1、如果两类劳动力是总替代关系,则一类劳动力的工资率上升会引起另一类劳动力((1 分)A.供给的增加B.供给的下降C.需求的增加D.需求的下降参考答案:C2、技术进步对( )的就业影响较大。
(1 分)A.熟练工B.非熟练工C.技工D.女工参考答案:B3、现代社会保障制度是工业社会的产物,发源于()。
(1 分)A.英国B.德国C.法国D.美国参考答案:B4、反映失业率与通货膨胀率关系的曲线是()。
(1 分)A.菲利浦斯曲线B.无差异曲线C.洛伦兹曲线D.拉弗曲线参考答案:A5、人力资源结构优化和充分利用是()配置的目标。
(1 分)A.人力资本B.人力资源C.劳动力D.劳动岗位参考答案:B6、从总供给角度来分析通货膨胀成因的通货膨胀类型是()(1 分)A.需求拉上型通货膨胀B.结构调整型通货膨胀C.成本推进型通货膨胀D.惯性通货膨胀参考答案:C7、与横轴平行的劳动力供给曲线的劳动力供给弹性为( )。
(1 分)A.0B.1C.无穷大D.无穷小参考答案:C8、劳动力供给与劳动力需求通过竞争达到均衡时,将导致()(1 分)A.劳动力供给过剩B.劳动力需求过剩C.充分就业D.劳动力需求不足参考答案:C9、劳动经济学是经济学的重要分支,是一门研究()的学问。
(1 分)A.劳动生产率B.劳动关系C.劳动者D.劳动力资源配置及其社会属性参考答案:D10、实际工资与物价指数( )。
(1 分)A.正相关B.负相关C.不相关D.关系不定参考答案:B11、一般来说,衡量失业水平的常用尺度是( )(1 分)A.失业人数B.失业时间C.失业率D.失业人员的承受能力参考答案:C12、下列劳动类型中,属于就业范畴的是()(1 分)A.家务劳动B.救济性的劳动C.雇佣劳动D.劳改人员劳动参考答案:C13、从折现公式看,利率与现值成( )关系。
(1 分)A.正比例B.反比例C.等比例D.无关参考答案:B14、下列属于大学教育人力资本投资费用中的间接成本的是( )(1 分)A.上大学花费的学杂费B.上大学花费的书本费C.因上大学而放弃的可能的工资收入D.上大学花费的生活费参考答案:C15、下列会使企业减少对劳动力需求的政策是()(1 分)A.扩张性的货币政策B.扩张性的财政政策C.鼓励就业的政策D.紧缩性的货币政策参考答案:D16、我国实行的最低工资制度是( )。
CHAPTER 99-1. Suppose a worker with an annual discount rate of 10 percent currently resides in Pennsylvania and is deciding whether to remain there or to move to Illinois. There are three work periods left in the life cycle. If the worker remains in Pennsylvania, he will earn $20,000 per year in each of the three periods. If the worker moves to Illinois, he will earn $22,000 in each of the three periods. What is the highest cost of migration that a worker is willing to incur and still make the move?The worker must compare the present value of staying in Pennsylvania to the present value of moving to Illinois. A worker will move if the present value of earnings in Illinois minus the costs of moving there exceed the present value of earnings in Pennsylvania:74.710,54$)1.1(000,201.1000,20000,202=++=PA PV and82.181,60$)1.1(000,221.1000,22000,222=++=IL PVThe worker will move, therefore, ifPV IL – C > PV PA ,where C denotes migration costs. Thus, the worker moves ifC < 60,181.82 - 54,710.74 = $5,471.089-2. Nick and Jane are married. They currently reside in Minnesota. Nick’s present value oflifetime earnings in his current employment is $300,000, and Jane’s present value is $200,000. They are contemplating moving to Texas, where each of them would earn a lifetime income of $260,000. The couple’s cost of moving is $10,000. In addition, Nick very much prefers the climate in Texas to that in Minnesota, and he figures that the change in climate is worth an additional $2,000 to him. Jane, on the other hand, prefers Minnesota’s frigid winters, so she figures she would be $2,000 worse off because of Texas’s blistering summers. Should they move to Texas?Yes. The “climatic” aspects of the move exactly balance each other, so we should not take them into account. On the monetary side, the sum of Nick’s and Jane’s lifetime present value of earnings inMinnesota is $500,000. The corresponding amount in Texas will be $520,000. The difference between the two ($20,000) exceeds the cost of moving ($10,000), so the move will make the couple jointly better off.9-3. Mickey and Minnie live in Orlando. Mickey’s net present value of lifetime earnings in Orlando is $125,000. Minnie’s net present value of lifetime earnings in Orlando is $500,000. The cost of moving to Atlanta is $25,000 per person. In Atlanta, Mickey’s net present value of lifetime earnings would be $155,000, and Minnie’s net present value of lifetime earnings would be $510,000. If Mickey and Minnie choose where to live based on their joint well-being, will they move to Atlanta? Is Mickey a tied-mover or a tied-stayer or neither? Is Minnie a tied-mover or a tied-stayer or neither?As a couple, the net present value of lifetime earnings of staying in Orlando is $500,000 + $125,000 = $625,000 and of moving to Atlanta is $510,000 + $155,000 – $50,000 = $615,000. Thus, as a couple, they would choose to stay in Orlando. Thus, there can only be a tied-stayer. (There cannot be a tied-mover, because the couple is not moving.)For Mickey, staying in Orlando is associated with a net present value of $125,000, while moving to Atlanta would yield a net present value of $155,000 – $25,000 = $130,000. So Mickey would choose to move to Atlanta. Therefore, Mickey is a tied-stayer.For Minnie, staying in Orlando is associated with a net present value of $500,000, while moving to Atlanta would yield a net present value of $510,000 –$25,000 = $485,000. So Minnie would choose to remain in Orlando. Thus, Minnie is not a tied-stayer.9-4. Suppose a worker’s skill is captured by his efficiency units of labor. The distribution of efficiency units in the population is such that worker 1 has 1 efficiency unit, worker 2 has 2 efficiency units, and so on. There are 100 workers in the population. In deciding whether to migrate to the United States, these workers compare their weekly earnings at home (w0) with their potential earnings in the United States (w1). The wage-skills relationship in each of the two countries is given by:w0 = 700 + 0.5s,andw1 = 670 + s,where s is the number of efficiency units the worker possesses.(a) Assume there are no migration costs. What is the average number of efficiency units among immigrants? Is the immigrant flow positively or negatively selected?The earnings-skills relationship in each country is illustrated in the figure below. The US line is steeper because the payoff to a unit of skills is higher in the United States. All workers who have at least 60 efficiency units will migrate to the United States. Therefore, there is positive selection and the average number of efficiency units in the immigrant flow is approximately 80 (the exact answer depends on whether the person with 60 efficiency units, who is indifferent between moving or not, moves to the United States).(b) Suppose it costs $10 to migrate to the United States. What is the average number of efficiency units among immigrants? Is the immigrant flow positively or negatively selected?If everyone incurs a cost of $10 to migrate to the United States, the U.S. wage-skill line drops by $10, and only those persons with more than 80 efficiency units will find it worthwhile to migrate. The immigrant flow is still positively selected and has, on average, 90 efficiency units.(c) What would happen to the selection that takes place if migration costs are not constant in the population, but are much higher for more skilled workers?If migration costs are much higher for skilled workers, it is possible that no skilled workers will find it worthwhile to migrate. We already know that even in the absence of migration costs no worker with fewer than 60 efficiency units finds it worthwhile to migrate. If highly skilled workers find it very costly to migrate it might be the case that there is no migration to the United States.Income700660809-5. Suppose the United States enacts legislation granting all workers, including newly arrived immigrants, a minimum income floor of y− dollars.