Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
1. 根据用途分类。
2. 根据材质分类。
3. 根据结构分类。
1. 稳定支撑设备。
2. 调节角度和方向。
3. 减轻使用者的负担。
4. 提高拍摄质量。
转速额定值 修正系数
最高转速@5 in Hg进口压力 2604 rpm
1.0 0.98
泵的进油口压力在使用液压油时不能超过5 in Hg,使
用其他流体时不能超过3 in Hg。进油口的正压力不能
超过10 psi。
1 专用密封件 不需要时省略 密封件资料见23页。
低叶片尖 / 定子负载允许高压工作。因 为进油道路设计成使油液均匀的加速, 因此高转速是可能的,且加注特性好, 特别是在低进口压力的情况下。
这些泵的优秀设计使他们的寿命更长, 已经证明,这些泵能够在恶劣的环境中 工作。
威格士的高效设计产生出极高的效率/ 泵投资比,在工业领域的使用获得极低 的泵成本/功率比。
V10 系列
6 – 6 USgpm 7 – 7 USgpm 8 – 8 USgpm 9 – 9 USgpm 11 – 11 USgpm 12 – 12 USgpm 13 – 13 USgpm
V20 系列
7 出油口连接
P – 1/2" NPT 螺纹 (仅V10 ) R – 1.1875–12 直螺纹 (仅V20 ) S – .750–16 直螺纹 (仅V10 )
23,1 (6.1) 0,7 (.9) 21,6 (5.7) 3,7 (5)
20,4 (5.4) 6,7 (9)
27,2 (7.2) 0,7 (1)
25,7 (6.8) 4,1 (5.5) 24,6 (6.5) 7,8 (10.4)
Vanguard 精嘉三脚架
今年的【第十五届中国国际照相机械影像器材与技术博览会】,VANGUARD 精嘉首度在国内参展,展出多项赢得国际设计大奖的优质摄影器材与光学产品,与国人共同分享中国研发制造、全球肯定的专业品牌之荣耀!“精嘉品牌产品线”精嘉三脚架系列分为:奥特仕-进阶奥特仕-进阶三脚架是一款顶级三脚架,具有极佳的稳定性和灵活性,深受摄影师的欢迎。
使用手冊©Copyright 2019 HP Development Company, L.P.HDMI、HDMI 標誌和高畫質多媒體介面為 HDMI Licensing 有限公司的商標或註冊商標。
NVIDIA 和 G-SYNC 是 NVIDIA Corporation 在美國和其他國家/地區的商標和/或註冊商標。
Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美國和/或其他國家/地區的商標或註冊商標。
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若要存取最新的使用指南,請前往 /support,並依照指示尋找您的產品,然後選取使用指南。
第二版:2019 年 4 月第一版:2018 年 8 月文件編號:L33294-AB2關於此手冊本指南提供顯示器功能、設定顯示器、使用軟體和技術規格的相關資訊。
本產品採納 HDMI 技術。
iiiiv 關於此手冊目錄1 快速入門 (1)重要安全資訊 (1)產品功能和組件 (1)功能 (1)背面元件 (3)安裝顯示器 (4)安裝顯示器的注意事項 (4)拆下機座的鉸鏈擋板 (4)連接纜線 (5)連接 USB 裝置 (7)調整顯示器 (8)安裝安全纜線 (9)放置耳機 (9)掛載顯示器本體 (10)拆下顯示器機座 (10)連接 VESA 固定托架 (11)開啟顯示器電源 (12)2 使用顯示器 (13)啟用 G-SYNC (13)下載顯示器驅動程式 (13)使用 OSD (13)顯示模式 (14)使用深度睡眠模式 (14)使用環境照明 (14)針對遊戲選取更快速的回應時間 (15)調整藍光輸出 (15)使用 RGB 增益控制 (16)檢視畫面速率 (16)訊息計時器 (16)使用十字線功能 (17)使用多顯示器對齊 (18)v3 支援與疑難排解 (19)解決常見問題 (19)OSD 鎖定 (19)連絡支援 (20)連絡技術支援的準備事項 (20)尋找序號和產品編號 (20)4 維護顯示器 (21)維護準則 (21)清潔顯示器 (21)搬運顯示器 (21)附錄 A 技術規格 (22)預設顯示器解析度 (23)進入使用者模式 (24)附錄 B 無障礙 (25)無障礙 (25)尋找您需要的技術工具 (25)我們的承諾 (25)國際無障礙專業人員協會 (IAAP) (25)尋找最佳輔助技術 (26)評估您的需要 (26)HP 產品的無障礙功能 (26)標準及法規 (26)標準 (26)Mandate 376 – EN 301 549 (27)網頁內容無障礙指引 (WCAG) (27)立法與規範 (27)美國 (27)二十一世紀通訊和視訊無障礙法案 (CVAA) (28)加拿大 (28)歐洲 (28)英國 (28)澳洲 (28)全球 (28)實用無障礙資源和連結 (29)組織 (29)教育機構 (29)vi其他身心障礙資源 (29)HP 連結 (29)聯絡支援中心 (30)viiviii1快速入門重要安全資訊顯示器隨附 AC 變壓器和電源線。
坚如磐石的支持作者:暂无来源:《摄影之友·影像视觉》 2012年第8期孚勒姆系列三脚架深度解析稳定是三脚架的终极目标,今天让我们抛却浮华的表面,回归脚架的本质,来看看德国制造的孚勒姆三脚架朴实无华的外表下面,有多少值得去挖掘的内容。
撰文/摄影:Karas 编辑:乔枫伟美编:耿冰三脚架自摄影术诞生之初,就是相机不可分割的一部分。
测试名单孚勒姆 CP26 M4S 三脚架孚勒姆 CP26-S3S 三脚架孚勒姆 CP30-L4L6 三脚架孚勒姆 CP30-M3S 三脚架孚勒姆 CP26 M4S 三脚架+CB 32F云台轻巧短小,方便旅游的行摄伴侣。
2.3 设计目标管理概述
注:教材 P215
① 有利于设计战略的充分部署与圆满实施; ② 有利于设计业绩的提高; ③ 有利于员工个人设计能力展现; ④ 有利于提高企业的经营效率; ⑤ 有利于增强企业的忧患意识,从而提高企业的市场竞争力; ⑥ 有利于促进设计员工的相互沟通,消除冲突、增强团结,有利于提高工作效 率,有效地达成目标。 ⑦ 有利于企业对设计业绩进行考评,有利于合理评价设计人员和管理人员的绩 效。 ⑧ 有利于节能开支,有利于企业设计经营成本的降低和可持续发展。
1.2 设计管理的意义与作用
1、设计管理有利提高设计工作的效率。 2、设计管理可以促进企业进行资源组合,提高企业的竞争力。 3、设计管理可以促进学科的整合与交叉。 4、设计管理使得设计理念上有所突破。 5、设计管理有利于实施企业全面发展战略。 6、设计管理可以对设计师进行合理安排及有效管理。
注:教材 P199-200
注:教材 P197-198
1.1 设计管理的概念
设计管理? 该概念最早是由英国设计师马切尔·法约尔于1966年提出 的。他认为:设计管理是在界定设计问题,寻找合适设计 师,且尽可能地使设计师在既定的预算内及时地解决问题。
1.1 设计管理的概念
① 公司层次的产品设计管理(由公司管理层负责):界定、预测及确认公司目 标;促使所有参与设计活动者了解公司目标;确认所选定的产品开发计划能 符合公司目标;提供各种资源,以确保产品计划的实施;确保设计政策与程 序;管理设计项目;监督设计结果、时间与成本;监督和维护设计标准;以 及评估设计结果。 ② 项目层次的产品设计管理(由项目经理负责):确认产品概念的界定能吻合 公司计划;制订与修正设计标准;进行设计预算和成本控制;监督与控制设 计质量;确认设计资源与设计配合;组建设计项目组织;展开设计组织内部 及外部之间的沟通;以及组织对设计项目及项目管理方面的评估。
西门子 NXGPro+ 控制系统手册_操作手册说明书
单元通讯的协议 ............................................................................................................ 36
NXGpro+ 高级安全 .......................................................................................................37
功率拓扑 ......................................................................................................................34
控制系统概述 ...............................................................................................................35
NXGPro+ 控制系统手册
NXGPro+ 控制系统手册
NXGPro+ 控制系统简介
美国Doble Vanguard 公司产品手册说明书
变压器变比测试仪Vanguard能提供多款基于微处理器的、全自动单相和三相变比测试仪,符合IEEE C57.12.90 国标标准。
•ANSI/IEEE C57.12.900 国际标准•测量比率范围: 0.8 - 50,000 :1•交流测试电压: 4/40/100/250伏• 内置4.5英寸热敏打印机(可选项)• 内置LTC有载调压控制器,可直接复归• USB闪存、USB、蓝牙及电脑接口• 输出测试报告可以另存为Excel、XML或者PDF格式• 可手动或外接电脑来控制• 能自动测量全球67种满足ANSI、CEI/IEC 或者澳大利亚等标准的变压器A全自动三相变比测试仪,内置电池,最大交流测试电压可达250伏ATRT-03 S2全自动三相变比测试仪TRF-100全自动三相变比测试仪,最大交流测试电压可达100伏真三相变压器变比测试仪,最大交流测试电压可达100伏CVT-765全自动单相容性电压互感器变比测试仪,最大交流测试电压可达7,440伏ATRT-01/01B S3全自动单相变压器变比测试仪4有关产品的详细性能,请登录网站进行查阅:/categories/transformer-turns-ratio-meters .电流互感器测试仪Vanguard生产的电流互感器测试仪适用于单一变比和多种变比的电流互感器,具有励磁、匝数比和绕组极性等测试功能。
• 交流2,000伏的励磁测试电压• 一次接线即可完成所有测试,无须拆换线 (X1-X5)• 励磁测试• 电流比测试• 极性测试• 相角测试• 绕组电阻测量• 绕组绝缘电阻测量• CT 负载耐压实验• 电流最大可达20安培•USB闪存、USB、蓝牙及电脑接口• 内置热敏打印机5• 交流2,000伏的励磁测试电压• 一次接线即可完成所有测试,无须拆换线 (X1-X5)• 励磁测试• 电流比测试• 极性测试• 相角测试• 绕组电阻测量• USB闪存,USB、蓝牙及电脑接口• 内置热敏打印机有关产品的详细性能,请登录网站进行查阅: /categories/current-transformer-testers .CT-3500 S2MCCB-500-2塑壳断路器测试仪,输出电流可达500安培MCCB-250断路器计时器,内置2.5英寸热敏打印机,USB电脑接口,USB 闪存断路器测试仪Vanguard能提供多款微处理器型断路器测试仪,能进行完整的断路器性能测试。
