Lect10-Cloud Computing-5
文章编号:1006-3080(2024)02-0264-10DOI: 10.14135/ki.1006-3080.20230320002基于卸载策略的物联网边缘计算任务调度优化黄 如, 宋国梁(华东理工大学信息科学与工程学院, 上海200237)摘要:移动边缘计算(Mobile Edge Computing, MEC)通过将计算任务卸载到边缘服务器,为用户提供了低延时、低能耗的服务,解决了传统云计算的不足。
为联合优化时延、能耗与计算资源,本文提出了一个基于蒙特卡洛树搜索的多通道探索算法(Multi-Channel Search Algorithm based on Monte Carlo Tree Search ,MCS-MCTS)。
首先,以延时和能耗的成本为优化目标,将计算资源分配决策及传输功率建模决策建模为凸优化问题,采用梯度下降法求解最优传输功率分配问题,通过拉格朗日乘子法及卡罗需-库恩-塔克(Karush-Kuhn-Tucker, KKT)条件求解最优计算资源分配问题。
随后,通过MCS-MCTS 算法处理二进制卸载决策问题,为避免搜索结果陷入局部最优,引入模拟退火算法。
数值结果表明,MCS-MCTS 算法能在线性相干时间内得到接近最优的卸载决策与资源分配决策,与现有的启发式搜索算法相比,该算法可以在减少时间复杂度和提高系统能量有效性的同时,达到接近最优的性能。
关键词:物联网;移动边缘计算;深度学习;任务卸载;资源分配中图分类号:TN915文献标志码:A 随着人工智能、移动通信与物联网设备的日益普及,涌现出了在线游戏、虚拟现实等众多新型、高需求量的应用,此类应用需要无线设备终端拥有庞大的计算能力,从而导致更多的能量消耗。
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前 言.............................................................................................................................................................. II 信息化项目软件开发费用测算指南....................................................................................................... - 1 1 范围..............................................................................................................................................- 1 2 术语和定义..................................................................................................................................- 1 3 软件开发成本构成..................................................................................................................... - 3 4 软件开发成本测算步骤............................................................................................................. - 4 附 录 A..............................................................................................................................................- 8 A.1 功能点计数项分类......................................................................................................... - 8 A.2 ILF 的识别...................................................................................................................... - 8 A.3 EIF 的识别...................................................................................................................... - 8 A.4 EI 的识别........................................................................................................................ - 8 A.5 E0 的识别........................................................................................................................ - 8 A.6 EQ 的识别........................................................................................................................ - 9 附 录 B............................................................................................................................................- 10 B.1 功能点分值计算方法................................................................................................... - 10 B.2 技术复杂度因子 TCF.................................................................................................... - 11 B.3 功能点耗时率............................................................................................................... - 11 B.4 软件因素调整因子(SWF)......................................................................................... - 11 B.5 开发因素调整因子(RDF)......................................................................................... - 13 B.6 各阶段开发工作量比例系数....................................................................................... - 13 B.7 人月费用....................................................................................................................... - 14 附 录 C............................................................................................................................................