02 - Combat 30 ~ Kick Start
-bi:BAN掉指定道具-bh:BAN掉指定英雄英雄编号:1.复仇之魂2.众神之王3.魅惑魔女4.变体精灵5.水晶室女6.流浪剑客7.娜迦海妖8.撼地神牛9.隐形刺客10.德鲁伊11.秀逗魔导师12.剑圣13.沉默术士14.树精卫士15.牛头人酋长16.光之守卫17.熊战士18.食人魔魔法师19.地精修补匠20.先知21.幻影长矛手22.山岭巨人23.地精工程师24.圣骑士25.月之骑士26.矮人狙击手27.巨魔战将28.暗影萨满29.刚背兽30.熊猫酒仙31.人马酋长32.赏金猎人33.龙骑士34.敌法师35.黑暗游侠36.全能骑士37.兽王38.双头龙39.炼金术士40.月之女祭司41.风暴之灵42.神灵武士43.圣堂刺客44.仙女龙45.发条地精46.海军上将47.风行者48.空英雄49.灵魂守卫50.受折磨的灵魂51.巫妖52.死亡先知53.恶魔巫师54.剧毒术士55.半人猛犸56.死灵飞龙57.混沌骑士58.狼人59.育母蜘蛛60.幻影刺客70.蛇发女妖71.闪电幽魂72.食尸鬼73.遗忘法74.潮汐猎人75.痛苦之源76.死灵法师77.屠夫78.裂魂人79.地穴编织者80.影魔81.沙王82.斧王83.血魔84.地狱领主85.幽鬼86.巫医87.黑曜毁灭者88.术士89.地卜师90.暗影牧师91. 深渊领主92.不朽尸王93.黑暗贤者94.召唤师95.谜团96.蝙蝠骑士97.极寒幽魂98.鱼人夜行者99.火凤凰100.冰凤凰101.精灵守卫102.提瑞斯法守护者103.虚灵射手104.矮人直升机105.暗夜哨兵106.灰烬之灵107.天怒法师108.地精撕裂者109.军团指挥官110.巨牙海民111.干扰者萨尔112.暗影恶魔113.拉比克114.新凤凰115.寒冬飞龙116.弧光守卫117.时光穿梭者118.创世神119.无形120.堡垒121.roshan122.远古刺客123.灵魂行者124.虚空魔王125.赌博者126.风之神127.流体工程师128.狼骑士129.神谕者130.大地之灵131.雷霆骑士132.王座守卫133.机枪战士(跟新至dota imca 1.12b)物品编号:1.坚韧球2.圣殿指环(普通)3.远行鞋4~6.动力鞋敏捷/力量/智力7.迈达斯之手8.空明杖9.护腕10.幽灵系带11.无用挂件12.夜叉13.散华14.碎骨锤15.刃甲16.漩涡17-21.散失之刃22.支配头盔23.疯狂面具24.Eul的神圣法杖25.振魂石26.散夜对剑27.黯灭28.狂战斧29.水晶剑30~31.黑皇杖32.幻影斧33.洛萨之锋34~38.Dagon之神力39~41.死灵书42.林肯法球43.圣剑44.大炮45.埃辛诺斯战刃46.克洛诺斯掠夺者之剑47.灭世者的面具48-49.瓦兰奈尔远古王者之锤50.塞纳留斯之角51.辉耀52.魔龙之心53-54.撒旦之邪力55.霜之哀伤56.蝴蝶57.A杖58.刷新球59.羊刀60~61.先锋盾62.雷神之锤63.飞行信使64~65.吸血鬼的祭品66.强袭装甲67.血精石68~69.挑战头巾70.臂章71.冰甲72.紫怨73.相位鞋74.魔杖75.弹射法杖76.卡嘉之洞察烟斗77-78.穷鬼盾(近战)79.影之灵龛80.卡拉波水晶之塔81.灰烬使者82.雷霆之怒~逐风者的祝福之剑(风剑)83.索利达尔~群星之怒(橙弓)84.标枪85.奥伯莱恩~裂魂之剑86.秘法鞋87.虚灵法杖(2)88.虚灵法杖(3)89.虚灵法杖(4)90.虚灵法杖(5)91.虚灵法杖(1)92.虚灵法杖(2)93.虚灵法杖(3)94.虚灵法杖(4)95.虚灵法杖(5)96.艾萨拉女王的内衣97.无尽长夜法杖98.巨龙之怒~塔雷狗萨的寄魂帐(蓝杖)99.古之忍耐姜歌100.古之忍耐姜歌101.古之忍耐姜歌102.勇气金牌103.阿托斯之棍104.深渊之剑105.深渊之剑106.静谧之鞋(绿鞋)107.天堂之戬108.纷争面纱109.埃缇耶什~守卫者的传说法杖(跟新至dota imca 1.12b)-bi-bh 13 18 19 21 22 26 27 32 42 53 56 71 85 92 99 101 102 110 114 119 120 121 126 128 132 133-bi 50 55 66 81 17 18 19 20 21 48 49 109。
玩家只能选择自己方酒馆的英雄全选模式:-ap/-allpick 玩家可以选择所有酒馆的英雄全体随机模式:-ar/-allrandom 玩家从所有酒馆的范围里自动随机得到一个英雄。
团队随机模式: -tr/-teamrandom 玩家从自己方酒馆里随机得到一个英雄。
模式随机: -mr/-moderandom 随机从全体随机模式,全选模式,团队随机模式和常规模式中选择一个模式。
联赛模式: -lm/-leaguemode 需要10个玩家,团队交替选英雄,按(1-2-2-2-2-1)的顺序,第一玩家的团队是随机的。
随机征召模式: -rd/-randomdraft 22个随机英雄从所有酒馆里选出来,并且放在地图左上的树林中。
随机队长模式: -cd 22个随机英雄从所有酒馆里选出来,并且放在地图左上的树林中。
阵容投票模式: -vr/-voterandom 3种随机的阵容将被选择,每个玩家都可以投票。
3 1、身体姿势练习(上、下、左、右、前、后)
3、身体素质:柔韧性、协调性 要求有节奏变化
4 1、直、勾、摆拳的进攻练习
3、规定动作一攻一防练习(结合上次课的步法) 强调动作的要领发力结合手靶练习
5 学习单腿练习1、正蹬腿2、侧踢腿3、侧踹腿4、后踢腿
对应体育课成绩 学生体质健康测评成绩
10分 85分以上(含85分)
9分 80-84分
8分 75-79分
7分 60-74分
6分 59分
5分 58-50分
4分 49-30分
3分 29分以下
2024年北师大版英语初一上学期期末复习试卷及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answers according to the dialogue.(A) Tom is reading a book.(B) Tom is watching TV.(C) Tom is writing an email.Answer: AExplanation: The dialogue mentions that Tom is reading a book, so the correct answer is A.2、Listen to another dialogue and choose the correct answers this time.(A) Mary is going to the park.(B) Mary is going to the library.(C) Mary is going swimming.Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, Mary expresses her intention to go to the library, making option B the correct choice.3、You will hear a conversation between a student and a teacher about a science fair project. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to thequestion.Question: Why does the teacher suggest that the student changes the project?A)Because the project is too easy.B)Because the project is not interesting.C)Because the project requires more research.D)Because the project is too advanced.Answer: C) Because the project requires more research.Explanation: The teacher suggests changing the project because more research is needed, which indicates that the current project does not have enough information.4、You will hear a short dialogue between two friends discussing the weather. Listen carefully and answer the question.Question: What is the weather like today according to the conversation?A)It’s sunny.B)It’s cloudy.C)It’s raining.D)It’s windy.Answer: A) It’s sunny.Explanation: The conversation mentions that the sun is shining today, indicating that the weather is sunny.5.You are listening to a conversation between a student and a teacher.Student: “Mr.Smith, I couldn’t finish my homework because my computer broke down this morning.”Teacher: “I’m sorry to hear that. Did you manage to borrow someone’scomputer to complete it?”Student: “Yes, thank you. I borrowed my friend’s computer and finished it by the end of the day.”What did the student do to finish his homework?A)He borrowed a friend’s computer.B)He didn’t finish it at all.C)He asked the teacher for help.D)He used his phone instead.Answer: A) He borrowed a friend’s computer.Explanation: The student mentioned that he borrowed his friend’s computer to complete his homework after his own computer broke down.6.Listen to a short dialogue between two friends discussing their weekend plans.Person A: “Do you have any plans for the