台PC,可以使用哪种方式访问与IWLAN/PB link PNIO或IE/PB link PNIO连接的PROFIBUS设备? 当在SINAUT网络中使用4线变压器应该注意哪些设置? 在 SINAUT 网络中,使用MD3拨号调制解调器作为专线调制解调器时,要进行哪些设置? 如何安装 DCF77 天线, 当选择 DCF77 天线时需要注意什么? 使用SINAUT ST7向传真机发送文本信息时,需要进行哪些设置? 在 SINAUT 项目中发送短消息必须进行哪些特殊服务的设置? 如何在S7-300 PN CPU和CP343-1之间建立一个open TCP 通讯连接,以及如何进行数据交换? 如何在两个S7-300 PN CPU之间建立一个open TCP 通讯连接,以及如何进行数据交换? 哪些控制系统可以成功与SINAUT ST7一起使用? 使用“零-Modem”电缆连接 TIM 模块应该注意什么? 当用 SINAUT 诊断工具的ST1协议进行诊断时,为什么TIM的状态不能显示? TIM 3V-IE 和 TIM 3V-IE Advanced 模块在以太网上通信时使用哪个端口号? 如何对没有接入网络的S7-200CPU编程? 掉电后,LOGO!的程序会丢失吗? 从 PCS7 V6.1 起,为什么没有分配任何 hierarchy (PH) 的 测量点(变量)通过编译不能在OS中自动创建相应的变量? 在SFC中,如何实现从一个 Sequencer 跳出后回到另一个 Sequencer 的某个固定位置并继续执行? 如何实现过程变量的平均值归档? 存储文件的目标路径和备份可选路径有何作用? WinCC变量归档中如何实现采集周期小于500ms的变量归档? 为什么在 OS 上会显示如下信息“时间跳变通知-永久切换为从站模式”? 在西门子A&D产品支持网站是否可以下载关于ET200M的手册? 在S7-400上怎样安装冗余电源? UDT改变后怎样更新使用UDT产生的数据块。 为什么在FB块中使用OUT变量赋值被调用FB块的IN变量时出现错误信息34:4469? 如何查看4-mation导入-导出错误 不能正确引导8212-1QU IBM/Lenovo M52 ThinkCentre 实时趋势更新缓慢的原因 如何保存变量名字典CSV文件的格式
UPF 1.0 Quick Reference GuideUPF HDL (RTL)Simulation, Logical Equivalence Checking, …SynthesisUPF Verilog (Netlist)P&RUPF Verilog (Netlist)Excerpts from the "Unified Power Format(UPF) Standard, Version 1.0" reproduced by permission of Accellera. Copyright(c) 2006-2007 by Accellera. Accellera does not warrant or represent the accuracy or content of the excerpted material, and expressly disclaims any express or implied warranty. Accellera Standards excerpts are supplied “AS IS.” The full standards document in its entirety can be found under .DAC 2007Command Syntax add_domain_elements domain_name -elements list add_port_state port_name {-state {name <nom | <min nom max> | off>}}*Description and Example Add design elements to a power domainadd_domain_elements U1/PD1 -elements {U1/U2/foo1 U1/U2/foo2}Add state to a portadd_port_state VN1 -state {active_state 0.88 0.90 0.92} -state {off_state off}add_pst_state state_name -pst table_name -state supply_statesDefine the states of each of the supply nets for one possible state of the designcreate_pst pt add_pst_state add_pst_state add_pst_state -supplies { PN1 PN2 s1 –pst pt –state { s2 –pst pt –state { s3 –pst pt –state { SOC/OTC/PN3 s08 s08 s08 s08 s08 off s08 s09 off } } } }bind_checker instance_name -module checker_name -elements list [-ports {{port_name net_name}*}] connect_supply_net net_name [-ports list] [-pins list] [<-cells list | -domain domain_name>] [<-rail_connection rail_type | -pg_type pg_type>]* [-vct vct_name] create_hdl2upf_vct vct_name -hdl_type {<vhdl | vlog | SV> [typename]} -table {{from_value to_value}*} create_power_domain domain_name [-elements list] [-include_scope] [-scope instance_name]Inserts checker modules and binds them to design elementsbind_checker chk_p_clks -module assert_partial_clk -elements {U1/U2 U1/U3} -ports {{prt1 clknet2} {port3 net4}}Connect a supply net to supply ports and/or pinsconnect_supply_net v09 -ports {VDD U18/v9 U21/v9} connect_supply_net pd1_vdd -ports pll_inst/vdd -vct upf2vlog_vddDefine value conversion table that can be used in converting HDL logic values into net_state_type valuescreate_hdl2upf_vct vlog2upf_vss -hdl_type vlog -table {{X OFF} {0 ON} {1 OFF} {Z PARTIAL_ON}}Define a power supply distribution network for a set of design elementscreate_power_domain PD1 -elements {top/U1} set_scope /top/U1 create_power_domain PD2create_power_switch switch_name -domain domain_name -output_supply_port {port_name supply_net_name} {-input_supply_port {port_name supply_net_name}}* {-control_port {port_name net_name}}* {-on_state {state_name input_supply_port {boolean_function}}}* [-on_partial_state {state_name input_supply_port {boolean_function}}]* [-ack_port {port_name net_name [{boolean_function}]}]* [-ack_delay {port_name delay}]* [-off_state {state_name {boolean_function}}]* [-error_state {state_name {boolean_function}}]* create_pst table_name -supplies listDefine a switch in the power domaincreate_power_switch sw1 -domain PD_SODIUM -output_supply_port {vout VN3} -input_supply_port {vin1 VN1} -input_supply_port {vin2 VN2} -control_port {ctrl_small ON1} -control_port {ctrl_large ON2} -control_port {ss SUPPLY_SELECT} -on_state {partial_s1 vin1 {ctrl_small & !ctrl_large & ss}} -on_state {full_s1 vin1 {ctrl_small & ctrl_large & ss}} -on_state {partial_s2 vin2 {ctrl_small & !ctrl_large & !ss}} -on_state {full_s2 vin2 {ctrl_small & ctrl_large & !ss}} -error_state {no_small {!ctrl_small & ctrl_large}}Create power state table with a specific ordering of supply netscreate_pst MyPowerStateTable -supplies {PN1 PN2 SOC/OTC/PN3}create_supply_net net_name -domain domain_name [-reuse] [-resolve <unresolved | one_hot | parallel>] create_supply_port port_name [-domain domain_name] [-direction <in |out>]Create a power or ground supply netcreate_supply_net v09 -domain PD1Create a port on a power domaincreate_supply_port VN1 -domain PD1DAC 2007Command Syntax create_upf2hdl vct_name -hdl_type {<vhdl | vlog | SV> [typename]} -table {{from_value to_value}*} get_supply_net net_name [-domain domain_name] [-scope scope_name] load_upf upf_file_name [-scope instance_name] [-version string] map_isolation_cell isolation_name -domain domain_name [-elements list] [-lib_cells list] [-lib_cell_type lib_cell_type] [-lib_model_name lib_model_name {-port {port_name net_name}}*] map_level_shifter_cell level_shifter_name -domain domain_name -lib_cells list [-elements list] map_power_switch switch_name -domain domain_name -lib_cells listDescription and Example Define value conversion table that can be used in converting UPF supply_net_type.state values into HDL logic valuescreate_upf2hdl_vct upf2vlog_vdd -hdl_type {vlog} -table {{OFF X} {ON 1} {PARTIAL_ON 0}}Return logical net name for this supply net in the given scopeget_supply_net VDD -domain mySoC_PD -scope /camera_iSet the scope to the specified instance and execute the specified UPF commandsload_upf my.upf -scope U1Map a particular isolation strategy to a library cell or range of library cells.map_isolation_cell test_PD1 -domain PD1 -lib_cell_type jims_iso_fastMap a particular level shifter strategy to a library cell or range of library cellsmap_level_shifter_cell shift_up -domain PwrDomZ -lib_cells {/lib2/LS_LH /lib2/LS_HL}Specify which power switch cell is to be used for the corresponding switch instancemap_power_switch switch_1A -domain myPowerDomain –lib_cells /lib2A/switch2Amap_retention_cell retention_name -domain domain_name [-elements list] [-lib_cells list] [-lib_cell_type lib_cell_type] [-lib_model_name lib_cell_name {-port port_name net_name}*] merge_power_domains new_domain_name -power_domains list [-scope instance_name] [-all_equivalent] name_format [-isolation_prefix string] [-isolation_suffix string] [-level_shift_prefix string] [-level_shift_suffix string] save_upf upf_file_name [-scope instance_name] [-version string] set_design_top