一、需求分析1. 手机控制:用户可以通过手机控制智能家居系统,包括开关电器设备、调节设备参数等。
2. 时间控制:用户可以通过设置系统的定时任务来实现设备的自动操作,如定时开关灯、定时开启空调等。
4. 安全监控:系统应能够接入家庭安防设备,如摄像头、门锁等,实现家庭安全监控、远程查看等功能。
5. 能源管理:系统应能够通过智能电表等设备实时监测家庭能耗情况,并提供相应的能源管理功能。
二、系统设计1. 硬件设计:智能家居系统需要与各种设备进行互联,包括电器设备、安防设备等。
2. 通信模块设计:系统需要提供与手机通信的接口,可以通过蓝牙、WiFi等无线通信方式与手机进行连接,实现手机对系统的远程控制。
3. 用户界面设计:系统应提供直观、友好的用户界面,方便用户进行操作。
5. 语音识别模块设计:系统可以通过语音识别模块实现对语音的识别和解析。
三、系统实现2. 软件实现:使用Android开发工具进行开发,使用Java语言编写代码。
3. 测试与优化:在开发过程中进行测试,发现问题及时修改。
1. 应用层应用层是用户与系统交互的界面,用户通过应用层与系统进行交互,实现对家居设备的控制和管理。
2. 业务逻辑层业务逻辑层负责处理用户操作并调用相应的服务进行处理。
3. 数据访问层数据访问层负责与数据库进行交互,实现数据的读写操作。
在Android开发中,可以使用SQLite数据库或者Room Persistence Library等技术实现数据访问功能,确保数据的安全性和一致性。
二、功能模块设计基于Android开发技术的智能家居控制系统通常包括以下功能模块:1. 用户登录注册模块用户登录注册模块是系统的入口,用户可以通过该模块进行账号注册和登录操作,确保用户身份的合法性。
2. 设备管理模块设备管理模块允许用户添加、删除和管理家庭中的各类智能设备,如灯光、空调、窗帘等,实现对设备状态的监控和控制。
3. 场景设置模块场景设置模块允许用户创建不同场景,并将多个设备状态组合在一起,实现一键控制多个设备的功能,提升用户体验。
4. 定时任务模块定时任务模块允许用户设置定时任务,如定时开关灯、定时调节空调温度等,实现自动化管理,提高生活便利性。
二、系统架构设计1. 系统整体架构智能家居管理系统主要包括前端App、后端服务器和各类智能设备三个部分。
2. Android App设计Android App作为用户与智能家居系统交互的主要方式,需要具备良好的用户体验和友好的界面设计。
在App设计中,可以采用Material Design风格,结合图表展示、手势操作等方式,简洁直观地展示家庭各个设备的状态和控制选项。
3. 后端服务器设计后端服务器作为系统的核心,需要具备高并发处理能力和稳定性。
可以采用Spring Boot框架搭建RESTful API服务,实现前后端数据交互和指令传递。
4. 智能设备接入智能设备接入是智能家居系统设计中关键的一环。
三、功能模块设计1. 用户注册与登录模块用户可以通过手机号、邮箱等方式注册账号,并使用账号密码登录系统。
1. 系统架构基于Android的智能家居控制系统主要由三个部分组成:智能终端设备、家庭局域网和互联网。
2. 功能模块基于Android的智能家居控制系统包括以下功能模块:用户管理模块:实现用户注册、登录、权限管理等功能,确保系统安全性;设备管理模块:用于添加、删除和管理各类智能设备,包括灯光、空调、窗帘等;情景模式设置模块:用户可以根据自己的需求设置不同的情景模式,如“回家模式”、“离家模式”等;远程控制模块:用户可以通过手机App实现对家居设备的远程控制;定时任务模块:用户可以设置定时任务,实现定时开关灯、定时开启空调等功能;数据统计模块:统计各类设备的使用情况,为用户提供数据参考。
3. 通信协议在智能家居控制系统中,各个智能设备之间需要进行数据交换和通信。
4. 用户界面设计用户界面设计是智能家居控制系统中至关重要的一环。
在Android应用程序中,可以采用Material Design风格进行界面设计,包括清晰明了的布局、醒目的按钮和图标等元素,使用户可以轻松地操作和管理智能家居设备。
二、功能模块实现1. 传感器数据采集传感器数据采集是智能家居控制系统的基础,通过传感器获取环境信息可以实现对家庭设备的智能化控制。
2. 远程控制通过Android应用程序,用户可以实现对家庭设备的远程控制。
3. 数据存储与管理智能家居系统需要对传感器采集到的数据进行存储和管理,以便后续分析和使用。
4. 用户权限管理为了保障家庭安全和隐私,智能家居系统需要实现用户权限管理功能。
基于Android的智能家居控制系统的设计与实现基于Android的智能家居控制系统的设计与实现1. 引言随着科技的不断进步,智能家居逐渐走入千家万户,为人们的生活带来了革命性的改变。
2. 系统概述基于Android的智能家居控制系统主要功能包括:设备管理、远程控制、安全监控和情景模式等。
3. 硬件设计与实现智能家居系统的硬件设计包括传感器与执行器的选择和连接方式。
4. 软件设计与实现智能家居控制系统的软件设计主要包括移动应用程序和控制中心的开发。
软件开发过程需要使用Android Studio等开发工具,并基于Android平台的API进行编程。
5. 功能实现移动应用程序应提供用户友好的界面,方便用户对智能家居设备进行管理和控制。
6. 系统调试与性能评估在系统设计与实现完成后,需要进行调试和性能评估来保证系统的正常运行。
全球 第 一大 手机 操 作系 统 ; 在 过去 的 2 0 1 2 年 中 ,A n d r o i d 操 作
系 统 的成 长速 度 也非 常 之快 , 全 球 著名 市 场分 析机 构 S t r a t e g y A n a l y t i c s的数 据 显 示 , 如今在 中国 , 使用 A n d r o i d 操 作 系 统 的智能 手机和 平板 电脑 已达 7 . 5 亿部 。 智 能 家居 是 以住 宅 为 平 台 , 集综 合 布 线 技术 、 网络 通 信 技 术 、智 能 家居 系 统 安全 防范 技术 、 自动 控 制 技术 、音 视 频 等 技
通过 A n d r o i d 智能手机的 G S M网络 发 送 短消 息 实 现对 智 能 家 居 的控 制 , 不 失为 一 个 很 好 的选 择 。本 文 阐 述 了 A n d r o i d 智 能 手
制 按键 时 , 手 机 便 以短 信 的形 式 发送 控 制信 号 , 如 控 制用 电器 工作 , 发 送短 信 0 1: 使 用 电器 暂停 工作 , 发 送短 信 0 O; 若手机 端接 收 到 设定 号 码 的短 信 回 复 1 1 , 就 表示 智 能家 居 端接 收到 指 令 并且 已经开 始 工 作 ; 若手 机 端 接 收到 短信 回复 1 0 , 则表 示 智 能 家居 端 接 收到 指 令并 且 已经 停 止 工作 。这 些发 射 接 收 的短 信 信息 , 都 记录 到 软件 的数据 库 中 , 以便 使用 者 随 时编 辑 、查 看
一、智能家居控制系统设计1.1 系统架构设计智能家居控制系统通常包括硬件设备、传感器、执行器、控制中心和手机App等组成部分。
1.2 功能模块设计智能家居控制系统的功能模块包括但不限于:远程监控、智能化控制、场景设置、定时任务等。
1.3 数据存储与管理在智能家居控制系统中,需要对用户信息、设备状态、历史数据等进行有效的存储和管理。
二、Android App开发2.1 开发环境搭建Android App开发通常使用Android Studio作为集成开发环境(IDE),结合Java或Kotlin语言进行开发。
2.2 用户界面设计用户界面设计是App开发中至关重要的一环,直接影响用户体验。
2.3 数据交互与通信智能家居App需要与硬件设备进行数据交互和通信,通过网络传输实现远程控制。
2.4 功能实现与测试在App开发过程中,需要逐步实现各个功能模块,并进行测试验证。
第三章:智能家居系统的设计方案基于Android系统的智能家居控制系统的设计,主要分为以下几个方面:3.1 硬件架构智能家居控制系统采用基于树莓派的硬件平台,树莓派是一款小型的计算机,可以很好地支持智能家居系统的运行。
3.2 软件开发智能家居控制系统采用Android系统进行开发,实现的功能有如下:①用户注册和登录②配置物联网设备③家庭设备的远程控制④实现加密传输和数据备份3.3 数据库设计智能家居系统需要存储大量的用户信息和设备数据,因此需要一个强大的数据库来满足需求。
3.4 系统架构智能家居系统的总体架构分为前台和后台两部分,前台是由客户端程序组成,主要负责与用户进行交互,提供数据输入和输出等功能。
二、系统需求分析1. 用户需求:用户需要能够通过Android手机远程控制家中的各种设备,如照明、空调、电视等。
2. 功能需求:系统应具备设备控制、状态监测、能耗统计等功能。
三、系统设计1. 系统架构:本系统采用C/S架构,客户端(Android手机)与服务端(服务器)通过互联网进行通信。
2. 数据库设计:系统采用MySQL数据库存储设备信息、用户信息、设备状态等数据。
3. 界面设计:系统界面应简洁明了,易于操作。
四、系统实现1. 开发环境:系统采用Java语言进行开发,使用Android Studio作为开发工具。
2. 登录与权限管理:系统采用注册和登录机制进行权限管理,确保只有合法的用户才能访问系统。
3. 设备控制与状态监测:通过Android手机发送控制指令到服务器,服务器再通过与设备的通信协议将指令发送到设备端,实现对设备的控制。
4. 能耗统计与分析:系统会实时收集设备的能耗信息并存储到数据库中。
二、系统需求分析1. 功能性需求系统需具备对家居设备的远程控制功能,如灯光、空调、电视等。
2. 用户体验需求系统应具备友好的用户界面,操作简便,易于使用。
3. 安全性需求系统应具备较高的安全性,保障用户数据和设备安全。
三、系统设计1. 硬件设计系统硬件主要包括无线通信模块、传感器模块、执行器模块等。
2. 软件设计软件设计包括Android端应用设计和服务器端设计。
Android 端应用负责用户界面展示和指令发送;服务器端负责接收指令、处理数据并控制设备。
四、系统实现1. Android端应用实现Android端应用采用Java语言开发,使用Android Studio作为开发工具。
界面设计采用Material Design风格,操作简单易懂。
2. 服务器端实现服务器端采用Java语言开发,使用Spring Boot框架。
五、系统测试与优化1. 系统测试对系统进行功能测试、性能测试和安全测试,确保系统满足需求。
三、基于Android平台的智能家居控制器的功能实现AsSmart为一款基于Android平台的智能家居控制器,主要包括以下功能:1. 支持多种智能设备控制,包括电视、音响、灯光、智能家电等。
2. 支持多种智能家居模式的设置,如“离家模式”、“回家模式”等。
3. 管理智能家居设备,包括开启、关闭、定时控制和设备状态查询等。