weekend?”Person B: “Well, I was thinking of visiting my grandparents. They live in the count ryside and it’s always nice to spend some time with them.”Person A: “That sounds great! I was also considering going to the movies with my friends. Do you want to join us?”What is Person B’s plan for the weekend?A)To go to the movies.B)To visit their grandparents.C)To study for exams.D)To stay at home.Answer: B) To visit their grandparents.Explanation: Person B explicitly mentioned that they plan to visit their grandparents in the countryside for the weekend.7、 Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question.A. Tom is not interested in Chinese.B. Tom is not good at Chinese.C. Tom studies Chinese by himself.D. Tom’s mother helps him study Chinese.Answer: B解析: 在对话中提到Tom说他学中文不太顺利,因此选项B是正确答案。
第二步:主机从dhcp server获取ip地址,并得到tftp服务器的ip地址和pxe 文件名。
(由dhcp.conf文件中的filename "/pxelinux.0";和next-server;两项指定。
第四步:最后主机从vsftp server下载到自动应答安装提问的ks.cfg文件以及RHEL或centos的源目录树。
必要的条件:Dhcp server、tftp server、vsftp server以及由KickStart所生成的ks.cfg 配置文件,最后当然是带有一个 PXE 支持网卡的将安装的主机。
二.安装下面就根据以上图示进行相应服务器的安装(上述3个服务其实都装在一台centos5.3的虚拟机中)1.安装DHCP服务:[root@lfs ~]# yum install dhcp –y#因为yum会自动检查系统中是否已经安装了dhcp server,如果已安装,则会比较版本,如果有更新的版本,则会升级安装。
首先在虚拟机种安装一个CentOS,并安装dhcp,tftp,vsftp服务,以此服务器作为自动安装的服务器端把虚拟机的网络设置设置成为host-only,防止dhcp影响工作环境中的dhcp安装dhcp服务[root@station10 ~]# yum -y install dhcp[root@station10 ~]# service dhcp start[root@station10 ~]# chkconfig dhcpd on安装tftp服务[root@station10 ~]# yum -y install tftp tftp-server[root@station10 ~]#service xinetd start[root@station10 ~]#chkconfig tftp onVsftp默认已安装,启用[root@station10 ~]#service v start[root@station10 ~]#chkconfig vsftpd on修改/etc/dhcpd.conf文件,配置dhcp末尾增加以下两行next-server;(这里是指tftp服务器的地址)filename "pxelinux.0"; (这个是下载linux boot loader pxelinux)dhcp配置如下配置tftp寻找pxelinux.0文件,此文件由syslinux提供,找不到可以安装syslinux包。
pxelinux.0通常存放在以下位置/usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0把pxelinux.0拷贝到tftp服务器下面,tftp的目录是/tftpboot/同时拷贝安装光盘/images/pxeboot目录下的initra.img和vmlinuz到/tftpboot/下在/tftpboot/下建立pxelinux.cfg目录,然后在pxelinux.cfg目录下面建立default 文件。
武术基础词汇1.武术(Martial Arts)- 一种传统的战斗艺术技巧,通过身体技巧和策略来实现自卫或攻击对手的目的。
2.功夫(Kung Fu)- 中国传统武术的一种术语,泛指一切武术技巧,也被广泛用于描述中国武术。
3.拳(Fist)- 通常指拳击或拳法技巧,是武术中常见的攻击技巧之一。
4.脚法(Footwork)- 指武术中通过脚的运动来达到进攻、防守或转移身体位置的技巧。
5.姿势(Stance)- 指站立或运动时的身体姿态,合适的姿势可以增加力量和稳定性。
6.防守(Defense)- 指在面对对手的攻击时采取的保护自己的动作和技巧。
7.进攻(Offense)- 指采取措施主动攻击对手的动作和技巧。
8.技巧(Technique)- 武术中的特定动作或组合,用于攻击、防守或控制对手。
武术比赛相关表达1.决斗(Duel)- 两位武术者之间的对战。
2.比赛(Competition)- 武术运动中的竞技活动。
3.裁判(Referee)- 主持武术比赛并判定运动员得分或胜负的人员。
4.竞技场(Arena)- 武术比赛的场地,通常为一个封闭的区域。
5.回合(Round)- 武术比赛中的一局或一次攻防的时间段。
6.计时(Timing)- 武术比赛中计算时间的过程。
7.得分(Score)- 武术比赛中根据裁判员判定的动作精度、技巧和效果而给出的分数。
8.冠军(Champion)- 武术比赛中最终获胜的选手或队伍。
9.亚军(Runner-up)- 武术比赛中获得第二名的选手或队伍。
10.卫冕冠军(Defending Champion)- 武术比赛中保持冠军头衔的选手或队伍。
武术动作词汇1.拳打(Punch)- 使用拳头迅速击打对手的动作。
一、踢除玩家进入命令台(~号键,数字1左边);直接的办法是kick[name]一般是不用玩家名字来踢人,USERS回车(你要踢的人名前有数字代码)每位玩家前面就出现了一个编号如11;KICK(大小写不分)空格#11 就把11给踢出去乐!关于#号:踢人分两种:1是简单的踢他,不过他还可以再进来,这种简单,作方法:控制台,输入users显示出每个玩家的ID编号,输入kick #XX(编号)(编号前面加#哦),回车,他就消失。
作方法:进入控制台,查ID编号,再输入banid YY #XX kick,就可以了,不过在实际中这样做自己主机就会退出游戏。
试一试吧,怎么你说不行?什么?不是你建的主机?~~~~Oh,my god! 我晕倒,上面所有操作前提你是OP。
二、以下是CS1.5所有控制台命令:SERVER(服务器)用指令banid 时间#编号kick 踢人让他换名字后也进不来,除非他换计算机,时间= 0即永远deathmatch 0 开启混战模式,一个人一组,把其它人解决掉decalfrequency 30 玩家的logo多久可喷一次(秒)kick #编号踢人(server专用,踢编号需加#,踢名字不用,但大小写要一样) mapcyclefile 文件名选择地图切换的文档,预定为mapcycle.txt,可准备好几份设定档mp_autokick 1 设定是否自动踢人mp_autoteambalance 0 是否自动队伍平衡,0为准许双方人数不平均和Bot 玩时的好参数mp_buytime 1.5 设定可回基地购买武器的时间,单位是分钟mp_c4timer 45 设定C4炸弹的爆炸时间。
将磁盘容量指定为 20GB
单击虚拟机的“自定 义硬件”按钮
设置虚拟机网络适配 器设备为仅主机模式
自动传输光盘镜像文 件并安装系统
根据应答文件自动填 写安装信息
自动安装系统,无须 人工干预
手动单击用于接受许 可协议的按钮
02 第11~20行
keyboard参数为硬盘类型,一般都不需 要修改。
04 第31~44行
表 示 要 安 装 的 软 件 来 源 。 graphicalserver-environment即带有图形化界面的服务 器 环 境 , 它 对 应 的 是 安 装 界 面 中 的 Server With GUI选项。
RHEL 8 系 统 版 本 的 vsftpd服务默认不允许匿 名公开访问模式,在配 置文件修改正确之后, 将相应的服务程序添加 到开机启动项中,在生 产环境中还是在红帽认 证考试中,设备重启之 后提供相应的服务。
在确认系统光盘镜像已 经正常挂载到 /media/cdrom 目 录 后 , 把目录中的光盘镜像文 件全部复制到vsftpd服务 程序的工作目录中。
起因最近⼚⾥⼀批 dell 新机器 centos 6.3 装机卡在Unsupported Hardware Detected页⾯,要⼈⾁点击 OK 才能继续装机:Unsupported Hardware DetectedThis hardware (or a combination thereof) is not supported by Red Hat.For more information on supported hardware, please refer to /hardware.google 了⼀下unsupported hardware关键词,RHEL ⼿册提到 kickstart 有个unsupported_hardware可选项:unsupported_hardware (optional)Tells the installer to suppress the Unsupported Hardware Detected alert.If this command is not included and unsupported hardware is detected, the installation will stall at this alert.在 ks ⽂件中加上这⾏,结果空欢喜⼀场,安装程序提⽰说不认识这个字段。
⼜找了⼀翻 redhat 6.4 的发⾏注记说,从 6.4 开始才新添加 kickstart 的unsupported_hardware命令:BZ#824963A kickstart installation on unsupported hardware resulted in a dialog box asking for confirmation before proceeding with the installation process. As a consequence, it was not possible to perform a kickstart installationon unsupported hardware without any user input. To fix this bug, a new unsupported_hardware kickstart command has been added, which skips the interactive dialog warning when installing a system on unsupported hardware without user input.这批机器要安装的 OS 版本是 centos 6.3 的,没法⽤到这个新的 ks 选项。
