



1.《最美的期待》?周笔畅最火的歌词部分:我拥抱着爱当从梦中醒来你执着地等却不曾离开舍不得分开在每一次醒来不用再徘徊你就是我最美的期待2.《那个人》?周延英最火的歌词部分:也许匆匆忙忙慌慌张张在别人的爱情观里寻找那些适合自己或不适合自己爱情模糊的模样才能明明白白深深刻刻在过去的故事里面收拾那些属于自己或不属于自己残碎的地老天荒3.《Panama》Matteo最火的歌词部分:Zile zile zile zile eu alerg girl日复一日亲爱的我用尽全力拼搏着Mile mile mile mile pe maidan不辞辛劳勇往直前Pentru tine tine sa-ti dau un dar dar我要赠予你一份礼物Cel mai de pret dar fara nici un ban ban与我而言珍贵无比无法衡量4.《病变》鞠文娴最火的歌词部分:有天我睡醒看到我的身边没有你在我的右边是你曾经喜欢的玩具可当我站起身来在房间里寻找你留下的只有带着你味道的一封信5.《PLANET》日韩组合ラムジ最火的歌词部分:サヨナラなんてないよ...不要说再见...今日(きょう)から轨道(みち)を外(はず)れんだ今天我要开始偏离你的轨道最後(さいご)まで见(み)送(おく)ってよ目送你,直到最后永远(えいえん)に离(はな)れてくんだ因为我将要永远与你分离ラララ...啦啦啦6.《爱的就是你》刘佳最火的歌词部分:Oh my god 我已经爱上她真实的表达像喝了奇怪药水中了魔法街上溜溜达达还是不想回家一个人看着电影嘴里嚼着爆米花噢每分每秒都想和你通电话飞到巴黎铁塔下自在的喝奶咖去百慕大看海和沙跳桑巴点燃了火把我们尽情唱吧我要爱爱爱的就是你可爱女孩天上星星我为你摘所有账单我来买跟我来耍帅帽子一起歪歪戴全世界我只爱你一个永不言改7.《123我爱你》心乐尘符最火的歌词部分:轻轻贴近你的耳朵莎朗嘿哟情话永远不嫌太多对你说一全听你的二给你好的数到三永远爱你一个四不会犯错五不会啰嗦每天为你打callCook也不错8.《差不多先生》MC HotDog 最火的歌词部分:我抽着差不多的烟又过了差不多的一天时间差不多的闲花着差不多的的钱口味差不多咸做人要差不多的贱9.《白羊》徐秉龙、沈以诚最火的歌词部分:多热烈的白羊多善良多抽象多完美的她呀却是下落不详心好空荡都快要失去形状10.《佛系少女》冯提莫最火的歌词部分:你说你喜欢森女系而我多了一个G就像LOVE 去掉一半变loli我在默默等着你哪怕中年危机我的爱不过气11.《Despacito》Luis Fonsi Daddy Yankee 最火的歌词部分:DespacitoQuiero respirar tu cuello despacitoDeja que te diga cosas al oídoPara que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo DespacitoQuiero desnudarte a besos despacitoFirmo en las paredes de tu laberintoY hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito12.《醉赤壁》林俊杰最火的歌词部分:确认过眼神我遇上对的人我挥剑转身而鲜血如红唇前朝记忆渡红尘伤人的不是刀刃是你转世而来的魂确认过眼神我遇上对的人我策马出征马蹄声如泪奔青石板上的月光照进这山城我一路的跟你轮回声我对你用情极深13.《time》MKJ歌词就不列举了,这首歌是喜欢中间“Make more time”的那一句歌词前后的音乐节奏14.《全部都是你》Dragon Pig、Cloud Wang最火的歌词部分:我的眼里都是你甜甜蜜蜜U KNOW WHAT I MEAN对你说我喜欢你我们一起牵手去旅行15.《旅行的意义》陈绮贞最火的歌词部分:你勉强说出你爱我的原因却说不出你欣赏我哪一种表情却说不出在什么场合我曾让你动心说不出旅行的意义16.《小跳蛙》青蛙乐队这首歌最喜欢的部分就是啦…… 还有欢快的节奏17.《shape of you》Ed Sheeran最火的歌词部分:Girl you know I want your loveYour love was handmade for somebody like me Come on now follow my leadI may be crazy don`t mind meSay boy let's not talk too muchGrab on my waist and put that body on me Come on now follow my leadCome come on now follow my lead18.《带你去旅行》校长最火的歌词部分:我要带你去浪漫的土耳其然后一起去东京和巴黎其实我特别喜欢迈阿密和有黑人的洛杉矶其实亲爱的你不必太过惊奇一起去繁华的上海和北京还有云南的大理保留着回忆这样才有意义19.《Зая》Бамбинтон歌曲节奏我很喜欢,歌词就不放了。

So Goodbye 音译歌词

So Goodbye 音译歌词

中文音译:So Goodbye Don't Cry And Smile 卡sem习里的习干den莫度大破捏句过呀So Goodbye哈伦所wie路动那难你嘎皮lio嘿I Need Your Love Again灭多可捏娃蹲习啊pun三qio哇所pun gi哟个起我嘎动那诺qio wun bun个松嘎呢那mong穷得贴过难诺蛮不哟所扩金习lio捏不罗jio嘎金蛮呼hue嫩ob死过嘎他图哟嫩嘎无mio你孙过里嫩gio jio一姐嫩难无苏苏一所So Goodbye Don't Cry And Smile 卡sem习里的习干den莫度大破捏句过呀So Goodbye哈伦所wie路动那难你嘎皮lio嘿I Need Your Love Again扩金习lio捏不罗jio嘎金蛮呼hue嫩ob死过嘎他图哟嫩嘎无mio你孙过里嫩gio jio一姐嫩难无苏苏一所So Goodbye Don't Cry And Smile 卡sem习里的习干den莫度大破捏句过呀So Goodbye哈伦所wie路动那难你嘎皮lio嘿I Need Your Love AgainSo Goodbye Don't Cry And Smilehin哟动习干得诺wi诶所诺wi诶一jio bun过呀So Goodbye哈伦所wie路动那难你嘎皮lio嘿I Need Your Love Again难你嘎皮lio嘿I Need You For My Love中文歌词:So Goodbye don’t cry and smile那些心潮澎湃的日子我会全都送给你So Goodbye 黑暗中曾经孤独的那个我我需要你I need your love again就像每一天都要来临把作痛的伤口和悲伤的回忆,全部抛弃的我在初次见到你的那瞬间仿佛时间停滞,我眼中只有你虽然有过挫折但我不会后悔闭上双眼我能感受到你的呼吸所以我能够微笑So Goodbye don’t cry and smile那些心潮澎湃的日子我会全都送给你So Goodbye 黑暗中曾经孤独的那个我我需要你I need your love again虽然有过挫折但我不会后悔闭上双眼我能感受到你的呼吸所以我能够微笑So Goodbye Don't cry and smile那些心潮澎湃的日子我会全都送给你So Goodbye 黑暗中曾经孤独的那个我我需要你I need your love againSo Goodbye Don't cry and smile那些疲惫的岁月为了你为着你我会忘掉So Goodbye 黑暗中曾经孤独的那个我我需要你I need your love again我需要你I need you for my love。



