深港版六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Being polite (period 3)陈静媚


深港版六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Being polite (period 4)陈静媚

深港版六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Being polite  (period 4)陈静媚

1. Listen to the tape and try to recite 5 sentences with „when‟ in B1. 2. Write down more than 5 sentences with „when‟.
1. Listen to the tape of Unit 1. 2. Recite part I or read 3 times. 3. Surf the Internet and find out the information about other good manners.
2. Should you hug them?
3. How should you answer the phone when your family isn‟t at home?
What‟s the advice from Ms Taylor ?
1. What should you do when you meet new people?
Unit 1
Being polite
Unit 1 Being polite
took a message
say, “Excuse me.”
hug them
shake hands
Revision 1:
We’re in the …… wewe should/shouldn't … … When we’re in the should/ shouldn’t
When we answer the phone, first, say, “Hello.”
Then take a message.
Tick orHale Waihona Puke cross each picture.

深港英语6年级下unit1 Being polite 1

深港英语6年级下unit1 Being polite 1

( ) Don’t worry about it, Pat. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Lots of love, Mark
How to be polite?
How should you do in the corridor? When I’m in the corridor, I should walk. I shouldn’t run in the corridor.
Please answer.
• Should you line up when you wait for a bus? • Should you push when you get on the bus? • When you meet someone new, should you hug them? • When you walk on busy streets, should you say, “Excuse me” ? • When you answer the phone, should you say, “Hello” ?
Unit 1 Being polite Are they polite?
I met our new foreign teacher from England. What did I do?
When you met him, you talked to him ____________________________. greeted shook hands with him didn’t hug him
shouldn’t hug them
I’ll answer the phone. 2. answering the phone Should I…?

六年级下英语一课一练-Unit1 Beingg polite PartB13-14深港朗文版(pdf版)

六年级下英语一课一练-Unit1 Beingg polite PartB13-14深港朗文版(pdf版)

