



自拷贝型遥控器说明书本遥控器是固定频率型免拷贝机拷贝各种汽车,电门等防道遥控器,具有拷贝和发射于一体,适合拷贝各种定码遥控器.一、工作原理简述:遥控器是发射遥控信号上接受机感应到的,在与发射遥控器很近时场强很高并可以测知到,我们根据此原理设计此款遥控器有接收模式和发射模式,由微电脑IC学习信号并储存,完成后转入发射模式,再调出响应的内码并经相配的天线发射出去.二、本遥控器的参数及设置方式如下:【1】:性能:1、本产品可拷贝的IC 型号有2262 2260 1527 2240 527及兼容IC等。


3、本产品不可拷贝的IC 如HCS300 301 及兼容的滚码IC 等。

4、本产品使用的电池为12V 23A ,当遥控距离不足时请更换电池。


其它频率订货时请按下列规格选取:303MHz / 310MHz / 330MHz / 350MHz / 370MHz / 390MHz / 418MHz / 430MHz【2】:拷贝方法:先确定遥控器工作频率。

1、清码和恢复:同时按住上面2个按钮,(一定要同时按下去才有效),LED灯闪烁一下后熄灭不松手,2 S后LED灯开始闪烁,这表明码已经清除了。



4、拷贝:两只遥控尽量靠近,先按下我们的自拷遥控器上任意自锁键,然后选择原始遥控器上的自锁键按下,3 S后我们自拷遥控器上的LED灯会不停闪烁后松手,松手后再按一下我们的自拷遥控器,看一下LED灯是不是长闪的那种状态。







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第 62 卷第 5 期2023 年9 月Vol.62 No.5Sept.2023中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI球差校正透射电镜技术探究SrTiO3/SrTiO3 同质薄膜导电起源*宋海利1,黄荣21. 中山大学化学学院/生物无机与合成化学教育部重点实验室,广东广州 5100062. 华东师范大学物理与电子科学学院 / 极化材料与器件教育部重点实验室,上海 200062摘要:通过脉冲激光沉积方法沿着SrTiO3 衬底(001)方向生长了SrTiO3/SrTiO3(001)同质外延薄膜,薄膜退火前为导电状态,在氧气气氛中退火后变为绝缘态。





关键词:钙钛矿氧化物;球差校正透射电镜;电子能量损失谱;氧空位中图分类号:O73;O766 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2097 - 0137(2023)05 - 0101 - 06Exploring the conductive origin of SrTiO3/ SrTiO3homogeneous films byspherical aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopySONG Haili1, HUANG Rong21. School of Chemistry, Sun Yat-sen University/Key Laboratory of Bioinorganic and SyntheticChemistry of Ministry of Education, Guangzhou 510006, China2. School of Physics and Electronic Science, East China Normal University / Key Laboratory of PolarMaterials and Devices, Ministry of Education,Shanghai 200062, ChinaAbstract:A SrTiO3 /SrTiO3homogeneous epitaxial film was grown along the SrTiO3substrate (001)by PLD method. The film was conductive before annealing, and became insulating states after anneal‐ing. A variety of advanced spherical aberration-corrected transmission microscopy techniques like annu‐lar high-angle darkfield image,annular brightfield image and atomic-resolution energy loss spectro‐scope (EELS) was used to explore the atomic occupancy, electronic structure and oxygen vacancies in the film. A TiOx (1<x<2) reconstruction layer was found on the surface of the film. And the valence state of Ti in the reconstruction layer increases slightly after annealing. According to EELS analysis,oxygen vacancies existed in the whole film including the surface and interface before annealing, anddisappeared after annealing. Therefore, for non-polar films SrTiO3/SrTiO3, oxygen vacancies near thefilm surface and interface maybe the origin of electrical conduction.Key words:perovskite oxides; spherical aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope;energy loss spectroscope; oxygen vacancyDOI:10.13471/ki.acta.snus.2023B021*收稿日期:2023 − 05 − 10 录用日期:2023 − 05 − 23 网络首发日期:2023 − 06 − 30基金项目:广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(2020A1515110178)作者简介:宋海利(1989年生),女;研究方向:功能纳米材料微结构;E-mail:*****************第 62 卷中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)2004年,Ohtomo 和Hwang (2004)在(100)面的SrTiO 3(STO)衬底上外延生长出高质量LaAlO 3(LAO )薄膜,并发现在n 型界面(LaO )+/(TiO 2)0处形成了高迁移率的二维电子气(2DEG ,two-dimen ‐sional electron gas )。



第26卷 第11期 农 业 工 程 学 报 V ol.26 No.11344 2010年 11月 Transactions of the CSAE Nov. 2010果蔬热处理传热过程的数值模拟及验证尹海蛟,杨 昭※,陈爱强(天津大学热能研究所,天津 300072)摘 要:为了研究果蔬采后热处理过程的传热机理,建立了柱状与球状果蔬热处理的普适传热模型,对模型进行了数值模拟及试验验证。


热水浸泡法与热空气法的对比试验表明:达到相同的热处理效果,伊丽莎白香瓜热水浸泡法的处理时间仅为热空气法的35%~50%;热水浸泡法中香瓜果实的表面换热系数为190~250 W/(m 2·)℃,而在热空气法中仅为10~30 W/(m 2·)℃。


关键词:热处理,模型,数值分析,传热,果蔬 doi :10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2010.11.058中图分类号:S379,O242.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-6819(2010)-11-0344-05尹海蛟,杨 昭,陈爱强. 果蔬热处理传热过程的数值模拟及验证[J]. 农业工程学报,2010,26(11):344-348. Yin Haijiao, Yang Zhao, Chen Aiqiang. Numerical simulation and experimental verification of heat transfer for fruits and vegetables during heat treatment[J]. Transactions of the CSAE, 2010, 26(11): 344-348. (in Chinese with English abstract)0 引 言作为一种无毒、无污染、无化学药剂残留的果蔬贮前预处理方法,果蔬热处理技术受到了国内外众多学者的关注与研究[1-8]。

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82605  82610  82601产品介绍

• 产品构造
丙烯酸胶黏剂 离型纸
Suggestion Sales Department
180度剥离强 (N/25MM) 耐温性 产品 厚度(MM) 基材 胶黏剂 钢板 低温 高温 特点与应用 用于固定手机等微型LCD用 背光源中使用的反射板 及薄膜材料。 •用于固定电磁波吸收板。 •用于固定微型电子机器内 的薄膜材料。
普通lens bonding
EMI 金属箔片粘接
Suggestion Sales Department
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---- PET双面胶带
Suggestion Sales Department
82601,82605,82610都是3M第六组推出的 3种薄型PET双面胶带。
Suggestion Sales Department
82601 82603 82605 82610 9019 55256 55260
68558 4983 4972 4965
0.03 0.05 0.2
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1 2
应聘职位:高科技特种印刷 工作性质:文化艺术领域 应聘地点:装饰墙、收藏室 期望工资:扶得起,买得起
性别:男?女? 出生日期:19世纪60年代 民族:日耳曼 毕业院校:XX摄影学校 专业:印刷工程
珂罗版复制技术 应用与价值百雅 Nhomakorabea、深圳雅昌
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平板印刷 利用感光胶薄膜膨胀原理 成本高,印刷时间长,用途窄 无网点、工艺难度大 复制效果好,颜色、层次丰富 耐印力极低
19世纪60 年代 (18671871)
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上海 清末 民初
20世纪 80年代
阿尔贝特 发明
(1)涂布结合液 成份:水玻璃与啤酒 作用:使感光药膜与磨砂玻璃牢固结合 (2)涂布感光液 载体:明胶 感光材料:重铬酸钾、重铬酸铵 (3)曝光 (4)冲洗
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商务印刷馆→ 宣纸15 色套印