本文将重点介绍一种基于 Android 操作系统的智能家居控制系统的设计方案。
嵌入式处理器选用 ARM Cortex-A9 处理器,能够处理复杂的控制算法和用户界面。
无线传输模块采用 Wi-Fi 无线模块,它能够支持 802.11g/n 协议,数据传输可以达到高速和稳定。
界面设计方面,本系统使用了 Android 操作系统,采用了Material Design 设计风格,为用户提供了友好的交互界面。
用户可以通过手机 App 完成对家庭电器的控制,也可以通过语音识别技术实现语音控制。
四、通信技术智能家居控制系统的通信技术主要通过 Wi-Fi 传输实现,它提供了高速和稳定的数据传输,支持远程控制。
同时,本系统也支持了 ZigBee 传输技术,它可以通过无线网络连接到系统,实现低功耗、广域覆盖和可扩展性等优点。
用户可以通过手机 App 完成对家庭电器的控制,也可以通过语音识别技术实现语音控制。
二、系统需求分析1. 功能需求:系统需具备设备控制、状态监测、定时任务、场景模式、用户管理等基本功能。
2. 用户需求:系统需提供友好的用户界面,操作简便,同时满足不同用户的个性化需求。
3. 性能需求:系统应具备较好的稳定性和响应速度,保证用户体验。
三、系统设计1. 整体架构设计:系统采用分层设计思想,分为数据层、业务逻辑层和用户界面层。
2. 数据库设计:系统采用SQLite数据库存储用户信息、设备信息、状态信息等数据。
3. 用户界面设计:系统采用Android原生开发框架,设计简洁明了的用户界面,提供直观的操作体验。
四、系统实现1. 设备控制实现:通过蓝牙、Wi-Fi等通信技术,实现与智能家居设备的连接和控制。
2. 状态监测实现:实时获取设备状态信息,通过数据可视化技术展示在用户界面上。
3. 定时任务实现:通过设置定时任务,实现设备的定时开关机、场景模式切换等功能。
4. 场景模式实现:根据用户需求,设置多种场景模式,如回家模式、离家模式、休息模式等,方便用户进行管理。
5. 用户管理实现:系统支持用户注册、登录、信息修改等基本操作,保障系统数据的安全性。
五、系统测试与优化1. 功能测试:对系统进行全面的功能测试,确保各项功能正常运行。
2. 性能测试:对系统进行压力测试和性能测试,确保系统在多设备并发操作时仍能保持良好的稳定性和响应速度。
二、系统需求分析1. 用户需求:用户需要能够通过Android设备远程控制和监控家居设备,包括灯光、空调、电视等。
2. 功能需求:系统应具备以下功能:设备控制、设备状态监控、用户界面、远程访问等。
三、系统设计1. 硬件设计:系统主要由Android设备、家居设备和服务器组成。
2. 软件设计:软件设计包括Android应用设计和服务器端设计。
四、系统实现1. Android应用开发:首先,使用Android Studio进行应用开发,设计友好的用户界面。
其次,使用Android SDK中的API实现与服务器端的通信,发送控制指令和获取设备状态信息。
2. 服务器端开发:服务器端采用Java语言进行开发,使用Spring框架实现MVC模式。
3. 通信协议:系统采用Socket或HTTP协议进行通信。
基于android的智能家电控制系统的设计与研究郑清兰;陈寿坤【摘要】根据目前智能家电的研究状况,提出了基于android平台的智能家电控制系统的设计与研究,此控制系统通过手机与WiFi相结合,实现智能家电的手机遥控控制.系统将带有WiFi的智能家电,android手机与家庭路由器组成一个小型网络,从而实现手机代替遥控器控制家电的操作.%According to the current research status of intelligent household appliances,this paper presents the design of intelligent household appliances control system on the basis of the android platform,the control system realizes remote control through the integration between mobile phones and WiFi.The system integrates android phone,intelligent household appliance with WiFi access and a home router to form a small network,enabling remote control by mobile phones instead of traditional remote controllers.【期刊名称】《攀枝花学院学报》【年(卷),期】2016(033)005【总页数】4页(P47-50)【关键词】android;控制系统;远程控制【作者】郑清兰;陈寿坤【作者单位】闽南理工学院,福建石狮 362700;闽南理工学院,福建石狮 362700【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP273现在中国正处于“大众创业,万众创新”的时代,伴随着物联网和各种手机应用软件APP的诞生,加上各种智能家居正朝着网络化的方向不断升级,人们的生活变也随着发生巨大的变化,很多智能家居都朝着智能化、人性化的方向前进。
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I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2018, 1, 36-46Published Online January 2018 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2018.01.05Design and Development of a Smart Device for Energy Monitoring and Control of Domestic Appliances: An Android ApplicationAnupama SSri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Department of ECE, Mysuru, 570006, IndiaEmail: 257.anupama@Dr. U. B MahadevaswamySri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Department of ECE, Mysuru, 570006, IndiaEmail: ubms_sjce@yahoo.co.inReceived: 06 September 2017; Accepted: 16 October 2017; Published: 08 January 2018Abstract—Energy management system for the household appliances in terms of monitoring and control is described in this paper. Monitoring the energy consumption is the initial step to reduce it. The smart device is designed and developed that will monitor the load device parameters like voltage, current, power factor, power consumption and frequency. The load device is made to turn OFF/ ON based on the status of the device through the mobile application. To get the measured data and to control the load device an Android application has developed, which uses a mobile-enabled Bluetooth to communicate with the Bluetooth low energy module, which is interfaced to the host microcontroller. Bluetooth module is used as it works well for home automation applications. The proposed device has a simple design, low power consumption, cost-effective and easy to interact with the user.Index Terms—Energy management system, Smart plug, Bluetooth low energy(BLE), Relay, Android applicationI.I NTRODUCTIONEnergy management system refers to the hardware and software system that can monitor the energy usage and also sends the feedback to the owner. This also has the capacity to control the usage of energy using advanced control system for the home devices. Energy management is the key solution to save energy. It is the means to control and reduce the energy consumption in an organization. This leads to a reduction in cost, reduction in carbon emission and reduce risk. There are many ways to manage the energy consumption i.e., by metering the energy consumption and collecting the data, finding the opportunity to save energy and targeting the opportunities to save energy.Monitoring the energy consumption is the best way of