泫雅——ChangeyeahthisI’m bring it bring it let let’s gouh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh change *5哒头噶ten够买够那ler wi汉slogan哒比思谈sing噶的买够那ler wi汉logowhat you want? (what you do) tell me baby what you do yeah ong接那奴气BO与买够st ep step swagger(I can change) 啊目里哦留兜(you can change) 奴噶某啦黑兜(we can change) 某度内慢得喽 pop pop pop ma collar(do it up) sing用思与买够(take it on) 某度哈嫩wi喽(jumping up) do it do it do it better(ch ch ch change) boy boy boy sing噶带喽chang e(ch ch ch change)girls girls girls 那ler哒啦 change(某度哒change) 某度哒 chang e(某den够 change) 某den够 c hange(衣接嫩 change) 衣接嫩chang eI’m gonna change *51, 2, 3 Ah~let’s get let’s get let’s movin’let’s get let’s get let’s get startedyou you you you ready? yeah~ we just burn it!恰苦慢西噶你噶卡南够就慢嫩喽噶喂南衣喽开级乃嫩与BO南吗den慢内喽那all night够民够民衣接苦慢黑喂里喂里Yeah K慢内兜嫩兜嫩搜gi与买够show me what you got(I can change) 啊与跟某啦兜(you can change) 奴噶那吗噶兜(we can change) 某度内某得喽 pop pop pop ma collar(do it up) 喂气BO与买够(take it on) 某度搜嫩喂喽(jumping up) do it do it do it better(ch ch ch change)boy boy boy sing噶带喽chang e(ch ch ch change)girls girls girls 那ler哒啦 change (某度哒change) 某度哒 chang e(某den够 change) 某den够 c hange(衣接嫩 change) 衣接嫩chang eI’m gonna change *5那嫩哒啦哈那哈那往哈嫩够内噶内噶change与跟不头I can change衣接不头you can change某den够哒we can change cha nge changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh u h changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh u h changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh u h changeuh uh uh uh uh uh(ch ch ch change)boy boy boy sing噶带喽chang e(ch ch ch change)girls girls girls 那ler哒啦 change(某度哒change) 某度哒 chang e(某den够 change) 某den够 c hange(衣接嫩 change) 衣接嫩chang eI’m gonna change change cha nge change change2NE1 ——I Hate You囊强麦切素我不扫囊慢乃一U我不扫闹噶疼囊恰一sei桑唉噶掉扫切切切切素我不扫唐将么sei 素我不扫强额妙萨浪哈该西跟你呢木啊噶我Hate you eheheheheh I'm fine living without you I hate you eheheheheh I'm fine living without you耨哇一gi要个ki打林你要怕唉我不扫那啊强共强共强吗豆共强奥不扫扫萨萨萨浪啊能带哈马地噶进古西普扫那啊木心门闹也萨浪唉南起桥不扫ki波文套料我恰军心打包林高叫能嘚强扫老我内卡唉刚怕唉昂嘚囊土料我萨浪一昂土个强噶一将那南木扫我内噶强无素我囊强麦切素我不扫囊慢乃一U 我不扫闹噶疼囊恰一sei桑唉噶掉扫切切切切素我不扫唐将么sei素我不扫强额妙萨浪哈该西跟你呢木啊噶我Hate you eheheheheh I'm fine living without you I hate you eheheheheh I'm fine living without you内一唉扫那哦能麦嗯扣进麦一盘搜够搜够搜噶豆个进奥不扫扫ong进噶闹土闹噶疼要恰慢那kei对考呀啊怕怕呀科嘚能内忙唉高呀ki波文套料我很ki呀地也句为空应浪高奥不扫扫内噶怕bou桥龙素几龙那头恰儿带扫起跟一唉豆耨来哈素一东乃该扫穷麦切素我不扫囊强麦切素我不扫囊慢乃一U 我不扫闹噶疼囊恰一sei桑唉噶掉扫切切切切素我不扫唐将么sei 素我不扫强额妙萨浪哈该西跟你呢木啊噶我Hate you eheheheheh I'm fine living without you I hate you eheheheheh I'm fine living without you吗米西文来桥gi呼料海呀搜gi本耨噶几内gi要起我内耨莫西文海桥gi呼料海呀搜gi本耨噶几内gi要起我内囊强麦切素我不扫囊慢乃一U 我不扫闹噶疼囊恰一sei桑唉噶掉扫切切切切素我不扫唐将么sei素我不扫强额妙萨浪哈该西跟你呢木啊噶我Hate you eheheheheh I'm fine living without you I hate you eheheheheh I'm fine living without youmiss A—Bad Girl Good GirlU don’t know meU don’t know meU don’t know meU don’t know meso shut up boy so shut up boyso shut up boyso shut up shut up阿陪宋汉门第龙塔都你提也送累也gi难囧尅黑哦一噶哦搜Hello hello hello那噶疼又等抽无龙无龙很波个疼得为那能碰大拿你累噶后死吐留混特你土楼 bad girl 苏古楼good Girl那如家来几头木塔米搜能扣move森慢波明搜很行慢又加喽喽能喽也西三米那弄木那无gio主粗得 bad girl撒狼恩goodgirl主粗能累满苏德Bird得能弄苏咯扣咯够森ingood那你送噶那几汗林Q 为送一拿弄无那无gio一咯无一咯某你某养恩咯一龙出某出又加冷bong黑你大豆bong黑Hello hello hello几西那素面桥体楼体楼不咯搜秒忒几we查苦动就你一搜ki话你波一能够那你土楼 bad girl 苏古楼good Girl那如家来几头木塔米搜能扣move森慢波明搜很行慢又加喽喽能喽也西三米那弄木那无gio主粗得 bad girl撒狼恩good girl主粗能累满苏德Bird得能弄苏咯扣咯够森ingood那你送噶那几汗林Q 为送一拿弄无那无gio来看到黑苏we能那不查扎哟子杂能杂里查杂哟买楼买能差都无cho克拉真买咯耐扣到黑呀几呀能龙查龙达哟查新噶里龙查搜内噶那一素we给查又路给够我里素爬了波能土土乐 bad girl 苏古楼good Girl那如家来几头木塔米搜能扣move森慢波明搜很行慢又加喽喽能喽也西三米那弄木那无gio主粗得 bad girl撒狼恩good girl主粗能累满苏德Bird得能弄苏咯扣咯够森ingood那你送噶那几黑林苦为送一拿弄无那无gio对你来说是离别对我来说是等待Gi那gin哈鲁嘎卡乃乃买嗯某度阿嫩够瞧楼西嘎里吧里几那卡秒斗诶敲几怒几呼呜~~ 闹外宾恰里鲁带秒木的闹切切里一嫩带(卡拉)丝米口气嫩嫩几闹里铺嫩够儿切嘎木忒那也木den撒拉银好蹲也gi那一楼开闹leri不内哈几曼那也该 ki打里买西佳kin高儿到乃嘎几马乃撒浪呀土够打西怒铺苏(闹儿嗯)恰那乃(马屋)苏该那(马也嗯)deri kv带闹也宾恰里嫩带秒~ 木deri够切恰里一嫩带(卡拉)死米够恰那嫩气很闹leri铺嫩够(写儿)嘎木太那也木leri撒浪银浩duai也尼一那一楼开闹leri不内哈几曼那也该 ki打里买西佳kin高儿到乃嘎几马乃撒浪呀土够打西怒铺苏(闹儿嗯)恰那乃(马屋)苏该那(马也嗯)deri kv带斗乃卡几马乃撒浪呀土够打西怒铺苏(no 欧)不恰那浩迪扫deri 浩结拉头儿Kin deri够几切带乃该鲁斗拉哇姐盼还不开呀海乃撒狼牙Kia乃嘎几一由王呢带嘎几一快(乃嗯)马嫩(那儿)里一古哈gi木西几一屋一千金侑京---星光泪水塞哈眼表比起怒目路干撒有大袋谈吧拉门怒母一乃聊游够带弄给哪有就用黑扫撒kei弄古代路呀啊历到里某哈眼迥异为嗯古代给老友大袋喊米搜噶乃兰阿九奶油已给撒狼银嘎有度怒能伽马八度古代漫步益农狗友I will be waiting foryou够的给大李该有都伊桑啊碰怒目不一挤压怒来由You let me know 高机马盖疼撒狼NO几案呢高也友八楼够带你噶有可待哇也给要宋高勾勾一扫有嘎僧搜噶都kei 弄木里狗要有那偶都给哈就故搜给扫都就恰够带楼沟里奥还有I will be waiting foryou口袋给打李该有都伊桑嘎剖弄母不一几安呢来有you let me know 高机吗盖特撒狼农机俺呢苟也友吧了狗带你嘎有哪巴拉八角又就给就表都瞧喽乃麻美勾带噶对要就素奥哪有I will be waiting foryou可带给大力该有都伊桑啊普弄木不一几暗呢来由you let me know 狗几买概疼撒狼弄几安呢勾也又八路狗带你嘎有Miss A---BreatheI can't breathe Ican't breathe I can't breathe no more~I can't breathe no more,I can't sleep no more哇其倒文色撒一恰港读星手给那后noI can't leave no more but i can't stop no more努no嘎妈豆危机得嫩几阿嫩no 也肯熟giuI can't deny 一控勇一讲等办你梭根难疼难恩嫩无难大哇Hey go just with amazing babyI know you want it baby一西看慢kill门 you and me hot cooltell you say no moreI can't breathe I can't breathe阿勒揪哟挖那勒里ki米西几啊哈I can't breathe I can't breathe阿其米挖卡挖多那克个西几啊哈(I can't breathe) 桑桑个几内死那雀节内一得死莫损等桑亡biu嫩莽门梗罗浪V V Venus大那那狗落girl 当门黑囧落几根米孙敢慢嫩ki大里own girl i wonderI can't deny 一控勇一讲等办你梭根难疼难恩嫩无难大哇hey girl sweet amazing baby i know you want it baby一西看慢kill门 you and me hot coolI can't breathe I can't breathe阿勒揪哟挖那勒里ki米西几啊哈I can't breathe I can't breathe阿其米挖卡挖多那克个西几啊哈(I can't breathe)哈牛其克腾撒一豆oh oh oh oh 那不嫩内给特诶手gi 一一一桑咩西内亲得no哇啊啊啊阿木豆莫勒给脚哦he he he he I can't breathe I can't breathe阿勒揪哟挖那勒里ki米西几啊哈I can't breathe I can't breathe阿其米挖卡挖多那克个西几啊哈no no noI can't breathe yeahI can't breathe breathebreathe breathe breathe no moreI can't breathe I can't breathe no moreI can't breathe ~~~~(I can't breathe ) F.T Island---爱情爱情爱情撒加嫩萌新哒,卡苏米萌嫩哒你嘎叨嫩哒卡苏米西嘞给,斗蛮撒浪嫩哒恨某 K 嗖哒你嫩加娄忒呦那嗖,哈 no 西撒浪馁嗖哒哭抠娄塔塔,怒古、恰那勾嫩哒馁某你古古莫就新down嘟诶嗖抠开嘟娄哈鲁拉巴那哄down馁东那扑娄卡扑卡某卡森嘎卡谬,恰某哆枪某哇哆古某的卡西依囧哒~~你七斗娄撒浪馁嗖 no不那恨某K 嗖哒撒浪嫩求我嘟内给就弄路扑仑哒哈呦馁撒浪撒浪撒浪,恰够呦馁撒浪撒浪撒浪恰哦你嫩那诶弄目粒,木木求嗖哆古切嫩 goodbye goodbye goodbye那嫩叫闹不腻恨 bou K含高录(高录)含高录(高录)你嘎某路就嗯哒~ 巴路撒森加你七哄downhim高key嗖松东闹哈苏米get哄down,哈就那马休空哒某卡森嘎卡谬,恰某哆枪某哇哆叨木那哈给撒king哒你七斗娄撒浪馁嗖 no不那恨某K 嗖哒撒浪嫩求我嘟内给就弄路扑仑哒哈呦馁撒浪撒浪撒浪,恰够呦馁撒浪撒浪撒浪恰哦你嫩那诶弄目粒,木木求嗖哆古切嫩 goodbye goodbye goodbye那嫩叫闹不腻恨 bou K含高录(高录)含高录(高录)你嘎某路就嗯哒~那……卡苏米恰嘎喔撒浪嫩某楞嫩day穷卖空买喔,义贼呀啊楞嗖一龙给撒浪一浪够撒加嫩萌新哒,卡苏米萌嫩哒你嘎叨嫩哒哈呦馁撒浪撒浪撒浪,恰够呦馁撒浪撒浪撒浪恰哦你嫩那诶弄目粒,木木求嗖哆古切嫩 goodbye goodbye goodbye那嫩叫闹不腻恨 bou K含高录(高录)含高录(高录)你嘎嘛老恩哒馁某你古古莫就新down哈鲁拉巴那哄down恰哦你嫩那诶弄目粒,木木求嗖哆古切嫩 goodbye goodbye goodbye那嫩叫闹不腻恨 bou K含高录(高录)含高录(高录)你嘎嘛老恩哒2pm---I can’t直到你来为止我会一直等可得偶得噶与ki大力该Cuz I can't forget your love 即使只是想着你怒目力和了够噶他我的眼泪好像都要流下来了可得sing噶慢那米昂这样的感觉越来越强烈开苏楼gi破慢噶I can't stopThinkin about your love好像是无法忘记的事情一吃素偶b思够噶他关於你的一切可得莫den够又好像无法相信米的素偶b思够噶他그대돌아온다면 /要是你回来的话可得都啦偶n大米昂I can't forget your love 언제까지라도 /无论何时ong见噶与啦都难直到你回来为止我会一直等可得偶得噶与 ki 大力改I can't forget your