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第22卷,第2期光 谱 实 验 室V o l.22,N o.2 2005年3月Ch inese J ou rna l of S p ectroscopy L abora tory M arch,20051-苯胺基萘-8-磺酸盐在各种固体基质中发光特性的研究①杨仁杰② 徐晓轩 尚丽平a 许家林 杨延勇b 张存洲(南开大学物理科学学院光子学中心 天津市 300071)a(燕山大学电气工程学院 河北省秦皇岛市 066004)b(英国R enishaw公司南开大学兼职教授 天津市 300071)摘 要 12苯胺基萘282磺酸盐(AN S)在不同的固体基质中发光特性的研究发现:(1)AN S分子发射峰位置与在甲醇溶液中相比,发生明显的蓝移,可能是由于约束在固体基质中的荧光分子的运动受到一定的限制而接近单分子发光的行为。

与纯粉末AN S荧光相比,发生红移。

AN S在极性的滑石基质中,发射峰移向更短的波长,在非极性的石蜡基质中移向更长的波长,反映固体基质微观环境的变化。

(2)AN S分子荧光寿命明显缩短,主要原因是在固体基质中,荧光发射速率常数k f增大。

(3)AN S分子相对量子产率明显增大,荧光分子运动受限,减弱分子之间的相互作用,减小了由于碰撞引起的猝灭,分子结构刚性增强。


关键词 12苯胺基萘282磺酸盐,固体基质中发光,荧光分子,发光特性。

中图分类号:O657.32 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100428138(2005)022*******1 前言12苯胺基萘282磺酸盐(AN S)是一种阴离子探针及溶液疏水性探针。

人们经常利用它在不同溶剂中有着不同的光谱特性(不同的峰值波长、不同的荧光量子产率和荧光寿命)来判断所测物质的结构及其物化特征,所以AN S在溶液中的荧光特性已经得到广泛的研究[1],它在溶液中,随着溶液的极性的增大,其荧光呈现以下特征:(1)发射峰红移;(2)荧光寿命降低;(3)量子产率下降。


19-1673; Rev 0a; 4/02
45MHz to 650MHz, Integrated IF VCOs with Differential Output
o Small Size o Integrated Varactor for Tuning o Low Phase Noise o Wide Application Frequency Range o Differential or Single-Ended Outputs o Single +2.7V to +5.5V Supply o Ultra-Small SOT23-6 Package o On-Chip Temperature-Stable Bias o Low-Current Operation
45MHz to 650MHz, Integrated IF VCOs with Differential Output
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.



High Frequency, Surface Mount InductorIMC-0805-01Vishay DaleDocument Number: 34115For technical questions, contact: magnetics@Revision: 11-May-07101FEATURES•High self-resonant frequency values •High Q values at higher frequencies •Wirewound construction •Tape and reel packaging for automatic handling,2000/reel•Compatible with vapor phase and infrared reflow solderingSTANDARD ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSIND. (nH) TOL. TEST FREQ. L (MHz) Q MIN. TEST FREQ. Q (MHz) SELF- RESONANT FREQ. MIN. (MHz) DCR MAX. (Ohms) RATED DC CURRENT (mA) 2.2 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.7 5.6 6.8 8.2 10 12 15 18 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700 33003900 4700 5600 6800 8200 10 000± 0.3 nH, 0.2 nH ± 0.3 nH, 0.2 nH ± 0.3 nH, 0.2 nH ± 0.3 nH, 0.2 nH ± 0.3 nH, 0.2 nH ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %, 2 % ± 5 %± 5 %± 5 % ± 5 %± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 %250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 200 200 200 150 150 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 2.5250 35 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 45 45 45 45 45 35 35 35 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 101000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 100 100 100 100 50 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 2.5260006000 6000 6000 5800 5800 5500 5500 4800 4100 3600 3400 3300 2600 2400 2100 1700 1600 1450 1350 1200 1100 950 900 860 850 800 780 375 340 188 215 200 200 200 120 110 100 70 60 50 45 45 40 400.06 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.15 0.25 0.27 0.32 0.43 0.48 0.56 0.78 1.00 1.46 1.65 2.20 0.95 1.10 1.20 1.50 2.13 2.38 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.50 2.30 2.50 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.50 5.00800 800 800 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 400 400 400 350 300 210 500 450 400 300 180 150 130 120 110 100 210 200 180 160 130 120 80ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSInductance Range: 2.2 nH to 10 000 nHInductance Tolerance: 0.3 nH for 2.2 - 4.7 nH± 5 % for 5.6 nH to 10 000 nHTemperature Range: - 40 °C to 125 °CCore Material: Ceramic for 2.2 nH to 390 nH Ferrite for 470 nH to 10 000 nHTEST EQUIPMENT•Inductance and Q measured on HP4286A (2.2 nH - 390 nH) and HP4285A (470 nH - 10 000 nH)•SRF measured on HP8753E •DCR measured on HP4338B For technical questions, contact: magnetics@Document Number: 34115102Revision: 11-May-07IMC-0805-01Vishay DaleHigh Frequency, Surface Mount InductorDocument Number: 91000Revision: 18-Jul-081DisclaimerLegal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网。



*RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC Jan 27 2003 including Annex. Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.Customers should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.Characteristic Model Model Model Model CRT0402 CRT0603 CRT0805 CRT1206 Power Rating @ 70 °C 1/16 watt1/10 watt1/8 watt1/4 wattOperating Temperature Range -55 to +155 °CDerated to Zero Load at +155 °CMaximum Working Voltage 25 V 50 V 100 V 150 V Maximum Overload Voltage 50 V100 V200 V300 VResistance Range (E-96 + E-24 Values) (See Value -TCR Table on Pages 2 & 3)Temperature Coeffi cient of Resistance (TCR)5 to 50 PPM/°C (See Value -TCR Table on Pages 2 & 3)For Standard Values Used in Capacitors,Inductors, and Resistors, click here .Environmental Characteristics SpecificationTest (MIL STD 202) Limit(ΔR) Limit (ΔR)(Tol. ≤ 0.05 %) (Tol. > 0.05 %)Short Time Overload 2.5 x Max. Operating Voltage for 5 seconds±0.05 % ±0.5 % Load Life1000 Hours at Rated Power±0.05 % ±0.2 % Humidity (Steady State) Method 103B ±0.05 % ±0.3 % Thermal Shock Method 107 ±0.05 %±0.3 %SolderabilityMethod 208H Resistance to Soldering HeatMethod 210E±0.05 %±0.2 %How to OrderCRT 0603 - C V - 1003 E LFModel(CRT = Thin Film Precision Chip Resistor Size• 0402 • 0603 • 0805 • 1206Resistance Tolerance F = ±1% B = ±0.1% D = ±0.5% A = ±0.05% C = ±0.25% P = ±0.01%TCR (PPM/°C)Z = ±50 W = ±10 Y = ±25 V = ±5 X = ±15Resistance Value<100 ohms: “R” represents decimal point (example: 24R3 = 24.3 ohms) ≥100 ohms: First three digits are signifi cant, fourth digit represents number of zeroes to follow (example: 8252 = 82.5K ohms)PackagingG = Paper tape (10,000 pcs.) on 7 ” plastic reel (CRT0402)E = Paper tape (5,000 pcs.) on 7 ” plastic reel (CRT0603, CRT0805, CRT1206)TerminationLF = Tin-plated (RoHS compliant)*Ro H S C O MP L I A N TSpecifi cations are subject to change without notice.Customers should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.Value - TCR Table Part Number TR Range (Ohms)TR ToleranceTCR (PPM/°C)CRT0402-AV 50 to 2K 0.05 % 5 CRT0402-AW 25 to 12K 0.05 %10 CRT0402-AX 25 to 12K 0.05 %15 CRT0402-AY 10 to 100K 0.05 %25 CRT0402-AZ 10 to 100K 0.05 %50 CRT0402-BV 50 to 20K 0.10 % 5 CRT0402-BW 10 to 100K 0.10 %10 CRT0402-BX 10 to 100K 0.10 %15 CRT0402-BY 10 to 205K 0.10 %25 CRT0402-BZ 10 to 205K 0.10 %50 CRT0402-CV 50 to 20K 0.25 % 5 CRT0402-CW 10 to 100K 0.25 %10 CRT0402-CX 10 to 100K 0.25 %15 CRT0402-CY 10 to 205K 0.25 %25 CRT0402-CZ 10 to 205K 0.25 %50 CRT0402-DV 50 to 20K 0.50 % 5 CRT0402-DW 10 to 100K 0.50 %10 CRT0402-DX 10 to 100K 0.50 %15 CRT0402-DY 10 to 205K 0.50 %25 CRT0402-DZ 10 to 205K 0.50 %50 CRT0402-FV 50 to 20K 1.00 % 5 CRT0402-FW 10 to 100K 1.00 %10 CRT0402-FX 10 to 100K 1.00 %15 CRT0402-FY 10 to 205K 1.00 %25 CRT0402-FZ 10 to 205K 1.00 %50 CRT0402-PV 50 to 2K 0.01 % 5 CRT0402-PW 25 to 12K 0.01 %10 CRT0402-PX 25 to 12K 0.01 %15 CRT0402-PY 10 to 100K 0.01 %25 CRT0402-PZ 10 to 100K 0.01 %50 CRT0603-AV 50 to 4K 0.05 % 5 CRT0603-AW 25 to 100K 0.05 %10 CRT0603-AX 25 to 100K 0.05 %15 CRT0603-AY 10 to 332K 0.05 %25 CRT0603-AZ 10 to 332K 0.05 %50 CRT0603-BV 25 to 100K 0.10 % 5 CRT0603-BW 4.7 to 390K 0.10 %10 CRT0603-BX 4.7 to 390K 0.10 %15 CRT0603-BY 4.7 to 1M 0.10 %25 CRT0603-BZ 4.7 to 1M 0.10 %50 CRT0603-CV 4.7 to 332K 0.25 % 5 CRT0603-CW 4.7 to 390K 0.25 %10 CRT0603-CX 4.7 to 390K 0.25 %15 CRT0603-CY 4.7 to 1M 0.25 %25 CRT0603-CZ 4.7 to 1M 0.25 %50 CRT0603-DV 50 to 100K 0.50 % 5 CRT0603-DW 4.7 to 390K 0.50 %10 CRT0603-DX 4.7 to 390K 0.50 %15 CRT0603-DY 4.7 to 1M 0.50 %25 CRT0603-DZ 4.7 to 1M 0.50 %50 CRT0603-FV50 to 100K1.00 %5Part Number TR Range (Ohms)TR ToleranceTCR (PPM/°C)CRT0603-BW 4.7 to 390K 0.10 %10 CRT0603-BX 4.7 to 390K 0.10 %15 CRT0603-BY 4.7 to 1M 0.10 %25 CRT0603-BZ 4.7 to 1M 0.10 %50 CRT0603-CV 4.7 to 332K 0.25 % 5 CRT0603-CW 4.7 to 390K 0.25 %10 CRT0603-CX 4.7 to 390K 0.25 %15 CRT0603-CY 4.7 to 1M 0.25 %25 CRT0603-CZ 4.7 to 1M 0.25 %50 CRT0603-DV 50 to 100K 0.50 % 5 CRT0603-DW 4.7 to 390K 0.50 %10 CRT0603-DX 4.7 to 390K 0.50 %15 CRT0603-DY 4.7 to 1M 0.50 %25 CRT0603-DZ 4.7 to 1M 0.50 %50 CRT0603-FV 50 to 100K 1.00 % 5 CRT0603-FW 4.7 to 390K 1.00 %10 CRT0603-FX 4.7 to 390K 1.00 %15 CRT0603-FY 4.7 to 1M 1.00 %25 CRT0603-FZ 4.7 to 1M 1.00 %50 CRT0603-PV 50 to 8K 0.01 % 5 CRT0603-PW 25 to 100K 0.01 %10 CRT0603-PX 25 to 100K 0.01 %15 CRT0603-PY 10 to 332K 0.01 %25 CRT0603-PZ 10 to 332K 0.01 %50 CRT0805-AV 50 to 10K 0.05 % 5 CRT0805-AW 25 to 200K 0.05 %10 CRT0805-AX 25 to 200K 0.05 %15 CRT0805-AY 4.7 to 1M 0.05 %25 CRT0805-AZ 4.7 to 1M 0.05 %50 CRT0805-BV 25 to 100K 0.10 % 5 CRT0805-BW 4.7 to 800K 0.10 %10 CRT0805-BX 4.7 to 800K 0.10 %15 CRT0805-BY 4.7 to 2M 0.10 %25 CRT0805-BZ 4.7 to 2M 0.10 %50 CRT0805-CV 4.7 to 500K 0.25 % 5 CRT0805-CW 4.7 to 800K 0.25 %10 CRT0805-CX 4.7 to 800K 0.25 %15 CRT0805-CY 2R0, 4.7 to 2M 0.25 %25 CRT0805-CZ 4.7 to 2M 0.25 %50 CRT0805-DV 50 to 100K 0.50 % 5 CRT0805-DW 4.7 to 800K 0.50 %10 CRT0805-DX 4.7 to 800K 0.50 %15 CRT0805-DY 2R0, 4.7 to 2M 0.50 %25 CRT0805-DZ 4.7 to 2M 0.50 %50 CRT0805-FV 50 to 100K 1.00 % 5 CRT0805-FW 4.7 to 800K 1.00 %10 CRT0805-FX 4.7 to 