Market-Based Multirobot Coordination- A Survey and Analysis(CMU-RI-TR-05-12)




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A:深绿 B:浅蓝 C:深蓝 D:浅绿答案:C2.在“大众创业、万众创新”的时代大潮中,越来越多的人凭借自己的创意走上了创业之旅,取得了事业的成功,下列属于通过创意走上创业之旅的有()A:罗振宇从自媒体专栏“罗辑思维”发展到“得到”app B:程维用滴滴出行重新塑造了网约车的商业模式 C:王兴把美团从一个社交类团购网站变成了生态化网络平台。


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第二章:市场概况2.1 市场定义与分类人工智能机器人是指通过人工智能技术,赋予机器人模拟人类智能和行为能力,从而能够与人类进行交互和合作的机器人。


2.2 市场规模与增长趋势根据相关数据统计,人工智能机器人市场在近几年快速增长,预计未来还将保持较高的增长率。


第三章:市场驱动因素3.1 技术进步与创新随着人工智能技术的不断进步和创新,机器人的智能化水平得到了大幅提升。


3.2 人工智能机器人在工业领域的应用在工业领域,人工智能机器人可以用于生产线的自动化控制、物流仓储的智能管理等工作。


3.3 人工智能机器人在服务领域的应用在服务领域,人工智能机器人可以应用于酒店、医院、银行等各类机构。


第四章:市场挑战与机遇4.1 隐私和安全问题随着人工智能机器人的快速普及,隐私和安全问题也日益突出。


4.2 人机协作的需求虽然人工智能机器人在某些工作领域表现出色,但在某些复杂的任务中,仍然需要人机混合协作才能达到更好的效果。

Coordination strategies for multi-robot exploration and mapping

Coordination strategies for multi-robot exploration and mapping

Coordination strategies for multi-robot exploration andmappingJohn G.Rogers III,Carlos Nieto-Granda,and Henrik I.ChristensenCenter for Robotics and Intelligent MachineGeorgia Institute of Technology{jgrogers,carlos.nieto,hic}@Abstract.Situational awareness in rescue operations can be provided by teamsof autonomous mobile robots.Human operators are required to teleoperate thecurrent generation of mobile robots for this application;however,teleoperationis increasingly difficult as the number of robots is expanded.As the number ofrobots is increased,each robot may interfere with one another and eventuallydecrease mapping performance.Through careful consideration of robot team co-ordination and exploration strategy,large numbers of mobile robots be allocatedto accomplish the mapping task more quickly and accurately.1MotivationProjects like the Army Research Laboratory’s Micro-Autonomous Systems Technol-ogy(MAST)[1]seek to introduce the application of large numbers of inexpensive and simple mobile robots for situational awareness in urban military and rescue operations. Human operators are required to teleoperate the current generation of mobile robots for this application;however,teleoperation is increasingly difficult as the number of robots is expanded.There is evidence in human factors research which indicates that the cognitive load on a human operator is significantly increased when they are asked to teleoperate more than one robot[18].Autonomy will make it possible to manage larger numbers of small robots for map-ping.There is a continuum of options as to the degree of shared autonomy between robot and human operator[11].Current robots employed in explosive ordinance dis-posal(EOD)missions are fully tele-operated.At the other extreme,robots can be given high-level tasks by the operator,while autonomously handling low-level tasks[3]such as obstacle avoidance or balance maintenance.In this paper,our robot teams occupy the latter end of the spectrum;we imagine that the operator has tasked the robot team to autonomously explore and map an unknown environment while focusing on the high level task of looking for survivors.In the multi-robot scenario,resources are distributed amongst a team of robots in-stead of concentrated on one large and expensive machine.This distribution offers a number of advantages and disadvantages over the single robot case.The distributed team is able to continue its mission even if some of the robots are disabled or de-stroyed.A single robot can only explore or monitor at one location at a time;however, the multi-robot team can provide situational awareness in many locations at once.Un-less the single robot is able to move much faster than the multi-robot agents,the lone2robot will be slower in performing the exploration and mapping task.These advantages are taken for a multi-robot team at the cost of increased complexity in communication and coordination.As the number of robots is increased,each robot may interfere with one another and eventually decrease the performance of the mapping task.Careful consideration of exploration strategy and coordination of large numbers of mobile robots can efficiently allocate resources to perform the mapping task more quickly and more accurately.Mobile robot simultaneous localization and mapping(SLAM)has been thoroughly addressed in the literature,see[2]and[6]for a detailed review of the history and state-of-the-art in SLAM research.The specific techniques used in this paper are based upon the Square Root SAM algorithm[4][5]which uses the well-known algorithms of linear algebra least-squares system solving to compute the map and robot trajectory based on a set of measurements.Multi-robot mapping and exploration was addressed in[9]and[17].These papers build a map using up to3robots with a decision-theoretic planner which trades off robot rendezvous operations with frontier exploration.These robots rendezvous to determine their relative pose transforms to provide constraints to recover thefinal map.In contrast, our approach does not require this rendezvous step because landmarks are globally data associated between each robot on a central map coordinator.The exploration strategy used is similar to our strategy called Reserve;however,we will not use a rendezvous step and do not require a decision-theoretic planner.2Technical ApproachWe use the Robot Operating System(ROS)from[12].ROS provides interprocess com-munication as well as coordination of sensor data with pose information.Our robot algorithms are implemented as a distributed set of programs which run in the ROS sys-tem.In addition,we make use of several implementations of common mobile robot software components which are provided in the ROS distribution such as motion plan-ning,obstacle avoidance,platform control,and IMU and odometryfiltering.2.1Mapping SystemOur mapping system is based upon the GTsam library developed at Georgia Tech.This library extends the Square Root SAM technique in[5]with sparse linear algebra in a nonlinear optimization engine.We have extended the GTsam library with a frame-work based upon the M-space formulation of Folkesson and Christensen[8]called OmniMapper.OmniMapper is a map library based upon a system of plugins which handle multiple landmark types simultaneously.We have used the OmniMapper in the past to build maps using multiple types of landmarks such as walls,doors,and ob-jects[14][13][16].This implementation builds maps of planar regions corresponding to walls and tables from[15].Each robot in the team builds a map locally with the OmniMapper and sends map data to the map coordinator.Each robot can incorporate new landmark measurements whenever it has moved far enough from the last pose where measurements were made.3Fig.1.OmniMapper.In the current implementation this is set to10cm.When a robotfinishes optimizing its local map with new landmark measurements,all relevant information needed by the map coordinator is packaged and transmitted.The information which is needed by the map coordinator to incorporate a new piece of information from a team member consists of many components.First,the sensor measurement data is needed.In the current implementation,this consists of the ex-tracted plane information consisting of a plane equation along with a convex hull of points along the perimeter of the plane.This represents a significant compression over an alternative scheme where all point-cloud data could be transmitted and processed at the master node.Secondly,the team member’s integrated odometry is transmitted.This allows the master node to compute the odometric relative pose since the prior landmark measurement data was incorporated;this is used to insert a relative pose factor and also give initial conditions for data association.Finally,the team member’s local map pose is transmitted.This is used by the master node to compute a map pose correction.This correction is sent back to the team member so that it knows it’s relative pose in the global map frame.This knowledge is needed so that the team member can interpret exploration goals correctly.The map coordinator maintains trajectories for each of the robots in the team.Mea-surements from each robot are merged into one global view of the landmarks.This is realized through a simple modification to the standard OmniMapper through duplica-tion of data structures tracking indexing data and pose information used for interaction with GTsam into arrays.This implementation potentially allows for an unlimited num-ber of team members to build a map together.4Most modern SLAM approaches use a pose graph[10]which is generated via laser scan matching in2D or point-cloud ICP in3D.This approach is effective for single robot mapping;however,it has some drawbacks for larger multirobot mapping.Scan matching and ICP algorithms are computationally intensive and matching across many robots would rapidly become intractable.Also,point cloud representations are large and their transport over a wireless link could be prohibitive if the link is limited in capacity due to mesh network routing or environmental interference.To address these limitations,our robots extract relevant,parsimonious features from the environment and transmit them to the master node.Each turtlebot in these experiments maps planar wall structures using a Microsoft Kinect sensor.Planar segments corresponding to walls are extracted from point clouds via a RANSAC[7]based algorithm[15].Points are uniformly sampled from the point cloud and any sufficiently large set of points coplanar with these three points are se-lected as a plane and are removed from the point cloud.This process is repeated until up to four planes are extracted or afixed number of iterations is reached.To improve the speed of plane extraction,the Kinect point cloud is computed at QQVGA(f rac18) resolution,which achieves˜1Hz frame rate.The Kinect sensor on each robot has a narrowfield-of-view which is not ideal for detecting exploration frontiers.To alleviate this problem,we incorporated a strategy by which each robot will rotate periodically to get a360degree view of its surroundings. This data is synchronized with robot odometry to synthesize a360degree laser scan. This synthesized laser scan is sent to the local mapper and forwarded to the global map-per.At the global mapper,it is linked to a trajectory pose element and used to populate an occupancy grid.This occupancy grid is re-computed after every map optimization so that a loop closure will result in a correct occupancy grid map.The frontier based explo-ration strategies detailed below use this occupancy grid tofind the boundary between clear and unknown grid cells.2.2Exploration StrategyEach robot team leader uses a frontier based exploration strategy similar to the one used in[17].An exploration frontier is defined on a costmap cellular decomposition where each cell has one of three labels:Clear,Obstacle,and Unknown.The costmap is initialized as Unknown.Costmap cells are set to Obstacle corresponding to locations where the Kinect sensor detects an obstacle in the environment.The cells on a line between the obstacle cell and the robot’s current location are set to Clear.Exploration frontiers are defined as Clear cells which are adjacent to at least one neighbor where the label is Unknown.The high level robot exploration goal allocation is centrally planned on the same workstation where the global map is constructed.There are many choices which can be made by the exploration planner when choosing which robot or group of robots should move towards an exploration goal.We have chosen to employ a greedy strategy by which the nearest robot or team is allocated to a goal instead of a more sophisticated traveling-salesman type of algorithm.We believe that this is appropriate because the exploration goals will change as the robots move through the environment;re-planning will be required after each robot or team reaches an exploration goal.5Fig.2.Global maps using the Reserve coordination algorithm described in this paper.2.3Coordination StrategyThe coordination strategy used between robot agents as well as the number of robots arethe independent variables in the experiments performed in this paper.The coordinationstrategy refers to the proportion of robots which are dispatched to each exploration goal.On one extreme,a single robot can be sent to explore a new goal;at the other extreme allavailable robots can be sent to a new rger robot teams sent to a new explorationgoal will improve availability of new agents at the location of new exploration goals arediscovered.The larger group has spare robots which can be quickly allocated to explorenew goals,such as those discovered when the team moves past a corridor intersectionor t-junction.If the group of robots allocated to a navigation goal is too large,then therobots can interfere with each other due to local reactive control of multiple agents withrespect to dynamic obstacles and limited space in corridors.The strategies selected fortesting trade off availability (robots are close and able to explore branching structurequickly)with non-interference (robots do not get in each other’s way).The first coordination algorithm is called Reserve .In this algorithm,all unallocatedrobots remain a the starting locations until new exploration goals are uncovered.Whena branching point is detected by an active robot,the closest reserve robot will be re-cruited into active status to explore the other path.This strategy has low availabilitybecause all of the reserve robots remain far away at the entrance;however,it has min-imal interference because the exploring robots will usually be further away from otherrobots.The second coordination algorithm is Divide and Conquer .In this strategy,the en-tire robot group follows the leader until a branching point is detected.The group splits in half,with the first n 2robots following the original leader,robot n 2+1is selected as theleader of the second group,and robots n 2+2through n are now members of its squad.Once there are n squads with one robot,no further divide operations can be made andnew exploration goals will only be allocated once a robot has reached a dead-end or6Fig.3.A map built by three robots using the Reserve cooperative mapping strategy. looped back into a previously explored area.This algorithm maximizes availability,but potentially causes significant interference between robots.An example3D map built by two robots as they approach a branch point can be seen infigure4(a).At this point,the robot team splits and each team member takes a separate path,as seen infigure4(b).The map shown is built concurrently with local maps built on each robot.The global map is used to establish a global frame of reference for robot collaboration message coordinates.(a)Two robots approach the intersection.(b)Two robots split and move past the in-tersectionFig.4.An illustration of the Divide and Conquer exploration strategy.As the robots approach an intersection,the team must split and recruit new partner robots from the reserved units.3ExperimentsThe setting for the multi-robot mapping task for this series of experiments consists of a team of robots being introduced into a single entrance in an unknown environment. Each robot is an inexpensive Willow Garage TurtleBot;a team of nine of these robots is shown infigure3.The TurtleBot was chosen for this application due to its low cost and7(a)A map built by seven robots in an experiment using the Reserve coopera-tive mapping strategy.(b)The same map shown from a different angle to demonstrate3Dplane features which are used for map landmarks.Fig.5.Global maps gathered by a team of seven mobile robots.8the ease of integrating large numbers of robots through ROS.The TurtleBot platform is based on the iRobot Create base.The robots make measurements of planes with a Kinect sensor,and use an onboard IMU together with odometry to estimate ego-motion.Fig.6.Our nine TurtleBots used in these experiments.We evaluated the performance of various robot coordination strategies in the multi-robot exploration and mapping task.An example scenario for the Divide and Conquer cooperative mapping strategy can be seen in the panorama image infigure3.Fig.7.An example scenario for the experiments described in this paper.Three teams of two robots are exploring the branching hallway structure in an office environment.In this illustration, the robots are using the Divide and Conquer cooperative mapping strategy.We performed a series of experiments to demonstrate the performance of our two cooperative mapping strategies.A total of6runs were performed for each cooperation strategy,team size,and starting location.For each experiment run,the TurtleBot team9 explored the environment from a wedge-shaped starting configuration,which can be seen infigure3.These experiments were performed in an office environment.In order to measure the exploration and mapping performance in each location,we chose spe-cific starting locations which are labeled Base1and Base2infigure3.These starting locations were chosen because the area around the robot teams could be blocked off so there is only one initial exploration frontier,directly in front of the lead robot.This ini-tial configuration was chosen to represent a breaching behavior which would be needed for implementation of collaborative mapping in a hostile environment.Fig.8.Our office environment where the experiments were performed.The areas labeled Base1 and Base2are the initial position of the robots.Red lines indicate artificial barricades to restrict the initial exploration of the robot teams to simulate a breach entrance into a hostile environment. 4ResultsWe performed a series of experiments for this paper which demonstrate team perfor-mance based upon coverage in a mapping task on an unknown office environment. Robot team sizes were varied from2to9robots.An map built with7robots at Turtle-Bots using the Reserve strategy is seen in Figure5(a).An image showing the samefinal global map from a side view demonstrates the3D plane features infigure2.3.Each of the collaboration strategy and robot team size experiments were performed from two starting locations.These starting locations are labeled Base1and Base2in figure3.A series of interesting locations was determined in advance by examining the buildingfloor-plan;these points of interest are also marked infigure3.Each experiment run gets a score based on how many of these points of interest are visited and mapped before a time limit is reached.This score represents the effectiveness of that algorithm and team size at providing coverage while exploring an unknown map.first experiment series from Base1in figure 3,both strategies achieve reducedexploration coverage per robot as the team size is increased,as can be seen in the graphsin figure 9.In this starting location,there is limited space to maneuver,so both strate-gies generate significant interference between robots trying to move to their goals.Inseveral instances,pairs of robots even crashed into each other due to the limited field-of-view of their sensors.We believe that the Divide and Conquer strategy results infigure 9(b)indicate that the team was slightly more effective than the Reserves strategyin figure 9(a).At the largest team size of 9robots,the Divide and Conquer strategyusually visited one additional point-of-interest more than the Reserves strategy.Addi-tional qualitative impressions are that the Divide and Conquer strategy explored thepoints-of-interest that it reached more quickly than with the Reserves strategy.For bothstrategies,the best team size appears to be 6robots in this starting location.(a)Reserves (b)Divide and ConquerFig.9.Results from the first starting areaIn the second set of experiments,the robot teams were placed in the starting arealabeled Base2in figure 3.As in the first experiment,the per-robot performance of bothstrategies decreased as the number of robots were increased.This series of experimentsdemonstrates a marked improvement of the Divide and Conquer strategy over the Re-serves strategy as can be seen in figure 10.The Divide and Conquer strategy causesmore robots to be making observations of exploration frontiers due to the fact thatgroups contain more than one robot.These additional observations of the frontier allowthe Divide and Conquer strategy to find exploration frontiers faster than the Reservesstrategy,and therefore explore more points-of-interest.The second experiment startedfrom an area where there is more room to maneuver.This allowed the Divide and Con-quer strategy to have less interference since the entire team moved together out of thestarting area into the larger area before any divide operations were performed.The Re-serves strategy still had to initially maneuver from the cramped starting location.As inthe first experiment,the Divide and Conquer strategy qualitatively explored the envi-ronment faster than the Reserves strategy.The best value for the number of robots is 6,which is the same value found in the first experiment.11(a)Reserves(b)Divide and ConquerFig.10.Results from the second starting area5DiscussionWe have presented experiments which evaluate two collaboration strategies which can be used by teams of mobile robots to map and explore an unknown environment.We have also evaluated the impact of the number of robots on coverage in the exploration and mapping task.Thefirst collaboration strategy,called Reserves keeps a pool of unallocated robots at the starting location.A new robot is activated when there are more exploration frontiers than currently active robots.This strategy was intended to minimize the amount of in-terference between robot agents since robots would be far away from each other during exploration.The results from our experiments do not indicate that this strategy results in less interference than other strategies since performance decreases more when more robots are added in some environments.The Reserves strategy is significantly slower at exploring the environment than other strategies.The second collaboration strategy,called Divide and Conquer has all available robots proceed in one large group.Once there are two exploration frontiers,at a corridor t-junction for example,the team will divide in half and each sub-team will follow one of the exploration frontiers.This process will be repeated with teams dividing in half each time they see branching structure in the environment.It was anticipated that this strategy would result in higher interference since robots would be maneuvering close together;however,the increased availability of robots near new exploration frontiers offsets this phenomenon.Divide and Conquer appears to be a more effective strategy than Reserves for ex-ploring and mapping an unknown environment.There are additional hybrid strategies which could now be considered such as the Buddy System,which modifies the Reserves strategy with teams of2robots instead of1.We believe that this strategy will mitigate much of the slowness of the Reserves strategy while still minimizing interference.12AcknowledgmentsThis work was made possible through generous support from the Army Research Lab (ARL)MAST CTA project,and The Boeing Corporation.References1.ARL:Army Research Lab Micro Autonomous Systems and Technology Collaborative Tech-nology Alliance MAST CTA./www/default.cfm?page=332(2006) 2.Bailey,T.,Durrant-Whyte,H.:Simultaneous localisation and mapping(SLAM):Part II stateof the art.Robotics and Automation Magazine(September2006)3.Chipalkatty,R.,Daepp,H.,Egerstedt,M.,Book,W.:Human-in-the-loop:Mpc for sharedcontrol of a quadruped rescue robot.In:Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS),2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on.pp.4556–4561.IEEE(2011)4.Dellaert,F.:Square root 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AGV简介AGV是什么?国家标准对AGV 的定义是:AGV(Automated Guided Vehicle ⾃动导引车):装备有电磁或光学等⾃动导引装置,由计算机控制,以轮式移动为特征,⾃带动⼒或动⼒转换装置,并且能够沿规定的导引路径⾃动⾏驶的运输⼯具,⼀般具有安全防护、移载等多种功能。