reducing it. Once the energy usage of home appliances are known individually it constantly shows the way of reducing it. Almost every house has an electricity meter which measures the energy consumption of whole house, but not the readings of individual appliances. So there is a need to design a system that monitors and controls the device based on the requirement.The Electricity meter is the device which measures the electrical energy consumed by the appliances. These appliances draw the electrical energy from the main power supply. It is known that the energy meters are installed outside the building and the billing data is available only at the end of the month. But with this data, it is not possible to see the clear picture of energy consumption. The energy conservation-minded people are always interested to know about the utilization of energy by them so they go for other alternatives like smart devices for energy measurement namely power plug meter or smart plug meters.Power plug meters are the meters which measure the energy consumption of appliances which are plugged into it. These meters are connected between the wall socket and the appliance that display parameters like voltage, current, energy etc. These types of meters do not contain any communication media to send the measured data to other devices. So to overcome this problem the smart plug meters are introduced.Smart devices are usually connected to other devices via a wireless protocol like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G etc. Some of the well-known smart devices are the smart phone, smart watch and smart band. A smart plug meter is one among the smart device which is used for continuous monitoring and automatic control of the plugged appliance. Smart plug devices are lightweight, simple in design and portable. This consists of few buttons to perform some reset operation and others. In this paper, an attempt is made to implement the Bluetooth low energy technology to the smart plug device. As compared to other wireless technology BLE is more suitable for the home application.Bluetooth with a low energy functionality is suitable for the devices that run for the longer duration underpower sources such as coin cell batteries. BLE is basically built for IOT applications. The other name for Bluetooth low energy is Bluetooth smart. As compared with classic Bluetooth, BLE provides reduced power consumption and cost with the same communication range.Android application development is a process by which the application is developed on an Android operating system for android phones. An Android version from 4.3 supports BLE, so it is possible to discover, connect and exchange the data operations. There are many android software development tools available; namely android studio, eclipse etc. generally the programming language used to develop an Android application is java. In this work, the tool used to develop an android application is MIT app inventor. The application can be easily developed using this tool because the code is designed using blocks which is easy to understand.II.L ITERATURE S URVEYThe electricity meter measures the electricity consumption and displays it on the screen, but this will not display the energy consumption of an individual device. Because of this, it is not possible to analyze the energy usage and wastage of energy. With increased awareness in energy conservation, companies and research groups have attempted to design power monitoring solution residential and commercial use. In addition to the related commercial product, the power monitoring, and control system has been proposed and implemented.In [1], the author proposed a smart monitoring and controlling system for household electrical appliances in real time. This paper mainly focuses on remote controlling of devices without the aid of human efforts. For remote monitoring and controlling the technology used is GPRS. This system operates the device and monitors its power consumption from the remote location using an Android UI and it also focuses on human- friendly technical solution household appliances in terms of monitoring and control.In [2], the author highlighted the need of energy monitoring as the part of the home energy management system. The system consists of two divisions, one is measurement unit and another one is wireless communication unit (BLE). The BLE module is connected to the energy measurement unit via UART communication. This Utilizes one-way broadcasting mode of BLE to transfer the data from the measurement device to the BLE-enabled mobile device. The application in mobile aggregate the energy consumption data.In [3], the author proposed the Wi-Fi technology