800K 1.00 %15 CRT0805-FY 2R0, 4.7 to 2M 1.00 %25 CRT0805-FZ 3R0, 4.7 to 2M 1.00 %25 CRT0805-PV 50 to 16K 0.01 % 5 CRT0805-PW25 to 200K0.01 %10Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.Customers should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.Chip Dimensions1DIMENSIONS:M M(INCHES)Derating CurveSoldering Profi le2575125175225275Time (seconds)T e m p e r a t u r e (°C )Dimension Model Model Model Model CRT0402 CRT0603 CRT0805 CRT1206 L 1.00 ± 0.10 1.55 ± 0.10 2.00 ± 0.15 3.05 ± 0.15 (0.040 ± 0.004) (0.061 ± 0.004) (0.079 ± 0.006) (0.120 ± 0.006) W 0.50 ± 0.05 0.80 ± 0.10 1.25 ± 0.15 1.55 ± 0.15 (0.020 ± 0.002) (0.031 ± 0.004) (0.049 ± 0.006) (0.061 ± 0.006) H 0.30 ± 0.05 0.45 ± 0.15 0.55 ± 0.10 0.55 ± 0.10 (0.012 ± 0.002) (0.018 ± 0.006) (0.022 ± 0.004) (0.022 ± 0.004) I 1 0.20 ± 0.10 0.30 ± 0.20 0.30 ± 0.20 0.42 ± 0.20 (0.008 ± 0.004) (0.012 ± 0.008) (0.012 ± 0.008) (0.017 ± 0.008) I 2 0.20 ± 0.10 0.30 ± 0.20 0.40 ± 0.25 0.35 ± 0.25(0.008 ± 0.004)(0.012 ± 0.008)(0.016 ± 0.010)(0.020 ± 0.014)100806040200R a t e d p o w e r i n p e r c e n t a g e (%)-5570155(°C) Ambient temperatureValue - TCR Table (Continued)Part Number TR Range (Ohms)TR ToleranceTCR (PPM/°C)CRT0805-PX 25 to 200K 0.01 %15 CRT0805-PY 4.7 to 1M 0.01 %25 CRT0805-PZ 4.7 to 1M 0.01 %50 CRT1206-AV 50-15K 0.05 % 5 CRT1206-AW 25-400K 0.05 %10 CRT1206-AX 25-400K 0.05 %15 CRT1206-AY 4.7-100K 0.05 %25 CRT1206-AZ 4.7-1M 0.05 %50 CRT1206-BV 25-100K 0.10 % 5 CRT1206-BW 4.7-1M 0.10 %10 CRT1206-BX 4.7-100K 0.10 %15 CRT1206-BY 4.7-2.5M 0.10 %25 CRT1206-BZ 4.7-2.5M 0.10 %50 CRT1206-CV 4.7-1M 0.25 % 5 CRT1206-CW 4.7-1M 0.25 %10 CRT1206-CX 4.7-100K 0.25 %15 CRT1206-CY 1R0, 4.7-2.5M 0.25 %25 CRT1206-CZ 4.7-2.5M 0.25 %50 CRT1206-DV 50-100K 0.50 % 5 CRT1206-DW 4.7-1M 0.50 %10 CRT1206-DX 4.7-100K 0.50 %15 CRT1206-DY 4.7-2.5M 0.50 %25 CRT1206-DZ 4.7-2.5M 0.50 %50 CRT1206-FV 50-100K 1.00 % 5 CRT1206-FW 4.7-1M 1.00 %10 CRT1206-FX 4.7-100K 1.00 %15 CRT1206-FY 4.7-2.5M 1.00 %25 CRT1206-FZ 2R7, 4.7-2.5M1.00 %50 CRT1206-PV 50-30K 0.01 % 5 CRT1206-PW 25-500K 0.01 %10 CRT1206-PX 25-400K 0.01 %15 CRT1206-PY 4.7-1M 0.01 %25 CRT1206-PZ4.7-1M0.01 %50Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.Customers should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.Packaging Dimensions - TapeDIMENSIONS:M M(INCHES)REV. 01/11Dimension ModelModel Model ModelCRT0402 CRT0603 CRT0805 CRT1206 A 1.16 ± 0.05 1.90 ± 0.05 2.37 ± 0.05 3.55 ± 0.05 (0.046 ± 0.002) (0.075 ±0.002) (0.094 ± 0.002) (0.140 ± 0.002) B 0.70 ± 0.05 1.10 ± 0.05 1.60 ± 0.05 2.00 ± 0.05 (0.028 ± 0.002) (0.043 ± 0.002) (0.063 ± 0.002) (0.079 ± 0.002) C 2.00 ± 0.05 4.00 ± 0.10 4.00 ± 0.10 4.00 ± 0.10(0.079 ± 0.002)(0.157 ± 0.004)(0.157 ± 0.004)(0.157 ± 0.004)分销商库存信息:BOURNSCRT0805-BY-1004ELF CRT0603-CY-1961ELF CRT0603-CY-2211ELF CRT0603-CY-2261ELF CRT0603-CY-2491ELF CRT0603-BZ-1000ELF CRT0603-BZ-3000ELF CRT0603-BZ-9102ELF CRT0805-CY-1R00ELF CRT0603-BY-1001ELF CRT0603-BY-1053ELF CRT0603-BY-1101ELF CRT0603-BY-1102ELF CRT0603-BY-1103ELF CRT0603-BY-1211ELF CRT0603-BY-1302ELF CRT0603-BY-1303ELF CRT0603-BY-1331ELF CRT0603-BY-1401ELF CRT0603-BY-1500ELF CRT0603-BY-1502ELF CRT0603-BY-1582ELF CRT0603-BY-1622ELF CRT0603-BY-1623ELF CRT0603-BY-1692ELF CRT0603-BY-1741ELF CRT0603-BY-1782ELF CRT0603-BY-1912ELF CRT0603-BY-2001ELF CRT0603-BY-2002ELF CRT0603-BY-2003ELF CRT0603-BY-2102ELF CRT0603-BY-2212ELF CRT0603-BY-2490ELF CRT0603-BY-2491ELF CRT0603-BY-2492ELF CRT0603-BY-2610ELF CRT0603-BY-5111ELF CRT0603-BY-5361ELF CRT0603-BY-5622ELF CRT0603-BY-56R0ELF CRT0603-BY-6041ELF CRT0603-BY-6192ELF CRT0603-BY-6491ELF CRT0603-BY-6811ELF CRT0603-BY-7871ELF CRT0603-BY-8061ELF CRT0603-BY-8252ELF CRT0603-BY-9091ELF CRT0603-BY-9762ELF CRT0603-FW-1103ELF CRT0805-BZ-1000ELF CRT0805-BZ-2372ELF CRT1206-FX-1203ELF CRT1206-FX-4702ELF CRT0805-BY-1000ELF CRT0805-BY-1132ELF CRT0805-BY-1153ELF CRT0805-BY-1242ELF CRT0805-BY-1333ELF CRT0805-BY-1500ELF CRT0805-BY-1541ELF CRT0805-BY-1542ELF CRT0805-BY-1962ELF CRT0805-BY-2001ELF CRT0805-BY-2002ELF CRT0805-BY-2212ELF CRT0805-BY-2261ELF CRT0805-BY-2322ELF CRT0805-BY-2612ELF CRT0805-BY-3322ELF CRT0805-BY-4022ELF CRT0805-BY-4700ELF CRT0805-BY-4991ELF CRT0805-BY-4R70ELF CRT0805-BY-50R0ELF CRT0805-BY-6042ELF CRT0805-BY-6812ELF CRT0805-BY-9103ELF CRT0603-DX-8661ELF CRT0805-DX-3741ELF CRT0603-DW-4022ELF CRT0603-DW-8251ELF CRT1206-BY-1001ELF CRT1206-BY-1012ELF CRT1206-BY-1273ELF CRT1206-BY-20R0ELF CRT1206-BY-2490ELF CRT1206-BY-2492ELF CRT1206-BY-24R9ELF CRT1206-BY-2672ELF CRT1206-BY-3303ELF CRT1206-BY-3570ELF CRT1206-BY-3833ELF CRT1206-BY-4023ELF CRT1206-BY-40R2ELF CRT1206-BY-4R70ELF CRT0805-DW-22R1ELF CRT1206-DX-1781ELF CRT1206-DX-1783ELF CRT1206-DX-2203ELF CRT1206-DW-1000ELF CRT1206-DW-10R0ELF CRT1206-DW-4751ELF CRT0603-FZ-3011ELF CRT0603-FZ-3161ELF CRT0603-FZ-5112ELF CRT0603-CW-1742ELF CRT0603-CW-2211ELF CRT0603-CW-5491ELF CRT0603-CW-8871ELF CRT0805-CX-1052ELF CRT0805-CX-10R0ELF CRT0805-CX-1241ELF CRT0805-CX-1331ELF CRT0805-CX-1600ELF CRT0805-CX-1652ELF CRT0805-CX-2052ELF CRT0805-CX-2322ELF CRT0805-CX-2611ELF CRT0805-CX-2613ELF CRT0805-CX-26R1ELF CRT0805-CX-4703ELF。