Opening and Closing Times (Standard, Double Skin and Fire Tested “E” and “EW” Class Panels) Opening and Closing Times (Standard, Double Skin and Fire Tested “E” and “EW” Class Panels) Opening and Closing Times (Glass, Glass-framed and Fire Tested “EI” Class Panels) Opening and Closing Times (Glass, Glass-framed and Fire Tested “EI” Class Panels) Hydra Landing Doors and Hydra Plus Car Doors Arrangement Augusta Landing Doors and Hydra Plus Car Doors Arrangement Car Door and Landing Door Arrangement with Standard Coupler Car Door and Landing Door Arrangement with Coupler with Car Door Lock Emergency Opening Device for Coupler with Car Door Lock Max Overall for IP54 Protection Grade Versions - Side Opening Doors Max Overall for IP54 Protection Grade Versions - Central Opening Doors Bracket positioning for HYDRA PLUS frontwall fixing Bracket for frontwall fixing
脚架穿上“登山鞋”精嘉傲特仕-进阶323CT碳纤维三脚架作者:暂无来源:《摄影之友·影像视觉》 2012年第12期撰文/摄影:盛秋编辑:乔枫伟美编:耿冰精嘉AUCTUS Plus 323CT的设计与众不同,它定位高端,如登山鞋一样脚垫非常吸引眼球。
在去年,这款“AUCTUS Plus 323CT” 三脚架获得了2011年TIPA最佳三脚架奖项。
打开精嘉AUCTUS Plus 323CT脚架套装有标配背袋和配套的多功能工具,作为一款主打稳定性的脚架,一个单独的背袋是很必要的,否则外出拍摄就非常不方便。
INDURO英拓三脚架等作者:暂无来源:《摄影之友·影像视觉》 2010年第6期首次实现五轴心上的全景拍摄英拓推出PHQ系列五维云台2010年4月21日,美国INDURO英拓三脚架在北京举行新闻发布会,宣布正式登陆中国市场,北京锐成科技有限公司为英拓中国大陆地区唯一总代理。
目前A-Best系列有专为女性用户设计的A-Best 10、A-Best20和为男性摄影爱好者设计的A-Best 30、A-Best 40。
超广角也轻便奥林巴斯发布4/3系统超广角镜头近期,奥林巴斯推出了超广角M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED9-18mm F4.0-5.6变焦镜头(35mm等效焦距18-36mm),对超广角摄影的魅力进行了精彩诠释。
长度仅为49mm,而重量仅为155g,它比ZUIKODIGITAL ED 9–18mm F4.0–5.6的尺寸要缩小一半,而重量降低了40%。
RAW全能解码专家Adobe发布CameraRAW 5.7正式版Adobe公司针对广大用户推出了经过更新后的正式版本的Adobe Camera RAW 5.7,并且提供了下载服务。
阿尔法拉維 P3 分心機商品介紹说明书
Built for the toughest applicationsAlfa Laval's P3 decanter centrifuge was specifically developed for rough solid-liquid separation duties in the mining and mineral industry. Every detail has been designed to deal with the harsh conditions found in mining, mineral processing and tailings treatment applications.To maximize durability, P3 decanters are built with carefully selected components such as Duplex stainless steel, heavy-duty bearings and a stiff box beam frame. All interior parts of a P3 decanter centrifuge exposed to abrasion are protected by replaceable tungsten carbide tiles to eliminate problems. The feed and outlet zones have been designed for smooth acceleration of the solids to minimize wear and secure an efficient separation process.Unrivalled capacityThe P3 model offers the highest throughput on the market and handles extremely high solids loads. The special deep-pond design in combination with the unique conveyor and the opti-mized cone angle configuration allows the P3 to handle vol-umes far beyond the capacity of any other decanter centrifuge.Highly efficient separationThe high G forces in a decanter centrifuge give a very dry, stackable cake. The high separation efficiency means P3 decanter centrifuges are exceptionally good at separating out finer particles and recovering valuable process chemicals, minerals and water. In addition, the Alfa Laval P3 has the low-est power consumption of any comparable decanter centri-fuge on the market.ApplicationsAlfa Laval P3s is well suited to a wide range of mining and mineral applications:• Tailings treatment• Recovery of water, chemicals or minerals• Treatment of slurries with finer particles• Where dry stacking with stackable solids is required • Installations where flexibility and movability are required • Where environmental concerns are important2Touch – world-class control systemEach P3 decanter centrifuge is equipped with a 2Touch con-trol package as standard, pre-installed and factory-tested in conjunction with each particular unit.The combination of 2Touch control systems and P3 separa-tion technology makes sure you get the most out of any P3 installation, while keeping costs for installation, commission-ing, operation and maintenance to a minimum.The control unit can be connected to the site's DCS system for remote monitoring and interaction, securing reliable and safe operation at all times.ServiceMaintenance requirements are very low on a P3 decanter centrifuge. It has a number of built-in features that facilitate equipment servicing.Every Alfa Laval product comes with the full support of our global service organization. Alfa Laval Service offers a com-prehensive range of services and products that brings optimal operating efficiency and return on investment throughout the entire lifecycle of your equipment.We have a strong local presence in close to 100 countries and continuously build new local setups to ensure service at the highest level – even at remote locations.Our Field Service Engineers handle on-site service, supported by our product specialists at the Alfa Laval Service Centresfor more complex tasks, such as reconditioning.Tungsten carbide tiles mounted on the scroll conveyor prevent abrasion problems.Benefits• High cake dryness (stackable cake)• Very high capacity and small installation area • Fully wear protected• Robust design and high reliability• Lowest power consumption for any miningand mineral decanter •Low CAPEX and OPEXP3 decanter centrifuges are built for fully automated operation. A special upgrade to the 2Touch control system protects the decanter centrifuge against power loss, ensuring safe, uninterrupted operation,regardless of power dips or outages.The inside of the bowl is fully protected against abrasive media.DimensionsW HTechnical dataModel Weightkg (lbs)Bowl material Other product andliquid wetted partsMain drive powerkW (hp)Back drive powerkW (hp)P3-40703,200 (7,050)Duplex AISI 316 or Duplex37-55 (50-75)18.5 (25) P3-70706,500 (14,300)Duplex AISI 316 or Duplex75-160 (100-200)37 (50) P3-80708,600 (18,959)Duplex AISI 316 or Duplex55-250 (75-350)55 (75) P3-1007018,500 (37,700)Duplex AISI 316 or Duplex132-350 (150-475)110 (150)Model Lmm (inch)Wmm (inch)Hmm (inch)P3-40704,855 (191)1,060 (42)1,376 (54) P3-70706,450 (254)1,450 (58)1,791 (71) P3-80706,900 (272)1,510 (60)1,850 (73) P3-100708,822 (348)2,050 (81)2,248 (89)1456372Working principleSeparation takes place in a rotating cylindrical bowl (1) equipped with a scroll conveyor (2) that rotates at a lower speed. The slurry is fed into the bowl through a stationary inlet tube (3) and then smoothly accelerated in the specially designed feed zone (4). Centrifugal force deposits the solids on the inner surface of the bowl (5) and leaves at openings at the end of the conical bowl (6). The clarified liquid exits at the other end of the decanter (7).How to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always available on our website at PEP00111EN 1509Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notificationOn-site testingAlfa Laval is leading the development of decanter centrifuges aimedat the mining and mineral industry, and we are keen to show you how we can help cut costs, increase performance and reduce power consumption.We offer you a unique possibility to test a P3 decanter centrifuge at your site, allowing you to experience its outstanding separation efficiency on your specific slurries. We are confident you will be impressed by the results.Please contact your local Alfa Laval representative to arrange a customized test of the P3 decanter centrifuge at your plant. See for contact details.Analysis and laboratory testFeed sample testOn-site testsSolution proposal。
三脚架 使用方法
道尔纳器 AquaGard LP 支架安装、维护和零件手册说明书
For other service manuals visit our website at:/manuals-literature851-969-EU Rev. ARecord Conveyor Serial Number HereOriginal InstructionsAquaGard ®LP Support StandsInstallation, Maintenance & Parts ManualDorner Mfg. Corp.2851-969 Rev. AAquaGard® LP Support StandsWarnings - General SafetyA WARNINGThe safety alert symbol, black triangle with white exclamation, is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.Climbing, sitting, walking or riding on conveyor will cause severe injury.KEEP OFF CONVEYORS.DO NOT OPERATE CONVEYORS IN AN EXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENT.A WARNINGLOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance. Exposed movingparts can cause serious injury.WARNINGLoosening stand height or angle adjustment screws may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.SUPPORT CONVEYOR SECTIONS PRIOR TO LOOSENING STAND HEIGHT OR ANGLE ADJUSTMENT SCREWS.WARNINGDorner cannot control the physicalinstallation and application of conveyors. Taking protective measures is the responsibility of the user.When conveyors are used in conjunction with other equipment or as part of a multiple conveyor system, CHECK FOR POTENTIAL PINCH POINTS and other mechanical hazards before system start-up.851-969 Rev. A3Dorner Mfg. Corp.AquaGard® LP Support StandsProduct DescriptionRefer to Figure 1 for typical stand components.Figure 1SpecificationsSupport Stands1 Support Stand 2Stand Mounting Bracket 3 Diagonal Brace 4 Foot PadSpecificationsFastener Torque SpecificationsHex Head Set ScrewHex Size Torque Hex Size TorqueM3 x 0.5 5.5 mm0.9 Nm (8 in lbs) 2 mm0.2 Nm (1.7 in lbs)M4 x 0.77 mm 2.3 Nm (20 in lbs) 2 mm0.7 Nm (6 in lbs)M5 x 0.88 mm 4.6 Nm (40 in lbs) 2.5 mm 1.5 Nm (13 in lbs)M6 x 1.010 mm7.8 Nm (69 in lbs) 3 mm 2.5 Nm (22 in lbs)M8 x 1.2513 mm19.0 Nm (169 in lbs) 4 mm 6.0 Nm (53 in lbs)M10 x 1.516 mm38.0 Nm (335 in lbs) 5 mm12.0 Nm (106 in lbs)Dorner recommends FDA approved grease on all threaded stainless steel fasteners.AquaGard® LP Support StandsDorner Mfg. Corp.4851-969 Rev. AAquaGard® LP Support Stands InstallationRequired Tools•Level•10 mm wrench•13 mm wrench•30 mm wrench or large adjustable wrench (x2) Recommended Installation Sequence•Attach the stand(s) to the conveyor.•Attach the diagonal bracing, if applicable.•Adjust the stand height and level. Refer to “Stand Height Adjustment” on page8.Attach Stands to Conveyorupside down on a flat surface.2.Fixed Height Stands: Loosen the three nuts (Figure2,item1) on stand bracket screws, and adjust bracket(Figure 2,item2) so that the top of bracket is at thesame angle as the conveyor (Figure 2,item3).Figure23.Idler End: Attach the bracket (Figure 3,item1) to theconveyor with two screws (Figure 3,item2) on eachside.Figure34.Center (if applicable): Attach stand to the conveyorframe with two spacers (Figure 4,item1) and twocarriage bolts and nuts (Figure 4,item2) on each side.Figure4A WARNINGFailure to secure nuts may cause conveyorsections to drop down causing severe injury.TIGHTEN NUTS AFTER ADJUSTMENT.851-969 Rev. A5Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp.6851-969 Rev. AAquaGard® LP Support StandsInstallation5.Drive End: Attach stand to the conveyor frame with one spacer (Figure 5,item 1) using a