- 15 C.1 预估功能点计数表样例............................................................................................... - 15 C.2 估算功能点计数表样例............................................................................................... - 16 C.3 详细功能点清单列表................................................................................................... - 17 C.4 软件项目开发费用测算表样例................................................................................... - 18 C.5 开发软件需求书写规范样例....................................................................................... - 19 附 录 D............................................................................................................................................- 23 D.1 需求示意....................................................................................................................... - 23 D.2 测算规模....................................................................................................................... - 23 D.3 确定预算....................................................................................................................... - 24 -
Rapid Link 5 系统用户手册说明书
Portfolio Rapid Link 503/2020Rapid Link 5RAMO5RASP5Product OverviewRASPortfolio Rapid Link 5Rapid Link 5OverviewSystem overview Page 3Key to type referencePage 4Motor starter RAMO5with AS-Interface Communication Page 5with Ethernet/IP Communication Page 6with Profinet Communication Page 6Frequency drive RASP5with AS-Interface Communication Page 7 - 8with Ethernet/IP Communication Page 9with Profinet CommunicationR A S P 5-Page 10 - 11Accessories Page 12 - 14SizesPage 15Data Overview3PowerXL Rapid Link 5System overviewRASPFunction modules:Data bus:①Motor starter RAMO5 (Motor Control Unit):⑭AS-Interfaceelectronic DOL starter or r eversing starter⑮AS-Interface-Ribbon cable②Frequency inverter RASP5 (Speed Control Unit):⑯Junction for M12 plug connection⑰Extension cable with M12 plugEnergy bus:Motor connection:③Energy supply (3 AC N/PE 400/480 V, 50/60 Hz)⑱Unsreened motor cable (for RAMO5)④Energy supply for Ribbon cable⑲Screened motor supply cable (for RASP5)⑤Ribbon cable for 400/480 V AC⑳Sensor connection with M12 plug connectors⑥End-piece for Ribbon cable Actuator connection with M12 plug connectors (for RAMO5)⑦Ribbon cables abgang STO connection (for RASP5)⑧Power connection cable to the ribbon cable junction External keypad DX-KEY-OLED⑨Roand cable for 400/480 V AC Bluetooth-Stick DX-COM-STICK3-KIT⑩Plug-in energy junction for roand cable⑪Power connection cable to a plugable roand cable junction⑫Energy junction for roand cable (Powerbox)⑬Power connection cable (round cable) to the PowerboxData Overview4PowerXL Rapid Link 5Key to type referencesRAMO5Electronical motor starterR A M O 5-R = Reversing starter (FWD/REV)2 = 2 Sensor input 4 = 4 Sensor inputs0 = 0 Actuator outputs (0 x M12)2 = 2 Actuator outputs EIP = Ethernet/IP4 = 400/480 V AC motor brake controlRASP5Frequency inverterR A S P 5-A -52S 12 = 2,4 A (0,75 kW @ 400V)4 = 4,3 A (1,5 kW @ 400V)5 = 5,6 A (2,2 kW @ 400V)8 = 8,5 A (4,0 kW @ 400V)(only 4,0kW)0 = 0 Actuator outputs 2 = 2 Actuator outputs 0 = no motor brake controlA31 = ASI-3 Profil S-7.4EIP = Ethernet/IPPNT = PROFINET 4 = 4 Sensor inputs 2403110000D02000 = no motor brake controlD = Direct starter (DOL)1 = 1 Actuator outputData Overview5Motor starter RAMO5AS-InterfaceRated operational current 