instance set_domain_supply_net domain_name -primary_power_net supply_net_name -primary_ground_net supply_net_name set_isolation isolation_name -domain domain_name <-isolation_power_net net_name | -isolation_ground_net net_name | -isolation_power_net net_name -isolation_ground_net net_name | -no_isolation> [-elements list] [-clamp_value <0 | 1 | latch | Z>] [-applies_to <inputs | outputs | both>]Specify which retention cell is to be used for the retention registers in a power domainmap_retention_cell test_PDA -domain {PowerDomainA} -elements {foo/U1 foo/U2} -lib_model_name RETFF7 -port U1 N1Merge two or more existing power domains into a single, new power domainmerge_power_domains PD9 -power_domains {PD9A PD9B PD9C}Allow user guidance in constructing port and signal names related to isolation or level shifter cellsname_format –isolation_prefix “MY_ISO_” –isolation_suffix “”Create a UPF file relative to the specified scopesave_upf my_saved_file_Jan14Specify the top-level design instanceset_design_top ALU07Set the default power and ground supply nets for a power domainset_domain_supply_net PD1 -primary_power_net PG1 -primary_ground_net PG0Specify the elements in the domain to isolate using the specified strategyset_isolation outputs_only -domain PD1 -isolation_power_net VDDbackup -clamp_value 1 -applies_to outputsDAC 2007Command Syntax set_isolation_control isolation_name -domain domain_name -isolation_signal signal_name [-isolation_sense <high | low>] [-location <self | parent | sibling | fanout | automatic>] set_level_shifter level_shifter_name -domain domain_name [-elements list] [-threshold value] [-applies_to <inputs | outputs | both>] [-rule <low_to_high | high_to_low | both>] [-location <self | parent | sibling | fanout | automatic>] [-no_shift] set_pin_related_supply library_cell -pins list -related_power_pin supply_pin -related_ground_pin supply_pin set_power_switch switch_name -output_supply_port {port_name supply_net_name} {-input_supply_port {port_name supply_net_name}}* {-control_port {port_name net_name}}* {-on_state {state_name input_supply_port {boolean_function}}}* [-on_partial_state {state_name input_supply_port {boolean_function}}]* [-off_state {state_name {boolean_function}}]* [-error_state {state_name {boolean_function}}]* set_retention retention_name -domain domain_name <-retention_power_net net_name | -retention_ground_net net_name | -retention_power_net net_name -retention_ground_net net_name> [-elements list] set_retention_control retention_name -domain domain_name -save_signal {{net_name <high | low | posedge | negedge>}} -restore_signal {{net_name <high | low | posedge | negedge>}} [-assert_r_mutex {{net_name <high | low | posedge | negedge>}}]* [-assert_s_mutex {{net_name <high | low | posedge | negedge>}}]* [-assert_rs_mutex {{net_name <high | low | posedge | negedge>}}]* set_scope instanceDescription and Example Specify the control signals for a previously defined isolation strategyset_isolation outputs_only -domain PD1 -isolation_power_net VDDbackup -clamp_value 1 -applies_to outputs set_isolation_control outputs_only -domain PD1 -isolation_signal cpu_iso -isolation_sense low -location parentSpecify a level shifter strategyset_level_shifter shift_up -domain PowerDomainZ -applies_to outputs -threshold 0.02 -rule bothDefine the related power/ground pair for a library cellset_pin_related_supply library1/cell1 -pins {A B C} -related_power_pin VDDX -related_ground_pin VSSXExtend a switch by adding the input supply port(s) and output supply port to the switchset_power_switch hmacro/sw1 -input_supply_port {i1 always_on_power} -output_supply_port {o1 switched_power} -control_port {on} -on_state {sw1_on on {on}} -off_state {sw1_off on {~on}}Specify which registers in the domain need to be retention registers and set the save and restore signals for the retention functionalityset_retention my_retention -domain PDA -retention_power_net volt_highSpecify the control signals and assertions for a previously defined retention strategyset_retention my_retention_strategy -domain PDA set_retention_control my_retention_strategy -domain PDA -save_signal {power_ctrl_inst/save_1 high} -restore_signal {power_ctrl_inst/restore_1 low} -assert_rs_mutex {clock_a posedge}Specify the current UPF scopeset_scope foo/bar set_scope ..upf_version [string]Specify the version for the UPF file/syntaxupf_version 1.0DAC 2007。
SINUMERIK 840D sl 软件安装与操作指南说明书
s SINUMERIK 840D sl2016-03-31CNC Software 4.7 SP2 HF4Installation and Operating NotesThe CNC Software 4.7 SP2 HF4 (internal Version comprises the following components:Component VersionNCK (incl. NRK) V99.17.07SNCK V02. V04.70.35.46PLC OpSys (317-3) V32.83.23PLC OpSys (319-3) V32.83.23FB15(sl) 04.07.26CP V02.34.00MCP_CLIENT V01.06.04SINUMERIK Operate V04. basic system V04.70.80NCK file system driver V04. Config V03.00.00(SDBs for the configuration of NCU-Link)Profinet FW V04.07.62.03HMIARC Tool CNC SW 4.7 SP2 HFx may only be operated on SINUMERIK NCUs 710.3 PN / 710.3B PN, 720.3 PN / 720.3B PN and 730.3 PN / 730.3B PN.o CF card Smart Modular Xceed 8GB. - For the standard version 6FC5851-1XG41-2YA8.o Step 7 version as from V5.5 SP4o Current toolbox from and including V NCU service system from and including V04.70.47o For the use of SINUMERIK Operate internally on NCU, you require the option S00 SINUMERIK Operate on /NCU in combination with real driveso For the use of SINUMERIK Operate externally on PCU or PC, you require the option P87/P88 SINUMERIK Operate on /PCU / PC in combination with real driveso NCU 7x0.3 modules with boot code of PLC version V2.5 (see also the point "Boot code..")**********************************************************************************************************************New options V4.7 SP2 HF1 and higher:6FC5800-0AS14-0YB0 Orientation Offset6FC5800-0AP77-0YB0 CNC user memory expanded6FC5800-0AP80-0YB0 Extended Touch6FC5800-0AP73-0YB0 Run MyRobot /Machining© Siemens AG 2016DF MC R&D 51Page 1 of 12Notes and restrictions:The Software HMI-Pro sl as from including V04.05.03.04 can be used in combination with CNC SW 4.7 SP2 HFx.Additional languages V4.5.2 and V4.7.2.1 are supported. New texts from SW 4.7 SP2 HF1 are possibly displayed in English.The following functions / options have not been released:• F-PLC, that means no 317F or 319F, nor SINUMERIK with dbSI1 either• HTL/TTL encoder in combination with HLA and Safety• The CBA function may only be used together with a declaration regarding the machine-specific approval. • AST from part program (ASTCMD): no support of gantry axes• The Easy-XML functionality included in Operate may not be used by customers for configuring.