Part B㊀开心预习新课ꎬ轻松搞定基础ꎮ一㊁听录音ꎬ选出句中所含有的单词ꎮ(㊀㊀)1.A.olderB.youngerC.tallerD.shorter(㊀㊀)2.A.runningB.shoutingC.singingD.walking(㊀㊀)3.A.wouldB.hadC.shouldD.could(㊀㊀)4.A.waveB.hugC.sayD.smile(㊀㊀)5.A.todayB.FridayC.MondayD.Tuesday二㊁按要求写单词ꎮ1.old(比较级)㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2.family(复数)㊀㊀㊀㊀3.they(宾格)㊀㊀㊀㊀4.answer(现在分词)㊀㊀㊀㊀5.do(否定形式)㊀㊀㊀㊀6.people(单数)㊀㊀㊀㊀7.give(现在分词)㊀㊀㊀㊀8.same(反义词)㊀㊀㊀㊀9.after(反义词)㊀㊀㊀㊀10.carry(过去式)㊀㊀㊀㊀11.up(反义词)㊀㊀㊀㊀12.meat(同音词)㊀㊀㊀㊀三㊁英汉互译ꎮ1.givesomeadvice㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2.shakehandswiththem㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀3.writedown㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀4.playchesswithyou㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀5.年长的人们㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀6.进行测验㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀7.摆碗筷㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀8.发烧㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀重难疑点ꎬ一网打尽ꎮ四㊁判断下列句子是否正确ꎬ正确的打 ꎬ错误的打 ✕ ꎮ(㊀㊀)1.Whenyouanswerthephoneꎬyouaskꎬ Whoareyou?(㊀㊀)2.Youshouldsayꎬ Excuseme. whenyou rewalkingonbusystreets. (㊀㊀)3.Youmustn tlineupwhenyouwaitforabus.(㊀㊀)4.Youshouldsetthetablewhenlunchisready. (㊀㊀)5.Weusuallyhugpeoplewhenwemeetthemthefirsttime.五㊁听录音ꎬ给下列句子排序ꎮ(㊀㊀)Myteacheroftengivesmesomeadviceaboutthestudy. (㊀㊀)Iwanttoplayfootballwithyou.(㊀㊀)Letmewritedownthemessagenow.(㊀㊀)Pleasewaveyourhandstothepeoplenow.(㊀㊀)Showmeyourhomeworkꎬplease.(㊀㊀)Canwehugpeoplewhenwemeetthem?六㊁找出句中的错误并在横线上订正ꎮ(㊀㊀)㊀㊀㊀㊀1.HewillA㊀hasBatestonTuesdayC.(㊀㊀)㊀㊀㊀㊀2.CanAIplaybasketballBwiththeyC?(㊀㊀)㊀㊀㊀㊀3.Pleasedon tAworryforB㊀yoursonC.(㊀㊀)㊀㊀㊀㊀4.IhasA㊀ahighfeverB㊀todayC.(㊀㊀)㊀㊀㊀㊀5.I mAveryhappymeetB㊀youC.七㊁用适当的介词或副词填空ꎮ1.Canyoutellmesomething㊀㊀㊀㊀yournewhouse?2.Youcanshakehands㊀㊀㊀㊀newpeople.3.Nice㊀㊀㊀㊀meetyouꎬMissLi.4.Ioftengotoschool㊀㊀㊀㊀seveno clockinthemorning.5.Pleasewrite㊀㊀㊀㊀yournameonthepaper.㊀源于教材㊁宽于教材㊁拓展探究显身手ꎮ八㊁用括号内单词的正确形式填空ꎮ1.Whatabout㊀㊀㊀㊀(walk)onbusystreets?2.Bob㊀㊀㊀㊀(have)afevertoday.3.Thetrain㊀㊀㊀㊀(arrive)at10ʒ00ameveryday.4.Shecan t㊀㊀㊀㊀(meet)ustomorrow.5.Pleasegivethispostcardto㊀㊀㊀㊀(they).6.Youshould㊀㊀㊀㊀(shake)handswiththeolderpeople.7.㊀㊀㊀㊀(be)yourmumanddadathome?8.Pleasegivemesome㊀㊀㊀㊀(advice)aboutmanners.9.I㊀㊀㊀㊀(do)myhomeworktomorrow.10.㊀㊀㊀㊀(notpush)orrunwhenyouwaitforthebus.九㊁将下列句子重新排列ꎬ组合成对话ꎬ将序号填在所给的横线上ꎮ1.A.YesꎬI dloveto.Unit1㊀BeingpoliteB.I mgoingtoplaycardswithmyfriends.C.Whatareyougoingtodothisafternoon?D.Wouldyouliketogowithus?㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2.A.Hello.Who sthat?B.Sure.Thankyou.C.ThisisUncleLiu.Areyourparentsathome?D.Sorryꎬtheyaren tathome.CanItakeamessage?㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀十㊁完形填空ꎮIt s㊀1㊀ofMaytoday.It sLily sbirthday.She㊀2㊀abirthdaypartyathome.Allherfriendscometoherbirthdayparty.Theygotothepark㊀3㊀theafternoon.Theysee㊀4㊀publicsignsinthepark.Theymean㊀5㊀things.Theysingꎬdanceandplaygamesthereꎬtoo.Theygohome㊀6㊀aboutfourthirty.Theyreally㊀7㊀today.(㊀㊀)1.A.second㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀B.thetwo㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀C.thesecond(㊀㊀)2.A.hasB.haveC.had(㊀㊀)3.A.onB.inC.at(㊀㊀)4.A.alotB.alotsofC.alotof(㊀㊀)5.A.sameB.differentC.thedifferent(㊀㊀)6.A.atB.onC.in(㊀㊀)7.A.havegoodtimeB.haveabadtimeC.haveagoodtime十一㊁阅读短文ꎬ判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符ꎬ符合的用 T 表示ꎬ不符的用 F 表示ꎮDavidiseightyearsold.OnedayꎬhisfriendRosesaystohimꎬ ThisSundayismybirthday.CanyoucometomybirthdaypartyonSundayevening? Davidsaysꎬ Yes.Iamgladtocome!Mybirthdayisalsointhismonth.OnSundayafternoonꎬDavidaskshismotherifhecangototheparty.Hismothersaysꎬ Yesꎬyoucangoꎬbutyoumustbepolite.Don taskforanyfood.Thehostwillgiveyousome. Allrightꎬmum. DavidanswersandhegoestoRose shouseonfoot.Therearelotsofchildrenattheparty.TheyplaytogetherforsometimeꎬandthenRose smothergivesthemsomefoodꎬbutsheforgetstogiveDavidsome.Davidwaitsandwaitsandthenheputshisplateupandasksꎬ Doesanybodywantanicecleanplate?(㊀㊀)1.Roseisaneight ̄year ̄oldgirl.(㊀㊀)2.David smotherdoesn tlethimgotoRose sbirthdayparty.(㊀㊀)3.DavidwalkstoRose shouse.(㊀㊀)4.FewchildrentakepartinRosebirthdayparty.(㊀㊀)5.Davidisacleverboy.Part㊀B一㊁1.Whenyoumeetyoungerpeopleꎬyoucanwaveandsayꎬ Hello .2.Don tpushwhenyouarewalkingonbusystreets.3.WhatshouldIdowhenImeetnewpeople?4.Youcanwaveyourhandswhenyoumeetyoungerpeople.5.IamgoingtoplaybasketballthisFriday. (1.B㊀2.D㊀3.C㊀4.A㊀5.B)二㊁1.older㊀2.families㊀3.them㊀4.answering5.don t㊀6.people㊀7.giving㊀8.different9.before㊀10.carried㊀11.down㊀12.meet三㊁1.给一些建议㊀2.跟他们握手㊀3.记下4.跟你下棋㊀5.olderpeople㊀6.haveatest7.setthetable㊀8.haveafever四㊁1.✕㊀2. ㊀3.✕㊀4. ㊀5.✕五㊁1.Showmeyourhomeworkꎬplease.2.Canwehugpeoplewhenwemeetthem?3.Pleasewaveyourhandstothepeoplenow.4.Letmewritedownthemessagenow.5.Myteacheroftengivesmesomeadviceaboutthestudy.6.Iwanttoplayfootballwithyou.(5㊀6㊀4㊀3㊀1㊀2)六㊁1.Bhave㊀2.Cthem㊀3.Babout㊀4.Ahave㊀5.Btomeet七㊁1.about㊀2.with㊀3.to㊀4.at㊀5.down八㊁1.walking㊀2.has㊀3.arrives㊀4.meet㊀5.them6.shake㊀7.Are㊀8.advice㊀9.willdo10.Don tpush九㊁1.CBDA㊀2.ACDB十㊁1~5㊀CABCB㊀6~7㊀AC十一㊁1~5㊀FFTFT。