1)Control voltageexternal brake4)withoutrepair switchwithrepair switchwithoutrepair switchl ₑ[A]P [kW]P [HP](50/60Hz)e n s o r i n p u tc t u a t o r u t p u t 5)-7.4 f o r 31 a r t i c i p a n t s-7.A .E . f o r 6a r t i c i p a n t sArticel no.Articel no.Articel no.2)for normal internally and externaly ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asymchronous motors with 1500min-1 at 50 Hz or 1800min-1 bei 60 Hz 3)at 400V, 50 Hzat 440 - 480V, 60 Hz 4)for actuation of motors with mechanical brake 5)Operation with external 24-V-DC supplywithrepair switchArticel no.Direct starterReverse starterassigned motor rating 2),3)In-/OutputsAS-Interface profileData Overview6Motor starter RAMO5Ethernet/IPRated operational current1)Control voltageexternal brake4)withoutrepair switchwithrepair switchwithoutrepair switchwithrepair switchl ₑ[A]P [kW]P [HP](50/60Hz)e n s o r p u tc t u a t o r u t p u t 5)Articel no.Articel no.Articel no.Articel no.ProfinetProfinetRated operational current 1)Controlvoltageexternal brake 4)withoutrepair switchwithrepair switchwithoutrepair switchl ₑ[A] [kW][HP](50/60Hz)e n s o r p u tc t u a t o r u t p u t 5)Part no.Articel no.Part no.Articel no.Part no.Articel no.Part no.Articel no.2)for normal internally and externaly ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asymchronous motors with 1500min-1 at 50 Hz or 1800min-1 bei 60 Hz 3)at 400V, 50 Hzat 440 - 480V, 60 Hz 4)for actuation of motors with mechanical brake 5)Operation with external 24-V-DC supplyReverse starterassigned motor rating 2),3)In-/Outputs withrepair switchReverse starterassigned motor rating 2),3)Direct starterDirect starterIn-/OutputsData Overview7Frequency inverter RASP5AS-InterfaceRated operatio nal current1)Control voltage external brake 4)AS-Inter-face STO withoutrepair switchwithrepair switchwithoutrepair switchl ₑ[A]P [kW]P [HP](50/60Hz)e n s o r p u tc t u a t o r u t p u t-7.4 f o r 3a r t i c i p a n t a f e -o r q u e -o f fArticel no.Articel no.Articel no.Instructions see next pagewithrepair switchArticel no.without internal brake resistorwith internal brake resistor 5)assigned motorrating2),3)In-/OutputsAS-Interface8Rated oper-ational current1)Control voltage externalbrake4)AS-Inter-face STO withoutrepair switchwithrepair switchwithoutrepair switchwithrepair switchl ₑ[A]P [kW]P [HP](50/60Hz)e n s o r p u tc t u a t o r u t p u t-7.4 f o r 31a r t i c i p a n t sa f e -o r q u e -o f fArticel no.Articel no.Articel no.Articel no.2) for normal internally and externally ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asynchronous motors with 1500 rpm-1 at 50 Hz or 1800 min-1 at 60 Hz 3) at 400V, 50 Hzat 440 - 480V, 60 Hz4) for actuation of motors with mechanical brake5) integrated brake chopper with braking resistance for dynamic brakingassigned motorrating 2),3)In-/Outputswith internal brake resistor 5)without internal brake resistorData overview9Frequency inverter RASP5Ethernet/IPRated oper-ational current 1)Control voltage external brake 4)STO withoutrepair switch withrepair switchwithoutrepair switchl ₑ[A]P [kW]P [HP](50/60Hz)e n s o r p u tc t u a t o r u t p u ta f e -o r q u e -o f fPart no.Articel no.Part no.Articel no.Part no.Articel no.2) for normal internally and externally ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asynchronous motors with 1500 rpm-1 at 50 Hz or 1800 min-1 at 60 Hz 3) at 400V, 50 Hzat 440 - 480V, 60 Hz4) for actuation of motors with mechanical brake5) integrated brake chopper with braking resistance for dynamic brakingwithrepair switchPart