网络创世纪UO Sphere GM指令大全
Sphere GM指令大全Sphere GM指令大全 ADD 用法: ADD string 例子: ADD i_axe_war 说明: 增加一个物品,如果没有参数,则会出来一个add gump。
ADDNPC 用法: ADDNPC string 例子: ADDNPC c_h_warrior 说明: 增加一个NPC。
ADMIN 用法: ADMIN 例子: ADMIN 说明: 用了后可以出来一Sphere GM指令大全ADD用法: ADD <string> 例子: ADD i_axe_war说明: 增加一个物品,如果没有参数,则会出来一个add gump。
ADDNPC用法: ADDNPC <string>例子: ADDNPC c_h_warrior说明: 增加一个NPC。
ADMIN用法: ADMIN例子: ADMIN说明: 用了后可以出来一个关于在线玩家的列表,在其中你可以使用下列命令:GO -- 来到玩家身边。
SUMMONTO -- 把玩家带到你身边。
SUMMONCAGE -- 把玩家带到你身边,并且用铁栏把他圈起来。
JAIL -- 把玩家jail。
KICK -- 把玩家踢出服务器,并且block。
KILL -- 杀死玩家。
RESURRECT -- 复活玩家。
FOLLOW -- 跟随玩家。
MESSAGETARG -- 向玩家发送一条信息。
EVERBTARG -- 针对此玩家执行一个命令(并不是所有命令都可以执行)。
DISCONNECT -- 把玩家踢出服务器。
AFK用法: AFK例子: AFK说明: 进入AFK模式。
ALLCLIENTS用法: SERV.ALLCLIENTS <command> <args>例子: SERV.ALLCLIENTS kill说明: 这个命令充许你对所有在线玩家执行一个命令。
格斗项目 combat sports拳击运动 boxing泰拳 Thai boxing业余拳击比赛 amateur boxing 职业拳击比赛 pro boxing拳王争霸赛 title bout拳击手 boxer拳王 boxing champion不堪一击的拳手 glass jaw拳击教练 boxing coach拳击陪练 sparring partner台上裁判员 referee台下裁判员 judge场 bout回合 round分级别 category分开 break数秒 count倒地后10秒不起 counted out 金腰带 gold belt击后脑勺 rabbit punch防守姿势 on guard击打 punch,blow重拳 hard blow决定性打击 decisive blow直拳 straight左直拳 straight left刺拳 jab勾拳 hook上勾拳 uppercut摆拳 swing组合拳 combination blows击空 mispunch击中 hit击倒 knock down认输 throw toss in the sponge 步法 footwork上步 step up防守 guard格挡 parry扭抱 clinch拳击台 ring拳击手套 boxing glove护头 head protector腰带 belt拳击沙袋 sandbag拳击级别:boxing weights 拳击体重级别light flyweight 48公斤级, 次特轻量级flyweight 51公斤级, 特轻量级bantamweight 54公斤级, 最轻量级featherweight 57公斤级, 次轻量级lightweight 60公斤级, 轻量级light welterweight 63.5公斤级, 轻中量级welterweight 67公斤级, 次中量级light middleweight 71公斤级, 中量级middleweight 75公斤级, 次重量级light heavyweight 81公斤级, 重量级heavyweight 81以上公斤级, 最重量级拳击比赛中专业的英语词汇以及拳击比赛规则的相关英语用语:人员规则拳法步法攻防场地与装备1.格斗项目:combat(ive) [fighting] sports2.拳击运动:boxing; pugilism; sweet science3.散手:sanshou; free sparring4.空手道:karate5.合气道:aikido6.泰拳:Thai boxing; Muay Thai7.猛攻猛打的拳击比赛:slugfest8.赤拳格斗:bare-knuckle fighting9.拳斗:fist fight; fisticuffs10.业余拳击比赛:amateur boxing11.职业拳击比赛:pro(fessional)boxing; prizefighting12.拳王争霸赛:title bout13.世界拳击协会:World Boxing Association (WBA)14.世纪拳击理事会:World Boxing Council (WBC)15.国际拳击联合会:International Boxing Federation (IBF)人员16.拳击手[运动员]:boxer; fighter; pugilist17.业余拳击手:amateur boxer18.职业拳击手:professional boxer; (prize) fighter; scrapper19.拳王:boxing champion20.进攻型拳击手:offensive boxer21.防卫型拳击手:defensive boxer22.舞蹈型拳击手(移步躲闪多而主动进攻少):dancer23.猛冲猛打的拳击手:slugger; puncher24.菜花耳(耳朵受伤后变形):cauliflower ear25.左撇子(基本姿势中左手在后):southpaw26.水平不高的拳击手:potato can; ham-and-egger27.不堪一击的拳击手:glass jaw28.拳击教练:boxing coach; handler29.台边指导:ringside instruction30.拳击陪练:sparring partner; training opponent31.辅导员;助手:second32.第一辅导员:chief second33.第二辅导员:assistant second34.台上裁判员:referee35.台下[评分]裁判员:judge; ringside official36.推广人:promoter拳击比赛规则英语词汇:37.场(包括若干回合):match; bout; fight38.回合:round39.体重分级:weight division [category; classification]40.最大体重:weight limit41.手套检查:glove inspection42.裁判员口令:referee’s command43.分开:break; separate; disengage; disentangle44.三次击倒规则:three-knockdown rule45.数秒:count46.强制性数8:standing-eight count47.数完10秒:full count48.被击倒后数10不起:counted out; down and out; take the count49.绝对胜利(对手数10不起):knock-out (KO)50.侥幸脱险(数秒不到10鸣锣停止比赛):narrow escape51.击败对手:outbox; outclass52.击倒获胜:win by a knockout53.技术击倒[获胜]:technical knockout (TKO)54.分数超过对方:outpoint55.得分获胜:win by decision [on points]56.10分获胜利:ten-point must system57.20分获胜利:twenty-point must system58.裁判员宣布停止比赛:referee stops contest59.裁判员叫停获胜:win by “referee stops contest”60.因对方弃权而获胜:win by retirement61.因对方未出场而获胜:win by walkover (absence)62.胜局:winning round63.金腰带:gold (champion) belt64.犯规拳:foul blow65.腰下拳:low blow; hit below the belt66.肾部拳:kidney blow67.击后背:hit on the back68.击后脑勺:rabbit punch; hit on the back of neck69.拳背击人:backhander; backhand swing70.开掌打击:open blow; hit with open gloves71.用手掌部位击打:hit with the inside of glove72.以肘击人:elbow blow73.头撞:headbutting74.肩撞:hit with the shoulder75.膝顶:kneeing76.踢:kick77.推:push78.卡脖子:throttle; stranglehold79.咬人:biting80.贴靠对方:lean on one’s opponent81.抱着打:hold and hit82.拉住对方打:pull and hit83.击打倒地对手:hit opponent when he is down拳法84.拳击技术:boxing skill; ringcraft85.基本站立姿势:fundamental stance86.前边的手臂:guarding [leading]arm87.后边的手臂:striking hand88.摆好姿势:square away89.防守姿势:on guard90.膝部略弯身体前倾的姿势:crouch91.拳:fist; clenched hand92.臂长:reach93.拳头打击面:knocking surface of the fist94.出拳:deliver [land]a punch95.出拳过短:short96.出拳过远:overreach97.击打:punch; blow; strike98.打击力量:punching [hitting] power99.重拳:hard [heavy] blow; smash; swipe; thump; sock100.决定性打击:decision blow101.最厉害的一击:Sunday punch102.击中要害的两拳:navy double punch103.企图击倒对方的重拳:haymaker104.