Unit 1B1 Being Polite

Unit 1B1   Being Polite

Unit 1 Being PoliteⅠ.教学内容深港版小学英语Book 12 Unit1 Part B1Ⅱ.教学目标1. 使学生熟练地听懂、会说礼貌用语方面的一些动词:shake hands, hug, take a message, wave, push, worry about, .2.使学生听懂、会说常用日常用语方面的短语:meet new people, answer the phone, take a message, walk on busy street, wait for a bus, line up, talk to, not push or run 并能较熟练地运用日常用语进行回答,尤其是电话用语:Who‟s that? This is ---speaking. Hold on, please。

Ⅲ.教学重点与难点1. 学会日常生活中的礼貌用语的表达和实际运用。





Ⅴ.教学过程Step 1. Free talk: (3 minutes)Walk around the classroom and meet some Ss, using the sentences we learned yesterday: Hello! How are you? Shake hands. Hug.Should I hug him? Should I shake hands with her?Step 2. Presentation (15minutes)1.T: What should I do when we meet younger people? Should I shake hands with him? Should I say “ How are you?” Should I hug him? Should I say “It‟s nice to meet you.”?T: What should I do when we meet older people? Should I shake hands with him? Should I say “ How are you?” Should I hug them when we meet them the first time ? Should I say “It‟s nice to meet you.”?Introduce that we usually don‟t hug people when we meet them the first time. We only hug our friends.2. T: How should I answer the phone when the family isn‟t at home? Should I say “Who are you?” Should I take a message?Then “walk on the busy streets” and “wait for a bus”.Step 3: Act (10 minutes)1.Have two students come out to demonstrate the two ways of showing politeness when meeting new people :shake hands and say …hello ‟. Tell the students that different ways are used when meeting different people.2. Have two students come out to demonstrate answering the phone: Who‟s that? / Who are you? Can I take a message? Hold on, please. This is ---speaking. Is that --- speaking?Write “when you …you should...”on the board. Introduce this new structure to the students saying when you meet new people, you should shake hands .Explain to them that the structure can be used to talk about something that we do each time we are in a certain situation.Step 4:Look, listen and say (5 minutes)Play the transparency for the Ss to look, listen and repeat.Step 5: PracticeAsk the Ss to complete the dialogues under the pictures. Then make dialogues in front of the classroom.Step 6: Consolidation (3minutes)Revise the phrases and sentences we learned today.Step 7: Test( 9minutes)Choose the best answer.( )1 .如果你想询问今天的天气时,你应说:A.How was the weather,9B.How is the weather,today?C.What is the weather,9( )2.你想对外国小朋友说你是一个中国女孩,应说:A.I am a China girl.B.I am a China‟s girl.C.I am a Chinese girl.( )3.Steven有1.7米高。

深港版六年级Unit 1 Being polite

深港版六年级Unit 1 Being polite

Unit 1 Being politeclass 1一、单词。

hug v.拥抱message n 留言wave v 挥手arrive v 到达am 午前daughter n 女儿sick a 病了mean v 意思是person n 人seat n 座位mistake n 错误pardon v 原谅helper n 帮忙者二、短语。

Shake hands 握手take a message 记录留言Talk to 和…交流hug people 拥抱别人Line up 排队don’t push 别推Don’t run 别跑三、句型。

How should I ……?/how should I answer the phone ?我应该怎样….?我应该怎样接电话?What should I do when I meet new people?我见到生人应该做什么?when you meet older people , you should shake hands with them. 当你见到年长的人,你应该和他们握手。


1.我应该怎样去见陌生人呢?What should I do when I meet new people?2.我应该和他们交谈吗? 是的,你应该.Should I talk to them? Yes, you should.3.我应该拥抱陌生人吗? 不,你不能.Should I hug them? No, you shouldn’t.4.当你等候公车的时候,你必须排队。

When you wait for a bus, you should line up.5.当你等候公车的时候,你不应该推人或跑。

When you wait for a bus, you shouldn’t push or run.6.当我遇见新朋友的时候我要做什么呢?What should I do when I meet new people?7.当你遇见年老的人的时候,你要和他们握手和说话.When you meet older people, you should shake hands with them and say, “Hello”.8.当你见年轻人的时候,你可以一边挥手一边说”你好”.When you meet young people, you should wave and say ,“Hello”. 9.当我们第一次见新朋友的时候我们通常不拥抱他们.We don’t hug people when we meet them the first time.10.当家人不在家的时候,我应该怎样接电话呢?How should I answer the phone when the family isn’t at home?11.我能为你记下留言吗?Can I take a message (for you)?12.我的火车明天早上10点到达.My train arrives at 10:00 am tomorrow.13.当你犯了一个错误的时候,你应该说“对不起”.When you make a mistake, you should say “Sorry”.Class 2五、语法学习:1.when 引导的时间状语从句;2.when的含义:当什么的时候;3.主从句为一般现在时;六、短文。