carriage bolt and nut (Figure 5,item 2), and a screw (Figure 5,item 3) on each side.Figure 56.Tighten screws.7.Fixed Height Stands: Adjust the bracket angle on the slotted brackets (Figure 6,item 1) to match the conveyor angle and tighten the three nuts (Figure 6,item 2).Figure 68.Repeat for the remaining stands.Diagonal Brace Attachment1.Attach the brace (Figure 7,item 1) to the stand with screw (Figure 7,item 2) and nut. Do not tighten at this time.Figure 72.Install carriage bolt (Figure 8,item 1) through square hole (Figure 8,item 2) in conveyor.Figure 81232211212851-969 Rev. A7Dorner Mfg. Corp.AquaGard® LP Support StandsInstallation3.Install spacer (Figure 9,item 1) and brace (Figure 9,item 2) onto carriage bolt.Figure 94.Install and tighten nut (Figure 10,item 1).Figure 105.Tighten lower screw (Figure 10,item 2) and nut.6.Repeat for the opposite leg.7.Tighten all hardware.1212Dorner Mfg. Corp.8851-969 Rev. AAquaGard® LP Support StandsPreventive Maintenance and AdjustmentRequired Tools•Level •10 mm wrench •13 mm wrench•30 mm wrench or large adjustable wrench (x2)Stand Height Adjustment1.Support conveyor.2.Loosen the upper nut (Figure 11,item 1) on the foot stem.Figure 113.Rotate the foot stem (Figure 11,item 2) to raise or lower the stand (Figure 12).Figure 124.Repeat steps on the opposite stand leg.A WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!DO NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 152 mm (6") from the floor to the bottom of the stand.Exceeding the maximum height will allow parts to separate and may cause serious injury.A WARNINGLoosening stand height or angle adjustment nuts may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.SUPPORT CONVEYOR SECTIONS PRIOR TO LOOSENING STAND HEIGHT OR ANGLE ADJUSTMENT NUTS.12Maximum Height 152 mm (6")851-969 Rev. A9Dorner Mfg. Corp.AquaGard® LP Support StandsPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment5.Level the conveyor.Figure 136.Tighten the upper nut to secure each foot assembly.Figure14Conveyor Angle Adjustment1.Fixed Height Stands: Loosen the nuts on both sides and adjust the slotted bracket to the same angle as the conveyor.Figure 152.Tighten the screws.3.Adjust the stand height. Refer to “Stand Height Adjustment” on page 8.A WARNINGFailure to secure nuts may cause conveyor sections to drop down causing severe injury.TIGHTEN NUTS AFTER ADJUSTMENT.x3Service PartsFixed Height StandsAquaGard® LP Support StandsDorner Mfg. Corp.10851-969 Rev. AAquaGard® LP Support Stands Service PartsItem Part Number Description1------Consult Factory for Stand Frame PartNumber2531087Bracket for Conveyor Widths 203 andUnder, Left Hand531089Bracket for Conveyor Widths 254 andWider, Left Hand3531088Bracket for Conveyor Widths 203 andUnder, Right Hand531090Bracket for Conveyor Widths 254 andWider, Right Hand4531092T ube Spacer for Conveyor Widths 203and Under (conveyor frame mount)5807-3724Foot Pads6458309Casters7807-3540Carriage Bolt, M8 x 20 mm8900630MSS Carriage Bolt, M6 x 30 mm(conveyor frame mount)9960612MSS Hex Head Cap Screw, M6-1.00 x 12 mm(conveyor tail mount)10990601MSS Nut (conveyor frame mount)11990813MSS Hex Nut12992010MSS Hex Jam Nut13531097-LLLLL-M Diagonal Brace14531092T ube Spacer15531098-B T ube Spacer for Conveyor Widths 152and Under531098-A T ube Spacer for Conveyor Widths 203and Wider16960825MSS Hex Head Cap Screw, M8-1.25 x 25 mm17990801MSS Hex NutLLLLL = Part length in mm.Example: Part length = 1000 mm LLLLL = 01000Service parts can be obtained through your distributor or directlyfrom Dorner Mfg. Corp. (800) 397-8664 or**************************851-969 Rev. A11Dorner Mfg. Corp.Service PartsLow Height StandsItem Part Number Description1531092Spacer (conveyor frame mount)2531095-WWWW-M Tie Bracket3531094-LLLLL Stand Bracket for Conveyor Widths152 and Under531093-LLLLL Stand Bracket for Conveyor Widths203 and Wider4807-3724Foot Pads5458309Casters6900630MSS Carriage Bolt, M6 x 30 mm(conveyor frame mount)7960612MSS Hex Head Cap Screw, M6-1.00 x12 mm (conveyor tail mount)8990601MSS Nut (conveyor frame mount)9992010MSS Hex Jam NutWWWW = Conveyor width reference in mm 0070, 0095, 0152,0203, 0254, 0305, 0406, & 0457LLLLL = Part length in mm.Example: Part length = 465 mm LLLLL = 00465Service parts can be obtained through your distributor or directlyfrom Dorner Mfg. Corp. (800) 397-8664 or**************************AquaGard® LP Support StandsDorner Mfg. Corp.12851-969 Rev. ANotesAquaGard® LP Support Stands851-969 Rev. A13Dorner Mfg. Corp.851-969 Rev. A Return PolicyReturns must have prior written factory authorization or they will not be accepted. Items that are returned to Dorner without authorization will not be credited nor returned to the original sender. When calling for authorization, please have the following information ready for the Dorner factory representative or your local distributor: and address of customer.2.Dorner part number(s) of item(s) being returned.3.Reason for return.4.Customer's original order number used when ordering the item(s).5.Dorner or distributor invoice number. Include part serial number if available.A representative will discuss action to be taken on the returned items and provide a Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) number for reference. RMA will automatically close 30 days after being issued. To get credit, items must be new and undamaged. There will be a return charge on all items returned for credit, where Dorner was not at fault. It is the customer’s responsibility to prevent damage during return shipping. Damaged or modified items will not be accepted. The customer is responsible for return freight.Returns will not be accepted after 60 days from original invoice date. The return charge covers inspection, cleaning, disassembly, disposal and reissuing of components to inventory. If a replacement is needed prior to evaluation of returned item, a purchase order must be issued. Credit (if any) is issued only after return and evaluation is complete.Dorner has representatives throughout the world. Contact Dorner for the name of your local representative. Our Customer Service T eam will gladly help with your questions on Dorner products.For a copy of Dorner's Warranty, contact Dorner, an authorized sales channel or visit our website: .For replacement parts, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory.Product TypeStandard Products Engineered to order parts Product LineConveyors Gearmotors & Mounting PackagesSupport Stands Accessories Spare Parts (non-belt)Spare Belts - Standard Flat Fabric Spare Belts - Cleated & Spec. Fabric Spare Belts - Plastic Chain All equipment and parts 1100 Series30% return fee for all products except:50% return fee for conveyors with modular belt,cleated belt or speciality belts All Electrical items are assigned original manufacturers return policy.non-returnable case-by-case 2200 Series3200 SeriesPallet SystemsFlexMove/SmartFlexGAL SeriesAll Electrical7100 Series50% return fee for all products 7200/7300 SeriesAquaGard 7350 Series Version 2GES SeriesAquaGard 7350/7360 Seriesnon-returnable AquaPruf Series。
相机的强力“枪托”作者:暂无来源:《摄影之友·影像视觉》 2012年第9期精嘉 Alta Pro 263AGH 三脚架套装撰文/摄影:Karas 编辑:乔枫伟美编:耿冰拿到精嘉这款获得了国际设计大奖的脚架后,第一眼关注的就是它的枪柄云台。
螺栓式的螺栓在侧面,松开时上下支脚可以自由滑动,紧固后螺栓后clip 就夹紧下支脚,联结就固定住了,使用要方便一点,不容易被泥沙、污物卡住,要是卡住了清理也容易,但联结不如螺口式的坚固。
Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
适合不同地形的防滑针型橡胶脚垫 案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
购买行为:通过电商平台、实体店 等渠道购买,价格区间在几百元至 几千元不等
需求偏好:专业摄影师更倾 向于使用高质量的三脚架, 以获得更好的拍摄效果。
购买行为:专业摄影师更倾 向于购买品牌知名度高、口 碑好的三脚架,同时也会考 虑价格因素。
摄影领域:三 脚架是摄影师 拍摄照片和视 频的重要设备, 市场需求量大。
多样化功能:开发具有不同功能的三脚架,如具有摄像功能、灯光功能等,满 足不同领域的需求。
环保节能:采用环保材料制造三脚架,降低能耗和碳排放,符合可持续发展趋 势。
Part Five
线上销售:利用电 商平台和社交媒体 平台进行推广,提 高品牌知名度和曝 光率
实体店销售:在摄 影器材店、数码产 品店等实体店销售, 提供专业的产品介 绍和售后服务
特点:稳定性好、 便携性强、承重 能力强等
三脚架市场的起源和发展 当前市场的主要品牌和产品 三脚架市场的发展趋势和未来展望 消费者需求的变化对三脚架市场的影响
特点:捷信以高品质、高稳定性著称;RRS注重轻量化、便携性;曼富 图以中高端市场为主,注重创新设计;百诺和伟峰以中低端市场为主, 性价比高。
三脚架市场概述:三脚架是一种稳定器,用于支撑和固定摄像机等设备,是摄影器材市场的重要 组成部分。
三脚架市场竞争格局:目前,三脚架市场呈现出高度竞争的格局,多个品牌参与其中,包括捷信、 曼富图、金钟、富图宝、伟峰等。
三脚架市场份额分布:根据市场调研数据,捷信、曼富图和金钟是三脚架市场的三大品牌,占据 了市场份额的近70%。其中,捷信作为全球领先的三脚架品牌,拥有最大的市场份额。
三脚架市场发展趋势:随着消费者对摄影器材品质要求的提高,高端三脚架市场的需求将逐渐增 加。同时,随着短视频等新媒体的兴起,三脚架市场的需求也将不断扩大。
SOMAG AG Jena陀螺稳定支架说明书
GYRO STABILIZATION MOUNTSMARINE AIRBORNE LAND616818 4141020242812222630 Key FeaturesAirborne MountsKey FeaturesMarine & LandMountsDSM 400DynamicStabilization MountNSM 400NauticalStabilization MountTechnical Benefitsof Gyro Mounts forLIDAR SystemsSOMAGMount Control AppYawPitch VibrationRoll Movements stabilized by SOMAG Airborne Mounts:Compatible with:Pitch, roll and yaw angles present a constant challenge for aerial photography, geospatial data acquisition and surveillance. The solution – Gyro Stabilization Mounts, which drastically reduce the movements of airborne sensor systems. Our three axes gimbals automatically compensate arbitrary vehicle movements and vibrations in all three axes. This technology ensures a high-res-olution image quality and more flying time at lower costs. All SOMAG Mounts can be connected with the most popular Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) and Flight Management Systems (FMS’) to complete flight missions even more efficiently.HOW SOMAGAIRBORNE MOUNTS WORK• Aerial Cameras• Hybrid Mapping Systems • Multispectral Cameras• Hyperspectral Cameras • LiDAR Systems • Radar SystemsWith Stabilization• Turbulences are stabilized & risk of data gaps is highly reduced• Overlap can be highly reduced, which saves time, money and enables an e fficient workflow • Smearing of images is highly reduced • Pitch compensation increases ranging accuracy of LiDARsWithout Stabilization• Lack of adjacent overlap could cause missing data • Large overlap to avoid missing data costs time and money, which results in an inefficient workflow • The acquisition of blurred images causes more post-processing issues• Ranging errors for LiDARs because of aircraft pitch AIRBORNEDATA COMPARISON AIRBORNE CAMERAGSM 4000DSM 400CSM 40Angular Stabilization Ranges Pitch at 0° Roll:Roll at 0° Pitch:Yaw (drift):≤±8.8°≤±7.0°≤±25.0°≤±10.5°≤±10.5°≤±25.0°≤±15.0°≤±15.0°≤±25.0°Usable DiameterØ410 mmØ16.1 in Ø270 mmØ10.6 inØ130 mmØ5.1 inPayload110...120 kg22...264.6 lbs 5...35 kg11...77.1 lbs0...15 kg0...33.1 lbsMass29 kg63.9 lbs 14 kg30.9 lbs5.2 kg11.5 lbsDimensions(Regular Leveling Positions)Length:Width:Average Height2:615 mm | 24.2 in530 mm | 