互击:crisscross; double counter; trade [exchange] blows 105.难分难解:deadlock106.基本拳法:basic [fundamental] blows107.左手拳:left108.右手拳:right109.直拳:straight (blow)110.左直拳:straight left111.右直拳:straight right112.短直拳:short straight113.刺拳:jab114.钩拳:hook115.上钩拳:uppercut; hook up; bolo punch116.长钩拳:long hook117.短钩拳:short hook118.短上钩拳:short uppercut119.侧钩拳:side hook120.平钩拳:flat hook121.摆(横)拳:swing; roundhouse; round-arm blow 122.侧击:sidewinder; glancing blow123.钻[螺旋]拳:corkscrew blow124.捶打:hammer blow125.向下击拳:chop; downward punch126.上下交替拳:high-low127.一、二连击:one-two (punch)128.跟进拳:follow blow129.转身击打:pivot blow130.组合[连续]拳:combination [serial] blows131.开始拳:lead; leading-off blow132.试探:feeler133.虚拳:fake flow134.击头部的拳:nobber135.击脸部的拳:facer136.下巴拳:chin punch137.拇指击眼部:gouge; thumb138.眼部青肿:black eye; mouse; shiner139.击胸部的拳:heart blow140.击胃部的拳:solar plexus blow141.击空:mispunch; miss blow142.击中:hit; connect143.摇晃(被击中后):stagger144.晕头转向:punch-drunk145.昏迷:unconscious146.拳击手痴呆症(因头部被重击引起):punch drunkenness; pugilistica dementia147.击倒:knock down; floor; flatten; deck; drop; pound to canvas 148.倒下:fall down149.倒在围绳上:on the ropes150.假装被击倒:dive151.认输:throw [toss] in the sponge [towel]152.打出台外:ring out153.击掌练习:hitting drill154.拳击练习:spar155.影子拳;打空拳:shadow boxing步法156.步法:footwork157.上步:step up158.出拳步:knock step159.侧步:sidestep160.往后移步:step back; bicycle; back pedal161.环绕步:circle162.擦地移步:shuffle163.变换步法移动身体重心:drop shift164.灵活的步法:nimble footwork攻防165.闪电式进攻:blitz166.先失后得(挨一拳再出击):give and take167.边打边退的战术:hit and sway168.疲劳战术(让对方连续出拳消耗体力):rope-a-dope strategy 169.引诱性移动:decoy movement170.前后左右快速移动(以迷惑对方):jitterbug; stunt171.防守[御]:guard; defense172.消极防守:passive defense173.回到防守姿势:recover174.退却:retreat175.撤步防守:step-away176.还击:counter; cross177.还击拳:counter blow178.格档:parry; ward off; shove aside179.内侧格档:inside parry180.内侧伸臂格档:leverage guard181.外侧格档:outsider parry182.同名臂格档:cross parry183.手掌格档:catch184.张掌格开来拳:brush-away185.张掌压来拳:pin; stop186.阻挡:block187.前臂阻挡:forearm block188.安全[两臂]阻挡:safety block189.肩部阻挡:shoulder block190.肘部阻挡:elbow block191.掩护(一臂遮胃,另臂挡头):cover192.拨开:deflect193.身法:body work194.身体虚晃:body feint195.上下左右摆动:bob and weave196.摆动身体:sway197.摆体躲闪;摇避:weave; rock away; swerve198.后仰躲闪:sway back199.头部躲闪:slip200.下潜[蹲]躲闪:duck201.向前下潜:fold202.转体弯腰躲闪:drop-away203.近战:close(-quarter) fight; infighting204.紧逼:press205.逼角:corner to the ropes; force to the corner 206.擒拿:hold207.擒抱:hug208.扭抱:clinch209.夹住对方双手:double lock拳击比赛场地与装备英语名称:210.拳击台:(boxing) ring; squared circle211.拳击台围绳:ropes of the ring212.拳击台围绳以外部分:apron213.红角:red corner214.蓝角:blue corner215.中立角:neutral corner216.帆布台面:canvas-covered floor217.台下坐凳:ring-stool218.锣:gong219.拳击手套:boxing gloves220.练习手套:training glove221.护头:head protector [guard]; protective headgear 222.拳击鞋:boxing shoe223.腰带:belt224.拳击手披风:boxing robe225.拳击沙包:sandbag; training[punching; heavy] bag 226.吊球:speed bag; speedball; punching ball227.梨形吊球:pear bag 228.墙靶:wall punch pad。
跆拳道双方对战作文英文回答:Taekwondo is a martial art that originated in Korea and is known for its powerful kicks and strikes. It is a popular sport and is often practiced as a means of self-defense. In a Taekwondo match, two opponents face each other in a ring and try to score points by landing kicks or punches on their opponent.In a Taekwondo match, both opponents have their own strategies and techniques. One opponent may prefer to use quick and agile movements to outmaneuver their opponent, while the other may rely on strong and powerful strikes to overpower their opponent. Each opponent tries to anticipate the other's moves and react accordingly.For example, in a recent Taekwondo match I participated in, my opponent was known for his lightning-fast kicks. He would often use his speed to catch me off guard and scorepoints. However, I knew that he had a weakness in his defense. Whenever he executed a high kick, his guard would drop slightly, leaving an opening for me to counterattack. So, I waited for the right moment and when he attempted a high kick, I quickly blocked it and delivered a powerful punch to his chest, scoring a point.On the other hand, my opponent was also aware of my strengths and weaknesses. He knew that I had a strong roundhouse kick but was slower in executing it compared to his quick kicks. So, he tried to keep a distance and avoid close-range combat where my kick would be most effective. Instead, he focused on scoring points with his fast kicks from a distance.In the end, the match was a close one. Both of us managed to score points using our respective strategies and techniques. It was a thrilling experience, filled with adrenaline and excitement. Despite the competitiveness, there was also a sense of respect between us as opponents, as we both acknowledged the skill and determination required to excel in Taekwondo.中文回答:跆拳道是一种起源于韩国的武术,以其强大的踢击技巧而闻名。
你今天喝了什么英语作文Title: A Day in the Life: Exploring My Beverage Choices。