港深版小学英语六年级(下册)unit 1复习清单

港深版小学英语六年级(下册)unit 1复习清单

Unit1Bring Polite复习清单I.Words(单词)1.拥抱v._____________________2.留言n._____________________3.挥手,挥动,波动v.____________4.到达;达到v._______________5.午前,上午abbr.____________6.女儿n.______________________7.病了a.___________________8.意思是v._________________9.人n._____________________10.座位,座n.________________11.错误n.___________________12.原谅,宽恕v._______________II.Expressions(短语)1.等公共汽车2.乘公交车3.遇到陌生人4.与....握手5.接电话6.不推或不跑7.排队_______________8.劳驾/打扰9.拥抱人10.有礼貌11.为…担心12.给我带口信13.把它/他们写下来14.家人不在家15.10点钟达深圳16.接电话17.在繁华的街上走18.游泳怎么样?19.第一次20.对…有礼貌___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ world_____________________________festivals________________________________________or guns___________ peace_______________________III.sentences(句子)1.当我遇到陌生人时我应该怎么做?___________________________________________________________________ 2.当你见到长者时,你应该和他们握手。

深港朗文版六年级(下)《单元 1 Being polite》同步练习卷 (3)

深港朗文版六年级(下)《单元 1 Being polite》同步练习卷 (3)

深港朗文版六年级(下)《Unit 1 Being polite.》小学英语-有答案-同步练习卷(3)一、翻译下面短语。

1. 翻译短语。

(1)查出,找出答案________(2)上公车________2. 翻译短语。

(1)记下________(2)排队________3. 翻译短语。

(1)a sign of friendship________(2)younger people________4. 翻译短语。

(1)记录留言________(2)打扰一下________二、选择题Pat:What should I do when I meet a younger person?Jim:________()A.You can wave and say,"Hi,I'm Pat."B.You can hug him.C.You can say,"Excuse me."﹣What should I say when I want to pass someone?﹣ ________()A.You should say"I'm sorry."B.You should say"Can you help me?"C.You should say"Excuse me."﹣What should I say when I get a gift from my friend?﹣ ________()A.You should say"How are you?"B.You should say"Thank you."C.You should say"Well done."﹣What should I do when I hear the fire alarm?﹣ ________()A.You should put out the fire quickly.B.You should take the lift quickly.C.You should leave the room and walk down the stairs quickly.﹣﹣Is that a hat or a cat?﹣ ________()A.Yes,it's a cat.B.No,it's a hat.C.It's a cat.﹣ ________﹣﹣It's in Guangming Street.()A.What's the bookshop?B.Excuse me.Where's the bookshop?C.Is there a bookshop?三、根据首字母提示,完成句子,每空填一个单词They are walking on a b________ street.With younger people, we can w________ and say "Hi, I'm Pat."When you answer the phone, you can take a m________ .What do you do when you m________ new people?We shouldn't h________ them when we meet strangers(陌生人).四、根据情景选出最佳答案When I answer the phone, how should I do?()A.You should say, "Who are you?"B.You should say, "Who are you speaking?"C.You should say, "Who is that speaking?"When your friend gives you a gift, what should you do?()A.say, "I don't like it."B.say, "Thanks, that's nice of you."C.say nothing when you get it.When we get on the bus, what should we do?()A.We should run into the bus.B.We should push people.C.We should let old people sit down first.When your family isn't at home, how should you answer the phone?()A.I should take a message.B.I shouldn't answer the phone.C.I should say,"I am Bob".When you don't listen clearly the others what they say, you should say,"_______".()A.Say it again B.Pardon me?C.Hello参考答案与试题解析深港朗文版六年级(下)《Unit 1 Being polite.》小学英语-有答案-同步练习卷(3)一、翻译下面短语。