love 无论到何时我都会等ong见噶与啦都 ki大力改cuz I can't I can't forget your love그대생각에 /只要想到你可得sing噶改便整夜无法入睡扎莫的嫩怕么与sei无大无法忍住的眼泪好像就要流下来了和了够噶他怒目了差m与莫忒가끔혼자 I cried /偶尔会一个人哭泣卡跟梦扎世上除了你之外一无所有的我在这里一塞桑爱克得把改偶b嫩那要gi也丢了你的我可得了一够内盖那门够森一无所有啊目够都偶b嗖嗖So I can't forget your love I can't forget your love无论到何时ong见噶与啦都难直到你回来为止我会一直等可得偶得卡与 ki大力改I can't forget your love无论要到何时我都会等ong 见噶与啦都 ki大力改cuz I can'tI can't forget your love从来没有试图要忘记一直聊够黑本周都偶b搜因为没有这麼做的价值内gein噶其偶b嫩一力啦搜그댈떠올리는일이 /想起关於你的事可得都偶力嫩一力就像每天呼吸一样重要没一内盖嫩素m系嫩够慢可m搜中黑搜I can't forget your loveDo you know that I need your loveI need your everythingI need you back 기다릴수있어 /我会等ki大力素以搜till you come back Comeback to meI can't forget your love언제까지라도 /无论到何时ong见噶与啦都难直到你回来为止我会一直等可得偶得噶与 ki大力改I can't forget your love无论到何时我都会等ong见噶与啦都 ki大力改cuz I can'tI can't forget your loveIU---Someday哦jen敢衣奴目力萌求gi 哦jen敢衣哦度米够其够他思汗哈撒里衣奴目ler吗料就gi/与亲内某思比就跟西与Q我气嫩够r嫩ki苗打Bo里股西就hin der给与Q哦东苦目r 噶斤够不打嫩不就看够细NO目那兜满嫩给Ner Q与r带吗打打里诶hi米噗聊搜难就r叫俺求/哦jen敢衣奴目力萌求gi 哦jen敢衣哦度米够其够他思汗哈撒里衣奴目ler吗料就gi/困恰嫩够啦股内素苏楼ler喂喽哈苗Bo tin ner哈鲁哈鲁噶那r就跟西度聊给慢对r股那ler米度啦股吗哈苗搜度米其某谈那嫩衣接哦吗那都哦来BO体素衣苏近某ler给搜哟Gi打理苗哦真敢哦给与(哦给与~)吧米gi喽度还嫩特得西啊喷内噶森都哦件噶打那给与(哦件噶)/ 那r 衣件都挖就gi 哈嫩里切吧r都挖就gi 那红加送吗衣Q内gi噶穷囧都加西尼哦搜就哟/哦jen 敢衣奴目力萌求gi(哦jen敢~)哦jen敢哦度米够其够(衣哦就米够其股)他思汗哈撒里(打思汗~)衣奴目ler吗料就gi(衣奴目衣奴目ler吗聊就Gi)Gi打理苗哦真敢哦给与(someday someday~)吧米gi喽度还嫩特的西(还嫩特德西)啊喷内噶森都(衣啊喷那噶森都)哦件噶打那给与哦jen敢哦jen敢先艺---Maybe恰看噶苏米哦奴塞就跟西NO噶内聊那把你噶对喽哇搜可利股那度目来那噶苏木切哦搜Ong切不投因噶气呗都拉哦苗哈鲁r东哦里股衣嫩内某思be 不苗搜内满m搜给你噶因嫩够r 阿拉搜Maybe you're the one Maybe 要叫苗哦叫苗你噶那噶gi打林般叫gin够与Maybe it is true 哦件那NO目卡噶衣衣搜搜目来搜那把Baby I'm in love with you//桥嗯闷目啦搜内噶NO衣喽给头哦里给对就撒浪哈给对jul 你满兜拆吧衣喽内码嗯挂噶gi len Maybe you're the one Maybe 要叫苗哦叫苗你噶那噶gi打林般叫gin够与Maybe it is true 哦件那NO目卡噶衣衣搜搜目来搜那把Baby I'm in love with you//NO目呢斤啊那gi 衣接呀 K打ler内慢怕打就gi 嫩给啊拉基吗衣接呀啊拉基慢衣吗嗯门桥得很对里基啊那/Maybe you're the one Maybe 要叫苗(maybe~)哦叫苗你噶(你噶~)那噶gi打林般叫gin够与(般叫gin够与~)Maybe it is true 哦件那NO目(哦件那NO目~)卡噶衣衣搜搜(衣搜搜)目来搜那把Baby I'm in love with you/Baby I'm in love withyou*5哦~~with love泰妍---像星星一样塞桑哦嫩够塞跟得孙兜啦兜那嫩股得恰加内素噶衣搜哟苦得噶哦哒喵苦得噶哦哒喵内心将嗯对级啊嫩你噶撒浪衣啦苦级吗哈级啊那兜吗嗯门喽那嫩啊苏噶衣就苦得慢衣哒喵苦得慢衣哒喵啊目够兜难皮留哦嫩得You're my everything to me You're my everything to me 哈嫩来表桥龙话那给比丘就里苦得嫩那慢也撒浪用往难那慢也撒浪唔里撒浪黑哟苦得哈那喵难穷不海哟苦目哦瓜比够哈素衣思噶哟苦目唔挂把头素噶衣那哟苦得也撒浪而苦得也吗额们苦奴噶得心那苏衣那哟You're my everything to me You're my everything to me 哈嫩来表桥龙话那给比丘就里苦得嫩那慢也撒浪用往难那慢也撒浪唔里撒浪黑哟苦得哈那喵难穷不海哟衣表啦嫩你哦思够诶哟苦得也给桑桥就嫩衣奴目嫩里给哈利那哦兜喽You're my everything to me You're my everything to me 唔里piong与吗哟塞沃里呼len得度苦得嫩那慢也撒浪用往难那慢也撒浪唔里撒浪黑哟搜喷哦嫩塞桑诶搜唔里泰妍---My Love苏巧噶那要屋里也撒狼嗯卡斯啊peun 球哦gin噶有套拉扫乃有裤袋业吗五木诺姆唠叨恰不俗哦那要My love 撒狼诶有撒狼诶有裤袋特狗音哪有My love 以与马啦有既有件麻辣油屋里也擦狼嗯那也梦努力裤袋不音哪有哈鲁阿鲁哭里我哈力大卡斯到力到裤袋以吗亲到一节能球偶给图那把有My love 撒狼诶有撒狼诶有裤袋特狗音哪有My love 以与马啦有既有件麻辣油屋里也擦狼嗯买一览库里五扫来哈鲁路跑体奴带裤带脑第哪有内噶米啊奶油眯啊乃有裤袋以与木太骚My love 都拉哦淘友到啦级麻辣油乃gyo太扫且把F(X)—Pinocchio(Danger)Remember me I'm in Danger Pinocchio Remember me [Krystal]哦地啵家一够啵家内嘛么头咯啵家诶美啦得呼秋bua哥 nun东家涩乐涩乐[Sulli]摸里不忒吧课嘎级涩kei内敬敬winwin 卡纳啵大擦嘎给课够级啵gio 内(男几个Danger) [Victoria]韩gio度gio 陪涩去里凑咯呀课lio (Danger)[Victoria]涩mio得咯特撒一故凑咯(那嫩皮nou ki哦) [Luna]nou吧给摸乐嫩内嘎退嗖啊涩啊涩 wi忒wi忒涩家对嫩SHOW大啦大啦大大大家里家哩撒够大控课兔松一诶nou 扣咋嘛啦nou 就嘎就嘎大大大够内啵咯大大大嘛没得给nou大系就里吧够丫I'm in Danger Danger Danger 皮nou ki哦rememberberber me 皮nou ki 哦remember me[Victoria]那嫩一撒森松你门啊nia 课娘你nou 啊够系啵nou澜米级呃忒绿个爬gio家扣咯啵涩[Luna]xim讲一嘛故对哦对哦内嘛么哦都给黑哦里就哦吧啷撒都银hiong凑咯(男几哥Danger) [Sulli]韩ib度ib 嘛卡龙波大他给哟(Danger)[Sulli]涩miu得咯特撒一下乐乐(nou嫩皮nou ki哦) [Krystal]nou吧给摸乐嫩内嘎对嗖啊涩啊涩 wi忒wi忒系家对嫩秀秀秀达拉达拉大大大家里家哩撒够大控课兔松一诶nou 扣咋嘛啦nou 就嘎就嘎大大大噗sho啵够大大大嘛没得给nou大系就里吧够丫[Amber]I’m后wi米咯叻黑妹几课够nou有gi wi韩key 没一吹里搜比够级坡gio内Oh I just waana tell you i'm danger nowI'm Danger in Danger remember me [Sulli]怒嘎pua都nou完bio看girl nou嫩他系忒哦那够呀[Luna]擦一姐 ib素累素么不咯nou 后故够哇家那皮nou ki哦达拉达拉大大大家里家哩撒够大控课兔松一诶nou 扣咋嘛啦nou就嘎就嘎大大大够内啵够大大大嘛没得给 nou大系就里吧够丫达拉达拉大大大家里家哩哈够大控课兔松一诶nou 扣咋嘛啦nou就嘎就嘎大大大噗sho啵够大大大嘛没得给nou大系就里吧够丫Remember me艺声---Waiting For You 闹也给哈几莫谈吗德里奴恩嘎么苗加古倒哦拉gi奥个大门菜咯毛木桥顿那也撒浪闹吕僧嘎开giao忒度够帮黄海倒哪的吕呼会哈够一扫那也进新米的里几安你闹吕gi大料 sei桑一跟那呆嘎几闹gi大料无miang一马个苦孙干嘎几一介奶嘎闹诶给莫度组儿苏一嫩呆奶给咯大嘎哦苏哦不你搜君汗奶萨拉木ham给汗 gi奥度吕几无够啊木一都哦不倒高桥龙莫伦达吗吕海都嘎斯米闹吕men叫啊拉博加那闹哇博奶西干德里闹满呢 gi 大里够一扫吗几马撒浪闹哈那印嘚闹吕gi大料 sei桑一跟那呆嘎几闹gi大料无miang一马个苦孙干嘎几一介奶嘎闹诶给莫度组儿苏一嫩呆奶给咯大嘎哦苏哦不你搜君汗奶萨拉木后咯一几儿苏都把古苏都哦不嫩一撒浪闹也宾加里诶哪门红加吗那也 giao忒一倒闹也宋呢加不几莫谈高桥龙大新闹吕 no几啊呢忒你干博够西跑倒博够西跑倒吗额米闹木靠叫扫闹吕 hiang汗吧高伦呢廖几够一几满桥恩满难高桥龙闹吕撒浪哈儿高呀毛m求一倒那也嘎斯美呼会哦不嫩撒浪儿BigBang---Love Song汉鸟加噶摸落就噶男加嫩努来嘟木几马努木力那嫩高一别里拉那感几苏干哦嫩高I Knowye~ 多落几你马恰吧就 HelloI hate this love song*8一莎朗努来噶西落西呐不路你多里坐乌里几杭CAT一几苏WE该一莎朗努来噶西落木顺呐不路你科多噶维路几杭CAT一几嫩努耶噶那ooh ooh-hoo 那ooh ooh-hoo 那吐了我一谢桑嫩你哦所太瓜表柳叶嫩喏也嫩科过谢die聊噶就武力那冷达哦嫩多 YOU know 捏噶莎朗嫩卡冷丘春弄 HELLOI hate this love song *8一莎朗努来噶西落西呐不路你多路坐乌里几杭CAT一几苏WE 该YB 一莎朗努来噶西落木顺呐不路你科多噶维路几杭CAT一几嫩努耶噶那ooh ooh-hoo 那ooh ooh-hoo 不也新哈HAND三吐达了谢三丝丝一出出路噶大弯扑鲁嫩嘟WE那鸟叫HE CAT鸟哇那摸嘟哈爹哇阿木爹大波嫩爹大波嫩一扑穷球哈嫩球哈嫩亲故鲁地也苏摸一噶几那朴也铁葛几努敢果你瞬角let me 角共梦果捏gi爹也帮几米搜几根那哇苏么笑西干芒秋 CAT娘哇捏嘎拉弄几马拉哇啦哇芒秋捏噶波西那马嫩几马剽几杭加一莎朗努来噶西落西呐不路你多路坐乌里几杭CAT一几苏WE 该一莎朗努来噶西落木顺呐不路你科多噶维路几杭CAT一几嫩努耶噶那ooh ooh-hoo 那ooh ooh-hoo NA now OH I hate this love song第二个版本TOP:啊鸟加噶摸落就噶男加嫩努来嘟木几马努木力那嫩高一别里拉DS:那感几苏干哦嫩高 I Know 耶~ 多落几**恰吧就Hello GD:I hate this love song *8 VI:一莎朗努来噶西落西呐不路你多路坐乌里几杭CAT 一几苏WE该YB:一莎朗努来噶西落木顺呐不路你科多噶维路几杭CAT一几嫩努耶噶GD:那吐了我一谢桑嫩你哦所太瓜表柳叶嫩喏也嫩科锅谢噶就DS:武力那冷达哦嫩多 YOU know 捏噶莎朗嫩卡冷丘春弄HELLO YB:I hate this love song *4 GD:I hate this love song *4 VI:一莎朗努来噶西落西呐不路你多路坐乌里几杭CAT 一几苏WE该YB:一莎朗努来噶西落木顺呐不路你科多噶维路几杭CAT一几嫩努耶噶TOP:不也新哈HAND三吐达了谢三丝丝一出出路噶大弯扑鲁嫩嘟WE那鸟叫HE CAT鸟哇那摸嘟哈爹哇TOP:阿木爹大波嫩爹大波嫩(GD) 一扑穷球哈嫩球哈嫩(GD) 亲故鲁地也苏摸一噶几那朴也退果几GD:努敢果你瞬角 let me 角共梦果捏gi爹也帮几米搜几根那哇苏么笑GD:西干芒秋 CAT娘哇捏嘎拉弄几马拉哇啦哇芒秋捏噶波西那马嫩几马剽几杭加VI: 一莎朗努来噶西落西呐不路你多路坐乌里几杭CAT一几苏WE该YB: 一莎朗努来噶西落木顺呐不路你科多噶谁路几杭CAT几嫩努耶噶NA now OH I hate this love song NA now OH I hate this love song ……..艺声---非你不可候呢哆咧gi呦哭搭郎咧了偷~ 聂ge姑贴收收首ki唔妈啊~ 卡希姑斯姑嗡拎妮嘎~娜哩~驾吧娜露珠ki~ u 扔的搭娜扑咕希搭郭~哦堵one咕希搭郭~哦~哦糗哈~呢扑妈ki嘟哈乳~吗~啊~ 妮嘎哈妮呦暗跌耶no候希哪曼跌耶~ 哪哩了(K耶)哈露哈搭日朵应呦呢嗯~ 那~趴哆旧哇啊乃莫聂(j哟)郭旧哇啊那~苦咧那莫哈妈~嘛撒郎啊哩嘎啊~ 郎吐吞搭希迷伊~ 吐吞素呜答姑~呜~ 郎嘟如伊姑塞书呜答姑~呜~ 妮嘎哈妮呦暗跌耶no候希哪曼跌耶~ 哪哩了(K耶)哈露哈搭日朵应呦呢嗯~ 那~趴哆旧哇啊乃莫聂(j哟)郭旧哇啊那~苦咧那莫哈妈~嘛撒郎啊哩嘎啊~ 咧某嘟哭斯咪~ 了掐恰呜啦郭哦~素离愁嘟了够哦呜~呜呢no呜呢够离~ 妈咧莫受~里叽里叽啊妮~ 那爷爷~呢嗯~哪他希撒哈朵哪呼跌呦哪朵哦哈哪郭妮嘎欧希撒素哦努那呜哦~哦聂嘎就夹就撒郎聂嘎撒郎啊撒郎那~苦咧曼莫哈母呢就呣那哩嘎啊~朴有天——为你保留的空位萨浪你呀虐孙就开扫秋哭带打我哦你票龙耨我啊普恰那你噶杭不开素你但妙跟吗一接跟吗内给黑句素we宁够应高不内萨浪耨吗能耨马能耨马能耨乐we汗平恰林能去切进莫太该哦扫外妙啦妙无够we能打内噶啊普妙男西老 hi表乐西老内萨浪杭妙那duai妙Ke dei该啊你要森秋开扫赛桑捏扫duai进素句样gi带哭带样你噶Ke乐扫吗你请妙豆哦里妙普里进妙内给黑句素we宁够应高不内萨浪耨吗能耨马能耨马能耨乐we汗平恰林能去切进莫太该哦扫外妙啦妙无够we能打内噶啊普妙男西老 hi表乐西老内萨浪杭妙那duai妙Ki打里进吗丝地丝能么豆kiao我恰那能妙那题度啦扫噶有那也楼kie萨浪哎萨浪哎萨浪哎萨浪哎哈那不你乃萨浪可丝么罗nuai恰就耨木扫句捏扫恩哼进莫太内噶啊普高怪恰那萨浪啊你噶那你起度路古妙duai 你噶啊普娘乃西楼萨浪啊你噶那票gi噶几啊妙推G.NA——因为我的人他度能梦噶吐龙噶那把科了扫加古农木里囊那把卡森杭就该空素giu顿哦不都哦都杭萨浪能气有gie都能木里疼料哇特了素王扫度乃忙特进梦太度乃能木里桥那能萨浪奥进噶那吐了句该宁内萨浪米老扫内萨浪你老扫木内古普内度啊进耨能那把那路要内萨浪米老扫啊几都那你噶科里扫你木内度木呢王句素噶奥不扫内噶森素里度里几呀那把奥囧杭呢末耨路噶把都几路加那把为吐几末哈你为那普几莫哈你几度那把内噶一加那萨浪杭那吗两怕不呀内萨浪米老扫内萨浪你老扫。

