1. 失效可能会影响符合本标准的紧固装置、电气连接和提供接地连 续性的连接,应能承受在正常使用中出现的机械应力 这些螺钉不能由像锌或铝那些软的,或易于蠕变的金属制造 如果它们是用绝缘材料制成的,则应有至少为3mm标称直径,而 且不应用于任何电气连接和提供接地连续性的连接 电气连接或提供接地连续性连接的螺钉,应旋入金属之中 如果这些螺钉用金属螺钉置换能损害附加绝缘或加强绝缘,则这 些螺钉不能用绝缘材料制造。 在更换具有X型连接电源软线时或用户维护保养时可取下的螺钉, 如果它们用金属螺钉置换能损害基本绝缘,其应不用绝缘材料制 造 2. 电气连接和提供接地连续性的连接的结构,应使接触压力不通过 那些易于收缩或变形的绝缘材料来传递,除非金属零件有足够的 回弹力能补偿绝缘材料任何可能的收缩或变形 3. 宽螺距(金属板)螺钉是将载流部件夹紧在一起的,其仅用于电 气连接 如果自攻螺钉能形成一个完全标准的机械螺纹,则其仅用于电气 连接。这种螺钉如果可能由用户或安装者操作,则除非其螺纹是 挤压成型,否则不应使用 4. 在器具不同部件之间进行机械连接的螺钉和螺母,如果它们也进 行电气连接,或提供接地连续性连接,则应可靠固定,防止松动
1.只要是在元件合理应用的条件下,应符合相关的国家标准或IEC标准中规定 的要求 已经确认它们符合相关的国家标准或IEC标准的循环次数要求,这些元件 不应经受24.1.1~24.1.6的测试 未认定符合相关国家标准或IEC标准的元件,没有标识或没有按其标识使 用的元件,均应在器具实际运行情况下进行试验,被试样品的数量按相 关的标准要求 2.用于无线电干扰抑制或分压的电容器的相关标准GB/T14472 如果要测试, 则按附录F进行 安全隔离变压器的相关标准是IEC61558-2-6,如果要测试,则按附录G 进行 开关的相关标准是IEC61058-1。按IEC61058-1的7.1.4规定的工作循环次 数至少应为10000次。如果要测试,则按附录H进行 器具耦合器相关标准是GB17465.1 3.器具不应装有: —在柔性软线上的开关或自动控制器 —如果器具出现故障,引起固定布线中保护装置动作的装置 —通过锡焊操作能复位的热断路器 4.打算保证驻立式器具全极断开的开关,按22.2的要求,应直接连接到电源 接线端子,并且所有极上的触点开距在III类过电压类别条件下提供全断开。 5.用于特低电压回路的插头和插座以及作为电热元件端接装置的插头和插座, 应不能与 其他插头和插座互换
21»2广东电网理清公司r2023年4厂目录1总则 (1)2工作范围 (2)2.1 范围和界限 (2)2.2 服务范围 (2)3应遵循的主要标准 (2)4使用霜 (3)4.1 正常使用条件 (3)4.2 特殊使用条件要求 (3)5技术要求 (4)5.1 基本参数 (4)5.2 设计与结构 (4)5.3 外绝缘和耐污要求 (5)5.4 性能要求 (5)5.5 铭牌 (5)6试验要求 (6)6.1 型式试验项目(提供型式试验报告) (6)6.2 出厂试验项目 (6)7产品对环境的影响 (6)8企业VI标识 (6)9技术文臊求 (6)9.1 一般要求 (6)9.2 投标方在投标阶段应提交资料及说明 (6)10监造、包装、运输、安装及质■保证 (7)11设备关键技术参数和性能要求响应表 (7)12主要元器件来源 (8)13投标方需说明的其他问题 (9)1总则1.1 本招标技术文件适用于广东电网有限责任公司电网建设工程项目采购的0.4kV芥合外套避雷器,它提出了该设备本体及附属材料的功能设计、结构、性能、安装和试验等方面的技术要求。
1.2 本物资招标技术文件提出的是最低限度的技术要求。
1.3 如果投标方没有以书面形式对本技术规范的条文提出差异,则意味着投标方提供的产品完全符合本技术规范的要求。
1.4 本招标技术文件所使用的标准如遇与投标方所执行的标准不一致时,按较高标准执行。
1.5 招标技术文件经买、卖双方确认后作为订货合同的技术附件,与合同正文具有同等的法律效力。
1.6 木招标技术文件未尽事宜,由买、卖双方协商确定。
江苏省广电有线信息网络股份有限公司苏州分公司传输中心机房工程阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池(2V)技术规范书目录1. 概述. (88)1.1 定义. (88)1.2 必须满足的技术标准/ 规范. (89)2. 主要技术要求. (90)2.1 工况分类. .......................................... 错误! 未定义书签。
2.2 ★投标产品基本要求. (90)2.3 物理性能 .......................... . 902.4 机械性能 .......................... . 912.5 重量及原料. (91)2.6 电气性能 .......................... . 922.7 标志、包装要求. (94)2.8 节能环保 .......................... . 953. 技术服务要求. (95)3.1 设备检验 .......................... . 953.2 工程服务 .......................... . 983.3 设备验收 .......................... . 1003.4 保修服务 .......................... . 1013.5 保修期延长服务. (106)3.6 技术培训 .......................... . 1063.7 其它服务要求. (107)4. 技术建议书. (107)5. 附件. (107)1 概述1.1 定义1.1.1 本规范书为江苏省广电有线信息网络股份有限公司苏州分公司阀控密封铅酸蓄电池采购项目(2V 阀控密封铅酸蓄电池)的技术要求和供货要求,提供给蓄电池供应商(投标人)进行技术应答和报价书之用。
1.1.2 投标人须对本技术规范书进行点对点应答,必须在引用本技术规范书的基础上, 进行逐条逐项答复、说明和解释, 即: 首先针对投标人所提供的设备对实现或满足程度明确作出“满足”、“不满足”、“部分满足”的应答,不得使用“明白” 、“理解”等词语。
编号:(X)XK02-001特种劳动防护用品生产许可证实施细则××××-××-××公布××××-××-××实施国家质量监督检验检疫总局目录1 总则.....................................................................2 工作机构.................................................................3 企业申请生产许可证的基本条件.............................................4 许可程序................................................................. 申请和受理................................................................ 企业实地核查.............................................................. 产品抽样与检验............................................................ 审定与发证................................................................ 集团公司的生产许可........................................................5 审查要求................................................................. 企业生产特种劳动防护用品应执行的产品标准及相关标准........................ 企业生产特种劳动防护用品必备的生产设备和检测设备.......................... 特种劳动防护用品出厂检验项目.............................................. 特种劳动防护用品生产许可证企业实地核查办法................................ 特种劳动防护用品生产许可证检验规则........................................6 证书和标志............................................................... 证书...................................................................... 标志......................................................................7 委托加工备案程序.........................................................8 监督检查.................................................................9 收费.....................................................................10 生产许可证工作人员守则..................................................11 附则.................................................................... 附件1 特种劳动防护用品生产许可证检验机构名单及检验产品范围................ 附件2 特种劳动防护用品生产许可证企业实地核查办法.......................... 附件3 生产许可证企业实地核查报告.......................................... 附件4 企业实地核查轻微缺陷项汇总表........................................ 附件5检验报告............................................................. 附件6 本细则与旧版细则主要内容对照表......................................特种劳动防护用品生产许可证实施细则1 总则为了做好特种劳动防护用品生产许可证发证工作,依据《中华人民共和国工业产品生产许可证管理条例》(国务院令第440号)、《中华人民共和国工业产品生产许可证管理条例实施办法》(国家质检总局令第80号)、《国家质量监督检验检疫总局关于修改〈中华人民共和国工业产品生产许可证管理条例实施办法〉的决定》(国家质检总局令第130号)、《关于电线电缆等12类产品生产许可由省级质量技术监督部门负责审批发证的公告》(国家质检总局2009年第16号公告)、《关于摩托车头盔等11类产品生产许可由省级质量技术监督部门负责审批发证的公告》(国家质检总局2010年第89号公告)、《关于印发<工业产品生产许可省级发证工作规范>的通知》(国质检监[2006]413号)等规定,制定本实施细则。
JEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTDJEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD.SPECIFICATIONS FORLCD MODULEModule No. GB24064AOffice Address: Rm. 518,5/F., 101 Shangbu Industrial District,HuaqiangNorthRoad, Shenzhen, ChinaTEL : (86)-755-83362489 83617492FAX: (86)-755-83286396 83365871E-mail: sales@jhlcd@Website: TABLE OF CONTENTSLCM NUMBER SYSTEM (2)1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION (3)2. FEATURES (3)3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION (3)4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION (4)5. MAXIMUM RATINGS (5)6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (5)7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (6)8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (15)9. RELIABILITY (19)10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES (20)11. USING LCD MODULES (22)12. REVISION HISTORY (24)SAMPLE APPROVED REPORT (25)LCM Number SystemNUMBER OF CHAR. PER LINE F: FSTN; X: OTHER VERSION NUMBER: V00~V99IC TYPE:VIEWING DIRECTION:TEMPERATURE RANGE:BACKLIGHT TYPE:SERIAL NUMBER: A~ZGRAPHIC MODULEs: NUMBER OF COMMONs GRAPHIC MODULEs:NUMBER OF SEGMENTs COB & SMT LCMBACKLIGHT COLOR:CHARACTER MODULEs:CHARACTER MODULEs: NUMBER OF LINE G: REFLECTIVE,NONE BACKLIGHT A: TRANSFLECTIVE, EL BACKLIGHT B: TRANSMISSIVE, EL BACKLIGHT C: TRANSFLECTIVE, LED BACKLIGHT D: TRANSMISSIVE, LED BACKLIGHT E: TRANSFLECTIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT F: TRANSMISSIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT A: AMBER; B: BLUE; Y: YELLOW-GREEN R: RED; W: WHITE; O: THER COLOR N: NORMAL TEMPERATURE RANGE U: UPPER(12:00); D: DOWN(6:00)L: LEFT(9:00); R: RIGHT(3:00);A: BONDING IC, WITH CONTROLLER B: BONDING IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER C: SMT IC, WITH CONTROLLER D: SMT IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER O: OTHER TYPEW: BLACK-WHITE; O: OTHER G: GRAY; Y: YELLOW-GREEN; B: BLUE; LCD COLOR MODE:N: TN; H: HTN; S: STN LCD TYPE:S: SUPER WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE W: WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGEM: MIDDLE TEMPERATURE RANGE1. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe GB24064A is a 240 x 64 Dots Graphics LCD module. It has a FSTN panel composed of 240 segments and 64 commons. The LCM can be easily accessed by micro-controller via parallel interface.2. FEATURESTransflective and positiveDisplay ModeFSTN moduleDisplay Format Graphic 240 x 64 dotsInput Data Parallel data input from MPUMultiplexing Ratio 1/64 DutyBiasBias 1/9Viewing Direction 6 O’clockBacklight LED3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONItem Specifications Unit Dimensional outline 180.0x 65.0 x 13.8(max) mmResolution 240segs x 64coms dotsActive area 127.16(W) x 33.88(H) mmDots pitch 0.53 (W)×0.53(H) mmDots size 0.49(W)×0.49(H) mm4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION5. MAXIMUM RATINGSItem Symbol Min Max Unit NoteV DD - V ss -0.3 6.0 V Supply voltage V LCD -0.3 24.0 V Input Voltage V IN -0.3 V DD +0.3 VOperating temperature T OPR -10 +60 Storage temperature T STR -20 +70Humidity --- --- 90 %RH6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem SymbolCondition Min. Typ. Max. UnitSupply Voltage Logic V DD------ 5.0 --- VH level V IH 0.8V DD --- V DDInput VoltageL levelV IL --- V SS --- 0.2V DDVCurrent Consumption(LCD DRIVER)I DD V DD =5.0V; V LCD =15.7V, T amb =25 ;--- --- 25.0 mALCD Driving Voltage V LCDBias=1/9V LCD =V DD -V 0--- 15.7 --- VCurrent Consumption (With LED BackLight)I LEDV DD =5.0V;V LED =4.2V,T amb =25 ;--- --- 500 mA7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION7.1. PIN DESCRIPTIONPin No. Symbol Description1 FGGroundPower supply for Ground (0V)2 VSS3 VCCPower supply for positive (5V)4 VOLCD driver voltage regulation pin5 /WRWrite enable signal6 /RDRead enable signal7 /CEChip enable signal8 C/DData/command signed select, ”H”: Command; ”L”: Data9 NCNo signal10 RSTReset signal input pin11 DB012 DB113 DB214 DB38-bit bi-directional data bus15 DB416 DB517 DB618 DB719 FSFont selection; “H”: 6*8; “L”: 8*820 VEENegative voltage for LCD driving21 BL+Backlight power supply voltage for positive22 BL-Backlight power supply voltage for negative7.2 TIMING CHARACTERISTICS7.3 APPLICATION OF LCMCircuit Block Diagram/WR/RD/CEC/DFSRSTFGVDDVSSVEELED+LED-7.4 TABLE OF COMMAND7.5 RAM INTERFACE7.6 FLOWCHART OF COMMUNICATION WITH MPU8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem Symbol Condition Temp Min Typ. Max UnitsNote--- 16.0 ---25 15.2 15.7 16.2 LCD driving voltageV LCD = = 050 --- 15.4 --- V NOTE1Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Decay Time (Tf)0 --- ---- --- Rise Time (Tr) --- 225 340Decay Time (Tf) 25 --- 240 360Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Response TimeDecay Time (Tf)= = 0 50 --- --- --msec NOTE2Contrast Ratio Cr= = 0 255 10 --- --- NOTE4Viewing AngleRange( = 0°)(6”) = 90°(3”) =180°(12”) =270°(9”)(25 ) CR ≥245 35 25 35DegNOTE3z For panel only․Electro-Optical Characteristics Measuring Equipment(DMS501)SystemIllumination (D65)․Note 1. Definition of Driving Voltage( Vlcd) :․Note 3. Definition of Viewing Angle and :․Note 4. Definition of Contrast ratio( CR) :Brightness of Non-selected Segment (B2)Brightness of Selected Segment (B1)CR =V,maxCR,maxDriving VoltageB r i gh t n e s s (%)Brightness Curve forSelected Segment0%=90 =270Viewing Direction 6 O’clock DirectionNormal :9. RELIABILITY9.1. MTBFThe LCD module shall be designed to meet a minimum MTBF value of 50000 hours with normal. (25°C in the room without sunlight)9.2. TESTSNO. ITEM CONDITION CRITERION1 High Temperature Operating 50 120Hrs2 Low Temperature Operating 0 120Hrs3High Temperature/Humidity Non-Operating60 ,90%RH ,120 Hrs4 High TemperatureNon-Operating70 120Hrs5 Low TemperatureNon-Operating-20 120Hrs6 Temperature CyclingNon-Operating-10 (30Min )↔ 60 (30Min)10 CYCLESNo Defect OfOperational Function InRoom Temperature AreAllowable.IDD of LCM inPre-and post-test shouldfollow specificationNotes: Judgments should be mode after exposure in room temperature for two hours.10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES10.1. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS(1) The display panel is made of glass. Do not subject it to a mechanical shock or impact by droppingit.