(a) Generalize the Roy model to show how this type of welfare program influences incentive tomigrate to the United States. Ignore any issues regarding how the welfare program is to be funded.(b) Does this welfare program change the selection of the immigrant flow? In particular, are immigrants more likely to be negatively selected than in the absence of a welfare program?(c) Which types of workers, the highly skilled or the less skilled, are most likely to be attracted by the welfare program?U.S. Labor Market U.S. Labor MarketThe introduction of a wage floor in the United States (at y −) shifts the U.S. earnings-skill relationship to the bold line drawn in the figures. If the returns to skills are higher in the United States (left panel above), there are then two sets of workers who find it profitable to move: those who have very high skill levels (above s P ) as well as those workers who have very low skill levels (below s L ). In contrast, if the returns to skills are lower in the United States than in the country of origin (the right panel above), the introduction of the welfare program does not change the incentives to migrate for any worker (although the incentives of some workers would change if the wage floor was high enough). The welfare program, therefore, acts as a welfare magnet for workers originating in countries that generate “brain drains”, but not in countries where unskilled workers have incentives to migrate even in the absence of wage floors.α αL P Dollars αN y −α9-6. The immigration surplus, though seemingly small in the United States, redistributes wealth from workers to firms. Present a back-of-the-envelope calculation of the losses accruing to native workers and of the gains accruing to firms. Do these calculations help explain why some segments of society are emotional in their support of changes in immigration policy that would either increase or decrease the immigrant flow?The total loss in earnings experienced by workers in the United States is given by the rectangle w 0 B F w 1 in Figure 9-11. The area of this rectangle is given by:Loss to Native Workers = (w 1 - w 0) × N .We can calculate the loss to native workers as a fraction of GDP by dividing both sides by Q (national income). If we do this and rearrange terms we obtain:MN N Q M N w w w w Q +×+×−=)( Workers Native to Loss 0001.Thus, the native loss (as a fraction of GDP) equals the percentage change in the native wage caused by immigration times labor’s share of national income times the fraction of the labor force that is native born. If we continue the numerical example in the text, this calculation yields: (-.03) × (.7) × (.9) = -1.89percent of GDP. As national income is on the order of $11 trillion, the loss suffered by native workers is on the order of $208 billion. Capitalists receive this income plus the immigration surplus of $11 billion (see the text), for a total gain of about $219 billion (about 2 percent of GDP).Even though the net benefits from immigration are small, particular groups in the United States either gain or lose substantially from immigration. This explains why the debate over immigration policy is often polarized.9-7. In the absence of any legal barriers on immigration from Neolandia to the United States, the economic conditions in the two countries generate an immigrant flow that is negatively selected. In response, the United States enacts an immigration policy that restricts entry to Neolandians who are in the top 10 percent of Neolandia’s skill distribution. What type of Neolandian would now migrate to the United States?No one would migrate from Neolandia. The policy does not change the cost-benefit analysis for the most skilled Neolandians. They did not want to migrate when they could enter the country freely, and they still will not want to migrate when they are the only ones who can obtain visas. The lesson is that changes in immigration policy affect the skill composition of the immigrant flow only if changes target immigrants who wished to migrate to the United States in the first place.9-8. Labor demand for low-skilled workers in the United States is w = 24 – 0.1E where E is the number of workers (in millions) and w is the hourly wage. There are 120 million domestic U.S. low-skilled workers who supply labor inelastically. If the U.S. opened its borders to immigration, 20 million low-skill immigrants would enter the U.S. and supply labor inelastically. What is the market-clearing wage if immigration is not allowed? What is the market-clearing wage with open borders? How much is the immigration surplus when the U.S. opens its borders? How much surplus is transferred from domestic workers to domestic firms?Without immigration, the market-clearing wage is $12, at which all 120 million low-skill U.S. workers are employed. With immigration, the market-clearing wage is $10, at which all 120 million low-skill U.S. workers and all 20 million immigrants are employed. The additional surplus received by the U.S. because of the immigration equals ($12 – $10) (140m – 120m) / 2 = $20 million. The total transfer from U.S. workers to U.S. firms because of the immigration equals ($12 – $10) (120m) = $240 million.9-9. A country has two regions, the North and the South, which are identical in all respects except the hourly wage and the number of workers. The demand for labor in each region is:w N = $20 – .5E N and w S = $20 – .5E S,where E N and E S are millions of workers. Currently there are 6 million workers in the North and 18 million workers in the South.(a) What is the wage in each region?The wage in the North is $20 – .5 (6) = $17. The wage in the South is $20 – .5 (18) = $11.(b) If there were no shocks to the economy, migration over time will result in an equalization of wages and employment. What would be the long-run wage and employment level in each region?As labor demand is the same in both regions and workers are identical in their preferences, half of the workers will locate in each region in the long-run. Thus, 12 million workers will work in each region, and the hourly wage will be $14.