for home energy monitoring and control of appliances is done remotely using an application in the Android phone. The design comprises of three modules mainly the server, equipment interface module, and product bundle. The major hardware required are Arduino board, Wi-Fi shield, relay and breadboard. This paper uses android based application platform, but in future, they are trying to implement it on iOS and Blackberry operating system. The major drawback of this technology is, in most of the healthcare related products and the Wi-Fi technology is not used because of prolonging exposure may affect the human health.In [4], the BLE technology used for monitoring and controlling of household products using the smart plug as a reference device. An application is implemented on Android OS. The plug provides API for power consumption measurement and control operation. The main goal of the home automation system is to optimize power consumption. For this, an application is developed in the mobile phone. The drawback of this system is, this will not meet the objectives in an automated way.In [5], the author proposed home energy management system for reduction of energy consumption. In this paper, they designed and developed a smart plug with Zigbee sensor for measuring power consumption. The smart plug using Zigbee is capable of processing and analyses the sensor for voltage and current measurement and relay can be controlled based on this data.In [6], the author discussed on efficient utilization of electric energy in an energy management system. Energy management system contains demand side management, which is a solution for existing structure of a smart plug. In this paper, they have made an attempt to design a smart plug to provide power reduction without disconnecting the plugged device OFF. Due to the reduction of voltage, there is an increase in harmonic distortion in the device, so the lifetime of appliances might be affected. To send the collected parameter to other devices like PC or mobile devices the smart plug uses Zigbee protocol for communication.In [7], the author studied about the energy consumption and generation to minimize the energy cost. As the usage of home energy increases, there is a deployment in the renewable energy system. So there is a need for the home energy management system. The Zigbee is used to monitor the energy consumption of appliances and PLC is used to monitor the energy generation of renewable energies. The home server is created to gather the information of both energy consumption and generated data, analyze them and send the same data for remote control management server.In [8], author primarily focuses on monitoring and control of household appliances in real time. They monitor the electrical parameters like voltage, current and power consumed. The wireless sensor network is used for energy control services. This consists of sensors which receive the data from various XBee module i.e. from the home devices. The data which is sensed is sent to the Zigbee coordinator. The Zigbee send the same data to the connected host computer via USB, this data is stored and can also remote controlled.In [9], a power management system for home appliances using a wireless sensor network has been designed and tested. The sensed and stored information of home appliances are sent by the home gateway to the data server which is cloud-based.In [10], authors describes the design, implementation, and testing of a wireless sensor and actuator network for monitoring the energy use of electric appliances in a home environment.In [11], authors explains the importance of home automation. Automation is the use of control systems and information technologies to reduce the need for human work in the production of goods and services. Owner can control loads (on/off) automatically by mobile using GSM technology from anywhere.In [12], authors discussed about the design and development of a smart home system that allows control of home appliances using both Bluetooth and GSM technology. The system is controlled using a dedicated android based application which ensures convenience and ease of use.In [13], authors describe how to design a low-cost touch screen using the equipment that are found in the local market and how it can be used in our daily life such as to control the house hold electrical devices. Using touch screen, the home automation system becomes very easy to operate.III.M OTIVATIONAs the demand for electrical energy increase for home appliances the cost of electrical energy also increases exponentially. So there is a need for monitoring the energy usage of the appliances and to turn off the device in non-operating condition. This