********************************************************************************************************************** Functional improvements in Operate SW 4.7 SP2 HF4 compared to SW 4.7 SP2 HF3:PR No. 461181 465929 455882 455890 455893Functional improvements in Siemens Cycles SW 4.7 SP2 HF4 compared to SW 4.7 SP2 HF3:PR / RQ 463950 465889 465355Functional improvements in NCK SW 4.7 SP2 HF4 compared to SW 4.7 SP2 HF3:PR No. 454805Functional improvements in Operate SW 4.7 SP2 HF3 compared to SW 4.7 SP2 HF1:PR / RQ 437375 44441 445573 451745Functional improvements in Siemens cycles SW 4.7 SP2 HF3 compared to SW 4.7 SP2 HF1:PR / RQ 435158 441514 441517 436813 451189Functional improvements Linux basic system SW 4.7 SP2 HF3 compared to SW 4.7 SP2 HF1:PR / RQ 408616 427875Functional improvements in NCK SW 4.7 SP2 HF1 compared to SW 4.7 SP1 HF1:PR No. 223981 223983 224078 224176 224329 224590 224719 225480 225635 225760 226113 226134 226226 298293 298481 299426 311840 317281 322349 329598 330513 332500 334927 335256 356081 336706 336721 337226 339418 340140 340469 340814 344404 345306 345306 345762 346665 348212 348713 349183 351642 353091 353472 353606 355123 355443 356904 356907 357128 357174 357822 358272 358656 359001 359007 359927 360178 360543 360550 363495 364464 365308 365574 365731 366094 366094 366166 366484 366717 367592 368094 368634 369953 370430 371206 372680 372954 374197 375457 376765 377148 377151 377151 378642 378767 378869 379143 379474 379474 380340 380731 381765 381791 381959 382053 383143 383202 383208 385000 386211 386315 386315 388342 388342 388836 388926 389770 390300 390330 390364 390847 390847 391660 391807 392293 392304 392400 393820 393820 394144 395547 395852 396459 397177 398392 399256 399309 399812 400045 400273 400639 400854 401008 401503© Siemens AG 2016DF MC R&D 51Page 2 of 12401624 402119 402119 403479 404601 405164 406539 406851 408564 409450 409932 410433 410735 411246 413392 419084 419596 424109 Functional improvements in Operate SW 4.7 SP2 HF1 compared to SW 4.7 SP1 HF1:PR No. 223769 223877 224056 224314 224321 224420 224481 225104 225904 225990 226232 226394 300402 318491 322713 324767 325498 334331 334930 335016 336851 337082 339022 339874 340344 340651 350129 350201 352254 352355 352904 353281 353659 353721 356266 356357 358778 359281 360403 360583 361217 361546 362217 363278 364038 364238 364492 364495 365162 365844 366901 367682 367682 368327 368374 368377 368806 369484 370560 371357 371446 372141 372477 372803 372809 372813 372835 373319 373487 373742 375180 375385 375424 375787 375794 376538 376966 377115 377593 377808 378142 378372 378694 379569 379915 379915 380434 380460 380670 381296 381305 381359 381527 381736 381736 381964 382114 382792 382792 382808 383158 383309 383345 383345 383795 383801 384398 384407 384407 385018 385018 385251 386383 386625 386747 386747 386773 387108 387108 387108 387251 387318 387371 387381 388054 388181 388186 388486 388823 388823 388827 389701 390346 390643 390643 390815 390846 390859 391306 391741 391741 392208 392211 392211 392233 392583 392752 392752 392752 392757 392899 393278 393278 393326 393509 394148 394573 394852 395130 395738 395765 395906 396445 397037 397143 397145 397394 397810 398509 398771 398926 400490 401097 401671 401728 402009 402009 402313 404475 405164 405389 405534 405809 405819 405876 406189 406215 406238 407561 408062 408733 409450 409693 410119 410502 410914 410914 411432 411589 411594 411853 411922 412540 413754 414566 414906 414983 415201 415564 416534 416554 416878 417248 417387 418708 418739 418887 419987 420012 420250 420484 420585 421635 421967 422428 424217 424217 424279 425359 425595 425788 425788 426349 426349 429419 430121 431275 433293 435149 435186 435206 435295 Functional improvements in the Siemens cycles SW 4.7 SP2 HF1 compared to SW 4.7 SP1 HF1:PR No. 223970 224912 225633 226202 287498 307345 310522 311986 327348 333374 339325 345012 345810 347320 348287 350523 359436 359618 360164 364202 364204 371395 371797 375783 376496 376853 377231 377615 377647 378440 379727 379881 380089 380126 380767 380978 381187 381218 381340 381903 383997 385847 385863 386148 388506 389579 389655 390706 392172 392172 392399 392399 392418 392418 392759 392876 392876 392876 393069 393196 393222 393222 394495 394573 396311 396402 397048 398912 399203 399281 399873 399903 400110 400110 400335 400382 401081 401723 401973 402889 402889 405380 408989 409008 409932 409932 409932 410650 411532 412362 413543 414764 416760 420751 424630 426834 428054 431605 Installing the CNC software:The NCU service system >= V04.70.47 is required on a USB stick to install the CNC software.New installations can be performed via the NCU service system and TCU or with WinSCP / AMM /P2P fromV4.6 SP1 HFx.An upgrade or new installation can also be carried out using the tools of the Create MyConfig Version from 4.6 HF1. To do this, a CMC package must be generated that is stored and booted either on a PG, PC, a PCU or a © Siemens AG 2016DF MC R&D 51Page 3 of 12USB stick at the NCU or PCU. The instructions can be found in the Create MyConfig manual.The software may only be installed on a SINUMERIK 8GB CF card – see prerequisites.Boot code of the PLC:Software release 4.7 only starts with PLC boot code V2.5 (or later) internally coded on the NCU hardware.If this PLC boot code has still not been installed, the control will not start (in the 7-segment display"PLC" and SF and DP LED flash red).In this state, the bootcode upgrade can be initiated by actuating the PLC rotary switch. The bootcode is flashed by turning the PLC rotary switch into position 5. This can be identified by the factthat a rotating wheel is displayed in the 7-segment display. This takes approx. 15 seconds. With this procedure, under no circumstances is it permissible that the NCU is switched off! The 7-segment display goes dark after the boot code upgrade has been completed. The PLC rotary switch can now be turned back to position 3 (memory reset) and the system continues to boot.Installing the NCU service system on USB stick:The NCU service system is stored as a USB stick image in directory emergency_bootsys_ncu on the supplied DVD. The copy program installdisk.exe is also included. Connect a USB stick >= 2 GB to your PG resp. PC and determine the relevant drive letters. Call installdisk to copy the NCU service system to the USB stick: installdisk --verbose --blocksize 1m <Image file> <Drive letter:>It is best if the command specified above is executed in a DOS shell.For this, you require administrator rights on your PG / PC.Installation on the NCU:Upon completion of installdisk, remove the USB stick from the PG / PC, boot once an NCU 7x0 from this stick (this boot process takes a little bit longer; a "P" in the 7-segment display of the NCU indicates that the FAT partition of the USB stick is partitioned) and reinsert the stick in the PG / PC. Under Windows, you can now see an empty USB stick. Now copy the desired CNC software (file with extension .tgz) from directory ncu_sw