通俗的讲,AGV 就是⼀个⽤来运输的移动机器⼈,它是⼀个搬运⼯,把货物从A处运到B处,因此AGV的⼤部分研究也是包含在移动机器⼈领域内的。

AGV调度系统是什么?国家标准对AGV调度系统的定义是:调度系统(Dispatching system):上位控制系统中⽤于任务调度、车辆管理及交通管理的控制软件。


● Dispatch(派遣):指派⼀个AGV去执⾏⼀个运输任务。

Dispatching is the process of assigning a transportation job to an AGV . ● Schedule(狭义上的“调度”):分配⼀批运输任务给⼀组AGV去执⾏。

Scheduling is the process of dispatching a set of AGVs to a batch of transportation jobs . The aim of AGV scheduling is to dispatch a set of AGVs to achieve the goals for a batch of pickup/ drop-off (or P/D for short) jobs . ● Route(路径规划):⽣成所有被指定AGV 的路径使其能完成各⾃被指派的任务。

在机器⼈领域,路径翻译为 path ;⽽在 AGV 领域通常使⽤ route 表⽰相似的概念,翻译为“路线、轨道”,它⼀般表⽰固定的不经常变动的路径。

path 只能⽤作名词,route 还可以作为动词,表⽰“为…指派路径”。



《协作机器人市场分析报告》前言2020年中国协作机器人行市场现状和发展前景分析——协作机器人是未来——协作机器人(collaborative robot)简称cobot或co-robot,是一种被设计成能与人在共同工作空间、近距离、协同工作的机器人。



















(陕西西安710126)Abstract:Based on the layered modular architecture of products under the background of digital innovation,this paper starts from thechange of product structure caused by technological change and the change of competitive characteristics of enterprises in product market,analyzes the multi-level and complementary influence of digital innovation on competition in the productmarket,and proposes a multi-point competition model under digital innovation.Based on the model,two multi-point com ⁃petition strategies for cross-layer indirect attack and cross-layer direct attack are proposed.Then,taking Apple and Googleas examples,this paper analyzes the application of the multi-point competition model of product market under digital in ⁃novation.Accordingly,some suggestions are put forward,such as identifying competitors based on layered modular archi ⁃tecture,emphasizing the platform development of components,strengthening the complementarity among different compo ⁃nents,and emphasizing the application of cross-layer competition strategy.This paper theoretically enriches the traditionalmulti-point competition model,and provides practical guidance for enterprises to deal with the competition challenges un ⁃der digital innovation.Keywords:digital innovation;layered modular architecture;product market;multi-point competition model;multi-point competitionstrategy一尧引言以大数据、物联网、移动互联网、云计算为代表的数字技术的突破和融合发展已经成为全球数字经济革命的核心推动力,加快了国内外各行各业数字转型进程[1]。


