(c) Return to the original set-up where there are 6 million workers in the North and 18 million workers in the South. As a policy maker, you decide not only to allow 2 million immigrants of working age to enter your country, but you have the authority to resettle the immigrants wherever you want. How should you distribute immigrants across the regions to maximize the country’s immigration surplus? Besides maximizing the immigration surplus in the short-run, in what other ways does your distribution of immigrants help the economy?Let I N and I S be the number of immigrants (in millions) placed in the North and in the South respectively, so that I N + I S = 2. After immigration, the new wages are:w N = $17 – .5I N and w S = $11 – .5I Sand the immigrant surpluses are:S N = 0.25(I N)2 and S S = .25(I S)2.Using that I N + I S = 2, therefore, the total immigrant surplus isS = 0.25(I N)2 + 0.25(2–I N)2 = 1 – I N + .5(I N)2.One can use calculus to solve for the optimal value for I N, but be aware that S is U-shaped, so setting the first order conditions to 0 solves for a minimum. Rather, use Excel to plot S. The data are:I N S I N S I N S I N S0.001.000.05 0.95 0.55 0.60 1.05 0.50 1.55 0.650.10 0.91 0.60 0.58 1.10 0.51 1.60 0.680.15 0.86 0.65 0.56 1.15 0.51 1.65 0.710.20 0.82 0.70 0.55 1.20 0.52 1.70 0.750.25 0.78 0.75 0.53 1.25 0.53 1.75 0.780.30 0.75 0.80 0.52 1.30 0.55 1.80 0.820.35 0.71 0.85 0.51 1.35 0.56 1.85 0.860.40 0.68 0.90 0.51 1.40 0.58 1.90 0.910.45 0.65 0.95 0.50 1.45 0.60 1.95 0.950.50 0.63 1.00 0.50 1.50 0.63 2.00 1.00 Thus, the immigrant surplus is maximized by placing all 2 million immigrants in either of the regions. It would be best, however, to place them all in the high wage region, as this will lead to a faster equalization of wages and saves natives the trouble and costs of moving.9-10. Phil has two periods of work remaining prior to retirement. He is currently employed in a firm that pays him the value of his marginal product, $50,000 per period. There are many other firms that Phil could potentially work for. There is a 50 percent chance of Phil being a good match for any particular firm, and a 50 percent chance of him being a bad match. If he is in a good match, the value of his marginal product is $56,000 per period. If he is in a bad match, the value of his marginal product is $40,000 per period. If Phil quits his job, he can immediately find employment with any of the alternative firms. It takes one period to discover whether Phil is a good or a bad match with a particular firm. In that first period, while Phil’s value to the firm is uncertain, he is offered a wage of $48,000. After the value of the match is determined, Phil is offered a wage equal to the value of his marginal product in that firm. When offered that wage, Phil is free to (a) accept;(b) reject and try some other firm; or (c) return to his original firm and his original wage. Phil maximizes the present value of his expected lifetime earnings, and his discount rate is 10 percent. What should Phil do?Phil makes decisions at the beginning of each period, and there are a variety of choices at each of these times. To reduce the number of strategies that require the numerical calculation of the expected outcome, first discard unreasonable choices. In particular, if Phil does not quit his job in period 1, he should not do so in period 2. After all, his second-period wage in a new job will be lower than in the old job, and there is no third period. Similarly, if he tries a new job in period 1 and is found to be a bad match, he should return to the old job. After all, the old job pays a higher wage than what Phil’s current employer is willing to pay and what another new firm would offer him. Finally, if he tries a new job and is found to be a good match, he should certainly accept their offer. In the end, Phil only has two potentially viable strategies.Strategy one: Keep the old job in both periods. The earnings path associated with this choice is flat and deterministic – Phil earns $50,000 in each period. The present discounted value of the outcome of this strategy is PV1 = 50,000 + 50,000/1.1 = $95,455.Strategy two: Try a new job. If it is a good match, keep it. If it is a bad match, return to the old job. If Phil adopts this strategy, he will earn $48,000 in period 1. In period 2, he will earn either $56,000 or $50,000, each with probability ½. The expected present discounted value of the outcome of that strategy is PV2 = 48,000 + ((½× 56,000) + (½ × 50,000))/1.1 = $96,182.As the second strategy generates a higher present value, this is the strategy Phil adopts.9-11. Under the recently enacted 2001 tax legislation in the United States, all income tax filers can now deduct from their total income half of their expenses incurred when moving more than 50 miles to accept a new job. Prior to the change, only tax filers who itemized their deductions were allowed to deduct their moving expenses. (Typically, homeowners itemize their deductions and renters do not itemize.) How would this change in the tax bill likely affect the mobility of homeowners and renters?The policy change has no affect on homeowners, whereas the policy change reduces the cost of moving for renters. Therefore, the policy is predicted to increase the mobility of renters.。
《劳动经济学》练习题库及答案本科1. 劳动经济学研究劳动力市场及其运行规律的学科。
5. 工资指导线政府提出的关于工资增长比重的权威性建议.6。
7. 家庭生产函数说明市场劳动时间、家务劳动时间、消费结构及余暇时间的相互关系的函数式。
8. 理性经济人市场经济下以自利为原则同时又在一定规则下行为的经济主体.9。
10. 内部劳动力市场指企业中工作岗位上的劳动力供求不通过外部市场,而是通过企业内部原有人员之间进行调剂而实现的一种调整机制。
11. 劳动边际生产力递减规律在短期分析中,其他生产要素不变,唯一可变的生产要素是劳动投入,当等量增加单位劳动投入时,最初会使产量增加,超过一定量时产量开始递减。
13. 余暇时间劳动者在单位时间(24小时)内从事市场性劳动以外的全部剩余时间。
非均衡分析指在市场不完全竞争、主体非自愿、供求不相等的情况下而又研究市场的大致趋向和稳定状态的分析方法.15. 职业流动率指某两年中改变职业的就业人数与总就业人数与之比.16. 补偿性工资差别对某些职业必须支付较高的工资以补偿不同职业间的非货币差异从而形成的一种职业间的工资差别。
17. 就业结构指社会劳动力在国民经济各部门、各行业、各地区、各领域的分布、构成和联系。
19. 最低社会保障制度指以国家和政府为主体,依据法律通过国民收入再分配,对劳动者在暂时或永久丧失劳动能力而发生生活困难时给予物质帮助,以保障基本生活的制度。
二、单项选择题1、引起劳动力需求量变动的最重要原因是哪个?A A.工资率2、人口总量减少,则劳动力资源怎样变化?B B.减少3、在总产量、平均产量、边际产量的关系图中,当边际产量等于零时,下面那种说法正确?A A.总产量最大4、短期劳动力需求弹性和长期劳动力需求弹性的比较?B B.长期比短期大\5、一般来说,衡量失业水平的常用尺度是哪个?A A.失业率6、工资下降25%,导致企业雇工数量上升了50%,请问劳动力需求弹性为多少?C C.27、一般情况下,集体谈判的双方是哪些主体?D D.雇主或雇主团体与工会8、劳动力需求增加,劳动力供给也增加,则均衡工资率怎样变化? B B.增加9、国务院规定,我国职工每周工作时间的天数是多少?C C.510、某地区劳动力总量为20万人,该年度有失业经历的人共2.6万,每个失业者失业的平均长度为2周,则该年该地区的失业率为多少?B B.0.5%11、下列劳动类型中,属于就业范畴的是哪个?B B.雇用劳动12、劳动力供给与劳动力需求通过竞争达到均衡时,将导致:A A.充分就业13、国务院规定,我国职工每周工作时间的天数是多少?C C.514、某地区劳动力总量为20万人,该年度有失业经历的人共2.6万,每个失业者失业的平均长度为2周,则该年该地区的失业率为多少?B B.0.5%15、下列劳动类型中,属于就业范畴的是哪个?B B.雇用劳动16、劳动力供给与劳动力需求通过竞争达到均衡时,将导致:A A.充分就业17、下列最能准确体现“劳动力供给”含义的是哪个?D D.王五来到人才市场应聘.要求最低工资不低于1万元/年18、采用计件工资制的企业,其员工基本工资的高低取决于什么?B B.一定时间内合格劳动产品的数量19、从人力资本的特征来看,人力资本作为一种生产能力,其寓寄的载体是什么?D D.劳动者20、我国规定劳动年龄的下限是多少岁?B B.1621、研究劳动经济学,最基本的假设是什么?D D.劳动力同质22、三个相近的概念:a人口;b劳动力资源;c社会劳动力,如果按范围从大到小排列,应该是:A A.abc23、劳动力供给主体的目标是什么?C C.劳动者的效用最大化24、劳动力需求不变时,劳动力供给曲线右移,均衡工资和均衡就业量怎样变化?D D.均衡工资下降.均衡就业量增加三、多项选择题1、以下哪些人不属于现实的劳动力资源?AC A.从事家务劳动的妇女 C.在校学习的青年学生2、劳动力需求包括哪几类?ACD A.企业需求 C.行业需求 D.市场需求3、通货膨胀条件下,保证实际工资水平的调控的主要手段有A BC A.工资指数化 B.工资非指数化 C.提高工资标准4、凯恩斯的失业理论认为,失业可以分为哪几种?BCD B.摩擦性失业 C.自愿失业D.非自愿失业5、下列哪些因素对劳动力需求弹性产生影响?ABCD A.生产要素替代B.产品需求C.其他生产要素供给弹性D.劳动力成本占总成本比重6、劳动者的效用来自于哪些方面?ABCD A.收入B.家庭的幸福C.炫耀自己收入 D.休息7、劳动力供求的类型包括哪些?BCD B.供大于求C.供求均衡D.供不应求8、劳动时间的功能有哪些?ABCD A.计量功能B.指示功能 C.保证个人及社会维持和发展的功能D.人际交往的功能9、应用最普遍的基本工资支付方式是哪些?AD A.计时工资D.计件工资10、工会的功能是_BCD__。
劳动经济学期末考试试卷(含答案)一、单选题1. 劳动经济学的主要研究对象是:- A. 劳动力市场- B. 市场供需关系- C. 劳动组织与管理- D. 劳动工资支付问题- 答案:A2. 劳动力市场的特点之一是:- A. 劳动力雇佣自由度高- B. 劳动力需求较为稳定- C. 劳动力供给相对不足- D. 劳动力价格固定- 答案:A3. 以下哪种情况会导致劳动力需求减少?- A. 市场增长- B. 技术进步- C. 薪资提高- D. 政府干预- 答案:B二、判断题1. 劳动力市场的供给曲线是向上倾斜的。