(2) If the display panel is damaged and the liquid crystal substance leaks out, be sure not to get any inyour mouth. If the substance contacts your skin or clothes, wash it off using soap and water.(3) Do not apply excessive force to the display surface or the adjoining areas since this may cause thecolor tone to vary.(4) The polarizer covering the display surface of the LCD module is soft and easily scratched. Handlethis polarizer carefully.(5) If the display surface becomes contaminated, breathe on the surface and gently wipe it with a softdry cloth. If it is heavily contaminated, moisten a cloth with one of the following solvents: - Isopropyl alcohol- Ethyl alcohol(6) Solvents other than those above mentioned may damage the polarizer.Especially, do not use the following:- Water- Ketone- Aromatic solvents(7) Extra care to minimize corrosion of the electrode. Water droplets, moisture condensation or acurrent flow in a high-humidity environment accelerates corrosion of the electrode.(8) Install the LCD Module by using the mounting holes. When mounting the LCD Module, makesure it is free of twisting, warping and distortion. In particular, do not forcibly pull or bend the I/Ocable or the backlight cable.(9) Do not attempt to disassemble or process the LCD Module.(10) NC terminal should be open. Do not connect anything.(11) If the logic circuit power is off, do not apply the input signals.(12) To prevent destruction of the elements by static electricity, be careful to maintain an optimumwork environment.- Be sure to ground the body when handling he LCD Module.- Tools required for assembling, such as soldering irons, must be properly grounded.-To reduce the amount of static electricity generated, do not conduct assembling and other workunder dry conditions.-The LCD Module is coated with a film to protect the display surface. Exercise care when peeling off this protective film since static electricity may be generated.10.2. STORAGE CONDITIONSWhen storing, avoid the LCD module to be exposed to direct sunlight of fluorescent lamps. For stability, to keep it away form high temperature and high humidity environment (The best condition is : 23±5°C, 45±20%RH). ESD protection is necessary for long-term storage also.10.3. OTHERSLiquid crystals solidify under low temperature (below the storage temperature range) leading to defective orientation or the generation of air bubbles (black or white). Air bubbles may also be generated if the module is subject to a low temperature.If the LCD Module have been operating for a long time showing the same display patterns the display patterns may remain on the screen as ghost images and a slight contrast irregularity may also appear.A normal operating status can be recovered by suspending use for some time. It should be noted that this phenomenon does not adversely affect performance reliability.To minimize the performance degradation of the LCD Module resulting from destruction caused by static electricity etc. exercise care to avoid holding the following sections when handling the modules.- Exposed area of the printed circuit board.- Terminal electrode sections.11. Using LCD modules11.1 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULESLCD is composed of glass and polarizer. Pay attention to the following items when handling.(1) Please keep the temperature within specified range for use and storage. Polarization degradation,bubble generation or polarizer peel-off may occur with high temperature and high humidity.(2) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with anything harder than a HB pencil lead (glass,tweezers, etc).(3) N-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front/rear polarizers andreflectors made of organic substances, which will be damaged by chemicals such as acetone, toluene, toluene, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol.(4) When the display surface becomes dusty, wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materiallike chamois soaked in petroleum ether. Do not scrub hard to avoid damaging the display surface.(5) Wipe off saliva or water drops immediately, contact with water over a long period of time maycause deformation or color fading.(6) Avoid contacting oil and fats.(7) Condensation on the surface and contact with terminals due to cold will damage, stain orpolarizers. After products are tested at low temperature they must be warmed up in a container before coming is contacting with room temperature air.(8) Do not put or attach anything on the display area to avoid leaving marks on.(9) Do not touch the display with bare hands. This will stain the display area and degrade insulationbetween terminals (some cosmetics are determinate to the polarizers).(10)As glass is fragile, it tends to become or chipped during handling especially on the edges. Pleaseavoid dropping or jarring.11.2 INSTALLING LCD MODULEAttend to the following items when installing the LCM.(1) Cover the surface with a transparent protective plate to protect the polarizer and LC cell.(2) When assembling the LCM into other equipment, the spacer to the bit between the LCM and thefitting plate should have enough height to avoid causing stress to the module surface, refer to the individual specifications for measurements. The measurement tolerance should be ±0.1mm.11.3 ELECTRO-STATIC DISCHARGE CONTROLSince this module uses a CMOS LSI, the same careful attention should be paid for electrostatic discharge as for an ordinary CMOS IC.(1) Make certain that you are grounded when handing LCM.