Multi-robot repeated area coverage

Multi-robot repeated area coverage

Auton Robot(2013)34:251–276DOI10.1007/s10514-012-9319-7Multi-robot repeated area coveragePooyan Fazli·Alireza Davoodi·Alan K.MackworthReceived:4November2010/Accepted:29December2012/Published online:1March2013©Springer Science+Business Media New York2013Abstract We address the problem of repeated coverage of a target area,of any polygonal shape,by a team of robots having a limited visual range.Three distributed Cluster-based algorithms,and a method called Cyclic Coverage are introduced for the problem.The goal is to evaluate the per-formance of the repeated coverage algorithms under the effects of the variables:Environment Representation,and the Robots’Visual Range.A comprehensive set of performance metrics are considered,including the distance the robots travel,the frequency of visiting points in the target area,and the degree of balance in workload distribution among the robots.The Cyclic Coverage approach,used as a benchmark to compare the algorithms,produces optimal or near-optimal solutions for the single robot case under some criteria.The results can be used as a framework for choosing an appro-priate combination of repeated coverage algorithm,environ-ment representation,and the robots’visual range based on the particular scenario and the metric to be optimized. Keywords Multi-robot systems·Teamwork·Coordination·Area Coverage·Visibility Graph·Constrained Delaunay Triangulation·Uninformed Clustering Coverage·Edge-based Clustering Coverage·Node-based Clustering Coverage·Cyclic Coverage·Chained Lin–Kernighan Algorithm·Double-Minimum Spanning TreeP.Fazli(B)·A.Davoodi·A.K.MackworthDepartment of Computer Science,University of British Columbia, Vancouver,BC V6T1Z4, 1IntroductionGiven the dynamic and uncertain environments in which future robots will have to work compared to those of the familiar,relatively simple industrial robots,the integration of the advanced physical and cognitive systems required by the next generation of robots is a challenging task.It is not feasible to design a single‘universal’robot capable of work-ing within a wide range of applications.PR2and Nao are examples of the challenges of cost,long product life cycle and limited functionality which will apply to future robots as well.Given these challenges,multi-robot systems may be suitable alternatives to single-robot systems in many real world applications.It is generally believed that multi-robot systems hold sev-eral advantages over single-robot systems.The most common motivations for developing multi-robot system solutions in real world applications are that a single robot cannot deal with task complexity adequately;the task is spatiotemporally distributed;building several niche,resource-bound robots is easier than building a single powerful robot;multiple robots can support parallelism;andfinally,redundancy increases robustness.Distributed Area Coverage as a task for multi-robot sys-tems is a challenging problem in different scenarios such as search and rescue operations(Jennings et al.1997),planetary exploration(Mataric and Sukhatme2001),intruder detection (Gerkey et al.2006;LaValle and Hinrichsen2001),environ-ment monitoring(Lavalle et al.1997),floor cleaning(Hofner and Schmidt1994)and so on.In this task,a team of robots cooperatively visits(observes or sweeps)an entire area,pos-sibly obstructed by obstacles.The goal is to build efficient paths for all the robots which jointly ensure that every point in the environment is visited by at least one of the robots. If there is a need to detect some events in the environment,area coverage guaranteesfinding all of them in the target area.There is confusion in the literature regarding the terms Exploration and Coverage.To clarify the problem defini-tion,we note that in exploration,we have an unknown envi-ronment in which a team of robots is trying to build a map of the area together(Yamauchi1998;Burgard et al.2000; Simmons et al.2000;Howard2006;Batalin and Sukhatme 2003).On the other hand,in a coverage problem,the map of the environment may be known or unknown and the team aims to cooperatively visit the whole area with their sensors or physical actuators.In other words,building a map of the environment is not the ultimate aim of the coverage mission.A similar class of problems is Boundary Coverage in which the aim is inspection of the boundaries of a target area and the obstacles inside by a team of robots rather than complete coverage of the area(Williams and Burdick2006; Amstutz et al.2008).There are two classes of coverage problems:•Single Coverage:The aim is to cover the target area until all the accessible points of interest in the environment have been visited at least once,while minimizing the time,distance traversed by the robots,and the number of visits to the points(Fazli et al.2010a,b;Hazon and Kaminka2008;Rekleitis et al.2008).•Repeated Coverage:The goal is to cover all the acces-sible points of interest in the environment repeatedly over time,while maximizing the frequency of visit-ing points in the target area,minimizing the weighted average event/intruder detection time,minimizing the sum/maximum length of the paths/tours generated for the robots,or balancing the workload distribution among the robots.Visiting the points in the area can be performed with uniform or non-uniform frequency,depending on the priorities of different parts of the area1.Several research communities including robotics/agents (Machado et al.2002),sensor networks(Gasparri et al.2008), operations research(Toth and Vigo2002b)and computa-tional geometry(Carlsson et al.1993)work on variants of the repeated coverage problem.In operations research,the Vehicle Routing Problem has some similarities to the repeated coverage scenarios(Liu and Shen1999).In this problem,a number of vehicles deliver goods located at a central depot to a set of geographically dispersed customers.The objective is to minimize the total distance travelled.In the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,the target locations have time windows within which the deliveries(or visits)must be made(Desrochers 1In this paper,we use the terms’coverage’and’repeated coverage’ al.1992),and in the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Prob-lem,the vehicles have limited carrying capacity for the goods that must be delivered(Toth and Vigo2002a).In computational geometry,this problem originates from the Art Gallery Problem(O’Rourke1987;Urrutia2000)and its variant for mobile guards,the(Multi)Watchman Route Problem(Chin and Ntafos1986;Packer2008;Faigl2010).In the Art Gallery Problem,the goal is tofind a minimum num-ber of static guards(control points)which can jointly cover a priori known simple polygonal workspace under differ-ent restrictions.On the other hand,in the(Multi)Watchman Route Problem the objective is to compute routes(closed curves)watchmen should take,such that any point inside the polygon is visible from at least one point along one route. Pursuit-Evasion is another closely related problem studied in both the computational geometry and the robotics commu-nities.In this task,one or more searchers move throughout a given target area in order to guarantee the detection of all the evaders,which can move arbitrarily fast(Gerkey et al.2006; Vidal et al.2002).In Pursuit-Evasion scenarios the searchers do not necessarily cover the entire target area.In the robotics community,most research in this area is carried out under the rubric of Area/Boundary/Perimeter Patrolling.In Sect.2we elaborate on the related literature regarding the Multi-Agent/Robot Patrolling scenarios.Overview and Contributions:In this study,we define four optimization metrics for comparing the efficiency of the repeated coverage algorithms.These metrics are:•Total Path Length(TPL)the robots traverse in the target area.•Total Average Visiting Period(TAVP)of the points of interest in the target area.•Total Worst Visiting Period(TWVP)of the points of inter-est in the target area.•Balance in Workload Distribution(BWD)among the robots.These metrics will be discussed in detail in Sect.3.Inter-estingly,it is impossible even to develop polynomial approx-imation algorithms,when optimizing each of the metrics of the repeated coverage problem,unless P=N P(Packer 2008).Furthermore,optimizing all these metrics simultane-ously is another challenge,because some are mutually con-flicting in the coverage mission.These considerations require us conduct an extensive experimental analysis to evaluate the performance of the algorithms.The contributions of this paper are as follows:1.We present an approach to modeling the environmentusing graph-based methods considering the limited visualrange of the robots.To this end,two environment modeling approaches are developed based on the Visibil-ity Graph and the Constrained Delaunay Triangulation.2.Three Cluster-based algorithms are introduced for thedistributed repeated coverage problem,differing as to how they cluster the graph,namely:the Uninformed Clus-tering Coverage,the Edge-based Clustering Coverage, and the Node-based Clustering Coverage algorithms. 3.An algorithm called Cyclic Coverage is introduced andused as a benchmark to compare the performance of the repeated coverage algorithms.The algorithmfinds the shortest tour on the graph similar to solving a Travelling Salesman Problem(TSP).We show that even though the Cyclic Coverage approach can produce optimal or near-optimal solutions for a single robot case under some par-ticular metrics;however,it is not always the best solution when extending the problem to multi-robot scenarios.4.The effect of different environment representations onthe performance of the repeated coverage algorithms are examined.5.The effect of varying the robots’visual range on theperformance of the repeated coverage algorithms is investigated.The results can be used as a framework for choos-ing an appropriate combination of repeated coverage algo-rithm,environment representation,and the robots’visual range based on the particular scenario and the metric to be optimized.2Background and reviewChoset(2001)divides the approaches for area coverage based on the methods they employ for decomposing the area: Exact Cellular Decomposition,and Approximate Cellular Decomposition.In the Exact Cellular Decomposition(e.g.graph-based methods),the area is divided to a set of non-overlapping regions whose union covers the whole environment.In the Approximate Cellular Decomposition(e.g.grid-based meth-ods),the environment is divided into cells which are all the samesizeandshape.However,cellsthatarepartiallyoccluded by obstacles or close to the boundary are discarded,therefore the union of the cells only approximates the target area.The methods based on the Approximate Cellular Decom-position have limitations since they do not consider the structure of the environment and as a result are unable to handle partially occluded cells or cover areas close to the boundaries in continuous spaces.In contrast,methods based on the Exact Cellular Decomposition do not suffer those restrictions.However,while traversing the graph guarantees covering the whole environment in continuous spaces,the path may include many redundant movements.Although there is a wide body of literature for sin-gle coverage scenarios(Choset2001;Agmon et al.2008a; Rekleitis et al.2008;Gabriely and Rimon2011;Zheng et al. 2005;Kurabayashi et al.1996;Batalin and Sukhatme2002), repeated coverage has not received the same attention.Two classes of the repeated coverage problem in the literature are: 1)Area Patrolling,and2)Boundary or Perimeter Patrolling (Open or Closed Polylines),and each is divided into:•Optimization-based repeated coverage,inwhichtheteam’s goal is to optimize some criteria,for example minimizing the average or worst frequency of visiting the points of interests in the target area,minimizing the total path tra-versed by the robots in the environment,or balancing the workload distribution among the robots.Optimization-based repeated coverage is the focus of this paper.•Adversarial repeated coverage,in which the team’s goal is to maximize the probability of detecting an adversary or multiple adversaries trying to penetrate the environment mainly through the patrol paths.2.1Optimization-based repeated coverage Machadoetal.(2002)studiedseveralarchitecturesforrepeated coverage in non-weighted graphs(i.e.the distance between two adjacent nodes is uniform).The goal was to minimize the time gap between two visits to the same node.The proposed architectures differ on various parameters such as agent type (reactive or goal-oriented),agent communication(central-ized,peer-to-peer,flag-based,or no-communication),coor-dination scheme(centralized vs.distributed),agent percep-tion(local,and decision-making(random selec-tion vs.goal-oriented selection).They showed that the Con-scientious Reactive Agents architecture outperforms the other multi-agentarchitectures.Anagentin Conscientious Reactive Agents chooses a node to visit from its neighbourhood with the highest time of being unvisited relative to the agent’s own visits rather than all the other agents’visits.There is no com-munication among the agents.The approach is generalized to weighted graphs in Almeida et al.(2004)Santana et al.(2004)studied adaptive agents that learn to patrol weighted graphs to minimize the time intervals between visits to the nodes,using Reinforcement Learn-ing(RL)techniques.A Markov Decision Process(MDP) formalism was used to model the patrolling problem,and the challenge was to define a state and action space for each agent individually,and to develop proper models of instantaneous rewards which could lead to satisfactory long term performance.The Q-Learning algorithm was used to train the agents,which proved to be computationally expen-sive.Aproblemwithsomeoftheexistingempiricalstudiesinthe field of area patrolling is the lack of a comprehensive popula-tion of environment maps in the experiments.In the works byAlmeida et al.