on the DVD supplied to this USB stick.The USB stick can be connected to one of the two USB connectors of the NCU 7x0.3. The NCU will boot from this USB stick after power ON. The system is operated either via a TCU that is connected to the NCU, or via PG / PC using WinSCP under "Open Terminal".Instructions on how to use the NCU service system can be found in documentation /IM7/ on the DVD supplied. We recommend that you use the USB stick "SIMATIC IPC USB Flashdrive, 6ES7648-0DC60-0AA0". Alternatively, the image can be installed using the AccessMyMaschine /P2P tool V4.6 SP1 HFx via the menu item "Write file system image..." dialog.Notes on the CNC software:o The NC option alarm is a Power-On alarm with the standard and export versions.Exception: Simulators without real Drives.o When upgrading the system from V4.5 SPx and having licensed all options, the options P87 and P88 (Operate on PC resp. PCU 50) may have to be licensed subsequently following the upgrade.o Before reading in a data backup, perform a general reset of NC and PLC using the switches NCK / PLC.o Auto Servo Tuning - ASTWhen upgrading your system from CNC SW < V4.5 SP3, the stored AST session files (Auto ServoTuning) are not compatible and the AST settings (strategy, measurement parameters, etc.) get lost.o SinuComARCSeries commissioning archives can no longer be edited with SinuComArc.Alternatively, you can use Create MyConfig (e.g..: also CMC Diff) resp. AMM /P2P V4.6 SP1 HF2: Does not claim to be a compatible successur.© Siemens AG 2016DF MC R&D 51Page 4 of 12o In the screen "Logical drives", display faults regarding the configured USB interfaces may occur.o In the screen "Logical drives ", you should not configure network drives which are not permanently available.o Restrictions with EES:When using a USB stick on the TCU in combination with a PCU, you can currently not edit any files on the USB stick with active EES mode. These files can, however, be executed.If a USB stick on a TCU is accessed by several HMIs / NCUs in parallel, the components are notcoordinated. This entails the danger that a program being processed is modified / destroyed by another component.o When using SinuComNC trace, you must ensure with PLC signals that the configured signals (data blocks, data bytes) are provided in the PLC.o Problem solution for S5_FETCH / S5_WRITE in the CP:As from SW 4.7 SP1, the file cp_param.ini, which contains the following contents, is stored on the CF card in the directory /siemens/sinumerk/cp:[IniFile_ID]Version = 100Type = 'CosCP'Comment = 'Select fetch/write version'################################################################################ #### If you modify this file, ######## - don't remove the section [IniFile_ID] above ######## - check 'cp_param.log' to verify that your settings are accepted. #################################################################################### [FetchWrite]# Selection of the S5 fetch/write implementation# Version = 1 : the previous behavior# Version = 2 : the new as far as possible CP 343 compatible behaviorVersion = 1The problem solution besomes active when recopying this file (possible as manufact) into the directory /user/sinumerik/cp and modifying the entry "Version = 1" in "Version = 2".o When traversing with low speeds alarm 27011 is triggered during traversing motions in the negative direction.The following supplementary conditions must be considered as remedy for the described behavior:The minimum possible resolution (quantization) of the monitoring functions for Safety Integrated is 1increment per monitoring clock cycle [incr/mcc].Two increments per monitoring clock cycle are necessary, so that no speed violation alarm is triggered when the axis is stationary.The minimum speed limit value that can be set for the machine data $MA_SAFE_VELO_LIMIT can be determined as follows:For a rotary axis:$MA_SAFE_VELO_LIMIT[rpm] = 2[incr/mcc] * 60[s/min] / 360[degrees/rev] / 1000[incr/degrees] /MCC[s/mcc]Example 1: Monitoring clock cycle=12ms, LimitMin=2[incr/mcc]$MA_SAFE_VELO_LIMIT = 2[incr/mcc] * 60 [s/min] / 360 [degrees/rev] / 1000 [incr/degrees] / 0.012[s/mcc] = 0.02777.. [rpm] => rounded 0.028[rpm]Example 2: Monitoring clock cycle=8ms, LimitMin=2[incr/mcc]$MA_SAFE_VELO_LIMIT = 2[incr/mcc] * 60 [s/min] / 360 [degrees/rev] / 1000 [incr/degrees] / 0.008[s/mcc] = 0.04166.. [rpm] => rounded 0.042[rpm]With decimal places the value has to be rounded to be entered for the machine data.© Siemens AG 2016DF MC R&D 51Page 5 of 12For a linear axis:$MA_SAFE_VELO_LIMIT[mm/min] = 2[incr/mcc] * 60[s/min] / 1000[incr/mm] / MCC[s/mcc]Example 1: Monitoring clock cycle=12ms, LimitMin=2[incr/mcc]$MA_SAFE_VELO_LIMIT[mm/min] = 2[incr/mcc] * 60[s/min] / 1000[incr/mm] / 0.012[s/mcc] =10[mm/min]Example 2: Monitoring clock cycle=8ms, LimitMin=2[incr/mcc]$MA_SAFE_VELO_LIMIT[mm/min] = 2[incr/mcc] * 60[s/min] / 1000[incr/mm] / 0.008[s/mcc] =15[mm/min]With decimal places the value has to be rounded to be entered for the machine data.Actual speed value:With very low speeds the possible minimum resolution of the actual speed value must also beconsidered; this value depends on the encoder pulses per revolution, the gear ratio and the monitoring clock cycle!SINAMICS display parameters for the speed resolution:The drive provides a display parameter for the speed resolution, which is also visible with ncSIr9732[0..1] SI Motion speed resolutionFor index 0:Display of the safe speed resolution (load side). Specification of speed limits or parameter changes for speeds below this threshold have no effect.For index 1: Display of the safe speed accuracy based on the safe encoder accuracy. Unit: mm/min or rpmUse for ncSI:With a 1-encoder-system the above mentioned display parameter r9732[0..1] “SI Motion velocityresolution” can be used as a basis for the setting of the minimum limit values by the user. Double the value displayed in r9732[0] is necessary for parameterization, so that no speed violation alarm istriggered when the axis is stationary.With a 2-encoder-system the value displayed for r9732 is only valid for the encoder parameterized for SINAMICS. The speed resolution of the encoder for the NCK can vary from this value!As already stated above, this parameter alone does not provide any information on the actual accuracy of the speed measurement. This depends on the type of actual value sensing, the gear ratios and the quality of the encoders used!o Adjustment of the default machine data in the area "Saving of persistent data".With the values set, the number of write processes onto the CF card has been reduced on the CF card.a) Change of the memory default values for saving persistent data on the system CF cardalt newN17610 $MN_DEPTH_OF_LOGFILE_OPT_PF[0]= 10 100N17610 $MN_DEPTH_OF_LOGFILE_OPT_PF[1]= 0 10N17610 $MN_DEPTH_OF_LOGFILE_OPT_PF[2]= 0 30N18232 $MN_MM_ACTFILESYS_LOG_FILE_MEM[0]= 2 400N18232 $MN_MM_ACTFILESYS_LOG_FILE_MEM[1]= 3 50N18232 $MN_MM_ACTFILESYS_LOG_FILE_MEM[2]= 3 30b) In order to keep the preprocess running during the Flush process, the system has been set toasynchronous flush by default.N18234 $MN_MM_MEMORY_CONFIG_MASK= 1Note:After loading the archive, the new default values remain only topical if the “old“ default values are not changed and an archive has been created with© Siemens AG 2016DF MC R&D 51Page 6 of 12MD11210=FFMD11212=1.