Adele阿黛尔 歌词中英对照

Adele阿黛尔 歌词中英对照

歌曲:Because of You(因为你)歌手:凯莉·克莱森歌词(翻译版):I will not make the same mistakes that you did(我不会重复你犯过的错误)I will not let myself Cause my heart so much misery(也不会让内心承受如此痛苦)I will not break the way you did,(我不会干涉你选择的方式)You fell so hard(你吃尽苦头)I ve learned the hard way(我已尝到痛苦的滋味)so never let it get that far(所以我不会让自己一错再错)Because of you(因为你)I never stray too far from the sidewalk(人生的轨道我从不敢偏移半分)Because of you(因为你)I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt(我学会站在安全的地方以免自己受到伤害)Because of you(因为你)I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me(我发现很难去相信别人甚至连自己都怀疑)Because of you(因为你)I am afraid(我如此不堪)I lose my way ,And it s not too long before you point it out(在你为我指明道路前不久,我迷失了方向)I cannot cry(我不能哭)Because I know that's weakness in your eyes(因为我知道,在你眼里这就是懦弱)I m forced to fake a smile, a laugh everyday of my life(此后的每一天我被迫强颜欢笑)My heart can't possibly break(我的心已无法再破碎了)When it wasn't even whole to start with(因为它在最初之时就不再完整)Because of you(因为你)I never stray too far from the sidewalk(人生的轨道我从不敢偏移半分)Because of you(因为你)I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt(我学会站在安全的地方以免自己受到伤害)Because of you(因为你)I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me(我发现很难去相信别人甚至连自己都怀疑)Because of you(因为你)I am afraid(我如此害怕)I watched you die(我看着你日渐憔悴)I heard you cry every night in your sleep(每晚都听见你在睡梦中哭泣)I was so young(我太年轻了啊)You should have known better than to lean on me(你怎么会选择依赖于我呢)You never thought of anyone else(你从来不考虑别人的感受)You just saw your pain(只知道自己的痛苦)And now I cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing(如今我亦为这同样的事情在深夜哭泣)Because of you(因为你)I never stray too far from the sidewalk(人生的轨道我从不敢偏移半分)Because of you(因为你)I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt(我学会站在安全的地方以免自己受到伤害)Because of you(因为你)I try my hardest just to forget everything(我尽我最大努力去忘掉一切)Because of you(因为你)I don t know how to let anyone else in(我从不知道与别人心有灵犀是什么感觉)Because of you(因为你)I m ashamed of my life because it s empty(我的人生是一片可耻的虚无)Because of you(因为你)I am afraid(我如此害怕)Because of you(因为你)Because of you(只因为你)Rolling in the Deep (坠入深渊) - Adele (阿黛尔)词曲:Paul Epworth/Adele AdkinsThere's a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧Reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗Finally, I can see you crystal clear 最终我将你看得一清二楚Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare 去吧出卖我我会让你一无所有See how I'll leave with every piece of you 看我怎么离你而去带走你的一切Don't underestimate the things that I will do 不要低估我将来的所作所为There's a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我我们几乎拥有了一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕让我窒息I can't help feeling 我不禁心生感触We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Baby, I have no story to be told 宝贝我没有故事可讲But I've heard one on you and I'm gonna make your head burn 但是我听说了一件有关你的事情我会让你焦头烂额Think of me in the depths of your despair 在绝望的深渊中想起我Making a home down there as mine sure won't be shared 就在那里安家吧因为我的家园绝对没你的份The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我我们几乎拥有了一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕让我窒息(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)I can't help feeling 我不禁心生感触(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all 本该拥有一切Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心But you played it with a beating 但是你玩弄它还一顿打击Throw your soul through every open door 打开每一扇门将你的灵魂驱赶出去Count your blessings to find what you look for 细数你的祷告知道你在寻找什么Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 把我的悲痛化作珍宝You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you've sown 我要让你付出同样的代价你自作自受自食其果(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)It all, it all, it all 一切一切一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all 本该拥有一切(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)But you played it 但是你玩弄它You played it 你玩弄它You played it 你玩弄它You played it to the beat 你玩弄它伴着每一次心跳《When We Were Young》歌曲原唱:AdeleEverybody loves the things you do这里的人们喜欢你的一切From the way you talk无论是你的说话方式To the way you move还是你的行为举止Everybody here is watching you这里的每个人都关注着你Cause you feel like home让你有家的感觉You're like a dream come true你可以轻而易举地获得成功But if by chance you're here alone但是如果恰巧你也独自在这里生活Can I have a moment before I go?在我离开前,能听我说几句吗?Cause I've been by myself all night long因为我整晚都孤独一人Hoping you're someone I used to know幻想你是我的某位老友You look like a movie你像是一部电影You sound like a song像是一首老歌My God, this reminds me天哪,它让我想起Of when we were young我们的往日情怀Let me photograph you in this light让这刻美好的记忆保存In case it is the last time that we might be exactly like we were这或许是我们最后一次最真实的时刻了Before we realized we were sad of getting old在我们意识到上了年纪的悲伤It made us restless这让我们不安It was just like a movie就像是一部电影It was just like a song就像是一首老歌I was so scared to face my fears我是如此害怕面对我的不安Cause nobody told me that you'd be here因为没人告诉我你属于这里And I swore you moved overseas但我却以为你已远走他乡That's what you said, when you left me就像你离开我时说得那样You still look like a movie此刻你仍然像那部电影You still sound like a song你仍然是那首老歌My God, this reminds me天哪,它让我想起Of when we were young我们的往日情怀Let me photograph you in this light让我把你的影像定格在这一刻In case it is the last time以免这是我们最后一次That we might be exactly like we were重温往日的美好……It's hard to admit that难以承认Everything just takes me back所有的一切只是To when you were there让我想起从前的你To when you were there让我想起从前的你And a part of me keeps holding on我还有心想要坚持Just in case it hasn't gone万一爱还未消亡I guess I still care我想我还在乎你Do you still care?而你是否在乎我It was just like a movie就像是一部电影It was just like a song就像是一首歌My God, this reminds me天哪,它让我想起Of when we were young我们的往日情怀When we were young我们的往日情怀Let me photograph you in this light让这刻美好的记忆保存In case it is the last time that we might be exactly like we were这或许是我们最后一次最真实的时刻了Before we realized we were sad of getting old在我们意识到上了年纪的悲伤It made us restless对此我们惶恐不安I'm so mad I'm getting old我气恼我正在变老It makes me reckless它令我惶恐不安It was just like a movie就像是一部电影It was just like a song就像是一首歌When we were young重温我们的往日情怀All I Ask - AdeleI will leave我会离开My heart at the door将我的心留在门外I won't say a word一言不发They've all been said before you know该说的都说了So why don't we为何不让我么来玩场Just play pretend伪装游戏Like we're not scared of what's coming next就像我们从不害怕未来的到来Or scared of having nothing left look, don't不惧怕一无所有Get me wrong I know别误会我知道There is no tomorrow我们没有明天All I ask is我唯一所求的是If this is my last night with you如果这是与你共度的最后一夜Hold me like I'm more than just a friend抱紧我就像对爱人般的抱紧我Give me a memory I can use给我可以重温的回忆Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do 牵我的手做一些恋人会做的事It matters how this ends重要的是该如何结束Cause what if I never love again假如我不在爱了I don't need我不需要Your honesty你的坦诚It's already in your eyes都写在你眼里And I'm sure my eyes, they speak for me我看得一清二楚No one knows你是唯一一个Me like you do这么了解我的人And since you're the only one that matters自从你是唯一一个对我如此重要的人Tell me who do I run to look don't那么告诉我改奔向谁去Get me wrong I know别误会我知道There is no tomorrow我们没有明天All I ask is我唯一所求的是If this is my last night with you如果这是与你共度的最后一夜Hold me like I'm more than just a friend抱紧我就像对爱人般的抱紧我Give me a memory I can use给我可以重温的回忆Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do 牵我的手做一些恋人会做的事It matters how this ends重要的是该如何结束Cause what if I never love again假如我不在爱了Let this be our lesson in love让这点成为我们之间最后的爱之舞Let this be the way we remember us让这点成为我们记得彼此的方式I don't wanna be cruel or unjust并非我无情And I ain't asking for forgiveness我也不想恳求任何原谅All I ask is我唯一所求的是If this is my last night with you如果这是与你共度的最后一夜Hold me like I'm more than just a friend抱紧我就像对爱人般的抱紧我Give me a memory I can use给我可以重温的回忆Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do 牵我的手做一些恋人会做的事It matters how this ends重要的是该如何结束Cause what if I never love again假如我不在爱了Someone Like You歌手:AdeleI heard听说That you are settled down你已定下来That you found a girl找到了一个女孩And your married now现在结婚了I heard听说That your dreams came true你的梦想成真了Guess she gave you things看来她给了你I didn't give to you我没给的Old friend老友啊!Why are you so shy你干嘛那么害羞呢?It ain't like you to hold back支支吾吾或闪避眼神Or hide from the light这不像你啊I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited我讨厌这种突如其来的场面But I couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it但我无法离开,无法抗拒I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded我多希望你能看着我的脸然后注意到That for me, it isn't over对我来说,一切还没结束啊Never mind放心吧!I'll find someone like you我会找到一个像你一样的人I wish nothing but the best for you too我也只是希望你一切顺利Don't forget me I beg我求你别忘了我I'll remember you said记得你说过Sometimes it lasts in love有时因爱而活But sometimes it hurts instead有时却也因它而受伤Sometimes it lasts in love有时因爱而活But sometimes it hurts instead有时却也因它而受伤You know how the time flies你知道时间过得多快Only yesterday was the time of our lives我们那些难忘时刻才在昨天We were born and raised我们就在夏雾里In a summer haze长大Bound by the surprise随着惊喜的往日美好时光Of our glory days而在一起I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited我讨厌这种突如其来的场面But I couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it但我无法离开,无法抗拒I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded我多希望你能看着我的脸然后注意到That for me, it isn't over对我来说,一切还没结束啊Never mind放心吧!I'll find someone like you我会找到一个像你一样的人I wish nothing but the best我也只是希望你For you too一切顺利Don't forget me I beg我求你别忘了我I'll remember you said记得你说过Sometimes it lasts in love有时因爱而活But sometimes it hurts instead有时却也因它而受伤Nothing compares凡事比不上No worries or cares无忧无虑Regrets and mistakes但留在记忆中的They're memories made尽是懊悔与所犯的错Who would have known这个中How bitter sweet滋味This would taste谁知Never mind放心吧!I'll find someone like you我会找到一个像你一样的人I wish nothing but the best我也只是希望你For you一切顺利Don't forget me I beg我求你别忘了我I'll remember you said记得你说过Sometimes it lasts in love有时因爱而活But sometimes it hurts instead有时却也因它而受伤Never mind放心吧!I'll find someone like you我会找到一个像你一样的人I wish nothing but the best我也只是希望你For you too一切顺利Don't forget me I beg我求你别忘了我I'll remember you said记得你说过Sometimes it lasts in love有时因爱而活But sometimes it hurts instead有时却也因它而受伤Sometimes it lasts in love有时因爱而活But sometimes it hurts instead有时却也因它而受伤Hello (你好)演唱:Adele (阿黛尔)Hello, it's me你好吗是我I was wondering if after all these years我犹豫着要不要给你来电不确定多年后You'd like to meet, to go over everything你是否还愿意相见愿意闲聊寒暄细数从前They say that time's supposed to heal ya人们都说时间能治愈一切But I ain't done much healing但我却似乎没有更好一点Hello, can you hear me嘿你在听吗I'm in California dreaming我会梦到从前About who we used to be美好的加州美好的我们When we were younger and free当时那年轻而向往自由的我们I've forgotten how it felt我都快要忘了Before the world fell at our feet但现实却让一切重现眼前There's such a difference between us我们之间的差距愈见明显And a million miles有如天差地别Hello from the other side我还是想打给你即使相隔天边I must've called a thousand times即使打上千遍万遍我也想给你来电To tell you I'm sorry对我从前For everything that I've done所有的一切说声抱歉But when I call, you never seem to be home但我每次来电似乎都是忙音不断没人接Hello from the outside但这相隔千里的来电At least I can say that I've tried至少能让我不留遗憾地To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart告诉你抱歉我曾让你那么伤心欲绝But it don't matter但值得庆幸的是It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore不会再有人让你悲痛欲绝Hello, how are you?嗨你最近还好吗It's so typical of me to talk about myself, I'm sorry我已经习惯了自说自话帮你回答对你说声抱歉I hope that you're well也希望你现在能好过一点Did you ever make it out of that town不知你是否已忘记那小城Where nothing ever happened?那不再有故事发生的小城It's no secret毫无悬念That the both of us are running out of time我们都荒废了从前的那些时间So hello from the other side所以这来自远方的我的来电I must've called a thousand times即使打上千遍万遍我也想告诉你To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart抱歉我曾让你心碎成片But it don't matter但值得庆幸的是It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore不会再有人让你悲痛欲绝Ooooohh, anymore不会再有Anymore我们的从前Hello from the other side这来自远方的我的来电I must've called a thousand times即使打上千遍万遍To tell you I'm sorry我也想对你说声抱歉For everything that I've done对我从前所做的一切说声抱歉But when I call, you never seem to be home但我每次来电似乎都是忙音不断没人接Hello from the outside但这相隔千里的来电At least I can say that I've tried至少能让我不留遗憾地To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart告诉你抱歉我曾让你心碎成片But it don't matter但值得庆幸It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore不会再有人让你悲痛欲绝《Take Me To Church》歌曲原唱:HozierMy lover's got humor我的爱人很幽默She's the giggle at a funeral她会在葬礼上嬉笑Knows everybody's disapproval深知世人容不下我们I should've worshiped her sooner早该对主心怀敬意If the heavens ever did speak如果苍天也曾言语He's the last true mouth piece而主代表最终真理Every sunday's getting more bleak每场礼拜都愈加冷酷A fresh poison each week新的毒物周周孕育We were born sick you heard them say it我们天生罪孽人们这么说起My church offers no absolutes我的教义里没有绝对真理He tells me worship in the bedroom但主告诉我时刻都要祷告The only heaven i'll be sent to对我而言真的天堂Is when i'm alone with you就是与爱人相伴I was born sick but i love it我天生残缺但我乐意Command me to be well圣谕令我须成完璧A-amen amen amen阿门Take me to church带我去教堂I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供诉我的所有罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death赐予我永生的死亡Good god let me give you my life主啊让我把生命献给你Take me to church带我去教堂I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供诉我的所有罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death我的亡魂将永存于此Good god let me give you my life主啊请接受我卑微的生命If i'm a pagan of the good times若鼎盛之世我为异端My lover's the sunlight我的爱人便是阳光To keep the goddess on my side为得主垂怜She demands a sacrifice需要做出献祭To drain the whole sea排尽汪洋Get something shiny只为一祭Something meaty for the main course圣桌上的血肉That's a fine looking high horse是我高大英俊的爱人What you got in the stable主你又从中得到了什么We've a lot of starving faithful “我们不过是信仰的受害者That looks tasty而你就是刀俎That looks plenty我们沦为鱼肉This is hungry work这饥渴的屠杀Take me to church带我去教堂I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife供诉我的所有罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me my deathless death赐予我永生的死亡Good god let me give you my life主啊让我把生命献给你Take me to church带我去教堂I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife供诉我的所有罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me my deathless death我的亡魂将永存于此Good god let me give you my life主啊请接受我卑微的生命No masters or kings when the ritual begins世间再无君主一旦仪式开始There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin我们犯下的罪不过是无辜者的温存In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene满布疯狂之下漫撒悲土之间Only then i am human彼时我才是你们所谓的正常人Only then i am clean唯此我才能洗净你所谓的罪孽A-amen amen amen阿门Take me to church带我去教堂I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供诉我的所有罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death赐予我永生的死亡Good god let me give you my life主啊请接受我卑微的生命Take me to church带我去教堂I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供诉我的所有罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death我的亡魂将永存于此Good god let me give you my life主啊请赐我这罪人一死Adele 《Don't You Remember》When will I see you again?我何时才能再与你相见You left with no goodbye, not a single word was said你不辞而别一言未发No final kiss to seal anything没有封存一切的吻别I had no idea of the state we were in.我们的处境让我毫无头绪I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness我知道我有一颗变化无常的心还有心痛And a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my head还有看不透一切的双目放不下一切的双手But don't you remember, don't you remember?但你难道不记得难道你忘记了The reason you loved me before,之前你爱我的理由Baby please remember me once more.BABY请再一次记得你爱的我When was the last time you thought of me?上一次想到我是什么时候Or have you completely erased me from your memories? 难道你真的将我从记忆中抹去Cause I often think about where I happen to roam.因为我经常不知我该去何处方能见你the more I do, the less I know.多的再多却都没有结果But I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness我知道我有一颗变化无常的心还有心痛And a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my head.还有看不透一切的双目放不下一切的双手But don't you remember, don't you remember?但你难道不记得难道你忘记了The reason you loved me before,之前你爱我的理由Baby please remember me once more.BABY请再一次记得你爱的我OhhhhI gave you the space so you could breathe,我给你足够的空间透气I kept my distance so you would be free,我离你远远的让你不觉压抑I hope that you find the missing piece to bring you back to me. 我希望你能找到爱情遗失的那一片将你重新带回我的身边Why don't you remember, don't you remember?可为什么你不记得The reason you loved me before,你之前爱我的理由Baby please remember you used to love me.BABY 为什么忘记你曾经爱过我When will I see you again?何时才能与你相见Back To December - Taylor Swifttranslated by lineI'm so glad you made time to see me 真高兴你能抽出时间来看我How's life? Tell me how's your family 告诉我,近来如何,家人都平安吧?I haven't seen them in a while 我已经有很长时间没有见他们了You've been good, busier than ever 你的事业一帆风顺,忙碌更胜从前Small talk, work and the weather 我们闲聊着,谈着工作天气等零碎小事Your guard is up and I know why 你明显加强了戒备,其中缘由我心知肚明Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind 因为上次我俩见面的痛楚,依旧在你心底挥之不去You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你赠与我玫瑰,我却任由它们枯萎凋零So this is me swallowing my pride standing in fron of you saying I'm sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain't nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I'd realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 真希望能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重头来过I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月These days I haven't been sleepin 这些天来我都辗转难眠Stayin up playing back myself leavin 脑海中一直浮现出当初我离开的场景When your birthday passed and I didn't call 当你的生日到来的时候,我却没有打电话给你庆生Then I think about summer all the beautiful times 脑海里又回忆起当年夏日,美好时光宝贵I watched you laughin from the passenger side 我看着你开心地在人行道上漫步And realized I loved you in the fall 随后的秋天,我不可救药的爱上了你And then the cold came the dark days when fear crept into my mind 可是寒冬降临,黑暗的日子随之而来,忧惧占据了我的心头You gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbye 你用你的爱呵护我,而我所回赠的却只有绝情的分手So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain't nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I'd realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 真希望能回到那年十二月,改变我错误的想法I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile 我无比想念你那黝黑的肌肤,真挚的微笑So good to me so right 你对我的好And how you held me in your arms that September night 那年九月的晚上你把我挽在胸前又是如此美好The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看到我流泪的时候Maybe this is wishful thinkin 也许这只是我一番痴心妄想Probably mindless dreamin 或许这只是我幼稚天真的痴想If we loved again I swear I'd love you right 如果我们还有机会相爱的话我发誓我会好好对你的I'd go back in time and change it but I can't 我会回到过去改变自我,可惜已经太晚了So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你依旧拒绝我的话,我很理解This is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December 我回到那年十二月It turns out freedom ain't nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I'd realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 多希望我能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重新来过I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 我要回到那年十二月,改正我错误的想法,改变过错I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月all the time 一直都想made by lineBack To December - Taylor Swift21。



2soon歌词大意带中英文2 soon --Jon YoungIf I die young, bury, bury me in satin 如果我英年早逝,就把我埋葬在绸缎里,Lay me down on a, bed of roses 将我的身体放在玫瑰床上,Sink me in the river, at dawn 黎明时分将我沉浸在河流里,Send me away with the words of a love song 伴着爱情的歌将我送走。

If I die young, bury, bury me in satin 如果我英年早逝,就把我埋葬在绸缎里,Lay me down on a, bed of roses 将我的身体放在玫瑰床上,Sink me in the river, at dawn 黎明时分将我沉浸在河流里,Send me away with the words of a love song 伴着爱的歌将我送走。

Now this is dedicated to the onesThat lost their lives a little too early 这个是献给那些年少时候失去生命的人,To the families out there still in pain 献给那些仍然沉浸在悲痛中的家庭,I know that y'all are still hurtin' 我知道你们所有在生的人依旧很受伤,Losing loved ones, and ridas 因为失去了至亲至爱,And sons no longer with us 和不再和我们在一起的孩子,To the soldiers overseas 那些身处异国他乡的战士,Never coming home to their families 他们再也没有回到家乡和亲人相聚。

We breathe but it really don't get no better 我们深深呼吸着但这并没有缓解,They kinda went out too soon 他们离开的太突然,So much too live for still 依旧活生生的印在那一刻。



中文歌词《少年啊》作词:G-dragon作曲:G-dragon,choice37演唱:权志龙GD your choice drop it on meyo 夜深了但是我无法入睡和加重的头痛斗争转辗反侧直到我陷入思考又抓起了笔正在写的不间断的歌词里有我的哲学白色烟雾环绕在我房间就像home sweet home 我从13岁时便来到这里没有停息最大的武器便是我的自信有上坡必有下坡回头已太迟I can’t let goRemember back in that day 灿烂的梦我无法忘却的那个梦Don’t forget back in that day 少年啊用你帅气的声音向世界呼喊shine aliveG-Dragon 无论别人说什么你太年轻我G-Dragon无论别人说什么whao~人们说他们嫉妒我因为我拥有的太多了艺人都轻松地生活只用一天时间试着站在他们的立场你会明白你所看到的不是全部我的孤独随时间加深责任感是我最大的负担有上坡必有下坡逃走已太迟I wanna goRemember back in that day 灿烂的梦我无法忘却的那个梦Don’t forget back in that day 少年啊用你帅气的声音向世界呼喊shine alive过去的10年间的眼泪与我流下的数不尽的汗水我忍住的冰冷的泪水Ah ah 重新开始Remember back in that day 灿烂的梦我无法忘却的那个梦Don’t forget back in that day 少年啊用你帅气的声音向世界呼喊shine alive(Just once) Remember back in that day(Go back) 灿烂的梦(Huh)我无法忘却的(forget)那个梦(huh)Don’t forget back in that day (way back) 少年啊用你帅气的声音向世界呼喊shine aliveCome back to me now (即便10年过去)Come back to me now (即便10年过去)Come back to me nowCome back to me now (流逝的岁月,我的青春)Remember back in that day(It's time to shine)我绝不忘记(that’s choice)Don't forget back in that day (dropped to you by GD) 用你帅气的声音向世界呼喊shine alive。

2 soon 歌词大意 带中英文

2 soon 歌词大意  带中英文

2 soon --Jon YoungIf I die young, bury, bury me in satin 如果我英年早逝,就把我埋葬在绸缎里,Lay me down on a, bed of roses 将我的身体放在玫瑰床上,Sink me in the river, at dawn 黎明时分将我沉浸在河流里,Send me away with the words of a love song 伴着爱情的歌将我送走。

If I die young, bury, bury me in satin 如果我英年早逝,就把我埋葬在绸缎里,Lay me down on a, bed of roses 将我的身体放在玫瑰床上,Sink me in the river, at dawn 黎明时分将我沉浸在河流里,Send me away with the words of a love song 伴着爱的歌将我送走。

Now this is dedicated to the onesThat lost their lives a little too early 这个是献给那些年少时候失去生命的人,To the families out there still in pain 献给那些仍然沉浸在悲痛中的家庭,I know that y'all are still hurtin' 我知道你们所有在生的人依旧很受伤,Losing loved ones, and ridas 因为失去了至亲至爱,And sons no longer with us 和不再和我们在一起的孩子,To the soldiers overseas 那些身处异国他乡的战士,Never coming home to their families 他们再也没有回到家乡和亲人相聚。