20.9 in175 mm | 6.9 in460 mm | 18.1 in430 mm | 16.9 in165 mm | 6.5 in290 mm | 11.4 in275 mm | 10.8 in121 mm | 4.7 in• High stabilization accuracy: Using a SOMAG Airborne Mount reduces the existingmovements at the sensor usually by 50times1• Highest compatibility on the market with existing airborne sensor systems• Passive Vibration Isolation Rings for all Airborne Mounts• User-friendly interface and easy handling• Minimal weight and dimensions by maintaining maximum performance• Usable with SOMAG Mount Control AppKEY FEATURESAIRBORNE MOUNTSAPPLICATION EXAMPLESTECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSThe use of a SOMAG Airborne Mount reduced the existing movements in thismission data example2 by ca. 110 times3 for the sensor systemSTABILIZATION ACCURACY SOMAG MOUNTS (ROLL AXIS)+5-5time[seconds]movement[degree]0.075°-0.075°Base (airplane) movementRMS Base: 2.18°RMS Sensor: 0.02°Sensor movement / residual deviation from perpendicular (with IMU support)04810...120 kg | 22...264.6 lbs615 mm | 24.2 in530 mm | 20.9 inØ410 mm | Ø16.1 in-15 °C ... +55 °C | -5 °F ... +131 °F -55 °C ... +85 °C | -40 °F ... +185 °F28 VDC (24...30 VDC)RTCA DO-160-G, EUROCAE-14G, ISO 7137,2006/42/EC MachinerySTABILIZATION MOUNT GSM 4000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSThe DSM 400 is a cost efficient and mid-size modular stabilization device for multiple medium format cameras and sensors. The Mount features an electro-mechanical gimbal system and sup-ports the reduction of the angular rate to provide optimal stabilization of the sensor system. The Mount features a simplified and redesigned control panel. The panel includes one FMS port and an USB port to connect with our SOMAG Mount Control App. The DSM is complemented by a Passive Vibration Isolation Ring to decouple high-frequency vibrations of the aircraft.STABILIZATION MOUNTDSM 400Riegl VUX Series HySpex VNIR - 1800Itres microCASI 1920Preliminary data, subject to change 1Vehicle angular motion <10°/s and with typical data acquisition profile frequency spectrum 2Deviation from perpendicular depends on accuracy of used IMU 3Minimum payload is based on usage of Passive Vibration Isolation Ring-15 °C … +55 °C | -5 °F … +131 °F -55 °C … +85 °C | -40 °F … +185 °F RTCA DO-160-G, EUROCAE-14G, ISO 7137, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSThe CSM 40 features an electro-mechanical gimbal system and is extra small and cost efficient. The device is characterized by its minimum dimensions and low weight. The compact design and highly functional modularity enable a powerful mounting system, which is particularly suitable for ultralight aircraft and UAVs. The Mount is designed to stabilize single medium format cameras and sensors. Like all SOMAG Airborne Mounts, the CSM 40 offers an easy-to-use control panel and can STABILIZATION MOUNTCSM 40Specim AisaKESTRELPreliminary data, subject to change 1Vehicle angular motion <10°/s and with typical data acquisition profile frequency spectrum 2Deviation from perpendicular depends on accuracy of used IMUTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSWith Stabilization• Pin-sharp images• High quality video recording • Perfectly stabilized Field of View • Enhanced situational awareness• Improved detection and tracking of moving objects even from a distance and in harsh environmentsWithout Stabilization• Imaging system follows vessel motion caused by swell• Unstable Field of View and decreased data quality• Deterioration of detection, tracking and pointing capabilities of sensor systemsMARINE & LANDRoll Roll PitchPitchMovements stabilized by SOMAG Marine & Land Mounts:Possible Marine Application:Possible Land Application:SOMAG AG Jena develops and manufactures a range of Gyro Stabilization Mounts specifically for marine and land applications to perfectly stabilize sensors in extremely harsh environments. The stabilizers have been designed to be dust-, salt- and splash-water resistant. High-quality materials and a robust design guarantee an effective use of these mounting systems. The gyro stabilizers compensate roll and pitch motions of boats, ships, Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs) and float -ing platforms caused by swell. They also stabilize roll and pitch motions of any kind of vehicle caused by uneven terrain, providing a stabilized field of view of the panoramic environment.HOW SOMAG MARINE & LAND MOUNTS WORK• Border and Force Protection • Mobile Mapping and Scanning • Agriculture • Mining Vehicles • Maritime Patrol and Coastal Surveillance • Search and Rescue Missions • Anti-Collision Systems on USVs •Offshore Data TransmissionOSM 4000NSM 400RSM 400Angular Stabilization Ranges Pitch at 0° Roll:Roll at 0° Pitch:Yaw (drift):≤± 12.2° | 14.1° (optional)≤± 17.4° | 14.1° (optional) no drift correction ≤±20.0°≤±20.0°no drift correction ≤±15.5°≤±15.5°no drift correction Payload 1300 kg | 250 kg | 200 kg 660 lbs | 550 lbs | 440 lbs100 kg | 70 kg | 55 kg220.5 lbs | 154.3 lbs | 121.3 lbs15 kg | 12.3 kg | 10.5 kg 33.1 lbs | 27.1 lbs | 23.1 lbs Optional Payload 225 kg | 22.5 kg | 19 kg 55.1 lbs | 49.6 lbs | 41.9 lbsMass55 kg | 120 lbs 33 kg | 72.5 lbs 6.6 kg | 14.55 lbs Dimensions / Height 3290 mm | 11.4 in290 mm | 11.4 in156.5 mm | 6.2 in Dimensions / DiameterØ665 mm | Ø26.1 inØ486 mm | Ø19.1 inØ335 mm | Ø13.1 in• Ruggedized design for use in harsh off-road and offshore environments• High stabilization accuracy: Using a SOMAG Marine & Land Mount reduces the existing movements at the sensor by ca. 45 times 1• IP-67 compliant (dust-, salt- and splash-water resistant)• innovative round shape enables compatibility with a wide range of payloads • operation down to -30 °C possible• Import of external IMU data or NMEA frames possible • Usable with SOMAG Mount Control AppKEY FEATURES MARINE AND LAND GYRO MOUNTSAPPLICATION EXAMPLESTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSThe use of a SOMAG Marine Mount reduced the existing movements in this mission data example 2 by ca. 45 times 3 for the sensor systemSTABILIZATION ACCURACY SOMAG MOUNTS (ROLL AXIS)+10-10m o v e m e n t [d e g r e e ]0.075°-0.075°RMS Base: 4.95˚RMS Sensor: 0.11˚Base (ship) movementSensor movement / residual deviation from perpendicular (without IMU support)time [seconds]048STABILIZATION MOUNTOSM 4000IACS E10, DNV GL, 2006/42/EC MachineryTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSNSM 400 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSRSM 400TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSThe RSM 400 is the smallest and most cost-effective of SOMAG’s marine and land stabilizers.The ruggedized gimbal compensates roll and pitch motions and is specifically designed to stabi-lize small and light weight sensor systems in off-road and offshore environments to capture highquality data. The Mount is dust-, salt- and splash-water resistant. The design of the base plateallows the adaptation of a wide range of cameras and scanners, making the device very versatilePreliminary data, subject to change1 Vehicle angular motion ≤± 10° / 15°/s / 40°/sfor more than 1 minute reduce the performance of the Mount (can be compensated by external GPS input)2 Possible payload weight depends on lateral acceleration and CoG of payload | shown data is based on 0.3 g lateral acceleration and aCoG payload offset to the Mount surface of: 100 mm (3.9 in) | 200 mm (7.9 in) | 250 mm (9.8 in)3 Movement reduction in roll and pitch to ≤± 12.5°4 Maximum duration 90 s at 55 °C surrounding temperature5 Minimum 132.5 mm (5.2 in)6 Horizontal payload CoG offsets are not considered; without wind force and other possible external forcesWithout Stabilization - Distorted borders Without Stabilization - Data gapsWith Stabilization - Straight borders With Stabilization - Homogeneous point distribution• Precise camera stabilization guarantees a high quality for orthogonal and oblique images • Overlap can be highly reduced for an economical data acquisition process • Risk of data gaps is highly minimized • Output of gimbal data at high data rates• Angular motion compensation prevents image smearing • Remotely controlled operation via FMS • Adaptable to sensor weight from 0 to 120 kg • Automatic and independent operation• SOMAG Mount Control App for easy initial setup and diagnosis • Automatic drift setting and initializing• Compensates not only aircraft movements like roll, pitch and yaw, but also vibrations • Decoupling of high frequency vibrations (> 15Hz) because of Passive V ibration Isolation RingTECHNICAL BENEFITS OF AIRBORNE GYRO MOUNTS FOR CAMERA SYSTEMSWith StabilizationWithout Stabilization With StabilizationWithout StabilizationFor all Gyro Mounts SOMAG AG Jena provide its own developed SOMAG Mount Control App with numerous benefits:SOMAGMOUNT CONTROL APPOPTIONAL SOFTWARE FEATURES• Quick Mount status overview • Manual control of the Mount • Setting of optional Software Features • Real-time Mount feedback• Self-test for quick status analysis • Simple firmware update• Access to all documents e.g. user manuals • Input and reporting functions directly accessiblemission requirements.The following features can be ordered optionally:• Leveling Offset: adjustment of the Mount virtual horizon • End Stop Limits: adjustment of the Mount movement range• Collision Avoidance: adjustment of Mount movement range and working height, in case of narrow installation condition• Status/Analysis: logging and analyzing functions in SOMAG Mount Control App• IMU Installation Position on Vehicle Frame: adjustment of horizontal IMU position • Installation Direction: adjustment of Mount horizontal installation direction • AUX port: enables communication to 3rd party interfaceUpdate view with feature activation overviewHome view example in SOMAG Mount Control AppSoftware Feature configurations in Settings 1 view2829Every project is different and so are the system requirements. We support you in the mechanical integration of your cameras, scanners and other payloads with our Gyro Stabilization Mounts. Upon request, our highly experienced engineers will design an adapter frame tailored to your indi-vidual needs that will 100 % meet the application conditions. The design of the sensor mounting system can vary between adapter frames for single medium format cameras and larger pods for the integration of multiple sensors. Together we will find the right solution for