no.Articel no.assigned motorrating2),3)In-/Outputs without internal brake resistorwith internal brake resistor 5)Data overview10Frequency inverter RASP5ProfinetRated oper-ationalcurrent1)Control voltage externalbrake4)STOwithoutrepair switchwithrepair switchwithoutrepair switchwithrepair switchl ₑ[A]P [kW]P [HP](50/60Hz)e n s o r p u tc t u a t o r u t p u ta f e -o r q u e -o f Part no.Articel no.Part no.Articel no.Part no.Articel no.Part no.Articel no.2) for normal internally and externally ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asynchronous motors with 1500 rpm-1 at 50 Hz or 1800 min-1 at 60 Hz 3) at 400V, 50 Hzat 440 - 480V, 60 Hz4) for actuation of motors with mechanical brake5) integrated brake chopper with braking resistance for dynamic brakingassigned motorrating2),3)In-/Outputswithout internal brake resistorwith internal brake resistor 5)11ProfinetRated oper-ational1)Control voltage external4)STOwithoutrepair switchwithrepair switchwithoutrepair switchl ₑ[A]P [kW]P [HP](50/60Hz)e n s o r p u tc t u a t o r u t p u ta f e -o r q u e -o f fPart no.Articel no.Part no.Articel no.Part no.Articel no.2) for normal internally and externally ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asynchronous motors with 1500 rpm-1 at 50 Hz or 1800 min-1 at 60 Hz 3) at 400V, 50 Hzat 440 - 480V, 60 Hz4) for actuation of motors with mechanical brake5) integrated brake chopper with braking resistance for dynamic brakingwithout internal brake resistorwithrepair switchPart no.Articel no.assigned motor rating 2),3)In-/Outputswith internal brake resistor 5)Data overview12PowerXL Rapid Link 5 AccessoriesDescription Length[m]For use with Part no.Article no.Std. pack InstructionsCommunicationOperation unitfor setting the device parametersOLED displayFront IP54, multilangualwith approx. 3m plug-in connection cable (RJ45, 8-pin)3RASP5, RAMO5DX-KEY-OLED1691331 off-Programming cablefor connecting the device to the PCFor configuring the device's parameters with the drivesConnect computer program with RJ 45 plug and USB plug 3,4RASP5, RAMO5DX-CBL-PC-3M0744-A3036-00P1 off-Parameter storage unitand Bluetooth communication stickFor storage, copying parameters, and/or transferring parameters to a PC with the drivesConnect software via Bluetooth RASP5, RAMO5DX-COM-STICK3-KIT1975861 off-Motor feederMotor cablefor connecting the motor starter to the motor2RAMO5RAMO-CM1-2M0164282RAS1 off-5RAMO5RAMO-CM1-5M01642831 off-10RAMO5RAMO-CM1-10M1642841 off-2RASP5RASP-CM2-2M01982801 off-5RASP5RASP-CM2-5M01982811 off-10RASP5RASP-CM2-10M1982821 off-AS-Interface connection and sensorsAS-Interface linkM12 connection socket for AS-Interface connection cableIDC termination RAMO5RASP5ZB2-100-AZ10826671 off-AS-Interface connection cablefor connecting the device with AS-Interface junctionwith M12 socket and M12 plug, 3-pole 1RAMO5RASP5RA-XM12-1M2720571 off Pin 1, 3, 4 are assignedY connectorFor connecting up to 2 sensors per M12 socket-RASP5RA-XM12-Y2904241 off-Spare keysfor AUTO - OFF/RESET - HAND key-switchesLock mechanism MS1RAMO5RASP5M22-ES-MS12164165 off-halogen free, 8 x 1,5 mm2, plastic plug halogen free, screened, 4 x 1,5 mm2 + 2 x (2 x 0,75 mm2), plastic plugData overview13 PowerXL Rapid Link 5AccessoriesDescription Length[m]For use with TypArticle no.Std.packPower supply at flat cable RA-C1Flat cablefor 400 V AC/24 V DC decentralized power supply or AS-Interfacehalogen free, 7 x 4 mm 2RA-C1-7X4HF230860100 lfmPower connection cablefor connecting the device with the 400 V AC flexible busbar junctionwith