(2004)and Machado et al.(2002)only six maps were used to evaluate the coverage algorithms,two of which have almost75%similarity.In two other maps called‘circu-lar’and‘corridor’,only one representation of the environment (i.e.a chain)is possible due to the structure of the environ-ments.Santana et al.(2004)also used two very similar maps to evaluate their proposed patrolling algorithm.Moreover,in none of the above patrolling tasks,did the authors provide details on how the graph is built to represent the environment. They typically presume the existence of a graph which is not a complete model of the environment,just a rough approxima-tion of it.The proposed architectures also consider the agents as points with no extent or limit on visual range,so the prob-lem dealt with is reduced to a graph exploration/coverage task rather than an area coverage scenario.This paper,on the other hand,buildsacompletemodeloftheenvironmentconsidering thelimitedvisualrangeoftherobots.Moreover,wewillinves-tigate the effect of different representations of the target area and varying the robots’visual range on the performance of the repeated coverage algorithms with extensive experiments on a set of carefully selected maps.Elmaliach et al.(2009)proposed a centralized algo-rithm which guarantees optimal uniform frequency,i.e.,all cells are visited with maximal and uniform frequency in a non-uniform,grid environment.As mentioned above,grid-based representations have limitations in handling partially occluded cells or cover areas close to the boundaries in con-tinuous spaces.Also,one of the limitations of the proposed approach is the requirement for a corridor’s size in the envi-ronment to be at least twice the size of the robot in order to be covered.Our algorithms,on the other hand,guarantee complete coverage of the area.Elmaliach et al.(2008)also addressed the problem of frequency-based patrolling of open polylines(e.g.,as in open-ended fences),where the two endpoints of the polylines are not connected.Jensen et al.(2011)extended Elmaliach et al.’s work on patrolling open polylines,with a focus on maintain-ing the patrol over the long-term.They accomplish this task by replacing the robots having power level below a thresh-old with some reserve robots.Patrolling open perimeters is challenging because robots must revisit the just visited areas when they reach an endpoint and turn back.Boardman et al. (2010)presented a distributed boundary tracking controller for multi-robot systems.Within this system,the boundary is partitioned into sub-segments,each allocated to a robot,such that the workload is balanced among the robots.They also aimed to minimize the phase difference between the robots, to limit the size of the gap created between the robots.2.2Adversarial repeated coverageSome work considered the existence of adversary agents in the workspace,where the goal is to maximize the detection rate of the intruder(s)in the work space.The main idea behind these patrolling strategies is to use non-deterministic,prob-abilistic algorithms in order to avoid static patrolling pat-terns which,in an adversarial scenario,could be exploited by intruders.Sak et al.(2008)considered the case of multi-agent patrol in adversarial environments in general graphs.The authors assumed three types of intruders in the environment:a ran-dom intruder,an intruder that waits until the patrolling agent leaves a node to penetrate the area,and an statistical intruder that collects statistics on the period between visits to a ran-dom node and predicts the timing of the next safe visit to the node.Some patrolling algorithms were experimentally evaluated by simulation.The results showed that no patrol strategy was optimal for all the possible adversaries.Ahmadi et al.(2006)addressed the problem of multi-robot repeated coverage of a grid-based target area in order to detect a set of events of interest.The frequency of the events occur-rence in the environment can possibly be non-uniform.Thus, the robots should visit the points with non-uniform frequency. The main contribution of the paper is an online area partition-ing method among the robots through a negotiation mecha-nism,which is adaptive to non-uniform frequency of event occurrence in the target area.Guo et al.(2007)studied a centralized multi-robot system for patrolling continuous environments.In this paper,the area is partitioned into sub-regions using a Voronoi Diagram. Robots are then distributed from their initial positions to their sub-regions,andfinally,each robot patrols its sub-region in order to detect a possible intrusion of an adversary agent into that sub-region.Agmon et al.(2008b)studied patrolling a cyclic bound-ary,in which the robots’goal is to maximize their rewards by detecting an adversary agent,which attempts to penetrate through a point on the boundary unknown to the robots.In their scenario,the full-knowledge adversary knows the loca-tion of the robots and the patrol strategy and needs a time interval of length t to accomplish the intrusion.They also examined the case of a zero-knowledge adversary(Agmon et al.2008c)and a partial-knowledge adversary(Agmon et al. 2009b)in perimeter patrolling.The uncertainty in the robots’perception was investigated in(Agmon et al.2009a),in which the ability to detect the intruders decreased as the distance grew.Czyzowicz et al.(2011)addressed the same problem using a team of verable speed robots.Fazli and Mackworth(2012a,b)addressed the problem of repeated coverage by a team of robots of the boundaries of a target area and the structures inside it.The robots have lim-ited visual and communication range.Events may occur on any parts of the boundaries and may have different impor-tance weights.In addition,the boundaries of the area and the structures are heterogeneous,so that events may appear with varying probabilities on different parts of the boundary,and these probabilities may change over time.The goal is to maximize the reward by detecting the maximum number of events,weighted by their importance,in minimum time. The reward a robot receives for detecting an event depends on how early the event is detected.Girard et al.(2004)studied a centralized system composed of multiple unmanned air vehicles patrolling a border area. The border is represented as a continuous two-dimensional region divided in sub-regions.Each sub-region is assigned to an air vehicle that repeatedly patrols it with a spiral trajectory to detect the possible intrusions in that sub-region.3Problem definition and preliminariesThe problem is to cover the environment repeatedly over time using a given number of robots.To this end,we make the following assumptions.Assumption1The environment boundary is a known2D simple polygon containing static polygonal obstacles. Assumption2Each robot,in the set of robots R,is repre-sented by a point in the environment.This assumption reduces the problem to covering a polyg-onal environment by a team of point robots without loss of generality.This follows from using the standard approach to robot motion planning in an environment with polygonal obstacles for the computation of the configuration space.In this case,configuration space is the set of all admissible posi-tions of the robot,i.e.the Minkowski sum(Skiena1998)of the set of obstacles and the boundary of the environment with the shape of the robotAssumption3The robots are presumed to have a360◦field of view and a predefined circular limit of visual range. Assumption4The robots are homogeneous,with the same speed,and can move in any direction.In order to evaluate the coverage mission,some metric criteria need to be determined,but before that we introduce some basic definitions:•Full Single Coverage:all the robots traverse the paths assigned to them just once.•Visiting Period(VP):the time interval between two visits to a point of interest in the target area.A point of interest can have more than one Visiting Period,due to the pos-sibility that the point may be visited more than once in different time intervals by one or more than one robot ina Full Single Coverage.For example,in Fig.1,point A(shown by the red dot)has three Visiting Periods,two are determined by the black robot/tour and one is determined by the blue robot/tour2.2Allfigures in this paper are best viewed in color.Fig.1Visiting Period and Visiting Frequency•Average Visiting Period(AVP):the average of the Visiting Periods of a point of interest.•Worst Visiting Period(WVP):the maximum period of time it takes a point of interest to be re-visited in the target area.•Visiting Frequency(VF):the number of visits to a point of interest by a single robot in a Full Single Coverage.If a point of interest is visited by more than one robot in a Full Single Coverage,the point will have more than one Visiting Frequency,each associated with a different robot.For example,in Fig.1,point A has two Visiting Frequencies,one is determined by the black robot/tour and the other is determined by the blue robot/tour.The Visiting Frequency of point A on the black tour is2and on the blue tour is1.The repeated coverage algorithms will be evaluated based on the following metrics:•Total Path Lengths(TPL):the sum of the lengths of the paths assigned to the robots in order to have a Full Single Coverage.•Total Average Visiting Period(TAVP):the average of the Average Visiting Periods of all the points of interest in the target area.•Total Worst Visiting Period(TWVP):the maximum Worst Visiting Period of all the points of interests in the target area.•Balance in Workload Distribution(BWD):the degree of balance in the workload distribution among a team of robots.A workload distribution is completely balanced if the standard deviation of the lengths of the constructed paths for the robots is zero:the paths assigned to the robots all have equal lengths.In this study,the aim is to minimize TPL,TAVP,and TWVP and to maximize BWD in the repeated coverage scenario.3.1Computing the evaluation metricsThe paths of the robots in the target area may either not overlap,that is,there is no common Point of Interest among(a )No n -o v erl a pped Pa t h s(b)O v erl a pped Pa t h sFig.2Non-overlapped versus overlapped paths for two robotsthe robots’paths (as shown in Fig.2),or may overlap,that is,there are some common Points of Interest among the robots’paths ( dots shown in Fig.2b).Considering this,the evaluation metrics are defined as below:T P L =|R | i =1Length (Path (r i )).(1)|R |is the number of robots,Path (r i )is the path built forrobot r i ,and Length (Path (r i ))is the length of the path.T AV P =node ∈PoIAV P (node ),PoI =Points of Interest ,(2)whereAV P (node )=Length (Path (r i ))V F i (node ),i ∈{1,2,...,|R |},node ∈Path (r i ),if node is not a common Point of Interest among the robots’paths,orAV P (node )=1 i V Fi (node )Length (Path (r i )),i ∈{1,2,...,|R |},node ∈Path (r i ),if node is a common Point of Interest among the robots’overlapped paths.V F i (node )is the node Visiting Frequency in Path (r i ).T W V P =max node ∈PoI (W V P (node )),(3)whereW V P (node )=max {V P i (node )},node ∈Path (r i ),if node is not a common Point of Interest among the robots’paths,orW V P (node )=min i =1,2,...,|R |{max {V P i (node )}},node ∈Path (r i ),if node is a common Point of Interest among the robots’overlapped paths.{V P i (node )}is the set of all the Visiting Periods of the node in Path (r i ).In computing the WVP of a Point of Interest which is com-mon among the robots’paths,we first calculate the maximum Visiting Period of the point in each robot’s path,and then choose the minimum of the maximum values.Recall thateach Point of Interest can belong to the path of more than one robot,and can also have more than one Visiting Period in each robot’s path.BW D (Paths )=(1−ST D ({Length (Path (r i ))|i =1,2,...,|R |})ST D ( T P L ,α1,α2,...,α|R |−1|αi =0 ))×100,(4)where ST D (.)is the population standard deviation,and Paths = Path (r 1),Path (r 2),...,Path (r |R |)is the |R |paths created for the |R |robots.For the case of one robot,we assume that BW D (Paths )=100.In BW D ’s compu-tation,ST D ({Length (Path (r i ))|i =1,2,...,|R |})is the population standard deviation of the set of paths created for the robots,and ST D (T P L ,α1,α2,...,α|R |−1|αi =0 )is the worst case scenario,in which one robot is in charge of the whole task,i.e.T P L ,and the other robots are idle with zero path length (α1,α2,...,α|R |−1).3.2Stages of the repeated coverage algorithmsThe different stages of the proposed repeated coverage algo-rithms are as follows:1.The locations of static guards (Points of Interest)required to cover visually a given 2D environment are determined,allowingforthelimitedrangeoftherobots’vision(Sect.4).2.A graph is built on the guards and the obstacles based on either the Visibility Graph or the Constrained Delaunay Triangulation (Sect.5).3.The graph is reduced to either the Reduced-Vis or the Reduced-CDT representation (Sect.6).4.Cluster-based Coverage Algorithms:The Reduced Graph is partitioned into as many clusters as the number of robots.To this end,three different clustering algorithms are introduced,namely:Uninformed Clustering ,Edge-based Clustering ,and Node-based Clustering .Finally,a tour is built for each robot on the clustered Reduced Graph .For this purpose,two tour building algorithms are proposed,namely:Double-Minimum Spanning Tree ,and the Chained Lin–Kernighan algorithms (Sect.7).5.Cyclic Coverage Algorithm:Cyclic Coverage finds the shortest tour on the whole VG or CDT graph,passing through all the static guards ,and then distributes the robots equidistantly around it (Sect.8).Since the problem is a repeated coverage scenario,we can ignore the initial cost of moving the robots from their initial locations to their assigned paths in the target area,as that time is negligible compared to the recurring patrol time.In the following sections,we will explain the different stages of the proposed algorithms for repeated coverage of a target area in detail.。