your requirements. Please contact us for more information and an individual consultation.SENSOR ADAPTERSHigh-frequency vibrations of the aircraft floor can lead to severe damage to the sensitive sensor SOMAG Passive Vibration Isolation Ring (PaVIR), vibrations are drastically reduced which increases the data quality es pecially for scanners, LiDAR’s and cameras. For the GSM 4000 and DSM 400, the PaVIR is part of the standard scope of delivery and adjusted accordingly to the weight of the payload. For the CSM, the ring can be ordered optionally. The rings VIBRATION ISOLATION SYSTEMSIt is highly important for us to process orders on a customer-specific basis. Depending on the proj-ect, SOMAG will assist your company from concept through development to delivery of the whole system. The great flexibility of our company ensures that special customer wishes and changes are guaranteed. Our solutions are always durable, easy to handle and contain innovative technol-ogies. SOMAG offers different customization services including Custom-Made Mounts and OEM Branding Services. SOMAG AG Jena has been working as an Original Equipment Manufacturer for numerous well-known camera, scanner and FMS manufacturers for several years. As an OEM partner, we offer our partner companies an individual product design. In this service we attach great importance to your company, your wishes and of course your end customers. When designing individual Gyro Stabiliziation Mounts, SOMAG follows your corporate design. Color design, logo and company name play a central role. These features make your brand unmistakableand directly trigger an association withyour company among your customers,which has an immediate impact on theirpurchase decision. Benefit from theSOMAG OEM Branding Service andincrease your brand awareness withunique Gyro Mounts matching your visu-al system.Our standard product portfolio doesnot reflect what you are looking for? Doyou need a Mount that meets specificrequirements? Then we are exactly theright partner for you! The design andmanufacturing of Gyro StabilizationMounts is our core business and there-fore we can draw on many years of expertise when it comes to providing customized solutions. In the past years we have designed numerous Mounts in various configurations for our customers who approached us with special requests. A current example is the GSM 4000 Open Skies, which we manu-factured on behalf of the German Federal Armed Forces. This Mount meets the special requirements of the aviation industry. We at SOMAG see each custom-made Mount as an engineering challenge that we gladly accept, as it contributes to our professional growth. Please get in touch with our experts about your project.SOMAG CUSTOMIZATION SERVICES CUSTOM MADE MOUNTSOEM BRANDING3233SOMAG AG Jena is a worldwide operating specialist for high-precision gimbal systems. The com -pany, consisting of hand-picked experts in the fields of electronics, mechanics and software, fo -cuses since 2004 on the development of Gyro Stabilization Mounts for data acquisition and surveil-lance applications. SOMAG is an ISO 9001 certified company and maintains a strict quality control system. All products are assembled and tested with highest precision at the headquarters in Jena, Germany and at independent test facilities.The gimbal specialist works as an OEM partner of well-known camera and lidar manufacturers but has always maintained its status as an independent supplier in the market. SOMAG clients include commercial, governmental and defense organizations as well as research institutions.The uniqueness of their customer projects and the multitude of different applications drives the SOMAG team to provide customized solutions and to improve performance with each newly de -veloped device. This is why SOMAG Mounts set the pace for gyro stabilization devices worldwide.ABOUTSOMAG AG JENA34+49 3641 633 68 0 +49 3641 633 68 99 ****************。
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案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
使用碳纤维和轻质铝合金制造的相 机架,相信很多摄影爱好者要垂帘三尺 了,就因为这4个致命的特点,精准、 稳固、快速调节、360度任意角度。
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
结合了每位摄影师所需要的超稳定性、耐用性、易用性和可靠性。 案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
脚管可调节至25、50和80度的角度 案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
一个可拆卸的相机配件挂钩。还提供有附送的背带。 案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
获得专利的高级 镁合金压铸护帽和云台
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
锐达-专业版三脚架有极佳的灵活性和稳定性,可 实现以更多的角度进行拍摄。其创新的多角度中 管(MACC)系统允许用户在可变的垂直和水平 位置、在0° -180°角度范围内移动中管,从而 可轻松进行微距拍摄和特殊的广角拍摄。其即时 旋转止动锁(ISSL)系统可以使摄影师以一个简 单的动作,便可在短短数 秒钟内重新稳固地定位 中管,同时保持三脚架的稳定性。其它特点还包 括先进的相机防震和防冲击功能,脚管可调节至 25、50和80度的角度,获得专利的高级 镁合金压 铸护帽和云台,可确保额外稳定性的六角形中管, 适合不同地形的防滑针型橡胶脚垫。锐达-专业版 264AT采用铝合 金脚管,并具有快开式脚管锁。 •中管可以在0° -180°范围内移动 •铝合金 •快开式支腿锁 •支腿可调节至25、50和80度的角度 伸展高度(毫米):1650 标准伸展高度(毫 米):1325 折叠高度(毫米):630 重量(千克):2 最 大载荷(千克):7 额定载荷(千克):5 伸展高度 (英寸):65 标准伸展高度(英寸):52 1/8 折叠高度 (英寸):24 3/4 最小工作高度(英寸): 最大工作高 度 (英寸): 重量(磅):4.41 最大载荷(磅):15.4 额 定载荷(磅):11 支腿节数:3 支腿直径(毫 米):26 云台规格:- 气泡水准仪(个):1 带有快 装板:- 旋转:- 倾斜:- 摄影云台移动:-
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架
适合不同地形的防滑针型橡胶脚垫 案例:Vanguard Alta Pro 三脚架