power plug and plug for flexible busbar junction, halogen-free, 5 x 1.5 mm21,5RAMO5RASP5RA-C1-PLFRA-C3/C1-1,5HF2902101 offwith HAN Q4/2 power plug and plug for flexible busbar junction, halogen free, 5 x 1,5 mm21,5RAMO5RASP5RA-C1-PLFRA-Q4/C1-1M51982831 offFlexible busbar junction 400 V AC/24 V DC Connection socket for power connection cableInsulation piercing terminals, terminal socket with lock mechanism RA-C1-7X4HFRA-C3/C1-1,5HFRA-C1-PLF2901885 offProtection coverfor protecting the 400 V AC/24 V DC flexible busbar junction-RA-C1-PLF RA-C1-COV25469310 off Plug connector for 400 V AC/24 V DC flexible busbar junctionPlug insert with hood RA-C1-PLF RA-C1-VP-PLM2315745 offDistributor modulefor feeding the 400-V-AC/24-V-DC of the ribbon cable with a round cableTermination with piercing screws, 2 x VM25and 2 x V-M20 knockout plates, connection module with spring-loaded terminals, connection of round cables up to 4 mm2RA-C1-7X4HF RA-C1-AM-72902145 offDistributor modulefor the 400V AC feeding to the ribbon cable with a round cableWith 3 flexible busbar inputs and 2 round cable inputsConnection of round cables 4 mm2RA-C1-7X4HF RA-C1-VM-72642442 offFlexible busbar bushingfor bushing for flat cable in distributor module or control cabinet-RA-C1-VM-7RA-C1-DF26424310 offFlexible busbarsfor fastening the ribbon cableRA-C1-7X4HF RA-C1-FIX272086100 offEnd-piecefor terminating the ribbon cable-RA-C1-7X4HF RA-C1-END129018910 offToolsFor cutting flat cable RA-C1-7X4HF RA-C1-CUT2546901 offPower supply at round cable RA-C2Power connection cablefor connecting the device with the round cable junctionwith power plug and plug for round cable junction, halogen-free,5 x 1.5 mm21,5RAMO5RASP5RA-C2-S1-4RA-C3/C2-1,5HF2902111 offwith HAN Q4/2 power plug and plug for round cable junction, halogen free,5 x 1,5 mm21,5RAMO5RASP5RA-C2-S1-41 offRound cable junctionConnection socket for power connection cableRA-C3/C2-1,5HF RA-C2-S1-42578301 offBlanking plugfor closing the last round cable junction in the power line-RA-C2-S1-4RA-C2-SBL26535710 off One set with10 blanking plugsOrder cable glandV-M25 separatelyOrder V-M25/V-M20cable gland and RA-C1-DFbushing separatelyOrder cable glandV-M25 or V-M20separatelyOne set with 100 clips----for 7 x 2.5/4 mm2, 400 V AC and 24 V DC, termination with insulation piercing technology, cable fixing with metal screws, pre-wired socket insert, suitable for cable outer diameters10 - 13 mm RA-Q4/C2-1M5198284-InstructionsPaint film contaminant/silicon-freeEquipment supplied:1 pairs of gasketsfor these cable diameters,1 lock mechanism---Data overview14 AccessoriesDescription Length[m]For use with TypArticle no.Std.packInstructionsPower supply at round cable RA-C4Round cable junctionConnection socket for power cables from 2.5 - 6 mm2T junction via spring-cage terminal,1.5 to 6 mm2 and/or plug connection of 0.5 - 4 mm2, Enclosure IP65RA-C4-PPB/C3-1M5RA-C4-X/C3-1M5RA-C4-PB651169051 off Enclosure opening gaskets are notincluded as standardBlanking plugfor closing off unused housing openingsEnclosure seal, closed, EPDM, silicon free and halogen free, IP65RA-C4-PB65RA-C4-D011696010 off One set with10 blanking plugsGasketSlotted enclosure bushing sealfor Ø 11 - 13 mm EPDM round cable, silicon free and halogen free, IP65RA-C4-PB65RA-C4-D1311690710 off-for Ø 13 - 15 mm EPDM round cable, silicon free and halogen free, IP65RA-C4-PB65RA-C4-D1511690810 off-for Ø 15 - 17 mm EPDM round cable, silicon free and halogen free, IP65RA-C4-PB65RA-C4-D1711690910 off-Power connection cablefor connecting the device with the