(2) Before removing LCM from its packing case or incorporating it into a set, be sure the module andyour body have the same electric potential.(3) When soldering the terminal of LCM, make certain the AC power source for the soldering irondoes not leak.(4) When using an electric screwdriver to attach LCM, the screwdriver should be of groundpotentiality to minimize as much as possible any transmission of electromagnetic waves produced sparks coming from the commutator of the motor.(5) As far as possible, make the electric potential of your work clothes and that of the workbenches tothe ground potential.(6) To reduce the generation of electro-static discharge, be careful that the air in the work is not toodried. A relative humidity of 50%-60% is recommended.11.4 PRECAUTIONS FOR OPERATION(1) Viewing angle varies with the change of liquid crystal driving voltage (Vo). Adjust Vo to showthe best contrast.(2) Driving the LCD in the voltage above the limit will shorten its lifetime.(3) Response time is greatly delayed at temperature below the operating temperature range. However,this does not mean the LCD will be out of the order. It will recover when it returns to the specified temperature range.(4) If the display area is pushed hard during operation, the display will become abnormal. However, itwill return to normal if it is turned off and then on.(5) Condensation on terminals can cause an electrochemical reaction disrupting the terminal circuit.Therefore, this product must be used and stored within the specified condition of 23±5°C, 45±20%RH.(6) When turning the power on, input each signal after the positive/negative voltage becomes stable.11.5 SAFETY(1) It is recommended to crush damaged or unnecessary LCDs into pieces and wash them off withsolvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should later be burned.(2) If any liquid leaks out of a damaged glass cell and comes in contact with the hands, wash offthoroughly with soap and water.13. REVISION HISTORYrecord Date Version Reviseversion 05-01-011.0 Original2.0 Change specification format 05-11-203.0 Change contact mode 06-08-03SAMPLE APPROVED REPORT。
内环、外环、金属带材料 名称 代号 1 0Cr13 0Cr18Ni9(304)、 2 SH3407-96 1Cr18Ni9Ti(321) 管法兰用缠绕式垫片 3 0Cr17Ni12Mo2(316) 00Cr19Ni10(304L)、 4 00Cr17Ni14Mo2(316L) 6 Q235A 材质顺序表示:内环/金属带/非金属带/外环 举例: SH3407-96 D1216 表示内外加强缠绕垫:材质为0Cr13/304/石墨/碳钢标准号 SH340来自-96代号 A B C D
代号 1 2 3 4 6 7 8
非金属带材料 名称 代号 石棉(用石墨代) 1 柔性石墨 2 聚四氟乙烯 3
垫片形式 基本型 外加强型 内加强型 内外加强型 内环材料 名称 无内环 碳钢 0Cr18Ni9(304) 0Cr17Ni12Mo2(316) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2(316L) 0Cr18Ni10Ti(321) 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti(316Ti) 00Cr19Ni10(304L)
代号 2 3 4
非金属带材料 名称 代号 石棉(用石墨代) 1 柔性石墨 2 聚四氟乙烯 3
内环材料 名称 无内环 碳钢 0Cr18Ni9(304) 0Cr17Ni12Mo2(316) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2(316L)
代号 0 1 2 3 4
举例: HG20631-97 1220 表示外加强缠绕垫:材质为碳钢/304/石墨 垫片材料代号 标准号
代号 0 1 2 3 4
举例: HG20610-97 1212 表示内外加强缠绕垫:材质为碳钢/304/石墨/304
垫片材料代号 标准号 HG20631-97 钢制管法兰缠绕式垫 片(Class系列)
外环材料 名称 无外环 碳钢 0Cr18Ni9(304)
上述表 1中的数据可知, 除人体全部 浸没在水中外, 在最不利情况下对人没有 危险的特低电压限值为 16 , V 只有在个别 情况下才会超出50 。 V 而前述标准却把这 个限值单一地设定为50 以作为保护电器 V 的动作电压。 显然, 这种设定在很多情况 下对于人体都具有不安全隐患。
58 }. 气往甫 2006年 第1期
流设定值对应着有关标准中所规定的对人 体没有伤害的通电时间一接触电流限值数 据,这个标准便是国家的基础标准 GB/
另外, 在商场中销售的属于工 类器具 的家庭沐浴用电热水器, 由于其自 身的电 路又加设了动作电流不大于30m , A 动作时 或者加设了 T13870. 1 《 电流通过人体的效应 第一部 间不大于0. 15的漏电保护器, 分: 常用部分》 。被它规定的在工频电 能够使人体承受电压不大于12 的所谓的 V 防电墙” 在该类保护下, , 只要器具接地 压情况下对人体没有伤害的通电时间一接 “ 触电流限值如表 2 所述: 在这个标准中, 牢靠,使用这种热水器是安全的。 还列举了人体在触电情况下所表现出的总 表2 工频触电的通电时间— 接触电流限值 阻抗的典型数据,如表 3 所示。 在考虑人体的触电安全时, 必须从最 ) 10 00 通电持续时间 / ms 坏的情况入手,因此在采用人体总阻抗 l0 接触电流限值 / mA 时,必须采用表 3 中对应于接触电压为 表 3 大面积接触情况下的人体总阻抗 (最大值) 220V电压下的5% 人数的总阻抗, 他们中的 最大值为1000 Q , V 除以这个阻抗值, 用50 人体总阻抗在以下百分数列时不超过的值 / 0 接触电压 / V 得通过这些人中的电流,最小也有 50m A, 人数的 9 % 5 人数的 5% 人数的 50% 今叹 在该电流值的情况下, 对人体没有危险的 ~J 6 10 0 17 5 0 3 2 50 ~O 、 通电时间,由表2 可知, 必须小于0. 15才 J 4 37 5 145 0 2625 勺l l 行, 但前述保护电器都把这种时间设定为 苦J 350 0 12 50 2 20 0
TP, TPD,TPE,TPED GRUNDFOS DATA BOOKLET 管道循环泵50 Hz目录产品数据引言3型号说明4轴封编码4性能曲线,2极5性能曲线,4极6性能曲线,6极7产品范围,2极10产品范围,4极12产品范围,6极14 TP100系列和TP200系列16 TP300系列/ TPE(D)1000系列17 TPE(D)2000系列18格兰富CUE19法兰21泵送液体22液体温度22泵送液体列表22结构电机24 EFF1标准电机的电气数据24 EFF2标准电机的电气数据26配有内置变频器的标准电机的电气数据27性能曲线,技术数据TP(D),TPE(D),2极28 TP(D),TPE(D),4极46 TP(D),TPE(D),6极67附件EMC滤波器71传感器72最小进口压力——净正吸入压头(NPSH)TP(D),TPE(D),2极73 TP(D),TPE(D),4极74 TP(D),6极74底板75泵型重量76节能认证说明7723引言TP 泵可用于如下系统:●区域供热系统●供热系统●空调系统●区域制冷系统●供水●工业生产工艺●工业冷却大多数泵均配有标准电机(TP 和TPD 型),同时还可以配置变频电机(TPE 和TPED )。
经ATEX 认证的TP 泵应要求,格兰富提供经ATEX 认证的TP 型和TPD 型泵。
所有经ATEX 认证的TP 泵均符合94/9/EC 指标(第二组,第3类)。
高效电机带有1.1kW 至90kW 功率电机的2极和4极TP 泵装配有高效电机(EFF 1)。
GB 3907 83
CISPR16 1977
GB 4859 84
GB/T 15658 1995
IEC 61000 1 1
IEC 61000 1 1
低压电气及电子设备发出的谐波电流限值设备每相输入电流≤ 16A
GB/T 1999
IEC 61000 4 11
GB/T 1998
IEC 61000 4 12
GB 8702 1988
GB/T 1992
工业过程测量和控制装置的电磁兼容性 总论
IEC 801 1
GB/T 1992
CISPR 19 1983
GB 6364 1986
GB 6830 1986
GB 7432 1987
GB 7433 1987
CISPR 24 1997
GB 9383 1995
避雷器性能参数结构及其他性能要求4.2.1复合绝缘外套4.2.1.1伞套材料的要求(1) 体积电阻率≥1×1012Ω·m;(2) 击穿强度≥20kV/mm;(3) 耐漏电起痕及电蚀损不低于TMA3.5级;(4) 抗撕裂强度≥7kN/m;(5) 机械扯断强度≥3Mpa;(6) 拉断伸长率≥100%;(7) 邵氏硬度≥50。外套憎水性能憎水性能按喷水分级法(HC法),一般应为HC1~HC2级。复合外套表面缺陷要求复合外套表面单个缺陷面积(如缺胶、杂质、凸起等)不应超过5mm2,深度不大于1mm,凸起表面与合缝应清理平整,凸起高度不超过0.8mm,粘接缝凸起高度不应超过1.2mm,总缺陷面积不应超过复合外套面积的0.2%。
4.2.2避雷器的热稳定a) 根据避雷器的使用条件,制造厂在选定的荷电率下电阻片必须进行老化试验,严格控制避雷器的能耗,不随时间增加而增加,并应计及电位不均匀系数。
b) 避雷器在动作负载试验(包括大电流冲击耐受和长持续时间电流冲击耐受)中,不被击穿或沿面闪络放电以致形成破坏,并须完成GB11032规定次数的试验。
c) 在反复动作负载试验中,工频参考电压等有关特性的变化范围应在允许的范围内。
d) 动作负载试验后(温度升高的条件下),在额定电压和持续运行电压下,泄漏电流不应有实质性增大,不发生热崩溃。