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= =
±50 ±25
PPM/°C PPM/°C TC2 = ±2
TC10 TC5 PPM/°C *
= =
±10 ±5
Resistance Ranges
Refer to Capability Sheet for available ranges Contact factory for custom values
Test Conditions 60°C 95%RH Rated voltage for 1½ hours ON, ½ hour OFF. 1000 hours -55°C~RT~ +155°C~RT 30 min. ON 3 min. OFF 5 cycles 175°C No load 1000 hours 10~50Hz 3 directions each 2 hours Acceleration 50G Axis 11 msec. x 3 Total 18 cycles Solder temperature 275°C for 20 sec. ±1sec. Solder temperature 230°C ±5°C for 3 sec. ±1 sec. 2.5 times to rated voltage for 5 seconds 60°C, 95%RH No load 1000Hour 70°C Rated voltage for 1½ hours ON, ½ hour OFF. 1000 hours



第38卷,总第221期2020年5月,第3期《节能技术》ENERGY CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGY Vol.38,Sum.No.221May.2020,No.3Zigzag 微通道内超临界甲烷流动与换热特性数值模拟史美琦1,李 悦2,3,王 悦2,3,李 倩2,3,蔡伟华2,3(1.北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司,北京 10000;2.东北电力大学热流科学与核工程实验室,吉林 吉林 132012;3.东北电力大学能源与动力工程学院,吉林 吉林 132012)摘 要:印刷电路板式换热器(PCHE )在太阳能、液化天然气等领域有广泛的应用前景。

为了分析结构参数和运行参数对PCHE Zigzag 微通道内超临界甲烷流动与换热特性的影响,本文采用Fluent 软件进行模拟研究。


研究成果将为PCHE 的优化设计提供重要参考。

关键词:印刷电路板式换热器;Zigzag 微通道;超临界甲烷;流动与换热;数值模拟中图分类号:TK018 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-6339(2020)03-0213-04Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Zigzag Microchannelwith Supercritical Methane by Numerical SimulationSHI Mei -qi 1,LI Yue 2,3,WANG Yue 2,3,LI Qian 2,3,CAI Wei -hua 2,3(1.Beijing Urban Construction Design &Development Group Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100000,China;boratory of Thermo -fluid Science and Nuclear Engineering,Northeast Electric Power University,Jilin 132012,China;3.School of Energy and Power Engineering,Northeast Electric Power University,Jilin 132012,China)Abstract :Printed circuit heat exchanger has remarkable application,such as solar energy field,liquefied natural gas field,etc.In order to investigate the effect of structural and operating parameters on flow and heat transfer characteristics of supercritical methane in a PCHE Zigzag microchannel,Fluent software wasused for numerical simulation in this paper.The numerical results show that the smaller the diameter of the channel,the larger the mass flow rate and the smaller the outlet pressure are,the more conducive to the heat transfer of cold and hot fluids in the channel,but the pressure drop in the channel will be ex⁃tremely large.The research results will offer important references for the optimal design of PCHE.Key words :printed circuit heat exchanger;Zigzag microchannels;supercritical methane;flow and heat transfer;numerical simulation收稿日期 2020-04-16 修订稿日期 2020-05-10基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(51906037)作者简介:史美琦(1989~),女,硕士,工程师,主要从事地铁领域通风、换热器设计、空调与供暖系统研究。