We breathe but it really don't get no better 我们深深呼吸着但这并没有缓解,They kinda went out too soon 他们离开的太突然,So much too live for still 依旧活生生的印在那一刻。


He gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou驾木舟,跨小河,驶向下游
His Y-vonne, the sweetest one, me oh, my oh小宝贝,警惕肝,叫伊芳哦
Son of the gun, we'll have big ball on the bayou所有的朋友,齐欢唱,好不快活
Every shing a ling a ling that they're starting to sing so fine
Every shalala every wo'wo still shines
Every shing a ling a ling that they're starting to sing so fine
Those were such happy times and not so long ago如此的幸福光阴早已远去
How I wondered where they'd gone我多想明白他们到了那里?
But they're back again just like a long lost friend象失散朋友再次回来
and he’ll catch you all the fish in the bayou畔着河,打鱼虾,过甜美生活
Swapped his mom to buy Yvonne what she need-o 换些钱,买礼物,给伊芳哦
I skio a beat when I see her in the street 在街上一看到她我就会意跳停止
And school on the playground 不管是在学校仍是操场

Young For You 歌 词

Young  For  You  歌  词

Young For You歌词sunday's coming i wanna drive my carto your apartment with present like a starforecaster said the weather may be rainy hardbut i know the sun will shine for usoh lazy seagull fly me from the darki dress my jeans and feed my monkey bananathen i think my age how old,skyline how faror we need each other in californiayou show me your body before night comes downi touch your face and promise to stay ever youngon this ivory beach we kissed so longit seems that the passion's never goneyou sing me your melody and i feel so pleasei want you to want me to keep your dreamtogether we'll run wild by a summer symphonythis is what we enjoyed not a fantasythe tin-man's surfing i wanna try my luckto the top of tide rip like just have some drugsi know you have no blame for my proud moonish heart the golden beatnik parkoh diamond seashore drag me from the yardincredible sunward i watch as you're in photograph for camera your smile's so sweet,palm trees' so lush would you believe my honey it's califoniahttpYesterday Once More(昨日重现)When I was young I'd listen to the radio当我还年轻的时候就喜欢收听电台广播Waiting for my favorite songs等我最喜爱的歌When they played I'd sing along it made me smile我会随之一同吟唱这真使我高兴异常Those were such happy times and not so long ago那是些快乐的时光就在不久以前How I wonder where they'd gone不知道为何寻它不见But they're back again just like a long lost friend现在它们再次出现就像久违的老朋友All the songs I love so well所有的歌曲都让我喜欢Every sha la la la …… every wo wo …… still shine 每个shalalala 每个wowo,依然发亮Every shinga linga ling that they're starting to sing so fine 每个shingalingaling歌声是如此的美妙When they get to the part where he's breaking her heart 当歌儿唱到他使她伤心It can really make me cry just like before it's yesterday once more 我也会泪流满面,犹如昨日重现Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首往事不再的岁月And the good time that I had想起过去的好时光Makes today seem rather sad so much has changed让我徒生悲伤世间已有太多的改变It was songs of love that I would sing to them听到爱情之歌我会随之吟唱And I'd memorize each word诵记歌中的每字每句Those old melodies still sound so good to me那些陈旧的旋律仍然悦耳动听As they melt the years away歌声伴我一年又一年Every sha la la la …… every wo wo …… still shine 每个shalalalala 每个wowo 依然发亮Every shinga linga ling that they're starting to sing so fine 每个shingalingaling 歌声是如此的美妙All my best memories Come back clearly to me所有美好的回忆再现我的脑海如此地清晰Some can even make me cry Just like before It"s yesterday once more使我伤心落泪犹如昨日重现更多追问追答 追问天使的翅膀歌词 追答落叶随风将要去何方 只留给天空美丽一场 曾飞舞的声音 像天使的翅膀划过我幸福的过往 爱曾经来到过的地方 依昔留着昨天的芬芳 那熟悉的温暖 像天使的翅膀划过我无边的心上 相信你还在这里 从不曾离去我的爱像天使守护你 若生命直到这里 从此没有我我会找个天使替我去爱你爱曾经来到过的地方 依昔留着昨天的芬芳 那熟悉的温暖像天使的翅膀划过我无边的心上 相信你还在这里 从不曾离去我的爱像天使守护你 若生命直到这里 从此没有我我会找个天使替我去爱你相信你还在这里 从不曾离去我的爱像天使守护你 若生命直到这里 从此没有我我会找个天使替我去爱你 我会找个天使替我去爱你。



初二英语歌词分析语法练习题40题1<背景文章>"Love Story" by Taylor Swift is a popular song. The lyrics are full of emotions and beautiful descriptions. "We were both young when I first saw you. I close my eyes and the flashback starts. I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air. See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns. See you make your way through the crowd and say hello." In these lines, we can find the use of simple present tense. For example, "I close my eyes and the flashback starts." Here, "close" and "starts" are in simple present tense. It shows an action that happens regularly or is a general truth.Another line is "See you make your way through the crowd and say hello." In this sentence, "make" and "say" are also in simple present tense. This indicates an action that is happening in the present moment.The use of simple present tense in this song helps to create a vivid picture and make the story more engaging.1. In the sentence "I close my eyes and the flashback starts.", the verb "starts" is in _______ tense.A. pastB. presentC. futureD. past perfect答案:B。

Adele阿黛尔 歌词中英对照

Adele阿黛尔 歌词中英对照

歌曲:Because of You(因为你)歌手:凯莉·克莱森歌词(翻译版):I will not make the same mistakes that you did(我不会重复你犯过的错误)I will not let myself Cause my heart so much misery(也不会让内心承受如此痛苦)I will not break the way you did,(我不会干涉你选择的方式)You fell so hard(你吃尽苦头)I ve learned the hard way(我已尝到痛苦的滋味)so never let it get that far(所以我不会让自己一错再错)Because of you(因为你)I never stray too far from the sidewalk(人生的轨道我从不敢偏移半分)Because of you(因为你)I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt(我学会站在安全的地方以免自己受到伤害)Because of you(因为你)I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me(我发现很难去相信别人甚至连自己都怀疑)Because of you(因为你)I am afraid(我如此不堪)I lose my way ,And it s not too long before you point it out(在你为我指明道路前不久,我迷失了方向)I cannot cry(我不能哭)Because I know that's weakness in your eyes(因为我知道,在你眼里这就是懦弱)I m forced to fake a smile, a laugh everyday of my life(此后的每一天我被迫强颜欢笑)My heart can't possibly break(我的心已无法再破碎了)When it wasn't even whole to start with(因为它在最初之时就不再完整)Because of you(因为你)I never stray too far from the sidewalk(人生的轨道我从不敢偏移半分)Because of you(因为你)I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt(我学会站在安全的地方以免自己受到伤害)Because of you(因为你)I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me(我发现很难去相信别人甚至连自己都怀疑)Because of you(因为你)I am afraid(我如此害怕)I watched you die(我看着你日渐憔悴)I heard you cry every night in your sleep(每晚都听见你在睡梦中哭泣)I was so young(我太年轻了啊)You should have known better than to lean on me(你怎么会选择依赖于我呢)You never thought of anyone else(你从来不考虑别人的感受)You just saw your pain(只知道自己的痛苦)And now I cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing(如今我亦为这同样的事情在深夜哭泣)Because of you(因为你)I never stray too far from the sidewalk(人生的轨道我从不敢偏移半分)Because of you(因为你)I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt(我学会站在安全的地方以免自己受到伤害)Because of you(因为你)I try my hardest just to forget everything(我尽我最大努力去忘掉一切)Because of you(因为你)I don t know how to let anyone else in(我从不知道与别人心有灵犀是什么感觉)Because of you(因为你)I m ashamed of my life because it s empty(我的人生是一片可耻的虚无)Because of you(因为你)I am afraid(我如此害怕)Because of you(因为你)Because of you(只因为你)Rolling in the Deep (坠入深渊) - Adele (阿黛尔)词曲:Paul Epworth/Adele AdkinsThere's a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧Reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗Finally, I can see you crystal clear 最终我将你看得一清二楚Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare 去吧出卖我我会让你一无所有See how I'll leave with every piece of you 看我怎么离你而去带走你的一切Don't underestimate the things that I will do 不要低估我将来的所作所为There's a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我我们几乎拥有了一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕让我窒息I can't help feeling 我不禁心生感触We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Baby, I have no story to be told 宝贝我没有故事可讲But I've heard one on you and I'm gonna make your head burn 但是我听说了一件有关你的事情我会让你焦头烂额Think of me in the depths of your despair 在绝望的深渊中想起我Making a home down there as mine sure won't be shared 就在那里安家吧因为我的家园绝对没你的份The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我我们几乎拥有了一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕让我窒息(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)I can't help feeling 我不禁心生感触(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all 本该拥有一切Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心But you played it with a beating 但是你玩弄它还一顿打击Throw your soul through every open door 打开每一扇门将你的灵魂驱赶出去Count your blessings to find what you look for 细数你的祷告知道你在寻找什么Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 把我的悲痛化作珍宝You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you've sown 我要让你付出同样的代价你自作自受自食其果(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)It all, it all, it all 一切一切一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all 本该拥有一切(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You're gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)But you played it 但是你玩弄它You played it 你玩弄它You played it 你玩弄它You played it to the beat 你玩弄它伴着每一次心跳《When We Were Young》歌曲原唱:AdeleEverybody loves the things you do这里的人们喜欢你的一切From the way you talk无论是你的说话方式To the way you move还是你的行为举止Everybody here is watching you这里的每个人都关注着你Cause you feel like home让你有家的感觉You're like a dream come true你可以轻而易举地获得成功But if by chance you're here alone但是如果恰巧你也独自在这里生活Can I have a moment before I go?在我离开前,能听我说几句吗?Cause I've been by myself all night long因为我整晚都孤独一人Hoping you're someone I used to know幻想你是我的某位老友You look like a movie你像是一部电影You sound like a song像是一首老歌My God, this reminds me天哪,它让我想起Of when we were young我们的往日情怀Let me photograph you in this light让这刻美好的记忆保存In case it is the last time that we might be exactly like we were这或许是我们最后一次最真实的时刻了Before we realized we were sad of getting old在我们意识到上了年纪的悲伤It made us restless这让我们不安It was just like a movie就像是一部电影It was just like a song就像是一首老歌I was so scared to face my fears我是如此害怕面对我的不安Cause nobody told me that you'd be here因为没人告诉我你属于这里And I swore you moved overseas但我却以为你已远走他乡That's what you said, when you left me就像你离开我时说得那样You still look like a movie此刻你仍然像那部电影You still sound like a song你仍然是那首老歌My God, this reminds me天哪,它让我想起Of when we were young我们的往日情怀Let me photograph you in this light让我把你的影像定格在这一刻In case it is the last time以免这是我们最后一次That we might be exactly like we were重温往日的美好……It's hard to admit that难以承认Everything just takes me back所有的一切只是To when you were there让我想起从前的你To when you were there让我想起从前的你And a part of me keeps holding on我还有心想要坚持Just in case it hasn't gone万一爱还未消亡I guess I still care我想我还在乎你Do you still care?而你是否在乎我It was just like a movie就像是一部电影It was just like a song就像是一首歌My God, this reminds me天哪,它让我想起Of when we were young我们的往日情怀When we were young我们的往日情怀Let me photograph you in this light让这刻美好的记忆保存In case it is the last time that we might be exactly like we were这或许是我们最后一次最真实的时刻了Before we realized we were sad of getting old在我们意识到上了年纪的悲伤It made us restless对此我们惶恐不安I'm so mad I'm getting old我气恼我正在变老It makes me reckless它令我惶恐不安It was just like a movie就像是一部电影It was just like a song就像是一首歌When we were young重温我们的往日情怀All I Ask - AdeleI will leave我会离开My heart at the door将我的心留在门外I won't say a word一言不发They've all been said before you know该说的都说了So why don't we为何不让我么来玩场Just play pretend伪装游戏Like we're not scared of what's coming next就像我们从不害怕未来的到来Or scared of having nothing left look, don't不惧怕一无所有Get me wrong I know别误会我知道There is no tomorrow我们没有明天All I ask is我唯一所求的是If this is my last night with you如果这是与你共度的最后一夜Hold me like I'm more than just a friend抱紧我就像对爱人般的抱紧我Give me a memory I can use给我可以重温的回忆Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do 牵我的手做一些恋人会做的事It matters how this ends重要的是该如何结束Cause what if I never love again假如我不在爱了I don't need我不需要Your honesty你的坦诚It's already in your eyes都写在你眼里And I'm sure my eyes, they speak for me我看得一清二楚No one knows你是唯一一个Me like you do这么了解我的人And since you're the only one that matters自从你是唯一一个对我如此重要的人Tell me who do I run to look don't那么告诉我改奔向谁去Get me wrong I know别误会我知道There is no tomorrow我们没有明天All I ask is我唯一所求的是If this is my last night with you如果这是与你共度的最后一夜Hold me like I'm more than just a friend抱紧我就像对爱人般的抱紧我Give me a memory I can use给我可以重温的回忆Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do 牵我的手做一些恋人会做的事It matters how this ends重要的是该如何结束Cause what if I never love again假如我不在爱了Let this be our lesson in love让这点成为我们之间最后的爱之舞Let this be the way we remember us让这点成为我们记得彼此的方式I don't wanna be cruel or unjust并非我无情And I ain't asking for forgiveness我也不想恳求任何原谅All I ask is我唯一所求的是If this is my last night with you如果这是与你共度的最后一夜Hold me like I'm more than just a friend抱紧我就像对爱人般的抱紧我Give me a memory I can use给我可以重温的回忆Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do 牵我的手做一些恋人会做的事It matters how this ends重要的是该如何结束Cause what if I never love again假如我不在爱了Someone Like You歌手:AdeleI heard听说That you are settled down你已定下来That you found a girl找到了一个女孩And your married now现在结婚了I heard听说That your dreams came true你的梦想成真了Guess she gave you things看来她给了你I didn't give to you我没给的Old friend老友啊!Why are you so shy你干嘛那么害羞呢?It ain't like you to hold back支支吾吾或闪避眼神Or hide from the light这不像你啊I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited我讨厌这种突如其来的场面But I couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it但我无法离开,无法抗拒I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded我多希望你能看着我的脸然后注意到That for me, it isn't over对我来说,一切还没结束啊Never mind放心吧!I'll find someone like you我会找到一个像你一样的人I wish nothing but the best for you too我也只是希望你一切顺利Don't forget me I beg我求你别忘了我I'll remember you said记得你说过Sometimes it lasts in love有时因爱而活But sometimes it hurts instead有时却也因它而受伤Sometimes it lasts in love有时因爱而活But sometimes it hurts instead有时却也因它而受伤You know how the time flies你知道时间过得多快Only yesterday was the time of our lives我们那些难忘时刻才在昨天We were born and raised我们就在夏雾里In a summer haze长大Bound by the surprise随着惊喜的往日美好时光Of our glory days而在一起I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited我讨厌这种突如其来的场面But I couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it但我无法离开,无法抗拒I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded我多希望你能看着我的脸然后注意到That for me, it isn't over对我来说,一切还没结束啊Never mind放心吧!I'll find someone like you我会找到一个像你一样的人I wish nothing but the best我也只是希望你For you too一切顺利Don't forget me I beg我求你别忘了我I'll remember you said记得你说过Sometimes it lasts in love有时因爱而活But sometimes it hurts instead有时却也因它而受伤Nothing compares凡事比不上No worries or cares无忧无虑Regrets and mistakes但留在记忆中的They're memories made尽是懊悔与所犯的错Who would have known这个中How bitter sweet滋味This would taste谁知Never mind放心吧!I'll find someone like you我会找到一个像你一样的人I wish nothing but the best我也只是希望你For you一切顺利Don't forget me I beg我求你别忘了我I'll remember you said记得你说过Sometimes it lasts in love有时因爱而活But sometimes it hurts instead有时却也因它而受伤Never mind放心吧!I'll find someone like you我会找到一个像你一样的人I wish nothing but the best我也只是希望你For you too一切顺利Don't forget me I beg我求你别忘了我I'll remember you said记得你说过Sometimes it lasts in love有时因爱而活But sometimes it hurts instead有时却也因它而受伤Sometimes it lasts in love有时因爱而活But sometimes it hurts instead有时却也因它而受伤Hello (你好)演唱:Adele (阿黛尔)Hello, it's me你好吗是我I was wondering if after all these years我犹豫着要不要给你来电不确定多年后You'd like to meet, to go over everything你是否还愿意相见愿意闲聊寒暄细数从前They say that time's supposed to heal ya人们都说时间能治愈一切But I ain't done much healing但我却似乎没有更好一点Hello, can you hear me嘿你在听吗I'm in California dreaming我会梦到从前About who we used to be美好的加州美好的我们When we were younger and free当时那年轻而向往自由的我们I've forgotten how it felt我都快要忘了Before the world fell at our feet但现实却让一切重现眼前There's such a difference between us我们之间的差距愈见明显And a million miles有如天差地别Hello from the other side我还是想打给你即使相隔天边I must've called a thousand times即使打上千遍万遍我也想给你来电To tell you I'm sorry对我从前For everything that I've done所有的一切说声抱歉But when I call, you never seem to be home但我每次来电似乎都是忙音不断没人接Hello from the outside但这相隔千里的来电At least I can say that I've tried至少能让我不留遗憾地To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart告诉你抱歉我曾让你那么伤心欲绝But it don't matter但值得庆幸的是It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore不会再有人让你悲痛欲绝Hello, how are you?嗨你最近还好吗It's so typical of me to talk about myself, I'm sorry我已经习惯了自说自话帮你回答对你说声抱歉I hope that you're well也希望你现在能好过一点Did you ever make it out of that town不知你是否已忘记那小城Where nothing ever happened?那不再有故事发生的小城It's no secret毫无悬念That the both of us are running out of time我们都荒废了从前的那些时间So hello from the other side所以这来自远方的我的来电I must've called a thousand times即使打上千遍万遍我也想告诉你To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart抱歉我曾让你心碎成片But it don't matter但值得庆幸的是It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore不会再有人让你悲痛欲绝Ooooohh, anymore不会再有Anymore我们的从前Hello from the other side这来自远方的我的来电I must've called a thousand times即使打上千遍万遍To tell you I'm sorry我也想对你说声抱歉For everything that I've done对我从前所做的一切说声抱歉But when I call, you never seem to be home但我每次来电似乎都是忙音不断没人接Hello from the outside但这相隔千里的来电At least I can say that I've tried至少能让我不留遗憾地To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart告诉你抱歉我曾让你心碎成片But it don't matter但值得庆幸It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore不会再有人让你悲痛欲绝《Take Me To Church》歌曲原唱:HozierMy lover's got humor我的爱人很幽默She's the giggle at a funeral她会在葬礼上嬉笑Knows everybody's disapproval深知世人容不下我们I should've worshiped her sooner早该对主心怀敬意If the heavens ever did speak如果苍天也曾言语He's the last true mouth piece而主代表最终真理Every sunday's getting more bleak每场礼拜都愈加冷酷A fresh poison each week新的毒物周周孕育We were born sick you heard them say it我们天生罪孽人们这么说起My church offers no absolutes我的教义里没有绝对真理He tells me worship in the bedroom但主告诉我时刻都要祷告The only heaven i'll be sent to对我而言真的天堂Is when i'm alone with you就是与爱人相伴I was born sick but i love it我天生残缺但我乐意Command me to be well圣谕令我须成完璧A-amen amen amen阿门Take me to church带我去教堂I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供诉我的所有罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death赐予我永生的死亡Good god let me give you my life主啊让我把生命献给你Take me to church带我去教堂I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供诉我的所有罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death我的亡魂将永存于此Good god let me give you my life主啊请接受我卑微的生命If i'm a pagan of the good times若鼎盛之世我为异端My lover's the sunlight我的爱人便是阳光To keep the goddess on my side为得主垂怜She demands a sacrifice需要做出献祭To drain the whole sea排尽汪洋Get something shiny只为一祭Something meaty for the main course圣桌上的血肉That's a fine looking high horse是我高大英俊的爱人What you got in the stable主你又从中得到了什么We've a lot of starving faithful “我们不过是信仰的受害者That looks tasty而你就是刀俎That looks plenty我们沦为鱼肉This is hungry work这饥渴的屠杀Take me to church带我去教堂I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife供诉我的所有罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me my deathless death赐予我永生的死亡Good god let me give you my life主啊让我把生命献给你Take me to church带我去教堂I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife供诉我的所有罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me my deathless death我的亡魂将永存于此Good god let me give you my life主啊请接受我卑微的生命No masters or kings when the ritual begins世间再无君主一旦仪式开始There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin我们犯下的罪不过是无辜者的温存In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene满布疯狂之下漫撒悲土之间Only then i am human彼时我才是你们所谓的正常人Only then i am clean唯此我才能洗净你所谓的罪孽A-amen amen amen阿门Take me to church带我去教堂I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供诉我的所有罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death赐予我永生的死亡Good god let me give you my life主啊请接受我卑微的生命Take me to church带我去教堂I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供诉我的所有罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death我的亡魂将永存于此Good god let me give you my life主啊请赐我这罪人一死Adele 《Don't You Remember》When will I see you again?我何时才能再与你相见You left with no goodbye, not a single word was said你不辞而别一言未发No final kiss to seal anything没有封存一切的吻别I had no idea of the state we were in.我们的处境让我毫无头绪I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness我知道我有一颗变化无常的心还有心痛And a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my head还有看不透一切的双目放不下一切的双手But don't you remember, don't you remember?但你难道不记得难道你忘记了The reason you loved me before,之前你爱我的理由Baby please remember me once more.BABY请再一次记得你爱的我When was the last time you thought of me?上一次想到我是什么时候Or have you completely erased me from your memories? 难道你真的将我从记忆中抹去Cause I often think about where I happen to roam.因为我经常不知我该去何处方能见你the more I do, the less I know.多的再多却都没有结果But I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness我知道我有一颗变化无常的心还有心痛And a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my head.还有看不透一切的双目放不下一切的双手But don't you remember, don't you remember?但你难道不记得难道你忘记了The reason you loved me before,之前你爱我的理由Baby please remember me once more.BABY请再一次记得你爱的我OhhhhI gave you the space so you could breathe,我给你足够的空间透气I kept my distance so you would be free,我离你远远的让你不觉压抑I hope that you find the missing piece to bring you back to me. 我希望你能找到爱情遗失的那一片将你重新带回我的身边Why don't you remember, don't you remember?可为什么你不记得The reason you loved me before,你之前爱我的理由Baby please remember you used to love me.BABY 为什么忘记你曾经爱过我When will I see you again?何时才能与你相见Back To December - Taylor Swifttranslated by lineI'm so glad you made time to see me 真高兴你能抽出时间来看我How's life? Tell me how's your family 告诉我,近来如何,家人都平安吧?I haven't seen them in a while 我已经有很长时间没有见他们了You've been good, busier than ever 你的事业一帆风顺,忙碌更胜从前Small talk, work and the weather 我们闲聊着,谈着工作天气等零碎小事Your guard is up and I know why 你明显加强了戒备,其中缘由我心知肚明Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind 因为上次我俩见面的痛楚,依旧在你心底挥之不去You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你赠与我玫瑰,我却任由它们枯萎凋零So this is me swallowing my pride standing in fron of you saying I'm sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain't nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I'd realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 真希望能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重头来过I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月These days I haven't been sleepin 这些天来我都辗转难眠Stayin up playing back myself leavin 脑海中一直浮现出当初我离开的场景When your birthday passed and I didn't call 当你的生日到来的时候,我却没有打电话给你庆生Then I think about summer all the beautiful times 脑海里又回忆起当年夏日,美好时光宝贵I watched you laughin from the passenger side 我看着你开心地在人行道上漫步And realized I loved you in the fall 随后的秋天,我不可救药的爱上了你And then the cold came the dark days when fear crept into my mind 可是寒冬降临,黑暗的日子随之而来,忧惧占据了我的心头You gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbye 你用你的爱呵护我,而我所回赠的却只有绝情的分手So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain't nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I'd realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 真希望能回到那年十二月,改变我错误的想法I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile 我无比想念你那黝黑的肌肤,真挚的微笑So good to me so right 你对我的好And how you held me in your arms that September night 那年九月的晚上你把我挽在胸前又是如此美好The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看到我流泪的时候Maybe this is wishful thinkin 也许这只是我一番痴心妄想Probably mindless dreamin 或许这只是我幼稚天真的痴想If we loved again I swear I'd love you right 如果我们还有机会相爱的话我发誓我会好好对你的I'd go back in time and change it but I can't 我会回到过去改变自我,可惜已经太晚了So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你依旧拒绝我的话,我很理解This is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December 我回到那年十二月It turns out freedom ain't nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I'd realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 多希望我能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重新来过I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 我要回到那年十二月,改正我错误的想法,改变过错I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月all the time 一直都想made by lineBack To December - Taylor Swift21。