© Siemens AG 2016DF MC R&D 51Page 7 of 12© Siemens AG 2016 DF MC R&D 51 Page 8 of 12o Safety/Diagnostics: No display of the SAFE.SPF checksumIf, in SAFE.SPF, the line with the variable SAFE_CHECKSUM is not displayed in line 1, no checksum is displayed for SAFE.SPF under Safety/DIAGNOSTICS/checksums.Solution:; SAFE_CHECKSUM = xxxxxxmust be displayed in the first line.o SSH Port 22 on X130 interfaceFor security reasons, the SSH port 22 on the X130 interface is disabled in der firewall as from SW 4.7 SP1. As a consequence, the controller can no longer be accessed from external sources via thisinterface. This concerns, among others, Operate on PCU/IPC/PC (which uses this for several functions), WinSCP and AMM.This port can be permanently activated in Operate (only possible on the NCU) under Commissioning -> Network -> Company network -> Change -> Checkbox “SSH (TCP/22)“, see screenshot:Alternatively, you can make a manual entry in the file /user/system/etc/basesys.ini (such as the ports102 and 5900 are activated).Notes on the Toolbox V04.07.23:With Toolbox V04.07.23 we recommend the use of STEP7 V5.5 SP4 HF7.If no new functions from Software 4.7 are used, you need not upgrade the PLC user program to the basic program Version 4.7. PLC basic user programs Version 4.5 (or later) are functional.When configuring an HLA hardware, you may only change telegrams as from slot (Object) 1 from 136 to 166.S120 drives on the Profinet isochronous:Configuring via the NCU is supported, not via the IO device.With an isochronous alarm of the NCU, select the setting for the Ti/To mode as “fixed“ rather than “in IO device“.© Siemens AG 2016DF MC R&D 51 Page 9 of 12Module replacement STEP7 Hardware Config:With STEP7 5.5 SP4 HF4, you cannot replace an NCU710.3 PN by another NCU in the HW Config. We recommend that you use STEP7 5.5 SP4 HF3 (or lower).Notes on the Toolbox V04.07.22:Upgrading the system SW to 4.7 by using the existing PLC user-program causes a problem to arise with the Toolbox >= 4.7.21 at the call interface of the FB1 in the OB100.Inserting the new parameter "MCP_IF_TCS" results in a change to the call interface of the FB1. Thiscauses the user to receive an error message from Step7 after inserting the blocks from the Toolbox >=4.7.21.The error message only occurs if the OB100 is opened© Siemens AG 2016 DF MC R&D 51 Page 10 of 12This situation has improved in Toolbox V04.07.23, the block call FB1 "RUN_UP" has to be updated once and then the call parameters are displayed without any time stamp conflict.Notes on the use of the Starter:Starter-Version V4.4 SP1 or higher must be used.Notes on SINUMERIK Operate:When using SIMATIC ITC panels, no touch softkey is available for the help function.The mold and die view cannot be used with POLY and G91 statements.The mold and die view cannot be used with BSPLINE statements.Only the elements 0 to max. 65534 can be displayed or changed in GUD arrays, even if the array isgreater in the NC.Function "Programlist" without Option EES (P75):The softkey "Program select" generates a listentry //NC :/....The double point must be deleted:Programlist for …USER“ (in operating area Program manager)System CF /card/user/sinumerik/hmi/plc/programlist/plc_proglist_user.ppl.Programlist für …OEM“ (in operating area Setup)System CF /card/oem/sinumerik/hmi/plc/programlist/plc_proglist_manufacturer.pplThe OEM password is required for these modifications.Mark block, Menu Edit > Call > UpdateNew designA new “skin” (new design) has been added to Operate. This new skin changes the appearances of thesoftkeys incl. the icons on the softkeys, the appearance of the window title bars, various colors (window background colors) and the appearance / behavior of the header – the displays for the operating area and operating mode can be found on the right side of the header line and, with no alarm pending, theheader only shows the Siemens logo.The new skin can be activated via the display MD 9112 HMI_SKIN = 1. After a restart, Operate uses the new skin.With multi-touch operation (e.g. OP015 black / OP019 black) the functions of the user interface have also been expanded. There are six function keys above the vertical softkeys which are always visible for the functions Undo, Redo, Open/close online help, Open/close virtual keyboard, Open/close calculator, Create screenshot.We recommend a color depth of 32 bit for the new design.At the moment, the internal Operate is operated with a color depth of 16 bit. If the color depth is to beincreased to 32 bit for use with the new skin, the entry QWS_DEPTH in the [Environment] section of the run_hmi.ini file must be set to the value 32:[Environment]QWS_DEPTH=32A corresponding file with the name run_hmi_colordepth32.ini is supplied in the template directory. Copythis into the /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory and change the name to run_hmi.ini.When executing part programs from network drives or editing files on network drives, the user mustprovide for a stable, interference-free network connection to the network drives.© Siemens AG 2016DF MC R&D 51Page 11 of 12Cycle packages:CNC SW 4.7 SP2 HFx contains the following cycle packages on the CF card:Standard cycles (technological cycles)Measuring cyclesISO cyclesShopMill cyclesShopTurn cyclesGrinding cyclesAST cyclesAdapting CyclesAll these Siemens cycles are automatically loaded into the NC during the runup of the NCU. The corresponding variables are stored in the definition file PGUD.Note:The “programGUIDE“ in SINUMERIK Operate is based on the cycle packages of CNC SW 4.7 SP1.Cycle calls in part programs for these cycles cannot be recompiled or processed with the cycle support in HMI-Advanced 7.x.For further information and notes, see siemensd/e_appendix_cycles.pdf.© Siemens AG 2016DF MC R&D 51Page 12 of 12。
Quick Reference Card
Macintosh and (home and end keys) Shift + Shift + and Linux and (arrow keys) Shift + Shift + and and
Subscript Insert a set of parentheses Unary sign change And, Or, Not Less than, greater than, or equal to Add consecutive columns as arguments to some functions
[ ( Shift + Minus Sign (-) &, |, ! <, >, = Select function. Click first argument. Hold Shift while selecting last argument. Select a column from Table Columns list. Press Shift while selecting Match from Conditional formula list.