- 正确2. 完全就业状态下,劳动力市场的失业率为0。
- 正确3. 劳动力市场的需求曲线是向上倾斜的。
- 正确三、简答题1. 解释劳动力市场中的劳动力流动性。
- 劳动力流动性指的是劳动者在劳动力市场中自由流动的能力和愿望。
2. 名词解释:劳动力市场的弹性。
- 劳动力市场的弹性指的是劳动力供给和劳动力需求对于市场变动的敏感程度。
四、计算题1. 某公司以每小时20元工资雇佣10名员工,每名员工每小时可生产10个单位商品。
- 原先每个单位商品的劳动力成本为20元/10个 = 2元/个- 现在每个单位商品的劳动力成本为30元/15个 = 2元/个- 劳动力成本效益未发生改变。
五、论述题就当前全球化背景下的劳动力市场问题进行论述,至少包括以下两个方面:1. 全球化对劳动力市场的影响;2. 如何应对全球化带来的劳动力市场问题。
CHAPTER 44-1. Suppose there are two inputs in the production function, labor and capital, and these two inputs are perfect substitutes. The existing technology permits 1 machine to do the work of 3 persons. The firm wants to produce 100 units of output. Suppose the price of capital is $750 per machine per week. What combination of inputs will the firm use if the weekly salary of each worker is $300? What combination of inputs will the firm use if the weekly salary of each worker is $225? What is the elasticity of labor demand as the wage falls from $300 to $225?Because labor and capital are perfect substitutes, the isoquants (in bold) are linear and the firm will use only labor or only capital, depending on which is cheaper in producing 100 units of output.The (absolute value of the) slope of the isoquant (MP E / MP K ) is 1/3 because 1 machine does the work of 3 men. When the wage is $900 (left panel), the slope of the isocost is 300/750. The isocost curve,therefore, is steeper than the isoquant, and the firm only hires capital (at point A ). When the weekly wage is $225 (right panel), the isoquant is steeper than the isocost and the firm hires only labor (at point B ).Weekly Salary = $300 Weekly Salary = $225The elasticity of labor demand is defined as the percentage change in labor divided by the percentage change in the wage. Because the demand for labor goes from 0 to a positive quantity when the wagedropped to $225, the (absolute value of the) elasticity of labor demand is infinity.LaborCapitalLaborCapital4-2. (a) What happens to the long-run demand curve for labor if the demand for the firm’s output increases?The labor demand curve is given by VMP E = MR x MP E. As demand for the firm’s output increases, its marginal revenue also increases. Thus, an increase in demand for the firm’s output shifts the labor demand curve to the right.(b) What happens to the long-run demand curve for labor if the price of capital increases?To determine how an increase in the price of capital changes the demand for labor, suppose initially that the firm is producing 200 units of output at point P in the figure. The increase in the price of capital (assuming capital is a normal input) increases the marginal costs of the firm and will reduce the profit-maximizing level of output to say 100 units. The increase in the price of capital also flattens the isocost curve, moving the firm to point R. The move from point P to point R can be decomposed into a substitution effect (P to Q) which reduces the demand for capital, but increases the demand for labor, and a scale effect (Q to R) which reduces the demand for both labor and capital. The direction of the shift in the demand curve for labor, therefore, will depend on which effect is stronger: the scale effect or the substitution effect.4-3. Union A wants to represent workers in a firm that hires 20,000 person workers when the wage rate is $4 and hires 10,000 workers when the wage rate is $5. Union B wants to represent workers in a firm that hires 30,000 workers when the wage is $6 and hires 33,000 workers when the wage is $5. Which union would be more successful in an organizing drive?The union will be more likely to attract the workers’ support when the elasticity of labor demand (in absolute value) is small. The elasticity of labor demand facing union A is given by:η = percent ∆L / percent ∆w = (20,000–10,000)/20,000 ÷ (4–5)/4 = –2.The elasticity of labor demand facing union B equals (33,000–30,000)/33,000 ÷ (5–6)/5 = –5/11 ≈ –.45. Union B, therefore, is likely to have a more successful organizing drive as 0.45 < 2.4-4. Consider a firm for which production depends on two normal inputs, labor and capital, with prices w and r, respectively. Initially the firm faces market prices of w = 6 and r = 4. These prices then shift to w = 4 and r = 2.(a) In which direction will the substitution effect change the firm’s employment and capital stock?Prior to the price shift, the absolute value of the slope of the isocost line (w/r) was 1.5. After the price shift, the slope is 2. In other words, labor has become relatively more expensive than capital. As a result, there will be a substitution away from labor and towards capital (the substitution effect).(b) In which direction will the scale effect change the firm’s employment and capital stock?Because both prices fall, the marginal cost of production falls, and the firm will want to expand. The scale effect, therefore, increases the demand for both labor and capital (as both are normal inputs).(c) Can we say conclusively whether the firm will use more or less labor? More or less capital?The firm will certainly use more capital as the substitution and scale effects reinforce each other in that direction, but the change in labor employed will depend on whether the substitution or the scale effect for labor dominates.4-5. What happens to employment in a competitive firm that experiences a technology shock such that at every level of employment its output is 200 units/hour greater than before?Because output increases by the same amount at every level of employment, the marginal product of labor, and hence the value of the marginal product of labor, does not change. Therefore, as the value of the marginal product of labor will equal the wage rate at the same level of employment as before, the level of employment will not change.4-6. Suppose the market for labor is competitive and the supply curve for labor is backwardbending over part of its range. The government now imposes a minimum wage in this labor market. What is the effect of the minimum wage on employment? Does the answer depend on which of the two curves (supply or demand) is steeper? Why?Equilibrium is attained where the supply curve intersects the demand curve, and the equilibriumemployment and wage levels are E* and w*, respectively . When the minimum wage is set at w MIN , the firm wants to hire E D workers but E S workers are looking for work. As long as the downward-sloping portion of the supply curve is to the right of the demand curve, the fact that the supply curve is downward sloping creates no problems beyond those encountered in the typical competitive model. An interesting extension of the problem would consider the case where the downward-sloping portion of the supply curve recrosses the demand curve at some point above w * and the minimum wage is set above that point.4-7. Suppose a firm purchases labor in a competitive labor market and sells its