Today has been a typical day for me, filled withvarious activities and moments that make up the fabric ofmy routine. One aspect of my day that often goes unnoticedis the beverages I consume. From the moment I wake up tothe time I wind down in the evening, my choices in what I drink play a significant role in my day. Let's delve into a detailed exploration of the beverages I enjoyed today.Morning:As the sunlight filters through my curtains, signaling the start of a new day, my first thought is often of a warm beverage to kickstart my morning. Today, I opted for a classic cup of coffee. The rich aroma fills the kitchen asI prepare my brew, savoring the ritualistic aspect of this daily routine. With each sip, the caffeine gently nudges me awake, preparing me for the day ahead.Mid-Morning:As the morning progresses and I delve into my work, I find myself needing a refreshing break. Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, I decide to hydrate myself with a tall glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. The tangy sweetness invigorates my senses, providing a much-needed burst of energy to carry me through the remainder of the morning.Lunchtime:As noon approaches, thoughts of lunch dance through my mind. Alongside my meal, I opt for a glass of iced green tea. Its subtle grassy notes complement the flavors of my lunch perfectly, while the hint of caffeine provides a gentle lift without the jarring effect of another cup of coffee. The coolness of the iced tea soothes my palate, offering a moment of tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle of the day.Afternoon:As the afternoon wears on, I find myself in need of a little pick-me-up to combat the midday slump. Instead of reaching for a sugary energy drink, I decide to indulge in a steaming cup of herbal tea. Today, I chose chamomile tea for its calming properties. With each sip, I feel tension melting away, replaced by a sense of relaxation and focus that allows me to tackle the tasks at hand with renewed vigor.Evening:As the day draws to a close and dinner preparations begin, I find myself craving something warm and comforting. Tonight, I opt for a mug of hot cocoa. The rich chocolatey goodness warms me from the inside out, wrapping me in a cocoon of contentment after a long day. As I sip my cocoa, I reflect on the events of the day, grateful for the simple pleasures that each beverage has brought me.Nighttime:As bedtime approaches, I eschew caffeine in favor of a soothing cup of herbal tea. Tonight, I choose lavender tea for its calming properties, hoping to lull myself into a restful sleep. As I sip my tea, I feel my eyelids grow heavy, the stresses of the day melting away as I prepare to drift off into slumber.In conclusion, the beverages I consume throughout the day play a crucial role in shaping my experiences and providing moments of pleasure and relaxation. From the invigorating kick of my morning coffee to the soothing calm of my bedtime tea, each drink serves as a small but significant marker in the tapestry of my daily life.。
中国拳击比赛介绍英文作文Introduction to Chinese Boxing Competition。
Chinese boxing, also known as Sanda, is a traditional Chinese martial art that combines striking techniques with wrestling and grappling techniques. It is a full-contact combat sport that has gained popularity in recent years, both in China and around the world.The Chinese Boxing Competition is a highly anticipated event in the world of martial arts. It brings together the best fighters from around the country to compete in a series of matches that showcase their skill, strength, and agility.The competition is divided into various weight categories, with each fighter competing against others in their respective weight class. The matches are conducted in a ring, with each round lasting for three minutes.The Rules of the Game。
The rules of Chinese boxing are similar to those ofother combat sports, such as boxing and kickboxing.Fighters are allowed to use a variety of techniques, including punches, kicks, knee strikes, and throws.However, there are some key differences that set Chinese boxing apart from other combat sports. For example, fighters are not allowed to strike their opponents whenthey are on the ground, and they are not allowed to strike their opponents in the back of the head or neck.In addition, the referees are more lenient when it comes to clinching and grappling. Fighters are allowed to hold onto their opponents and attempt to throw them to the ground, which adds an extra element of strategy to the game.The Competition Format。
Nintendo DS 健康和安全说明书