, (comma) Delete or Backspace ^ (Shift + 6) Click the variable in the formula, hold Alt, click the replacement from the Table Columns list. [ ( Shift + Minus Sign (-) &, |, ! <, >, = Select function. Click first argument. Hold Shift while selecting last argument. Select a column from Table Columns list. Press Shift while selecting Match from Conditional formula list.
常见的模块如DBI, DBD::mysql, DBD::Oracle等模块提供了许多帮助程序员高效地完成任务的方法和函数。
3.使用函数:Perl提供了许多方便的内建函数,如:open, close, chomp, split, join,这些函数非常有用且使用简单,可以在开发过程中帮助程序员更好地管理和处理数据。
1. Debug mode 2. Extended Error Reporting 3. Ignore DB check sums 4. Auto Return 5. Full VIC initialization 6. DX offset override 7. Demonstration mode 8. ARI Bypass 9. Mfg Pos Bypass 10. Boot to Service mode 11. Boot to Diagnostics mode 12. Tube/PU DMT Station 13. DMT with PC simulator 14. LCA showcase Q=quit S=save E=save&exit
Advantx-E Quick Reference Guide
46-xxxxxxxx Reference Rev c 10/11 46-xxxxxxxx Rev x
Proprietary to General Electric Company Produced by GE Medical Systems Education Center for Exclusive use by GE Field Service Engineers Only COM1 / DOS Port
CAUTION: Once a switch is set it will remain set even if
the Advantx-E is turned off and back on. It is important to turn off ALL switches that would cause the system to boot to a mode other than applications (selections 10 & 11 OFF allows the Advantx-E to boot to Applications).
Perl 注释:#号Perl没有注释块Perl程序第一行:#!/usr/bin/perl 这个在Unix系统上,所有perl脚本都要加上,但在windows,perl5以上版本不必较真,另外,/usr/bin/perl的意思是这是perl脚本的程序所在的路径。
Perl输出,print 最好再输出结尾加\n 换行符。
如果是web perl程序,CGI程序,那么perl脚本可能经常性的被调用,那个web服务器(通常是Apache)的mod_perl模块或者CGI::FAST可以很好的解决只编译一次,然后维持多个实例。
Perl取模操作如10.7%3.3 会先去整10%3 在取余值为1Perl对字符串长度没有限制,对字符也无限制,所有可以创建二进制数据,也可以对图片等文件进行二进制重新编码,然后在生成。
字符串连接符. 字符串重复操作符x(小写的x),x是将其左边的操作数与其自身作重复的连接,重复次数为右边的操作数指定。
如5x4 #得5555。
字符串和数字的自动转换,同时含有字母和数字的字符串会舍去字母如“12fff34”*3 #得36不含数字的字符串如“sss”*3 #得0 因为sss转换为数字得0使perl每次运行时都启动警告功能#!/usr/bin/perl –w 或者#!/usr/bin/perlUse warnings; 或者生成更详细的警告信息#!/usr/bin/perlUse diagnostics;#先把详细的警告信息装载进内存,会使系统变慢。
Perl引用reference(运算符)引用引用一律声明为标量类型(即$开头的命名变量),使用\运算符取引用对引用变量的修改等同于对引用指向实际数据的修改取标量变量引用:my $scalar_r = \$scalar;取列表的引用:my $array_r = \@array;取哈希的引用:my $hash_r = \%hash;通过引用解决列表无法嵌套的问题:my @array1 = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50);my @array2 = ( 1, 2, \@array1, 3, 4);因为\@array1本质上只是一个标量,所以列表不会被扁平化,依旧保留了嵌套层次对匿名列表的引用:将列表的()替换为[]:my $array_r = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];对匿名哈希的引用:将哈希的()替换为{}:my $hash_r ={ apple => "pomme", pear => "poire" };对引用变量解引用通过{$var_r}实现列表my @array = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);my $array_r = \@array;my @array2 = @{$array_r}; #拷贝了数组哈希与列表类似对于数组引用,可以将${$ref}简记为$ref->,例如可以将${$ref}[2]简记为$ref->[2],而将${${ref}[2]}[1]简记为$ref->[2]->[1],并进一步简记为$ref->[2][1]使用undef销毁一个引用:undef $ref; perl对于引用指向的数据维护一个引用计数,当计数减到0时引用指向的数据被销毁,内存空间被释放使用引用使得表示复杂的数据结构成为可能。
perl标准 perl扩展正则
perl标准 perl扩展正则在Perl中,正则表达式是强大的,它支持基本的正则表达式(BRE)和扩展的正则表达式(ERE)。
以下是一些标准正则表达式(BRE)和扩展正则表达式(ERE)的比较:标准正则表达式(BRE):1. 字符类:• [...]: 匹配括号内的任何一个字符。
• [^...]: 匹配不在括号内的任何一个字符。
2. 重复:• *: 匹配前一个字符的零个或多个实例。
• \{m,n\}: 匹配前一个字符的至少m次,至多n次。
3. 分组:• \( ... \): 创建一个捕获组。
扩展正则表达式(ERE):1. 字符类:• [...]: 同样用于字符类。
• [^...]: 同样用于否定字符类。
2. 重复:• *: 同样用于匹配前一个字符的零个或多个实例。
• +: 匹配前一个字符的一个或多个实例。
• ?: 匹配前一个字符的零个或一个实例。
• {m,n}: 同样用于匹配前一个字符的至少m次,至多n次。
3. 分组:• (...):创建一个捕获组。
• (?:...): 创建一个非捕获组。
4. 其他功能:• |: 用于逻辑或。
• \b: 匹配单词边界。
• \w: 匹配字母数字字符。
• \s: 匹配空白字符。
perl模式匹配总结 / / 替换操作符不支持正则表达式也不具备双引号替换能力m/ / s/ / / 都支持正则表达式,并且可以提供或限制双引号替换能力(当用单引号作为操作符时则不具备变量替换能力)s/ / / , tr/ / / 可以用两组不同的括号进行分割,以保证格式清晰s(good)2.绑定操作符=~ , !~,m/ / s/ / / tr/ / / 都支持绑定操作符的优先级非常高3. perl 特有的全局变量1. $` , $& , $’分别存有匹配内容左,匹配内容,匹配内容右的内容2.可以用()捕获特定的模式并依次存入$1 $2 $3 中二.模式修饰词m/ / s/ / / 和tr/ / / 的修饰词不同#$str =~ s/(s{2,})/'_'x length($1)/eg; ##------结果--------------------hello_____chinaUnix i am wlj___!三.m/ / 匹配1.分隔符用? 或‘作分隔符时有特殊的含义m??表示只匹配一次m’‘表示禁止变量替换和六种转换2.返回值标量环境里匹配成功返回1 ,失败返回0列表环境里,返回子字串的列表,并捕获()中的模式( $key,$value) =~ m/(/w+:(/.*)/ ;/g 修饰词的返回值列表环境:返回所有匹配字串的列表如:my @perls = $string =~ m/perl/ig ;如果有捕获圆括号,则返回捕获到的字串如:用字串$string = “password=xyzzy verbose= 9 score=0”初始化下面的散列:%hash = {password => “xyzzy”, verbose => 9, socre=>0};%hash = $string =~ /(/w+)=(/w+)/g ;# 利用列表环境下匹配得到数组,再通 # 过数组对散列hash赋值标量环境中/g表示一次渐进的匹配,它令perl从上一次匹配停下来的位置开始一次新的匹配如:while (/perl/g) { print “ $& /n”};三.s/ / / 操作符(替换)返回值:标量环境里返回值是成功替换的次数替换部分被当作双引号看待可进行变量转换,而且可以使用前半部分模式匹配得到的变量$1,$2,$3 $&,等新的修饰词/e 把右边当作一个表达式计算利用s/ / / 修改字串的用法1.($newStr = $oldStr)=~ s/good/bad/g2.替换数组的每一个元素:For (@newArray,@oldArray) {s/$_/newStr/g} 3.用单程循环对同一个变量重复替换For ($string) {s/^/s//; # 丢弃开头的空白s//s$//; # 丢弃结尾的空白s//s+//g; # 丢弃中间的空白}4.把逗号放到整数的合理位置$_ = “12345678”;1 while s/(/d)(/d/d/d)(?!/d)/$1,$2/;Print “$_ /n” # 输出:12,345,678四.Tr/ / / 操作符(转换) 不支持正则表达式和变量替换,只是一种单纯的划定范围的替换尽管不支持变量替换,但可以用eval expr实现$count = eval “tr/$oldStr/$newStr/”;Die if $@;如果仅仅是转换大小写不要使用tr/ / / 建议使用双引号里的转移字符/U /L 类似的uc lc 函数2.修饰词,与m/ / s/ / / 的修饰词不同/c 与searchlist 为补/s 消除重复的字符/d 删除找到的但没有替换的字符,任何再searchlist 中声明但再replacement没有给出替换的字符将被删除。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