is the best idea to save the energy for future use. The system should be like it gives energy consumption in kWh in real time. This emphasizes to lower the energy usage and helps to enhance the proper utilization of resources.This made a way to design a device that continuously monitors and controls the electrical appliances and displays some parameters like voltage, current and subsequently calculates the power consumption. The developed system is proved to be low cost, more efficient and user-friendly which helps to save electricity usage of customers.IV.P ROBLEM S TATEMENTAs the usage of electricity increases the cost per unit also increases which is a negative feedback to the environment because, as the demand increases the production of energy also increases. Keeping all this in mind a product which continuously monitors the energy usage and can be controls whenever it is necessary came to existence. One such product is smart meters. This type of meter monitors the energy consumption of house and sends data to the user. So it is easy to analyze the energy usage and can be controlled according to the data.Even though smart meters are installed in utility side this measure the energy consumption of whole house but not the individual appliances energy usage. To overcome from this problem smart devices like power plug and smart plug meters came into the market. These type of meters helps to monitor and control the individual appliance efficiently. Motivated by this a product has been designed and developed which is a low energy management system and work efficiently in real time.V.O BJECTIVESInitially the work started with building a basic block diagram of the system based on the knowledge obtained from the literature survey carried out. In the next step the selection of the hardware components based on its cost, performance, requirement of space and accuracy is done, then designing a hardware module with the components selected and testing of a module to check its performance. The major objectives of the proposed work are listed below.∙To Design and develop a hardware module for measurement of voltage, current, power, powerfactor, and frequency∙To interface the hardware module with microcontroller and develop an embedded C codefor calculation of different parameters∙Development of Android application for monitoring, control of devices and Testing ofBluetooth module by establishing thecommunication between app and Bluetoothmodule.∙To make an analysis of power consumption of various devices and turn off the load device basedon monitored data.VI.I MPLEMENTATIONA.Proposed block diagramFig.1. Proposed Block Diagram For Monitoring And ControllingPurpose.The block diagram gives the complete picture of the system. This consists of major blocks like power supplyunit, microcontroller, LCD display, voltage and current measurement unit, Bluetooth module, Relay Controller. Each block has its own functionality to perform and works together to give the desired output. The block diagram is shown in Fig.11)Power supply unitThe Power supply unit is one of the most important part in a system. Its primary function is to convert one form of electrical energy to another. The power supply unit is designed based on the load which we connect. The AC supply from the socket is converted to DC voltage by using different types of diode, capacitor, inductor and filter circuits. To get a constant dc voltage a dc to dc buck converter is used which gives an output of 12V which is used to drive the relay circuit. This output is fed to the voltage regulator 7805 to get a voltage value of 5V. the 5V is step down to 3.3V which is used by microcontroller unit and BLE module. The block of power supply system is shown in Fig. 2.Fig.2. Block Diagram of Power Supply Unit Which Provides DifferentVoltages2)Microcontroller unitThe Microcontroller unit is one of the most important part in a system. All the components in a block are connected to the microcontroller unit for monitoring and control of the power consumption and relay respectively. The inbuilt ADC in microcontroller helps in conversion of measured voltage and current values to its digital equivalent value. The microcontroller used in this work is RL78 a new generation microcontroller family in Renesas electronic family, Fig.3 represents Renesas RL78 based microcontroller. It has a 16 bit CISC architecture with 3 stage pipeline. RL78 is basically designed for low power application which enables in providing energy efficient system with low cost. The operating voltage is 1.9V to 5.5V. has on-chip ROM of 6K to 8K and flash memory of 64K or 128K and consists of serial interfaces like UART, I2C, and IrDA. A/D converter