TE T E CON C O N N Z N Z ADV A D V MEGA M M EG G A M 2 PROLOGUE 3 CHARACTERS 6 GETTING STARTED 8 DEFAULT CONTROLS 10 ACTIONS 10 BASIC CONTROLS 12 TRANSFORMATION 13 MODEL A CONTROLS14 MODEL A ACTIONS16 ACTION SCREEN17 BIOMETAL SCREEN 17 TRANSFORMATION 18 ROUGH MAP19 DETAILED 20 BIOMETAL MODEL POWERS21 SUB SCREEN 21 STATUS SCREEN22 PROFILE SCREEN22 MISSION SCREEN24 ITEM SCREEN25 ITEM TYPES26 OPTIONS SCREEN28 TRANSERVERS30 DATABASE31 MINI GAMES 31 GEM BUSTER32 NINTENDO DS WIRELESS PLAY 32 SINGLE CARD DOWNLOAD PLAY33 MULTI-CARD WIRELESS PLAY34 A-TRANSABLE CHARACTERS A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM CAPCOMThank you for selecting MEGA MAN ZX ADVENT for your Nintendo DS™ system. CAPCOM is proud to bring you this new addition to your video game library.PR OL OGUEThe future … where science and technology have evolved far beyond our wildest dreams. The long, drawn-out war between the Humans and their mechanicalnally come to an end. The two coexisted peacefully creations, the Reploids, had fiin this high-tech world.The Federation Government, Legion, was established following the war. It wasan organization responsible for presenting Humans with cybernetic modifi cations and assigning artifi cial life spans to Reploids, blurring the lines between manand machine. The two populations, with their destinies more intertwined than ever before, began to found fl edgling nation-states around the world.A new era of history had begun, and several centuries had passed since the war. Old ruins from the previous age were scattered across the globe and became homes to the feral machines known as Mavericks. However, these dangerous areas were nal resting places of many powerful lost technologies created as a result also the fiict. One entrepreneur took advantage of this buriedof the many years of confltreasure of cutting-edge technology and used it as a base for forming one of the world’s leading corporations. Soon after, people with dreams of getting rich quick, the Hunters, formed the Hunter’s Guild to seek out the wealth lying within the ruins. The temptation of this technological windfall was too much for some, who refused to join the guild and instead sought the hidden riches all for themselves. These people were called Raiders. In the great Tech Rush, everyone seemed to forget that this buried technology was designed for only one purpose: WAR!CHARA CTERS“Who are you calling defective?!”This young boy was discoveredin cryogenic hibernation withina laboratory. He was rescued fromhis cold slumber by Hunters, andlater decided to join their cause bysigning up with the Hunter’s Guild.A member of the Hunter’sGuild, Ashe is alwayslooking to score her nextbounty. She receives arequest from Legion tosecure the Biometal Model Afrom a band of Raiders.M E G A ME R G E!“Did you call me?”This Biometal was unearthed fromancient ruins by Bounty Hunters.Biometal is metal with its ownconsciousness. When pairedwith a Biomatch, this metal allowsthem to Megamerge.CHARA CTERST“Let the game begin!”Throughout the world, different countries Federation Government that runs the world. Master Thomas, Master Albert, of the organization. The Sage Trinity iswidely recognized for its many importantadministrative duties, such as improving and determining the lifespansMASTER THOMAS P A NDORA MASTER MIKHAIL A TLAS THETIS GE TRINI TY Leader of the Sage Trinity. Master Thomas demands a great deal of himself and others.Master Mikhail is knowledgeable about history and geography. He intentionally catches others off-guard with his straightforward, casual speaking style.Pandora is almost always seen with Prometheus. She is feared by the Hunters as a dangerous witch with near-magical abilities.He operates in tandemwith Pandora and is fearedby the Hunters. Prometheusis following orders frombehind the scenes and“You are like me ...” A former Hunter and Model P’s Biomatch. He never lets his emotions come to the surface. He was betrayed and left for dead, leading to his distrust of others and his hatred of relationshipsin general.“Commence combat!”Model H’s Biomatch. Aeolus is a perfectionist who believes that fools ict. He despises the other Mega Men.“Your time’s up, fool!”Model F’s Biomatch. She is a soldier whosurvived the destructionof her country byMavericks. She believesthat she can become aleader through fiand is constantly tryingto stir up trouble.“Those without strength don’t evolve!” Model L’s Biomatch. This gentle youth loves swimming and the sea. He is growing to despise humanity for its reckless disregard for the environment in the name of progress.