round cable junctionCable 5 x 1.5 mm2, halogen-free, with RA-C4-PPB plug for round cable junction, power plug and gasket IP651,5RAMO5RASP5RA-C4-PB65RA-C4-PPB/C3-1M51169621 off-Power connection cable for user assemblyfor connecting the device with the round cable junctionCable 5 x 1.5 mm2 halogen free, with ferrules, power plug and IP65 gasket 1,5RAMO5RASP5RA-C4-PB65RA-C4-X/C3-1M51169611 offData overview DimensionsRAMO5RASP5Sizes (a x b x c)Sizes (a x b x c)[mm][mm][A]Type a b c[A]Type a b cbis 5,6A withoutrepair switch157220270bis 5,6Awithoutrepair switch157220270bis 5,6A withrepair switch157220284bis 5,6Awithrepair switch1572202848,5Awithoutrepair switch1952202708,5Awithrepair switch195220284Weight WeightType[kg]Type[kg] RAMO5-xx0xxxx-xxx0xx1,633,42 RAMO5-xx1xxxx-xxx0xx1,643,78 RAMO5-xx0xxxx-xxxRxx1,83,43 RAMO5-xx1xxxx-xxxRxx1,81Degree of protection Degree of protectionIP65 / NEMA12IP65 / NEMA12Drawings Drawings15Eaton Electric GmbHSwitzerland Customer-Service-Center webpage:Postfach 1880D-53105 Bonn LausanneEaton Industries II Sàrl Order processing Avenue des Baumettes 13Business transaction CH-1020 Renens Direct order Tel. +41 58458-1468Tel.+49 228 602-3702Fax +41 58 458-1469Fax +49 228 602-69402E-Mail: E-Mail:ZurichBusiness transaction Eaton Industries II GmbH Electrical WholesalerIm Langhag 14Tel. +49 228 602-3701CH-8307 Effretikon Fax +49 228 602-69401Tel. +41 58 458-1414E-Mail:Fax +41 58 458-1488E-Mail:TechnologyTechnische Auskünfte/Produktberatung Austria Tel. +49 228 602-3704Internet:Fax +49 228 602-69404E-Mail:Vienna Eaton GmbHInquiries / quotationsScheydgasse 42Tel. +49 228 602-3703AU-1215 Vienna, Austria Fax+49 228 602-69403Tel. +43 50868-0E-Mail:Fax: +43 50868-3500E-Mail:Quality Assurance / Complaints Tel. +49 228 602-3705After Sales Service Fax +49 228 602-69405Eaton Industries GmbH E-Mail:D-53115 BonnHeadquater Bonn, Germany Tel. +49 228 602-3640Tel. +49 228 602-5600Fax +49 228 602-61400Fax+49 228 602-5601Hotline +49 1805 223822E-Mail:Webpage:Changes to the products, to the information contained in this document and to Prices are reserved, as are errors and omissions. 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起重机智联通讯系统姜健宁1 于 乐2 张士杰1 靳少朋1 崔学强11北京起重运输机械设计研究院有限公司 北京 100007 2北京江行联加智能科技有限公司 北京 100102摘 要:文中详细介绍了一种起重机智联通讯系统,该系统利用物联网技术在智能制造工厂中构建起重设备与上游系统的云边端通讯网络,包括前端控制机构(与起重机连接,用于获取起重机的全流程作业信息和作业环境信息)、边缘处理机构(与前端控制机构连接,用于对控制机构上传的信息进行处理)、数据管理机构(与边缘处理机构连接,用于基于边缘处理机构上传的信息对起重机作业进行管理)等。
关键词:起重机;智联通讯;边缘计算;物联网中图分类号:TH215 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-0785(2023)3-0061-04Abstract: The author introduces a kind of intelligent communication system for cranes in detail. This system uses Internet of Things technology to build a cloud edge communication network between hoisting equipment and upstream system in intelligent manufacturing factories, including front-end control mechanism (connected with cranes to obtain the whole process operation information and operation environment information of cranes), edge processing mechanism (connected with front-end control mechanism to process the information uploaded by control mechanism), and data management mechanism (connected with edge processing mechanism to manage crane operation based on the information uploaded by edge processing mechanism). This system can realize the information communication of elements during whole industrial production of cranes, and the safe, accurate and efficient full-automatic operation of intelligent cranes.Keywords:crane; intelligent communication; edge computing; Internet of things0 引言工业通讯系统是智能制造车间起重机的神经网络,通过起重机智联通讯系统有效连接底层传感器、执行器及客户上游控制系统。