第38卷第1期2021年1月控制理论与应用Control Theory&ApplicationsV ol.38No.1Jan.2021分数阶多机器人的领航–跟随型环形编队控制伍锡如†,邢梦媛(桂林电子科技大学电子工程与自动化学院,广西桂林541004)摘要:针对多机器人系统的环形编队控制复杂问题,提出一种基于分数阶多机器人的环形编队控制方法,应用领航–跟随编队方法来控制多机器人系统的环形编队和目标包围,通过设计状态估测器,实现对多机器人的状态估计.由领航者获取系统中目标状态的信息,跟随者监测到领航者的状态信息并完成包围环绕编队控制,使多机器人系统形成对动态目标的目标跟踪.根据李雅普诺夫稳定性理论和米塔格定理,得到多机器人系统环形编队控制的充分条件,实现对多机器人系统对目标物的包围控制,通过对一组多机器人队列的目标包围仿真,验证了该方法的有效性.关键词:分数阶;多机器人;编队控制;环形编队;目标跟踪引用格式:伍锡如,邢梦媛.分数阶多机器人的领航–跟随型环形编队控制.控制理论与应用,2021,38(1):103–109DOI:10.7641/CTA.2020.90969Annular formation control of the leader-follower multi-robotbased on fractional orderWU Xi-ru†,XING Meng-yuan(School of Electronic Engineering and Automation,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin Guangxi541004,China) Abstract:Aiming at the complex problem of annular formation control for fractional order multi robot system,an an-nular formation control method based on fractional order multi robot is proposed.The leader follower formation method is used to control the annular formation and target envelopment of the multi robot systems.The state estimation of multi robot is realized by designing state estimator.The leader obtains the information of the target state in the system,the followers detects the status of the leader and complete annular formation control,the multi-robot system forms the target tracking of the dynamic target.According to Lyapunov stability theory and Mittag Leffler’s theorem,the sufficient conditions of the annular formation control for the multi robot systems are obtained in order to achieve annular formation control of the leader follower multi robot.The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by simulation by simulation of a group of multi robot experiments.Key words:fractional order;multi-robots;formation control;annular formation;target trackingCitation:WU Xiru,XING Mengyuan.Annular formation control of the leader-follower multi-robot based on fractional order.Control Theory&Applications,2021,38(1):103–1091引言近年来,随着机器人技术的崛起和发展,各式各样的机器人技术成为了各个领域不可或缺的一部分,推动着社会的发展和进步.与此同时,机器人面临的任务也更加复杂,单个机器人已经无法独立完成应尽的责任,这就使得多机器人之间相互协作、共同完成同一个给定任务成为当前社会的研究热点.多机器人系统控制的研究主要集中在一致性问题[1]、多机器人编队控制问题[2–3]、蜂拥问题[4–5]等.其中,编队控制问题作为多机器人系统的主要研究方向之一,是国内外研究学者关注的热点问题.编队控制在生活生产、餐饮服务尤其是军事作战等领域都发挥着极大的作用.例如水下航行器在水中的自主航行和编队控制、军事作战机对空中飞行器的打击以及无人机在各行业的应用等都是多机器人编队控制上的用途[6–7].目前,多机器人编队控制方法主要有3种,其中在多机器收稿日期:2019−11−25;录用日期:2020−08−10.†通信作者.E-mail:****************;Tel.:+86132****1790.本文责任编委:黄攀峰.国家自然科学基金项目(61603107,61863007),桂林电子科技大学研究生教育创新计划项目(C99YJM00BX13)资助.Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(61603107,61863007)and the Innovation Project of GUET Graduate Education (C99YJM00BX13).104控制理论与应用第38卷人系统编队控制问题上应用最广泛的是领航–跟随法[8–10];除此之外,还有基于行为法和虚拟结构法[11].基于行为的多机器人编队方法在描述系统整体时不够准确高效,且不能保证系统控制的稳定性;而虚拟结构法则存在系统灵活性不足的缺陷.领航–跟随型编队控制法具有数学分析简单、易保持队形、通信压力小等优点,被广泛应用于多机器人系统编队[12].例如,2017年,Hu等人采用分布式事件触发策略,提出一种新的自触发算法,实现了线性多机器人系统的一致性[13];Zuo等人利用李雅普诺夫函数,构造具有可变结构的全局非线性一致控制律,研究多机器人系统的鲁棒有限时间一致问题[14].考虑到分数微积分的存储特性,开发分数阶一致性控制的潜在应用具有重要意义.时中等人于2016年设计了空间遥操作分数阶PID 控制系统,提高了机器人系统的跟踪性能、抗干扰性、鲁棒性和抗时延抖动性能[15].2019年,Z Yang等人探讨了分数阶多机器人系统的领航跟随一致性问题[16].而在多机器人的环形编队控制中,对具有分数阶动力学特性的多机器人系统的研究极其有限,大部分集中在整数阶的阶段.而采用分数阶对多机器人系统目标包围编队控制进行研究,综合考虑了非局部分布式的影响,更好地描述具有遗传性质的动力学模型.使得系统的模型能更准确的反映系统的性态,对多机器人编队控制的研究非常有利.目标包围控制问题是编队控制的一个分支,是多智能体编队问题的重点研究领域.随着信息技术的高速发展,很多专家学者对多机器人系统的目标包围控制问题进行了研究探讨.例如,Kim和Sugie于2017年基于一种循环追踪策略设计分布式反馈控制律,保证了多机器人系统围绕一个目标机器人运动[17].在此基础上,Lan和Yan进行了拓展,研究了智能体包围多个目标智能体的问题,并把这个问题分为两个步骤[18]. Kowdiki K H和Barai K等人则研究了单个移动机器人对任意时变曲线的跟踪包围问题[19].Asif M考虑了机器人与目标之间的避障问题,提出了两种包围追踪控制算法;并实现了移动机器人对目标机器人的包围追踪[20].鉴于以上原因,本文采用了领航–跟随型编队控制方法来控制多机器人系统的环形编队和目标包围,通过设计状态估测器,实现对多机器人的状态估计.系统中目标状态信息只能由领航者获取,确保整个多机器人系统编队按照预期的理想编队队形进行无碰撞运动,并最终到达目标位置,对目标、领航者和跟随者的位置分析如图1(a)所示,图1(b)为编队控制后的状态.通过应用李雅普诺夫稳定性理论,得到实现多机器人系统环形编队控制的充分条件.最后通过对一组多机器人队列进行目标包围仿真,验证了该方法的有效性.(a)编队控制前(b)编队控制后图1目标、领航者和追随者的位置分析Fig.1Location analysis of targets,pilots and followers2代数图论与分数阶基础假定一个含有N个智能体的系统,通讯网络拓扑图用G={v,ε}表示,定义ε=v×v为跟随者节点之间边的集合,v={v i,i=1,2,···,N}为跟随者节点的集合.若(v i,v j)∈ε,则v i与v j为相邻节点,定义N j(t)={i|(v i,v j)∈ε,v i∈v}为相邻节点j的标签的集合.那么称第j个节点是第i 个节点的邻居节点,用N j(t)={i|(v i,v j)∈ε,v i∈v}表示第i个节点的邻居节点集合.矩阵L=D−A称为与图G对应的拉普拉斯矩阵.其中:∆是对角矩阵,对角线元素i=∑jN i a ij.若a ij=a ji,i,j∈I,则称G是无向图,否则称为有向图.如果节点v i与v j之间一组有向边(v i,v k1)(v k1,v k2)(v k2,v k3)···(v kl,v j),则称从节点v i到v j存在有向路径.定义1Riemann-Liouville(RL)分数阶微分定义:RLD atf(t)=1Γ(n−a)d nd t ntt0f(τ)(t−τ)a−n+1dτ,(1)其中:t>t0,n−1<α<n,n∈Z+,Γ(·)为伽马函数.定义2Caputo(C)分数阶微分定义:CDαtf(t)=1Γ(n−α)tt0f n(τ)(t−τ)α−n+1dτ,(2)其中:t>t0,n−1<α<n,n∈Z+,Γ(·)为伽马第1期伍锡如等:分数阶多机器人的领航–跟随型环形编队控制105函数.定义3定义具有两个参数α,β的Mittag-Leffler方程为E α,β(z )=∞∑k =1z kΓ(αk +β),(3)其中:α>0,β>0.当β=1时,其单参数形式可表示为E α,1(z )=E α(z )=∞∑k =1z kΓ(αk +1).(4)引理1[21]假定存在连续可导函数x (t )∈R n ,则12C t 0D αt x T (t )x (t )=x T (t )C t 0D αt x (t ),(5)引理2[21]假定x =0是系统C t 0D αt x (t )=f (x )的平衡点,且D ⊂R n 是一个包含原点的域,R 是一个连续可微函数,x 满足以下条件:{a 1∥x ∥a V (t ) a 2∥x ∥ab ,C t 0D αt V (t ) −a 3∥x ∥ab,(6)其中:t 0,x ∈R ,α∈(0,1),a 1,a 2,a 3,a,b 为任意正常数,那么x =0就是Mittag-Leffler 稳定.3系统环形编队控制考虑包含1个领航者和N 个跟随者的分数阶非线性多机器人系统.领航者的动力学方程为C t 0D αt x 0(t )=u 0(t ),(7)式中:0<α<1,x 0(t )∈R 2是领航者的位置状态,u 0(t )∈R 2是领航者的控制输入.跟随者的动力学模型如下:C t 0D αt x i (t )=u i (t ),i ∈I,(8)式中:0<α<1,x i (t )∈R 2是跟随者的位置状态,u i (t )∈R 2是跟随者i 在t 时刻的控制输入,I ={1,2,···,N }.3.1领航者控制器的设计对于领航者,选择如下控制器:u 0(t )=−k 1(x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))−k 2sgn(x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )),(9)C t 0D αt x 0(t )=u 0(t )=−k 1(x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))−k 2sgn(x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )).(10)设计一个李雅普诺夫函数:V (t )=12(x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))T (x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )).(11)根据引理1,得到该李雅普诺夫函数的α阶导数如下:C 0D αt V(t )=12C 0D αt (x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))T (x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )) (x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))TC 0D αt (x 0(t )−˜x0(t ))=(x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))T [C 0D αt x 0(t )−C 0D αt ˜x0(t )]=(x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))T [−k 1(x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))−k 2sgn(x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))−C 0D αt ˜x0(t )]=−k 1(x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))T (x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))−k 2∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥−(x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))TC 0D αt ˜x0(t )=−2k 1V (t )−k 2∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥+∥C 0D αt ˜x0(t )∥∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥=−2k 1V (t )−(k 2−∥C 0D ∝t ˜x0(t )∥)∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥ −2k 1V (t ).(12)令a 1=a 2=12,a 3=2k 1,ab =2,a >0,b >0,得到a 1∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥a V (t ) a 2∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥ab ,(13)C t 0D αt V(t ) −a 3∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥ab .(14)根据引理2,可知lim t →∞∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥=0,即x 0(t )逐渐趋近于˜x 0(t ).为了使跟随者能够跟踪观测到领航者的状态,设计了一个状态估测器.令ˆx i ∈R 2是追随者对领航者的状态估计,给出了ˆx i 的动力学方程C 0D αt ˆx i=β(∑j ∈N ia ij g ij (t )+d i g i 0(t )),(15)其中g ij =˜x j (t )−˜x i (t )∥˜x j (t )−˜x i (t )∥,˜x j (t )−˜x i (t )=0,0,˜x j (t )−˜x i (t )=0.(16)对跟随者取以下李雅普诺夫函数:V (t )=12N ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))T (ˆx i (t )−x 0(t )).(17)计算该函数的α阶导数如下:C 0D αt V(t )=12C 0D αtN ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))T (ˆx i (t )−x 0(t )) N ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))TC 0D αt (ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))=N ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))T [C 0D αt ˆxi (t )−C 0D αt x 0(t )]=N ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))T [β(∑j ∈N ia ijˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥+d iˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥)−C 0D αt x 0(t )]=N ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))T β(∑j ∈N i a ij ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx j (t )−ˆx i(t )∥+106控制理论与应用第38卷d iˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥)−N ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))TC 0D αt x 0(t )=βN ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))T ∑j ∈N i a ij ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥+βN ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))Td i ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i(t )∥−N ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))TC 0D αt x 0(t ).(18)在上式中,令C 0D αt V (t )=N 1+N 2以方便后续计算,其中:N 1=βN ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))T ∑j ∈N i a ij ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥+βN ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))Td i ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥=β2[N ∑i =1N ∑j =1a ij (ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))T ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥+N ∑j =1N ∑i =1a ij (ˆx j (t )−x 0(t ))Tˆx i (t )−ˆx j (t )∥ˆx i (t )−ˆx j (t )∥]−βN ∑i =1d i∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥2∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥=β2N ∑i =1N ∑j =1a ij [(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))Tˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥−(ˆx j (t )−x 0(t ))T ˆx i (t )−ˆx j (t )∥ˆx i (t )−ˆx j (t )∥]−βN ∑i =1d i∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥2∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥=β2N ∑i =1N ∑j =1a ij [ˆx T i(t )ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥−x T 0(t )ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥−ˆx T j(t )ˆx i (t )−ˆx j (t )∥ˆx i (t )−ˆx j (t )∥+x T0(t )ˆx i (t )−ˆx j (t )∥ˆx i (t )−ˆx j (t )∥]−βN ∑i =1d i ∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥=β2N ∑i =1N ∑j =1a ij [ˆx T i (t )ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥−ˆx T j (t )ˆx i (t )−ˆx j (t )∥ˆx i (t )−ˆx j (t )∥]−βN ∑i =1d i ∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥2∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥=β2N ∑i =1N ∑j =1a ij (ˆx T i(t )−ˆx Tj (t ))ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥−βN ∑i =1d i ∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥2∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥=−β(12N ∑i =1N ∑j =1a ij (ˆx T j (t )−ˆx T i (t ))׈x j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥ˆx j (t )−ˆx i (t )∥+N ∑i =1d i ∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥2∥ˆx 0(t )−ˆx i (t )∥),(19)N 2=−N ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))TC 0D αt x 0(t )=N ∑i =1∥ˆx i (t )−x 0(t )∥∥C 0D αt x 0(t )∥×cos {ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ),−C 0D αt x 0(t )}.(20)由于∥C 0D αt x 0(t )∥k 1∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥+k 2∥sgn(x 0(t )−˜x 0(t ))∥ k 1∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥+k 2.(21)根据定义3,当lim t →∞∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥=0时,存在T >0(T 为实数),使得在t >T 时∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥ ε成立,那么对于t >T ,有0<∥C 0D αt x 0(t )∥ k 1ε+k 2=M 2,可得−N ∑i =1(ˆx i (t )−x 0(t ))TC 0D αt x 0(t )N ∑i =1∥ˆx i (t )−x 0(t )∥M 2M 2N max {∥ˆx i (t )−x 0(t )∥},(22)C 0D αt V(t ) −(β−M 2N )max i ∈I{∥ˆx i (t )−x 0(t )∥}−2β1λmin V (t ).(23)根据引理2,得lim t →∞∥ˆx i (t )−x 0(t )∥=0.(24)由上式可知,ˆx i (t )在对目标的追踪过程中逐渐趋近于x 0(t ).3.2跟随者控制器的设计在本文中,整个多机器人系统中领导者能够直接获得目标的位置信息,将这些信息传递给追随者,因此需要为每个追随者设计观测器来估计目标的状态.令ϕi (t )∈R 2由跟随者对目标i 的状态估计,给出ϕi (t )的动力学方程C 0D αt ϕi(t )=α(∑j ∈N ia ij f ij (t )+d i f i 0(t )),(25)其中f ij =ϕj (t )−ϕi (t )∥ϕj (t )−ϕi (t )∥,ϕj (t )−ϕi (t )=0,0,ϕj (t )−ϕi (t )=0.(26)取如下李雅普诺夫函数:V (t )=12N ∑i =1(ϕi (t )−r (t ))T (ϕi (t )−r (t )).(27)计算α阶导数如下:C 0D αt V(t )=第1期伍锡如等:分数阶多机器人的领航–跟随型环形编队控制10712N ∑i =1(ϕi (t )−r (t ))T (ϕi (t )−r (t )) N ∑i =1(ϕi (t )−r (t ))TC 0D αt (ϕi (t )−r (t ))=N ∑i =1(ϕi (t )−r (t ))T [C 0D αt ϕi (t )−C 0D αt r (t )]=N ∑i =1(φi (t )−r (t ))T [α(∑j ∈N ia ij f ij (t )+d i f i 0(t ))]−C 0D αt r (t )=N ∑i =1(ϕi (t )−r (t ))T α(∑j ∈N ia ij ϕj (t )−ϕi (t )∥ϕj (t )−ϕi (t )∥+d i ϕ(t )−ϕi (t )∥ϕ(t )−ϕi (t )∥)=βN ∑i =1(ϕi (t )−r (t ))T ∑j ∈N i a ijϕj (t )−ϕi (t )∥ϕj (t )−ϕi(t )∥+βN ∑i =1(ϕi (t )−r (t ))T d i ϕ(t )−ϕi (t )∥ϕ(t )−ϕi(t )∥−N ∑i =1(ϕi (t )−r (t ))TC 0D αt r (t ),(28)可得lim t →∞∥x i (t )−˜x i (t )∥=0.(29)由上式可知,x i (t )在对目标的追踪过程中逐渐趋近于˜x i (t ).4仿真结果与分析本节通过仿真结果来验证本文所提出的方法.图2为通信图,其中:V ={1,2,3,4}表示跟随者集合,0代表领导者.以5个机器人组成的队列为例进行验证,根据领航者对目标的跟随轨迹,分别进行了仿真.图2通信图Fig.2Communication diagrams假设系统中目标机器人的动态为C 0D αt r (t )=[cos t sin t ]T ,令初始值r 1(0)=r 2(0)=1,α=0.98,k 1=1,k 2=4,可知定理3中的条件是满足的.根据式(24)和式(29),随着时间趋于无穷,领航者及其跟随者的状态估计误差趋于0,这意味着领航者的状态可以由跟随者渐近精确地计算出来.令k 2>M 1,M 1=M +M ′>0,则lim t →∞∥x 0(t )−˜x 0(t )∥=0,x 0渐近收敛于领航者的真实状态.此时取时滞参数µ=0.05,实验结果见图3,由1个领航者及4个跟随者组成的多机器人系统在进行目标围堵时,最终形成了以目标机器人为中心的包围控制(见图3(b)).(a)领航者和跟随者的初始位置分析(b)编队形成后多机器人的位置关系图3目标、领航者和追随者的位置分析Fig.3Location analysis of target pilots and followers综合图4–5曲线,跟随者对领航者进行渐进跟踪,领航者同目标机器人的相对位置不变,表明该领航跟随型多机器人系统最终能与目标机器人保持期望的距离,并且不再变化.图4领航者及其跟随者的状态估计误差Fig.4The state estimation error of the leader and followers108控制理论与应用第38卷图5编队形成时领航者与目标的相对位置关系Fig.5The relative position relationship between leader andtarget仿真结果表明,多个机器人在对目标物进行包围编队时,领航者会逐渐形成以目标物运动轨迹为参照的运动路线,而跟随者则渐近的完成对领航者的跟踪(如图6所示),跟随者在对领航者进行跟踪时,会出现一定频率的抖振,但这些并不会影响该多机器人系统的目标包围编队控制.5总结本文提出了多机器人的领航–跟随型编队控制方法,选定了一台机器人作为领航者负责整个编队的路径规划任务,其余机器人作为跟随者.跟随机器人负责实时跟踪领航者,并尽可能与领航机器人之间保持队形所需的距离和角度,确保整个多机器人系统编队按照预期的理想编队队形进行无碰撞运动,并最终到达目标位置.通过建立李雅普诺夫函数和米塔格稳定性理论,得到了实现多机器人系统环形编队的充分条件,并通过对一组多机器人队列的目标包围仿真,验证了该方法的有效性.图6领航者与跟随者对目标的状态估计Fig.6State estimation of target by pilot and follower参考文献:[1]JIANG Yutao,LIU Zhongxin,CHEN Zengqiang.Distributed finite-time consensus algorithm for 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人工智能大模型优化商品定价策略 英文

