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1、…is higher/lower/increase/decrease…in/by/with or after the administration of A than/compared with B;

2、Significantly increased/decreased…was observed in A compared with B。

3、Significant differences in…were observed/witnessed between A and B;

4、Enhanced/Decreased…in response to A/B was observed…;

5、A showed significant/better effect on …than/compared with B;

6、A significantly decreased/increase/improve …


1、A similar trend was observed in…;

2、A compared toC additionally trended to…;

3、…tend to…in A compared with B;

4、A tendency towards higher/lower…was seen in…


1、No impact of A/B/(A and B) on…was demonstrated in the presented experiment;

2、No effect on…occurred with or after the administration of A/B/(A and B);

3、No difference in…was observed/witnessed between A and B;

4、There was no difference in…;

5、…in A and B did not differ;

6、…was not significantly altered by … treatment…;

7、…was simila in all (between) groups and ranged from …to…。



1、A treatment XXX period interaction/An interaction of treatment XX weeks was observed for…as…(描述指标随时间变化);

2、There was an interaction of treatment XX time for…


1、…in A and B did not differ, but … tended to be higher/lower with/in A/B;

2、…remained at a relatively low level, although a trend was observed for the increase/decrease in A/B in comparison with B/A;

3、A/B were not found to affect/have no effect on…, but tendency to…was observed in B/A;

4、Despite/Inspite of no effect on…, A/B significantly increased/improved…;

5、Similar tendencies, albeit not confirmed statistically/although not statistically significant, were observed in the remaining groups in which patients were…;

6、A negative effect of … on … and a positive effect on … were observed


1、…is very negative significant correlated with …;

2、There is a significant negative correlation between…and…;

3、Rises in … paralleled increase in…;

4、… revealed a significant correlation with …;

5、There was an interaction between … and …


1、Survival curves according to Kaplan‐Meier showed: 1. Survival at … years is … %, with 95% CI between … and... ; 2. Survival estimate is … % at ... years;

2、The overall …‐, …‐ and …‐year survival rates of … were … %, … % and … %, respectively;

3、The overall survival rates of … were calculated by the Kaplan‐Meier,

with … %, … % and … % at …, … and … years, respectively;

4、The survivorship analysis (Kaplan‐Meier) showed a … % survival of… after … years.

Results中用来描述Advantages / Disadvantage的常用句型及句式:

1、One of the major advantages of this new measure of xx is that it can be applied to the experimental study of

2、One advantage of using a .. is the ease of preparing it.

3、The xx system is versatile

4、It has a very fast decision making process

5、All the algorithms involve mostly logical operations.

6、It can be easily and without additional cost implemented in a microprocessor‐based environment.

7、It can reduce the waste of designing from scratch.

8、The advantages of using a xx to represent xx are the following:

9、However, XXX is not without its shortcomings.

10、In most cases, the XXX shows an improvement over the existing YYY.

11、Compared to the existing XXX, the impacts of the YYY are generally reduced by 5% to 9%.