C0805C100GFRAC中⽂资料CERAMIC CHIP / HIGH VOLTAGEC e r a m i c S u r f a c e M o u n tCERAMIC CHIP / HIGH VOLTAGE* Contact KEMET Sales Representative for C, D, F & G Capacitance Tolerance availability.Note:Actual thickness dimensions may be less than stated maximum. Check the KEMET website, /doc/31539d25ed630b1c59eeb5c4.html , for additional values and chip sizes available.pgC e r a m i c S u r f a c e M o u n tC0G DIELECTRIC CAPACITANCE VALUES AND THICKNESS TARGETS (in.)SeriesMax Thickness(in)0.0500.0500.0650.0650.0650.0650.1010.1010.1010.1010.0800.0800.0800.0800.0800.0800.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.067Cap Code/Voltage50050010001500200050010001500200050010001500200025003000500100015002000250030005001000150020002500300050010001500200025003000500100015002000250030001.0-2.4C,D109-2492.7-5.1C,D K,M 279-5195.6-9.1C,D J,K,M 569-91910C,D J,K,M 10011C,D J,K,M 11012C,D J,K,M 12013C,D J,K,M 13015C,D G,J,K,M 15016C,D G,J,K,M 16018C,D G,J,K,M 18020C,D G,J,K,M 20022C,D G,J,K,M 22024C,D G,J,K,M 24027 D,F,G,J,K,M 27030 D,F,G,J,K,M 30033 D,F,G,J,K,M 33036 D,F,G,J,K,M 36039 D,F,G,J,K,M 39043 D,F,G,J,K,M 43047 D,F,G,J,K,M 47051 D,F,G,J,K,M 51056 F,G,J,K,M 56062 F,G,J,K,M 62068 F,G,J,K,M 68075 F,G,J,K,M 75082 F,G,J,K,M 82091 F,G,J,K,M 910100 F,G,J,K,M 101110 F,G,J,K,M 111120 F,G,J,K,M 121130 F,G,J,K,M 131150 F,G,J,K,M 151160 F,G,J,K,M 161180 F,G,J,K,M 181200 F,G,J,K,M 201220 F,G,J,K,M 221240 F,G,J,K,M 241270 F,G,J,K,M 271300 F,G,J,K,M 301330 F,G,J,K,M 331360 F,G,J,K,M 361390 F,G,J,K,M 391430 F,G,J,K,M 431470 F,G,J,K,M 471510F,G,J,K,M 511560 F,G,J,K,M 561620 F,G,J,K,M 621680 F,G,J,K,M 681750 F,G,J,K,M 751820 F,G,J,K,M 821910 F,G,J,K,M 9111000 F,G,J,K,M 1021100 F,G,J,K,M 1121200 F,G,J,K,M 1221300F,G,J,K,M 1321500 F,G,J,K,M 1521600 F,G,J,K,M 1621800 F,G,J,K,M 1822000 F,G,J,K,M 2022200 F,G,J,K,M 2222400 F,G,J,K,M 2422700 F,G,J,K,M 2723000 F,G,J,K,M 3023300 F,G,J,K,M 3323600 F,G,J,K,M 3623900 F,G,J,K,M 3924300 F,G,J,K,M 4324700 F,G,J,K,M 4725100 F,G,J,K,M 5125600 F,G,J,K,M 5626200 F,G,J,K,M 6226800 F,G,J,K,M 6827500 F,G,J,K,M 7528200 F,G,J,K,M 8229100 F,G,J,K,M 91210,000 F,G,J,K,M 1032225Cap pFCapacitance Tolerance*182522201812080512061210CERAMIC CHIP / HIGH VOLTAGENote: Actual thickness dimensions may be less than stated maximum.Check the KEMET website, /doc/31539d25ed630b1c59eeb5c4.html , for additional values and chip sizes available.pgX7R DIELECTRIC CAPACITANCE VALUES AND THICKNESS TARGETS (in.)EIA Metric 080520120.055 1.2782,50010,000120632160.065 1.6582,0008,000121032250.101 2.5782,0008,000180845200.080 2.03121,0004,0001812/181345320.067 1.70121,0004,000182545640.067 1.70121,0004,000222056500.067 1.70121,0004,000222556640.0671.70121,0004,000Qty per Reel 7" Plastic Qty per Reel13" Plastic KEMET HIGH VOLTAGE SURFACE MOUNT CHIP (VOLTAGE CODES C,D,F,G,H, and Z)THICKNESS AND REELING QUANTITIESChip size Max.Thickness (in)Max.Thickness (mm)Tape Width (mm)SeriesMax Thickness(in)0.0500.0500.0650.0650.0650.0650.0800.0800.0800.0800.0800.0800.0800.0800.0800.0800.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.0670.067Cap Code/Voltage5001000500100015002000500100015002000500100015002000250030005001000150020002500300050010001500200025003000500100015002000250030005001000150020002500300010J,K,M 10011J,K,M 11012J,K,M 12013J,K,M 13015J,K,M 15016J,K,M 16018J,K,M 18020J,K,M 20022J,K,M 22024J,K,M 24027J,K,M 27030J,K,M 30033J,K,M 33036J,K,M 36039J,K,M 39043J,K,M 43047J,K,M 47051J,K,M 51056J,K,M 56062J,K,M 62068J,K,M 68075J,K,M 75082J,K,M 82091J,K,M 910100J,K,M 101110J,K,M 111120J,K,M 121130J,K,M 131150J,K,M 151180J,K,M 181220J,K,M 221270J,K,M 271330J,K,M 331390J,K,M 391470J,K,M 471560J,K,M 561680J,K,M 681820J,K,M 8211000J,K,M 1021200J,K,M 1221500J,K,M 1521800J,K,M 1822000J,K,M 2022200J,K,M 2222700J,K,M 2723300J,K,M 3323900J,K,M 3924700J,K,M 4725600J,K,M 5626800J,K,M 6828200J,K,M 82210,000J,K,M 10312,000J,K,M 12315,000J,K,M 15318,000J,K,M 18322,000J,K,M 22327,000J,K,M 27333,000J,K,M 33339,000J,K,M 39347,000J,K,M 47356,000J,K,M 56362,000J,K,M 62368,000J,K,M 68382,000J,K,M 823100,000J,K,M 104120,000J,K,M 124150,000J,K,M 154180,000J,K,M 184220,000J,K,M 2242225Cap pFCapacitance Tolerance1825222018120805C e r a m i c S u r f a c e M o u n tCERAMIC CHIP / HIGH VOLTAGEC0805C 102K C R A CStyle C - CeramicChip Size0805; 1206; 1210; 1808;1812; 1825; 2220; 2225Specification C - StandardCapacitance Code, pF First two digits represent significant figures.Third digit specifies number of zeros. 100 pF = 101.(Use “9” for 1.0 through 9.9 pF)(Use “8” for 0.1 through .99 pF)Capacitance Tolerance C = ±0.25pF*J = ±5%D = ±0.5pF*K = ±10%F = ±1%*M =±20%G = ±2%** Contact KEMET Sales for availability.C = 500V G = 2000VD = 1000V Z = 2500V F = 1500VH = 3000VTemperature Characteristic Designated by Capacitance Change over Temperature Range G – (C0G) (±30ppm/C) (-55°C +125°C)R – X7R (±15%) (-55°C +125°C)End Metallization C = Standard Failure Rate Level A = Not ApplicableCapacitor Ordering InformationPropertySpecificationCapacitance C0G: 1 pF to 0.010 µFX7R: 10 pf to 0.22 µF25°C, 1.0 ±0.2 Vrms, 1 kHz (1 MHz for ≤ 1000pF (C0G only)Cap Tolerance C0G: C*, D*, F*, G*, J, K, M * Contact KEMET Sales for availability.X7R: J, K, M DFC0G: 0.1% Max X7R: 2.5% MaxVoltage Ratings500 V, 1000 V, 1500 V, 2000 V, 2500 V, 3000 V Operating Temperature Range From -55C to +125C 25oC IR @ 500V 100 G ?or 1000 M ?-µF, whichever is less 125oC IR @ 500V 10 G ?or 100 M ?-µF, whichever is less-55oC TCC+125oC TCC X7R: + 15%C0G: + 30 ppm / oCDielectric Strength 150% of Rated Voltage for Rated Voltage <1000 V 120% of Rated Voltage for Rated Voltage >=1000V Ripple CurrentConsult KEMET Sales RepresentativeElectrical ParametersMarkingThese chips are supplied unmarked. If required, they can be supplied LASER-marked at an extra cost.Packaging KEMET High Voltage Surface Mount MLCC are available packaged in tape and reel configuration, or bulkSoldering ProcessThe 0805 and 1206 case sizes are suitable for either reflow or wave soldering processes. Sizes 1210 andlarger should be limited to reflow soldering only. All sizes incorporate the standard KEMET barrier layer of pure nickel with an overplating of pure tin (Sn) for excellent solderability and resistance to solder leaching of Recommended Solder Pad Dimensions the termination.bag as outlined on page 83. Please consult factory for waffle packaging options.Details on the marking format is located on page 97.mm in.mm in.mm in.mm in.08053.300.1300.700.028 1.600.063 1.300.05112064.500.177 1.500.059 2.000.079 1.500.0591210 4.500.177 1.500.059 2.900.114 1.500.05918085.900.232 2.300.091 2.400.094 1.800.0711812 5.900.232 2.300.091 3.700.146 1.800.0711825 5.900.232 2.300.0916.900.272 1.800.071L (Pad Length)Chip Size T (Total Length)S (Separation W (Pad Width)pF From -55oC to +125oCCAPACITOR ORDERING INFORMATION ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS MARKING PACKAGINGSOLDERING PROCESS RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD DIMENSIONSStyleChip Size Specification Capacitance Code, pFCapacitance Tolerance Voltage Temperature Characteristic Failure Rate Level End MetallizationKEMET offers Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitors packaged in 8mm and 12mm plastic tape on 7" and 13" reels in accordance with EIA standard 481-1:Taping of surface mount components forautomatic handling. This packaging system is compatible with all fed automatic pick and place systems. See page 78for details on reeling quantities for commercial chips and page 87 for MIL-PRF-55681 chips.CERAMIC CHIP CAPACITORSPackaging InformationEmbossed Carrier*0402 and 0603 case sizes available on punched paper only.EmbossmentAnti-Static Cover Tape(.10mm (.004") Max Thickness)Chip Orientation in Pocket(except 1825 Commercial, and 1825 & 2225 Military)* Punched paper carrier used for 0402 and 0603 case size.ghandling. This packaging system is compatible with all tape fed automatic pick and place systems. See page 81for details on reeling quantities for commercial chips and page 90 for MIL-PRF-55681 chips.K EM ET ?0.741.081.602.002.903.706.905.506.80Y(ref)0.931.051.301.501.501.801.801.851.85C(ref)1.211.732. 