product in a competitive product market. The firm’s elasticity of demand for labor is −0.4. Suppose the wage increases by 5 percent. What will happen to the number of workers hired by the firm? What will happen to the marginal productivity of the last worker hired by the firm?Given the estimates of the elasticity of labor demand and the change in the wage, we have that4.0%%−=∆∆=w E η => 4.0%5%−=∆E=> %2%−=∆E .Thus, the firm hires 2 percent fewer workers. Furthermore, because the labor market is competitive, the marginal worker is paid the value of his marginal product. As the product market is also competitive, therefore, we know that the output price does not change so that the marginal productivity of the marginal worker increases by 5 percent.Employment W agesw M INS D4-8. A firm’s technology requires it to combine 5 person-hours of labor with 3 machine-hours to produce 1 unit of output. The firm has 15 machines in place and the wage rate rises from $10 per hour to $20 per hour. What is the firm’s short-run elasticity of labor demand?Unless the firm goes out of business, it will combine 25 persons with the 15 machines it has in place regardless of the wage rate. Therefore, employment will not change in response to the movement of the wage rate, and the short-run elasticity of labor demand is zero.4-9. In a particular industry, labor supply is E S = 10 + w while labor demand is E D = 40 − 4w, where E is the level of employment and w is the hourly wage.(a) What is the equilibrium wage and employment if the labor market is competitive? What is the unemployment rate?In equilibrium, the quantity of labor supplied equals the quantity of labor demanded, so that E S = E D. This implies that 10 + w = 40 – 4w. The wage rate that equates supply and demand is $6. When the wage is $6, 16 persons are employed. There is no unemployment because the number of persons looking for work equals the number of persons employers are willing to hire.(b) Suppose the government sets a minimum hourly wage of $8. How many workers would lose their jobs? How many additional workers would want a job at the minimum wage? What is the unemployment rate?If employers must pay a wage of $8, employers would only want to hire E D = 40 – 4(8) = 8 workers, while E S = 10 + 8 = 18 persons would like to work. Thus, 8 workers lose their job following the minimum wage and 2 additional people enter the labor force. Under the minimum wage, the unemployment rate would be 10/18, or 55.6 percent.4-10. Suppose the hourly wage is $10 and the price of each unit of capital is $25. The price of output is constant at $50 per unit. The production function isf(E,K) = E½K ½,so that the marginal product of labor isMP E = (½)(K/E) ½ .If the current capital stock is fixed at 1,600 units, how much labor should the firm employ in the short run? How much profit will the firm earn?The firm’s labor demand curve is it marginal revenue product of labor curve, VMP E, which equals the marginal productivity of labor, MP E, times the marginal revenue of the firm’s product. But as price is fixed at $50, MR = 50. Thus, we have thatVMP E = MP E× MR = (½)(1,600/E)½(50) = 1,000 / E½ .Now, by setting VMP E = w and solving for E, we find that the optimal number of workers for the firm to hire is 10,000 workers. The firm then makes (1600)½(10000)½ = 4,000 units of output and earns a profit of 4,000($50) – 1,600($25) – 10,000 ($10) = $60,000.4-11. Table 616 of the 2002 U.S. Statistical Abstract reports data on the nominal and real hourly minimum wage from 1960 through 2000. Under which president did the nominal minimum wage increase by the greatest dollar amount? Under what president did the real minimum wage increase by the greatest percentage?The data are:AdministrationsYear CurrentReal(2000)percentChangeNominalChange President1960 $1.00 $5.821961 $1.15 $6.621962 $1.15 $6.561963 $1.25 $7.03 20.79percent $0.25 Kennedy 1964 $1.25 $6.941965 $1.25 $6.831966 $1.25 $6.641967 $1.40 $7.221968 $1.60 $7.92 14.12percent $0.35 Johnson 1969 $1.60 $7.511970 $1.60 $7.101971 $1.60 $6.801972 $1.60 $6.591973 $1.60 $6.211974 $2.00 $6.99 -6.92percent $0.40 Nixon 1975 $2.10 $6.721976 $2.30 $6.96 3.57percent $0.20 Ford 1977 $2.30 $6.541978 $2.65 $7.001979 $2.90 $6.881980 $3.10 $6.48 -0.92percent $0.80 Carter 1981 $3.35 $6.351982 $3.35 $5.981983 $3.35 $5.791984 $3.35 $5.551985 $3.35 $5.361986 $3.35 $5.261987 $3.35 $5.081988 $3.35 $4.88 -23.15percent $0.00 Reagan 1989 $3.35 $4.651990 $3.80 $5.011991 $4.25 $5.371992 $4.25 $5.22 12.26percent $0.90 Bush 1993 $4.25 $5.061994 $4.25 $4.941995 $4.25 $4.801996 $4.75 $5.211997 $5.15 $5.531998 $5.15 $5.441999 $5.15 $5.322000 $5.15 $5.15 1.78percent $0.90 ClintonThe nominal minimum wage increased by the greatest dollar amount ($0.90) under both President Bush and President Clinton. In percentage terms, however, the real minimum wage increased by 12.26 percent during the Bush presidency, but only by 1.78 percent during the Clinton presidency. The greatest percent increase, however, came during the Kennedy presidency, when the minimum wage increased by over 20 percent.。
劳动经济学复习题 --2018
3.劳动力市场的基本功能是( 决定就业量和工资)。
11.劳动力需求增加,劳动力供给减少时,则均衡工资率( 增加)。
17.封闭型蛛网的条件是( 劳动力供给弹性等于需求弹性).12.劳动力市场均衡时,工资率等于(边际产品价值)。
劳动经济学复习题1.简述决定劳动力需求工资弹性的因素有哪些?2. 简述人力资本的含义及其特点3.从形成的原因来看,工资差别可以分为哪些种类?4.如何理解充分就业。
二、选择题1.劳动的边际产品收益可以表述为( D )A.增加一单位劳动要素投入所增加的产量B.增加一单位劳动资料投入所增加的产品价值C.平均每单位劳动要素投入所带来的产品收益D.劳动的边际产量与产品价格的乘积2.在市场工资率一定的条件下,居民家庭生产率提高,则劳动力参与率( B )。
A.提高B.降低C.不变D.不确定3.经济学中的均衡状态指的是( B )A.市场分析中假定各种力量都不变的状态B.经济运行中各种对立和变动的力量处于相当或稳定的状态C.经济运行中各种对立和变动的力量同时处于变动的状态D.运动着的物体受到的合力等于零时所处的相对静止状态4.实行计时工资制度,工人低生产率的风险主要由( A )承担。
A.企业B.个人C.政府D.社会5.收入分配完全不均等时,基尼系数等于( B )。
A.0B.1C.-1D.26.就我国实际情况来看,为了提高就业水平,应该发展就业弹性( A )的产业。
A.较高B.较低C.为零D.为17.劳动就业中的歧视主要表现为( B )。
A.性别歧视和晋升歧视B.工资歧视和职业歧视C.工资歧视和福利歧视D.文化歧视和种族歧视8.效率合约是指( A )A.工会效率最大化B.用人单位效率最大化C.用人单位的等利润曲线与工会无差异曲线相切的那些点D.工人效率最大化9.劳动力流动成为人力资本投资方式之一的原因在于( D )A.劳动力流动费用直接形成人力资本存量B.劳动力流动费用直接增加人力资本存量C.劳动力流动费用直接抵销人力资本存量D.劳动力流动是实现人力资本价值和增值的必要条件10.长期劳动力需求行为不同于短期的劳动力需求行为在于( A)。
A.企业可以调整其资本数量B.企业可以调整其劳动力数量C.企业不可以调整其资本数量D.企业不可以调整其劳动力数量(二)多选1.下列关于劳动力需求的表述,正确的是( ACE )。
拥挤效应XXXX年龄(岁)假设在对另一组员工执行相同的回归分析后获得以下估计等式:wi =3+0.3 AI-0.01(AI)2对不起:(1)基于第一个估计,XXXX人年龄之间的相关性如下:wi = 1+0.3 i (0.1)标准偏差由公式下面的括号表示打扰一下:你能肯定工资率肯定会随着年龄增长而上升吗?第二章1。
一位研究人员发现,水下结构工人的工资函数为:wi = 100.5±0.5Di,其中w为每小时工资率(单位:美元),d为工作工人的水下深度(单位:米)请根据以上信息描述雇主的报价曲线和工人a和工人b之间可能的无差异曲线:工人a在水下工作3米;工人乙在水下5米处工作。
劳动经济学期末复习题一、单项选择题1. 个人劳动力供给曲线是( B )的。
A.向前弯曲B.向后弯曲C.从左下向右上倾斜D.从左上向右下倾斜2. 家务劳动的存在对劳动参与( B )影响。
A.有正向B.有负向C.没有D.不确定3. 等成本线的斜率等于( C )A.劳动和资本的边际产品之比B.劳动和资本的数量之比C.劳动和资本的相对价格比D.工资率4. 长期劳动力需求曲线比短期需求曲线的弹性和形状( B )A.大,陡峭B.大,平缓C.小,陡峭D.小,平缓5. 下列关于边际技术替代率的说法,不正确的有( B )A.边际技术替代率是劳动投入和资本投入相互替代的比率B.边际技术替代率数值为正C.边际技术替代率是等产量线的斜率D.边际技术替代率等于可变投入要素的边际产品之比6. 边际劳动产量最终都要下降,这是因为( C )A.新增加的劳动力本身技术较差B.新增加的工人工资较高C.资本变得相对稀缺D.资本变得相对过剩7. 劳动力需求曲线不变,劳动力供给曲线左移,对均衡工资率和均衡就业量的影响为( C )A.减少,减少B.减少,增加C.增加,减少D.增加,增加8. 一般培训的成本通常由( B )来支付。