and 24 bit ΔƩ A/D converter.Fig.3. Renesas based Microcontroller 3)Voltage and Current measurement unitFor the calculation of power, the important parameters required are voltage, current and power factor. The sensed voltage and current are given as input to the ADC which is in the form of voltage. This input voltage value should be less than the reference voltage value of ADC. The block diagram shows the voltage measurement unit as shown in Fig.4Fig.4. Voltage measurement block diagram.When the AC input is sensed the voltage is reduced using a resistive ladder circuit, the output of this circuit may contain the noise factor. So to eliminate this noise an anti-aliasing filter is used. The step downed voltage is given to the ΔƩ ADC for further calculation. The sampling frequency of ADC is 2KHz so the number of samples in each cycle is 40. After conversion sampled values are stored in some register.For current measurement, the main component used is a shunt resistor. The voltage across this resistor is measured and again step down to its lower voltage value. The next steps are same as that of voltage measurement process. Fig.5 shows the measurement of current across the shunt resistor.Fig.5. Current measurement circuitOnce the voltage and current are calculated the next step is to calculate the power factor. Power factor is the ratio of true power to the apparent power and also defined as the cosine of the phase angle of voltage and current. For P.F calculation first, find out the active power. The voltage and current samples obtained after sampling are multiplied instantaneously to get the instantaneous power, then the summation of power is done and divided by the number of samples as shown in (1).Active Power=∑(Instantaneous Power)No.of samples=1N∑V i IiNi=1(1)AC input 50HzWhere, N = number of samples.The Apparent Power is given by ,Apparent Power=V rms∗ I rms (2) Where,V rms = rms value of voltageI rms = rms value of currentThe rms value of voltage is calculated asV rms= √1N ∑Vi2Ni=1(3)The rms value of current is calculated asI rms= √1N ∑Ii2Ni=1(4)Then the P.F is calculated asP.F=Active PowerApparent Power(5) 4)Bluetooth moduleBM78 is a dual mode Bluetooth module i.e. classic type and Bluetooth Low Energy. It has a Bluetooth core specification of 4.2, which helps to improve the throughput and security and solution for IoT and embedded application. BM78 helps to bridges the customer product to tablets or Smartphone for data transfer. Coming to portable devices the design is made in such a way that the current consumption is Minimum to expand the life of the battery. Some of the features are It has Bluetooth 4.2 standard, this supports UART, I2C interface has an ISM band of 2.402GHz to 2.480GHz, it has an integrated public profile like GAP, GATT, ATT, SMP and L2CAP, the operating voltage range is about 3.3V to 4.2V and operating temperature of -20o C to +70o C. Fig.6 represents the BM70 Bluetooth module.Fig.6. BM78 Bluetooth ModuleB. PCB designFor designing the hardware module the software tool used is Cadstar. Cadstar is one among the EDA design tool which helps to draw the schematic and transfer them to the PCB layout. While designing the schematic the components are provided by the inbuilt library which contains all the parts required for PCB design. Once the schematic is done next check for errors in connections then this is transferred to the PCB layout. In PCB layout the components are not placed properly. So there is an option to place the components in the desired place according to the requirement. After placing components the routing can be done manually and/or through automatic routing. Once the PCB layout is done the next stage is the manufacturing of PCB based on the data given by Gerber file and Bill of materials. Fig.7 shows the final PCB design done using Cadstar.Fig.7. The outlook of the designed PCBC. Working principleThemainaim of the work is to build an energy management system for home devices in terms of monitoring and controlling. This continuously monitors the load and displays the data in the display window. The data can be like voltage, current, power, power factor and the frequency value of a device. The controlling part includes the on/off of the load device based on its state. This work consists of 2 divisions of work, namely hardware design and android application development. The hardware design contains designing of PCB with necessary components and interfaces the BLE module. The software part consists of the development of Bluetooth enabled Android application in Smartphone. As seen in block diagram the power supply unit of the product is connected to the main source 230V AC supply. The 230V is stepped down