“Let me show you something!”OMETHEUSGETTING STAR TEDDEFA UL T CONTR OLSPress the +Control Pad $ or ^ to move your characterMOVE LEFT/RIGHTPress the B Button to jump. Hold the button downJUMPPress the +Control Pad * during a jump to grab ontoCLIMB LADDERPress the +Control Pad * in front of a door to enter it.ENTER DOORHold the +Control Pad @ and press the B Button to drop DROP DOWNStand near a character and press the +Control TALK/CHECK/ACTIVATEPress the Y Button to attack (works even outATTACKIn Human and Reploid form, press the +Control Pad CROUCHWhen you are in Human or Reploid form upon enteringSWIMOnce you fi nd the Model A Biometal, you can Megamerge with Model A and transform. By transforming, you have greater power and become able to perform a wide variety MEGAMERGE Model A has the ability to copy the formsA-TRANS Note: You can also Megamerge and use A-Trans from the TouchPress the Y Button to fi re your weapon. Grey can fi re up to 3 shotsMAIN ATTACK (SHOT)Hold down the R Button to increase the range of theSUB ATTACK (HOMING SHOT)grey grey ashe ashe wall kick wall grabPress the L Button for a short burst of speed. You canDASHWhen you’re close to a wall, press the B Button and +Control Pad in WALL KICK/WALL GRABWhen the BM Gauge is full, hold the A Button to GIGA CRUSH3241A CTION SCREEN Boss’s Life Gauge4 BIOMETAL SCREENBIOMETAL SCREEN16BIOMETAL SCREEN SUB SCREEN14 21323These crystals are usedPoints. Small ones are worth 4 ECs,— Resume your game from a previous save location. areas, but you can only teleport to thosethat have been activated with E-Crystals.DA TABASEMINI GAMESCommunications. See pages 32 and 33 for information onNINTENDO DS™WIREL ESS PLA Y35A -T RA NSABL E CHARA CTERSBULB SHOT (Bulb) Press Stand by a column or rope toward a column or rope, and press Y Button.D^ T E RO I DPress B Button (depletes the BM Gauge with each use).DOCK Approach a container jointHold Y Button, then release.E RO I D, and press L Button, twice rapidly. or ^ then release it while on the ground.then release it in air or underwater.Hold Y or R Button, then release itD O RO I DHold B Button in air or underwater.+Control Pad in direction Press Y or R Button.Hold Y or R Button, then release.H O S U RO I Dtwice rapidly.Press Y or R Button.Hold Y or R Button, O RO I DPress and releaseHold down R Button.LECOMMAND LISTHold R Button, then release.Press R Button when Ghost During Ar-Throw, press R Button39H E T I ST Thetis’s ability to Swim and Water Dash make him specialized for aquatic mobility. His power comes alive underwater.HALBERD SCREW HALBERD Press Y or R Button while swimming.FREEZING DRAGON (Grey) Hold Y Button, then release.ICE STICKER (Ashe)Hold Y Button, then release. (Cut ice chunk with the Halberd to shoot ice shards forward.)SWIMPress B Button underwater,and use +Control Pad to swim. (Remap WATER DASH^ twice rapidly underwater.SThis BiometalModel specializes inaerial maneuveringwith his Air Dashand Hover abilities.Press Y Button, then R Button, then Y Button. twice rapidly in air. and press R Button, or press * Press B Button in air. (Remap in Options Mode.)SA Hold Y Button, then release. (Attack does not need to fully charged, but ames only on a full charge.)I RN A QS This Biometal Model was designed for stealth with its ability to hang from the ceiling and perform well in dark places.Jump up near ceilings or certain platforms, then press up to hang onto the surface. While on certain platforms, press @ twice rapidly to hang down from them. While hanging onto a platform, pressA-T RA NSABL E CHARA CTERS NOTES These two evenly balancedBiometal Models havethe ability to attack at closerange as well as at a distance.TLEin air and press Y Button. (You canP?。
魔兽IMBA模式所有指令imba指令是imbalanced的简写,意思是不平衡的imba不是指令,是指不平衡,是指该职业太强⼤了不是玩家强⼤的意思IMBA解释IMBA是英⽂imbalance in balance的缩写,翻译为平衡中不平衡的游戏。
⽐OMG还夸张的娱乐地图DotA IMBA.最新版本为DotA IMBA 3.83C(AI)。
DotA IMBA地图是DotA娱乐地图的⼀种,其中英雄的技能以及某些物品都⾮常的IMBA,故此被叫做DotA IMBA版本。
IMBA神器装备以下装备均可在5代roshan或更后代⾝上购买(每代随机出现两个)1. DOTA IMBA系列衬衫-SF 点击使⽤会⼀次性释放10个毁灭阴影,对作⽤单位造成300点伤害(⽆视敌我)2. 染⾎烈酒凶器增加108点攻击,47点⼒量,50点敏捷,攻击时有25%的概率造成2.5倍伤害。
在控制台里输入以下命令:1、智能:bot_difficulty 0-简单bot_difficulty 1-中等bot_difficulty 2-困难bot_difficulty 3-专家2、增添:bot_add-添加机器人bot_kick-踢出机器人bot_kill-杀死机器人无法一次将所有的机器人加上:add_bot 如何杀死电脑人重新下一局:kill_bot 3、武器选择:bot_knives_only-只用刀子bot_pistols_only-只用手枪bot_rifles_only-只用来复bot_snipers_only-只用狙击bot_all_weapons-所有武器4、机器人加入哪方bot_add_t-添加一个土匪bot_add_ct-添加一个警察bot_join_team t-加入土匪bot_join_team ct-加入警察bot_join_team any-随机加入5、服务器mp_restartgame 1-1秒后游戏复位6、怎么机器人bot不会动?nav_generate 生成bot路点CS起源-控制台命令大全按下「~」即可开启使用时先输入参数名然后按下SPACE空出一格再输入设定值即可一般玩家进入游戏都只能用到Client(玩家用参数)不过...如果你是开LAN GAME的人就能进阶到Server专用指令下表内指令后的参数大多是默认值大多数指令之参数0代表关闭此功能地图名单存放在cstrikemapcycle.txt,不可以加扩展名.bsp============================================================Server专用banid 几分钟 #编号 kick.......踢人Wonid让他换名字后也进不来,除非他换计算机,时间0=永远deathmatch 1..................开dm模式,一个人一组,把其它人解决掉decalfrequency 30.............玩家的logo多久可喷一次(秒)kick #编号....................踢人(server专用,踢编号需加#,踢名字不用,但大小写要一样)mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt.....选择地图切换的设定档,内定为mapcycle.txt,可准备好几份设定档mp_autokick 1.................睡死和TK三次后自动被系统踢掉mp_autoteambalance 1..........自动队伍平衡,0为准许双方人数不平均和Bot玩时的好参数!mp_buytime 1.5................以分钟计,即90秒内均可回基地买东西mp_c4timer 45.................设定C4炸弹的爆炸时间。
5大方法加速新陈代谢(英汉对照)Our metabolic rates plummet as we age, decreasing about 1 percent each year after age 30. But there are five things you can do to help combat metabolic slowdown, SELF magazine reported.人的代谢率随着年龄增长而迅速下降,30岁之后每年减缓1%。