阀门产品样本罗浮阀门集团有限公司目录1、A21型PN16~40外螺纹连接弹簧封闭微启式安全阀 (1)2、A21型PN64~100外螺纹连接弹簧封闭微启式安全阀 (2)3、A21型PN160~320外螺纹连接弹簧封闭微启式安全阀 (3)4、A27H-10、A27H-16型外螺纹连接弹簧带扳手微启式安全阀 (4)5、A28H型PN16外螺纹连接弹簧带扳手全启式安全阀 (5)6、A37H、A43H型PN16~40双联弹簧带扳手微启式安全阀 (6)7、A38Y型PN16~40双联弹簧带扳手全启式安全阀 (8)8、A40Y型PN16~64带散热片弹簧封闭全启式安全阀 (10)9、A41H、A41Y型PN16~100弹簧封闭微启式安全阀 (12)10、A41Y型PN160~320弹簧封闭微启式安全阀 (15)11、A42F 、A42Y、KA42Y(抗硫)型PN16~100弹簧封闭全启式安全阀 (17)12、42Y型PN160~320弹簧封闭全启式安全阀 (21)13、WA42Y型PN16~40波纹管弹簧全启式安全阀 (22)14、A44Y型PN16~100弹簧封闭带扳手全启式安全阀 (22)15、A44Y型PN160~320弹簧封闭带扳手全启式安全阀 (26)16、A47H型PN16~40弹簧带扳手微启式安全阀 (27)17、A48Y型PN16~100弹簧带扳手全启式安全阀 (29)18、A48SH型PN16~40弹簧带扳手全启式安全阀 (32)19、A48SH型PN64~160高温高压弹簧带扳手全启式安全阀 (34)20、A42Y-P55 45V、A62Y-P55140V型气控碟形弹簧安全阀 (36)21、A68Y型对焊连接弹簧全启式安全阀 (37)22、A49H-40型主安全阀及配套GA49H-40型冲量安全阀 (38)23、A49Y-100、A49Y-100V型主安全阀及其配套冲量安全阀 (40)24、A69Y-P54140V型DN100主安全阀及其配套冲量安全阀 (42)25、A69Y-100、A69Y-100V型DN150主安全阀及其配套冲量安全阀 (43)26、GA41H型PN16~40杠杆式安全阀 (44)27、GA42H型PN16~100单杠杆式安全阀 (45)28、GA44H型PN16~64双杠杆式安全阀 (47)29、A411F-25、A412F-25、NA42F-25型内装式安全阀 (48)30、JA22H-2.5、JA22W-2.5P型外螺纹连接静重式安全阀 (50)31、FA72W型PN10真空负压安全阀 (51)32、AH42F型平衡式安全回流阀 (52)33、A61型弹簧微启式安全阀 (53)34、AY42H PN400型、LA802Y-600型安全溢流阀 (55)35、石化专用安全阀 (57)36、AQ-20型空压机安全阀 (58)37、LFA46F型先导式安全阀系列 (59)1、A21型PN16~40外螺纹连接弹簧封闭微启式安全阀使用范围:本产品可用于石油、化工行业。
3、密封性能∶由于阀芯阀座是采用了全衬四氟PFA、F46)软密封性能结构,故泄漏低于国家标准GB/T4213中的IV 级泄漏标准。
序号标准名称1蒸汽压缩循环冷水(热泵)机组户用和类似用途的冷水(热泵)机组2蒸气压缩环冷水(热泵)机组工商业用和类似用途的冷水(热泵)机组3冷水机组能效限定值及能源效率等级4单元式空气调节机5单元式空气调节机能效限定值及能源效率等级6单元式空气调节机安全要求7风管送风式空调(热泵)机组8多联式空调(热泵)机组9多联式空调(热泵)机组能效限定值及能源效率等级10水源热泵机组11除湿机12屋顶式空气调节机组13屋顶式风冷空调(热泵)机组14一般公差未注公差的线性和角度尺寸的公差15铭牌16质量管理体系标准17质理管理体系 基础和术语18计算机和数据处理机房用单元式空气调节机19洁净手术室用空气调节机组20全新风除湿机21房间空气调节器能效限定值及能源效率等组22低温单元式空调机23容积式压缩机噪声的测定24容积式压缩机验收试验25制冷和供热用机械制冷系统安全要求385326家用和类似用途电器的安全热泵 空调器和除湿机的特殊要求27环境管理体系、规范及使用指南28容积式制冷剂压缩机性能试验方法29热泵热水系统设计、安装及使用规范30螺杆式制冷压缩机31容积式制冷压缩冷凝机组32机电产品包装通用技术条件33制冷剂编号方法和安全性分类34板式换热器35冷冻机油36空调用通风机安全要求37全封闭涡旋式制冷压缩机38容积式和离心式冷水(热泵)机组性能试验方法39冷轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差40铝及铝合金管材外形尺寸及允许偏差41空调与制冷用无缝铜管42家用电器、电动工具和类似器具的要求第2部分;抗扰度——产品类标准43风机盘管机组44电磁兼容限值谐波电流发射限值(设备每相输入电流≤16A)45组合式空调机组46工业通风机用标准化风道进行性能试验47屋顶通风机48柜式风机盘管机组49单元式空气调节机用双进风离心通风机50前向多翼离心通风机51小型制冷系统用两位三通电磁阀52制冷空调用直动式电子膨胀阀53空调与冷冻设备用制冷剂截止阀54空气处理机组安全要求55制冷装置用压力容器56组合式冷库用隔热夹芯板57容积式制冷压缩冷凝机组58制冷设备清洁度测定方法59制冷和空调设备噪声的测定60热泵用四通电磁换向阀61家用和类似用途电磁四通换向阀62暖通、空调用轴流风机63空气冷却器与空气加热器性能试验方法64制冷用R12、R22、R502热力膨胀阀65喷没螺杆式单级制冷压缩机66制冷用板式换热器67制冷空调净化设备的箱体器件68制冷装置用截止阀69制冷用压力、压差控制器70制冷用电磁阀71板式换热机组72制冷设备术诘73容积式和离心式冷水(热泵)机给安全要求74氟利昂制冷装置用干式蒸发器75氟利昂制冷装置用水冷冷凝器76氟利昂制冷装置用吊顶式空气冷却器77氟利昂制冷装置用翅片式换热器78空气与制冷用高效换热管79低压开关设备和控制设备机电式接触器和电动机起动器80低压开关设备和控制设备总则81额定电压450/750V及以下聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆82家用和类似用途电器的安全第1部分:通用要求83家用和类似用途电器的安全第2部分:试验方法84额定电压450/750V以下橡皮绝缘电缆:第4部分:软线和软电缆85家用电器、电动工具和类似器具的电磁兼容要求第1部分:发射86低压开关设备和控制设备第2部分:断路器87低压开关设备和控制设备第5-1部分:控制电路电器和开关元件 机电式控制电路电器88外壳防护等组(IP代码)89电缆的导体90额定电压450/750V以下橡皮绝缘电缆:第1部分:一般要求91制冷设备产品生产许可证实施细则92单元式空气调节机节能认证规则93多联式空调热泵机组节能认证规则94冷水机组节能认证规则95水源热泵机组节能认证规则96水源热泵机组节能认证技术规范97单元式空气调节机能效限定值及能源效率等级98冷水机组能耗限定值及能耗效率等级99多联式空调(热泵)机组能效限定值及能源效率等级100单元式空气调节机_安全要求101单元式空气调节机安全要求102资源节约产品认证工厂质量保证能力要求103制冷空调类产品CRAA实施规则104CRAA产品认证现场审查细则105质量管理体系 要求106环境管理体系 要求107职业健康安全管理体系 规范108中华人民共和国产品质量法109中华人民共和国标准化法110中华人民共和国计量法111工业产品生产许可证管理条例标准编号备注GB/T18430.2-2008GB/T18430.1-2007GB/T19577-2004GB/T17758-2010GB/T19576-2004JB/-8655-1977GB/T18836-2002GB/T18837-2002GB21454-2008GB/T19409-2003GB/T19411-2003GB/T20738-2006JB/T8702-1992GB/T1804-2000GB/T13306-91GB/T19000-2000 GB/T19001-2000GB/T19000-2008 /ISO9000:2005GB/T19413-2003GB/T19569-2004GB/T20109-2006GB12021.3-2010GB/T20108-2006GB/T4980-2003GB/T3853-1998GB9237-2001GB4706.32-2004GB/T24001-2004/ISO140001:2004GB/T5773-2004CRAA311-2009GB/T19410-2008GB/T21363-2008GB/T13384-2008GB/T7778-2008GB/T16409-1996GB/T16630-1996GB/T10080-2001GB/T18429-2001GB/T10870-2001GB/T708-2006GB/T4436-1995GB/T17791-2007GB4343.2-2009GB/T19232-2003GB17625.1-2003IEC61000-3-2:2001GB/T 14294-2008GB/T1236-2000JB/T9069-2000JB/T9066-1999JB/T7221-1994JB/T9068-1999JB/T7223-1994JB/T10212-2000JB/T10648-2006GB 10891-1989 JB/T4750-2003 JB/T6527-2006 JB/T9056-1999 JB/T9058-1999 JB/T4330-1999JB/T7230-94 JB/T8592-1997JB/T6411-92JG/T21-1999 JB/T3548-1991JB/T6906-93JB8701-1998 JB/T10477-2004JB/T7245-94JB/T7961-95JB/T4119-91CJ/T191-2004JB/T7249-94JB8654-1997 JB/T7659.4-95 JB/T7659.2-1995 JB/T7659.3-95 JB/T7659.5-95 JB/T10503-2005 GB14048.4-2010 GB/T14048.8-2006GB5023.1~5023.7-2008GB4706.1-2005GB5013.2-2008GB/T5013.4-2008GB4343.1-2009GB14048.2-2008GB14048.5-2008GB4208-20081本GB/T3956-20081本GB/T5013.1-20081本XK06-015(2011版)1CQC31-439124-2010CQC31-439135-2010CQC31-439136-2010CQC31-439137-2010CQC3123-2010GB19576-2004GB19577-2004GB21454-2008GB25130-2010JB8655-1997CRAA Z002CGB/T19001:2008 idt ISO9001:2008GB/T24001:2004 idt ISO14001:2004GB/T28001:2001。
Type overviewType DNG240B-N40 Technical dataFunctional data Valve Size 1.5" [40]Fluid chilled or hot water, up to 60% glycol, steamFluid Temp Range (water)20...280°F [-7...138°C]Body Pressure Rating ANSI Class 250, up to 400 psi below 150°FFlow characteristic modified equal percentageServicing repack kits availableRangeability Sv100:1Max Differential Pressure (Steam)20 psi [103 kPa]Flow Pattern2-wayLeakage rate ANSI Class VIControllable flow range stem up - open A – ABCv28Maximum Inlet Pressure (Steam)35 psi [241 kPa]ANSI Class250Body pressure rating note up to 400 psi below 150°FMaterials Valve body BronzeValve plug brassStem stainless steelStem seal EPDM O-ringSeat BronzePipe connection NPT female endsSuitable actuators Non-Spring LVB(X)Electronic fail-safe LVKB(X)Safety notes•••••Flow directionWARNING: This product can expose you to lead which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. For more information go to The valve has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially in aircraft or in any other airborne means of transport.Only authorised specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied during installation.The valve does not contain any parts that can be replaced or repaired by the user.When determining the flow rate characteristic of controlled devices, the recognised directives must be observed.Installation notesThe direction of flow, specified by an arrow on the housing, is to be complied with, since otherwise thevalve could become damaged.DimensionsDimensional drawingsLVAB C D E F 9.6" [244]5.3" [135]9.9" [252]8.5" [216]1.9" [48]1.9" [48]LVKA B C D E F10.7" [273] 5.3" [135]10.5" [267]8.6" [218] 1.9" [48] 1.9" [48]NFA B C D E F10.5" [267] 5.3" [135]12.4" [314]10.5" [267] 1.5" [39] 4.9" [125]NFA B C D E F10.5" [267] 5.3" [135]12.4" [314]10.5" [267] 1.5" [39] 4.9" [125]LVKX24-3On/Off, Floating Point, Electronic Fail-Safe, Linear,24 VTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC 24 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzPower consumption in operation 2.5 WPower consumption in rest position 1.5 WTransformer sizing 6 VA (class 2 power source)Electrical Connection18 GA plenum cable, 3 ft [1 m], with 1/2" conduitconnector, degree of protection NEMA 2 / IP54Overload Protection electronic throughout full strokeElectrical Protection actuators are double insulatedFunctional data Actuating force motor115 lbf [500 N]Input Impedance100 kΩ (0.1 mA), 500 Ω, 1000 Ω (on/off)Position feedback U note No FeedbackBridging time 2 s delay before fail-safe activatesPre-charging time 5...20 sDirection of motion motor selectable with switchDirection of motion fail-safe reversible with switchManual override 4 mm hex crank (shipped w/actuator)Stroke0.75" [19 mm]Running Time (Motor)default 90 s, variable 90 or 150 sRunning time motor variable90 or 150 sRunning time fail-safe<35 sNoise level, motor55 dB(A)Noise level, fail-safe60 dB(A)Position indication Mechanically, with pointerSafety data Degree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2 UL Enclosure Type 2Agency Listing cULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSAE60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EUQuality Standard ISO 9001Ambient temperature-22...122°F [-30...50°C]Storage temperature-40...176°F [-40...80°C]Ambient humidity max. 95% r.H., non-condensingServicing maintenance-freeWeight Weight 3.53 lb [1.6 kg]Materials Housing material Die cast aluminium and plastic casingSafety notesLVKX24-3•••••PVC W'Shld for GV w/UGLK (GM)Battery Back Up System for SY(7~10)-110120 to 24 VAC, 40 VA transformer.50% voltage divider kit (resistors with wires).PC Tool computer programming interface, serial port.Electrical installationINSTALLATION NOTESMeets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.Actuators may be connected in parallel. Power consumption and input impedance must be observed.Control signal may be pulsed from either the Hot (Source) or Common (Sink) 24 V line.Actuators may be connected in parallel if not mechanically linked. Power consumption and inputimpedance must be observed.Actuators with plenum cable do not have numbers; use color codes instead.Warning! Live Electrical Components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks. Failure to follow all electricalsafety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.On/OffFloating Point。
国一、产品[衬氟直流截止阀]的详细资料:产品名称:衬里直流式截止阀产品特点:衬里直流式截止阀,直流式截止阀,衬里截止阀设计与制造按:GB/12239 结构长度:GB/12221 法兰连接尺寸按:GB4126.3GB4216.4 试验检验按:GB/T13927。
二、性能规范:型号公称压力PN(MPa)试验压力PS(MPa)适用介质工作温度(℃)壳体试验密封试验J45J/FS-6 0.6 0.9 0.66 W.非腐蚀性流体 J.一般腐蚀性流体 FS.强酸碱及各种有机溶剂(溶融碱金属及元素氟除外)≤85 ≤150J45J/FS-10 1.0 1.5 1.1三、主要零部件材料表:零件名称 阀体、阀瓣 阀盖阀杆、阀瓣 手轮廓 材料HT200衬氟塑料、衬橡胶HT200衬氟塑料、衬橡胶35衬氟塑料衬橡胶HT200四、工洲牌衬氟直流截止阀主要连接尺寸及重量:型号公称通径DN (mm ) 尺寸(mm )质量(kg ) L D D1 D H1 b Do n-d 25 160 100 75 60 205 16 120 4-11 4.5 32 180 120 90 70 - 16 160 4-13.5 13 40 200 130 100 80 250 16 160 4-13.5 14 50 230 140 110 90 290 16 160 4-13.5 16.5 65 290 160 130 100 310 16 180 4-13.5 80 310 190 150 125 358 18 200 4-17.5 36 100 350 210 170 145 428 18 200 4-17.5 50 125 400 240 200 175 510 20 280 8-17.5 68 150 480 265 225 200 550 20 280 8-17.5 90 200 600 30 280 255 635 22 400 8-17.5 1462507303753353122412-.17.5一、产品[衬氟直角截止阀]的详细资料: 产品型号:J44J/FS 型产品名称:衬里直角阀产品特点:公称通径:DN15~300(mm)主要零部件材料见表A2 基本型号:手动J44F43 电动J944F3 J44F46 J944F46 法兰连接截止阀(角式)设计与制造符合中国国家标准基本结构形式:角式公称压力:PN1.0~2.5(MPa)法兰连接手动截止阀,角式截止阀,手动截止阀。
技术指标传感器测量范围重复性响应时间校准电路工作范围输出信号和负载电气连接供电电压探头尺寸(mm)材质防护等级认证FM批准&标号防爆等级 PTBFMType ID-EX Type IW-EX Type IC-x-EX Type IE-x-EX长期稳定性<0.1℃/年,<1%rh/年中国CEC Ex ia IIC T6电缆,接线端子IP 66PTB 01 ATEX 2180II 1G EEx ia IIC T5 resp. II 2 G EEx ia IIC T6 resp. II 2 D IP66 T 85℃类型探头长度电缆长度材质订货号HygroClip IE1-EX HygroClip IE3-EX螺纹安装探头,耐压0-5Mpa1/2" G1/2" NPT2 m铬镍钢,V4A/AISI 316/1.4401类型探头长度材质订货号HygroClip IW-EX HygroClip ID-EX壁挂探头管道探头150 mm250 mm铬镍钢,V4A/AISI 316/1.4401ZB1-420过滤器附件订货信息安全栅Z788H,两线制4...20 mA也可以使用符合安全要求的其它安全栅见第10页±0.2℃,±1%rh0.05℃,±0.3%rh<15s,(23℃,1m/s风速)数字化校准, 1...4 点湿度,2 点温度-40...40℃; 0...100%rh,探头温度范围:-50...200℃数字式, 模拟量4...20 mA / 最大800 Ω(26 VDC)通过安全栅供电15...24 VDC,2线制4...20 mA电流环精度(23℃)Ø15x250Ø15x150IC-1-EX:Ø15 x 120IC-3-EX:Ø15 x 270142x25mm x1/2"扳手尺寸 27mm0...100%rh,-50...200℃湿度:ROTRONIC Hygromer® IN-1;温度:Pt100 1/3 DIN不锈钢V4A/AISI 316/1.4401, 150 x 100 x 58 mm /IP 663015571/IS/I,II,III/1/ABCDEFG/T6-12.0724.0006 IP66IS / I,II,III/ 1 / ABCDEFG / T6 -12.0724.0001管道型壁挂型电缆型isolation3233。
Belimo B254 电子按压阀技术数据表说明书
Safety data
Degree of protection IEC/EN Degree of protection NEMA/UL Enclosure Agency Ambient temperature Storage temperature Ambient humidity Servicing
Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.