人工智能大模型优化商品定价策略 英文

人工智能大模型优化商品定价策略英文English:With the advancement of artificial intelligence technology, large-scale AI models are increasingly being used to optimize pricing strategies for various products. These AI models use vast amounts of data to analyze customer behavior, market trends, and competitor pricing, enabling businesses to set more accurate and effective prices for their goods. By leveraging machine learning and deep learning algorithms, these AI models can identify patterns and correlations that human analysts may overlook, leading to more precise pricing decisions. Additionally, AI models can continuously adapt and learn from new data, allowing businesses to dynamically adjust their pricing strategies in response to changing market conditions. Overall, the integration of AI models in pricing strategies not only improves the efficiency and accuracy of pricing decisions but also enhances a company's competitiveness in the market.中文翻译:随着人工智能技术的不断进步,大规模人工智能模型越来越被用于优化各种产品的定价策略。












一、研究现状1. 人工智能在金融领域的应用人工智能技术在金融领域已经取得了显著的进展。



2. 金融股票预测模型的研究目前,研究人员在金融股票预测模型方面进行了大量的探索和实践。





二、方法探讨1. 数据获取与预处理准确的数据是构建股票预测模型的基础。



2. 特征选择与特征工程在构建股票预测模型时,选择合适的特征对预测结果的准确性至关重要。



3. 模型构建与优化选择合适的机器学习算法和深度学习模型对股票进行预测。




人工智能领域模型评估和性能分析方面50个课题名称1. 基于机器学习算法的模型评估方法研究2. 人工智能模型性能分析与优化技术研究3. 对抗样本攻击与防御机制的性能评估研究4. 基于深度学习的图像识别模型评估与性能分析5. 自然语言处理模型的性能评估与优化研究6. 机器学习模型的鲁棒性评估与分析7. 分布式人工智能模型的性能评估与优化策略研究8. 稀有事件检测模型的性能评估与分析9. 基于强化学习的人工智能模型评估与性能优化10. 跨领域数据集的人工智能模型性能分析研究11. 基于迁移学习的人工智能模型性能评估与分析12. 自动驾驶系统的人工智能模型效能评估研究13. 基于深度强化学习算法的智能推荐系统的性能分析14. 人工智能模型中的数据偏见评估与修正研究15. 基于多模态数据的人工智能模型性能评估与分析16. 对抗性迁移学习模型的性能评估与优化策略研究17. 基于图神经网络的人工智能模型性能分析与改进18. 对抗生成网络模型的性能评估与鲁棒性分析19. 基于联邦学习的隐私保护人工智能模型性能评估研究20. 高效人工智能模型并行计算与性能评估技术研究21. 基于时序数据的人工智能模型性能评估与分析22. 深度强化学习模型的探索性能评估与优化研究23. 复杂环境中机器学习模型的性能评估与鲁棒性分析24. 在线学习模型的性能评估与优化策略研究25. 基于知识图谱的人工智能模型性能评估与分析26. 深度神经网络模型的性能评估与可解释性研究27. 大规模数据集上机器学习模型的性能分析与优化28. 神经网络模型中的脆弱性评估与对抗性分析29. 基于自主学习的人工智能模型性能评估与优化30. 分层学习模型的性能评估与鲁棒性分析31. 渐进学习模型的性能评估与优化策略研究32. 基于递归神经网络的自然语言处理模型性能分析33. 基于异构数据的人工智能模型性能评估与分析34. 视觉感知模型的性能评估与优化研究35. 基于生成对抗网络的图像增强模型的性能分析36. 人工智能模型中的中断恢复能力评估与优化37. 深度学习模型的认知可信度评估与分析38. 基于迁移强化学习的机器人控制模型性能评估研究39. 高维数据处理中机器学习模型性能分析与优化40. 基于自适应学习的人工智能模型性能评估与分析41. 人工智能模型中的决策可靠性评估与优化42. 非正式环境下机器学习模型性能评估与鲁棒性分析43. 基于增量学习的人工智能模型性能评估与优化策略研究44. 多任务学习模型的性能评估与分析45. 基于元学习的人工智能模型性能分析与优化研究46. 图神经网络模型的性能评估与鲁棒性分析47. 基于信息熵的人工智能模型可靠性评估与优化48. 深度生成模型的性能评估与可解释性研究49. 跨领域知识迁移模型的性能评估与分析50. 基于弱监督学习的人工智能模型性能评估与优化。


调查、细分与目标市 场 选 择 的 基 础 上 ,分 别 由 其 高 层 管 理者、相 关 技 术 人 员、营 销 人 员 和 经 销 商 采 用 直 接 交 流、深度访问、问卷 调 查、竞 争 性 产 品 比 较、数 据 库 挖 掘 等 方 法 ,采 [8,21] 用 Delphi问 卷 调 查 法 ,收 集 与 深 层 次 发
服务项目与及时性 、使 用 环 境 适 宜 等 方 面 ,通 过 问 卷 调 查分析来评 估 各 属 性 的 重 要 程 度 ,采 用 质 量 属 性 评 级 法进行属性 优 先 级 排 序 ,并 提 取 出 对 顾 客 最 重 要 的 属 性[9];⑤ 运 用 模 糊 语 言 来 表 达 顾 客 意 见 与 需 求 ; [10-11] ⑥采用 KANO 模型,将顾客需求按照 KANO 模型要 求 分为基本质量、期望 质 量 和 惊 喜 质 量 ,进 行 顾 客 需 求 调 查及对调查 结 果 进 行 分 类 统 计 ,并 利 用 顾 客 感 知 与 顾 客需求之间的关系 S=f(k,p)进 行 顾 客 需 求 重 要 度 调 整[12];⑦ 采 用 CEO-EMI模 型 ,按 照 发 现 顾 客 需 求 、顾 客需求信息 化 组 织 、顾 客 需 求 列 表 的 流 程 来 识 别 顾 客 需求,其中必 须 对 顾 客 心 理 、使 用 环 境、产 品 操 作 方 式 等进行分类综合考虑 ,将 顾 客 需 求 分 为 基 本 需 求 、期 望 需 求 和 兴 奋 需 求 进 行 识 别 ,深 度 挖 掘 顾 客 需 求[13];⑧ 采 用 PGCV 指标,通过发放调查 问 卷,测 定 顾 客 对 产 品 特 性 期 望 的 最 高 水 准 UDCV 与 相 关 产 品 已 达 到 的 水 准 ACG,并利用公式 PGCV=UDCV-ACG 来计算PGCV 值 ,进 行 顾 客 需 求 项 目 排 序[14];⑨ 采 用 AHP 法 ,通 过 设计调查问 卷,进 行 相 应 的 因 子 分 析 和 顾 客 需 求 项 目 识别,并 进 行 权 重 分 析 ,以 获 取 顾 客 需 求 的 相 对 重 要