into 12V DC voltage using a buck converter and this voltage is used by relay driver circuit. The same voltage is step down to 5V DC using 7805 voltage regulator and is used by microcontroller and LCD display and Bluetooth module requires 3.3V as supply voltage which is provided by LDO.For the measurement of current and voltage value, the shunt resistor is used, that measures the data which is in Analog form. But the input to the ADC should be in terms of voltage, so the measured current is defined in terms of voltage using current measurement circuit. Once the voltage and current value are digitized the controller calculates the power consumption of the load and displays the same data in an LCD display.The Bluetooth module is interfaced to the host MCU to send the measured data to Smartphone whenever the request arises. Here the Bluetooth module is a communication media between measurement unit and android application. This also consists of EEPROM as an external storage device. The connection of BLE module to MCU is shown in Fig 8.Fig.8. Interface diagram Of Microcontroller Unit with BluetoothModule(BM78)Coming to the controlling part the device used is an Electromechanical latched type relay. The relay is connected to the load device and the current measurement circuit. When the sensing device senses the variation supply side or in the load side this will send the signal to the microcontroller intern the trigger signal is sent to the relay to stop the working of the load device. This relay is also programmed to trip the circuit automatically when there is an occurrence of over-voltage, over-current and under voltage happens. Monitoring and controlling can be done remotely by developing an android application in a Smartphone. In this work application development tool used is MIT app inventor. Here the app is developed using a block instead of code, so it is easy to build an app according to the requirement.The purpose of this work is to design a product that can be plugged it into the wall socket and the load device is connected to it so that the main device will measure the power consumption of the connected device and send the same data to the android based mobile phone. The implementation result consists of designing of the hardware module for monitoring and control purpose is as shown in Fig 9. The screenshot of the application developed is shown in Fig.10(a)(b)Fig.9. (a) Inside view and (b) front view of the designed productrespectivelyFig.10. Home page of the application developedDisplay unitBluetooth Data download areaThe application consists of different buttons with its own functionality i.e.Connect : Helps to connect to the Bluetooth module by showing device list.Disconnect: Disconnects from the Bluetooth connectivity.Start Bit: Helps in establishing the communication between the module by sending specific command.Check: Once communication is established next handshaking of the signal are done through this button. Get data: Data gets downloaded from the memory to the application download area.Save: Helps in saving the downloaded data in phone memory.Relay on and off buttons: Sends on and off commands through an application.Clear screen: Erases the data download area in one touch .The overall system flow diagram is shown in the Fig 11.Fig.11. Flowcharts of (a) hardware module working and (b) applicationWorking flowchartVII. R ESULTSThe outcome of the work consists of two main parts i.e. the monitoring of the load devices and getting the parameters like voltage, current, power, power factor and frequency and the controlling part includes relay control using android application. The setup is made in such a way that the one end of the designed product is connected to the socket and another end is connected to the load. The controlling and monitoring of the device is done using an application which is installed on the mobile.(a)(b)Fig.12. (a) The combination of loads like lamps, motor and fan setup.(b)Iron box and laptop combinations setup.Thehardware moduleis designed and tested for different devices and got various results. For testing purpose bulbs of different watts, fan, motor iron box, laptop and also a combination of loads is also used and tested. The module setup for different loads is shown in Fig.12. accordingly, the readings are tabulated in Table.1Table 1. Shows the monitored data for different loadsThe actual power and measured power values are in close agreement. This can be explained by calculating the % error as given in equation (6)% Error =A−BB∗100 (6)Where,A=Power calculated theoretically B= Power measured by the system.Form the Table.1 the % Error for motor load is 3.3, for lamps and motor load combination is 1.1. This shows that the % Error is in tolerable limit.The screenshot of the result obtained by the smart phone is shown below.18W lamp 60W lamp100W lamp (60+60+100)W lamps(60+60+60+100)W Lamps (60+60+60+100)W Lamps + motorMotor FanFan + motor Fan+ motor+ lampsLaptop Iron boxLaptop+ Iron boxFor controlling the load device a relay is used. This works according to the commands sent from the application. If we send 'Relay on' command the load device will get turn on with an acknowledgment RON. If 'Relay off' command sent the device, it gets disconnected from the supply and displays ROF as an acknowledgment. The screenshots of the control commands are shown in Fig.13.