A.企业B.员工C.政府D.社会9. 实际工资与物价指数( B )A.正相关B.负相关C.不相关D.不确定10. 技术进步对( C )的就业影响较大。
A.熟练工B.非熟练工C.技工D.女工11.规范分析方法首先使用什么基准来解决评价问题?( B )A.“互益”基准B.“互惠”基准C.“互助”基准D.“互利”基准12.下列哪一项属于劳动力的生产间接费用?( D )A.生产费用B.教育费用C.工时损失费用D.社会公共支出13.对于等效用曲线特征的描述,下列哪项是正确的?( D )A.曲线离开原点越远,效用水平越低B.等效用曲线的斜率为正C.同一个人的两条等效用曲线可以相交D.等效用曲线凸向原点14.E S>1是表示劳动力供给弹性如何?( D )A.供给无弹性B.供给有无限弹性C.供给缺乏弹性D.供给富有弹性15.长期劳动力需求调整与短期相比幅度更大,是因为下列哪个效应也开始起作用?( A )A.规模效应B.收入效应C.替代效应D.外在化效应16.下列哪个选项属于个人接受教育时的机会成本?( B )A.学费B.由于上学而放弃的收入C.超出不上学时的部分生活费用D.书籍费17.下列哪个选项的劳动力具有较高的流动性?( A )A.劳动力本身所具有的技巧能被许多企业利用B.铁路机车司机C.石油工人D.整个社会对劳动力需求下降的一些行业18.下列哪个选项属于延期支付?( B )A.小时工资B.养老金C.住房D.免费午餐19.下列哪个选项不属于造成劳动力市场歧视的因素?( D )A.种族B.性别C.民族传统D.劳动技能20.下列哪个选项属于垄断力量造成的市场歧视?( D )A.男雇员不愿意在妇女领导下工作B.企业以5分钟打字测试为依据,拒绝得分低于55分的所有申请者C.雇主由于既定偏好,不愿意雇佣女性D.二元劳动力市场22.最先颁布《最低工资法》的国家是:( C )A.英国B.法国C.新西兰D.美国23.下列选项中,______不是互惠障碍。
1、决定企业长期劳动力需求的原则是(A )A 劳动的边际产量与工资率之比等于资本的边际产量和资本价格之比B 劳动的边际生产力与工资率之比等于资本的边际生产力和资本价格之比C 劳动的边际产量与资本价格之比等于资本的边际产量和工资率之比D 劳动的边际生产力与资本价格之比等于资本的边际生产力和工资率之比 2、劳动力需求曲线左移,劳动力供给曲线左移,则均衡就业量(A )。
A.减少B.增加C.不变D.不确定3、工资率提高的收入效应对个人劳动供给影响是(B )4、个人劳动力供给曲线是(B )的。
A.向前弯曲B.向后弯曲C.从左下向右上倾斜D.从左上向右下倾斜 5、劳动力需求曲线不变,劳动力供给曲线左移,对均衡工资率和均衡就业量的影响为 (C )A.减少,减少B.减少,增加C.增加,减少D.增加,增加7、实行计件工资制,工人低生产率的风险主要由(B )承担。
A.企业B.工人C.政府D.社会 8、长期劳动力需求行为不同于短期的劳动力需求行为在于(A )。
A.企业可以调整其资本数量B.企业可以调整其劳动力数量C.企业不可以调整其资本数量D.企业不可以调整其劳动力数量 9.长期劳动力需求曲线比短期需求曲线的弹性和形状(B )A.大,陡峭B.大,平缓C.小,陡峭D.小,平缓10.一般培训的成本通常由(B )来支付。
A.企业 C.政府B.员工D.社会11.向右上倾斜且较为平缓的劳动供给曲线的弹性(B )。
A.等于零 C.较小B.较大D,等于 1 12 .在水平形状的市场劳动力供给曲线下,(D )A.单个企业可以通过改变工资出价水平来改变劳动力供给水平B.单个企业可以通过改变其劳动力需求来改变市场工资水平A.正向B.负向C.没有D.不确定6、技术进步对(C )的就业影响较大。
A.熟练工B.非熟练工C.技工D.女工C.单个企业可以以低于市场工资率的工资水平雇到所需劳动力D.单个企业不可以通过工资出价水平的改变来改变劳动力供给水平13.当工资率增加所产生的替代效应小于收入效应时,工作时间为(A )。
CHAPTER 55-1. Suppose the labor supply curve is upward sloping and the labor demand curve is downward sloping. The study of economic trends over a particular time period reveals that the wage recently fell while employment levels rose. Which curve must have shifted and in which direction to produce this effect?If the supply curve does not shift, all wage and employment movements must occur along the supply curve, so that the wage rate and the employment level must move in the same direction. Because the wage went down while employment went up in the situation described in the question, it must have been the case that the supply curve shifted outwards (to the right). We do not have enough information to determine whether the demand curve shifted as well.5-2. It takes time to produce a new economist, and prospective economists base their career decision by looking only at current wages across various professions. Further, the labor supply curve of economists is much more elastic than the labor demand curve. Suppose the market is now in equilibrium, but that the demand for economists suddenly rises because a new activist government in Washington wants to initiate many new programs that require the input of economists. Illustrate the trend in the employment and wages of economists as the market adjusts to this increase in demand.Initially, the market is in equilibrium at a wage w0 and an employment level of E0. The increase the demand for economists results in a new equilibrium wage of w1 and a new equilibrium employment level of E1. However, the demand for economists in the short-run is inelastic at E0, so the demand increase simply leads to a rise in the wage of economists (as indicated by point 1). In the next period, students believe this wage will persist and oversupply the market so that the cobweb leads to a new wage at point 2. In the next period, students undersupply (because the wage is too low) and the cobweb leads to a new wage at point 3, and so on. Because of the relative elasticities of supply and demand (as drawn), the cobweb is exploding and will never converge to a stable equilibrium.5-3. Suppose the supply curve of physicists is given by w = 10 + 5E , while the demand curve is given by w = 50 – 3E . Calculate the equilibrium wage and employment level. Suppose now that the demand for physicists increases and the new demand curve is given by w = 70 – 3E . Assume this market is subject to cobwebs. Calculate the wage and employment level in each round as the wage and employment levels adjust to the demand shock. (Recall that each round occurs on the demand curve – when the firm posts a wage and hires workers). What is the new equilibrium wage and employment level?The initial equilibrium is given by 10 + 5E = 50 – 3E . Solving these two equations simultaneously implies that w = $35 and E S = E D = 5. When demand increases to w = 70 – 3E , the new equilibrium wage is $47.5 and the equilibrium level of employment is 7.5.Round Wage Employment1 $55.0 52 $43.0 93 $50.2 6.64 $45.9 8.05 $48.4 7.26 $46.9 7.77 $47.8 7.48 $47.2 7.6The table gives the values for the wage and employment levels in each round. The values in the table are calculated by noting that in any given period the number of physicists is inelastically supplied, so that the wage is determined by the demand curve. Given this wage, the number of economists available in the next period is calculated. By round 7, the market wage rate is within 30 cents of the new equilibrium.01 w 1w 0W age5-4. The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) made it illegal for employers in the United States to knowingly hire illegal aliens. The legislation, however, has not reduced the flow of illegal aliens into the country. As a result, it has been proposed that the penalties against employers who break the law be increased substantially. Suppose that illegal aliens, who tend to be less skilled workers, are complements with native workers. What will happen to the wage of native workers if the penalties for hiring illegal aliens increase?A substantial increase in the penalties associated with hiring illegal aliens will likely reduce the number of illegal aliens entering the United States. The effect of this shift in the size of the illegal alien flow on the marginal product (and hence the demand curve) of native workers hinges on whether illegal aliens are substitutes or complements with natives. As it is assumed that natives and illegal aliens are complements, a cut in the number of illegal aliens reduces the value of the marginal product of natives, shifting down the demand for native labor, and decreasing native wages and employment.5-5. Suppose a firm is a perfectly discriminating monopsonist. The government imposes a minimum wage on this market. What happens to wages and employment?A perfectly discriminating monopsonist faces a marginal cost of labor curve that is identical to the supply curve. As a result, the employment level of a perfectly discriminating monopsonist equals theemployment level that would be observed in a competitive market (at E *) The imposition of a minimum wage at w MIN leads to the same result as in a competitive