mod perl Quick Reference CardRevision1.0for mod perl version1.19Andrew Ford TMmod perl is an Apache module,created by Doug MacEachern,that embeds a Perl interpreter within the server.It provides a PerlAPI to Apache and adds a number of Apache configuration direc-tives.Scripts using mod perl should import the Apache module,Apache::Constants,and other Apache::modules.A reference tothe request object(denoted below by$r)is passed to Perl handlerswhen they are invoked.Client request methods$r=Apache->request();$str=$r->args();#or%hash=...$c=$r->connection#see Apache::Connection$str=$r->content();#or%hash=...$str=$r->filename($newval);$r->finfo();$str=$r->get_remote_host($lookup_type);#use Apache::Constants:remotehost tag$str=$r->get_remote_logname();$str=$r->header_in($hdr,$newval);$bool=$r->header_only();$href=$r->headers_in();#or%hash=...$str=$r->method($newval);$num=$r->method_number($nv);#use:methods tag$u=$r->parsed_uri();#see Apache::URI$str=$r->path_info($newval);$str=$r->protocol();$bool=$r->proxyreq($newval);$r->read($buf,$bytes_to_read);$s=$r->server#see Apache::Server$str=$r->the_request();$str=$r->uri($newval);Server response methods$num=$r->bytes_sent();$r->cgi_header_out($hdr,$newval);$str=$r->content_encoding($newval);$aref=$r->content_languages($newval);$str=$r->content_type($newval);$r->custom_response($code,$uri);$str=$r->err_header_out($hdr,$newval);$href=$r->err_headers_out();#or%hash=...$str=$r->handler($newval);$str=$r->header_out($hdr,$newval);$href=$r->headers_out();#or%hash=...$bool=$r->no_cache($newval);$num=$r->request_time();$num=$r->status($newval);$str=$r->status_line($newval);Sending data to the client$r->print(@list);#checks$|$r->printf($format,@args);$r->rflush();$r->send_cgi_header($str);$len=$r->send_fd($filehandle);$r->send_http_header($content_type);Server core functions$r->chdir_file($file);$r->child_terminate();$r->hard_timeout($msg);$r->internal_redirect($newplace);$r->internal_redirect_handler($newplace);$bool=$r->is_initial_req();$bool=$r->is_main();$r->kill_timeout();$str=$r->location();$req=$r->last();$req=$r->main();$req=$r->next();$str=$r->notes($k,$v);#or$tab=$r->notes()$req=$r->prev();$r->register_cleanup($code_ref);$r->reset_timeout();$r->soft_timeout($msg);$str=$r->subprocess_env($k,$v);Server configuration methods$str=$r->dir_config($k);#or$tab=$r->dir_config()$str=$r->document_root();$str=$r->get_server_name();$num=$r->get_server_port();$str=$r->server_root_relative($obj);Logging and the Apache::Log class$str=$r->as_string();$r->log_reason($message,$file);$r->log_error($message);$r->warn($message);$log=$r->log();$log=$s->log();$log->emerg($str...$code_ref);$log->alert($msg...$code_ref);$log->crit($msg...$code_ref);$log->error($msg...$code_ref);$log->warn($msg...$code_ref);$log->notice($msg...$code_ref);$log->info($msg...$code_ref);$log->debug($msg...$code_ref);Access control methods$opts=$r->allow_options();#use:options tag$str=$r->auth_name($newval);$str=$r->auth_type();($rc,$pw)=$r->get_basic_auth_pw();$r->note_basic_auth_failure();$aref=$r->requires();$flag=$r->satisfies();#use:satisfies tag$bool=$r->some_auth_required();mod_perl specific methods$str=$r->current_callback();$bool=$r->define($name);Apache->exit($code);$fh=Apache->gensym();$aref=$r->get_handlers($str);Apache->httpd_conf($str);$bool=$r->module($name);$bool=Apache->perl_hook($name);$r->post_connection($code_ref);$r->push_handlers($str=>$code_ref);$r=Apache->request($r);$r->set_handlers($str=>$aref);Apache::SubRequest class$subr=$r->lookup_uri($uri);$subr=$r->lookup_file($filename);$rc=$subr->run();Apache::Server class$s=Apache->server#or$r->server$bool=$s->is_virtual();$s->log_error();$aref=$s->names();$s=$s->next();$num=$s->port();$str=$s->server_admin();$str=$s->server_hostname();$num=$s->timeout($newval);$s->warn();Apache::Connection class$bool=$c->aborted();$str=$c->auth_type();$addr=$c->local_addr();$addr=$c->remote_addr($addr);$str=$c->remote_host();$str=$c->remote_ip($ip);$str=$c->remote_logname();$str=$c->user($username);Apache::Table class$tab=Apache::Table->new($r,$size);$tab->add($key,$str_or_aref);$tab->clear();$tab->do($code_ref);$tab->merge($key,$str_or_aref);$tab->set($key,$str);$str=$tab->get($key);#or@list=...$tab->unset($key);Apache::URI class$uri=Apache::URI->parse($r,$string_uri);$str=$uri->unparse();$str=$uri->component($newval);(where component is one of:fragment,hostinfo,hostname,password,path_info,path,port,query,rpath,scheme,user)Apache::Util class$str=Apache::Util::escape_html($html);$str=Apache::Util::escape_uri($uri);$str=Apache::Util::ht_time($time,$fmt,$bool);$secs=Apache::Util::parsedate($date_str);$num=Apache::Util::size_string($num);$str=Apache::Util::unescape_uri($uri);$str=Apache::Util::unescape_uri_info($uri);123Apache::Constants classThe following export tag groups are defined(HTTP status code synonyms are given in brackets)::common:OK,DECLINED,DONE,NOT_FOUND,FORBIDDEN,AUTH_REQUIRED(HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED),SERVER_ERROR:response:DOCUMENT_FOLLOWS(HTTP_OK),MOVED(HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY),REDIRECT(HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY),USE_LOCAL_COPY(HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED),BAD_REQUEST,BAD_GATEWAY,NOT_IMPLEMENTED,CONTINUE,NOT_AUTHORITATIVE:methods:M_CONNECT,M_COPY,M_DELETE,M_GET,M_INVALID,M_LOCK,M_MKCOL,M_MOVE,M_OPTIONS,M_PATCH,M_POST,M_PROPFIND,M_PROPPATCH,M_PUT,M_TRACE,M_UNLOCK,METHODS:options:OPT_ALL OPT_NONE,OPT_INDEXES,OPT_INCLUDES,OPT_SYM_LINKS,OPT_EXECCGI,OPT_UNSET,OPT_INCNOEXEC,OPT_SYM_OWNER,OPT_MULTI,:satisfies:SATISFY_ALL,SATISFY_ANY,SATISFY_NOSPEC:server:MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER,SERVER_BUILT,SERVER_VERSION:remotehost:REMOTE_HOST,REMOTE_NAME,REMOTE_NOLOOKUP,REMOTE_DOUBLE_REV:http