Warning! Live electrical components! During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks. Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.
Wiring diagrams On/Off
Technical data sheet
Two built-in auxiliary switches (2x SPDT), for end position indication, interlock control, fan startup, etc. Actuators may be powered in parallel. Power consumption must be observed. Parallel wiring required for piggy-back applications. Apply only AC line voltage or only UL-Class 2 voltage to the terminals of auxiliary switches. Mixed or combined operation of line voltage/safety extra low voltage is not allowed.
20 135
600 M24 20 110 M24 20 110 M27 20 125
20 150
700 M24 24 110 M24 24 120 M27 24 115
24 135
800 M27 24 120 M27 24 130
24 120
24 145
900 M27 24 125 M27 24 140
28 125
28 155
1000 M27 28 125 M27 28 150
28 135
28 165
1200 1400 1600 M27 M27 M27
32 36 40 130 140 145
M30×2 M33×2 M33×2
0.6 n 4
8 12 12 12 16 16
L 45 45 50 50 60 60 60 60 65 65 65 70 75 80 85 90 90 95
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JEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTDJEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD.SPECIFICATIONS FORLCD MODULEModule No. GB24064AOffice Address: Rm. 518,5/F., 101 Shangbu Industrial District,HuaqiangNorthRoad, Shenzhen, ChinaTEL : (86)-755-83362489 83617492FAX: (86)-755-83286396 83365871E-mail: sales@jhlcd@Website: TABLE OF CONTENTSLCM NUMBER SYSTEM (2)1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION (3)2. FEATURES (3)3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION (3)4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION (4)5. MAXIMUM RATINGS (5)6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (5)7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (6)8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (15)9. RELIABILITY (19)10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES (20)11. USING LCD MODULES (22)12. REVISION HISTORY (24)SAMPLE APPROVED REPORT (25)LCM Number SystemNUMBER OF CHAR. PER LINE F: FSTN; X: OTHER VERSION NUMBER: V00~V99IC TYPE:VIEWING DIRECTION:TEMPERATURE RANGE:BACKLIGHT TYPE:SERIAL NUMBER: A~ZGRAPHIC MODULEs: NUMBER OF COMMONs GRAPHIC MODULEs:NUMBER OF SEGMENTs COB & SMT LCMBACKLIGHT COLOR:CHARACTER MODULEs:CHARACTER MODULEs: NUMBER OF LINE G: REFLECTIVE,NONE BACKLIGHT A: TRANSFLECTIVE, EL BACKLIGHT B: TRANSMISSIVE, EL BACKLIGHT C: TRANSFLECTIVE, LED BACKLIGHT D: TRANSMISSIVE, LED BACKLIGHT E: TRANSFLECTIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT F: TRANSMISSIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT A: AMBER; B: BLUE; Y: YELLOW-GREEN R: RED; W: WHITE; O: THER COLOR N: NORMAL TEMPERATURE RANGE U: UPPER(12:00); D: DOWN(6:00)L: LEFT(9:00); R: RIGHT(3:00);A: BONDING IC, WITH CONTROLLER B: BONDING IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER C: SMT IC, WITH CONTROLLER D: SMT IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER O: OTHER TYPEW: BLACK-WHITE; O: OTHER G: GRAY; Y: YELLOW-GREEN; B: BLUE; LCD COLOR MODE:N: TN; H: HTN; S: STN LCD TYPE:S: SUPER WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE W: WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGEM: MIDDLE TEMPERATURE RANGE1. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe GB24064A is a 240 x 64 Dots Graphics LCD module. It has a FSTN panel composed of 240 segments and 64 commons. The LCM can be easily accessed by micro-controller via parallel interface.2. FEATURESTransflective and positiveDisplay ModeFSTN moduleDisplay Format Graphic 240 x 64 dotsInput Data Parallel data input from MPUMultiplexing Ratio 1/64 DutyBiasBias 1/9Viewing Direction 6 O’clockBacklight LED3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONItem Specifications Unit Dimensional outline 180.0x 65.0 x 13.8(max) mmResolution 240segs x 64coms dotsActive area 127.16(W) x 33.88(H) mmDots pitch 0.53 (W)×0.53(H) mmDots size 0.49(W)×0.49(H) mm4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION5. MAXIMUM RATINGSItem Symbol Min Max Unit NoteV DD - V ss -0.3 6.0 V Supply voltage V LCD -0.3 24.0 V Input Voltage V IN -0.3 V DD +0.3 VOperating temperature T OPR -10 +60 Storage temperature T STR -20 +70Humidity --- --- 90 %RH6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem SymbolCondition Min. Typ. Max. UnitSupply Voltage Logic V DD------ 5.0 --- VH level V IH 0.8V DD --- V DDInput VoltageL levelV IL --- V SS --- 0.2V DDVCurrent Consumption(LCD DRIVER)I DD V DD =5.0V; V LCD =15.7V, T amb =25 ;--- --- 25.0 mALCD Driving Voltage V LCDBias=1/9V LCD =V DD -V 0--- 15.7 --- VCurrent Consumption (With LED BackLight)I LEDV DD =5.0V;V LED =4.2V,T amb =25 ;--- --- 500 mA7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION7.1. PIN DESCRIPTIONPin No. Symbol Description1 FGGroundPower supply for Ground (0V)2 VSS3 VCCPower supply for positive (5V)4 VOLCD driver voltage regulation pin5 /WRWrite enable signal6 /RDRead enable signal7 /CEChip enable signal8 C/DData/command signed select, ”H”: Command; ”L”: Data9 NCNo signal10 RSTReset signal input pin11 DB012 DB113 DB214 DB38-bit bi-directional data bus15 DB416 DB517 DB618 DB719 FSFont selection; “H”: 6*8; “L”: 8*820 VEENegative voltage for LCD driving21 BL+Backlight power supply voltage for positive22 BL-Backlight power supply voltage for negative7.2 TIMING CHARACTERISTICS7.3 APPLICATION OF LCMCircuit Block Diagram/WR/RD/CEC/DFSRSTFGVDDVSSVEELED+LED-7.4 TABLE OF COMMAND7.5 RAM INTERFACE7.6 FLOWCHART OF COMMUNICATION WITH MPU8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem Symbol Condition Temp Min Typ. Max UnitsNote--- 16.0 ---25 15.2 15.7 16.2 LCD driving voltageV LCD = = 050 --- 15.4 --- V NOTE1Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Decay Time (Tf)0 --- ---- --- Rise Time (Tr) --- 225 340Decay Time (Tf) 25 --- 240 360Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Response TimeDecay Time (Tf)= = 0 50 --- --- --msec NOTE2Contrast Ratio Cr= = 0 255 10 --- --- NOTE4Viewing AngleRange( = 0°)(6”) = 90°(3”) =180°(12”) =270°(9”)(25 ) CR ≥245 35 25 35DegNOTE3z For panel only․Electro-Optical Characteristics Measuring Equipment(DMS501)SystemIllumination (D65)․Note 1. Definition of Driving Voltage( Vlcd) :․Note 3. Definition of Viewing Angle and :․Note 4. Definition of Contrast ratio( CR) :Brightness of Non-selected Segment (B2)Brightness of Selected Segment (B1)CR =V,maxCR,maxDriving VoltageB r i gh t n e s s (%)Brightness Curve forSelected Segment0%=90 =270Viewing Direction 6 O’clock DirectionNormal :9. RELIABILITY9.1. MTBFThe LCD module shall be designed to meet a minimum MTBF value of 50000 hours with normal. (25°C in the room without sunlight)9.2. TESTSNO. ITEM CONDITION CRITERION1 High Temperature Operating 50 120Hrs2 Low Temperature Operating 0 120Hrs3High Temperature/Humidity Non-Operating60 ,90%RH ,120 Hrs4 High TemperatureNon-Operating70 120Hrs5 Low TemperatureNon-Operating-20 120Hrs6 Temperature CyclingNon-Operating-10 (30Min )↔ 60 (30Min)10 CYCLESNo Defect OfOperational Function InRoom Temperature AreAllowable.IDD of LCM inPre-and post-test shouldfollow specificationNotes: Judgments should be mode after exposure in room temperature for two hours.10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES10.1. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS(1) The display panel is made of glass. Do not subject it to a mechanical shock or impact by droppingit.(2) If the display panel is damaged and the liquid crystal substance leaks out, be sure not to get any inyour mouth. If the substance contacts your skin or clothes, wash it off using soap and water.