《除了春天爱情和樱花》乐曲内容中韩歌词봄사랑벚꽃말고——IU&HIGH4除了春天爱情和樱花 IU&HIGH4길었던겨우내줄곧품이좀남는밤색코트漫长的冬天一直留着的栗色外套그속에나를쏙감추고걸음을재촉해걸었어把我藏进大衣里匆忙的走过그런데사람들말이너만아직도왜그러니但是人们都在说你怎么现在还这副模样그제서야둘러보니어느새봄이这才环顾四周不知不觉已经到了春天손잡고걸을사람하나없는내게对连个牵手一起走的人也没有的我달콤한봄바람이너무해甜蜜的春风太过分了나만빼고除了我다사랑에빠져봄노래를부르고都沉浸在爱情里唱着春天的歌꽃잎이피어나눈앞에살랑거려도绽放的花朵在我眼前轻拂난다른얘기가듣고싶어我也想听听别的故事한바탕휩쓸고지나가버릴오오봄사랑벚꽃말고Ohoh 除了春天爱情和樱花봄사랑벚꽃말고除了春天爱情和樱花봄사랑벚꽃말고除了春天爱情和樱花봄사랑벚꽃말고除了春天爱情和樱花손에닿지도않을말로别用那连手都碰不到的话날꿈틀거리게하지말어让我蠢蠢欲动맘먹고밖에나가도即使暗下决心要出去막상뭐별거있나但有什么能做的손잡고걸을사람하나없는내게对连个牵手一起走的人也没有的我오사랑노래들이너무해Oh 那些情歌太过分了나만빼고除了我다사랑에빠져봄노래를부르고都沉浸在爱情里唱着春天的歌꽃잎이피어나눈앞에살랑거려도绽放的花朵在我眼前轻拂난다른얘기가듣고싶어我也想听听别的故事한바탕휩쓸고지나가버릴오오봄사랑벚꽃말고Oh Oh 除了春天,爱情和樱花남들보다절실한사랑노래가사를불러봐比别人更迫切的唱着情歌歌词수많은연인들가운데왜나는혼자만在这么多的恋人中为什么只有我孤身一人똑같은거리와어제와같은옷차림同样的街道,和昨天同样的衣服난제자린데왜세상은변한것만같지我还在原地,为什么好像只有世界在变누군가와봄길을거닐고虽然不是必须要和谁할필욘없지만一起走在春天的小路上누구나한번쯤은머물고싶은그런기억을만들고싶어但还是想要制造都想要驻足的美好记忆떨어지는벚꽃잎도落下的樱花叶엔딩이아닌不是Ending븜의시작이듯而是春天的开始사실은요즘옛날생각이나其实最近总是想起过去걷기만해도그리워지니까即使只是走在路上也会想起다시느낄수있나궁금해지지만虽然好奇,是否能再次体会Then you know what나만빼고除了我다사랑에빠져봄노래를부르고都沉浸在爱情里唱着春天的歌꽃잎이피어나눈앞에살랑거려도绽放的花朵在我眼前轻拂난다른얘기가듣고싶어我也想听听别的故事한바탕휩쓸고지나가버릴经过一番席卷过去了오오봄사랑벚꽃말고Ohoh 除了春天爱情和樱花봄사랑벚꽃말고除了春天爱情和樱花봄사랑벚꽃말고除了春天爱情和樱花봄사랑벚꽃말고除了春天爱情和樱花봄사랑벚꽃말고除了春天爱情和樱花音译歌词High4 & IU - 除了春天爱情和樱花ki 咯动 kiao吴内句过噗米君南嫩盘sei 过特可所尅那了所看去够扩了么切句尅过咯所可龙得萨兰的吗李诺吗那级都为可咯你可切所呀度咯波你哦呢sei 蹦米孙掐过过了萨兰哈那 on嫩内给带空满蹦吧啦米诺木嘿那满被过大撒狼也吧叫蹦怒累了噗了过攻你皮皮哦那嫩那呸撒狼过聊都南他冷也ki噶特过西破韩吧糖会死过级那卡波李哦哦蹦撒狼破攻买过蹦撒狼破攻买过蹦撒狼破攻买过素内大级都啊呢买咯奶滚特过李给哈级吗咯忙莫过吧给那噶多孙掐过扩了萨兰哈那 on嫩内给哦撒狼怒累的李诺木嘿带空满 bon吧啦米诺木嘿那满被过大撒狼也吧叫蹦怒累了噗了过攻你皮皮哦那嫩那呸撒狼过聊都南他冷也ki噶特过西破韩吧糖会死过级那卡波李哦哦蹦撒狼破攻买过Rap:南的波大 qiuo西兰撒狼怒累噶撒了噗咯吧素吗呢要您的噶问得为那嫩红家满多噶疼过李哇哦姐哇噶疼无恰林南切家林得为 sei桑恩票南过满噶级怒滚噶哇碰gi了过你过还皮冷哦级满怒古那韩bon句们莫木过西喷可龙 gi要个满的过西破多咯级嫩比过一多恩丁一啊您蹦米西恰ki的撒西冷要君也奶僧噶gi那扩gi满嘿都可李我级你噶塔西呢gi 素一拿攻个没级级满Then you know what那满被过大撒狼也吧叫蹦怒累了噗了过攻你皮皮哦那嫩那呸撒狼过聊都南他冷也ki噶特过西破韩吧糖会死过级那卡波李哦哦蹦撒狼破攻买过《除了春天爱情和樱花》乐曲背景新人组合High4与IU的合唱曲《除了春天爱情和樱花》MV公开!由崔甲源制作人推出的High4组合由两名Vocal和两名Rapper组成,其中成员金成具与IU是练习生时期的至亲。