3.183.704.904.90G0.680.701.501.50X 0.801.101.402.00Y(ref)1.251.501.701.70Smin 1.932.203.203.20Wave SolderReflow SolderNot RecommendedNot RecommendedSURFACE MOUNT LAND DIMENSIONS - CERAMIC CHIP CAPACITORS - MMP a c k a g i n gPerformance Notes1.Cover Tape Break Force: 1.0 Kg Minimum.2.Cover Tape Peel Strength: The total peel strength of the cover tape from the carrier tape shall be:Tape Width Peel Strength8 mm 0.1 Newton to 1.0 Newton (10g to 100g)12 mm 0.1 Newton to 1.3 Newton (10g to 130g)The direction of the pull shall be opposite the direction of the carrier tape travel. The pull angle of the carrier tape shall be 165?to 180?from the plane of the carrier tape. During peeling, the carrier and/or cover tape shall be pulled at a velocity of 300 ±10 mm/minute.3.Reel Sizes:Molded tantalum capacitors are available on either 180 mm (7") reels (standard) or 330 mm (13")reels (with C-7280). Note that 13” reels are preferred./doc/31539d25ed630b1c59eeb5c4.html beling: Bar code labeling (standard or custom) shall be on the side of the reel opposite the sprocket holes.Refer to EIA-556.Embossed Carrier Tape Configuration: Figure 1NOTES1.B1 dimension is a reference dimension for tape feeder clearance only.2.The embossment hole location shall be measured from the sprocket hole controlling the location of the embossment. Dimensions of embossment location and hole location shall be applied independent of each other.3.Tape with components shall pass around radius “R ” without damage (see sketch A). The minimum trailer length (Fig. 2) may require additional length to provide R min. for 12 mm embossed tape for reels with hub diameters approaching N min. (Table 2)4.The cavity defined by A ,B ,and K shall be configured to surround the part with sufficient clearance such that the chip does not pro-Table 1 — EMBOSSED TAPE DIMENSIONS (Metric will govern) Constant Dimensions — Millimeters (Inches)Tape Size D 0EP 0P 2T Max T 1Max 8 mm 1.5 1.75 ±0.10 4.0 ±0.10 2.0 ±0.050.6000.100and +0.10 -0.012 mm(0.059(0.069 ±0.004)(0.157 ±0.004)(0.079 ±0.002)(0.024)(0.004)+0.004, -0.0)Variable Dimensions — Millimeters (Inches)Tape Size Pitch B 1Max.D 1Min.F P 1R Min.T 2Max W A 0B Note 1Note 2Note 3Note 48 mmSingle 4.4 1.03.5 ±0.054.0 ±0.1025.02.58.0 ±0.30(4 mm)(0.173)(0.039)(0.138 ±0.002)(0.157 ±0.004)(0.984)(0.098)(.315 ±0.012)12 mmDouble 8.2 1.5 5.5 ±0.058.0 ±0.1030.0 4.612.0 ±0.30(8 mm)(0.323)(0.059)(0.217 ±0.002)(0.315 ±0.004)(1.181)(0.181)(0.472 ±0.012)Packaging InformationEmbossed Carrier Tape Configuration (cont.)Sketch D: Tape Camber (Top View)Allowable camber to be 1 mm/250 mm.250mm (9.843)1mm (0.039) Max.(Metric will govern)Reel Dimensions (Metric Dimensions will govern)N Min W 1W 2Max W 350.08.414.47.9 Min (1.969)+1.5, -0.0(0.567)(0.311)See (0.33110.9 Max Note 3+0.059, -0.0)(0.429)Table 112.418.411.9 Min Packaging Information400mm (15.75) Min.20°20°Maximumcomponent rotation.TypicalPunched Carrier (Paper T ape) Configuration (Ceramic Chips Only):T able 1: 8 & 12mm Punched T ape (Metric Dimensions Will Govern)V ariable Dimensions - Millimeters (Inches)Note:1. A 0, B 0 and T determined by the maximum dimensions to the ends of the terminals extending from the body and/or the body dimensions of the component. The clearance between the ends of the terminals or body of the component to the sides and depth of the cavity (A 0, B 0 and T) must be within 0.05mm (.002)minimum and 0.50mm (.020) maximum. The clearance allowed must also prevent rotation of the component within the cavity of not more than 20 degrees (see sketches A and B).2. Tape with components shall pass around radius "R" without damage.3. KEMET nominal thicknesses are: 0402 = 0.6mm and all others 0.95mm minimum.8mm and 12mm 1.5+0.10, -0.0(.059+0.004, -0.0)1.75 ±0.10(.069 ±0.004) 4.0 ± 0.10(.157 ± 0.004)2.0 ± 0.05(.079 ± 0.002)0.10(.004)Max.0.75(.030)Min.0.75(.030)Min.25 (.984)See Note 2Table 1T ape SizeD 0P 0EP 2T 1G 1G 2R Min.8mm 1/2Pitch 2.0 ± 0.10(.079 ±.004)See Require-mentsSection 3.3 (d) 3.5 ± 0.05(.138 ± .002)8.0 ± 0.3(.315 ± 0.012)See Note 1Table 11.1mm (.043)Max. for Paper Base Tape and 1.6mm (.063)Max. for Non-Paper Base Compositions.See Note 3.T ape SizeP 1WFA 0B 0T8mm 4.0 ± 0.10(0.157 ± .004)12mm4.0 ± 0.10(0.157 ± .004)12mm Double Pitch8.0 ± 0.10(0.315 ± .004)12.0 ± 0.3(.472 ± .012)5.5 ± 0.05(.217 ± .002)T able 1: 8 & 12mm Punched T ape (Metric Dimensions Will Govern)Constant Dimensions - Millimeters (Inches)Sketch B:Max. Component Rotation - Front Cross Sectional ViewSketch C:Component Rotation - Top ViewA 0B 0P 1P 0P 2D 0FEWCenter lines of cavity10 pitches cumulative tolerance on tape ±0.2 (±0.008)Top Tape CoverTUser Direction of FeedT 1Max. Cavity Size See Note 1Table 1Bottom Tape CoverG 2R(Min.)Sketch A:Bending Radius See Note 2Table 1CERAMIC CHIP CAPACITORSPackaging InformationCERAMIC CHIP CAPACITORSPackaging InformationCAPACITOR MARKING TABLE (Marking Optional - Not Available for 0402 Size or Y5V Dielectric)A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R CharacterNumeral91234Capacitance (pF) For Various Numeral IdentifiersLaser marking is available as an extra-cost option for most KEMET ceramic chips. Such marking is two sided, and includes a K to identify KEMET, followed by two characters (per EIA-198 - see table below) to identify the capacitance value. Note that marking is not available for size 0402 nor for any Y5V chip. In addition, the 0603 marking option is limited to the K Example shown is 1,000 pF capacitor.KA3Table 2 – Capacitance Values AvailableIn Bulk Cassette Packaging040206030805All All C0GX7RY5VAll All 109109109221221221221221104104All All 181331102392103273104104224224Case Size Dielectric Voltage Min.Cap Value Max.Cap Value All All 200100502001005025162516Terminations: KEMET nickel barrier layer with a tin overplate. Size Code Length LBandwidthB Minimum SeparationSMetric Size Code Number of Pcs/Cassette50,00015,00010,0000402060308051.0 ± 0.051.6 ± 0.072.0 ± 0.100.2 to 0.40.2 to 0.50.5 to 0.75100516082012Table 1 – Capacitor Dimensions for BulkCassette Packaging – Millimeters110 ± 0.719.0*5.0*P a c k a g i n g。