Unit 1 Being polite 教案-优质公开课-外研深圳朗文一起6下精品

Unit 1 Being polite 教案-优质公开课-外研深圳朗文一起6下精品

Unit 1 Being polite 教案教学目标知识与能力:Understand simple words;Master the comparatives of the adj;Review the past tense. 过程与方法:导入--自学指导--探究新知--自学--归纳总结--反馈--课后总结--课外作业情感态度与价值观:了解生活中的礼貌用语和行为,培养学生的文明意识和关爱他人的优秀品质教学重点Master the new words教学难点The sentence pat terns: When you…. You should ……教具准备Computer, tape recorder, CD ROM教学过程导入新课Step1 Greeting.Good morning. Nice to meet you.What is the weather like today?What are your hobbies?初学新课Step2 free talk.What did you do in your winter holiday?1、学生日常口语交流2、学生根据课文要求复习重要单词和词语引导释疑Step 3 presentation1. Remind the Ss of the importance of being polite. They should be polite when talking to people, walk on street, at home and at school.2. Introduce gestures that show politeness like shaking hands and hugging people .show the Ss andwrite the words on the board.拓展学习3. Write hello, excuse me and take a message on the board. ask a student to pretend to answer a phone call and then ask the Ss what he/she should say. Prompt the Ss to say hello.4. Ask another student what he /she should say when they want to go past people on busy street .prompt the Ss to say excuse me.当堂检测5.ask a few Ss to come to the front .tell them they are waiting for a bus and have them line up. recycle line up ,don’t push ,and don’t r un with the class.课堂小结You should line upHug peopleSay excuse meShake hands作业布置read and recite the Part A2.copy the important phrases and sentences。



深港版小学英语六年级下册篇一:深港版六年级英语下册Unit1Being politeAB深港版六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Being polite A&B1课堂训练:一、Translation ( 英汉互译 )挥手 message line up _________接电话 __________________ 见到陌生人____________________line up _________等车 ______________be polite_________________二、Read and choose. ( 选择填空 )( ) 1. Tom isn’t in. Can I take a _________ for him?A. cabbageB. bridgeC. messageD. baggage( ) 2. Don’t _______ him. He will be fine soon.A. worried aboutB. be worriedC. worry aboutD. worries about( ) 3. I’m _________ the message _________. Can you speak a little slow?A. taking….upB. took…downC. take….downD. taking…down( ) 4. I’m sorry. My sister and brother are _________.A. inB. homeC. outD. outside( ) 5. I can’t play basketball because I’ll have_____ on Monday.A. testB. examC. a testD. a exam( ) 6. ---What do you want to do?---I want to _________.A. has a picnicB. going shoppingC. buy a giftD. went to the beach( ) 7. It’s very nice _________ you to help me.A. toB. ofC. atD. with( ) 8. ---Excuse me. Did you see ________ book on the table?---Yes, I saw one, but Tom said it’s ______.A. the; himB. a; hisC. my; oneD. a; her( ) 9. ---_______ do you go to bed?---I usually go to bed at 10.A. WhereB. WhatC. WhenD. Which( ) 10. What about _______ a taxi to the park?A. takingB. takeC. talkingD. talk三、Read and write. ( 适当形式填空)1.My friend __________ a birthday party this Saturday. (have)2.The Smith ________ Hong Kong for a week. (visit)3.____________ when you get on a bus. (not push)4.I __________ hands with Mr Zhou and White yesterday. (shake)5.Give this message to him when he ________ back. (e)6.Don’t __________. It’s not polite. It’s rude. (push)7.Look, they _____________ for a bus. (wait)8.Yesterday, Tom __________ a message for me.(take)四、用should或shouldn’t 填空,完成下列句子。