1. 模型类型:例如深度学习模型、神经网络模型、卷积神经网络模型等。

2. 算法名称:例如支持向量机(SVM)、决策树、随机森林、神经网络等。

3. 特征提取方法:例如主成分分析(PCA)、独立成分分析(ICA)、自编码器等。

4. 模型参数:例如训练集大小、训练轮次、学习率、正则化参数等。

5. 数据集名称:例如医疗图像数据集、面部识别数据集、情感分析数据集等。

6. 任务类型:例如分类、回归、聚类、序列生成等。

7. 评估指标:例如准确率、召回率、F1得分、AUC-ROC曲线等。

8. 优化技术:例如梯度下降算法、早停技术、正则化技术(L1正则化、L2正则化)、Dropout 技术等。

9. 版本迭代:例如第一版模型、第二版模型、优化版模型等。

1. 简洁明了:模型名称应该简洁明了,易于理解,避免使用过于复杂的术语和缩写。

2. 一致性:在同一个项目或团队中,应该使用一致的命名规则,以便于沟通和交流。

3. 体现特色:模型名称应该能够体现模型的特色和优势,有助于传达模型的独特之处。

4. 尊重隐私:在命名涉及敏感信息的模型时,应该尊重相关人员的隐私权,避免泄露重要信息。



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Market-Based Multirobot Coordination:A Survey and AnalysisM.Bernardine Dias,Robert Zlot,Nidhi Kalra,and Anthony StentzCMU-RI-TR-05-13April2005Robotics InstituteCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh,Pennsylvania15213c Carnegie Mellon UniversityAbstractMarket-based multirobot coordination approaches have received significant atten-tion and gained considerable popularity within the robotics research community in re-cent years.They have been successfully implemented in a variety of domains ranging from mapping and exploration to robot soccer.The research literature on market-based approaches to coordination has now reached a critical mass that warrants a survey and analysis.This paper addresses this need by providing an introduction to market-based multirobot coordination,a comprehensive review of the state of the art in thefield,and a discussion of remaining challenges.1A version of this paper will appear in the Proceedings of the IEEE–Special Issue on Multi-Robot Systems(expected publication in2006).IContents1Introduction1 2Overview22.1Definition of a Market-based Approach (2)2.2The Range of Coordination Approaches (2)3Planning43.1Related Work (4)3.1.1Planning and Task Allocation (4)3.1.2Planning and Task Decomposition (5)3.1.3Planning and Task Execution (5)3.2Future Challenges (5)4Dynamic Events and Environments54.1Related Work (6)4.1.1Robustness and Fluidity (6)4.1.2Response Speed (6)4.1.3Online Tasks (7)4.1.4Uncertainty (7)4.2Future Challenges (7)5Quality of Solution75.1Related Work (7)5.1.1Practical Approaches (7)5.1.2Theoretical Guarantees (8)5.2Future Challenges (8)6Scalability96.1Related Work (9)6.1.1Computation and Communication Considerations (9)6.1.2Opportunistic Centralization (9)6.2Future Challenges (10)7Heterogeneous Teams107.1Related Work (10)7.2Future Challenges (11)8Tight Coordination118.1Related Work (11)8.2Future Challenges (12)9Learning and Adaptation129.1Related Work (12)9.2Future Challenges (12)III10Generality1310.1Related Work (13)10.1.1Flexibility (13)10.1.2Extensibility (13)10.1.3Implementation (13)10.1.4Comparisons (14)10.2Future Challenges (14)11Conclusions and Future Directions14IV1IntroductionAs robots become an integral part of human life they are charged with increasingly difficult tasks.Many of these tasks can be better achieved by a team of robots than by a single robot.By working together,robots can complete tasks faster,increase system robustness,improve solution quality,and achieve tasks impossible for a single robot. Nevertheless,coordinating such a team requires overcoming many formidable research challenges.Given a team of robots,a limited amount of resources,and a team task,researchers must develop a method of distributing the resources among the team so the task is ac-complished well,even as teammates’interactions,the environment,and the mission change.Humans have dealt with similar problems for thousands of years with increas-ingly sophisticated market economies in which the individual pursuit of profit leads to the redistribution of resources and an efficient production of output.The principles of a market economy can be applied to multirobot coordination.In this virtual econ-omy,the robots are traders,tasks and resources are traded commodities,and virtual money acts as currency.Robots compete to win tasks and resources by participating in auctions that produce efficient distributions based on specified preferences.When the system is appropriately designed,each robot acts to maximise its individual profit and simultaneously improves the efficiency of the team.This paper is motivated by the growing popularity of maket-based multirobot coor-dination approaches and the lack of a comprehensive review of these approaches.As contributors to pioneering this research area,the authors have several years of experi-ence in designing and implementing market-based coordination approaches for multi-robot systems.In this paper the authors draw upon their collective research experience to review the current literature and recommend future research directions.A more detailed analysis of the relevant literature is available as a technical report[24].This paper makes three significant contributions to the robotics literature.First,it introduces market based approaches by discussing the motivating philosophy,defining the require-ments of such approaches,analyzing their strengths and weaknesses,and placing them appropriately in the context of the larger set of approaches to multirobot coordination. Second,this paper surveys and analyses the relevant literature.Finally,it inspires and directs future research on this topic through a discussion of remaining challenges.The scope of this paper is limited to market-based approaches for coordinating teams that include robots.Furthermore,this review principally considers approaches that actively reason about the existence of other agents when coordinating the team,in contrast to approaches in which agents coexist.Nevertheless,related work on market-based multiagent research in software agent domains and other relevant publications are included as necessary to augment discussion.The following section provides an introduction to market-based mechanisms for readers less familiar with thefield and a quick reference for researchers designing and implementing market-based coordination mechanisms.This overview is followed by a extensive review of market-based multirobot coordination approaches categorized and analysed across several relevant dimensions:planning,dynamic events and envi-ronments,solution quality,scalability,heterogeneity,tight coordination,learning and adaptation,and generality.The paper concludes with a summary of the survey and1future challenges in this research area.2OverviewThe earliest examples of market-based multi-agent coordination appeared in the lit-erature over twenty-five years ago[14,40]and have been modified and adopted for multirobot coordination in more recent years.These approaches have been success-fully implemented in a variety of domains.2.1Definition of a Market-based ApproachMost“market-based”multirobot and multiagent coordination approaches share a set of underlying elements.Market theory provides precise definitions for several of these el-ements.Borrowing from both bodies of literature,we define a market-based multirobot coordination approach based on the following requirements:•The team is given an objective that can be decomposed into subcomponents that are achievable by individuals or subteams.To solve the problem,the team has at its disposal a limited set of resources that is distributed among the team members.•A global objective function quantifies the system designer’s preferences for all possible solutions.•An individual utility function specified for each robot quantifies that robot’s pref-erences for its individual resource usage and contributions towards the team ob-jective.Evaluating this function cannot require global or perfect information about the state of the team or team objective.Subteam preferences can also be quantified through a combination of individual utilities.•A mapping is defined between the team objective function and individual and subteam utilities.This mapping addresses how the individual production and consumption of resources and individuals’advancement of the team objective affect the overall solution.•Resources and individual or subteam objectives can be redistributed using a mechanism such as an auction.This mechanism accepts as input teammates’utilities and computes an outcome that maximizes the utility of the agent control-ling the mechanism.In a well-designed mechanism,maximizing the controlling agent’s utility results in improving the team objective function value.Thus,a multirobot coordination approach that satisfies all of the above require-ments can generally be considered as a market-based approach.2.2The Range of Coordination ApproachesIn virtually all robotic application domains,generating optimal solutions in a com-putationally tractable manner is highly advantageous.Unfortunately,these objectives2conflict in multirobot systems where optimal coordination is typically N P-hard.The challenges are compounded by team requirements that include operation in dynamic environments,inconsistent information,unreliable and limited communication,inter-action with humans,and system failures.A spectrum of coordination approaches has emerged to negotiate these demands.At one end of the spectrum,fully centralized approaches employ a single agent to coordinate the entire team.In theory,this agent can produce optimal solutions by gathering all relevant information and planning for the entire team.In reality,fully cen-tralized approaches are rarely tractible for large teams,can suffer from a single point of failure,have high communication demands,and are usually sluggish to respond to changes perceived by distributed sources.Thus,centralized approaches are best suited for applications where teams are small and the environment is static or global state information is easily available.At the other end of the spectrum,in fully-distributed systems,robots rely solely on local knowledge.Such approaches are typically very fast,flexible to change,and robust to failures but can produce highly suboptimal solu-tions since good local solutions may not sum to a good global solution.Applications where large teams carry out relatively simple tasks with no strict requirements for ef-ficiency are best served by fully distributed coordination schemes.A vast majority of coordination approaches have elements that are centralized and distributed and thus reside in the middle of the spectrum.Market-based approaches fall into this hybrid cat-egory,and,if designed well,they can opportunisitically adapt to dynamic conditions to produce more centralized or more distributed solutions.Market-based approaches effectively meet the practical demands of robot teams while producing efficient solutions by capturing the respective strengths of both dis-tributed and centralized approaches.First,they can distribute much of the planning and execution over the team and therby retain the benefits of distributed approaches, including robustness,flexibility,and speed[44,45,18,13].They also have elements of centralized systems to produce better solutions.Auctions concisely gather information about the team and distribute resources in a team-aware context.Researchers have also developed methods of opportunistically centralizing markets[12,23]and providing guarantees of solution quality[28].However,market-based approaches are not without their weaknesses.In domains where fully centralized approaches approaches are feasi-ble,market-based approaches can be more complex to implement and produce poorer solutions.In domains where fully distributed approaches suffice,market-approaches can be unnecessarily complex in design and can require excessive communication and computation.In other domains,the communication demands of auctions may be in-feasible.Perhaps the biggest drawbacks of market-based approaches currently are the lack of performance guarantees and the lack of formalization in designing appropriate cost and revenue functions to capture domain requirements.The following sections discuss market-based multirobot coordination in greater de-tail along the dimensions mentioned in the introduction.Each section introduces the topic and its challenges,defines the goals and appropriate evaluation metrics,reviews the relevant literature,and identifies the remaining research challenges.33PlanningIn multirobot teams,planning can be used to coordinate robots to accomplish the team mission.Unfortunately,optimal planning for multirobot systems is typically an N P-hard problem.The challenge then is to have tractable planning that produces good so-lutions.Market-based approaches manage this by distributing planning over the entire team to produce solutions quickly.When required or when resources permit,markets can behave more centrally and plan over larger portions of the team to improve so-lution quality.We evaluate approaches by how well the local planning captures the complexity of the problem while still being tractable.3.1Related Work3.1.1Planning and Task AllocationTask allocation is the problem of feasibly assigning a set of tasks to a team of robots in a way that optimizes the global objective function.Market-based approaches often distribute planning required for task allocation through the auction process:each robot locally plans the achievement of the offered tasks,computes its costs,and encapsulates the costs in its bids.We believe TraderBots[8]is mostflexible in this respect.In addition to using local planning,TraderBots allows opportunistically centralized plan-ning:when resources permit,“leaders”plan lower-cost redistributions of a subset of tasks to a subgroup of robots and improve the team solution.Other approaches are listed in Section5.1.1.However,opportunistic centralized planning in market-based approaches is a relatively new topic that is yet to be formalized.Related problems such as the allocation of constrained subtasks and the allocation of roles have somewhat different planning requirements:Allocating Constrained Subtasks In many domains,tasks are temporally constrained with respect to each other.They may be partially ordered or may need to start orfinish within a common time frame.During assignment,robots can incorporate the cost of meeting constraints into their bids[30].More realistically,they must coordinate dur-ing execution to reschedule and accommodate team and task changes since the initial allocation[29,19].Allocating Roles In team games one usually assigns positions such as“primary of-fense”or“supporting defense”instead of tasks such as“shoot the ball”or“capture a rebound.”These positions can be classified as roles.More generally a role defines a collection of related actions or behaviors.Indeed,in many domains it is more natural to think of teammates playing roles than completing distinct tasks.In market-based ap-proaches,role allocation uses the same auction-bid-award protocol as task allocation. However,robots generate bids by evaluating afitness function that reflects how well the current state matches the requirements of the role.Once allocated,a robot locally plans the execution of actions and behaviors specified by its role.Market-based role allocation has primarily been demonstrated in the robot soccer domain(e.g.