(a) (b)Fig.13.(a) and (b) shows the load control commands sent from the appto the module.If the relay is in ON condition, then it is easy to collect the different parameters of the connected device. If the user tries to collect the data even when the relay is in OFF condition, then he gets only the measured voltage value at that instant.The figure 14 shows the screenshot of the result obtained when the relay is in OFF conditionFig.14. Result obtained when relay is in OFF condition.Table 2. The comparison between existing and proposed systemThe comparison between existing system and proposed system is shown in the Table.2The detailed discussion for each of the parameters used for comparison is given below.Wireless technology used:In [1] there is a requirement of mobile data and proper signal to establish the communication with the system.In[3] WiFi technology is used, which is costly because of the requirement of a router.In [5][6][7] Zigbee is used for communication and there is a requirement of data aggregation before transmitting the measured data.In the proposed system Bluetooth low energy with dual mode module is used, which consumes less power, costs less and safe for home automation.Data collection:In [7][5] there is a requirement of PC to collect the data and installation cost is more.In the proposed system data is collected through mobile app and data can be easily collected from any place since it is portable.Internet requirement:In the existing system, there is a requirement of the internet because of WiFi, Zigbee modules.In the proposed system internet is not required since it uses an inbuilt mobile Bluetooth for communication. Cost:Due to the use of technologies like GPRS, Zigbee and PLC the installation cost high.In the proposed system the cost of the module is less as compared to other technologies.ADC resolution type:In [9] 10bit ADC is used, which gives less precision as compared to 24bit ADC which is used in the proposed system.Control of home appliances:In [6][8] Triac is used to control the devices but this produces harmonic distortion in the device.In the proposed system a relay is used to control the device which is more efficient and safe to use. Microcontroller used:In [9] AVR 8bit controller is used which has less processing speed compared to a 16bit controller used in the proposed system.Current measurement:In [8] CT is used to measure the current which requires a larger area, costly and gives less accuracy. In the proposed system shunt resistors are used which helps to overcome the problems in CT. Application development tool:In [9] Eddycasa application tool is used for monitoring the instantaneous data. In the proposed system MIT app inventor is used which is user-friendly and flexible in building an app.VIII.C ONCLUSION A ND F UTURE S COPEA Smart device is designed and tested for monitoring and controlling the load device using a Bluetooth module. The proposed system helps the end user to interact with the home devices and get the power consumption details in real time and can also remote control the connected device by simply sending the command through the application through a Smartphone. So the system gives the knowledge about the power consumption details and it motivates people to save energy for future use.In future different technologies like IOT and Zigbee can be implemented in place of Bluetooth technology to monitor and control the devices. Future more features to the system can be implemented like setting the parameters with upper voltage, lower voltage and over- current limit which gives added safety to the system.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors thank the Principal, Professors, all technical staff of Electronics and Communication department of Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, India for their support in completing this work. Further authors also thank the Larsen and Toubro Limited for technical support in carrying this work.R EFERENCES[1]L. V. 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