深港版六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Being polite 单元测试

深港版六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Being polite 单元测试

深港版六年级英语下册Unit 1 Being polite 单元测试课堂训练:一、选择最佳答案。

()1. You should be polite ______ other people, then they will be nice ______ you.A. at; toB. to; toC. to; at()2. The firemen came and ______ the fire when it was small.A.put onB. put offC. put out()3. Donˊt ______ him, he will be fine soon.A. worry aboutB. be worriedC. worried about()4 ______ I take anything with me ______ I leave the room. .A.When; shouldB. Would; whenC. Should; when()5.When Tim _____ young, he couldn't play with candles or matches.A. wasB. isC. were()6. Look at that bike. I don't like it. It's too small. I don't like it, ______.A. tooB. eitherC. both()7. When I answer the phone, I ______ .A. say, “Who are you”?B. say, “What do you want?”C. say, “Who is that speaking?”()8. What ______ walking on busy streets or taking the bus?A. aboutB. aboveC. at()9. My train ______ 10:00 am tomorrow.A. arrivesB. will arriveC. arrives at()10. When you make a mistake, you should say, ______ .A. SorryB. Thank youC. Good二、完形填空。

深港朗文版六年级(下)《单元 1 Being polite》同步练习卷 (2)

深港朗文版六年级(下)《单元 1 Being polite》同步练习卷 (2)

深港朗文版六年级(下)《Unit 1 Being polite.》小学英语-有答案-同步练习卷(2)一、默写词组1. 翻译。

(1)见到新朋友________(2)走在繁忙的街道________2. 翻译。

(1)等公交车________(2)拥抱某人________3. 翻译。

(1)摆餐具________(2)吃早餐________4. 翻译。

(1)洗盘子________(2)醒了________二、选择题Mary talked _________ me on the phone just now.()A.afterB.atC.onD.toPlease walk slowly _________ busy street.()A.onB.atC.toD.insideYou should say " _________", when you do something wrong .()A.Not badB.Thank youC.I'm sorryD.Excuse meWhat does she _________ to do ?()A.wantB.wantsC.wantingD.wanted_________ . Can you tell me the way to the post office ?()A.SorryB.Nice to meet youC.Excuse meD.HelloPat,I'm busy now . _________ the phone ,please.()A.Talk toB.SayC.SpeakD.Answer三、完成句子我们遇到陌生人的时候应该怎么做?What________ we do________ we meet new people?请不要在繁忙的街道上奔跑。

Please don't________ in the________ street.他们握手并互相说"你好"。

六年级下册英语课件Unit 1 Being polite.深港朗文版 (1)

六年级下册英语课件Unit 1 Being polite.深港朗文版 (1)
Unit 1
Being polite
We’ll walk in the _c_o_r_r_i_d_o_r. Should we run? No, we shouldn’t.
How should we walk in the corridor? We should walk slowly.
We’ll ___r_ea_d__i_n_t_h_e_l_i_b_r_a_ry____. Should we _p_u__sh__? No, we shouldn’t.
1. Listen to the radio, and remember the words that have the sound.
2. Write out the other replies.
Dear Tom,
My friend will have a birthday party this Saturday. I cannot go. What should I do?
Dear J,
Take your friend’s gift but do not say anything. This is the best.
Dear J,
when a friend gives you an ugly gift, say, “This is ugly. I don’t like it!” and run away.
How should we __re_a_d__in__t_h_e_l_ib_r_a_r_y_? We should read quietly and __l_in_e__u_p___.
Talk about these pictures.