[26]).43.1.2Planning and Task DecompositionAlthough many approaches to task allocation assume that a list of primitive or simple tasks is input to the system,a mission is often more naturally described at a more abstract level.In these cases,multirobot systems must also plan the decomposition of a mission into subtasks.There are two common approaches to this planning problem.In the decompose-then-allocate method,a single agent recursively decomposes the task into simple sub-tasks which are allocated to the team[6].In the allocate-then-decompose method, complex tasks arefirst allocated to robots;then,each robot locally decomposes its awarded tasks[5].It is also possible to include instances of both techniques[19].By decoupling the decomposition and allocation,these approaches do not con-sider the complete solution space and mayfind highly suboptimal solutions.Zlot and Stentz[44]address this issue by generalizing tasks to task trees within a peer-to-peer trading market.Robots may bid at any level of task abstraction in a tree with the option of redecomposing an awarded complex task more efficiently.Experiments in complex task domains have demonstrated that using task trees improves solution quality over two-stage approaches.3.1.3Planning and Task ExecutionSignificantly less work has been done to plan coordination between teammates during task execution.Nevertheless,it becomes necessary when robots interfere with each other during execution.Azarm and Schmidt[2]address collision avoidance of inde-pendent robots using market-based techniques.It is also necessary in domains where teammates continuously constrain each other’s actions.Such coordination is more tightly-coupled and therefore difficult to distribute.In the Hoplites framework[23], constraints are captured in the utility function and planning is local when constraints are easily satisfied.When constraint satisfaction becomes difficult,teammates attempt res-olution through negotiated participation in more centrally-developed joint plans.This is related to the idea of“leaders”in TraderBots[11].3.2Future ChallengesReplanning is a major remaining challenge and relates closely to the continuing chal-lenges for teams operating in dynamic environments(Section4.2).Existing market mechanisms are not yet fully capable of replanning task distributions,redecompos-ing tasks,rescheduling commitments,and replanning coordination during execution. Another important and relevant area of research is understanding the formation of sub-teams and enabling their positive interaction using market-based methods.4Dynamic Events and EnvironmentsOperating in dynamic environments poses a variety of challenges.The principle chal-lenges relevant to coordinating a team are ensuring graceful degradation of solution5quality with failures,enabling team functionality despite imperfect and uncertain in-formation,maintaining high response speed to dynamic events,and effectively accom-modating evolving task and team composition.Relevant evaluation metrics include the diversity of failures the team can accommodate,the required quantity and certainty in perceived information,the team’s response speed to dynamic events,thefluidity of the team,and the overall solution quality produced by the team in the face of dynamic events.4.1Related Work4.1.1Robustness and FluidityMany multirobot applications require some level of robustness.Robotic systems are incredibly complex and their physical interactions with the environment make them highly prone to failures.Three principle categories of faults are communication fail-ures,partial malfunctions,and robot death,all of which are gracefully handled by market-based approaches[13].Teams can often perform more effectively if teammates can communicate[45]. However,communication failures occur in a variety of domains and range from oc-casional loss of messages to loss of all communication.If the team is informed of a common task,consequent disruptions in communication are gracefully handled by using opportunistic auctioning solely for improving solution quality[45,13].As with communication disruptions,partial malfunctions limit a robot’s capability but retain the robot’s planning facilities.Active reasoning about failed resources allows robots to reallocate tasks that they can no longer complete due to malfunctions[13],and moni-toring progress in short-duration tasks allows detection and response to faults[17].In the case of robot death,the affected robot cannot aid in the recovery process.How-ever,robots can monitor heartbeats of teammates and re-auction the tasks previously assigned to the dead robot[13].If malfunctioning robots can be repaired and return to the team,the coordination approach should accommodate both the exit and entrance of the repaired robots.Towing of disabled robots for repair[3]and re-entry of repaired robots[13]have also been demonstrated using market-based approaches.Additional fluidity can be demonstrated by changing the team composition during execution by adding a robot to the team[12].4.1.2Response SpeedA key to successful task execution is often the ability to respond quickly to dynamic conditions.If information must always be channeled to another location for replanning, conditions can change too rapidly for the planner to keep up.Market-based approaches should be able to quickly respond to dynamic events since each robot can respond to local events independently without depending on a centralized coordinator to plan a response.However,the authors are unaware of any formalized study of response speed for any multirobot coordination approach.64.1.3Online TasksIn many dynamic application domains,the demands on the robotic system can change during operation.Operators of a multirobot system may submit new tasks or alter or cancel existing tasks.Additionally,robots may generate new tasks during execution as they observe new information about their surroundings.Market-based approaches can often seamlessly incorporate online tasks by auctioning new tasks as they are in-troduced by an operator[8]or generated by the robots themselves[45,21],or as they become available due to the completion of preceding tasks[5,6,18,38].Tasks can also be canceled during execution[12].Some market-based approaches auction all tasks prior to execution and thus do not explicitly handle online tasks[4,28,31,33].4.1.4UncertaintyMost real-world multirobot applications require operation with only partial or changing information about the environment,the team,or the task.Fortunately,market-based approaches have few information requirements and can accommodate new information through frequent auctioning of tasks and resources.For instance,robots can begin tasks without prior map information[12]and dynamically reallocate tasks when new map information is gathered[42].Robots also do not need to know the size or composition of the team to coordinate[18,12]4.2Future ChallengesWhile much can be done to improve market-based approaches to effectively operate in dynamic environments,a few key challenges are paramount.These challenges are incorporating contract breaches with appropriate penalties,developing more sophisti-cated methods for cooperative handling of partial malfunctions and repairs,and evalu-ating response speed and robustness to a variety of failures.5Quality of SolutionOne of the greatest strengths of a market is its ability to utilize the local information and preferences of its participants to arrive at an efficient solution given limited resources. The fundamental optimization problem encountered in market-based multirobot sys-tems is the task allocation problem.Various global cost objectives appear in market-based systems[43],including the sum of individual robots’costs[4,8,20,28,31]and minimizing the maximum individual cost[33,29].5.1Related Work5.1.1Practical ApproachesTechniques used by market-based systems for task allocation can be broken down into two broad categories:one-task-per-robot(OTPR)approaches and sequencing ap-proaches.In OTPR approaches,each robot behaves myopically and only considers7handling one task at any given time.In sequencing approaches,robots can order(or schedule[19,29,37])a list of tasks and can therefore explicitly reason about the de-pendencies between multiple tasks and upcoming commitments.The OTPR model arises in cases where each task requires an exclusive commitment of a robot(e.g.positional roles in robot soccer[26]).At the other extreme is contin-uous task allocation,by which we mean that the tasks being assigned are short-lived partial actions that bring the team goal closer to being realized.These actions can be updated as the environment changes or new observations are made,and then assigned to the robots by an auctioneer[18,38].OTPR approaches are also sometimes used for simplicity in cases where sequencing approaches could be used[6,7,17,21];however, this simplification is expected to result in less efficient solutions.In these systems, if there are more tasks than robots the remaining tasks can be assigned once robots become available.Sequencing approaches have been used with centralized allocation,both for combi-natorial auctions[4,22,31]and single task auctions[28,33].Combinatorial auctions have the potential to exploit the synergies between tasks,and thus produce better so-lutions as compared to single task auctions.Tovey et al.[43]show that for single-task auctions,choosing the appropriate bidding rule for a given global objective is important in terms of the resulting solution quality.Dias et al.[10]demonstrate that increasing the number of tasks awarded per auction can have a negative effect on the resulting solution quality,but requires less time tofind a solution.Distributed or peer-to-peer allocation approaches allow auctions to take place between robots to improve an exist-ing allocation[8,10,20,29,34].Peer-to-peer trading can be viewed as a local search algorithm,and therefore is subject to local minima.By allowing exchanges of task sets of varying sizes[11],some local minima can be avoided[1,35].Additionally,in unknown or partially known environments where costs are constantly changing as new observations are made,peer-to-peer auctions act as a reallocation mechanism that can repair undesirable allocations.5.1.2Theoretical GuaranteesLagoudakis et al.[27]provide a set of approximation bounds on solution quality for sequential single-task auctions for various team objective functions and bidding rules. For example,bidding marginal costs results in a2-approximation when minimizing a sum-of-costs team objective,while for a makespan objective the approximation ratio scales with the number of robots on the team.Sandholm proves that by using a suffi-ciently expressive set of contract types for peer-to-peer auctions the global minimum can be reached in afinite number of steps[35].Gerkey presents some approximation results for OTPR models,including some online cases[17].5.2Future ChallengesWhile some theoretical guarantees for simple cases of auction algorithms are now known,implemented systems are generally more complex and can include online, multi-task,peer-to-peer,simultaneous,and overlapping auctions as well as task and8scheduling constraints.Additionally,solution quality depends on cost and utility esti-mates,which are sometimes difficult to accurately specify.6ScalabilityA system is scalable if it can operate effectively even as the number of inputs or the size of inputs increases arbitrarily.The scalability of a multirobot coordination approach is typically evaluated by its ability to function as the team size or the task complexity increase.It is particularly desirable for approaches that are designed to be applicable to multiple domains,complex domains,and domains without upper bounds on team size.Scalability in market-based approaches may be limited by the computation and communication needs that arise from increasing auction frequency,bid complexity,and planning demands.However,market-based approaches can scale well in applications where the team mission can be decomposed into tasks that can be independently carried out by small sub-teams.An initial comparison of three approaches,including a market-based approach,on scalability is presented by Dias[8].6.1Related Work6.1.1Computation and Communication ConsiderationsSingle task auctions require a polynomial number of bid valuations and can be cleared in polynomial time.Additionally auction calls and bids require a polynomial number of messages to be binatorial auctions,however,can in general require an exponential number of task bundles to be considered during bid valuation,and winner determination is N P-hard.Additionally,an exponential number of messages would have to be sent to submit bids for the2|T|possible task bundles.In order to make these problems tractable,the number of task bundles can be reduced either on the auctioneer side by offering only certain combinations of tasks[22],or on the bidder side by using heuristic task clustering algorithms[4,11].cases,due to the sparseness of the bids,the auction clearing step can be done optimally and quickly[36],although the resulting allocation is still likely to be suboptimal given that not all task bundles are considered.Bid valuation itself may be computationally expensive.In many cases an N P-hard problem must be solved in order to estimate task costs[4,8,20,33,34],or expensive task decompositions may be required at the bidding stage[44].When there are many tasks to consider simultaneously–either from auctions offering many tasks[4,8,20, 29,31,44]or from many robots initiating auctions at roughly the same time[8,44]–bidders can be overburdened with task valuation problems.As a result,they may not be able to meet auction deadlines or may tax their processors to the point of not being able to do any other useful work.6.1.2Opportunistic CentralizationOpportunistic-centralization[8,23]is a scalable way of incorporating the benefits of centralized planning into large market-based systems.In such approaches,centralized9。