2009年 4月 23日 , 世界最大联机图书馆服务供 应商 OCLC宣布即将推出基于 WorldCat书目数据的 “Web级协作型图书馆管理服务 ”[ 6] , 被公认为是一 项云计算服务 , 其目标是取代各类型图书馆的集成 管理系统 。由于 OCLC在图书馆界的广泛影响 , 此 举预示着云计算在图书馆领域广泛应用的开始 。
3 云计算导致的图书馆管理挑战 经过最近一 、二年的实践与讨论 , 云计算的技术
轮廓与应用领域已经渐渐清晰 。 但是 , 云计算将给 图书馆的管理和信息服务带来什么变化 , 或者说图
云计算给图书馆管, 它的管理与服务将 有什么变化 , 应该说还存在相当大的不确定性 。 实 际上 , 处于迅速发展中的云计算受到许多专家的强 烈质疑 。 最为典型的是加特纳公司所指出的云计算 7大风险 , 即优先访问权风险 、管理权限风险 、数据 处所风险 、数据隔离风险 、数据恢复风险 、调查支持 风险 、长期发展风险[ 12] 。 更为积极的云计算研究则 希望通过制定相应的国家或行业政策 、管理制度 、规 则 , 消除云计算应用所面临的不确定性或风险 。 例 如 , 《云计算权利宣言 》一口气提出了云计算用户应 有的 “审计 、账单 、备份 、数据 、接口 、法律 、位置 、安 全 、服务 、标准 ” 10项权利要 求[ 13] 。 加州大学伯克 利分校 Armbrust等人的技术报告 《云之 上 :云计算 的伯克利评论 》, 讨论了云计算的 10大障碍 , 涉及服 务 、数据 、信誉 、知识产权等问题 [ 14] 。马里兰大学的 Jaeger等人讨论了云计算的 “获取 、可靠性 、安全性 、 数据保密和隐私 、知识产权 、数据的所有权 、互换性 、 审计 ”等 8个方面的 “规 则 ”[ 9] 。 所有这些研究 , 均 涉及云计算的宏观管理问题 。
SaaS 是一种软件布局模型,其应用专为网络交付而设计,便于用户通过互联网托管、部署及接入。
SaaS 应用软件的价格通常为“全包”费用,囊括了通常的应用软件许可证费、软件维护费以及技术支持费,将其统一为每个用户的月度租用费。
2008 年前,IDC 将SaaS 分为两大组成类别:托管应用管理 (hosted AM) -以前称作应用服务提供 (ASP),以及“按需定制软件”,即 SaaS 的同义词。
从 2009 年起,托管应用管理已作为 IDC 应用外包计划的一部分,而按需定制软件以及 SaaS 被视为相同的交付模式对待。
编辑本段2、SaaS起源SaaS起源于60年代的Mainframe、80年代的C/S、从ASP模式演变而来的SaaS 。
云天励飞:建设自进化城市智能体 推动人工智能产业快速发展文/潘 慧提升核心技术 构建全栈AI《广东科技》:作为深圳本土的AI独角兽企业,本刊曾对云天励飞进行宣传报道(2019年1月),并持续关注企业的发展情况。
电力物联网中基于聚类的任务卸载在线优化方法夏元轶;滕昌志;曾锃;张瑞;王思洋【期刊名称】《计算机技术与发展》【年(卷),期】2024(34)6【摘要】随着电力物联网(electric Internet of Things,eIoT)技术的快速发展,海量电力设备在网络边缘环境中产生了丰富的数据。
移动边缘计算(Mobile Edge Computing,MEC)技术在靠近终端设备的位置部署边缘代理可以有效减少数据处理延迟,这使其非常适用于延迟敏感的电力物联网场景。
首先,基于分层DBSCAN(hierarchical density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise)算法,对系统中的静态和动态边缘设备进行聚类。
其次,将任务卸载问题建模为多臂老虎机(Multi-Armed Bandits,MAB)模型,目标为最小化卸载延迟。
张广河 2019-11
DCCC重新定义数据中心 鲲鹏+昇腾双引擎计算 能源友好的全栈数据中心
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英语超市Biscuits 饼干类Snacks零嘴Crisps各式洋芋片Confectionery 糖业类Pet. Food宠物食品Toiletries 厕所用品Cereals榖类食品Poultry家禽类Pickles各式腌菜以下将常用的食品的中英对照作整理, 以方便大家采购: A. 肉品类(鸡, 猪, 牛) B. 海产类 C. 蔬果类 D. 其它 A. 肉品类(鸡, 猪, 牛) 鸡以身体部位分:Fresh Grade Legs 大鸡腿Fresh Grade Breast 鸡胸肉Chicken Drumsticks 小鸡腿Chicken Wings 鸡翅膀其它部位及内藏,英国人都不吃,或给猫丶狗吃的。
猪肉则分:Minced Steak 绞肉Pigs Liver 猪肝Pigs feet 猪脚Pigs Kidney 猪腰Pigs Hearts 猪心Pork Steak 没骨头的猪排Pork Chops 连骨头的猪排Rolled Porkloin 卷好的腰部瘦肉Rolled Pork Belly 卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮Pork sausage meat 做香肠的绞肉Smoked Bacon 醺肉Pork Fillet 小里肌肉Spare Rib Pork chops 带骨的瘦肉Spare Rib of Pork 小排骨肉Pork ribs 肋骨可煮汤食用Black Pudding 黑香肠Pork Burgers 汉堡肉Pork-pieces 一块块的廋肉Pork Dripping 猪油滴Lard 猪油Hock 蹄膀Casserole Pork 中间带骨的腿肉Joint 有骨的大块肉牛肉Stewing Beef 小块的瘦肉Steak & Kidney 牛肉块加牛腰Frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排Mimced Beef 牛绞肉Rump Steak 大块牛排Leg Beef 牛键肉OX-Tail 牛尾OX-heart 牛心OX-Tongues 牛舌Barnsley Chops 带骨的腿肉Shoulder Chops 肩肉Porter House Steak 腰上的牛排肉Chuck Steak 头肩肉筋丶油较多Tenderised Steak 拍打过的牛排[注]牛杂类在传统摊位市场才可买到,超级市场则不贩卖。
访问管理快速⼊⻔产品⽂档【版权声明】©2013-2019 腾讯云版权所有本⽂档著作权归腾讯云单独所有,未经腾讯云事先书⾯许可,任何主体不得以任何形式复制、修改、抄袭、传播全部或部分本⽂档内容。
⽂档⽬录快速⼊⻔创建管理员⽤户创建⼦账号并授权⼦账号登录控制台快速⼊⻔创建管理员⽤户最近更新时间:2021-07-19 17:53:04操作场景该任务指导您使⽤主账号在访问管理控制台,快速创建⼀个有管理员权限的⼦⽤户。
操作步骤1. 登录访问管理控制台,在左侧导航栏中,选择【⽤户】>【⽤户列表】,进⼊⽤户列表管理⻚⾯。
2. 在⽤户列表管理⻚⾯,单击【新建⽤户】,在新建⽤户⻚⾯单击【快速创建】,进⼊快速新建⽤户⻚⾯。
3. 在快速新建⽤户⻚⾯,根据⻚⾯提⽰设置⽤户信息和是否重置密码。
说明:快速创建⼦⽤户时,默认拥有管理员权限(即绑定 AdministratorAccess 策略)。
您可以通过单击图标修改⽤户信息,若绑定的策略不为 AdministratorAccess,则新建的⼦⽤户不具备管理员权限。
4. 单击【创建⽤户】,进⼊成功新建⽤户⻚⾯,您可以通过以下两种⽅法获取⼦⽤户信息。
智慧校园包含数字视频监控系统、电子巡更系统、周界防范系统3部分,其中电子巡更系统存在人员排班,无法实现24 h覆盖巡更线路
文章采用视频流作为输入媒体,采用先进的识别分类模型,实现电子巡更系统24 h全覆盖业务功能,解决周界防范系统误报率高和人为破坏的缺点,
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5)服务控制和度量 Measured Service.