基本参数:输入共模范围:包括V型共模抑制比:104 dB, min (G = 10)100 dB, min at 5 kHz (G = 10)电源抑制比:100dB,最小(G=1)低失调电压:150μV,最大增益漂移:1 ppm/°C (G = 1), 35 ppm/°C (G > 1)噪音:18 nV/√Hz的,G≥100带宽:1 MHz (G = 1), 60 kHz (G = 100)受保护的输入高达±40 V电源电流:200μA电源电压范围:单电源:+2.7 V至+ 36V双电源:±1.35 V至±18 V规定温度范围:-40°C至+125°C封装:MSOP-8,SO-8和DFN-8{ 该INA826是一种低成本仪表放大器,提供极低的功耗和工作在一个很宽的单电源或双电源电压范围。

单个外部电阻设置为1的任何收益为1000,提供出色的温度稳定性,即使在g>的1,因为只有35 PPM/°C(最大值)的低增益漂移的结果。

该INA826经过优化,可提供超过100分贝(G =10)以上频率的出色的共模抑制比可达5千赫。

在G =1时,共模抑制比超过84分贝在整个输入共模范围从负电源一路攀升到正电源为1 V。

利用【Rail-to-Rai满摆幅(可以为输出,也可以为输入)】输出,该INA826是非常适合于低电压操作从2.7V单电源供电和双电源供电高达±18 V附加电路保护免受高达±40 V超出电源过压输入端通过限制输入电流至小于8毫安。




单个外部电阻设置任何增益为1 到1000。



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1.对COPY说NO!--"拷贝"不是真正的创造 [J], 关耳
2.硬拷贝输出办公设备污染排放物测试的介绍 [J], 蒋立琴;毕明珠
3.Copy Handler——文件拷贝拿手戏 [J], 自由风
4.办公用静电复印机的选购及使用 [J], 李来军
5.如何使档案文件复制件臻于完美——介绍静电复印机的使用技巧 [J], 刘竑






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eCopy 简述
eCopy是由美国eCopy公司开发的文档收集、管理与分发软件,与 带有扫描功能的网络多功能一体机(MFP)或扫描仪组合使用。 其主要应用为:将纸质文件扫描为电子文档后,简捷、快速、安 全地分发到电子邮件、传真、网络文件夹、打印机、数据库、应 用软件、企业文件管理系统等各种目的地,在高效率、低成本分 发的同时提供了友好的用户界面及完善的安全性。 MFP/扫描仪在配备了eCopy之后,即可成为功能强大的文件分发 中心。 eCopy主要定位于对文件的流转及管理效率有一定要求的客户;目 前在金融、政府、教育、制造、法律、医疗等多个行业中被广泛 应用。
eCopy 产品特点
2、与多种主流应用直接集成 、
eCopy 产品特点
3、附带的eCopy Desktop软件提供完善的 、附带的 软件提供完善的PDF文档处理支持 文档处理支持 软件提供完善的
• 可以对扫描形成的PDF文档进行浏览、创建、编辑、标注等操作。 • 可以对PDF文档进行各种安全性限制设定。 • 可以对多个PDF文档进行组合、调整与分发。
eCopy 产品特点
1、友好的界面 、
• eCopy能够与多个厂商、多种型号的MFP与扫描仪组合使用。这意味着,尽 管办公环境中可能同时存在不只一个品牌的MFP/扫描仪,但使用者都可以 在相同的eCopy界面上进行扫描与分发操作。这大大简化了使用者的操作, 提高了效率,并为企业的办公设备采购提供了灵活性与扩展性。
eCopy 产品特点
1、友好的界面 、
• 可以直接在MFP上查阅使用者本人的通讯录,并方便地从中选择电子文档的 接收方。 • 可以在MFP上对将分发的扫描文档进行预览,从而避免了在不确定扫描件是 否准确完整的情况下进行分发。
eCopy 产品特点
2、与多种主流应用直接集成 、
• 除了常用的Scan to Mail, Fax via Mail, Scan to Desktop/FTP/Folder等连接外, eCopy针对目前的上百种主流企业文档管理应用开发了专用的connector,包 括Equitrac, Laserfiche, EMC Documentum, ADOS, Hummingbird等等,扫描 后的文档可以直接发送到所需的应用中进行下一步的处理,从而大大提高了 企业内容管理(ECM)的应用效率。 • 除此之外,eCopy还提供SDK,可以根据实际应用开发更多的connector,将 eCopy与更多的应用进行集成。 • 可以与主流的费用控制软件集成,如Billback Systems, Copitrak, Equitrac, nQueue, PrintAudit, Sepialine等,对各个使用者的扫描等资源使用量进行管 理与限制。
Байду номын сангаасeCopy Desktop
eCopy 产品特点
4、完善的安全性 、
• 在设备端提供基于个人帐户的安全性(可要求使用者在MFP上登录,使用者 需输入个人帐户及密码才能进行操作,并连接到自己的邮箱及地址簿),而 各个帐户的权限可以在后台统一进行动态调整。 • 通过对使用者身份的确认,可以追踪使用者的操作记录;
eCopy 公司信息
1992年成立,总部位于波士顿; 所处行业的领导者; 目前在全球有超过50000家用户; 财富500强企业中,已经有超过100家在使用eCopy。
eCopy 产品组成
ShareScan界面 ScanStation组件
安装于MFP/扫描仪端的使用者操作界面。对于佳能、理光的MFP, ShareScan可以直接内嵌安装到MFP的控制面板中。 由触控显示屏、输入键盘及PC组成。对于非佳能、理光的MFP,以 及扫描仪,需要配置ScanStation并把ShareScan安装在其中。 在后台对设备及用户进行集中管理。 安装于用户端的电子文档处理软件,用于对扫描为PDF格式的电子 文档进行编辑、标注、拼接等操作。 建立与电子邮件、传真、FTP、文档管理系统等各种应用程序的连 接,从而使电子文档能够快速分发到所需的目的地。
eCopy连接 连接
eCopy 产品特点
1、友好的界面 、
• eCopy针对佳能、理光的MFP作了特别设计,其操作界面可以内嵌到MFP的 控制面板中,而无需另外安装操作显示屏(ScanStation组件)。这降低了采购 成本,并使得操作界面更为简洁、一致。 • 通过触摸屏和精心设计的操作步骤,使用者的操作非常直观简便。必要时还 可以另外配置键盘,以加快输入速度。