includes only those HTTP status code constants shown below in bold type(other HTTP constants may be imported explicitly):100HTTP_CONTINUE101HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS 200HTTP_OK201HTTP_CREATED202HTTP_ACCEPTED203HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE 204HTTP_NO_CONTENT205HTTP_RESET_CONTENT206HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT 300HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES 301HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY 302HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY 303HTTP_SEE_OTHER304HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED305HTTP_USE_PROXY400HTTP_BAD_REQUEST401HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED402HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED 403HTTP_FORBIDDEN404HTTP_NOT_FOUND 405HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED406HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE407HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED408HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT409HTTP_CONFLICT410HTTP_GONE411HTTP_LENGTH REQUIRED412HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED413HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE 414HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE 415HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE 500HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 501HTTP_NOT IMPLEMENTED502HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY503HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE504HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT505HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED 506HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_VARIESMagic global variables$0,$^X,$|,$/,%@,%SIG,@INC,%INC,%ENV{MOD_PERL},%ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE},%ENV{PERL_SEND_HEADER}Special package globals$Apache::Server::CWD$Apache::Server::SaveConfig $Apache::Server::ReStarting$Apache::Server::Starting HTTP1.1headersSyntax CategoryAccept:media-types;q=qvalue,...REQUESTAccept-Charset:charset;q=qvalue,...REQUESTAccept-Encoding:encoding;q=qvalue,...REQUESTAccept-Language:lang;q=qvalue,...REQUESTAccept-Ranges:bytes none RESPONSEAge:seconds RESPONSEAllow:method,...ENTITYAuthorization:scheme credentials REQUESTCache-Control:directive GENERALConnection:close GENERALContent-Base:uri ENTITYContent-Encoding:enc ENTITYContent-Language:lang ENTITYContent-Length:len ENTITYContent-MD5:digest ENTITYContent-Range:bytes range/length ENTITYContent-Type:media-type ENTITYCookie:name=value;...REQUESTDate:date GENERALETag:entity-tag RESPONSEExpect:expectation REQUESTExpires:date ENTITYFrom:email-address REQUESTHost:hostname:port REQUESTIf-Match:entity-tag REQUESTIf-Modified-Since:date REQUESTIf-None-Match:entity-tag REQUESTIf-Range:entity tag date REQUESTIf-Unmodified-Since:date REQUESTLast-Modified:date ENTITYLocation:uri RESPONSEMIME-Version:version GENERALMax-Forwards:number REQUESTPragma:no-cache extension-pragma GENERALProxy-Authenticate:challenge RESPONSEProxy-Authorization:credentials REQUESTPublic:method...RESPONSERange:bytes=n-m,...REQUESTReferer:url REQUESTRetry-After:date seconds RESPONSEServer:string RESPONSESet-Cookie:name=value;options RESPONSETE:coding REQUESTTrailer:header GENERALTransfer-Encoding:coding GENERALUpgrade:protocol,...GENERALUser-Agent:string REQUESTVary:header,...RESPONSEVia:protocol/version(comment),...GENERALWWW-Authenticate:scheme realm RESPONSEWarning:code agent"text"date GENERALApache mod perl configuration directivesmod perl enables Apache to be configured using Perl statementsthat are contained within<Perl>...</Perl>sections and adds theApache configuration directives listed below.Each directive isgiven with its arguments;defaults are given where appropriate inparentheses at the end of the line,followed by the symbol y tomark directives only valid in a directory section or.htaccessfile.PerlAccessHandler handlerPerlAuthenHandler handlerPerlAuthzHandler handlerPerlChildExitHandler handler yPerlChildInitHandler handler yPerlCleanupHandler handlerPerlDispatchHandler handlerPerlFixupHandler handlerPerlFreshRestart On Off(On)yPerlHandler handlerPerlHeaderParserHandler handlerPerlInitHandler handlerPerlLogHandler handlerPerlModulePerlPassEnv name...yPerlPostReadRequestHandler handler yPerlRequire script-filePerlSendHeader On Off(Off)PerlSetEnv name valuePerlSetVar name valuePerlSetupEnv On Off(Off)PerlTaintCheck On Off(Off)yPerlTransHandler handler yPerlTypeHandler handlerPerlWarn On Off(Off)yResources The Apache/Perl Integration Project Writing Apache Modules home page Apache home page Perl home page Quick reference cardsmod perl Quick Reference CardA TM quick reference cardRevision1.0for mod perl version1.19[May1999]c1998,1999Ford&Mason Ltd.All rights reserved.Permission is granted to print and duplicate this card for personal or in-dividual,internal business use.Copies of this card(&others)can be or-dered through our web site:,which also hasversions available for downloading.Please send feedback to:feedback@ is a trademark of Ford&Mason Ltd.Use of the Camel for Perl is a trademark of O’Reilly&Associates–used by permis-sion.456。