深港版六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Being polite (period 6)陈静媚

深港版六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Being polite  (period 6)陈静媚

2015-2016学年度第一学期深圳市龙华新区万安学校教案表课题Unit 1 Being polite (period 6)上课班级六(1、3)班主备教师陈静媚副备教师上课时间2016年3 月1 日教学目标知识与能力Understand simple words;Master the comparatives of the adj;Review the past tense.过程与方法导入--自学指导--探究新知--自学--归纳总结--反馈--课后总结--课外作业情感态度与价值观了解生活中的礼貌用语和行为,培养学生的文明意识和关爱他人的优秀品质教学重点Master the new words教学难点The sentence patterns: When you…. You should ……教具准备Teacher’s book, PPT,KOKO爱英语教法运用小组交流教学法,任务型教学法,TPR教学法,听说法教学法学法指导自主学习,探究学习,合作学习基本环节教师授课过程(教师活动)学生学习过程(学生活动)教学意图ppt导入新课(检查预习)Step 1. Daily talk.What is the weather like?Should you…?Should I …?1、学生日常口语交流2、学生根据课文要求复习重要单词和词语1、提高学生的口语水平2、掌握四会单词和短语1初学新课(初步探究)Step 2 A magazine quizzes.1.Point to the first picture .ask the Ss what should you saywhen you answer the phone?2.Have the Ss read the passage silently and unaided the firsttime .explain to the Ss a magazine quiz is a quiz thatrequires readers to answer some questions first and then atthe end of the quiz there will be an analysis based on theanswers they have given.1、学生看图片,并朗读对话2、学生复述句子,并将给出的重要短语记录下来掌握四会单词和短语3引导释疑(合作学习)3.Play the cassette for the Ss and ask them to say the sentenceafter the cassette.4.Ask the Ss to read the questions again and give theiranswers honestly.学生听录音完成课本上的练习巩固所学知识5-8基本环节教师授课过程(教师活动)学生学习过程(学生活动)教学意图ppt 拓展学习(深入探究)5.Ask the Ss to check the score by looking at the bottom ofthepage. Ask some Ss to tell the class how they did.核对答案巩固所学知识9-11当堂检测(学习诊断)Step 3. exercises.学生完成练习巩固所学知识13-14课堂小结(梳理归纳)Let the students read and recite the text of PartB1.Ask and answer the questions.1、学生朗读课文并背诵2、根据所学句型,熟练运用口语巩固所学知识15作业布置(检查反馈)板书设计(突出重点)1.copy the main sentences. recite the text.Unit 1 Being polite The answer of the quiz.教学反思。

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2015-2016学年度第一学期深圳市龙华新区万安学校教案表课题Unit 1 Being polite (period 3)上课班级六(1、3)班
主备教师陈静媚副备教师上课时间2016年2 月25 日

Review the past tense.Ask questions about what should you do when….?

教学重点Understand the dialogue.
教学难点When you…. You should ……
教具准备Teacher’s book, PPT,KOKO爱英语
导入新课(检查预习)Step1 Greeting.
Who’s on duty today?
Is everyone here?
Are you all here today?
What is the date today?
What day is it today?
Answer the questions

学新课(初步探究)Step2 on duty
The pupil on duty come to the front and gives
a short performance.
Revision: ask and
I’ll meet new
people. Should I talk
to them?
Should I shake hands?
Should I hug them?
How should I talk to
them\ shake
引导释疑(合作学习)Step 3 presentation and practice.
1.show transparency .play the pupil’s book
cassette and point to each of the pictures.ask
the Ss to repeat after the cassette.
Tell them something
about western

基本环节教师授课过程(教师活动)学生学习过程(学生活动)教学意图ppt 拓
展学习(深入探究)2.books open .point to each pictue .revise the
new words . read aloud .ask the Ss to repeat
the words .
Let the students say
something about the
other ways.

检测(学习诊断)3.ask the Ss to act pat .have them say what they
should do in each of the pictures situations
ask the Ss to act
pat .have them say
what they should do
in each of the
pictures situations


堂小结(梳理归纳)3.ask the Ss to work in groups and write as many
sentence as they can about being polite.
Make dialogue
Write sentences.
1.copy the text.
2.recite the text.Unit1 A being polite P1
You should line up
Hug people
Say excuse me
Shake hands