market: the firm will only want to hire E D workers as w MIN is now the marginal cost of labor, but E S workers will want to find work at the minimum wage. Thus, the wage increases, but employment falls.DollarsE w w *S D5-6. What happens to wages and employment if the government imposes a payroll tax on amonopsonist? Compare the response in the monopsonistic market to the response that would have been observed in a competitive labor market.Initially, the monopsonist hires E M workers at a wage of w M . The imposition of a payroll tax shifts the demand curve to VMP ′, and lowers employment to E ′ and the wage to w ′. Thus, the effect of imposing a payroll tax on a monopsonist is qualitatively the same as imposing a payroll tax in a competitive labor market: lower wages and employment. (It is interesting to note that the same result comes about if the payroll tax is placed on workers, so that the labor supply and marginal cost of labor curves shift as opposed to labor demand.)5-7. An economy consists of two regions, the North and the South. The short-run elasticity of labor demand in each region is –0.5. The within-region labor supply is perfectly inelastic. The labormarket is initially in an economy-wide equilibrium, with 600,000 people employed in the North and 400,000 in the South at the wage of $15 per hour. Suddenly, 20,000 people immigrate from abroad and initially settle in the South. They possess the same skills as the native residents and also supply their labor inelastically.(a) What will be the effect of this immigration on wages in each of the regions in the short run (before any migration between the North and the South occurs)?There will be no effect on the North’s labor supply in the short run, so the wage rate will not change there. In the South, labor supply will have increased by 5 percent, so the wage rate must fall by 5/(0.5) = 10 percent (recall that the elasticity of labor demand is -0.5, so a one percent decrease in wages would have been generated by a 0.5 percent expansion of the labor supply). The new hourly wage in the South, therefore, is $13.50 and total employment in the South is 420,000.DollarsEmploymentw M w ′(b) Suppose 1,000 native-born persons per year migrate from the South to the North in response to every dollar differential in the hourly wage between the two regions. What will be the ratio of wages in the two regions after the first year native labor responds to the entry of the immigrants?After the initial migration, we have seen that wages in the South are $13.50 while wages in the North are $15. This difference leads 1,500 natives migrating from the South to the North in the first year. Employment in the North after one year, therefore is 601,500. Moreover, as the elasticity of labor demand in the North is -0.5 and employment has increased by 0.25 percent, the Northern wage falls by 0.5 percent to roughly $14.93. Likewise, employment in the South after one year is 418,500. As the elasticity of labor demand is -0.5 and employment has decreased by 0.3571 percent, the Southern wage increases by0.71428 percent to roughly $13.60. Thus, the ratio of the Northern to Southern wage after one year is1.09779.(c) What will be the effect of this immigration on wages and employment in each of the regions in the long run (after native workers respond by moving across regions to take advantage of whatever wage differentials may exist)? Assume labor demand does not change in either region.In the long run, people must move from the South to the North to equalize the wage rates in the two regions. Since the wages were equal in the two regions before the influx of immigrants, and they also must be equal after things settle down, the proportional decrease in the wage rate should be the same in the North and in the South. Because the elasticity of labor demand is the same in the two regions, this last observation implies that the percentage increase in employment in the North must be the same as the percentage increase in employment in the South. Thus, as 60 percent of the original workers were employed in the North, 60 percent of the 20,000 increase in Southern employment will eventually migrate to the North. In the long run, therefore, total Northern employment will be 612,000 while total Southern employment will be 408,000. (Note: there is no presumption that only immigrants further migrate to the North.) In each region, therefore, employment increases by 2 percent in the long run, i.e., 12,000 is 2 percent of 600,000 and 8,000 is 2 percent of 400,000. (This can also be seen immediately as 20,000 is 2 percent of the 1 million workers.) Now, given that the elasticity of labor demand is -0.5, the 2 percent increase in employment will cause the wage rate to fall by 4 percent. Hence, the long-run equilibrium hourly wage will be $14.40.5-8. Chicken Hut faces perfectly elastic demand for chicken dinners at a price of $6 per dinner. The Hut also faces an upward sloped labor supply curve ofE = 20w – 120,where E is the number of workers hired each hour and w is the hourly wage rate. Thus, the Hut faces an upward sloped marginal cost of labor curve ofMC E = 6 + 0.1E.Each hour of labor produces 5 dinners. (The cost of each chicken is $0 as the Hut receives two-day old chickens from Hormel for free.) How many workers should Chicken Hut hire each hour to maximize profits? What wage will Chicken Hut pay? What are Chicken Hut’s hourly profits?First, solve for the labor demand curve: VMP E = P x MP E = $6 x 5 = $30. Thus, every worker is valued at $30 per hour by Chicken Hut. Now, setting VMP E = MC E yields 30 = 6 + .1E which implies E* = 240. Thus, Chicken Hut will hire 240 workers every hour. Further, according to the labor supply curve, 240 workers can be hired at an hourly wage of $18. Finally, Chicken Hut’s profits are Π = 240(5)($6) –240($18) = $2,880.5-9. Polly’s Pet Store has a local monopoly on the grooming of dogs. The daily inverse demand curve for pet grooming is:P = 20 – 0.1Qwhere P is the price of each grooming and Q is the number of groomings given each day. This implies that Polly’s marginal revenue is:MR = 20 – 0.2Q.Each worker Polly hires can groom 20 dogs each day. What is Polly’s labor demand curve as a function of w, the daily wage that Polly takes as given?As each worker can groom 20 dogs each day, and using Q = 20E, we have thatVMP E = MR x MP E = ( 20 – 0.2Q ) (20) = (20 – 4E)(20) = 400 – 80E.Thus, as Polly’s demand for labor satisfies VMP E = w, we have that her labor demand curve isE = 5 – 0.0125w.5-10. The Key West Parrot Shop has a monopoly on the sale of parrot souvenir caps in Key West. The inverse demand curve for caps is:P = 30 – 0.4 Qwhere P is the price of a cap and Q is the number of caps sold per hour. Thus, the marginal revenue for the Parrot Shop is:MR = 30 – 0.8Q.The Parrot Shop is the only employer in town, and