• Cloud systems automatically control and
optimize resource use by leveraging a
metering capability (计量能力) at some level of
abstraction appropriate to the type of service
as needed automatically without requiring human interaction with each service’s provider.
2. Concept of Cloud Computing
2)宽网访问 Broad network access. • Capabilities are available over the network
• 大型互联网企业能力过剩 • Amazon, like most computer networks,
were using as little as 10% of their capacity at any one time。
1. Introduction to Cloud Computing
• 所以,一些企业看到了商机,出租服务 • Amazon: • Amazon wanted to provide cloud computing to
Concept of Cloud Computing
2. Concept of Cloud Computing
The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing Cloud computing is a model for enabling
➢traditional CAPEX model (buy the dedicated hardware and depreciate it over a period of time) 资本支出模式(购买 专门的硬件设备,而很快就贬值了) to
➢the OPEX model (use a shared cloud infrastructure and pay as you use it). 运 营支出模式(使用云基础设施,用时才花钱) 。 Back
2. Concept of Cloud Computing
3)资源池Resource pooling. • The provider’s computing resources are
pooled to serve multiple consumers using a multi-tenant model, with different physical and virtual resources dynamically assigned according to consumer demand.
➢Ubiquitous (无处不在的), ➢convenient, (方便的) ➢on-demand (按照需求的) network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources,e.g., ➢ networks, ➢ servers, ➢ storage, ➢applications, and ➢ services that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
2. Concept of Cloud Computing
• 云计算应该具有的5个基本特点: 1)按需自我服务 On-demand self-service. • A consumer can unilaterally(单方面)
provision computing capabilities, such as • server time and (服务器时间) • network storage, (网络存储)
Software Architectures
Lecture 10: Cloud Computing
Professor Yushan (Michael) Sun
Fall 2018
1. Introduction to cloud computing 2. Concept of cloud computing 3. Cloud Delivery Models 4. Data Center (数据中心) 5. Comparison of grid computing with
Cloud Delivery Models (Service Models) (云服务提供模式)
3. Cloud Delivery Models
• Software as a Service (SaaS)(软件即服务交付模型) – Use provider’s applications over a network – On-demand applications – E.g., Storage
Amazon EC2, Eucalyptus OpenNEbula
硬件: 服务器、网络
Server, Network
Data Centers
2. Concept of Cloud Computing
CRM, Email, visual desktop, communication, games…
Execution runtime, database, web server,
development tools…
Virtual machines, servers, storage,
load balancers, network, etc,…
个人用户, 公司用户
个人用户 公司用户
Google Apps, Facebook, YouTube
Runtimes, Operating System,
Google AppEngine, Microsoft Azure
基础设施即服务 (IaaS)
cloud computing 6. Key technologies of cloud computing 7. Architectures of cloud computing
Introduction to Cloud Computing
1. Introduction to Cloud Computing
2. Concept of Cloud Computing
4)快速弹性Rapid elasticity. • Capabilities can be rapidly and elastically
provisioned, in some cases automatically, to ➢quickly scale out(快速扩展), and ➢rapidly released (快速释放) ➢quickly scale in(快速收缩).
3. Cloud Delivery Models
= Managed for You
Applications Runtimes Database Operating System Virtualization Server Storage Network
提供 基础 设施
提供 平台
external customers, and • launched Amazon Web Services (AWS) on a
utility computing basis in 2006.
• IBM: • IBM announced the IBM SmartCloud framework
to support Smarter Planet in 2001. • Cloud computing is a critical component of the
– Location independence:
• 客户不知道自己的资源存在哪里 the customer generally doesn’t know the exact location of the provided resources but
• 客户可以指定资源存放地区 may be able to specify location at a higher level of abstraction (e.g., country, state, or data center).
Smarter Computing foundation.
1. Introduction to Cloud Computing
• 企业可以将其业务移动到“云端”:
• The term "moving to cloud" also refers to an organization moving away from a
• Platform as a Service (PaaS) (平台即服务交付模型) – Deploy customer-created applications to a cloud – On-demand application-hosting environment (托管 环境) – E.g. Google AppEngine, , Windows Azure, Amazon