(3) Do not apply excessive force to the display surface or the adjoining areas since this may cause thecolor tone to vary.(4) The polarizer covering the display surface of the LCD module is soft and easily scratched. Handlethis polarizer carefully.(5) If the display surface becomes contaminated, breathe on the surface and gently wipe it with a softdry cloth. If it is heavily contaminated, moisten a cloth with one of the following solvents: - Isopropyl alcohol- Ethyl alcohol(6) Solvents other than those above mentioned may damage the polarizer.Especially, do not use the following:- Water- Ketone- Aromatic solvents(7) Extra care to minimize corrosion of the electrode. Water droplets, moisture condensation or acurrent flow in a high-humidity environment accelerates corrosion of the electrode.(8) Install the LCD Module by using the mounting holes. When mounting the LCD Module, makesure it is free of twisting, warping and distortion. In particular, do not forcibly pull or bend the I/Ocable or the backlight cable.(9) Do not attempt to disassemble or process the LCD Module.(10) NC terminal should be open. Do not connect anything.(11) If the logic circuit power is off, do not apply the input signals.(12) To prevent destruction of the elements by static electricity, be careful to maintain an optimumwork environment.- Be sure to ground the body when handling he LCD Module.- Tools required for assembling, such as soldering irons, must be properly grounded.-To reduce the amount of static electricity generated, do not conduct assembling and other workunder dry conditions.-The LCD Module is coated with a film to protect the display surface. Exercise care when peeling off this protective film since static electricity may be generated.10.2. STORAGE CONDITIONSWhen storing, avoid the LCD module to be exposed to direct sunlight of fluorescent lamps. For stability, to keep it away form high temperature and high humidity environment (The best condition is : 23±5°C, 45±20%RH). ESD protection is necessary for long-term storage also.10.3. OTHERSLiquid crystals solidify under low temperature (below the storage temperature range) leading to defective orientation or the generation of air bubbles (black or white). Air bubbles may also be generated if the module is subject to a low temperature.If the LCD Module have been operating for a long time showing the same display patterns the display patterns may remain on the screen as ghost images and a slight contrast irregularity may also appear.A normal operating status can be recovered by suspending use for some time. It should be noted that this phenomenon does not adversely affect performance reliability.To minimize the performance degradation of the LCD Module resulting from destruction caused by static electricity etc. exercise care to avoid holding the following sections when handling the modules.- Exposed area of the printed circuit board.- Terminal electrode sections.11. Using LCD modules11.1 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULESLCD is composed of glass and polarizer. Pay attention to the following items when handling.(1) Please keep the temperature within specified range for use and storage. Polarization degradation,bubble generation or polarizer peel-off may occur with high temperature and high humidity.(2) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with anything harder than a HB pencil lead (glass,tweezers, etc).(3) N-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front/rear polarizers andreflectors made of organic substances, which will be damaged by chemicals such as acetone, toluene, toluene, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol.(4) When the display surface becomes dusty, wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materiallike chamois soaked in petroleum ether. Do not scrub hard to avoid damaging the display surface.(5) Wipe off saliva or water drops immediately, contact with water over a long period of time maycause deformation or color fading.(6) Avoid contacting oil and fats.(7) Condensation on the surface and contact with terminals due to cold will damage, stain orpolarizers. After products are tested at low temperature they must be warmed up in a container before coming is contacting with room temperature air.(8) Do not put or attach anything on the display area to avoid leaving marks on.(9) Do not touch the display with bare hands. This will stain the display area and degrade insulationbetween terminals (some cosmetics are determinate to the polarizers).(10)As glass is fragile, it tends to become or chipped during handling especially on the edges. Pleaseavoid dropping or jarring.11.2 INSTALLING LCD MODULEAttend to the following items when installing the LCM.(1) Cover the surface with a transparent protective plate to protect the polarizer and LC cell.(2) When assembling the LCM into other equipment, the spacer to the bit between the LCM and thefitting plate should have enough height to avoid causing stress to the module surface, refer to the individual specifications for measurements. The measurement tolerance should be ±0.1mm.11.3 ELECTRO-STATIC DISCHARGE CONTROLSince this module uses a CMOS LSI, the same careful attention should be paid for electrostatic discharge as for an ordinary CMOS IC.(1) Make certain that you are grounded when handing LCM.(2) Before removing LCM from its packing case or incorporating it into a set, be sure the module andyour body have the same electric potential.(3) When soldering the terminal of LCM, make certain the AC power source for the soldering irondoes not leak.(4) When using an electric screwdriver to attach LCM, the screwdriver should be of groundpotentiality to minimize as much as possible any transmission of electromagnetic waves produced sparks coming from the commutator of the motor.(5) As far as possible, make the electric potential of your work clothes and that of the workbenches tothe ground potential.(6) To reduce the generation of electro-static discharge, be careful that the air in the work is not toodried. A relative humidity of 50%-60% is recommended.11.4 PRECAUTIONS FOR OPERATION(1) Viewing angle varies with the change of liquid crystal driving voltage (Vo). Adjust Vo to showthe best contrast.(2) Driving the LCD in the voltage above the limit will shorten its lifetime.(3) Response time is greatly delayed at temperature below the operating temperature range. However,this does not mean the LCD will be out of the order. It will recover when it returns to the specified temperature range.(4) If the display area is pushed hard during operation, the display will become abnormal. However, itwill return to normal if it is turned off and then on.(5) Condensation on terminals can cause an electrochemical reaction disrupting the terminal circuit.Therefore, this product must be used and stored within the specified condition of 23±5°C, 45±20%RH.(6) When turning the power on, input each signal after the positive/negative voltage becomes stable.11.5 SAFETY(1) It is recommended to crush damaged or unnecessary LCDs into pieces and wash them off withsolvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should later be burned.(2) If any liquid leaks out of a damaged glass cell and comes in contact with the hands, wash offthoroughly with soap and water.13. REVISION HISTORYrecord Date Version Reviseversion 05-01-011.0 Original2.0 Change specification format 05-11-203.0 Change contact mode 06-08-03SAMPLE APPROVED REPORT。