faces an hourly supply of labor given by:w = 0.9E + 5where w is the hourly wage rate and E is the number of workers hired each hour. The marginal cost associated with hiring E workers, therefore, is:MC E = 1.8E + 5.Each worker produces two caps per hour. How many workers should the Parrot Shop hire each hour to maximize its profit? What wage will it pay? How much will it charge for each cap?First, as Q = 2E, the labor demand curve isVMP E = MR x MP E = (30 – 0.8Q)(2) = 60 – 1.6Q = 60 – 3.2E.Setting VMP E equal to MC E and solving for E yields E = 11. Eleven workers can be hired at a wage of.9(11) + 5 = $14.99 per hour. The 11 workers make 22 caps each hour, and the 22 caps can be sold at a price of 30 – 0.4(22) = $21.20 each.5-11. Ann owns a lawn mowing company. She has 400 lawns she needs to cut each week. Her weekly revenue from these 400 lawns is $20,000. If given an 18-inch deck push mower, a low-skill worker can cut each lawn in two hours. If given a 60-inch deck riding mower, a low-skill worker can cut the lawn in 30 minutes. Low-skilled labor is supplied inelastically at $5.00 per hour. Each laborer works 8 hours a day and 5 days each week.(a) If Ann decides to have her workers use push mowers, how many push mowers will Ann rent and how many workers will she hire?As each worker can cut a lawn in 2 hours, it follows that each worker can cut 4 lawns in a day or 20 lawns in a week. Therefore, Ann would need to rent 20 push mowers and hire 20 workers in order to cut all 400 lawns each week.(b) If she decides to have her workers use riding mowers, how many riding mowers will Ann rent and how many workers will she hire?As each worker can cut a lawn in 30 minutes, it follows that each worker can cut 16 lawns in a day or 80 lawns in a week. Therefore, Ann would need to rent 5 riding mowers and hire 5 workers in order to cut all 400 lawns each week.(c) Suppose the weekly rental cost (including gas and maintenance) for each push mower is $250 and the weekly rental cost (including gas and maintenance) of each riding mower is $1,800. What equipment will Ann rent? How many workers will she employ? How much profit will she earn?If Ann uses push mowers, her weekly cost of mowers is $250(20) = $5,000 while her weekly labor cost is $5(20)(40) = $4,000. Under this scenario, her weekly profit is $11,000. If Ann uses riding mowers, her weekly cost of mowers is $1,800(5) = $9,000 while her weekly labor cost is $5(5)(40) = $1,000. Thus, under this scenario, her weekly profit is $10,000. Therefore, under these conditions, Ann will rent 20 push mowers and employ 20 low-skill workers.(d) Suppose the government imposes a 20 percent payroll tax (paid by employers) on all labor and offers a 20 percent subsidy on the rental cost of capital. What equipment will Ann rent? How many workers will she employ? How much profit will she earn?Under these conditions, the cost of labor has increased to $6.00 per hour, while the rental costs for a push mower and a riding mower have decreased to $200 and $1,440 respectively. Ann’s profits under the two options, therefore, arePush-Profit = $20,000 – $200(20) – $6(20)(40) = $11,200.Rider-Profit = $20,000 – $1,440(5) – $6(5)(40) = $11,600.Thus, under these conditions, Ann rents riding mowers, hires 5 low-skill workers, and earns a weekly profit of $11,600.5-12. In the United States, some medical procedures can only be administered to a patient by a doctor while other procedures can be administered by a doctor, nurse, or lab technician. What might be the medical reasons for this? What might be the economic reasons for this?The American Medical Association might argue that doctors have more training and experience than nurses, and therefore, are the only professionals who can make certain decisions or perform certain procedures.Economically, the AMA has an incentive to restrict the number of people who can practice medicine (or perform certain procedures) in order to keep doctor wages high. If nurses were allowed to do everything they were capable of, fewer doctors would be demanded, and doctor wages would fall. From an economic viewpoint, therefore, the AMA restricts the supply of doctors, which keeps doctor wages artificially high.WageW restW unrestRestricted Supply ofDoctorsUnrestricted Supplyof DoctorsL rest L unrest Services Provided by DoctorsLabor Market For Medical Services Provided by Doctors。
劳动经济学(伊兰伯格)一、名词解释第一章1.公共物品第二章2.劳动力市场3.失业者4.名义工资5.总薪酬6.实际工资7.工资过低(高)8.经济租金9.保留工资10.市场出清工资率第三章11.买方独家垄断12.劳动力的边际产品第四章13.劳动力需求的自身工资弹性17.劳动力需求的交叉工资弹性27.希克斯-马歇尔派生需求定理第五章25.员工福利26.准固定成本29.特殊培训30.内部劳动力市场第六章31.劳动力参与率32.收入效应33.替代效应第七章34.附加的劳动者效应35.隐性失业36.灰心丧气的劳动者效应第八章11.补偿性工资差别第九章8.人力资本投资37.赶超年龄第十章38.单一价格法则39.临时解雇第十一章14.绩效工资15.晋升竞赛40.绩效加薪41.效率工资第十二章6.积极的反歧视行动19.拥挤效应20.双重劳动力市场42.工资歧视43.总人口就业率44.个人偏见45.统计性偏见第十三章7.最终出价仲裁9.工会10.合约区域16.效率合约第十五章46.摩擦性失业47.结构性失业48.工资曲线49.需求不足性失业50.内部人-外部人假说二、计算题第一章1. 假设通过最小二乘法的回归分析得到了如下的估计方程:Wi=一1+0.3Ai其中,W代表小时工资率(美元/小时);A代表年龄(岁)。
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∏ = R-C = QP -(Lw+Kr)X﹡X=f(L,K)L=g(X/K)∏ = R-C = QP –[g(X/K)w + K r]ΔC/ΔX∏maxΔ∏/ΔL=ΔR/ΔL –ΔC/ΔL=0w0 w1 l1 l2l﹡MRTS=︱-dK/dL︱MP L *ΔL = MP K * ΔKMP L / MP K =ΔK /ΔL = MRTSMRTS L,K = MP L / MP K浙江大学1999硕士入学劳动经济学试题科目代码: 2 2 6科目名称:劳动经济学注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,否则无效一、名词解释(每题5分,共30分)1.家庭生产函数2.劳动需求的自身工资弹性3.结构性失业4.统计性歧视5.集约型增长6.劳动力流动投资二、简答题(每题10分,共50分)1.如何用不完全覆盖模型来解释最低工资立法对就业的影响?2.人力资本投资的特征是什么?3.区分普通培训和专门培训的经济学涵义是什么?4.什么是效率工资?雇主为什么愿意支付效率工资?5.用斯勒茨基方程解释,为什么个人劳动供给曲线是向后弯曲的?三、论述题(20分)结合中国国情,解释什么是隐性失业?它的基本特征是什么?逐步用失业公开化取代失业隐性化的意义何在?浙江06年4月自学考试劳动经济学试题一、填空题(本大题共7小题,每空1分,共10分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。
1、三个相近的概念:a、人口;b、劳动力资源;c、社会劳动力,如果按范围从大到小排列,应该是()A、abcB、acbC、cab d、cba2、我国法律规定劳动力人口年龄的下限是()A、15岁B、16岁C、17岁D、18岁3、一般均衡分析方法的代表人物是()A、斯密B、李嘉图C、李斯特D、瓦尔拉4、U-V分析中的“U”是指()A、效用B、职位C、需求D、失业5、国务院规定,我国职工每周工作时间的天数是()A、3B、4C、5D、66、关于我国育龄妇女平均初婚年龄和生育年龄的说法,正确的是()A、初婚年龄提前,生育年龄也提前B、初婚年龄提前,生育年龄推后C、初婚年龄推后,生育年龄也推后D、初婚年龄推后,生育年龄提前7、我国政府开始承认我国也存在失业的年份是()A、1966年B、1978年C、1989年D、1994年8、关于就业理论,萨伊的观点与下面哪一位相同()A、李嘉图B、凯恩斯C、菲利浦斯D、卡尔多9、把人力资本理论引入家庭经济分析,把很多家庭行为看成与人力资本有关的经济学家是()A、舒尔茨B、贝克尔C、明赛尔D、凯恩斯10、在我国一些地方,女孩受教育的机会常常低于男孩。
2劳动力市场的一般性属性有()A通过对立的两个主体——劳动者个体与企业之间的交换行为形成新的生产力B劳动力与工资的交换行为是一种等价交换行为C通过劳动力市场的交换形成劳动力的市场价值——工资D通过交换实现了高效的生产要素的结合E通过劳动力市场调节了生产资料所有者之间的利益关系3内部劳动力市场有利于降低雇用调整的成本,雇用调整对策的具体形式有()A存货调整B商品数量调整C商品价格调整D变更劳动关系调整E劳动投入量调整4劳动经济学家把引起补偿性工资差别的非工资性因素归纳为()A恶劣的劳动条件与伤害危险B职业的社会声望与社会评价C职业和收入的稳定性D劳动的时间长度E劳动的数量与质量《人大2007劳动经济学考研专业试题》人力资源管理部分一、名词解释(5*4=20)工作分析人力资源规划压力面试行为锚定法总体薪酬二、简答(10*2=20)1培训需求分析的方法(至少2种)2海氏职位评价方法的基本步骤和基本逻辑三、论述题(第一个17分,第二个18分,共35分)1论述收益分享制计划的产生背景基本理念、操作要点和应用价值2试论述人力资源管理实践和和谐社会构建的统一性与矛盾性组织行为学部分一、名词解释(5*5=25)组织承诺群体思维无边界组织工作压力功能失调的冲突二、简答(10*2=20)1人格的决定因素是什么2组织中有效沟通的主要障碍是什么三、论述(在3个题目中任选2个回答,每题各15分,多答不多给分)1简述亚当斯公平理论的内容及其在薪酬设计中的应用2分析领导理论从领导特质理论到行为理论到权变理论的发展过程3谈谈你认为的组织行为学目前的研究热点问题,并给出三个变量进行解释一、解释概念完全竞争市场停止营业点边际收益收支相抵点二判断1. 对于任何厂商来说,在长期均衡中都必然实现TR>TC。