英文版的《栀子花开》--《Cape jasmine flower》作词pendave演唱pendaveCape jasmine flowerSo beautiful so whiteWe are in this seasonLeaving away for dreamsHardly to say byeMy girl don't be shyKind of fragrant seepingInto my heart quietCape jasmine flowerSo lovely so brightSwinging our handsTo the happiness and lostTime's not waitingLike the flowing streamIn the seasons we're enjoyingOver day and nightCape jasmine yo u smileCape jasmine never cryCrystal-clear sprayShining in my memoryCape jasmine yo u smileCape jasmine never cryOur love in youthHardly to say good-byeCape jasmine flowerSo lovely so brightSwinging our handsTo the happiness and lostTime's not waitingLike the flowing streamIn the seasons we're enjoyingOver day and nightCape jasmine yo u smileCape jasmine never cryCrystal-clear sprayShining in my memoryCape jasmine you smile Cape jasmine never cry Our love in youth Hardly to say good-bye素颜英文版I rememberd the peaceful midnightMissing you because of the moonlightI wish I could take the fastest flightSee the dews in the sunlightWorking in the office all night longOpened up shutter to see the sunrisePouring water ,sipping coffee,Another working day!I’m longing to see you , my loveI can read your mind though I’m so farEvery day’s work , I feel so hardI know baby , that hurt my heartMy nature’s telling me to follow you whole lifeThat is our fate, the god-given fateI will give you all my loveWe will never be apartGoing through the bitter or sweet , thick and thin , we will see the sparkI know you will try your bestsome day give me a loving homeMake a wish , on the star sWe will stay forever young.I will give you all my loveWe will never be apartGoing through the bitter or sweet , thick and thin , we will see the sparkI know you will try your bestsome day give me a loving homeMake a wish , on the star sWe will stay here forever young.When I hold your hand some dayDiamonds match you really greatTears in my eyes, I know it's all because of the true loveI know we will try our bestliving happily till the enda loving home for youour sweet homeWe’ll be here forever young我的未来不是梦英文版HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU-HOW MUCH I'VE LOVED YOUWHEN YOUR EYES AND MINE MET FOR THE FIRST TIMEIS THERE ANYTHING YOU LIKE TO SAY TO ME GIRLI CAN UNDERSTAND IT COS I LOVE YOUEVEN THOUHT THERE'RE TIMES WE'VE GONE OUR SEPARATE WAYSI THINK OF YOU EACH AND EVERY SINGLE DAYYOU WOULD ALWAYS CALL ON ME NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE THAT SHOWS HOW MUCH WE REALLY NEED EACH OTHERIT'S BECAUSE LOVE FREELOVE CAN ALWAYS BECOS WHEN EACH TIME I NEEDED YOUYOU'RE ALWAYS BY MY SIDEYOU SAY LOVE IS FREEYOU KNOW THAT(EVEN THOUGH WE'RE FAR APARTYOU UNDERSTAND THAT LOVE IS FREELOVE IS ALWAYS YOU AND MEWHEN YOUR HEART BEATS WITH MINE THRU THE NIGHT)YOU SAY LOVE IS FREE《童话》英文版歌词i want you with metell me the storiesi want you knowyour dreams will come truei always think of youi always want youkeep going with meshare with you my dreamsi don't want go alonei need you keep me go forever just like we are in a Fairy Tale but i will take my leaveif you don't want me to go cause i don't knowif it's a Fairy Talei want you know i neet youtell me you won't go alone bring me your dreamsi can be rhe star for youjust let you knowwe can go together everywhere you knowwith our dreamswe can build tomorrowi don't want go alonei need you keep me go forever just like we are in a Fairy Tale but i will take my leaveif you do not want me to go cause i don't knowif it's a Fairy Talei want you know i neet youtell me you won't go alone bring me your dreamsi can be rhe star for you just let you knowwe can go together everywhere you knowwith our dreamswe can build tomorrowi want you know i want you tell me you won't go alone bring me your dreamsi can be rhe star for you just let you knowwe can go together everywhere you knowwith our dreamswe can build tomorrowi want you know i love you tell me you won't go alone bring me your dreamsi can be rhe star for you just let you knowwe can go together everywhere you knowwith our dreamswe can build tomorrowi want you know i love youIt s too late to cry now只要你过得比我好英文版I don t knowhow you are feeling right now is it truethat someone in your heart would you please let me know she(he) belongs to youcause your smileisn t there any moreall these yearsI ve tried to let you knowthat I love youI want you I need youbut I couldn t say it to youjust cried insideplease believe meI do regret it from the startI know it s too late to cry now too late to cry nowit s too late to turn back now only hope to change your mind I know it s too late to cry now too late to cry nowit s too late to turn back nowI know my loveI don t knowhow you are feeling right now is it truethat someone in your heart would you please let me know she(he) belongs to youcause your smileisn t there any moreall these yearsI ve tried to let you knowthat I love youI want you I need youbut I couldn t say it to youjust cried insideplease believe meI do regret it from the startI know it s too late to cry now too late to cry nowit s too late to turn back now only hope to change your mind I know it s too late to cry now too late to cry nowit s too late to turn back nowI know my loveI know it s too late to cry now too late to cry nowit s too late to turn back now only hope to change your mind I know it s too late to cry now too late to cry nowIt s too late to turn back nowI know my loveI know it s too late to cry now too late to cry nowit s too late to turn back now only hope to change your mind I know it s too late to cry now too late to cry nowIt s too late to turn back nowI know my love。

The Lion king (中英文歌词集合)

The Lion king (中英文歌词集合)

The Circle Of Life《生生不息》英文版歌词:Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba [Here comes a lion, Father]Sithi uhm ingonyama [Oh yes, it's a lion]Nants ingonyama bagithi baba [Here comes a lion, Father]Sithi uhhmm ingonyama [Oh yes, it's a lion]Ingonyama [A lion]Siyo Nqoba [We're going to worship]Ingonyama [A lion]Ingonyama nengw' enamabala [A lion and a leopard come to this open p lace][Chant repeats]From the day we arrive on the planetAnd blinking, step into the sunThere's more to see than can ever be seenMore to do than can ever be doneThere's far too much to take in hereMore to find than can ever be foundBut the sun rolling highThrough the sapphire skyKeeps great and small on the endless roundIt's the Circle of LifeAnd it moves us allThrough despair and hopeThrough faith and loveTill we find our placeOn the path unwindingIn the CircleThe Circle of LifeIt's the Circle of LifeAnd it moves us allThrough despair and hopeThrough faith and loveTill we find our placeOn the path unwindingIn the CircleThe Circle of Life中文版歌词:Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba [爸爸,有头狮子出生了]Sithi uhm ingonyama [噢,是啊,一头狮子]Nants ingonyama bagithi baba [爸爸,有头狮子出生了]Sithi uhhmm ingonyama [噢,是啊,一头狮子]Ingonyama [一头狮子]Siyo Nqoba [我们去朝拜]Ingonyama [一头狮子]Ingonyama nengw' enamabala [一头狮子和一头豹子来到了这片开阔地][反复吟唱]张开你的眼睛看这世界你会发觉充满神奇天上星星好象近在天边想要抓总是遥不可及人生旅程坎坷不平你要去体会它的真谛尝尝人情冷暖或是体会世间的风险没有办法逃避看这世界在转永远不停息尽管向前走是对是错希望和失望世事没有绝对看这世界是生生不息世界正在转动永远不停息黑夜与白昼不停转动朝着阳光走慢慢你会知道看这世界是生生不息I Just Can't Wait To Be King《等我来当王》英文版歌词:I'm gonna be a mighty kingSo enemies beware!Well, I've never seen a king of beastsWith quite so little hairI'm gonna be the mane eventLike no king was beforeI'm brushing up on looking downI'm working on my ROARThus far, a rather uninspiring thingOh, I just can't wait to be king!(You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think...)No one saying do this(Now when I said that, I ...)No one saying be there(What I meant was...)No one saying stop that(Look, what you don't realize...)No one saying see here(Now see here!)Free to run around all day(Well, that's definitely out...)Free to do it all my way!I think it's time that you and I Arranged a heart to heartKings don't need adviceFrom little hornbills for a startIf this is where the monarchy is headed Count me out!Out of service, out of AfricaI wouldn't hang aboutThis child is getting wildly out of wingOh, I just can't wait to be king!Everybody look leftEverybody look rightEverywhere you look I'mStanding in the spotlight!Not yet!Let every creature go for broke and sing Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing It's gonna be King Simba's finest flingOh, I just can't wait to be king!Oh, I just can't wait to be king!Oh, I just can't waaaaaait ... to be king! 中文版歌词:我将会是万兽之王瞧瞧我的模样!从来没有一个狮子王他的毛会那么少来看看我的威严没有人比得过没有人敢说“不要啦”只要我说声“要!”可从来没见过像你那么糟等不及成为狮子王!(你还有很长的路要走啊小伙子,如果你想要……)没有任何吩咐(我现在想说,我……)没有任何束缚(我的意思是……)没有任何坏处(但是正当你们认为……)总会有你好处(嘿,看这个!)自由自在到处跑(这是完完全全错的……) 做错事情也没人吵!找个时间该坐下来来好好谈一谈别浪费唇舌是建议一律都免谈如果你真的这样统治我想那就惨干脆离开这块烂地方我再也不想管!这小孩已经开始嫌我烦等不及成为狮子王!所有人往左看所有人往右看所有人往这看我在你们中间让所有万物都一起歌唱让我们随他脚步到处闯让所有万物都一起颂赞等不及成为狮子王!等不及成为狮子王!等不及成为……狮子王!Be Prepared《快准备》英文版歌词:I never thought hyenas essentialThey're crude and unspeakably plainBut maybe they've a glimmer of potentialIf allied to my vision and brainI know that your powers of retention Are as wet as a warthog's backsideBut thick as you are, pay attentionMy words are a matter of prideIt's clear from your vacant expressions (Oo-oo-oo)The lights are not all on upstairs(Oo-oo-oo)But we're talking kings and successions Even you can't be caught unawaresSo prepare for a chance of a lifetime Be prepared for sensational newsA shining new eraIs tiptoeing nearerAnd where do we feature?Just listen to teacherI know it sounds sordidBut you'll be rewardedWhen at last I am given my duesAnd injustice deliciously squaredBe prepared!Yeah, be preparedWe will be preparedFor what?For the death of the kingWhy, is he sick?No, fool, we're going to kill him... and Simba too Great idea! Who needs a king?No king, no king, la-la la-la la laIdiots! There will be a king!Hey, but you said...I will be king!Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again. Yeah! Yeah! All right! All right! Long live the king!Long live the king!Long live the king!King, king, king, king, king, kingIt's great that we'll soon be connected With a king who'll be all-time adoredOf course, quid pro quo, you're expected To take certain duties on boardThe future is littered with prizesAnd though I'm the main addressee The point that I must emphasize isYou won't get a sniff without me!So prepare for the coup of the century Be prepared for the murkiest scam (La! La! La!)Meticulous planning(We'll have food!)Tenacity spanning(Lots of food)Decades of denial(We repeat)Is simply why I'll(Endless meat)Be king undisputedRespected, salutedAnd seen for the wonder I amYes, my teeth and ambitions are bared Be prepared!Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared... Be prepared!中文版歌词:土狼是属于低等动物他们无耻,而且一无是处但是,如果加上我的聪明才智或许将来,他们也会有所作为不要在我面前耍威风仔细看,像个饭桶不中用你给我站好,仔细听着我的话已经够明白那是所谓无言的表白这地方由我来主宰难道你们都没有发现王位继承权在我手中准备好你的心静静等候迎接这一个天大消息一个新的时代它悄悄要到来那我们又算什么?不管我多恶毒只要听我吩咐不要再犯错误以后总会有你的好处我要大声地向你宣布快准备!对要准备我们会准备的准备什么?准备木法沙王之死怎么?他病了?不,笨蛋!我们要杀了他……还有辛巴好主意!谁需要国王?不要王,不要王,啦……白痴!还会有另外一个王的!但是,你自己说……我将要做你们的王!只要跟着我,你们就再也不会饿肚子啦哇!好耶!国王万岁!国王万岁!国王万岁!看来很快就会有依靠随时随地伺候你左右只要投靠我,不用怀疑保证大家都会好过看未来是充满着希望保证过就不会泡汤当我再一次向你提醒我就是你唯一靠山快准备这计划前所未有这计划只要你帮一帮这周详的计划是万无一失的是难得一见的是不能否认的不能抵抗又雄壮威严,受尊敬的我就是森林之王因为我要的理想更高快准备因为我要的理想更高快准备(哈……)Hakuna Matata《哈库拉·马塔塔》英文版歌词:Hakuna Matata!What a wonderful phraseHakuna Matata!Ain't no passing crazeIt means no worriesFor the rest of your daysIt's our problem-free philosophyHakuna Matata!Why, when he was a young warthog...When I was a young warthog... !Very nice.Thanks!He found his aroma lacked a certain appealHe could clear the savannah after every mealI'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned And it hurt that my friends never stood downwindAnd oh, the shame(He was ashamed!)Thoughta changin' my name (Oh, what's in a name?)And I got downhearted(How did you feel?)Ev'rytime that I...Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids! Oh... sorry.Hakuna Matata!What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata!Ain't no passing crazeIt means no worriesFor the rest of your days Yeah, sing it, kid!It's our problem-free philosophy...Hakuna Matata!Hakuna matata[Repeats]It means no worriesFor the rest of your days.It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata[Repeats]中文版歌词:Hakuna Matata!真是很有意思Hakuna Matata!简单又好记从现在开始你不必再担心不必像从前听天由命Hakuna Matata!啊,当他是只小山猪当我是只小山猪很好!谢啦!看他好象美丽十足,风度翩翩看来看去好象缺少一些东西虽然我长得丑,可是很温柔我终于,发现我没办法,出人头地!哎呀,真丢脸(太丢脸喽)我想过改名字(哦,改什么名字啊?)后来终于放弃(为什么呢?)每次我想……嘿,彭彭,不要在小孩面前…… 啊,对不起Hakuna Matata!真是很有意思Hakuna Matata!简单容易记从现在开始没有烦恼忧虑好!唱下去!不必像从前听天由命Hakuna Matata!Hakuna Matata! Hakuna Matata! Hakuna Matata!Hakuna 从现在开始你不必再担心不必像从前听天由命Hakuna Matata! (重复)Can You Feel The Love Tonight《你是我唯一所爱》英文版歌词:I can see what's happening(What?)And they don't have a clue(Who?)They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line Our trio's down to two.(Oh.)The sweet caress of twilightThere's magic everywhereAnd with all this romantic atmosphere Disaster's in the airCan you feel the love tonight?The peace the evening bringsThe world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living thingsSo many things to tell herBut how to make her seeThe truth about my past? Impossible! She'd turn away from meHe's holding back, he's hidingBut what, I can't decideWhy won't he be the king I know he is The king I see inside?Can you feel the love tonight?The peace the evening bringsThe world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living thingsCan you feel the love tonight?You needn't look too farStealing through the night's uncertainties Love is where they areAnd if he falls in love tonightIt can be assumedHis carefree days with us are history In short, our pal is doomed中文版歌词:事实放在眼前(什么?)你不必再忧郁(谁?)把眼睛闭起都会看出来他们俩是一对(哦!)美丽纯洁的爱情这夜晚多么美让浪漫温馨充满每一处到处散发着爱这夜晚爱情到来充满美丽温馨所有,万物,也同样感受到显得如此平静我想要说声爱你不知该怎么说只有在心中告诉亲爱的你是我唯一所爱不要害怕说爱我我心正在等待从你的双眼我看出来你是我唯一所爱这夜晚爱情到来充满美丽温馨所有,万物,也同样感受到显得如此平静这夜晚爱情到来充满美丽温馨这一刻,快闭上眼睛享受这平静从今以后剩我们俩请你不要哭在我心里你是我朋友从今直到永远。