《悦己》杂志则给出了5种抵抗代谢减缓的方法:1. Build muscle. 塑造肌肉。
Weight training increases lean muscle mass, which raises the amount of calories your body uses, even when you’re resting.重量训练可以增强精益肌肉质量,使人体即使在休息时也能消耗更多热量。
2. Start eating!好好吃饭。
Eat within an hour of waking to kick-start your metabolism. Keep eating every three to four hours but stop an hour before bedtime.醒来一小时内进食,人体新陈代谢由此开启。
3. Nosh on protein at every meal.每餐补充点蛋白质。
Protein boosts your metabolism more than fat or carbohydrates.因为蛋白质比脂肪和碳水化合物更能加速新陈代谢。
4. Get moving. 多运动。
Interval training with bursts of high-intensity cardio will stoke your metabolic rate and keep it humming for hours.高强度间歇性锻炼可使代谢率迅速提高,代谢过程可持续好几个小时。
反击技,可以在防御时发动,反击时将降低对手的能量等级. Power block Replace: block If opponent’s attack is successfullyblocked, your strength will grow temporarily. 强力格挡 如果成功格挡对手的攻击,会暂时增加你的力量属性. Muscle memory Ⅱ You w on’t lose strength below 8. 力量专精Ⅱ 力量属性不会跌到8以下. Diehard If you get knocked out, there is achancefor you to regain 30% of your energy pool after getting up. 顽固份子 如果被击倒,你起身后有几率恢复30%能量. Tormentor strikes Strike modifier. If active, everysuccessful strike delivered by you decreases opponent’s agility. 痛苦之击 攻击修正,如果生效,每一次成功的进攻都会降低对手的敏捷属性. Some motivation Ⅱ W hen he looks at you, you can m ake one m orerepletion! You gain 15%more strength from training. 力量训练Ⅱ 当他看着你的时候,你可以再练一次!从训练中获得的力量增加15% Exhauster Strike modifier. If active, all yourstrikes deal more damage to your opponent’s energy. 真空能量 攻击修正,如果生效,你所有的攻击都将降低对手的能量.
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00:02:01,721 --> 00:02:07,501
So bend your knees, roll your
shoulders, and drive them crazy.
00:02:07,660 --> 00:02:11,073
00:01:26,186 --> 00:01:28,928
Now, the cross comes off
your back arm.
00:01:29,089 --> 00:01:31,626
There's a little bit more power,
and I'll tell you why.
Time to move. Which way'? Shuffle!
00:02:11,231 --> 00:02:13,211
Two jabs.
All right, let's get on our toes.
00:02:13,800 --> 00:02:16,804
Bend your knees
Let me introduce the team.
I'm Rach and this is Dan.
00:00:13,446 --> 00:00:18,054
We've got Oscar, Cristine, Reagan,
Lissa, and Nuria.
00:00:18,218 --> 00:00:21,290
He's always singing.
00:03:30,810 --> 00:03:35,759
All right. Push off that back foot
and drive the punch forward.
00:03:35,915 --> 00:03:37,986
00:01:38,164 --> 00:01:42,635
We're up. We're good. We're in it.
All right, first move, the uppercut.
00:01:42,802 --> 00:01:44,907
Right and left. Feet wide.
Good job. I got one more for you.
00:02:53,006 --> 00:02:57,512
It's a hook. Are you ready?
Feet wide. Hook right. Hook left.
00:02:57,677 --> 00:03:00,351
She's on your modifications,
taking away the impact,
00:00:21,454 --> 00:00:23,092
but maintaining the intensity,
00:00:23,256 --> 00:00:26,601
- One, two, three. Boom!
00:02:37,891 --> 00:02:41,634
Now, the best jabs
are when your shoulders are loose.
00:02:41,794 --> 00:02:46,470
So you really wanna relax
00:00:58,258 --> 00:01:01,671
Two jabs right and two jabs left.
00:01:01,828 --> 00:01:05,605
All right, the world of boxing.
It's just a simple punch,
You got it. I know,
heaps of information.
4Hale Waihona Puke 00:02:31,651 --> 00:02:33,688
It's all good. What comes next'?
00:02:33,853 --> 00:02:37,733
- One, two, three. Jab, cross, jab.
00:03:16,596 --> 00:03:20,635
because I come all the way around
and I keep my elbow bent.
00:03:20,800 --> 00:03:23,940
All right. Time to move.
00:00:05,839 --> 00:00:09,116
Hey, welcome along to
00:00:09,275 --> 00:00:10,447
00:00:10,610 --> 00:00:13,284
00:00:34,334 --> 00:00:38,305
Find some space, bend your knees,
now inhale.
00:00:38,471 --> 00:00:43,784
Bring your palms together,
exhale, push your hands up.
turn the hip and squeeze the fist.
00:03:07,487 --> 00:03:11,128
Double your money.
Two on the right, two on the left.
00:03:11,291 --> 00:03:14,534
Stay light on your feet,
because you know what that does'?
00:03:38,151 --> 00:03:41,564
That gets you in the training zone.
00:01:15,442 --> 00:01:18,753
Your target is the nose, lip and chin.
00:01:19,612 --> 00:01:24,686
Once you've got one, try this.
One, two, three. Jab, cross, jab. Go!
New target. The jaw.
00:03:00,513 --> 00:03:02,925
So you're looking for about
90 degrees at the arm.
00:03:03,082 --> 00:03:07,326
You're gonna release the heel,
the back foot into their opponent.
00:02:24,410 --> 00:02:29,052
That's called bridging the gap.
Keep your elbow nice and soft.
00:02:29,749 --> 00:02:31,490
00:01:05,765 --> 00:01:09,941
straight in the face
of your imaginary opponent.
00:01:10,103 --> 00:01:15,280
So push off the back foot and
put your big knuckle right in their face.
and travel wall-to-wall.
00:02:17,437 --> 00:02:19,007
Take a look at Dan's feet.
00:02:19,172 --> 00:02:24,246
You'll see that he pushes off
We're gonna hit the music
and this is gonna get it on.
00:00:33,133 --> 00:00:33,599
[dance music playing]