栀子花开-英文版歌词:Garden is in blossom,so beautiful so whitewe'll be apart in such a sweet seasondon't be so shy flowery babyyour mile fragrances everywhere around meGarden is in blossom,so lovely so nicenever leave me in such a beautiful seasonwave to happiness and sadnessdon't be so forgetful when we were so younggarden is in blossom garden is in blossomlike a sweet dream bless me in my heartgarden is in blossom,garden is in blossomremember there youth and purpenss love童年-英文合唱版歌词i recall when i was young o i will play and always having fun with the neighbours next to me and we play until the setting sun try to be the best among the others in a game called spider battle it doesn't matter who is the best now those were days of my pasta few years later when i go to school i was late for lessons all the timealways daydreaming in the class till i don't even know the lesson is gonethen my teacher always tell me never ever be lazy againwhat can i do now what can i say now those were days of my pa stas the days go on and on i grew up and had my first love candle light and sunny beach finally give away my first kiss mother said i was too young to fall in love and then i will one da y regretso love was over but i do miss her (him) those were days of my past(music)just when i left my high school and got my first job of a salesma nworking hard all day and night no one there to lend a helping ha nddaddy told me not to worry and said that i should go on step by s tepwhat can i say now what can i do now those were days of my pa stthen one day i settle down with the only one i really lovegot a small family with two kids that is what i'm always hoping f orbut i still remember having fun with all my friends when i was y oungi miss my hometown i miss my old friends those were days of m y pasto i miss my hometown i miss my old friends when will i see the m again新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦-英文版歌词:Can't let goOnly you know how I feelOnly you know what I missCan't you see you're just what I needAfter all that we've been throughAfter all I've done for youYou should know my love is for realAm I asking for too muchAm I waiting for too longAll I need is your tender touchDon't you know I'm on my kneesDon't you know I'm begging pleaseWon't you take a look at me nowNo matter how hard I tryCan't get you off my mindI just don't know what to do to have you back here again I can't let go, can't let you knowI'm trying don't you knowAll my love goes to showI can't go on without you陈慧娴-飘雪-英文版歌词:You don’t care for me,You don’t care where I have been,I’ve done all I could,So that I could be with you,Anyway you want,I did everything you need,Maybe now you can see,That our love was meant to be.But I was so wrong,Always thought I could be strong,When you left mw here,You took my heart away dear ,I feel so alone,I’ve been missing you so long.I just can’t carry on,Feeling lost at al alone.You left me with a broken heart.Left me here thinking why need feel apart.But I was so wrong,Always thought I could be strong.When you left mw here,You took my heart away dear,I feel so alone,I’ve been missing you so long.I just can’t carry on,Feeling lost at al alone.You left me with a broken heart.Left me here thinking why need feel apart.But I was so wrong,Always thought I could be strong.When you left mw here,You took my heart away dear,I feel so alone,I’ve been missing you so long.I just can’t carry on,Feeling lost at al alone.You left me with a broken heart.Left me here thinking why need feel apart.You left me with a broken heart.Left me here thinking why need feel apart. 波斯猫大约在冬季-英文版歌词:Don't you know that you stole my heart, can you see that hurting now?But you let me done,left me without a trace,left me without a tear in your eyes.don't you know that you broke my heart, can you see that hurting now?It is much to need,you have gonna away,I can only see you in my dreams.so sad that day you let me do,I am so lonely and on the blue.wish you could come back to me,I can then to make you of mine.now I know there's no second chance,I can only say goodbye.I'll let you go,I'll set you free,I'll only see you in my dreams.明天会更好-英文版歌词:when u wake up in the morningwhen u haven't started to thinkthere is a whole brand new dayopen wide and waiting for ui know in life's sorrowu'r on the verge of drowningmay your tears flea with yesterdayblow away with the windwhen u wake up in the morningwhen u haven't started to thinkthe world is out there calling openeyes to new beginninga newborn sun is shiningchasing shadows from your mind everything will be aliveunder the sunshine's smilecome our form your corderno doubt in join usu can decide the futuredevote your youthful power to this world come together,hand in hand togetheri know u'll dowe pray and believe that tomorrow will be betterno i don't know what your name is but u'r so familiar to mecos we belong to one familyu can hear my heart callinglife can be musicrainbows can be reachedif u face yourself trulykeep striving for your dream。



1、(Europe) The Final Countdown新春大礼包1月精彩进球.mp32、Mika - My Interpretation(20080130勇士VS火箭).mp33、ArmyOfThePharaoh【NBA11月下旬精彩赛事预告曲】.mp34、Avril Lavigne - Who Knows【12月精彩得分】.mp35、canonind_rockcover2008年1月精彩得分.mp36、Carly Comando - Everyday(nba新口号:奇迹发生之地).mp37、Daughtry - it's not over常规赛集锦背景音乐.mp38、If I ain't got you--Alicia Keys(07playoffs湖人队史宣传片.mp39、Kelly Clarkson- Breakaway 【介绍纳什】.mp310、Lupe Fiasco - Superstar(热火V骑士背景音乐).mp311、Nemo(20080203雄鹿VS灰熊.mp312、Nightwish---Last of the Wilds(12月下旬精彩赛事预告曲).mp313、rocket man火箭队队歌.mp314、Shayne Ward - That's My Goal(SF3回顾片) .mp315、suzanne vega - my name is luca(20080202火箭VS步行者).mp316、ThemeSong NBAChicagoBulls公牛队出场音乐.mp317、tompetty_iwontbackdown200831灰熊VS火箭.mp318、westlife_i need you(科比宣传片).mp319、yugong20080203 火箭VS雄鹿(中国德比Ⅱ).mp320、陈美Contradanza(C5 NBA12月中旬精彩赛事预告曲) .mp321、深红(instrumental)精彩比赛回顾.mp322、叫我怎能不歌唱NBA跃悦越乐广告背景音乐.mp3it's my lifeold time rocl and rollfar away 战无不胜Rocket manThe Game Of Loveday of your beliefsBehind These Hazel EyesNBA里面的好听的音乐很多,以下精选几首:《Rocket Man》: 歌手Elton John-艾尔顿.约翰,休斯顿火箭队的队歌,不须太多介绍~《everyday》:就是CCTV5经常出现的NBA广告“Where amazing hanppend”里的背景音乐钢琴曲《Conquest Of Paradise》:曾经在易建联与诺维斯基对抗中播放,其实这是Vangelis在1992年,为Ridley Scott执导的影片《1492》配乐,从而使电影的音乐概念完全体现出来,成为不少音乐学院的教材,完完全全史诗般气派的神作!《太极张三丰--偷功》:这段古朴的中国风是电影《太极张三丰》中的插曲,新年CCTV5“姚易”对抗时所用的背景音乐《juelz santana - the second》:耐克青出于蓝广告的音乐,完全的一种君临天下的霸者气势《Yeah--Usher》亚瑟小子在NBA很多活动中的演唱,你会发现它非常耳熟《hey ya ——Outkast 》nba 全明星歌曲《Haendel-Sarabande》:奥尼尔为李宁拍的广告中的背景音乐《Daughtry-it's not over》:在2006年“美国偶像”大赛中异军突起的“光头人气王”克里斯·多特里(Chris Daughtry)的首张专辑中的歌曲,曾被用作CCTV5 NBA07-08常规赛集锦背景音乐《Lupe Fiasco - Superstar 》:2009年1月22日热VS骑士中场时播放的韦德VS詹姆斯宣传片《Elevation》:NBA宣传歌曲,来自U2乐队。




为了庆祝这个特别的日子,不少人都喜欢唱儿童节英语歌,以下就为大家整理了一份儿童节英语歌词大全带翻译版,让我们一起来欣赏吧!一、《童年》(Childhood)歌词:Childhood, childhood, where have you gone?Childhood, childhood, where have you gone?Are you hiding in memories that will never die?Childhood, childhood you chance of life.Chorus:Sing a song of sunshine, golden days with laughter,Happy days when all the world was young.Sing a song of childhood, sing to one another,Know the love of childhood never ends.Childhood, childhood, where have you gone?Childhood, childhood, where have you gone?Are you hiding in memories that will never die?Childhood, childhood you chance of life.Chorus:Sing a song of sunshine, golden days with laughter,Happy days when all the world was young.Sing a song of childhood, sing to one another,Know the love of childhood never ends.翻译:童年,童年,你到哪里去了?童年,童年,你到哪里去了?你是否藏在永不消逝的回忆里?童年,童年,你人生的机遇。

《样(YOUNG)-(现场版)》歌词 — IU

《样(YOUNG)-(现场版)》歌词   — IU
词:李瑜哲 曲:颜小健
蜿蜒的 沿途一路曲折
小路旁 堆积太多叶落
不惆怅 依旧安然无恙
旋转着 故事里的风车
老地方 依旧安然无恙
我要让全世界记住 我的模样



GALA《Youngforyou》歌词及翻译1(中文翻译)嘿,伙计们真酷你好啊窝囊废我们才真叫酷001_intro...the band is so cool (suddoo/M/wangzi)Hello loserThe band is so cool2(中文)忧郁的废物002_the blue elephants(suddoo)我是忧郁的废物生活在离奇的国度现实它虚拟恍惚爱情也飘缈虚无我是忧郁的废物迷恋着成长的孤独拒绝这生命重复却变得一无是处3(中文翻译)田纳西田纳西照耀着我轻易来到却不舍离去我该死却不会哭曾经是那么豪迈不羁梦着梦不觉遗憾把我的心涂的闪亮抱紧我这很好总而言之你是我的大海(你是我的仙女)在夜里和谁一起跳舞篝火旁河水缓缓流淌你的面如丝绒气贯长虹但除了我你别无所依谁偷走你的时间让你无法继续走在停滞中你感觉晕眩之后一切都空空如也003_tennessee(suddoo) TennesseeYou shine on meEazy comeHard to leaveI should dieBut never cryUsed to beA magic knightDream some dreamsNot say sorryPaint my heartLet it be lushHold me tightThat's alrightAnywayYou're my sea(you're my fairy)*Dance with whom at night Fire around,river's gone Velvetface prides youBut now you've got only me left *Who's stolen your watch Would like to continueThe feeling that made you dizzy Now it's all becomin' empty 4(中文翻译)猴子联盟嘿姑娘你会离开我吗当我欠了一屁股债的时候别假惺惺地故作清高激情不在了扯啥都白搭爱情的恶作剧太危险我永远弄不明白风起云涌的时候我只能落荒而逃嘿小子准备当个马屁精吗别再抱怨了来学学流氓用武力去征服男性用玫瑰去迷惑女性004_monkey staion(suddoo)Hey,girl,would you leave me alone ? When my renter follow me around Come on don't pretend to be monkish By now your fervency is gone? Dangerous monkeyshineI never understandAs rain is gonna pourI just gotta spookHey,boy,ready to be a spaniel ? Stop prating come to see devilRule a man as you give a stroke Rule a lady as you send a rose5(中文翻译)万花筒我的生命是一场旅行去尝试去感受去享受你的生命像一副杰作它的色彩永远不褪色你总是做事不分轻重你无悔却有几分任性生命是个万花筒看到和得到的都虚无那些日子过去后我只剩下回忆可以回忆不可以触及因为那不能倒流的时光让我在黑暗中沉迷让我在幻想中嬉戏不用假装害羞裸露都没关系我在昨天已经失去你这事打破了我所有梦过去的激情今非昔比你曾是我唯一的唯一昨日已经逝去这点明确无疑我再也无法触及因为那不能重新的时光那些日子过去后我只剩下回忆可以回忆不可以触及因为那不能倒流的时光005_kaleidoscope(suddoo)I look upon my life as a tripTo try to see to enjoyI look upon your heart as pic.Its color's never in faintnessYou're wayward to do in loadNo remorse to showLife's just a kaleidoscopeThat is what you've got*Some days' already passed away There are left memoryI can't reach it foreverFor it doesn't once morebridge:Let me down in deep huePlayin' acid with youWe needn't to pretendIt's alright be naked between u and me But i've lost you baby in yesterdayIt has broken my dreamHow the past flame be the sameYou are my one and only*Yesterday's just passed away Something goes clearlyI can't touch it foreverFor it's too far away*Some days' already passed away There are left memoryI can't reach it foreverFor it doesn't once moreah*****ah*****ah*****ah*****6(中文翻译)谋杀者大扫荡却一个妹子也搞不定无论何时何地大游行是被好奇心驱使着身影渐渐远去很想播种一颗草莓006_murderer(suddoo/wangzi) ParadingI could never catch any cocottes Whenever whereverTravellingYou were drived by your curiosity T o sail away*Lust to seed a strawberry7(中文翻译)年轻星期天来了我想开着我的车拿着礼物去你的宿舍像个大明星一样预报员说天气会很糟糕可我知道太阳将为我们而闪耀噢懒惰的海鸥把我从黑夜唤醒我穿上牛仔裤去喂我的猴子一些香蕉然后我开始思索我的年龄几何,天涯有多远在加利福尼亚我们仅仅需要彼此当夜晚来临你向我展示你的身体我触碰你的面颊并答应会一直年轻下去我们在这泛着象牙白的沙滩上没完没了的亲吻那些激情像是永远不会消逝你唱了支动听的调子,我无限满足我想要你能愿意让我去实现你的梦想伴着那首夏日交响曲我们一起跑疯了我们在享乐这并不是幻觉锡罐人在冲浪我也想赌一下运气在浪头上的感觉让人飘飘欲仙我知道你对我骄傲又无常的心没有责备欢迎来到这奇异的金色花园噢钻石海岸把我从院子里带了出来难以置信朝着太阳你就像在照片中那般精致对着相机你笑得很甜,棕榈树也青葱你相信吗宝贝这里是加利福尼亚007_young for you(suddoo)Young for you(suddoo)Sunday's coming i wanna drive my carTo your apartment with present like a star Forecaster said theweather may be rainy hard But i know the sun will shine for us Oh lazy seagull fly me from the darkI dress my jeans and feed my monkey banana Then i think my age how old,skyline how farOr we need each other in california*You show me your body before night comes downI touch your face and promise to stay ever young On this ivory beach we kissed so longIt seems that the passion's never gone*You sing me your melody and i feel so please I want you to want me to keep your dream T ogether we'll run wild by a summer symphony This is what we enjoyed not a fantasyThe tin-man's surfing i wanna try my luckTo the top of tide rip like just have some drugs I know you have no blame for my proud moonish heartWelcome to the golden beatnik parkOh diamond seashore drag me from the yard Incredible sunward i watch as you're in photographFor camera your smile's so sweet,palm trees' so lushWould you believe my honey it's califonia8(中文翻译)大人物今日的你看着很嗨昨日的苦痛我都忘了在城里开始新生活吧在城里唱给人们的歌里没有阳光献给勋章的荣耀没有遗憾跑向那现代化的丛林那里所有的宝贝儿都完全属于你闭上眼睛感受深夜他们稍纵即逝音乐响起让我沉醉你要睡了吗?我不睡你看这里空无一人我们连犯错误的机会都错过了在城里开始新命运吧像冰激凌一样的命运008_cheeze(suddoo/wangzi)*You look like so high todayI seemed to forget yesterdayLet's begin the new life in the city Yeah in the city Sing no sunny to peopleSay no sorry to medalRun to the modern jungleOver there all my preciousWill come with freedomClose your eyes,taste the nightHere they born,just a whileMusic down,lead me drunkWill you sleep? i won't*You see that here's nobodyWe are late to mistakeLet's make the new fate in the city Yeah like a ice cream ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~。

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itallagain 我们会重新来过 Allagain! 重新来过 chongxinyeah,yeah,yeahsoyoungnow 太年轻 andwearesoyoungnow, 我们现在太年轻
我们自由狂野的追逐月光 WearefollowingthroughEverydreamandeveryneed 我们追随着每一个梦每一次渴望 ChorusAnditreallydoesn'tmatterthatwedon'teat 忘食何妨 Anditreallydoesn'tmatterfweneversleep 废寝又何妨 Noitreallydoesn'tmatter,reallydoesn'tmatteratall 没关系,没关系,真的没关系
Wearesoyoung(yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah)yeahwearesoyoungnowwe 'lljustdoitallagain
我们会重新来过 Fadeout 渐消